#technically i have a rough draft written but i don't like it lol
larissa-the-scribe · 4 months
Like, seriously?? Not just Gail, but also Crispin and Julia?? Ms. Hallifax? Kathryn? Jarryd? LOCH??? So many of the characters that stuck in my mind, and they're ALL YOURS???
I don't know if you're published yet or not, but I NEED YOUR BOOKS
Thanks so much I'm so glad to hear that 😭. I love these guys, so I'm happy other people do, too!
Re: the last bit, I am not published yet, but working towards it! You've caught me right at the beginning of my career asdfad.
But the first draft of the story with Gail, Terrarium Lights, actually just finished getting posted on here! You can find it >>here or via the link in the pinned post. It's a tad rough but still readable lol. There are other writings/scenes/stories on my blog, but they're a little hard to find and I don't know if I have a consistent tag on them (you could try #scribe writes but I can't remember how long I've been using it, so it might just have Terrarium Lights). I am planning on hunting it all down and making a masterpost that can be referenced easily, as well as a table of contents for Terrarium Lights, but, well, that's still in the works.
I am also working on launching a newsletter that will eventually include a serial story (think like a weeklyish story podcast but written, or Dracula Daily but not necessarily posting on the relevant dates), and while that's close to ready, it's not quite there yet. There have been a string of technical difficulties.
So... stuff coming soon I hope, but not much here right now 😂. I will be posting any relevant updates on here, though, and the bigger stuff will probably make it to a pinned comment for easy finding in the future.
In the meantime, thanks so much for your encouragement!
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hideyseek · 9 months
5, 9, 12!
crab!! hi hi hi hi hi hiiiii~! ty for quastions :3
from fanfic asks for the new year
5. Which WIP is first on your list to complete this year? Will you post a snippet?
aha, well. technically the first is mini heist!au but none of it is written that is in the shape of the final thing that i haven't already posted on here so i'm gonna cheat and say uh. wow huh okay then i kind of have no idea. ah! maybe my arthurcobb fic then! cos it sure won't be narrative!fic, lol!
here is a snippet from the current draft which is uhh three and a half years old (by which i mostly mean to say, there are a couple things in here i would write differently now.):
Arthur brings his coffee up to the counter where Dom has already deposited his onion rings and says, “Excuse me, can I purchase a — a temporary phone?” If he doesn't call it a burner maybe he will come off as more the kind of person he actually is. The cashier puts up a finger in question and Arthur nods but behind him Dom says firmly, “Two.”  Arthur turns, surprised. “Why — we don’t need two?” They’re traveling together, after all. Arthur’s not about to leave Dom alone, so it’s not like Dom will need his own phone. It’s not like Dom’s super functional, anyway. The three days he’d spent on Arthur’s couch before they read the news and had to leave town extremely suspiciously, he’d really just spent on the couch. “We don’t need two phones, Dom,” Arthur repeats.  “What if we get separated,” Dom points out. “How would we get in contact with each other again? You should have your own phone, too.” Arthur would rather not think about circumstances that would separate them. Dom says, “Arthur,” and it feels pointed. Something like panic hollows Arthur’s chest. Things are already out of control, apparently. Two days into being on the run and apparently Dom can call these shots but he can’t be on the run by himself.
9. Short term goals… what do you hope to complete this week or in January?
ahaha actually, getting this ask made me decide that i'm going to try my absolute best to finish the project i've been calling "mini heist!au" (which ... at this point ... is just an au of heist!au without any heists in it, lmao) this month! i used answering this ask as my bribe for reading through all the existing material and drawing up a revision plan / new fic story structure actually. i'm not sure i'll be able to, i suspect there are 2-4 drafts and i simply do not write that fast (at least one from scratch based on a new outline, possibly a second from scratch, and then a second/third that's just like. content/theme/cadence/character arcs etc revisions. though that might get complex enough to be two drafts). but we'll see! there are still 24 days so at this current moment i am optimistic :3
12. Will you change anything about the way you edit or rewrite this year?
YES I SURE FUCKING WILL. I HAVE BEGUN IT ACTUALLY, mostly i'm continuing to test a thing i tried in december 2023 to see if it still works for projects that aren't the specific situation of the beginning of devotion (so far, yes!) anyway the way that process goes is like this (recipe below):
first, write a terrible draft. some scenes can just be a note of what needs to happen. ideally: expend as little fucking effort on this as possible bc like. almost none of this will stay. just write enough to get the vibes of what you're going for.
second, read through that draft taking notes of what you like or don't like (or, the way i phrase it for myself to make the goal clearer "what feels like it is aligned with my vision for the fic vs what isn't") but most importantly. WHY.
for me doing this second step has 2/2 turned into "here is a rough outline of the story, completely restructured" but also, with no ending (which is fine, i just have to trust that the ending will appear when more of the draft is written).
third, compile those notes on a new draft into a narrative-order outline (linear for me).
fourth, write the new draft.
fifth, try to do step 2 again. but what i found for the beginning of devotion and therefore what i'm to a certain extent expecting, is that i will just have a bunch of Ns/dislikes and then go. ah. because the things i dislike are too granular to require big-picture story structure changes now.
sixth, copy the most recent draft into a new doc. and read through and revise directly on the page. maybe title at some point so that revision stuff is aligned with the mood/tone/content/vibes/whatever of the title. and maybe come up with initial tags and a summary here also to make sure the vibes are all aligned. hopefully the content of the ending will become clear at this point and you'll draft that for the first or second time.
seventh, idk i like to do an out-loud readthrough bc reading cadence is important to me personally. and also i am scared to lose the skill of reading aloud considering i do it about zero times a year other than this.
that's it basically.
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hitechlatte · 2 years
Prince Charming's Jacket Update
Alright so bad news still working on Chapter 11
Good news though...
I have written a ton for some later chapters.
I have like half of two different chapters finished, so technically I've written 12.5/16 chapters, its just all in separate chunks. So good progress is being made!
Another reason too why 11 is still in progress, because I have to go back and fix issues that don't make sense for where they're at now. But plus side means this will make editing faster when I go through after whole fic rough draft is finished.
Anyhoo I'll be posting more updates soon as well as dedicating time to go through more asks and Ao3 comments, sorry I'm behind again lol.
Love you all <3333
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empressvika · 1 year
hey, this is vika. I think i did an intro on the bird app but this is tumbles so i’ll be reintroducing myself !
about the empress
yes, I am the empress. that's it. that's who i am.
ha, just kidding.
i'm a fanfic writer who started writing seriously (and a lot) in 2021 and hasn't looked back since. i have way too many drafts and too little works actually uploaded on the holy grail that is AO3.
you might've seen me on FFNet but pretend you didn't :)
i'm kinda antisocial and may come off as cold (hence, the winter empire thing) but I. Am. Just. Shy ! if you wanna interact, interact! i can't promise responding because most of the time i don't know what to say but know that i always appreciate it <3
ongoing projects
right now, I’m working on completely rewriting the two WiPs i had semi-abandoned. It’s My Life is Yours and Distance of Futures (From Mine to Yours). They’re both BKDK and I’m still outlining them.
Warning: to those who’ve read and subscribed to them on AO3, know that I’ll be orphaning them once I finish rewriting. I like to start on a clean slate and the new changes are definitely drastic enough to warrant a new fic entirely.
Progress report on them:
DoF - the rough outline is halfway done but I’ll be refining it a bit more. Not sure how long it’ll be but the chapter count might go for 20 with 4-6k each. Again, no promises there. The story is the same but very different as before so please look forward to it !!
MLY - Ah, yeah, I haven’t started on this at all lol I’ll start on the outline once I finish DoF’s outline.
writing habits
In my early shameful days, I used to do WiPs. I had no outlines to follow and just wrote like the damn wind. Now, I’m a changed person (ish).
I finish writing fics (that’s editing + beta reading) before uploading them on a schedule. This is why I’m technically ‘on a break’ most of the time.
That’s not to say that I’m always writing fanfics. I write original content too so my time is split because of that. What can I say? Writing is how I live.
my ships
BKDK hands-down is my muse. They’re what brought me back to writing and I’ve never looked back. They’re also the ship that has the most drafts in my computer haha
TDBK has also snared my heart several times. Gods, they’re adorable. My fav trope is a sugar daddy!tdrk and a broke hero!bkg
TDBKDK is something I haven’t written a lot for but there’s a lot of potential in it methinks. I don’t like dynamics where tdbk hate each other and bond over their like of dk though… let all three love each other dammit !!
Ehem, now for other fandoms & ships:
HP; Tomarry/Harrymort
TGCF; Hualian
Witcher; Geraskier
MDZS; Wangxian
Genshin; Zhongchi/Tartali
Bleach; GrimmIchi
One Piece; ZoLu
where else to find me
Twitter - sometimes i do threadfics here but I post them on AO3 afterwards as a series
AO3 - my main abode ✌️
between bkg’s pecs ahaha
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zukkaoru · 3 years
📁 & miya??
miya has asthma!! they make sure they have their inhaler with them whenever they're skating, but they don't tell anyone about it because they don't want to be seen as weak or be told they shouldn't be skating
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