#technoblade x reader platonic
faye-writes-stuff · 2 years
welp here we go again
Y/n: petition to remove the 'd' from Wednesday Dream: Wednesay Y/n: Not what I had in mind, but I'm flexible
Y/n: Dream, stop! This isn't you, you've gone mad with power! Dream: Well of course I have. Dream: Have you ever tried going mad without power? Dream: It's boring.
Y/n: Today is a day of running through hurdles. Ranboo: Aren’t you supposed to jump OVER hurdles? Y/n: Whatever. Fear is only something to be afraid of if you let it scare you.
Y/n: Ranboo... Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor? Ranboo: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned. Y/n: Y/n: I wrote sanitize, Ranboo
Y/n: Sorry it took me so long to bail you out of jail Sapnap: No it’s my fault, I shouldn’t’ve used my one phone call to prank call the police
Y/n: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming Sapnap: Does anyone in this godforsaken group ever think before they speak
George: Welcome, fellow idiots Y/n: Hello, George George: No, no, not you, you're not an idiot Y/n: You underestimate me
George: *Gets down on one knee* Y/n: Oh my god, it’s finally happening. George: *Falls over* Y/n: The poison is kicking in.
Tommy: Change is inedible. Y/n: Don't you mean inevitable? Tommy, spitting out coins: No, I did not.
Tommy: Ok, maybe playing ‘whose family is most dysfunctional’ wasn’t the best idea we’ve had. Y/n's been crying in the bathroom for an hour. We can’t get them out...
Tubbo: Man, I only ever see you awake, do you ever shut down or stop running? Y/n: Oh, I’m always running Y/n: The question is from what
Tubbo: I know you’re deflecting by making jokes about how hot you are. Y/n: It’s not a joke. Y/n: *sniffles* Y/n: I’m a legit snack.
Foolish: Lol heads up if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you'll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this lmfao Y/n: What did you do op? Foolish: A MISTAKE
Y/n: Foolish... Foolish: Oh no, 'Foolish' in b-flat. Foolish: You're disappointed.
Technoblade: WHAT’S YOUR TYPE Y/n: Anything, honestly, but nerds especially Technoblade, desperately, as Y/n bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE Y/n: Oh! B positive. Technoblade: DONT TRY TO CHEER ME UP JUST TELL ME YOUR BLOOD TYPE Y/n:
Technoblade, in a meeting: My policy is if you see something, say something. Y/n: I saw a squirrel in a tree today! Technoblade, with the tone of someone who is used to Y/n: Outstanding. Technoblade: This is what I’m talking about people.
Technoblade: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you. Y/n: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. Technoblade: Absolutely not.
i accidentally hit post on this too early so if you saw this b4 it was finished- no you didn't
ANYWAYS enjoy, because the last one got over 300 likes so
ic master list :)
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fandomlit · 2 years
and scene (sbi x reader)
summary you make the mistake of telling your friends that your sociology class is boring. they change that for a day.
warnings swearing, implications of suggestive themes, fighting (but playfully)
a/n aka i’ve been watching too much gilmore girls lately
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gif cred belongs to @m-iyaeto​
in a lecture hall with two hundred students, it was easy to get bored. it was rare that the professor’s eye was tuned directly into one particular student, and even more rare that that student was you. sociology was an interesting topic, but not interesting enough to keep you from nearly sliding out of the small, cramped seat as you dozed off.
your attention was finally grabbed when the door slammed open. you sat up straight in your seat as a familiar blur stormed toward the row you sat at, demanding, “y/n l/n!”
of course, it only could’ve been wilbur soot.
the entire class stopped short to ogle at the tall man now staring down across four students to where you sat in your row. your professor didn’t seem to know what to say in that moment.
“where were you this morning?”
your heart was already racing from all the attention that had suddenly been turned on to you. you racked your brain but you would’ve sworn you had never made plans with wilbur for that morning, had he not been so quick to interrupt you.
“so what, it-it’s one night of hot, searing passion and then you’re gone?” he demanded, voice too loud and too clear throughout the suddenly too small lecture hall. you swore you had never felt so much heat fill your body; you had certainly not spent the night with your best friend.
“wil, wh-”
“oh, save your excuses for tonight!” he yelled out. giggles and murmurs were starting to reach your ears as you started to lift yourself out of your seat. “yeah, we’re still having dinner with my parents, by the way!”
before you could yell at him and protest, the door came crashing open for a second time. “y/n!”
it was technoblade, out of breath and gripping flowers. his vermillion gaze was locked on you and you felt like a deer suddenly in a big, bright headlight. 
“y/n, this can’t be the end for us,” technoblade spoke in his strong, powerful voice and suddenly you hated your friends so, so much. “not when i still feel this way for you.”
“you had your chance, brother!” wilbur yelled down to the longer-haired man.
your professor took this chance to speak up, “gentleman, i do not think this is the space for this dispute-”
technoblade cut him off without a thought, “you’re telling me you’re the better option out of the two of us?”
“i was the first!” wilbur started to descend down the steps again toward his brother. “she never told you about that night in the rain, did she?” that’s when technoblade threw him into a headlock and suddenly they were wrestling on the likely-disgusting carpet of the lecture hall. your classmates were cheering and laughing all around you, but you were absolutely mortified. just when you had buried your face in your hands, the door slammed open for a third time and a whistle blew in the room.
your jaw nearly hit the floor when you saw it was tommy, wearing a terribly cheap-looking policeman’s costume with the loud whistle between his lips. did they take him out of school for this?
“you two, break it up!” he yelled dramatically, tearing his brothers off of each other. “no crimes of passion in the university!” they finally broke apart in a fit of suppressed laughter and breathlessness. “see what you’ve done, y/n?” all eyes were on you again. tommy slung his arms over his brothers’ shoulders. “let this be a lesson to you all! never fall for the siren that is y/n l/n!” 
wilbur and tommy bowed as the class cheered and hollered. technoblade nodded at you and threw the bouquet of flowers. one of the guys in front of you caught it and offered it to you. you couldn’t help but let an embarrassed laugh slip as you took the arrangement into your hand. your smile made wilbur and tommy let out a loud cheer and technoblade clap before they scampered out of the class.
you threw your warm face into your hand again as the class’s excitement died down and your professor began, “well..” you heaved a loud sigh that made the girls next to you laugh again. “i think l/n here made friends with too many theater majors..” the class chuckled. “you did know those gents, correct?”
you nodded and gathered up what voice you could, “not as well as they implied, but..” the class broke into more laughter. “yes. they’re my best friends.”
“good, good,” the professor chuckled. “well class, let’s take this as an example of breaking societal norms.” you tuned the professor out again as you willed the embarrassed heat to leave your body, pressing a cool hand to your forehead.
you were going to get those damned boys back.
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dsmp-enthusiast · 6 months
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+ Sibling!reader
It's only the characters, not the content creators!
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Like I said in my yandere benchtrio post, Tommy will definetly try to guilt trip you but not as much when you're his sibling.
He'll just annoy you into doing what he wants most of the time.
And I can see Tommy bringing you into his chaotic habits, Philza does not approve most times tho so you gotta stay sneaky.(or Tommy will annoy you the next weeks and cling to you, no matter what.)
Tommy probably doesn't even know how wrong his obsession is, if someone tells him he'll just ignore it and try to forget it.
I can imagine that Philza wants you to belive nothing is wrong, trying to manipulate you into thinking that's normal in a family, but he doesn't want to overdo it.
Philza wants you to stay with the family, he wants you to accept him and your siblings, but he doesn't want any of them to get too obsessed since he knows it wouldn't end well for anyone.
He's self aware, he doesn't want anything bad to happen.
While Philza is self aware and tries to calm his obsession and your brother's obsession, Techno is also aware but he just distances himself from you once he realized what's happening.
He just wants to keep you save, that's what he'll tell himself when he thinks of you and his protectiveness, he knows when to stop.
Or he hopes he knows when he's hould stop.
Techno knows this family is fucked up, he doesn't really do anything to calm the situation nor does he try to feed into the obsession.
He'll try to keep distance from you, try.
But Techno eventually will fail, either because of the voices or because Philza is worried you'll think one of your brothers hate you, or both.
Techno would know it's wrong, but as long as you listen to him and the others, he doesn't have to take any dramatic measures.
There is a high chance Wilbur knows what he does is wrong, depending on the time we're in, but he straight up ignores it, he doesn't care as long as you stay near.
Wilbur probably also will become quite moody when you're not near, but will calm down once he sees you again.
He's only one to actually hurt you, not badly tho, if you're trying to get away once realizing the situation, the others will also judge him and probably take you from him as punishment when he lashes out.
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Sorry if I misspelled anything, I accidentally cut part of my finger and it hurts to typne rn.
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prrism · 3 months
Night Time Cuddles
Summary: I can’t sleep so have some random fluff with my favourite duo I guess… (I miss their dynamic so much) It’s a shorter one this time around
Characters: Emerald Duo and Reader
Relationship: platonic
Sleep was getting harder and harder for you to achieve with a sigh you throw your sheets off of you and trudge over to the kitchen, maybe a late night snack will ease your mind… it doesn’t, if anything you feel more antsy now then before. Looking out the window to the cold tundra outside already makes you shiver. Why couldn’t you just sleep? It used to be so easy, now you find it a struggle and it irritates you.
“You alright, mate?” You jump at the sudden voice, looking over at Phil who had looked just as wake as you, if not more tired.
“Umm, yeah, I’m fine. Just having trouble getting to sleep is all.” You admit, finding no reason to lie about your situation.
“Ah.” He nods in understanding. “We know a thing or two about late nights with little sleep.” He adds. You’re about to question who “we” is referring two but the creak of the cabin door and the entrance of your anarchist friend answer that question for you.
“Hey Phil.” Techno greets before looking at you, raising an eyebrow in a silent question.
“Couldn’t get to sleep, thought a snack might help, it didn’t.” You say plain and simple. He nods and properly welcomes himself inside. “So, you two meet up often late in the evenings.” You ask.
“Better to be awake with company then sit alone with your thoughts.” Phil says.
“Especially when they won’t stop saying the same thing over and over again.” Techno huffs, more annoyed than anything. You breathe a small laugh at his comment.
“Fair enough. What do you two usually do?”
“Just chat.” Phil replies.
“You ask a lot of questions.” Techno eyes you in playful suspicion.
“Just being curious, not like I’m gonna turn you in for chatting with a friend. I mean, heaven forbid you do something like that.” You earn a soft chuckle from the two of them.
“Well you’re chatting with us, so I guess we’ll have to turn you in too.” Techno jokes back, getting a chuckle out of you.
At some point while talking with them you’d migrated onto the couch, time becoming irrelevant as the three of you just talked about random things like what you did during the day or what sorta trouble people on the SMP were getting themselves into. You shift yourself between the two, one moment your snuggled next to Phil, his good wing wrapped around you like a blanket, the next you’ve shifted over to lean against Techno, using his cape like a blanket. No one’s arguing, they’d let you shift from one to the other seamlessly while you all continued with conversation, simply enjoying each others company from the late hours of the night into early hours of the morning.
Finally, finally you felt the tug of sleep ebb at you, letting yourself doze off in the comfort and safety of your friends.
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if-you-feel-lonely · 2 years
SBI with a reader that doesn't like physical touch
A/N: we need more hype for people who don't like being touched it's unreal
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CC!TommyInnit (platonic)
In all fairness, sometimes he forgets
He sometimes goes to hug you or something but immediately stops when he remembers and apologises
He doesn't make a big deal out of it - the second you tell him that you don't like hugs, he says "okay" and respects that
He's absolutely curious as to why, but he doesn't ask
He doesn't think it's his place to ask, and he's completely fine with the fact that it's not his business
If you choose to tell him, he's more than happy to listen
It doesn't matter if it's due to past trauma, hypochondria or just that you don't like that sort of affection, he's there to listen and won't judge you
If, at some point, you were to decide that you're okay with it, he'll be excited but he'll be trying so hard not to overwhelm you with it
CC!Wilbur Soot (platonic or romantic)
Definitely respects it
He has days where he doesn't want people to touch him, so he can relate sometimes
You have other ways to bond, like talking and just spending time in each other's vicinity
Doesn't ask why and doesn't care, all he needs to know is that he shouldn't touch you
If you do tell him though, he'll be so honoured that you trust him that much
Very validating, if you say something like "I'm sorry, it's pathetic/stupid" he will immediately shut that down
C!Technoblade (platonic)
He totally understands, he doesn't like physical touch either
Will literally only touch you if someone's life is on the line
and even then he'd apologise when you're back to safety
Finds other ways of showing affection, through gifts or words
Will never ask why you don't like being touched, whether he wants to know or not
Refuses to do anything that would push your boundaries
CC!Philza (platonic)
Very understanding
Doesn't bother asking - or even wondering - why, he just accepts it without question
If he meets up with you but doesn't know about it, he might go to hug you but stop when he sees your expression
Apologises afterwards
Tries not to make a big deal out of it if he does forget, especially if you don't like making it into a big thing
Makes sure other people know about it, but tries to make it subtle
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bad268 · 11 months
Chosen (C! Technoblade/SBI X Child! Reader)
Fandom: DSMP
Requested: Day 24 of Writing Inktober prompts instead of drawing!
Warnings: Techno’s death and reader is Techno’s child in-game (Undisclosed age), my final goodbye to Techno, my hero. RIP Legend
Pronouns: They/them
W.C. 358
As always, my requests are OPEN
Writing Inktober 2023 Masterlist
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~~(^@/Philza's memorial to techno)
It wasn’t anything too abnormal. Wilbur had returned to Ohio, Tommy, and Tubbo seemingly fell off the face of the world, and Technoblade was off doing something in the Nether, leaving Y/n with Phil.
Techno was going to be gone a couple of days, he said. Well, it was pushing a week at this point and Y/n was aware of his disappearance. Techno sometimes lost track of time, it’s just who he is.
Phil didn’t question it; not until Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo showed up at his house. Apparently, Techno was supposed to meet up with them two days ago, and there is no way he would miss it.
“He’s just mining in the Nether,” Phil tried to tell them. “Probably ran into a problem or found something else to do.”
“But he would come home first,” Tommy pressed. “He loves Y/n. He wouldn’t just leave them without an explanation.”
“You say that like he’s abandoned them,” Phil scolded. The group looked at each other for a few seconds until they were interrupted by screams. Y/n’s screams.
The four bolted up the stairs and are immediately met with Y/n, their brother’s child, screaming, crying, and thrashing around. Y/n’s hands clawed at their ears trying to block out any noise. They cried out for someone, Phil specifically knowing that he might have a potion for whatever this was, “Phil, make it stop!”
“I need to know what’s going on to help, Y/n/n,” Phil comforted, sitting beside their bed as he tried to pry their hands off their head.
“No, Phil!” They screamed, “They’re too loud! It hurts, Phil!”
“They’re too loud?” Tommy questioned to himself before turning his attention to the child, “Who’s too loud, Little (first initial)?” Tommy asked, uncharacteristically quiet as he sat next to them on their bed.
“The voices,” they cried, finally opening their eyes to look at Tommy. Their normal (eye color) eyes were replaced with blood red. “They want blood, Uncle Tommy.”
It was then, they knew what happened.
When one Blood God dies, another must rise.
And unfortunately, Y/n was the chosen one.
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mcytcares · 2 years
Hiiiii, how are you?
Can you maybe do a OSMP Techno with wolf reader?
Have a good day/nighy
sure thing, anon! i did a short one-shot for this, if that's ok! fun fact: the google doc name for this is "bunnyblade and the big, not-so-bad, wolf". hope you're having a good day!!
Type - One-shot
Origins SMP
Note - This involves the OSMP character only. Also this is written with a gender neutral reader in mind :]
Warnings - N/A
Word Count - 947
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You stalk amongst the low, apple-burdened branches of the orchard trees. The shade lets you cool down from the sweltering summer heat, beating down in a shimmering haze. You keep yourself low as you move listlessly between the trees, ears pricked warily. If one were to see you like this, they'd think you were dangerous- stalking prey. In truth, you were more like a sheep in wolf's clothing. Your wolf hybrid lineage passed onto you heightened senses, as well as wolf ears and a tail, and sharp teeth fit for eating meat. You were more than your frightening appearance however- a kindly forager who enjoyed dark furs, the smell of pine trees, and cooking. You only hunted when you needed to- arrows piercing through the air to fire upon a stray buck or an unsuspecting rabbit.
Unsuspecting rabbit, your mind echoed. You watched through the foliage as Technoblade- the bunny hybrid-turned-farmer- dug his trowel into the dirt. He sprinkled carrot seeds into a row of shallow holes, set on planting and nothing else. Off to his side, a basket of carrots. A bountiful harvest. He turned his back to you, bending down to place dirt back over the seeds. You inched closer, ever curious. While you've never formally interacted with the bunny hybrid, you admired his diligence to his work. He seemed to enjoy it, even, looking proudly upon the rows of newly planted carrots. You've never been a farmer- disinterest in vegetables and most fruits lended to that. However, that didn't mean you weren't interested in how exactly the process happened. Technoblade seems to take to farming as easy as breathing. Like it was his whole life. You guessed it was- you'd come by a few times and he was always there, planting carrots.
You didn't want to seem creepy, snooping around- not at all! You were simply just too shy and awkward to approach. The farmer seemed so absorbed in his work, you didn't want to bother him. Still, curiosity tempts the cat- or the wolf, technically- and the cat gives in to curiosity.
One more step, and a branch shudders and snaps underfoot. It makes you pause, shoulders tensing up to your chin. Technoblade stills, caught in the motion of digging. His ears twitch and swivel, trying to capture the source of the noise. You hold your breath, suddenly anxious. You shouldn't be afraid- you know you really have no reason to- but you are. After all, you're about to be caught sneaking around Technoblade's farm!
He half turns, eyeing the tree line. "I know you're there," he says, steady voice breaking the silence. Sheepishly, you step out of the shade and into the sun.
"Hello," you greet, voice hushed and warbling, "sorry, I didn't mean to intrude, I was just, ah, watching you work!" You're sweating because of the heat. Totally.
Technoblade gives you a dubious look, one eyebrow raising. It's like he can see right through you!
"I don't- I mean-" You scramble to save yourself from your own awkwardness, "I really like your work ethic! It's admirable! And I was interested in learning how to farm." That's not necessarily true, but if it would get you in his good graces, then you were going to ride this train to the end.
He turns to you fully, tugging at the straw hat atop his head. Your eyes connect and— wow, his eyes are intense. You find yourself unable to look away as he mulls over your words, rocking his weight on one leg. His hands and knees are muddied with dirt, appropriate for a farmer. He wipes one hand on his overalls, using it to tap his chin in thought.
"Hrmm… well, I suppose that's not such a bad compliment. But flattery isn't gettin' you anywhere, 'specially if you want any of these carrots." He looks possessively back at his carrots, eyes narrowing in suspicion.
"Huh?" You blurt out. Your hands move on their own, defensively coming up and waving around. "Nnoo, no, no! Really, I do admire your work. And– and…" You trail off.
"And?" The bunny hybrid prompts.
"And I think you're the best farmer– ever–! I want to learn from you!" You exclaim.
Technoblade looks at you. And laughs.
It's this low, rumbling chuckle that crescendos into a near cackle. You're left stupefied as he thumps his foot on the ground, getting all the giggles out.
When he's finally done, he looks up at you, a half-smile on his lips. "'Course I'm the best farmer ever," he says, "I'm one of the only farmers around. Nobody's got me beat when it comes to farming. But… If you really wanna learn…"
Techno walks over to a basket full of carrots, still sprinkled with dirt, fresh from the ground. He plucks one out, breaks off a half, and proffers it to you.
"Consider this my metaphorical olive branch," he rumbles. His eyes, you notice, are a carmine red made vibrant in the light of the sun. "Show of good will an' all. I'll teach you, and you stop snoopin' around here."
You take it, slowly, hesitantly, turning it over in your hand. Just a regular old carrot.
"Promise you'll teach me?" You ask.
"Promise," Techno replies.
You take a bite. Crunch.
Techno smiles.
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theeyoungalabastor · 2 years
Technoblade and his Apprentice: The Shattered Totem- Kill or Be Killed (Part 1)
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Part 1, Part 2
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(Art by: Jammie on Twitter)
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Where does this take place?:  The Arctic Empire, New L'Manberg, The Greater SMP
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What event takes place?: Technoblade's and (Y/n)'s execution
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Character pairing: Piglin!Hybrid!Technoblade and Bear!Hybrid!Reader
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Information on chatacter(s): Both hybrids have a human like form but when feeling threatened both are able to shift into a bigger more animal like form that will add onto both strength, agility, and height (height to look more intimidating)
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WARNINGS: Blood, character death, descriptive but mild gore, angst, explosions, murder, manipulation, foul language, freezing,
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Status: Platonic, Angst, Fluff, Familial (Technoblade sees reader as a sibling)
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Pronouns: They/them
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Word count: 7,306 (7K)
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Page count: 21.4
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​​​Summary: Having been included with the aid of destroying L'Manberg with Technoblade both the Piglin man and dear reader soon become the main target for a certain quartet. Nailing wanted posters to the wooden poles around New L'Manberg the ensemble set off with the intent of having the duo pay for their crimes. Public Execution.
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        A disk spun on its needle, the haunting like melody soaking into the wallpaper that layered the drywall surrounding them. A fire cackled not far from their pawed feet, hot flames lapping away at the charred wood, it's fuel radiating just enough heat to warm the bear hybrids toes. Shadows dancing with each flicker of the orange blaze.
        E/c eyes drifted to the compass that sat heavily in the palm of their hand, it's sheen surface shining with the loadstone enchant which only became more apparent with the fire's illuminance glinting faintly off of the glass surface, it's red pinpointing north.
        Nervousness gnawed hungrily at the pit of your rather empty stomach as the thick skin of your thumb traced the letters dug into the cold iron back, careful not to damage the devices surface with your keen talons. Ever since The Blade himself handed you the device it had been clipped to your belt safely. Every so often you would spare a glance in hopes the pin would click, directing you towards your friend's new home. 
        At times you would stand timidly at the end of the dock where you last saw the other hybrid, where he told you he was going to retire from everything. 
The conflict.
The government.
The violence...
        "Y/n..." Technoblade stare at the sun that began to rise above the horizon as if it were to be his last, tired eyes tracing over the water line as the ball of flames arose giving birth to a new morning. His hair reeked of soot and gun powder from the recent events, here and there a patch of his roseate fur was littered in dark splotches from where clumps of dirt and gravel had landed during the nation's destruction done by the hands of its own founder. But the hybrid seemed to pay no mind to his tainted coat but more on the effervescent ball of flames that bathed the smoke-filled firmament in ravishing hues of orange and gold. 
        He lost the man he considered a brother. Wilbur. To his own father. Impaled through the chest by a glistening diamond sword, if Techno didn't know any better, he would have mistaken the glittering blade as the one that Tommy had gifted the winged man on their last Christmas together. 
        "Yes Techno?" Your voice was dry, hoarse even, noticeably wavering and damn near dead of all emotion, along with the dull sheen that glossed your e/c eyes. His ruby hues drifted to meet your own. Pain pooling deeply in those blood tinted orbs. Not only did The Blade lose a brother, but you had also lost something as well. 
        Your home. 
        And your friends. 
        You lost their trust the minute you turned to face the Piglin hybrid, hand held out demandingly as he had already placed two of those ebony skulls atop of the four blocks of inklike sand that wept, but their cries fell onto deaf ears as he afforded his gaze to your stony features. The third skull sat in his clammy palms, ready to slam onto the last block of soul sand; but he hesitated, looking down at your outstretched hand that itched to feel the smooth bone of the skull. Without a second glance, he placed it into the heel of your palm with a firm nod. 
        That is probably where the two made their mistakes.
        "I think I'm going to retire." His words were stern but soft as he glanced at you almost as if you were a kicked puppy cowering with its tail between its legs. Your eyes remained on the still waters that skipped across the shoreline, the sound was painful reminder of what once was. "Where will you go? Will I see you again?" 
        Technoblade knew you didn't hold what happened against him, especially knowing his unexplainable hatred towards governments, I mean shit. Look what it's done. He lost his brother for God's sake, to the unquenchable thirst for power that he had at the tip of his fingers.
        Techno shook his head, unsure. "I honestly don't know, wherever the wind takes me I guess." Digging a hand into one of his pockets the taller male ferreted around before fishing a handheld object from its depths. You watched with a quirked brow as the taller man held out a large hand, gesturing for you to take what sat in his grasp. 
        "For when things go south. Go north."        
        At first when Techno said those words, you didn't think he meant literally, but here you were, eyes glued to the red needle that pointed north. Ever since the day of Wilbur's passing you didn't intend on living in L'Manberg- or NEW L'Manberg that is- after Tubbo took the title of the shattered nations president you had turned away from that unfinished symphony. You now resided within the barrier of the Greater SMP, atop the hill of where a certain tumultuous British boy's home was dug into.
        Some people blamed you for the way things went down, Technoblade unleashing the hellish three headed beasts with the help of your traitorous hands, the TNT that tore the nation's structure, sending everything skyward. They blamed you for helping the Pigman fight against the government that drove his brother to insanity. The Government that exiled its two original founders or the same one that drove the once great leader whose eyes shown with pride's son to destroy the very walls that were made to protect him. 
        You glanced towards the dingy window another content smile splayed at your thinly lined lips.
        You remembered the time Technoblade- the man to who you looked up to with much pride- taught you how to correctly plant potatoes.
        "No, you don't plant them like that, they'll grow wonky." Pulling the vegetable from its hole, the one that you nonchalantly dug and tossed it into. You looked at the taller man that towered over you with a deadpanned expression, the six-foot something man paid no attention to your bored expression. Reaching into his pant pocket the fucia haired man ferreted for a moment. "Why? This is just a waste of fucking time they're just potatoes, nothing to get fussy or even get excited over." You spoke with the roll of your eyes and a shrug before standing beside Technoblade, dusting your soil caked fingers against your filthen and slightly tattered pants, perfect for farming.
        "Yes, they are just potatoes, but these potatoes' are what is going to fuel out battalion and keep our bodies from shutting down on themselves." Pulling a blade from his pocket the other dug its sharp edge into the middle of the vegetable and skillfully cutting it in half. Glancing at your curious figure his long tail snapped back and forth with entertainment. Just a moment ago you were groaning about how potatoes weren't much to be excited about and how planting them was a waste of time. 
        Extending his hand towards you he held the small handheld blade in his scarred clad hand. "Cut them in half, we need to ration as many as we can so there's enough for everyone." You glanced up at the older man with uncertainty glinting in your (e/c) hues, a brow quirked to add into your iffiness. 
        Chuckling softly Technoblade bounced his extended hand expectantly with a soft groan. "Are you gonna take it or not? I'm trying to do a whole bonding moment with my apprentice- and my arm is starting to ache." Now it was his turn to deadpan at your stiffened figure below him. Your round ears flickered as you jumped, fingers softly surrounded the blade, face bloomed with blushing embarrassment. Clutching the blades handle you glanced innocently up at the other, eyes glinting with questioning.
        Crouching slightly beside you Technoblade placed a large hand atop of your shoulder, a finger directed to the bottom of the knife. "Use this part the knife, it divides the meat in the potato better, but when you plant it make sure the small roots here-" He let his acute nails poked at the white spikes that protruded from the plants skin. "-Plant that part in the soil, make sure the cut part is facing the surface so that when it grows the plant's stem can break the surface better." Nodding you watched intently as he explained. 
        "Alright." Reaching into the small potato bag that hung from your hip you pulled out another potato as Technoblade turned away from you to plant the potato that he took from your hole and planted both halves in his own dug holes before scrubbing his palms against the knees of his pants as he covered the crops. 
        You held the potato gently, eyeing it with a faint smile before digging the tip into the skin.
        That was when the days were long and grueling but empty of most problems, the most you had witnessed within the walls of Pogtopia was Wilbur's constant and rabid mental decline that plummeted like a stone in water.
        Blabbering about being the villain and that if he couldn't have L'Manberg, then no one can. And with that, it was blown into the sky with the help of two shape shifting hybrids.
        You clutched the compass, pulling it to your chest. Not many ever forgave you for helping destroy the same thing that they were all fighting to protect, throwing all of their work down the drain like expensive wine. Sometimes it ate at the core of your brain, no matter how badly you wanted to apologize to the children that had to face the wrath of the man with big dark horns, or even witness the once lively leader loose his ever-living mind to the nagging voices and now a boy sent to exile by his own friend, the one who he saw as an actual brother. 
        Is this how Eret felt? When he expressed his remorse for the final control room? 
        Heaving a sigh your e/c eyes drifted out of the window as your mind settled on the boisterous blonde's home, one that use to bound pridefully down the prime path that just so coincidentally happened to lead up to his doorstep, chest puffed, and head held high. It was eerily quiet without his high-pitched laugh or passive aggressive threats. A spark of memory flashed through your mind as you recall a conversation with a certain winged man. 
        "That kid, I'm telling ya, he's given me more gray hairs than my own son." He chuckled humorously as he watched his adopted blonde son clash his skull against the firm horn of his friend. Crying out in pain before rubbing the soon to be bruised spot that blossomed due to their recklessness. Tubbo on the other hand, clutched his stomach that grew tense with laughter a few breathy taunts leaving his cavernous lips.
        He spoke about how incredibly corrupt that government was, how it tossed the presidential titles around like it were a game of Ga-ga ball, and whose ever feet the ball just so happened to hit was the new ruler of the damned nation. The blonde man spoke of how that government drove his one and only son to dementedness and now cast the other aside, doomed to bare exile with the ghastly apparition of who once was. After your departure from L'Manberg, much like Technoblade, you gifted the two a compass that led to your home located just off the prime path, a way to locate you faster when needed. 
        A content but solemn smile tugged at the edges of your lips as you began to reminisce the better times, the times you were still considered a 'good person' but you too, had shoved the goads of violence to the back of your mind. Now, you did not have the voices that sang out in demand for blood, but you did have the invasive or intrusive thoughts that would dance around your mind like a ballet dancing the nutcracker. They were tempting, urging you to wrap your large palms around the throat of anyone who stepped foot on your doorstep, watch as their lively eyes glazed over with the thin sheet of death or maybe see your clawed fingers tainted with the said crimson whine. 
        This is what war does to a person.
         No matter who they are. 
        A person could have the kindest heart and brightest eyes that one has ever seen before being tainted by the trauma of war that could make any man go berserk.
        But it's not the memories that were left behind that made these impulses bubble to the surface, it was the blood that stained your tongue during it. Once an animals tongue collides with the copper relish of blood, it lingers like honey, like a craving even. And that is exactly what it was for you, a nagging craving that had turned sour as of the recent months. You blamed the damned hybrid side of you, the rabid bear. 
        The snap of the fire awoke your dazed figure back to reality as you glanced over, eyeing the glowing ember that sat on the waxed wood of your floor, with a groan you heaved yourself to your pawed feet before padding towards where the smoldering chunk of charred lumber lay, nonchalantly kicking it back into the hot pit to smolder into ash. 
        'Get ready my dearest friend they have bound my wings, they've found you.'
        Gaze snapping to the communicator that sat atop the end table next to the hard leather cover of your recent read the screen illuminated. No one ever messaged you unless they wanted something from you, or it was an emergency. 
        Nimbly dancing around the furniture that littered your path, your large, clawed manus lifted the device to your line of sight. It was from Philza. The text a whispered message.
        >(Y/n) whispered to Ph1lzA< What do you mean 'they've found you'? Who is it?
        Panic slowly installed itself into the core of your stomach as the whisper sent, jumping around like an energetic puppy being taunted with an afternoon walk. 
        Who found you?
        What did they want?
        They bound his wings? 
        Did he mean Chat?
        Seconds felt like eons as your (e/c) hues stare daggers into the electronic device. If looks could kill, that communicator would be fine ribbons.
        >Ph1lzA whispered to you< The Buther army, they found your compasses. I don't have much longer for they are confiscating the communicator, be safe m8.
        The Buther Army, a battalion of men who seek vengeance on the ones who've wronged them, and it looks that you were one of the people at the top of that list.         
        Your rounded ear flicked as a stoic expression stoned your features into a thin but serious line. You needed to prepare. 
        Instantly your hands got to work, thumbing through the pages of your brewery book, collecting the needed supplies to whip up the potions you would undoubtably be needing to face multiple men alone. The house reeked of panic as your lip pulled into a focused snarl, revealing the sharp edges of your canines, jabbing the stick to your grinding bowl against the fragile blaze rod you spun the wand, crushing the rod into a fine powder to then be turned into strength potions.
        Your dark tinted armor sat on a nearby armor stand prepared and enchanted, ready for usage, in the stands hand a glistening netherite sword that shone with enchantments, in the other a bow that too sang with advanced enchants. (Technobalde had helped you find the best enchantments and how to get them).        
        A nearby stand bubbled as the brewing came to a finish to which you swiftly slid into your hotbar, storing the rest in the slots of your inventory. Minutes turned to hours as your grueling work was done.
        Fixing the strap of your armor your pawed feet slid into the metal of your boots that had been tailored by the great Puffy herself, lords bless that woman's soft soul. With the dusting of your shoulder to rid of the red stone dust, gun powder and blaze powder you were ready, body reverberating with fluctuating anxiety that gnawed at the core of your mind, clouding it with blurry cotton.
        They were bound to approach you first since you were undoubtedly closer to the reconstructing nation built off of corruption and pain and you were sure Philza had messaged Technoblade to inform him of the approaching battalion that approached your home radiating malice. 
        Fixing your sights on the carpet that sat at the foot of the rocking chair that you sat in just moments ago you eyed the fabric remembering what lied beneath. Swiftly making your way towards the said furniture you tossed the carpet aside revealing the trap door it concealed.
        A growl left your throat as the front door vibrated from the vigorous pounding as the lock held it in place.
        "(Y/n) Step out of your home and surrender your weapons." A venomous voice demanded firmly as the sound of metal on metal made it to your rounded hybrid ears, four, that's how many shadows' you'd counted from beneath the door. 
        The power behind each knock grew potent as you slipped down the hatch, the voice of Quackity being deafened by the banging door. 
        Grabbing the legs of the rocking chair you swiftly pulled it over the hatch as it rested on your head against the cold metal of your helmet. At this point the knocking was no longer but the hard thud of a boot colliding with the now splintering wood you lowered the hatch still covered with the carpet down. And with that you began climbing down just as the door was thrown against your wallpapered walls. 
        "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!" The duck hybrids voice reeked with sour venom as he spoke, you could hear the group of boots thumping against the floorboards over your head. "WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT BEAR!" His voice seethed hatefully. 
        Your boots hit the stone of the tunnel that stretched farther than you would have liked but this here hall of cold stone is what divided you from being captured and possibly killed and freedom that shown just beyond that faintly glowing opening just a few yards away.
        "Look at this," Fundy spoke deathly close to your hatch as the sound of furniture being tossed aside like a child's toy made it to your ears a deep odious chortle radiated the bird man's throat as the hatch was thrown open. Thats when the two of you made eye contact. A snarky smirk pulled at the corners of your lips as a two fingered solute was directed to the seething Quackity clad in netherite armor. 
        enraged vociferation erupted as you slid a speed potion from your belt and popping the cork before again glancing up at the winged man who scaled swiftly down the ladder, earth brown hues that burned with a dangerous fire still locked on your form. With a playful chuckle and wink you downed the vials contents that took effect almost as soon as it made contact with your lips, legs pumping, creating distance between you. Capture. And freedom.
        The illuminated opening approached rapidly as a crazed adrenaline-filled grin spread across your features. Blood pumped loudly in your rounded bear ears. But as fast as it came it was gone as your euphoria only lasted a few moments; the familiar sound of hissing sounded faintly, even the sound of racing blood and thinning adrenaline it made your whole world slow almost to a stop. 
        As if time were being manipulated as said, it seemed to slow as you frantically tried to stop your speeding form from the now crumbling wall, the shards blooming from beside your head, the sight just out of your prefrail vision as your armored hands lifted to shield your face.
        Like the flip of a switch time returned, your door to freedom slammed shut as your fingers brushed its closing knob. So close but again, so far. Your body was flung back to skid across the stone floor, a few hot morsels slicing through the flesh of your cheek. The sound of shattering glass made you curse loudly as the contents of your potion bottles spilled against the cold floor. Your shock was momentary as you regained your composure, jumping back to your pawed feet clumsily.
        The exit was blocked by debris. 
        There was no way out.
        Ringing enveloped your erratic senses, vision blurring together.
        The exit was blocked by debris. 
        There was no way out.
        You had to fight. 
        Guess it's time to sooth your hunger, your thirst for blood. 
        Turning to face the four who stood in the narrow hall, you lifted your netherite blade in comparison to their four diamond axes that were too raised, ready to strike.        
        Quackity's chest bounced with entertainment as your form took a battle stance as he lifted his axe, directing the point towards your now bulked form obscured in tainted and matted fur as you huffed, still out of breath from running."(Y/n) (L/N), you are under arrest for the assistance of destroying L'Manberg and being associated with Technoblade. You are here by sentenced. To death..."
        "That's great. That's wonderful, but you gotta get outta here Wilbur." Technoblade stated firmly pushing a finger to his temple to sooth the raging voices that roared in his ears whilst pulling the blade from its place on his mantal. The pale skinned ghost turned to face his younger brother as stress knitted into the skin of Techno's brow. "They're gonna come, they're gonna see you- and they- I don't know what they're gonna do to you-" Technoblade turned swiftly to another brewing stand, removing the potions from their spots on his counter, "-I don't know what they're gonna do to me but- I don't think it's gonna be good." Fixing the round vials to his belt, Technoblade lifted the shawl from its hook before swinging it around his shoulders, locking the chain that held it in place. 
        Ghostbur held his fist to his chest anxiously as he hovered over the wooden floor of his piglin brother's cabin. Technoblade turned to face the transparent male with a sigh, placing a hand on his shoulder before opening the door. "Alright, there are some bad men Wilbur that are coming to get me-" The pink haired male's words halted in his throat as the said ghost exited close behind the taller male. Swiftly making his way towards the spruce fencing that lined the staircase Ghostbur leaned over with wide oxy eyes. With a gasp the man pointed a directed finger to the open field of snow. "Techno look..." Scarlet hues following the older of the two's finger to the open tundra the piglin froze with furrowed brows. "It's a sign!" Wilbur turned back to his younger brother excitement swirling in his glossy black orbs. "Blue!"
        "Ghostbur, I need you to take that sheep." Using the tip of his sword to point tot he said animal he looked the ghost of Wilbur Soot in the eyes before speaking again. "And get as far away from here as possible." 
        Ghostbur's features shifted happily as he excitedly heeded the others warning. "Can I have a leash?" The man questioned innocently rubbing the knitted cuffs of his yellow sweater anxiously. He did NOT like the way the pinkette was acting. The said male rushed back into the house as Ghostbur sat atop of the plywood that connected the fencing rails.
        "Yeah, I can go far away," glancing back towards the taller male he watched as Technoblade's large pink ears flicked prudently. "Would it be easier for you if I went far away?" 
        "Uhh, I just want you to be safe Ghostbur!" Technoblade replied as he lifted the top to another chest, ferreting frantically through it before jumping to another letting the lids fall closed with a loud thud.
        "I'm always safe Technoblade, I'm already dead." The ghost floated towards his twin who hastily shoved the lead into his transparent hands, "what are they gonna do? Double kill me?" The brunette chuckled humorously at his own joke but stopped as he saw the glint of desperation in the other man's crimson hues.
        "Ghostbur, it's stopped snowing- go as far away as you can or go and hide over a hill or something, alright?" Leading the ghost out of the door he raked a clammy palm through his infrared locks as the said other contently bound from the lifted porch, lead in hand as he approached the animal, latching it to the lead and softly tugging it towards a nearby hill cameoed in thick pine. "Bye bye Techno, have fun preparing for the event!"
        Returning back to sporadically searching through the many chests that lined the walls he retrieved what he saw fit for battle, the paranoia that devoured his mind making things all the lot harder.
        Were they only going after him?
        What if they hurt Ghostbur?
        Was Phil okay?
        Were you okay?
        It had been a good long while since the God of Blood had fought another, it had been too long since his hands knew the form of his hands wrapped around the hilt of a sword tainted with blood. Maybe if things weren't as he seemed it wouldn't come to that, maybe he could negotiate with the ensemble to prevent spilling blood. He was a retired man, he sworn against violence a long time ago and sought refuge within the snowy tundra to live out his retirement.
        Chatter awoke the man from his thoughts as a pink bore ear flicked towards the source, crouching low the man clad in red and netherite tip toed his way towards the window where the voices seemed to grow louder. Using his index finger to lift the cloth of his drapes Technoblade peered through the thick sheets of glass softly blanketed with frost and fog. 
        Swiping a hand across the glass he peeked into the night where he saw Ghostbur chatting contently with the netherite wearing men. "He got captured IMIDIATELY, I've never seen a man get captured to quick holy Hell." The said ghost glanced towards the cottage every so often he gave a polite wave before pointing excitedly towards the windows. 
        "Shit, no, no don't wave at me- NO, DON'T POINT AT ME! DID HE JUST TURN AND POINT AT ME!" Pinching the bridge of his nose Technoblade groaned out in despair before sighing heavily before again peeking out the window, a bead of sweat dripping down his chin.        
        "Oh crap, they have full enchanted netherite- I thought they were broke-" The man chuckled to himself before lifting the curtain a bit higher to see what was happening despite not being able to hear the conversation. Almost instantly Ghostbur's face brightened impossibly bigger as he frantically waved at the man in the window. 
        Dropping the curtain, the man pressed the heels of his palm into his eyes with a groan of complaint. Standing from his crouched position he pulled the curtain all the way open only to cry out in complaint as Ghostbur ran enthusiastically towards the cottage.
        "HEY TECHNOBLADE! They say they're gonna kill you Technoblade-" Opening the wooden doors Ghostbur invited himself in approaching the nether beast.
        Technoblade lurched forwards to catch the door handle as Ghostbur again made his way outside, "Ghostbur- why- why are you leading them over to my house Wilbur- why are you doing this?" Ignoring his brother's words of betrayal Ghostbur turned to face the others scarred face. "What would you like me to say back to them?" Glancing towards the hill that the group of now four stood Technoblade eyed them wearily.
        "Uh, how about you look at them and tell them that I'm not here."
Ghostbur's brows furrowed tightly. "But that'd be lying, I don't like lying!"         
        "We- THEY'RE GOING TO KILL ME WHY ARE YOU NOT OKAY WITH LYING!? Aaand they're all here- and their all right outside my house- Thanks Ghostbur" standing on the flight of stairs Technoblade puffed out his chest as he clutched the hilt of his sword closer unsure to use it or not.        
        "Oh, Hello again Technoblade." Quackity's lips pulled into a wicked grin as Tubbo fixed the handle of his hatchet in his hand.
        "Uh, hello guy's, why have you guys come all the way over here- to my humble abode?" The said man descended the stairs where he stood a few moments ago as he eyed the Four before him. Quackity, Fundy, Ranboo and Tubbo. Where was the third? 
        Tubbo stepped forwards with a slight tremble in his stance as he spoke with a wavering voice. "Technoblade." He inhaled. "You need to pay for your war crimes." 
        "Woah, woah, woah, that was in the past man, alright? That was a different Technoblade. I'm a changed man now! I'm in retirement, I'm a good person now Tubbo." Here he went, negotiation, maybe he would be able to change their minds with assurance.
        Quackity hummed in denial whilst shaking his head, nose scrunching with malice as he lifted his axe to point at the man who stood before him the sheen of antipathy grew thicker with each passing second. "Techno, you and (Y/n) exploded L'Manberg with fucking-"
        "You two literally spawned withers EVERYWHERE!" Tubbo cut in, placing a firm hand to the ravenette's shoulder. 
        Shrugging the brunette's hand away the duck hybrid stepped forwards slightly, mock understanding lacing his already ill toned voice. "I'm sorry Technoblade, but you two need to be brought to justice for that. And there is nothing I can do to change that" The male shrugged boldly, spinning the blade of his axe in his hand.
        "Okay- Listen you guys, I've gone through so much effort over the past months to change my violent ways, I have reformed alright?" Lifting an empty hand to his head an index finger jabbed into the flesh of his temple as he spoke again. "The VOICES demand blood, and I- I have been denying THEM! I've been fighting back! PLEASE, please don't make kill all of you." Letting his hand drop the other that held the hilt of his sword directed to the four who stood before him before backing away a step. "Please just leave."
        A tenseful silence fell upon the men before one spoke again. "Technoblade, please just come peacefully..."
        Quackity lifted a hand to silence the president of the broken nation as he nodded firmly with a nonchalant shrug, "you know what, yeah, how about you show us around? Show us what you've been doing while in retirement. Let's do this peacefully."
        Technoblade tensed at the raven-haired man's tone as he side stepped away from the four, swiftly approaching the far side of his house hesitantly sliding the sword into its spot on his hip. "I- huh- Well I have Bees' here, aren't they nice?" 
        Tubbo's eyes lit up slightly now with relaxed shoulders at the mention of his favorite mob, approaching the small makeshift bee farm he placed a hand against the glass as one shimmied its chunky body from the hole of its hive to nuzzle into the flowers that lined the wall. At the sight of this the four others openly approached the bee farm. 
        With a few wary backpedal steps, the pig hybrid turned on the ball of his heel, sweat gathering at the hair of his brow as he began to run from the distracted battalion of four.
        After a few moments and a few feet away shouts of panic instilled as multiple footsteps followed behind the taller male who then skidded to a stop, hands raised in mocking surrender. "Hey, hey, hey, it was just a joke-"
        "You know what, fuck it Techno, we tried to do this civilly, but we won't let you out of here in one fucking peice, we are going to fuck you up techno. It's either going to be the easy way or the hard way. We're going to go back to L'Manberg and you're going to come with us. There's no other way around it." Quackity spun his axe skillfully as he took a battle stance.
        Technoblade's brows knit together tightly as the voices began to chant.
        Blood for the Blood God.
        Blood for the Blood God!        
        His top lip pulled into a snarl revealing the sharpening canines, his figure seeming to take on new heights as patches of fur bloomed across his skin, the armor that sat loose across his stature grew tight as he revealed his full glory. 
        It was time to sooth their hunger.
        With a huff from his snout and the snap of his jaw's he growled. "If that's how it is... I CHOOSE BLOOD!" Ripping the leather belt from his waist he slammed it down, the glass splash vials that lined it shattered coating the beast in its contents as his muscles bulked, eyes grew dilated with speed and the screaming voices, followed with his body ached with regeneration. Technoblade ripped the sword from its sheath as he sprung, blade raised high with the intent to kill.
        The sharpened edge dug into the handle of Quackity's axe before unloding it from the wood and hacking down again as the said bird hybrid spun away, avoiding the deadly strike.
        Panicked shouting ensued as the group of four scattered, slipping against the sheet of snow.
        Turning his attention towards a certain fox featured boy Technoblade dug the hooves of his feet into the frozen forest floor, launching himself forwards delivering an armor crumbling blow. Clutching his now aching ribs Fundy scrambled to escape the beast's power whilst crying out about how God damned heavy, he hit even with the performance enhancing potions.
        Sliding just a few feet away was Tubbo, axe at the ready as he charged the pink coated beast that snarled, clouds of hot smoke bellowing from his nostrils as he too charged, scarlet hues glazed with the intent to annihilate to cut down each and every single one of the men who dared disturb his retirement and force him back into the ways of violence, forcing him to collapse under the pressure of the voices to sustain their unquenchable thirst.
        Fear replaced the once confident look that crossed his face as the boy turned to run, netherite boots sliding against the frozen ground. A cry of panic escaped the ball in his throat.
        "BIG Q DO SOMETHING, BIG Q!" The hook in his boot caught the root of a tree, sending the president tumbling to the forest floor, diamond axe raised as Technoblade's sword collided with the base of the smaller blade, applying pleasure to the hilt of his sword the Piglin beast snarled as Tubbo's arms trembled under the unbearable weight as his emerald hues met with the dilated pair that danced with pain. 
        Strings of curses fell from Quackity's lips as he glanced about, looking for something to use for leverage, knowing full well he could use his gift but that was needed for more drastic measures.
        The blade of the hybrid's sword dug into the flesh of Tubbo's shoulder as he cried out, struggling to push the massive creature away from him in order to escape, but it seemed that no matter how hard he tried, his attempts always went down in vain.
        The familiar sound of hooves awoke The Blade from his stoper, snapping his head to the sound he saw Quackity perched on the back of a rearing Carl who whinnied in displeasure before shaking his head in a final attempt to rid of his new rider.
        Panicked, Technoblade tore his blade from the other's before turning to face the ravenette.
        "Technoblade, stop what you're doing, stop right now-"
        "Woah, woah, woah, woah, stop what you're doing. Get away from that horse Quackity." Lifting the blood tainted sword, the oversized beast directed it to the man who stirred the reigns of his stallion with a grin, satisfied that he finally found a weakness in the Legendary Technoblade. 
        "No." Quackity stated with a slight jerk of the reigns that willed the horse into a standing still as he held the handle of his axe to the horse's beige fur. "You get away from them Technoblade. If you pull any shit, I am going to kill Carl. I will fucking slay him if you don't get away from them." 
        The piglin beast's breathing stuttered as he widely stepped away from the two other hybrids.
        "Technoblade, I am going to kill your horse-"
        "-Why would you do that?"
        "Unless you cooperate." 
        Technoblade's eyes narrowed as he hesitantly stepped away from the raven-haired man who sat atop his noble steed. "What do you want from me?"
        "I want you to drop your shit, drop your shit Techno and Carl doesn't get hurt."
        With that being said the beast formed man threw his axe into the snow. 
        "All of it, this is not a negotiation. Drop it all"
        Technoblade glanced down at the blood slicked blade that sat light in his large palm before he huffed in what seemed to be amusement. "I can get a new horse if I need too. It doesn't matter." (I know he wouldn't really say this, but for plot's sake, he is.)
        Quackity looked slightly taken aback at the statement as the war criminal before him readjusted his grip on the swords hilt. With a stunned huff followed by demented and amused laughter the man on the horse shook his head with a nod. 
        "For some reason, I knew you'd say that. So that's why I brought you a gift, Technoblade." Digging the heel of his boots into the horse's ribs Quackity approached a small thicker part of the forest where he stopped and turned to face the oversized hybrid.
        Lifting a hand, the beanie wearing man spoke with wallowing pride as the gift was shoved from behind the thicket, the sound of chains rattling filled the tense thick air. "May I present to you-" Watching as it landed limply in the snow, Quackity slid from the horses back before hopping towards the thing like a child who was told they could have whatever they wished at the candy store. 
        Skidding to a stop, Quackity planted both feet on either side of the figure before gripped a fist full of hair, tugging the figures blooded face up from the soiled snow to reveal who it was. 
        "YOUR ONE AND ONLY APPRENTICE, TADA!!" He sang in excitement that he was finally able to reveal his plan B. 
        (Y/N) grunted painfully as Technoblade's breath caught in his throat. 
        Their (h/l) (H/c) locks were matted with dark and now frozen blood that had dripped down the crown of their head before drying, their nose busted and bloodied as clots of blood plugged each nostril, both lips that were now blue from the cold were split so deep that he was sure he could see the younger one's gums that were too painted crimson from their harsh faceplant into the icy ground as shallow and stuttering breaths wheezed past your swollen. The once nice thin clothes that they wore were torn and tattered, tainted with their own crimson whine, you had not been dressed to embark on a trip to the frigid tundra. Your hands were bound behind your back by a pair of copper cuffs.  (Copper is what keeps shape shifting hybrids from shifting into their animal form)
        But what made his blood turn cold was how deathly pale you were. From what he could see you lost quite a bit of blood while on your way over but the bruises and deep cuts that littered your figure did not make you look any better in any way shape and or form.
        Quackity held the handle of his axe with bubbling excitement as he glared challengingly at the shifted man. "Drop your shit Technoblade..."
        Technoblade was frozen where he stood, eyes glued to your weakened form. You looked to broken, your (e/c) hues that once glistened with courage and power now sat dull and defenseless, he could have sworn that he saw guilt swirl in those dull eyes of yours.
        Gripping the tufts of hair in his hand tighter Quackity lowered the sharpened edge of his diamond axe to rest tightly at the ball of your throat.
        "Or I will kill this kid, right in front of you."
        "Don't..." Your voice came out hoarse, tone just above a whisper, but he was still able to catch it. "You still have time to r-run." 
        Tearing his gaze from your shivering form, Technoblade dropped his sword.
        His potions.
        His crossbow.
        Golden apples. 
        All of it, before finally unlatching the hold-knob of his cloak and tossing it to the side and finally letting the glistening crown that sat atop his head clatter to the forest floor alongside his netherite armor. 
        His hands raised in surrender. 
        Quackity's brown eyes burned with victory as he removed the weapon from your throat, both of his feet from either side of you were no longer there, letting your head again fall into the snow you were then hoisted up from under your shoulder. Whimpering painfully, you unwillingly leaned against the ravenette for support as he danced giddily before his energetic facade dropped to look Technoblade dead in his rage filled eyes. 
        "So here is what's going to happen Technoblade, (Y/N). We are going to take you both back to L'Manberg to face trial. Alright?" His voice seethed as the other person he was supporting weakly lifted their head. 
        "Sounds like... Bull shit..."
        Tubbo stood, lips pulled into a thin line. "They just insulted our government..."        
        Technoblade snapped his head to face the ram. "Oh, we just insulted your, oh your government has been insulted. OHHH!"
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I had to put a few of Technoblade's funny moments because I am missing the hell out of that man.
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Edited and not proofread
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c!peer pressure duo headcanons
so this is kinda geared towards reader being platonically married to c!beeduo but it doesn't have to be (I only specifically mentioned like two hcs for that)
i was missing Techno a ton so here, I'm kinda hoping this'll help msdmfndnd not proofread
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Techno and Ranboo are the ultimate chaotic calm
mix that with any sense of humor and you've definitely got a good trio
both of them have difficulty with Techno's voices and Ranboo's voice which would probably prove stressful at times to say the least
y'all pull through though
these two would be so fun to hang out with
i mentioned mining with Ranboo but with Techno? whole different story
y'all probably end up seeking monster spawners to break the server with
Ranboo's creation of infinite cake definitely helps you three out when aDvEnTuReS
Techno brings you to blow stuff up regularly I wouldn't doubt
at night if any of the three of you have trouble sleeping Techno talks about mythology until you're able to rest
he claims it's solely for the sake of you and Ranboo being able to function/fight if need be but everyone knows he cares a lot
Techno definitely enjoys spending time with Michael as well. Techno, you, Ranboo, and Tubbo could spend hours in the woods walking with the kid and taking turns carrying him
dueling practice with Techno. need i say more
Techno makes sure Ranboo has a book at all times. if it's not the memory book even. anything's better than nothing
you would probably have a book as well. Techno makes sure of that, especially if you enjoy writing/drawing
Techno probably can't cook too well, he seems like a person who would burn it and proceed to eat it
so we leave the cooking to Phil
lastly imagine the hugs Techno would give
he tries not to seem like it but he gives off "doesn't let go first" vibes
and he waits for you to be ready
mans would absolutely be the best
Ranboo definitely tries at hugs
he's very lanky so it's slightly awkward but you make it work
memory boy our beloved
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blackout174 · 2 years
Disregard (part two)
Technoblade x Reader
Can be inferred as platonic or romantic
Tw: Arguing, Chase, Kidnapping, Dick kicking but he deserves it, Swearing.
Part 1
You hadn't talked with Techno for weeks.
Ignoring the buzz of your communicator, the letters that had been sent by crow, hell, even when Techno had apparently gotten Niki to come bang on your door, only to be met with a 'fuck off'.
You were just so god damn angry.
I mean, how could you not be? He never listened, and you clench your fist at all the times you'd have to talk to the others around and convince them not to go and try again to put his head on a stick. And when he commits more warcrimes it's even harder.
"Y/n? Hey it's Big Q, I wanna talk to ya."
You shoot up at the sound and the nickname. You knew to be wary of Quackity.
But he knew that after Techno threatened to take his other eye he'd...
You had forgotten about that.
You sighed and after grabbing an axe, warily made your way to the door and cracked it open a smidge.
He leans to look at you and gives a smile.
You don't smile back.
"... What do you want, Quackity?"
He sighs and then oddly enough... chuckles.
You feel your hairs sick on end and you grip your axe harder.
"What's so funny? If you just came here to laugh at me then you can go fuck yourse-"
You cut off by a green hand yanking the door open and you feel a hard kick to your stomach.
You roll and regain your bearings quickly, just in time to fucking move.
You doge Sam and bring your axe down on this shoulder.
You see sparks and hear a hiss as you throw yourself up your stairs and towards your communicator, with Sam and Quackity right on your heels.
You clicked on Technoblades icon just as Sam made it up the stairs.
You have 23 new messages!
You roll out of the way and jump the railing back onto the stairs and you curse as you feel your ankle bend in ways it shouldn't.
You select 'New Compose'.
Y/n: trap, quackery and san dont liztem sj had hgyrsxiggd
You feel Sam jump on your back and you manage to click 'send' on your comm before you turn and flail.
He drags you up with your arms behind your back and in a last attempt to flee you raise your leg up-
-and kick him in the dick.
You feel the hold on your arms go slack as Sam yells out a 'FUCK' and you grab your comm and dip, Quackity right on your heels.
You run through the trees, a birch forest as you look at your comm once more.
You have 3 new messages!
TB: What? Whats happening?
TB: Y/n?
TB: Hang in there, Phil and I are coming.
You realize with your bad ankle that you'll never outrun Quackity.
You look at your comm once more and decide to send one more message.
Might be your last.
Technoblade wouldn't see that message till he got to your house with Phil.
He would shout your name and feel a sense of dread as he gets no answer back.
He looks about your house and sees things knocked down and broken, and he can just about smell Sam and Quackity it here.
He feels anger.
The voices swarm with cries of vengeance.
Find her
Gouge out his eyes
Blood for the Blood God
He finds a note with a poker chick sitting on it, and he just about snaps the chip in half.
'Meet at Pandora's Vault.'
He finally, finally, checks his comm and he feels his heart drop.
You have 1 new message.
His grip tightens as he vows to get you back.
Y/n: Sorry.
I lied.
No fluff, only cry.
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marshmellowjay · 1 year
REQUESTS ARE CLOSED (updated: 6/17/2024)
Update y'all, I probably wont be writing more for a WHILE like idek if I'm in the fandom anymore besides watching techno, phil, Tommy and ranboo.
So I'll like keep this up for yalls sake but i will probably just be posting random shit tbh. Kk love y'all!
Under this is the actual masterlist:
(updated 4/1/2024)
Many of the fics in this masterlist are linked multiple times. So sorry if that's annoying! I will also no longer be writing for w1lbur s00t. You know why. But my old ones will stay up and be changed to the ' new techno twin' idea I have in the links. It will take a little while though.
My rules
Random fanfic ideas that you can use (please credit me):
Hate-love platonic clingyduo
Demon twins clingyduo and King Technoblade
New techno twin
Candyland (not DSMP although I can make a DSMP one if someone requests it)
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Yandere!Mcyt (Wilbur, C!Techno, Dream) react to their yandere s/o writing them a song (hate me by Nico collins)
Mcyt react to you going all out for valentines day
Mcyt react to FnF! S/o
Mcyt as your roommate/housemate
Sbi react to sick male reader (crack)
Mcyt react to you having midas powers
Mcyt react to you being a Neon-Beatboxer
Mcyt react to Ancient!Vampire!Reader
pt 1 Snow globe reader
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Mcyt react to FnF! S/o
Sbi react to sick male reader (crack)
Mcyt react to you having midas powers
Mcyt react to you being a Neon-Beatboxer
Mcyt react to Ancient!Vampire!Reader
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Mcyt react to you playing black ops 11
Mcyt react to you going all out for valentines day
Mcyt react to their Korean s/o's/Friend's spicy food. Pt 2
Mcyt react to you playing black ops 11
Mcyt react to FnF! S/o
Mcyt as your roommate/housemate
Sbi react to sick male reader (crack)
Mcyt react to you having midas powers
Mcyt react to you being a Neon-Beatboxer
Mcyt react to Ancient!Vampire!Reader
Mcyt react to korean!reader being able to use chopsticks
Jack Manifold
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Mcyt react to you going all out for valentines day
Mcyt react to their Korean s/o's/Friend's spicy food. Pt 2
Mcyt as your roommate/housemate
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Mcyt react to you going all out for valentines day
Mcyt react to FnF! S/o
Mcyt react to Ancient!Vampire!Reader
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Mcyt react to you having midas powers
Mcyt react to korean!reader being able to use chopsticks
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Mcyt as your roommate/housemate
Mcyt react to you playing black ops 11
Mcyt react to their Korean s/o's/Friend's spicy food. Pt 2
Mcyt react to you being a Neon-Beatboxer
Mcyt react to Ancient!Vampire!Reader
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Mcyt react to you being a Neon-Beatboxer
Mcyt react to their Korean s/o's/Friend's spicy food. Pt 2
Mcyt react to Ancient!Vampire!Reader
Dream Team
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Mcyt react to their Korean s/o's/Friend's spicy food. Pt 2
Yandere!Mcyt (Wilbur, C!Techno, Dream) react to their yandere s/o writing them a song (hate me by Nico collins)
Mcyt react to you being a Neon-Beatboxer
Mcyt react to korean!reader being able to use chopsticks
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faye-writes-stuff · 2 years
hey popping in to ask for a little platonic ask (if youd like to do it feel free to ignore if no ) maybe wilbur quackity and techno with a reader whose like a younger sibling to them
again no pressure :)
okokokok quick little something :DDD
Bro is literally the most fun brother ever
he would no doubt wake you up in the middle of the night to go do some cracked up shit
"y/n, y/n wake up" "wha- Q why are you standing on a chair in my room??" "because i said so, now get dressed were going to get frosties"
if your taller than him he will constantly harass you into doing things for him
if your shorter, well good luck to you my friend he will never let you live that down
when needed he can be serious, and helpful with problems
would absolutely kill for you
like seriously, if people pick on you, they are gone within the week
as much as he does jokingly, he would sing softly to help you sleep
deffo gonna buy you things that remind him of you, lie one minute you'll be minding your own business and the next you have a fluffy potato plushy thrown at your skull
"Quackity, why have you thrown this at me?" "because your a couch potato :D" "wtf" c!Technoblade-
so so awkward
don't get me wrong, he would be a great brother, he's just incredibly awkward
but like he would teach you to fight and stuff
so if he's not there to protect you, you can protect yourself
definitely the most protective brother
he's good at helping you sleep
with him there
insomnia begone
he will tell you greek mythology stories till you fall asleep
he is always prepared to defend and or back you up
either that or laugh at whatever dumb situation you have gotten yourself into
"sooooooo" "what did you do" "Tech, why do you always assume i have done something?" "because I know that look, that's your 'i done goofed' face" "damn it"
never had you thought you would hear the Technoblade say 'I done goofed' in your life but here you are.
10/10 protective, has and will kill people for you
very smart and helpful with homework overall all of them goodish big brothers :)
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fandomlit · 2 years
neutral, chap. 25 (dream smp x reader)
series summary (in game!au) when an exiled tommy finally rebels against a manipulative dream, he finds safety in neutral territory, a place owned and guarded by you. staying in your safe haven opens up the younger one’s eyes to your way of life, while also revealing your deeper past before neutral; a past that involved a war for your love.
chapter summary technoblade and tommy live out their days in the tundra. a visitor both expected and unexpected arrives at last..
warnings swearing
previous | series masterlist | next
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gif cred belongs to @yessassykittycollection​
technoblade found himself staring into the distant tundra more than he would care to admit. he just prayed to the gods every time he glanced into that endless snow that he’d see her trudging figure juxtaposed against the horizon. but the longing voices and the aching of his heart wasn’t enough to simply make her appear in the distance; only her own two willing feet could do that.
but of course, he always imagined that the one time he wasn’t looking would be when she was finally approaching.
technoblade immediately rushed around the side of the house, only to see tommy petting one of the chickens that roamed free around his warm cabin. tommy looked up.
“hey, techno,” the boy spoke innocently. “need something?” techno watched as tommy scooped the chicken into his arms with no resistance. the usually skirmish animal didn’t show even a shadow of complaint, even nuzzling into tommy’s chest.
technoblade let out a long huff. “you did not seriously name a chicken after her.”
tommy immediately let out a loud laugh; the chicken didn’t even startle at the abrupt noise. “is that why you came running? you heard me call to the chicken?”
“oh, well..”
“god, you’re a simp, man!”
techno just shook his head as if that would rid the rush of voices. “we’re just gonna ignore that ya named a chicken after y/n?”
tommy scrambled to answer, “i-i mean.. chickens are motherly!”
“really? that’s your defense?”
“can y/n come into the house?”
in just a week, tommy grew attached to the serene chicken. he constructed a new coop for the roaming chickens to nest in, a special bed for y/n especially, and insisted on making homemade feed to “improve egg production”; technoblade suspected it was all mainly to continue pampering the favored chicken.
“c’mon, tech,” tommy whined, the chicken cradled contentedly in his arms. “it’s freezing out there!”
“i live in the tundra, tommy,” the hybrid grumbled plainly.
“it’s supposed to be the start of a blizzard tonight,” tommy sighed. “c’mon, tech, please.”
techno looked to the chicken again, who had her eyes closed peacefully, embracing the warmth tommy brought. i’m going to regret this, he thought over the voices’ complaints. technoblade opened the door wider.
“fine. but just this once.”
tommy cheered, racing into the house and toward his room with the chicken.
technoblade sighed again as he closed his door. “when did i get soft?”
the storm was just starting to pick up outside when technoblade settled with his book. but even after ten minutes, he couldn’t quite seem to focus. the voices filled his senses with useless thoughts, and so instead he took to watching the snow float past his window.
‘i wonder if she’s alright.’ ‘do you think she’s made it out of the nether yet?’ ‘l’manburg’s too stupid to find her.’ ‘at least we have tommy back.’ he listened to the incessant droning with little consideration, until the many voices formed together to warn, ‘behind you.’
he immediately turned around, his hand instinctively reaching for the axe he had leaned next to him, only to be greeted with the sight of the favored chicken behind him. she clucked quietly at him.
“you’re all useless,” he muttered to his mind, settling back into his chair with a huff. she clucked again at him to draw his gaze. he shook his head at the animal.
“i’ve gone soft, haven’t i?” he questioned uselessly. the chicken’s head twitched into an inquisitive tilt. techno would’ve laughed had he not been so tired. he sighed out, reaching his open palm toward the chicken. she immediately pattered forward and brushed her feathery neck to his warm hand with a sound cluck.
in the strangest way possible, techno could understand why tommy had likened this chicken to y/n. it was oddly calm for a chicken, not frightened by any of the household men but also not completely unbothered by them. if she had been unbothered, technoblade imagined she would have left tommy’s embrace soon after he picked her up.
“you’re a weird little chick,” he spoke aloud again. the chicken abandoned his hand to push against his clothed leg. “you should be running from me right now. i like chicken soup.” she just clucked again, settling decidedly against his leg. techno sighed again before finally picking up his book. and for some odd reason, he was finally focused enough to read.
“he’s still with the chicken, huh?” philza chuckled when he saw tommy chasing around the sweet chick as she pecked at some of the scattered feed.
technoblade just shrugged. “he’s found a weird outlet for missing neutral, i think.”
“yeah,” phil laughed out. “oh, um, speaking of which..” techno watched as phil fished something out of his pocket. after a moment he presented an emerald ring. it wasn’t poorly crafted by any means, but it was most definitely a first trial. “a crow came back with this.” techno connected the dots and tried to ignore the race of his heart on top of the voices growing in volume. “judging i sent them out about a week ago.. she can’t be more than a week or two out now.”
‘she’s close.’ ‘she’s close!’ ‘god, i can’t wait to see her smile.’ ‘i hope her journey was safe.’ ‘is safe. don’t get too ambitious.’ ‘i hope she’s excited to see you.’ ‘i imagine she’s excited to see anyone at this rate.’ ‘i hope she gets here soon.’
philza, who always had a sixth sense for when the voices were meddling in his son’s mind, placed a grounding hand on technoblade’s shoulder. “she’ll be here soon enough, mate.” he turned his gaze and techno followed it to watch as tommy scooped the chicken up in his arms with a laugh. “we’re just playing the waiting game now.”
“dinner’s ready when you two are!” philza called out before returning to the warm interior of his house. tommy and technoblade shared a look and put down their gardening tools.
“race you in!” tommy yelled out, scooping up his favored chicken and running to the home. technoblade just sighed before walking after him.
when he entered the warm house, the chicken was picking at a small bowl left for her by the door. when technoblade turned his unamused eyes up, philza just shrugged at him.
“chickens have to eat, too.”
“sure,” technoblade grumbled in response, taking a seat at the table as philza set his plate in front of him. they ate with minimal chatter for a few moments before tommy spoke up.
“where do you think y/n is right now?” he inquired, gaze training on his warm plate.
philza and technoblade shared a look. technoblade raised his eyebrows at his father and philza cleared his throat, offering, “if we’re lucky, she’s headed here.”
tommy looked up. “you think so?”
“her safest option is here,” philza continued with a shrug. “she can’t go to l’manburg without risking a hell of a lot, she’s suicidal if she goes to dream, even eret’s is a risky option with ghostbur being there. l’manburg tends to stay away from here.”
“for good reason,” technoblade interjected.
philza chuckled, “yeah.” he shrugged as he loaded his fork with more food. “the only other logical place for her to go is..” he shook his head, “to foolish.”
tommy’s hopeful look faltered. “right. i forgot they knew each other.”
there was a moment of silence as philza and technoblade scrambled for a comforting word.
“she’ll come,” technoblade offered up. tommy’s head snapped up to him. he just shrugged at the younger boy. “she will.”
tommy’s shoulders seemed to relax. “yeah. yeah, she will.”
“y/n? y/n!”
though the call for the chicken was now a begrudging frequent in his life, it still made technoblade freeze every time. but the voices were quick to remind him of the damned feathery creature and techno just sighed.
“tommy, how many times do i have to-”
but when he rounded the corner, all of the breath left his lungs. he couldn’t even think to be snarky or teasing or anything he usually was in her presence. because holy shit, she was actually here.
y/n had tommy wrapped securely in her arms, face alight with pure joy and relief as her closed eyes fell into tommy’s chest. and then those beautiful e/c eyes were open and on him and he had never felt warmer in the freezing tundra.
when tommy pulled off of her he immediately sensed the two’s eyes locked and let out a quiet, “i’ll get some cocoa started. get your ears ready, ‘cause i have some things to tell you, woman.”
she gave him a smile, turning from techno for just a moment. “i can’t wait.” she watched as tommy scampered off before turning back to the hybrid. he couldn’t even find the words to say to express his relief. the voices were dead silent. “i would’ve been back sooner, but i had to stop and trade for warmer clothes.”
‘been back’ one of the voices helpfully repeated. as if this place were like a second home to her.
“you don’t have to justify your timing to me,” was all he could say, shaking his head as his body naturally leaned toward her. he caught himself in a step and scooped her into his arms before either of them could say anything else. she laughed out as her feet left the ground, wrapping her arms around the strong man. “’m glad you’re safe.”
“me too,” she muttered into his chest. 
taglist <3
QUICK NOTE, i realize that this series has been ongoing for a good bit and people’s blogs change! i’ve been trying to keep up with the changes but sometimes the tumblr tagging system gives me no leniency -- if you were once on the taglist and are no longer, please leave a comment, ask, or message me! i’d be happy to put you back on <3
@vanhakirja @victory-is-here @inkyynki @airiour @sylum @kiritokunuwu @alienreach1 @fussylover @keiarma @runningoffofcaffeine @nonetookind @feverish-dove @izuruamme @bialin @heyits-zedo @foolishwaitersblog @livshifts @truthdaze @sadassflatass @dreamyteam @jaciahbabes @milanienne @sleepingalaska @etheriaaly @mialubyy @aikochan4859 @spilltheearlgrey @cutiebear45 @xxtwizztedxx @ghostdoesstuff @crisis103 @lucian-kinnder @beaniedoodz @creatorofstars @snuffler04 @whalerus @londonbrandcandy @t0ta11y-n0t-cup1d @wormi @lwhatever @javapeach @y-napotat @queeresfp @sol-salamander @404reads @abuliawrites @bbigbbrainn @pog-sad-muffin @spac3goblyn @dianaswanda @boiled-onionrings @ray-rook @curlycarley @sleepycandyapple @givemeattentionnow @aremie @ozdramaqueen @queenofwordsandnerds @no-name-no-business @rubberduckyqueen @ruminationnn @peezbabey @minkuro @chibicherries @calumspupils @ghostburlovebot @my-name-is-milk @rk969 @dreamerwasfound @can-i-be-your-blue @uwucorpse @flirtyhyuck @blankettothemarket @parosuki @alex-the-fire-fist @facelessmatchstick @monkeydoll5 @blue-ishgrey @doodszs @pumpkincitrus @anemogae @askgeoff @awkward-youtube-trash @syrneo @averyisbackinthetrashcan @scarletpines @suranne-doesstuff @the-quiet-whispers-hunter @repostingmyfavs @busyfangirling12 @confused-red-head @beeissdead @chaotickyrith @internphantom @cryinghotmess @pspsps-pixie @kuethemoon @stardonutwithbread @bigdickdaddysatan​ @lettermessenger​ @sebby-staan​ @theblueblub​ 
comment, ask, or message me if you would like to be added <3
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imaginemcyt · 2 years
my l'manberg
just a little blurb i wrote! SPOILER WARNING. this is supposed to follow the canon storyline of the dream smp, taking place just after the manberg-pogtopia war, when wilbur and techno betray the nation. kind of an sbi au because i have problems. enjoy!
tw: language, angst
he laughs, the stupid green motherfucker laughs, and suddenly you're moving without even realizing, tears blurring your vision as you reach for your sword. but before you can strike, there are arms around you, hugging you. no, not hugging you— holding you back, preventing you from doing something stupid. keeping you from starting a fight you can't finish. you can't see anything beyond your tears and blind rage, but you can hear his voice in your ear. "it's futile, you'll only get yourself killed", and you know eret's right. you can't take dream, let alone dream and technoblade.
but you fight against him anyway, you fight against him with a vehemence you didn't even know you had until l'manberg. not because you think you can take them, but simply because you don't care. you don't care anymore, your home is gone, your own brothers have betrayed you, and you have nothing left. you're on your final life, but you're more than ready to die for your country, your l'manberg. then eret speaks again, and you stop fighting against him completely. three words, whispered to you by a once-traitor turned ally, are all it takes. "tommy needs you."
of course. your younger brother, the only one of your siblings who has never once betrayed you, never so much as lied to you. the only one who believed in l'manberg perhaps more than you did. you can't die now, your brother needs you.
eret's arms slowly remove themselves from your body, but you don't charge technoblade. that would be stupid, and you can't die when you have to look out for tommy. not when you have to help him get his discs back. not when you have to help tubbo rebuild his nation. you can't die here, not when there's so much work to do.
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prrism · 5 months
I arise from the void! *slams down post* Enjoy! *crawls back into void*
Spring Ache
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part ?
Summary: With Spring melting away the cold of winter you were ready to get to work, however Techno was not…
Characters: Techno x Reader
Relationship: Parental/platonic
Pronouns: Unspecified/kept neutral
Today’s gonna be a good day. With the cold of winter finally starting to melt away you were more then ready to get things ready for farming, while you did mostly work with weapons you enjoyed dabbling in other activities like farming, keeps you self sufficient and sharp to your surroundings. Not to mention you now had a little helper with you this time… or you would if he’d hurry up and get downstairs already.
“Techno! We’ve got a long day ahead of us, I need you down here.” You call, after a minute with no response worry starts to creep in. You upstairs and knock on his door. “Techno? Is everything alright?” Only a muffled whimper is heard, you quickly open the door to see him holding his jaw in pain. You kneel down and motion for him to approach, when he does you just lightly touch his jaw and he flinches away in pain, very abnormal.
“I’ll be right back, I’m gonna check something real quick.” You stand again and leave the room, you start looking through various bookshelves in hopes of finding something that could help. Old texts… fairytales… ah hah! Research notes on the Nether, it’s a bit of an outdated book now but it should have enough information for the time being. Flipping through most of it until you reach the section about piglins, proceeding to skim through it. You mumble aloud as you read through the section, finally finding what you were looking for.
“Our investigation has shown immature piglin’s start growing out their tusks between the young years of 6-10. Observed to be painful as they must outgrow the infant tusks. Many of the young seem to favour a certain mushroom native to the Nether at this time, acting as some type of numbing agent.” You look though the rest of the page and sigh, as helpful as the information is they never clarified which type of mushroom was used to help. Not that it mattered, Techno didn’t seem in any condition for a trip and you were certainly not going to just leave him here alone. You settle for a more human approach to the problem, sitting him back on his bed and handing him a bag of ice, he eyes you questionably.
“Don’t give me that, mister. When people get bad toothaches we usually numb the pain with some ice, you’ll also only be eating soft foods for a bit so you don’t hurt jaw more.” You hear him sigh, displeased. “I’ll make you some mashed potatoes.” Instantly he perks up again, you chuckle at this. “Alright, you try to relax for I bit, okay. Once this is over we’ll go back to our regularly scheduled routine.” He nods and you ruffle his hair, to his dismay, stepping away to get started on those mashed potatoes.
A week later and your garden is coming along great, showing signs of sprouting already. Phil had come by to visit a couple days ago, more then happy to give you a hand once you explained what was happening, sadly Kristen had to say back, apparently their own child was being rowdy, something about sand. With the extra hand you were able to check in with Techno more, switching ice packs when they melted and making sure he still had something to do, his jaw may have been hurting but that didn’t mean he couldn’t do anything. Today, while spreading some fresh bonemeal you hear someone approach, looking over to see Techno.
“Hey kiddo. Wanna help spread the rest of this on the carrots for me?” You smirk when he gives you an annoyed look.
“Do I have too.” He drones, you roll your eyes.
“Farming is just as important as fighting. Also those tusks are looking great.” You quickly add the last part. Techno looks at you confused, you summon your sword as it was the quickest reflective you had and let him see the newly grown in tusks.
“Whoa. So that’s why my mouth feels weird.” He inspects himself.
“I’m sure you’ll get used to them soon enough. Now about those carrots.”
“Yeah, I’m going.” He gives a light huff and takes some bonemeal from you, you smile. Yup, today’s gonna be a good day.
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serotonincemetery · 2 years
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Platonic!SBI + Reader
Sooo I had an idea, so this is kinda like an avian au where everyone is a birb like Phil. This will also be like a GN reader and can really be any because its They/Them! most of the next oneshots will either be Male or Non Binary, I don't really feel comfortable writing female readers that much anymore.
Techno: 17
You and Wilbur: 16
Tommy: 11
TW// Blood, mutilation, knives, needles, mention of vomiting, angst.
Anyways, this is fluffy in the beginning, then angsty, and maybe fluffy at the end, I haven't decided yet. Enjoy being apart of SBI!!
Edit: Its fluffy at the end!
You hadn't been the best at flying, being Wilbur's twin, Tommy's older sibling, and Techno's younger sibling, you had a lot of responsibility, you were really the only one with rational thinking unlike the rest of your brothers. But due to the fact that you had to look after them most of the time, it didn't give you time to yourself.
Plus with Tommy as the youngest, Philza gave him all the attention he wanted and needed. You as one of the middle's with not much about you unlike your brothers, (and being the only sibling with almost complete independence) Phil didn't really think you needed his attention all the time.
Which in this case, his attention was needed, because you couldn't fly, but besides from you preferring to stay on the ground, you'd never learnt how to fly and properly use your wings.
"Phiiilllll" You drawled out as you stumbled down the stairs and landed on the floor and shuffled into the kitchen to see Phil cooking breakfast.
"What's up, [Y/N]?" He asked as he turned to you while setting the spatula down.
"When are we going into town?" You ask.
"Probably at noon? Why?" He quizzed you.
"I just wanna go out, I feel confined and I wanna go buy you, Wil, Techno, and Tommy something." You said with a grin.
"Alright, how about you go wake the boys up, and we will have breakfast, get ready, and then we will go out earlier?" He compromised.
"Bet!" You said with a large grin, you turned heel and bolted up the stairs and into Tommy's room. "Get up, Tiny!" You said as you quickly grabbed the pillow from under his head and hit him with it.
It gave you a lot of satisfaction when you saw him trying to avoid the hits with the pillow. You threw the pillow at him and ran back to yours and your twin's room. You glanced at Wilbur and yanked the blanket off him and started singing some of the sheet music you of his you had read off-key.
"You need to lower your voice a bit to get the right pitch." He mumbled.
"You need to get up! If we eat breakfast really fast we get to go into town!" You said while grabbing his leg and pulling Wil out of bed.
You drop his leg and run out of the room and went to Techno's room and gently knocked and opened the door slowly. He was already awake and sitting at his desk running his hand through his hair. He seemed to notice your presence because he leaned back in his chair and looked at you. "Mornin'" He drawled.
"Morning Techno!" You said happily. "Come downstairs for breakfast when you're ready because we are gonna be going into town!"
" 'lright" Techno said as he turned back to his desk and took out a new piece of parchment and scribbled down a few words. "I'll be down in a few, lemme finish this letter and I'll see ya down there." Techno said quietly.
It gave you an off feeling but you thought you were being paranoid. You then smiled. "Alright, see you soon!" And with that you went back downstairs to see Wilbur and Tommy complaining about something along the lines of bananas.
You shuffled over to your regular seat at the table and sat down. A few moments later Phil came over with plates of food and set them down, Techno followed soon after from down the stairs.
The next half hour was filled with chatter amongst the five of you about the day ahead and plans for the weekend. Phil was gonna be going out for a day or so, Wil was heading into town to preform his music, Tommy was gonna go hang out with a few of his friends, Jack, Niki, Tubbo and some kid he calls Quackity, but his name's Alex. And finally, you and Techno were planning to do some exploring in the woods past the town.
After breakfast was over with everyone got dressed properly. And was getting ready to head into town. You had gotten dressed in [Outfit if your choice, if you wanna, comment! I wanna see what you peeps come up with!] and grabbed your pouch of gold and your bag. You put the pouch in the bag and slung it over your shoulder.
You walked downstairs and pulled your [Shoes/boots, etc.] on and stood outside and waited. As you waited, Wilbur and Techno came out to wait as well. "Tommy's being stubborn." Wil laughed." He wants to wear his cloak and paper crown to match Techno."
"Rightfully so. I'm awesome, if I do say so myself." Techno said with a chuckle.
When Tommy and Phil came out finally, Tommy was wearing one of his green t-shirts and paper crown. You smiled and watched as Tommy waddled out of the house, with Phil following behind him.
You smiled and ran over to your horse. You quickly fastened the saddle on him and placed your foot in the stirrup and pulled yourself up. "Come on buddy, lets go." You say as you gently put your heel in his side.
You watched as your brothers and father unfolded their wings and you watched as they flapped them enough until they were off the ground. You watched as Phil helped Tommy into the air, you remembered Phil was teaching you to fly. He stopped after Tommy came into the picture, he became solely focused on Tommy and you were pushed to the back of the photo.
You frowned as you rode your horse on the trail through the woods to the village.
When you all had gotten there and landed, you separated from the group to go and buy a few things. You went over to a crystal kiosk that was in the middle of the town with a bunch of other stalls. You found a small box of amethysts and picked out a few. They represented your family, the biggest for Phil, as he is the oldest and your father, the second largest for Techno, you had found two that looked almost identical, so those were for you and Wilbur, and a smaller one for Tommy, as he is the youngest.
You brought them to the man who ran the stall. He had a huge handlebar moustache and wore a cowboy hat. "Hi, how are you?" He asked politely.
"I'm doing alright, thanks. How about you?" You asked.
"I'm doing okay, did you find everything you were looking for?" He asked with a smile.
"Yeah I did! I am buying five amethysts." You said as you placed them down in front of him. "I'm buying them for my dad and brothers." You smiled.
"Ain't that just sweet." He awed. "Well, since you are so well-mannered, I'll cut a few gold off." He smiled. "That will be 7 gold." He said as you pulled out your gold pouch. You reached in and grasped 7 gold coins and placed them on the counter. The man smiled and grabbed them and placed them in a box under the counter. "If you ever need anything I live down the pathway, take your first left and 4 cottages down." He said kindly.
"Thank you! And I'll remember that." You said as you grabbed the five crystals. "Have a good day sir!" You said as you turned around, ruffled your nearly useless wings and waved.
"You as well, see ya later birdy." He chuckled and looked away cheerfully.
You walked away and rejoined with the rest of your family, feeling eyes on you. You stopped for a moment to look around. You frowned and turned back to your family and walked with them.
Everyone had gone home, they flew while you rode your horse, but you still felt eyes on you, it was a feeling you couldn't shake. You made it home, after everyone was in the house. You tied your horse up outside and walked outside the house. You sat down facing towards the house as the sun was going down and enjoyed the brisk breeze.
As the wind was blowing in your ears you failed to hear the two set of footsteps behind you, creeping up closer and before you could react, someone put your in a headlock and covered your mouth with a rag while another man held a syringe and quickly jabbed it into your arm and pushed whatever was in the needle into your arm.
You felt your mind go hazy as your body went limp and you felt exhausted. You felt every poke and prod at your wings and when it came time for them brandish a knife, you couldn't move nor speak. You tried to move your muscles, anything. You struggles were in vain as you had barely muttered your father's name and the two men laughed.
They dragged your body further from the house, just into the tree line and in the bushed where unknowing to you, is where you would spend the next 6 hours.
You felt the cold metal against your wings and felt the sharp pain that followed as they began to basically saw your right wing off after they had pushed you to the ground and kept a knee on the base of your neck.
Every jagged cut on each wing, you could feel it. Every turn of the knife, every movement. You could feel it all but all you could do is lie there muttering your dad's name and cry.
You didn't understand how they couldn't hear anything going on. Or any of them wondering where you went. Did they care at all? You cried harder as your eyes stung from the tears that welled up at the corners of your eyes.
As you had just went to try and move again, there was a soft thud. "One down. One to go."
You felt as the knife and calloused hands gripped your other wing and started cutting. Feeling the tendons split as your back started to ache even more, the blood running down your ribs and down the small of your back and pooling there.
You whined Wil's name before crashing and your head became too much and your vision was enclosed in darkness.
You woke up, feeling someone or something warm. They were carrying you with one arm under your legs and one around your back. It seemed to be placed very strategically so it wasn't even anywhere near your wings.
You tried to speak but it came out as a cough. You opened your tired eyes and looked at who it was, and it was the man with the handlebar moustache from before. "I'm bringin' you home, don't worry." He sighed.
You barely nodded and slumped down, watching as this man was still walking out of the woods? Did those men drag you further into the trees than before?
You watched hazily as your family's house came into view. You saw your horse and Tommy's little family of raccoons scuttling away as the man with the moustache carried you up the stairs and kicked the door to try and get their attention.
You quickly heard footsteps run to the door and heard the lock click as the door was swung open. You saw Tommy's face contort into something horrified. "[Y/N]!" He exclaimed as he went to hug you. You gasped as his arm ran across what was your wings, which is now two bloody stumps. You jolted away and let out a cry of pain.
"Where's your father?" Moustache man asked.
"Who are you?!" Tommy shouted, trying to seem confident and intimidating.
"I'm Cormac, I was talking with [Y/N] yesterday at the market and I found them while I was walking to my daughter's house." Cormac explained. "Now where is your father?" He asked hurriedly.
"Dad, Techno, and Wil went searching for [Y/N] hours ago." Tommy sniffed.
"Go find them, I'll get [Y/N] inside and get them to lay down." Cormac muttered as he passed Tommy. "Go." He ordered and Tommy quickly ran and took flight to go search and bring back his father and brothers.
Cormac quickly shuffled over to the couch and placed you down on your stomach and rushed to the bathroom to search for a medical kit. He soon found one and made it back to you and saw you crying while clutching a pillow between your arms with your feet tucked up closer to you.
"It hurts." You cried.
"I know, I know, but we'll get you fixed up, and you'll be fine." His voice wavered. "Okay birdy? You'll be okay."
"W-Wheres dad?" You asked, fresh tears falling from your eyes.
"I don't know but he'll be here soon-" Cormac paused at the front door, which had swung open quickly and emeged from the outside was Tommy pulling on Phil's sleeve with tears running down his face while Techno and Wilbur followed behind quickly.
When Techno saw the stranger in his house he quickly drew a sword. "Stop!" Tommy shouted as he gripped Techno's arm. "He brought them here! He saved them!"
Phil rushed over to you and looked at the two bloody stumps where your wings once were. "Dad," you cried. "Will they grow back?" You sniffed.
"I'm sorry kiddo. I don't think so." He muttered. You muffled a cry as you buried your head in the pillow. "We'll bring you upstairs where you can lay out more and we'll have more space." He said shakily as he picked you up and brought you upstairs. You watched as Tommy clung to Techno and Wilbur had an empty look that was fixated on you.
Wilbur followed quickly into your room and they set you down. Cormac was talking to Phil and soon enough, Phil dismissed him. Cormac walked past Wilbur and stopped beside him and put a hand on his shoulder. "The best you can do is be there for them." He said before patting his shoulder and walked out.
"Wil.." You muttered while glancing at him. His vision snapped over to you. You weakly patted the bed beside you as Phil was running in and out of the room to make a potion and get the wound cleaned up.
Wilbur walked over to you and sat down, you weakly pulled him down and laid your head on his arm and cried softly. "I'm sorry." Wilbur muttered.
"Shut up." You said softly. "Not your fault"
"I didn't pay attention to you and even when you didn't come into the house. I should've payed attention." Wilbur explained.
"I'll be fine. Be quiet and relax." You mumbled as you drifted off in pain.
Within the next few weeks you had barely left your room, due to the fact that you had no balance anymore without your wings, and the back pain you felt constantly didn't let you go that far. Tommy and Wilbur were at your side at all times. One night in particular Wil and Tommy fell asleep in your and Wil's shared room. Phil had came in to check in on all of you.
"Hey [Y/N].." He sighed. "How are you doing?"
"Alright I guess. It still hurts." You frown.
"You'll feel better soon." Phil said softly.
"It's not just that, dadza.. It's also in here." You sighed as you gently knocked on the side of your head.
"How so?" He asked.
"Why did you forget about me when Tommy was born?" You asked.
"What?" He asked.
"When Tommy was born, you were teaching me to fly because most of my primary feathers had grown out. But when he was born, you stopped and basically forgot about me." You looked down and fumbled with your hands
Phil seemed speechless. He hadn't realized it at all. He had neglected you completely. "I-" Phil didn't know how to respond.
"Was I really that hard to teach that you drop me the moment someone else comes into the picture?" You asked while looking up at him.
"No. No not at all!" He reassured. "I won't deny the fact that I forgot about you. I'm sorry." Phil mumbled. "I am so sorry. I honestly didn't realize it at first and thought that the reason you didn't fly was because you didn't like to or you didn't want to be defined by your wings." Phil looked down and sighed.
You spoke up. "You always treated the others more like family than you do me, dad. You talk with them just fine but when you talk to me, you seem to be stepping on eggshells and trying not to say something." You pause. "Is there anything you want to tell me?" You ask
Phil shook his head. "I've told you everything."
"Well. I think then, once I'm healed up, Phil, I'm gonna move out. I have a few friends that I can live with." You sigh, letting your tears build up. "I'm sorry."
A few weeks later after you had the strength to move, you started packing your things. Everyone was trying to convince you not to leave. But you had your mind set on other things.
Soon enough you had all your clothes packed, and a few trinkets. You found a small box, made of wood, the hinges were rusted. You flipped the lock open and pushed the top off. Inside were the crystals you had bought over a month ago. You smiled softly, you closed the box and held the box in your hands as you took the last trunk with your things in it outside to the cart fastened to your horse.
You placed the trunk on the last free space on the bottom of the cart and fastened it into place. Everyone came outside and stood there.
"I'm gonna miss you [Y/N]" Tommy said as he ran towards you and hugged you. You quickly returned the hug.
"I'll miss you too Toms, but I need a change of scenery." You said softly and pulled away. You crouched down to his height and opened the box. You pulled out the smallest crystal and handed it to him with a smile.
Tommy's face lit up and grabbed the crystal.
"What did you buy for us?" Techno asked.
"I bought a bundle of amethysts I had bought when we went into the village over a month ago, before.." You paused. "Anyways, I bought these from Cormac." You said as you fished out each crystal as you stood and patted Tommy's back and walked towards your brothers and father.
You placed the biggest crystal in Phil's hands. And gave him a hug. "I forgive you." You muttered. Phil quickly wrapped his arms around you. You felt his tears seep onto your shirt. "Here, Wil, Techno, the smaller one of the two is Wil's because I have one thats almost the exact same. And the bigger one is yours Techno because your our big brother." You smiled as you reached your hand out to hand them the crystals.
They take them and join the hug. So does Tommy. "Gonna miss you, nerd." Techno chuckled.
"Me too." Wil mutters.
"I'll miss all of you guys." You said. "But I'll come visit, after all, Wil? I think you know my new room mate." You say as you pull away from everyone.
"Who is it?" Phil asks.
You get on your horse and smile, while putting the box in a satchel. "Do you remember Niki?"
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