#yamaguchi tadashi comfort
racetheskies · 3 months
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smth about the way they're always next to each other always makes me smile whenever they're on screen <3
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kristoffs-lullaby · 1 month
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Population of Two
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v-67 · 4 months
Every time I tie my hair super tight or something, i remember that scene from when Shimizu told Asahi that it's not good for his hair and that he'll go bald if ties them so tightly (or something along similar lines)
And then Asahi wears a hairband
So I loosen my ponytail a bit, smile about having remembered that scene, and how I feel towards Haikyuu and my lovely characters, and it feels good
Also I went and saw the Haikyuu movie, FINALLY.
And it was good, Loved it. Except the part where there were these two guys sitting in front of me and throughout the movie they kept blabbering away, very. Very. Loudly. Imagine I'm looking at Kenma's pov and these guys just...kept talking away explaining what's going on to each other and cracking jokes at that😭😭😭. I honestly felt like kicking their seats at least three times out of frustrations but didn't.
Back here
Loved the movie, but it just didn't feel enough. Maybe it's because we've been watching it in a series format and it's so well detailed and prolonged in that format. The movie felt short and I crave for moreeee. And i don't know when the next movie will come by😭.
The movie was well executed, but to me, my major complaint is just that, it wasn't enough. Because you see, We've been waiting for this match, For a long long time. And for it to end away so soon, felt like I missed some things.
But it's okay, i still loved it.
Kenma's personality really switched up in this one, hehe. I WANNA WATCH IT AGAIN, I miss them. Tsukki and Kurou bickering away politely, their chants, Bokuto and Aakashi in the background, Hinata and Kenma, Kageyama cutting off Hinata yet again while greeting Kenma, Daichi and Kurou, Suga san being the amazing hype man he is, Coach Ukai in the hospital going in for a handshake like he could feel that he's in the field, and so much moreeeee.
No spoilers from manga please.
Looking forward to the next launch.
I just really love them all. Truly. My absolute warmth.
Haikyuu isn't just a sports anime, it's literally so much more. And for me, it'll always be something that pulled me out of dark times, and I'm always going to be thankful for that. For the love and support these amazing characters bring me from their own journey, from their own ways. Thankyou. You have a place in my heart, a home.
So yesss, watch Haikyuu guys. And just, trust me, you'll love it.
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ushouldwatchhaikyuu · 3 months
been thinking abt,,,, tsukiyama,,,
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pandamito · 10 months
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Genshin Impact x Haikyuu!! - Noelle & Tadashi Yamaguchi
meme based on this post:
"if you're sad this is a sign to draw your two biggest comfort characters as the steven meme"
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bonez-and-gutz · 11 months
dumb boys, bad decisions, and clubs
hi!! this is part of my yamaguchi centric fanfic, it’s not finished but there will be updates!
WARNING!!! NSFW themes and descriptions of infidelity, panic attacks, and BAD coping mechanisms (don’t do anything tadashi does)
word count: 11,663
parings : tsukishima kei x yamaguchi tadashi, oikawa tooru x tershima yuuji x kuroo tetsurou x yamaguchi tadashi, tsukishima kei x oc
Yamaguchi Tadashi has it all: a full ride to his top college plus a sports scholarship, captain of his high school volleyball club, straight A’s, and the perfect boyfriend.
So when he sees the new first year manager on her knees between his boyfriend’s legs, he does what any sane person would do.
He fucks some of his old volleyball rivals.
NSFW warnings: infidelity, oral sex, foursome (mxmxmxm), fingering, anal sex, dom/sub dynamics, hair pulling, dacryphilia, overstimulation, everyone but tadashi is a switch, restraints, multiple orgasms, rough sex
tadashi is of legal age, just not of legal drinking age
hope you enjoy!!
Wind sifts in and out of the open gymnasium. Various pairs of volleyball shoes squeak and scuff up the worn wooden floor. A soft breeze briefly cools off the red-faced teenagers practicing hard inside.
If one were to glance into the building, one would see fifteen high school boys practicing their hardest, bodies being pushed to their limits. After all, competition season is only a few months away and they are going to nationals this year.
"Shoyo, here!" A loud and masculine voice yells out.
"On it!" With a quick movement, the boy sprints across the court only to slam his hand against the ball arcing through the air. He hits it with a scary kind of precision that causes the first years on the other side of the net to cower at the fear of being hit.
"Fuck yeah!" Hinata yells out at his victory with red cheeks and a heaving chest. Kageyama gives the boy a hard and enthusiastic high-five in congratulations.
"How was that, captain?"
Yamaguchi smiles at his friend's bond, "Amazing! Your freak set is getting freakier by the year!" He compliments.
The freckled boy (more like man) walks over to the basket full of volleyballs and grabs one from the pile. His kouhais across the court gulp, they know what's coming, it happens every practice.
Standing in the middle of the court, just behind the boundary line, Tadashi lets out a deep breath. He spins the ball in his hands once, twice, a final time. With a hefty toss, the ball ascends into the air and Yamaguchi runs toward it, eyes intense and focused.
As the ball hits its crest, he swings his right arm back expertly and palms the volleyball perfectly. He can practically smell the fear that radiates from the first years that cower on the other side of the net. The ball goes sailing past the net and the third-year holds his breath, hoping that the serve made it in. It starts to arc toward one of the first years near the corner of the court and Tadashi lets out a "Woohoo!!" at his almost perfect jump float serve.
The kids on the other side scramble to receive the ball. Number 3, a tall kid named Nirai Kenji (who reminds Yamaguchi a little bit too much of his former teammate Azumane Asahi) dives for the ball, his forearms make contact but the force of the spin causes the ball to shoot toward another teammate who ducks in surprise while shrieking like a goose. Tadashi smiles.
He prides himself on his serves and he's certainly gotten better since his first year. Tadashi's strength lies not in the power of his serves, but in the precision and technique. He prefers to spend hours honing his skill than going to the gym to gain muscles for force.
"Wooo!! Nice goin' cap'n!" Shoyo yells out, clapping his hands together. Tadashi bashly smiles at the praise, not used to the attention even while being the team captain.
He huffs happily and walks over to pick up another ball, “we’re doing this until one of you receives it back to me!” The first years groaned in response. Tadashi, Shoyo, and Tobio just laugh at the newbies’ mild annoyance. Even Hitoka chuckles at them.
While getting ready to set up his nth serve of the day, Tadashi spots a blonde head of hair coming through the door, though he almost misses the short first year nervously trailing behind him. Tadashi narrows his eyes slightly.
“Kei! You asshole, where have you been? Practice is halfway over already,” the captain questions his boyfriend. Tsukki just tuts at him.
“Mr. Nakamoto held me back, had to talk to me about university bullshit.” Yamaguchi narrows his eyes slightly, ’that shouldn’t take an hour and a half…’
Tadashi attempts to shrug it off but then remembers that all of the third years in the volleyball club had met with the counselors at the same time to prevent a missed practice. “Wait, but didn’t you-“
“Yo beanpole, get your ass over here and block for us,” Shoyo yells at Tsukki, eager to work on his precision spikes. Kei walks over to the eager ginger and adjusts his sports glasses. Even after all these years of knowing Kei and playing volleyball with him, Tadashi can’t help but snicker at the sports glasses. They make Kei look like a toddler who just got their first pair of glasses.
He sighs in response to his boyfriend’s aloof demeanor, having thought that the two of them had gotten past that wall of Tsukishima’s vulnerability. Upset at the interruption of Shoyo’s eagerness to practice, Tadashi huffs and walks back over to the cart full of volleyballs. A feeling of uneasiness settles in his gut, and he attempts to refocus his mind by hitting a multitude of difficult serves, but he just can’t get rid of that gruelingly gross feeling.
A few more hours of practice go by and at this point, Tadashi can’t feel the sting on his numbingly red hands. With sweat-soaked hair and clothes, he meanders his way over to the bench and grabs his dedicated towel.
He wipes himself off and grabs his icy cold water bottle, the condensation bringing back the stinging feeling that had left his hands hours ago. He lets his body relax into the cool bench as the metal creaks slightly underneath his weight. His shoulders sag down as he breathes heavily through open-mouthed pants.
Even after hours of grueling practice, Tadashi just can’t get Kei off of his mind, and it’s not for the normal hot boyfriend plus horny teenage boy reasons.
Something about him has been seeming off the past few weeks, maybe even a month now. He's been distant, cold, and dismissive. Tadashi haasn’t seen Kei like this since they were in middle school and Tadashi had his first kiss with an upperclassman right when Kei had planned to confess.
Not to mention the fact that Tadashi hasn’t had a good dicking since the start of April and it’s already halfway through June.
Being a third-year high school student guarantees a busy schedule, especially when you’re involved in clubs but Tadashi knows the ins and outs of Kei’s schedule. Suddenly, all of his free time seems to become preoccupied with everything but his needy and attractive volleyball captain of a boyfriend. Tadashi is just so entirely over it.
Taking another swig from his water bottle, Tadashi can see Tobio and Shoyo messing around in the corner. Sweaty, smiling faces entirely too close together and hands wandering to places that are not acceptable for out in the open.
He lets out a small frustrated puff, fully knowing that once practice is over the disgustingly cute couple will high-tail it out of the gym and straight to Tobio’s empty house where they will probably only resurface to the outside world to get water and food. And maybe a shower.
Tadashi decides that he’s going to use their tiny little horny brains to his advantage. Clapping his hands together loudly to draw everyone’s attention to him, he stands up to face the rest of the Karasuno Volleyball Club. His eyes scan the room and he quickly notes in his head that he doesn’t see his boyfriend in the crowd of sweaty teenagers.
“Alright! Practice for today is over and because I am your incredibly gracious captain, none of you have to stay after to clean!” He announces, throwing his arms out like the ringleader of a circus.
A chorus of excited hoots and hollers follow his announcement as all of his underclassmen scramble to grab their stuff. They sprint off to the locker room, eager to change out of their sweaty practice clothes and hang out for the rest of the night.
“Enjoy your freedom of a Friday night!” Tadashi calls after the gaggle of teenage boys.
Once the gym has cleared out for the most part, Tadashi walks to the volleyball cart and wheels it around the gym. He picks up stray volleyball after stray volleyball and tosses them into the bin. As he cleans, his teammates start to file out of the locker room. He says his goodbyes to all of them and makes sure to poke fun at the first years as they leave.
Hitoka finishes packing up her notes from practice and waves goodbye to Tadashi, “Goodnight Tada-kun! Have a good weekend.”
Tadashi waves back at her with a smile. Ever since she started dating Kiyoko there has been a shift in her demeanor. Hitoka has always been kind and bubbly, but even more so now. Once he’s finished picking up the volleyballs and the gym has cleared out for the night, Tadashi starts to wheel the ball cart over to the storage room doors.
“Well, looks like it’s just you and me Kei,” he turns to his side, expecting the tall teen to be near the entrance to the locker room but sees no evidence of him. Tadashi does a slow spin and scans his surroundings, concluding that he’s been left alone for the night.
“Goddammit!” He mutters under his breath, now left to clean up the mess by himself. Tadashi thought that at least Kei would stay back like they did last year. Cleaning time was more than just mopping on most days. He goes to his pocket to grab the storage room key when he notices the door is open, Weird. I thought I locked it up earlier.
His thoughts are interrupted by a loud moan coming from the closet. A moan he knows the sound of like he knows the back of his hand. His cheeks flush a brilliant pink as his heartbeat suddenly speeds up. With his shorts a little tighter than they were five minutes ago, Tadashi pushes the door open with a dopey smile, “Wow Kei-chan, couldn’t wait until we got home, huh?”
The third year is stopped dead in his tracks as he sees the first-year manager, Jinso Sidero, on her knees between Kei’s thighs, his shorts down with one hand tangled in her brown hair and the other tugging on her loosened uniform bow. Her skirt is pulled up over her hips, exposing her lacy underwear and her shirt and school blazer are strewn across the floor a few feet away from the couple.
Tadashi’s eyes widen as he looks at Kei, whose face displays a show of perfect, cheating pleasure. Kei opens his eyes to see his boyfriend and jumps, causing the girl sucking him off to gag at the sudden pressure. She makes a noise that can be interpreted as “What?”
“Shit!” Kei yells out as he makes eye contact with the shorter man.
“What the fuck?” Tadashi stumbles back into the door, his weight causing the door to swing back. The lack of backing causes him to fall sprawled out onto the gymnasium floor. Tears immediately spring up and his stomach lurches, absolutely nauseated. Without missing a beat, he scrambles up, runs to grab his bag, and sprints out of the gym.
Tadashi doesn’t look back.
Desperate, Kei tries to awkwardly run after him, shorts and boxers now pulled up. He gives up once he realizes that Tadashi is long gone.
“Fuck!” This is his first thought once he’s processed what happened. The frustrated blonde pulls at his hair and curses again. He looks to Sidero and without a beat, picks up her clothing, aggressively before haphazardly dressing her, and unceremoniously shoving her out of the storage closet.
“Babe wha-” the door slams shut before Sidero can finish her sentence. Kei slides down the other side of the door with his fists bunching up the fabric of his shorts so hard that his knuckles turn white.
He never planned for Tadashi to find out…
Tadashi’s chest is tight and it feels like a million bricks are being smashed into his head. His feet feel like they’re on fire but he pays hardly any attention to the gnawing pain. The brisk summer night kisses his face as the rushing wind dries the tears rolling down his cheeks.
By the time he’s reached his front door, Tadashi can’t breathe. He attempts to take huge, gasping breaths but the exhales just come out as broken sobs. He can barely see through the tears and his nose is clogged with snot. He breathes as violently as the rushing thoughts come in and out of his head.
What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck? What just happened? Was Kei really cheating on me? Of course he was, look at what they were doing you fuckwad!
His hands shake harshly as he fumbles with the keys in front of him, fingers sweaty and vision blurred. It takes him three tries before he’s finally able to find the right key and open the front door. Once inside, his body works on autopilot while his brain goes a million miles a minute.
Was I not good enough? Did I not satisfy him? Did he leave me because he can’t deal with someone like me? Of course he chose her, just look at her. Was I that bad? Why wasn’t I good enough?!
He stumbles his way upstairs, tripping up the steps and slamming into the wall on the way up. Both his backpack and his volleyball bag slide down his shoulders and off his arms. A loud thwump is registered in the back of Tadashi’s mind as the bags slump down the stairs, articles of clothes slip out of the half-zipped pratice bag.
Grappling with the handle on his bedroom door, he slams it shut behind him, thankful that his parents are out for the weekend. Bleary-eyed and stumbling, he makes it to the ensuite and practically wipes the countertop clean in the search for his Atarax. As soon as he spots the familiar orange bottle, he swipes it and begins the struggle to open it.
“Stupid fucking child safety caps!”
He’s just about to open to orange pill bottle when the familiar feeling of bile rushing up into his throat causes him to drop the medicine and toss himself over the open toilet bowl.
Scorching tears run down his face as everything he ate comes up until it’s nothing but stomach acid and spit. His shoulders shake with how violent the heaving is and his fingers ache from his vice-like grip on the porcelain toilet. Once he’s sure that everything has been emptied and that gut-wrenching feeling has finally subsided, he reaches up a shaky hand to flush the toilet.
Tadashi wipes his mouth and sits back on his knees before immediately grabbing and opening the rattling bottle of meds. Once the trusty green pills are in his hand, he collapses to the floor in a sobbing heap and dry swallows five of them. Four more than he needs.
The gross taste of slightly dissolved medicine sits unpleasantly on his tongue as Tadashi drags himself to the edge of the alcove before using all his might to turn on the cold water. He heaves himself up over the side of the tub and flops down into it.
Icy droplets of freezing cold water soak through his hair, shorts, and t-shirt, while burning hot tears soak the skin of his face and hands. His body shakes severely, and loud sobs echo throughout the shower as he grips his hair hard enough to rip it out. With white knuckles and red eyes, he lays down on his side and shivers.
Tadashi makes no moves to change the temperature of the water.
All he thinks about is what he’d done wrong, what he had done to deserve this. Memories circle through his mind, seven years' worth of friendship and five of which worth of dating washed down the drain.
Tadashi thought they would move in together after high school. That they’d get a house together and even have kids. That they would grow old together. They simply were just meant to be. Call him naive but Tadashi thought that his first love would be the love of his life. Even the first time they met was like something out of a television show or a movie.
Little Tadashi was being picked on by some bigger kids due to his small size and shy nature. They’d been shoving poor ten-year-old Tadashi around, rummaging through his bookbag and making fun of his cute drawings and doodles, even going so far as to tell him he’d never be able to play volleyball if he kept being small like that (though it’s not like Tadashi really had any control over when and how tall he grew...)
Tears had just started to spill from the young boy’s eyes when he heard an annoyed voice ‘tch’ at the sight.
“Can’t you guys pick on someone your own size? I mean, come on now. It’s pathetic.” Tadashi looked up to see a tall blonde-haired boy with the thickest glasses he’d ever seen looming over him and his bullies. His eyes widen exponentially at the sight of this new person, who he immediately recognizes as the tall scary boy from his class.
On the first day of school, Tadashi was instantly terrified of him as he was all of four foot nothing whilst Tsukki had been almost five feet tall already. While his brain processed what had come out of Tsukki’s mouth, the three boys that had been beating on him immediately stiffened up and ran off with nothing more than a measly squeal. Once sure that his tormenters were long gone, Tadashi calmly stood up, gathered his things, and walked over to the (even then) tall blonde boy.
“Thank you so much!” He yells as he bends at the waist, eyes closed tight and arms by his side. He stays that way until he hears a small “tch.”
“Get up. You don’t need to thank me. Next time, do it yourself,” the taller rudely tells Tadashi off with a roll of his eyes and turns to start walking away.
Noticing the white tennis shoes leave his vision, Tadashi straightens up and scrambles after the blonde. He runs ahead of him and stops in front of him, panting slightly.
“What’s…what’s your name?” Tadashi manages to puff out, hands resting on his knees as he attempts to catch his breath. A silent moment passes between them and as the silence continues to fill the air, a knot of anxiousness starts growing in Tadashi’s stomach at the lack of an answer.
Nervous, he stood back up to his full height again and stared directly into those smart yellow eyes.
“Tsukishima Kei,” the little elementary-aged Tsukki answered him with an aloof expression.
“I’m Yamaguchi Tadashi,” he smiled back, eyes full of happiness.
From then on, the two had been entirely inseparable. The boys spent almost every single waking moment together. They had countless sleepovers, video game sessions, playful volleyball matches, and smiles.
By the time they’d hit middle school, the dynamic between the two shifted, to what, neither knew at the time. Gone were the small smiles and days of personal space. The two boys would stare at each other whenever they thought the other wasn’t looking, eyes full of want and love. Each of them found every single excuse to touch each other, whether it was a brush of the fingers, a small kick, or even the occasional full-blown hug.
Tadashi was twelve years old when he realized that he liked boys. Terrified and scared, he went to his best friend with tears in his eyes and shaking hands with the expectation that Tsukki would beat him up and call him a fairy or even a slur.
Instead, he got unconditional love and support along with the confession that Tsukki was actually gay as well. With that knowledge, Yamaguchi finally spilled to Tsukki that he had a huge crush on their upperclassman and volleyball club captain, Kazuhira Hayate.
The day that Yamaguchi got his first kiss from Kazuhira was the day that he and Tsukishima started dating. Tsukki walked briskly to the gymnasium, a letter in a pink envelope grasped so tightly in his left hand that the paper threatened to rip, and a bouquet of Tadashi’s favourite flower and walked in on Yamaguchi getting his first kiss. Tsukki felt so betrayed and upset that he threw the beautiful bouquet of pink camellias to the ground with a sharp ‘thwap!’ The pink letter followed soon thereafter.
Startled by the sound, Tadashi broke from the kiss and turned to see Kei running hurriedly out of the classroom, hands wiping his face as the dam of tears broke. Without another thought, Tadashi picked up the forgotten items and sprinted behind his best friend.
Once Tadashi had finally caught up with Kei, he could see the taller boy’s puffy eyes and red nose clearly, he could even see the little tears that threatened to spill over. Arguing and yelling ensued afterward until finally, finally, Kei grabbed the letter he’d written. He ripped it open without remorse and read it, bleary-eyed and embarrassed. It was then that they had their first kiss together and it marked the beginning of a relationship that Tadashi thought would last until the stars collided.
How naive he was, Tadashi can’t help but ponder over the innocence of their beginning. It certainly feels like the stars collided now. As if the entire universe was pulling the Earth closer and closer to the Sun until everything was wiped out in a brilliant display of white light.
He struggles to sit up in the tub. With his entire body shaking from the cold and the panic running through his system, it’s difficult to do anything. With tremoring hands, he reaches over and turns off the water but makes no moves to leave the tub.
He just sits there.
By the time he’s calmed himself down enough to leave the cold safety of the bathtub, the window outside tells him that the sun has set. It's been at least an hour and a half since he caught his (assumingly now ex) boyfriend getting sucked off by what Yamaguchi used to think was the innocent new first-year manager.
He wants to forget. Tadashi wants to take out his brain and cut away the memory of that experience and throw it straight into the garbage disposal.
But, he can’t do that. He can, however, do the next best thing.
It’s good that he still has the fake ID that Shoyo made him get.
Head still buzzing, Tadashi strips off the soaking wet clothes and throws them into a plopping, sopping wet pile on the bathroom tile. He turns the shower back on and washes away his anxiety, now coming up with various ways he can score a stranger and one night stand his problems away for twelve hours.
Once finished with his shower, he towels himself off and picks out the sluttiest outfit that he owns. The tight high-waisted black pants show off the fat curve of his ass and display his strong thighs from years of volleyball conditioning. He leaves the top three buttons of his flowy white blouse open to showcase his collarbones and unmarked neck.
Tadashi is almost one hundred percent sure this outfit will warrant him a good fuck or at the very least, a makeout session steamy enough to fog up the mirror in his brain. He styles his hair so that it frames his face. A little bit of shimmery eyeshadow decorates his lids and a swipe of eyeliner extends the natural shape of his dark brown eyes. A dab of highlighter enunciates his features.
As he walks out of the bathroom, Tadashi glances at the photo sitting proudly and undisturbed on his desk.
It was captured when he and Kei had their third anniversary, a week after Kei’s fifteenth birthday. They were at a park between their houses and they were smiling brightly in the picture, faces full of glee and love.
Tadashi walks over to the photo and chucks it into the trash to be forever forgotten in a pile of pencil shavings and messed-up chemistry notes. He grabs his keys off the floor of his bedroom and trudges downstairs, not bothering to move the two bags at various places of descension.
With a final huff, he opens his front door and slams it shut behind him. He locks it before turning around and making his way into town on foot.
The cool summer breeze nips and kisses his face as he walks down the sidewalk. His eyes search the streets, looking for anything to focus on. He settles on the girls in front of him. They’re probably around sixteen and they still have their school uniforms on, they probably just finished with cram school and are headed for some light-hearted fun. Probably karaoke.
As Tadashi walks, the night continues, the bright lights of the stars dimmed from the light pollution of Miyagi’s city-like town center. A familiar greenish-blue glow shines on his face, the neon glow inviting him back into a club he hasn’t been to in years.
The last time he came here, he was sixteen and he and Tsukishima were trying to get as fucked up as they possibly could to erase the image of the two of them walking in on Coach Ukai and Takeda fucking in the club room.
Without another moment, Tadashi pulls out his fake ID and walks up to the bouncer. The burly man in front of the door barely gives a glance at it before letting him through. As soon as Tadashi crosses the threshold, the smell of sweat, booze, and sex fill the air, and God is he ready to join the people dancing away on the dance floor.
He heads straight to the bar and orders an amaretto with pineapple juice. The sweet bartender smiles at him, recognizing the distress on his face. She also notes that he probably wants to get fucked up. Fruity drinks are the best way to do so.
“Bad day?” She questions as she pours juice into the liqueur.
“Fuck, you could say that,” he responds back, his excited smile turning into a grimace.
“What happened?” She grabs a little umbrella and uses it as a stir stick, hoping that the cute little garnish will help brighten Tadashi’s day a little bit.
“I just caught my boyfriend of five years cheating on me.”
“Shit. Well, it’s a good thing I made this one a bit heavy-handed. Go out there and show him what he’s missing, yeah?” She finishes off the conversation and slides the drink over the counter.
Tadashi glances down at her name tag, “thanks Yukio.”
He leans against the bar and looks around the room, taking in the sight of people of various genders and sexualities grinding and dancing against each other to the beat of the music. In less than five minutes, he’s already almost finished with the fruity cocktail and is two shots of tequila away from going to the dance floor.
He turns back to Yukio to order said shots of tequila and closes his tab for the night, giving her a generous tip as a thanks. He forgoes the salt and slams back the first shot, not even bothering to suck on the lime wedge served with it.
He takes the second one like it’s intended to, the lime leaving a pleasant sting in his mouth. Without another thought, Tadashi fixes his blouse and heads out onto the dance floor.
Once he’s there, he loses himself in the music. Running his hands up and down his body and through his hair, he mouths along to the lyrics of Kai’s ‘Mmmh.’ his hips move to the music. He’s so caught up in his own world that he doesn’t notice the multitude of hungry eyes staring at him from across the club, the lovely mix of alcohol and his meds muffling his mind.
Oikawa can’t believe his eyes. He never expected Yamaguchi to come to Secrets on a Friday night, especially since it seems that he came on his own.
The tall brunet saw him come in, full of disbelief until the little freckles scattered across the younger man’s face confirmed what he hoped was true. Tadashi Yamaguchi walked into Miyagi’s only gay bar.
Oikawa looked around when Tadashi came in, expecting that someone had been waiting for him but he saw no sight of any of the Karasuno third years.
Next to him, Kuroo is talking up a gaggle of girls, playfully flirting with them with no intention of taking them home. He came into this outing with the mindset that he was going to be buried balls deep in Tooru once they got home. Tooru nudges the black haired man’s shoulder, drawing his attention away from the giggling girls.
“Hey, babe. What’s up?” Tetsurou questions his almost-boyfriend. Oikawa points to the dance floor where Tadashi is uncaringly grinding his ass against the crotch of a man with strong arms and a gross, sweaty face.
“Look Tetsu, it’s our little pinch server. He’s all grown up!” Tooru points out the younger boy to Tetsurou and the man squints his eyes.
Tooru leans up to Tetsu’s ear, “And he’s all alone.” As the sentence is processed in Kuroo’s head, a large smirk curls unto his face.
“Well then, I guess this old cat is going to pounce.” Oikawa rolls his eyes and urges Kuroo to go tell Terushima.
“Tell him to meet us on the dance floor, let’s see how this night goes,” Tooru finishes as he downs the rest of his whiskey, the cool liquid burning his throat as it goes and he walks onto the dance floor. As he gets closer he sees the small smile on Tadashi’s face and he can’t help but admire just how pretty he’s gotten.
When Oikawa first saw Yamaguchi during Aoba Johsai’s practice match with Karasuno, he was immediately stricken with the boy. He was decidedly disappointed when he saw Yamaguchi give Tsukishima a celebratory kiss after Karasuno scored the match point.
So, like any logical teenager, he moped about it to Iwaizumi until he got fed up with Oikawa’s shenanigans and shoved Oikawa onto Kuroo and Terushima.
By the time Yuuji and Tetsurou met Karasuno for the first time they knew pretty much everything there was to know about Tadashi. His height, his favourite food, his relationship with Tsukishima, his position, and almost everything else.
The three of them finally talked about their mutual attraction to Yamaguchi during a party thrown at Matsukawa’s house after the inter-high preliminaries where a game of spin the bottle threw up feelings that all three of them had been pushing down since middle school.
That night was the first that marked the mutually beneficial relationship that the three of them had which consisted of fucking, cuddling, and being almost-but-not-quite-boyfriends.
Then, Tadashi had just been a cute little first year that all three of them wanted to ruin so badly. They wanted to fuck and love him so thoroughly that he would never want anyone else. The Tadashi that Tooru sees in from of him is different.
This Tadashi’s face is thinner, his jawbone sharp enough to carve marble and his creamy skin practically begs for Oikawa to sink his teeth into the flesh. His cheeks are covered in a healthy glow of pink, the alcohol tinting his fair skin. His thighs have gotten bigger, more muscular but still lean. No doubt from practising every day for hours on end. Along with his thighs, his ass also filled out. Oikawa can feel his mouth watering at the thought of what it would look like marked up and covered in something less than PG.
Without another thought, he shoves himself in between Tadashi and the ogre-like man behind him and sends said man a glare that says “fuck off or I’ll castrate you.” The man looks at Oikawa, a little perturbed, and leaves without a word.
Tooru places his hands on Tadashi’s hips and guides them back to grind the younger’s ass against his clothed dick.
He then leans his head close to Tadashi’s ear, “Hey, baby. Long time no see?”
Tadashi recognizes the voice as soon as it enters his ears and he lets out a breathy “fuck” before turning himself around in Oikawa’s arms to face him.
“Hey pretty, what are you doing here?” Tooru questions him, genuinely curious. At the inquiry, Tadashi groans and buries his face into the crook of Tooru’s neck. He inhales deeply, taking an extra long whiff of the cologne Oikawa had sprayed on earlier.
“Kei cheated on me. I just want to forget for a while,” he mumbles into his shoulder. Oikawa looks down at him in surprise, not expecting that news but welcoming it wholeheartedly.
He smiles, “Would you like us to help you forget?”
Tadashi looks up questioningly, “Us?”
Oikawa then points over to Yuuji and Tetsurou, who are currently making their way across the dance floor, awkwardly dancing their way through people.
Tadashi looks up at him and pleads, “Yes. Oh God, please.”
Tooru smirks, “Good choice.” He then spins the boy around once more and presses his hand against Tadashi’s lower stomach, pushing their hips together. Then, he leans his head down and bites lightly at his neck. Tadashi groans in pleasure at the feeling, his head lolling back against Tooru’s shoulder.
With closed eyes, Tadashi allows himself to get lost in the feeling of Oikawa’s hands and lips on his body. He feels like there’s a fire burning between his legs and his head feels fuzzy in the best way. Two new pairs of hands find purchase on his body, one hand sliding underneath the open collar of his shirt to run over the expanse of his chest.
He opens his eyes to see two pairs of eyes, one the colour of roasted almonds and the other a piercing yellow. Testsurou stands in front of him, hands squeezing Tadashi’s thighs and caressing his lower stomach while Yuuji uses his cold hands to tease his chest. Without another beat, Tadashi raises his right arm and grabs a fistful of Yuuji’s dyed hair and smashes their lips together.
The kiss is open-mouthed and messy and definitely not the best kiss Tadashi’s had but at that moment it felt like he was lip-locked with Eros himself.
Eagerly, Yuuji kisses him back with a slight smirk, his tongue piercing causing a weird but pleasurable sensation. The hand that was under Tadashi’s shirt drags itself across his chest and lightly tweaks his nipple. Yuuji’s eyebrows elevate slightly as his fingertips feel the distinct coldness of a steel piercing.
“Fuck!” Tadashi moans, his hips jolting as he throws his head back. As the kiss breaks, a lewd string of saliva connects their lips together.
Yuuji is in no rush to tell the other two men about his discovery of Tadashi’s naughty nipple piercings. Tetsurou leans over and laps at the saliva before bringing his lips to meet Yuuji’s. The two men make out heatedly, licking and nipping and kissing at each other in ways that have Tadashi rutting his ass back into Tooru’s dick carelessly.
Tooru breaks his lips from Tadashi’s neck, “does that turn you on baby? Seeing two hot guys making out in front of you, sharing your spit?”
Tadashi breathlessly nods his head in response and Tooru tuts at him.
“Use your words baby.”
Tadashi swallows the lump in his throat, “I love it, sir.”
Tooru’s eyes widen at the title before his lips stretch out into a Cheshire-like grin. He pushes Tetsurou’s hands off of the younger and the black haired man gives little resistance as he is too busy swallowing Yuuji’s tongue.
Tooru lightly drags his hands from Tadashi’s hips down over his stomach and to the tops of his thighs. Teasingly, he splays his fingers and brushes oh so gently at the sides of Tadashi’s groin. Yuuji notices the movement and once again squeezes his nipple.
“Hnn..fuck me!” Tadashi keens with closed eyes, his resolve dissipating even more as his body is teased and tweaked at by the men that he has had secret crushes on since his first year.
“Since you asked so nicely,” Tooru responds teasingly.
“Open your eyes for me, pet.”
Tadashi opens his eyes and is once again met with the sight of pretty amber ones, but these eyes are shaded by a pair of thick glasses.
“Kei?” He questions, pulling away slightly from Tooru’s hold. Tetsurou follows Tadashi’s eye line to see Kei standing there, mouth agape and eyes wide.
Kei had gone to the club for the same reason Tadashi did: to forget. What he didn’t expect was to see the boy he cheated on dancing with (practically fucking) three of the hottest people that Kei had ever seen. If the blonde thought they were hot as celebrities in high school, then now all three of them were like gods.
“C’mon baby, let’s give that cheater a show,” Yuuji tells Tadashi with a smirk before pinching and tweaking at the younger’s peaked nipples, causing a hearty moan to leave his throat as Tadashi keeps eye contact with Kei.
Tooru moves his hands to palm over Tadashi’s clothed dick and he ruts up into the touch.
Tetsurou had joined Tooru behind him and began to leave marks of his own.
Tadashi, all consumed by the feelings that they’re leaving on his body, doesn’t realize that Kei had stormed off with a red face and eyes full of hurt.
He just wants more of everything that they’re giving him.
“Please. Please fuck me. Take me home and ruin me, please,” Tadashi begs the three of them with lidded eyes, his brows furrowed and face flushed. Tetsurou, Tooru, and Yuuji all share a single look and without saying a single word, they all know each other’s thoughts.
Wordlessly, all but Tetsurou break away from him and Tadashi whines at the loss of stimulation. Said man leads him across the dance floor, assisting the boy through the clusters and crowds of dancing people and out of the club. Tooru goes to quickly collect their things while Yuuji closes the tab they racked up.
The late night summer air kisses Tadashi’s cheeks and he takes a deep breath in through his nose and exhales it out his mouth. He looks up at Tetsurou who is standing next to him, phone in hand. Tadashi can make out the loading screen for Uber.
Ah, responsible as ever.
Without the three pairs of hands on his body, the musty smell of alcohol and weed, the blaring music, and the hot bodies all around him, Tadashi can think properly.
He hasn’t seen any of the boys since Yuuji graduated high school last year (Tadashi was invited to his grad party). They’ve all changed so much since that fleeting night that he can’t really remember. Yuuji had brought out enough edibles to render all of them useless for fifteen hours so that night is mostly a blur.
They all look…older. Now Tadashi can really see how much of an adult Tetsurou looks like. His jaw is defined and his cheekbones are higher than Suna on a Saturday. His eyes are the same dangerously seductive yellow that he remembers but now they have a layer of maturity to them.
Tadashi knows that this is probably a stupid decision, in a lot of ways. He’s sleeping with people that know Tsukki and all of their friends and he’s doing it all at once. Tadashi can also tell that there is some sort of existing relationship between Yuuji, Tetsurou, and Tooru but he can’t tell exactly what it is. He’d hate to be the one to come between a relationship, even more so after he’s been cheated on.
That thought brings him back to why he is doing this.
Tsukishima Kei, his boyfriend of five years, cheated on him with their first-year manager. Suddenly, Tadashi doesn’t care. He doesn’t care that Tsukishima was hurt at the sight of Tadashi having fun and getting the pleasure he’s been missing for almost two and a half months.
Tsukishima Kei does not deserve Tadashi’s forgiveness or his time and so Tadashi concludes to himself that he’s going to fuck three hot men tonight and deal with everything tomorrow morning.
Like an adult.
Tadashi looks back up at Tetsurou and admires the way that the blueish light highlights his features. The tall man looks down at him and Tadashi wills himself not to avert eye contact.
“I know, I know, I’m devastatingly handsome. Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” Tetsurou winks and Tadashi laughs at his response and walks up close to him, a plan in mind.
He puts a hand on Tetsu’s shoulder and tilts his head up, “Whatever you want, Captain,” he then pushes up onto his toes and connects their lips together into a sensual kiss. Tetsurou groans deeply into the kiss, the name tickling him in the recesses of his perverted brain. Tadashi can feel Tetsurou’s teeth scraping his bottom lip as the kiss gets deeper.
A low, teasing whistle sounds out, interrupting the intimate moment. The two pull away from each other to see Tooru and Yuuji standing there with dopey smiles and knowing eyes plastered on their stupidly smug faces.
“All worked up over a little kiss? Testu~ you’re losing your touch!” Tooru teases the slightly taller man as he eyes the erection that’s starting to press through Tetsurou’s slacks.
Tetsurou shoves Tooru’s shoulder with a grumble, “Oh shut up. That boy is a little minx!” Yuuji raises his eyebrows in response, intrigued by his lover’s word choice.
“Oh? And just what did this “little minx” do that caused our composed Kuroo Tetsurou to blush like a teenage virgin?” Yuuji teases, getting up close to Tetsurou’s face.
“He fuckin’ called me Captain,” Tetsurou mumbles out, his eyes cast to the ground and his cheeks red as roses.
Yuuji raises his brows, surprised at his answer and chuckles before turning to look at Tadashi, “My, my. Who knew our boy was such a pervert? Tell me baby, when was the last time that shitty ex of yours made you cum?”
Tadashi’s face bursts into a bright red blush and that burning feeling that was present in his groin earlier was back again at full force. He said “our” boy.
Yuuji bends at the waist, pushing his face into Tadashi’s, much like he just did to Tetusurou. With a conniving grin, he takes a strand of fringe that had fallen into Tadashi’s eyes and twirls it around his long index finger.
“I- well we, I mean I haven’t…uhm,” Tadashi’s brain shuts off from his mouth and he can’t seem to string together any semblance of a coherent sentence. He fumbles with his fingers in front of him, the way that Yuuji’s speaking causes his brain to short-circuit.
It’s been so long since, not only his body, but his brain, was teased like this.
The last few times that Tadashi and Kei had sex were quick and weirdly, not very intimate. There was a lack of pet names and kissing and Tadashi’s favourite thing, a careful mix of degradation and praise. This sudden influx of humiliating yet attractive conversation has him and his hard dick reeling in need.
“I- well, we” Yuuji mocks, “C’mon babe, it’s okay. We all know that you haven’t been getting dicked properly. We’re here to help you fix that, right?”
Dumbly, Tadashi just nods in response and swallows loudly.
“Good boy.” Tadashi’s knees go weak at the pet name and it takes all of his effort not to buckle down into the ground. How is he going to get through the night if he’s this worked up and they’ve barely touched him?
Right at that moment, the Uber that Tetsurou had ordered earlier pulls up to the curb and Yuuji stands up and saunters his way over to the car.
He’s proud that he can reduce Tadashi into a puddle of want just with some (what he considers to be) light teasing and a simple pet name.
Tetsurou huffs at Yuuji’s behavior, just happy that he’s not on the receiving end of the blonde’s incessant flirting for once.
Tooru walks up to Tadashi and smiles, “You seem like you need some help getting to the car.”
Tadashi just holds out his hand and Tooru gladly takes it, leading the younger to the silver Nissan that Yuuji and Tetsurou have already climbed into. With wobbly legs, Tadashi climbs into the car with Tooru’s help and the two of them go to the back of the car and sit in the third row of seats.
Tadashi melts into the seat, so thankful to finally be off of his feet. He’s been so caught up in the events of the day that he hadn’t realized just how much pain he was in. Between practice, sprinting home, and dancing, his feet are now burning with how exhausted they are.
The ride to the three college students’ apartment is mostly smooth and Tadashi is grateful for the reprieve that his brain (and his dick) has been granted. That is, until Tooru begins to run his right hand up and down Tadashi’s thigh, dangerously close to his half-hard cock.
The little touches flutter up and down his thighs. Sometimes, Tooru’s hand inches right above his dick but before he touches it, the feeling is dragged back up over his lower stomach. Butterflies settle in Tadashi’s tummy and he opens his legs wider, allowing Tooru more space to toy with. It takes everything in him not to moan out when Tooru finally touches him right where he wants it. Tooru’s fingers brush over Tadashi’s cock in feather-like motions, light enough to cause some long awaited stimulation but too light to give him what he really wants.
Now, Tooru’s fingers go from trailing up and down Tadashi’s shaft, to drawing little circles around his swollen balls and back up again. Every once in a while, a finger draws down enough to swipe right at the edge of Tadashi’s clothed, clenching hole. The teasing causes Tadashi’s previously half-hard cock to turn into a full stiffie.
To Tadashi, it feels as though the teasing has been going on for hours when in reality it’s been maybe ten minutes at most. He’s so lost in the feeling of Tooru’s fingers and the effort of trying to control his sounds that he doesn't know that the car’s stopped, he only notices the lack of touch on his dick as Tooru pulls his hand away. He tries to suppress a whine as the light pressure dissipates. One look from Tooru is all he needs to know that he needs to stay quiet, at least until the four of them are inside the apartment.
With help once more, Tadashi gets out of the SUV and stands on shaky legs, his erection presses up against the seam of his trousers, causing little sparks of pleasure to travel up his spine. His eyebrows furrow up in concentration as he tries to suppress the urge to thrust his hips up at the feeling.
Yuuji sends him a knowing look and Tadashi immediately blushes and shys away from his gaze, embarrassed that the blonde haired man saw what was going on in the back of the car. He ignores Yuuji’s gaze and instead moves to walk behind Tetsurou, who is eagerly making his way up the stairs.
Tadashi follows behind on wobbly legs and puts most of his weight onto the handrails that are helping him navigate the stairs without falling backward. As he walks up the stairs, Tadashi can feel two pairs of lustful eyes staring at him. Deciding to rile them up while he can (and while he’s in the safety of a public space) Tadashi adds a little bit of extra sway to his hips and purposefully pushes his ass out a little more than he needs to when he climbs up the next stair.
The teasing action is rewarded by one of the men behind him striking him across the behind with a crisp smack, the hit landing right on the meaty part of his ass. The stinging sensation that follows afterward has Tadashi tensing up at the feeling and letting out a small moan. He stops where he is for a split second before attempting to regain his composure and make it up the last half a dozen steps.
By the time he’s gotten to the top of the stairs and Tetsurou is unlocking the door to the little apartment, Tadashi is shaking in anticipation. He’s so ready to get destroyed by the three men that tower above him, so excited to get thoroughly fucked and used and ruined.
As soon as Tetsurou swings the door open, Tooru moves in front of Tadashi and gives him a command, “Jump.” He does as he’s asked and the strong setter holds him by his thighs, Tadashi’s legs wrap around his sinfully small waist. As soon as Tooru has adjusted to the added weight, he’s walking forward into the apartment with his hands groping every inch of Tadashi’s ass and thighs he can reach, any thought of modesty thrown to the wolves.
Yuuji and Tetsurou follow the two men into Tooru’s room, where he’s taking their new lover. Their eyes are dark and their pupils are so blown out that only a sliver of their irises can be seen. The sight in front of them has both of them getting hotter and hotter and Yuuji has to make an effort to rip his eyes away from the scene in front of him in order to close the front door.
Once Tooru is standing over his bed, he leans down and lets go of Tadashi’s thighs. Tadashi plops down onto the mattress and Tooru quickly follows. Laying down on top of the length of Tadashi’s body, Tooru brings the two of them into a sloppy open-mouted kiss. The sanctuary of the apartment grants both of them the needed permission to make as much noise as they please.
Tooru moves down from the other man’s lips to trail wet kisses and suckle marks into his jawline. He gets to the spot of Tadashi’s neck that’s right under the angle of his jaw and sucks hard. The stimulation causes Tadashi to moan out, “Fuck! That’s so good, sir!” His hips buck up against Tooru’s, causing their clothed dicks to rub up against each other in a moment of euphoria.
“Shit, baby. You feel so good,” Tooru compliments in response to the glorious pressure against his dick, something he’s been yearning for since him, Yuuji, and Tetsurou initially left their apartment. Tetsurou and Yuuji watch the scene unfold as the two of them strip down into nothing but their boxers, matching dark spots of pre stain the fabric and do nothing to hide the fact that both men are aroused. They walk to seperate sides of the bed and simultaneously kneel on the mattress, their added weight causing the two men exploring each other to look up at the disturbance.
Tetsurou leans over and gently pushes Tooru up so that his and Tadashi’s chests are no longer touching each other, but now Tooru’s ass is sitting directly above Tadashi’s dick. Without hesitation, Tooru uses this new position to grind down onto the younger. His balls rub up against the length of Tadashi’s shaft and he lets out sighs of pleasure at the release of pressure on his groin. “Oh my god!” Tadashi keens, his mouth falling open due to the pleasure.
Tetsurou makes quick work of unbuttoning the youngest’s shirt but stops his task as soon as he sees the two shining metal bars that poke out of each side of Tadashi’s nipples. His brain stops for a second as he drags his nails along Tadashi’s lean stomach.
“Oh god baby, look at you,” he groans out at the sight, hands coming up to twist and pull at the piercings. He turns to look at Yuuji, who has pulled out his hard cock from the confines of his boxers and is currently stroking himself slowly, a prince albert decorates the head and glints against the soft glow of the lamp light.
“Why didn’t you tell me that this little vixen had his nipples pierced?” Tetsurou emphasizes the inquiry by tugging harshly on the metal and pulling a moan out of Tadashi’s mouth that is so sinful Satan himself would blush at the sound.
“Wanted to- hnng- surprise you,” Yuuji grunts out as he fucks his fist to the sight in front of him, a wet shlick noise joining the cacophany of erotic sounds in the room.
“Well you sure as shit did,” Tetsurou comments as he removes his hands from Tadashi’s nipples, which now sit stiff and senstive. The black haired man lifts his shoulders off of the bed slightly to get Tadashi completely out of his shirt. As the sleeves fall down Tadashi’s shoulders, he can feel Tooru’s weight shift off of him and feels the setter’s deft fingers pulling on the zipper of his pants followed by the button coming undone.
Tadashi lifts his hips as best he can to aid Tooru in pulling down his pants and boxers. The brunet yanks his own pants down along with Tadashi’s and throws them somewhere in the bedroom. He’ll deal with the mess tomorrow. He eagerly yanks his shirt up and off his head. Tadashi squirms underneath the older man’s gaze, his chestnut brown eyes full of both lust and longing.
The younger gazes up at Tooru intensely, taking in his nude form that Tadashi swears must be the inspiration for countless Greek statues. His chisled abs look strong and Tadashi wants to run his tongue over every hill and through every valley of his torso. His Adonis belt is defined and points Tadashi’s eyes directly down to look at Tooru’s fat, flushed cock.
He wants to grovel at Tooru’s feet and worship every inch of him. Tadashi wants to kiss up and down his aroused dick and wants to know what the setter would feel like on the inside. Probably something akin to the finest velvet produced.
“You’re so perfect, like a God,” he mumbles out to himself, not entirely aware that he’d said that aloud. On top of him, Tooru moans out at the praise and rocks his hips onto Tadashi’s again as a reward.
“As much as I would love for you to worship me, today it’s our turn to worship you, baby,” Tooru says as he presses his hands on the top of Tadashi’s thighs, now grinding against him in a dizzingly pleasurable rhythm. The feeling of their bare cocks rubbing against one another has Tadashi’s head reeling in pleasure. Tetsurou resumes his work on the youngest’s sensitive nipples, determined to get him to cum for the first time of the night.
“Fuck! More…more please!” Tadashi whines out, his hips bucking up against Tooru’s erractically. Yuuji gets up from his position at the end of bed and moves to sit next to Tadashi’s head. Said boy turns to look at him, eye watery and pupils blown.
“Plea…se,” he begs pathetically, brows drawn up tight and face scrunched in pleasure. Yuuji looks down at him and brings a hand to his face. He caresses the side of Tadashi’s forehead, gently petting his ruffled hair down.
“This is all you’re getting right now, pet. So be a good boy and take it for me, okay?” Yuuji smirks down at Tadashi, who whines in disappointment but ultimately begins to let himself become more immersed in the pleasure his body is feeling.
“That’s a good boy. Just feel it. Feel the way that Tooru is working your cocks together. Feel Tetsu’s tongue on your nipple. Does it feel good, love?” Yuuji questions, bringing his hand back to his own straining dick. He runs his hand over the shaft, the pressure just enough to be pleasurable and keep him aroused, but definitely not enough to make him cum any time soon.
Tadashi nods his head in response, his shining eyes full of lust and what can only be described as wonder. The movement of his hips becomes more aggressive and his back starts to arch up into Tetsurou’s touch even more.
“Hnng I’m gonna cum!” Tadashi exclaims, already almost at the peak of his orgasm.
“Go ahead baby, come for us,” Tetsurou says as he pinches and pulls at Tadashi’s puffy nipples. Tadashi’s entire body shakes as his orgasm starts to wash over him, intense and almost overwhelming.
His cock kicks as white ropes of cum spurt out, the hot sticky liquid staining his own chest and Tooru’s dick and chest. The sight of Tadashi cumming underneath him causes Tooru to reach his own peak.
Tetsurou and Yuuji both pull back slightly to look at the two men that lay in front of them. The sight of Tadashi and Tooru cumming all over each other with their hips still grinding in order to prolong their orgasms leaves both of them groaning and fisting their cocks. Once again, not enough to make them cum, but enough to give them pleasure.
A solid three minutes have passed by the time that both Tadashi and Tooru’s orgasms have washed over them. The older practically collapses on top of Tadashi as both of them breathe heavily, smearing their cum together on their stomachs.
“That was…” Tooru starts breathlessly, “amazing.” Swallowing roughly, Tadashi responds. “Fuck, I don’t think I’ve come that hard in a fucking year.” He chuckles, the endorphins that come from sex still fogging up his brain. He begins to shift under Tooru and push the older man off of him, thinking that this night of sex is over.
“Woah, woah. Where are you going?” Tetsurou questions, using his hand to push Tadashi back down. Confused, he just looks back up at the black haired man.
“I thought we were done? I mean, I already came,” Tadashi responds, genuinely naive to the thought of how this night was going to go.
Almost simultaneously, the other three men bust out in a great deal of laughter, Tetsurou’s howling drowning out the other two’s. Puzzled, Tadashi looks at them, starting to feel a bit self conscious as he awkwardly chuckles along.
“Oh, baby…do you mean to tell me that Kei would only make you cum once?” Yuuji questions, his eyes containing a predatory glint to them that has Tadashi shrinking back into the bed. With big eyes, he nods at Yuuji.
“Oh, no no. That just won’t do,” Yuuji tuts in fake sympathy, “See baby, I want to ruin you. I want you to cum so much that you can’t think of anything that’s not us and the pleasure you’re feeling. Okay?”
“Shit!” Tadashi’s eyes roll back into his head and he almost cums again just from Yuuji’s words right then and there. Tooru pulls himself off of Tadashi to see that his cock is already filling back up again. “I can’t believe you haven’t been played with like this before, especially since your body wants it so badly,” Tooru smirks as he drags a finger from the head of Tadashi’s flushed cock, down the swell of his balls, and around the rim of his fluttering asshole.
“Unhh, Tooru!” Tadashi keens as Tooru runs his finger around the taught ring of muscle. Gently, Tooru pushes Tadashi’s thighs apart to gain more access to his quivering hole.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty, baby,” he comments as he ducks his head down in between the smaller man’s legs. Tooru’s tongue darts out to lap at his entrance, tasting a mix of his and Tadashi’s dripping cum. Tetsurou holds Tadashi’s head in his hands and urges him to open his eyes and look at him.
“Here’s what’s going to happen, pet. Tooru is going to open you up for me with his tongue and fingers and then you’ll sit on my dick. Then, you’re gonna let Yuuji sit on yours, alright?” He explains vulgarly, excited yellow eyes piercing through Tadashi’s hungrily.
Tadashi nods in agreement but the silent answer only earns him a pinch on the thigh from Tooru. He yelps in response.
“Tooru’s right baby, you need to use your words. So tell us, is that alright?” Tetsurou asks, an air of dominance surrounding him that hadn’t been there for most of the night.
“Yes, sirs!” Tadashi wastes no time in answering, fully believing that the three of them would have absolutely no problem with punishing him if they thought it appropriate. As a reward, Tooru begins to work a finger into Tadashi’s tight ass, using a mixture of spit and cum as lube. The intruision sparks a strong of sinful moans from Tadashi’s gaping mouth.
“Oh, you’re such a good boy. Look at you,” Tetsurou coos down at him, taking note of the way that Tadashi’s eyes have almost completely glazed over. He looks over to Yuuji and beckons him to come look at the ruined man laying on the bed.
Tooru continues to scissor Tadashi open, his tongue pushing against the man’s rim. By the time he’s able to add another finger, Tadashi is starting to grind his hips back into Tooru’s hand and face.
“Look at him, under and happy. Like a natural born whore,” he comments as he brushes his hands through Tadashi’s hair comfortingly. At the compliment, Tadashi���s back starts to arch once more, showing the other three that he’s once again close to an orgasm.
Right as his back starts to arch, Tooru pulls his fingers out of Tadashi’s ass and gives his inner-thigh one last cheeky bite. Tadashi’s hips twitch as his orgasm evades him, whines pouring out of his mouth.
“Wha…why?” He gasps out, pink tear tracks staining his pretty face. Instead of Tooru answering like Tadashi’s expecting, Tetsurou pipes up instead.
“Because, baby, I want you to come on my dick,” the black haired man explains casually like his words aren’t making Tadashi’s back arch. All the hands that had been caressing him leave and Tadashi feels cold. The chill is short. Just as soon as the hands left, they came back. This time though, something thicker than fingers prods at the rim of his ass.
Tadashi, who had closed his eyes in frustration, opens them again to see Tetsurou’s dick positioned in between his thighs. One look at it and Tadashi can already feel his insides clenching. Fuck. He’s so thick.
Tetsurou’s dick isn’t the longest he’s seen, in fact it’s quite average. The girth, however, is anything but average. Tadashi knows no amount of fingering would ever get him loose enough to take it without a stretch.
“Hnh…oh fuck!” Tadashi turns his head to see Tooru working his fingers in and out of Yuuji, getting him prepped to take the younger’s cock. Tetsurou, who notices Tadashi’s diverted attention, grabs his chin and pulls it to the front.
“Don’t look at them right now, baby. Look at me.” It’s in that moment that Tetsurou grabs his dick in one hand and guides it into Tadashi slowly. Tadashi throws his head back at the intrusion, the fat head of Kuroo’s cock pushing past his rim.
“Oh my god! Ohmygod ohmygo-“ his back arches as Tetsurou slides in deeper, stretching his ass. Tetsurou stops halfway inside to help Tadashi adjust. He brings his calloused hand to the younger man’s cock and gives it a few stokes to help relax him. It works and eventually he loosens his muscles and Tetsurou is able to slide in the rest of the way, balls touching his perineum.
As Tetsurou is fully seated inside him, Tadashi feels like all the air in his lungs has been knocked out. His head feels fuzzy and he’s being split open just right. He floats for a bit as Tetsurou stays still to let them both adjust, the warmth of Tadashi’s body so hot and good it’s almost overwhelming. So lost in the feeling of a thick cock inside him, Tadashi doesn’t notice the other two men who’ve shifted from their position on the bed beside him. It’s only when he feels a cold trickle of lube drizzled onto his shaft that he realizes they had moved.
He opens his eyes in time to see Yuuji swinging a leg over his hips before settling on his stomach right above his dick. Tadashi (who had already forgotten what Yuuji had said earlier) looked up at Yuuji in shock, his eyes widening.
“No…no it’s gonna be too much! I can’t-“ he blubbers, little tears springing into the corners of his eyes.
“You can. You can take it, baby. I know you can,” Yuuji interrupts before grabbing Tadashi’s lubed cock and guiding it up to his hole. Without warning, he sheathes himself all the way down in one go with a hearty, the wet warmth surrounding Tadashi’s dick all-encompassing.
For a minute Tadashi just lays there, trembling. He’s never felt so overwhelmed, so full of pleasure.
loves it.
Letting his desires take over, Tadashi moves his hips, unsure if he wants to grind back into the thick cock in his ass or buck up into the wet hole on his dick.
Getting the message, both Tetsurou and Yuuji begin to work together to drive Tadashi crazy. As Tetsurou pulls out, Yuuji slams down onto Tadashi’s dick. When Yuuji pulls himself up, Tetsurou rams his cock into Tadashi’s tight hole, his fat dick hitting very good spot inside him. They work in tandem, riling him up by going fast before slowing down to an almost painful pace. Yuuji slides his hands up to Tadashi’s chest to pluck at his nipples and play with his piercings again, his thighs shaking with the effort of riding him.
At some point, Tadashi is unsure when, Tooru comes to sit next to him, turning Tadashi’s head guiding his mouth to his cock.
Greedily, Tadashi suckles and slurps on Tooru’s dick. He savours the salty, slightly bitter taste of precum. Quickly he pulls off and looks into the brunette’s eyes, “Please. Fuck my mouth.” Without hesitation, Yuuji pulls his hands from the younger man’s nipples and Tooru shifts himself so that he’s sitting on Tadashi’s chest. Almost immediately, he rams his dick back into Tadashi’s mouth. He opens his throat and allows Tooru’s cock to slide in and out.
In and out and in and out and in and out. The rhythm picks up and slows down, the three older men working Tadashi’s body into a lustful haze as nothing but groans and moans and the slick sound of bodies together is heard.
Before he knew it, the hot knot of arousal that had been building up in Tadashi’s abdomen was ready to burst. All at once, he clamped down on Tetsurou’s cock, groaned around Tooru’s, and his own kicked up inside Yuuji’s tight heat.
Tooru pulls off of his chest, giving him room to breathe as he begins to jack himself to completion. “Fuuuuuck!” He groans as his back arches and he cums inside Yuuji and around Tetsurou. Tooru fists his cock until he cums, shooting spurts of white onto Tadashi’s face. Some of it manages to land inside the man’s open mouth.
Yuuji cums soon after, painting Tadashi’s chest with semen, tight walls gripping Tadashi’s overstimulated cock. He pulls himself up and off of Tadashi before flopping exhausted on the unoccupied part of the bed. It’s just Tetsurou left.
He looks Tadashi in the eye, his green eyes glazed over with lust as tears run down his pink cheeks. “I- I can’t do it! S’too much!” Tadashi babbles, thrashing his head around.
Tetsurou reaches a hand up to gently grab his chin, “You got it, just a little more, baby.” He then leans down and connects their lips together, sharing Tooru’s cum, Tetsurou licking it up off his face. It’s only a few more thrusts before Tetsurou buries himself to the hilt and cums deep inside Tadashi with a low groan.
They stay like that for a minute, Tadashi covered in cum, Tooru and Yuuji both exhausted and splayed out, Tetsurou seated inside him still, breathing hard.
Tetsurou is the first one to move. He gently pulls himself out, shushing Tadashi’s small cries at the empty feeling, and flops back down on the bed. Tadashi tries to make a move to stand up off the bed but he finds that everything below his belly button is buzzing still, numb with pleasure. His head fuzzy from his orgasms.
Seeing Tadashi’s attempt to walk, Tooru sits up and practically shoves him back down with a glare. “Stay down,” he orders before getting up himself. He shakily pads out of the bedroom and down the hall, his footsteps getting a little farther away. The sound of a door opening and running water gives away that he’s in the bathroom.
Tooru comes back with four washcloths, one for each of them. The three older men go through their normal post-sex cleaning, wiping off lube and sweat and cum, knowing that all three of them were too tired to take a proper shower.
Then, Tooru takes the fourth washcloth and begins to gently wipe Tadashi down. Yuuji and Tetsurou sit next to him, rubbing at his skin and placing comforting kisses on his chest and face. Tadashi whines softly when the cloth is dragged against his sore cock and hole.
Between the comforting touches and the exhaustion of two orgasms, Tadashi is quickly lulled to sleep. The last thing he registers is a blanket being pulled up over his naked body and three kisses on his face before he’s pulled into the comfort of his dreams.
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lotus-duckies · 5 months
the relationship between yamaguchi and mr shimida makes me want to cry
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missowo · 10 months
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pastel-mocha · 1 year
Love Confession || Yamaguchi Tadashi x Fem!Reader
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genre: hurt/comfort
highschool!yamaguchi x reader (both are in their first year of highschool)
word count: 1054
warnings: none, at least I don't think so:)
A/N: Hey everyone! this is my first story and if course it had to be about yams because he is one of my favourite characters from haikyuu, please let me know if there's any typos/mistakes I wrote this after midnight so I apologise, I ACCEPT SUGGESTIONS AND CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM!! <33
Today was finally the day you thought of confessing your feelings to Yamaguchi, You've had a crush on him ever since. middle school.
The summer holidays were just around the corner, if he didn't like you back you wouldn't have to deal being embarrased around him, by the time you would have came back to school your feelings would probably be gone, still it would be very awkward to hang out with him after friendzoning you.
You suddenly felt a rush of adrenaline and that's when you decided it was the perfect time to confess, of course after class was done.
"Class is dismissed, enjoy your lunch" your English teacher said before walking out the classroom's door
You took the notebooks that were laying on your desk and carefully placed them in your school bag, you heard a familiar voice calling out for you
"Y/n, when are you going to confess to Yamaguchi?" The blonde hair girl asked, her eyes filled with curiousity
"Oh about that.. I was thinking today but I don't know if he likes me" you answered your best friend's question
"C'mon Y/n, now you're just overthinking! Don't be negative all of the time" Yachi gave you a reassuring smile
"I am sure he likes you back, You are so awesome, gorgeous and smart how could he not like you? You two look perfect toge-" You cut your best friend off
"Yachi, can we just drop this conversation and act like it never happened?" you were nervous, scared of confessing, what if he didn't like you back? thoughts started clogging up your mind but Yachi stopped before you could have spiralled into your old bad thoughts
"Y/n, you don't have to confess right now, I am always here for you and I can help you" Yachi came forward and hugged you, then someone walked by and whispered
"I know he likes you" You froze once you heard another familiar voice, but you weren't so sure who whispered to you
"What?" You were red as a tomato and your ears started burning
"I wasn't talking to you, dumbass" of course it's Tsukishima
"Then who were you talking to?" You asked while praying he was actually talking to you, and not to your best friend
"I meant to say that to Yachi, sorry Y/n" You felt betrayed, it wasn't Yachi's fault at all
You pushed her away, carefully to not hurt her, grabbed your belongings and stormed out of the classroom, you went to your safe place to calm yourself down
Passing by the gymnasium you saw Yamaguchi, you didn't stop to greet him as you usually did, you continued to walk, the pace becoming faster.
"Isn't that Y/n?" Hinata asked while pointing towards you
"Hm? Sorry, I didn't notice she walked by" Tadashi replied and then proceeded to ask a question
"Do you think she's mad at me? She usually stops by and greets me" the freckled boy said, The other boy could see the fear in his eyes
"Maybe? I dunno, dude this food is so awesome, take a bite!" Shoyo tried reassuring Tadashi, it didn't quite work out
Yamaguchi got up, and walked in the same way you did, eventually he bumped into you, you were laying on the grass, under a cherry blossom tree
"Y/n?" his eyes widened when he saw you teary eyed, you tried rubbing your tears but it was too late, he noticed something was wrong
"Tadashi? What are you doing here?" you asked, though you weren't ready for any kind of confrontation, not now.
"I saw you walking by the gymnasium, and you didn't stop by to chat, I wanted to see if something is wro-"
"Everything is wrong, first I found out that my crush likes another girl, and by another girl I mean Yachi my best friend, I mean there's nothing wrong with her but I am jealous" you take a deep breath and continue to ramble about your feelings
"And now you're here, and yo-you showed up here while I'm crying" he hands you a tissue and allows you to spill your thoughts further.
He doesn't know if he should ask, maybe you will find it offensive and feel upset again
"I wanted to ask some questions about your crush" he quietly said, his voice is truly mesmerising
"Well, he is pretty tall" he cut you off and said
"Let me guess, is it Tsukki?" he giggled at your response
"No, it's not Tsukishima, It's someone else who makes me feel loved, he is really smart and handsome too, he doesn't think so, but I do" you blushed, looking the other way to not face him
"Why don't you confess to him already?" He asked, his green eyes filled with confusion
"Well here it is" you said before taking multiple deep breaths, "Tadashi, I've had a crush on you since middle school and words can't explain how happy you make me, I always wanted to confess to you but never found the perfect opportunity.
But today is different, you may not feel the same and our relationship might be awkward after this, but I can't continue bottling up my feelings" you sighed, your hands are now covering your face "This is so embarrassing" you mumbled, your ears were burning again
"Y/n, i feel the same way about you" his hands pushing yours away from your face, tucking some of your hair behind your ear, your face was red and you looked like you were going to explode anytime soon.
"I hid my feelings from you because I thought you didn't like me" he said with a calm tone, while rubbing the back of his neck
"But, Tsukishima said you like Yachi, you don't have to feel bad for me" you said while Yamaguchi was wiping some of your falling tears away
"Y/n, you really trust Tsukki? That boy loves to tease everyone" he smiled at you, pressed a kiss on your forehead and hugged you tightly
"I will always love you, no matter what happens between us" he said with a lot of confidence and of course you trust him but don't forget to ask one more question
"Promise?" you looked up at him, your eyes full of happy tears, you smiled while waiting for a response
"I promise"
Reblogs are highly appreciated<33
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touchlikethesun · 9 months
saw someone say that tskym is pretty like old libraries and ngl it got to me for a min, but i do have to disagree… tskym aren’t pretty like old libraries, they’re pretty like doodles over lecture notes. they’re pretty like prairies with wheat blowing in the wind. they're pretty like ocean waves and sand castles. they are pretty like suburbs at night. they’re pretty like too small bandaids over scraped knees, creaky light wood school desks with old graffiti already etched in and new ones on the way… pretty like lofi playlists. tskym are pretty like the steam coming off of hot tea…
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sluttyshima · 2 years
In Excelsis
Content / Trigger Warnings: body image issues, mention of fatphobia and bullying, unprotected sex, oral sex, fingering, super soft dom, body worship, lots of praise, slight marking, light impact play, hint of overstimulation - overall it is very soft and loving sex
Characters: Tadashi Yamaguchi x chubby female reader
Words: ~3.4k
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AN: Repost from my old account.
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Tadashi has never once said anything to make you doubt his attraction for you. He has done nothing but sing your praises, even before the two of you started dating. Everything about you is perfect to him, and he reminds you of it often.
But that doesn’t stop you from staring at your own reflection with a critical eye.
You stand in front of the full-length mirror in your bedroom, clothed only in your undergarments. Pinching and poking at the softer parts of you, you frown with dissatisfaction.  It’s no secret that you look nothing like the women you see in magazines or on television. You’re bigger than them, plush in places where society tells you that you should be trim.
Clothes don’t fit you the way that they fit the mannequins. Even garments that are tailored for people your size, are almost always modeled by a woman who is ‘acceptably’ plus-sized. The same dress that had smoothly accentuated the curves of the model on the website where you had bought it, clung to you in ways that caused your already fragile self esteem to plummet. You had been so excited to wear it, but now it lay discarded on the floor in front of you as tears wet your lashes.
“Hey, sweetheart, are you almost ready?” Even after over two years of dating, and three months of living together, Tadashi still maintained a few of his shy habits. He knocked on the door to your shared bedroom, politely warning you that he was coming in before doing so. “Wait, why aren’t you dressed?”
His eyes moved from you, to the dress at your feet. Expression softening, he sighed as he reached for you. His face joined yours in the mirror as his arms wrapped around your middle.
The way that his arms pressed into your plump stomach left you feeling embarrassed and exposed. Wasn’t he disgusted by the way your flesh squished beneath his hold? Even if he wasn’t, you certainly were.
You untangled yourself from his grasp and turned to face him. Tadashi was trying, unsuccessfully, to hide the hurt that he felt at your rejection. He seemed conflicted, wanting to help you but unsure of exactly how to do so. As always, he was overthinking, worrying about all of the ways that he could accidentally make the situation worse.
“The dress doesn’t fit right.”
It was a pitiful attempt at an explanation, but he understood. He knew. You had struggled with low self esteem long before ever meeting him. When the two of you had started getting closer, you had opened up to him about your experiences as a larger woman.
He had been stunned. Obviously he was no stranger to bullying, having gone through it himself. But what you went through on a daily basis was something else entirely. Fatphobia went so much deeper than mere taunting. It was a struggle simply for you to be taken seriously. No matter how active you are, people assume that you are lazy. Medical professionals ignore your symptoms, always wanting to try to blame everything on your weight.
Your past has taught you that the way you looked was wrong. Society made it clear that you were not going to be accepted, that you were not good enough. After years of this treatment, it was no wonder that you had such a warped opinion of yourself.
“We can find you something else to wear.” Tadashi reached for you, one hand slowly tracing the curve of your hip. “Or we can stay in, and I can spend the whole night showing you how stunning you are.”
Rolling your eyes, you try to ignore the involuntary reaction your body has to him. “You don’t have to lie to me. I have eyes, I know how I look.”
“I’m not lying, sweetheart.” His voice is small, sad. “You know that I think you’re perfect, right?”
“You didn’t find bigger women to be attractive before me,” you argued as you averted your eyes. “You’re seeing me through rose-colored glasses. If I were just a random person on the street, you wouldn’t spare me a second glance.”
He frowns. “What do you mean? I did spare you a second glance - and a third, and a fourth, and so on. Ever since I first saw you, I haven’t wanted to take my eyes off of you.” Pulling you in by your waist, he uses his free hand to cup your chin and gently tilt your face up to look him in the eye. “You were the most gorgeous woman that I had ever seen, and you’ve only become more beautiful since then.”
“Do you- do you really mean that?” You desperately want to believe him. But the doubts that are constantly swirling around in your mind make it difficult, near impossible. “You’re not just saying it to make me feel better?”
Tadashi leans close enough to rest his forehead against yours. “Of course I mean it, baby.” The hand at your waist squeezes slightly. “Let me show you. Please?”
The word ‘yes’ barely leaves your lips before they are covered by his. There’s a tenderness in the way that his mouth slots against yours. One hand guides your head to deepen the kiss while the other settles on your lower back to push your body flush against his. Your fingers tangle in his soft hair, tugging lightly the way that he likes.
A single kiss leaves both of you breathless, and you gasp when he pulls away for air. His face is already flushed, pink coloring the skin beneath his freckles. It’s never taken much to fluster him. You wonder if he’s just easily flustered, or if you have that effect on him.
You barely have a chance to catch your breath before Tadashi is on you again. This time, his lips stray from yours. He teasingly nibbles the chub of your cheek before trailing kisses down your jaw to your neck. His hands wander down to your ass, squeezing and kneading the supple flesh as he sucks and bites on your skin.
His mouth returns to yours as you begin fumbling with the buttons on his shirt. The way that he sucks your tongue into his mouth makes it difficult for you to concentrate, and the task takes much longer than it usually would. When you finally finish with the last button, he pulls away just long enough for you to push the shirt off his shoulders. He discards it quickly before returning to you with even more fervor.
Lost in the kiss, you don’t notice right away when he begins carefully walking you backwards towards the bed. You’re caught off guard when you feel the back of your legs press against the mattress. A yelp escapes you as you begin to fall backwards.
Tadashi simply laughs, following you down. He assists you in climbing further back onto the bed before he comes to hover over you. He keeps his weight off of you with a knee in between your legs and a hand on the side of your head. The other hand smoothes across the skin of your stomach, caressing you tenderly.
“I wish you could see how beautiful you look like this,” he mumbles as he pulls back to look at you. “God, you have no idea what you do to me.”
His touches become a bit rougher as his eyes darken with lust. He massages one breast through the cup of your bra. When you lift your upper body and unclasp the garment, he wastes no time in removing it, tossing it aside without care.
“You’ve got such perfect tits.”
Balancing on his knees now, he cups your breasts in his hands. His thumbs ghost over your nipples, which pebble beneath his touch. He groans at the sight. Ducking his head, he takes one perky bud between his lips and suckles. His tongue alternates between tracing circles around and flicking rapidly against it. He catches the other between thumb and forefinger, pinching lightly, and smiling at your resulting gasp.
The attention he lavishes upon your breasts is akin to worship. Mouth alternating from one to the other, he leaves your nipples sensitive and saliva slicked. Eventually his fingers take over, while his lips kiss, bite, and suck their way across your chest. Bruises color your skin, leaving a possessive display of blossoming purple.
“Dashi!” you squeal as he nips at one of the marks that has just been formed. Your fingers tangle in his hair, tugging lightly to get his attention.
“Sorry, gorgeous.” He apologizes with a soothing kiss to the sore spot. “You just look so good, it makes me go a little feral.”
Slowly, his attention begins to travel lower. His hands grasp at your plush stomach. The feeling of his warm, wet tongue traversing the soft rolls has you squirming. He is quick to hold you still with a hand on your hip, admonishing you with a gentle swat to your thigh. “Stay still baby, and let me enjoy you the way I want to.”
His command has liquid pooling between your thighs. But it’s more than just the physical sensation, or the display of dominance. What really turns you on is the way he truly seems to be enjoying himself. He appears to have already forgotten his original intention of proving something to you, as he instead becomes drunk off of your body. The proof of his own pleasure is in the small moans and grunts that leave his lips, and the way that he grinds his hips down against the mattress.
“Gotta taste you.” Tadashi’s voice takes on a slightly whiny tone as he slips his fingers beneath the elastic of your underwear. “Lemme take these off?”
You nod and lift your hips, allowing him to pull your panties down your legs. He stares at your exposed cunt reverently as he settles on his stomach. Squeezing the fat of your thighs, he brings your legs over his shoulders and turns his head to scatter kisses up and down your skin. Each time his mouth nears the spot where you need it most, he pulls away.
Patience wearing thin, you huff. “Stop teasing! Please!”
“Shh, baby,” he coos. His thumbs part your lower lips and he leans forward to sweetly kiss your clit. “I’m gonna make you feel so good, give this pretty pussy the attention it deserves. Promise.”
Flattening his tongue, he licks a stripe from your hole to your clit. Your eyes roll back as he buries his face between your legs. He’s sloppy, too captivated by the smell and taste of you to worry about the way the mixture of your juices and his saliva drips down the curve of your ass and soaks the sheets below.
The noises are obscene. Your cunt squelches as he begins to fuck you open with two fingers, lips smacking messily against your folds. While his moans are muffled, sending tingling vibrations straight to your core, yours are loud, unrestrained and desperate.
“Gonna cum!” You’re panting now, chest heaving as you lift your hips to grind against his face. “Fuck, Dashi, gonna- I’m- cumming!”
Your thighs clench tight around his head while you ride the waves of pleasure that are coursing through your body. His tongue slowly laps at your clit, fingers leisurely pumping in and out of you as he works you through your orgasm. When you finally manage to open your eyes, you watch as he pops the appendages in his mouth, eyes closed as one by one he sucks them clean and releases them with a small pop.
Tadashi takes his time kissing his way up your body. When his lips finally land on yours, his tongue immediately bullies its way into your mouth, allowing you to taste yourself on him. “See how sweet you are?” he mumbles into the kiss.
You’ve only just come down from your high, but he’s impatient. Hands smoothing up and down your trembling thighs, he pushes them apart so that he can settle his body between them. You can feel him pressing against you through his slacks, hard and ready. His eyes are glazed with pleasure and he whimpers softly with each needy roll of his hips.
“Fuck,” he groans against your lips before pulling back. He seems to tower over you as he sits back on his heels, gaze roving up and down your body. “Look at you, pretty girl. Jus’ seeing you laid out for me like this makes me so hard.”
He unbuttons his pants and shoves them down, kicking them off somewhere behind him. The sizable tent in his boxers is a temptation that you simply can’t resist. He hisses and throws his head back when you squeeze him through the fabric, slowly stroking from base to tip. Your eyes lock onto the slowly growing wet patch, unmistakable against the light colored underwear.
It’s not enough for you to feel his warmth through the clothing though. You pull them down, watching as his hardened cock slaps against his stomach. He’s a little above average length, but thicker than one would expect given his thinner frame. The tip is blushed pink and leaking, and you salivate at the sight.
Your grip tightens as you begin to pump his length more vigorously. Tadashi bites his lip, barely restraining his moans. His hips buck in time with your movements as you use his own pre as lubricant, hastening the rhythm at which you jerk him off.
“S-slow down, sweetheart,” he begs. “Gonna make me cum too quick if you keep doin’ that.”
But you have no intention of slowing. His expression, the little sounds he makes - all of it only encourages you to keep going. You want to see him come undone, lose himself to the pleasure.
“I said. Slow. Down.”
Hands grip your hips tightly enough to bruise. You instinctively let go of his cock in order to clutch at his wrists. It’s too late to stop him, though. He’s already moving, repositioning you so that you are now on your knees, ass in the air.
There’s a sudden, sharp, stinging pain as Tadashi brings his hand down on one of your cheeks and then the other. He’s quick to soothe the pain though, gently rubbing the heated skin and even bending down to press a kiss to the affected area.
“You gonna be good for me, now?” he asks. While one hand keeps a tight grip of your hip, the other smoothes down your back. His long, thin fingers wrap around the back of your neck and push you down so that your face is smushed into the pillows beneath you. He parts your legs with one of his, putting you in the perfect position for him.
For a moment he keeps you like that. You can practically feel his eyes boring into you. You’re sure that if you were able to look back at him, you would see him staring at the way your back is arched for him, your plump ass raised and on display, your glistening cunt just waiting for him.
Finally, you feel his hips come to meet yours. His hard cock grinds against your ass for a few seconds. He begins to glide through your slick, lubricating himself. When the blunt head catches against your clit, you keen and push back against him. He delivers another harsh slap to your ass, eyes narrowing as he watches the resulting jiggle.
“Gonna fuck this pretty little hole,” he says as he begins to prod against your entrance. “You want that, don’t you, baby?”
The feeling of his thick cock slowly pushing inside of you makes it nearly impossible to speak. You’re barely able to whimper out your approval as he begins to stretch you out. The feeling is indescribable, every vein rubbing deliciously against your gummy walls as he dregs in and out of you at a pace that leaves you desperate for more.
“God, sweetheart, you take me so well.” His body leans over yours, allowing him to leave sloppy kisses along your shoulders and the back of your neck. “Feel so good, squeezin’ me just right.”
As Tadashi begins to pick up speed, his hands roam over the expanse of your body. He reaches below you with one, greedily grabbing at your stomach and breasts. The other rests on your ass as he enjoys the way the fat ripples with each thrust.
“‘s too good!” His breath is hot against your ear as he presses his weight into you. “I’m not gonna last. You’re so good, so goddamn sexy, fuck!”
The noise of flesh against flesh is almost loud enough to drown out the sound of your joined moans as he sets a relentless pace. His balls slap against your clit as he pounds into you furiously. He’s lost in pleasure now, unable to think about anything but chasing his own release.
Suddenly he changes the angle, allowing him to hit a spot inside of you that has you seeing stars. You reach back, desperate for something to hold onto as you feel your second orgasm rapidly approaching. His fingers twine with yours, lips ghosting over the lobe of your ear as he whispers praises.
“So gorgeous like this,” he croons. “My perfect girl, with a perfect fuckin’ pussy. Just for me, all mine, right baby?”
His thrusts became sloppy. Free hand snaking between your legs, he rubs frantic circles on your clit. “Wan’ you to cum with me, can you do that? Come on, sweetheart, let go for me.”
At his command, the coil in your stomach tightens and then snaps. You chant his name over and over again like a prayer. Your whole body shakes from the intensity of your pleasure.
The feeling of your already tight walls clamping down on him is just what Tadashi needs to send him over the edge with you. His body practically collapses on top of yours as you feel his warm seed fill your spasming cunt. But he continues moving even after he’s been milked dry, humping into you and overstimulating himself until tears gather in his lashes.
“I don’t wanna stop,” he confesses. “Wanna keep fuckin’ you, pretty girl.”
“Dashi, s’too sensitive!” You whine in protest. “Please, I need a break!”
Reluctantly, he pulls his softening cock out of you and falls beside you on the bed. You can feel his release dribbling out of you and clench your thighs together in an attempt to keep from making more of a mess than you already have. Rolling over, you seek out the warmth of the man beside you.
Tadashi pulls you close, wrapping his arms around you and guiding your head to his chest. You can hear the rapid thudding of his heart, and listen as it begins to slow. Nuzzling close, you sigh happily at the contented feeling of being in your lover’s embrace.
“I don’t ever want you to doubt how beautiful you are,” he murmurs. Cupping your face in one hand, he gently pulls you up so that he can brush his lips against yours. “Every part of you is perfect, and it affects me in a way that no one else ever has, that no one else ever could. I want you, all of you.”
“No buts.” He interrupts you before you even get the chance to argue. “Sweetheart, I love everything about you. I love the way that your eyes light up when you look at me.” He kisses your forehead. “I love how soft and warm your body feels against mine.” He kisses one cheek, and then the other. “And I love how much of you there is for me to love. Just wanna grab you and kiss you all over, all the time.” He finishes with a tender kiss to your lips.
You bury your face in his neck, hiding how emotional his sincere words have made you. He chuckles, playfully tickling your sides. “Don’t get all shy on me now, baby.”
A sudden pinch to your rear causes you to squeal and try to jerk away. But he catches you by the waist, pulling you so that you’re seated on top of him. To your surprise, he’s already hard again. He grasps your hips and guides you to grind against his length, pupils blown with desire.
“I’m not done showing you just how much your body turns me on.”
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shnheralith · 11 days
Same story but with reader
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Yamaguchi was walking back home after hanging out with his friend.
It was fun since it's been awhile since he got out of the house and has time with them.
He stood in the front door reaching for the door knob when it suddenly opened by itself.
"tsuki.." he said nervously. He was motioned to come in and tsukishima slowly closed the door.
"Why are you so late?" His partner said slowly.
"didn't i tell you I'm hanging out with a friend." Yamaguchi tried to walk away when tsukishima grabbed his wrist tightly.
"tsukii that hurts."
"I didn't give you the permission to go out." He said angrily.
" what's your problem, i can go out whenever i want to!" Wrong move. Tsukishima's hand slowly raised and came into contact with his left cheek making him stumble and fall to the ground.
Yamaguchi whined in pain as he looked at his partner with his teary eyes.
" you're cheating with me aren't you!?" Tsukishima grabbed his hair tightly and used it to force yamaguchi to stand up.
"N-no i Didn't!" Yamaguchi can't help but cry. He's helpless.
" who were you with." Yamaguchi got silent. You can't tell him. You're scared of what is going to be his reaction.
Seeing yamaguchi silent. Tsukishima already knew who you were with.
"It's was Terushima huh." Yamaguchi just stood there winching with pain as Tsukishima tightened his grip even more on his hair.
"let go!"
"oh so you won't even deny it?" He just looked at tsukishima angrily.
" YOU'RE MINE! FUCKING MINE!" Tsukishima's going feral. Anger flooding in.
He dragged yamaguchi to the kitchen forcing him to bent on the counter next to the stove.
With yamaguchi being held down his other hand ramage through the drawer finding something.
" never thought i would use this on you." Tsukishima said as he tested the cold metal on yamaguchi's neck.
He was confused at first but when he saw tsukishima opening the gas stove and heating up the metal he panicked.
He started to wiggle out of his grip. Begging him to let him go. He's scared with tears falling like a river.
" don't worry it will hurt a little." Tsukishima said sarcastically.
And before yamaguchi knew it, the cold metal who is now red because of its hotness came in contact with the side of his neck.
His screams were muffled with a napkin as Tsukishima shoved it in his mouth.
He was crying in pain even more and slowly blacked out.
He woke up crying with his neck bleeding and it hurts like hell.
He stood up and walked towards the mirror. He tilted his head to the side. It was burnt badly with the name 'KEI'
He slowly felt someone hugging him from behind.
" it suits you, mine."
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swigllier · 9 months
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i do art trends sometimes…
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mallgothyamaguchi · 1 month
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Haikyuu!! Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi Characters: Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi Additional Tags: Homesickness, study abroad, Long-Distance Relationship, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, no beta we die like daichi, they are corny and so in love Summary:
It's been a few months since Yamaguchi moved to California for a study abroad program. While Tsukishima is learning to live by himself, he gets a phone call from Yamaguchi.
Tsukkiyama Week 2024 | Day 4 - Homesickness
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capybaraonsaturn · 1 year
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walking home
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immediatelywriting · 1 year
Turn Around, When Possible Reading Guide
A few months ago, I finished posting “Turn Around, When Possible” the first part of my Haikyuu fanfiction series called “There’s No Navigation That Tells You How To Survive A Car Crash”  on AO3. 
Back when I posted it, I left a reading guide in the comments on that final chapter, but I’m going to transfer it to Tumblr, because I think that’ll be more organized. 
So from now on, you’ll be able to find the storylines of each single character, in case you’re interested in reading only their storyline. 
For the people who haven’t stumbled past this post because of the link in my AO3 end-note. Hi! I welcome you to read the summary of “Turn Around, When Possible”: 
It starts out like a fun idea: the Karasuno Volleyball Club traveling South to meet their rival teams for a training camp in Tokyo. Having full faith in their bus driver, Takeda, the team dozes off during the long drive. They’ve been driving through the woods for hours now, after all, and it’s already gotten dark.
Little do they know that this drive was never meant to be this long, and that Takeda is horrendously lost.
It gets worse from there – when, disoriented by the darkness and tiredness, Takeda makes a mistake while driving. A mistake that results in the bus rolling down a slope.
Just like that, Team Karasuno is hurt and stranded in the middle of nowhere, struggling to survive. All they can do, except take care of their wounds and one another, is wait, and wait, and wait for someone to find them.
They wish they’d turned around when they still had the chance.
Are you interested in reading the entire first fic (not following just one character) click here. I do really recommend you first read it completely before choosing a specific character’s storyline, because otherwise things will get really confusing.
Or if you want to read part 2 of this series, click here. 
Or if you are a fast reader and want to read part three, click here.
Click “read more” to see all characters’ storylines listed in order below.
Hinata’s storyline
These are the links that’ll send you to the chapters that belong this character’s storyline
Part 1. Turn Around, When Possible chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 7
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 31
chapter 33
Part 2. Turned Around (Recalculating Route) chapter 4
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 11
chapter 18
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 44
chapter 49
chapter 56
chapter 58
Part 3. Destination Reached chapter 6
chapter 7
Kageyama’s storyline
These are the links that’ll send you to the chapters that belong this character’s storyline
Part 1. Turn Around, When Possible chapter 1
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 14
chapter 16
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 31
Part 2. Turned Around (Recalculating Route) chapter 2
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 18
chapter 22
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 52
chapter 56
chapter 58
Part 3. Destination Reached chapter 4
chapter 6
chapter 7
Daichi’s storyline
These are the links that’ll send you to the chapters that belong this character’s storyline
Part 1. Turn Around, When Possible chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 30
Part 2. Turned Around (Recalculating Route) chapter 2
chapter 9
chapter 12
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 35
chapter 39
chapter 42
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 50
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 58 Part 3. Destination Reached chapter 5
chapter 7 _______________________________________
Sugawara’s storyline
These are the links that’ll send you to the chapters that belong this character’s storyline
Part 1. Turn Around, When Possible chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 19
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 33
Part 2. Turned Around (Recalculating Route) chapter 1
chapter 12
chapter 23
chapter 25
chapter 28
chapter 35
chapter 39
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 58
Part 3. Destination Reached chapter 5
chapter 7
Nishinoya’s storyline
These are the links that’ll send you to the chapters that belong this character’s storyline
Part 1. Turn Around, When Possible chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 33
Part 2. Turned Around (Recalculating Route) chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 20
chapter 28
chapter 30
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 53
chapter 56
chapter 58
Part 3. Destination Reached chapter 4
chapter 7
Asahi’s storyline
These are the links that’ll send you to the chapters that belong this character’s storyline
Part 1. Turn Around, When Possible chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 9
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 29
chapter 33
Part 2. Turned Around (Recalculating Route) chapter 1
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 20
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 37
chapter 53
chapter 56
chapter 58
Part 3. Destination Reached chapter 4
chapter 7
Tanaka’s storyline
These are the links that’ll send you to the chapters that belong this character’s storyline
Part 1. Turn Around, When Possible chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 29
chapter 33
Part 2. Turned Around (Recalculating Route) chapter 1
chapter 17
chapter 28
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 44
chapter 56
chapter 58
Part 3. Destination Reached chapter 2
chapter 7
Kiyoko’s storyline
These are the links that’ll send you to the chapters that belong this character’s storyline
Part 1. Turn Around, When Possible chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 21
chapter 33
Part 2. Turned Around (Recalculating Route) chapter 2
chapter 13
chapter 17
chapter 28
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 56
chapter 58
Part 3. Destination Reached chapter 2
chapter 7
Yachi’s storyline
These are the links that’ll send you to the chapters that belong this character’s storyline
Part 1. Turn Around, When Possible chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 24
chapter 33
Part 2. Turned Around (Recalculating Route) chapter 2
chapter 6
chapter 13
chapter 17
chapter 28
chapter 44
chapter 56
chapter 58
Part 3. Destination Reached chapter 7
Tsukishima’s storyline
These are the links that’ll send you to the chapters that belong this character’s storyline
Part 1. Turn Around, When Possible chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 6
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 33
Part 2. Turned Around (Recalculating Route) chapter 4
chapter 14
chapter 38
chapter 43
chapter 56
chapter 58
Part 3. Destination Reached chapter 3
chapter 7
Yamaguchi’s storyline
These are the links that’ll send you to the chapters that belong this character’s storyline
Part 1. Turn Around, When Possible chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 6
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 29
chapter 33
Part 2. Turned Around (Recalculating Route) chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 14
chapter 17
chapter 28
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 38
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 56
chapter 58
Part 3. Destination Reached chapter 3
chapter 7
Takeda’s storyline
These are the links that’ll send you to the chapters that belong this character’s storyline
Part 1. Turn Around, When Possible chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 10
chapter 12
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 29
chapter 33
Part 2. Turned Around (Recalculating Route) chapter 1
chapter 6
chapter 12
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 44
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
Part 3. Destination Reached chapter 1
chapter 7
Uaki’s storyline
These are the links that’ll send you to the chapters that belong this character’s storyline
Part 1. Turn Around, When Possible chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 29
chapter 33
Part 2. Turned Around (Recalculating Route) chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 19
chapter 32
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
Part 3. Destination Reached chapter 7
The other teams’ storyline
These are the links that’ll send you to the chapters that belong this character’s storyline
Part 1. Turn Around, When Possible chapter 5 
chapter 13 
chapter 25
chapter 28
chapter 32
chapter 33
Part 2. Turned Around (Recalculating Route) chapter 8
chapter 52
chapter 58
The fic has been completely uploaded, so this is the complete guide. In the case that this fic gets any spin-offs I’ll make sure to link them down below :)
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