#tedbecca fluff
daydreamgoddess14 · 10 months
Sing Your Own Kind of Song
Tedbecca Prompt Party 🥳
Ted Lasso / Rebecca Welton
No. 75: Soulmate AU - When you get a song stuck in your head, it’s because your soulmate is singing it. Who's singing what at Nelson Road?
Ted woke up to Aretha Franklin's RESPECT stuck in his head. He put up with it all day, even had Beard raising an eyebrow when he sang it during the morning meeting, which elicited a giggle from Rebecca.
"Alright, Ted?" She asked,
"Just heard it on the radio this morning, that's all boss." He smiled reassuringly.
"Have you heard about this soulmate rubbish they've confirmed on the news?"
"That you're hearing whatever your soulmate is singin'? Sure did, Gigi Hadid. That's some interesting barbecue sauce right there."
"Isn't it just?" Rebecca mused.
"You believe it, boss?"
"Not quite sure what I believe yet, Ted. Guess I'll see how it all pans out."
"I hear ya, if it's good, then you can say you knew all along, and if it's a steaming pile of doggy poop then you don't lose face either."
"You know me so well, Ted."
"Time to get downstairs for training. I'll see you later?"
"Thanks, Ted. Have a good morning." Down on the pitch a short time later, Aretha was replaced by ABBA. When he cooked dinner that night, it was Diana Ross and the Supremes. When he brushed his teeth before bed, it was One Direction. He tried to counteract it by ignoring the song in his head and sticking with his personal favourite, Kenny Rogers, in the hope that this madness would all blow over.
He lasted a month. During that time, there were new romances popping up everywhere. Roy only needed Taylor Swift stuck in his head for a morning to realise Keeley had been singing in the car on the way to work. Likewise, he'd been to see the latest Top Gun movie the previous night with Jamie, Isaac, and Moe, and had woken up singing 'Highway to the Danger Zone'. Keeley thought she might have some detective work to do, but Taylor Swift had done her a solid when she overheard Roy humming Wildest Dreams. They'd been inseparable ever since. There were breakups, too - Beard and Jane had not been on the same page at all, and while Beard wanted to keep trying, Jane did not. Ted was stumped, though. Whoever his mystery singer was, they were an enigma. Songs ranged from power ballads to current pop, and from obscure TV theme tunes he did not recognise - what the heck was Bullseye?! - to showtunes. He was at a loss.
Weeks went by, and Rebecca grew impatient. Her secret soulmate was predictable. It had only taken her a couple of weeks to work out that it was Ted. He listened to a lot of the same artists on repeat, Kenny Rogers, Bruce Springsteen, Dolly Parton and more country music than she even knew existed. Dolly had given her the inspiration to accelerate her plan. She'd spent the time since weighing up whether she believed it or not. She told no one and instead set out on a little game. Each morning, she'd pick a random song or theme tune to sing - trying to get more and more random and wild each day. In return, Ted had been keeping a log - looking for any kind of pattern or consistency. He found nothing. Whoever his soulmate was, they had the most varied tastes. One morning, he wakes with an unfamiliar tune in his head. He can't place it, it's repetitive and sounds like it should be known to him, but he's none the wiser. When Nate whips out his phone to show Ted a clip of the football from the previous night's TV, the tune accompanies the clip.
"Nate, what's that?"
"It's a clip of Sam's goal from a different angle?"
"No, the tune?"
"Match of the Day? You've been here 3 years, and you don't know the tune to Match of the Day?"
"I watch Sky Sports." Ted shrugged. "Anyway, Match of the Day is popular?"
"It's been a staple of British TV for years." Ted mulled over what he'd learned and consulted his notebook where he'd listed weeks of songs. Adele, Whitney, Shania, showtune after showtune… whoever they were, they liked a strong voice. Then he spotted the little outliers… Geri, Mel C, Posh… they'd snuck the Spice Girls in there individually. This, combined with the Match of the Day theme, had him barrelling out of the office and up the stairs two at a time. He burst through Rebecca's open door to see her at her laptop writing an email and softly singing the Match of the Day theme.
"It's you," he said without saying hello.
"Took you long enough." She smiled.
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sunflowerromcom · 5 months
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Richmond’s Newest Member by sunflowerromcom
Rebecca wakes to the feel of a row of kisses being dropped softly on her shoulder, her neck, her temple, and her cheek.
Admittedly, she’s been awake for a while now. Her back’s been aching for most of the night and into the early hours of the morning, so much so she only really dozed on and off. But for the moment, with Ted spooning behind her, she’s comfortable. Content to let him rub his palm over her belly, enjoying the soft presses of their baby’s foot against his hand.
A Tedbecca AU ❤️💙
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miakat9 · 1 year
if i ever see jason sudeikis it’s on sight
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genghisthebrain · 8 months
a tedbecca drabble
ted goes back to kansas. he and rebecca find a way to make it work
ted >> rebecca
ted > 🍪
rebecca > What?
ted > you didn’t think id let biscuits with the boss go that easy did ya
rebecca > Ha, ha. Thank you Ted. Delicious.
ted > it aint a morning without biscuits > today’s question: favourite keira knightley movie
rebecca > That’s immensely specific.
ted > certainly isnt > keira knightley is important
rebecca > Fine. Bend it Like Beckham. You?
ted > pirates of the caribbean. the second movie > went as her for halloween once > best elizabeth swan this world’s ever seen
rebecca > Somehow, that doesn’t surprise me.
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starrynight29 · 6 months
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I forgot to post this here 🥲 but wrote a one shot… it was supposed to be a ficlet and ended up at 41k words. Happy ending, of course.
‘hope you’re happy (even if you’re not mine)’
Ao3 link here
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lassoweltonham · 1 year
From Kansas sunflowers to Richmond greens
Social media Au - Chapter two
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mexicangela · 11 months
i'll follow you everywhere while you work the room
summary: there's a gala and rebecca's been stressed about it. ted's been a doll, as per usual. pairing: ted lasso/rebecca welton word count: 1907 a/n: quick (unedited) tedbecca established relationship fluff i was inspired to write based off some lines of "once upon a poolside" by the national
i don’t know how you do it / tangerine perfume
Rebecca was exhausted. She’d spent the past month meticulously planning the annual charity gala. It was the club’s 130th anniversary. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn’t as big of a deal as, say, the 100th or 150th year since its establishment, but she wasn’t sure where she’d be in 20 years. She quite liked the idea of retiring and traveling with her darling love, who had been a great support to her throughout the entire stressful process. 
“Yes, honey, that color palette looks perfect,” he’d told her, merely reaffirming her choices but it still made her feel better. He’d been full of things like, “Yes, baby girl, that sounds like a great food selection” and “I think a dessert bar is a wonderful idea, darlin’. People love a good buffet.”
Now she was moving around the venue, chit-chatting with various donors and fans, making herself extremely lovable even if she felt like ripping her hair out every time some rich old white man smiled at her in a way that made her feel slimy. But she smiled politely back at them, laughed at their jokes, took their “accidental” brushes of the arm in stride.
And then his fingers would ghost over the small of her back and she would feel relief flood her very veins. She never realized how tense she was until she became fully aware of his presence just off to her side. Sometimes he would stay so close to her that she warmed at the heat of him and other times he would leave her with those light touches before he went to go mingle somewhere nearby. He was never far from her. 
He watched her out of the corner of his eye. She was never not within his eyesight. He’d been keeping tabs on her the whole night, making sure to stay close by. She looked stunning in the black sequined dress she’d decided to wear that night so it was difficult to tear his gaze from her anyway. But he knew she’d been stressed about the gala and he wanted her to know that he was there with her, that she could lean on him if she needed to. 
So, he’d dedicated his night to following her around as she charmed her guests. She was an expert, truly, at masking her disdain for these sorts of events. She’d told him she always felt like such a schmooze when she had to walk around smiling and laughing at jokes that weren’t funny to haggle money out of rich people. He’d told her it was for a good cause and that she was a very sexy schmooze before he’d kissed her thoroughly in an attempt to pull her thoughts away from the gala. 
That trick only worked until they woke up in the morning and she’d be filled with dread once more at the day of worrying ahead. Although there hadn’t been a particularly hurtful tabloid article about her in a long time, she still got anxious about the press where big events were involved. They could be ruthless, he knew, and she did want to impress although she didn’t admit it to him. She told him she wanted everything to be perfect for the club, for their boys, even for him. But he was well aware that a major part of her anxiety revolved around the tabloids. One nasty and ill-informed headline could make or break a person, unfortunately.
He was there at every turn, keeping a watchful eye on the way her shoulders and back tensed depending on who she was talking to, taking note of every forced smile, every fake laugh. He would brush his fingers against the small of her back, down her arm, over her shoulders. And the most remarkable thing would happen right before his eyes– he would see her visibly relax. He’d, of course, heard that turn of phrase, or read it more like, but he couldn’t recall ever having seen it happen. Her shoulders would fall and the muscles of her back would seemingly unravel from the tight knots that had surely been torturing her. Her smile would morph into something more natural, more serene and the look in her eyes would turn peaceful. All because of his touch.
How was such a thing possible? He couldn’t fathom it. Never before had he garnered that kind of response from anyone based purely on touch alone. It was as if he had some sort of magic in his fingertips and it made him feel a bit lightheaded. Did she really love him that much?
He was her peace. The whole night she’d been running around trying to make everyone happy and making sure it all went according to plan, from the auction to the musical performance to the food to the mass exodus once the whole fucking thing was over. She’d noticed what he was doing about halfway through the night, conveniently popping up beside her wherever she went. It very nearly brought tears to her eyes to know that he was so utterly invested in her wellbeing. She’d heard whispers at some point, people saying that her besotted gaffer was trailing her like a lost puppy and that had made her quietly angry because of course he wasn’t. But then she’d begun to notice that he was somewhere near her during every conversation she was having, whether he showed up behind her or he was off to the side having his own conversation with someone else. She would look just slightly to the side and see him standing there in his suit, holding a flute of champagne and making someone laugh or giggle. He was nothing if not charming.
At the end of the night, after everyone else had gone except for the hired staff, she found him helping them clean up, his suit jacket gone, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and his tie loose around his neck. He looked up at her from collecting trash off a table and smiled, a tendril of his hair falling down into his face, making him look ever more handsome. She melted for him over the smallest things, it seemed. She thought that after a few years of being together, she’d have gotten used to his smiles and his hair and his gorgeous eyes. But there she was, still entirely smitten with every little thing about him.
“Hey, you,” he said, tossing the garbage into a bag and leaving it to go to her.
“Hi,” she said softly, wrapping her arms around his neck as he wound his around her middle, pulling her close to him. He breathed her in, the smell of her perfume a little citrusy with a hint of something floral.
“You okay?” he asked her, his tone lending tender concern.
She nodded and smiled warmly at him. There was never a moment in which he didn’t make her feel cared for. She was incredibly in love with him.
“Better now it’s over,” she told him.
“I bet,” he said, his voice almost a whisper as he gazed into her eyes. He always got lost there. Those eyes of hers were like the sea– captivating and deeper than anyone knew, easy to drift into if he wasn’t careful. He guessed he’d made a habit of being reckless, in that case. “Think you could spare some energy for a dance, darlin’?”
He’d hoped to pull her for a dance earlier in the night so that they could’ve made people bear witness to how disgustingly in love they were, but she’d been rather preoccupied through the whole event. He looked at her with a subtle type of hope in his eyes and she could see the sparkle in them. She hadn’t understood what people meant when they said things like that– the sparkle in someone’s eye or a longing gaze– but now she did. He gazed at her with such longing it stole the air from her lungs, leaving her with the phantom of a breath on her lips every time she caught him looking at her that way.
“Even if I didn’t, I’d still dance with you, my love.” It was true. Even if she didn’t have a single drop of energy left within her tired bones, she still would have waltzed around the room with him as if it were the last thing she’d ever get to do.
He smiled at her and then looked in the direction of the DJ booth, giving a slight nod. Suddenly, the lights went dim and the music came in over the sound system.
She looked at him, her head tilted to the side, her eyebrows raised, a fond smile on her face.
“And if I had said no?” she teased.
“Well, I guess I was bankin’ on a yes,” he said before he leaned into her to press a sweet kiss to her lips. He started swaying them to the gentle rhythm of Elton John’s “Your Song.” She slipped off her heels and sighed in relief, leaning her head on his shoulder now that he was a bit taller than her. “I don’t know how you do it, Rebecca,” he muttered, turning his head so he could drop a kiss to the side of her head.
“I’ll be honest with you, darling, I don’t know how I do it either,” she said, her breath tickling his neck. “I think maybe I black out and suddenly become possessed by some ancient aristocratic spirit.”
“That’d be kinda neat,” he mused. “I mean, as long as I always get my babydoll back, that is.”
She laughed quietly and stood up straight, looking him in the eyes.
“Spirit-possessed or not, I’ll always come back to you, Ted.”
“And I’ll always be here waitin’ for you to come home. Spirit-possessed or not,” he said with a subtle smile.
She smiled back at him and pulled him into her for a slow, tender kiss, her fingers toying with the hair at the back of his head. He pressed her further into him, wanting to be unsure at what point they were two different bodies, two different souls. But their souls had melded into one, as far as he was concerned, the moment they both knew they loved each other. All at once, they had become two hearts in one. Never before had he experienced such a thing– to be so sure that someone had been made for him, for him to have been made for someone, and to have finally found her. He’d been beside himself with emotion in that moment, and she had kept his head above water. She was always there when he felt he was beginning to drown. He would spend the rest of his life expressing his gratitude through his love for her.
That night, in their bed, he held her as close as he possibly could with one arm wrapped around her waist while his free hand roamed the vast expanse of her softness. She was all curves and supple flesh and honeyed warmth. He rubbed soothing circles into the muscles he knew were tense earlier that evening and reveled in the sounds of her quiet sighs and lip-bitten moans as he worked the knots out of her. They fell asleep, limbs entangled and hearts beating in sync, knowing for certain that there was no universe in which they would ever want to be without each other.
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 6 months
the one where trent is turned into a literal cat
https://ift.tt/Z2PMjyJ by confessionofaking The cat sat himself down on Roy’s lap, gently headbutting Roy’s stomach. It was eerily similar to how Trent often pressed his face against Roy’s chest. Then it gave the most pitiful little meow, its little cat voice cracking in the middle and somehow, Roy knew that this cat was his fucking dork. Great. So his boyfriend had somehow been turned into a fucking cat, for some inexplicable reason. Words: 7204, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Trent Crimm, Roy Kent, Rebecca Welton, Ted Lasso, Coach Beard (Ted Lasso), Leslie Higgins, Nathan Shelley Relationships: Trent Crimm/Roy Kent, Ted Lasso/Rebecca Welton Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Post-Season/Series 03, Established Relationship, Character Turned Into A Cat, Cats, POV Roy Kent, Soft Roy Kent, autistic roy kent, it’s like barely there but if you squint, Trent Crimm's Hair, Trent Crimm Being a Bastard, Affectionate Trent Crimm, The Diamond Dogs (Ted Lasso), Hair Brushing, Aftercare, being turned into a cat against your will probably calls for some aftercare imo, Fluff, Cuddling & Snuggling, Long-Distance Relationship, between ted and rebecca, btw it’s Not relevant so i won’t tag it but trent IS trans in this, and tedbecca is t4t, Cat Trent Crimm, Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, genuinely there’s very little plot here, it’s just roy getting a cat and having to experience what being a cat owner is like source https://archiveofourown.org/works/52568719 December 27, 2023 at 11:11AM
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a-story-of-love · 1 year
Title: All I Ask
Ship/Fandom: TedBecca/Ted Lasso
Summary: Ted has a truth bomb as does Rebecca. Ted wants to go home but where is home? If they only have one final night together then all they ask is that they hold each other as more than just a friend.
3x11 and 3x12 spoilers. Angst, feels, fluff and a happy ending.
Read it on AO3 here
Please please please leave a comment either on here or on AO3 with your thoughts I'm so insecure about this fic.
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What's your favourite trope for writing Tedbecca? and is there anything (other than them getting together) that you've have changed about them on the show?
Hi Anon!
I tend to write a lot of angsty things, whether it's in fanfic or original fiction, so I'd probably say hurt/comfort with a dash of rom-com fluff! I think that's why the finale was such a stab to the heart. The idea of two souls who are destined to meet but not necessarily get together at that point in time is something I really love. There's an open ending to it, regardless of wherever life takes them individually, there's always a second chance waiting somewhere in time.
In terms of what I'd change about them on the show, I don't think there's much I'd change as they're such well-rounded characters. I do feel it was a missed opportunity for the show not to explore the 1991 thing further with them, though. It was so integral to their connection and I felt it got left by the wayside.
If I'm being picky and going for interpersonal relationships, I would have never had Sambecca be a thing. I just think it set her character back because she'd spent all this time being disgusted at Rupert for sleeping with women young enough to be his daughters and yet Rebecca slept with the 21 year old she told - to his face - she felt like she was grooming. One thing I will say about The Flying Dutchman is at least he's age appropriate. I'll give him that.
As far as Ted goes, I think the Ted/Michelle/Jake situation had its issues, namely the fact that Ted & Michelle had officially divorced back in season one and it only became a 'real' issue when Jake entered the picture. Ted's reaction suggested he hadn't made any progress with processing the divorce at all which felt like - hello Brendan's AMA - the writers deliberately leaving their relationship open to reconciliation, but really shoehorning that aspect in.
I chose to reserve full judgement until the very end of s3 but in hindsight I think that's my main issue. The 'right place, wrong time' thing was obviously their endgame for multiple characters but it felt like a very shoehorned in ending in a lot of ways. That's why I'm low-key hoping we get a fourth season, so there's enough breathing room for the loose ends they tied up with those characters on a whim to actually show us why those connections and situations mattered/changed the characters/affected their moral and emotional development.
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boasamishipper · 2 years
number 3 for ao3 wrapped?
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
I Know I'm Home. it didn't get as much feedback as i was hoping it would, but i still wrote over a hundred thousand words of robisanya and tedbecca with a healthy mix of crack, fluff, and angst and i think that's something to celebrate :D
send me ao3 wrapped questions
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daydreamgoddess14 · 11 months
Support System pt. 8
Roy Kent x Reader, spicy rating - MASTERLIST
CH1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4 | CH 5 | CH 6 | CH 7
It's gala time! With a sprinkle of Tedbecca cos I've missed them!
ohh and this is the gif on repeat in my head (that SMILE!! JFC):
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He hasn’t seen the dress yet. You’ve hung it up in his spare room while you deal with the other stuff you don’t do all that often like hair and make up - and when you do do it, you have a little shadow following you and asking if she can share your lipstick, what’s mascara, and why do you need to put that weird thing on your eyelashes. You’d both had to rush to get ready for work after he’d fucked you in the kitchen, everything taking that little bit longer when you could hardly keep your hands off each other. He’d gone off to Nelson Road with the promise of meeting you in the city so he could collect his suit. He’d run you a bath when you’d both gotten back to his, kissed each little fingertip bruise on your hips. You’d gone with Sara to get a manicure for the first time in a very, very long time, while Phoebe played Princesses with Roy.
“Jesus, you’re glowing. It’s sickening.” She laughed.
“I know you don’t want to hear this but just pretend it’s not Roy for a sec, cos it’s not really about him anyway, but it’s insanely different. Like night and day different to anything I’ve ever experienced in my life, Sara. My whole fucking life. It’s like I’ve been struck by lightning. With Andy it was just about him, with anyone else before actually. Like they didn’t actually care about me, it was only ever about them. And I mean that in every aspect, not just the sex.” She pulled a face, “I know, I’m not going to talk to you about the sex, I promise. I wish I could, because I need to shout it from the rooftops in all honesty.” 
“I told you, he’s so ready to make someone happy. I’m glad that person is you.”
“I’m still nervous about tonight.”
“Don’t be!” She said, full of confidence.
“These people mean as much to him as you and your mum and Phebs do. It’s like you three top tier, then this entire building full of people he adores.”
“You’ve met Jamie though?”
“Yeah, but he still thinks I’m just your best friend. He’s going to know as soon as he sees me that that’s not the whole truth.”
“So are you labelling this thing when you meet everyone later?”
“He said it’s up to me. But I don’t want it to be up to me. Or not completely anyway.”
“If anyone asks, you’re friends. They don’t have to know that you’re friends who are sleeping together and are almost certainly more than friends.”
“Hmm. You’re right, we can do that. That sounds easy.” 
“Ah. Wait, no. Forget that. I’ve seen his face around you. It’s literally impossible for him to disguise that he likes you. And tonight, with the dress and the boobs and the legs he’s just not going to be able to keep his face like,” she exaggerated Roy’s impassive, grumpy face, “that all night. He’ll never be able to manage it.”
“So they find out you’re seeing each other - does it really matter?”
“Suppose not.”
“Exactly. So just enjoy it. Enjoy grown up company, drinks and a really fancy night on the town with a whole football team. You’ll have a blast.” You knew she was right, you repeat her comments in your head as you potter around Roy's room - hair done, make up done, you've just finished putting in some earrings and now you're having trouble with your necklace. 
"Not going to fucking lie, if this is the outfit then I'm fine with that. I want my money back and we're not leaving the house, but I'm fine with all of that." He says from the doorway where he's been standing for goodness knows how long. His suit leaves you speechless, perfectly tailored with sharp lines. You know he can tell that it's had an effect on you.
"Make yourself useful." You tell him, handing him your necklace and turning your back on him. 
"There are other ways I can do that," he suggests once he's done the necklace up, hands tracing the line of your strapless bra and your underwear. 
"No time babe, the car is due soon isn't it?"
"I'm sure I've got time for something at least." He hooks his thumbs into your underwear, using them to pull you over to the bed and sitting down, moving you between his knees. You cup his face in your hands and kiss him, knowing you made a wise choice in not putting your lipstick on yet.  
"I don't think we do. God, you look gorgeous." You run your hands down the lapel of his jacket. 
"Bet you a fiver I can make you come and leave you enough time to finish getting ready before the car gets here."
"I'm not taking that bet," you laugh,
"Cos you know you'll fucking lose." He teases. You swat at his shoulder, 
"Aren't you wasting valuable time?" His eyes light up, hands squeezing your bum.
"Well, it's not exactly what I wanted but you'll only tell me off if you have to do your hair again." His hands, as promised, make very quick work of you while he talks about everything else he wants to do. He holds you to him as you come back down from the high. "Dress on then." He tells you, taping your hip. "I'll be downstairs." He leaves you with a lingering kiss filled with promises for later. You step into the dress and lift it into place, reaching around for the zip. You slip on the shoes and apply your lipstick, checking the whole look in the mirror. You feel amazing, you just hope he agrees. He hears you on the stairs, "just in time-" He starts, but stops abruptly. "Holy fucking shit."
"That's what I said." You laugh. "It's OK?" He hasn't said another word or taken his eyes off you while you navigated the stairs. You wring your hands nervously. "Roy? Fucksake, say something please? Is it awful?"
"You look incredible," he finally says hoarsely. "Fucking incredible. Show me?" He takes your hand, urging you to turn around and show him the whole dress. When you stop in front of him again, his hand goes to the thigh high slit up the front of the dress. "I definitely can't wait to take this off." 
"When's the car coming?" You ask, stepping into his arms. 
"It should be outside." He leads you out. In the car, his hand slips under the split of your dress to rest on your bare thigh. "Remind me to take advantage of this later when you’re less fucking nervous."
Your grip on his hand gets progressively tighter the closer you get to the venue. 
"Look at me?" He asks quietly, "It's going to be fine. They're going to love you. And god, you look gorgeous." You take the arm he offers at the start of the red carpet, you'd tried to skip it completely but you couldn't bear the thought of Roy having to do it alone. Photographers had also asked for Roy on his own but his response had been a very tame "No." Inside the venue, you spotted the only people you knew, the American coaches and Jamie both at opposite ends of the room. Once people noticed that Roy had not arrived alone, they seemed to all be looking at you at once. 
"Royo my man, why don't I escort your lovely date inside and get a table, seems the fellas need you and it might be a bit like throwing this poor young lady to the lions. Maybe give them a Kent word of warning before you introduce them?" Coach Lasso kindly offered you his arm and before leaving your side, Roy checked in with you. 
"Think I can cope with that." You smiled. 
"I'll bring you a drink back." He kissed you softly and walked over to the first group of young men you'd seen out on the pitch. A couple of them clapped him on the back in greeting, looking over at you and then back to him. You could see from his profile how much he smiled. Ted led you into the ballroom which was decorated to perfection. 
"This looks amazing." You breathe,
"It does, right? The boss likes to make it one of the best nights we have. She does a damn good job too."
"Wonder if I'll meet her," you muse.
"Oh you sure will, Faith Hill, she and our Roy are good friends so if he wants you to be meeting anyone tonight, it'll be her."
"Oh. Great," your smile falters just a little.
"She's an incredible woman. Lotta fences, but once you've hopped over those, it's like winning the Premier League. I'd imagine, anyway."
"Hopefully you'll get to find out. Only a couple of matches to go."
"That's right, Manchester next week and then West Ham." He's easy to talk to, friendly and sincere and he has you laughing so much you forget your unease. When Roy joins you with drinks, he doesn’t hesitate to kiss you in front of everyone, happy that you're happy. 
"Right, the boys are on their best behaviour if they talk to you."
"You didn't need to do that."
"I did, the dickheads would have been bloody asking for your life story. No filter on 'em. You been OK with Ted?"
"Totally fine, we've been talking about work."
"We're both at an impasse. I need something new, he's not sure what to do. It's all very dramatic," you drink your wine and look around the room at the assembled guests, "I didn't get through the two interviews from the other week." You admit.
"Shit babe, I'm sorry. They're missing out, it's their loss."
"Thank you. Feels like a ticking clock looming over me."
"We can figure it out. I can help." You know he doesn't just mean financially, emotionally too, but your mind is focused on the practical issues first. 
"I wouldn't want you to do that."
"I know. You might have to stop being so stubborn at least for a bit and actually accept help though." You run your fingers over his knuckles, his hand firmly in yours. 
"I know. I'll think about it when I have to though, ok?" He nods. "No more boring talk. Who you going to introduce me to?" You look around again, Ted is talking to Rebecca over by the bar. He's making her laugh. "Think anything is happening there yet?" You ask, leaning in to talk quietly. 
"Not yet, but I think she likes him too." You sigh,
"That's so cute. Look at how he looks at her."
"There is someone I want you to meet," he tells you, pulling you to your feet, "but only if you want to?" You laugh a little nervously. 
"It's Keeley, isn't it?" He kisses you and it’s just slightly over the line of publicly appropriate. 
"Only if you want to." He promises again. You might as well agree, it's easier to get it done sooner rather than later and every time you've looked at her she's been looking curiously at you. He leads you by the hand to where Keeley is sitting with Jamie and two other players. 
"This is Keeley, Colin, Isaac and you already know Jamie." You smile warmly at them all and they welcome you to their table. 
"I knew it!" Jamie grins, "you sly git, I knew something was going on the other week. Friends my arse! You look lovely, I like the Chelsea blue." He nudged Roy, clinking their beers together, you watched the smile bloom across Roy's face, it was infectious. 
"It's lovely to see him so happy. You look fantastic!" Keeley teases. 
"Makes our life easier too, y'know." Isaac laughed with Colin who readily agreed. 
"Alright, alright. I'm not that bad." He grumbles. Everyone around you falls silent but you truly can't help the giggle that bubbles up and out until you're laughing so hard you can't catch your breath. They watch you for a second before Jamie breaks first, followed by Keeley. Colin and Isaac soon relax and laugh too.
"Oh babe, I honestly say this out of love, you are though!" You laugh again. Next to you, Jamie stops laughing straight away. Roy looks at you, his eyebrows furrowed.
"Next round on me. Wanna help me Roy?" Jamie asks and gets up from the table, Roy's hand just squeezes yours before he gets up. On the stage, Rebecca is welcoming the gala guests. Keeley turns to you and you grimace at what you think she's about to say. 
"Don't worry, he just needs a minute to process that and wonder if you meant what he thinks you might mean. Better have an answer ready for later." She offers with a gentle smile. "So what do you do?" She's guiding you to a safe conversation topic but you're not quite sure why. Then it registers - your passing comment, her advice, and your eyes widen as you realise what you said, "I know. Spiral later, deep breath now." You try and relax, finishing your wine. 
"I'm a deputy Comms Director. Well, I was. I quit recently so I'm looking for something new."
"Oh wow, I love working with internal Comms, you guys know exactly what you want. Makes my job so much easier!" She laughs and pulls you into a deep discussion about external PR and internal department politics. You glance at Roy occasionally, meeting his eyes more than once. His face is impassive, unreadable. He still holds your hand, thumb resting on your pulse point while he's in his own conversation with Isaac. Your table is visited frequently by other guests and you get introduced to many other people as the evening draws on. At the auction, Roy looks relieved and nudges against you, 
"Thank fuck I don't get auctioned off anymore."
"Tell me about it, I couldn't afford you." You joke, brushing his lips in a brief kiss. 
Once the auction is over, you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom. You're maneuvering yourself in the cubicle when you hear the doors open. 
"You look cosy with Roy's new squeeze." You hear an elegant voice say. 
"She's so fucking cute, Rebecca. Honestly. I hope he's ready for her because she could be the best thing that's ever happened to him."
"OK, that's not what I expected to hear from you. Really?"
"Really. We're friends, really good friends and yes, I loved him so much. But I wasn't the right person at the right time. Maybe she is. As long as he doesn't cock it up."
"Maybe your time hasn't happened yet? What if it's still to come?"
"All respect, Rebecca, I think how Roy and I go our separate ways is not too tricky to work out. You and Ted however…" 
"There is no Ted and I."
"Exactly! That's my point, and my problem! You can't let him leave, babe!"
"I can't force him to stay either."
"Do you love him?" It's no good, you have to move. Doing so will make your presence known but you just have to suck it up. You emerge from the cubicle to see the two women sitting on a small sofa with a cocktail in hand. Keeley noticeably gasps so you hold your hands up in surrender. 
"I'm sorry, I wasn't eavesdropping, I promise. I didn't realise what a nightmare it was going to be to go for a piss in this dress, it's so fucking big and there's so much sodding material-"
"I'm sorry," Keeley starts, Rebecca is watching the two of you with interest.
"Oh don't be, god it could have been worse! You could have said I was a right bitch, or not good enough for him. Believe me, I'll take what you said no problem." She sighs with relief. 
"Thank fuck for that! Have you two met yet?"
"Not yet, you must be Roy's new girlfriend. Gorgeous dress." Rebecca reaches out to shake your hand. 
"Thank you. Not sure I deserve that title just yet, it's early days."
"You like him, don't you?"
"Like him? She might have just admitted in a very roundabout way that she loves him, Rebecca!" Keeley squealed.
"Well then the girlfriend title definitely fits"
"Stop deflecting Welton, I asked you a question." Keeley got back to business. "Do you love Ted?" She looks at you and you make to leave, 
"Don't mind me, I'll leave you both to it."
"Stay." She urges. "Yes, I think I am Keeley, and I don't know what to fucking do about it."
"Tell him!" You and Keeley both exclaim.
"You can't let him leave without telling him." You tell her. 
"She can't let him leave at all, he's brilliant." Rebecca seems ready to give up on the discussion.
"I'm not going to let you both gang up on me. You should know better," she points at Keeley, "and you, I hardly know. No offence." She points at you. She leaves the bathroom first while you and Keeley linger.
"So, what I said about my feelings for Roy? Totally true, we're friends. I'm getting closer to Jamie again, but I don't know what that really means. The only thing I don't know for sure, is how Roy feels. We've been split up for nearly a year, there's no reason he should shy away from anything with you. But his mind works in mysterious ways. You're better off talking to him. My advice is to be honest and open with him no matter how scary it is." She's taken your hands while she talks and when she's finished, she wraps her tiny arms around you. You're not tall but she's so petite it's comical. "So, we should go and fucking dance?" She gives you a wicked grin. "Maybe we'll get lucky and Ted and Rebecca will start something on the dancefloor. God, I'd pay good money to see those pair bang!"
Roy is looking out for you from across the room as you leave the bathroom, he gives you a little salute. 
"Keeley wants me to dance," you tell him, going for your drink. 
"Told you you'd get along." He leans down to kiss you. "I get one later though." You join Keeley and half the team on the dancefloor where you spend the majority of the rest of the night. As the evening winds down, Roy takes you into his arms where your stay for song after song. You notice Rebecca and Ted out of the corner of your eye dancing together and turn both you and Roy so he can also see. "Fucking idiot should tell her." He chuckles, holding you tighter. 
In the car on the way home, his hand finds its place on your thigh again. The quiet and the alcohol make you pensive, you're mulling over almost admitting that you love Roy, and Keeley's comment about making sure that he's moved on from her the same way she has from him.
"I'm sorry for saying what I did in front of everyone. It just fell out of my mouth, I didn't mean to ambush you with it." You start. He knows you're not done, you're worrying your bottom lip with your teeth, and you won't meet his eye. "Keeley's so beautiful, Roy. I mean, really so gorgeous." You'd never been one for comparing yourself to other women. You especially tried to avoid comparing yourself to the exes of someone new. You believed in the right person at the right time, and that exes helped shape a person. It had taken leaving Andy to help you regain who you were, for example, so like it or not - he had helped you become you. And so, you absolutely couldn't dislike Keeley, you knew that she'd helped Roy become this version of himself. She’d been so gracious, kind, and sweet during the evening, you’d had a lovely time. But that almost made it worse - comparing regular exes to footballers exes was like comparing apples and oranges. And try as you might, you weren't able to escape the fact that you were not a model. "I'm not her." You tell him, the worry evident in your voice. "What if she's the 'big love of your life’? I don't… I don't want to be a placeholder girlfriend. If you're not done with her, then I need to know." He didn't say anything for a long time, he keeps his hand on your leg while the car travels past the stadium and into his street. He thanks the driver, comes round to open your door and still hasn't said a word. He unlocks the front door and slips off his suit jacket before he turns to you. He takes your hand and guides you to sit you on the stairs and paces in front of you, rubbing his hand over his beard.
"If you'd asked me probably before Christmas, I think I would have said that I still had feelings for Keeley. But in the last six months, I've seen her change and I think I've changed too. Fuck it, I've tried to. I think it's crept up on me and I hadn't fucking realised it, but I am done with Keeley." He's still pacing methodically in front of you, making sure he says exactly what he wants to say, the way he wants to say it. "Properly done, I mean. I love having her as a friend, she's really good at that shit and I'd be lost without her. I could say the same about Jamie too but don't tell him, he's already a massive twat." He pauses to collect his thoughts. "She might have been the big love of my life… if my life had gone in a different direction. But it didn't. It's led me to you, and you could never be a placeholder girlfriend." It takes a couple of seconds but he kneels so that he's lower than eye level with you, leaning back on his heels. "I don't want you to be a placeholder girlfriend, I want you to be my fucking girlfriend, and I honestly say this out of love," you giggle through the tears that have started to fall, "you're a really good one." He leans up to kiss you. "Now please tell me that's the answer that covers all the shit that's been worrying you?" You kiss him back deeply, sliding forward on the step to bring your knees either side of him. 
"I think that covers it. God, I really fucking love you." His laugh is magical,
"Fucking love you too. I love Lexie. I love that you can't park for shit and you're late for everything, and that you made my mum like you within about 5 minutes. She didn't even like me within 5 minutes." You kiss him again as his hands open up the split of your dress and slide up your thighs. He brings you further forward on the step and brings your underwear down your legs. "I'd spend the rest of my life on my knees worshipping you, even if it kills my bad knee." You lean back on your elbows as he brings his mouth to you and you believe every word he says.
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sunflowerromcom · 6 months
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it only took one kiss to know a Tedbecca Christmas au
“Momma, as much as I appreciate what you’re trying to do, and believe me, I know what you’re trying to do… you gotta set those matchmaking sights of yours on someone other than me.”
“Why would I do that? Now, I know you’ve got your big, fancy job over there, but honey, I don’t like you and Henry being all alone. Why don’t you come home and give it a shot?”
He shook his head, even though she couldn’t see him.
“I can’t.” And he couldn’t. He wouldn’t. Not when his heart already belonged to someone else. “I’m already seeing someone.”
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iedtasso · 3 years
Ted teaches Rebecca how to bake his biscuits
Tedbecca headcanon fluff!
Rebecca was having a hard time since facing Rupert during a west ham match
Ted was pretty down too because it was hard watching Nate be the coach for the other team, since it reminded him of how he "didn't appreciate him enough"
They ended up tying so it wasn't the best of the days
Rebecca knew she couldn't be left alone that night and Keeley was busy with her new job
Ted senses that and decides, you know what would be fun? Trying to bake the biscuits while drunk
Rebecca goes "sure why the fuck not"
Rebecca realised this is the first time she's stepped foot in Ted's house, and starts observing her surroundings - an opened jar of peanut butter (which she comments on saying "that's absolutely disgusting all the dust is going to collect inside" to which Ted replies "that's why you gotta lick it at least once a day!"), the ziplock of the tiny army figures, random books here and there, a picture of his son and, oh, the picture of Nate.
She picks the framed picture, puzzled. Why would Ted still keep this?
Ted notices and gives her a pained half smile, and point to a mini believe sign pasted on the kitchen cabinet. "I still believe in him, y'know? He's going through stuff right now, but I still believe in him"
Rebecca gives her classic "of course, it's Ted" smile and puts the photo back down
They gather on the kitchen as Ted pops open a bottle of champagne (he knows it's her favorite since she has them ready in her office all the time) and pours it into the glasses.
Rebecca takes a sip and asks "so, shall we start?" frankly she's pretty hungry and if there was anything that could cheer her up, it would be those delicious biscuits.
Ted chuckles and shakes her head, claiming that they aren't drunk enough yet and it wouldn't be fun. ("if you wanted a sober baking class you should've watched those British bake off shows y'all have")
After having a few more glasses chugged down their throats (during which Rebecca removes her heels because her feet were getting sore) they finally start baking
Ted insists that they don't use measurements today and put in the ingredients according to gut feeling
at this point Rebecca is pretty drunk and she slurs "WHAT. you want us to bake shitty biscuits? Absolutely not I want them to be of the same outstanding quality as those you bring every morning"
Ted laughs in amusement as he's never seen her this drunk before, and replies "as greatful as I am of that compliment, I'm sorry ma'am but we're going with freestyle today. You gotta trust ur gut sometimes, they might surprise you"
Knowing she can't convince Ted otherwise, Rebecca dramatically sighs and goes "alright! Fine" as they start plopping in the ingredients and mixing them.
At one point Rebecca accidentally flings her arms towards the bag of flour and spills the powder all over herself an the floor (she apologises with a string of "shit", "fuck" and "I'm so sorry"s)
As they plop the pan inside the oven, Ted suggests she changes out of her flour-covered top and gives her one of his AFC Richmond polo shirts
she was about to argue when she realised he was probably right, she didn't want to be covered in flour for the rest of the night (but she still made a fuss about it as she snatched the Richmond shirt and stumbled to the bathroom, or toilet, as Ted like to call)
While waiting for the Rebecca falls asleep on the couch, as Ted puts a blanket on her.
She's awoken by Ted cheering "REBECCA, YOU GOTTA CHECK THIS OUT"
Apparently the biscuits were ready, as she eyes Ted suspiciously before taking a bite.
"HOLY FUCK!" Rebecca yells and looks over to Ted who has his eyes wide open with a huge grin on his face. His usually slick back hair has now fallen in front from all the drunk cheering and dancing he did, because the biscuits were fucking amazing
"now what did I tell ya, you gotta trust ur gut!" Cheers as he hops all over the kitchen, and Rebecca can't help but laugh
"celebratory peanut butter?" Ted offers the opened jar towards her to which Rebecca immediately replies "absolutely not!" and goes in for another biscuit instead
Ted, unbothered, shrugs and dips his finger in to lick the peanut butter anyways
the middle gifs of Ted are exactly what I mean when I say celebratory dance:
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natlovesu · 3 years
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starrynight29 · 1 year
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I had this dream with them. This is family fluff and I’ve never written that before, but gave it a go with this short fic. - ‘sunny flowers’
Ao3 link
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