teecupangel · 1 year
Hello my dearest writer. I just wanted you to know I am amused by your creative brain.
So I wanted to ask a senario that ezio (modern au) was kidnapped in his childhood by abstergo and became a templar instead of an assassin. And then desmond, altair and connor(in one team) wanted to bring him back because he is the prophet and an old friend from childhood.
(Sorry for my english friend)
I’m glad you’re enjoying the ideas I’m throwing out in the wilds but, let’s be clear, these ideas come into existence because of wonderful asks and submissions like yours so you guys are the ones feeding my plot bunny who… isn’t even my pet, they just appear in my backyard one day.
Okay, so for the three to count Ezio as their old friend from childhood, that would mean they would have met Ezio a few times. In this case, I propose we give Ezio a very similar childhood to his canon self where he was raised without knowing of his Assassin lineage.
Altaïr, Ratonhnhaké:ton and Desmond are of similar ages (although I kinda like the idea that Altaïr is the oldest by 1 year, Desmond and Ezio are the same age and Ratonhnhaké:ton is a year or two younger) but they were raised as Assassin. They know the whole Assassin vs Templar thing, but they’ve been told to not tell Ezio anything. As far as Ezio knows, he’s just visiting an out-of-the-way place where he can play with three boys near his age (we can add that Federico is there for a monthly sparring or so with the older kids and Ezio thought it was just like a club competition or something?)
Anyway, my initial thought was Ezio getting kidnapped during the Great Purge but, if he’s the same age as Desmond, he’d be 13 by then, and I think we should push for Ezio’s ‘indoctrination’ at an earlier age.
So let’s use Haytham’s age of 10 instead and Abstergo learned of the Auditores’ Assassin lineage by luck (and tenacity). They abduct Ezio while he was in school then made the poor child believe that his family left him when they showed him an empty house as the rest of the Auditores have fled to keep their other children safe. There were actually Assassins stationed near the house, just in case Ezio comes back or if Abstergo comes knocking, but they were killed by Abstergo before bringing Ezio there.
So, in this case, Ezio grows up believing he was abandoned. He would miss his family but also, either believes he hates or pretends to hate them for abandoning him. He would be indoctrinated into thinking the Assassins are killer deluding themselves into thinking they’re saving the world without understanding how their actions have only brought misery and destruction to the world.
Unorganized Notes:
Desmond doesn’t run away because Altaïr and Ratonhnhaké:ton are on the Farm as well. (Although, Altaïr did say that if Desmond was running away, he was running away with him, and they’ll drag Ratonhnhaké:ton with them who just goes “you don’t need to drag me, I’ll come with you guys.”)
Ezio’s kidnapping is the cold water that made Desmond realize that Templars are real, and the three actually spent years believing that Ezio is already dead.
Umar is alive in this one (yey!). He’s Bill’s best friend and is one of the best Assassin in the fields, maybe there are even talks of him becoming the mentor’s successor. Because he’s usually being sent for dangerous missions, he left Altaïr on the Farm and Altaïr is Desmond’s childhood friend who may or may not be Bill’s ward. Of course, when the Great Purge hits, Umar dies (aww) for maximum angst!
Ratonhnhaké:ton’s mother is an Assassin, but he’s staying with his grandfather on the Farm as his mother goes to the field a lot. Maybe partner Kaniehtí:io with Desmond’s mother for field missions to give us a reason why Ratonhnhaké:ton and Desmond got close in the first place? Or, if you’d like, Edward is the cousin of William Miles’ grandfather, so they’re ‘distantly’ related. (Haytham either being an Assassin, dead ala Tyranny of King Washington, or still a goddamn Templar in this one is up to you)
They learn Ezio is alive because he starts appearing on cameras and public after he officially became a Templar. He was raised by Vidic and goes by Ezio Vidic instead.
Ezio and Cross don’t really see eye to eye. Ezio thinks Cross is too reckless and should get more medical aid and tests before being cleared for duty. Cross thinks Ezio acts too ‘nice’ and Cross is the only one who calls Ezio out and tells him straight that he knows Ezio still haven’t let go of his past.
Berg joins the Order for the same reason as the canon but, instead of being Cross’ equal/sorta-lackey, he becomes Ezio’s second-in-command. He is secretly ordered to kill Ezio if Ezio ever shows any hints of returning to the Assassins.
I think in this scenario, we should not add the Animus because that would complicate things too much (also, Ezio would be a descendant of Renaissance!Ezio and putting him into the Animus would mean that Abstergo would have access to the Apple sooner)
In this scenario, let’s make the ‘Prophet’ a title which means that Ezio alone can open a specific door that houses the most powerful Isu artifact (your call if that’s true, or it’s actually the final door to the Grand Temple, and we’re gonna kill Desmond again XD).
Abstergo doesn’t have the location, but they have the Prophet. The Assassins have the location but not the Prophet, so both sides want Ezio.
His three childhood friends just want their friend back.
(What about the other Auditores? I think it would really push the plot if Ezio actually shoots Federico, whether he doesn’t know it was Federico or he deliberately did it to show where his loyalty stands, Federico survives because Ezio miss his vital organs. Whether on purpose or not, they can’t be sure)
I have to admit, this scenario reminds me of an idea I have (which I was thinking of writing for Halloween… if time permits… probably won’t, idk) of a Canon Divergence AU where Ezio was raised by Berg and joined the Order and became part of Sigma Team. He knows he’s adopted, but he doesn’t know who his birth parents are, all he knows is that Berg adopted him when he was born.
Anyway, Sigma Team gets called in for an urgent mission because a secret Abstergo facility in Fairport, New York (which was pretending to be just a plastic surgery clinic) lost all communication and the entire place went dark.
The last camera footage they saw was two men entering the facility, they wore hoods but facial recognition from cameras providing other angles confirmed they are two known terrorists code-named ‘Altair’ and ‘Connor’.
And Abstergo knows what they’re there to get…
In the deepest part of the facility sleeps ‘Sample 17’.
(So the main idea is: Ezio is trying to take down Altaïr and Ratonhnhaké:ton while the two are trying to find ‘Sample 17’. And… uuhhh… it’s meant to be of more on the body horror side… kinda like… Dead Space type of body horror because ‘things are not as they seem’)
(Your English is fine, dear friend :))
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servethelight · 9 months
Maybe the assassins would beat the templars for once if they stopped serving the light and started serving cunt.
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mythicalvoid787 · 2 months
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The assassin's/templars outfits each
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wannakryyy · 1 year
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Shay patrick cormac, AC rogue might be the shortest game but i still think its underrated as hell, one of the best ones in my opinion
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lilborealis · 1 year
Assassins Creed Headcanons because I can
-Despite denying it adamantly, Evie still does have a crush on Ezio Auditore (it’s not as much as when she was a girl, but it’s still there)
-the tips of Evie’s ears also blush when she’s embarrassed, Henry finds it adorable
-Jacob somehow hid the fact he got drunk when he and Evie were hunting for the Koh-i-noor
-Ezio’s banged at least one nun in his lifetime
-Connor has a habit of apologizing to people when his large stature startles them
-who among the assassins would listen to Jimmy Buffett and why is it absolutely Edward mf Kenway
-Haytham has fallen off a few roofs by sheer accident and Connor loves to remind him (much to his annoyance)
-Evie actually does have a tattoo, Henry is the only one who knows
-Jack the Ripper is a Sage, and the founder of the Instruments of the First Will (he had associates in Syndicate, remember?)
-Arno 👏 adopted 👏 Léon
-both Jacob and Evie have kids and those kids are the most chaotic cousins alive
-Shay actually hates the color green
-Shay’s middle name actually came from his grandfather (who was named Patrick), his father’s name was Killian
-everyone thinks Evie’s all elegant and graceful but Jacob’s seen her fall off many roofs (more than him, he’s been sworn to secrecy)
-everyone thinks Jacob is the evil twin, (he’s just impulsive) but it’s actually Evie (no one believes him and he wants to scream)
-modern day Altair went through an emo phase
-Arno can walk on his hands
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clingyduoapologist · 11 months
See the problem is I can acknowledge that Ezio is probably a better written character than Altair and his interactions with other characters like Leonardo and Rosa are all handled fairly well but also there’s just something about Altair being such a fucking idiot that he basically has to run around the Holy Lands sulking while Malik calls him a little bitch that I don’t think any other ac protagonist has ever matched
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brother-emperors · 9 months
you're SO right, how is it that the best portrayal of many italian renaissance figures comes from a bad videogame from the 2010s
wheezing I’m torn between going truly this is the best portrayal of Leonardo da Vinci we may ever get, and defending AC2 even though I’m a full time Ezio Saga Hater
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heart-wit-strength · 8 months
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Assassin mode ⚔️
Taglist: @hey-its-puddlesock @blightcedas @yourpersonaltimebomb @darcysd20 @waybrights @lili250307 @amisplacedalphabet
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rotp-on-ao3 · 4 months
Have an Assassin's Creed drabble.
This drabble wouldn't leave my head. It's not much, but I thought it was interesting. It's implied soulmates with a twist?
Also, this was supposed to have cool text formatting, but I guess you'll have to go to my ao3 to experience it fully. (Here! Have a link!)
As it always did, it started with a touch.
A brush of skin.
A spark of electricity.
The tugging start of a pull.
He raised his left hand above his face, his right pillowing his head. Turning the offending limb to look at it at different angles, the image split thrice before joining back together.
Overlapping Thoughts filled his mind.
[Al Mualim cannot know about this! He will not stand for it.]
<Cazzo! The Templars would use this against us. I cannot say anything.>
‘What does this mean? Could Shaun feel-! NoYesMaybe?’
‘Bloody fucking-! Of course it’s him! Can’t seem to get a twatting break, can I?’
<Amico mio… It seems my soul craves the beauty in danger.>
[My brother. My arm. Was that not enough? He had to take my soul as well?]
Overlapping thoughts filled his mind.
He raised his right hand above his face, his left pillowing his head. Turning the offending limb to look at it at different angles, the image split thrice before joining back together.
The tugging start of a pull.
A spark of electricity.
A brush of skin.
As it always did, it started with a touch.
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You told me sweet lies
And I trusted you because you’re the only one left alive
Sam, don’t do that again
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teecupangel · 10 months
Starling Desmond? Those guys are wild, especially when they start mimicking machines and people talking.
They’re super pretty too. Look at that metallic shine.
Also… here’s a video of a starling mimicking a human voice, making R2D2 sounds, making kissy-kissy noises and whistling.
Desmond would definitely use it to his advantage. He has the ability to mimic a human’s voice with the memories of multiple languages.
Which means…
He can pretend to be haunting Templars.
At that point, they wouldn’t even think that a bird was the source of all those voices.
And even if they see Desmond talk, they would assume he’s possessed.
And I suppose he can also talk to his ancestors while he’s at it. XD
Desmond might get the ‘title’ of Devil Bird from the Templars while his ancestors just call him “Desmond, the talking bird”.
I feel like, in this case, we should give Desmond a handicap. He can’t speak long sentences, only short ones. But that’s enough to converse with his ancestors and scare the shit out of the Templars.
Desmond also only speak to his ancestors when he’s sure they’re alone or with someone they trust (ex: Malik and Kadar, the Auditores, …… Achilles later on)
There’s an inhuman quality to Desmond’s voice which he milks immediately. He tells the Templars their deepest secrets (Al Mualim) or prey upon their insecurities and weaknesses (Cesare).
To his ancestors? His voice takes a higher more birdsong tune and his ancestors actually believe the ‘Devil Bird’ is another bird altogether that has the same capability as Desmond, probably corrupted by the Apple.
It took them hearing Desmond intimidate Templars using that voice to understand that, yes, it was really their adorable companion making Templars fear the unknown.
(Leonardo absolutely loves him and sketches him a lot, adding him to his works whenever possible. In the future, the Starling would be seen as Leonardo’s favorite bird and a symbol of the arts. Florence might even try to make it the national bird because of Leonardo)
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auroramoon-draws16 · 1 year
Omw to procrastinate: 🏃🏽‍♀️💨
Desmond, my boi, my silly little guy, bartender of the AC afterlife!
Imagine him, our traumatized little Chosen One, carving out a space somewhere not in the Grey, but connected enough, to have some time wonky bullshit and end up meeting the Assassin’s Creed cast one by one.
So when they die, they meet Desmond, a reluctant sacrifice who finally gets to retire, and as soon as the first of them show up he just goes:
“Oh, I get it.” And sits them down with a good Shirley Templar, and just chats with each of them. (Even mixing drinks inspired by each person who walks in, crafted with their personal tastes in alcohol in mind)
So we just have a bunch of Assassins (and a few Templars) finally fixing things with each other and getting to know their stories. (Maybe in the form of playing their respective games on the bar’s big screen, who knows, that’s up to you-)
Oh and Clay is there too, because both of them got done so dirty. He’s just sitting on his designated stool playing Mario Cart lmao.
Geez, as much as I adore angsty fanfics with hurt no comfort, all I want is my bbies to be happy 😭
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acgames · 9 months
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Some Cormacs for the soul.
I mean it was time I learned how to draw my beloved Cabbage Farmer... 😂
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
assassins’ amoures
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Fluff alphabet here for my favorite Assassins (and some Templars) to commemorate the 15th year and for Flufftober
Based off their names
Ezio likes to be the equal one in a relationship, although in some more “spicy situations”, I can see him as a soft dom type. You bring out the better qualities of him, even light-hearted teasing aside. Keeping him focused and building him up keeps Ezio going. Even to the ends of the earth, he’ll do what he can to keep you safe and loved. When he’s in love, oh good luck to any trying to grab his attention. Thoughts are of you, with that blushed far off look, even Claudia and Leonardo are teasing him.
This boy?? This boi! This boyo is so in love he smiles non stop. Always day dreaming of you, reading pieces of poetry or romance literature that reminds him of you. Favorite nicknames are “my love, darling, heart/mon coeur” or personalized ones solely for you. He is every romantic cliche ever and then some! Adorkably a badass! When he’s not being an Assassin, he’s off in the gardens or taking strolls, and you’re always by his side. Arms linked.
S,H,A,Y 🚢 🌊
On the seas, Shay likes to sit out and spend time with you on the deck. On land, maybe a romantic walk at night. Given how this man left the Colonial Assassins and knew the Templars, there are most definitely secrets that can cause a rift but he claims to do so to protect you. That being said, he’s your hype man! Always guiding you and building you up, since he didn’t have a lot of that from someone he genuinely loves. When he’s away missing you, oh he’s an emotional wreck. Not showing it outwardly, but it’s a storm cloud inside him.
Seeing you shoot off an arrow, the sun gleaming in your eyes and hair, you have never looked more ethereal than in this moment. Your strength and focus never fail to amaze Bayek. He sees you as his equal in all matters, though his kisses say otherwise. Passionate and all consuming of your being. Yet even such a focused man is keen to matters of the heart, and his calls for you when he finds the Order and is taken away for his work.
A traditional man of sorts, Haytham likes to you spoil you in such ways. Fine clothes and some jewelry, along with long walks in town squares to show you off (in his own way). Being the significant other of the leader of Templars means you are privy to secrets, but Haytham has his reasons (at least he likes to think so). Aside from that, he adores your wit and humor and when away, likes to imagine the fun banter you two would have. He would absolutely be the type to want to marry you, falling into a peaceful domestic routine of sorts.
A,M,U,N,E,T (Aya)
Before and after becoming a Hidden One, Aya admired your presence. You were there for her through the worst of times and when she founded the Assassin’s with Bayek. Being her spouse, co-founder, fellow partner in crime means you have a leader of a wife who also enjoys a good time. She adores you, and you her, calling each other “my love” or “goddess”. Traveling together adds a sense of thrill and excitement in new places, although if you’re ever homesick, Aya/Amunet wants you to share that with her.
Life on the high seas can be rambunctious but Edward can count on your leadership. Sometimes. When you’re not getting into the crew’s shenanigans. Your fun-serious side, with a dash of ruthlessness, is one of the many becoming qualities he admires in you. When you’re not cracking jokes or death defying stunts/schemes, Kenway does have a softer side to him. Going out of his way to talk to you, or when you sees you off in a distance, daydreams how you’re buying his favorite rum for him as a gift or protecting him. Do you think of him as much as he does you? Or do you remember the time he covered you with a blanket one cold night?
You had been best friends with Jacob, but even the laughs and glances couldn’t fill the you-shaped hole in his heart. When you finally got together, there was never a shortage of admiration on his part about all that he admires about you, including your fun side. That being said, he’s a passionate man who is not shy about making it known how he feels about you, despite Evie’s teasing, and if a Rook tries to get chummy with you they find out real fast! Maybe laying it on a bit thick with the compliments but you know he’s genuine. He likes to scale the rooftops with you to get the best views, especially at sunset. If you ever have nightmares/panic attacks, Jacob knows what that feels like and he’s more than willing to help you through it.
Connor didn’t expect to fall in love after trying to rebuild, but you were a welcomed exception in his life. When he first started catching feelings, he thought it was subtle until your eyes met his and he turned away with a blush creeping on his cheeks. He may not be the most traditional romantic but once you realize what he’s doing, you’re touched by how sweet he is. Once you’re together, Connor’s little nicknames for you are along the lines of “love, dove” or maybe something floral. If you ever have nightmares/panic attacks, that soothing voice calms you down as he holds you close.
Unlike her twin, Evie likes to think she was refined and focused until she met you. Then her more carefree, free-spirited fluoridated when she spent more time with you. Jacob likes to tease that you’re a “bad influence”. She sees you as her equal in every way and comes to realize that even in the most trying times, she can let her walls down for you. She values you, in all ways a loving significant other can: your opinions, your ideas, your wants.
Kassandra is a woman who’s naturally curious and takes an interest your activities/hobbies, be it pottery or sword sparring. Her kisses are heated, gripping to you as if you’re her tether. She imagines a simple life with you at times, living out the rest of your years by the beach. If there’s anything you have set your sights on, your Amazonian love is in your corner 1000%. Romance is not her strongest suit, but you know she tries and that’s all that matters. I don’t know Ancient Greek dialect, but I’d imagine nicknames would be something like “sweetie” or “darling”.
Alexios did not expect to have a family again (Kassandra and his mother), let alone the heart of you. He respects and values you as his equal, and all that you do. He enjoys hunting, sailing and some sparring with you, and encourages you if you want to improve yourself. After settling down, your presence inspires him to be more at peace. He doesn’t have to be closed off or hesitant or the simplest actions. When he confessed, Alexios gripped tightly onto you, pouring every ounce of his soul into words. You gladly accept, and soon are pulled close to him in the tightest hug and sweetest kiss. After that, you could be doing the most mundane thing and Alexios looks at you as if you’re Queen of Olympus itself.
Eivor admires you, loves you, their beloved and equal in every way. An inspiration to fight to see tomorrow with you. Not “showy” with their emotions, or the most blatantly romantic, Eivor still has those moments where they want to be near you at every moment. Making sure you’re well fed, taken care of, or warm during the harsh winters. You’re a much valued and loved person in Eivor’s life, someone worth protecting amidst this dangerous lifestyle.
Though he won’t outright admit it, Altair admires your skill as a fellow assassin in training (mostly as an excuse to be near you). As long as Maria and Malik don’t rib him that the arrogant “novice” has finally been bested. If anything, it indirectly inspires him to do better/push himself to which you tease him relentlessly, but he’ll gladly take it since it’s you. When he finally confessed to you, the tense pause almost killed him (fearing you’d say no) only to return your hug ten fold in an iron grip. Cupping the back of your head. In the younger years, you two daredevils were always seeking out the highs of being an Assassin but mellow out with age. Still, that romance never dies with affectionate banter and nicknames, and gentle touches.
Aveline enjoys shopping with you or even taking (much needed) long walks with you. She sees you as her equal, and values your opinion, be it for both Assassin and other non-related matters. She’s faced betrayal and heartache but you’re an inspiration that there’s always a better tomorrow, no matter how small some victories may be. You confessed to her one night, and it was one of the happiest moments in Aveline’s life, the day you called her “my rose”. One of the loveliest, genuine aspects of her life, Aveline treasures her life with you.
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millen399 · 3 months
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