#tear rolls down cheek
minkkumaz · 11 months
me and @woonhakist waiting for august
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thevirgodoll · 9 months
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lotus-pear · 10 months
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lyn siblings <33
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hiort · 10 months
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shotmrmiller · 5 months
(so not too terribly dark, but still wanted to give the warning just to be safe)
but say that one of the boys get a pet. and they can't stop gushing about how cute and perfect you are, how you look so pretty in his collar. especially when they're on missions, you're all he can talk about. hundreds of photos of you, as his screensaver and lockscreen and everything in between. they show their brothers-in-arms the innocent photos of you. maybe the ones bordering on indecent, but nothing of your body or how you look underneath him, taking his cock and being stuffed full of him. absolutely does not show them the videos he has of you alone, the ones you send him for when he's away on missions to keep him company where you're whining and mewling and sobbing for him because your toy can't compare and you miss his cock so badly. definitely also doesn't show them the videos he has where he bends you over the counter, the sink, the couch, his cock fitting so perfectly in you, or the ones where you're on your back and your eyes are so glassy, so full of love and warmth and safety.
you meet the boys at the pub, after you've been with him for a couple months (more or less, depending). and they love you. coo and fawn over you, your ears and tail and the collar that sports your handler's name proudly. pressing up against him, all shy smiles and sparkling eyes and fitting into their little group seamlessly.
well, all except one, who spends the evening holding his tongue and masking his sneer, this darkness consuming him and eating him from the inside out as he watches your handler press soft kisses to your skin, plays with the charm on your collar and keeps you tucked safe to his side.
he hates you. your handler is supposed to be his.
and so he starts his game of getting your handler to distrust you, make him suspicious and wary of you.
you don't actually love your handler, he says. how could you move her into your flat after only knowing her such a short time. so trusting, too trusting of you, when you could be out playing with others while he's gone, fucking and fawning over someone else and maybe even bringing them back to his.
you're no good for him. he feels it in his gut, that there's something off about you. and your handler knows just as well how important gut feelings can be. they've saved his life — and his mates' — more times than he can count. maybe he's just blinded by you. it is a little suspicious how perfect you seem, never seem to put up much of a fuss and practically never disagree with him.
and slowly, your handler starts to let these thoughts bleed into his own. he's known his mate for so long — far longer than he's known you — so he'd be amiss to not trust his judgement. he'd do the same if he were in his comrade's position.
your handler starts to change. out with the boys longer, changes his lockscreen to something else — his favorite team, him with his friends, an actress he fancies. he's not as open with his affection. doesn't want to play as often. doesn't kiss you as much, doesn't bring you out with his friends anymore.
and you don't understand. because now his words are colder, harsher. and you cry and beg and plead for him to tell you what's wrong, what did i do please i don't understand but he won't give you an answer because this is another one of your tricks, manipulating him.
it comes to a head after a mission that took months. he didn't text you as often, definitely didn't call. you offered to send him videos, film some before hand for him, but he waved you off and told you there was no need. and then he comes home and he cuts your collar right off and he still doesn't tell you why.
but you're not his anymore, and you wonder how long you haven't been his, and it breaks something in you. but you eventually move forward — definitely don't move on. not yet, not now. maybe not ever, because you were so in love with him and you've never been so happy. didn't even think you could feel that kind of happiness before.
but you try. go out with your friends, maybe get more drunk than you should. and one evening, you and your group go the bar that he frequents. maybe he's gone, maybe he won't be there.
but he is, because of course he is. he doesn't see you. but you definitely see the arm he has wrapped around his mate, the kiss he presses to his jaw like he used to with you. and he sees. gives you a wicked, satisfied smirk as he leans more into your former handler's touch, makes you watch as he gets a kiss and pulled in closer, until your eyes travel down to where his throat is, and a collar rests there, your handler's name proudly etched.
Ah. I thought you were gonna send something about non-con or something spook.
yikes. im about to be dragged to the slammerrrr. anyway.
ouch. my heart.
TW: thoughts of death, suicide? drinking far too much alcohol and vomit, er anything else lmk
There is nothing left for you there. You simply accept the bitter truth. No point in hanging around where you aren't wanted. It hurts, of course it does.
But he is a part of your past, now. He's moved on, clearly. There's no telling yourself some self-soothing nonsense like how karma will get the new pet because you don't believe in that.
What you do believe in, is that the world is unfair, and there is just no changing that.
Every day, you wake up and there is no color in your life. Everything is just grey. Dull. Lifeless. Kind of how you wish you ended up, sometimes.
Occasionally, you see them both out in public. The ache is there in your chest, eating you alive, threatening to swallow you whole. You watch them for maybe a couple of seconds and turn your attention elsewhere because to do anything other than that is foolishness.
The truth will either come to light one day, or it'll be shrouded by the dark forever.
It is what it is.
Your body at this point, is just trudging along. Moving through the motions of staying alive.
How miserable.
You go out with your friends again, simply humoring them because 'you just look so sad, let's go out and have fun', only to see him there again. This time, you barely even glance in his direction.
Shot easily turns into shots until you're acting sloppy. Not in a violent sense, mind you, but your inhibitions are lowered. If you can't open your heart back up again, opening up your legs will do for now.
Stumbling inside the bathroom, you pull the random you're with inside, and shut the door, using your heeled foot to keep it closed.
He's pawing at your chest too rough. It hurts, yet it reminds you that you are still here. Alive. Finally, a different type of pain than the one in your sternum.
Your fingers are fumbling with his belt buckle, only for the flimsy door you're both behind is almost broken off of the hinges, and the random is ripped off of you.
You don't recognize who's interrupted you because you're seeing double, and you're far too pissed to try and resist the hand that grabs your wrist and drags you out.
Your head is starting to spin violently, or maybe it's whoever is manhandling you that's pirouetting, but it doesn't matter because your mouth is starting to salivate heavily, and there's an acrid taste on your tongue.
"I think...I think I'ma throw up."
Now you're definitely being tossed around because there's a hard, blunt pressure on your stomach, and the world is now upside down. Your skin is clammy with cold sweat, and you can physically feel liquid coming up your esophagus.
"P'me down. Put m'down. Now."
There's a harsh sound of a door being slammed open, and then you're outside. The frosty air bites at your flesh, pricks stinging at your arms and legs, and you're quickly placed on your feet, where you pivot and hack up all the shots and sugary drinks you've had all night.
The brick wall digs into your palm where you hold yourself up with a trembling arm as you empty your stomach on the grass and over your heels, and you can vaguely feel your hair being pulled back, away from your face.
You wipe the strings of saliva that hang from your lips away with the back of your hand, close your eyes, tilt your head up, and take in a deep, shuddering breath.
You are too sloshed to be coherent, and you try to slur out a thank you when the person who brought you outside cooly responds.
"Didn't think you to be the type. In the bathroom of a dingy bar? Really?"
A tiny rush of clarity runs through your body, and you're frozen in fear? shock?
It's your ex.
You dig your nails into the wall painfully, grainy stone stinging your fingertips.
"T'wha' do," you pause to swallow the excess spit in your mouth as bile tries to come up your throat again, "do I owe th' horror?"
He sounds sober, clear. Much unlike yourself.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
What were you doing, indeed? Nothing. Suffering. Poisoning yourself. Wishing you weren't alive. Hating him. Hating his new pet. Feeling nothing. Drowning in your own misery. Wishing you were drowning in water instead.
"Wha' y'want?" you slurred.
"You're proper pissed. Let's take you home." He grabs your wrist from behind you, and the bottle that held all of your emotions spills. Your reaction is visceral, turning around to look at him as you rip your wrist out of his grip.
"Don't touch me!" you shriek, "Don't fuckin' touch me!"
The shout was so vicious it scraped your already hoarse throat, and it sends you into a coughing fit.
He takes a step forward, attempting to reach for you but you flinch back and away from him, tripping over a mound of grass and falling onto your behind.
"Get, no, stay away f'me, yeah? You're no' needed."
You won't cry. Not in front of him. So you bite your tongue, and let your agony turn into a burning fury.
"Go away! G'the fuck away from me!"
His hands come up in a defensive stance, like someone trying to pacify a cornered animal.
"Will y—" You don't let him finish, instead you start screaming. It's blood-curdling, it sounds like nails on a chalkboard. And it does exactly what you wanted.
You get people's attention.
A group of strong, burly men forcibly haul him away— far away— from you.
Other women come running to your aid, crouching beside you and patting you down, making sure that you and your clothing are intact.
You start to feel overwhelmingly dizzy; your body is going slack and then there's nothing.
Your head pounds furiously inside of your skull, and you can't unstick your tongue from the roof of your mouth.
Where are you? is your first thought, quickly followed by, I need water.
You attempt to sit up, only to lie back down with a loud groan when you feel a hammering inside of your temples.
"You're finally awake."
Who the fuck is that?
"You met me back when you used to wear a collar around your neck, doll."
Oh. You said that out loud.
You recognize that nickname. Definitely one of his little friends. Pressing the heels of your palm into your eyes, you let out another groan.
"How chivalrous of you, taking a drunk girl home, but you—" his tone is stern as he cuts you off.
"I know what happened."
"Yeah, I'm sure you do."
"I know why he cut off your collar."
"Is that why you brought me here?" you irritably asked. "You brought me here to gossip?"
You hear shuffling and his voice sounds farther away when he speaks again.
"There's water on the nightstand, also two pills for your headache."
You snort. "Not a whole bottle?"
"If I was sure that you wouldn't try and swallow the whole thing, sure."
Of course.
"Get some rest, I'll bring you back some soup for your hangover later."
His gentle tone as he offers to take care of you makes you irrationally angry. "You're not my fucking owner." What a Freudian slip.
"I could be if you gave me the chance," he offered. You don't move until you hear the door clicking shut.
What the fuck?
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ewwww-what · 3 months
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Save me teenager who was never taught how to properly regulate his feelings and goes into emotionally distressing rage episodes as a result. You will be my hero always.
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bettertwin1 · 9 months
Hey girl, i know we had a meaningful conversation in the dms but i'm blocking you now, it's not me...it's you...you're not real, what we had will never be real...goodbye Patricia the bot, i hope you find that sugar daddy you've been looking for. May your search be successful... goodbye.
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turnipoddity · 9 months
just wanted to say i think you’ll really like saw x cause the way they get into john and amanda’s relationship is so good
So I’ve heard….. oh lord i wanna do more john and amanda artworks based on famous tragic paintings again
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elialys · 4 months
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"What do I do, though?"
ANNA TORV as Helen Norville in THE NEWSREADER | 2.06 'Fireworks'
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fairyofshampgyu · 1 year
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Omg omg omg omg omgomgomgimgomgimgimgimgkajdif^*#%€$*^%<>€*%#>$+%*€>€$+%%omgOMGOMG B-B-BEOMGYUSJDKIFJFFUCJFUCKAKSIF
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milfsloverblog · 4 months
I just broke a tooth in MY SLEEP?!?!!! Istg if this is how I learn that I grind my teeth…..
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wri0thesley · 1 year
corruption kink men who make you come and then make fun of you for being so so sensitive afterwards, even pressing your thighs together makes you sigh and shiver, aren’t you just the cutest most precious little thing? how can they resist touching you more when you whine so sweetly and squirm so adorably?
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laikahh · 5 months
everytime i see a perfectly fine post with a really unfunny addition somewhere in the middle of it i start crying. just a little bit
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ask-annamary · 7 months
what do you enjoy doing on your days off?
I like the assumption that I do get days off.
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binah-beloved · 6 months
if you die or come close to it, Binah cries
she doesn't even notice at first, her expression unchanging, only feeling something cold running down her face, nor is it very much- two or three tears, at most
but now she knows what it's like to cry over someone she loves, and she almost smiles when she realizes how much she's fallen for you
if you survive your injuries she cries more, this time in your presence and carefully holding your hand, wishing you a speedy recovery
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little-blurry-stars5 · 2 months
whenever i reread beast and then finish it i genuinely dont know what to do with myself. like. how do you even function normally after that. how do you function at all. what am i to do... how do i cope with this
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