#tendō satori comfort
itzjustkoi · 2 years
Tendou: Come on, Semi. Nobody actually believes that Ushiwaka is in love with me. Semi, to the team: Raise your hand if you think that Ushijima is helplessly in love with Tendou. *Everyone raises their hand* Tendou: Wakatoshi, put your hand down.
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kentobb · 4 months
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Characters: Ushijima Wakatoshi x Female Reader
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Angst?
Author’s note: I feel like I should make a masterlist. Lmk what you guys think.
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5 year later…
Five years had passed since the graduation, and Ushijima had become a household name in the world of volleyball. As a key player for the Schweiden Adlers, he had risen to fame with his exceptional skills and unyielding determination. His powerful spikes and steadfast presence on the court were often the highlight of sports news. Paparazzi followed him relentlessly, their cameras clicking like mechanical insects whenever he stepped out. His face adorned billboards, and his matches were televised events that drew millions of viewers.
Yet, despite the adulation and the accolades, a certain emptiness lingered in his heart. The constant attention was exhausting, and the endless cycle of training and competition left little room for personal reflection. It was this weariness that drove him to make a decision he rarely indulged in: he would take a break. He would return to his roots, to the serene landscapes of the Miyagi prefecture, and visit his mother for a month.
After informing his manager and ensuring his schedule was clear, Ushijima packed a small bag and took a quiet train ride out of Tokyo. The journey was a welcome change from the hustle of city life, the rhythmic clatter of the tracks and the rolling vistas of the countryside soothing his frazzled nerves.
He arrived in Miyagi to a brisk spring breeze and the familiar, comforting sights of his childhood.
His mother’s house stood as it always had, a modest home nestled among fields that stretched out under the wide sky. She greeted him with a warm embrace, her eyes sparkling with pride and joy.
“There’s my big star!” She said as she hugged him.
They spent the first evening catching up, sharing simple meals, and enjoying the unhurried pace of rural life.
It was a balm to his soul, and he felt a peace he hadn't known in years.
After a few days of rest, Ushijima decided to visit an old friend. Tendō Satori, his eccentric best friend from high school, had opened a chocolate store not far from Shiratorizawa Academy. The store, aptly named "Tendō's Treats," had quickly gained popularity for its unique and whimsical confections. Ushijima had followed its success from afar, often receiving care packages filled with Tendō's latest creations.
The shop was a cheerful, inviting place with bright colors and playful decorations that reflected Tendō’s personality. As Ushijima pushed open the door, a small bell chimed, and the rich scent of chocolate enveloped him. Tendō was behind the counter, his trademark grin widening as he looked up and saw his old friend.
“Waka-chan!” Tendō exclaimed, vaulting over the counter with surprising agility. “What a surprise! I didn’t know you were in town!”
Ushijima returned the grin with a rare smile of his own. “I needed a break,” he explained simply.
Tendō clapped him on the back and led him to a cozy corner of the shop. They sat among shelves filled with colorful chocolates, reminiscing about old times and catching up on the present. Tendō’s stories were as animated as ever, his laughter infectious.
“And here I thought you’d be too busy with all those interviews and matches to remember little old me,” Tendō teased, his eyes twinkling.
“You’re not easily forgotten,” Ushijima replied, a hint of warmth in his voice.
Ushijima took a sip of his hot chocolate, his mind wandering back to their high school days. The memories were bittersweet, tinged with nostalgia and regret. He turned to Tendō, who was leaning back in his chair, a contented smile on his face as he savored his own drink.
“Tendō,” Ushijima began, his voice breaking the comfortable silence. “Have you seen anyone from our class recently?”
Tendō’s eyes sparkled with curiosity. “Hmm, not too many, but I do keep in touch with a few. Why do you ask?”
Ushijima shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. “Just curious. It’s been a while since we graduated.”
Tendō grinned and reached under the counter, pulling out a well-worn yearbook. “Ah, perfect timing! I was just looking through this the other day. Let’s take a trip down memory lane.”
He placed the yearbook on the table and opened it to a random page. The pictures and names of their classmates stared back at them, frozen in time. Tendō began flipping through the pages, pointing out familiar faces and providing updates.
“Ah, the usual suspects. Goshiki is still obsessed with volleyball, training kids now. Semi’s in a band, believe it or not. Shirabu went into medicine, as expected. He’s working crazy hours but loves it.”
Ushijima nodded, taking it all in. There was a comfort in hearing about his old teammates, their paths diverging yet somehow staying true to the people they were in high school. But these updates were not the ones he truly sought.
Ushijima nodded absently, his eyes scanning the pages but not really absorbing the information. He wasn’t interested in his old friends, not today. His mind was elsewhere, on someone else entirely.
Tendō noticed his distraction and paused, his expression turning more serious. “Waka-chan, you seem... different. Is there someone specific you’re wondering about?
Ushijima hesitated, then nodded. “Yes. I’ve been trying to find her for years, but it’s like she vanished…” He breathed, “Do you know what happened to her? To Y/N”
Tendō’s eyes softened with understanding. He flipped through the yearbook with more purpose, stopping on a page featuring a picture of Ushijima and you sitting together in the library. Both engrossed in books, having a tutoring session, but the warmth your expression was unmistakable.
“I remember this,” Tendō said softly, tapping the picture. “You two were inseparable back then.”
Ushijima stared at the picture, memories flooding back. The late nights studying, the shared dreams, the quiet moments of understanding. His chest tightened with a mix of longing and regret.
Tendō closed the yearbook gently, his expression thoughtful. “I’ve heard a bit about her. She’s working as a waitress in a restaurant now. And... she has a kid.”
Ushijima’s eyes widened in surprise. “A kid? Is she married?”
Tendō shook his head. “No, there’s no husband or father in the picture as far as I know. I tried visiting her once to see how she was doing, but she avoided me. I didn’t want to push, especially knowing...”
He trailed off, but Ushijima understood. “Especially knowing that I broke her heart.”
Tendō nodded. “Yeah. Waka-chan. I didn’t want to make things harder for her.”
Ushijima leaned back in his chair, feeling a wave of emotions crash over him. Confusion, regret, a hint of heartbreak. But beneath it all, a deep, abiding yearning. Even after all these years, his heart still ached for you.
“I never wanted to hurt her,” he said quietly. “I thought I was doing what was best for both of us.”
Tendō reached across the table and placed a comforting hand on his friend’s arm. “I know. You did what you thought was right. But sometimes, life doesn’t go the way we plan.”
Ushijima nodded, his gaze distant. “She has a child now. I’m glad she’s moved on, even if it means she had to move on without me.”
Tendō’s eyes were filled with sympathy. “Maybe it’s not too late, Waka-chan. Maybe you can still make things right, or at least find some closure.”
Ushijima looked at his friend, the weight of years of unresolved feelings pressing down on him. “Do you really think so?”
Tendō smiled gently. “I do. It’s never too late to try.”
“Can you tell me the name of the restaurant where she works?”
Tendō’s eyes widened slightly, and he paused before answering. “It’s called Sakura’s Garden. Are you planning to see her?”
Ushijima nodded. “I need to. Maybe I’ll run into her...by coincidence.”
Tendō gave a small nod of understanding. “Coincidence, Waka-chan?”
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The walk to Sakura’s Garden felt longer than it should have, each step echoing with the weight of anticipation. As he approached the restaurant, his heart pounded in his chest. He stood outside, peering through the window.
And there you were, moving gracefully between tables. You looked different—older, more mature, and… tired.
He couldn’t stop looking at you. The years had changed you, but there was no mistaking the woman he had once loved. His mind swirled with memories and questions, unable to tear his gaze away.
“What are you doing here?” a familiar voice demanded, cutting through his thoughts.
Ushijima turned to see Asami, your best friend from high school, standing there with a look of disbelief and anger.
“Asami,” he began, trying to keep his voice calm. “I’m just visiting town.”
Asami’s eyes narrowed. “You need to stay away from her, from Y/N.”
Ushijima was taken aback by the intensity of her words. “Why? I don’t understand.”
Before Asami could respond, a small voice interrupted them. “Aunty?”
They both turned to see a little boy standing nearby, looking up at them with curious eyes. Ushijima’s breath caught in his throat. The boy had the same dark, intense eyes he saw in the mirror every day, the same stoic expression.
Asami’s eyes flickered with panic as she glanced at the boy. “Go sit down, sweetie,” she said, her voice strained but gentle. The boy nodded and returned to his seat, casting one last look at Ushijima.
Ushijima watched the boy, his mind racing. The resemblance was undeniable. He turned back to Asami, his voice filled with confusion.
Asami’s expression hardened again. “You need to leave, Ushijima.”
Ushijima’s thoughts were a whirlwind. He looked back at the boy, who was now quietly drawing, the resemblance striking.
Asami shook her head, her eyes filled with a mix of anger and pity. “Leave.”
Ushijima stood there, torn between the need to know the answer of his own question and the realization that his presence might cause more harm than good. He took one last look at the boy, feeling a pang of longing and regret.
“Please,” Asami whispered, her voice softening. “Let her be.”
With a heavy heart, Ushijima nodded slowly. He turned and began to walk away, each step feeling like a battle against the unresolved feelings and questions that plagued him. As he left, he couldn’t shake the image of the boy from his mind. The resemblance, the possibility—it was all too much to process.
But for now, he had no choice but to leave, carrying with him the weight of unanswered questions.
Why does that little boy looks like him?
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Comments, notes and reblogs are appreciated! Feel free to let me know how you feel about this chapter <3
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thomatri · 2 months
Haikyuu boys as love languages
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Synopsis- Haikyuu boys as love languages (separately) featuring Shiratorizawa
Paring- Wakatoshi Ushijima, Tendō Satori, Semi Eita, Shirabu Kenjirō, Goshiki Tsutomu
Warning- cursing
Wakatoshi Ushijima -Acts of Service
Wakatoshi Ushijima is what some might say emotionally unavailable. And he’d agree, hes emotionally unavailable not an idiot. Because he knows his behavior hes ruled that doing acts of love for you will suffice showing his love and you agree. I feel like he doubles at acts of service. Like he’ll do something and then it results in you two spending time together or making plans to. He offered to plant, plants you love and you offered to help. He has a garden btw. He takes very neat notes so he’ll let you borrow them but he knows how you like highlighted notes so he’ll highlight key terms and stuff for you.
Tendō Satori - Physical Touch
Tendō was very touch starved before he met you so trust he’s catching up on all his physical touch with you. On top of him being a flirty person his physical touch ain’t just rainbows and kittens nothing super sexual though. Just making out here and there. He does love biting you, he doesn’t know why and neither do you. If your not comfortable with it that’s fine he won’t do it duh. Hand holding 247. One time Semi brought up you two dating and Tendō had the audacity to be confused when he never explicitly told the team yet except maybe Ushijima. Semi stared at him to see if he was joking. “You two literally are always holding hands,kissing and hugging I’m starting to think y’all are melting together the way y’all are on each other” Semi says rolling his eyes
Semi Eita - quality time
Semi loves spending time with you. His ideal date is definitely going to the movies. He refuses to watch a movie if it ain’t in the theaters. If you don’t have money at the time for it dw bbg he got you. He feels like it makes every movie better and he has a point. He won’t cry scream throw up if you just wanna watch a movie at home but you know he prefers to see it in theaters and you dont mind so y’all usually go. Your parents think it’s the cutest thing. Y’all go on other dates occasionally but movie dates are always something you can look forward to in y’all relationship.
Shirabu Kenjirō - gift giving
Shirabu gives the type of kid to get good asf grades and be rich but humble when it comes to money. Don’t get me wrong he’s still snobby but only stuff he achieved like grades and volleyball you feel me? With that being said he definitely spoils you. He buys his friends stuff sometimes if he knows they’ve been eyeing some shoes or something but being his lover is a whole another of gift giving. It was so bad at first that you had to tell him to tone it down on gifts or at least the prices. So instead he decided to listen to the second part of that statement. He doesn’t get you super expensive gifts anymore at least not as often. But he still buys you stuff. Like snacks,jewelry, and books/manga or whatever your into. He argues that he literally doesn’t use his allowance for anything else and it’s just sitting around. Don’t you dare let him see you glance at anything he’ll try to buy it. Mall dates have been band sorry. On the other hand he loves gifts too his only thing is he loves handmade or homemade gifts. Like if you make him a bracelet he’ll want to jump for joy but his nonchalant energy won’t let him
Goshiki Tsutomu - words of affirmation
Goshiki loves praise in all shapes and forms. Especially from his partner. If he does a powerful spike he’ll towards you for praise. Bonus if he has a pet name. It pisses his coach off but whatever makes the players happy. He loves complimenting you. He always somehow knows what to say. Hes a bit too shy for physical touch and he can do task but he’s not really good you fell me? He’s always playing volleyball so I guess that counts as quality time but no fr. He’d be pretty good at making gifts but like I said he’s married to volleyball and dating you :,) so he doesn’t have a lot of time for it. But he can always give you a compliment to hopefully brighten up your day and you can do the same
Fun au
- I originally had Daichi instead of Ushijima cause I lokey forgot about him and I needed 5 characters for 5 love languages. I really said let’s all be shiratorizawa and not tell Daichi
-I spelled Ushijima name Ushiwaka and had to edit his entire thing 😔
- I love Goshiki❤️ (really unrelated but I jus wanna mention)
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MONSTER ; satori tendō
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pairing: satori tendō x fem!reader
warnings: angst (?), bullying, hurt/comfort
wc: 1.4k
requested: no
a/n: okay, this is sad, I'm so sorry guys. I promise I'll make it up to you all. feedbacks are always welcome, and requests are open!
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Satori started to put away all his things once the lesson finished. When he was done he made his way out of the classroom to head to lunch like all the other students. He met with Ushijima in the hallway and just like always they went together to the cafeteria, with Tendō excitedly rambling about the newest Shounen Jump number he read last night insted of sleeping and Ushijima silent like always. Tendō noticed the students behind them whispering, but he didn't give them much importance, they were probably talking about Ushijima and how could he ever be friend with him, nothing new to Satori.
Once they arrived they approached the table were some of their teammates sat and took a seat with them. Tendō continued his rambling, repeating the same things he just told Ushijima to the others, as he put his backpack on the ground beside him. He moved his gaze to the backpack to take out his bento, but he stopped his motions when he noticed a piece of paper attached to it. Satori furrowed his eyebrows confused, he didn't remember seeing it before, so he took it to see what it was. He became suddenly silente once he read what was written on the paper, earning some perplexed looks from his teammates.
"Tendō is everything okay?" Reon asked to his friend, who said nothing in response. Tendō quickly gathered his things and stormed out the cafeteria, without saying a single word.
You entered the gym and headed to the boys locker room, were you knew you could find the boys right after practice. Once you were in front of the door you knocked, asking if you could open without seeing anyone naked. You opened the door when you heard their permission.
"Hi everyone, where's Satori? I haven't heard from him since before lunch" you asked worried, he usually texted you in the afternoon and right before practice, so it was strange of him.
"Actually the last time we saw him was at lunch, he didn't come to practice today" Semi answered with a confirm from the others. You knew something happened, one thing was him not texting to you, another thing was him skipping practice. He loved volleyball with all his heart, it made him feel good. Nothing could stop him from playing, even if he was sick he would still go to practice, much to your dislike.
"Anybody knows if something happened?" maybe they could give you an explanation, so you could stop worrying so much.
"We just know that when he was taking his lunch out of his backpack he suddenly shut up, and when we asked if everything was okay he just stormed out of the cafeteria" Goshiki explained to you, you nodded smiling at him. You thanked them and apologised for your "interruption", then you made your way out of the gym, heading to Satori's dorm, where you hoped you could find him.
Once you were in front of his dorm you knocked, waiting for a response, that didn't come, implying that nobody was in there. But you could ear some video games music from where you were, so you knew he was in there. You tried to open the door, hoping it wasn't locked, and luckily it wasn't.
"Hi Satori" you sweetly said, entering the messy room. You didn't get an answer from him, he didn't even acknowledged you, he didn't even move his eyes from the screen to just look at you for one second.
"Is everything okay?" Still no answer, not even a nod.
"Satori you didn't go to practice, I know something bothering you" You smiled to him but still nothing. You tried to touch his shoulder to try to comfort him in someway, even if you didn't have a clue on what was in his mind, but he pulled away before your hand could reach him. You furrowed your eyebrows hurt by his actions, you knew he was in pain himself, but it still hurt seeing him refusing your touch.
You didn't know what to do, you have already been in this kind of situation with him, with his past coming back time to time, but he was never like this, completely withdrawn, not even wanting your comfort. Your eyes wondered around his dorm trying to magically find a solution on the walls or on the floor. That's when you spotted a piece of paper slightly crumpled. You didn't know why but your instict, and your curiosity, told you to pick it up. You followed what your instict tol you, then you opened it to reveal what was written on it.
Suddenly all connected in your mind, while your eyes started to water. You blinked away the tears, and after taking a deep breath you turned back to him.
"'tori..." you tried to approach him again, being as sweet and gentle as possible.
"Don't touch me." He stated, removing from under you touch once again. You persisted, you really wanted to help him. But all he did in response to your actions was getting up from the chair to put as much distance as he could between the two of you. You looked at him in the face, his eyes were empty. Not even a glimpse of your sweet and joyful Satori.
"Don't come closer. Why are you even here? You could be with everyone at this moment, but no, you chose to come here, why? You feel sorry for me?" He spat when you took a step closer to him, you shook your head. He was in the verge of having a crisis and when you tried to talk to him he immediately cut you off continuing his rumbling.
"If you're here out of pity you can go back to whatever you where doing. I don't need your pity! I-I can take care of myself alone, like I always did." His voice broke with the sobs he was trying to suppress.
"Satori, please, calm down" With every step you took forwards he took one backwards, until he met the wall. When you were in front of him you hugged him, even if Satori was trying his best to get away from you.
"Go away! I don't want you here! Please leave me alone." His attempts to get away from you got weaker until he stopped trying to escape your embrace. Now he was wrapped around you, his head on your shoulder and his arms around your neck while yours were around his torso, as you gently moved your hands up and down his back, trying to soothe him.
"It's okay, I'm here with you" you whispered leaving gentle kisses on his head. You knew his past still taunted him. He tried to hide all of this with his loud and cheerful personality, but sometimes he needed to let his true feelings out.
People never looked past his reputation, they always thought he was weird and even dangerous sometimes, he didn't even have any friends before high school because of this. Now, with his teammates, that deep down really cared and worried about him, and with you, he felt less alone.
But there was still the constant reminder of what people thought of him for his entire life. The constant looks he received when he walked in the hallways or the whispering behind his back when he was with Ushijima or one of his teammates, was something he got used to, but today, when he read what was written on the paper, he felt like he received a slap to come back to reality, where he was a monster nobody cared about. The little kid inside him was hurt, again.
You guided him to his bed, and, once you both were laid down, he clung to you, buring his head in your chest. You caressed him, saying nothing but letting him know that you were there for him and didn't intend to leave him. You let him cry and release all his emotions, while you remained silent. At the moment he just needed your presence, you could talk to him later, once he was fully calm.
He cried until he fell asleep in your arms, and even in his sleep, he tightly held into you like you were his anchor, because, in fact, you were.
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artisticallyoblivious · 4 months
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Happy birthday to my favorite anime boi, Tendō Satori! He's so silly, I love him so much
Legitimately one of my comfort characters, he's amazing
Gonna finish my doodle soon, will post later
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akirqx · 30 days
ooo i haven’t asked for a matchup in YEARS but i forgot how fun it was so i will!! hoping i can get both a platonic and romantic one but if you can’t then either works:)
i go by she/they interchangeably and i would prefer a matchup w either karasuno, nekoma, fukurodani, aoba johsai, or shiratorizawa!! (basically the main five teams LOL)
honestly i’m one to get bored if like someone’s either wayyy too nice or gets genuinely upset at banter and being playful mean, cz i like to argue and like mess around with people’s words a lot (i am genuinely no man’s peace and everyone knows) so i’m one to go for people who can match the arguing and banter but not be an asshole😋 i’m also i’m the a word (asexual spectrum user) so anybody who you don’t see being too despo for anything nsfw in a relationship is a green green green flag in my books!!
in terms of myself and hobbies n whatnot, im an avid bass player and i legit play every night till my fingers hurt bc i love music n learning new songs LOL🙏 im huge on sciences and i absolutely adore physics and everything it entails, so be prepared for random fun facts about newton and einstein when i feel like it… i also love dance and i run a hip hop club at school! sometimes i game but i’ve been so busy and stressed from studying for senior year that it’s out the window (being an academic weapon is not for the weak💔) i like to joke that i’m everybody’s boyfriend because i live by being helpful and treating my friends like my girlfriends so they know how they should be treated at the bare minimum (again, no man’s peace), and guys tend to see me as like ‘one of them’ (but like genuinely they say that to my face when i’m upset or feeling excluded from my girl friends). im also stupidly ambitious and i genuinely will never give up on what i’m aiming for unless it’s absolutely 0% doable (like becoming an olympian or sm). i’m heavily leaning towards being a masculine kinda girlie and prefer to dress that way too, the only things that don’t match are my face, which is still pretty feminine, and my height (5’5 smh)
anyways you can work your magic with this!! thank you!! excited to see what you think!!
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Okay so let’s start with platonic !! (sorry this one is short)
You and Semi Eita bonded over your mutual interest in music!
He is a musician in timeskip so I like to think that he started getting interested in music during high school. Maybe you’re the one who even opened his interest in it?
Enjoys hearing your progress when you show him a new song you’ve been practicing
Probably gives you song recommendations to play if you run out of some!
I feel like despite the shiratorizawa entrance exam being extremely difficult, you’d pass (okayyy academic weapon I see you☝️)
You join Tendō in teasing him about his outfit choices and he sighs dramatically loud (he’s done with you guys)
You guys would probably become a silly little trio
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You never get bored with Satori Tendō around, he will keep you on your toes
Probably such a chaotically fun relationship, lots of playful banter
You are no man’s peace but together you are nobody’s peace (poor semi)
Please don’t joke about being his girlfriend he will never shut up about it. Next time you help him with something or he helps you with something he will bring it up just to be a tease
He was tooo scared to confess 😭 he never thought you’d like him back (you’re probably the one that confessed)
I feel like he’d be fine with just hand holding, hugging and kisses (as mentioned in the other msg u sent!) I don’t see him being someone that desperate for anything nsfw…
I feel like he’s scared to make you uncomfortable so he’s very mindful with the physical contact
Finds your ambitions really admirable and will encourage them !!
Loves to spend time with you even if you’re busy; like if your busy studying or something he does not care, he just enjoys the comfort of your presence
He reallyyy wants to impress you with his guess blocking omg
Always begs you to come to his games
The whole volleyball team probably knows you from how much they see you at their games (and how much Tendō talks abt u) that you’re always welcome to their practices and hangouts
But he lowkey gets jealous if you get closer with someone else
He loves to fall asleep to the sound of you practicing the bass!! If he can’t in person then it’s through FaceTime
Is actually super interested in the facts you tell. If you accidentally repeat one you’ve already said before, he’d definitely remember and tell you that you’ve said that one already so you could tell him a new one
Enjoys watching you dance (he CANNOT dance, but just might sometimes to make you laugh)
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Thank you for requesting !! I hope I didn’t take too long to get to yours 😓
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kazemi-archive · 1 year
The Elements of Love
Summary: What it feels like to love within the elements
Includes: various from BLLK, AOT, BNHA, JJK, HQ
A/N: Idk man. This is just all based off vibes I get from them. Feel free to disagree with some or all and give me your input for what you think should be different!! (Just be nice about it <3) Or if I missed a chara you wanna tell me about feel free 💜 ||| Shoutout to Aims for letting me ramble about the elements when I started this idea, and shoutout to Caly and Echo for helpin me associate some of the characters <33 ||| don’t perceive me pls
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water = friends with benefits to lovers/will they-wont they
water is always like that comforting feeling of floating, of lulling back and forth on soft waves, of like just the comfort of the waves taking you where you're meant to be. but when it turns to rip tides where they pull you under and there's no way to survive fighting against it, it catches you no matter what, the only way to exist is to go with it, to swim with the tide. and its a little scary at first to get pulled under when you've tried not to be but if you just relax and let yourself look under the surface its fine, you can swim with the tide until you're back in soothing waves just deeper than before. but tsunamis come out of nowhere, the pulling away, leaving you unsuspecting before it hits you out of nowhere, the utter feel of drowning in a love you never expected
BLLK: Otoya Eita, Niko Ikki, Kunigami Rensuke, Itoshi Rin; AOT: Erwin Smith, Hange Zoë; BNHA: Tōgata Mirio, Shinsō Hitoshi, Todoroki Shōto, Shindō Yō; JJK: Itadori Yūji, Chōsō; HQ: Matsukawa Issei, Suna Rintarō, Miya Atsumu, Kozume Kenma, Kageyama Tobio, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Hirugami Sachirō, Sakusa Kiyoomi
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fire = slowburn romances/enemies to lovers
fires always start as a spark, small and unsuspecting and they grow into a fire. like campfires that are warm and inviting, feel like comfort and home. it feels like you could stay curled up into it for the rest of your life. fire that sparks up a little more with the smallest of circumstances. it grows and expands and engulfs everything in its path. wildfires that rampage through you and erase everything you've known, begging you to start anew and to grow new love from the wreckage of everything else. all-consuming and rebirth. slowburns, volcanos that build slowly for years before the smallest thing makes them erupt, forcing them to blow over, explode, spontaneous confessions of love after years of pining, before spreading and slowly consuming the ground you'd stood on, creating a new landscape for both to explore
BLLK: Shidō Ryūsei, Bachira Meguru, Raichi Jingo; AOT: Jean Kirschtein, Conny Springer, Porco Galliard, Levi Ackermann; BNHA: Dabi, Bakugō Katsuki, Shigaraki Tomura, Kaminari Denki; JJK: Sukuna, Fushiguro Megumi, Fushiguro Tōji; HQ: Daishō Suguru, Satori Tendō, Bokuto Kōtarō, Hinata Shōyō, Ukai Keishin, Yaku Morisuke, Tsukishima Kei, Akaashi Keiji
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earth = friends to lovers/exes to lovers
earth is grounding, something solid to put your feet on, a basis for everything else, always growing and sprouting new things. its the feeling of laying in the grass or digging your toes into the sand, the comfort of feeling something sturdy to latch onto. it turns to earthquakes, the rumbling of the ground under you of your lover changing your world, shifting the plates of the earth in order to draw you closer, creating mountains and valleys, shifting your entire terrain. its the gravity constantly pulling you back to them no matter how far you go, the need to be close, to watch them literally move the earth for you, to adjust everything you both are and create something new. slow changing where you cant notice from one second to the next but building wonders that force awe out of anyone that sees them
BLLK: Karasu Tabito, Barō Shōei, Mikage Reo, Aiku Oliver; AOT: Eren Jaeger, Reiner Braun; BNHA: Aizawa Shōta, Bakugō Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirō; JJK: Inumaki Toge, Getō Suguru, Nanami Kento; HQ: Miya Osamu, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Terushima Yūji, Sawamura Daichi, Ojiro Aran, Konoha Akinori, Iwaizumi Hajime, Meian Shūgo, Hirugami Fukurō
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air = love at first sight/love by chance
air is soft wind at first, the way it tickles like breath against your neck, like gentle fingers through your hair, soft kisses against your cheeks before it grips you like a vice. there's no way to hide from the air, especially when it turns to tornados. it picks you up and makes you dizzy, rips everything you know to shreds and spins you in circles. it steals the breath from your lungs and leaves you gasping though you'll never know if its because you want less or more. it carries you from one place to another, its impossible to not follow to not chase the wreckage you'll both leave behind and watch it happen over and over again. a sudden change from nothing to everything with barely any warning, just the urge to relive the thrill over and over again
BLLK: Itoshi Sae, Nagi Seishirō, Chigiri Hyōma; AOT: Armin Arlelt, Bertholdt Hoover; BNHA: Toyomitsu Taishirō, Amajiki Tamaki, Midoriya Izuku, Sero Hanta, Kaibara Sen; JJK: Gojō Satoru, Okkotsu Yūta; HQ: Sugawara Kōshi, Oikawa Tōru, Kita Shinsuke, Kuroo Tetsurō, Hanamaki Takahiro, Adriah Thomas, Semi Eita, Kamasaki Yasushi
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stars-tonight · 3 months
matchup for @yellowsakurablossoms
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🥛 daichi was team captain
🥛 so he's really patient after having to deal with the bozos of karasuno
🥛 super reliable and good with a variety of people
🥛 his IQ is up there too! he's definitely not dumb
🥛 would for sure listen to all your rants
🥛 always chimes in with appropriate exclamations and affirmations
🥛 he'd probably let you take the lead in most conversations but he also goes back and forth
🥛 definitely isn't a brick wall to talk to like ushijima
🥛 while he can be stern at times, i don't imagine daichi is extremely uptight
🥛 he'd be down for a little adventure when you're out
🥛 i do think daichi is an introvert so you definitely both value your alone time
🥛 but he's also good with people and he is also great at maintaining friendships
🥛 i imagine daichi also is a big family guy
🥛 your families would probably get together for holiday meals every year
🥛 daichi's giving love language strikes me as quality time or acts of service
🥛 especially because he has a high-stress job post-timeskip
🥛 any free time he has, he spends with you to relax and wind down
🥛 personally i believe that because he's a police officer and is used to tense or sometimes dangerous environments, being someone he feels comfortable being vulnerable around is something really special
🥛 especially because he's always been kind of like a leader (e.g. captain of karasuno)
🥛 so it's rare for him to let down his guard and be emotionally vulnerable
🥛 he's always a great person to go to advice for or to complain to
🥛 but he isn't usually the one complaining or asking for help
🥛 so if he feels comfortable doing that with you you know you have his heart
🥛 daichi strikes me as a reader
🥛 i think i've actually headcanoned this exact thing before but after work you'll just be reading together in bed
🥛 will for sure admire all your artwork
🥛 he's not a big art guy himself but he can appreciate art for himself and he knows when someone has talent
🥛 daichi is also really good at words of affirmation
🥛 definitely blushes any time you praise him
🥛 turns into a little mess but he's got to hide it to look cool
runner up for you was tendō satori!
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A/N: there you go friend, i hope you liked it! a matchup exchange was long overdue lol
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Sitting in Their Lap at Random
Pairing(s): Suna Rintarō x Gender Neutral! Reader, Akaashi Keiji x Gender Neutral! Reader, Ushijima Wakatoshi x Gender Neutral! Reader, Yamaguchi Tadashi x Gender Neutral! Reader, Tendō Satori x Gender Neutral! Reader
Warnings: Strong language, a little jealousy in Yamaguchi’s, fluff across the board
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Suna Rintaro:
It wasn’t anything new, for you to want to sit in your boyfriend’s lap.
When he was playing with his friends, online? Straddling his lap, both of you comfortably seated as he continues his game.
When you two were watching a movie? If you weren’t already lying down, you would be seated on his lap, his his well-manicured nails gently scratching your scalp.
When you two are on the train? Sitting on his lap to ‘save space’ for the people around you.
You two are insanely affectionate with one another.
Behind closed doors, at least.
PDA can happen, on occasion, but you guys didn’t partake in it all that much.
Usually, near immediately after he or you had gotten home, he’d be dragging you to the couch to pull you into his lap.
Or he would be be dragging you to the bedroom to a ‘mandatory afternoon nap’
However, today was different.
The twins were over, along with a few other members of the volleyball club.
They’d been here all day and even though you loved every one of the Inarizaki team members, you wanted your boyfriend’s affection.
When you come to the conclusion that they have yet to leave and probably won’t be leaving anytime soon, you decide to take matters into your own hands.
Walking over to where your boyfriend sat on the couch with his friends, you halt in front of them, letting him finish what he was saying to Osamu. Once he’s finished, he just grins up at you, already knowing exactly what you want. So, he brings a hand to yours and helps you straddle his lap, your knees sitting on the couch on either side of his hips.
   With a soft hand combing to gently and soothingly drag his nails over your scalp, he ignores the looks he’s getting.
   “Ya’ gettin’ soft on us, ‘ere, Suna?” Atsumu casts a smirk at you two, while you tuck your face into Rintarō’s neck.
    Rintarō just casts him a smug look, “You’re just jealous that you can’t keep anyone.” 
   With an off-handed ‘fuck you’ coming from the blonde twin cast in his direction, Rintarō turns his attention solely back to you, gently kissing your head and rubbing circles against the small of your back, pressing your body against his.
   No one that didn’t see you both near everyday, knew about his affection towards you, about the way that he absolutely adored holding you, being held by you, laying under you, laying on top of you... Just anything that would insure that he was touching you.
   With his gentle, soothing touches taking away the toils of the long day, you find yourself relaxing and falling asleep against your boyfriend. Rintarō, uncaring to the fact his former teammates were watching, gently pulls you closer to him, a soft smile on his face and a sense of pride in his heart.
   You were all his and he loved getting to show you off like this. His partner, who found comfort in his embrace, in just being in his presence.
   Aran grins, “This happen often?”
   “You have no idea.” Rintarō delivers a kiss to your forehead, “Not that I’m complaining. Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Akaashi Keiji:
Keiji was a hard worker.
Anyone who said otherwise didn’t know him.
You swore, all he did was work sometimes, it worries you.
Tonight was one of the many nights that he’d ended up not coming to bed, because he’d been so caught up in his writing.
You’d become accustomed to it.
Not that you were complaining. Keiji always made time for you and always apologized on nights like tonight when he’d had a particular inspiration that caused him to get enveloped in his writing.
You were just glad he’d gotten a large dinner, in case this was one of those days he got so caught up, he’d write through the night, then be too tired to eat breakfast.
It happened more often that you wished it did, but you knew he always took care of himself, afterwards, so you didn’t nag too much.
Tonight, like most nights, you were craving your fiancé’s warm embrace.
So, pulling one of your smaller blankets onto your shoulders, and letting the rest fall around your frame,
You walk into Keiji’s office.
He doesn’t look up but for a spit second.
But his soft, sweet smile (the same one that made you mELT on the spot) and nearly unnoticed nod confirmed that you could stay.
You were almost always allowed to stay.
Unless he was frustrated with his work.
He didn’t want to accidentally take it out on you (though you know he never truly would, you respected his wishes)
Standing in the doorway, you lean against the doorframe to his office, your favorite blanket held against you by your hands, balling up the corners, just under your chin.
   Keiji knew exactly what you were here for, eyes soft as they meet yours. His nod is only slight, but it’s enough for you to notice, padding over to him and silently waiting next to his chair so he could finish his sentence.
   Though once a period marked his spot on the page, he pushed his chair back a bit, turning it towards you. It was a large, comfy chair, bought for exactly this reason. Keiji silently holds a hand out for you to grasp while you straddle his lap in the chair, knees tucked on either side of him, the blanket slipping loosely over your bodies as you lean into him.
   Tucking the blanket around your shoulders so it wouldn’t fall, you wrap your arms around your fiancé’s waist, your head finding purchase in the crook of his neck. With the side of your head leaning against his shoulder and your face tucked in his neck, your soft breaths tickling his skin, he can’t help but smile.
   It wasn’t long before the soft tapping of the keys on his typewriter lulled you to sleep. The only problem Keiji had, when this happened, was that it was hard to get up from the chair with you, without waking you, if he finished. And after finishing the chapter he was working on, he looks down at your sleeping form with a sleepy smile.
   You were so precious to him and you didn’t even realize it, did you? He wouldn’t be the man he was, without your unconditional love and support for him. And he would spend everyday of the rest of his life, thanking you for it.
   However, right now, he was moving his hand to the side of the rolling chair, hand connecting with the lever to recline the chair (- which he most definitely hadn’t gotten for this exact reason...) After reclining you both, he pulls you up a bit more against him, slipping his glasses off and placing them on the table.
   Keiji’s arms come to wrap around you, securing you against his chest, the sound of your soft breaths and the classical movie he had playing through his study to calm himself, lulling him to sleep as well.
Ushijima Wakatoshi:
It wasn’t often that Wakatoshi even got to sit down, long enough for you to get to cuddle with him in his lap
He was up before you were, every morning.
Though he would always wake you up just enough so he could tell you he loved you before he left.
But that’s another story, back to this one
He did get to share a lunch break with you, but having more than twenty minutes for lunch was usually rare.
He’s always there for dinner, but he’s always so exhausted that he’s likely to just take a shower and pass out, after.
When he was chosen for Japan’s Olympic team? His schedule only got busier.
So who was there to remind him that it was okay to take a break, sometimes?
His lovely partner.
So, on Sundays, his one day off from constant training... Who was there to sit in his lap and prevent him from trying to busy himself with other things, like grocery shopping and overall things that could wait?
That was you, as well.
And who would he be to push his cute partner away when they huffily sat on his lap?
Wakatoshi had only just sat down from his work on attempting to clean your whole house, this morning. He really never took a break, always wanting to busy himself with something.
   So, when I say you jumped on the opportunity, I mean you jumped on him.
   Olive colored eyes move to peer at you, a deep, baritone chuckle escaping your boyfriend. “Trying to make a point?” He muses as you get comfortable in his lap, already holding two water bottles, and your lunch for the day.
   Two Bentos that you spent time making, the previous night, something you tried to do everyday with one another, to make sure that you both got at least a little time together. Moving your legs to rest on the couch beside him, you lean on the arm of the couch so that you can somewhat turn towards him, still seated in his lap.
   “You deserve a break, you know,” You scold lightly, while you open one of the Bentos, allowing your boyfriend to take one from your hands so he can begin eating on his own, a look of amusement on his features as he listens to you. “I could do absolutely nothing and you’d still think I’m deserving of a break. You should keep the same energy when you’re thinking about yourself. As great as it is that you want to keep busy, it’s not healthy. You need you time, where you can tak-”
   Gently cradling the back of your head with a large hand, Wakatoshi presses his lips to yours, effectively silencing you. He draws away after a moment, though he doesn’t move, just pressing his forehead against yours. “Stop worrying,” his chest reverberated with his deep voice, making you smile a bit, feeling it against your arm.
   “Fine, but only if you promise to stop working yourself into the ground.” You state, narrowing your eyes at him, only for the athlete to chuckle and press his lips to yours, briefly, once again. 
   “Anything for you, my dear.”
Yamaguchi Tadashi:
Tadashi loves it when you sit on his lap.
Most favorite thing in the world is when you walk up to him and curl up in his lap.
Usually, he finds you do it when you notice he’s been studying too hard or when he seems to need a break from a project.
But he has known you to do it, whenever you get jealous.
So, when you two were out at a bar, having drinks with his former teammates and the bartender began flirting with him...
You weren’t too happy.
He continued to let them know that he was happily spoken for.
But they were persistent.
Even when you made it a point to place multiple kisses on his lips with a pointed glare towards the bartender, they couldn’t take a hint.
After finding yourself in a conversation with Hinata and Kageyama, you were pulled away from your boyfriend.
You were not happy to look over and find him sitting with Tsukishima, Daichi, and Sugawara at one of the tables in the bar, looking very uncomfortable as the bartender continued to flirt with him.
You trusted Tadashi but you knew by the way he continued to swat their hands away that he was uncomfortable.
And something you hated even more than someone flirting with your boyfriend was someone making him uncomfortable.
That was the final straw for you.
Excusing yourself from the two boys, you began to stomp over.
Your eyes had long-since strayed away from Kageyama and Hinata, now on the little booth that held your boyfriend, his best friend, and two of his former upperclassmen, and by extension, the flirty barkeep.
   You managed to keep yourself calm...
   Until they tried to card a hand through your boyfriend’s long hair. He smacked their hand away, but he couldn’t hide his uncomfortable expression. He hated people touching his hair, unless it was you, of course. With that, you slipped away from the two competing men to walk towards the booth.
   “Excuse me?” With a smile so sweet it would give someone cavities and a glare that could send a chill down anyone’s spine, you brush past the bartender to greet your boyfriend where he sat.
   All you have to do is tap lightly on his shoulder and he’s grinning, sliding back in his seat so you can slide yourself in his lap. His arms come to wrap themselves around you, his chin resting on your shoulder and his long hair tickling your cheek, making you smile and kiss his cheek.
   Then, you turn your gaze back to the bartender, tilting your head a bit, “I’m sorry, did you need something?” You hum, though they only respond with a look of envy, before going to ‘check on’ other customers. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Your utterance is caught by the four men at the table, who just shake their heads and grin in amusement.
   Tadashi pinches your sides playfully, nuzzling his nose against your cheek. “Jealous, honey?”
   Ignoring his question, you lean forward and rest your elbows on the table. “So, everyone... What were we talking about again?”
   Tadashi just grins, his hands rubbing your sides as he holds you securely in his lap. He didn’t mind that you were jealous at all, especially is you ended up in his lap like this, every time.
Tendō Satori:
Satori is...
Well, Satori is Satori (I’m in love PLEASE)
Boy is touch starved as HELL
He fucking craves your touch, all of the time.
You two will be working in his chocolaterie and mans will pull you into a hug ANY TIME you’re not helping a customer.
Your regulars know that you two are happy and very much in love.
Because even after you both got married, you’ve both stayed in the honeymoon phase.
It never stopped.
Every time you hug him, he just... Melts.
So when you come to sit on his lap and feed him chocolate while you both have the shop closed for a lunch break.
His heart melts.
His expression melts.
His everything just melts.
Motherfucker licks your cheek to be goofy, but that’s only after you start poking fun at the way that even now he still melts at your touch.
Flipping the sign around, the red-haired male slumps into a seat. Despite his actions seeming exhausted, you could tell by the grin adorning his lips that he was happy. And how could he not be?
   So many people loved him and his chocolaterie... And he had you. How could he not be happy with his life? Even if life had taken him through the ringer to get here, he was finally here and he was happy, with you. Speaking of you, his eyes flickered over to you as he noticed you bringing some of both yours and his personal favorite treats.
   He tilts his head at you as you approach him. “Watcha doin’?” He cooes as you come to stand in front of him.
   You silently nudge the outside of his feet with one of your own, signaling for him to sit up a bit and close his legs. He doesn’t say a word as he adjusts himself to sit up, already reaching for your waist so you can settle down comfortably in his lap. He tugs on you, causing you to fall into him, laughter escaping you both. 
   Feeding yourself a chocolate, you smile, before then popping on into his mouth. “Spending time with my husband. Something wrong with that?”
   “Not in the least, my dear,” he cooes into your ear, trying to ignore the heat rising in his cheeks, his eyes unable to trail from you. He still couldn’t believe you were all his. That you loved him. 
   “You’re so cute, Tori,” you coo, poking his cheek. “You still act the same way that you did when we first started dating, you know.” 
   He just grins and shrugs, “And somebody loves me for it,” he practically sings the words to you, taking a chocolate from your hands to pop into his mouth, before proceeding to lick your cheek and purposefully smear chocolate on your face.
   “Tori, that’s gross!”
General Masterlist:
@thathoneybee3 @bratkugo
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jelliezellie · 3 years
hey :) I just finished your Tendou x Reader oneshots- theres so many chapters lol
anyways tendou is my comfort character. can you write some comfort? I haven't been feeling useful lately. And all of my hard work goes unnoticed... idk but I'd love it if you made a tendou comfort :)))
omg 🍙, i'd love to!!! thank you so much for the request.
Remember that, as people, we don't need uses. We're not objects and should never be treated as such. You're not a robot. You're a person with human feelings. Anyway, enjoy the comfort! :)
Tendou's Tissues for Your Issues
You dragged your finger across your keyboard, truly feeling each and every key. Every bump, every notch. After a while, you began to feel the letters, too. That was when a tear slipped out. "Damn it," You whispered, staring at the blank page of work you were supposed to be doing. You wanted to complete it; you truly did. But you were so tired. No, tired wasn't even the word for it anymore. You were burnt out from all of your hard work, all of your efforts going unnoticed. Your boss, your teachers, hell, even your friends didn't notice how hard you were trying. How you were hanging on for dear life.
A pair of arms wrapped around you. "What?" You nearly jolted out of your seat. You were so focused on the paper that you didn't notice Tendou walking in.
"Are you okay?" He asked, kissing your forehead.
"I'm so tired, 'toru."
"Ah, trouble in paradise? Is there anything I can do?"
You leaned into his arms. "Just hold me for a while, please?"
He nodded and examined the paper you were stuck on. "Science?"
"The worst form of it - chemistry."
"I knew someone who was into chemistry. I doubt he'd talk to me now."
"Someone who bullied you?" You questioned. You were always protective of Tendou, and he was protective of you. You both looked out for each other because you knew that nobody else would.
"Nah," He mumbled, "But enough of that. You need a break."
"I have to finish this. It's due tomorrow."
"Nooooo~" He sang, pulling you out of your chair. "Let's go to the kitchen! C'mon, I made chocolate. It's a new recipe."
You followed him sleepily into the kitchen, where he picked up a spoon and dipped it in the chocolate sauce, then put it in your mouth. "Even I haven't tried it yet. You're my guinea pig here, so tell me how it-"
"OH GOD!" You spat the chocolate out. "Did you use salt instead of sugar or something?!"
"Then why did it taste like the ocean just threw up in my mouth?!"
"uhh- oh." His eyes landed on the salt and sugar. "Yknow, maybe I made a mistake."
"You think?" You asked, laughing.
He sighed and began getting rid of it all in the sink. "I sure am an idiot, huh?"
"Maybe you need to call your chemistry friend."
He laughed and pulled you close. "Wanna make some cookies instead?"
"Sure. But only my favorite!"
"You think I'd make anything else?" He reached in the fridge and pulled out the pre-made cookie batter. "Let's get started. And forget about your homework, we'll work through it together later."
You smiled at each other and he flicked some of the remaining chocolate on your face.
"EW!" You shouted, wiping the disgusting thing off of you. You threw some at him and he got some in his mouth. "Oh god, that's terrible!"
"That's what I said!"
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amive2567 · 3 years
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Ingredients: Satori Tendou x reader (no pronouns mentioned)
Contains: storms, reader is scared of storms/thunder, OOC Tendou (?)
Prompt: "Please, light some candles." (orignal ver. Light some candles)
Type of order: Cookies (Drabble), hot chocolate (fluff), pumpkin spice late (comfort)
Event Masterlist
Grand Masterlist
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The wind whistled around your house, and with every thunder you flinched, the darkness of the blackout didn't make it any better. Wrapped up in your fluffy blanket, you tried to hide away from the loud noises, but in vain. "Please, light some candles." you whimpered. “I will get them immediately.'' His goofy smile vanished from his lips. Seeing your anxious form made him rush to the shelf. He pulled the candles from the shelf and scattered them randomly in the living room, lighting them one by one. Your living area evolved into a sea of orange lights over time.
Your tense shoulders relaxed a bit, but not completely. Satori sat back next to you and took you in his arms. "Better?" "A little," you mumbled and snuggled up against his strong chest. The volleyball game had its perks. "I am here. Nothing can hurt you. I'll make certain of it.” He whispered in your ear. He blew a kiss on the top of your head and rocked you back and forth. "Everything will be fine. The storm will pass."
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thomatri · 2 months
Genre List
Fluff: : ̗̀➛
Angst: ׂׂૢ
Spicy: ✧.*
Hurt comfort: ੈ✩‧₊˚
Haikyuu Masterlist
Karasuno ➫
Hinata Shoyo
-Haikyuu boys as love languages ̗̀➛
- Dairy entrees ̗̀➛
- Gold star ̗̀➛
Tsukishima Kei
- Haikyuu randomized life ̗̀➛
- Haikyuu boys as love languages ̗̀➛
Daichi Sawamura
-Haikyuu boys as love languages ̗̀➛
Sugawara Koshi
- Haikyuu boys as love languages ̗̀➛
Kageyama Tobio
- The Archer and the Volleyball Player ̗̀➛
- Haikyuu characters as love languages ̗̀➛
Ennoshita Chikara
- Haikyuu randomized life ̗̀➛
- Haikyuu characters as love languages ੈ✩‧₊
Yamaguchi Tadashi
-Haikyuu characters as love languages ੈ✩‧₊
Yachi Hitoka
-Yachi Hc ̗̀➛
- Haikyuu characters as love languages ੈ✩‧₊
Nishinoya Yū
- Haikyuu characters as love languages ̗̀➛
Tanaka Ryūnosuke
-Haikyuu characters as love languages ̗̀➛
Kinoshita Hisashi
-Haikyuu characters as love languages ̗̀➛
Kiyoko Shimizu
- Haikyuu characters as love languages ̗̀➛
Nekoma ☆
Kuroo Tetsuro
- Not my type ̗̀➛
Kenma Kozume
-nothing here yet
Yaku Morisuke
-nothing here yet
Lev Haiba
-nothing here yet
Alisa Haiba
-nothing here yet
Aoba Jōsai ✦
Oikawa Tōru
-Haikyuu characters as love languages ̗̀➛
Iwaizume Hajime
-Haikyuu characters as love languages ̗̀➛
Matsukawa Issei
-Haikyuu characters as love languages ̗̀➛
Hanamaki Takahiro
- Haikyuu characters as love languages ̗̀➛
Kyōtani Kentarō
-Haikyuu characters as love languages ̗̀➛
Inarizaki ✰
Kita Shinsuke
-Haikyuu characters as love languages ̗̀➛
Atsumu Miya
- awkwardly dying hair ੈ✩‧₊˚
- kiss boy ̗̀➛
-Haikyuu characters as love languages ̗̀➛
- Fallen for you ̗̀➛
Osamu Miya
-Haikyu characters as love languages ̗̀➛
Aran Ojiro
- Canvas ̗̀➛
-Haikyuu characters as love languages ̗̀➛
Suna Rintarō
-Haikyuu characters as love languages ̗̀➛
Shiratorizawa ✎
Semi Eita
- Haikyuu boys as love languages ̗̀➛
- Anyone else but you ̗̀➛
Tendō Satori
-Haikyuu boys as love languages ̗̀➛
Goshiki Tsutomu
-Haikyuu boys as love languages ̗̀➛
Shirabu Kenjirō
-Haikyuu boys as love languages ̗̀➛
Wakatoshi Ushijima
-Haikyuu boys as love languages ̗̀➛
- Haikyuu randomized life
Bokuto Kōtarō
- bokuto hc ̗̀➛
- Haikyuu boys as love languages ̗̀➛
Keiji Akaashi
- nothing here yet
Sakusa Kiyoomi
-nothing here yet
Mini series I’m working on
Romance troupes(Haikyuu)
Romance troupes(Demon slayer)
Romance troupes (blue lock)
Romeo troupes(bungou stray dogs)
Another one (album) by Mac Demarco(Haikyuu)
Wild heart(album) by Current Joys(Haikyuu)
Lemon Boy(Album) by Cavetown(Haikyuu)
Alphabet dayes(genshin)
More coming soon…
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tetsunova · 3 years
hi hi! i understand if you can't write this but could you write a hq drabble or anything rlly with the hq boys based on the song, 'two' by sleeping at last <3
In his arms
Tendou x gn!reader one shot
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a/n: i love this song now wtf. I’m sorry this is far away from a drabble i just got carried away😭 Just a little note that we may have different interpretations of the song so i hope you like mine <3. ILY TOO. Hope you like it!
warning: this post has minor cursing and talks about insecurities so don’t read if you’re triggered :)
wc: 1688
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It’s been a whole week since you showed up to school. b/f/n is worried because you refuse to pick up the phone or answer texts. All she got was a ‘i’m fine don’t worry about me.’ She didn’t push it, knowing you prefer being alone and will talk about things when you’re ready.
It's been a week since Tendou wanted to confess. A whole span of seven days since he’s been deprived of your sight and voice. He’s so worried you’re not responding to anyone not even b/f/n. He had now promised himself he’d show up in front of your door if you didn’t attend school in the next couple of days. Feelings aside he was your friend first and he wanted to be the best one you had.
Two days later, there you were. The front pieces of your hair dyed red, a new piercing visible on each of your ears. B/f/n tried to talk to you but she was met with a personna she did not recognise- cold, distant, unfazed.
“Y/n what’s gotten into you?” No response.
She kept trying until you finally spoke up ‘Are you done or do you still plan on annoying me with that stupid voice of yours?’
B/f/n was done. She left. Away from you. A friendship that was now buried deep into the soil like a skeleton suffocating in its grave.
You knew what you were doing. You always did this. Push people away when you needed them the most. Hurt them so they have a reason to not come back. You wanted to say ‘don’t leave, please’ but you couldn’t. Not again. You were tired of begging. It was just so much easier to let them go no matter how much they meant to you, trying to make them sound like a facade.
Tendou watched it all go down. This wasn’t you, it cannot be.
The school bell rang, marking the end of the day. Tendou rushed to find you before you slipped away from him again.
“Y/n!!!!! Wait for meee”
‘What do you want, Tendou?’ You responded in a flat tone.
“What’s up with you? This isn’t like you. There’s no way you’d treat b/f/n like that,”
‘You were listening in on us???’
“Not the point y/n.”
‘Yes it is? Has no one ever taught you how to mind your own business?’
“Y/n please just tell me what’s wrong. This isn’t like you.”
At this point you were done. You yelled ‘What if it is huh? You don’t know what I'm like. How can you be so sure? You don’t know shit about me and what goes on in my life. We haven’t spoken to each other for a week and have known each other for about two months, nobody can figure someone out in that long.’
Just when you turned around and were about to leave, Tendou caught you by the wrist and spun you around into a hug. You both were quiet until he said “Yes I don’t know you fully but I know so much about you. I know that you tend to draw little doodles on your notebook when you’re in deep thought during class. I know that you have a small birthmark on your hand that you’re insecure about which i don’t get why by the way. I know that you love drinking soda when having meals and there’s lots more. It may not be much but hey I'm trying.”
“Y/n I care about you. And I don’t give up on the things I care about. I just want to help- anything to bring that beautiful smile back on your face.”
That was it, the last straw. The last thing you needed to break down then and there. Tears trickled down your cheek. It all hurts so much. You’re so tired of keeping it all in, trying to stay strong but losing a piece of yourself as the sun rises over the horizon each day. It’s not a limb or bone that hurts, it’s a muscle. One so soft, the only one that others have more power over than you yourself. The place that has valves to protect each chamber physically but has no hold over emotions. Your heart yearns for peace while your mind is crying for rest. Tendou held you so tight, letting you give a piece of your pain to him, expecting nothing in return. He chose to fight, he stayed. How can someone not be greatful?
Once you settled down, he said in a whisper “Come on I’m taking you to my place.”
You nodded into his chest.
Upon reaching home, Tendou changed out of his now drenched uniform after handing you a cup of warm tea and a pastry. When he came back he just stood there and actually looked at y/n. Y/n looked so tired. The lower part of the eyes surrounded by grey semi circles and body nimble as a twig. He walked till he was in front of the half-dead looking figure. Tendou cupped y/n’s cheek in his hand, a worried look on his face.
“When was the last time you ate?”
You looked away trying to find a way to dodge the question.
“Y/n please. Let me help you.”
You managed to blurt out ‘A while.’
Tendou sighed and asked you to lay down on the couch until he prepared food for the both of you. Soon after, he could hear you mumble so he came to check up on you. You were shaking and sweating. Tendou gently shook you to wake you up and you jolted awake.
“Hey, hey it was a nightmare, I'm here for you.”
You held his arms until you started feeling drowsy.
“Sleep. I’ll fight off the bad dreams if they come to get you again.”
Tendou woke you up and you could’ve sworn that it was the best meal you’ve ever had.
“I'll go clean everything up.”
‘I’ll help.’
“You don’t have to, it's okay.”
‘I want to’
“Well you should’ve just said that in the first place then”
‘Stupid Tendou and his stupid jokes’ you murmured
“What was that?”
Once you were done washing the dishes you popped up the question you’ve been desperately wanting to ask him. You tugged his t-shirt and looked up to him.
‘Why are you helping me?’
That question made a ray of sunshine pop up on Tendou’s face. His eyes crinkled at the edges and the corner of his lips turned upwards. He’s never looked prettier than he’s now. It was a smile that held the brightness of a thousand splendid suns. A smile warm enough to warm miles and miles of snow. A smile so genuine, nothing like you’d ever seen before. Before you knew it the words slipped out of his mouth as if they were the most natural thing to say.
“It's because I love you y/n.”
‘Why? I’m damaged; there’s girls out there who are prettier than me, who can give you the love and affection you deserve. I get sad all the time, I can’t cry in front of people without thinking I'm being a bother, I don’t trust easily so I don’t open up like normal people do. Loving me must be so hard and I’m so fucking sorry you d-’
Tendou quickly covered your mouth. “No more of this bullshit. I don’t care about looks nor will you ever be a bother to me. What’s all this about being normal? Y/n there is no normal. Everyone has scars, flaws and imperfections; it’s just that some of us hide it better than others. Normal is just a word with demoralising standards implemented by society,”
He pulled you into a hug while he continued “You ask me why I love you. I would put you into words if I could and it's frustrating because god how much I’d love to write it all down into one fucking letter and give it to you. Who you are, how you make me feel, why I love you all of it. I love you because you’re the first person I’d look for in a crowd full of people; you’re the one I‘d want to dance under the rain with even when there’s no music. Heck. I don’t even remember falling for you. I just remember holding your hand when you dragged me to the vending machine and realising how much it was going to hurt when you’d let go. I have my own issues too, I’m no perfect person either. But just your presence makes me want to better myself. I just want to love you and maybe, in the process, learn to love myself. Also, call me Satori now. I love how my name sounds when you say it.”
‘Ten- Satori I’m scared that one day you’re going to wake up and not love me anymore. I’m scared of you getting sick of how I constantly need assurance that you’re not going to leave me or get fed up with my temper. I’m scared that you’re going to see me the way I see myself.’
“I don’t know what the future brings or what will be thrown at us but nor do I want to fill your head with false promises but I know we’ll find a way to get through everything. All I know right now is what I want, rather what I need; that’s you. I love you just the way you are, and want to love you for the rest of my life if you give me the chance.”
‘I love you Sato.’
Tendou brought his face close to yours and brushed his lips lightly to yours and pulled away. You pouted at this to which he chuckled and kissed you again. His lips were soft like the petals of a rose. At that moment you felt nothing but euphoria. He was the one. “I love you so much” he said in the middle of kisses, “be mine.”
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Yeah this is just something i couldn't get out of my head. It probably doesn't make sense and is filled with errors but it felt really good to write it. It's bittersweetly cute. Like yeah its sad but also aaaawwwww ya know?
You thought you'd been quiet enough, that the music playing from your phone in addition to the shower running would cover the noise. You'd hoped that he wouldn't hear the sobs that broke through the hand you kept over your mouth in effort to keep quiet.
But he knew, he always knew. Tendou didn't say a word as he sat behind you in the tub, still fully dressed, and wrapped his arms around you. He pressed his head to your shoulder, your hand gripping his arm like a life line. You never wanted him to see you like this. You always tried so hard not to let Tendou hear your demons catching up to you. Didn't want him to worry.
Unbeknownst to you he always knew, he could see it in the way the smile didn't always reach your eyes. The way you curled smaller in your sleep, almost like you were hiding in his embrace. Satori noticed everything about you, but he also knew from experience that sometimes there were no words that could express. And none that could help either.
You couldn't stop the sobs, now full blown body shaking wails, in his presence. Your nails dug into the skin on his arm as your grip tightened. You couldn't tell if the warm water was from the shower overhead or from him and you couldn't bare to ask. Tendou simply held you, pressing gentle kisses to your shoulder whispering everything he loved about you in your ear. Reminding you that he wasn't going anywhere and that he loved you.
You don't know how long you two sat there, but eventually after the tears stopped coming you reached over and turned off the water. Tendou stood, grabbed a towel and helped you dry off, giving you one of his shirts and changing himself into some dry clothes. Crawling into bed you knew he deserved an explanation.
But with Tendou's scent all around you, wrapped in his arms, face buried in his chest, you knew he'd wait for you. That he would be there for you no matter what, the knot in your chest unraveled just a bit.
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haykiuu · 4 years
non binary tendou satori
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julia-1901 · 3 years
2:39 am.
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As he happened to wake up in the middle of the night—he lets out an unsatisfied groan at the view of you still being on your phone.
That damn phone.
Its light filled the your shared bedroom, but he wished it didn't.
Wrapping his arms around your cashew-formed, sitting position, he softly tugs you back, hoping you notice what he is trying to tell you.
When you don't, he decides that your phone has to go. Was this some kind of a love triangle?
Sitting halfway up, he snatches your phone with one skilled move and places it somewhere on the desk behind him. Somewhere he could be certain that you wouldn't be able to reach for it yourself.
"Why'd you do that?" You pouted. In response, he trapped you in his arms, pulling you against his bare chest.
You could feel a satisfied grin as he let you get comfortable—not unlocking his arms, though. Now that he got your attention, he would certainly not give it back to your phone.
Matsukawa Issei | Oikawa Tōru | Daichi Sawamura | Kageyama Tobio | Tendō Satori | Kuroo Tetsurō | Semi Eita | Konoha Akinori
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♡ masterist
♡ little drabble. rebloggs and any other interaction is appreciated! goodnight.
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