#tem x pina
luxthestrange · 3 months
Beastars Incorrect Quotes#45 Human Kink
Once again the Herbivores and Carnivores were having a fight, and you being the human mediator were trying to calm things down...and so to have you on their side the bill said Els ate your favorite snack...and everyone in the herbivore knew and didn't tell you
Ellen: Bill said he thinks about you sometimes when he’s making love to himself!?
Y/n*Double take from being mad at Els for eating their snack to Bill*...What?
Bill: One time-
Y/n:  What?!
Bill: I thought about bangs and your face just appeared beneath them!- Okay, by the way, like I’m the only one in this club!?, Aoba told me it happened to him, like, like, a bunch of times
Aoba*Feathers puff up in a fluster seeing your shocked face directed onto him, panics* tem, you told me the first week you returned from winter break, you had a sex dream about them, and they had raccoon hands!
Tem: Dreams do not count!
Y/n*Closing eyes and feeling a migraine looking at the beastfolk* You’ve all thought about me while self-completing?!
Juno: Look Y/n it’s not that big deal*Sensing their anger….also since she little guilty of self-completing to them too*
Drama club *All looking embarrassed and not being able to look you straight* It’s a sincere form of flattery ...
Y/n*Takes a deep breath and shakes head*-We’re going back to keeping secrets…when I walk through the door …this never happens *Walked out of the drama club room* -OH MY STARS!?!
Louis & Legoshi*Who were outside the club room and heard...everything*...
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... It's like reverse monster kink...everyone in the club thought things of their human club member-
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doopn00p · 2 years
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Some stupid riz/tem doodles (and an opm reference)
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haggamennon · 1 year
riz x m!short bear reader who likes to sing to him (/also forgives him for what happened to tem and tries to help him work through it?)
Oh lord, I took so long to post something, thank you for giving me something to do. I hope I got your request correctly :)
💖Bites and Kisses 🩹
Riz x Short Male Reader
Contents: Hurt/Comfort, Past Traumas, and friends to lovers.
(Sorry if I get anything wrong, all I know is from the anime 🥲)
I didn't know what bear you wanted so I just chose one, the spectacled bear.
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First things first, you and Riz would be friends in Cherryton.
Since you are a bear just like him, you would have met him because of that bear problem stuff. Probably you forgot to buy your pills and asked him if you could borrow some.
Obviously, He gave you, knowing by his facade, he would give you with a gentle smile.
Your friendship would start there, you would've met Tem before, so I think Tem was the one who dragged you to talk to him too.
After Tem's death, you decided to talk to Riz, but he seemed distant while talking about Tem.
You two kept talking, keeping company with each other. You knew something was off, but you never decided to talk about it.
You decided to cheer him up, which, he liked it. You and him were getting together really well.
Sometimes you two would have a slumber party, which always ended up with Riz falling asleep first, sometimes he just mumbled some things and started to move in his sleep. But you would always hum him some songs, to calm him down.
You are like a therapist to him, always there for him and talking to him.
One day, he sent you a message, to meet him on the rooftop of the college, Once you arrived there, he had a worried and stressed expression on his face.
After he told you what he did to Tem, you were speechless, but you understood him. You were like him, you knew what that feeling was.
You walked near him and told him that it was okay (but inside you were almost shitting yourself)
You saw him kneel down to your level and he just hugged your chest, crying and sobbing. You were shocked but you just pat his back, letting him cry and take everything out. After that, he opened up to you even more. (The events of him getting arrested and all, really happened, but he was more okay with it, but still having bad dreams)
When he was still in jail, you and Pina would visit him, updating him on what was going on outside. You three spend a lot of time in there.
After he was out of jail, You and Pina were there, already waiting for him.
After some months passed, you decided to ask him to be your boyfriend, which, he accepted.
Sadly, he couldn't go back to Cherryton, but he didn't mind that anymore...
He bought a simple apartment, where you two would spend the time during weekends.
You always know when those bad dreams will come, so you already know what to do, thanks to his therapist (ahem... Gohin...)
You and Riz were sleeping, and as always, he was struggling and moving in bed. You, already knowing what was happening, just got up and went to get some tea with honey. When you went back, you saw him sitting there, with sad empty eyes, tears forming in his eyes, and the fur on his back was all messy, from sweating and moving around.
He looked at you walking towards him with some tea.
"The same bad dream...?" Your voice was sleepy but still worried about your boyfriend.
"...yeah..." He said with the same expression.
You hand him the mug of tea and honey and watch him drink it all in one gulp.
You placed a hand on his shoulder, caressing his fur with your thumb. Once he finished it, he gave you the mug and you put it in the table beside the bed.
You opened your arms to him, waiting for him to embrace you. You two decided to do this routine every time he had that nightmare.
He snuggles in your embrace, resting his head on your chest, hearing your heartbeats.
"Do you want me to sing for you?" You asked him with empathy in the voice.
"...uhuummmm..." He hums, agreeing with the offer.
You started caressing with his fur, humming a random song. You always loved spoiling him.
Once you've heard him softly snoring, you rest your head on the pillow and drift asleep as well...
He loves hearing you sing for him, he calms down more easily that way, not only with you singing but with your voice and way to act.
Your relationship is just cute and all, he softens near you, happy that you are there for him. Happy that you are not afraid of him. And he is happy with himself too, happy that he didn't hurted you.
Of course, there are a lot of things behind your relationship, but that's not the point right now.
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miniminiujb · 9 months
Sentimento inexplicável
Pina x leitor masculino (male reader)
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Você e Pina estavam sentados no seu quarto, cercados por papel de embrulho colorido e montes de presentes. Você parecia um pouco envergonhado enquanto tentava encaixar um grande urso de pelúcia em uma sacola de presente ainda maior.
"Aqui, deixa eu te ajudar com isso," Pina ofereceu, estendendo a mão para pegar o urso das suas mãos . "Você é sempre tão desajeitado, grandão. Não é à toa que estou sempre aqui para salvar o dia."
Você corou e soltou um riso nervoso. "Obrigado, Pina. Eu realmente aprecio sua ajuda."
Pina piscou para você e deu tapinhas em suas costas. "Qualquer coisa por você, meu querido tigretouro. Não é todo dia que posso ser o ajudante do Papai Noel para o híbrido mais fofo da escola."
As suas bochechas ficaram ainda mais vermelhas enquanto você olhava para o monte de presentes. "Eu só espero que todos gostem dos presentes. Sempre me sinto tão consciente sobre meu tamanho e aparência."
Pina inclinou a cabeça e colocou a mão no seu ombro. "Ei, não seja tão duro consigo mesmo. Sua singularidade é o que te torna especial. Além disso, quem não amaria um presente de um gigante tão gentil como você?"
Você sorriu gratamente para Pina. "Obrigado, Pina. Você sempre sabe como me fazer sentir melhor."
Pina sorriu e bagunçou o pelo que ficava entre seus chifres. "É para isso que os amigos servem, não é mesmo? E talvez um pouco mais no meu caso."
Enquanto continuavam a embrulhar e empacotar os presentes, Pina manteve a brincadeira descontraída, fazendo você rir e esquecer suas inseguranças por um tempo. E quando terminaram, você não pôde deixar de sorrir, seu coração se disparando quando viu o sorriso nos lábios de Pina.
Apesar de todas as estrelas, o brilho dos seus olhos azuis me atrai de uma forma que é irresistível... Não é uma atração física... É uma atração que meu coração tem sobre a sua alma, o que torna o sentimento inexplicável.
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diversidadevegetal · 1 year
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Lomariocycas schomburgkii
- Lomariocycas schomburgkii é uma planta terrícola com rizoma ereto, robusto, formando cáudice.
- O cáudice apresenta escamas lineares, curvas e castanhas, com tamanho variando de 23-45 x 1,5-1,7 mm na base e 0,6-1 mm no meio.
- Suas frondes são dimórficas, sendo as férteis geralmente mais longas do que as estéreis.
- Os pecíolos das folhas estéreis medem de 4,3-7,5 cm de comprimento, são paleáceos a atropurpúreos e possuem escamas semelhantes às do caule na região proximal.
- A lâmina estéril possui tamanho de 36-57 x 11-16 cm, é subcoriácea a coriácea e totalmente pinada ou pinatissecta na porção distal.
- A lâmina fértil tem tamanho de 49-88 x 8-8,7 cm e formato estreitamente oblanceolado.
- Sua raque é escamosa, com escamas triangulares a sublineares na porção proximal e longas projeções.
- As pinas estéreis são em número de 21-36 pares, deflexas, patentes ou ascendentes, com margens planas ou revolutas, e são linear-elípticas a sublineares, com ápice obtuso, agudo ou cuneado.
- Já as pinas férteis são em número de 37-48 pares, lineares e fortemente contraídas, sem tecido verde além do indúsio.
- As nervuras são livres, espessadas no ápice e terminam antes da margem.
Em relação à conservação:
- A Lomariocycas schomburgkii é uma espécie que requer conservação devido ao seu status de ameaça.
- A espécie é considerada vulnerável ou em perigo em algumas regiões, devido à perda de habitat e exploração humana.
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lilpuffyart · 3 years
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Tem x Pina brainrot (now with colors!!)
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teabvg · 2 years
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legoshi. louis. pina. riz. haru. mizuchi. melon. bill. jack. juno. gouhin. tem. ibuki. yahya. gosha. seven. kyu. free. agata. dolph. aoba. els. sheila. cosmo.
[more characters will be added.]
carnivore. herbivore. omnivore. hybrid.
female. male. genderneutral.
fluff • angst • hurt • comfort.
polygamy relationships • lgbtq+.
drabble • oneshot • headcanon • scenario’s.
human reader (not uncomfortable. just can’t seem to work with it…)
abusive reader / character(s).
self-harm • eating disorders.
incest / stepcest / twincest.
teacher / student relationships (romantically).
age gap (a large one).
original characters (oc).
slow updates. yes, I could get writers block from time to time. but that doesn’t mean I don’t see it, I do and I try to get to it as fast I can.
requests details. please be a little detailed with your request, it’ll be a lot of help. I’ve worked with short descriptive requests before, but it could be a little difficult.
humans in beastars. not uncomfortable, just not for me, it’s a little weird in my opinion, not bashing anyone who enjoys it, but I can’t seem to write for it. I’m sorry. :(
requesting more than twice. honestly, it doesn’t bother me, you are free to request as many times as you want to, but please don’t spam me.
denying requests. I don’t really deny requests, however I would only deny it if you didn’t read my rules throughly or made me uncomfortable.
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I’m re-reading the manga as of right now, so, we’re going to stick with the anime until I’m finished with it. :) [edited — I’m finished.]
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I’m just going to say it. My favorite Beastars ships are:
1) Agata x Melon (non-abusive or sexual)
2) Gosha x Yahya
3) Legosi x Louis
4) Oguma x Ibuki
5) Still developing my thoughts on them but Riz x Tem and Riz x Pina
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mdeathinside · 3 years
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I can’t stop thinking about this development. Riz actually thanked Pina for being there with him, not letting him feel lonely again. And it warms my heart that it was Pina who called him a friend; he has accepted him even when he has seen his true self, giving him the real friendship he desired.
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littlepuffy4ever · 3 years
Yeah, random idea, but Riz x Tem x Pina AU where they are living during the Carni-Herbi War period
Riz is in a relationship with Pina when the war starts and while they're on the run, Riz recognizes Tem and goes "wait... isn't that my childhood friend" so they badly heal his leg and he joins them
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honoratacarnage · 4 years
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it has been some time since I drew this wonderful ship together, and today I woke up with the goal of being productive!
Please tell me what you think in the comments!
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luxthestrange · 7 days
Beastars Incorrect Quotes#57 HELP!?IM FEEEELING!?
Bill*Looks to see a picture of Legoshi and Tem in your wallet, Tilting his head* Ehh?~ You have a picture of the Legoshi & Tem?
Y/n*In a swift movement...shows the accordion pictures of ....All of them* Of course, I carry photos of all of you guys, You all my precious friends and Club members-
Drama club*Look at their human club member who is on a tangent on the pictures and gush about their cool moments*...
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doolkat · 3 years
Beastars season 2 thoughts (SPOILERS!)
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Its furry time
First of all NOT BEING manga reader.
My ass legit thought Legoshi was the fucking killer. I was so suprised wjen he wasnt. I was like what.. I was like wow so fucking obvious he is when the snake said answers is in him. But he wasnt
i honestly was like??????
SECOND.!! lack of Haru in this season?? like bro I came here to see Legoshi x haru :( i really liked them in season 1. What was the point of building it in season 1 when it felt flat on season 2.idk.. maybe manga was different. But u know theres gonna be season 3 confirmed already so maybe they fix that..
THIS season was GAY AS HELL.. I honestly didnt expect that. I wasnt much of a LOUIS x Legoshi shipper expect that one hot scene from season 1 where he checks out Legoshis fangs. The leg scene in season 2 and LOUIS feelings about carnivores to me heavily implies denial of romantic feelings for Legoshi. Also tbh I dont think Legoshi is gay.. even tho I SHIP them but in reality I feel like this heart belong to Haru..
Also Im convinced more of that Riz has feelings for Tem. Whatever it developed from loneliness or not. The thing of being desires reached when being in love wasnt in my opinion random. Their story was sad.That black panter and ant eater idk their names also had pretty speical vibes. idk if ship ones but it was nice.
PINA!! PINAAA.. idk what about him but HE IS SO PRETTY i like his personality of being like cocky af and pretty boy but he isnt all mean. yeah he a manwhore but I feel like theres a lot more to him tjan we saw also he was hillarious af. What i thought was intresting was his feelings about death and fear. Like I honestly dont know but this boy seems deep down depressed that he doesnt care what will happen to him. Or maybe he finds the thrill in excitment of his life being put on danger. (i kin that speifically maybe I shouldnt dbjdd).
NOBODY TALKS ABOUT THIS BUT PEACH AND SHEILA! honestly that scene made me so so happy somehow like warm feeling inside how they became friends. Probaly one of my fav parts of that season 2.honestly it was good season but that small scene with them was so lovely..
Jack :( like him about Legoshi leaving and all was heart breaking. I hope they get to stay friends but him crying was just so sad. or the whole thoughts of them getting distant..yeah...depression
Over all thoughts:
Good season. I wish we got to see more back story of different characthers like Jack. I heard the manga featured his back story but maybe season 3 will touch on that. Incredibly unexpected to me. The leg scene was INSANE. but I tbh am not upset or so suprised about it like some seem to be. Maybe he could taken just little bite.. idk? I dont know SURE WAS GAY AF THO. Im also sad about Ibuki.. I feel like he is actully pretty cool man but yeah we wont see him abymore. Literally rip.
Your thoughts?
These were mine! I liked this season in general 💓
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kinsey3furry300 · 3 years
5 ships I hate, why I hate them, how to (kinda) fix them, the better ships you should be doing in that universe, and why you should ignore me and keep writing them if it makes you happy.
Note: this is done for amusement, please don’t be offended; I’m not attacking your ship, I’m just listing some ships I do not always care for, and how I think they could be improved, and maybe made brilliant, by clever writing.
In no particular order, and focusing on ships that often annoy me, with no attempt by me to say anything meaningful or popular about the current state of any particular fandom. I’m also a firm believer in the idea that there’s no such thing as a bad ship, only a badly executed ship, so my objections to these is less a dislike of shipping, or the paring, and more that they raise writing issues that I think are difficult to fix in a satisfying way. That’s why in a lot of the examples below I prefer AU ships to ones that try to messily work it into the cannon. Anyway, enjoy... I guess?
 Marco x / anyone (Animorphs)
Why I hate it: Animrophs is an intensely character-driven story, where the tension of each book comes from the conflicts, external and internal, that the five Animrophs (and Ax) face during a long, hard, traumatic war.  And while several of the character are paired off romantically, it’s always to emphasise character conflict over their different points of view. Jake and Cassie are a pair because Jake’s struggle with having to make hard, grey, morally ambiguous choices as leader is highlighted by Cassie’s burning need to make the right choice, the lesser evil, the choice that leaves some small shred of humanity and dignity and kindness left in this bleak world. Tobias and Rachel are a pair as their arcs deal with literal and figurative loss of humanity, as the slow accumulation of trauma over time turns these happy(ish), normal kids into psychologically ruined husks of their former selves and destroys them slowly, one fight at a time.
Marco’s arc, isn’t about either of these things: Marco’s arc, is about the bright, clear line between A and B, between problem and solution. Marco is a utilitarian, a pragmatist: his concern isn’t the burden of leadership, or the cost of the decision, but about how to put that all aside and make hard decisions that actually work regardless of cost. It’s not about what to do, the path is obvious: the bright, clear line of ruthless logic, but how to do it. His match, his counterpoint, the other character who’s all about the logic of taking awful decision in a way that actually works for the team, and his foil, his female counterpart in this, is not a romantic partner, but his mother: Visser one, making the exact same hard, difficulty ruthless decisions using logic and maths, but for the other side of this war. A romantic paring gets in the way of this arc because a partner doesn’t help him with that bright, clear line, and worse, any attempt to pair him of with either Rachel or Cassie breaks up not only a cannon paring, but their respective character arc.
How to (kinda) fix this: Marco’s arc is, at the end of the day, a trolly problem. So make sure whoever you ship him with is one of the people tied to the tracks. Introduce a character he crushes on, and then in the second act reveal that they are either a Controller, or in the family of a Controller or the proximity of the target of their next mission in a way that will make them collateral damage ,and let Marco struggle with what happens when that bright, clear logical line from A to B cuts through someone he actually loves; you know, like it did with his mother. See, even trying to fix this ship is weirdly Freudian.
The far better ship you should be doing: Ax x / EVERYONE. Ax in human form is described as a worryingly pretty, worryingly androgynous male of indeterminate race. He is a literally Bishonen alien hedonist with no familiarity with human senses, poor impulse control in human form, and no knowledge or understanding of human courtship rituals, and he can shape-shift, including into other members of the core team if needed to compel a mission, he calls Jake his prince,  and he is incredibly close to Tobias, the lonely outcast woobie that the LGBT fans adopted as their poster boy. Come on, the potential for shipping, both with wacky hijinks and sad, tragic star-crossed lovers’ trope is endless. Every line dedicated to Marco shipping is a line of text that could be dedicated to Ax trying to eat a Cinnabon erotically on his first date as a human and hulking out mid way because he forgot just how good they are. What could be better than him leaning into to erotically kiss a team-mate, and then fucking up due to his failure to understand human mouths, making weird mouth sounds, and then licking crumbs of the table in the middle of the mall, in front of the entire school, while his crush awkwardly tried to pretend this is normal? What’s wrong with you Marco-shipper people, do you hate fun?
 Riz/Tem (beastars) Why I hate this ship: Okay, just to quickly ask a question, to people who un-ironically like this as a serious ship and not a dark joke, just one little question: What’s wrong with you? I mean,are you okay? Keep taking the meds: the show is VERY clear on that point.
It’s like those people who say Joker X Harley Quinn is their ideal dark, edgy relationship: no it’s not, it’s abusive! Morticia x Gomez is dark and cool but CONSENTUAL and HEALTHY. This… this is a deeply imbalanced person murdering someone and telling themselves after that fact it was special and rare and magical. ITS HOMICIDE! And even if you write that out (and you shouldn’t, because that changes the character arc of every other major character) it’s still got more red flags that a soviet military parade. This is the botulinum of a toxic, one-sided teenage infatuation. Riz’s entire arc is about how he projects his thoughts and feelings about himself onto this idealised, made-up version of his and Tem’s relationship which, from Tem’s point of view, never existed. Riz never loved Tem: he loved the idea of Tem, the idea that someone would see the real him, see his inner pain and accept him anyway, but he never once told Tem this. He didn’t warn him “Hey, because of you I don’t feel I need my meds any more, do you mind if I try not taking them and we can meet and talk about this in a safe, well-lit pace?” He’s not honest with Tem, and on top of that It doesn’t make sense from the point of view of either of the characters for them to be actually, romantically in love (although  they were clearly close friends), because it undermines and cheepens Riz desire to just be seen and accepted for his real self, and the cannon Tem X Els ship. It also doesn’t make sense from a story point of view: Riz is a shadow archetype for Legosi. He’s what Legosi would have become if someone hadn’t interrupted his attack on Haru. That’s why Legosi needs to beat Riz with his own hands: because then he’s beating the darker version of himself he’s been carrying with him, and he can finally move on with Haru guilt-free. Having Riz and Tem’s relationship actually be what Riz imagined it to be undoes that. It undoes Riz’s interesting, dark inner struggle between truth and fantasy, it turns Tem’s tragic, unsolved murder that sets the entire story in motion into a just sort of weird Romeo-and Juliet suicide. It’s ruins the character arc not only for Riz, but for Legosi, and also, by extension, Louis and Haru, because Legosi’s internal angst over whether or not herbivores and carnivores can have a relationship as true friends needs this example of a tragic, flawed, toxic, failed friendship to bounce off of.
How it could (sort of) work: an AU where Riz’s attack on Tem is interrupted and Tem lives with a slight arm injury, and doesn’t tell anyone out of his complex feelings for Riz. Meanwhile, that bunny girl from the gardening club had been brutally devoured and Rz and/or Tem are so horrified with how close this was to their own near-miss, they start to investigate the murder, and in doing so get caught up in Louis’ inner struggle. Because that’s how the story needs to work, it’s about duality and struggle: and if Riz takes Legosi’s role, and by dating a herbivore he de facto takes the role, so Legosi must take Riz’s. This could be a great AU!
The better ship you should be doing: Pina/Riz (with a dash of Pina x Els), no, seriously, I’m not shitposting. You want to give Riz a redemption arc with a cute woolly boy? How about a story where Pina, out of a need for closure about at happened to him, starts to visit Riz in jail and they talk, mockingly at first, confrontational at first, but later Pina slowly becoming more fascinated in Riz and Tem’s life and asking Riz for more and more detail until they both bond over their shared traumatic experiences and their sense of loss for Tem’s senseless death, Tem’s unfished life casting a shadow over both off them. Eventually, the two of them find, from Legosi who still has the diary, that Tem had planned out an elaborate and beautiful first date with Els that he never got to take her on, and Riz, guilt ridden and sad than Tem never got this beautiful moment, decides to ask Pina take her on that date for Tem, with Riz coaching him by phone cyano-de-Bergerac style, Riz finally getting some closure that he helped one of Tem’s wishes come true and finally acknowledging to himself that Tem had a life and loves outside of him that were cut of short by his actions, and just crying over his lost friend, as Pina and Els slow-dance in Tem memory. Or if you just want to see Tem awkwardly date a carnivore boy from school, why not something less creepy and more wholesome and ship him with Jack? That would be cute AF, and more importantly, not romanticize brutal murder. Or an AU where everything is happy and nice, I’d argue at that it’s no longer Beastars at that point, but if it makes you happy, go for it. Let’s not shame anyone here.
 Snape X Lilly (Harry Potter)
Why I hate this ship: honestly, it’s not for the reason you think; I just like Snape too much as a tragic character, and making him in any way happy destroys his arc in my opinion.  The objection’s others have raised: that Snape acts in a worryingly possessive stalker-ish way towards Lilly, and that if Voldemort had gone for Nevil rather than Harry as a child Snape would have remained a loyal death eater, are true and I acknowledge them as having some validity, but that’s not why I can’t stand this ship. Snape is supposed to be a morally and emotionally complex, tragic figure. That “After all this time?” line was the best line in the Deathly Hallows.  Snape is supposed to show the equality destructive and redemptive power of  love. It’s sort of trinity: Lilly shows the pure power of true, unconditional love in her sacrifice to save Harry, Voldy shows what self-destruction and cruelty a life without understanding love leads to, and Snape sits somewhere in the middle: his one-sided  un-requited love being both the cause of his darkest, and his greatest actions. His curse, and his redemption, fall and rise. Making him happy messes that up.
How to (kinda) fix this ship: make them miserable. Make them fall for each-other only to be pulled apart by circumstance (you know, like they were in the darn original source material). You’re serious about making this a tragic, dark romance? Don’t ship them when they’re at school: Ship them during Voldemort’s rise to power, in the 80’s, after Lilly is married. Have the original Order of the Phoenix send her to meet with Snape and use their previous relation to try to milk some information out of him. Have her feel conflicted about it, have James furious about it, but have her do it anyway for the greater good. Have her meet up secretly with Snape who is angry and distrustful, knowing his must be a trap, and talk. Have the relationship slowly build over time against the backdrop of a cold-war spy thriller, as Lilly slowly realizes that she has some lingering feelings for Snape, but can’t reconcile them her loyalty to the order and her family. Make this a love story of conflicted feelings, divided loyalties, and spy-work against the background of drawing war-clouds. Have Snape offer to leave Voldemort, if she’ll leave the Order, and run away with him, but by that point she knows she’s pregnant and chooses to stay, out of loyalty even though she’s crushing on Snape. Have him show up at the rendezvous expecting for her to be there only for James to lead an Order Ambush, and a fight to ensure, on top of Tower Bridge in the howling wind and rain, Snape surviving but having his spirit crushed and fleeing before Lilly can tell him her true feelings. Make it big, and melodramatic, but above all, make it tragic.  Because that’s the only way Snape works as a character. Always.
The better ship you should be doing: Ginny X Nevil or Luna x Nevil: You want tragic lovers, at school, with divided loyalties, who never get together in the main cannon because a Potter ruins it and gets the girl? Ginny X Nevil. Write what was happening that final year Harry wasn’t at school when they took Dumbledore’s Army and make it work in earnest. Heck, you could even have Snape, as headmaster, hated by them but secretly trying to protect them as a secondary character to their secret, forbidden love. You don’t want to break up Harry X Ginny? Luna X Nevil is sweet and wholesome, but also tragic as they never get a chance, having their school life taken over by the horror of that final year and the need to fight for their very souls in a school run by Death Eaters and the trauma of the Battle of Hogwarts meaning that in order to put away the past and move on, they need to leave each other behind. Hell, do an AU where they canonically end up together, why not? They deserve happiness.
 Dean / Sam AKA Wincest (Supernatural)
Why I hate this ship: They’re brothers. The show even makes a joke about how squick this is. Several times.
How you could (sort of) fix this ship: You can’t: They’re brothers. The show even makes a joke about how squick this is. I guess a body-swap arc could fix this, as it’s less squicky if its just their bodies with someone else’s minds,  but seriously, the reasons why this shouldn’t exist are extensively covered in the show, and it was hilarious.  To be honest, I don’t hate this ship done as a joke, but I have seen some dark spots on the internet, and I can say with all honesty it’s not always treated as a joke. Some folks are really invested in this, and all I can ask is, is your home life okay?
Now, done as a joke, I’m 110% behind this. This is exactly the sort of insane wacky bullshit that makes for a good crack-fic. For example imagine that the supernatural threat of the week was book that made anything written in it come true, and the brothers are trying to find and destroy it, but they keep getting distracted by their burgeoning romantic feelings for each-other, and suddenly realise that the owner of the book is a fan on the in-universe novels, and writing slash-fic in the book. They need to find the writer before they make them do something they’ll both regret, but it’s just so distracting when Sam’s beautiful eyes are right there and- dammit, Sam, it’s happening again! Make Sam less concerned and even a little amused, with it, but make Dean hate what’s going on. Especially when the writer’s description suddenly makes Sam noticeably better hung that him. Make the villain turn out to be Becky from “Sympathy for the devil” and end with them trying to take the book away as she writes frantically to force them to do her bidding, and you’ve got yourself a good fic.
The better ship you should be doing: Cas/Sam or Cas/Dean or Cas/Sam AND Dean fic. Duh. Once again the show-runners beat the fans to the mark and pointed out that this is the best ship, and then they took it away just to fuck with us.
 Any Katniss ship that ignores her obsession with Emotional Security Logic. (The Hunger Games)
Why I hate these ships: Katniss is, briefly put, a mess before the books ever start, her father’s death and harsh upbringing have arguably given her PTSD before she ever volunteers for the reaping, and it doesn’t get better from there.  In psychology, Emotional Security Theory (EST) is a hypothesis that the heightened emotions surrounding repeated violent exposures leaves children vulnerable to dysregulated distress responses and eventual psychopathology, aka, why Kat be so messed up.  Her internal monologue makes the books completely clear that her choice in partners is not motivated by normal affections, but by deep, deep fear. A fear of loss, abandonment and death that leads her to make every decision about what minimises her, and her sister’s, exposure to potential physical and emotional harm. It’s frantic, fraught, cold survivalist thinking. And the other characters in the book notice and acknowledge it! “Which of us will she pick?” “She’ll pick whoever she can’t survive without.” Kat doesn’t like herself for it, but she does eventually admit to herself that she makes her decisions like this.
How do we fix this ship: Ship Kat with whoever you like, but give her a good reason to pick them: and in Kat’s mind “A good reason” is based on Emotional Security Logic, she needs to have a pressing reason why this ship makes her and her sister safer. Do that, and you’ve got yourself a good Katniss story. Don’t do that, and while you may or may not have a good story, the person staring in it isn’t Katniss Everdeen anymore.
The better ship you should be writing: Finick X Annie. Or, Haymitch prequel ships
FinAnn. This, this ship has some real potential to it, and is criminally underutilized. Finick and Annie’s relationship is one of the most tragic and romantic in the story, and has so much to offer. Or, if you want to have a hard-bitten character from district 12 struggling with trying to find love in the hellish combat of the games, do a prequel in which Haymitch finds love in the capitol during training, but loses then in the area and turns to drink as a result. Heck, you could even have some fun with this and turn it into a dark comedy, or a great tragic love story, whatever you like. It’s got potential, and his backstory is vague enough you could do a lot with it.
So, tell me below why I’m wrong, and have fun with your writing: just because I hate that ship doesn’t mean you should. Enjoy yourselves.
I’m off to write awful Ax/Pina/Luna Polyjuice’d into Nevil/Cas/Finick fiction set at an anime high-school that fights a magical war against other fictional schools, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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bonitamusic · 3 years
Tracklist : 
Thrice Groove - Pipe Down in a Million
SWV - Can We Ft. Missy
Kut Klose - Lay My Body Down
Duncan Gerow Erykah Badu + Dr. Dre = Bag Lady
Nia Sultana - Ambience
Poly Poly - Losing My Mind Ft. Carlile
Maya Hirasedo - Sinking
Lyrica Anderson - Guilty
Angel + Dren- This Way
Angel + Dren - Diamond
Jayla Darden Exhausted - My Options
Jessica Naomi Kaya - Stupid Fucking Feelings
Kay Bridges - Paradise
Kas - Toxicc
Ohiana -Top of This World
Jael I'm Just Saying Ft. Jayla Darden
Joyce Sumaru - Session
Jaz Karis - Motions
Tems Vibe Out
Tems- Crazy Tings
Naomi Lareine - Pina Colada
Khai - 20 Percent
K, Le Maestro Ride With Me Ft. Liv Averie & Mike Nasa
Raquel Rodriguez, Ill Camille, Mxxwll - Crybaby
Club Crib- Midnight Trap
Aria Bléu Float
Aria Bléu Daydreaming Ft. Mick Jenkins
Fullbodydurag - PS$$y Fairy
Forest Fire x Tymk - #2
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namaaaes · 4 years
fuck off tem ur dead now we entering real riz x pina hours fellas
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