#technoblade is on wheels
justice-core-au · 1 year
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Ch 2 1/2
Mad scientist with a potato lamp.
I had to cut this chapter in half because image limits.
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simplepotatofarmer · 1 year
counting dogs
my piece for the 'first try techno challenge'! i actually got dream and decided to roll again and combine the next roll which was the hound army! anyway, written with two minutes to spare <3 <3
“There’s no way you know all their names,” said Dream. Despite the heavy armor and his wide-legged, firm stance, the mass of dogs was still pushing him around and he struggled to stand in one place. “I mean, there’s like—”
He paused, clearly attempting to count.
Techno let him, mouth pulled into a grin, one eyebrow shooting up as far as it could go. When the silence stretched on, Techno gave him a little nudge, metaphorically.
Dream twitched, turning his head towards Techno.
“There’s like, forty of them,” he said. “No way you know all their names, Technoblade.”
“I mean, there’s actually about 180 but who’s countin’. Who’s countin’…” He reached down and scratched one of the dog’s ears as it wagged its tail so excitedly that its whole body went with the tail. “Well, you were but let’s just forget about that.”
“Oh my god…”
Dream’s ears – the only part visible beneath the mask and the hood – turned bright red. It was probably rude to laugh but Techno did anyway, the dogs barking at the sound, working themselves up. Reaching out, Dream caught himself on the wall as one particularly eager dog bowled into him.
“Hey, Em, easy girl,” said Techno, making his way over. The dogs parted for him easily, tails going a mile a minute, accompanied by quiet barks and whines. “See? Nothin’ to it, Dream.”
“Yeah, well, that’s because they’re yours so they listen to you.”
“That is usually how it works, yup.”
“You’re so annoying.” Dream steadied himself. “But there’s seriously no way you’ve named all the dogs.”
Techno held his hands up, chuckling.
“Okay, you got me there, Dream. I haven’t got around to namin’ them all.”
“So you don’t know all their names,” said Dream, tone of voice triumphant, pointing a finger at Techno. “Which means I was right.”
Lightly, Techno smacked his hand away and one of the dogs took the action as an invitation to play, jumping up on Dream eagerly, licking at the mask. Techno was expecting a harsh reaction, had tensed in preparation for it, but Dream only made a noise of vague disgust and pushed the dog away.
“Ah ah ah. I know all the names of the dogs that have names.” Techno knelt, ruffling the fur of the closest dog. “So technically I know all of the dogs’ names.”
“What? No! That’s not—” Dream sputtered, trying to find a way to argue, wanting to argue, and coming up short. “Whatever.”
“So, you admit that you’re wrong.”
He was wrong but Dream would never admit to it.
“Shut up, Techno.”
“That’s what I thought,” he said, patting the dog on the head as he got to his feet.
Dream watched him, head tilted to the side. With the mask, the effect was strange, almost childlike.
“You should let me name a dog.”
“You wanna name a dog?”
It wasn’t an immediate refusal, more like an offer, and Dream straightened.
“Yeah.” A short pause. “Name it… Name it ‘Dream Has a House’.”
Techno laughed, loud and booming, and set the dogs off again. A mass of dog flesh writhed in the small space and Techno reached out, trying to pat each one as best he could.
“Easy, Dice. Easy, Fossilnet. Easy, Max.” After a moment, the barking and whining died down. “Alright, alright, but only for you, Dream.”
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Apollo cameo in the steering wheel video :D!!
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this art!
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driftionarchive · 1 year
Techno for pink or red? (I love the way you do his design)
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pigman acquired 👑
who is next?
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pastelchaos12 · 1 year
After several days of drawing (and probably destroying my back)
I have done the colour wheel challenge myself and I think this turned out amazing
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So many characters...
Also here's a list of the original characters I added:
Green: Pastel
Purple: Robin
Yellow: Vex
Pink: Skye
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Underrated Technoblade Quote of the Day: “You know, we could fix global warming if we blew up the sun. Globe would cool right off.”
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fandomlit · 2 months
concussed confessions (technoblade x reader)
requested by anon “Helloo, i was wondering if you'd be up to writing about c!techno and reader being best friends with secret crush on each other and during a some mission it gets really dangerous. Not sure if they'll walk out alive and squeezed in some tiny space they have this moment of intimacy and honest conversation about their feelings? :)”
summary you and technoblade find each other while fighting a raid off of a familiar village. after techno takes an axe to the arm, you rush to help him, and the buffer in the midst of chaos is enough to allow him to open up to you about his feelings.
warnings swearing, violence, fighting, killing, injury, blood and gore
a/n y’all.. this sat, completely finished, in my drafts for way too long. welcome this fic to the public eye
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gif cred belongs to @mineyourowndreams​
techno barely felt the arrow plunged into his armor, nor the arrow that followed that. his shield had broken long ago, but the netherite encasing his body did well in its place.
when he heard the raid bell sound, he had gotten himself prepared immediately before heading toward the village. he was taking down pairs of pillagers at a time with his axe and sword, double wielding as he had many times before. he took down one that wielded a crossbow before he heard the voice calling to him.
he turned to see a pillager coming down on him with an axe, and just barely managed to block it from pounding into his chest plate with his own axe, knocking the pillager down before delivering the final blow. he turned to see where the former warning voice had come from, and did a double take when he saw you fighting off a hoard of your own. he quickly ran his way over to help you.
“what the hell are you doing here?” he yelled over the sounds of fighting, working his way through the mob that surrounded you and a few fighting villagers.
“i have too many friends here to watch it be destroyed!” you grunted, pushing back a parade of arrows with your shield before swinging with your powerful axe in retaliation. as focused as technoblade was on winning the fight, he couldn’t help but note how beautiful you were in that moment. when you had a brief moment, you turned your determined eyes to him. “what’s your reason?”
he quickly shielded a villager next to him from an oncoming arrow before swinging back with his sword, feeling the butt of it hit against a hard skull and knocking the victim to the ground. he looked up at you with an equally serious expression. then he just shrugged, and you would’ve laughed had it not been for the next pillager charging toward you.
techno watched, almost in a trance, as you easily fought one off with a kick to the ground, wheeling around and knocking another with the blunt of your sword. most enrapturing of all was when you easily swiped one’s head off with a strong swing of your axe, a hefty flow of blood causing many other pillagers to back away while you simply basked in the spray, waiting for the next challenger.
she’s beautiful, the voices seemed to scream.
techno was so distracted by the way you simply turned your axe over in your hand and continued to fight with everything you had, that he didn’t notice the pillager creeping up behind him until it was too late. he was knocked in the back of the head, but quickly embraced the hit before he turned to his attacker. but techno was ready to block or swing a little too late, and the pillager’s axe lodged itself into the meat of his bicep. he let out a loud grunt of pain as a flush of white hot pain ran through his arm. he swung with his good arm to stab his attacker as he heard you call out his name.
“go with him!” one of the villagers at your side called. “take him into a house and block it off; we’ll be okay!”
that was all you needed to hear. you nodded in thanks before running over to the hybrid who had fallen to his knees and tugged at his good arm. “c’mon!” techno lifted himself to the best of his ability and you guided him toward a nearby house, sitting him on he small bed as you used other furniture in the room to block the door. he groaned, placing his hand on the handle of the axe, ready to rip it out.
“don’t!” you exclaimed, quickly rushing over to place your hands atop of his. “it’s preventing from bleeding out right now, wait until i can get some things.”
he let out a heavy sigh, removing his hands from the handle and you gave him a sad smile before beginning to trifle through the chests in the small house.
“you shouldn’t have come,” you spoke, your heart panging with guilt as you watched techno attempt to swallow his pain.
“i wasn’t jus’ gonna let this place burn,” he muttered, watching as you picked out a couple of materials.
“well, why not? i thought you didn’t have loyalties to people other than phil.”
“and you,” he added, closing his eyes and leaning his head against the cabin wall. he could still hear the fighting outside. “and i think im starting to be okay with that ranboo kid.. but i like this place.”
you finally sat next to him, placing down the things you had gathered. “why?”
“‘cause this is where we always meet.”
you paused your actions as you mulled over his genuine words. your heart skipped a beat as you thought. he was right; whenever you two decided to adventure together or simply hang out, you used this village as the half way point between your homes.
you began to resume your actions when he spoke again, “i dunno why, but i thought you would leave with it.”
your cheeks began to heat up at his sappy words, and you offered a quiet, “i think you’re concussed.”
“i didn’t get hit that hard.”
you ignored his words as you began to unwrap the roll of bandages you had found. “do you think you can pull it out or do you want me to?”
“i can do it,” he muttered, words slightly slurred from pain. he was sure a muscle had been torn, sparking a sudden wave of exhaustion within him as his entire body tingled with numbing pain. you were definitely smart for keeping the axe in.
you gave him a look as you began to wrap the bandage just below the wound. “can you?”
he let out a grumble before ceding, “maybe you should do it.”
you nodded, “thought so.” you held the bandage wrap in one hand and took the axe handle in the other. you looked at techno to warn him, only to see his eyes beginning to droop. you tapped his cheek with your finger, and his vermillion eyes turned to you instead. you placed your hand on his cheek. “hey, hey. it know it hurts, but i need you awake. i can’t do much for you if you’re asleep, okay?”
“whatever you say, pretty lady.”
you felt a blush creep up your neck but just sighed, “yep.”
“yep what?”
“you’re concussed.” before techno could say anything else, you yanked the axe out of his muscle, quickly dropping it to the ground as he let out a shout of pure pain. you got to work with swiftly and tightly wrapping his arm in bandages until you ran out of the roll.
after securing the bandage, you spoke gently, “good?”
“amazing,” he grunted, placing a hand on the tight wrap. he was surprised the blood wasn’t already seeping through it, but credited that to your quick work. “i didn’t know you doubled as a nurse.”
“well,” you hummed, offering him a healing potion, “you do enough dangerous stuff, you figure it out.” he frowned as he took the potion from you before gulping it down. “by the way, i might have to stitch that up when we get back to one of our houses. but i don’t have the materials here, so you’re safe for now.”
“figured,” he sighed, cringing at the bitter taste of the potion and you gathered your thoughts. 
“im not leaving, by the way.”
his eyes turned to you, still tired, but stronger. “i know. it was a stupid thought.”
“no,” you said, shaking your head, “it wasn’t. it was sweet.” he raised his eyebrows in the slightest and you continued, “it shows you care about me.”
“‘course i do,” techno attempted to shrug nonchalantly, the faintest of blush creeping up onto his pale cheeks. “who else would offer to stitch me up after i got distracted staring at them and got whacked by an axe?”
you just shook your head, standing up to look for another roll of bandages to take with you. “i know you say my focused face is funny, but in the midst of battle, tech-“
“that wasn’t why i was staring,” he spoke, shaking his head. you tucked the bandage roll in an empty bag, along with another healing potion before looking up at him.
“did i have something on my face?” you persisted with a chuckle, moving to see if you could snatch anything else from the small house before you went back into the dying battle.
“no,” he said softly, watching your tactical eyes scan the room before lifting to meet his own. “you just looked beautiful.”
you offered him a flattered smile, and he took pride in the way your cheeks flushed. “you’re concu-”
“don’t believe me?” he questioned, eyeing the way you seemed to brush off his comment to keep moving about.
you hummed sheepishly, opening another chest to see what laid inside. “can you blame me? i’m in netherite armor and, uh..” you looked to the red specks that littered your exposed skin. “covered in blood.”
he just shrugged, still gazing at you in a way that made your heart actually jump. “doesn’t matter to me.” you shook your head at him amusedly and he raised his eyebrows at you. “i’m the fuckin’ blood god.”
you laughed. “right. almost forgot.” you continued to silently rustle through the chest despite your now racing heart, now too aware of his sharp eyes following your movements.
“i mean it, though,” he offered, shifting his body as best as he could to allow himself a bit more comfort. “you’re beautiful. i’ve known it since the day we met.”
“i was also covered in blood the day we met,” you hummed, standing after bagging another potion. you finally looked to techno, giving him an amused look. “so maybe you just really like blood.”
“i do,” he admitted with a shrug. “but you’re beautiful without it, too. i’ve been around you enough to know that.” 
you nodded, finally settling down on the table across from where he was propped. “you are around me a lot,” you spoke, your mind still working through the honesty of his words. techno just looked at you as you jokingly offered, “maybe it’s stockholm syndrome.”
“maybe,” he agreed with a breadth of a chuckle as you wiped at some blood on your chin with a smile. he persisted, “or maybe i just really like you.”
your eyebrows raised in the slightest, your smile unwavering. “really?”
“really,” he spoke without hesitance. “i wasn’t whacked hard enough in the head to lie to you.” his pain-filled mind only barely processed his confession; he was still tired and aching, but he knew enough of his surroundings to acknowledge that you remained the most prominent thing in his mind, even when the voices were dulled by his pain. they did mutter when he saw you press a gentle hand to your heated cheek.
“that head comment is debatable,” you sighed, dropping your hand from your face. he rolled his eyes. “but.. i really like you, too.”
“really?” he questioned, almost with a mocking tone as his heart swelled in his chest.
you gave him a look, but still spoke, “really. which is crazy of me, considering you almost die every time i look away.”
despite the happiness that still lifted his heart, he gave you a deadpan look in return. “technoblade never dies, y/n.” you just rolled your eyes, though your smile never left your lips. 
“keep thinking like that, and you’ll never see it coming,” you warned, taking a moment to scan your eyes over the wound you had wrapped only minutes ago.
techno gave you a skeptical look. “was that a threat?”
you let out a laugh, pressing your hand to the bandage on his arm, feeling the warmth radiating off of the cut. “no, it was definitely a promise.” you gazed up into his amused eyes, giggling again as he admired your amusement. his eyes began to feel heavy as your eyes began to look at his unscathed armor instead. when your gaze flickered back up to see his eyes fluttered closed, you immediately tapped at his cheek, “none of that. i need to properly concussion test you before you can doze off, tech.”
“right, right,” he huffed, opening his eyes again with great effort. “pretty lady telling me what to do. gotta stay awake.”
you rolled your eyes once again. “you’re just gonna keep complimenting me until we get the all clear?”
he shrugged. “yeah.” you let out a laugh, bringing up a hand to rest of his cheek. “keeps me amused.”
“i’m sure,” you hummed, moving your hand down to his good shoulder. he looked into your inquisitive eyes for a moment before watching as you leaned forward and pressed your warm lips to his own. his eyes closed again, but this time with joy and pleasure rather than exhaustion.
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mcytblrsexymen · 2 years
MCYTblr Sexyman Bracket Final Results Infographic
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[ID: Six infographics]
[ID: Infographic titled MCYTblr Sexyman Tournament Final Results: 16,000 Nominations, 96 Contestants, 10 Days, 1 winner. 1st Place, Joe Hills, 96,700 votes. 2nd Place, GoodTimesWithScar, 97,000 Votes. 3rd Place, ZombieCleo, 58,750 Votes. All Votes Cast, 1,317,539, over seven rounds.]
[ID: Infographic titled All Seven Rounds At A Glance. Wheel graph showing percentage of votes by round: Round 1: 255,131 votes. Round 2: 383,455 votes. Round 3: 259,428 votes. Round 4: 203,383 votes. Round 5: 131,966 votes. Round 6: 46,057 votes. Round 7: 38,119 votes. 
Top 20 Contestants with the most votes in order: GoodTimesWithScar, 6 rounds, 97,036 votes. Joe Hills, 6 rounds, 96,707 votes. Quackity, 4 rounds, 65,210 votes. ZombieCleo, 5 rounds, 58,744 votes. Ethoslab, 5 rounds, 53,963 votes. MumboJumbo, 4 rounds, 47,937 votes. Technoblade, 3 rounds, 45,551 votes. Grian, 3 rounds, 34,075 votes. WilburSoot, 3 rounds, 32,444 votes. BDoubleO100, 4 rounds, 32,152 votes. Docm77, 4 rounds, 30,623 votes. Charlie Slimecicle, 4 rounds, 30,608 votes. PearlescentMoon, 3 rounds, 27,405 votes. ScottSMajor, 3 rounds, 26,923 votes. Joel SmallishBeans, 3 rounds, 25,896 votes. Renthedog, 3 rounds, 25,017 votes. LDShadowLady, 3 rounds, 21,792 votes. MythicalSausage, 2 rounds, 17,689 votes. Pixlriffs, 2 rounds, 16,371 votes. TangoTek, 2 rounds, 15,062 votes.
Most Voted matches: Round One: Dream v CPK, 11,605 votes. Round Two, Schlatt v Zedaph, 16,548 votes. Round Three, MythicalSausage v Quackity, 21,018 votes. Round Four, GoodTimesWithScar v Technoblade, 46,459 votes. Round Five, Joe Hills v Quackity, 61,775 votes. Round Six, ZombieCleo v Joe Hills, 24,964 votes. Round Seven, GoodTimesWithScar v Joe Hills, 38,119 votes.]
[ID: Infographic. Average Votes per Poll, By Round: Round One: ~8,000. Round Two, ~12,000. Round Three, ~16,000. Round Four, ~25,000. Round Five, ~33,000. Round Six, ~23,000. Round Seven, ~38,000.
Closest Races: Round One: ClownPierce v Tubbo, 50 - 50. Round Two, Martyn InTheLittleWood v Charlie Slimecicle, 49 - 51, and Jschlatt v Zedaph, 51 - 49. Round Three: Pixlriffs v Charlie Slimecicle, 49-51, and BDoubleO100 v LDShadowlady, 51 - 49. Round Four: Joe Hills v Wilbur Soot, 50 - 50, and Grian v Quackity, 50 - 50, and GoodTimesWithScar v Technoblade, 51 - 49. Round Five: Joe Hills v  Quackity, 50 - 50, and Ethoslab v MumboJumbo, 51 - 49. Round Six: Zombiecleo v Joe Hills, 48 - 52. Round Seven, GoodTimesWithScar v Joe Hills, 50 - 50. 
Biggest Sweeps: Round One: LD Shadowlady, 91 - 9. Round Two: ZombieCleo, 90 - 10. Round Three: MumboJumbo, 78 - 22. Round Four, Mumbo Jumbo, 63 - 37. Round Five: GoodTimesWithScar, 80 - 20. Round Six: GoodTimesWithScar, 61-39. Round Seven: Joe Hills, ~160 votes. ]
[ID: Infographic titled Average Votes Per Contestant Vs Youtube Subscriber Count. A scatter graph. Dream: 31,400,000 subscribers and 3,598 votes. Technoblade: 15,900,000 subscribers and 15,184 votes. CaptainSparklez: 11,400,000 subscribers and 6,914 votes. Stampy*: 10,700,000 subscribers and 2,402 votes. MumboJumbo: 8,580,000 subscribers and 11,984 votes. Grian: 8,080,000 subscribers and 11,358 votes. LDShadowLady: 7,010,000 subscribers and 7,264 votes. WilburSoot: 6,330,000 subscribers and 10,815 votes. Quackity: 6,320,000 subscribers and 16,303 votes. Sapnap: 4,680,000 subscribers and 3,483 votes. Fundy: 4,340,000 subscribers and 3,181 votes. Karl Jacobs: 3,940,000 subscribers and 2,491 votes. Ranboo: 3,910,000 subscribers and 7,009 votes. Jschlatt: 3,840,000 subscribers and 6,624 votes. BadBoyHalo: 3,670,000 subscribers and 3,745 votes. Joel SmallishBeans: 3,550,000 subscribers and 8,632 votes. Charlie Slimecicle: 3,240,000 subscribers and 7,652 votes. Philza: 3,050,000 subscribers and 7,035 votes. Tubbo: 3,020,000 subscribers and 4,926 votes. Joey Graceffa: 2,840,000 subscribers and 3,505 votes. RTGame: 2,770,000 subscribers and 3,973 votes. Ethoslab: 2,420,000 subscribers and 10,793 votes. Keralis: 2,370,000 subscribers and 5,169 votes.
There is a note that this graph does not include NPCs or Contestants without Youtube Channels, and a lower segment of the graph with more contstants expanded on the next page]
[ID: Infographic titled Average Votes per contestant vs Youtube Subscriber Count* Expanded view. A scatter graph.
GoodTimesWithScar: 1,990,000 subscribers and 16,173 votes. Jack Manifold: 1,930,000 subscribers and 2,165 votes. BDoubleO100: 1,860,000 subscribers and 8,038 votes. Xisuma: 1,820,000 subscribers and 5,959 votes. Iskall85: 1,640,000 subscribers and 6,248 votes. VintageBeef: 1,570,000 subscribers and 3,978 votes. GeminiTay: 1,550,000 subscribers and 5,512 votes. Katherine Elizabeth: 1,450,000 subscribers and 3,149 votes. ScottSMajor: 1,410,000 vs 8,974 votes. Niki Nihachu: 1,400,000 subscribers and 5,350 votes. fWhip: 1,340,000 subscribers and 5,483 votes. ImpulseSV: 1,190,000 subscribers and 4,550 votes. MythicalSausage: 1,130,000 subscribers and 8,845 votes. TangoTek: 1,090,000 subscribers and 7,531 votes. Docm77: 1,000,000 subscribers and 7,656 votes. Shubble: 958,000 subscribers and 8,270 votes. Pixlriffs: 917,000 subscribers and 8,186 votes. PeteZahHutt: 883,000 subscribers and 3,051 votes. Cubfan135: 827,000 subscribers and 5,428 votes. Ashswag: 756,000 subscribers and 723 votes. Renthedog: 686,000 subscribers and 8,339 votes. SeaPeeKay: 682,000 subscribers and 5,798 votes. Oli Orionsound: 665,000 subscribers and 7,356 votes. PearlescentMoon: 662,000 subscribers and 9,135 votes. Illumina: 631,000 subscribers and 3526 votes. Branzycraft: 621,000 subscribers and 2,633 votes. Fruitberries: 596,000 subscribers and 2,219 votes. Rythian: 576,000 subscribers and 1,794 votes. Clownpierce: 576,000 subscribers and 4,752 votes. F1nn5ter: 552,000 subscribers and 4,570 votes. Jimmy Solidarity: 550,000 subscribers and 7,210 votes. Welsknight: 546,000 subscribers and 3490 votes. Hbomb94: 513,000 subscribers and 4,413 votes. FalseSymmetry: 456,000 subscribers and 6,485 votes. FoolishGamers: 448,000 subscribers and 4,894 votes. Legundo: 435,000 subscribers and 1,545 votes. Hypnotizd: 390,000 subscribers and 2,531 votes. XBcrafted: 381,000 subscribers and 3,041 votes. Eret: 372,000 subscribers and 6,193 votes. Punz: 357,000 subscribers and 4,199 votes. Stressmonster: 339,000 subscribers and 3,759 votes. ZombieCleo: 308,000 subscribers and 11,749 votes. Zedaph: 304,000 subscribers and 7,409 votes. Sneegsnag: 278,000 subscribers and 4,865 votes. CaptainPuffy: 245,000 subscribers and 3,858 votes. ConnorEatsPants: 240,000 subscribers and 5,094 votes. AimseyTV: 192,000 subscribers and 5,759 votes. Reddoons: 191,000 subscribers and 2,187 votes. Joe Hills: 159,000 subscribers and 16,118 votes. Martyn InTheLittleWood: 154,000 subscribers and 7,161 votes. TinFoilChef: 125,000 subscribers and 4,309 votes. BigBSt4tz: 106,000 subscribers and 2,306 votes. OwengeJuiceTV: 80,500 subscribers and 4,378 votes. ItzSubz_: 69,300 subscribers and 2,025 votes. ZloyXP: 61,700 subscribers and 2,815 votes. Skizzleman: 45,300 subscribers and 3,219 votes. JoJoSolos: 36,200 subscribers and 3,409 votes. Reignex: 12,100 subscribers and 1,321 votes. Bekyamon: 9,270 subscribers and 3,038 votes. Laurance Zvahl: 9,260 subscribers and 2,125 votes. VikingPilot: 6,180 subscribers and 2136 votes]
[ID: Infographic: Pie Graph showing servers from which the contestants were nominated: Hermitcraft: 28 Nominations. DSMP: 25 Nominations: MCC: 24 Nominations. Empires SMP: 21 Nominations. Last Life: 13 Nominations. Origins SMP: 11 Nominations. 3rd Life: 9 Nominations. Double Life: 8 Nominations. Rats SMP: 8 Nominations: Afterlife SMP: 7 Nominations: Lifesteal SMP: 6 Nominations: Vault Hunters: 6 Nominations: Crazycraft: 5 Nominations. Create Mod: 5 Nominations. MCSR: 5 Nominations. TFTSMP: 5 Nominations. Other Sundry Servers: 73 Nominations.
Voter* Ages, a bar graph: 32 or higher: 3%. 30-31: 1%. 28-29: 2%. 26-27: 4%. 24-25: 6%. 22-23: 12%. 20-21: 19%. 18-19: 23%. 16-17: 19%. 15 or under: 11%.
Percentages of Voters* on each Continent, a map graph: North America: 64%. South America: 3%. Europe: 23%. Africa: 0%. Asia: 4% Australia & Oceania: 5%. Antartica or At Sea: 1%.
*From a demographic survey size of approximately 6,000 people]
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ennunanaiurov · 1 year
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We finished the color wheel meme on twitter!!
🔴Kirishima (My hero Academia) 🔴Jessica Rabbit (Who framed Roger Rabbit) 🔴Him (Powerpuff Girls) 🔴Cross Marian (d.Gray-Man) 🟠Naruto 🟠Hinata (Haikyuu) 🟠Velma (Scooby-Doo) 🟠Darwin (Gumball) 🟠Nami (One Piece) 🟠Garfield 🟡Spongebob 🟡Caroline 🟡Ed (Fullmetal Alchemist) 🟡Bill Cypher (Gravity Falls) 🟡Jin Ling (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) 🟡Timcampy (d.Gray-man) 🟢Beast Boy (Teen Titans) 🟢Zoro (One Piece) 🟢Philza (Minecraft Streamer) 🟢Number 3 (Kids Next Door) 🟢Tsuyu (My Hero Academia) 🔵Bubbles (Powerpuff Girls) 🔵Timothy (d.Gray-Man) 🔵Hatsune Miku 🔵Rin (Blue Exorcist) 🧿Luna (Sailor Moon) 🧿Kanda (d.Gray-man) 🧿Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon) 🧿Mint (Tokyo Mew Mew) 🟣Mollymauk (Critical Role) 🟣Jiang Cheng (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) 🟣Izma (Emperor's New Groove) 🟣Raven (Teen Titans) 🌸Perona (One Piece) 🌸Technoblade (Minecraft Streamer) 🌸Gwen (Spider-Verse) 🌸Ichigo (Tokyo Mew Mew) 🌸Kirby
// ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴜᴘʟᴏᴀᴅ //
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antimony-medusa · 1 month
Ranboo emerged from his front door and squinted into the rising sun. His house loomed behind him, a block of stone hanging in space next to more identical houses. The local neighbourhood of parkour pros didn’t have a lot of variation. The ground between the houses was a uniform grid of blocks of dirt placed two blocks apart, far enough that you could only jump it if you sprinted. Ranboo sat back on his heels to enjoy the view, and then grabbed frantically for purchase as the wheels set in the heels of his iron boots (custom heelies) slid on his stairs. He caught himself and took a deep breath, fingers digging into his doorframe. Falling would suck. He was better than this. He wouldn’t fall. His eyes dropped to the space between the blocks, the place where one of his feet was sticking over the edge. Or: Peerpressure Parkour Civilization AU
Status: 1/1 chapters, updated 9 August, 11,240 words
Fandom: Dream SMP
Rating: Teen Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF)
Relationships: Ranboo & Technoblade
Tags: Alternate Universe - Parkour Civilization, Minecraft Mechanics, minecraft parkour, Is this angst or fluff well look out it's a patented classic NEITHER, This is sarcasm mostly, Breaking the Fourth Wall, Tommyinnit-Typical levels of swearing, peer pressure duo, There's also endersmile and allium and discduo, but this is a peer pressure fic, MCYTblr Summer AU Fest 2024, Ranboo Has A Spine The Tensile Strength Of A Chocolate Eclair, Peril, fucked up power structures masquerading as a utopian meritocracy, He/Him and They/Them Pronouns for Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), It/Its Pronouns for Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo-centric (Video Blogging RPF)
THAT"S RIGHT BITCHES IT"S THE SECOND FIC IN A DAY I AM WIRED ON CAFFEINE AND PARKOUR. Inspired by the fantastic @ranboo5's art, the soundtrack being Ranboo & Technoblade's Excellent Adventure on loop, beted by @droidofmay who kindly pointed out the multiple sentences I just stopped in the middle of and moved on from, I emerge from a google doc covered in blood to bring you 11k of peerpressure duo.
I really really tried to keep it to 5k you guys. You don't know how hard I tried. Anyways. Parkour. Tommy is here for a bit. You can play spot the skeppy.
It SHOULD be accessible even if you haven't watched the source video, droid hadn't seen the videos, and honestly I would recommend not watching the source material, it is a lot. If you have a reasonable familiarity with minecraft mechanics slash have watched MCC you should hopefully be able to carry through.
A pinch hit for @mcytblraufest! HAVE SOME PARKOUR.
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artistnerd24 · 4 months
Nostaglia for anyone who wants it:
Hey, hey, hey guys 😁
Remember when Felps was kidnapped
Remember when Foolish tried to assassinate Gegg
Remember when everyone eavesdropped on the Frubbo date
Remember when Quackity got kidnapped and replaced with ElQuackity
Remember Cellbit killing Abueloier
Remember when the Jaidens first found the ice containment places
Remember when Jaiden was a badahh at Juanaflippa’s trial
Remember Bad catching the bouquet at Cellbit and Roier’s wedding
Remember Cellbit and Roier’s wedding
Remember when Vegetta’s mines killed everyone when the French came
Remember everyone bombing Ohio
Remember Tubbo eavesdropping on Elena and Richas during their stream
Remember Osito Bimbo and Cucurevil
Remember the 8 sided wheel
Remember when the eggs were all dirty and disappeared the next day
Remember when the eggs came back on Dia De Los Muertos
Remember Tallulah being a medium
Remember Vegetta having that wolf lore or whatever that was (I forgot)
Remember the Technoblade memorial
Remember Foolish being employee of the month
Remember Spreen’s betrayal
Remember the angel/devil being kicked from their job and becoming human Rubius
Remember Maximus code lore
Remember when Max and Pierre where a thing
Remember Ayrobot
Remember Walter Bob
Remember Baghera and Maximus making a song on Max’s show
Remember Gegg winning the debate
Remember the codes pretending to be the eggs
Remember how scary the codes were
Remember the Cellbit ad prank that caused his villain arc
Remember Skeppy meeting Pomme
Remember Roier punching Pepito when he met him
Remember Sunny calling Tubbo poor when she met him
Remember Bagi freaking out about being a mom
Remember Niki and Empanada planning to make a bakery
Remember when— *gets dragged off stage by mutuals*
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Join Technoblade fans for the week of August 1st to August 7th for the First Try Techno Challenge Event! 
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Spin a different prompt wheel each day and share the results of a 30 minute brainstorming/sketching/writing session! If you’d like, you can spend more time and share a final result along with your half-hour “first try!”
Technoblade and Friends,  Technoblade Versions,  Situations,  Design Prompts,  All
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hermitcraftx · 3 months
technoblade, in his "beating minecraft hardcore with a steering wheel" video: you know, we could fix global warming if we blew up the sun
*awkward beat of silence*
techno: globe would cool right off. just an idea. consider it.
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honey-rye · 11 months
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Colour Wheel challenge! Thanks for the collab discord homies <3
Red Guy and Mikey by @hyperfixated-homo
Casey and Willow by @bucketofbugz
Momo Kigsaeri and Jennika by @jennikas-actual-girlfriend
Hunter, Casey Jr, and Technoblade by @kqrmen1
April by @rbtlvr
Leo and Wendy by @honey-rye
Donnie and Sandro (<- @/leo-kinnie) by @peanutrat20
Tsunami and Kraang Prime by @breezehurricane
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driftionarchive · 1 year
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Orange is complete! On to Yellow ^^
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raine-dance · 4 months
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My build for Technoblade25. A statue of the man himself, signature crown and cape, with a trident in his right hand and a wither skull in his left. In the memorial are things to remember the Bedwars era and the time he beat Minecraft with a steering wheel, maybe more to come. Technoblade never dies.
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