elen-aranel · 5 months
The D&D nerd in me wants to know what your four classes were. 👀
I am a bard-cleric-druid-paladin!
Here are my full results from the quiz:
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I don’t think I can really pick one… maybe bard?
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Techno Turian (ReCalibrated)
Because the great classics are for eternity, let’s not forget the greatest dancer of the Galaxy: Techno Turian!
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@writing-prompt-s @sleepdeprivedpikachu @khaotic-entity @pukicho @intercal @vampireopossum @hollowboobtheory @aurorealis9985 @flirtatious-slenderman @one-time-i-dreamt @pomeg-juice-and-rinds @majestictortoise @hero-of-dork @roach-works @thechillseekr @prokopetz @badjokesbyjeff @arend-8000 @mmolia @nyancrimew @tedlyanderson @j4gm @rockndluve @cargopantsman @antlerpunk @technoturian @kindagaybutnotgayenough You guys have gotten in the newest P.M. Seymour video!
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technoturian · 1 year
Hey Elon, I’ve got a great suggestion.
You’re having a problem because 𝕏 can’t be trademarked and I have the solution. You flank your super awesome 𝕏 with two smaller X’s, like little x-wings (Star Wars is so cool, right?) and then it’ll be unique enough to copyright. And you can call it Triple X, like that super cool Vin Diesel movie! More X’s is better, obviously. And then since there’s already an xvideos you can just call it xxxvideo which has no unfortunate implications whatsoever. You’re welcome.
x𝕏x technoturian x𝕏x
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badgerclawsaresharp · 6 years
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Exactly! I’m not saying that The Ruby was trying to hurt Jester in any way--in fact, I’m sure she was doing what she thought was best for her daughter. But good intentions don’t cancel out harmful actions, and I think ignoring the unhealthy living situation is disrespectful to people who grew up similarly, as well as disrespectful to Laura and Matt, who are clearly trying to present a complicated and messy mother-daughter relationship. The Ruby is beautiful, and wise, and charismatic, and loving, and also she made poor decisions as a mother, but that doesn’t make her a terrible person.
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mrsgojosatoru · 7 years
technoturian replied to your chat “Lara Croft in the games: *lifelong search to figure out what happened...”
Lara in the game: I have this diverse group of friends, allies and associates to aid me, but in the end it's my own story. Lara in the movie: Daniel Wu disappeared halfway through the movie because they just wanted somebody to put on the Chinese posters. It's fine though, my daddy has such a huge role that he's basically another main character. Which makes sense, it's not like I could do this without direct pushing from my dad. He's my whole reason for being!
Movie writers: idk what is a woman without her relationship to a man? there are three kinds of women. daughters to men. wives to men. and mothers of men’s children. that’s it. those are the only types of women. no woman ever considers her relationship to another woman, why would they? 
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agentkatie · 7 years
lonaru replied to your post “So technically, TECHNICALLY, a Tranquil *could* still fight though...”
I agree with @technoturian - being Tranquil doesn't destroy your will to live. They could fight if they saw reason to. They're more "true neutral" than "so depressed they are numb and death would be better".
technoturian replied to your post “So technically, TECHNICALLY, a Tranquil *could* still fight though...”
I never bought the whole "lack of emotions/dreams automatically means passive and willing to be exploited" thing, tbh. There are many, many purely logical reasons to make autonomous decisions, including but not limited to fighting for one's own survival or for the benefit of your unit or allies.
Thanks! This was pretty much my line of thinking. It makes sense to me that if a Tranquil *cough*Shep*cough* had their life threatened, they would be willing to fight to protect their life IF that was their best chance of survival. Which would also extend to fighting for a greater cause, because fighting would make the world safer which would translate to an increased chance of survival.
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elen-aranel · 11 months
🖤🧡 Trick or Treat! 🧡🖤
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skinkydoodies · 7 years
technoturian replied to your post “Was going to go to bed but then the Ep ended with Percy dying who...”
That was the episode I caught up on and the first one I had to wait a week for resolution on, so.
Oh god I cannot even imagine that! By the sounds of it this campaign is coming to an end so hopefully I don’t get caught up to a terrible cliffhanger like you did! 
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technoturian heck yes! I would love more Laura! I just felt like Vex's always involved Percy or Vax, but I want her to have her own thing. (also everyone is going on about matches for the next game but what if none of the characters fall in love?)
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hobbitonwheels · 7 years
vohalika replied to your post “That awkward moment when you frantically start researching patronymics...”
no, it is not. Things ending with -stein are usually last names. But technically Percy has three last names the way it is, so the thing technoturian came up with is exceedingly likely. Everyone bow to the Vaxil'dan Percivalsteins in our future.
*lol* If it happens, that’ll be...wow.
That said, I find it interesting that the ‘stein’ suffix was used. On the one hand, the part of my brain that gets excited and rambly about names feels like a suffix that actually means ‘son of’ would have been more appropriate because the ‘Fredrick’ part of Percy’s name comes from his father. On the other, the fact that ‘stein’ means ‘stone’ and the de Rolos ruled Whitestone makes it make sense.
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thomasmxller · 7 years
technoturian replied to your post “@gojiro i can’t even remember a designer i hated half as much as the...”
Really? Not Gretchen, Irina or Korina?
i hated that Gretchen Won, honestly like yeah she was annoying but atleast she was pretty talented... never really disliked irina and she made Super Gorgeous cloths so i was okay .... korina ... okay yeah maybe i hate her a lot too hahaha
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mrsgojosatoru · 7 years
technoturian replied to your post “why the fuck are women in star wars always like “oh you murdered a...”
You know, I'd love to have heard from some of the families of those kids Kylo massacred instead of two hours of hearing about how hard he had it.
Or anyone from the literal five planets he helped destroy. he’s a grandson of alderaan. if I was leia I would be like “what fucking son? i don’t have one.” 
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mothmom · 7 years
technoturian replied to your post “so did Sam Riegel ever apologize for doing blackface and is that video...”
Yikes. I can't say I'm surprised, Sam gives off some awful Seth MacFarlane-esque vibes in that he often confuses offensiveness with comedy.
I KNOOOW, he has that kind of cocky “u mad” attitude, it’s really annoying
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rannadylin · 7 years
OC Fact: Adrianne Hawke did most of the cooking in the Hawke household. Her favorite thing to make (and eat) is apple pie.
Mmm, pie! Lisbet Hawke mostly left the cooking to Orana, I think (man, it’s been too long since I wrote her...I can’t even recall if I had her doing any cooking in Hawkquisition to contradict this statement...hmmmm) but Watcher Violet does like to bake, despite the disastrous results when she tried to make Rauatai cookies. Horazio, one of my LOTRO hobbits, is my best cook though! Technically he’s a warden, but he’d happily spend all his time baking mushroom pies rather than out fighting goblins.
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windsroad · 7 years
@technoturian replied to your post: okay is percy or vex going to be the “PARANOID I’M...
Definitely Vex. Percy might think it occasionally in his self-loathing way but he also is a bit too prideful about the things he ‘creates’, so I feel like he’ll have moments where he’s like, “Look at them: they’re breathing, they haven’t fallen off of anything or poisoned themselves. *Gods*, I’m amazing at this.”
that is also a good option! he does have a lot of confidence in surprising areas.
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