#tenrou: sirius the jaeger scenarios
Could you make an scenario where Yuliy meets again an chilhood and first love friend after severals years of the incident in Dogville? Thank you!
Hello! I haven’t answered an ask in a really long time, and I feel super bad about it. Fair warning, my writing style has changed a lot, into something I’m much more proud of.
Pairing: Yuliy x Sirius! Reader
Warnings: none
Living as a Sirius outside of Dogville hadn’t been a kind transition in the least.
As a young and not-so-naive (at least, not anymore) child, along with the issues of the tragedy in Dogville, you had nothing to turn to. It was a miracle you’d even survived, albeit with an injury that should’ve finished the job. It had always been a source of crippling guilt, feeling like you shouldn’t even be alive and so fortunate when others weren’t.
It was a burden the nice couple that took you in bore wonderfully, surprised when you’d first lashed out at them — it was something stupid, but your eyes glowed their menacing blue, a storm brewing in the irises, teeth sharpening into her Sirius fangs — yet took it in stride. Your pseudo-father wrestled with you whenever the werewolf-typical instinct arose, letting you bite them and scratch at them in good fun. It was more than you’d ever expected.
But. . . it wasn’t enough. Not the same.
You thought you were alone. Why wouldn’t you? After bearing witness of your long-time crush’s older brother, Mikhail, perishing underneath the unmerciful claws of the vampires, and Yuliy disappearing into the cold forest; it was only logical, no matter how utterly depressing and soul crushing it was. You figured out later that it might not have been just a crush, like you’d presumed.
The fateful reunion wasn’t dramatic, or teeth-clenching or scary or anything you’d expected, really. But it was a reunion, and that’s all that mattered, in your eyes.
You walked absentmindedly through the grocery store, idly pushing a cart that grated against your sensitive ears painfully. It was annoying, but bearable. You glanced back down at the grocery list clenched in your hand, finding it stupid that your roommate sent you to the grocery store, fully aware she was absolutely terrible at navigating it. It was common you’d spend literal hours there, wandering through the aisles.
You were halfway through the list, your roommate showing you mercy with a shorter list than usual.
You swiveled into the aisle you were looking for, filled with boxes of crackers and some cheeses. It was one of the widest, well-liked by the more wealthy citizens and those looking for food that fit celebrations, also to fit the sections of chilled cheeses. The shelves were high, and once you took a few minutes searching for the specific brand of crackers, you found it. A pit of dread appeared in your stomach.
It was on the very top shelf. Way too high for your short stature.
After some rather pathetic jumps and attempts to reach it on your tip-toes (also cursing the fact that being a Sirius didn’t automatically make you tall), you promptly gave up trying to do it by yourself. It was infuriating, and you didn’t want to concede and use your superior strength for something so easily overcame. It was stupid, but you were angry.
Giving up, you tapped the guy next to you on the shoulder.
He looked like he was trying to avoid every other presence in the store, a deadpan expression on his face. You would’ve avoided him, respecting his personal bubble and the resting bitchface that had the potential to turn into something you didn’t want to deal with, if he hadn’t smelled so. . . familiar. It was reflex to take a whiff of the scent of those around you, something you were taught from early age and a part of some specific customs in Dogville she was only supposed to practice with an unknown Sirius, but it was instinctual. The stranger smelled like. . . like pack, and home and everything good.
You raked your eyes over his body. Traditional clothing from your village, that you’d hadn’t seen in so long. A pang of hurt zipped through your chest, and so much hope that it hurt.
The man turned, his face that you couldn’t see before striking your brain with familiarity. A white tuft of hair, the other strands of dark hair pulled back.
“Oh my God,” you said, breathy and unbelieving the impossible situation in front of you. “Yuliy? Is that you?”
A look of shock passed over the features that you’ve hadn’t seen in years, sharper and more handsome than ever.
“(Y/N)?” Yuliy (you were certain, at this point) asked, beginning to breathe heavier. You watched as his nose twitched, sniffing the air and his eyes opened wider. Yuliy froze.
Memories of happier days flashed through your head, tears welling in your eyes as you remembered innocent snowball fights, watching sunsets at the top of houses and huge smiles. The memories were cast with a haze, reminiscent of a very different, missed time. You heart clenched, remembering what you tried so hard to repress, but couldn’t with Yuliy in front of you. You couldn’t believe it, something you’ve always wanted standing in front of you.
Unable to hold yourself back, in your rush of swelling emotions of happiness and the howling cries of joy of the wolf in the back of her head, you rushed and leaped forward, latching onto Yuliy with a death grip. You didn’t plan on letting go anytime soon. For a moment, you feared that maybe this wasn’t Yuliy —maybe you were hallucinating, the anniversary of the attack on your village was in a weeks time — but you banishbed the thought as soon as it arose, sure in yourself. The contact soothed you in ways the closest to you couldn’t even accomplish, a strong feeling of comradery and pack making your lip wobble. You bit your lip, not wanting to show weakness. Then, you realized you didn’t care.
Your emotions crashed together, letting go of them as you began sobbing into Yuliy’s shoulder, letting out all of the pain you’ve felt in his absence. In your village’s absence. Yuliy seemed to be knocked out of his stupor, suddenly feeling his arms wrap around you tightly, squeezing your smaller body to his chest protectively and desperately, dipping his face into your neck to breathe in your comforting scent. As you clutched at his shirt, dirtying it with your own tears, you felt his heavy puffs of breath, assuming he was really trying to keep himself from crying as you were. So many sheer emotions curled their way into you at once, it was completely overwhelming but also welcomed.
“I-I thought you were dead!” You cried, choking on your words a little. You pulled back from the hug a bit, almost regretting it with the way Yuliy’s arms tightened around you in response, attempting to prevent you from getting away. You smiled through your tears, the happiest you’d been in a regretfully long time. “I thought I just left you there t-to die and—”
Yuliy pulled back his head to look at you, the expression on his face making your knees weak. His face showed relief and pure emotion that you couldn’t even begin to decipher. Your hands suddenly felt too empty and cold in his shirt, wanting to feel his skin and confirm that he was actually alive and breathing and okay and you immediately lost any doubts you had in the slew of everything else before you cupped his face in your hands, rubbing your thumb over Yuliy’s cheekbone. It was far too intimate for the public eye, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care.
“How are you alive?” Yuliy asked, a small smile on his face. “Not that I—”
“I know,” you interrupted, dropping your smile. “They attacked and left me for dead, and I should’ve died but I didn’t, somehow and. . . and it was really hard.”
Yuliy frowned, eyebrows furrowing in concern once he spotted the huge scar peeking out from your shirt. His expression shifted once again into anger, this time, and you panicked, quickly beginning to run soothing circles into his skin.
“Hey, I’m fine now, it’s okay.”
“I know, but— I’m sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry for.”
A comfortable silence passed over them, contentedly relaxing in the embrace of your best friend (and secret crush) that you hadn’t seen in what felt like a torturous millennia.
You and Yuliy left the grocery store in hand, groceries completely forgotten.
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cherriesink · 6 years
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Anime Pia Shin-Q Vol.4 Interviews
Translation by me. Image source for the original text is here, pictured above is the spread from the official twitter here.
Yuto Uemura as Yuliy “Pay attention not only to the action, but also the adults’ strategies.”
- Please tell us your first impression of Yuliy, the character that you play.
Uemura: When I first saw the character design, I thought he was delicate yet belligerent. But, at the story continues, I realized he was a fine Jaeger who struggles against his own heart for the aim of revenge.
- During the actual dubbing production, what did you feel was his most appealing point?
Uemura: Yuliy carries a part that overflows with a lot of emotion, and it is often Willard who sees that side. I’ll also perform to my whole power with the intention of relying on Kenyu Horiuchi.
- From Yuliy’s past in episodes 2-3, Mikhail turned out to be his older brother. What is your sense of Mikhail’s impression and appeal?
Uemura: He has become a vampire, but there’s an impression that he cares for Yuliy. Is he an enemy or an ally...? I think the mysteriousness that shakes the heart is wonderful.
- In the group of Jaegers, is there a character you particularly care about? Please also tell us why.
Uemura: It’s Phillip. Although the youngest of V Shipping, I feel there’s a charm when playing the violin. At this stage in the story, Yuliy and Phillip’s relation is not good, so the future development of those two will be interesting.
- Did you have any instructions from the director and sound director?
Uemura: For there to be a sense of distance in conversations. Because Yuliy secretly has strong emotions, what strength is needed for words toward teammates, those are all achieved one by one under guidance.
- Please tell us about the atmosphere after recording an impressive scene.
Uemura: A lot of the cast ranges from young to experienced, so there’s a really enjoyable atmosphere. Chatting about each other’s work afterwards or going to dinner together, there are many times that hold affection for the production.
- What were your impressions on watching the video?
Uemura: I was overwhelmed by the detailed attention to saguka and powerful sound design. Even from the PV alone, I saw its brilliance. The impact when I saw the full version was amazing. It makes me feel honored to add a voice to it.
- In episodes 1-3 that have already been broadcasted, what are the scenes and lines that made an impression?
Uemura: Yuliy and Agatha’s action scene in the second episode is impressive. Yuliy’s quick-wit was prominent, and I couldn’t take my eyes away. The moment at the end when he impaled Saki-chan’s father, who became a Slave, was a highlight. 
- Please tell us about highlights for episode 4 and beyond.
Uemura: The speculations about the “Arc of Sirius” are entangled, and the tactics between Jaegers and vampires will become complicated. Of course, I would like for you to pay attention to the adults’ strategies.
- Finally, please give a message to the readers.
Uemura: The scenes of action and the scenes of collision between secret feelings, I’m voicing everything to my fullest extent. This is a work created by all the staff and cast. If you notice the subtle expression of that, I would be happy. Thank you very much.
Takahiro Sakurai as Mikhail “Yuliy’s tense voice was attractive.”
-  Please tell us your first impression of Mikhail, the character that you play.
Sakurai: It was the image of a strong and gentle older brother. There was also the charm of a heroic impression for a younger brother.
- Yuliy turned out to be his younger brother. What was your sense of Yuliy’s impression and appeal?
Sakurai: Yuliy feels like a resilient child. Though things can be dangerous, he has many teammates who support him.
- Among the vampires, is there a character you particularly care about?
Sakurai: I’m concerned about Yevgraf. He is the most important character.
- Did you have any instructions from the director and sound director?
Sakurai: There are acting instructions for each scene Mikhail appears in. Foreshadowing or background that the cast doesn’t know, there are directions at that point.
- Please tell us about the atmosphere after recording an impressive scene.
Sakurai: Kenyu Horiuchi was excited during Mockingbird (TL: episode six). He’s a pleasant person.
- What were your impressions on watching the video?
Sakurai: I was deeply moved by the beauty of the shots. Yuliy’s tense voice was attractive.
- Finally, please give a message to readers looking forward to future developments.
Sakurai: The word of “revenge” that Yuliy says, it weighs like gravity on this story. Please enjoy the dark worldview.
Keigo Koyanagi Special Interview - Series Composer “I’d liked everyone to watch Yuliy’s tenacity in moving forward”
- “Tenrou: Sirius the Jaeger” is an original animation production. In making the settings, scenarios, etc, what did you find interesting?
Koyanagi: The appearance of the world’s setting is the 1930s― in the early Showa period, it was an era where various things were in transition. It was before buildings were relocated, organization was still incomplete, and so on. According to the story and its development, the staff studied and thought around that respect. I’d like you to have fun watching it.
- What are parts to focus on, emphasized in the basis of this work’s series composition?
Koyanagi: Of course, the era is early Showa, and a number of suspicious things are becoming serious. But there are also comical parts to Director Ando’s work that gives the viewer a chance to breathe, so there is that flavor attached to it.
- In your interaction of creating stories with the director and the producer, please tell us about particularly impressive episodes.
Koyanagi: Because it is an original work, everything starts from zero. In the weekly screenplay meetings, not only the script, but also the world’s appearance and setting are discussed by everyone. Sometimes it was confusing because each person’s preference didn’t fit together easily (laughs).
- When writing your favorite characters and screenplays, is there a character easy to write?
Koyanagi: Because I like the military, I was happy with the plot of Major Iba and the people around him. As said before, this is a transitory era of various things, so it took a lot of effort to outline the subdivisions, clothing, and equipment.
- What were your impressions on watching the video (PV or full version)?
Koyanagi: The action, of course, and the Showa era’s art and accessories are amazing. After that, the cars and trains. Although those are made in 3D, the attention to detail is unique to Ando’s supervision. And then, all of the characters are cool and cute! The male characters are cute! (Though I don’t lean that way...) 
- After completion of the animation and dubbing, what was your assessment of the script?
Koyanagi: I was shocked when I watched the ED. Yuliy and Mikhail were so cute when they were little. (Though I don’t lean that way...) If time permits, I want to write more about the brothers’ childhood.
- Please tell us about highlights for episodes 1-3.
Koyanagi: For episode 1, the cityscape of the Imperial capital in the early Showa era and the backdrop of the time period are reliably drawn. Among the Jaegers, Yuliy seems to be set apart from them, and takes uncoordinated action. The reason for that will become evident later in the story. More than anything, there is the relationship between Jaegers and vampires. Because they immediately battle at every place they encounter each other (laughs). From episode 1, please pay attention to the action’s start.
For episode 2, it is the story of Yuliy meeting a little girl after he was injured. There is a mutual exchange over each other’s lost mothers, but a vampire appeared... Contrarily, I thought the air of tension diminished. When encountering her painful eyes, Yuliy’s own cloudy expression is certainly a must-see. (TL: I think he’s talking about after the battle.)
For episode 3, Yuliy’s past becomes exposed. While he recollects more of the story, you can see Yuliy as a child and Mikhail before turning into a vampire. The close brothers being torn apart is a sorrowful tale. Returning to the present timeline, the clumsy failure of the Jaegers one after another to cheer up a despondent Yuliy was also interesting.
- Beyond episode 4, what parts should we look forward to enjoying?
Koyanagi: After Yuliy’s revealed past in episode 3, you understand why he hates and continues killing vampires, but Yuliy’s heart begins to waver because his brother Mikhail has also become a vampire. And then the phrase “Arc of Sirius” begins to drift about. How will Yuliy, who has lived only for vengeance, interact with Mikhail, and how will they change while approaching the Arc’s existence? I’d like everyone to watch and enjoy Yuliy’s tenacity in moving forward.
- Finally, please give a message to the readers!
Koyanagi: The broadcast has finally begun of “Tenrou: Sirius the Jaeger.” All the staff members, including Director Ando, are working on production with our full effort. If you feel even a little bit of that from the broadcast, I would be deeply happy. Look forward to the success of Yuliy and the Jaegers! Ah, and Ryoko as well (laughs).
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Would you kindly write about yuliy having a crush? Just some hardcore fluff please! Thank you so much!!
A/N: I hope you like this one!! Sorry it’s short, but I liked this ask from an angle that wasn’t so much of a scenario or in current-time with dialogue, but I liked the thought of writing about some things that would develop in a relationship with Yuliy, or what would need to happen.
Pairing: Yuliy x Reader
Warnings: none, just hardcore fluff
Yuliy hadn’t been sure exactly. . . when it started. Romance was never at the forefront of his mind, Yuliy never thought about it and he doesn’t single anybody out in a crowd.
Maybe it was when he noticed the bare compassion in your eyes, when you looked at him. Soft colors that he could pick out the small details of and appreciate. He would’ve, if he wasn’t so new to these kinds of things and awkward and shy and he didn’t really like those parts of himself very much.
Possibly when his heart began picking up in your presence, Yuliy obliviously questioning himself and a sickness that could be arising in his body. He felt too hot, anyways. Uncomfortably so, and he wanted to squirm, idly wondering if it was the cold outdoors that was causing the sudden bout of irregularity in his own body.
Yuliy began craving to be in your presence eventually, following you around like a lost puppy (as Philip so eloquently described and teased him about. Yuliy retaliated more defensively than usual, face red, getting even angrier at the smug look on Philip’s face as he discovered a new way to torment Yuliy). He fretted over your injuries, feeling unpredictable flares of fierce protectiveness that Yuliy was starting to believe was out of his control, coming on suddenly or if there was a threat that proved to be dangerous. Yuliy wondered if more of his hair would turn white from those worries alone.
Nightmares began. The massacre of his village playing out over and over and over with you and Mikhail at its epicenter, covered in blood that painted the snow red around your bodies, being savagely eaten and torn violently into by claws and long teeth. Yuliy hated those dreams, he always woke up in cold sweats, falling out of his bed in his terror or leaping up or yelling in fear. On those nights, he ended up in your room; your calming presence enveloping him and lulling Yuliy back to slumber.
Yuliy’s fear of losing you doubles, after those nightmares begin showing themselves, scared of your fate being the same as his family’s.
Conversation deepens, Yuliy confiding in you and vice versa of his fears, his hopes, his dreams, his goals. The responsibility he feels over being the last Sirius.
Maybe everything began when he really started trusting you. Yuliy allowed you to leap into battle alongside, following him in his impulses and Yuliy felt comfortable enough to leave his back open when you were there, confident that you’d keep him safe.
Yuliy didn’t know when it started, but he knew it wouldn’t stop anytime soon.
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Could I get a scenario about Yuliy getting jealous because he's with his SO / crush, and she's been leered at / checked out?
Summary: While in a different country searching for the arc, fighting vampires and the like, Yuliy and his significant other happen to come across something worse than vampires, disrespectful men.
A/N: FIRST REQUEST EVER!! Thanks to @lotusblath
Warnings: Fighting, sexual assault, assault.
Yuliy has never thought about relationships, necessarily. He didn’t flaunt his looks, he wore a jacket a lot and most stares are directed to the white patch of hair on his head. It didn’t really bother him, but it didn’t help either when on missions and he lugs around a ‘music’ case through streets and jumping roofs.
Sometimes he’d bump into women, he wouldn’t apologize or give them a glance because whenever he did he was chasing down another woman who he couldn’t loose sight of. These woman were less than tolerable, they’d swipe their hands to slap him, or the nicer ones would gasp indignantly and scoff or turn away and ignore him but Yuliy couldn’t see reactions very well through the hair in his eyes and the wind. He didn’t really care, honestly. If Yuliy didn’t know them, how could he be effected by their rude reactions?
That’s actually how Yuliy met her.
And Yuliy didn’t think about relationships, not until he met her and it irritated him to no end.
She bumped into him first of all. It was a familiar scenario, a simple mission with none of the big-bad vampires seen, a fledgling, he thought. The man wore blood like an overcoat, shrieks coming from passerby’s as they caught sight of the glowing eyes that matched well with the stained shirt. This man, Finnian Weller, favored children’s blood over an adults, and there was a sudden uproar of grieving parents and missing children.
Yuliy caught the man in the house of a wealthy family in the next county over. It was a city-ish plaza he chased the man in, during rush hour. Really unfortunate, Yuliy thought, he’d have to make sure no one followed.
And then he was gaining on the man, getting closer and closer and closer—!
And then Yuliy lost his balance.
But no, he hadn’t tripped. Instead a speeding blur of a person rammed into his shoulder and he barely caught himself. He looked up, ready to dodge anothe indignant swipe when it never came, and this person was a woman. She didn’t have fluffy pink overcoats or a corset or those body-fitting log dresses which he assumed were hell for running in. Not even heels or dress shoes marred her feet.
Instead he saw leather, and straps and a coat more rough and tough than his is; and the non-revealing white shirt and trousers replaced that annoying dress. Combat boots that he would’ve worn passed in a blur as she ran. He looked and he felt his body tense as he saw the same music case he was lugging.
“Sorry ‘bout that, but I would’ve thought a Jaeger would have better balance,” the mysterious woman remarked, and Yuliy frowned further. He felt strangely intrigued, and her smell was intoxicating. She smelled of machine smoke and flowers, and he felt some happiness coming from it.
Yuliy was stunned. Where did she come from?
“What, did I scare you?”
Yuliy guessed, looking back, that maybe it wasn’t too bad that he wasn’t the one to kill the vampire that day.
It wasn’t long after Yuliy had developed his crush that the mysterious woman he’d already forgot the name of was moved into their group of Jeagers. Dorothea was ecstatic, proclaiming her sudden love for the new member only because she was a girl. Phillip was…fine with it? Yuliy had never exactly been good with neither expressions or Phillip himself so Yuliy assumed he was passive.
Yuliy was actually happier than ever, but she felt the bundle of nerves in his gut tighten every time he smelled her intoxicating scent and he didn’t want to get any closer. He wanted to, but Yuliy psyched himself out every time he tried.
“—so don’t worry about Yuliy, he isn’t very social and he looks mean but he isn’t, don’t worry,” Dorothea pointed to him and he felt a little heat crawl up the back of his neck and he turned away to refocus on sharpening one of his blades. “See? He’s just embarrassed, but he’ll warm up to you.”
“That’s doubtful.” Phillip looked away and Yuliy frowned.
“Wait, oh my god it’s you!” She suddenly exclaimed and Yuliy nearly startled from his seat. “I remember you, we killed that pervert vampire a while back. I’m (Y/N), remember?”
Yuliy felt relief settle his shoulders, now he wouldn’t have to awkwardly ask for her name in the middle of a conversation. He liked it, it fit her.
“Right, I nearly forgot,” Yuliy silently scolded himself and he felt unsettled. “It good to see you again, we can catch up on a walk?”
“That sounds great,” (Y/N) smiled and turned around, the room was silent as she paused by the doorway. “I’ll be ready in a few minutes, I have to get my shoes.”
Yuliy felt some odd giddy feelings, and he smiled a bit.
“Well, Yuliy, going in straight for the punch, huh?” Dorothea remarked, smirking. Yuliy felt that prickling heat again at the base of his neck and ears as Phillip laughed and Fallon joined.
Yuliy sighed.
“If (Y/N) comes back here, tell her I’ll be waiting outside.” It wasn’t long after that that Yuliy had one of the most relaxing evenings since he became a Jaeger. Their personalities balanced, Yuliy listener as (Y/N) carried the conversation, and he added his inputs and she kept making comments. He loved her scent, and Yuliy found that she had built both of the machines that hung off of her hips herself. They were grappling hooks.
As their conversation continued, Yuliy stopped and they both sat on the uncomfortable stone seats near a town monument. It overlooked a park and other wildly different couples sat idly. Yuliy would prefer this more than anything, sitting in peaceful silence with the one he adored.
And then Yuliy realized how different she was to those dress-clad women who would try and slap him, who would indignantly scoff and look at him dirtily. Yuliy let out a long and slow breath, his back relaxing against the cool stone and he saw at the corner of his eyes that (Y/N) was looking at him.
He sent a small smile, and she laughed and sat up.
“We should get going, this was so much fun but it’s getting late.”
And so they left that uncomfortable monument and walked along the sidewalks. Yuliy was too tired to keep up, and trailed behind a bit, but she simply turned her back to the road and towards him and skipped along.
She looked free, and Yuliy envied that and he knew he did from the clench in his chest. (Y/N) was freer than anyone he’s ever known, and soon the smell of an engine and alcohol invaded that gentle flower smell he loved.
Yuliy scowled, already irritated as (Y/N)’s shoulder bumped into the front of a man. The man grinned like a Cheshire Cat, stretched in rows of teeth with a non innocent glint in his eyes. That man’s filthy arm looped around her waist to cup her rear, and Yuliy saw blue creep into the corners of his sight as he begin to lose control.
This is bad, Yuliy thought. That-that man made (Y/N) tense, made her gape with fear because this was no vampire, it wasn’t a unsympathetic bloodsucker who took lives of children, this was a person and she was terrified. She couldn’t hurt a person, she hurt killers, not black-out drunk humans who made bad decisions.
Red joined the corners of Yuliy’s vision. He breathed heavily, more of an adrenaline rush that he got when wielding his weapon, that joined the burning feeling of fiery jealousy that touched his head and his body and it controlled him.
Yuliy wanted to touch her that way, with time, it was him who harbored a crush for so long, and this vermin had no right to encroach on that territory. Yuliy was furious, and he marched up to that man and felt the satisfying grip of the man’s unbuttoned shirt within his fists and pushed him harshly into a vehicle.
Yuliy barely registered that (Y/N) had backed up several steps to relax her back against the wall.
He tilted his head, the terrified eyes of the man bore into his glowing ones, blue veins shown underneath the skin. The man shook, and Yuliy felt satisfied to hear the man cry and shake beneath himself. He was sure it was the beast talking, making him do these things but god damnit he just was so jealous and annoyed. Yuliy smelled the gross scent, entirely unappealing and he grimaced.
“What-What…I’m sorry—“ the man broke, in his confusion he passed out. Yuliy could bet it was from the alcohol.
Yuliy then came back to himself, suddenly realizing he was an asshole for leaving (Y/N) shaking against the wall. God, how much worse could this night get?
He stalked out to her cautiously, and wrapped an arm around her shoulder when she gave no protest and she leaned her head on his shoulder. Yuliy felt no better than the passed out guy for for getting satisfaction from this.
“Hey, it’s okay, he’s on the ground right there,” Yuliy pointed to the slumped man, leaning against a car on his back. He silently wished he flopped on his back. “He can’t hurt you.”
“I’m sorry, it’s just he’s a human, and it doesn’t feel right. That’s what got me kicked out of my original squad, I spared a person who just turn and the vampire killed her son,” (Y/N) took a shaky breath, blinking slowly. “Thanks Yuliy, I’ll repay you someday.”
“I know you will, it was no problem.”
Yuliy sometimes wonders if he hadn’t taken the case from Phillip, hadn’t run into this magnificent woman on a chase, if they hadn’t kept meeting at anonymous places.
Yuliy never liked thinking about that.
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Omgggg yassss I was wondering when a ask blog for this show would pop up! Can I get a scenario with Mikhail and his s/o where he's tending to them because their sick/wounded? No angst, just cute tooth-rotting fluff. Please and thank you c: (also what age do you think he is? trying to pin down an age but I can't figure it out :/)
I think he’s in his early twenties but I don’t know??
Summary: In the relationship between a human and a vampire, the human is clumsier than originally thought and hurts herself, leaving her in the grips of her boyfriend.
A/N: I’m so sorry for delaying this request, I didn’t know enough about Mikhail to accurately write his character, but episodes 7 and 8 really cleared it up, and sorry this is so long. Enjoy!
Warnings: Fluff, long request, swearing.
She hadn’t meant to fall in love with a vampire of all things. It was funny, really. Their meeting had practically sprung up from a romantic novel, except those books excluded the bloody details.
Most people couldn’t stand those somewhat-minor details. It made them scrunch their noses with the stench and sprint away, or they screamed and yelled and passed out cold right there. (Y/N) had never done that, she was inclined to the blood and gore, leaned in to the dismembered bodies and into her curiosity.
It never mattered, she thought. It was her job, as she did autopsies in the murder and crime divisions of the police. (Y/N) was one of the only women in the force, that was allowed to help and step into the gruesome crime scenes.
So when another detective sauntered into her office, with an ugly sneer and a baffling expression, then handed her a pile of speckled ashes, she raised a brow. Glancing down at the ash, she tentatively looked back up at the man, who rolled his eyes and pushed the sterile plastic case into her chest further.
“What do you want me to do with this?” She remarked, and pointed at the case. “If there was an arson, then shouldn’t this be handed to the guys who handle forensics?”
The man scoffed, “No, according to Doctor Kisuke’s daughter, Saki, this is what remains of her father.”
(Y/N) narrowed her eyes, confused and bewildered at this officers stupidity, and leaned forward, almost tauntingly.
“So there was an arson?”
The police officer reared back, as if slapped, and (Y/N) nearly laughed. This was the highlight of her day so far, her amusement skyrocketing and she felt giddy for the first time in a while.
“No! This little girl was convinced that when her father was stabbed in the head, he collapsed into ash, and there were no traces of physical bodies when we got to the scene, so we’re sending it to autopsy.”
“Alright, fine. I’ll amuse you and try to get something out of this pile of ash, but don’t be surprised if nothing comes up.”
But something did. A different police officer walked in claiming this was a different person’s ash so (Y/N) labeled them and continued on. This case made her feel this foreboding sense of wonder, she wasn’t digging through some old woman’s carcass for a bullet, or opening the stomach and throat for poison samples, this was a supposed body reduced to ash in seconds.
There was no flamethrower that had that kind of power!
The next day, (Y/N) drove the boring and creepy path to the cremation chamber. It stunk of burnt skin and bodies and smoke, but it didn’t smell worse than a decomposing corpse so she adjusted quickly. She stopped in front of a man with an ashy shirt and apron, who stood in front of the burner and (Y/N) took her coat off. It was so goddamn hot.
“What can I do for you, miss?” The man took off his glove and shook hands, he was burly and out of shape, and his fingers were the size of two of hers.
“Well, I need a small sample of an old man’s ashes, if that won’t be a problem?” asked (Y/N), and she smiled sweetly on purpose, and the man only scratched his balding head with his ungloved hand.
“Well, I’d love to but people take their beloved’s ashes very seriously, they’d be mighty pissed if they found out I loaned some to a stranger.” He said, and (Y/N)’s expression flattened. The man seemed surprised by her sudden monotone expression and hurriedly finished, “I do hope you understand, my apologies.”
“Yes, well, I also hope you understand that I take my job extremely seriously as well.” She flashed her badge, and his eyes widened to saucers and the man grew suddenly baffled and scatter-brained. “And I’m sure your clients wouldn’t be pissed if they never know in the first place.”
“I-I’m so sorry officer, I’ll get my oldest right away.”
As the man ran off, she felt satisfied.
As (Y/N) continued on this case, she kept getting more baffled and confused and wondered. This murder had taken grip on her life and it stayed tightly there until she figured it out.
Though, when the results returned, she was horrified. The doctor’s was normal, as if he was burnt at the stake and she was sent to study the remains, but the other mysterious sample, it was a woman.
And it said her age was estimated to be over two hundred years old.
How was that possible?
Her curiosity had led her to her near death.
It was a typical day, (Y/N) had taken a long break of the case and focused on the building number of bodies on the metal tables. She kept messing up her incisions with her scalpel because her hands were shaking for no reason, she felt like she was in her old medical classroom, and when her heat beat so rapidly fast while taking the exam and everyone’s eyes were staring at her and her only. (Y/N)’s hands shook worse, that flat pit in her stomach twisted and turned and that foreboding sense that was clearly apparent on the day she received those ghastly samples returned.
She willingly stepped away from the opened woman’s body, and nearly dropped her scalpel on her toe. She blatantly ripped off her gloves because she had to get out of there, her head felt woozy and clogged and her legs were missing their steps.
Then there was suddenly someone who stood in her way. In her fog, (Y/N) simply sidestepped the stranger without regarding that she wasn’t out the door yet and this was no police officer.
The man pushed her to the floor, and her head hit the ground and she groaned pathetically. Her vision cleared and she looked up.
That man was not a disgusting man with greasy hair in dreadlocks or murder in his eyes, what (Y/N) saw was a guy with ruby colored eyes and was suffering in his own skin. She tilted her head in curiosity, gaining the strength to stretch her arms to sit up and the guy stepped back.
Her face denied her feelings as she dared to stare him in the eyes with her own, despite the growing fear in her stomach of this intruder that had no doubt come to kill her.
“What’s your name?”
The man tilted his head, and those wandering red eyes narrowed and a thick scar that stretched through his eyes and forehead and deep into his scalp that she just noticed stretched with it.
“Mikhail.” His voice was deep and calm and unemotional, but Mikhail’s face twisted with curiosity. As he talked, she caught glimpse of sharp teeth beneath his lips.
Suddenly, the confusion and everything clicked. (Y/N) was panicked, but she knew that screaming and crying wasn’t the way to get out of this situation.
“You’re a vampire, right? And that woman was too, the one I’ve been studying?”
Mikhail nodded, but still kept the defensive position. This woman that he’d been sent to monitor was peculiar. Most people would scream upon the discovery, beg for their lives on their hands and knees as if praying to Mikhail like he was a god. But this girl, (Y/N), simply asked questions, only showing curiosity. There was no point keeping secrets if she were going to die, was there?
“I’m (Y/N),” She said, “and kill me if you want, but in exchange for my life, I can offer to help you.”
She couldn’t believe she was actually offering this, it was a gamble, and if she had wrongly estimated Mikhail then she was dead. Then again, she loved gambling. It reminded her of her addiction way back when to the risky game and the adrenaline rush. This was the same rapid heartbeats, that excitable anxious pit at the bottom of her stomach and ropes of hope. She loved it.
But this wasn’t cards, or rolling the die and hoping it wasn’t cheated or weighted or that she wouldn’t lose a metric shit ton of money, this was her life.
“Why do you think I need help?”
(Y/N) tried to keep her smile tamed, and instead she kept the innocent look.
“Unless all those cheesy novels were wrong, all vampires don’t really want to be vampires.” Mikhail raised a brow as she talked, and (Y/N) silently praised herself as she saw him gain interest. “I’m offering to try and cure that, I believe everything should be reversible.”
It was admirable, (Y/N) was bluffing only a little bit. She had the anatomy of humans memorized, written down in her eyes and shown by her hands, but there must be dozens more functions of a vampiric body just for the fangs themselves. It was nearly impossible, most likely, but for her life she would try.
And that’s what she did.
Mikhail had initially agreed, and despite the tense atmosphere they had situated to meet at her workplace after her hours to study his anatomy and figure out a antidote.
“A few times a week or daily, write down the time, too.” Mikhail had said, and she quickly grabbed a pencil and paper and wrote it down like he said. She wasn’t taking any chances for his disapproval.
Once everything was situated, (Y/N) turned her back and Mikhail suddenly wasn’t there anymore. She allowed her shoulders to relax, and let a huge breath out. That was so close to her death, way too close; but (Y/N) couldn’t help but feel excitable and very curious.
(Y/N), no matter that whether or not she had the ability to create this miraculous antidote, was too excited for the next day to sleep.
The next day went smoothly, hints of that tension was still there but was eventually forgotten under the overwhelming amount of notes (Y/N) took and her pelting questions.
As Mikhail told her everything he knew of himself and other vampires, and her furious writing and suggestions and answers, a week had flown by. (Y/N) hadn’t dared touch him or be experimental without consent, and she kept an automatic sciencey response for his questions.
(Y/N) didn’t know why or when, but she couldn’t help but consider Mikhail as a friend. They spent hours day after day with each other, experimenting without actually doing anything and sometimes just talking. Sometimes, Mikhail would disappear for a few days, and she would oddly get sad and stay after until night to see if he’d come back and it would scare her.
Mikhail grew comfortable with her too, she thinks. He’d sit on the metal tables and absentmindedly push any dangerous chemical away from him like he didn’t care. (Y/N) could tell that he didn’t like the scent of the corpses he’d sit next to sometimes, his nose would scrunch and he’d shake his head and get back to paying attention. Then (Y/N) would only tease him about it and he’d roll his eyes and smirk.
All of these times she couldn’t get out of her head. She couldn’t get over that her favorite part of the day was to sit on unstable metal tables and talk to a kind vampire who she offered to help.
It wasn’t too long after that that (Y/N) realized she was falling in love with Mikhail.
And it was about two months after she realized that, when Mikhail kissed her.
It was typical and cheesy, she was checking his eyes for anything uncommon for them, and his skin ton after another grueling month of hoping for a single experiment to work. (Y/N) had taken notice of him staring at her lips on and off for a while but she chalked it off that they were only in his view since she was leaning over him. That didn’t stop her from blushing.
(Y/N) began checking his forehead for any contours, when Mikhail suddenly stood from his chair and leaned forward, chastely pressing his lips to hers passionately as he cupped her jaw. She melted at the softness, held his hand in hers and didn’t move her lips but press harder, a silent way of acceptance.
Mikhail broke off, and took a big breath and said, “Sorry if I startled you.”
“It’s fine, but what happens now?” (Y/N) said, still hesitating to remove her hand so she doesn’t. There were trembles in her stomach threatening to break out and her heart already beating out of her chest. The small heat in her cheeks grew to a burning heat sensation that spread to her ears and neck. Mikhail chuckled and she looked away. “We’re in a relationship, right?”
“If you want to be, then yes.”
The relationship thing, new to the both of you, was going off extremely well. It’s been six months, already passed the awkward stage (Y/N) was happy to see the more affectionate Mikhail more concerned and she could tell he cared a lot. That sent a sort of warming to her chest that spread and she didn’t realize she was smiling until the heat cooled.
This is what happens every time Mikhail goes on a mission. He’s told you about his murderous intent of his ‘master’, how he fears that Yevgraf will force him to kill Yuliy. Mikhail had also explained that this is why the relationship can’t be public, but it didn’t bother (Y/N) as much as she thought, and how it was narrated by dramatic novels. She reads a lot of those.
It was on one of these nights, in which her mind was ridden with Mikhail, and her concern for her lover that she didn’t notice the glass of water she places at the edge of the steps.
Once she heard the clap of familiar boots through the door, she quickly moved to go greet him at the door, but be stopped at the stairs.
(Y/N) knocked the glass over with her foot, the other catching the top of it and she knew what was coming before it happened. She wrapped the sides of her head with her arms, and she heard the crack of her ribs as the corner of a step lodged into her side. The pain shocked her, she couldn’t breathe for a second and then she knocked the uncovered part of her head.
Dizzy and disoriented, her head rushed with the shooting pain and she blacked out.
Once (Y/N) woke, she saw Mikhail at her said, staring at his boots with intensity, not noticing as she began to lean on her elbows.
“Hey there,” Mikhail shot up at (Y/N)’s groggy words and she saw him relax with relief. “Funny seeing you here, what happened?”
Mikhail began to gently push her flat onto the bed, “You fell down the stairs, and broke two of your ribs, it’ll take a few months to heal.”
(Y/N) covered her face with her hands, an embarrassed blush replacing the paleness of her skin. “Jesus Christ, I’m so stupid. How could I have fallen down the stairs?”
Mikhail chuckled, he always had small laughs but they made her feel happy, so she laughed too. She stopped quickly, it hurt more than expected to laugh. Mikhail chuckled again, to which she slapped him on the arm.
“Ow, stop it, you’re making me laugh!”
“Is that a bad thing?” He teased, and (Y/N) playfully glared at him.
Her recovery was slow, but it felt nice to have Mikhail mothering her and helping her up the stairs and change her bandages every day. He would make dinner and cover the bills for her home while she was on medical leave, it was really sweet.
What wasn’t as sweet was when he’d lecture her for straining herself, whether it be stretching to grab a book or repeatedly going up and down the stairs, but she understood that he just cares.
The few months of bliss passed quickly, unfortunately. (Y/N) was tempted to throw herself down a longer staircase just so Mikhail could take care of her and bring her soup and kisses in bed like he’s been doing. When she brought it up he only chuckled, and said, “If you do, I’ll catch you this time.”
It didn’t really discourage her one bit, so she did. (Y/N) jumped the leap of faith down a larger flight of stairs and she didn’t break any ribs, but felt the arms of her lover carry her down the stairs.
Who knows, maybe she becomes miraculously clumsy over the next few days, and maybe Mikhail will have to take care of (Y/N) a lot more than he thought.
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