#tells me 'i saw you at the movies last week!'-- BITCH i have been streaming RWRB for the last 6 months
chelleisamazing · 8 months
Idk why but i get so annoyed when someone hits me up to tell me "hey I saw you in (a place)", and when I try to think about it i realize it couldn't have been me because I didnt even go out that day at all or something
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Need You
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Request: Can you write an imagine where you’re in an abusive relationship and you go to Hotch (your best friend) for help? Lots of angst with fluff at the end? If possible I appreciate it a lot.
Warnings: mentions of domestic abuse, blood, angst
“Don’t walk away from me bitch!” Matt jerked me back to where he was standing fuming mad for whatever reason
“Let me go!” I ripped my arm out of his grasp which enraged him even more. He shoved me aside knocking me into the table before bashing my head on the wall
“You’re not leaving this house to go be a hoe with your coworkers!” he gripped my face dragging me up from my spot on the ground shoving me into the mirror on the wall. The shards of glass fell on the ground, some cutting my exposed legs. My entire body hurts from the many beatings that I had been given this week
You’re wondering why me, a federal agent, had somehow managed to be caught up with an abuser. Long story short, I’m an idiot. I was too niave, I believed that everyone can change. The first time he laid his hands on me I excused him after he apologized relentlessly. Then once turned into twice, then a third and after that I lost track at how many times we’ve been down this road. This week was the worst, he’s been frustrated with the loss of his job and he’s been taking it out on me the past couple of days.
This week I had to cover up the many bruses that he left on my upper body to hide them from my friends who were curious to know why I had made a sudden change in the clothes I wear to work. Usually I’d be in skirts and short sleeved blouses but now I wear pants and turtlenecks to the office and even in the field
Too caught up in my thoughts I hadn’t noticed his cleanched fist swinging to connect with my face before it was too late. He punched me in my left eye sure to leave a mark, he smacked me across my face. As he continued his assault on me all I kept thinking about was Aaron
You have to fight back
Finding the strength I needed I jabbed my thumbs into his eyes and kneed him in his balls successfully getting him off of me. Scrambling off of the floor I snatched my keys and phone from on the table and was about to rush out the front door when he yanked my ankle. Using my stilettos to my advantage I pressed the heel into his hand
“You fucking slut!” he groaned in pain as I ran to my car
Finally in the safety of my vehicle I started it and pulled off just before he could reach my doorhandle. Tires screeching as I sped away from his appartment complex. I released a breathe that I didn’t even realize that I had been holding, my eye throbbed from the immense pain. I lifted my shaky hand to my eye groaning from the contact on the swollen area. 
The metalic taste of blood coated the tip of my tounge as I swiped it over my bottom lip. My vision started to get blurred from the tears that were streaming down my face making it even more difficult to see. I didn’t even know where I was going but somehow my car came to a stop in front of Aaron’s apartment.
Getting out I made my way into the building and up the stairs to his door. Knocking on the door I noticed my busted knuckles which had small fragments of glass in the cuts
“Y/n what-” he gently ushered me into his place and immediately took me over to his sofa. Anger radiated off of him and he scanned all my injuries, jaw tight as his fingers lightly brushed against my face 
“Did he do this to you?” he asked and I weakly nodded my head unable to use my voice
“I’m gonna kill him” placing my hand over his I looked into his hard eyes
“Don’t, we could deal with him afterwards but right now I just need you” sighing he got up and took me into his arms. He set me down on his bathroom counter before moving to find his first aid kit. Turning around as best as I could I looked in the mirror 
“Oh God” 
My face was battered and bruised, lips split in different places, the strap of my dress was torn, there were bruises scattered across my chest and sholders, my neck showed clear signs that he had choked me
“Y/n” Aaron stood behind me holding the kit in his hand waiting for me to turn towards him again
“I know the last thing you want to do right now is talk about this but I need you to tell me everything that happened tonight” he gently took my hand in his and started removing the pieces of glass.
I told him everything, not only about tonight’s events but from the moment the abuse started not even leaving out the silghtest of details. I told him about the time he beat me black and blue which resulted in me taking a week vacation to hide the damage from the team. Then there was the time he dislocated my shoulder which I played off as a gym accident. While I relayed everything to him I saw the fire burning in his eyes as he gently cleaned the cuts on my face. His jaw cleaned and the grip on the gauze tightened. 
“Why didn’t you come to me sooner?” discarding the used guaze he came and stood between my legs
“I thought that it wouldn’t get this bad but I was so wrong. I should’ve listened to you when you said to leave him alone” the sobs racked my body, chest heaving as I let my emotions take over. Aaron wrapped his arms around me and I clung onto him, tears soaking through his shirt
“It’s gonna be alright” he rubbed my back while waiting for my cries to subside. We stayed in the position for a while before I started to calm down
“You could take a shower and I’ll get you some clothes to change into” pulling  away he kissed my temple before helping me off the counter. With one last look he left and I started removing my clothes and got into the shower
I stood under the showerhead welcoming the cold water that beat down my body. Taking the bottle of bodywash that I left in here last time I lathered myself and reinsed today’s events down the drain. Completely free of soap I shut the water off and got out, taking one of the clean towels on the towel rack and wrapped myself in it. Opening the door I almost bumped into Aaron who was about to knock
“I left the clothes on my bed meet me in the livingroom when you’re finished” Nodding I headed to his room and changed into his big t-shirt and boxer briefs. His scent evading my nostrils giving me a sense of peace
Ain’t no way he’s getting these back
Walking out to the livingroom I smelt the popcorn before I even saw the bowl that sat on the table while Aaron stuck a DVD into the player 
“What are we watching?” plopping down on the sofa I pulled the blanket over me leaving enough for him to join
“Space Buddies” he said smiling as he held the case up for me to see. Laughing I pat the spot next to me as the movie started playing and he sat, pulling me into his side. We spent the night stuffing our faces while watching the adorable pups on the screen, distracting us from the thing.
It felt good to not have that secret on my chest anymore and I know that the drama is far from over but tonight I’m enjoying the time with my best friend
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My Silver Screen, My Misery, My Love, My Defeat
Pairing: Billie Dean Howard x Fem Reader
A/N: I’ve been wanting to write something with Billie Dean for so long but didn’t know where to start. This lady intimidates me. I don’t know what this fic is worth, and I’m so nervous about posting it - I know it’s not particularly nice, but it’s the most personal fic I ever wrote so please be kind. 
Title is from “Pacific Coast Highway In The Movies” by AWOLNATION. This song haunts me. x
Word count: ~ 3 000
“Dear me when will my life begin?” you sighed dramatically as you gathered your things.
“Bitch, I never want to see you again,” your boss growled, pointing an angry finger at you.
“Goodbye, asshole!” you called over your shoulder as you walked out of the room.
You had never cared about that job. You didn’t seem to be able to care about anything at all. You were so bored.
Real life lacked passion and colours. You were constantly hungry for a sense of wonderment. No emotion was worth feeling if it wasn’t extreme. You wanted to know how it felt to love so deeply you would faint in the dining room like the heroines of old, drive your car off a cliff, smash the heads of your lover’s suitors. When had the world and love become so boring?
You had come to believe you would never be able to fall in love with anyone. Fiction had ruined your life. You wanted beauty, you wanted glamour, you wanted passion and murder, tears shed under the stars, diamonds on the bed. You wanted a lover who would come down the stairs in a white silk gown with lace as the music and the lighting made love to her. Cherry pink lips and wavy hair, glitter in her eyes. How could anyone settle for less?
You walked into the bright sunlight and let the flow of pedestrians sweep you away.
You scanned the press room and sighed. Bored, you were so bored. Luckily the couches were comfortable, and the tea was good.
You worked for the local newspaper – nothing serious, nothing you were passionate about, but you had been struggling to make ends meet. You and another journalist were covering an annual festival celebrating “everything mystical and magical!” Bollocks, as far as you were concerned. But you loved festivals, you always had. There was something almost surreal about them, how time seemed to slow down, and space to narrow. A bubble would form, a dome, a world only a few were let in. Real life would stop for a while, and you loved that, because real life was boring.
The press secretary – Leo? Theo? who cared; he was uninteresting and badly dressed – waved at you from across the room. “She’s here,” he mouthed, meaning the medium you were to interview. You gave him a thumbs-up and sighed as soon as he turned his back to you. Notebook, pen, Dictaphone. Cup of tea - empty. Another sigh. You signaled to the old lady behind the counter at the far end of the room for another cup. She pretended not to see you.  
“Asshole,” you muttered between gritted teeth. Someone on the couch next to yours – Steve? Pete? he had introduced himself the day before, he worked for a national TV channel, you couldn’t remember which one – laughed loudly at something someone else had said.
Your attention was suddenly drawn to the door. The press secretary was ushering a group of people in: a young man wearing jeans, a girl clutching files to her chest, a woman who walked in as if she owned the place, high-heels clicking, smile flashing.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Pete (Steve?) point at her. “Man, that’s Billie Dean Howard,” he said in a breath.
“Who?” asked his companion.
“Oi, Miss Howard!” someone called – a photographer, jumping to his feet with his camera in his hands.
She glanced at him, offered him a polite smile; tilted her head on one side as she took a pose.
You gazed at her.
“Make sure the lighting is good,” she told the photographer.
The young man in jeans was buzzing around her, almost shoving a notebook into her face, muttering something about a timetable and how they were running out of time. She leaned away from him, holding out a perfectly manicured hand – pale pink acrylics, thin silver rings – to bat the notebook away. You saw her mouth twist in an annoyed kind of way, and then the press secretary nodded at you, and she turned, and her eyes met yours.
Her brow pushed up as a smug smile crept up her lips – plump, glittery beige lipstick. “Are you here for me, babydoll?” she called.
And just like that you were done for. For the stars were singing, and your heart was finally. Admiring. Entranced. Alive.
Oh thank all the freaking Gods, she had finally come.
You turned on the Dictaphone and grabbed your pen. Your hands were sweating.
“Ur,” you said. Billie Dean crossed her legs and folded her hands on her knee, smiling.
You had prepared for this interview, vaguely, but she had stolen all the words from you. Kidnap me, was what you wished to tell her. Ravish me. Take me away with you from this grey world and fill my mind and heart with wonderment. Make me your co-star.
“So, what do you think of the city so far?” was what came out of your mouth. You could have died of embarrassment.
Fortunately for you, Billie Dean loved to talk about herself, so you didn’t have to rack your brain for interesting questions.
You told her you had waited for her your whole life. You told her you meant it. She looked genuinely surprised, but then she smiled, a smile that seemed to suggest she had already forgiven you for that mistake. You realized that, probably, your passionate childishness was very funny to her, as were all those who had succumbed to it before you.
“The scariest spirit I’ve ever met?” She leant back on the couch, eyes staring up at the ceiling, lips curling into a smile. “I don’t get scared easily,” she quipped, and her smile turned into a smirk.
“Are you planning on staying here long?”
Her eyes sparkled. “Depends if I can find a cozy bed to sleep in and a pretty girl to smooch.”
Damn her, damn her – you were about to lean in and kiss that smug smile off her lips when the press secretary – damn him, damn him – appeared out of nowhere as in an uninspired script, squeaking “Time’s up!” as if time mattered, as if time hadn’t stopped the minute you had met Billie Dean’s eyes.
The young man in jeans pressed a cup of coffee into Billie’s hands. “Cathy’s waiting for you in the VIP room,” he said nervously. He glanced at you over the rim of his glasses. “You’re done here?”
“I – “You cleared your throat. Billie Dean was standing up, rearranging her hair, ready to leave, ready to forget already –
“You’ll have us read that article before you publish it, alright?” the young man was saying.
“Oh whatever happened to the freedom of the press,” Billie retorted. Her eyes flicked to you. “Don’t mind him.”
“I have a very cozy bed,” you heard yourself say.
For a second or two, you could have heard a pin drop.
Billie held your face between her hands as if you were made of porcelain, the first time she kissed you. You gazed into her eyes as if you were dreaming. “Who are you?” you whispered.
She laughed indulgently. “Don’t forget to breathe, darling.”
A breath in. She smelt of cigarette smoke and sage and something else, something like… you didn’t know. There was no word for it. She smelt like Billie Dean Howard, medium to the stars.
Billie Dean raised a toast to you and to the sun and said she couldn’t possibly live without either of you. You scoffed, rolled your eyes at her as if that wasn’t the kindest thing anyone had ever said to you. She noticed your reddening cheeks, and let out a chuckle.
“What? It’s a sunburn,” you lied, fighting a smile.  
The midday summer sun was beating down on the Mediterranean, a soft breeze blowing and carrying the scent of the sea. You were spending the week in Monaco, a gift from Billie for your first anniversary. You closed your eyes, breathed in happily. The waiter brought your order, a bistro salad with warm goat cheese on toast for you, a slice of salmon and French fries for Billie. She flashed a smile at him, and his eyes sparkled.
“He’s in love,” you teased, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“With me?” Billie assumed an innocent expression. “Why, I could not possibly believe that.”
You scoffed again. She smiled, pinched a thick slice of lemon between her thumb and index.
“We should come here every summer,” she said in a singsong, drizzling lemon juice over the salmon. “I love it here.”
She laughed. “I wish. But you look so beautiful with that sunburn.”Her eyes glanced up at you mischievously; you cleared your throat. She smirked, put the slice of lemon on the side of her plate, dried her fingers with her napkin.
“You and I, lost in a foreign country,” she said.
“Luckily for you, I took French lessons in college.”
“Oh is that so?” Under the table, Billie rubbed her bare foot up and down your leg. “And how do you say ‘kiss me’ in French?”
You leaned towards her, beaming. Your gaze flicked to her lips. “Embrasse-moi.”
“Atta girl.”
She took your breath away, every day. You bent over the table, meeting her lips halfway, smiling into the kiss.
“I love you,” she whispered. Her eyes smiled. “Forever.”
You pressed the pad of your thumb against her brow. “Um, you can’t know that.”
“Know that I love you?”
“Know that it’ll last forever. Nothing lasts forever.”
She pouted, shifted slightly on the bed. Your thumb slid on her skin. The light streaming through the windows splashed the walls of the hotel room yellow.
“Don’t be so mean at 8 in the morning,” she whined.
You rolled your eyes at her, planted a kiss on her lips. Her skin was hot and clammy. You nuzzled your nose in her neck, blew some air to tickle her. She raised one hand to fan herself – coral acrylics, no rings.
“Call room service,” she said, stretching lazily. “I want some ice cream.”
You snorted.“Ice cream for breakfast?”
“It’s too hot.”
You reached out for the telephone and sat up, making sure your bare breasts were exposed. “Lemon?” you asked Billie. She nodded, gaze on your chest. You made a face. “I don’t understand how you can stand the taste of lemon, it’s so sour – oh, hello. Yes, could we get some lemon ice cream, please? Ice cream, yes. Room 108. And you know what, a bottle of champagne as well. Yes.” You grinned at Billie, who, face half buried in her pillow, was laughing happily. “Thank you. Muchas gracias. Yes. Bye!”
“Miss Howard, please.”
“Oh babe, call me Billie.”
“A little further to the left, please Billie.”
“Who’s that with you, miss Billie?”
“Be a doll and fetch me my shawl, will you darling?”
The girl – Lucy? Lily? – nodded in awe and hurried off.
“A little further to the left, Billie.”
Someone turned on a projector. You squinted, gave Billie’s hand a squeeze.
“Miss Billie, who’s that charming young woman with you? Is she your date? Miss Billie, who’s –“
Camera flashes, everywhere. You felt Billie’s lips, feather-light, brush your ear. “Relax,” she whispered. “You look beautiful.”
All around you, you could make out dark shapes, nondescript, unimportant. Spectators of the show. Come to see her, come to see you.
“Miss Billie who’s that charming –“
“Paws off!” Billie laughed. She pulled you closer, hip bumping yours. “She’s all mine, gentlemen.”
You beamed at her, brighter than the projector. Camera flashes, everywhere. To capture the moment when Billie nipped your ear lobe and you threw back your head to laugh, one hand on her arm, in love, so in love.
“So what are we doing this weekend?”
You glanced up at her. “Aren’t you busy this weekend?”
Billie flashed you a smile as she sat down on the couch beside you. She laid one hand on your bare thigh, nails gently grazing. “Production’s delayed. I’m all yours.”
With a wince you removed her hand from your thigh. “I’m sweating,” you whined.
Her smile faltered, just a bit. “Aren’t you happy?”she asked. And then she relaxed and shook her head. “Oh, I’m stupid. You made other plans.”
“I’ve nothing to do at all.” You stretched and winced again. “I don’t know. I’m so bored.”
It happened again. And again.
You caught yourself looking at other faces in the crowd. No one held a candle to Billie Dean, you knew that. But still. You scanned the crowd.
You pretended not to notice when Billie held out a hand for you to hold.
The glamour was fading. The twinkle of the stars was being swallowed up by the morning light.
You had once visited a house. The wallpaper was peeling off, leaving ugly streaks of dirty grey or brown. The landlady’s nail polish was chipped.  
Billie’s eyes were wide and rimmed red. You had never seen her look so sad.
“Wait,” she pleaded, her fingers – pale pink acrylics, vintage ring with a red stone – closing around your wrist to hold you back. “Surely we can talk – “She tried to smile, but it looked too broken, too scared.
“There’s nothing to talk about, Billie,” you said, avoiding her gaze. You hesitated. “I’m sorry. I really am.”
Her face fell. “But surely – “
“Are you here for me, babydoll?”
Her teeth sank into her lower lip and a tear rolled down her cheek, but you didn’t wipe it as you usually would. For this was how things always went. People left each other. Staying alive meant getting bored of the people you once loved. The credits roll. The movie ends.
You planted one last kiss on her lips as a sob pushed out of your throat. “Gosh but I loved you so much,” you cried. “I hadn’t been alive before you came. You taught me how to love and now I’ve died again and I’m lost without you. I’m forever lost without my love for you.”
You kept one of her scarves. It still smelt of cigarette smoke and sage and that something else – Billie Dean Howard, medium to the stars.
Colours faded to grey. You sank back into routine. Monotonous. Soporific. Boring. So very boring.
A year ago you would have expected the world to stop turning the minute you walked out of Billie Dean’s life. It didn’t. Days followed days, a succession of yesterdays and todays and tomorrows. Life went on, mocking you.
The smell of salmon filled the kitchen as you dropped the thick slices onto the burning pan. You smiled as Julie – a one-night stand that somehow had become more – made an appreciative noise. She was sprawled on the sofa, watching TV lazily, muttering “Boring” every time she changed the channel.
“Boring,” – another channel, “Boring,” – another channel, “Bo – oh hello there! Y/N, look, I spot a milf!”
You looked up as the anchorman’s face twisted into a fawning smile. “I’ve got Muriel here on the phone, from Portland, Oregon. Muriel sounds pretty worried. She wants to know if ghosts stay forever as ghosts or if they ever get to find peace.”
The camera cut to his guest – coral acrylics, no rings. The salmon’s grease sizzled on the pan.
“Nice pair of legs,” Julie was saying. “Come on, cameraman, don’t be shy, show us more!”
You shushed her.
“… some of them have been dead for a very long time, I’m afraid,” Billie Dean answered with an affected nod of her head.
Your eyes were wide.
“And what about love?” the anchorman asked.
Billie quirked an eyebrow. “Love?”
“Do you think it’s eternal?”
“I can’t believe we’re leaving tomorrow!” your friend Henry moaned drunkenly. He tapped his foot on the pavement like a pouting child. “Couldn’t we buy a house on one of those hills and live here? I wanna live here. I don’t wanna live anywhere else.”
“I know,” you giggled, pulling on his arm. The night was full of lights. You hadn’t expected less from Los Angeles. You hadn’t quite been able to find the angels in the sky, though. You kept an eye out for them.
“The world isn’t fair because we’re poor.”Henry walked up to the nearest streetlight and hugged it. “I’m staying here. I’m not leaving.”
You giggled again, stretching your arms as if you were about to break into dance. The air was warm. For the past few days your heart hadn’t been quite so sad.
A car honked nearby, making you jump, and just as you were about to curse a woman shot out of the hotel on your left in a flurry of yellow and blue and nearly smashed into you – “Shit, look where you’re go – “ – brown eyes, gaze terrified, shoes in her hands, cheeks pink and – “Billie?”
She slammed back into your life like the female protagonist of a Hitchcock movie, running from danger in the moonlight with her hair disheveled and her dress billowing in the wind.
You caught hold of her wrist and tried to meet her gaze. “Are you alright? What – what happened to you? Did somebody hurt you? Are you alright?” You poured questions onto her as if you couldn’t stop. Her eyes focused on you, and she ran a hand through her hair, and let out a nervous laugh.  
And just like that you were done for. For the stars were singing, and your heart was once again. Admiring. Entranced. Alive.
“Never again,” Billie groaned into your mouth. She was holding your head firmly between her hands, devouring you, shivering, panting. “Don’t you dare leave me ever again.”
“I love you,” you moaned. You pushed her down on the bed, eyes flashing hungry and predatory as you took in the sight of her, all flushed and ready for you. “Forever.”
And as you dived in you could almost forget the taste of that one lie.
“What about love?” the anchorman asked. “Do you think it’s eternal?”
Billie’s smile faltered. “I’m not sure,” she answered slowly.
“Aw, poor chick got her heart broken,” Julie mocked.
“Lemon?” you asked her.
“Should I put some lemon juice on the salmon?”
“I hope so,” Billie’s voice said. “I’m not sure – but I hope so.”
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techno-woman · 4 years
::The following story takes place after DragonBall Fighterz villains arc. I do not own any DBZ characters. Enjoy the story!::
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It has been over a month since you had returned to your own body after Frieza kicked you out despite you accepting his offer to join him. Honestly you didn’t have much to keep you here on earth anyway since bad luck had a habit of shooting down your spirits. It all started when you had graduated from high school; your dad suffered from a stroke and eventually succumbed to it within two months, your brother was killed in a car crash with your mother two years later, and just recently you had broken up with your boyfriend whom you’ve been dating for four years after finding out that he was cheating on you with another woman. You’ve at least managed to keep your job at a fast food restaurant thanks to your hard working attitude,however; your heart has been closed off since the breakup and you were tired of all the misery in your life so far that it wouldn’t have even mattered if you ended up robbed, murdered or worse.
Then one day you found yourself linked up with Frieza. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how much of an evil prick he was after the way he spoke to you for the first time. He was obviously not a happy camper when he noticed you were controlling his body and not him. Although you couldn’t necessarily blame him since body snatching wasn’t your cup of tea either. Frieza had openly expressed his disgust towards you many times and while his attitude may have annoyed you to no end you somehow oddly find some comfort in it. Perhaps it was because you too had days where you just had to let out your frustrations though it was all in private. You’ve powered through mentally with Frieza because the sting of your ex’s betrayal was still fresh. But working with the tyrant hasn’t been so terrible not when you had experienced his amazing power which would’ve been found in a comic book or a superhero movie. You felt invincible, untouchable almost like a god and you loved it especially the flying part.
The link you had with Frieza had become more stronger with each battle and along the way you encountered Nappa, Captain Ginyu and the Ginyu force, Cell, Goku, Vegeta, Krillin,and the rest of the z fighters. Through them you experienced each of their own unique powers and got along with most of them. Even Frieza was showing subtle signs of him warming up to you which you were grateful for. But deep down you couldn’t help but develop some attachments to the emperor of the universe himself. You weren’t sure if he had felt the same way as you when he had offered you a position in his army after you both took out Android 21 and you knew for a fact that you wouldn’t make a good soldier since part of Frieza’s requirements to joining the Frieza force included strength which you weren’t confident about despite how well you were doing with the link. But of course if it meant that you could start your life anew and leave your misfortune behind then you’d gladly take it. Then afterwards Frieza had warmly welcomed you to join his forces when Android 21 was taken down at last. You smiled at the thought of being in space looking at the stars and planets while riding in a spaceship boldly going where no human has ever gone before. Suddenly Frieza, Cell, Ginyu and Nappa immediately began charging up when their powers had returned to them, getting ready to attack Goku and the gang and before you knew it Frieza chased you out of his body so he could fight Goku without you holding him back. Devastated and heartbroken at the tyrant’s actions you took to the skies leaving Frieza to exact his revenge on his sayian nemesis.
That was the last time you saw him and you never got to tell him how you felt about him. You shook your head as you headed into work wiping away your tears deciding that you were better off without him anyway. You didn’t have much to offer to a guy like that except for your loyalty and love which you doubted that he would be capable of. Two hours in and the events of last month had already been pushed to the back of your mind as you worked hard cleaning dishes, prepping up food, and sweeping up the floor. The lights flickered faintly above and you thought to yourself that the light bulbs must be starting to give out. You were wiping down the tables when a random guy came up to you in an attempt to flirt with you but you ignored him completely.
“What time do you get off, cutie?” The man asked you.
“Sorry sir but I cannot indulge such information to someone I do not know.” You said with a customer friendly tone which surprised you internally to hear such words coming from your own mouth. Apparently you picked up some of Frieza’s elegant speech pattern while you were linked with him.
The man looked surprised in a happy way. “Fancy way of talking, eh? Then how about you let me take you somewhere fancy to eat after you get off?”
“No thank you.” You said as you started to get irritated with him. The lights above you started to flicker.
“Don’t be like that, baby. I can treat you real nice.” The guy insisted.
“Please sir, I have work to do and I am not interested. Have a nice day.” You told him as you kept your tone friendly while your temper was rising. The lights flickered faster causing several of the staff and customers to look in confusion.
“C’mon don’t tell me that a pretty face like you already has a boyfriend?” Inquired the guy.
Now it was starting to get too personal for your liking as the memories of your ex flowed into your mind like a stream of water. Anger was bubbling up as the flickering lights intensified causing everyone to become concerned and even scared. “That is no concern of yours. Now please leave me alone and have a nice day.” You clenched your teeth as you managed to say in a sweet tone while keeping a grip on your temper. You were getting ready to head back into the kitchen when you felt a hand grab your arm and pulled you back.
“What’s the matter, bitch?” The guy hissed. “You think you’re too good to have a good time with guys like me?” He smelled like he hasn’t bathed in a week and his grip on you grew tighter.
Your coworkers and a few customers saw this and attempted to get him to let you go. But the guy insisted that he was your boyfriend and that it was no one’s business.
“SHUT UP JACKASS! YOU’RE NO ONE TO ME!” You yelled angrily at him and at that same time the lights that were flickering above you exploded. Everyone in the store screamed and covered their heads as glass fell upon them. A fire broke out causing several staff members to grab fire extinguishers and put out the fire.
The customers ran out screaming in panic as you were also running out of the store. You didn’t know what was going on but you did know that this had never happened in the restaurant before. So why now? Sounds of police sirens were drawing close as was the firefighters and you just hoped that no one got hurt. Suddenly you felt arms grabbing you by the waist and you were then carried off by someone.
“Hey! Let me go!” You exclaimed. “Put me down! What do you think you’re doing!”
“It’s just us, human!” Said a familiar gruff yet friendly voice.
You turned to see none other than Captain Ginyu of the Ginyu force. “Ginyu!” You cried as you instantly gave him a hug.
“Don’t forget about us, sheila!” Jeice said happily.
“Hey Jeice, Burter, Recoome, Guldo! It’s great to see you guys again!” You grinned as you saw the rest of the Ginyu force. “But how did you know where to find me?”
Ginyu pointed to the scouter on his face. “We detected your ki with these and by the looks of it your ki skyrocketed to another level!”
You looked at him confused. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Didn’t you see what had just happened at the restaurant?” Burter asked pointing back to where your job was.
You felt your heart sink as you came to realize what they were talking about. “I did that?”
“You sure did!” Recoome said with a smile.
“But that’s never happened before. I don’t understand why it would happen now.” You said still trying to grasp the reality of the situation.
Ginyu looks at you with a sympathetic expression on his face. “Perhaps it’s because you were linked with Lord Frieza and that his ki has awakened yours.”
You looked up in surprise. “Really?”
“That’s the only explanation that I can think of. But let’s get you to Lord Frieza first.” Ginyu said taking off into the sky with the others.
“So Frieza wants to see me now after he booted me out?” You said in a sarcastic tone.
“My apologies, huma-“
“It’s Y/n.” You interrupted Ginyu.
“Y/n. Please forgive Lord Frieza. He has been humiliated twice by Goku and needed to get his revenge for it.” Ginyu said.
You huffed. “Did he succeeded?”
“All I can say is that it ended in a stalemate.”
“Figures.” You rolled your eyes.
“I don’t mean to speak out sir but is no one going to say anything about y/n here being a woman?” Guldo asked.
“Is there something wrong with that?” You asked with a small smile.
“No. Not at all. Just surprised is all.” Guldo said.
Minutes later aboard Frieza’s ship....
Frieza stood by the window as you entered with the Ginyu force leading ahead.
“Lord Frieza, we’ve brought the human with us.” Ginyu said as he bowed.
“Excellent work, Captain Ginyu.” Frieza said in a happy tone while turning slowly to face you. “It has been awhile my dear. You look so much lovelier in person.” He smiles his usual smile that you had come to recognize as his causal expression.
“You don’t seem surprised that I am a girl.” You said observering him and then noticed his tail wiggling about almost like Frieza was glad to see you in the flesh.
“I had Nappa keep a close eye on you afterwards since Saiyans can be easily passed off as humans when their tails are well hidden that is.” Frieza said as he approached you.
“Well no wonder why Nappa has been absent lately.” Guldo mumbled.
You turned your head to glare at Ginyu and the others. “Scouter my ass. You already knew where I was at, didn’t you?”
“Easy Y/n, we weren’t lying about the scouters picking up your ki level. Besides even with Nappa we aren’t familiar with the city you were living in.” Ginyu said.
Frieza cleared his throat getting your attention back onto him who was directly standing in front of you face to face. “As I was saying; I had ordered Nappa to watch over you after the Android 21 incident. When you left I sensed a slight change in your ki and made a mental note to look into it after I delt with that damned Saiyan Goku.”
“I was told that it was a stalemate.” You said.
Frieza grimaced. “It would not have been such a stalemate if Cell hadn’t tried to steal my glory for the last time.” His tail curled up much like how a fist would ball up in anger.
“Did you....kill him?” You asked.
“No, of course not. Goku’s eldest son already did him in with Maijin Buu.” Frieza said. “But enough of that. I believe we have much to discuss about your future here on the Frieza force.”
“Thanks but there’s a concern that I’d like to address with you. Namely my sudden ki rising. Captain Ginyu said that it was the result of our souls being linked together. Is it true?” You asked.
Frieza watched you before motioning for Ginyu and the others to leave the room. They did so without hesitation and now it was just you and him alone. “Indeed it is as you were told. The slight increase of your ki didn’t happen when you and I first met but after destroying Android 21 was when it changed. I have surmised that while you were linked with me your ki was being amplified by mine thus causing it to grow with each battle we’ve faced. Though it is not as strong as mine it’ll at least give you a bit of an edge to defend yourself with.”
“How long do you think it’ll last?” You asked.
Frieza closed his eyes and sighed in annoyance. “Don’t you understand what this means exactly? I’m saying this is permanent. That this newly awakened ki is what you’ll be living with from now on.”
You were dumbfounded at this. You now had powers of your own and yet you were unsure about how to handle it. Or if you could handle it. “Oh boy.” You covered your face with your hands as you rubbed your eyes with them. “This is a lot to take in.”
“For you I have no doubt that it is.” Frieza said flicking his tail casually. “Fortunately you will have plenty of time getting use to it in my army.”
“I probably might but there’s also the issue of controlling it. Before the Ginyu force picked me up I was getting upset with this one guy trying to make a pass at me and when I lost my temper the lights exploded above us.” You told him.
Frieza hummed with curiosity. “Certain emotions often trigger such power like yours. Perhaps that will be something we can work on together.” His tail then slowly wraps around your waist as he pulls your body into his. “I’m sure that you will find it most enjoyable.”
You blushed at how close you were to him and even more so when his tail pulsed. “Frieza? Just to be honest with you, I’m still upset with you for kicking me out.”
“I had a score to settle with Goku. You of all people should understand that. Especially with the amount of time that we’ve spent together sharing the same body.” Frieza said in a stern tone as he took your chin into his hand. “It’s Y/n, yes?”
You nodded.
Frieza smiled his mischievous and cruel smile. “Welcome to the Frieza force, my dear y/n.”
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autumnsart22 · 3 years
Suna x reader: Final part (fluff)
Here’s the final part to my Suna x reader series! I wasn’t fully satisfied with this version, so I decided to make a *ahem* rougher version as well. If you’re interesting, click here. 
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Art creds: @youneedasahi on twitter! 🤪
Despite Kita seeing you that day in the car, Suna still asked to keep whatever was between you a secret. That was fine with you--you didn’t particularly want a boyfriend, especially with the second semester of college work picking up. You still got to see him pretty often, hooking up in his car or your dorm at least three nights a week or more. Never the frat house; apparently his roommates were annoying. 
It was nice. Easy. Far easier than you ever expected friends with benefits to be. And beyond the sex, you loved talking to Suna; laying together on your tiny bed, legs tangled, while he explained the new music he was listening to, or walking together to the cafeteria as he made you laugh so hard that water came out of your nose. 
The good parts were enough to overlook the bad parts. At first. 
Suna was an abnormally horrific texter, barely ever responding within the day, if at all. If you ever wanted to get in contact with him, you’d have to call directly. And honestly even then he didn’t have the best track record. 
What was more frustrating was that it was always on his time. He would text you asking to hang out that night, and you would say yes, and then he wouldn’t respond until the following afternoon with some vague excuse about being busy. The first few times it happened, you got so mad that you didn’t respond to his calls, until he showed up at your dorm with panda express and forced you to watch Tokyo Ghoul with him. 
He had apologized...but it didn’t stop happening. It made you feel like you were some sort of side whore, who he called when he was bored and had nothing better to do. Like you were second best to everything else he had going on in his life. 
You had promised yourself from the beginning that you wouldn’t allow yourself to get close enough to get hurt, but it was hard. You really, really liked him. 
You liked the way he would stare at you while you talked, actually listening and curious as to what you had to say. You liked the way he hugged you after a few days of not seeing each other, burying his face in your hair like he couldn’t get close enough to you. You liked the way he laughed, both the usual, quiet chuckles and the rare snorting wheezes. You liked the way his mouth looked when he smoked, the way he moaned your name when he came, the way he could make you laugh at anything at any time. 
You didn’t want to get the “I told you so” talk from Kiyoko, so you avoided the topic all together: with her, and yourself. 
After one month of hanging out with Suna, you were planning on meeting up and going to see a movie. Both of you were more homebodies, preferring to stay in rather than party, but you had decided that you wanted to try and expand your horizons once again. The movies seemed like a happy compromise. 
The film was something Suna had been talking about for a while, an action thriller that honestly looked like shit but got good audience reviews because of all the flashy fight scenes. He had been so excited when it came out that you hadn’t been able to say no to going, especially not after he pried you with food. 
He was coming to get you at 6 pm, and your last class ended at 3pm, which gave you plenty of time to get ready. You stared at the face of your teacher on the screen within your zoom class, zoning out as he explained the flood system around the school. You glanced over as your phone buzzed, a message from Suna popping up on the screen. 
Wha u doying rit now?
Sorr little drynk 
You’re drunk? 
im at psrty
Are we still seeing a movie tonight?
There was no response, and you felt your stomach drop. You didn’t even notice as your teacher ended class and logged you off the meeting. Suna was at a party at 3 in the afternoon, drunk, and didn’t seem to remember you had plans. You swallowed, shoving your phone aside as you ground your teeth. Why was he so frustrating? 
You stood up, angry at yourself for caring, furious at Suna for making you feel this way, for being such a piece of shit. You knew what party he was probably at--Kiyoko had said she was going at some point--and suddenly you were moving before you could think about it. 
You dressed nice, but casual enough that it wasn’t out of place at a frat party. Sexy enough to make him want you though, of course. 
You didn’t give yourself time for nerves as you strode from your dorm and headed in the direction of the frat house, following a steady stream of people already going in that direction. You knew it was Friday, but how the fuck were so many people already getting ready to party when it was literally 3:30????
It wasn’t overly crowded in the house when you entered, but enough where it was confusing as you wandered through the crowd. You snatched two drinks from the counter, downing them as fast as possible as you searched for Suna in the crowd. You’d need to be at least tipsy before having this confrontation. 
You found him in the living room, sprawled out on the couch next to who you recognized to be Akaashi, Kuroo, Kita, and Iwaizumi--all who you knew through Kiyoko. There were a few others you didn’t know, and they were all clearly drunk out of their minds. 
As you entered the room, Suna met your eyes for a brief moment, but then they moved on without a reaction. He didn’t care at all that you had come to find him, or that he had never responded to your text. 
The drink in your hand trembled, and you walked out of the room without looking back. 
Instead of talking to Suna, you decided to get wasted. An hour after first coming to the party, you were deep in a game of beer pong and you had a pleasant warmth in your gut, the world a little hazy. You felt braver, more angry, and suddenly all you wanted to do was track down that yellow eyed idiot and slap him. 
“Where’s Suna?” You slurred, turning to look at your partner at beer pong. You knew him vaguely as one of the frat boys, Suna’s friend Atsumu. 
Atsumu grinned, raising his eyebrows as he stared down at you. “Suna? Why?” 
You weren’t drunk enough to tell him of your “friendship” with Suna, so you just shrugged. 
“He’s over there,” Atsumu pointed towards the kitchen, and you felt all the blood drain from your face as you followed his gaze. Sitting in a chair, his back to you, was Suna...and on his lap was a beautiful blonde girl with her hands in his hair as she kissed him fiercely. 
You must have made some sort of sound, because Atsuma looked back at you. “You good?” 
You forced yourself to nod. “I’m...going to get some fresh air.” 
“I’ll come,” he said, and you decided not to argue. 
The porch was thankfully empty, and you took a deep breath of the night breeze, trying to clear your head. Seeing Suna had sobered you up considerably, but your emotions were still a complete mess. All you could feel was a deep, unending hurt. 
“So...you and Suna huh?” You looked up at Atsumu, who had a strange smile on his face. 
“What are you--?” 
“It’s fine, you don’t have to keep it a secret.” He took a step towards you, and you raised your eyebrows. 
“We aren’t together.” 
“Really? Then you wouldn’t mind,” He gently took your chin, lifting your face. “If I did this?” 
“What the fuck.” 
All the breath wooshed out of you at the familiar voice, which was now laced with anger. Suna stood on the threshold of the porch, his hands in his pockets as he watched you and Atsumu. He was smiling, but it was icy with rage and...jealousy?
“Suna,” Atsumu grinned, releasing your face but not stepping back. “What do you want?” 
Suna jerked his chin in your direction. “How about you get away from her, and then we’ll talk?”
“Dude,” Atsumu rolled his eyes. “She just told me she was single. I don’t get what the problem is.” 
Suna’s face tightened. “If you don’t get the fuck out of here in the next three seconds, I swear I will break your--”
“Chill, ok!” Atsumu stepped back from you, given you a frustrated look before heading into the house. 
When the door clicked shut, Suna’s head slowly turned to face you, his eyes dark. “Single?” His voice was a low snarl. 
You swallowed, feeling your anger return full force. How dare he. “Yes!” You snapped, “Since you clearly don’t view this as any sort of relationship.” 
“What are you talking about?” 
“So you can go off kissing other girls, but I can’t flirt with Atsumu?” 
“Looked like a bit more than flirting,” he said, teeth bared, before the other part of what you said caught up to him. “And how drunk are you? I wasn’t kissing shit!” 
“Are you seriously lying to my face right now? I saw you!” 
“I didn’t kiss anyone! Do you really think that little of me?”
You clenched your fists. “Atsumu said--” 
Suna was in your face in a second, towering over you as he backed you against the wall. “What did he say?” He growled. 
You were breathing hard, wanting to punch Suna, but… he didn’t seem like he was lying. The person you had thought was Suna did have their back to you, and you had been drunk. Had you made a mistake? Even if you had though, it didn’t excuse any of his other behavior. 
“Why didn’t you answer my texts?” You finally snapped, and Suna gave a cold smirk. 
“Trying to change the subject?” 
“No, you bastard! I’m trying to figure out why you seem to be so upset when all you do is treat me like your side bitch!” 
His mouth fell open. “What?”
You could feel your throat getting tight, but you did not want to cry. 
“You never respond to my texts, you’re always cancelling plans with me to do other things, you act like you don’t know me in public, and you only seem interesting in having sex with me.” By the end, your voice cracked with a sob, and you turned your face away. 
Suna’s face was pale, his eyes wide as he stared at your hurt expression. “I didn’t…” His breath shuddered out, and he ran his hand roughly through his hair. “That isn’t what I think of you at all.” 
“Then…” you still wouldn’t look at him, and he wanted to punch himself. 
“Look, I’m terrible at being in relationships. I always feel like they lose interest, so I break it off early on. I just...I don’t want that to happen with you.” 
“How does you being a piece of shit help?” 
“Y/n,” Suna gripped your face in his hands, his eyes desperate. “I want to be with you all the time. I think about you constantly, what you’re doing, how soon I can see you again. It drives me crazy how much I--” He stopped, clenching his jaw. “I don’t want to overwhelm you, or pressure you into anything. I thought that by keeping it relaxed, you would…” He trailed off again, and all you could feel was your heart racing. 
“Then why do you always act so...uninterested?” You finally whispered, voice trembling. 
“Do you mean around my friends?” 
After a moment, you nodded. It was only really around them that he gave you the cold shoulder. 
“They’re all assholes, and I don’t want you to get involved with them. The second they think I love you, they’ll try and see why. To hurt me through you.” 
Your mouth fell open and I suddenly couldn’t think past one word. “L-love-?”
Suna’s eyes went wide, and he tried to step back. “I…fuck...” 
You gripped his shirt, forcing him to stay where he was. “Do you?” 
He paused, his face so red you thought he might pass out. “Yes.” He cleared his throat and met your eyes. “I’m in love with you.” 
He shifted nervously, waiting for your reaction, and you couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your face. You stood on your tip toes and kissed him, arms going around his neck. He sighed into your mouth, grabbing your waist and tongue sliding along the seam of your lips, prompting you to open your mouth. After a long moment, you pulled away. 
“I love you,” You whispered to him, and Suna pressed himself against you, groaning into your mouth. 
“Mhm.” You tugged away from him, meeting his eyes. “But will you try to respond to my texts? Not cancel plans? I need to know that you won’t just...ditch at a moment’s notice.” 
He nodded, expression seriously. “I’ll do anything to keep you here with me.” 
He kissed you on the nose, and you smiled.
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maybebanks · 4 years
Stupid Mistake
WARNING: assault
JJ Maybank x reader
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“I’m bored!” you whined. You were sitting in the chateau, with John B and Kie.
Your mind was unoccupied, you had been so used to listening to JJ and Pope’s banter, it was the only thing that could entertain you.
“Y/n, if I knew you were gonna moan like that I wouldn’t have invited you to join the pogues,” Kie scolded.
“I for one, don’t mind,” John B winked.
You rolled your eyes. Usually it was JJ making the flirty jokes.
Kie told you that JJ didn’t really like you at first, but once he got to know you, he fell. And couldn’t stop flirting. You just thought it was a joke and turned down all his advances.
“So none of y’all want to go surfing?” You asked, standing up from the less than comfortable couch.
“Nah Y/n/n, I’m dead,” Kie says tiredly.
“John B? Just me and you?” You asked. He just shrugged, “oh come on, I know you want to...”
“I broke my wrist, and I kinda just wanna chill. We can watch a movie or something,” John B suggests.
You groan.
“Your TV is like totally out of whack since Agatha,” you retaliated.
John B just chuckled and went in the other room.
“I’m gonna go find JJ. He won’t turn me down, like all of you p*ssies!’ You said the last part, hoping to motivate them.
You opened the door and walked out on the porch.
“Wait!” Kie said anxiously, her eyebrows were knit together and she pulled your t-shirt back.
“You shouldn’t go over there. JJ...um...JJs place is a little rough. He doesn’t wanna be embarrassed when you see it. Just hang with us,”
“Y’all are boring,” you joked, “and besides, I’m sure JJ will be okay with it. I won’t judge,” you shrugged and hurried off to your car.
Kie tried to stop you again, but hopelessly sighed, before shouting, “be careful! I’m serious!”
10 minutes later, you arrived at the small yellow shack JJ called home. It was a humble house. But the paint was chipping and needed some serious maintenance. Nonetheless, you shrugged and knocked on the front door.
You heard some heavy metal music playing on the inside. So you didn’t know if he would hear your knock. You headed to the back and invited yourself in.
“JJ?” you called. You looked in all directions, there was a mess in every turn. And you thought John B was a slob.
You sighed and decided to head towards the bedroom, but just as you stepped through the door. You felt a force push you against the wall and a rough calloused hand cover your mouth.
“What the hell are you doing here?!” The voice shouted. You thought it was JJ at first, so you squirmed and shoved at him.
But then, you noticed this man was a lot larger, and older.
You tensed at the sight. This must be JJ’s father.
“Quite the..uninvited guest. You’re too pretty to be poking around in places you don’t belong,” he sneered, his hand was still tight around your face. Your eyes widened at his comment.
When he finally let go to let you speak, your mouth went dry.
“Um hi Sir. I’m so sorry to bother you. Please forgive me for intruding, I was looking for-“
“For my son,” he finishes.
You responded with a nod. His father gave you a smirk, “damn. Why are you dressed like this?” He says, touching your bikini strap.
That was a no go. He commented on your body, and was giving you the wrong feeling.
“I was planning on going surfing,” you answer, looking around if JJ might show up, to save you.
You push yourself up from the wall and attempt to turn around, but he grabs your bare waist, and pulls you back.
Your nose practically touched his, you could smell his beer ridden breath.
“You gonna leave without saying goodbye?” He said, his hands fell to your denim shorts. His rough fingers gliding along the hem.
You were frozen.
You didn’t say anything, you couldn’t. Your throat was aching. You couldn’t help but think about JJ. How could he live with a man capable of this? Does he know?
“You keep your mouth quiet, and I won’t tell my son,” he slurred.
“Please, stop it. Mr. Maybank. I should...I have to go,”
He brought his hands up to your face and slapped your cheek twice. It wasn’t too hard, but enough to rough you up.
He took the two straps of your bikini and moved them up and down, so your chest bounced up and down.
You raised your hands up to push him off, but quickly he grabbed your wrists.
“Ah don’t test me, darling,” he smirked again.
“Please let me leave, I have to see John B...” you pleaded, your voice horse. Coming up with any excuse possible.
He chuckled, “going after JJ and John B huh,”
“No um it’s not like that. Sir please just let me go, I promise-“
He cut you off by wrapping his hands around your throat, “listen here you little bitch, I don’t know where you’re from, but you stay away from my boy, you hear?”
You nodded rapidly, and finally he let go. Leaving you gasping and coughing.
He shoved you towards the door and you stumbled out. Without JJ.
You wondered if JJ was even home, and hope he would interfere if he was. But no one had helped you.
When you arrived at your place, you ran to your bathroom and showered. You were in there for what felt like hours, just crying. Your tears mixing with the raining shower head.
Kie invited you back to the chateau and promised it wouldn’t be boring. But you declined and said your parents wanted you home.
Your parents were out of town.
That night you got no sleep. Every time you would close your eyes, you would see him. His hair going grey, his harsh light eyes.
When you got out of bed the next morning, you looked like shit. Dark circles under your eyes, and visible bruises around your neck.
You wanted to punch the mirror. It hurt you to the core.
And the worse fact was, this man was connected to JJ. The JJ you adored, the JJ you fought and flirted with. The JJ who made your life exciting. And the JJ that cared about you.
Did you have to give up on that? All because of his asshole of a father.
Tears continued to stream down your face.
You hated yourself. It had to be your fault too. Why did you wear that damn bikini.
You felt his touch all over you. So you decided to take yet another shower.
After that, your phone was filled with texts from the Pogues. Asking you to meet.
You declined all of them, again. With bullshit like: I don’t feel well. Rain check. I’m super busy today. Family stuff.
You contemplated it for a while. The truth. Would you eventually tell someone? No. They would just look at you differently.
Two days later, you hung out with Pope and Kie. But as soon as JJ arrived with John B you said you had to leave.
5 days went by, and the pogues could tell you were avoiding JJ. But you denied any of their theories. And just said family stuff got busy.
But after a week. John B finally convinced you to go on the boat with all the pogues. You figured it wouldn’t be that hard to avoid JJ, not look at him, or think about him. Easy. You lied to yourself.
But the night before, you relapsed. Your dreams were consumed by the act made against you. You barely slept a minute.
And again like clockwork, your reflection was rough. Dark circles, and red eyes. The good news was, that the bruises were fading. But they could still be seen if you were close enough.
You covered them with makeup with ease. Then washed your face and applied some concealer that would most likely wear off. But you didn’t care.
You arrived on the dock at John B’s place. You wore a long sleeve and shorts. Trying to be as conserved as possible.
You waved when you saw John B, and smiled at the sight of Kie and Pope. But your heart dropped to your feet at the sight of JJ Maybank.
“Hi guys,” you said, looking straight at Kie.
“You haven’t hung out with us in a while! We started to think you hate us or something?” Pope says.
“No, I could never hate you, Pope,” you smiled.
Pope hugged you and you laughed. Kie shoved your shoulders, “you bitch! I missed you,” you claimed, stealing you from Pope.
John B smiled happily at you and you exchanged the Pogue handshake with him.
But JJ. When he stood before you, you couldn’t help but step back.
“Hey,” you muttered.
“Are you okay, Y/n? You look like you haven’t slept in days,” JJ asks, concerned.
You fake laugh, “um-“
“It’s because she hasn’t!” Kie shouts, grabbing your arm and leading you on the boat.
You told Kie that you had trouble sleeping, so she gave you some melitonin pills.
Once you all got in, JJ shouted, “Get the anchor John!”
You flinched at his raised voice. And when you looked up to see if anyone noticed, Kie frowned at you.
You shrugged at her.
After JJ and John B decided on a good place to anchor, John B sat towards you and Kie in the front of the boat.
He settled next to Kie, plopping down and thudding. Sending the boat wobbling a little.
You laughed lightly, and noticed Kie grab onto Pope.
JJ’s eyes were covered by his all black aviators, so you didn’t know he was planning on sitting next to you until he did.
Your heart rate picked up when you remembered you had to remain unnoticed. You shifted a bit farther from JJ. And as casually as you could, you continued.
“What’s up y/n? I don’t bite?” JJ said to you. He saw through your actions.
You bit your lip, still not looking at him, you said, “I know. I just thought I saw something in the water.”
“Y/n are you sure your okay? It’s like you’ve been afraid of JJ for weeks?” Pope asks.
“I’m not- I’m not afraid of JJ. Guys come on,” you pushed it off.
“What did I do, Y/n? You won’t even look at me,” JJ tells you.
You look at John B, “nothing. Guys drop this. I’m here aren’t I?!”
“Were just trying to help,” Kie says, looking down.
JJ moves close to you, sliding along the boat.
“Y/n, you can always talk to me. You’re just acting different, I’m worried,” he assures.
“It’s..it’s cool JJ,” you stutter. He is close enough to touch you.
JJ, sees your in need of comfort, so he places a hand on your shoulder.
“Don’t touch me...You...don’t come any closer, JJ. Please,” you say, moving away again.
“Why are you mad at me?” JJ says, throwing his hands in the air.
“JJ...just a back off,” you say stepping back, closer to the edge of the boat.
“What did I do?!” He says each word slowly.
Your eyes burn again, you feel tears threatening to come. Quickly you blink fast.
“John B, take me home please,” you said.
JJ mutters something angerly and John B starts the boat heading back.
“Y/n, c’mon you’re driving him crazy. Just tell him,” Pope pleads.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you mumble.
Everyone is silent the rest of the way.
Once arriving back, Kie and Pope dock the boat and John B starts dinner in the house.
You want to run away from JJ, but your feet are keeping your grounded.
Standing infront of John B’s house, JJ cautiously steps towards you.
“Y/n,” JJ begins, “look, I’m sorry for whatever I did. But I derve to know if it’s taking away one of the best things I have,” JJ explains.
“You didn’t do anything,” you admit.
JJ raises his eyebrows.
You take a deep breath in, finally looking deep into his eyes, you ask, “Are you like him?”
JJ looks taken aback, “like who?”
“Your dad,” you answered shortly.
JJ gives you a weird look, “why would you ask that?”
“Just..answer my question, please,”
“Y/n, what? I mean not..not really. I don’t want to be like him. But where is this coming from. I already told you never to go to my house, how do you know about my dad,”
“I met him,”
JJ frowns, “y/n...”
“I’m...I don’t know how...how to cope. He did things to me JJ...I just can’t wrap my head around it..” you explain. Breathing heavily.
“Hey...Y/n slow down. What did he do?” JJ asked comfortingly.
You wiped tears from your eyes, “I don’t wanna say...” you cried.
“Hey, hey come here,” JJ said, wrapping you in this arms, you were comforted by his chest.
“JJ?” You asked.
“I want to tell you...I went to you house to get you. I shouldn’t have intruded but I-I didn’t know. And your dad, he was touching me and talking about my body. I just froze and let him touch me like that. I feel so used, JJ,”
You felt JJ tense.
“That son of a bitch,” he muttered.
“Would you ever do that to me JJ?” You whispered. You had to confirm your doubts.
“Y/n. Never. You are so much more to me. I love you so much and I would never ever hurt you like that. It is so wrong what he did and I am so disgusted,” he paused, his voice cracking with emotion.
“Y/n I’m so sorry,”
“Thank you JJ. Can we just stay here for a while?”
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bubblyani · 4 years
Back for Good
(Jim Davis x Reader)
A Jim Davis One Shot
Movie: Harsh Times (2005) by David Ayer
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Alcohol use, Swearing,  Violence and Sexual Content
Word Count: 9k+
Summary: Your spirits are lifted when your older boyfriend Jim Davis returns from the Army for good. As the lovers passionately reunite, you begin to reminisce the first encounter, and the unforgettable event that sealed your fate with Jim, possibly forever.
Author’s Note: One of the fantastic Balehead Accounts on Instagram once posted a photo of Jim Davis with a caption more so along the lines of “…Older boyfriend Jim visiting you at College…”. It was too irresistible to ignore. So this story was born. @tammykelly You are an angel to even show some enthusiasm towards this, even before I started, Thank you for the encouragement ! Hope y’all enjoy!
P.S: If anyone want to be tagged in specific Bale! Character fics please do let me know. And if you wanna be removed from anything NOT BATMAN, please feel free to let me know. I understand completely. 
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It costed three people. Merely three for this nightmare scenario to enter reality.
A tall young man panted fast, his right hand assuming full responsibility for the broken bottle, not to mention the intense bleeding that resulted from it. All the while he stared down at his finished product: a much younger man. He watched the figure groan for his dear life, laying defeated and thoroughly bruised; as a weak stream of blood appeared prominent from his head as well, adding a splash of bright color to the dark and dusty pavement. Only in that moment, realization and bitter reality coupled up to surprise the standing man, with a sucker punch.
Which was transparent enough for the young woman beside them, the witness. Violence, Danger, her trembling heart sensed it all. For that was what his strong aura emitted. However, never did she flinch. Never did her heart consider retracting from him. On the contrary, she was compelled to trust him even further.
Especially when she sensed complete safety in him, above all others.
“Let’s go”
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The dusky skies appeared just as serene over South Central Los Angeles as anywhere else in the country, filtering over the streets and the neighborhoods. Cruising through in favorable speed, Mike Alonzo finally took his eyes off the road, permitting them to land on the tall, young man sitting beside him on the passenger seat: his best friend, Jim Davis.
His downcast expression was evident, with his tall frame sunken into the seat. He stared right ahead, while he sipped his bottle of beer in his suit. This posture was nothing short of a surprise for Mike to glance upon. If he had squinted his eyes, he swore he could imagine Jim as the rebellious teenager he once was. Only with a new buzz cut. Otherwise, it seemed that nothing had really changed.
Except it had. Older and forced to be responsible, they were facing times considered very harsh. And Jim just had a taste of it.
“Sorry, dude”
Mike began, looking back at the road. Shaking his head with disbelief, Jim sat up in slow motion as his teeth began to grind.
“Man! Fuck…this...shit!!”
Jim drawled with disappointment, enunciating every word whilst holding up a piece of paper, “I’m so done with this cop hate bullshit!” He added, taking another sip of alcohol. Mike nodded:
“Yeah, dawg. Forget about that! ” He smiled, smacking his friend on his shoulder in a playful demeanor, “Hey, Syl is cooking tonight…You wanna join us, bro?”
The possibility of his girlfriend Sylvia agreeing to this, was at an all time low. Mike was well aware. Yet, he was certain it was a question worth posing to his friend in need.
“Nah, man! I got plans”
Hitting the brakes in front of the stop lights, Mike looked at his friend again with surprise, “Yeah?” He inquired, looking quite pleased. Finally flashing a proud smile, Jim nodded:
“Yep! Gonna go see my woman soon…” he answered. Eyes widening seemed appropriate for Mike at that very moment.
“Yo, No shit!” Mike cried out with excitement, finally stepping on the gas, “The chick from UCLA*? You…you still with her?” He inquired.
“Yeah, Homie! ”
“Dawg!…” laughing with sheer amazement, Mike looked at Jim, “I’m impressed…really” he added, proceeding to chuckle, “Look ‘atchu…my boi Jim....going steady with the fine ass college chick…”
“Whoo!” With his soul finally returning to his body,  Jim howled, “Finer than fine, dawg!”
“Hell yeah!”
Given the state of hyped energy that erupted in the car between the two young men, it would be nearly impossible to guess how sombre it was just before. “So…so…” Mike continued, holding on to the wheel as they kept driving, “… where you gon’meet?”
“Well…actually…” Jim looked at him, licking his lips, “….it’s a surprise” he added with a playful smirk. To which Mike could not help but laugh, “What?” Mike paused, “You didn’t tell her you’re back for good?”
Seeing his friend shake his head like a naughty schoolboy forced him to laugh harder, “Ohohoho!! this is gon be one hell of a reunion, dawg” He added with sheer enthusiasm, “But seriously though, she’s a real good one too, bro…” Mike opinionated, as soon as his laughter died down, “ I mean, even Syl liked her”
“Shit! For real?”
“Yeah yeah yeah…” Mike answered immediately,  “And you know Syl, she ain’t easy to please”
Gulping down the remnants of the bottle, Jim exhaled and stared out through the window, “Shit man!” He exclaimed, “I’m really gonna see her again, huh?”
With his tone growing deeper, his eyes began to burn with a flame that could only be categorized as lustful. Sensing the vibe that did not seem so new, Mike chuckled:
“Oh yeah! My homie’s gonna get it tonight! Salud*”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The buzz, the chatter of young adults was consistent in the hallway outside. It served as background noise when the door of the toilet cubicle burst wide open, spitting a rather young woman out of it with haste. Only then did the mirror managed to identify her: You.
With your hand clutching on to a bra, you let out a relieved sigh. For within a few seconds, your body experienced a new form of liberation. And you managed to savor it on your own in a public ladies washroom. Wearing a soft smile that was easily reflected in the mirror, you stuffed the piece of lingerie into your shoulder handbag.
You jumped with a yelp. Being so wrapped around in your own thoughts, you did not even notice Yara, your friend standing there. With her arms folded and eyebrows raised, it was clear that her face was rife with judgement.
“What?” You inquired breathlessly, “Auntie Flo* is about to visit…and the twins were just swelling to …get some parole time” you added with a playful smirk, pointing at your chest with no shame. The curves of your now-freed bosom seemed more visible through your cardigan top, “And fuck! it feels so good” you exclaimed, as you washed your hands. Yara however, scoffed with amusement:
“So you’re saying you were squirming in your seat the whole time to let the puppies out?”
“What? I had to pee too!”
“Well, You could have just left right then!” She insisted with a seeming annoyance, as you grabbed a tissue.
“…and miss Mr. Linney’s Final Notes? Uh uh! No way, bitch!” You waved your index finger with disapproval as you both exited. Students had flooded the hallway by then. Evening lectures at UCLA finally had drawn to a close, and Friday night was about to make its entrance. Youth in all shapes and colors, gathered in bunches all over the campus area, even beside the beautifully lit Royce Hall. Suffice to say, all were relieved to have some time off in the weekend.
“So…you coming, right?”
You looked at Yara upon her casual inquiry with confusion, “For what?”. Scoffing again, this time in disbelief, Yara's eyes widened looking at you: “Dinner?…tonight?”
She stressed, taking a step out of the campus building, “Last week you promised you’ll join me and Chase” with her arms folded and foot tapping on the ground in pure restlessness, she was a clear visual of a loanshark. However, that impatience left her system the moment her eyes fell behind you,“…and speaking of Chase…Baby!”
With her face lit up, her tone grew affectionate as Chase, her boyfriend rushed over to her.
“ ‘sup babe!” The tall, young blonde greeted, pulling his ebony goddess of a girlfriend for a passionate kiss.
Folding your arms, you could not help but avert your eyes. All the while you drew circles with your foot on the ground. Chase and Yara’s relationship certainly was a refreshing one to glimpse upon in the campus premises. You approved of it with sincerity, even when you looked away in awkwardness. It was not on spite. Truthfully, PDA was nothing you disapproved of. You were certainly not envious of the joy they possessed as their lips played with one another, quite similarly to a steamy MTV music video. You merely looked away, for any display of affection was a sheer reminder of him.
It had been months since you last saw him, possibly 6. And constant communication was not exactly convenient for him. Not in his situation. Was he alive and happy? The sheer reminder of gunshots and helicopter whirring forced your heart to race, which was nothing short of new. Granted, you had learnt to ‘compartmentalize’, a term you recently came to knowledge in your psych minor class. Yet, you were young and only human to have those concerns return to haunt you even for a few seconds. The sound of Yara and Chase’s lips smacking urged you to look up. Finally, you thought.
“So?” Yara inquired, casually wiping the smudged lipstick off her face, “You coming?”
Carefree, yet extremely inconsiderate, that was what she exuded. A knot of anxiety formed in your stomach. For oddly enough, the sight of the happy couple managed to drain your energy out tonight. You longed to run away.
“Honestly…” you began with a sigh, “I don’t really feel so good tonigh-”
“¿Qué pasa, guapa?”
   What’s up, gorgeous?  
That voice. That deep, spine tingling tone was a reminder of your mere existence. The tone that tempted every hair in your body to stand at attention. Turning around in a flash, you covered your mouth, shocked to find the person you prayed to see all this time.
“JIM??” You cried out in a muffled tone, “Oh my GOD!!-”
Squealing in pure joy, you sprinted towards Jim Davis before jumping into his arms. Seemingly extremely pleased, Jim let out a hearty laughter. Suddenly the energy you were drained had returned in the form of a shot of adrenaline when he picked you up and spun you around, kissing you without hesitation. And you swore the feel of his lips on yours added a couple of years into your life.
“Wait, you didn’t tell me you were coming back so soon” Breathless, you pointed out when he finally put you down.
“Well, I’m back for good, baby” Jim replied, extending his arms outward with pride. Your eyes widened: “What? You serious?”
“Yep…” he grinned nodding, “Honorably discharged…and all yours”
You sensed his tone morph into a low purr the moment he pulled you close to him. And you would be lying if that did not fill your stomach with butterflies. After ages.
Yara’s voice emerged. You and Jim turned back, to find her and Chase appearing the most confused, “…you mind telling us who this is…?” She inquired with raised eyebrows.
Finally in realization, you chuckled. For introductions were in order.
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The aromatic scent crept into your nostrils, only to soon disappear out of the lack of attention provided. All the while an uptempo Latin Pop track playing in the background mingled with Yara and Chase’ voices, but unfortunately faded away into mere mumbles. For none of that seemed to be the key focus for you tonight. Not when Jim Davis was around.
Even seated at a crowded Mexican Restaurant, he mattered the most to you. Even when platefuls of delectable Taquitos* were served to the table, your eyes did not leave his irresistible side profile. And when his sense of expertise noticed and his eyes caught your gaze, you were breathless. You wondered if it was the romantic in you surfacing, for all seemed to appear in slow motion. His eyes remained seductive, washing all over you that it was certain your panties might melt and diminish into thin air. Those eyes were truly sorcerous, that your eyes suddenly had lives of their own to the point you could sense their figurative cheeks heat up with heavy blushes. For his eyes, they were proficient in the dirty talk as much as his mouth was. Breathing in his cheap cologne with depth, you suddenly grew aware of his touch, and the fact he had his arm wrapped around your shoulder all this time. Being lost in his eyes was definitely an out-of-body experience.
Your soul reunited with your frame upon Yara’s call.
“Mmm?” Looking over at the couple sitting across the table, you and Jim were unfazed.
“Aren’t you two gonna eat?” Yara inquired with raised eyebrows while Chase had began to gobble. Her gaze questioned both your sanity. To which you and Jim could not help but chuckle in response. Shaking her head, Yara scoffed:
“It’s so weird…” she began, “…seeing you like this”. Wiping the crumbs off his mouth, Chase joined in with confidence, “Yeah! How did you guys even meet anyways? I mean, no offense but…we never thought she’d be the one…” he stressed, pointing at you, “… to have an older boyfriend who’s a Marine-”
“-Army Ranger” Jim corrected. His gaze and tone was dominant, enough for Chase to wither with intimidation.
“Yeah…” Chase nodded with a gulp, “…what you said…”. You would be lying if you admit you did not enjoy that sight.
“Actually…” you finally began, “We met a year ago” turning to face your boyfriend, “ He was back in LA during his break. We met at a bar”
“Hold up! ” Raising her hand, Yara was wide eyed, “How come I didn’t know about this?”
“Cause this happened a year ago, hun. Calm down” you chuckled, “Actually, this was even before Cin transferred. Hah! you didn’t miss much…Don’t worry” you assured upon seeing Yara’s pout, “It was a small bar, but I loved the Pistos*-I mean…” you paused with a smile, “….the beer there…” Your pause caused Jim to chuckle alongside once again. Safe to say it was a chuckle that encompassed a shared memory. A sweet reminder of your first ever meeting.
“And?…that’s it?” Chase inquired with amusement, with both hands resting on the wooden table, “You both meet at a bar one night and…” he whistled, “…then sparks flew?”
Looking at them both, you could sense the suspicion in their eyes. You longed to answer, however it was not so easy to do so. Pausing, you struggled with a response.
Jim answered for you with nonchalance, while his grip on you tightened. For a split second you both exchanged a gaze of reassurance. And you had never been more relieved. The secret was safe.
“So…”, Turning towards the couple, Jim began, “How did you lovebirds meet then?”
Hesitation was certainly not in Yara’s vocabulary when she offered to speak. Leaving her sight, your eyes darted towards the the chilled beer that Jim placed on the table. You smiled to yourself. They were certainly filled with memories.
Reminiscing your first meeting with Jim Davis, never failed to be exciting every single time. Before Yara ended up in your life, there was Cindy. Noticing your evident sadness due to her surprise transfer to USC*, Cindy was hell bent in comforting you, thus suggesting you join her and her boyfriend Ray for a night out in South Central. You agreed, being desperate enough to spend the final few days with your roommate. Situated at the suburbs, this bar was small, intimate and seemingly inhabited by those who knew Ray, which resulted in a welcoming atmosphere upon arrival. Though the place was mostly filled with gangsters, you did not care for the slightest, when especially you found yourself falling for the unexpected; The beer.
Chilled to perfection, the beer there was unlike any that you had tasted before. And it was certainly a surprise, given they were the usual brands. You could not fathom the refreshing sensation that trickled down your throat with the first sip. That sensation tempted your hips to sway, urged your feet to move in rhythm. All in syncopation with the music that played in the jukebox under the dim lights. Until finally bumping into a man woke you from your intoxication. A man you were fascinated with in an instant:
Jim Luther Davis.
Such a pity that Yara’s gusto-filled story barely reached your ears. For reliving a memory simply seemed sweeter for you. Thus, you continued to do so.
Fortunately, Jim Davis did not end up being a handsome stranger that you simply bumped into, for coincidence had other plans. Especially, when he and Mike Alonzo turned out to be Ray’s mutual older drinking buddies. You were ecstatic. Internally, of course.
With the entire group packed together in the booth table, it was one loud but engaging hangout. Except for you. Somehow you preferred to sit right next to Cindy in silence, being distracted by two things: Beer, and Jim.
Blame the chemicals embedded in your system, for you simply found yourself drawn to him. Truthfully, it did not seem so difficult to begin with. Not when he turned out to be your type in appearance. You found yourself watching him. The manner in which he listened to others with swagger and confidence, the manner in which he held himself ; They all brought a certain air to him. Your attention had pierced through all manner of secrecy that he would occasionally end up catching your gaze. And then you would look away, quick and embarrassed. Though you must admit, it was a game you thoroughly enjoyed playing. But at the same time, you felt idiotic and childish.
“Cat got yo tongue, baby?”
You blinked, looking up. Fabio, one of Ray’s friends threw the query over to your direction, all of the sudden. And with that, the table grew quiet. All the eyes landed on you, except for Jim’s. A surge of embarrassment rushed towards you when awkward silence filled the booth. For you were definitely distracted to the point you did not follow the conversation. With you struggling to form an answer, Fabio snickered:
“Yo Cindy, What’s up with yo friend? She deaf or somethin’?”
“Easy, homie”
Before Cindy could respond, Jim’s quick reply arose. And you swore your eyes caught the sight of his hand ball into a fist as his eyes had grown dark. Oddly enough, that was the comfort you needed right then.
“Don’t mind me, Fabio…” you shrugged with confidence, “I’m just a girl hooked on her Pistos” you said, enunciating the Spanish word before taking another sip. You may have smiled at him, but you knew how much you feigned it. Awkward silence remained intact. But Ray managed to save the night, by changing the topic of conversation. Slightly embarrassed, Fabio shot you a look. All before he leaned towards his friends, muttering some words in Spanish.
“You speak Spanish?”
Jim’s low query made you turn to him.
“N-No…” you answered with nervousness.
“Well…” he began, “…you should” Though his tone was of seriousness, he did not fail to flash you a soft smile that comforted you even further.
Thus, the evening progressed. And you began to notice Jim in much detail. The more you did, you discovered a warmth that seemed to trickle down your heart. For you realized, you would not be able to stop yourself from falling for him. Hard.
You smiled to yourself, relieved Yara still did not know you were drifting away in your head, stuck in a memory.
Unable to stop obsessing over him since that first night, you remembered how you found yourself returning to the same bar the following night, alone.
Stepping into the venue, you suddenly were aware how unprepared you were. Even while placing an order at the bar counter, you remembered covering your mouth with embarrassment. Was this a mistake?
“Hey Baby! ”
Jumping in your barstool, you sighed with annoyance when you realized it was Fabio sneaking up on you.
“Just…” you feigned a chuckle, “Don’t call me baby, okay?”. Evidently ignorant, Fabio seemed to have chosen to stay. To your dismay. Sporting gold chains on his neck and wrists, Fabio was on a dire attempt to emulate a thriving gangster, when he actually was just another college kid like Ray.
“So, whatcha doing all by yourself, baby? Don’t tell me…you’re here to see yo boi Fabio?”
Keep telling yourself that, you thought. Exhaling in frustration, you maintained a tight smile, “I uh…just waiting for someone” you struggled. Flashing a mischievous smile, Fabio leaned in closer. You prayed he would not notice how your nose scrunched up by his heavy cologne with disgust. And how your body tightened when his eyes scanned you from top to bottom, licking his lips by the sight of your choker and your red, floral short dress.
“Who are we kidding?” He sniggered, “You wanna piece of this, huh? Come o-” “No!” You cut him off, “I’m really…” feigning a chuckle once again, “…waiting for someone…Thanks” you said, extending your hands in defense. Given the reaction of those around you, it may have been a louder response than expected. For Fabio turned red, making it his queue to slither away. You sighed deep. Luck did not seem to get on with you from the moment you stepped in here. Was this a mistake? When you felt a finger tap you on your shoulder, you rolled your eyes and turned around. For you were ready to give Fabio a piece of your mind.
Except, it was not Fabio.
Jim greeted you, his deep tone announcing his arrival. Standing at an appropriate distance, he stood tall with a hint of swagger. Your body began to finally relax by the sight, especially when your eyes were refreshed by the open plaid shirt worn along with his white vest and baggy pants.
“Hey…” breathless, you began, “Hey!” Confidence finally became you as you repeated with a smile. The bartender caught your attention the moment he placed a chilled bottle of beer on the counter before you.
“Make it two, Hermano* ” Jim said, handing the man some cash. All the sudden, guilt washed over you as you gasped: “Oh I-”
“I got this…” Jim assured, seeing you reach into your bag. Grateful, you nodded, “So…” he began, “Can seem to get enough of them Pistos, hmm?” An inquiry left his lips the moment he received his own bottle. Smiling shyly, you bit the side of your lower lip. The manner in which that word rolled out his tongue caused excitement. Besides, his mouth suddenly seemed more delectable. Oh, his mouth.
“Yeah…” you admitted, “Can’t get enough…and I hope I never will”
You added, gazing directly into his hazel orbs. It simply was a mistake to do so, given how those eyes burnt with curiousity, urging you to blush in return, “And er…” pausing, you looked down, “ I was kinda hoping I’d catch you around” you said, looking up again.
“Yeah?” Jim inquired, genuinely surprised, “Why?”
That was when you froze. He was right, what exactly was your intention of seeing him tonight? Unfathomable on how you gathered courage to blurt that silly line in the first place. What if you dragged yourself all the way here to be rejected? What if there never was a form of enthusiasm from his corner as you hoped? What if this ends up being the story of a silly sophomore college girl, having delusions over an older man?
You chuckled with a nervous tone, “Well I-…” you paused, as your pulse began to grow loud within you, “Sorry…” you muttered, sliding off the stool, “This was just a stupid idea. I should go-”
You turned upon Jim’s call. Showing his bottle, he shrugged:
“These Pistos aren’t gonna get finished themselves, hmm?” He dared to pose that inquiry with a playful grin. Smiling back involuntarily, you knew you had no comeback for that.
You remembered the chill outside the bar that night. The breeze that caressed your exposed skin of your legs were still fresh in your memory. Gazing at whatever stars your eyes could make out amidst the city lights, you and Jim sipped on the chilled alcohol from the porch. Given the fact there were little to none outside, the evening was unexpectedly intimate.
“Your uh…” clearing your throat, you finally broke the surprisingly comfortable silence, “Your friend not with you tonight?”
“Mike?” Jim inquired, to which you nodded, “Nah! he’s got his hands full” he answered with a smile.
“You guys close?”
“Hell yeah…He’s my homeboy, ya know? Since we were kids”
“Sweet. Must be nice.” You smiled in return, looking back at the sky, “I uh…remember that you serve. Iraq, huh?”
“Yes, Ma’am. Fallujah* ” Jim answered with a nod, looking at you.
“Whoa…” you breathed in wonder. Silence took over once again while your tongue  savored the beverage.
“And you?…UCLA?” Jim spoke before wiping his mouth, “Man! That’s some fancy ass shit right there”
“Yeah well… it ain’t a walk in the park…” you contradicted in a shy tone, forcing him to shoot you a look of concern. To which you chuckled, “I’m on scholarship, I mean…” you added, helping him come to realization, “Hehe yeah…I had to nerd my way into that gig” moving side to side, you could not help but take another sip,“But, I know…what a good thing I got going on. And I know… if I screw it up, then I’m FUCKED” you enunciated the end, which drove him to laughter. You adored how it soothed you somehow.
“Well…” he began, “…whatever fucking takes, right?”
You nodded, “Hell yeah…Here’s to…uh…positive shit! Hah!” You laughed as you both clinked the bottles together. The more alcohol that chose to settle in your system, the bolder you became:
“What’s it like?”
You fully turned to him, “Being out there…in Iraq…” you continued, “I mean…I’m guessing you’ve seen some shit…” you inhaled, “you know…shit you can’t forget, right? I mean, shit like that…” you scoffed, “….that shit can fuck…you…up…” at that moment you could not help but find yourself lost in thought.
But Jim’s surprised expression made you pause. You chuckled in embarrassment.
“I’m just…guessing…” you muttered, sipping once again. Perhaps you went a tad bit too far with the blabbering. For your cheeks began to heat up with worry. Until Jim spoke:
“Well…Shit or no shit…Follow orders, that’s what we do” Instead of a frown, Jim replied, taking a huge gulp from his bottle.
“Yeah…I get it” you nodded in a fast pace. Robust, and straightforward, his attitude was to be admired. Funny you found yourself staring at his side profile long enough, his face could easily be compared to that of a statue. Perfect in proportion, your mouth began to dry out. You were attracted to him, shamelessly so.
“I-”, You paused, suppressing a grin, “…never mind”
“What? What is it?” He asked, looking at you. To which you shook your head frantically.
“Nah, it’s really silly…”
“Come on!…tell me” Fully turning, Jim insisted with a smile. His voice had its way of being persuasive. And his voice had its way of tearing your defenses down, or so it seemed. Taking a deep breath, you began:
“I kept thinking about this but…” you paused, “Last night, you said I should learn some Spanish… Why?”
Desperate for more interaction, that was your excuse. Jim responded with a shy chuckle. Certainly was worth it.
“I mean, we just met and you barely knew me…” you continued with a smile, “So…why?” As your question grew more confident, your inner desperation grew strong. Taking his last sip from the bottle, Jim surprised you by taking a step towards you:
“You really wanna know the truth?”
“Try me” , You replied, quickly finishing your own bottle, all without breaking away from his gaze.
And thank goodness you finished it. For you would have surely dropped it. Especially when Jim stood dangerously close to you, causing you to be immediately aware of the muscles between your thighs contracting. Even more so, when his irresistible eyes traveled from your very own all the way to your alcohol stained lips.
“Cause…” he purred, “…you have no fucking clue how sexy you sound”
You both may have chuckled to his line, but that did not mean your pulse did not quicken. Which increased in speed the moment his eyes took hold on yours once again. Seduction, he certainly was proficient in it. And you, were a witness. A witness who suffered from internal combustion of frustration.
You inhaled deep, “Really?” “Yeah…” he breathed in a sultry manner.
Just when you thought no force on earth could break this eye contact, the door burst open. Some men exited. Breaking away, you looked at your watch watch in an instant. You sighed. Real Life was calling you.
“I…I gotta go…” downcast, you muttered with guilt, “Class tomorrow…” adding extra guilt, you knew that excuse certainly did not put you in a good light.
“Lemme drop you then…”
Jim’s nonchalant and nonjudgmental reply urged you to look up with relief. Smiling in agreement, you watched him enter the bar with the empty bottles. And in that very moment, a tingling sensation filled with thrill washed over you, leaving no inch unattended. Butterflies returned to your stomach, fluttering harder than ever before in your life. Were you being hopeful? Could Jim Davis be desiring the same? Goosebumps traveled through you when that tingling sensation returned with much detail. Too much detail to be specific.
Until you realized it was real. And Jim’s hand was directly at fault here.
Blinking back to the present reality, your eyes caught the sight of Jim’s chilled fingers on your leg. They ran over over your inner exposed thigh in circular motion, thus, inciting the tingling sensation. Of course, no wonder the detail was accurate.
Yara and Chase were oblivious to all this, for they were caught up in their own love story as she kept yapping. But that was only the fact Jim kept on such a convincing focused face. He may be ‘listening’ to your friend, but his hand was evidently not. The longer his fingers lingered on your skin, the more you were reminded of him. And the more you began to tingle and sweat in the most unexpected places.
You were young, and unapologetically shameless. 6 months. It was exactly 6 whole months since you were last physically intimate with your boyfriend. And with studies piling up along with the expectation of a scholarship holding sophomore, ‘getting yourself off’ was never an option. Not with a roommate around.
The tingling sensation grew even stronger. And you began to hear your own quickening breath. Jim Davis’ elongated fingers, they spoke of pride. You longed for them to travel to locations far more adventurous and private than your thighs. Especially when they were rife with experience. Truthfully, it was a fact that his hands and his delicious lips and tongue were fluent in your body than your own self. Being pleasure deprived for too long, the mere thought of him ravishing you, aroused you even more. Aroused, and certainly very starved. The kind that food simply could not satisfy.
“...and under the stars…” Yara continued, holding on to Chase with lovestruck eyes, “…he told me he loved m-”
“Excuse me!”
Cutting her off, you cried out as you stood up in an instant.
“What’s up with you?” Chase inquired, whilst Yara looked offended.
“Just I gotta…pee…” you lied, eyes landing on Jim, “…now”
“Okay…” you heard Chase mutter in kind as you left the table, “…TMI, but whatever”
In all fairness, being judged was the least of your concerns. With every speedy step you took, the faster your heart began to beat. Storming into the empty ladies room, you found yourself staring at a mirror once again, with a heaving chest and noticeably flushed cheeks. It was plain to see, you were engulfed in the flames of pure arousal, and the fire needed to be put out.
And when the bathroom door opened up once again, you turned to find the fireman enter. Wearing a serious expression, it was slightly difficult to decipher his thoughts.
“I…” you struggled as Jim strode towards you, “I didn’t know what else to do-” Except he knew. When he attacked you with a passionate kiss.
Jumping into him was reflexive. Wrapping your legs around his waist seemed almost choreographed. Finally resting on the washroom sink, it was quite safe to admit how both of you were very much relieved to be the only occupants in the room. For there was no intention of holding back. Your denim skirt hiked high up, revealing your thighs in completion under the white fluorescent lights as Jim stood between your legs. And they were much cared for, as his hands gingerly rubbed them back and forth while his lips indulged yours with hunger.
“You think they know I lied?”
Breathless, you inquired with innocence. Except you did not receive an instant reply. Not when you found yourself gasping when he pulled your head back by your hair with a growl. With liberated access to your bare neck, Jim celebrated by placing equally starving kisses all over, resulting in your surprising moans.
“You think I fuckin’ care?” He chuckled into your skin, to which you could not help but chuckle back:
“Oh no, you bad boy” you purred in tease.
“Oh yeah, baby girl …” purring back, his reply incited a giggle out of you before he kissed you once again.
“Ay Papi*!” You breathed into his lips before he snatched up yours for good. Surroundings were simply irrelevant the moment the kiss turned intense, as his tongue crashed in like the rude boy he was, and grabbed onto your own tongue in a passionate embrace. They clashed against one another in frenzy, him claiming you as his. As the kiss grew deeper, your moans grew louder. When he pulled away all the sudden, whimpers left your lips with desperation. Teasing you so, Jim took a good look at you:
“¿Como esta tu Español?” He breathed low. And you were pleased that you actually understood.
   How’s your Spanish?  
Pressing himself against you, he began to slowly grind. You grew excited. Listening to Jim Davis speak Spanish was simply erotic in the first place. And since you have been studying it on your own for past few months, you were certainly impatient to show him.
“Yo…” you began, finding the words “…estudio pala-sorry…” with a nervous chuckle, you looked down, “..I know I suck-”
“No no…keep going” Jim insisted with a smile, bringing your chin up for a reassuring kiss, “Now say it again…” he added, maintaining eye contact with ferocity. Taking a deep breath, all the words clearly appeared in your head. Thus, you flashed a mischievous grin:
“…estudiando palabras…muy importantes”
   I am studying…very important words.  
Gasping was all you could do when Jim picked you up, carrying you into the nearest toilet booth. Thankfully with this restaurant being surprisingly hygienic, you did not mind. Life barely was embedded in your legs the moment he put you down, locking the door behind you to push you against it.
“Oh yeah?” He inquired, panting, “¿Cómo cuál?”
   Like what?  
Panting alongside him, you stood up straight, “Por ejemplo…”
   For example…  
Amidst his pants and his impressed expression, you grabbed his hands, placing them over your buttocks. All the while you looked at him with eyes, heavy with lust:
“¡Haz lo que quieras!”
You could not believe how confident you sounded. Smiling with equal lust in his eyes, Jim kissed you in approval, definitely pleased with what he just heard:
   (Do) whatever you want!  
Growling with effect, his animalistic nature was exuded as his hands gripped onto your buttocks with passion. His big, generous hands felt through every cheek with familiarity, as if they just reunited with a long lost friend. But that did not mean he forgot about all the other friends, the rest of your frame that had missed him as well. Moaning with pleasure, you began to unbutton his white shirt during in haste.
You simply adored his hands, for they were as passionate as his Spanish was. As he proceeded to hold on to your hips, your own hands roamed over his torso over his white vest. Except you froze the second his hands landed on your chest. Shaky breaths exited your lips as you shivered by his touch, for your breasts were at its most sensitivity even through your thin cardigan top. Palming them generously, Jim groaned into your lips:
“Fuck! I missed you, Guapa”
“I missed you more, Papi”
Confessing in return, you kissed him once more. Moans of desperation mixed into your kisses the moment his hands dipped inside your cardigan crop top, only to make direct contact with your untethered bosom. You winced involuntarily, even from his touch so gentle. Jim chuckled with seeming victory. And you were not afraid to admit, how you were simply in the palm of his hand.
Usually, during the peak pre-menstruation, you dared not let anyone come close to you, let alone touch you. But when it was Jim Davis, those rules halt by the door. He was a man who could maneuver his touch. However, he certainly was no good boy. Proceeding with his sweet torture during kisses, you were relieved to have a door to keep you balanced. For his long fingers, they flicked, encircled and pulled your now-sensitive nipples, keeping them fully erect and thoroughly visible even through the clothes.
Gripping his vest even tighter, you pressed your thighs together, for intense levels of pleasure and sensitivity crashed within you, akin to an avalanche. In truth, it simply was an overdose, and you could not handle. You were a mere animal trapped in this cage of frustration. But like an animal, you managed to set yourself free. You pushed Jim back with such force, that he ended up sitting on the closed toilet seat behind him. A surprised expression adorned his face when you straddled him in the process. Peeling your cardigan off your torso, you hinted your need for him. Which immediately was motivation for him to unbuckle his pants. However, his eyes did not fail to leave your sight while he did. For his eyes revealed nothing but pure amazement and hunger. He inhaled deep:
“Fuck!” He uttered, while his hand dipped into his hardened manhood.
“Yeah, that’s right Papi…” you breathed, maintaining the ironclad gaze. All the while you permitted his hand to feel the intense dampness of your opening, “Fuck me!”
And thus, public decency went flying out the window the moment the lovers fully united. The manner in which his hands rested on your bare back; whilst you moved upwards and downwards in syncopation to his thrusts, it drove you wild. The manner in which his generous and erect shaft felt so familiar inside of your tight walls, was too intoxicating as always. His mutual desperation and hunger translated well, as his lips savored on your swollen and sensitive bosom as if they were treasured food rations. Tingles were divided into million branches, impacting every form of stimuli in your system. But even in the midst of these endless waves of pleasure, that certain question from Chase yet lingered in your mind:
  “And?…that’s it? You both meet at a bar one night and…then sparks flew?” “Absolutely!”  
For in truth, it was not just a night of drinking and playful flirting that caused this relationship to blossom. And just like that, You could not help but recall further.
And peek into the moment that remained stored in the deepest corner of your mind. In the form of a secret.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
With arms folded, you kept on waiting. Long enough for the chill outside to grow stronger. Long enough for you to begin pacing nervously. Even long enough for several men to exit the bar during. Given its cabin exterior, it became more and more evident that this was more of an old fashioned bar. You sighed. Jim was certainly taking a little bit too long inside.
Paranoia knocked on your heart’s door, forcing you to welcome it inside with reluctance. Thus, several questions began to occupy your thinking space. Was there trouble inside? A possible Bar Fight? You shook your head, for you were surely being delusional. Or worse, was this a part of his plan all along? The player type to ditch you for someone else? Perhaps with someone better looking that he just met. Envy formed in your heart towards a woman that possibly may not even exist. Your stomach turned in a merciless fashion. When the door opened again, a surge of hope grew in you. Could it finally be Jim?
Except it was not.
“Baby! You still around huh?”
Fabio said, in a pleased tone, exiting the bar. Clicking your tongue in an involuntary fashion, you turned away with frustration. For he was the last person you hoped to lay eyes upon.
“Hey-Wha-What’s the matter?” Fabio cried, “Can’t look at a friend?” Whilst he tapped you on the shoulder repeatedly. Alcohol was strong in his presence. And the fact he stood uncomfortably close certainly turned your stomach even more.
“Well, technically you’re not my friend” With a forced smile, you turned to him, “You’re Ray’s friend, OKAY? ” a snappy tone exited your lips. And for a split second, there was genuine offense painted in Fabio’s face.
“Just tryna be nice, jeez!” He muttered low, with arms lifted. Coming one’s senses, you finally drew in deep breath while letting your arms loose.
“I…I’m sorry, dude”  you said, in a soft tone, staring the droopy eyed young man. Being Cindy’s friend, your last intention was to cause friction Ray and his friends. Your tone seemed to have been convincing enough, for Fabio flashed a soft smile in return:
“It’s okay…” he replied, to which you were relieved.
But that relief was short lived. Especially when Fabio leaned forward with puckered up lips in an instant, forcing you to gasp.
“What the hell, man?” You inquired, pushing him back with aggression.
“Ah come on, baby…” he drawled, chuckling in a playful manner, “Just one kiss…I mean, look at you! You still waiting out here. For who? I know… you really came here for me” with open arms, he went in for an embrace. Scoffing, you pushed him back again. That was when your pulse quickened again. To the point you hoped to flee.
“That’s it! I’m leaving! ”
You snapped, darting away from the entrance. The concern of leaving Jim behind or finding a cab did not seem problematic anymore, for all you needed was to get away. However, a painful cry left your lips when you felt your hair being pulled back. Your eyes widened. It was an angry Fabio.
“Ugh! Why you being such a Puta* right now, huh?” He said through gritted teeth, pulling you closer “Oh wait I forgot…” he snickered, “….you don’t understand Spanish, right bitch?” turning you to him. The alcohol had certainly rendered him more maniacal than ever.
“Don’t’ be a jerk, Fabio…” You cried, as you began to swing desperate punches towards his direction. But your defenses were lowered and moot, the moment he grabbed you tight by the wrists. You gasped, “..let… me… go! HELP! ”.
However, despite your cries, no one came to your aid.
This feeling, certainly was the ‘stuff of nightmares’. This feeling, had haunted you every now and again in imagination. To have it form into reality, was worse. No matter the force you exerted to free yourself, it seemed moot. For Fabio had the upper hand with his strength. And you were overpowered with intimidation. With the heartbeat increased in record speed, your heart was on the verge of exploding with fear. For the first time, you feared for your life. You despised the fact there was no one around, the fact this bar was on the outskirts. Almost close to tears, You heavily despised the fact you may be getting hurt in more ways than one tonight.
Until you heard a bottle shatter. Loud.
Glass fragments dripped from Fabio’s head as he cried out with immense pain. His grip on you loosened before he dropped down to the ground. Only for you to find Jim Davis standing behind him, with with a bottle broken in hand, and sheer rage in his eyes.
Rolling over, Fabio caught the sight of the man, “Jim??” He groaned, “What the hell, man? Why you helping this bitch-ARGH!”
A kick in the stomach was Jim’s choice in response, which incited more cries from the fool.
“THE FUCK YOU TOUCH HER FOR, HUH?” Jim yelled, his loud voice piercing through the tension like high pressured flames. However, the question seemed rhetoric, when he continued to kick Fabio, aggression growing more and more evident, “FUCKING…ASS…HOLE!” With tightened fists, he enunciated with each kick, “MOTHERFUCKE-”
You cried in an instant. And that very moment was when he finally froze. That fateful moment, you watched his face change, for his expression was clear as day. As if a wave of realization washed over him. As if bitter reality surprised him with a sucker punch.
All the while he stared down at his finished product: Fabio. He watched the the young man groan for his dear life, laying defeated and thoroughly bruised; all the while a weak stream of blood appeared prominent from his head and his mouth, adding a splash of bright color to the dark and dusty pavement.
Which was transparent enough for you, the witness.
You regretted being frozen with shock. If it only was for you to control. Thankfully a shred of it reached when you finally mustered the strength to call for him out from a potential murder. Violence, Danger, your trembling heart sensed it all. All from Jim. For that was what his strong aura emitted. However, despite your shock, never did you flinch. Never did your heart consider retracting from him or running away.
On the contrary, you were compelled to trust him even further. Especially when you sensed complete safety in him, above all others.
“Let’s go…”
You found yourself uttering those words, as you took his hand in urgency. Pulling him with haste, you both fled from the scene. Adrenaline coursing through the veins whilst running away, leaving a wounded man laying in his own mess before anyone could find out.
You remembered how Jim drove. Quiet, but focused. He drove and drove, until the bar disappeared from your sight. He drove to the point you both found yourselves ending up at a remote beach. And finally, time had returned to its normal pace once again.
Calming sounds of the ocean waves filled your ears, while the sight of the foamy waters barely were visible in the darkness. You watched Jim slowly take his hands from the wheel, rubbing his face. Your eyes widened, when you noticed his hand bleeding slightly. Perhaps from the broken bottle. You longed to speak, however no voice was present. Pushing the seat back, Jim slowly crawled over to the back of the car. Silence overpowered for too long, which urged you to clear your throat and speak:
“A…Are you ok-”
“You’re right, you know…”
You paused, upon hearing Jim’s interruption. Looking back from the front passenger seat, you found light finally shining on his face. Much to your sadness, cracks formed in your heart by the sight of his expression. Especially when silent tears streamed down his chiseled face. As if his mask of bravery was stripped away. Or even melted.
“You’re right…shit’s been crazy over there…” he chuckled with sadness, “…worse, shit’s crazy over here too…” he said, pointing at his own head.
Joining him in the backseat, you took the bandana off your head without hesitation.
“The thing’s I’ve seen…” he continued in mid-whisper, “The shit I had to do. The shit I wanted to do. It’s fucked up…so fucked up”.
It was unfathomable. Witnessing emotions of Jim Davis on variant scale in one single night, including him unveiling his vulnerability, you did not know where to begin processing. Simultaneously, those cracks in your heart, they could not help but form deeper to the point you ached inside. For a second, you were filled with an overwhelming desire for this misery in his heart to disappear. You longed for him to smile again. You froze. Were you tasting a slice of pure affection? Perhaps even, love? For him?
“It’s too fucked up…I’M fucked up-”
Your voice cracked when you finally began, leaning towards him, “Shhhh…It’s okay…” you said in comfort, while rubbing his forearm, “…its okay…I’m here” you said, as you occupied yourself with tending to his bleeding hand as a coping mechanism. The bleeding that he did not even notice.
With his hand on yours, the heart did feel heavier in comparison. As if his hand was magnetically powerful enough to keep you nearby. Thus, forming an attraction. Not the type that stirred the loins, but merely the kind that longed for you to wail on behalf of him. The kind to carry the pain for him. As if you did not wish to carry on another minute of your life, without knowing he would be well. And you would be lying if you did not want to show him that.
Your trembling hand reached out for his surprised face, turning it towards you with patience. The deep breath you took, it occupied your lungs in completion. Butterflies exploded in your stomach , causing a riot before you moved close. Close enough to feel his breath on your face. And close enough to press your lips on both his cheeks.
You tasted his salty tears, that stained his face. Pressing your own lips together, you hoped you could share his pain this way. Your eyes were smart, urging your voice to take a breather, whilst they gazed at his lips. Those lips that turned you greedy the moment you saw first laid eyes on them. And his trembling breaths of despair were enough for you to finally dispose of any form of hesitation.
For you finally moved to kiss him ever so gently on the lips.
With your kiss, you were there for him, in spite of it all. In spite of the violence and the tears. And the moment you instantly felt Jim kiss you back, you knew you were hopelessly his.
All the sudden, a dose of sweetness was infused with the salty kisses, weakening the flavor of the beer that lingered in his mouth. Selfishly, the need for comfort vanished. For all you needed was him. In every possible manner. Safe to say, Jim wholeheartedly agreed.
A sudden injection of passion entered your systems, setting your bodies in its entirety, in flames. Which also included the loins. Powerful enough for you to straddle him, powerful enough for Jim to flip you down to hover over you. And certainly powerful enough for the both of you to make love.
You treasured it all. The manner in which his fingers were precise, hooking on to your panties to gingerly peel them out of your frame. The manner in which his eyes gazed upon your own, then traveling all the way south to take in the sight of your now exposed opening, that dripped with wetness, blushing in its own means and begging him to explore it. Thus, it was to be expected, when you welcomed him inside you effortlessly. As if it had waited for him all your life.
Even for the first time, Jim was fast, and was rough. Yet surprisingly, you did not care. You knew where it originated. And it seemed most apt.
While he moved in body, he fled in heart. Away from the horrors, away from the pain. This resulted from his need for a distraction. Amidst the syncopated moans that filled the car, you cupped his face. Looking right into his hazel orbs, you witnessed his need. His need for a distraction. And at the peak of climax, you witnessed his desperation. His desperation, that urged you to never him go.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“I failed the test…”
Jim uttered low, capturing your attention. With your face buried in his neck, you heard it louder than ever. Tilting your head, you sat up straight to face him, confusion taking over. After reaching climax following a session of passionate and exciting love-making in a restaurant toilet booth, there you both were in recovery. Never did you expect him to break the silence with a statement such as this.
“What do you mean?” You inquired in a half whisper.
“The Psych test…” Jim elaborated, while you proceeded to put your cardigan top back on,  “…for the LAPD gig” sighing, he was downcast “I failed that shit…”
“No….” You breathed. The disappoint that was rife in his tone, somehow pierced through your heart. Thus, ushering in a wave of sadness that came crashing in, “Baby, I’m so sorry…” you said as you embraced him tight. To your surprise, Jim held you tightly in his arms in return. For when he buried his face on the crook of your neck and remained in silence for a mere few seconds, it was evident that was what he was required of. A rush of butteries attacked as you gently cupped his face.  You loved this man, and your heart was the witness.
“Fuck the cops if the they can’t relate” you said through gritted teeth, before kissing both his cheeks, “Fuck ‘em! Cause something better is comin’ ” you added with a soft smile, while your thumb ran over his upper lip, “We just gotta ...keep our heads straight”
To your relief, Jim seemed amused, “Speaking from experience?”
You smiled with pride, “You could say that…”
Both of you chuckled. “The point is…” you continued with a deep sigh, and huge smile, “I’m glad you’re back for good, baby”
Except for his own smile, it vanished right then. And in turn, his eyes watered and they shone, reflecting nothing but desperation and vulnerability. You took pride in being the one to witness it, just as you did that fateful night a few months back. Stroking your head with both hands, his forehead gently touched yours:
“¡Eres mia!” He breathed deep.
   You’re mine!  
How dare he? Expanding with immense warmth and impatience, it did not take long for your heart to gain rapid pace, as it was your very first time.
“¡Si, para siempre!”  You answered with confidence. For it was simply the truth.
   Yes, Forever! 
UCLA : The University of California, Los Angeles Salud: Spanish term for “Cheers!” Guapa: Spanish term for Beautiful, Gorgeous Taquitos: A Mexican Food Dish Pisto: Mexican slang. A general term for an alcoholic beverage (usually beer) USC: University of Southern California Fallujah: A city in Iraq Papi: Spanish Term for Daddy Puta: Derogatory Spanish term for bitch, whore
Tagged: @tammykelly​ @ladyerina​ @kittenlittle24 @everyday-imfangirling​​ @lucy-roo​​ @works-of-fanfiction​​ @bale-is-a-babe @badsext​​  @maddistyles17 @truly-insatiable @gooseyhouse​​ @artsymaddie​​ @quarterback-5 @mamooska8 @jensen-impala​​ @lilyofthesword​​ @woodencupcake​​ @fonduebitches @soullesstaco​​ @spicybellinger​​ @marvel-lously​​ @glitterypinkkitty​​ @danceyreagan​​ @barikawho​​  @lostgirl0020 @diogodxlot​​ @xxdearlybeloved​​ @shewearsprada​​ @lexiespeaks​
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bruh--wtf · 4 years
A Message
Thomas x Reader
The Scorch Trials - the first movie is part of the series. Highly suggest reading it first for it to make sense.
Summary: The reader, Thomas, and the remaining Gladers are thrown into the outside world, and quickly have to figure out what life is like outside of the Maze. Thomas, with his memories returning, doesn't know what he should and what he shouldn't tell the reader.
Part 15
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Maze Runner Masterlist
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You felt the tears streaming down your cheeks. You blinked and suddenly you were sitting down, your head in someone's shoulderr as you cried. Eventually you picked your head up, and blinked again. Thomas? But it was a younger Thomas.
"Can I redo that thank you?" You felt yourself whisper. Younger Thomas nodded.
"Yeah, sure." You felt yourself leaning forward. Wait what?! When you closed your eyes again, you realized that you were kissing Thomas. Why? What happened? What's going on?
"At least you'll have a good memory of me now." After a second of silence between the two of you you said something again. "Thank you." It was softer, the joke gone.
"Your welcome." You felt yourself smiling, what was happening crashing through your mind. The whole day, coming back to you. Flashes of before the maze, but that day. It was clear. Every detail.
You woke up. Your eyes widened and Minho looked over at you. He shifted to face you.
"Morning," he says. You sit up, in shock. You didn't know why you remembered, but you did. "What is it?" He asks.
You look up at him. You stand up, looking around. "You were pretty messed up when we found you, are you alright?" Minho asks. You glance over at Jorge, who was hitting the man from the party.
"Uh, yeah, I'm fine."
"Y/N, you were crying. I've never seen you cry in the three years that I've known you," Minho says. You look down at him.
"Yeah, well, seeing things will do that to you," you say.
"Seeing things?" Minho asks. You nod, scratching your neck.
"I was hallucinating on whatever that shank gave us," you say, gesturing to the man as Jorge hits him again. You notice Teresa sitting by a sleeping Thomas. "Is he alright?"
"Yeah, he just hasn't woken up yet. You were in worse shape than he was, though," Minho says. You fake a smile at him.
"Ha ha."
"No, but I'm curious. What were you seeing?" Minho asks. You look at him, you clear your throat, shaking your head.
Minho opens his mouth then he sees something. He nods towards Thomas and walks over.
"Welcome back, ya ugly shank," Minho says. Just after that, Thomas sits up. He looked kind of freaked out. He looks at Brenda for a second, then you as you walk over. What were you supposed to say to him? Hey, do you remember kissing me three years ago? No!
"You son of a bitch!" Jorge yells, and punches the man. You look over and Thomas gets up.
"I'm sorry, you're going to have to leave my house," he says.
"Looks like you've been having fun," Newt says as you both walk over. You whack the back of his head lightly.
"Shut up," you say, sitting on the edge of the couch next to where he was sitting.
"I don't enjoy hurting you," Jorge says. "Where is the Right Arm, Marcus?" Marcus? So that shank lied to you? You glanced at Brenda who was looking at Thomas. Wait. They kissed. Or did you hallucinate that too?
"This is Marcus?" Thomas asks, stepping forward. Marcus laughs.
"The kid catches on quick. Are you the brains of the operation, uh- ah ah-" he stops as Jorge grabs his hair, pulling his head back.
"I know you know where they are hiding. So you tell me. And I'll make you a deal." Marcus laughs. "You can come with us."
"I burned that bridge a long time ago. Besides, I make my own deal. You're the on who taught me to never miss an opportunity." Marcus laugh sounded maniacal.
"What's he talking about?" You ask. Marcus looks over at you. He gasps.
"Oh? Did they finally stop?" He asks. You clench your jaw, you saw your friends look at you. You felt like punching this shank. "Uh, and to answer your question, I'm talking about supply and demand. WCKD wants all the immunes they can get. I help provide that for them." He pauses and you watch him. "So, I lure the kids in, they get drunk, they have a good time, and then later WCKD comes in..." He looks at Brenda.
"I changed my mind. I do enjoy hurting you," Jorge says. He then kicks Marcus, knocking his chair over. Marcus was still laughing until Jorge starts choking him. "Talk!"
"Okay, okay, Jesus! See, the problem is, these guys like to move around..." Jorge drags the chair back upright. "They have an outpost in the mountains. But it's a long way away. You got a half a week and you're never gonna make it." He laughs again.
"Not on foot," Jorge says. He crouches down, slapping Marcus's chest. "There's Bertha." Marcus frowns.
"N-Not Bertha." He looked like he was going to cry.
Later, you found yourselves on the road. In a car. Jorge looked back at Minho, who had his head down slightly. Then he glanced at you. You were looking out the window, you liked watching it all go by. But then you looked at Newt, who smiled. He was loving this. You smiled a little.
Eventually, Jorge stopped the car. You looked forward, and quickly got out, seeing the jam of cars ahead.
"Well, I guess we're on foot," Jorge says. You all start walking, looking around. Newt had told you your book was in Minho's bag. You bit your lip, looking at Thomas. The two of you a little behind the group.
"Thomas?" You ask. He looks at you, but nods towards the car he was standing at. You go forward, seeing a bullet hole in a car windshield. Then a shot goes off on the car hood.
"Take cover!" Newt yells.
Thomas pulls you down, holding you with his back against the car. His arm was around you, and you heard shots going off. They echoed through the mountains, but they stopped quickly.
"Everyone okay?!" You call.
"We're fine!" Teresa yells.
"Anyone know where those bloody shots came from?!" Newt yells.
"This is what I get for asking Marcus," Jorge says. You and Thomas look at him, he was digging in his pockets. "He led us into an ambush. You turned out of Thomas's grasp, poking your head out to look up, trying to find where the people might be.
A shot goes off right next to your head and you duck back down.
"What do we do?" Thomas asks Jorge.
"Here." He hands Thomas something. "Hold this. It'll create a diversion. Get ready to chuck it." He opens a button, and Thoma sits up a little bit. "Everybody! Get set to sprint back to the truck! And hold your ears!"
Then he whispers to Thomas. "Ready, one, two-" there's a clicking from behind Jorge. You all freeze.
"Drop it." You look back to see two girls holding guns at you. "I said drop it! Lets go, on your feet! Back up!" The girl yells.
The other girl starts yelling too, giving you all orders. You all start standing up, them pushing you back towards the others. The first girl looks behind you and lowers her gun slightly.
"Aris?" She asks. You look back at the boy. The girl takes her mask off and Aris goes forward.
"Oh my god, Harriet?!" Aris exclaims. The girl runs forward, embracing the boy.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" The girl exclaims. The blonde girl takes off her mask too.
Aris turns to her. "Sonya," he says and she hugs him.
"Aris, you're lucky we didn't shoot your dumbass." You see Newt and Thomas exchange a look.
"Uh, what's happening?" Minho asks.
"We were in the maze together," Aris explains. The girl, Harriet, whistles.
"We're clear, guys, come on out!" She yells. People start showing themselves in the mountains. They start showing you all to the other side.
"Wait so, how did you guys get here?" Aris asks.
"The Right Arm got us out," Harriet says.
"Wait, wait," Thomas says, walking up to her. "The Right Arm. Do you know who they are?" Harriet smirks, opens the door, and nods to the car.
"Hop in."
When the cars come to a stop again you see a camp. The girls keep explaining while you looked around. You walked down a hill.
"You guys are lucky you found us when you did," Sonya says. "We're moving out at first light. Where's Vince?" She asks someone. You continued to take in the place.
"Who's Vince?" Thomas asks. You kept looking around like you were trying to find something. You just didn't know what.
"He's the one that decides if you get to stay," Harriet says.
"I thought the Right Arm was supposed to be an army," Minho says. You snap your attention back to the group.
"Yeah, we were! This is all that's left of us," a man says as he walks up to you. "Lot of good people died getting us this far." You straighten up. He was Vince. He was the leader. You knew it. "Who are they?"
"They're immunes. Caught em coming up the mountain," Harriet says.
"Did you check em?" Vince asks. Harriet points to Aris.
"I know this guy, Aris. I trust him."
"I don't. Check em," Vince nods to a guy nesr your group.
"Hey boss," he says, gesturing towards Brenda as she falls.
"Brenda! Brenda!" Jorge says, rushing to her side. You look at Thomas. You both knew what was wrong.
"What's wrong?" Vince asks. He crouches down as Jorge picks up Brenda.
"Talk to me."
"I'm sorry," she starts repeating. Vince puts a hand on Jorge's shoulder.
"What's going on with her?" Jorge ignore him, and Vince looks down at Brenda's bandage. He peels it down and quickly jumps back, pulling out a gun.
"Crank, we got a crank!" Vince yells. Jorge yells, pulling Brenda back. You jump infront of Brenda.
"Ay! Wait! Calm down!" Vince points away.
"Get back!" He yells. You don't budge.
"Just listen for two seconds, alright?! This just happened. She isn't dangerous!"
"You shouldn't have brought her here!" He tries to push you back, but again you don't budge. "If we let cranks in here now, the safe haven doesn't last a week!"
"I know that, okay?! I understand. There has to be something you can do," you say. He nods.
"Yeah, there is." He clicks the gun. "I can put her out of her misery."
"No!" Jorge yells.
"Vince! That's enough!" A woman yells, appearing behind him. "Let him go! Let him go!"
She runs up behind Vince. "She's been infected, Doc. There's nothing we can do for her."
She looks past you and smiles suddenly. "No. But he can," she says, looking at Thomas. You look over at him. "Hello, Thomas."
"You know me?" Thomas asks. The woman nods sadly, looking at him.
"Interesting," she says and looks down at Brenda. "Makes sense they put you in the maze." She then goes down to look closer at Brenda. You looked at Thomas who looked at the woman. "Though, I must admit, I was worried they'd kill you after what you did."
"What I did?" Thomas asks. The woman puts Brenda's wrist down and looks back at Thomas.
"The first time we spoke, you said you couldn't take it anymore. Watching your friends die one by one." You watched as all the gladers looked at Thomas. "The last time we spoke, you gave me the coordinates of every WCKD compound, trial, and lab."
Vince looks at him. "He was our source."
"We couldn't have pulled all this off without him," the woman says. You glance at her and she looks at you. She smiles. "Take her to the tent," she says about Brenda. "Get these guys some warm clothes. It's the least we can do. Thomas, come on."
Thomas glances at you, but follows the woman. You look back at the guys in shock. You definitely needed to tell them you were remembering. But how the hell do you do that?
"But why?" You hear as you walk up to the tent. You walk inside, the woman looks at you and smiles. "Y/N. It's nice to finally meet you." She nods her head at you, but goes back to what she was doing.
"Uh, you too," you say, and look at Thomas. He shrugs, and looks at the woman again as she stsrts talking.
"Eventually, I found an answer. An enzyme produced by the brains of the immune. Once separated from the blood stream, it can serve as a powerful agent to slow the spread of the virus." You look at her.
"So, you found a cure, Thomas says. The woman shakes her head.
"Not exactly. The enzyme can't be manufactured. Only harvested from the immune. The young. Of course that didn't stop WCKD. If they had their way, they'd sacrifice an entire generation. All, for this," she says, and holds up a needle. "A gift of evolution."
"But. One not meant for all of us," she adds. She walks over and gives Brenda the shot.
"How long will that give her?" You ask.
"It's different for everyone. A few months, maybe. But that's the catch, isn't it? She'll always need more."
"Lets go outside. Let them rest," she says to Jorge. You glance at Thomas and Brenda. You knew she didn't mean you too, but you didn't want to be in there with just the two of them. Not when you weren't sure about your hallucinations. Or your past with Thomas. If he remembers it... that's a whole other reason not to bring it up. You quickly walk out of the tent. You walk back over to your friends.
Aris was laughing with his friends. But you were sitting with the other gladers. The boys. When Thomas walked over, you licked your lips.
"I wish Alby could have seen all this," Newt says. You look at him, nodding.
"And Winston," Frypan says.
"And Chuck," Thomas says, he was holding Chuck's wooden figure. You looked out at the camp.
"They'd be proud of us for getting as far as we have," you say, looking down. "For staying together." You look around at your friends. "You guys know that, right?"
They nod and you hear a 'yeah' from Thomas. You look over at him and you were all silent for another minute. Now wasn't the time to tell them. You didn't know when would be, but this wasn't it.
"Hey, Aris!" Frypan yells down. Aris looks up at you all, and waves.
"Hey, guys!"
"You know, I kinda like that kid," Frypan says. You chuckle.
"Yeah... still don't trust him though," Minho says. You all laugh a little.
"Hey, where's Teresa?" Thomas asks. You point further up the mountain.
"She went up there a little while ago," you say. Thomas gets up, and goes over to get to her.
You were watching the sky. It's beautiful clouds. You were hoping for a good night sleep. You hadn't had one in over a week. Maybe over three years, if you're really honest. But... things weren't that easy.
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hotchscotchh · 4 years
Reimagined; Chapter 9 - Aaron Hotchner
You cannot convince me that Spencer Reid is not a cat person. 
Also, I made this gif?? I might do more. It was fun
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Summary: Aaron makes a decision. 
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Spencer Reid
Warnings: ANGST, mentions of past drug use
Word count: 2k
Read on AO3
Chapter 8 ---- Chapter 10
Aaron Hotchner was disgusted with himself. He was disgusted that he let this happen to him. The he wasn’t smart enough, strong enough, to keep Foyet away from him and everything he cared about. Well, not quite everything. He still had Spencer. Kind of. He had yet to see Spencer since he left the hospital, both practically unable to function outside of their own apartments, whether it be from their ability to move around or the fear and paranoia that came with PTSD.
So, as a result of not really being able to do anything, Aaron spent a long time staring at his wall and thinking, his only interruptions being the rest of the team’s check-ins. They all made a point of stopping by his apartment every day. He hoped they were as consistent with Spencer, but he never asked. Dave brought him alcohol that he couldn’t drink because of the overwhelming cocktail of medication he was currently taking (some for pain, some for preventing infection, and a few for depression and anxiety), JJ brought Henry and a smile, it was nice for him to have the company of a child, no matter how much he wished it were his own. Emily brought updates about Foyet’s case, descriptions of what he was missing at the BAU. Garcia brought gift baskets, freezer meals, and books and movies to keep him occupied. He always enjoyed her visits the most, they always made him forget about what was really happening in his life, the reason for why she was there, even if it was only for a few minutes.  
Derek Morgan, though, his visits were almost depressing. They came with a frown and constant reassurances that he had checked on Reid today. That he was healing well. That he would get Spencer to pick up the phone and call him one of these days. At first, Aaron didn’t understand why Spencer wouldn’t call him. But then he remembered the decision he had made. He talked to Spencer once before he had made the decision, and twice after, all while he was in the hospital. Of course he had figured it out, the man was smart. A genius, actually, and one of the most adept profilers Aaron had ever met. Of course he had figured it out.
One of those days, after Derek had left (he was always the last to come see him), he made another decision. He was sick of the paranoia. He was sick of living with the decision he made as a constant weight on his shoulders. He knew that decision could change everything. No, it would. There was no doubt that everything would go to absolute shit after he acted on this, but it needed to be done. He was sure he would regret it in the future, hell, he regretted it now, but he hoped that, in the long run, it would be worth it.
Spencer spent his days after coming home from the hospital reading, watching Doctor Who, writing to his mother, he’d even picked up knitting (he was determined to make the fourth doctor’s scarf). He needed something, anything, that would distract him from the prison that was his mind. Anything to keep him from breaking down and becoming nothing put a sobbing mess. Anything to keep the intrusive thoughts screaming “you weak son of a bitch, just get the drugs!” out of his head. Sure, the visits from the other team members helped, but they weren’t there when he laid awake all night, willing the tears away from his eyes, knowing he was going to lose one of the last things that was keeping him grounded. The weren’t there when that fucking voice came back. He didn’t want the team. He wanted Aaron. But, with the decision he knew Aaron had made, he wasn’t going to get him.
The second week he had been home, Garcia made her way to his apartment with her arms full of another “just put it in the oven” casserole, a few grocery bags (he couldn’t see what was inside them, but they looked heavy), and a basket that had a blanket over it. She set the items down on the island in his kitchen and when he crutched over, he noticed that something underneath the blanket was moving. He had just opened his mouth to ask what the hell she had brought into his apartment when the basket meowed. It fucking meowed. He looked at Garcia with an expression that said, “I cannot believe you right now.” He lifted the blanket off of the basket and found a pitch-black kitten that he guessed to be about twelve weeks old staring up at him. He pushed his crutches to the side and sat down on one of his barstools. He stuck a tentative hand out, and stroked a cautious line down the thing’s body. He looked up at Garcia with his eyes soft. Penelope though he might cry.
“Can I pick it up?” he asked quietly.
Garcia matched his tone saying, “of course. It’s a her, by the way.”
“Is… Is she for me? Do I get to keep her?”
Penelope thought she might cry now, too. She could see the tears brimming in Spencer’s eyes. “Yeah, Spence. She’s for you.” After few moments spent just looking at Spencer holding this precious thing (the sight was almost too much for her, if she was being honest), she added “what do you want to name her?”
Spencer looked up at her again. This time a tear had fallen. “What do you think of Pluto? Like, from Edgar Allan Poe’s The Black Cat?”
The kitten was purring loudly now, loud enough that Penelope could hear it from the other side of the island. “I think it sounds perfect, hon. It sounds like she likes it too,” Penelope answered with a giggle.
Spencer moved to the couch when Garcia left, still holding the kitten, and was almost asleep when a knock sounded at the door. He looked at the clock. It was seven pm. No one ever came over that late. Normally, he would’ve just called out an “it’s open,” but he had absolutely no idea who it could be. He set the kitten on the couch and waited for it to settle into a blanket that was there before he got up and moved to the look out the peep hole in his door.
The absolute last person he expected to be standing there was Aaron Hotchner, but there he was. And he really shouldn’t be surprised. He knew Aaron knew he knew, and he thought they would just leave it at that. Skip the conversation. He didn’t want that pain. He opened the door anyway. Maybe he’d get some kind of closure, at least. A promise of return one day.
“Hi,” he said when the door was fully opened.
Aaron waved. Spencer turned and walked back to his couch, leaving the door open as the only sign of an invitation inside. Aaron followed him, closing and locking the door behind him (“damn PTSD”). He was going to sit on the couch next to Spencer, but stopped when he saw the kitten.
“What’s this?” Aaron asked.
“Pluto,” Spencer answered, “Pen brought her over earlier today.” He picked the cat up and settled it in his lap after resting the foot of his injured leg on the coffee table. Aaron took that as an invitation to sit down in the now vacant seat.
Spencer broke the silence. “I know what you’re going to say, and I can’t exactly say I want to hear it, nor that I agree with you.”
Aaron looked down at his hands, wishing he had something to do with them other than just letting them sit there. “I need to do this, Spencer. For my own peace of mind. He took my child away from me. I’m not going to let him take you too.”
“Aaron, do you hear yourself? That’s exactly what you’re doing! If you push me away, we’re going to lose everything we have. You’ll be feeding right into his plans, playing his game.” He didn’t expect to be this angry.
The older man had tears running down his face now. “No, Spencer, it’s not. I’m putting a stop to our personal relationship because Foyet is watching me. I know he is, and you won’t convince me otherwise. Don’t you dare say it’s my goddamn PTSD talking. I’m not crazy.” Spencer opened his mouth to interrupt, but Aaron put a hand up. “Let me finish before you say anything. I’m stopping this because he’s going to notice. Because when the rest of the team stops coming around my house every day and it’s just you, there’ll be a target right between your eyes. We always say serial killers are the best profilers. But, Spencer, if we stop this, and go back to what we used to be, just friends, then that target will disappear. You’ll just be another one of my team. I’d rather lose you as a lover than as a whole.”
Spencer’s anger had dissipated about halfway through Aaron’s speech. He looked down at the cat in has lap and reached his shaking hands up to forcefully wipe the tears from his face. Aaron reached over and pulled Spencer’s face up by the chin, forcing him to make eye contact. “Tell me you understand. Please.”
Spencer nodded. “I get it. I do. That doesn’t mean I have to like it.” He took a deep breath. “Just do one thing for me?”
“Anything, Spence.”
“Kiss me. Just one last time.”
Aaron nodded and leaned in slowly, giving Spencer a soft and passionate kiss, hoping his lips could convey how much he hated doing this better than his words could. They both had tears streaming down their faces when they pulled apart. Aaron stood, and Spencer followed. The pair walked to the door together, and Aaron opened it. He turned around just before he walked out and gave one last, “Goodbye, Spencer.” Spencer nodded and put his hand over his mouth, trying his hardest to hold in the sob threatening to escape. Aaron looked like he wanted to do anything but leave. No, he wasn’t Aaron anymore. He was Hotch. And Spencer was Reid. And here they were. Just two colleagues.
Aaron finally turned to walk out the door, and found himself face to face with Derek Morgan. If looks could kill, Hotch would be dead. He looked at the ground and pushed his way around the man, walking out of Reid’s apartment as “Aaron” for the last time. For now, at least. Morgan made his way inside. He had a litter box in his hand that he dropped on the floor before quickly closing the door the second he saw Spencer’s face.
Morgan moved to grab the man before him before he collapsed. He pulled him into a tight hug, his crutches falling to the floor beside him, that sob finally making its way out from behind his hand, his hands fisting in Morgan’s shirt. Morgan carefully maneuvered them to the floor, being extremely cautious of Spencer’s knee, and just held him. Spencer cried into Morgan’s shoulder for what felt like hours but in reality was probably only about fifteen minutes.
When the crying slowed, Morgan began to talk in a soft tone. “Penny told me about Pluto. I brought a litter box for you. She didn’t think of it before, and sends her sincerest apologies.” He took a deep breath, letting it come out in a sigh. “Do you need me to stay with you tonight, Pretty Boy?” Spencer nodded into his shoulder. “Okay. Let’s get that pretty face cleaned up and some comfy clothes on you. I’ll order some Chinese and we can watch one of your weird foreign films. How does that sound?”
“Good,” Spencer answered quietly, a weak smile on his face. Maybe things could go back to the way they were someday. He had to make himself believe that. It would keep him going.  
Taglist: @wheelsup @endingsbeginnings (If you would like to be added to my taglist please send an ask/reply/dm! <3
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Into the Void
Chapter 3
Word Count: 4,907
A flash of light and then a cold, wet nose is in my face waking me up. The first thing I see is Chica's face staring me down. I smile at her and go to sit up, forgetting where I am. I yelp as I bash my head against the underside of Mark's bed. I rub my forehead as I put my head down. A chill goes down my spine as I remember what happened last night.
Mark would have told me if his house was haunted. He knows how I am about spooky things. That's why I can't play horror games by myself. I'm trying to convince myself that it was all just a dream when a face pops over the side. "Bri? What are you doing under my bed?"
"Haha. Yeah about that," I scoot out from underneath the bed until I can sit up properly. I'm not really sure how to explain, so I hesitate before facing him. "Um, I either had an absolutely terrible nightmare, or your house is haunted as fuck."
Mark just stares me down as I pick up the pillow and blanket. He is trying very hard to remain calm, but I can tell something is wrong. "Are you telling me this place is haunted? If it is, I'm sleeping under your bed every night while I'm here. You know I can't deal with the spooky." I try to make a joke about the whole thing, but his reaction is freaking me out.
He gives me a forced laugh." I think I would know if this place is haunted. I've lived here for how long? Nothing weird has ever happened to me. It must have been an awful dream. Come on, let's get breakfast." He chuckles and starts getting up.
I head back to the guest room and throw the pillow and blanket on the bed. I close the door and start getting dressed. Well, that was strange. Mark must be trying to freak me out. Must be another prank of his. I shake my head and go to the bathroom, bumping into Sean along the way.
"Something smells amazing," I say as I walk into the kitchen. The entire kitchen smells like bacon, and I see Mark making pancakes. I look over at the spot where I left my cup of milk, but it's gone. Maybe it was just a dream after all?
"Ha. I figured I should step up my game. Otherwise, Amy might kill me for being such a bad host." Mark turns to look at me briefly before turning back to the stove. Sean laughs at that. He pulls out a chair from the island for me.
"I can't wait to tell her that ye left Bri hanging at the airport. She'll do more than murder you." Sean smiles at me with a glint in his eyes.
"Hey, I said I was sorry. I really did get caught up in recording." Mark pouts as he starts putting pancakes onto plates. I grab mine and start drowning them in syrup. "I believe you, Mark. If I didn't, you would be dead by now." All three of us laugh at that.
We all joke and tease each other throughout breakfast. Eventually, the talk turns into what we'll be doing for the next couple of weeks. Mark and Sean prerecorded enough videos that we'll be able to just hang out for several days, but they still want to do a few collab videos. They try their hardest to talk me into doing it with them, but I'm not sure if it's something I really want to do.
After breakfast is done and the kitchen is cleaned, we head into the living room to watch a movie. We decide to watch Avengers and make ourselves comfortable. Mark and Sean are cracking jokes about Fury when I decide to look at the comments from the stream yesterday. I'm curious as to what people are saying about my surprise appearance.
I'm scrolling through comments and see that a lot of them seem to find me funny. People are giving timestamps of when I start my karate chop freak out, but not for the reason I'm expecting. Most people are screaming about a Darkiplier appearance and theorizing that I have something to do with it. I go to the time people are talking about and play the video.
I see myself walking towards the door when all the color in the video turns grayish. Mark and Sean are oblivious to what's happening behind them. One second, I'm alone at the door the next, a figure is behind me. The figure is taller than me and wearing a black suit. You can't tell what exactly is happening since we are so far away from the camera. There is a faint red and blue layer over the figure as if the camera was picking up echoes of them that are out of sync. All of a sudden, I spin around, karate chopping the place that the figure should have been.
The video goes back to normal, and Sean looks back at me, laughing. I pause the video and just stare at my phone. I rewatch that part again in shock. I look up at Mark and Sean. "Guys, pause the movie a sec."
"What's up?" Sean asks as Mark pauses the movie.
"Did you do anything to the stream after it ended?" I hold up my phone as though that should be enough of an answer.
Mark just takes my phone and watches the part that I'm talking about. Sean is watching over his shoulder and the look at each other. Sean goes back to his seat and starts doing something on his phone. "Yeah, you were asleep when I got done with it, so I didn't have a chance to mention it to you. The fans have been clamoring for another appearance and it just seemed to fit in with your actions." He shrugs and hands me back my phone.
"Oh, um, ok." Something was definitely up with both of them but Mark's explanation made sense. Mark continued the movie but neither of them seemed as interested in it now. They kept looking at each other. Mark caught me staring at him a few times and every time would give me a goofy smile.
When the movie ends, both of them get up. Mark hands me the remote, looking at me weirdly. "Hey, Sean and I have to do a few videos, so you're welcome to whatever. It'll probably be a few hours before we're done so feel free to do whatever you want. I have some consoles hooked up if you want to play games." They quickly leave before I can say anything.
Something is very wrong and I was going to find out exactly what it is. I've been friends with Mark long enough to know when something is upsetting him. With all the weird things happening in this house, I was not going to be left in the dark.
I wait about 10 minutes before I put on a random movie and start sneaking upstairs. I can hear Mark and Sean arguing about something as I get to the door, but not what they are saying. Very carefully I open the door a crack and their voices flood the hallway.
"Ye need ta tell her the truth. Ye're puttin her in more danger by not sayin anything!" Sean's accent is getting thicker with every word.
"I can keep her safe! I'll make a deal with him if I have to! Besides, you don't have any room to talk. You told me you had Anti under control, but now you're saying she saw him in the mirror?"
"He's been fighting me more the past couple a weeks. I don't know what she saw bit if ye had seen her face. It was like she was waiting for something ta jump outta the mirror. I can make up an excuse and go home, but it'll be harder to explain if ye send her back when she just got here." Sean's voice softens as worry thickens his voice.
Mark sighs, "How am I supposed to explain this, Sean? Oh, hey Bri? That weird shit that you've been seeing is really Dark and Anti. Oh, you know, our alter egos, that are actually real. Not sure what they want with you, but you need to leave now.
Upon hearing this absolutely terrifying conversation, I quietly close the door. I'm damn near hyperventilating as I run through the house and out the back door. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck What do I do with this? They be hot, but if the videos are anything to go by, they also be outrageously dangerous and not worth it.
My breathing is erratic as I panic. I start walking around a tree, counting my steps, to calm myself. It won't do any good if all of us are freaking out.
If this is actually real, then what could Dark want with me? I haven't seen Mark in person in so long. I don't live close by. There was no real advantage to going after me.
I must have done something absolutely terrible in my past life for me to get this much bad luck in one lifetime. Couldn't even make it one day without something shitty coming up. My panic is gone but I'm far from calm. I put my back to the tree and sit down.
I can hear an occasional shout from the boys but for the most part the house is silent. I sigh and think about my options. If I run now, I will always be looking over my shoulders. Not to mention I'll never forgive myself for taking the coward's way out.
I feel something caress my arm, but when I look, there is nothing near me. I decide to trust my gut and start talking. Either he is there or I'm crazy and I'll just be talking to myself. I lean my head back against the tree and try to look as nonchalant as possible.
"Are they still arguing about how to deal with you two, or are they actually recording now?" Silence fills the air and seems to last for eternity. I stare at the ground for a few moments. "It's rude to ignore someone when they're talking to you. I thought you had better manners than that, Darkiplier?" A cold breeze rushes by, and the world starts to take on a gray tinge.
I look up at the sound of slow clapping. "Well, well, well. Look who has found her courage. I wonder what could have changed that?" Dark puts his arms behind his back and smirks. He looks exactly as he'd in all of Mark's videos, down to the slight echoes, that spasm at odd times. He cracks his neck and looks down at me, only a few steps away.
"I thought it was a ghost haunting Mark's house. I tend to be a chicken when it comes to things like that. You, on the other hand, don't terrify me. I know who you are and that takes away the fear factor." I stare him down as I stand up and lean against the tree. "Now, are you going to answer my question?"
"If that's what you were planning, you would have done it already. Instead, you're being a dramatic bitch and trying to scare me. Now knock it off and answer the question or I'm going inside." I poke him in the chest to show I'm not afraid of him.
Dark stares at me for a moment and then takes a few steps back. "They are indeed recording. I expect they won't be done for some time." I sigh in relief. I really didn't want them to come looking for me while Dark is still here. Who knows what would happen?
"So, why are you harassing me? Is it because I'm here and you like freaking out Mark?" I cross my arms and try to ignore the shadows that are gently tugging at my clothes in different places.
"Oh Bri. I've been watching you for quite some time. You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this moment. For you to finally make an appearance here. I have such big plans for you." He smiles and there is so much malicious intent in it.
It enrages me that he stands in front of me, acting so high and mighty. Trying to intimidate and threaten me, like I'm just a pawn in his stupid games. I don't even think as I step forward and slap Dark as hard as I can. "I will not be a pawn in whatever game you're playing! All I wanted was to get away from my shitty life and spend some time with my best friend, AND YOU ARE RUINING IT! Now run back to whatever hole you crawled out of and stay there!" My breathing is heavy and I stand my ground.
I am entirely unprepared when Dark quickly strikes, wrapping his hand around my neck and lifts me into the air. His hand squeezes my neck and I claw at his hand, struggling to breath.
"You have no say in what happens, little girl." Dark glares at me. I think I might have pissed him off. Oops. "I will do as I please! The more you fight me, the more pain you will incur. I applaud you for attempting to stand your ground, but I wouldn't tempt fate, if I were you." He throws me to the ground, where I stay, trying to relearn how to breath. I feel a foot on my back, pushing me into the ground, on my stomach. I struggle to get up, but Dark is far stronger than the average man.
"Two days!" I struggle to get even those words out. The pressure on my back disappears and I roll over, to find him crouched next to me. His hands are clasped together and he is looking at me with a question on his face. "Give me two days of uninterrupted hang out time with Mark and Sean, before you do anything else. I'm supposed to stay for a few weeks. That still gives you plenty of time to do your spooky act. That also includes Anti. Tell him to stop fighting Sean until the two days are up."
That dick had the nerve to laugh. A full throated, throw your head back, kind of laugh. "Trying to make a deal are we? You can't make a deal if you hold none of the cards."
"I can just leave. Pack up all my things up and leave before the guys are done. What would happen to your precious plans if I did that? You said it yourself. You were waiting for this moment, when I came to visit Mark. Mark would understand if I left." I slowly stand up, rubbing at my sore throat.
Dark stands and looks at me as if I'm a dog that just learned a new trick. "It would appear you hold a few cards after all. If I do this, I want a few things in return. You won't tell either of them about this conversation. You won't leave before the second day is up. Last but not least, you won't fight me when the time comes."
The first two I expected but not the last. If I do this, I am essentially giving up. Sure, I can try to outsmart him, but will I be able to? I don't even know what Dark has planned. I think about it for a few minutes, but I had my choice the moment Dark had stopped talking.
"Fine. Starting tomorrow I get two days with the guys with no interference from Anti or you. After that, I'm yours." I sigh as Dark gives me one of his smiles. A smile I've only seen in a Darkiplier video. Charm oozes from him as he takes one of my hands and kisses the back of it.
"I look forward to our next encounter, Bri." He walks behind me and when I turn around, he's not there. The world is full color again and the only trace of Dark, is the pain in my throat. I take one last look around the yard and then go inside.
I head to the bathroom to make sure there's no bruising on my neck. There's no discoloration, for which I'm thankful for. I may have made a terrible decision but I've bought myself two days before the shit hits the fan. I put on a smile and head towards the recording room. I don't hear any yelling coming from the other side, so I just barge in.
I run smack dab into a chest as soon as I open the door. Quickly backing up, I see I ran into Sean. "Ope. Sorry about that. I didn't know anyone was standing next to the door." I rub my poor nose.
"Ha. That's ok. We just finished up and I was about to head downstairs. Did you need something?" Sean asks as he backs up.
"Well, I figured it's about lunchtime and was wondering if you guys like pizza? My treat." I see Mark's head swiftly turn at the sound of pizza. Sean follows me as I walk over to Mark. "That sounds like a great idea! I'll order if you buy. We can go swimming after we eat."
"Sounds like a great plan. I was ogling your pool while you guys were up here." This will also give me the chance to appreciate the fine artwork that is Sean McLoughlin. Mark is nice too, but he is like my brother. Would feel really weird to ogle him.
I run to my room to get my wallet. I find it quickly enough and rush back. Mark is already on the phone, so I just hand my card over to him. Sean is sitting on the couch in the back of the room, so I go over to him. "Hey, I'm going to go set up the living room so we can play some games while we wait. Care to join me or do you need to finish up in here?" Sean gets up and looks at his buddy for a minute. "I'm finished with my stuff. I think we're going to edit the videos tomorrow, since we already have material we can upload today. So, lead the way m'lady."
Chuckling, I make my way out to the living room. Sean gets us drinks while I hook up the ps4 and start browsing games. "Ooo. We can play Jackbox! I play it with Mark occasionally, when he does a live stream."
"I'm game. That's always a fun game to play." He sets the drinks on the table. He seems much more relaxed than before. That subtle sense of tension is gone. Dark must have been able to talk to Anti. Good, that means Dark might actually stick to the deal. Mark joins us about 5 minutes later. "Jackbox huh? Always a great pick." He flops down on top of me while Sean sits in the chair. "Geez, Mark! Haven't you heard of personal space?" I laugh and push him on to the floor. Sean starts cracking up and Mark just pouts.
"Well, yeah, but you're just so comfy." He sits on the far end of the couch and spreads out. We get the game going and play until the pizza gets here. We continue playing while we ear, all of winning a fair amount.
After lunch, we clean up and then go change into our swimsuits. After I get my swimsuit on, I put my hair into a ponytail, so my hair doesn't get in the way. As I make my way into the kitchen, I hear shouting outside. Mark and Sean are already jumping into the pool while Chica is laying under a tree in the shade.
I take a running leap towards the pool. "CANNONBALL!" I scream just before I jump in. I land in between them, causing a tidal wave to hit them both. I start laughing the moment I break the surface.
"The look on both your faces was hysterical. Just sheer terror. Did you think I was going to jump on one of you?" They are still wiping their faces. "Well, that's what it looked like from our angle!" Mark starts laughing and splashes me. The antics don't stop for a few hours. By the time we go back inside, it's 5 in the afternoon. I'm looking through the cabinets and fridge for something to fix, when a towel is placed over my head. I'm laughing and take the towel off to find Sean behind me.
"Watcha lookin for?"
"I was thinking about making tacos. I'm just checking if I have all the ingredients. Looks like someone needs to make a grocery run. Go get changed and see if Mark will go with you to the store." I start winding up the wet towel as Sean slowly backs away. He yelps and takes off running as I crack the towel in his direction. I hear him laughing as he gets farther away. I find enough beef in the fridge to make enough for the three of us. Thankfully, Mark has taco seasoning, so I don't have to wait to get the meat started. All we really need is stuff for toppings. By the time I find a pen and paper, and write down everything down we need, Sean and Mark are back.
"You don't have to cook Bri. We can always order something." Mark grabs the list from my hands and skims over it. "Oh no! I'm not eating takeout everyday while I'm here I want real food too." I waggle my finger at him. "Okay. It was just a suggestion." He chuckles.
"Are you coming with us?"
"Na. I'm going to get started on the meat. It should be done by the time you get back."
"We won't take long." They head out the door and I go upstairs to change into actual clothes.
When I get back in the kitchen, the lights start to lightly flicker. I sigh as I get skillet out and turn on the stove. "I would say it's rude to come over unannounced, but I guess this is you announcing yourself." I continue prepping everything before turning around. As I expected, Darkiplier is standing on the side of the island. The world is lightly tinged gray again. Dark is smiling and gently leaning against the island.
"How homely. Cooking dinner as if you've always lived here." His tone is slightly condescending.
"Like I said before, I'm not eating takeout for every meal that I'm here. Are you hungry? Do you even eat?" I'd never thought about it before, but it doesn't hurt to be polite.
"I can eat but I don't need it as a sustenance." My question seems to have thrown him off. I chuckle to myself as I get something out of the freezer and throw it at him. "Yeah, well, eat a Snickers anyway. It might make you something other than a condescending bastard." Dark avoids the candy and slams his hand down.
"Do you think this is a game!! That I won't hurt you now, just because of our deal? Well, I'll let you in on a secret. Our deal doesn't start until tomorrow. I still have until midnight to do what I want with you." An echo of him screams briefly as he walks towards me. I know I should be terrified, but I just can't Instead, I focus on getting the meat into the skillet. The skillet is hot enough that the meat immediately starts sizzling. I can feel Dark glaring at me and the tension is rising.
I'm 99.99% sure he is waiting for me to break the silence. I have no idea what to say, though. He pretty much just threatened my life. How do you even respond to that? I'm going to do what I do best, and pretend he isn't even there. I get my phone out, get on YouTube, and put on my Darkiplier/Antisepticeye song playlist.
I put the volume on full blast and pro my phone against the wall, where I can watch the video. Singing along to the fan edited versions of different songs, I continue to cook. After a few songs the atmosphere seems calmer. If it wasn't for that weird, gray tinge, I would say it's because Dark has left.
I continue to sing and ignore him. The boys should, hopefully, be back soon. I'm not sure how far the store is, so they could be gone for another 30 minutes. The meat is almost done, so I turn to start looking for a strainer, and bump into Dark. My breath hitches and my heart starts racing as I look up at him. His face is neutral as he steps asides. When he's like this, you can almost forget what giant douchebag he is. I start blushing and quickly grab the stuff I need. I put a bowl in the sink and put the strainer on top.
Just ignore him. Pretend he doesn't exist and everything will go back to normal. I take a deep breath and go to grab the skillet off the stove. A mitten appears in front of my face, just as I'm about to grab the skillet. I look up at Dark but he doesn't say anything, just holds the mitt in front of me. Watching him is like watching a predator hunt its prey.
Entirely unnerving.
"Uh, thanks." I hurriedly put the mitten on and take the skillet over to the sink. I dump the meat in the strainer and wait for the grease to drain, before putting it back in the skillet. Once on the stove, I dump in the taco seasoning and stir it up a bit. I turn the stove down so it keeps the meat warm but doesn't keep cooking it. I take a quick peak at Dark, who is still watching me, and then grab my phone. I turned my playlist off and switched it to a more classical playlist. Sure, I can't sing to these songs but he seemed to be a Mozart kinda guy.
I refuse to see what his reaction is as I put my phone on the counter. I grab a sheet tray, put the hard tacos on it, then put them in the oven, and turn the oven on. There's nothing else for me to do until the guys get back, so I go sit on a stool that's on the opposite side. Checking my phone, I see that Mark texted me saying they were on the way.
Oh, thank you so much, sweet baby jebus. I'm not sure how much more of this I can take. Two visits in one day, from a guy I didn't even know existed, has been exhausting.
"The guys will be here soon. Are you sticking around for the show or you gonna pull a disappearing act?" I stare him down and really hopes he leaves. The less time around him, the better.
"Remember the deal, Bri." Dark stares at me for a moment with his hand out. I'm about to question him, when a Snickers appears in his hand. Without another word he walks off into.... Nothingness. He just disappears.
I just give a sigh of relief as the grey tinge leaks away. "Dark, you may be hot as hell but you are so damn dramatic." I mumble to myself as I look towards the spot where the Snickers landed. Sure enough, it's gone. "Dramatic." I chuckle.
As I'm pulling out the taco shells, I hear the door open. "We're backkkk!" Sean yells out.
"Took you long enough! Thought I was gonna have to eat by myself!" I walk into the living room and see Sean and Mark struggling to get into the house.
"We did some actual shopping. Not just what was on the list." Mark huffs as a bag gets stuck on the coffee table. I squeeze past them both so I can shut the door.
"Good! Means I don't have to rely on takeout for food." I laugh as I take some of the bags from Mark. "Are there any more groceries that need brought in?"
"We are men! We bring everything in, in one trip." He huffs as though he is offended.
"Multiple trips are for pansy's!" Sean chimes in from the kitchen.
I'm laughing as I close the front door. "Okay. I got it. I'm sorry I asked. I won't do it again."
I start pulling out the stuff for toppings and get it ready as the boys put everything else away. When we are done, we start making our plates. Dinner passes relatively quickly with our joking and seems to be over before we know it. After dinner and we clean up, I decided to say goodnight to the guys and head to bed. Yeah, it was only 8:00 by the time I got in bed, but I had an exhausting day. After taking a shower I jump into bed and turn off the light.
I'm super excited for these next two days.
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tomspancakes · 4 years
This Way: Part 4
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*not my gif*
Pairing: Tom Holland x Actress! reader
Word Count: 3580
Warnings: still a crazy ass bih lol. I can’t stop with the drama sorryyy
Summary: Y/n starts noticing how weird Tom is being and decides to confront him.
A/N: I think I’m going to post two days in a row then have one day off, but like a sis is nearing the end of her school year so let’s hope I stick with it haha. Please lmk if you’re enjoying this/ have any constructive criticism. ALSO I need help like ded ass don’t know if I’m stupid or if it’s tumblr’s fault, but when I tag people some of the tags don’t work :/ BUT don’t hesitate to ask to be a part of the tag list :) 
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
*week and a half before lock down*
You opened the door to the flat exhausted after a long day of filming and walked into the living room to see Tom busy on his laptop. He looked up, 
“Oh hi, y/n.” He shut his laptop and stood up, you gave him a strange look.
“Leaving already? Do I smell or something?” You joked and flopped on the couch. Tom has been acting really strange with you after the dinner with his family. Lately he’s been leaving you alone whenever one of the boys got up to leave as well. ‘Was he feeling awkward about being friends?’ you thought to yourself. 
“Oh no no you don’t smell. You always smell nice,” He blushed because he said too much, “Just need to work on this script, Harry’s been on my ass about it.” He said and began to walk away before you could reply.
“What? Not even gonna ask how my day was... you know like a friend?” You teased and Tom sighed and squeezed his eyes shut and turned around
“How was your day, y/n?”
“It was long, tiring, and someone was really rude to me on the set.” You sighed and waited for him to sit back down so he could listen, but he never did, “Ok then… how about your day, Tom?” This was starting to get awkward, 
“Didn’t really do anything, just ate and worked on the first act of the movie, which still isn’t done so if you’ll excuse me I’m going to my room now.” He said quickly, turning around again walking away.
“How rude. ‘Ya let’s be friends, y/n, it’ll be fun.’” You grumbled and mimicked him in an annoyed voice. Tom heard and felt really bad to pretend he didn’t.
You were now sitting on Harry’s bed watching him edit his short film and eating ice cream, he listened to how your day went,
“And oh my god one of the stunt fighter guys was being a straight up asshole,” You rolled your eyes eating another spoonful of ice cream,
“How so?” Harry asked
“Well I kept messing up this one stunt where I was in heels and we ended up filming it 7 times. I mean I felt bad for wasting time, but that was until the dickhead said, ‘I don’t even know why they casted you, it’s a simple stunt just get this shit down already so we can move on!’” You said in a deep voice mimicking the guy, “I was so embarrassed, but thankfully Ryan stood up for me. Still ruined my day though.”
“What the hell? What kinda asshole-,” He got up from his spot on the bed all riled up, “Who is this guy? I’m gonna end him. Does he even realize how damn hard it is to do a stunt in heels?” You laughed at Harry’s protectiveness, “Tom literally took half a day to film one stunt and he wasn’t in heels!” You shrugged.
“Sit your ass back down. Thanks for trying to protect me, but everything will be fine, I’m strong. It’s business gotta suck it up.” He rolled his eyes and jumped on you with a bear hug. You laughed and tried to push him off of you, but he was too heavy. 
“Harry, you bitch, I can’t breathe.”
“I just want to protect my best friend.” He said before letting you go and going back to editing.
“Speaking of Tom, have you noticed that he’s avoiding me?” You asked quickly.
“Huh? I haven’t noticed anything of the sort. I mean you guys are both really busy right now aren’t you?” You nodded and rested your head on Harry’s shoulder,
“I mean I guess, but haven’t you noticed like yesterday when you left the kitchen Tom rushed a bit to leave also?” 
“Oh yeah I forgot about that, it was quite strange now that I think about it.” 
“Yeah Tom’s been doing that to me ever since we left your parents’ house. And when I got home today I tried to talk to him about my day, because you know I thought he’s my friend, and he just said he really needed to work on the script and left to his room!”
“Hmm, I did tell him to finish the first act by tomorrow, but he’s been working in the living room all day. Said something about his room being more of a distraction. Also it’s not like Tom to leave without hearing someone out. He always listens.” You just sighed,
“I guess he thinks it’s still weird to be friends. I tried, sorry, Harry.”
“Please don’t give up just yet, y/n, maybe he’s just stressed or something. You know I wouldn’t want to pick sides.” You nodded and started to drift off to sleep and felt Harry remove the bowl from your lap.
“Y/n, love, wake up.” you were being shaken by Harry.
“Huh? Oh sorry, did I fall asleep?” You asked groggily and he laughed,
“Yeah and I finished editing the short film!” You jumped up no longer tired anymore.
“Oh my god yay, Harry! Can I see it now pleaseeee?” You jumped up and down on the bed.
“Tomorrow, love, it’s 1 am now and I want to show everyone in the house at the same time.” You pouted and he laughed.
“Fine then be like that. But I’m proud of you.” You hugged him, “Good night, Harry, can’t wait to see the finished product!” 
“Night, love.” He chuckled and you walked out with your empty dish.
You pulled out your phone and opened the Instagram app to see that Tom posted something on his story about 30 minutes ago. It was a picture of the script and his foot captioned, “Working on something big, like my big toe.” You giggled a bit and muttered, “Idiot.” The next story post was from Tuwaine, it was a picture you all took together after breakfast when Tom burnt himself. You were laying across the boys’ laps and Tom was happily looking down at your smiling face. It was captioned, “If lock down happens, it’ll be a real party with these people.” You smiled and reposted it to your story.
As soon as you reached the kitchen you saw Tom sitting at the counter and typing away on his laptop.
“Hey, Tom, still working?” Tom jumped at the sound of your voice.
“Jesus, don’t scare me like that. And yes I couldn’t sleep, b-but I think I’m getting tired now.” He was about to close his laptop and leave, but you stopped him. 
“Oh my god… I’m just gonna put my dish in the sink and leave.” His frazzled expression turned to a relaxed one and he sat back down typing again, refusing to look at you. You began to walk away then felt the urge to ask,
“Tom, a-are you avoiding me?” It came out quieter than you thought, you felt vulnerable. He stopped typing for a brief moment when you asked.
“No, definitely not. Why’d you think that?” You walked back to the counter and stood across him leaning on the surface.
“I’ve been noticing that you're in a rush to leave the room when we’re alone…” Tom continued to type, but incorrectly because of his nerves. 
“Oh, I-I’m sorry, love, didn’t mean for you to think that. I’m just busy is all, I promise.” He said and pointed at the laptop.
“Too busy to hear your friend rant about her day?” You asked and he sighed. His heart dropped when you called yourself his friend.
“I’m afraid so, love. Now why don’t you go sleep don’t you have to film tom-” You cut him off getting tired of the excuses,
“Tom cut the shit, I know you’re avoiding me and I don’t get why.” Tom sighed as you rambled and he put his laptop to the side because he wasn’t getting anything done, “I really appreciate you letting me stay here, but shouldn’t we at least talk a little bit? I mean I was ready to be friends with you for Harry’s sake and then we talked at the dinner and then I was genuinely ready to start off on a new foot. I’ve been trying so hard to reach out to you and you’re literally avoiding me now. Like are you even trying at all? Because I don’t-” Your eyes began to water. Tom got too frustrated and cut you off,
“Y/n I can’t talk about this right now. Please, it’d be better if we discussed this another time.”
“What the hell? Are you being serious? You were a dick when we broke up, you were a dick when I tried to reach out to you, and now you’re being a dick for putting our so called ‘friendship’ on ho-”
“Y/n, stop! Ok? I get it. You can call me a dick and an asshole whatever you want, but this is all for you! Everything I do is for you or because of you! So just leave me the fuck alone, please.” His voice cracked when he said the last sentence. 
“What the hell are you talking about? What are you doing for me?” You stared at him confused.
“I can’t say anything, it’s for the best. Just drop it.” You looked at one another, tears threatening to fall out of Tom’s eyes, you hadn’t noticed you were already crying.
“No. I’m not gonna leave until you tell me what’s going on, Tom. I care for you and I want to be here for you, just tell me what’s going on please.” He looked at you and furrowed his brows making tears stream down his cheeks, it hurt to see you so sad especially since he caused it. He turned around in distress and brushed his hands through his hair before turning back to you. He looked into your eyes and sighed knowing there was no way out of this situation.
“I’ve been avoiding you because I told Allana you’re my ex.” 
“Ok and what’s so ba-”
“Let me finish, y/n, please.” You apologized softly.
“I told her not to tell anyone because I didn’t want to break the promise of letting the world know that we dated. A-and she threatened to spill the secret if I didn’t stay away from you. She said if I ever told anyone about what she said or if she ever saw me close to you again she’d expose us right away. I-I didn’t want to jeopardize our friendship because I decided to be honest to my two-faced girlfriend.” All this information hit you like a train.
“Wow, what. a. fucking. Bitch.” You said stunned, Tom scoffed.
“I feel like an idiot for not listening to the boys and not seeing the red flags.” He sat back down and put his head in his hands. 
“Hey don’t worry, I didn’t notice anything either. Hell I tried to help her. Maybe we’re too gullible…” What you said didn’t really help so Tom began to sob a bit. You walked over to his side and put a hand on his forearm so that he could look at you. His heart was racing at your touch.
“Look, I know Allana is bat shit crazy, but…” You paused thinking if this was a good thing to tell him, “I uh I don’t think I can have you avoiding me all the time, I want you in my life,” He looked up at you surprised, “a-as a friend.” His heart dropped, was that all you were ever going to see him as? A damn friend? 
“Ok, but Allana will tell everyone, and I know how much you care about your privacy.” He said with a stuffy nose, you grabbed a tissue for yourself and Tom.
“I know, but we’ll figure out a way. We were clever enough to hide a 6 month relationship.” You smiled, but you both felt sad when you mentioned your past. He got up and wrapped you in his arms tightly. You swayed back and forth as you felt wet droplets fall on the top of your head, and you soaked Tom’s white t-shirt. You both weren’t crying only because of what just happened, but because you missed one another in a way that words can’t explain. You let out the tears you didn’t cry from when Tom didn’t respond to you and remembered the nights you’d go through old pictures of you and him alone. Tom was crying out all the tears he wanted to let out when he saw that picture of you and Gavin and from the nights that he craved your touch. He tightened his arms around you like it was the last time he’d ever see you. 
“Allana might be watching from outside the window, I’m gonna let you go now.” You said and Tom chuckled sadly letting you go, “We’ll talk about what we can do about this situation in the morning or another time.” You smiled kindly at Tom and he nodded. Tom grabbed your hand softly before you could walk away and pulled you close. You gulped because of how close you were to him,
“Thanks for being so kind, sleep well. Goodnight, y/n.” You smiled and replied,
“Thanks for being more kind to me. Goodnight.” You gave him one last hug and walked away feeling relieved while Tom still felt guilty despite what you said. He still felt like he needed to do more.
You woke up at 8 AM feeling a lot happier for some reason. Maybe it was because you cleared things up with Tom last night or because you were going to film a really exciting scene today with some new people. 
You walked into the kitchen, “Goodmorning boys!” You said enthusiastically walking up behind where Harry was seated and gave him a hug from behind.
“Ew why’re you happy?” Harry asked, still tired. 
“Morning, y/n!!” Tuwaine and Haz said in unison. You grabbed a bowl and poured yourself a bowl of cereal.
“Harry, when are we gonna watch your film, I can’t wait any longer.” You complained.
“Maybe when you come back from set, I want to go back to sleep after I eat.”
“Ugh you’re so lazy.” You joked, “where’s Tom, isn’t he usually up by now?”
Tuwaine looked at the other boys then at you apologetically, “He uh left around 5 this morning.”
“Oh for an early workout or something?” You asked, taking a bite of cereal.
“No,” Tuwaine cleared his throat, “to Berlin, Germany.” You choked on your cereal. 
“Wait what, you’re joking I thought he leaves in 3 days.” 
“I don’t know exactly why he left, something about needing a few days for himself before filming. Which I understand because he’s been working hard.” Haz said and you furrowed your brows, was it because of what happened last night? Harry noticed your concern.
“Y/n, do you know exactly why he left?” You wanted to tell him, but you couldn’t. If the boys found out what Allana said they’d definitely do something about it and you couldn’t let that happen. You shook your head,
“Nope, I’m just as confused as you are.” You said coolly.
“Are you sure you don’t know what was making Tom stressed?” Harry asked as he pulled up in front of the studio.
“Ya, I’m sure. He’s avoiding me, remember?” It pained you to lie to Harry like that, but you weren’t sure if you were ready to let the world know you and Tom dated. Harry looked like he didn’t believe you, but he let it go.
“Ok then… Text or call when you need me to pick you up.” You thanked him again for dropping you off and walked to the set. You saw Lana and walked with her,
“Hey, babes, did you see the text from Melissa?” You shook your head no. Melissa was in charge of scheduling which scenes would be filmed every day, “She said everyone needed to meet at crafty’s before going to sound stage 32.” 
“Really? Why?” 
“Not quite sure, but there’s been rumors that filming will be postponed.” Lana said sadly.
“Wait, you’re joking.” She shrugged and shook her head as you guys entered the food tent, everyone already looking disappointed.
“Hi everyone, as many of you know Covid-19 was just announced as a world wide pandemic and we’ve just been shut down from shooting anymore scenes at least for two weeks.” Melissa said everyone groaning, “Yes I know this sucks, but please stay safe and healthy while we’re shut down. If you have a trailer here please make sure you clear all your things out because there will be a cleaning team here in two days to…” You drowned Melissa’s voice out
“Just when I thought this day couldn’t get any worse…” You sighed and dropped your head on Lana’s shoulder and she patted your head.
“Lastly make sure you all stay in the same shape you are in now, so nothing looks different when we resume shooting.” Melissa hopped off the table and everyone began to clear out to get their things. You called Harry telling him the sad news. 
“I’m so upset, Harry, today sucks.” He patted your thigh as he made a right turn.
“It’ll be ok, love. I’m sure you will go back to filming in no time and you’ll actually miss having a break.” You just leaned your head on the window wondering if Tom at least made it safely to Berlin, and in that exact moment your phone pinged. 
Tom: Hi, y/n, I assume the boys have already told you that I left for Berlin. I just landed. I’m really sorry for not giving a warning, but the space is for the best. I hope you can understand xx
You were upset with everything and everyone at this point and Tom’s text just ruined your mood more. How does he know what’s best for you? Mad and feeling petty you texted back,
You: k.
Tom: Please, trust me, y/n. This will help out our situation.
You: Last time I checked running away from your problems never helps the situation.
You threw your phone back into your purse annoyed.
“Oh shit, what the fuck is she doing here?” Harry asked, displeased. You looked up to see Allana pulling into the driveway just before you and Harry did. 
“Great. Just fucking great. Harry, I think I’m gonna scream.”
“I think I will too. Can we just drive around until she’s gone?”
“That would be nice, but I think she already spotted us and won’t leave.” You pointed at her going to sit down on the porch. Harry groaned and pulled into the driveway. As soon as you and Harry stepped out the car she stood up and barked,
“Where the hell is Tom? He hasn’t texted me since yesterday afternoon, today is our 5 month anniversary.” Well that makes things more complicated. Harry looked at you with wide eyes, “What? Why’re you looking at her like that? Did you have something to fucking do with this, y/n?” She said giving you the dirtiest look ever. ‘Bitch I hope it wasn’t because of me.’ You thought. Harry got closer to you in protective mode.
“No no I swear. We were all surprised to see Tom gone this morning.”
“Gone? Where the hell is he?” 
“He went to Berlin early. Now if you’ll excuse us we’d like to relax in our home.” Harry said not letting you talk, almost standing in front of you now. You both began to walk past her, but she squeezed your arm tight and yanked you back. You winced in pain.
“You bitch what did you do? Don’t even think about fucking lying to me.” Her eyes burned into your soul.
“Allana, what the fuck you’re crazy! back off!” Harry said, pulling you back behind him, “I suggest you leave now before things get more ugly.��� He said in the most intimidating way possible.
“Ok, but the only thing ugly about this is whatever y/n did with Tom. I don’t doubt for a second that you’re a stupid whore. I saw that photo of you laying on him last night, and I’ve seen how you flirt with Tom you sk-”
“Allana that’s enough, go now!” Harry yelled and she looked surprised. She glared at you before stepping back, “Stay the fuck away from Tom he doesn’t need your ugly ass all over him.” “Allana, sweetie, we live in the same house. Quite dumb of you to think we can really stay away from one another.” You laughed darkly as tears of anger welled up in your eyes.
“Ok then, cunt. Go near him, I dare you. You have no idea what I’m capab-”
“Allana, I said fucking leave!” Harry was tired of this shit. Allana scoffed and finally drove away.
Harry turned to you cradling you in his arms as you let tears fall down your face, “I hate today…” you hiccuped, “a lot.” 
“I know, I know.” He cooed. You looked up at him, “I know something is up, y/n. You need to tell me why my brother really left so I can help you.” You sighed and nodded.
“Ok let’s get you cleaned up.” He kept you close to his side and you both walked in. Tom was so wrong thinking him leaving would solve anything.
Tag list:  @averyfosterthoughts​ @thollandx​ @mrsjeffwittek​ @panicattheeverywherekid​ @racewife2004​ @greatpizzascissorstaco​ @witchything​ @wheelertozier​ @runway-to-my-aid​ @rafficorn @jessirosebud​ @peterspideyy​ @superstarchick​ @jackiehollanderr​  @astridcommings @mineymak712 @hollands-osterfield​ @inhumanwithpowers​
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Face Down (Colby Brock Imagine)
Summary: Based on the song Face Down by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. You can listen to the song before, after, or while reading.
Do you feel like a man? When you push her around? Do you feel better now, as she falls to the ground?
Written: 2020
Word Count: 2,371
Warnings: swearing, abusive relationship, domestic violence, Brennen Taylor
“Change your outfit. We’re hanging out with my friends, not going on a date.” He stands behind me and touches my waist gently. I almost flinch. He hasn’t touched me softly like that in a while, I almost forgot how it feels.
“Sorry Brennen, I wasn’t thinking.” I kiss his cheek before squeezing past him back into the closet.
The fact that Brennen is taking me out to hang out with his friends without me asking is a miracle. I don’t want to do anything to upset him. Normally, when I bring up the topic of me joining him or inviting his friends to our place he gets mad. It’s my fault, I should just mind my own business. So when Brennen came home earlier and told me that his friends were having a party and that he was taking me with him, I stayed on my best behavior.
There wasn’t much to change. I just switched into another pair of jeans and a looser tee-shirt. While looking in the mirror, I figured that my lipstick was too dark for my outfit and wipe it off. I just put on lipstick instead. If I take too long, Brennen will change his mind.
In complete honesty, I’ve been in the house for the past week. I was stuck in bed for the first few days. But it’s fine, Kobe has been keeping me company. Brennen was off filming with Jake and doing who knows what else. I just stayed and worked on my videos and posted up seen photoshoot photos. When Brennen came home, we’d watch movies and eat. He was the nicest he’s been in a while.
“Y/N, let’s go!” Brennen calls from the living room. I quickly grab my backpack and run out the door.
I’m standing in the backyard of the “KRAC” house talking with all the girlfriends. I haven’t seen them in months. I talk to them everyone once in a while in the group chat. Other than that, I see them maybe once a month. Every once in a while, my eyes find Brennen and make sure he’s having a good time and not drinking too much. It’s hard to get him to calm down when he gets worked up.
I feel someone tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Colby holding a drink in his hand and smiling. I don’t remember the last time I saw Colby in person. He was the one who introduced me to Brennen. There was a time where Colby would be over at Brennen’s nearly every day and then one day he just stopped. We don’t even really talk either. I miss him, but Brennen said that seeing us together made Colby sad. But I knew that it also made Brennen mad. To keep both to them happy, I just don’t talk to him anymore. But I miss what we used to have.
Without thinking, I hug Colby. He wraps his arms around my sides and squeezes. I take in a sharp breath and Colby lets go. I place my hands on my side to somehow soothe the pain. Colby’s eyes widen for a second like he broke me.
“It’s fine Colbs. I spilled water in the kitchen and then Kobe started running around. When I get to get him, I slipped on the water and hit the counter. I’m fine, I promise.” I watch as Colby’s surprised reaction changes into something unrecognizable. His jaw clenches and his fist tightens, but only for a second.
It wasn’t a complete lie. I did hit the counter in the kitchen. Brennen shoved me during an argument that we had over a photoshoot that I did a few days earlier. It was my fault. Brennen was drinking and he had told me earlier that he didn’t want me wearing the clothes that I wore in the photoshoot. I didn’t listen, and as I said, he was drunk. It was an accident. He promised it wouldn’t happen again. And it hasn’t. He loves me.
“Hey ladies, do you mind if I steal Y/N away for a little bit? I haven’t seen her in a while and I want to catch up. I promise to bring her back so you can continue to do whatever it is that girls do.” Colby is smiling again. The girls smile and wave us off. Colby grabs my hand and drags me back into the house. I turn around to check on Brennen one last time. He was talking to Reggie and Sam and laughing, I’m glad he’s having a good time.
Colby leads me to a couch and we both plop down.
“How are things going Brock?” I ask after taking a sip of my soda. I don’t drink much anymore. Brennen hates when I get drunk, he says I get sloppy.
“Things are great actually. I’m still single, but I am very much okay with that. My career is going well. Enough about me. How have you been, Y/N?” Colby’s eyes soften. He scans my face for something, I don’t know what.
“I’m fine. Busy with YouTube, you know how that goes. I’ve been teaching Kobe tricks, but that’s not going well. What—?” Colby’s hand reaches for my face. He rubs his thumb over my cheek and he frowns. I smack his hand away and watches as his fist tightens again. I quickly touch the spot on my face that he rubbed. The make is still there. There’s a bruise there, but it doesn’t hurt anymore.
Brennen got mad over a week ago because I saw that he was texting another girl and the texts looked a little suspicious. Again, it was my fault. I should have minded my own business.
“Sorry, I thought you had something on your face. Don’t worry, your makeup is fine. Are you sure you’re okay? You know you can tell me anything.” He has that look of concern on his face again. His eyebrows are furrowed but his eyes are soft.
“Everything is—” I stop talking when I fell someone’s hand go around my arm. I don’t have to turn around to know that it’s Brennen. He yanks he up so I’m standing next to him. Colby stands up and stands next to me.
“Let go of her Brennen,” Colby says quietly. I think he’s trying not to call attention to the situation. But I don’t think anybody else is in here. Or maybe it’s because he’s close to my ear. He doesn’t put his hand on me.
“Mind your own fucking business, Colby. It’s late and we’re going home.” Brennen tightens his grip on my arm.
“Maybe you should ask Y/N if she wants to go home. Are you ready to go home Y/N?” Colby speaks softly to me and puts his hand on my should. Colby looks like he’s ready to fight. Brennen tugs me to get Colby’s hand off of me. If I don’t do something, they’re going to get in a fight.
“It’s— I’m tired, so we’re going to go home now. Let’s go home, babe.” I say as I feel tears start to form in my eyes.
“You heard her, Brock. We’re leaving.” Brennen tugs me one last time and drags me out of the party. I quietly turn around and signal for Colby to stay there and wave goodbye.
Brennen finally lets go of me when we walk out of the door. He’s pissed and I have no idea how I’m going to calm him down.
“What’s wrong baby?” I ask softly as I follow after him. Brennen stops suddenly and I bump into him.
“You know what you fucking did. I thought I told you to stay the fuck away from him.” He says as he turns around. His voice is unwavering. It’s giving me chills.
“I— I forgot. He’s our friend, I didn’t think anything of it. I haven’t seen any of our friends in a long time. I thought—”
“Is that why you got all dressed up tonight? For him?” Brennen inches closer and places his hand around my neck, gently applying pressure.
“No, I wasn’t thinking. We haven’t gone out of the house in a while I—” He finally applies pressure and starts to cut off my air supply. I try to fight back to get him off of me, tears streaming down my face.
“Don’t lie to me, you fucking whore. I could tell you were flirting with him.” Brennen finally let’s go and drop to the ground, gasping for air. I watch as Brennen searches for something in his pockets.
“Brennen, baby, let me drive. You drank a little. Let me drive and you can take a nap in the car. And then we can talk when we get home.” I get up and try to get the keys from him.
“I’m not drunk! Don’t you get it, Y/N? I love you so fucking much. I stayed sober tonight so that I could key an eye on you. I love you and then you go around and do this shit to me. What do I have to do to get you to understand? Do I have to knock some sense into you?” He starts walking towards me and softly hitting me.
“Brennen stop, please. I love you, I would never do that to you. Just let me drive us home.” I don’t know what I said to piss him off even more, but with one swift smack, Brennen knocks me face down in the dirt.
Dirt is sticking to my face but I don’t get up for a second. It takes me a few seconds to process what just happened. I don’t know what’s gotten into Brennen, but he’s never been this angry. He might seriously hurt me this time.
“Did you get it through your thick skull now, bitch? I’m like this because I love you. I’m doing all of this protect you and the sooner you realize that, the less it’s going to hurt.” Brennen crouches down and strokes my hair.
“This doesn’t hurt,” I mumble. I don’t know what’s come over me. It’s like all of the pent up rage from the past two years is finally coming to the surface. It’s fight or flight time and for once, I’m ready to fight. Because this, this isn’t love. Normally, Brennen says that he loves me after he’s calmed down a bit, never while he’s gotten mad and hurt me. This is not love.
“What did you say?” Brennen says ask he grabs a fist full of my hair to pull my head up.
“I said, ’this doesn’t hurt!’ I’ve finally had enough, Brennen! I’m sick and tired of this. Just please stop, because this isn’t what’s hurting me. This. Doesn’t. Hurt.” Brennen drops my head and stands up.
“That didn’t hurt? Maybe this will teach you not to talk back!” Brennen delivers a hard, swift kick to my abdomen causing me to scream out in pain. The combination of the scream and the kick makes it hard for me to breathe.
“Brennen, stop!” I yell as I see he’s going to do it again.
I brace myself for another kick but it doesn’t come. I open my eyes to see that Colby pulled him off.
“What the fuck!” Brennen yells when he realizes what happened. Brennen swings once to get Colby off of him and punches him in the face.
Colby lets go and stands in between us with his back towards me.
“I thought I told you to mind your business?” Brennen asks as he gets closer to Colby. Colby just pushes him back.
“What are you going to do? Beat the shit out of me like you were your girlfriend?” Colby pushes Brennen again.
“Fuck off, Colby!” Brennen says before trying to punch him again. This time Colby manages to hit Brennen first, knocking him back.
“Does it make you feel like a man? Huh? Do you feel like a man when you push her around? You have your own personal punching bag to use whenever you please. Do you feel better now that she’s one the ground? Answer me you piece of shit!” Colby tackles Brennen to the ground and starts hitting him. Colby’s on top of him, not allowing him to get up.
“Colby, stop!” I yell as I sit up
I see everyone from the party rush outside to see what’s happening. Kevin and Aryia pull Colby off of Brennen. The girls all huddle around me and help me up.
“I’m fine, get Y/N out of here,” Colby says as he wipes his face.
“Can someone tell us what the hell is going on first?” Sam asks.
As I start walking past Brennen, he starts to get up and I jump. Kat puts her arm around me while Tara and Xepher stand in between us.
“Stay down, Brennen or I swear to God I’ll beat the shit out of you. As long as I’m alive, you’ll never lay another finger on Y/N. Do you understand me?” Kevin and Aryia move over Brennen to keep him down while Jake and Sam move next to Colby just in case.
“Okay bro, why don’t you and the girls go inside? We can take over.” Jake says surprisingly. I can’t tell that he’s pissed too, and Jake rarely gets pissed.
Colby looks at Brennen one more time before joining us back to the house. When I finally see Colby in the light I see that Brennen got him good with the one punch he landed. Colby has a fat lip and a big red mark on his jaw. He has blood on his hand but I can’t tell if that’s from him or Brennen.
“I’m sorry, Colby.” I choke out. He got hurt because of me.
“Hey, you don’t have to cry. And you don’t have to apologize for anything, this wasn’t your fault. I’m sorry that I didn’t step in sooner. I promise that he’ll never lay a single finger on you as long as I’m here.” Colby says as he gently wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head.
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s1utspeare · 3 years
Get To Know Me!
@foxofninetales tagged me in this ask game and since I LOVE HER i will now be doing it (i mean i’d do it anyway but now it will be filled with love for FOX i am not accepting CRITICISM ON THIS POINT)
Part I
name: Brigid! I’m named after the Irish goddess of like, poetry, healing, smithcraft, and protection, or the Irish saint (they’re both pretty similar it’s just whether or not you’re talking about Celtic religion or Catholicism). She’s very cool, and I think it’s a very fitting name for who I turned out to be!
pronouns: she/her
star sign: i’m an insufferable theatre kid of course I’m a Leo
height: 5'8″ babeeeyyy (172 cm). I’m not short like, at all, but all of my family members are over six foot, so I’m like. tiny in comparison. they all make fun of me all the time for it :(
time: 8:49pm! A delightful time of evening!!! 
birthday: July 31st, same day as Harry Potter lol.
nationality: american :P
fave bands/groups/solo artists: hnnnngggghhhh why would u ask me this I don’t KNOW jk i just have a lot uhhhhh all time faves would be Bastille and Mumford and Sons, but I’m SUPER into kpop right now, so my top groups are BTS, Stray Kids, and One OK Rock (who are technically jpop but I really like their stuff). I also am a Broadway BITCH (hello, theatre kid) so before this year all of my Spotify library was basically just show tunes. 
song stuck in your head: Get Away by VeriVery. I think they’re a pretty new group? idk i saw them on one of those tumblr promotional things and checked out the music video which is like??? really interesting conceptually? so I’ve just been listening to the song for a while lol. 
last movie you watched: Train to Busan! I’m gearing up to write a dmbj zombie apocalypse AU and so I was like “this is a popular zombie film! I’ll watch it for inspiration! :)” holy shit. holy shit i was so wrong. It’s one of the most viscerally affecting films I think I’ve ever seen, I was like. On the verge of an anxiety attack the entire time but in like the best possible way?? it’s a mastery of character introduction and action/horror and I cried for like the last ten minutes straight. SO affecting. I do NOT RECOMMEND IT if u are already made anxious by zombie apocalypse scenarios, blood, violence, and a Lot of Death. 
last show you binged: hmmm uh like I’m currently watching Mystic Nine but at like a normal pace, so the last show I probably binge watched was maybeeee The Uncanny Counter on Netflix? HIGHLY recommend that one, I made @cross-d-a watch it and I’m living for her liveblog reactions lmao. Idk most of my free time has been spent writing the past few months which. After months of only having the energy to watch shows is kind of really invigorating? the things u can do when u fix ur health I’ll tell you what
when you created your blog: in 2012 asldighalsdkfjladskjga i came on here to like burdge’s pjo fanart :)
the last thing you googled: "is it bad not to have an air cap on your tire” ALSDIGHALKDFJLADFJA FUCK ME (i learned that it’s not necessarily bad but it can get dirt and stuff built up in there so I went to the store after work today and replaced it)
other blogs: everything is here bc i am too lazy to create a sideblog! so sorry to everyone who does not follow me for cdrama content bc this is all I am now. 
why i chose my url: cause it’s my ao3 username and i wanted people to be able to find me more easily on tumblr! :) the long answer is because i love shakespeare and also i think that slut is a really funny word and concept for me especially because i am one of the most sexless people u will ever meet in ur life so slutspeare is like. an aggressively ace joke that only I think is funny. 
how many people are you following: 588
how many followers do you have: ah just over 200?!??!!? which is like. a lot for me. I think it was like 75 up until like last year omg 
average hours of sleep: my sleep app says I average around eight! which is very good for me! I do have to get enough sleep consistently or I will Have A Bad Time so my sleep schedule is pretty good and luckily I don’t have the Insomnia depression I have the Sleep Lots one which I am glad for bc idk what I’d do if I couldn’t Be Unconscious regularly. Die probably. 
lucky numbers: I don’t think I have lucky numbers?? my favorite number is 21 for no reason other than the vibes alone. 
instruments: i’ve played the piano for uhhhh.... eighteen years now? and I can play the ukulele and am surprisingly good with the recorder since I’ve had to play it in Multiple Theatre Performances. I was also an honor choir singer back in high school so I’ve done a lot of select ensemble stuff which was super fun! 
what i'm currently wearing: a Life Is Good long-sleeved t-shirt that says “Not All Who Wander Are Lost” that I got in a military surplus store like a million years ago and red Adidas athletic shorts that I found at the thrift store a couple weeks back
dream job: playwright! I just wanna be a playwright! playwriting is like drugs i literally go nuts for it
dream trip: I don’t know??? I don’t really like traveling tbh aslidhalkfdj umm I do want to see the grand canyon sometime before I die tho so maybe a road trip down there? I definitely like traveling solo so I’d probably just hang out with myself and drive and go to whatever places I want and see dumb tourist attractions and sing loudly in the car
fave food: CURRY i know i said eggs the last time it asked me this but I miss my local Indian restaurant I want to eat literal Platefuls of tikka masala at 12pm at the Indian buffet after my physics class again :(
top three fictional universe you'd like to live in: hmmm i don’t know, actually! probably one where I have Powers and could do Cool Hand Motions and make Lights Appear. If I were anywhere with like. An Actual World-Dooming problem tho I would not be helpful at all. I would just die. Besides, I already live in fictional universes half the time, I’m a writer! 
Part II
last song: Basquiat by Pentagon! The music video is like. Very whumpy. So if you’re into that... the song’s also a bop
last stream: i don't watch streams very often, I just watch clips from them, cause those usually just give the best parts lol 
currently reading: mmmmmbbbaaaaahhhhh literally nothing? I’m trying to get caught up on the backlog of dmbj fic I haven’t gotten around to so Binding by @vishcount is next on that list! oh I guess I’m also reading Johnny Tremain with my kids (one of them SPOILED THE END and I forgot how it ended and now I’m big sad). 
currently watching: Mystic Niiiiinnnneeeeee! love those gay history bitches. everyone in that show is so funny. I just finished the Fuba Side Plot tho and now we’re back to Politics so i’m like >:( someone give zhang baby rishan a hug (and then i write angst about him what is wrong with me)
what is antipoetry to you: antipoetry??? what the heck is antipoetry hold on... uhhhh that’s just poetry. who came up with this term. i guess like lyrical fiction would be the technical correct definition but idk I consider anything to be poetry! like that’s the whole point! poetry is poetry is poetry as long as it’s focused on intensity and emotions it’s poetry! a haiku? poetry. the random one-lined mess of words on my phone? poetry. a literal drawing of a cardinal with the word “bird” written next to it? poetry. idk I’ve been trying to teach my kids that there are no wrong ways to write creatively; if you’re expressing yourself and making emotions, then you’re writing! also like half of my work could be considered antipoetry lmao. I love emotionally supercharging the mundane.
currently craving: i have noooo ideaaaasssss i’m literally just vibing. uh. water? ok i took care of that one my water bottle was right next to me. 
uhhhh no pressure tags for @xia-xueyi, @nope4ever, @bookjoyworm, @elletromil, and @gaiahenshin, as well as anyone else who would like to give the full-rundown on themselves! :D
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dweemeister · 4 years
2020 Movie Odyssey Award for Best Original Song (preliminary round)
Yup, it’s back (bullet indentations are not working, so this post will look very ugly on your dashboards)!
Tagging a few folks who have participated before in this annual tradition/folks who I would like to extend an open invitation to (please contact me if you’re interested so I can sort you in a group ASAP... you will also be tagged for the final unless you tell me you are not interested): @birdsongvelvet, @bitch-genius, @dog-of-ulthar, @idontknowmuchaboutmovies, @loveless422, @lvl9gay, @neverwasastoryofmorewhoa, @phendranaedge, @poncho-honcho, @sayaf, @shadesofhappy, @thethirdman8, @uncoolforelimb, and @wehadfacesthen.
Hello everybody. For my fellow Americans, I hope your Thanksgiving was a good one. For the non-Americans reading things, I hope you are doing well, as always! Many things have fallen to the wayside in this unforgettable year. So in hopes of providing some sense of continuity and normalcy, here - as you have agreed to - is the Preliminary Round for 2020's Movie Odyssey Award for Best Original Song (MOABOS). This is the eighth time it has been contested and the seventh consecutive year it has been open to involvement from family, friends, and tumblr followers.
For those new to this, my classic movie blog traditionally ends the year by honoring some of the best achievements from movies that I saw for the first time this calendar year (the "Movie Odyssey") with an Oscar-like ceremony. I choose all the nominees and winners from each category, save one: Best Original Song. It is the only category I can think of that does not require you to watch several movies in their entirety. I consider MOABOS as a sort of cinematic-musical thank-you for your moral support in various ways.
An unspecified number of songs have already advanced to the final round. 24 songs will contest this prelim in two groups - Group A and Group B. In a year when COVID-19 has closed theaters (and which I refused to go to an indoor theater even when they reopened), a year that I did not feel compelled to watch the newest releases on streaming services, there is not a single 2020 entry for 2020's MOABOS. That is, obviously, a MOABOS first - no other MOABOS edition has lacked a shortlisted song from a film released that same calendar year. And as of writing this sentence, I have not seen a single film released in 2020. Despite the lack of 1930s songs, this year's shortlisted songs might be the oldest on average. In other news, this year's field is a modest improvement from the record monolingual field of last year's (which contained only English and two Vietnamese-language entries). 2019's preliminary was the most chaotic we had ever seen, with shocking last-day stumbles and surges from certain songs ("I Dug a Ditch" from Thousands Cheer) that riled up a lot of participants. It's 2020 - will there be a repeat or even more drama at this stage?
INSTRUCTIONS Please rank (#1-12) at least six of your group's songs. Please consider to the best of your ability: how musically interesting the song is (incl. and not limited to musical phrasing and orchestration); its lyrics; context within the film (contextual blurbs provided for every entry for those who haven't seen the films); choreography/dance direction (if applicable); and the song's cultural impact/life outside the film (if applicable, and, in my opinion, least important factor). Imperfections in audio and video quality may not be used against any song. I encourage you to send in comments and reactions with your rankings - it makes the process more enjoyable for you and myself! The top five songs in each group automatically advance to the final round. I reserve the right to pick 0-2 songs from one or both groups that finished outside the top five in their respective groups to contest the final round.
The deadline for submission is Saturday, December 12 at 11 PM Pacific Time. That is 9 PM Hawaii/Aleutian Time. That deadline is also Sunday, December 13 at 1 AM Central Time / 2 AM Eastern Time / 7 AM GMT / 8 AM CET / 9 AM EET. This deadline - as we have seen in the last few years - may be pushed back if there are a large number of people who have not submitted in time. However, I very much do not wish to extend the deadline because the final round is more intensive and usually involves more participants. Tabulation details are in the “read more” below.
Please participate in the group you have been sorted into, if you have not yet been sorted into a group and would like to participate, please contact me. You can access most, not all, of your group’s songs in these YouTube playlists: (Group A) / (Group B). Again, please note that not all of your group's songs are in the playlist for various reasons.
Happy listening. Feel free to listen as many times as you need, and I hope you discover music and movies that strike your interest. The following is formatted... ("Song title", composer and lyricist, film title):
“Blue Shadows on the Trail”, music and lyrics by Eliot Daniel and Johnny Lange, Melody Time (1948)
Performed by Roy Rogers and the Sons of the Pioneers
This is the introductory song to the final segment of Melody Time. That segment is dedicated to the legend of Pecos Bill, and this atmospheric song leads into the telling of that story.
“Born Free”, music by John Barry, lyrics by Don Black, Born Free (1966)
Performed by Matt Munro
Winner of the Academy Award for Best Original Song
This version with lyrics appears in the end credits. The main theme in the song is introduced in the opening credits and is incorporated extensively in John Barry's score across the film. Born Free, based on the non-fiction book of the same name is about two white Kenyan conservationists who raise an orphaned lion cub and eventually release her into the wild.
“But the World Goes 'Round”, music by John Kander, lyrics by Fred Ebb, New York, New York (1977)
Performed by Liza Minnelli
In this musical, USO singer Francine Evans (Minnelli) has been performing in New York City nightclubs, hoping to someday become a major recording star. This song appears as she is recording that very hit that will propel her to stardom.
“Exsultate Justi”, music and lyrics by John Williams, Empire of the Sun (1987)
Performed by orchestra and chorus under the direction of Williams
Lyrics in Latin
In this historical epic, affluent British school boy Jamie Graham (a young Christian Bale) is living with his parents in Shanghai when the Japanese invade. Jamie is separated from his parents and placed in an internment camp. Soon before the end of WWII, the prisoners are moved elsewhere, but Jamie hides and stays put. This song plays as Jamie bikes around the empty camp and continues to play as he encounters liberating U.S. troops. Jamie is dirty and malnourished when found; one can argue that this song is used ironically. It plays once more over the end credits. "Exsultate Justi" is a variation on a theme John Williams develops over the course of the film and harkens back to Jamie's past, attending Anglican services with parents.
"Farewell to Storyville",  music by Louis Alter, lyrics by Edgar De Lange, New Orleans (1947)
Performed by Louis Armstrong and his band, Billie Holiday, and company
In New Orleans, the Storyville district was a den of drinking, gambling, jazz, and prostitution. The district was the home to a heavily black populace. The U.S. military, about to establish a Naval base nearby, forces the city to close the district for good. This song is a jazzy dirge to a center of jazz - a musical genre looked down upon by many of the city's upper-class whites due to its ties (real and imagined) to crime.
"Hawaiian Sunset", music and lyrics by Sid Tepper and Roy C. Bennett, Blue Hawaii (1961)
Performed by Elvis Presley
In a musical packed end-to-end with songs, Chadwick "Chad" Gates (Elvis) has taken a job with a tour guide agency - and this includes performing during a luau for tourists. "Hawaiian Sunset" appears as one of the dinner show's numbers.
"Is There Still Anything That Love Can Do?", music and lyrics by Yôjirô Noda, Weathering with You (2019, Japan)
Performed by RADWIMPS
Lyrics in Japanese (translation)
Weathering with You is a romantic fantasy anime about a high school boy who runs away from his rural home to Tokyo, where he meets a girl who can manipulate the weather. It has been inexplicably raining for weeks without interruption in Tokyo, so they form a business to help clear the inclement weather for special events. The melody of this song is heard throughout the film's score. It does not appear with lyrics until late in the film. The song is played under the boy's seemingly impossible attempt to save her from an unwilling human sacrifice.
There is so much plot in this damn film (it's all Makoto Shinkai's fault) - I can't explain the context of the song or this movie in a reasonable amount of space.
“Mad Monster Party”, music by Maury Laws, lyrics by Jules Bass, Mad Monster Party? (1967)
Performed by Ethel Ennis
(opening credits version) / (soundtrack version with no sound effects)
In this Rankin/Bass stop-motion animated film, Baron Boris von Frankenstein (Boris Karloff in his final Frankenstein-related role) has discovered a formula that can destroy matter. Dispatching his bats to send the news, he summons the various members of the Worldwide Organization of Monsters to inform them of his discovery. This song is performed over the film's opening credits and the various introductions for the monsters as they receive their summons.
“My Dream Is Yours”, music by Harry Warren, lyrics by Ralph Blane, My Dream Is Yours (1949)
Initially performed by Doris Day; later reprised by Hal Derwin
Singer Martha Gibson (Day) has abruptly left New York City for Los Angeles to become a star on the radio. In a film where personal sacrifice is central, she stresses over how to bring her son out west with her, the direction of her career, and her tumultuous love life. "My Dream Is Yours" is the song that makes Martha a star, laying out the film's themes in its lyrics. I was unable to find Derwin's reprise, but no matter as the reprise is rather inconsequential.
“Ride the Wild Surf”, music and lyrics by Jan Berry, Brian Wilson, and Roger Christian, Ride the Wild Surf (1964)
Performed by Jan and Dean
Ride the Wild Surf is a surfing film that, unlike most surfing films of this time, is a drama. It follows three surfers (Fabian, Tab Hunter, Peter Brown) who have come to Oahu at the end of December to ride the large waves of Waimea Bay (made famous internationally by this song, this movie, and the Beach Boys' "Surfin' USA"). This song appears in the film's closing credits. The video provided is a montage of surfing footage that appears in the film.
“That’ll Do”, music and lyrics by Randy Newman, Babe: Pig in the City (1998)
Performed by Peter Gabriel
Nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Song
This song begins at the end (and through the end credits) of Babe: Pig in the City, the second and last film in this series about a sheep-herding pig who perseveres amidst other animals and humans with ulterior agendas. The title is derived from the famous quote said by Arthur Hoggett (James Cromwell) to reassure Babe: "That'll do, pig. That'll do."
“Waqt Ne Kiya Kya Hassen Sitam”, music and lyrics by S.D. Burman, Kaagaz Ke Phool (1959, India)
Performed by Geeta Dutt (dubbing Waheeda Rehman)
Lyrics in Hindi - roughly, "Time Has Inflicted Such Sweet Cruelty On Us"
Song begins at 1:03:31 and ends at 1:07:51
Make sure to turn on the video’s English captions
In this romantic tragedy told in flashback, Suresh Sinha (Guru Dutt) is a director looking back on his life. Suresh is unhappily married to a woman whose in-laws look down on him because, to them, working in films is contemptible to their social class. Suresh meets a woman, Shanti (Waheeda Rehman), on accident and she is soon cast as the lead for his next film. They fall in love, but it is never consummated for various reasons. This song is the most explicit statement of that love in this film. How much of the scene's set-up is observable by the characters is up to the viewer's interpretation.
Group A participants include: @addaellis, @introspectivemeltdown, @memetoilet, @myluckyerror, @plus-low-overthrow, @shootingstarvenator, @themusicmoviesportsguy, @theybecomestories, @umgeschrieben, @underblackwings, @yellanimal. Seven others - including myself and my sister - are currently slated to be voting in Group A.
“Angela”, music and lyrics by José Feliciano and Janna Merlyn Feliciano, Aaron Loves Angela (1975)
Performed by José Feliciano
(English-language version) / (Spanish single version)
Played over the opening credits to this teenage drama that is partly a blaxploitation film, partly an interracial coming-of-age romance. The movie wasn't a hit, but the Spanish-language version of this song was received well in Latin America.
“Aren’t You Kind of Glad We Did?”, music by George Gershwin, lyrics by Ira Gershwin, The Shocking Miss Pilgrim (1947)
Originally performed by Betty Grable and Dick Haymes
(soundtrack version with Judy Garland and Haymes) / (modern arrangement far more faithful to how song sounds in the film)
Cynthia Pilgrim (Grable) is the top typewriting student from a business college in this period piece where the typewriter is the newest invention to sweep the business world. This song appears as Pilgrim and her boss, John Pritchard (Haymes), are about to go out on a date for dinner after talking about how society looks down on women in public without a chaperone.
“The Blues are Brewin’”, music by Louis Alter, lyrics by Edgar De Lange, New Orleans (1947)
Performed by Louis Armstrong and his band and Billie Holiday
(in-film version) / (Billie Holiday single)
After being evicted by the U.S. military from the historic Storyville district of New Orleans (the Navy had just opened a base in the area, and would not tolerate places of gambling, jazz, and prostitution nearby), the characters played by Armstrong and Holiday tour the country with a jazz band in tow. This song appears within a montage showing the passage of time.
“Dekhi Zamaane Ki Yaari / Bichhde Sabhi Baari Baari”, music by S.D. Burman, lyrics by Kaifi Azmi, Kaagaz Ke Phool (1959, India)
Performed by Mohammad Rafi (dubbing Guru Dutt)
Lyrics in Hindi - roughly, "I Have Seen How Deeply Friendship Lies / I Have Seen People Abandon Me One by One"
Part 1 (3:44-8:27) / Part 2 (2:16:29-2:20:42)
Make sure to turn on the video’s English captions
In this romantic tragedy, Suresh Sinha (Dutt) is a washed-up director looking back on his life. In the first part, the song leads into the rest of the film - which is almost entirely a flashback. In brief, Suresh is unhappily married to a woman whose in-laws look down on him because, to them, working in films is contemptible to their social class. Suresh meets a woman, Shanti (Waheeda Rehman), on accident and she is soon cast as the lead for his next film. They fall in love, but it is never consummated for various reasons. Eventually, his career crashes after a box office bomb and her career is ascendant. Leading into the second part of the song, Suresh is penniless and working as an extra at the movie studio. Shanti recognizes him, wants to help, but he refuses to revive his career on the back of her success. Kaagaz Ke Phool has elements of autobiography, and Suresh's fate has parallels with what happened to Dutt after this film was released.
“End Theme from Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart to Hades”, music by Eiken Sakurai, lyrics by Kazuko Koike, Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart to Hades (1972, Japan)
Performed by Tomisaburo Wakayama
Lyrics in Japanese (translation)
Video provided is not safe for work (NSFW) due to stylized violence
Ogami Ittô (Wakayama) is a former, disgraced executioner for the Tokugawa shogunate who wanders the land with his young son. He is intent on exacting revenge on the clan that murdered his wife. This song is played non-diegetically after Ittô has slain dozens of a corrupt governor's bodyguards and walks onward, pushing his son in a babycart, away from the dead left in his wake. This is the third of six films in the Lone Wolf and Cub series.
"Happy Endings", music by John Kander, lyrics by Fred Ebb, New York, New York (1977)
Performed by Liza Minnelli and company (that's Jack Haley - who played the Tin Man and was, at the time, Minnelli's father-in-law - roughly seven minutes in)
(use in film) / (soundtrack version)
It is highly recommended one sees how this song is used in the film. Bear with me: this song is part of a movie within a movie. Within that movie within a movie, there is another movie. "Happy Endings" is the title end song to a film called Happy Endings within New York, New York. Singer Francine Evans (Liza Minnelli) has made it big as a recording artist and caps off her hit film, Happy Endings, with this song. We see Francine's ex, played by Robert De Niro, in the audience as the film ends. "Happy Endings" is a homage/deconstruction to midcentury Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) musicals. It serves the film as "The Broadway Melody" does to Singin' in the Rain (1952) or the 17-minute ballet does to conclude An American in Paris (1951).
"Here They Come (From All Over the World)", music and lyrics by P.F. Sloan and Steve Barri, The T.A.M.I. Show (1964)
Performed by Jan and Dean
The link above provides the entire film. You only need to watch from 0:00-4:11. If you like music from this era or want to hear more, this film is highly, highly recommended.
This is the opening credits song to a concert film recorded over two days in Santa Monica, California on October 28 and 29, 1964. The Teenage Awards Music International (T.A.M.I. - yes, I know it's an awkward name) Show included many of the most popular musical stars of that time - almost all of them name-dropped in this song. Jan and Dean, a surf music duo, served as hosts (and performed during) the show. You folks are lucky that this is the only original song from this film!
“Moonlight Swim”, music by Ben Weisman, lyrics by Sylvia Dee, Blue Hawaii (1961)
Performed by Elvis Presley
In a musical packed end-to-end with songs, Chadwick "Chad" Gates (Elvis) has taken a job with a tour guide agency. On his first day, he drives his first clients - a school teacher (who not so secretly is attracted to Chad) and four teenagers (one of whom becomes smitten) - to their destination.
“On the Boardwalk (in Atlantic City)”, music by Josef Myrow, lyrics by Mack Gordon, Three Little Girls in Blue (1946)
Performed by Carol Stewart (dubbing for Vera-Ellen), June Haver, and Vivian Blaine
(original soundtrack) / (Dick Haymes single)
In this rarely-seen musical (20th Century Fox wasn't very good at promoting its back catalogue compared to some other studios, and the situation is worse now that they are owned by Disney), three chicken farmer sisters (Vera-Ellen, Haver, and Blaine) decide to travel to Atlantic City in hopes of marrying a rich husband after learning their aunt's inheritance is not nearly as much as they want. They sing this song as they arrive and check into their hotel suite - which they apparently have not looked up the rate for.
Those who listened to the soundtrack version... FYI, $9.25 in 1902 is $280 in 2020.
“Personality”, music by Jimmy Van Heusen, lyrics by Johnny Burke, Road to Utopia (1946)
Performed by Dorothy Lamour
(in-film performance) / (live radio performance)
In the fourth film of the Road to... comedy series, Bob Hope and Bing Crosby's characters have just overpowered two Alaskan thugs with a history of murderous violence. As they enter a saloon dressed up as those two thugs, all of the patrons - in a town that only knows the thugs by reputation - shut up in terror. They are treated to a performance by Sal (Lamour), who is trying to find a map of a gold mine that the real outlaws supposedly have. A visual narrator (Robert Benchley) interrupts the scene before the song briefly.
“Please Don’t Stop Loving Me”, music and lyrics by Joy Byers, Frankie and Johnny (1966)
Performed by Elvis Presley
(in-film performance) / (single version)
Johnny (Elvis) and girlfriend Frankie (Donna Douglas) work on a Mississippi River riverboat as performers. Johnny is addicted to gambling and believes that another woman is spurring on his recent run of good luck. During a fit of jealousy-as-acting, Frankie accidentally shoots Johnny during a bit of musical theater (someone switched out the blanks for real bullets). This song occurs after Johnny has recovered from the accident.
"Wichita", music by Hans Salter, lyrics by Ned Washington, Wichita (1955)
Performed by Tex Ritter
This is the opening title song to this Western. It is one of many Wyatt Earp movies set before the famous Gunfight at the O.K. Corral. Earp (Joel McCrea) arrives in an otherwise lawless town of Wichita, Kansas where gunplay is rampant. In a radical move, Earp orders to seize the firearms of anyone living in or entering town - which doesn't sit well with some outlaws. This song is incorporated throughout the film's score.
Group B participants include: @cokwong, @emilylime5, @halfwaythruthedark, @maximiliani, @thewolfofelectricavenue, and @voicetalentbrendan. Twelve others - including me and my sister - are slated to be voting in Group B.
Contact me however you wish if you have questions or comments regarding MOABOS' processes or something specific about a song or a few. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are having difficulty accessing one of the songs (especially if it is region-locked) or if there is an error in the playlist.
I thank you all for your support for the Movie Odyssey, the blog, and for me personally - no matter how long I’ve known you or in what capacity. You will be contacted for the final round regardless of your participation here. If turnout in one group is lagging behind compared to another, I will ask some of the more senior participants to participate in the other group, too. No pressure if you cannot get to this, although I will be checking in as the deadlines get close. Stay safe and socially distanced, everyone.
TABULATION This preliminary round uses a points-based, ranked choice method which has been used since the first time I asked friends, tumblr followers, and family to help out. A respondent’s first choice receives 10 points, the second choice receives 9, the third choice receives 8, etc. The winner is the song that ends up with the most total points. The tabulation method used in this preliminary is used only as a tiebreaker in the final round (more on how the final is tabulated when we get there).
This tiebreaker will look slightly different this year.  
Tiebreakers for above: 1) total points earned; 2) total #1 votes; 3) average placement on my and my sister's ballots; 4) tie declared
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hockeyheadache · 5 years
Mistakes (know it all P.2): r.b.
A/N: Sorry for taking so long! It’s been a rough couple of weeks, but I’m finally getting some time to write, especially with spring break coming up. I’m definitely going to make a part three to this, but don’t hesitate to ask me anything. My ask box is open for suggestions and requests! Thanks for reading! -Daphne
Word count: 1049
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Mistakes. Everyone makes them, right? ‘Pobody's Nerfect’ and all that shit. It’s easy to make them, not so easy to fix. Some are minimal, some just don’t have consequences. Some do, but never long-lasting. And some, like spilling your heart out to your best friend, hoping they reciprocate at least a bit of your love, is forever. 
Now you know, deep down, that what you did was not a mistake, because after you said those three words, your shoulders relaxed. You could take a breath of fresh air. Everything was lighter. 
Life could be easier.
Could be.
“Hey, Ricky!” you exclaim, “Can I talk to you for a sec?” You’d been working up the courage to tell him about your feelings for a while, and after seeing him sing during rehearsal for the new musical, you knew now was the time.
“Yeah for sure Y/N, what’s up? Need a ride home?” he replied.
“Nah I’m good for today, my mom is picking me up. I actually wanted to talk about something. It’s been on my mind for a while now.”
“Oh no, you’re not breaking up with me are you?” Ricky feigned pain, “I’m wounded Y/N.”
“Nothing like that Rick. Quite the opposite actually.”
“Yeah. I mean, I know that we’ve been best friends for a long time, and this might sound crazy but I need to tell you this. I know that if I don’t then I might explode sometime soon, and honestly, that wouldn’t be pretty, but I- god I just. Goddamn, this is hard. But I need to tell you this. You need to know and I-”
“I’m in love with you.” you breathe out, and Ricky tensed, “Wow! That felt good. I love you, Ricky Bowen. Like I love you, love you. Like, you make my heart flutter when you laugh, and my life gets brighter when you walk into a room, love you. Like, you make me feel good, you make me feel right love you. I love you.”
“Y/N,” Ricky begins with a frown on his face, but you don’t notice, your incessant babbling getting in the way of his voice.
“And I feel like you love me too, right? It’s just, I look at you, and you look at me, and it feels like we’re on the same page, and that we both just know, you know? And we’re both too scared to admit anything and then someone finds out and we kiss, and- you know what, it’s just basically any best friends to lovers type thing. Reciprocation and all that. God that fucking felt good.” 
It wasn’t until now that you really took a look at Ricky, and you immediately notice how he’s farther away from you. He looks uncomfortable. Like he doesn’t feel- oh.
“Listen, Y/N, it’s not that I don’t love you, it’s just that Nini and I-”
“No, it’s okay, I mean why would I expect anything different, right? It’s always going to be Nini. I’m always second best to her,” you feel tears well up, and the urge to cry is so strong, but you push it down, afraid to be weak at the moment.
“That’s not- w-what? You’re not second best, w-why would you think that? It’s always been you and me, Ricky and Y/N.”
 “But it hasn't, don't you see?! You've always been in l-love with Nini, and I've always stood by watching you two be so in l-love it hurts. And I know you try with her, b-but she doesn't deserve you. She pushes you away every chance she gets,  and when things get too hard she runs, but I'm not like that Ricky, y-you know that. I've always been there for you but you never notice. You're too busy looking at her, and waiting for her and, l-loving her when I'm right here.”
By now, tears are streaming down your face, and honestly, you didn’t give a fuck. You were upset and just so frustrated that Ricky couldn’t see you. He would constantly defend Nini, which, in the moment seemed cute, but you end up realizing that she would never defend him. It was always one-sided, and of course, he never saw it. But you did. ‘Little Miss Know It All’ sees everything.
So you don’t let Ricky respond with some more bullshit about how Nini loves him, and how it just ‘takes time.’ Instead, you storm out of the room, leaving Ricky behind to contemplate what he had just done.
Ricky was stressed. He was confused, shocked, angry, and just overall stressed. He didn’t understand how he never saw the little glances you stole, how when you look at him, you look at him with love.
He guesses it’s because he always thought that the love came from friendship. A friendship that had been years in the making. A friendship, that he thought, was just a friendship.
And I mean, sure, you guys would hold hands sometimes, and sure, you would end up cuddling when movie night came round, and yes, you were the one he would go to when he needed a shoulder to cry on when his parents were fighting, but he doesn’t see how you could-.
He sees it now. 
He sees how those moments, the ones where it’s just the two of you, could be interpreted as more than platonic. He sees how those looks could be seen as love. And they are. Ricky has always loved you, but not in the way you wanted. And he sees that. 
And he also sees what he’s done to you. How, after he and Nini started dating, he basically pushed you aside. He would come to your house, and spend the whole time texting Nini. That conversations would always end up in him talking about, you guessed it, Nini. 
He neglected you. You would come to school tired, or with unshed tears, and he knows it’s the cause of home problems, but he never asks. He figured that you didn’t want to talk about it because he never did.  Stupid, he thinks to himself, I’m the biggest fucking idiotic, dumbass bitch there is. 
Mistakes. Everyone makes them, right? Ricky Bowen thinks just made the biggest one of his life.
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A weird idea I had a while ago.
Sucker for pain (ft Frieza)
I slowly opened my eyes as they focused on the ceiling of the dark, cold room. I sat up and slumped against the concrete wall. The pain made it unbearable as every part of my body hurt but I couldn't let that stop me, I need to survive. I had to.
Thirsty. My throat felt raspy and dry. It's been so long since I had anything to drink. One thing I was happy about was losing my constraints. No more shackles. No more chains. That didn't change that I was still a prisoner but it was better.
I heard the heavy metal door slowly open with a slight creak, as the bright white light entered the room. The cold light hit my face, it didn't feel like the warm sun kissing you awake on a nice Sunday morning. No. This was the light that reminded me that I was still stuck here and the silhouette of the monster in the doorway caused a flicker in my eyes. Him.
With his hands behind his back and tail swaying swiftly, he approached me. I rested my head against the wall and stared at the demon incarnate coming towards me. At times, I'd keep my head down and ignore him just to get him bored of me but no, not today. Not today Satan.
"Morning, my dear."he said cheerfully. Morning? It's so dark in here that time has lost all meaning. I turned away from him with no response.
"It's very rude to ignore your captor you know." He bent down and aggressively lifted my chin up to face him. I was unfazed and so, didn't give him the satisfaction of seeing any other expression on my face besides blank and uncaring.
His grip on my chin tightened, moving his fingers up to my cheeks and pulling me closer. I felt his breath hit my lips, fresh but with a hint of wine. Not bad. I thought it'd wreak of the blood of thousands of innocent people he's slaughtered.
"You're quite beautiful you know. Or you would be if you didn't look the trash you are."he sneered. He tossed my head to the side like I was nothing. I really wanted to choke him with his own tail and take his last breath.
With my frizzled hair in my face, I glared at him. He just smiled. He enjoyed this, he enjoyed torturing me but nowadays he seemed to grow quite bored of me. I stopped showing fear, sadness or any emotion in front of him. I know the camera would show them when I was alone but he loved seeing it up close in person. He turned, his back facing me. I stared. He had a great physique, I might add.
Oh, how I it would be a shame to cover his beautiful body with scars and paint it with his blood. Or would that make him look that much magnificent.
"What do you want me to say?"I asked, trying my best not to give away the thirst in my voice.
He glanced at me over his shoulder, his dark red pupils finding mine. He slowly walked over to me and went on one knee. He had an unreadable expression which quickly transitioned to amusement. A large wicked smile formed his lips.
"So you can talk?" He chuckled. "After our little session last week I thought you'd lost your voice."
"It's funny. After all you've done, all you've been through, I've finally caught up to you. How does it feel to finally be in my cells, on the brink of death, after watching your planet and family perish at my hands?"
I think he could tell that I wasn't gonna talk after that because his tail slithered up my chest and wrapped itself around my neck, it didn't hurt like I thought it would but the shock caused a gasp to escape my lips.
His smile grew wider. It annoyed me to see how much he enjoyed this. I gave no reaction which seemed to irritate him more because a scowl replaced his sinister smile.
"Answer me!" His tail tightened around my neck, making the burning in my throat even more unbearable.
I groaned and tried to look away from his glare but his tail held me in place. He's hurt me all over except for my neck or any inappropriate places. I'd say he was being a gentleman but that wouldn't be possible. Doing so would make it more personal, which would be the case now.
I tried to pull his tail off but it wrapped even tighter. I dug my sharp nails into the skin of his tail and I pulled for dear life. He winced in pain but didn't let go. His teeth gritted when my nails got deep enough and reached their limit. By now there was blood. His sweet, sweet blood.
"Hmp." I looked at him and saw a smirk on his face. He enjoyed this, way too much if I must say.
"Let...go of me."I growled. I looked down and took a huge bite at his tail.
"Gah! Bitch!"
I kicked him in the groin before grabbing his arm and pushing him into the wall. All those days training non stop in my cell have paid off.
He gave me a backhand to the face to which I responded with grabbing him and biting his neck. He groaned, I'm not sure in pain or pleasure. Before I could do anything else I felt a sharp pain on my butt. The bastard whipped me, causing me to let go of him. He grabbed my arms, held them in his hand and whipped me with his tail over and over.
It's hard to say but the more he whipped the better it felt.
I couldn't help but smile with every hit, every slash. The pain, the sweet sweet pain.
"That's what you get you pathetic little vermin.",he growled before tossing me on the ground. My ass hurt from the whipping but the adrenaline made it feel better.
I soon remembered that I was in a fight with this son of a bxtch so I formed a fist and aimed for his face. He caught it with his tail. I tried with my other fist but grabbed it with his hand. His other hand got hold of my neck and pushed me against the wall.
"And to think I was actually here to take you out for some fresh air."Frieza said. My eyes widened. "W-what?"
He grinned. "Be a dear and put your cuffs on. I can't take you out looking like a freeloader." He let go of me and handed me the cuffs that took me weeks just to get off. I hesitated for a moment but if he was telling the truth and I was going to breath fresh air, even for a few minutes then I didn't have much of a choice.
"Good girl." He grabbed my arm and dragged me out of my grimy cell. It felt refreshing. I couldn't help but smile. Few minutes of freedom in a while.
"Don't expect me to feed you there. I'm a fair emperor not a charity case."
He led me out of his ship into a beautiful forest of black trees and grass and white barked wood. The sky was a beautiful shade of.. pink? Blah I hate pink.
I narrowed my eyes but I guess Frieza noticed because he asked, "What?"
"Pink hurts my eyes."I said as I looked down. Frieza chuckled. In a few minutes we stopped at a garden like place with a...red waterfall?
I stared in amazement at its beauty. The colour of blood flowing so peaceful, so relaxing, like I just killed all my enemies and didn't have a care in the world.
"Lovely isn't it?",Frieza asked when he saw me.
"Yeah."I said. My voice came out raspy. I didn't realise I was thirsty till then.
"Thirsty?" I nodded. That blood water looked pretty good right now. "Go ahead."he said. I'm pretty sure he could tell that I was about to jump in even if he wouldn't let me.
I sat on my knees and scooped up the water from the blood red stream with my bare hands. I smiled before taking a sip. It tasted amazing, so refreshing. I had to have more. I'll never take water for granted ever again especially if they start giving me this water.
Frieza strolled over to me and lifted my chin up just as I was about to have another sip. He smiled before wiping a bit of the red liquid from the corner of my lip. We stared into each other's eyes, cliche I know but who can resist those ruby pupils.
He leaned closer to me, our lips almost touching. "Why'd you bring me here?"I asked before anything could happen. His mouth gapped as he moved away from me.
"Can't I just be nice?" I cocked a brow at him and he sighed.
"Ok I'll admit I have my own selfish reasons."he said before pushing me into the stream. I struggled to swim up, with the cuffs and all but eventually made it up. I could see the corner of his lip perk up. He found this amusing.
I pulled myself out of the water and plopped down on my back for a breather.
"Oooh. I must say you look divine in red." I scanned myself and found out that I look like the first person that dies in horror movies. Not bad.
I grinned as he got closer to me. "Maybe it'll look better ok you." I said before grabbing him and tossing him in the water. He gasped for air as soon as his head was out of the water.
Even wet in what looked like blood, he looked divine.
He soon got out and glared at me. I just smiled. He sat next to me. It was weird. My captor, torturer, reason for my pain and I were sitting in a comfortable silence on black grass next to a stream of blood red water.
It's a fun game we play if I might say. Another thing I enjoy about our relationship.
We share the bond of pain, love of others suffering, psychopathic tendencies and our weird roleplaying sessions.
Today was a fun one. Prisoner and captor. Next time I'm thinking Queen and slave. He's in for a treat.
Soon I heard a noise. I noted it coming from his scouter.
"Looks like times up."he sighed. "Too bad, I was enjoying having you at my mercy."
He undid the cuffs and rubbed my sore wrists.
"You were weren't you?"I grabbed his chin and pulled him closer to me. I slowly licked his bottom lip before biting it which caused a moan to escape his lips. What a masochist.
"Well sweetie. After we're done conquering Planet Cremona you're in for quite a treat."
"Why do I feel like I should be nervous?",he teased.
"I don't know.",I said as I got up. "Because you should be scared."I said in a menacing tone before walking towards the ship. I stopped and glanced over my shoulder and noticed that he was only a few steps away.
"Be honest, was that real blood?"
"A sadistic man never tells."he replied. Now my curiosity was peaked but in a way I knew the answer.
I'm glad that it's all over though, I needed a bath and this whole acting thing was tiring.
Ah, Frieza my love.
He's a sadistic fxck that's caused me nothing but pain...but what can I say, I'm a sucker for pain.
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