slipperyskell · 1 year
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It’s about the ✨size difference ✨
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digitalduckie · 1 year
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Oh wow I hadn't realized how much stuff I hadn't shared over here specifically of my D&D stuff.
We got Norm in an 80s-ish style cuz he has a fanny pack of holding now.
Reworked my Royce emote to be D&D!Royce flavored. Colorized the sketch of Malik carrying Lavey and Rat around.
A mini comic about misconceptions among our adventuring group after one of the others discovered that Kahtia and Sylian share the same bed.
Norm being relieved that Kaldrosa was okay after a quick spying mission that almost went south.
Norm with a bunch of flowers including his favorite sunflowers and ones that match what's in Kaldrosa's hair.
Rat sitting on the kitchen counter from one of their early scenes in-game.
And a redesign of Rat's D&D look that I like a lot better than their previous.
If this feels like a lot of characters, it is. Every player has at least two characters involved in the campaign now :' )
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ohhicas · 5 years
I love the last panel of the "what's in the box" comic because it's a great mix of both a MoM expression and a Demyx one. Well played, my friend, well played.
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i used this as an excuse to try this new program oh god i miss the old
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agentkatie · 6 years
Cullen/Mollie, teachers with a rivalry AU.
I finally have internet again so I can get round to answering these three sentence fic prompts! Yay! Thanks for the prompt ^_^
Miss Shepard really didn’t think Mr Rutherford’s dislike of her was warranted; sure, she might have called History boring when they’d first met, and sure, she may have accidentally broken his classroom window during one particularly energetic rounders match, but none of that had been personal. Him setting up a football B team - when everyone in the school knew she coached the best squad in the county - certainly was personal.
But as he barked instructions to his players in the pouring rain, his legs spattered with mud and his shirt clinging to his chest, she realised she didn’t care about his motivations - as long as she got to see that more often.
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shannaraisles · 6 years
For MAYhem: A routine Enaste does, thinking it's secret, but in actuality everyone knows about it and doesn't tell her that they know.
Well, now, isn’t that an intriguing thought? Routine and ritual are definitely a big deal for Enaste, a part of the way she copes with the world, so it’s very doable. Thank you for prompting!
[MAY-hem prompts needed!]
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eldritchbeauty · 7 years
Want to Know About Me?
The lovely @princessbatteringram tagged me in this!
Relationship status: Taken!
Favorite color: deep purple, navy blue, and black
Top three ships: Soul x Maka from Soul Eater, f!Inquisitor x Iron Bull, and Warden x Alistair.
Lipstick or chapstick: Probably lipstick? I don’t wear either much.
Last song: Sick of Losing Soulmates by Dodie Clark
Last movie: Black Panther!
Top 3 shows: I don’t really like watching tv but I like Bob’s Burgers, The Office, and Soul Eater.
Top 3 bands/artists: Nothing More, Owl City, and Tyr.
Current read: Kingdom of the Wicked, by Derek Landy. It’s the seventh book of the Skulduggery Pleasant series.
20 Questions
1. One thing you would change about your personality?
I can get super defensive, even when I don’t need to be. I’m working on that, though.
2. What is your DA rare pair?
I don’t really have one? Idk sorry I don’t know that many. 
3. A song that made you cry?
Hold on to Me by Mayday Parade.
4. The best movie ever?
Noooo I hate ranking things. I really love the Avengers movies, as well as all the Transformers movies.
5. Food you will never eat.
Mushrooms, tomatoes, and bugs.
6. Your celebrity crush?
Gal Gadot, Jason Mamoa, Chris Evans, Natalie Dormer, in no particular order.
7. Your favorite DA location and why?
Probably either the Storm Coast, because pretty sea and rain, or the Hinterlands because it has so much elfroot.
8. Night or morning person?
Night, definitely. Though, I’m usually super friendly in the morning.
9. Have any tattoos?
Not yet! I want a few though, and have ideas for them.
10. How many languages do you speak?
English is my first language, and I can hold a conversation in ASL.
11. Where would you most like to visit?
I wanna visit Germany, Finland, the Philippines, Canada, and various states in the US.
12. What’s the best book you’ve ever read?
The Skulduggery Peasant series!
13. Who is your favorite BioWare character?
Iron Bull, Alistair, Cullen, or Dorian.
14. Who’s your least preferred BioWare character?
15. What’s your favorite BioWare game?
Dragon Age Inquisition!
16. What’s your patronus?
I don’t like the Harry Potter series, but probably a swallow
17. Cake or ice cream?
Cake, probably. I love both!
18. Dogs or cats?
I love both! If I had to pick, I think I’d pick a cat.
19. What was your favorite DA romance?
I really loved the romances between my warden and Alistair, my Inquisitor and Cullen, and Inquisitor with Bull.
20. Do you prefer sunshine or are you a winter person?
Winter, since I can wear cute jackets and stuff.
I’m gonna tag @heiressofavalon, @cullywullycurlywurly, @aridarkheart, @littlewolfreclaimed, and @lonaru
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angyvalentine · 7 years
lonaru ha risposto al tuo fotoset: Related to this C: Please forgive my quizzy -...
her face when she pokes it is hilarious xD
She wasn't really sure his "little friend" was just... lying in some wrong way or something else... X°D
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19 Questions
Was tagged by @kierarutherford thank you lovely! Haven’t done one of these in a while so why not *shrug*
Rules: answer 20 questions (???) and then tag 20 people who you want to get to know better.
Nickname: Hubby occasionally calls me Tomb Raider, but otherwise not really. 
Zodiac: Pisces/Aries cusp
Height: 5′4
Last movie I saw: Hubby and I watched Iron Man 2 tonight. Hadn’t watched it in a while, realized Jon Favreau deserves so much praise for essentially kickstarting the MCU
Last thing I googled: The order of the MCU movies to figure out how much of an Easter Egg the prototype of Captain America’s shield in Iron Man 2 was
Favourite musician: Currently obsessing over Lord Huron, but it’s so hard for me to narrow it down to just one
Song stuck in my head:  The Yearning Grave by Lord Huron
Other blogs: blue--embrace, my smut ref blog
Do I get asks: In flux. Sometimes a lot, sometimes none. I take whatever comes my way
Following: 301
Amount of sleep: I’m an insane night owl but then I still get 8+ hours. Just more like...4am to 12pm kind of a thing
Lucky number: 7 and usually its multiples
What I’m wearing: an old, overlarge bar shirt for Southern Comfort that I have. It’s late, I’m in bed and comfy cozy haha
Dream job: 1) Author 2) Scriptwriter 3) Director (Film) 4) Lawyer
Dream trip: Way too many. I want to go back to Scotland. I want to go to Iceland. I want to go to Germany and Italy. I want to go to the Scandinavian countries, especially to see the Northern Lights. See more of France than just Paris. Japan. Korea. Thailand. Feck just everywhere, really.
Play any instruments: Cello, actually. Haven’t played in a while but my cello is currently sitting in my office and I just know some day I’ll feel the urge and pick it back up. Maybe I still remember how to play Bach’s Suites.
Languages: English, Bad English, and quite passable French. I know phrases in several other languages, especially Spanish because of where I grew up/friends I have. I want/possibly need to learn German soon. That should be fun.
Favourite songs: Currently far too many so we’ll go with - Emerald Star by Lord Huron.
Random fact: I’m really allergic to aloe vera. Which super sucks, trust me. It’s in soooooo many things.
Tagging (Pressure free, just because I’m curious! Sorry if you’ve already been tagged): @ladymdc @dismalzelenka @shannaraisles @kagetsukai @ladycremecaramel @myfinalfrontier @amaranthine-daydream @nylahvellan @a-shakespearean-in-paris @felorinbailenshield2 @vanilllya @goldfishfiasco @gugle1980 @kauriart @ma-sulevin @princessvicky01 @wardenari @xxinquisiladyxx @dragonagethistle @lonyn @lonaru @dreadhobo @star--nymph @crystal-grace @lechatrouge673
Edited to add people because I’m a dunce and forgot some people! <3
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slipperyskell · 1 year
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One of three of the secrets I was working on last week >:))) Lonarus never got to make it into a DND character like they were supposed to when I first made them, so it only made sense that they made it to this new campaign. They are an astral elf inquisitive rogue :)))
For the DND campaign we’re in, we have this guild hall mechanic where we’re basically able to have multiple characters going at once per player, with us being able to go to the guild hall and switch out whoever we’re playing as. Makes for a fun campaign, especially for roleplaying purposes since it gives us stuff to do between sessions. Missions going on? What are the dorks back at HQ doing??? It’s really fun so far :)))
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digitalduckie · 2 months
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Here's the artwork for the mini zine I made about Norm and his love for his fellow adventurers.
The others are: Kahtia (CptnBarbosa) Lorik (webraven) Rat Lonarus (@slipperyskell) Sylian (@mininuked) Kaldrosa (CptnBarbosa) A lot of these scenes are based on things that have actually happened in our campaign so far. Maybe one day I'll do a quick color job for this.
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ohhicas · 5 years
Inquiring minds want to know how org xiii would react to your chinchilla. (Is this an excuse to see lexaeus with a chinchilla? Most def)
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I think one of their names may be a little confusing to them ;;;;;;;;;;
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firjii · 6 years
10 Movies
I was just thinking about doing this one and then @lonaru tagged me. <3
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I know this one has been going around a lot lately, but I tag @hoodedme @mermpy0315 @nikisaur @dokimakura @biowareownsmysoul @urdnott @faesbeforebaes @boggled-senseless @benkenobi68 and @melaena
(sorry if anybody’s already done this and feel free to ignore if it isn’t your kind of thing <3 <3 <3)
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agentkatie · 7 years
lonaru replied to your post “So technically, TECHNICALLY, a Tranquil *could* still fight though...”
I agree with @technoturian - being Tranquil doesn't destroy your will to live. They could fight if they saw reason to. They're more "true neutral" than "so depressed they are numb and death would be better".
technoturian replied to your post “So technically, TECHNICALLY, a Tranquil *could* still fight though...”
I never bought the whole "lack of emotions/dreams automatically means passive and willing to be exploited" thing, tbh. There are many, many purely logical reasons to make autonomous decisions, including but not limited to fighting for one's own survival or for the benefit of your unit or allies.
Thanks! This was pretty much my line of thinking. It makes sense to me that if a Tranquil *cough*Shep*cough* had their life threatened, they would be willing to fight to protect their life IF that was their best chance of survival. Which would also extend to fighting for a greater cause, because fighting would make the world safer which would translate to an increased chance of survival.
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WIP Meme
Thank you for the tag @ladymdc :) You fangirling over OIL honestly gives me life :) But I thought for this I would fill out some stuffs for a smutty one shot I’m working on! (I’ll give you a tease for the next chapter of OIL though :p )
henceforth I tag @laraslandlockedblues @sassylavellen @nilesdaughter @briarfox13 @lyriumyue @lonaru and anyone else :)
The first line of the work.
The first line of your current chapter (or if it’s a one-shot, the first line of the tenth paragraph).
The last line you wrote.
A line for a chapter/part you haven’t written yet
From a piece tentatively titled “The Reflections in the Mirror.”
First Line:
The relationship Lydia had with her body was never constant. 
First line, 10th paragraph: (pffft this is saucy)
“Let me taste you,” he muttered when they parted.
Last line written: (hella NSFW)
She came against his mouth, riding it out against his hungry mouth. Greedily he lapped at her cum, kissed her damp inner thighs.
Chapter for a part haven’t written yet: 
She turned her head to their reflections in the mirror and she reveled in his beauty as he fucked her.
AND ladymdc, because you asked so nicely, here is a snippet from my next chapter of OIL:
Sophie was pretty, Connor thought. Pretty in the same way the flowers in the park were, hard to miss from far away because of their vibrancy.
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eldritchbeauty · 7 years
Music Tag
Put your music on shuffle and write the first 10 songs that come on, then tag 10 people to do the same.
@lonaru​ tagged me in this forever ago, sorry for taking so long to get to it! I tend to switch between playlists, so I’ll use the entirety of my phone’s music.
Unbreakable Heart- Three Days Grace
Ready For It- Taylor Swift
No Surprise- Daughtry
Love?- Nothing More
The Times They are a Changin- Blackmore’s Night
Lost in Despair- Ensiferum
O Come, O Come Emmanuel- Pentatonix
Fuck Away the Pain- Divide the Day
Take to the Sky- Van Canto
Pressure- Paramore
My music is sort of all over the place, but this is just a taste of what I have! I think I’ll tag...
@princessbatteringram, @effelants, @weirdpine, @thejetblackcrow, @keeperlefae, @firjii, @machatnoir, @valkyrieraisingcain, @softalistair, and @inquisitorsmabari
Feel free to do this if I didn’t tag you!
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angyvalentine · 7 years
lonaru ha risposto al tuo post : lonaru ha risposto alla tua foto: ...
It still looks lovely :)
Thank you so much ;w; <3
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