#tenrou: sirius the jaeger x reader
fairy-writes · 2 years
a second option for the event? 👀 never gonna let you down for yuliy (do i write this correctly...) from sirius the jaeger? been a while since i last saw that fandom on my dash!
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Requester: thewaterlily
Fandom(s): Sirius the Jaeger
Pairing(s): Yuliy Jirov x Gender Neutral!Reader
Song: Never Gonna Let You Down by Colbie Caillat
Genre: Fluff with some hints of angst
Notes: PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP WITH YULIY, pre-Sirius the Jaeger plotline.
This is based on the song, but not a song fic because it was already getting sooo long, and I was slowly wasting away. 
A pounding on your door in the middle of the night woke you with a startle. You instinctively wrapped your hand around the pistol under your pillow. It was a habit after being a Jaeger for so long. You silently crept toward the stairs of your home. 
The pounding continued as you descended the stairs, hand clutching your gun as you tried to peek out the window and into the rain streaking down in a torrent that flooded the street. Finally, however, once you saw just who was pounding at your door, you flung it open in haste.
It was Willard. Cold, wet, shivering and holding something covered in blankets. He said your name quietly, and you hurriedly ushered him inside. 
“What sort of time do you call this?! I thought you were still in Russia looking for—” Willard shushed you, and before you could retaliate, he uncovered the lump of whatever he was holding, draping the soaking-wet blankets over the back of the couch.
It was a boy, no older than seven or eight years old. Dressed in clothes you didn’t recognize, the boy had black hair with a shock of white plastered to his forehead. His eyes were screwed shut, and his cheeks were flushed a bright red, chest heaving as he battled whatever ailment he had. 
He was sick. That much was obvious. 
“Willard, what—”
“His name is Yuliy. I found him abandoned in Russia. Vampires destroyed his entire village.” Willard said, and your brows furrowed, taking in the boy’s sick appearance once more. Then, you spun on your heel, tucking your gun in the waistband of the pajama pants. 
“Wait—where are you going?” He asked as you left his side. You looked over your shoulder,
“To get something to help him feel better. That’s why you brought him here, right?” This effectively shut the professor up, and he set Yuliy down on the recliner in the corner of your living room, putting a new blanket over him as you rummaged through your home for things that could help.
Eventually, you came back with a set of pajamas tucked under your arm, a tray of three steaming mugs, and a towel. Willard had brought the sopping wet blankets to your laundry room and was currently talking in quiet tones to Yuliy, who still refused to open his eyes. Finally, you uncovered Yuliy and picked him up gently. He was painfully light for his age. 
He curled into your chest, one cold arm wrapping around your neck and the other clutching his wet clothes to his body in an attempt to preserve any sort of warmth.
“I’m going to help him get changed. You wait here.” You explained to Willard, who nodded. Once inside the guest bedroom, you set Yuliy down on the bed and got on your knees, so you were at eye level with him. 
“Yuliy? I need to get these clothes off of you. They’re helping keep you sick. Can you help me?” You spoke in quiet tones, and Yuliy slowly opened his eyes. You couldn’t contain your gasp. They were the most brilliant blue color, though they were hazy with exhaustion and a hint of deep, deep sadness. But nonetheless, he nodded, and you quickly got him changed, turning your back when he stripped himself of his underwear and put the new on. The pajamas were painfully oversized on him, the shirt hanging down to his thighs and the trousers having to be cinched as tight as they would go and rolled up at the bottom. 
Now dressed in dry clothes and wrapped in a blanket, he sat with his mug of hot cocoa as you dried his hair. He had his small hands wrapped tightly around the mug as Willard nursed his cup of tea. 
“What happens now, Willard?” You asked, and he frowned as he set the cup down on the coffee table. 
“I’m going to kill vampires,” Yuliy said, uttering the first words you had heard him speak. He spoke with such conviction that you actually believed he could do it. 
The first time you saw Yuliy cry was almost precisely one year after he came to live with you. Perhaps living with you wasn’t the correct phrase. He accompanied Willard on missions more often than he didn’t, but you still kept the spare bedroom made up for him for when he would come around. 
Now was one of those times. Willard was asleep on the couch, and Yuliy was upstairs in the guest bedroom. You had got up to get a glass of water when you heard his quiet cries. Your heart shattered when you heard how he tried to stifle them. Then, opening his door as silently as you could, you saw him hunched in the corner, fist to his lips as he tried to keep quiet. 
All he needed to do was look at you before you were gathering him in your lap on the bed and rocking him back and forth. He clung to your clothes, nose buried in the crook of your neck. You rubbed his back and rocked slowly, saying soft words of encouragement as he calmed down. 
“They died last week… My family. It’s the one-year anniversary.” He finally whispered, and your heart broke even more. He was trying so hard to be strong, but he was just a boy. 
“I’m supposed to be strong! I shouldn’t be crying! I should—”
“Let yourself be a child, Yuliy.” You cut him off gently and leaned your head on his. His grip tightened, and he dissolved into tears again. 
The first time you saw him kill a vampire was when he was sixteen—nine years of raising the young Sirius to the best of your abilities with Willard at your side. 
You were there through his heartaches, tears, injuries, everything. You were there when Phillip, Dorothea, and Fallon joined the little group. You had become something of a parent to all of them. They often joked that they were a family and that you and Willard were the parents.
You were hidden in wait for their mission to conclude so you could treat their injuries. You didn’t participate in fighting anymore, not after your last mission had your entire team killed years ago. But that didn’t mean you had to miss out on all the fun. 
So you waited. 
Yuliy was beautiful to watch as he fought. He twisted through the air and used his three-sectioned staff (that you had gotten for him) with such grace and practice it was mesmerizing. 
A knock on your door distracted you from your book, and you looked out the window to your left. 
It was Yuliy. 
He had been gone on a mission for weeks that he wouldn’t tell you about. He didn’t have his case with his staff which was odd. He was staring down where he was fiddling with his fingers. What was strange was his white streak of hair had gotten more prominent, and his right eye was clamped shut. 
With a frown, you opened the door,
“Yuliy? You know you don’t have to knock, right?” He shrunk in on himself, and your frown grew.
“What’s wrong?”
Before you knew it, Yuliy had wrapped his arms tightly around your middle, head in the crook of your neck like he used to when he was small. 
“He’s dead.” He whispered,
“Mikhail. My older brother. He got killed in a fight over the Arc.” Yuliy sounded close to tears, so you wrapped your around his shoulders and pulled him even closer. 
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart.” You whispered and felt hot tears soak into your skin as Yuliy began to cry. 
The two of you stood like that for a while, you rocking Yuliy back and forth much like you had when you had found him crying for the first time. His cries were quiet like always, but he never wavered and never let go. 
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Could you make an scenario where Yuliy meets again an chilhood and first love friend after severals years of the incident in Dogville? Thank you!
Hello! I haven’t answered an ask in a really long time, and I feel super bad about it. Fair warning, my writing style has changed a lot, into something I’m much more proud of.
Pairing: Yuliy x Sirius! Reader
Warnings: none
Living as a Sirius outside of Dogville hadn’t been a kind transition in the least.
As a young and not-so-naive (at least, not anymore) child, along with the issues of the tragedy in Dogville, you had nothing to turn to. It was a miracle you’d even survived, albeit with an injury that should’ve finished the job. It had always been a source of crippling guilt, feeling like you shouldn’t even be alive and so fortunate when others weren’t.
It was a burden the nice couple that took you in bore wonderfully, surprised when you’d first lashed out at them — it was something stupid, but your eyes glowed their menacing blue, a storm brewing in the irises, teeth sharpening into her Sirius fangs — yet took it in stride. Your pseudo-father wrestled with you whenever the werewolf-typical instinct arose, letting you bite them and scratch at them in good fun. It was more than you’d ever expected.
But. . . it wasn’t enough. Not the same.
You thought you were alone. Why wouldn’t you? After bearing witness of your long-time crush’s older brother, Mikhail, perishing underneath the unmerciful claws of the vampires, and Yuliy disappearing into the cold forest; it was only logical, no matter how utterly depressing and soul crushing it was. You figured out later that it might not have been just a crush, like you’d presumed.
The fateful reunion wasn’t dramatic, or teeth-clenching or scary or anything you’d expected, really. But it was a reunion, and that’s all that mattered, in your eyes.
You walked absentmindedly through the grocery store, idly pushing a cart that grated against your sensitive ears painfully. It was annoying, but bearable. You glanced back down at the grocery list clenched in your hand, finding it stupid that your roommate sent you to the grocery store, fully aware she was absolutely terrible at navigating it. It was common you’d spend literal hours there, wandering through the aisles.
You were halfway through the list, your roommate showing you mercy with a shorter list than usual.
You swiveled into the aisle you were looking for, filled with boxes of crackers and some cheeses. It was one of the widest, well-liked by the more wealthy citizens and those looking for food that fit celebrations, also to fit the sections of chilled cheeses. The shelves were high, and once you took a few minutes searching for the specific brand of crackers, you found it. A pit of dread appeared in your stomach.
It was on the very top shelf. Way too high for your short stature.
After some rather pathetic jumps and attempts to reach it on your tip-toes (also cursing the fact that being a Sirius didn’t automatically make you tall), you promptly gave up trying to do it by yourself. It was infuriating, and you didn’t want to concede and use your superior strength for something so easily overcame. It was stupid, but you were angry.
Giving up, you tapped the guy next to you on the shoulder.
He looked like he was trying to avoid every other presence in the store, a deadpan expression on his face. You would’ve avoided him, respecting his personal bubble and the resting bitchface that had the potential to turn into something you didn’t want to deal with, if he hadn’t smelled so. . . familiar. It was reflex to take a whiff of the scent of those around you, something you were taught from early age and a part of some specific customs in Dogville she was only supposed to practice with an unknown Sirius, but it was instinctual. The stranger smelled like. . . like pack, and home and everything good.
You raked your eyes over his body. Traditional clothing from your village, that you’d hadn’t seen in so long. A pang of hurt zipped through your chest, and so much hope that it hurt.
The man turned, his face that you couldn’t see before striking your brain with familiarity. A white tuft of hair, the other strands of dark hair pulled back.
“Oh my God,” you said, breathy and unbelieving the impossible situation in front of you. “Yuliy? Is that you?”
A look of shock passed over the features that you’ve hadn’t seen in years, sharper and more handsome than ever.
“(Y/N)?” Yuliy (you were certain, at this point) asked, beginning to breathe heavier. You watched as his nose twitched, sniffing the air and his eyes opened wider. Yuliy froze.
Memories of happier days flashed through your head, tears welling in your eyes as you remembered innocent snowball fights, watching sunsets at the top of houses and huge smiles. The memories were cast with a haze, reminiscent of a very different, missed time. You heart clenched, remembering what you tried so hard to repress, but couldn’t with Yuliy in front of you. You couldn’t believe it, something you’ve always wanted standing in front of you.
Unable to hold yourself back, in your rush of swelling emotions of happiness and the howling cries of joy of the wolf in the back of her head, you rushed and leaped forward, latching onto Yuliy with a death grip. You didn’t plan on letting go anytime soon. For a moment, you feared that maybe this wasn’t Yuliy —maybe you were hallucinating, the anniversary of the attack on your village was in a weeks time — but you banishbed the thought as soon as it arose, sure in yourself. The contact soothed you in ways the closest to you couldn’t even accomplish, a strong feeling of comradery and pack making your lip wobble. You bit your lip, not wanting to show weakness. Then, you realized you didn’t care.
Your emotions crashed together, letting go of them as you began sobbing into Yuliy’s shoulder, letting out all of the pain you’ve felt in his absence. In your village’s absence. Yuliy seemed to be knocked out of his stupor, suddenly feeling his arms wrap around you tightly, squeezing your smaller body to his chest protectively and desperately, dipping his face into your neck to breathe in your comforting scent. As you clutched at his shirt, dirtying it with your own tears, you felt his heavy puffs of breath, assuming he was really trying to keep himself from crying as you were. So many sheer emotions curled their way into you at once, it was completely overwhelming but also welcomed.
“I-I thought you were dead!” You cried, choking on your words a little. You pulled back from the hug a bit, almost regretting it with the way Yuliy’s arms tightened around you in response, attempting to prevent you from getting away. You smiled through your tears, the happiest you’d been in a regretfully long time. “I thought I just left you there t-to die and—”
Yuliy pulled back his head to look at you, the expression on his face making your knees weak. His face showed relief and pure emotion that you couldn’t even begin to decipher. Your hands suddenly felt too empty and cold in his shirt, wanting to feel his skin and confirm that he was actually alive and breathing and okay and you immediately lost any doubts you had in the slew of everything else before you cupped his face in your hands, rubbing your thumb over Yuliy’s cheekbone. It was far too intimate for the public eye, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care.
“How are you alive?” Yuliy asked, a small smile on his face. “Not that I—”
“I know,” you interrupted, dropping your smile. “They attacked and left me for dead, and I should’ve died but I didn’t, somehow and. . . and it was really hard.”
Yuliy frowned, eyebrows furrowing in concern once he spotted the huge scar peeking out from your shirt. His expression shifted once again into anger, this time, and you panicked, quickly beginning to run soothing circles into his skin.
“Hey, I’m fine now, it’s okay.”
“I know, but— I’m sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry for.”
A comfortable silence passed over them, contentedly relaxing in the embrace of your best friend (and secret crush) that you hadn’t seen in what felt like a torturous millennia.
You and Yuliy left the grocery store in hand, groceries completely forgotten.
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mystic-sky · 5 years
Dads to be/Dads during birth Yuliy/Mikhail please :D Thought that'd be cute. Thanks!
Using a fem s/o in this, Enjoy!
When you tell him that you’re pregnant he’s stunned. Maybe you tell him in bed one night and he’s all “Really?”
He’s happy but unhappy because he doesn’t know the first thing about being a Dad. He doesn’t know much about his own father so when you tell him, his brain fast forwards to when you’d have the kid in that moment and he’s terrified. 
You can’t read his face too well and after asking him about it he assures you he’s just nervous. Of course you comfort him, and he eventually becomes more determined than discouraged.
“I don’t know the first thing about being a Dad. Do you really think I can do it?”
He assumes being a Dad means protecting what means the most to him, and that won’t just be you anymore.
He’s finally making a new family, this is a very sentimental thing for him.
So you’re going through the phases and he’s trying his best to be helpful. Always at your bedside when your tummy hurts and what not. He will bring you anything you need at your beckon call. 
It’s cute because maybe you’re searching the cabinets for something healthy to eat or you ran out of something and you ask him if he can go to the store to pick it up.
He’s dressed in seconds, and running out the door. You often stop him and say “You can relax a bit,” or “You don’t have to do it right now,”
Oh but he does
Every day is a mission for him, even when you tell him that maybe your pain isn’t that bad today. He’ll rub your feet for you even when they don’t hurt anymore.
He’s always touching you, he’s not a clingy lover, but he can be from time to time and during your pregnancy is definitely one of them.
He likes to fall asleep on your lap or next to your baby bump every night so he can listen and feel it kick.
He’s in and out of the bookstore reading lots of prenatal literature and he’s always bringing home cool storybooks to read to your child.
I also head cannon that a pregnant s/o smells way different from a non pregnant s/o? A neutral scent, one he got used to for the 9 months until you had the kid and if you get pregnant again he can tell based off your scent after a few weeks. this is a weird one but hey let’s get creative
So your water breaks and he’s actually shook cause he’s home and he just hears you call him into the bedroom. There’s a puddle of fluid and he’s all ???????
You explain to him that the baby is coming and he tries to be your night in shining armor but he’s panicking inside when he carries you into the car.
Or you guys have an at-home birth? Your choice.
Yuliy is trying his best to remain calm and cool but you know he’s flipping out inside. You’re so understanding and even though you’re nervous too you assure him it’s going to be alright.
He won’t leave your side-ever. No one can make him.
Kid probably has your hair color with a little white streak in it and big blue eyes like he did when he was a kid.
He’s so shocked when he finds out you’re pregnant. I think he’d probably be eating something and you tell him and he’s like “How?” To which you’d probably furrow your brows at him and say “Well, what do you think?”
He’s very happy about it though, don’t take it the wrong way. I have somewhat funny nsfw hc on this that you can ask me about if you want.
He’s going to parent the hell out of you during your entire pregnancy.
Lots of “Should you be eating that?” and “Be careful, think of the baby.”
And he makes an effort to try and carry you everywhere, to which 80% of the time you decline.
It’s almost smothering, and you tell him to dial it down a little. He reduces his doting to 70%. You tell him that you’ll ask for assistance only when you need it, but he now does 100% of the cooking and cleaning because he won’t allow you to.
When you’re throwing up be holds your hair for you/will most likely tie it up or braid it for you because he’s good at that.
When its not all about chores or constantly reassuring your well-being, you share the most affectionate moments. Maybe he falls asleep next to your tummy at night when you’re full on baby bump.
I head cannon Mikhail will talk to your baby a lot, but not in a gooey cooey way. It’s normal tone conversation, and it continues even after your child is born.
He actively communicates with your baby bump, rubbing it at night and leaving kisses.
“Today me and your mom went to our favorite bakery in town. She wanted to eat everything, and I almost let her. She didn’t throw up though, so I’m assuming you liked the pastries we bought. I’m gonna take you there when you’re older so you can try them yourself. It probably sucks eating everything baby bird style.”
You laugh at him whenever he does this. And sometimes you almost think he’s talking to you? I head cannon he’d often correct you and be all “Oh no I’m talking to (baby’s name).”
He has an idea on what it’s like to be a Dad because he was so used to helping his mom raise Yuliy.
He’s not so much nervous about it till it’s your actual delivery. Your water breaks and he carries you bridal style to the hospital. Or it’s at-home? Whatever you want.
It’s not till he sees you yelling out in pain that it dawns upon him that this is happening.
As he’s squeezing your hand back while you push, he’s quietly murmuring “I’m going be a Dad,” countless times as if he didn’t have so many foreshadowing jokes for when (baby’s name) was going to be born.
You manage to laugh a little somehow, because he’s always trying to pretend he’s some strong guy for your sake and he’s so good at it. 
I love the idea of Mikhail being scared of things but he’s explicitly good at hiding it because he wants to be someone you think can protect you.
Your kid has lots of hair, thick thick hair, and they’d look just like him aside from having your eyes.
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jaeger-records · 6 years
As promised, today I’m going to share the whole scenario with you cupcakes ✨ It is Mikhail smut.... I understand if you had enough of my obsession. 🙈 The next thing will be some Yuliy, I promise. Hope you still enjoy it! 😉 Lots of love 💕 Lin 
[Mikhail x reader] [smut] [word count: 1.496] Sharp, dangerous teeth nip at the edge of your ear, skillfully sucking your lobe. A delightful moan dances from your lips. Mikhail is excited. He just started and you are already so eager to submit. He rarely feels alive but your luscious smell and the heat radiating from your body sparks something inside him. Lighting up a flame inside which makes his cold blood boil. Pressing closer his lips wander, down the junction of your jaw all the way to your carotid. Lasciviously his tongue circles around your life spot. Rhythmically he feels your pulse throbbing with each vibrant heartbeat of yours. It is paper thin, the wall separating his razor fangs from your claret.            You shiver. It is dangerous to fuck with a wolf, but it is even more lethal to do so with a wolf who is a vampire. Ecstasy ignites electricity inside you, your heartbeat exhilarates. Mikhail whines. He wants you so much, your body, your soul and your blood, it makes his mind go haywire. Only a fool would sink his perfect canines into this delicious treat right away. Pierce through silky skin, rest his fangs inside rosy flesh, suck this warm pulsating ambrosia, ravish it till his hunger his satisfied. Just the image of it is enough to make him almost come undone. Almost. Mikhail is an epicure, he wants to save the best for the last. You are not his prey, not his livestock, you are his lover. He wants to savor you as a whole while he makes sweet love to you.            Sucking on this sweet spot, he dips you deeper into the mattress. Old metal creaks under his weight. Long slender fingers rub circles on your ribcage. Last clothes join the long discarded pile on the dusty wooden floor. Resting on top of you he takes in your beauty. Just those ghostly touches made you breathe hard. Lashes cast long shadows on your dusty pink cheeks, your eyes are clouded with lust. Your lips are plump and slightly parted, saliva glistening them in a moisty coat. You look like a beautiful phantasm. He reaches out an icy hand, his thumb traces your lower lip like coaxing a wild animal. You should not play with fire. In an instant, your tongue circles his finger, sucking it in deeper and deeper between your glazed lips. Immediately he feels your warmth spreading through his fingertip. You moan and lift your hips rubbing yourself against him. Sweet love, if he would not have been crazy before he would be by now. The beasts inside him start eating on his composure and slowly he feels his self-control crumble away. He takes a deep quivering breath and closes his eyes. The last thing he sees is a cheeky smirk plastered on your face. You devious little thing did this on purpose.            When he reopens his eyes you a greeted with a raging blizzard and a feral roar reverberates inside his chest. Ready to mark his territory he licks his lips with anticipation, with hunger. You feel his breath fan against your cheek. You want to roam him, but he grabs your wrists pinning them above your head. For a second you struggle, he tightens his grip, there is a low baritone growl. You stop. It hurts but it is pleasurable pain. He leaves a trail of sloppy kisses down the line of your jaw and your neck. The tip of his nose lingers cold on your burning skin as he reaches your collar bone. Mikhail lets his mouth rest there only for a moment. In a heartbeat his teeth graze your fragile skin. You sigh with bliss. It is close, so close. It takes a lot to restrain himself. Your scent, your warmth, your blood so close. It is a spiral staircase sending him right into madness. Right in this moment all he wants to do is to fuck you and suck you. He is already so hard it hurts. It would be so easy to just take you but the wolf inside his soul reminds him to be gentle. You are his mate, not his victim. You made it clear, a long time ago, that you would be with him, beside him. You gave yourself to him, you trust him, completely and he feeds on that. He moves on, hauntingly passionate. Tongue and fingers mapping you, painting invisible patterns and leaving visible marks. Marks bruising instantly into a beautiful purplish indigo.            You chant his name, sweet cries echoing through abandoned walls. Mikhail is thrilled. He released his grip. Hands travel. Bodies connect. You bend and break underneath him, he has not even reached the best spot yet. He takes pride in that. Venturing further, he finds himself engulfed between your legs, inhaling your appetizing scent. Both creatures inside him threaten to break their shackles. His whole body shudders. He grabs your thighs. The touch is rough and nails dig deep inside your delicate flesh. Mikhail leans close, strands of his wild untamed mane tickle your leg. The look in his eyes is wild. The raging blizzard turned into a dark storm. Danger radiates from the core of his being. His fangs are half exposed. You feel vulnerable but your need sets you ablaze. You squirm. His hold is merciless. His nails delve deeper, tiny droplets start seeping out. Mikhail’s reason is almost rendered to nothing. His whole body tingles, he is aroused, needy and thirsty. It is a thirst that cannot be quenched by your blood alone, he knows that. He wants you as a whole. Mikhail wants to gorge himself on you. Drink your pleasure, feel you close, connecting to you like he was your shadow. A devilish tongue fondles those small cuts. The burning sensation makes you whistle between your teeth. A guttural sound escapes his throat. Mikhail did not know he could be even more euphoric, but the sweet hazy sensation unraveling in the pit of his stomach tells him otherwise. Shifting, he positions himself in front of your entrance. The picture you paint is a feast for his eyes. Cheeks feathered crimson, shimmering beads coating your lashes, body covered in a thin sheet of sweat. He drips white.            He sheathes himself inside you. You cry, solely for him. You are tight and hot. The friction is causing his breathing to become ragged. You wither underneath his touch. He growls and moans. Barely clinging to sanity, your screams lull him further and further into a tempting abyss. Suddenly, he pulls out and turns you around in a smooth motion. Pulling your hair he takes you from behind. Ecstatic moans fall from your lips, ushering him to pummel you even harder. He picks up his pace and pulls your hair harder. Mikhail meets you halfway, his hand wandering around your throat. It is a grip tight enough to hold you in place but not to actually hurt you.            He nuzzles his face against the nape of your neck. A gesture almost too pure. “Misha” you whisper, voice full of affection, and he knows you are ready. It is a tacit agreement. Eyes glow, crystal blue turning carmine. Angling your head, his razor fangs graze your neck cutting open a small spot. He is careful not to actually bite you.  Dark red droplets trickle slowly down the wound. Lips connect to your velvet skin. His tongue draws lazy circles, cautiously not wasting any of his treat. Feverish thoughts take over his mind making his rhythm stutter. Drawing a sharp breath, he presses his tongue just below the cut, the stream of blood increases. Mikhail sucks on your neck, hard. Pain shots through you, mixing with pleasure. Shivers run up and down your spine. You cry out but the sounds come out brutish.            Mikhail is engrossed as the fresh juice of your life prickles down his throat. It is rich and savory. It tastes of you, of your vitality. He gulps it down, swallowing every precious drop you are willing to share. Your warmth spreads through his body. It is an elysian feeling. Usually, he is disgusted by the taste of blood. It is only a means to survive but when you let him drink he feels grateful. Grateful for you sharing your life with him.            He is drunk on you. Your boisterous sounds thrive him further and further to the edge. The way he can feel your pulse quicken he knows you are just moments away from coming undone. Pounding harder and harder he never stops from collecting your oozing juice. Holding you tight you melt into one. You clench around him and gasps of joy fill the air. The tight knot inside him unravels. A few more thrusts and Mikhail falls over the edge. His lithe body collapses onto you and you both sink into the mattress. In the wake of your high he pulls you close. His tongue finds yours and there is communication beyond the limit of spoken language.
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As I write the requests I have here, I have also been watching a new series. Dororo 2019 has stolen my heart, so ofc I’m writing a fic for it as well. Not only that, but I’ve also been writing something for Tenrou: Sirius the Jaeger. Shameless self-promotion below.
Dororo 2019
The Soul with the Brightest Flame: (Hyakkimaru/Female! Reader) ~ (Y/n) is just a simple traveler, curious of the world around her. When she comes back from harvesting her garden, she gets more than what she bargained for.
Tenrou: Sirius the Jaeger
The Secrets We Unfold: (Yuliy Jirov/Female! Reader) ~ (Y/n) is a Jaeger hailing from the German division. When the Professor asks for help from any neighboring unit, her unit is the one to answer. Though, she isn’t expecting to get thrown into a war. Beggars can’t be choosers, right?
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Would you kindly write about yuliy having a crush? Just some hardcore fluff please! Thank you so much!!
A/N: I hope you like this one!! Sorry it’s short, but I liked this ask from an angle that wasn’t so much of a scenario or in current-time with dialogue, but I liked the thought of writing about some things that would develop in a relationship with Yuliy, or what would need to happen.
Pairing: Yuliy x Reader
Warnings: none, just hardcore fluff
Yuliy hadn’t been sure exactly. . . when it started. Romance was never at the forefront of his mind, Yuliy never thought about it and he doesn’t single anybody out in a crowd.
Maybe it was when he noticed the bare compassion in your eyes, when you looked at him. Soft colors that he could pick out the small details of and appreciate. He would’ve, if he wasn’t so new to these kinds of things and awkward and shy and he didn’t really like those parts of himself very much.
Possibly when his heart began picking up in your presence, Yuliy obliviously questioning himself and a sickness that could be arising in his body. He felt too hot, anyways. Uncomfortably so, and he wanted to squirm, idly wondering if it was the cold outdoors that was causing the sudden bout of irregularity in his own body.
Yuliy began craving to be in your presence eventually, following you around like a lost puppy (as Philip so eloquently described and teased him about. Yuliy retaliated more defensively than usual, face red, getting even angrier at the smug look on Philip’s face as he discovered a new way to torment Yuliy). He fretted over your injuries, feeling unpredictable flares of fierce protectiveness that Yuliy was starting to believe was out of his control, coming on suddenly or if there was a threat that proved to be dangerous. Yuliy wondered if more of his hair would turn white from those worries alone.
Nightmares began. The massacre of his village playing out over and over and over with you and Mikhail at its epicenter, covered in blood that painted the snow red around your bodies, being savagely eaten and torn violently into by claws and long teeth. Yuliy hated those dreams, he always woke up in cold sweats, falling out of his bed in his terror or leaping up or yelling in fear. On those nights, he ended up in your room; your calming presence enveloping him and lulling Yuliy back to slumber.
Yuliy’s fear of losing you doubles, after those nightmares begin showing themselves, scared of your fate being the same as his family’s.
Conversation deepens, Yuliy confiding in you and vice versa of his fears, his hopes, his dreams, his goals. The responsibility he feels over being the last Sirius.
Maybe everything began when he really started trusting you. Yuliy allowed you to leap into battle alongside, following him in his impulses and Yuliy felt comfortable enough to leave his back open when you were there, confident that you’d keep him safe.
Yuliy didn’t know when it started, but he knew it wouldn’t stop anytime soon.
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fairy-writes · 5 years
Hey, I love your stuff! Could you write some hcs or something with Yuliy and Mikhail with a significant other with adhd?
I really hope you like this nonnie! A bit of a warning though, I am not here to romanticize ADHD or any other disorder. If I do… I sincerely apologize if I offend anyone. This is a serious subject and I don’t want to take it lightly. I figured I’d focus on one aspect of ADHD for each character, while also touching base on others briefly. This was all written from my own experience and the research I did on ADHD.
Mikhail: Poor Planning/Forgetfulness
He’ll often find you up late at night or early in the morning, working on something that you claimed had to be done because you forgot or time got away from you.
Sometimes he has to force you to go to bed or else he knows you won’t go to sleep on your own.
You get mad at him for it, but deep inside you know he’s just trying to look out for you.
Constantly getting distracted and forgetting things is a big part of your daily life, Mikhail tries to help by getting you a planner or by reminding you, mostly trying to help in small ways.
Sometimes he’ll leave you sticky notes around your house
Things like “Don’t forget your lunch” (that he probably made you), or “your keys are in the silverware drawer”, you know. Cute and helpful things like that.
Overall, I see him as being very patient and creative in having ways to help you cope.
Like if you feel like you feel you need medication and therapy? Great! He’ll go to appointments with you if you want him to.
If not? He’ll offer his help in any way he can
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Yuliy: Hot Temper
I’m no psychologist, but I feel like Yuliy displays some signs of ADHD in the anime. He’s incredibly reckless and impulsive and gets himself into situations that could have been avoided if he had just slowed down and had help from others.
Back on to hc’s with an S/O!
Specifically I wanted to focus on having a hot temper.
Which my older brother and little sister have actually. 
He tries not to get too upset if you ‘explode’ or if you get really upset.The smallest things can set you off, and he his best to calm you down afterwards.
Sometimes that means just giving you time to cool off and sometimes that means sitting you down to talk.
Combined with your inability to sit still for long periods of time or really focus, sometimes he’s at a loss.
Sparring together or working out like going for jogs help.
My brother and little sister like things like fidget cubes or stuff like that so they have something to do with their hands.
I see Yuliy constantly having something on him that you can fiddle with, say that sash he has tied around his waist or his coat or he’ll bring something that he knows you like messing with to help you stay focused.
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fairy-writes · 5 years
Hi! Could i get a kissing headcanons with Mikhail and Yuily (separtly). 🥰
I’m sooooo so sorry this took so long friend!!
I see him as very hesitant to kiss his S/O at first.
With being a vampire and all.
He’s scared of cutting his S/O with his fangs and such. So he’s VERY gentle.
Honestly, if you want to do more than a quick peck, it takes a lot of convincing.
His lips are surprisingly soft, you blame it on his “super special vampire powers”
When he does kiss you, his favorite kisses are in the morning, when you’ve both just woken up.
It’s when he’s the most willing to give you the most kisses. You take full advantage of this :P
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He’s also fairly hesitant, but not because he’s a vampire; but mostly because he’s awkward.
You’d probably his first significant other, so it’s a lot of learning for him.
But he tries his best!
He does love you, he just doesn’t quite know how to express it.
His favorite time to kiss you is after long missions and days working when you can just relax before bed.
Or when you’re distracted by a book and maybe sitting by the fireplace with a hot drink.
He likes to come up behind you and give you a quick peck when you look up to smile at him.
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mystic-sky · 5 years
Okay! May I have hc of Yuliy and an s/o that is very soft (lots of compliments and affection), but is like badass during battle? Thank you! -anon🌸
I’m assuming this is one of those “Looks like a cinnamon roll, is actually a badass kind of requests” Sorry for the wait!
In the beginning, Yuliy doesn’t really know how to respond to all the affection you give him- at least not in the same way, he’s always just a blushing mess.
He’s always trying to mimic you by observing how you act in the relationship. He’s shy at first, especially when you’re always telling him how handsome he is and kissing him in public. (I’m sure it wouldn’t be too smothering for him)
He’s not the kind of guy to be all “Here? In front of all these people?” He lets the PDA happen when you initiate it, but he’s surely always a little surprised and hot headed about it.
You guys fight alongside each other one day and he’s so taken back by the way you mock your enemies- like you’re a completely different person. Not to mention you’re light on your feet. You always have his back, and he couldn’t be more grateful for you.
You eventually rub off on him, and I find that because he’s so comfortable around you he can be just as forward as you with the compliments and affection given some time between you two.
One day he’ll randomly wrap his arms around you in public, or tell you how good you look and it throws you off. He’d be a pretty reflective lover.
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fairy-writes · 5 years
A Relationship with Yuliy Jirov would include...
(I also have relationship headcanons for Mikhail and an aged up Philip if any of ya’ll are interested!)
This boy loves flowers.
And he loves you.
So he gives you flowers.
Not bouquets, just wildflowers he found on the side of the road or maybe one he picked from someone’s garden.
“Yuliy you can’t just go picking flowers from people’s gardens!”
“That’s their property!!”
A relationship is hard at first.
Like Dorothea said “he doesn’t know the difference between love and pain” (I’m paraphrasing)
So it’s a lot of firsts and slow going and probably a few arguments sprinkled in between.
But once he gets comfortable; this boy loves you.
Also bundling up together when it’s cold, you cannot change my mind.
If you’re cold he tries to give you his coat but you make him put it back on because boy cannot handle the cold he is literally shivering and sneezing put the damn coat back on.
You have to initiate most kisses, because poor boy is clueless and awkward.
But he loves giving little kisses like on the forehead or cheek like he’s reassuring himself you’re still there.
But only in private.
In public he likes holding your pinky, or hand if you can really convince him.
Philip, Fallon, and Dorothea like to tease you two.
You’ll argue back but Yuliy just watches with a smile and dammit Yuliy you’re not helping
Willard just watches you all with a fond smile because young love is so adorable.
He loves it when you play with his hair
Look at it!
How is his hair so fluffy?!
But running your fingers through his hair is a one way ticket to having a happy and sleepy Jaeger boy in your lap.
He is no longer a man, he is a puddle.
He’s not even ashamed of it either.
If you’re in a moving vehicle for more than twenty minutes he will find a way for you to play with his hair.
If you were a fellow Jaeger, he would be like a cat. He tries to pretend that he doesn’t care that you’re putting your life at risk 24/7, but this boy cares for you a lot and stop giving him a heart attack please.
Heavens have mercy on anyone who hurts you while on a mission.
Vampires? Dead in 2 seconds.
People? Team Jaeger really have to hold him back and really talk him out of killing them.
He knows you can handle yourself; he really does, but sometimes you have to reassure him that you’re okay even if it’s something small.
Overall, he comes off as awkward and kind of bumbling at times. But this boy would do anything for you and loves you to the end of the earth.
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fairy-writes · 5 years
What Mikhail and Yuliy find attractive in a female:
Again, my internet crapped out. Essentially my whole draft box thing was deleted 😭 so I was smart this time and wrote this in google docs so it wouldn’t be deleted again
What Mikhail finds attractive in a Female:
I personally think he wouldn’t be attracted to any one specific body type
I think he’d go more for the personality :)
I can see him really into outspoken/spitfiery/sassy girls
He likes bantering and teasing you because he knows you’ll tease him right back
It’s also really attractive when you stand up to vamps like Yevgraf, especially for his sake
(But please be careful because you’ll give this poor boy a heart attack)
Though sometimes he has to physically remove you from situations because he knows you’ll get riled up and he doesn’t need you punching any higher up Vamps in the face
He also finds your temper really attractive
(Unless it’s pointed at him, then it’s kinda terrifying)
But he loves the soft moments, like when you’re sleepy or just in a more affectionate mood
What Yuliy finds attractive in a Female:
I can also see him going more for personality
More specifically, someone calm (or at least calmer) than him to talk him out of his recklessness and occasional stupid decisions
He likes having quiet moments with you, usually when everyone else is busy or asleep
That’s when he’s really affectionate (as affectionate as he’ll get at least)
He loves it when you read to him
He doesn’t even care what, he just loves listening to you talk.
He finds it really attractive when he sees you fighting/sparring
(No he won’t spar with you just to see you fight, that’s totally beneath him(he totally will :P))
He loves your laugh! And smile! And everything about you!
He thinks you’re gorgeous and beautiful and will love you forever if you let him :)
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fairy-writes · 5 years
What would kissing mikhail and yuily be like? Also where would the first kiss with them takes place? ☺️
(Getting poetic up in here)
(Also I have no idea what I’m doing, I’ve never been kissed rip)
Kissing Mikhail Headcanons
Kissing Mikhail is like kissing a cloud.
He’s soft and light and honestly not at all like his appearance.
He likes to hold your jaw and kiss you lightly.
His lips are dry but his hands are calloused.
He has to lean down because he’s so tall but honestly you don’t mind.
Kisses are few and far in between, he doesn’t want to accidentally cut your lip with his fangs.
First Kiss with Mikhail
Your first kiss is probably in secret.
Maybe in the depths of Yevgraf’s ship when no one’s around, maybe you are a scientist or something working for Klarwein (the crazy scientist)
Maybe you had been going to finish some reports on the latest experiments when you ran into him.
The tension between you two had been out of the roof. Your friendship had been strained. You had been busy with experiments, he had been busy with orders from Yevgraf.
You slowed to a stop before him, him leaning on the wall. His eyes open and you spend several seconds in silence.
He leans down quickly and kisses you so quickly you barely realized his lips touching yours.
But he’s gone before you can even process and reciprocate.
Kissing Yuliy Headcanons
Kissing Yuliy is like a sunset.
It’s slow and unsure, he doesn’t quite know what he’s doing.
He doesn’t know where to put his hands a lot of the time. But he likes to hold your hands.
He’s shy about it, more often than not he likes just pecking your cheek.
His kisses are soft and tender, almost like watching a sun dip below the horizon.
First Kiss with Yuliy
Your first kiss was probably born from worry and anxiety.
Maybe you’re a fellow Jaeger and a mission nearly went wrong.
Maybe you jump in the way to protect him.
Maybe you got hurt, a vampire somehow getting the jump on you and hurting you badly so you’re bedridden in the hospital while Willard and Dorothea spoke to doctors and nurses.
Yuily slipped in while they stepped out, passing him with almost pitying looks on their faces.
He looked worried, fists clenched as he took a seat on your bed, mouth tight as he grimaced. You reach out with bandaged fingers and touch his hand.
He leans in close, leaning his forehead against yours.
“Don’t ever do that again.” he reprimands you softly but you shrug,
“I’ll do it again if it means you can be safe.”
He kisses you, softly and tenderly like he’s scared you’ll break.
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fairy-writes · 5 years
This turned out much longer than I expected... whoops...
A Relationship with Mikhail would include…
This boy is angsty as all hell but he means well.
He doesn’t want you to get close to him at first.
Because he’s a vampire of all things.
But eventually he lets you get close and things go from there!
You have to constantly remind him that you love him.
Cause he thinks he isn’t deserving of you.
He’s a vampire who couldn’t protect his family (in his mind)
The best way to cheer him up is when you’re alone and you just kind of pull him into bed and hold him until he feels better.
Peppering his face with kisses is a surefire way to make him smile :)
Once you get past all the broody-batman-imitation mask, he is probably one of the most caring people you could be in a relationship with.
He always tries to make at least a little time for you, though sometimes that doesn’t happen so he’ll try and send a message to let you know he’s thinking of you.
(He’d totally be cheesy and have like a messenger bat or something)
He isn’t a very affectionate person in the kissing department (being a vampire and all, he doesn’t want you kissing him especially after he’s had to drink blood)
So he makes up for it by giving the best hugs.
He likes to tuck you under his chin and just hold you close.
For a vampire, he’s actually very warm so you take advantage of his hugs especially when you’re cold.
He’ll also tease you all the time, and laughs if you hide your face when you get embarrassed.
Or just wrapping you in it, sometimes even when he’s wearing it.
(Don’t tell anyone but he loves it when he can just hold you in his coat and pretend the world doesn’t exist)
Sometimes you’ll steal it when he isn’t wearing it.
It’s several times too big so it just drowns you.
He thinks you’re the cutest thing ever.
He won’t tell you that though.
His favorite is sweetheart or my love
He’s a cheesy boy
Give him a pet name and he melts
You try and convince him to get better clothes.
Like honey, that shirt is shredded to hell. And it doesn’t fit properly.
Please help him.
He says he’ll consider it (he doesn’t)
He’s simultaneously one of the sweetest and most awkward guys ever.
You don’t understand
He’s only had his mom/dad when he was younger as role models and then you know what happens to them.
And then all he’s had other than them are vampires.
And they’re definitely not good role models.
But he’s trying his best!
He gets embarrassed when you tell him you love him.
He’ll do this thing where he crosses his arms and looks away and pretends to not have heard you.
But you know he loves you when he will hold your hand when he thinks you aren’t looking.
Only when you’re alone will he give you a kiss on the cheek and say “I love you too.”
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fairy-writes · 5 years
Mikhail gazed at you, his eyes were soft. Almost as if he was being apologetic. "Sorry, but I can't stay long." You felt a pain in your heart, the urge to grab his hand was too much. You ended up folding your hand with his, gently massaging it with your thumb. "It's alright."
I listened to “Send in the Clowns” by Frank Sinatra on repeat while writing this, even though that’s reflecting on the ironies and disappointments in life while this is… not…. I don’t know, it had the musical atmosphere I was going for though!
Smoke burned your nostrils and made your eyes water but you pushed past the stinging sensation in favor of sprinting like your life depended on it.
Yevgraf’s ship was burning, sinking, falling from the sky but it seemed muffled, far away.
You had to find him…
Something was wrong, you could feel it.
The last time you had seen him was before Yevgraf had taken him to find the Arc of Sirius’ resting place. And then you had seen him with glowing red eyes, shoving you out of the way as if in a trance.
Explosions had rocked the ship and you had heard screams and cries and knew that something was happening.
Throwing the door open to the maintenance shaft, you allowed your body to be enveloped in a crimson glow and lift off the ground. The ventilation shafts were smoking and billowing black, choking you and invading your body but you pushed on.
You exploded out of the ventilation shaft and onto the top of Yevgraf’s airship. Two figures were seen among the smoke. A young man with black and white hair. And Mikhail. A choked cry left your lips as you saw the bloodied and battered state of your lover.
You started running but stopped when the young man, more of a boy really, jerked his head up and saw you. Judging by his clothes and the vibrant azure of his eyes, he had to be the Sirius Yevgraf had been talking about. He held up his weapon, a broken sword, the blade snapped in half. His other hand clenched around something, his lips curled in a snarl, but his hand shook and tears burned his eyes.
“Stay back vampire!” He growled but froze when Mikhail dropped a weary hand on his arm, looking up with half lidded eyes.
“She’s safe…” He rasped and when the boy lowered his weapon, you lunged forward onto your knees at Mikhail’s side. His face was paler than before, and draining of what color it had quickly. You brushed some hair from his eyes,
“I told you that going against Yevgraf was a bad idea.” You said and he managed a small chuckle before blood leaked from the corner of his mouth. His fingers twitched and inches towards your hand.
“What can I say? I’m stubborn.” You saw the black and white haired boy crack a small smile, Mikhail noticed.
“Y/N… this is Yuliy, my little brother I told you about… Yuliy… this is Y/N… probably the only vampire you can trust, she kept me sane all these years.” He coughed but didn’t let up in reaching slowly for your hand.
Mikhail gazed at you, his eyes were soft. Almost as if he was being apologetic.
“Sorry, but I can’t stay long.” You felt a pain in your heart, the urge to grab his hand was too much. You ended up folding your hand with his, gently massaging it with your thumb.
“It’s alright.” You choked out, giving him a watery smile as you leaned down and kissed his forehead.
“I’ll be alright, Yuliy will be alright… you can rest now…” you said, lips still against his forehead. His smile weakened and his eyes slid shut, hand going limp. Tears burned in your eyes but you kept a smile on your face until his skin cooled and his fingers fell from yours.
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mystic-sky · 6 years
Could you do a one shot where Yuily gets jealous when one of the other jaegers flirt with Y/N?
Oh my god I had so much fun writing this one. I thought it’d be weird to have Philip or Fallon doing the flirting since Philip is 14 and Fallon is like 25 or 26 I think? So I created some Jaegers that were around the same age group as you and Yuliy. Enjoy!!! :)
Yuliy x Reader
You sat in the meeting room, fiddling your fingers. Your eyes panned over towards Yuliy, who stared aimlessly out the window.
“You don’t seem excited to meet the new Jaegers that are going to be working with us, are you?” You poke at him. His gaze shifts towards you for a moment then back at the window.
“I don’t see a reason to be excited. We’re all equals as far as I’m concerned. It’s not like they’re celebrities.” He said, resting a hand on his chin.
“Yeah but it’s the first time we’ll be meeting some Jaegers in our age group. It’s usually just you, me and Philip all the time.” You laid back in your chair.
“I don’t need any new friends.” The raven hair boy said, unbothered by your enthusiasm. You sighed at him. You knew he wasn’t really one for socializing. You and Philip really seemed to be the only exceptions. You wanted to hold his hand, and encourage him to indulge in some human interaction.
“Yuliy doesn’t need friends. Just look at him.” Philip teased.
“Philip doesn’t like the idea of you talking to anyone else but him.” You teased back. 
“W-What?! That’s not what I said!” The blonde’s face reddened.
“Everyone knows how much you actually care about Yuliy. I know you’d hate it if he got reassigned to a different group of Jaegers and left you all alone-
“Stop being weird!” Philip cut you off, red from ear to ear. You could’ve sworn you heard Yuliy chuckle at the boy, and turned to him.
“Yuliy…” You said quietly before leaning towards the boy. “Be friendly.” 
He turned to your puppy dog gaze. “For me?”
A slight red tint peeked at his cheeks. “Fine.”
“Sorry we’re late everyone!” Dorothea entered the room. “They got a little lost.” 
“Let’s get acquainted and get down to business.” Willard came in behind her, followed by three unfamiliar faces. You stood up to be polite, and motioned Philip and Yuliy to do the same.
“No need to be so work hungry, Mr. Willard.” A tall tan skinned male spoke. He entered through the door and his gaze immediately landed on your frame.
The tan skinned male smirked at you, which definitely caught your attention. A tan skinned girl and pale adult male entered as well. 
“Just Willard is fine,” Willard said, setting a stack of files on the desk.
“Alright everyone, these are the Jaegers that HQ sent to work with us. I hope we can all get along.” Dorothea cooed.
“I’m Professor Torres and these are my subordinates, Nina and Aiden.” You thought the tan girl was beautiful, she had long brunette hair and glowing skin. 
“And who might you be?” Aiden said, reaching for your hand. You were captivated by his eyes, which were a fiery yellow color. An odd contrast to his caramel tan skin and raven colored messy bowl cut. You absent-mindedly lifted your hand to shake his before realizing he left a feathery light kiss on your knuckles.
“Oh my,” Dorothea teased. 
“It’s Y/N..” You blushed, feeling a bit uncomfortable.
Yuliy was quick to separate your hand from Aiden’s by stepping slightly in front of you.
“And who might you be?” The tan male smirked.
“Yuliy.” The other raven haired male almost spat. The menacing gaze the two youth put themselves in was enough to make the entire room uncomfortable. 
“And I’m Philip!” The blonde chuckled nervously.
“Got a problem, sparky?” Aiden smirked at the the werewolf boy.
“And if I do?” Yuliy spat back.
“I’ve heard all about you, Sirius boy.” The tan boy spoke.
“I haven’t heard a thing about you. Must mean you aren’t relevant.”
“Alright that’s enough.” Nina said, coming in between the two. The tan boy winked at you. 
“Behave.” She pulled at Aiden’s ear.
“Ow ow ow!” He winced, “Sheesh, Nina?! I’m just being a gentleman!”
“You’re being a pest.” She said, letting go of his ear. “Sorry about him. He’s nothing but a big flirt- harmless overall. Excuse his shit-attitude.” Nina waved.
“I can see that.” You chuckle. “It’s fine.”
“See, I don’t bite.” He winks at you again and you look away, blushing a bit. Yuliy pushes you in front of him towards the furthest seat away from Aiden.
“Let’s try to stay on task and get back to the briefing. We have a lot of work to do tomorrow.” Willard says, taking a seat at the round table.
“Right!” You say, sitting down.
After roughly an hour of discussion, everyone is dismissed to do as they please for the rest of the day.
Yuliy is the first to leave, without really saying much of anything and you sigh. 
“So much for getting him to make friends.” You sink into your seat. You see Philip and Nina chatting amongst each other as they exit the room.
“I should really go check on him.” You huff, standing up from your seat. You exited the room and could hear a pair of feet shuffling behind you.
“So, Y/N was it?” Aiden says, towering at your side while you walk. You perk up and turn to the citrine eyed male.
“Yeah,” You muster a smile. You didn’t want to be rude, and your mind was elsewhere.
“I didn’t mean to turn you off or make you uncomfortable. I know I can be a little forward sometimes. When I see someone so.. beautiful.. I can’t help it sometimes. I’m learning though!” He smiled nervously.
“What- no it’s fine. It- you just caught me off guard and I was only worried my boyfri- I thought Yuliy… would get mad? He’s sorta protective over me.” You say nervously as well.
“That Yuliy of yours, he’s your boyfriend?” He asked slyly. Your face flushed red, and you didn’t really know what to say. The werewolf boy never directly asked you out, nor did he really try to court you in the first place. You were friends since you joined the Jaegers and you told him how you felt about him with a kiss. And since then, you spent a lot of extra time together. He had once expressed how important you were to him as well, and kissed you. But other than that, you don’t recall the boy making things official with you.
To be fair, he didn’t think he had to. You were always there, and he wanted to protect you so you could continue to do just that. He had little experience with the idea of courting someone, and he thought that expressing to you how he felt about you was all that mattered.
No one ever made him feel threatened over you until today.
“Something like that.” You smiled softly.
“Guess you and me are out of the question.” Aiden sighs, resting both hands on the back of his neck. “That’s too bad. I’m one heck of a lover.”
His lip curled into a smirk, and you couldn’t help but laugh a little. As enticing as he was, he wasn’t really your type.
“I’m sure you are.” You say, “But Yuliy is… he’s really special to me. It’s important that he knows that.”
“You should go talk to him. Reassure him that I’m not a threat to his precious relationship with you. I’d do it myself, but I think I’m the last person he wants to see right now.” Aiden chuckled.
You nodded before departing from the black haired youth with a wave. You searched the entire building for him, and Yuliy was definitely a stickler when it came to not wanting to be found.
But you knew him like the back of your hand. You’d often find him on a roof or in a tree since he liked to climb so much. He did that mostly when he wanted time to think. If he’s angry, you’ll find him in the garden or staring off into a body of water. 
Petals found their way to your hair and you shook your head profusely to get them out.
You sneezed since the pollen in the breeze was a little aggressive, and you heard a being shift above your head. Your eyes shifted up at the boy in the tree as he briefly stared down at you before looking away.
“I found you.” You say softly, just loud enough for him to hear over the whistling wind. He looked at you again, letting out a sigh.
“Do I have to come up, or are you going to come down?” You put your hands on your hips and shift your weight to one leg. He almost smiles at you when he shakes his head. You sit at the base of the tree and he slides down one of the awkwardly shaped branches to sit beside you.
“What was all that earlier?” You say, getting straight to the point.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He says, crossing his arms.
You stare at him, and he knows you want a better answer than that.
“He was making you uncomfortable, so I wanted him to back off.” He admits.
“Unless those are the kinds of guys you’re into. Then, by all means, I won’t try to impose like that ever again.” He looks away, almost as if he’s pouting. You shove at his side.
“Come on Yuliy, you know me better than that.” You chuckle at the boy.
“Do I?” He says, a little unsure of himself. He knows that he’s not that forward, but frankly he didn’t know if that’s what you wanted him to be. He felt insecure, and seeing Aiden flirt with you made him wonder if he should be stepping his game up.
“Yuliy, you know how I feel about you. No one could ever come between the two of us. I like you for you and you don’t have to change just because some guy kissed me on the hand. It was just a gesture, one that I don’t think I could ever see you trying to do but-
His gaze on your frame made you feel a little self-conscious. “What I mean is that I like you how you are! I like all the things you do now. You’re more than enough.” You ponder back to all the kisses you’ve both shared and all the subtle hand-holding. You were more than happy with the amount he was dishing out.
“So don’t feel like you’re not…” You say, looking down at your lap. You felt him shift towards you, and his warm breath paint over your cheeks. You turned towards him and his soft lips pressed against yours. He wasn’t much of a talker when it came to his feelings so this gesture alone was enough for you to understand what he wanted to say. His energy felt hungrier than you were used to, and you tried your best to keep up with his touch. He pushed you down on the ground, and the grass tickled at your ears, making you shudder into the kiss. The sound you made after his hand clutched your jaw was one he never heard before but wanted to hear more of.
“Yuliy..” You whined, feeling a little restless. He snapped out of his ravenous mouth work, but still close enough to your face that some of his hair rested on your forehead.
“Sorry,” was all he could say, sitting up.
“It’s alright.” You laugh, which made him feel a little better about his behavior. “I never pinned you as the jealous type.”
“Well, you’re mine. So of course I’m going to get jealous.” He said through closed eyes, leaning back on his palms. You could feel your ears getting hot. All the reassurance you could’ve ever wanted in a simple phrase.
You wrap your arms around him, knocking both of your bodies over. 
“And you’re mine.”
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fairy-writes · 5 years
Hi! Could I please for a scenario (or hc, whatever you feel comfortable with) for Phillip from Sirius the Jaeger who finally manages to return to England and meets his s/o who's a Jaeger but from an other agency? Like they haven't seen each other for 2/3 years -but keeping remaining in contact with letters and phone calls- and he surprises her knocking at her appartment door? Sorry if its too long ;w; there's no content about Phillip anywhere and I think he needs more love 💕 thanks in advance!
Philip x Reader
Yooo I totally agree that there’s not enough Philip content out there! I’m tweaking the request just the slightest bit! I hope that’s okay!
Like my relationship headcanons with our lovely blond boy, he is aged up! I refuse to write for underaged characters. The both of you are around 20 in this. And you’ll be something along the lines of a scientist for the main Jaeger headquarters!
Your hands burned as you scrubbed them with near boiling water and soap. Your assistants bustled behind you, cleaning the space after the most recent set of experiments. Fluids were cleaned, soiled scrubs were exchanged for dress shirts and slacks, and chemicals were stored safely away. It had been a long and tedious day of testing and retesting new Jaeger technology. Your division in particular, England division, was testing and creating new serums that in theory, would protect fellow Jaegers from the deadly claws and fangs of vampires.
If you got this just right, someone could be impervious to vampire venom that turned their prey into a vampire. In theory of course. But so far, it had been a bust. The acidity in your antivenom; meant to destroy the vampire venom in the human bloodstream, had been evaporating the bloodstream along with the rest of your fake dummy body. Eventually, after your seventh destroyed dummy, you had called it a day just to send your assistants home. No reason for them to stay and witness failure after failure when they had lives and families.
Meanwhile, you had no close family and your lover was overseas. Had been for nearly three years. All you had was your research. So bury yourself in your work you did.
You; Y/N L/N, the Jaeger Headquarters best and youngest scientist at their disposal. You had pioneered the study of vampire biology at the young age of seventeen, developing theories and serums that helped slow the process of becoming a vampire in case a Jaeger was caught in the field. Now; at age twenty, you were developing a way to stop it or reverse it completely. Or at least attempting to anyway.
Switching off the lights to your lab, you walked the now empty corridors of Headquarters to your office. Your dress shoes clacked on the marble floor and your lab coat swished around your calves as you hefted your research notes in one hand and pushed your office door open with the other. The lights flickered on as your elbow flicked the switch and you were met with your messy desk.
With a sigh, you dropped the files onto the desktop and slumped down into your seat, kicking your shoes off and burying your face in your arms. You were tired, but alas, there was work to be done. With a groan, you pushed yourself into a proper sitting position, turned on your desk light, and flipped open the folder in front of you.
Several hours later and deep into the night, you were reaching your end. The chalkboard in the corner of your office was filled and erased and filled again with equations and formulas. You were standing before it, tapping your lips with your pen as you leaned over and scribbled something on a nearby notepad and then writing another line on the chalkboard.
“Are visiting hours over?” Your chalk clattered to the ground at the unexpected yet familiar voice, and you whipped around to see Philip leaning in the doorway. He had his familiar smirk on his face, slight bags under his eyes, and a tenseness in his shoulders that could only be described as exhaustion. But he was here, in front of you, after three years of being gone.
Sure you had stayed in touch with letters; you kept all of them in a box on your desk, and the occasional phone call, but it was hard with him moving around all the time. You took a hesitant step, not sure if you were hallucinating.
“... Philip?” You whispered and his smirk widened into that smile you loved so much.
“That’s me, I’m home Y/N.”
Your feet moved and he met you halfway, catching you in a hug and tumbling to the floor. Your heart and your rear end throbbed, but then Philip pressed his lips to yours and you tasted the salt of tears that were either yours or his or both and you didn't care how much it hurt to have landed on the hardwood floor as long as he kept holding you like this, kissing you like this, how you missed him.
“I missed you.” You whispered against his lips, all ideas of research forgotten, it can wait.
“Missed you too my love.” He says back and brings you in for another sweet kiss.
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