#techno-oracle prophecies
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the mediterranean sea of the future
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gremmlepunk · 2 years
I have a fic in the works and Im calling it
God-Tier Road-trip
Ok so Camp Half Blood AU. Here’s the premise:
Tommy is a newcomer at Camp Half Blood, and his first night he decides to explore. Queue him finding Techno The Oracle Blade™️ in the woods prophecy-ing and tells Councilor Phil. Phil assembles a small group to fulfill it, as you do:
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Techno Blade
He/him, Son of Athena, The Oracle
14 of his 16 years of life were spent at camp. He lives at camp. Super chill and strategic, battle axe main but not too shabby with a bow.
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Wilbur Soot
He/him, Son of Apollo
10 of his 16 years of life were spent at camp. He lives at camp. Completely chaotic but super diplomatic, bow main, can sense prophecies before they happen.
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Tubbo Underscore
He/him, Son of Hephaestus
8 of 15 years spent at camp. He lives at camp. Friendly and wholesome but entirely intimidating, long sword main and also FIRE
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Sally Sospechosa
She/he/they, Child of Poseidon
4 of 16 years spent at camp. Only spends summers at camp. Absolute thembo, spear main but knocked out three dudes with a soup thermos once.
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Aimsey TeeVee
Any pronouns, Saytr (I couldn’t get the ears lol)
Born at camp, 19 in saytr years. Lives at camp. Goofy and wholesome but takes no crap, panflute main.
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Ranboo Beloved
They/he, Child of Aphrodite
9 of 15 years spent at camp. Only spends summers at camp. Anxiety overlord and really funny, B A T T L E A X E.
But you know who doesn’t get invited on the quest?
None other then
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Tommy Innit
He/him, Son of Hermes
1st day at camp out of 14 years. Lives at camp from now on. Chaotic, funny, loud, and more then a little mad about not being invited along.
Credits to Potato Lord for the Picrews!!
So yeah, if you want to find out what happens, stayed tuned, because i will probably post the first chapter here sometime soon!! I’ve been working on this for a bit, so i hope yall enjoy!!
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i-amtransexual · 3 years
📓 !!
so excited to finally be able to ramble about this :D
I'm gonna talk about my longshot which is a fantasy and royalty AU SBI fic except I make it better because angst and morally questionable Phil. It's long so uh yeah lol
Right so, the beginning is like Philza starts the Antarctic empire by himself from like the ruins of another kingdom, and all goes well for a few decades, then he starts to want to leave and go fly away, because bird brain, if he stays in one place for too long he becomes restless and unhappy. So he goes to The Oracle ™ (Eret my beloved) to ask for a prophecy about whether or not he should keep trying with this thing. The Oracle ™ tells him "yo so we already had a prophecy that you would do this lmao" and Phil goes "oh cool haha so what's my future" and then the tone shifts and Phil's like "oh god do I die?"
He doesn't but he does get a prophecy, and I'll put some contextual lines here because I actually kinda like it but I don't wanna spoil the whole thing.
"To rule without others brings nothing but anguish and war,
Your rule did not begin with, but it shall end with four...
Of a Crown, destined for those worthy,
Of a Halo, a blessing from above,
Of Hair, golden locks a beacon."
So Phil takes from this prophecy "oh, I need three more people, a family perhaps, to rule alongside with me for my reign to be prosperous and so I don't fail at this shit."
So he goes out searching for his crown, halo, and hair. Finds techno, who has all the attributes of a king and goes "adopted immediately, one down two to go."
Finds Wilbur, who has poliosis around his head kinda in a halo shape. Poliosis is that thing where your hair naturally goes white earlier in your life if anyone forgot. Thinks "Boom, eldest child found, he got the other thing, one more to go."
Falls in love with Kristen at some point and while they're courting he catches a glimpse of the four of them in a pond and sees his boys with Kristen and himself, with his blonde hair and goes, "Fuck yeah I got em all let's go."
Kristen gives birth to Tommy and all is well for a while before she dies for unknown reasons. The real reason is she's the goddess of death and couldn't stay away from her duties any longer, so she kinda had to just go lmao. He doesn't worry too much about the prophecy at this point because he's grieving and he still has four people right?
Then this moment happens:
The maids were whispering amongst themselves, watching the princes play with fond smiles on their faces.
"The youngest really does look like his father, doesn't he?" one said in a doting voice.
"His hair is so golden, the people are bound to adore him when he step's into high society," another said
It was as Philza watched his youngest son laugh, with his golden hair shining, the sunlight casting a halo over him, and his brothers playfully placing a crown far too big for him over his eyes, that The Emperor felt his heart sink in his chest, and the love for his youngest fall to the ground and shatter into a million pieces. He had found his prophecy, but it only spelt his misfortune.
Phil instantly goes "wah wah wah my child who is not even a teenager yet is going to ruin my life by being something he has no control over!" He starts being super diastant and cold towards Tommy and Tommy doesnt get becase why would he. Tehcno and Wilbur still talk to him though so he dosent fully get what's going to happen.
When Tommy is 14 Phil decides he can't take it any longer and says he's going on a trip. He brings Techno with him, to train him up to be king, and Wilbur because Wilbur is the oldest so he should get to come too. He promises Tommy it's only a few months, no more than 4, that he will send letters as often as he can and that the head advisor will be standing in his, Phil's, place. Phil earnestly believes it will be no longer than a few months, that he just needs a break for a bit before he returns. A midlife crisis if you will.
So 3/4 SBi leaves and Tommy is left with Sam, his favourite guard, and Puffy, the doctor, to look after him, as well as the head advisor. Kinda doesn't work as the head advisor dies like a day after Tommy's family leaves. Tommy Puffy and Sam understandably panic because Tommy is the only one who can rule and he just fuckign turned 14. Sam is a guard but also only recently turned 18 so he has no experience and Puffy is a doctor so they're well and truly fucked.
Tommy makes the announcement that his dad left him in charge, the people are warm and welcome him, and he manages for 4 months, just barely. He can't send a letter to Phil because Phil was a prick who forgot to tell anyone where they would be going, but Phil does send letters to Tommy. Tommy reads them eagerly and waits for his dad to come home.
5 months pass, don't worry, it's storm season he's probably just a little hindered.
7 months pass, the letters become less frequent, storm season has come and gone.
8 months pass, Tommy's getting really good at this whole "being King" thing, but he still misses his dad. He gets one letter telling him happy birthday, but he still has five months until he's 15.
9 months pass, the letters have stopped, and he starts to re-read the old ones. The people are worried, but Tommy has done a superb job of keeping them happy.
11 months pass, the date where has to declare them officially missing is drawing ever closer. He stops reading the letters.
12 months pass. On the last day of his 14th year, he declares King Philza, Prince Gladius, and Prince Syreni officially missing. His 15th birthday is spent alone.
1 year and one day since his father left he has a hasty coronation and is declared King. The kingdom still has hope that Phil will return, Tommy doesn't voice his disagreement publicly.
A year and a month since his father has left he has a proper coronation and is celebrated. Tommy believes his dad and brothers are dead.
Tommy is 16 when they are officially declared to dead unless proven otherwise.
Tommy is 17 when the Essempee declares war on The Antarctic Empire. The newly crowned King Dream, who is 22, has risen to power and he is taking out his 10-year grudge against Techno finally. Not acknowledging Tommy's pleas against it and his attempts to tell dream that Techno has been M.I.A for years, he reluctantly goes to war. It lasts all of 3 months before he is defeated and decides to surrender to keep as many people alive as possible. Dream bursts into Tommy's war tent and finds Tommy, not even an adult, terrified and trying to shield the few orphans he had found wandering the defeated site.
Dream sees this literal child that he went to war with without even knowing him and reconsiders. After finding out about Technoblade, he goes "oh shit so this was for nothing then," decides not to take over The Empire, strikes up a peace treaty with Tommy but does end up taking Tommy's prized discs because he's still an egotistical bastard and stealing is not a moral he upholds.
Tommy turns 18. He becomes friends with King Tubbo and King Ranboo of Snowchester, and their son Prince Micheal.
Tommy is 19. he adopts a boy named Shroud, who was one of the children he protected that last day of the war.
Tommy is 20. He finally feels truly happy. Then the missing 3/4 SBi burst back into the throne room.
Phil attempts to apologise. Tommy tells him to fuck off. Techno and Wilbur attempt to apologise. Tommy is more considerate but decides he would prefer for the two to not be a part of his life. Wilbur has a hissy fit tantrum and tries to say that he is actually meant to be king seeing as he is of age. Tommy holds up the document and says something along the lines of "On this day DD/MM/Y King Philza, Prince Syreni and Prince Gladius are declared dead. You, Wilbur, your father Phil and your brother Technoblade are not in possession of those names, seeing as they are dead. You three are strangers who have broken into the palace, so get tf out."
Techno goes calmy, the other two less so.
Epiougue ish thing, Wilbur creates a country then dies when heblows it up, Phil continues to travel the world, trying to fly away from his guilt, and after a few years Tommy tentatively let's Techno back into his life, and the two eventually have a brother like realationship again. It wasn't how it was, and it never will be again, but how it is now, is good.
Tommy has Corwn, Halo and Hair, and he has his best friends Tubb and Ranboo, and he has brother Tehcnoblade. He has fulfilled the prophecy and has a better life.
The End :D.
Holy fuckign shit that was long if you're still reading ily/p
hope you enjoyed that jinx, if you didn't, well you asked me to ramble lmao
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griffintail · 3 years
The girl scowled, but quietly followed Michael, folding her free arm over her chest as she glared Techno down.
Ranboo winced. It was a...half win?
Techno gave a soft sigh as Michael sat in front of him.
"Well, it's all started with a prophecy. Acrisius had a prophecy from the oracle that his daughter, Danae, would have a child that would be his downfall. In response, he locked her away where no one could see her so she could never marry or have children.
But Zeus saw her and was enraptured by her. So he blessed her with a child. When Acrisius came to visit her, she had a baby boy in her arms. To try and stop the prophecy once more, he locked them in a chest and threw them in a river. But they were guided to safety by the gods "
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calibu · 4 years
Semi-concerning details about the codenames (tw// murder and suicide)
Protesilaus (techno)
he was a hero (mortal offspring of a human and a god)
he was the leader of the Phylaceans
an oracle had prophesied that the first Greek to walk on the land after stepping off a ship in the Trojan War would be the first to die, so he killed four men, but he was still killed by a Trojan Prince, Hector
he’s famous for being the first greek hero to die in war, in particular his prophecy of being the first one to step off the ship
his prophecy was fulfilled
his brother joined the war in his place
he was brought back to life for his wife but then went right back into the underworld, and the wife offed herself by jumping into fire with his burning statue
the CULT OF PROTESILAUS (trust me i know) had two sanctuaries
Zephyrus (phil)
part of the Anemoi (minor gods) each ascribed north, east, west or south
the Anemoi was represented as gusts of wind and personified as winged men :)))
Zephyrus specifically is the west wind and bringer of “light spring and early-summer breezes”, the most gentle of all 4 :)))
also just the general,,, god of spring
(this one isn’t important its just funny) he’s the father of Karpos, a guy just,,,, known for his beauty.
(less funny) karpos and his lover kalamos were swimming in the Meander river when karpos died, and in their grief, kalamos also allowed himself to drown (talk abt burying the gays, but also can be seen to represent will’s and nikis slow drive to insanity?)
(also just funny) his main lover is chloris who’s name can be translated to “fresh” AND JUST THE REFRIGERATOR. JUST. THE REFRIGERATOR.
Harpocrates (unkn0wn)
he was significant in the hellenistic religion [AND WAS THE EMBODIMENT OF HOPE ACCORDING TO PLUTARCH (greek philosopher)]
he was the god of silence, secrets, and confidentiality
he was adapted by the greeks from the Egyptian child god Horus (god of king and worship and the sky and the newborn sun, one of the most significant egyptian deities)
Horus was considered the victorious god of the sun who each day overcomes darkness
often represented with the head of a eurasian sparrowhawk that flies high above the earth
he eventually became the ruler of egypt and all pharaohs are seen as his reincarnations
Horus's father (Osiris, the original divine pharoah of Egypt) was murdered and mummified and became the god of the underworld
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Techno has given me rights to theorize Syndicate lore based on one of my special interests POG so here’s code name analysis
Harpocrates - Egyptian/Greek god of silence, secrets, embodiment of hope and the sun ("child sun"), associated with roses.
Most likely Foolish - the aspect of “child sun” is probably an association of childhood = ignorance = “foolish”ness Only likely others would be Hannah (based on rose association) or Puffy (as she seemed to be interested in concepts like the Syndicate and has been corresponding with Techno).
Phil - Zephyrus
Greek god of the gentle west wind. Pretty self-explanatory. Bird Dad. In some versions of some myths involving him, Zephyrus was jealous of Apollo being with Hyacinth and so made Apollo accidentally kill Hyacinth with a discus, which could also fit with how c!Phil was forced to kill a loved one (in his case, his son).
Techno - Protesilaus
A hero in the Iliad, son of Iphiclus ("Lord of many sheep") and leader of the Phylaceans. He was the first to step ashore at Troy and the first to die in the war (”An oracle had prophesied that the first Greek to walk on the land after stepping off a ship in the Trojan War would be the first to die, and so, after killing four men, he was himself slain by Hector. After Protesilaus' death, his brother, Podarces, joined the war in his place.” - wikipedia). Either this somewhat alludes to Techno and Wilbur being “brothers forged in blood” and Techno sort of taking up this path of anarchy and fighting for “freedom” in Wilbur’s absence, or it just bodes very very poorly for Techno.
Ranboo - ???
I would guess likely options include:
Janus (Roman god of doorways, choices, etc. Iconography depicts him as literally having two faces. Ranboo is a Thomas Sanders fan, so if he is at all caught up in his Sanders Lore he definitely knows this one)
Lethe (River of memory/forgetfulness in the Underworld and also the name of the nymph of that river)
Morpheus (god of sleep and dreams)
Hypnos (God of sleep)
Mnemosyne (goddess of memory)
Oneiros (personified dreams)
Cassandra (seer who was cursed so no one would believe her prophecies)
Pythia (Oracle of Delphi)
Delphi (see former)
and Python (creature that guarded the oracle of Delphi)
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jasonsscar · 4 years
i know that we will never get more percy jackson musicals from the original cast. or maybe ever. so, i just want to make a post about iconic moments in the books and the kinds of songs ive imagined we could’ve gotten if it happened
Sea of Monsters
Percy’s weird dream at the beginning
Tyson having a solo. I’m-
Imagine if we got a ballad for Clarisse here
Tantalus and Percy just being like “fuck you” the whole time
Circe’s Island
Guinea pig Percy. Don’t talk to me.
If we got DOA when they entered the underworld. Imagine what we would’ve got when they entered Polyphemus’s cave.
The final song with Thalia waking up and then the song arubtly ending and that’s how the musical ends. I’m not okay.
The Titan’s Curse
Intense singing and then Annabeth is gone when they save the di Angelo kids
Artemis singing the rules of the hunters of artemis
Thalia and Percy fighting/singing battle
Nico making Percy promise to protect Bianca on the quest. Really good song I bet. Short. But sweet.
The entire dam sequence. Has the same vibes as “Drive”
The audience knows. Everyone knows he’s in love with annabeth.
Percy and annabeth dancing at the end to a song Percy’s singing that he is always going to protect annabeth but she can’t hear him because it’s an inner monologue
The Battle of the Labyrinth
Percy going to orientation and he becomes friends with Rachel. RaCHEL WOULD HAVE THE COOLEST VOICE. YOU CANNOT CHANGE MY MIND.
Annabeth singing about how she does NOT like Rachel. But in a very sarcastic way.
When they find the Labyrinth. Mini duet song from percabeth. Sbaksb.
More Tyson singing?? But like softly in the background throughout the quest
When they meet Janus that song would be so fun omg
When Percy sees Nico giving the dead McDonalds?? I’m sorry that would be so funny and like sad at the same time. It would be one of the best songs.
The kiss on Mt. St. Helens. Need I say more
Calypso and Percy. Calypso would have a ballad song about how she is cursed to fall in love with every hero and how they always leave. And Percy is like “damn that sucks” the whole song so it’s not even that sad but we are feeling for calypso
Percy walking in on his own funeral would be wild in a musical lmfao
Daedalus would have the COOLEST techno song?? I can’t imagine it any other way. Someone please work with me to write the music for this musical. I’m begging you.
Pan’s song would be so sad omg. I’m crying thinking about it.
At the end it’s Percy singing alone on his birthday and then Nico appears in the song and interrupts Percy. And Percy invites him in. Ugh. So good.
The Last Olympian
Rachel starts off this musical and don’t try and convince me otherwise.
And it’s a GOOD song about them invading The Princess Andromeda.
But we will never see him again but he had a good run with that song
Percy learning his prophecy. Imagine the song being so chilling and serious. It sends shivers down your spine and then the song ends with Percy’s voice cutting in after a couple seconds with “what?”
May Castellan. I don’t want to talk about but you guys know what’s up.
There was originally a song that the creator of the musical talks about that he cut out where Clarisse and Selena are arguing about who’s side they would be on if there was a war. I want that vibe of that song HERE.
The River Styx. It’s so emotional about how he sees Annabeth sbaksb
When they’re in war already and Annabeth takes that stab. AM I THE ONLY ONE SEEING THIS HAPPENING?? Her laying at base and singing to Percy. AAAAA
Okay hear me out. When Selena comes in as Clarisse to fight. The original “Put You In Your Place” music comes on here. But Percy knows it’s wrong because it’s not Clarisse’s voice
Kronos’s songs would be SO badass
Percy summoning his father to join the fight
Percy summoning that HURRICANE. The amount of toilet paper this would need oml
Luke dying would be so tragic in the musical. Annabeth and Luke duet. Eugh.
Rachel becoming the new oracle.
Annabeth singing to Percy happy birthday and they get thrown in the lake but it would be different cause there is no lake. But it’s the campers singing a cute mocking song about the two lovebirds
It ends with the same vibe as “Bring on the Monsters” but we’re all crying instead because it’s over.
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theorange-ish · 4 years
so after todays events on the dream smp, i really needed to give my emotions a break, so i watched a lot of animatics. (lol not the best choice) there was one animatic on techno’s speech on November 15th and ive seen a lot of these, but this one was very different in a way that made me look at techno’s story differently in the light of phil and wilbur finding him. 
this made me think of Techno's past in a whole different light............. this is so good... i just used to think he was an orphaned piglin who was found by Phil and Wilbur, but now............ it's like he was still a piglin, but he was cast out of that society because he did something (idk what tho) that he knew was right for his people but they didn't like it..... therefore, he was cast out.... just like Theseus. he then had the thought that nothing good happens to heros from past experience and the mythological story of Theseus. now look at Tommy. December 2nd and he might be exiled. techno is becoming frickin Trophonius.
(Trophonius had the gift of prophecy.... he was a son of Apollo but he became corrupted and was known as the “dark oracle” and never said anything good.) 
also.. idk if i can put down the link to the animatic, but i will put down the title.... IT WAS SO GOOD i highly recommend it the artist is super talented and thought a lot about it soo.. yeah
“ Technoblade’s Foreboading Speech Dream Smp Animatic” - Rosentin Moon
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marketadolejsova · 5 years
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<<<<more info in Tarot Lab zine>>>
A co-authored project of Darina Alster & Markéta Dolejšová + guest Richie Cyngler. A fusion of authors’ long-term work and their art-design investigations of the liminal borders between human and machine; speculation and everyday reality; archetypes and futuristic ideologies.
In her Personal Tarot, Darina Alster explores the medium of Tarot in the context of modern technologies. Darina’s prophecies take the form of video performance and software theater play. Using old-school mobile phone apparati, her audience can engage in direct encounters with various Tarot archetypes. Each Personal Tarot card has a phone number that you can dial and contemplate possible futures of yourself or, maybe, someone else. For Markéta Dolejšová, Tarot is a methodological tool for a research inquiry into the possible futures of food, science, and technology. Her Parlour of Food Futures imagines, how will emerging digital technologies change everyday human practices around cooking, eating, and digesting. What will be the next foodie trend, the Ethical Cannibalism, Gastro Masochism, or Gut Gardening? Would you like to be a Food Psychonaut? Would Turing Foodies trust each other? Is your neighbor a Monsta[n]tanist? Richie Cyngler’s Urban Oracle is a hybrid digital divination tool as well as a critical reflection on network culture, and interactive performance and installation work. Do we own our devices or do they own us? “Does the user control the software? Does the software control the user?”  Can we collaborate with our devices and applications? Can they help us to transcend? What can we know and what do we really want to know? Tarot Lab is a performative techno-oracle opened as part of the GASK - Galerie Středočeského kraje program: “Stavy mysli / Za obrazem -  Obměny a Intervence” (curator: Richard Drury). During the Tarot Lab installation, we will perform a series of Tarot seances opened to the general public. The Tarot Lab portal will ceremonially open on March 23rd, 2019 and remain accessible for the upcoming year. Throughout the year, the Lab authors will be coming back to re-perform more Tarot interventions together with various public and capture the changes of human/food/machine progress in time. 
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