#already muted him tho lol
chelleisamazing · 8 months
Idk why but i get so annoyed when someone hits me up to tell me "hey I saw you in (a place)", and when I try to think about it i realize it couldn't have been me because I didnt even go out that day at all or something
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culxiaa-fn · 1 year
I don't usually let public view influence my love for a character because most of the time, the characters that I love are always fandom's least favorite. So i am quite immune to public influence. But god... Kavetham shippers are so close to make me dislike Kaveh💀💀 im so scared that they actually successfully make me dislike Kaveh
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shima-draws · 7 months
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I've been teasing her for months!! But at long last her ref is complete 🌷
I actually DON'T have a 5 page essay on her backstory this time (like I did for Ilari LMAO) but I do have some info about her if anybody is curious!
Name: Ione
Age: 25
Hair color: Silver
Eye color: Orangish-yellow
Element: Light
Grabbing info from the few posts I've talked about her already, Ione was originally a very famous singer, pretty much an idol within the world of ATS. She'd hold huge concerts that were always sold out and people from around the world would flock to see her perform. Eventually tho all of the attention started to attract the wrong kinds of people, and sooner or later Ione was "scouted" by a very rich man who wanted her all to himself. She was manipulated and blackmailed into signing a contract with him that would essentially end her touring and make it so that she would become a private singer for him. He basically chained her with this contract and so she disappeared from the public eye.
Ione soon discovered that other people with similar talents had also been gathered and trapped by this man's contracts. Among them was a prodigy violin player who she grew very close with. The two of them struggled under the demands of this man, and eventually violin boy started to get physically abused by him 😭 Things escalated to the point where Ione decided she wanted OUT and was determined to do anything to escape. This led to a very...traumatic event that caused her to go mute by choice.
When Ione finally makes her escape, thankfully she's changed so much that people don't recognize her in public (mostly her hair! It used to be short and didn't cover one of her eyes before). Shortly after she runs into Nahu and his group, and is unceremoniously recruited to join them lol (Nahu can be VERY persuasive). Ione communicates with them through sign language, which luckily a couple of them are fluent in--Ezio and Sage to be specific. They then teach the others in the group sign language too. It takes Nahu a bit to get the hang of it bc he has like, no attention span whatsoever, but being a dragon elemental helps since his senses are super attuned all the time, so he can generally tell what Ione is feeling and what she's trying to convey when she talks to him :")
Over time Ione grows closer with them, and like everybody else is hit with the Found Family, and realizes that yeah. She'd do absolutely ANYTHING for this group of crazy weirdos. She starts to fall in love with Nahu (bc who WOULDN'T), and slowly gains the courage to use her voice again. This leads to secret meetings with Sage, who helps her relearn how to use her vocal cords.
Eventually her past catches up with her, of course, but the group all bands together to set her free from it. She has to face off against violin boy, who thought she'd abandoned him and got Messed Up Mentally as a result, so THAT'S a thing she's gotta deal with. But she's able to reach him by singing for the first time in over five years, and everyone absolutely loses their shit at how beautiful her voice is and they all cry and it’s very emotional!!
Even after regaining her voice she still prefers to stay quiet most of the time, as that is what she's comfortable with, but she's totally okay with speaking when she needs to. Also I need to mention this but bc she used to be like. An idol. Obviously her routines consisted of both song and dance so she's a pretty good dancer. Out of everyone in the group, Ione is the ONLY person Ezio will dance with (and he is a very VERY good dancer himself, but will only dance with someone who can keep up with him, which Ione can). Everyone is very jealous of this, ESPECIALLY Nahu lol bc he wants to dance with Ezio too 😂
Ione's a light elemental! I haven't given a LOT of thought into her powers yet but I do know that her singing makes her stronger and also gives her powers a boost, which in turn helps the rest of the group. She also can ride on these light waves--I will have to draw them sometime bc I can't really explain them in words, it'd be better to show them visually lol
And that's her!! My flower light mute girl <33333
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superstarz9 · 4 months
Ya’ll fw a couple MORE Mr. Puzzles hcs?
Cause I got them :}
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He was gifted the hat by his mom. It’s a permanent part of him with how much he’s worn it.
He gets it, and won’t say anything about it, but he hates it when he regarded as just the scary “tv” head guy. He’s much more than a pretty screen, people!
The pants are custom made and he has like 20 pairs. He also has several pairs of his shirt and vest.
Will change the second there’s a spot on his clothes. He needs to remain as pristine as possible.
If he wasn’t a workoholic, he’d beat all the moms at candy crush. He’d try to be a literal god at candy crush, and would honestly buy extra lives if he was furious with how the match went and he ran out.
Plays computer solitaire to distract himself when the ratings aren’t good or he needs a mental reset.
Adding to these two, since he has computer elements in his brain (probably), he can probably predict where the game is going to go. The older the console, the easier it is.
He’d be a god at minesweeper.
Does not and will not swear no matter how bad it gets.
If he goes to a concert, he’ll just be doing the equivalent of maladaptive daydreaming the whole time, planning out shows and movies for the songs
Loves the orchestra. He loves movie scores and would totally go to those events where there’s an orchestra playing the soundtrack live as the movie plays.
He’ll whine about not having friends or being able to talk to people but he will refuse to talk to anyone in public, going so far as to mute anyone who tries speaking with him. If he’s at an event and someone tries sparking a conversation with him, he’ll look away awkwardly and reply with “uh huh, yep, oh wow,” and so on until they leave. In a relationship, you could introduce him to people but he’s still be the same unless you were apart of the conversation.
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Loves movie/show trivia but it’s a double-edge sword. If you take him on a date to a bar for movie trivia night, he’ll have fun and get everything right (and infodump a lot) but a question will pop up and the official answer will be wrong and Mr. Puzzles will just go ballistic.
Canonically has hammer-space abilities in the shows and can pull out anything he needs. Need a first-aid kit? Got it right here. Emergency costume? Has your size in multiple colours to choose. Someone pissed you off? Just say when and he’ll have something ready.
He doesn’t have proper heating in the studio(since he doesn’t need it) and the place is freezing when there’s the slightest breeze outside.
He uses different colognes and even used febreze a few times to smell his best, but he perpetually smells like cigarettes
He kins spongebob.
Technically canon but he’s an entrepreneur, and has multiple businesses (a tech company based on the keyboard from it’s gotta be perfect, selling the showgrounds). He also phrases puzzlevision as his “latest business venture,” in the movie’s teaser. He bounced between different businessed to earn enough money to buy the studio and the equipment he’d need.
With that being said, he’s unintentionally a con artist. Though he tries to have a somewhat clean business, he cuts corners often to get the products out sooner or doesn’t perform proper safety protocol. He doesn’t really care, though, as his main goal was and is Puzzlevision. He pretty much stopped the second he found the smg4 crew.
Terrible at art. He tries, but not even you can hold back your laugh if you see his art.
If he hasn’t slept for a while his voice is warped and a little glitched.
I forgot if I already posted this but his underpants are so those heart boxers but instead of hearts they’re stars.
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So real quick, I just wanted to say that ONE OF MY HEADCANONS HAS BE CONFIRMED LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! It is now confirmed that Mr. Puzzles CAN speak multiple languages, but still needs subtitles. God, I love being right /j
Fr tho, it’s really awesome having him back so soon. Maybe a little early, but I’m not complaining lol. From the sounds of it, he’ll be a reoccurring villain like SMG3 used to be, which I’m honestly relieved by. It’ll be rlly refreshing having a silly antagonist again honestly. I’m looking forward to seeing more of this fricken nerd lol
Also if you guys have any suggestions or requests please let me know! Questions and comments are also appreciated! Thanks and have a great day!
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arcanadreams · 5 months
period comfort, bloomic style
i'm about ten years late to this game but better late than never!! title says it all. i started writing this on my period but then it took me like a whole week to get done with it so i'm not even on it anymore LMAO. oh well
these are written with gender neutral reader in mind, tho they do have a uterus for the sake of the prompt lol. i also use the username lovelylola for them, for simplicity's sake. i imagine these as taking place after the events of the bulk of the story, but before you guys meet in person. i may make a follow-up of what they do when y'all finally live together if i feel inspired enough haha
lovelylola: i know i said i was going to bed early to sleep it off but it hurts so bad lovelylola: can we have our usual call after all? Quest: of course, angel <3
He hated the fact you were in pain, but he also couldn't help but feel honored that you felt comfortable sharing your pain with him, going to him when you were hurting. It felt so good to be trusted like that, especially by you.
When you joined voice, Quest almost choked on the water he was drinking. You were so. Fucking. Cute.
There you were, curled on your side in bed, wrapped in blankets, smiling through a pained grimace. Your eyes lit up at the sight of him. "Hey, handsome."
"Hey, angel," he replied softly. Immediately, his caretaker tendencies took over. "Are you drinking water?" A nod on your end. "Did you take any medicine?" "Yeah, but I think we can officially cross Aleve out of the running, too; it isn't helping anymore." You winced and curled in on yourself, a cramp shooting through your lower belly, almost as if your body was bragging about the way it resisted your attempts at easing the pain.
Obviously this was something you'd learned to deal with, and it was natural, you weren't in any danger...but Quest still couldn't help but feel like he was letting you down somehow. Damn, he wished he could be there with you now. He so desperately wanted to take care of you. It's what you deserved.
"Is there anything else to try?" He asked. "Mmm, I have my period demon." "...Your what?" You laughed as he arched his eyebrow in confusion and lifted his water for a sip. To Quest's surprise, you pulled the blankets from your body and angled your phone camera down to your midsection. This time, he did choke a little. He managed to mute his microphone just in time to hide it from you. With your phone angled the way it was, you couldn't see the way his face reddened slightly, or the way his eyes wandered. He took in the loose top draped over your body, the way it rode up slightly and exposed a bit of your stomach. And those sweatpants resting low on your hips...you were so damn beautiful. He was the luckiest man alive for you to feel this comfortable with him.
"Anyway, his name is Gengar, because when I opened him up on Christmas and saw his face I thought it was a gengar plushie at first. Cute, isn't he?" Quest snapped back to reality. He had heard you speaking the whole time, and not fully processed it until now, but he was catching up now that he was done...admiring. Sure, that word fits well enough. He realized what you had angled your camera down for was to show him the heated, lower-belly pillow with a sewn-on face and little horns. Ah; this must be the period demon.
You angled the camera back up to your face, a content smile on it from the memories you had just shared with him. Your shirt had slid down off one of your shoulders, and some bedhead was definitely already forming from your time spent tossing turning. Quest cleared his throat.
"Yes. Very cute, angel."
lovelylola: hey not to be a bother but lovelylola: would love to hear your sexy accent rn <3 lovelylola: to ease my unceasing suffering (my period cramps) xyx: rip xyx: as you wish
"That was the easiest time I've had getting you into a call since we met, I'm pretty sure," you said when he joined you in voice chat. "Oh, so now I can't be nice to my doll when they're enduring 'unceasing suffering?'" He rested his chin in his hand, his usual smug yet fond grin appearing. "That is not what I meant and you know it."
The two of you both laughed. You often closed your eyes when you laughed, and Xyx took the opportunity to get a good look at you while you weren't able to see his lovesick eyes - he could never hide the love in his eyes from you, even when he was doing his best to guard his heart when you first met.
You were on your side, in bed. It occurred to him he'd never seen you anywhere but in the chair at your desk. And you'd never seen him anywhere but in the chair at his desk. ...He hid a wobbly smile behind his hand when the thought came to him that he didn't mind this view. He could get used to it, even. The only way it could've been better was if he was actually there, could reach out and pull you to him...
Your laughing fit was interrupted suddenly when you groaned in pain and curled in on yourself. "Don't - don't make me laugh, Xyx," your eyes were open again, gazing at him with a weary smile. "It hurts."
Laughing hurts, hm? He couldn't help but be reminded of when you first made him laugh on a tough day; you told him you were terrible at tongue twisters, but he still hadn't expected you to be that bad. Or that cute. The laughter both helped and hurt him, that day; helped because he needed it, and hurt because it made him realize he was falling again...and that was a painful thought, at first. It was before he knew you'd treat him, and his heart, and his mess, with all the sweetness in the world.
"Oof, that's going to be tough restriction, doll. No making you laugh? Not even when it sounds so lovely?~" You grinned and giggled, hiding the lower half of your face beneath your sheets.
"Is a giggle like that off limits, too?" He continued. "What about a nice chuckle? Maybe even a snicker?" You snorted, your eyes closing in glee yet again. Xyx watched, eye full of both smugness and adoration.
"Mmm...I think I can allow those. None of them seem to make my cramps worse. They do make my cheeks hurt from smiling, though," you said. "That tends to happen a lot when you're around." You smiled at Xyx tenderly, and he offered an equally soft one back...for a few seconds. Then came the grin.
"Are you saying I always leave you sore, love?~" "Haha, stop, you'll make me cramp!!"
nakedtoaster: ffxiv? lovelylola: nnn...not tonight. cramping nakedtoaster: understandable lovelylola: can we still call, though? hearing your voice would be a balm to my aching uterus <3 nakedtoaster: ...don't ever write those words in that order again nakedtoaster: but yes. I'll be in voice lovelylola: <3333
"I take it saying your voice will sooth my sore womb is not your favorite way for me to call your voice sexy?" Those were really the first words out of your mouth when you entered the call, yes. Toaster's cheeks turned red, and they frowned in that adorable way they always did. "You could say that," he huffed. You laughed. At that sound, all the grumpiness from your teasing left him in an instant and a soft smile appeared on his face instead.
"Are you holding up okay?" They briefly glanced away from their screen and looked at you, on your side in bed. "You look cozy, at least." "I'm definitely cozy now that you're here to keep me company." "You-!" Toaster squirmed in their seat, pulling their microphone closer. You smiled brightly, affection sparkling in your eyes.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just...you're so cute, Toaster. Teasing you a little helps me forget that my guts are trying to kill me." You propped yourself up on your elbow as you spoke. "I'd hardly call that only teasing me a little," your boyfriend mumbled. You snorted. "Okay, maybe a lot." You winced before you could continue. Toaster frowned, this time out of concern.
They turned away from their gaming monitor. "Even teasing me a lot doesn't make it go away, though, huh?" "No, unfortunately," you grimaced, sitting up. "But don't worry your pretty pink-haired head about it, yeah? I'm gonna go downstairs and heat up a water bottle. Don't miss me too much.~" Toaster rolled his eyes, huffing a laugh at your parting remark. Once you were out of both eye and earshot, he got to work.
Minimizing FFXIV, for just a moment, he started searching. They reasoned that, since you were using a water bottle as a heating pad/pillow, you must not have had one. And what kind of boyfriend would they be if they didn't remedy that as soon as possible?
When you clambered back into bed and came back into frame, heated water bottle in hand, Toaster had a smile on his face. "Wow, is it that fun when I'm not around?" They scoffed at you while you giggled. "You don't have a heating pad or pillow, do you?" He asked you. You shook your head. "Nope. I gotta get myself one of those cute heatable stuffies; you know, the ones shaped like animals? Those are adorable."
"That's what I thought," Toaster smiled to himself. You watched him move his mouse around, clicking on a few things, before opening FFXIV back up. They looked at you before they started playing again.
"I wouldn't worry about getting yourself one of those anymore; you've got about three different ones on the way."
lovelylola: pspspspspsps nightowl: :3 ? lovelylola: hi <3 can we call? i'm having a uterus moment (tm) nightowl: askdhskdfhs nightowl: anything for my cutie!! (`・ω・)ゞ (i'm using this in place of that one salute emoji they use on the bloomic server LOL)
Nightowl looked at you with gentle eyes when you joined him in vc. You knew when you asked that he'd call you as soon as possible, but you hadn't expected him to be in voice before you could even crawl into bed! Honestly, in restrospect, you weren't sure why you were surprised.
"How you are you doing over there, cutie?" He asked, unable to stop himself from smiling at the sight of you snuggled up under your covers. "Mmm...not great. But seeing and hearing you helps." You watched as his face lit up. "Awwww, you mean it?" "Mmmmmhm! You're my painkiller tonight."
Nightowl let out a laugh and smiled widely. "Happy to help. What can I do?" "Just talking to me like this is enough. Ramble to me about architecture? I love hearing you talk about your passions." You watched as your boyfriend's happy smile melted into a lovestruck one right before your eyes.
"You...you make me so happy, cutie. Really." There was a brief pause where neither of you dared speak. "Yeah. Yeah, I can do that."
And indeed he did. He talked about his favorite style of architecture for a good while. He asked you yours, to which you said ancient Greek because 'adding all those columns was a sexy design choice,' which made him almost fall backwards on his bed laughing. Once he could stop giggling, he taught you the types of Greek columns.
"Okay, now that you know what they're called, which style is your favorite?" He asked. "Corinthian, for sure. They went all out on those." He chuckled a little, but before he could respond, you were hit with a wave of pain. You curled in one yourself for a moment, letting out a small groan.
"You okay?" The worried voice of your boyfriend came from your phone. You offered him a weak smile. "Yeah. I just...I wish you were here, nightowl."
"I wish I was there, too, cutie," he responded immediately. He leaned closer to his computer as he continued speaking, seemingly not even realizing it. "I wish I was there so I could get you that ice cream you like and bring it to you in bed, and heat up your water bottle for you whenever it stopped helping, and give you my hand to squeeze when the cramps get bad. And so we could cuddle. Shit, do I want to cuddle you so bad." By the end of his little declaration, you had hidden your face in your patterned sheets, your face bright red. "Nightowl..." you murmured, voice muffled ever so slightly behind cotton.
"Holy shit," he said softly. "...What?" You lowered your sheets down to just below your eyes. "Even your sheets are fucking adorable."
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yellowymellon · 2 months
So threshold 4 cooked me good but on the bright side I got to hear Acheron's sped up skill more than I'd like to admit, she says : "everything will vanish some day"
And that sounds awfully like what a follower of finality would say. So it made me think (again) about Herta who wonders why nanook has to exist when finality already does....
we established that nanook is the youngest aeon but SIKE it's terminus. The logic is very simple, terminus speaks of the prophecy of the end, the doomed world of the future, while traversing the past. It's because nanook's ultimate destruction gave birth to terminus to begin with. I think it's further implied by elegy :
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And now the question is, what is this importune slug trying to achieve by going to the past if they're not trying to change the future? I'm glad that even the follower's of finality understand how messy their aeon is and question their actions. But if we take in consideration that finality ascends in the future it answers some of elegy's questions, like "why bring the apocalypse if they want to salvage everything"
If you noticed, unlike other aeons, Finality has never even done anything in the "name" of finality. e.g fuli collecting memories, the propagation propagates, even Qlipoth is doing something no matter how stupid it looks. But time powers? HOW IS THAT FINALITY
Part of the reason I'm a terminus bully
I'm trying to say that terminus isn't the harbinger of the apocalypse, they're a byproduct themselves. So wanting to salvage everything is unrelated.
Elegy also says this :
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We can interpret it as: amber to rupture (Qlipoth) immortality to wither (Yaoshi) music to mute (Xipe) light arrows to dim (Lan) Dark sun (IX) tavern (Aha) and lastly Nanook (ty user hereistori for ur help!)
I don't think nanook will single handedly kill every aeon, but this implies that finality will at the end. It's also the reason why the equilibrium won't stop nanook because it's an equal clash between them and finality who already knows what will happen.
Imo terminus isn't necessarily good, I think they just tell the future as a matter of fact and let you deal with it however you wish, in that sense they're even better than nous who has caLcULaTeD eVeRyThiNg (not a nous hater they bbg)
But then elegy says that terminus has TB joining them in their journey soon, which might imply terminus is on our side actually. And since we confirmed that SH follow terminus -even if the database didn't update it yet- I can confidently (and somewhat disappointedly) say that Elio is their emanator. Not only that but the favoritism is real, because terminus is close by his side. Elegy (once again) says the TB received their grace, hmmm, this paragraph points at one thing, remember Kafka's truth? An unknown aeon modified TB's body to host a stellaron. Srsly terminus does everything that isn't finality
You know what will be the craziest paradox tho? It's Elio being terminus pre ascension who went back to give human him the ability to see the future (plays 5D chess). This could also explain why elio is focused on killing nanook when he was basically forced into this role. It explains his motivation and his means + his grand plan of making TB in the likeness of nanook for some reason NO IM NOT CRAZY HEAR ME OU-
I mean it makes more sense than elio is akivili or nanook (those are legit ones, I don't agree with)
Anyway, elegy....says "what is the meaning of our existence if everything is bound to be reduced to nothingness in the end" (you can tell I like her and elio a lot lol *bats my eyes cutely*) which sounds awfully similar to Acheron's. Déjà vu? So how do we explain the connection between finality and nihility ? Idk- if you have any thoughts share them pls! I'm chronically obsessed with IX!!!
At least we know that IX existed before terminus did, and I was just saying that terminus will end nihility, so maybe Acheron's answer lies in finality like ppl speculated at first, interesting don't you think?
I've been thinking that some day PLS I BEG Elio would come in touch with Acheron, if she's able to sever paths, she'll definitely come in handy against nanook.
But I gotta say, terminus is a cruel existence to IX, an aeon that believes that the fate of the universe is nothingness, and is proven right.
Also, an emanator is like a mirror to an aeon, we may be fundamentally misunderstanding smth... finality isn't connected to nihility, but it looks like it because we don't have the full picture. Elio believes the book to end, but for the story to have a million ways to play out. He doesn't refuse finally, nor does he think it's worthless to try. Terminus must be the same, they may have nothing to do with nihility, but I know nihilism to be connected to Finality.
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sockiestupidity · 1 year
Reader having a depressive episode and Miguel helps them out of it 👀👀👀👀
Also can I be 🕸️ anon 👁️👄👁️
Warnings-lowercase intended, bad writing and grammar as usual, depression/depressive episode, ooc miguel?, use of the word mijo, forehead kiss👁️
nonverbal/mute reader again (might decide to make this my thing?? bc nonverbal/mute reader fics do be hard to find)(srry if u wanted reader to talk 😬😬😬)
ALSO MIGUEL AND READER ARE AGAIN IMPLIED TO ALREADY HAVE AN ESTABLISHED PLATONIC/FOUND FAMILY DYNAMIC (sorry for the long intro 🕸️ anon, pls still lob me🥺)(that second part is meant to be funny lol)
it was around 1:00 pm the time you and miguel decided to set up as a designated lunch time as the both of you had not been able to get together because both of your schedules had been busy lately. although you had claimed to have been occupied with missions, he hadn't seen you completing any of those missions. he shrugged it off, thinking that maybe he just was preoccupied with another matter when you had completed your missions. (A/N: miguel i lob u but sometimes ur rlly serving idiot😔)
his oblivious mindset soon turned into worry when it dawned 1:30 and you still had not shown up. "what trouble could that kid possibly have gotten into that made them this late?" he thought to himself. you were usually a punctual person, and often arrived to your lunch meetings with him earlier than he did. as he waited another ten minutes he decided that he needed to take action, it was out of character for you to be this late, especially with your history of punctuality.
miguel headed over to your room at hq housing. in his mind, he thought that it was a possibility that you were just tired and had just layed down for a nap, forgetting about your meet up with him.
as he knocked on your door and patiently waited, he noticed that there was a lack of noise. he knocked on your door, and proceeded to hold his ear up to the door, wanting to confirm the lack of noise. you had naturally always been a quiet person, contrasting with many of the eccentric personalities most spider people had.
miguel felt something odd about the quietness, and decided that he had no choice but to investigate further. surprisingly, the door was locked, despite the fact that you had always locked your door, no matter what. as he entered the room he was met with an unsightly mess.
all of your belongings were strewn across the floor, if he wasnt worried before then he was definitely worried now. your stuffed animals had always been your most prized possessions, he remembered how you always furiously typed about them. hell, he wouldnt be surprised if your stack of communication cards were so thick because you made a special card for each stuffed animal.
as he entered where your bed was located, he noticed an increasing amount of clothing piles, as well as more misplaced stuffed animals, he frowned at this. where could you possibly be? and how could you let your room get this bad? he trudged through the piles of clothes. he looked at your bed, there was nothing there but a lump. he assumed that it was more of your clothes, or maybe your pillows. he was about to back away when he suddenly saw the lump move.
"kid is that you moving right now?" he asked, waiting for a sign of some sort that it was infact you, and not just his imagination. he suddenly heard a tap.
miguel took that as a sign that it was you, "can you please show me that wonderful face of yours?" he asked softly. he wanted to make sure that he wasnt accidentally pressuring you to do anything.
when there was a lack of response he decided to go a slightly different route, "may i flip the sheet over just a bit for you? i want to talk to you face to face." he wasn't really expecting a response, as it seemed like you didn't want to acknowledge him. he was taken aback when you responded with another tap.
he slowly lifted the covers, and was met with your face, but something was off..
you had a dead look in your eyes, they also looked red, as if you had been crying. he gave you a concerned look. if he had known that you were struggling this much he would've visited you sooner.
he ran his fingers through your hair as a form of comfort, attempting to give you some sort of comfort. "im going to try to get you out of this mess, you wont have to worry about being alone anymore, alright?" he watched you as you slowly nodded.
miguel started to get to work on your room. he made sure that all your clean and dirty clothes had been separated accordingly, and had folded all the clean clothes neatly into your drawers, which he had also taken the liberty to organize, he then placed all your stuffed animals in the correct spots that were assigned to each of them, collected your trash, and finally ended with a good scrub. he decided to not only clean your whole bathroom, but also scrubbed down any other hard surfaces that had been covered in grime. (A/n: this might be a bit extreme for just a week but trust me, it doesn't take that long for hard surfaces to get musty)
once every item in your room had been neatly organized and accordingly cleaned he approached you once again. you still had yet to move from your position.
he sat down on your newly cleaned floor, wanting to make sure that he looked less threatening to you, he then spoke up once again, " everything will be fine kid. do you think you could get up?" you slowly nodded.
he helped you slowly stand up and embraced you in a hug. you were caught by surprise, as the only time miguel came in contact with people, it was mostly violent.
after the hug ended he spoke up again, "you're going to take a shower and get dressed, ill wait for you." you slowly nodded once again.
you still felt so much dread, and misery but you wanted to show miguel that you could be strong and that you really did want to get better for him.
you headed to the shower, clothes and towel in hand. you slowly took your clothes off after the water was to your liking and slowly began your shower. you mostly just focused on rinsing your body, the thought of doing your hair seemed as too big of a task for yourself. you finished your shower and dried yourself off, then got dressed.
you then opened the bathroom door, your face meeting miguel's as you gestured to your hair, "you want me to take care of your hair?" you nodded in response to the question.
he knew exactly how to take care of your hair, as he used to take care of gabriellas hair.. he started running the sink, and then grabbed your hair products and a hairbrush. he ran his fingers under the water, "alright, this is going to be weird but i need you to tilt your head, just like you're at the hair salon, it might feel uncomfortable because we don't have a stool but i promise you that you'll feel so much better later." you nodded and placed your head in the sink.
"let me know if it gets too hot." you blinked your eyes in response. he started massaging in your shampoo, after rinsing it out he lightly brushed your hair for a bit, before continuing with conditioner. once he was done with conditioner it was easier for him to brush out your knot's.
once all the knots were properly detangled he turned the sink off and spoke once again, "would you like your hair dried?" you nodded, he grabbed your drier and got to work, making sure every part of your hair dried evenly (if you have curly hair he used the diffuser attachment). after your hair was dried he brushed out your hair once again.
you turned to face him with a soft look in yours eyes. you reminded him of gabby so much that it hurt his heart. he couldn't even imagine his little girl having to go through this by herself. "thank you" you signed.
he felt a pang in his heart, "of course, you know that im always here if you need my help, mijo." he gave you a small forehead kiss.
"we should get some food now, kid." you nodded. he guided you towards the cafeteria that most spider people ate at in the society. you smiled at the miguel themed burger. maybe everything would finally be okay with miguels to support you through your toughest times.
A/N: this might be long and confusing bc im rlly sleep deprived(sorry😔)
ofc theres more to depression but i rlly wanted to at least incorporate some sort of fluff😭
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gabisbabbies · 5 months
from ask on gay-poet-gabriel blog
Johnny (little boy)
Love love loves to imitate his cg, especially dally
When dallys (failing at) cooking, johnnys playing with little fisher price plastic food
When darry or pony is cleaning, johnny is playing with his little broom or washing his plastic dishes
Loves schedules and having plan😪s
Darry is good at keeping structure for him
A bit scared of kids and other people so he doesn’t like to go to the park, especially the one he killed bob at
Loves to be read to! Especially by Pony!
Wheelchair user!
Absolutely a stuffy kid
Loves to chew on his stuffy (a small rabbit plush that’s not dirty, just stained)
Cleaner than other littles (two-bit)
Goes non-verbal often, babbling
Ponyboy (flip, regressor-leaning)
Also a stuffy kid!
Has a palomino horse plush Soda gave him named Star
Loves to color, is very precise with his hands
Also goes pretty non-verbal, completely mute
Loves to write and read little stories! They are very cute and he likes to give them to Two-Bit, he keeps them and treasures them
Begs and begs everyone in the gang to buy him a pet!
Favorite little food is grilled cheese
Pretty clean, but likes to play in puddles
As a caregiver, he’d love to take care of Johnny and read him stories (and write him stories too!)
Darry (daddy fr)
Loves to explain things!
Sometimes gets a bit frustrated though so he needs to learn to cool down occasionally
Helps with homework (already canon lol) also likes to help little pony spell things for his books!
Doesn’t like movies but he is perfectly content with laying Pony and Johnny on his belly as he sleeps and they watch a kids’ movie.
Loves to cook for his littles! (and everyone else too haha)
Sometimes even makes his chocolate cake really sweet just for Sodapop
Sets up any toys that need assembly (i.e. plastic cooking station, baby easel)
Soooooo happy that pony regresses
Bought pony like 20 pacifiers because “Anything is better than those cancer sticks” (he’s got the spirit!)
Soda (Flip, right in between daddy and middle)
So many horses
Steve made him a wooden rocking horse one time and he loves it
Would love my little pony (rip)
Loves to play with cars and pretend to change the oil on them with little tools!
Loves to watch Steve work on cars and pretends to help him with plastic wrenches etc
HUUUGE sweet tooth
Chocolate, ice cream with sprinkles, waffles with tons of syrup and butter, honey straight from the jar
Darry and Steve can’t stop him
Loves to cuddle!
Will latch on and never let his cg go
Enjoys sensory play
Sand, mud, leaves, feeling blankets
Blankie kid!
Has the grossest, wettest, most slobbered-on blanket in history
Can get out of any trouble ever
Dally (daddy)
Will only take care of Johnny and Pony
Usually only considers taking care of Pony when Johnny’s there tho (cuz he doesnt have a soft spot for him [we all know the truth])
When he and Johnny are home alone, he really does try his best to cook and make sure Johnny gets 3 meals in
EXTREMELY protective
Likes to surprise them with ice cream and little candies he steals from 5 and dime stores
Totally would push Johnny in his wheelchair around town if it wasn’t so dangerous for them
Likes to take them to watch ducks and just hang out
Can be pretty quiet and get a bit angry but still reassuring
Loves to watch movies with them both!
Will only start to cuddle Johnny at the start of the movie, and then Ponyboy will whine and then he feels bad and gives in (because he loves Pony don’t lie)
Two-Bit (Flip: like i would call it daddy but its more like…cool uncle? And middle!)
Really fun to hang out with!!
Babysits Soda, Pony, Johnny, or all three at once!
Everyone loves him!
Able to distract them when they have a cut or something and need Darry to put some alcohol on it
Makes funny faces and steals coloring books and sticker sheets for them (which really annoys Darry because he keeps finding stickers everywhere)
Loves Pony and encourages him to write his stories
Helps Pony come up with really silly things to write and draw
Loves to tell fun stories to all the littles!
As a middle: loves to eat
Loves to eat so much
Especially cheesy things
Messiest little you will ever see
Loves to play pranks
Watches Youtube prank channels unironically and tries them out
Can get out of any trouble just like Soda
Lets the little ones trace animals and shapes in his freckles
Steals the littles so many gifts. SOOOO MANY
Perfectly happy to watch Mickey Mouse with them all day
Steve (daddy, but only Soda’s)
Loves to build things for Soda
Can weld!
Horrible cook
Burns chicken nuggets (but Soda wolfs em down anyway)
Playfully wrestles and roughhouse with Soda (but lets his little boy win)
Makes forts with Sodapop and likes to play hide n seek with him!
Pretty childish too but also can be pretty mean
Has made Soda cry on several occasions and everyone hates him for it (SORRY STEVE PART 3)
Saves Sodapop from Two-Bit’s pranks
Loves to play with cars with Soda
Loves to drive Soda around in his car 
Likes to nap with Soda
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gay-poet-gabriel · 5 months
Idk if you do headcanons, but if you do, can you make age regressor hcs for the curtis gang and the Shepards?
I love you for this anon except anyway i have never tried to write a headcanon in my life anyway im sorry im just doing the curtis gang because like…MAN IDK THE SHEPARDS VERY WELL IM SORRY THEY WERENT IN THE BOOK TOO MUCH I ALSO ZONE OUT A LOT
(some of these might fit into the 60s time period, some probably will not)
Johnny (little boy)
Love love loves to imitate his cg, especially dally
When dallys (failing at) cooking, johnnys playing with little fisher price plastic food
When darry or pony is cleaning, johnny is playing with his little broom or washing his plastic dishes
Loves schedules and having plans
Darry is good at keeping structure for him
A bit scared of kids and other people so he doesn’t like to go to the park, especially the one he killed bob at
Loves to be read to! Especially by Pony!
Wheelchair user!
Absolutely a stuffy kid
Loves to chew on his stuffy (a small rabbit plush that’s not dirty, just stained)
Cleaner than other littles (two-bit)
Goes non-verbal often, babbling
Ponyboy (flip, regressor-leaning)
Also a stuffy kid!
Has a palomino horse plush Soda gave him named Star
Loves to color, is very precise with his hands
Also goes pretty non-verbal, completely mute
Loves to write and read little stories! They are very cute and he likes to give them to Two-Bit, he keeps them and treasures them
Begs and begs everyone in the gang to buy him a pet!
Favorite little food is grilled cheese
Pretty clean, but likes to play in puddles
As a caregiver, he’d love to take care of Johnny and read him stories (and write him stories too!)
Darry (daddy fr)
Loves to explain things!
Sometimes gets a bit frustrated though so he needs to learn to cool down occasionally
Helps with homework (already canon lol) also likes to help little pony spell things for his books!
Doesn’t like movies but he is perfectly content with laying Pony and Johnny on his belly as he sleeps and they watch a kids’ movie.
Loves to cook for his littles! (and everyone else too haha)
Sometimes even makes his chocolate cake really sweet just for Sodapop
Sets up any toys that need assembly (i.e. plastic cooking station, baby easel)
Soooooo happy that pony regresses
Bought pony like 20 pacifiers because “Anything is better than those cancer sticks” (he’s got the spirit!)
Soda (Flip, right in between daddy and middle)
So many horses
Steve made him a wooden rocking horse one time and he loves it
Would love my little pony (rip)
Loves to play with cars and pretend to change the oil on them with little tools!
Loves to watch Steve work on cars and pretends to help him with plastic wrenches etc
HUUUGE sweet tooth
Chocolate, ice cream with sprinkles, waffles with tons of syrup and butter, honey straight from the jar
Darry and Steve can’t stop him
Loves to cuddle!
Will latch on and never let his cg go
Enjoys sensory play
Sand, mud, leaves, feeling blankets
Blankie kid!
Has the grossest, wettest, most slobbered-on blanket in history
Can get out of any trouble ever
Dally (daddy)
Will only take care of Johnny and Pony
Usually only considers taking care of Pony when Johnny’s there tho (cuz he doesnt have a soft spot for him [we all know the truth])
When he and Johnny are home alone, he really does try his best to cook and make sure Johnny gets 3 meals in
EXTREMELY protective
Likes to surprise them with ice cream and little candies he steals from 5 and dime stores
Totally would push Johnny in his wheelchair around town if it wasn’t so dangerous for them
Likes to take them to watch ducks and just hang out
Can be pretty quiet and get a bit angry but still reassuring
Loves to watch movies with them both!
Will only start to cuddle Johnny at the start of the movie, and then Ponyboy will whine and then he feels bad and gives in (because he loves Pony don’t lie)
Two-Bit (Flip: like i would call it daddy but its more like…cool uncle? And middle!)
Really fun to hang out with!!
Babysits Soda, Pony, Johnny, or all three at once!
Everyone loves him!
Able to distract them when they have a cut or something and need Darry to put some alcohol on it
Makes funny faces and steals coloring books and sticker sheets for them (which really annoys Darry because he keeps finding stickers everywhere)
Loves Pony and encourages him to write his stories
Helps Pony come up with really silly things to write and draw
Loves to tell fun stories to all the littles!
As a middle: loves to eat
Loves to eat so much
Especially cheesy things
Messiest little you will ever see
Loves to play pranks
Watches Youtube prank channels unironically and tries them out
Can get out of any trouble just like Soda
Lets the little ones trace animals and shapes in his freckles
Steals the littles so many gifts. SOOOO MANY
Perfectly happy to watch Mickey Mouse with them all day
Steve (daddy, but only Soda’s)
Loves to build things for Soda
Can weld!
Horrible cook
Burns chicken nuggets (but Soda wolfs em down anyway)
Playfully wrestles and roughhouse with Soda (but lets his little boy win)
Makes forts with Sodapop and likes to play hide n seek with him!
Pretty childish too but also can be pretty mean
Has made Soda cry on several occasions and everyone hates him for it (SORRY STEVE PART 3)
Saves Sodapop from Two-Bit’s pranks
Loves to play with cars with Soda
Loves to drive Soda around in his car 
Likes to nap with Soda
will crosspost this on my subblog (gabisbabbies)
also theres no way this is 1,000 words dude how
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ryescapades · 1 year
— some valorant gamer bf!rin headcanons bcs college is kicking my ass and im so grumpy everyday that i couldnt get to play my fav game 😞
btw gn!reader also plays valorant in this hc (definitely not projecting here haha)
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gamer!rin as your valorant duo
i can see rin as the type who’d main the initiator agents for some reason (ok but he radiates the kayo/skye main vibes idk why lol). not exactly one who does lineups (according to him that’s so lukewarm and cringe. just get headshots, idiot.) and maybe some duelists here and there???? specifically jett and yoru
loves Loves LOVES tricking the enemy team when he’s using yoru’s ult iykwim. get in their heads, does the most insane moves ever, popping blinds and teleports here and there 🤯
an absolute monster in bed with the sheriff and operator wbk
to hell with sage and jett duo, yall are the constantly top fragging reyna-jett duo yessir
if rin is already so protective as a boyfriend, you bet yo ass he’d defend you in game as well whenever some jerks decide to flame you for not doing well in the game or something.
itoshi “hey. mute him and me as well. at least until i say i’m done.” rin who then proceeds to brutally shit on those bastards while top fragging the whole match 😳
smokes you off when you’re planting/defusing the spike when he’s playing as jett <3
pls do put your whole trust on him to protect you while you’re planting/defusing bcs he will do so, flawlessly at that .would genuinely get offended if u dont 😭😭 (some of my friends are like this too lol)
rin rarely plays competitive (i hc him as a plat or maybe diamond player) bcs he doesnt want to make the lobby too hard for you. unless you’re also on par with him, then omg yall are the finest duo ever wtf me when :(
rin and you play unrated games together as a date, and mans lowkey gonna get so annoyed if bachira (or any one of his friends tbh) suddenly pops up on his discord notification saying him and isagi are joining yall LMFAO
he drops skins for you and vice versa, yall even have matching knife skins too hwhsjshdjsjs
prolly an enthusiast for the ruination, reaver, origin and sovereign bundle (debatable tho)
rin rly doesn’t like being told what to do so naturally he hates being backseated/backsitting people. however if you tell him to do so to you, he doesn’t mind doing it but not too much
he also wouldn’t mind explaining or teaching you some tricks or anything really, regarding the game so he’d be so patient w you and stuff (unless you purposely keep saying you don’t understand, then he will bitch abt it 😹)
you and him sync so well in game ykyk the amount of trust you put on each other and understanding the other’s gameplay in whatever situation aaaaaa i want a duo like that too 😞
rin malds (if u dont know, its basically mad+balding /gets hella angry) quite a lot whenever he’s playing w shidou or bachira his friends/solo queuing but not when he’s w you 😽 that doesn’t stop him from (affectionately) dissing you whenever you whiff your shots tho LMFAO
also the type who’d just chill before the round starts (unlike some people cough cough me who likes to run around knifing at the wall or some shit)
he’s always available to play the game with you all night if you just so much as ask for it. he’d be down in a heartbeat no questions asked 🤞
also secretly loves whenever you’re not playing, you decide to just chill/take a nap on his lap while he plays the game. it’s one way of having some physical touch + spending quality time w you while doing the thing he enjoys 🥹🫶
praises you whenever you get a kill or clutch the round albeit a little curtly, but u can’t rly complain bcs his voice ..mmm chefs kiss id melt into a measly puddle at that spot ong (praise him too pls he’d get so motivated to get more kills but ofc he’d never let you know that hehe)
WOULD BE SO PROUD OF YOU IF YOU GET AN ACE but he’d hide it kwhshshdkwhsjs mans doesn’t wanna boost your ego cuz he knows you’re gonna be a menace abt it 😈
all in all, gamer bf!rin is an 11/10 i love him sm why is he not real i hate it here
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66sharkteeth · 1 year
Okay, I'm sorry because I know I already talked about this on webtoon but I am shaking your hand SO HARD for coming up with That name for Bag Girl.
[pepe silvia mode engaged]
Lyss's full name is Elyssabeth, which is derived from Elisabeth. Elisabeth is connected with Isabel/Isabella, or Bell for short if one were so inclined. This is a very cool way to show Bell's connection to Lyss while keeping them as two distinct people.
Also, the idea of choosing a name associated with sweet, pleasant sounds for a mute character who's only recently started coming out of her shell and finding her "voice" (both via becoming more talkative and writing more, and via Rex teaching her sign language so she doesn't have to rely on the notebook as much) and turning out to be such a sweet, lovely lass with so much to say is just really cool. She's not hiding behind a paper bag anymore, she's here and and she's wonderful and she's got things to say!
Also, as some people have pointed out in the comments, possible Beauty and the Beast undertones with her and Rex maybe potentially possibly mayhap.
All in all, I had no idea what name you'd end up giving Baggles, or if she'd even get one in the first place, so Bell was an absolutely delightful surprise that swept me off my feet! It's got such a lovely ring to it and the fact that it was Rex's idea is just... so him. Blank Lyss? Blyss? Bee ell??? Hmm, Bell! That sounds good! Another hit from the guy who named his dog Shnee.
Bottom line: I LOVED this new chapter!
*sips my morning coffee and tries to wake up my brain cells so i can give this a proper response*
So uhhh... I'm happy that her name happened to be so fitting in all the ways you explained...but truthfully I named her exactly how Rex did LOL.
Kind of literally... I think if /I/ had named her, she would have been named something else. In all honesty, I'm not super crazy about the name Bell (tho I'm glad everyone else likes it!). But it wasn't /me/ naming her, it was Rex, so I had to name her something that Rex would come up with, and honestly she's lucky she wasn't named something like Lyss 2 or Shnee 2 or Shnoo. Naming her "Bell" through basically the same means as that Family Guy "Pea... Tear... Griffin" gag is just the only thing that felt on brand for Rex, while still giving her a respectable name.
Fun fact, I also seriously considered naming her Marty, short for Martella. I actually...still kinda prefer that one personally, but I had a feeling it wouldn't be as popular. Also, Bell ended up working out w/ her design bc if you look at her s4 design, it's very intentionally bell shaped!
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yuexuan · 2 months
[Review] 残疾暴君的掌心鱼宠
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Title: 暴君的掌心鱼宠 The Disabled Tyrant’s Pet Palm Fish
Author: 雪山肥狐
Length: 156
Tag: Historical, transmigration, comedy, palace drama, mpreg
Summary [taken from novel updates]:
One day, Li Yu transmigrated into a fish. Furthermore, this fish even had a master. This master was the sinister and terrifying, mute tyrant from a novel. The system gave Li Yu a task. If he wanted to change back into a human, he had to obtain the tyrant’s heart.
Li Yu full of tears: System, please wake up. I’m only a fish. He can’t even speak. How can we interact?
System: Stop jabbering. To take down the tyrant, you must attack his heart.
Li Yu: Can I ask, does the tyrant have a heart–
Li Yu did his best to blow bubbles at the tyrant, but ended up being captured by the tyrant and raised carefully in a huge, ginormous…… fish tank. The life of a fish was filled with all sorts of blessings.
Everyday, Mu Tianchi watched the little carp swim around happily, pondering when this fish would finally transform into a human.
The little carp didn’t know. It’s not that the tyrant had no heart, it’s just that he already gave it away to the little carp that accidentally saved his life.
Novel | Novel [Translated]
Comments *contains spoilers*:
I’ve seen posts about this fish mpreg danmei on my TL for a while, so I decided to give it a try. It is surprisingly delightful, with a good mixture of comedy balanced with palace drama and politics. As the summary states, the story follows Li Yu, who transmigrated into the body of a carp. He had to complete multiple tasks set by the System to transform back into his human form. Strangely, all these tasks were related to developing a romantic relationship with the novel’s protagonist: the mute tyrant known as Jing Wang or Mu Tianchi.
Why you should read it:
All the shenanigans that Li Yu inadvertently found himself in while completing his tasks. For example, accidentally mouthing the tyrant’s nipple in the course of chasing a pearl. Or transforming into a merman - with a fish head and human legs. Hey, being a fish is not easy!
The domesticity between MC and ML once their children were born. I especially love the fourth son, who was seemingly slow at everything but tried his best anyhow. 
Also, the politics and drama are surprisingly entertaining. Those who know my reading history will know that I’m not a fan of palace drama. But I think this novel injects enough silliness to balance out the seriousness of the drama (and for the most part don’t take the antagonists too seriously), which makes for a smooth read.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: there's mpreg~
Gentle gong and silly shou (he works hard to complete his tasks tho!)
Last note: I’m not gonna lie, one thing I struggled with reading the novel was imagining the interactions between Li Yu’s fish form and Mu Tianchi. I’ve seen fanarts depicting Li Yu as a cute fish, but another part of me just kept on imagining a normal carp face. Hence in the scenes where Li Yu kissed Mu Tianchi by sucking him on the lips, all I can imagine is Zefrank’s educational video on fish suction lol. 
Overall a casual and entertaining read that I recommend!
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spookberry · 2 years
Nemona is not in the game yet (sw/sh characters didn't show up until a year later after release so yeah its gonna be a while until she is in there lol)
But yeah, everytime Blue and Red appear they basically adopt and tutor every single trainer they find.
Nothing to do with this but also this game confirms Red as non verbal /selective mute :D
Also I will never forget:
1)the first valentine event, where they just appear in one scene together, and inmediately after Blue says: yeah Red and I will be all day training okey bye!
2)A Villain event where they kidnapped Red and Blue gets tunnel vision until they rescue him, even tho everybody tells him that he is okay, Red is probably escaping already (and they were right, Red was breaking doors)
3)An april fools event where a ditto turns into Red but Blue recognizes the real Red because of the gaze in his eyes.
4) The constant use of the word "rival" is also used on straight pairs (Brendan basically has a crush on May, yet the game will still use rivalry as the main thing)
This has nothing to do with anything, but I have too much knowledge about them and someone has to suffer the consecuences of that
Suffer?? Learning new fun things about one of my favorite pokemon ships could never be suffering
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tanjir0se · 1 year
forgive me for the spam but you worked too hard to not be appreciated! (and it was too good to not appreciate) I was going to write my own little ficlet for rengiyuu wednesday but now my brain is stuck on your writing sifhsgikhg! don't feel bad, it prolly won't be posted until later tonight tho because Kyojuroooooo hehe
I do have a question tho! Is there anything that you wanted to include in As the World Caves In but didn't? (that you aren't saving for next week or for the future, of course)
I love the spam I live for the spam I’m obsessed with the spam never apologize for the spam
Why yes there ARE some things I wanted to include thank you for asking!!!!!!
I almost ALWAYS write in almost like an A plot B plot type way, either switching between perspectives or time periods to draw comparisons to how a character is feeling about one thing vs another (you can see that here with switching between Kyo and Giyuu, the comparisons between Sabito and Kyo, and the flashback). I love writing flashbacks, dreams, and memories. SO before the fic really got away from me I wanted to extend Kyo’s flashback/dream but I also wanted to stay. Somewhat slightly focused so I decided against it.
I also thought about including a longer portion of the recovery BEFORE Kyo woke up, have some scenes with Giyuu and Shinobu set in the first few hours/days after Kyo got there. Maybe some scenes between Giyuu and Senjuro too (my SECOND fav duo to write, just behind Giyuu and Nezuko (mute bitches stay winning)). I decided against that for the same reason.
Lastly I would have really liked to have an extended waking up scene with more Hashira coming to visit and being excited that Kyo lived, but the scene was already dragging on for way too long so I cut that out too. I even considered having an “epilogue” type deal just for tumblr where I do that ESPECIALLY with Tengen because I love writing him and I love writing him into Rengiyuu fics because. I can’t imagine he’s a huge fan of Giyuu but he does love Kyo a lot and I think once he found out what Giyuu did for him at the battlefield and later, especially while Tengen couldn’t be there, he’d end up with a lot of respect for him that he never would say out loud, lol. Kind of like a “do I like him? No. Do I like to spend my time around him? Absolutely fucking not. Do I respect him? 100% Would I kill for him no question would I lay down my life for his in an INSTANT. But do I LIKE him???”
Maybe I’ll do that next week!! But now because of a prev ask I’m going a little insane about my demon rengiyuu project so. Perhaps we’ll focus on that.
Thank you so much for your comments and like literal play by play of your thoughts while reading, I genuinely ADORE things like that because I love knowing what someone is thinking about what I wrote!!!!!!! It really just warms my heart so much I can’t thank you enough djfnjdbdkskslskaal
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yellowymellon · 3 months
2.3 pic contains minor spoilers
mostly the elegy lady, aeon thoughts and theories (?)
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i gasped as she started talking cuz i finally made my lil break through abt terminus and then she plainly said it -.-
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so terminus has always been confusing to me cuz they're stated to move backwards in time to murmur the prophecy of the future, even tho they're the finality?? that happens in the future?? and how can they speak of the future if they ascended in the past
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i only understood this after playing ghost trick lol, ig all i had to do is to scratch the idea of terminus ascending in the 'present' (the past to us) instead they ascended in the future and are currently traveling to the past (our present). we now know that the SH follow finality and they're avoiding the destruction of the future so makes sense they know of the future, if terminus is going back to the more distant past while ascended in the past themselves, how can they know of the future?
if finality already happened, Is it possible that terminus ascended at that point? to go back to the past and try to change it. ig terminus doesn't want to erase "finality" but just change the way it happens
okay hold on. Only one thing comes to mind when you mention an aeon's grace, are we confirming that terminus is the one who altered TB's body to be able to host a stellaron?
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also , amber to rupture (Qlipoth) immortality to wither (Yaoshi) music to mute (aha? idrilla?) light arrows to dim (Lan) Dark sun (IX (izumo)) tavern (i have no idea-) and lastly Nanook
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Also Elegy asks good questions for a follower of finality- and she sounds like a nihility here lol
this makes me take my crap talking abt terminus back a lil
also back at this again
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terminus speaks in the past tense because all events passed them since they came from the future, but to us it hasn't happened yet. Are they referencing TB joining forces with SH in the near future? (hehehehe)
okay so it was obvious that SH follow finality and ig this is more proof that Elio is indeed their emenator but a reminder that terminus isn't the only aeon related to him (or the SH) he already has connections to akivili and fuli. Sadly my nous theory is being squashed by this darned aeon! ( i have personal beef with terminus)
also slightlyyy unrelated but i dont wanna make a diff post abt it
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they a disorganized family 😭 i love how ff wanted to bring cake to blade lol
also notice how Elio isn't being mentioned ITS CUZ IM RIGHT and he doesn't physically (humanly) appear with them (may all of my crazy ramblings come true)
actually saw the leaks that jade is inviting SH to join the IRS and i didn't like it but now im not so against it? like they want to use the SH for what? to colonize more? the ipc wants Elio obviously for his power and they don't share the same goal. But it seems like diamond is sure that Aeons will fight and wants to prepare for it, it's getting interesting. istg if diamond isnt a Kevin expy...
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hopeswriting · 2 years
Twin fics are hilarious especially in khr. I don't know when it started but I noticed there used to be a trend a few years back and with Tsuna specifially being the overlooked because he isn't popular and his other sibling having more charm and into sports oh yeah did I tell you that Nana bullies her own son and the twin being in on it they crank it up to eleven but I still liked it even when I knew it was absurd haha. I know Nana isn't the best mother but there no doubt she loves her family lol.
I think the funniest part is sometimes they make Tsuna to sweet. I honeslty don't know how to explain it but like he makes bento boxes or takes care of wounds and his voice being mute due to bullying. Man, canon tsuna we make fun of but he so resilant that he doesn't let the peer bullying get to him and it slides off him it still effects him but yeah. He's snarky when we're first introduced to his character he has always been kind but not to the point where he like is an angel about it haha.
hi nonny, thank you for the ask!
okay but same for literally everything you said actually!! idk about twin fics in other fandoms but i did read some from khr back when they were really popular too, yeah. just some tho, because i quickly moved on from them and started scrolling past them unless other aspects of the fic were really appealing to me, and it’s pretty much for all the reasons you said here.
i wouldn’t go as far as to say they’re hilarious tho? i think it’s a little mean because it’s clearly not what those authors were going for, so i think i like absurd better, which (imo) they inevitably were at times when, indeed, dialing up to eleven too much the, like, sub-tropes? of this trope. like, the core aspects of what makes this trope recognizable beyond just giving tsuna a twin/sibling. and yeah, they did get a laugh out of me sometimes here and now too lol.
but just like you i still liked the ones i read tho!! there’s a lot of interesting and fun things to do and explore with this trope, but the way that was done the most often, re: dialing everything up to eleven, just didn’t do it for me for long haha. and yes, nana definitely isn’t the abusive mother they made her to be so often lol, but once more i think it’s a little unfair to say that when of course they tweaked it on purpose for the purposes of their fics. and that’s just what we all do whenever we’re writing fics, and especially aus, right? looking at canon from the angle that will best let us state the thesis of our fics (< sorry for being pompous for a second here but i literally can’t think of any other way to say it lmao 😂), and maybe or maybe not dial it all up to eleven lol, but yeah.
so that said, what i find funny with this personally is that, like you said, canonically nana already isn’t the best mother one can have. and tbh i think there’s already plenty of angst to go off and explore from that? especially because if you keep her good sides, then it makes it more nuanced and complex and hurts more, but i do see the fun in just making her basically the worst mother on earth to tsuna haha.
and talking about tsuna, his characterization in those fics is the biggest thing that ultimately put me off reading them. and the thing is, making tsuna basically a saint isn’t really mischaracterizing him. like, tsuna has all those traits canonically, but also let me go on the record here and say that i love so much and i’m so attached and protective of the fact that tsuna is, well. a loser to say it like it is lol. and that’s of course affectionate and i’m absolutely not saying it in a judgmental/insulting way, but in a factual way. because tsuna’s lazy and judgy and doesn’t like trying hard and doesn’t like having responsibilities of any sort and can’t do sports and doesn’t have good grades and doesn’t know how to talk to girls and cowers easily and is a thirteen years old kid. and of course by the time the manga starts his years of bullying has a lot to do with that, but the way i see it he was just your average kid before that too, maybe or maybe not already struggling more than the others on some aspects of life. and then the years of bullying made him give up on trying to ever be more than that if he ever had the motivation to do it, making him become below average.
and you’ll notice that not all the things i listed above are things you’d necessarily call flaws instead of weaknesses. in the way where people are good at things and bad at others and what you’re good and bad at is different for each person and it’s fine because that’s just the way people are. and it’s the point, and i’d even say it’s the whole point of tsuna as a character. *bangs pots together loudly* IS EVERYONE LISTENING?? because the point is, as we see tsuna reach his full potential through the course of the manga now he finally has people allowing him to and telling him he has, in fact, plenty untapped potential that’s just waiting for him; as we see his good sides, his kindness, loyalty, protectiveness, love, courage, compassion, forgiveness, resilience, understanding, etc, it tells us that he had worth and value all along despite his “bad” sides. that he didn’t deserve to be punished for them the way he was and that that was just gratuitous cruelty. which again is the whole point of him as a character, so when you take that away from him, that’s when you lose my attention as far as i’m concerned.
*bangs pots even louder because i’m not done* IS EVERYONE STILL LISTENING??? because not only tsuna was meant to be a loser, you’ll also notice that amano made a point to keep reminding us literally to the very last arc that he made little progress when it came to school or sports or girls etc, because he’s also meant to stay a loser!! because sure, it’ll be useful and will help him in life if he gets better at those things, but also he doesn’t need to become better at them to be treated with basic respect and decency, because those aren’t things that are tied to whether you get that from your peers or not. and they least of all are tied to or infer in any way on whether you have worth and value as a person. *wants to bang the pots again because it’s fun but puts them down instead*
and i get that giving him an even harsher treatment from the people around him than in canon makes all of it more meaningful and impactful. and prolly that’s what amano was going for too by giving him that backstory, because by the time we meet tsuna he had every reason to be bitter and resentful and hateful of people and the world, but he kept choosing to remain kind and loving instead. so yes i get that, but honestly? for me making this all he can be also takes meaning away from it too at the same time. it’s like, if that’s all he can be then he’s not choosing to be kind anymore no matter what life throws at him, is he? it’s like that quote that goes something like “if you’re unable of violence then you’re not a pacifist, you’re just harmless”. (and actually that’s something that’d be so interesting to write about and explore, like?? what do you do in the face of the violence thrown at you when the only thing you’ve ever known to do with it is to cradle it close with bleeding hands?)
and sorry i went a bit on a tangent here, but yes, hard agree with everything you said nonny, especially about tsuna. tsuna is kind and loving and everything i said above, and he chose to remain all that in the face of the harsh treatment he received for years, chose to endure it when he could have retaliated with anger or hurt or hate, which we know for a fact he’s able of, and he was hurt more for it, was hurt longer for it. he bled for it, and has still gaping and bleeding wounds from it when we first meet him in the manga, however resigned he was to them by that point. and *threatens to bang the pots again if you’re not listening* the cruelest thing here, the tragedy here is that all that pain was plainly and utterly undeserved and unwarranted. and that’s so important to me actually.
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