#tense and release. tense and release.
miss-morland · 11 months
dennis in dtamhd is so bpd recovery coded i feel so much about it <333333
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Fëanor and succession
"High princes were Fëanor and Fingolfin, the elder sons of Finwë, honoured by all in Aman; but now they grew proud and jealous each of his rights and his possessions. Then Melkor set new lies abroad in Eldamar, and whispers came to Fëanor that Fingolfin and his sons were plotting to usurp the leadership of Finwë and of the elder line of Fëanor, and to supplant them by the leave of the Valar; for the Valar were ill-pleased that the Silmarils lay in Tirion and were not committed to their keeping." - The Silmarillion, Chapter 07: Of the Silmarils and the Unrest of the Noldor
„Though after the rule of the Noldor was committed to him [Fingolfin] by Manwë (in place of his elder brother and father) he took the name of Finwë.“ -Morgoth’s Ring, The Later Quenta Silmarillion (II)
"He [Fëanor] claimed now the kingship of all the Noldor, since Finwë was dead, and he scorned the decrees of the Valar." -The Silmarillion, Chapter 09: Of the Flight of the Noldor
"As he [Fëanor] said with some justice: ‘My brother’s claim rests only upon a decree of the Valar; but of what force is that for those who have rejected them and seek to escape from their prison-land?’" -The Peoples of Middle - Earth, Chapter 11: The Shibboleth of Fëanor
"Therefore even as Mandos foretold the House of Fëanor were called the Dispossessed, because the overlordship passed from it, the elder, to the house of Fingolfin, both in Elendë and in Beleriand, and because also of the loss of the Silmarils." -The Silmarillion, Chapter 13: Of the Return of the Noldor
"With him into banishment went his seven sons, and northward in Valinor they made a strong place and treasury in the hills; and there at Formenos a multitude of gems were laid in hoard, and weapons also, and the Silmarils were shut in a chamber of iron. Thither also came Finwë the King, because of the love that he bore to Fëanor; and Fingolfin ruled the Noldor in Tirion. Thus the lies of Melkor were made true in seeming, though Fëanor by his own deeds had brought this thing to pass; and the bitterness that Melkor had sown endured, and lived still long afterwards between the sons of Fingolfin and Fëanor." -The Silmarillion, Chapter 07: Of the Silmarils and the Unrest of the Noldor
"One thing only marred the design of Manwë. Fëanor came indeed, for him alone Manwë had commanded to come; but Finwë came not, nor any others of the Noldor of Formenos. For said Finwë: ‘While the ban lasts upon Fëanor my son, that he may not go to Tirion, I hold myself unkinged, and I will not meet my people.’" -The Silmarillion, Chapter 08: Of the Darkening of Valinor
"Fingolfin had prefixed the name Finwë to Ñolofinwë before the Exiles reached Middle-earth. This was in pursuance of his claim to be the chieftain of all the Ñoldor after the death of Finwë, and so enraged Fëanor that it was no doubt one of the reasons for his treachery in abandoning Fingolfin and stealing away with all the ships." -The Peoples of Middle - Earth, Chapter 11: The Shibboleth of Fëanor
"So it came about that to Fëanor the rejection of þ became a symbol of the rejection of Míriel, and of himself, as her son, as the chief of the Noldor next to Finwë: […] So Fëanor would call himself 'Son of the þerindë', and when his sons in their chilhood asked why their kin in the house of Finwë used s for þ he answered: 'Take no heed! We speak as is right, and as King Finwë himself did before he was led astray. We are his heirs by right and the elder house. Let them sá – sí, if they can speak no better.'" -The Peoples of Middle – Earth, Chapter 11: The Shibboleth of Fëanor
"To his sons Finwë gave his own name as he had done to Fëanor. This maybe was done to assert their claim to be his legitimate sons, equal in that respect to his eldest child Kurufinwë Fayanáro, but there was no intention of arousing discord among the brothers, since nothing in the judgement of the Valar in any way impaired Fëanor’s position and rights as his eldest son. Nothing indeed was ever done to impair them, except by Fëanor himself; and in spite of all that later happened his eldest son remained nearest to Finwë’s heart." -The Peoples of Middle- Earth, Chapter 11: The Shibboleth of Fëanor
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thinking about how hunter never got a fucking break until thanks to them. he goes from failing at eclipse lake to doing anything he can to male up for it to betraying new friends to learning he betrayed new friends to risking a fucking beating to make up for betraying his new friends to attempting to capture some criminals to his entire reality crumbling in front of him to mortal danger and near-certain death to protecting someone else to running in a panic to homelessness and starvation and never leaving that mindset to Oh Shit It's Him He's Gonna Kill Me to Please Don't Let Him Kill Me to needing to save a friend to immediate retraumatization he needs to put aside to soothe the friend to having to explain how they're all gonna die to joining the rebellion and fruitlessly planning how to save the world to Don't Tell Them to not-homophobia-orb to Why Am I Luz (also fighting) to Oh God She's Been Captured And It's My Fault to having his life source drained gradually through a sigil to YOU'RE LYING to Uncle Just Fucking Died to being stranded in another realm and needing (thinking he needs) to protect his kin from the authority figure.
Not ONCE in that stretch of time did he get to stop and process anything. He still has to come to terms with his uncle being evil, and by now he's been splatted by a star child. He has to have been so tightly wound the entire time. The moment he felt safe at the Nocedas' house, I have no doubt that everything just fucking CRASHED into him at once. my guy probably went catatonic for days on end. When there's no threat of death to keep you driven, there's nothing to stop the absolute terror and betrayal, and I'd be shocked if he wouldn't be paralyzed by fear.
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chenziee · 1 month
I wrote so much for the @/truffyfest Twine and I want to show some all of it off because I crave validation xD but like. Even if I was allowed to post it to AO3 and/or Tumblr, it would make no sense out of context rip
so anyway. if you play the Twine and happen upon my scenes (very likely, I over did it) please let me know what you thought! 👀🤍
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feytouched · 2 months
pet peeve. books in 3rd person present tense
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rattled-shadow · 4 months
I tried making a mashup of Price (Another Version) and Ark. For @kotopeachii :3
Fun fact: they are both in B minor and have very similar bpms!
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stagehunt · 13 days
new plotting / dynamics call since i’m planning on playing catch up here over the next few weeks !!
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dormont · 3 months
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just to be clear i am disregarding this line from my lore because it annoys the hell out of me. hero and partner are both 12 to me in this game.
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jazzfic · 1 year
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[ID: Cris Rios sitting in La Sirena's captain's chair, looking with a patient if somewhat tired expression at something or somebody offscreen. His hair is especially floofy. /end ID]
I can't remember what he was actually reacting to here, so instead I am imagining that Raffi, having made the grave error of summoning the hospitality hologram into refilling her coffee cup, is locked in an endless loop of 'would you like some delicious nibbles to go with that, Ms Musiker?', and no, Raffi does not. Rios is betting on another three goes of this before Raffi tries to turn the EHH into a line of code on her console. Agnes, on the other hand, would like a round of cinnamon toast.
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there-will-be-a-way · 8 months
Spent most of the day alone which means I got to experience Emotions™️ and Thoughts™️. Tried to cope with them by focusing on the present. Distracting myself with hobbies and a comfort game. I tried putting my feelings into art and writing. But it didn't help. Ended up getting the shakes and shits. So at midnight I built a joint out of leftover crumbs and stems I found in my box and empty baggies. Got me high enough to stop the shakes.
I've been telling my helper people that my coping techniques don't work anymore. I try. I do what I'm supposed to do but they make this feeling worse. And I don't even know what to name it. The closest I come to describing it is that it feels like someone inside me is scratching and hammering on the walls of my body. Like someone or something inside me tries to scream but the room inside my ribs is sound proof. It's a tension that's alive and crying until its throat is soar. Before smoking that sorry bit of weed I seriously considered overdoasing because I couldn't bear it. I would appreciate it if someone could tell me what to do with this feeling instead of numbing it with substances, but I only get told the skills that have grown to fail me 🙂 Even my therapist said that I have all the skills one could get teached. Why. Aren't they. Working anymore.
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jelzorz · 2 years
The following work contains unresolved sexual tension that's (implied is) about to be resolved. While nothing goes down in this ficlet, it has been placed under a cut just in case. Please read at your own discretion or skip if it's not your cup of tea. Thanks for you cooperation team!
The new clothes are nice.
Callum won't pretend he doesn't notice the way they hug her waist and her hips; the way they fall around the swell of her beasts; the way they hide the slender column of her neck. Perhaps, in their younger days, he might have tried to deny it, but they're older now, and they've been apart for too long. He knows she's been looking at him. It's only fair that he gets to look at her too.
They're in his office for the first time since they got home. It's been a lot. Things are still awkward, but they've hashed it out as best they can and all that's left is rebuilding the relationship they once had. They haven't really had the chance to be alone though, and this...
Rayla clears her throat. "You're taller than I remember," she says stupidly.
Callum's lips twitch. "So are you."
She pauses, eyes darting up and down his form. There's a hunger in them that he only recognises because he's seen it, just once before, when they'd gotten a little carried away at the Moon Nexus before—before she'd left.
They hadn't done anything. It was one time, and they were giddy and ridiculous and in love. Hands had gone places they'd never been before, and they'd only stopped when they realised the reality of where it could lead. Somehow, Callum gets the feeling it won't play out quite the same way tonight.
"You look nice," says Rayla at last. She steps towards him tentatively, hesitantly, but she bites her lip, and the way she sets her hands on his chest is not so. She thumbs the clasps on his shirt, and Callum lets himself touch her and knows they're both gone.
He smiles. He tugs her closer. He locks the door.
The new clothes are nice, certainly, but they're in the way.
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persephoneflouwers · 11 months
You know what is driving me mad is the fact I was so so emotional that Harry was taking a break. He was so emotional. I really expected all the bullshit with stunts that the media spews regarding him would finally be over. It will give us some space to really connect with him after 2 years of constant propoganda building. But guess the break was also some kind of PR plot.
I really question myself is he even the person I think he is. Their only so much we can bypass (watermelon sugar - female orgasm, bullshiting on larries in an interview with your gf, emarata kiss.., I mean I don't want to recall all these seriously) I really start doubting my love for him. is he really just queerbaiting? Is being this much commercially successful not enough? When's the greed going to finally stop? There are so many queer artists including musicians who had the courage to be thier authentic selves. Why this playing with all sides depending on what brings the cash? And I call bullshit on all those who say he does not has the bargain power. HE DOES. It just has been an endless saga of wrong choices he's been making one after the other.
Hi, angel. I’m sorry you feel this way. Sending you a big big virtual hug 🫂
I wish I could find answers for you. My suggestion is to find new interests in something else, somebody else. You know, once you look around there might be new exciting things that will help you let this feeling of uncertainty and disappointment pass sooner.
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cal-cium-the-nerd · 3 months
Writing Patterns
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by @chromatic-lamina thank you, friend! <3
Tagging: @gendervapor14 @tunatunatunas @flyiing-giraffe and anyone who'd like to do this! If you don't have 10 posted fics, then aim for however many you do have posted
Common Factor
The Polar Tang is a noisy place to live in. This is something people learn very quickly.
Careful (the sea listens)
Penguin is the older one, which means he has to be responsible.
In the dark (I'll find you)
Living inside a submarine is different from living on a normal ship in an extensive variety of ways. 
Everything wrong has always placed me in the path of the best things
It's funny, actually.
Silent Haunting
There is a worryingly loud chime echoing the engine room, seemingly from one of the valves.
A brief guide in how to make your Captain laugh
The whole thing starts as something quite simple.
It’s too warm to be outside, in all honesty. 
Finders Keepers
Sabaody Archipelago is in peace.
Patterns: I write too much about the Heart Pirates It seems I usually open with short descriptive sentences, almost never dialogue. It also tends to be something grounding (setting the location or main characters of the fic within the first paragraph). Interesting!
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stinkrascal · 1 year
i said this last night too but if you havent seen beau is afraid in theaters, PLEASE go watch it. it was so good, definitely very unconventional compared to aster's other films, but really abstract and interesting nevertheless. the whole movie felt like the heightened personification of an anxiety attack. seriously it's been 13+ hours since i saw that movie and i've been thinking about it ever since! it was just really good i really loved it a lot! might actually be my new aster favorite tbh
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celesteinroots · 3 months
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APS Book One Excerpt (12)
x Taken from “Chapter 18: Asher.” x If you would like to know more about APS, here is the WIP intro. x You can read the full chapters here. x You can find the excerpt masterlist here. x Current taglist: @full-on-sam, @yesireadbooks, @leisoree, @poetinprose. Ask to be +/- from the list.
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The cafeteria lights were half-dimmed, revealing the little boy sitting at the front table.
He looked up. "Talia?"
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"What are you?" 
"I just needed water. And I had a nightmare, so I don't want to head back to bed," I replied. "You?"
"I'm upset," he said, looking down at the table, his fingers interlocked. He had red lines around his eyes. 
My gut twisted. I already what this was about.
I walked over to the water filter in the corner of the room, pulling a plastic cup from the stack that sat on top. "Do you want to talk about it?"
He bit his lip. 
"You don't have to if you don't want to," I said, filling my cup with cold water. 
"It's Cillian," he blurted out, voice cracking. "He's gone. Like, I know those guards said he's gonna come back tomorrow, but I feel like they're lying. And I don't wanna lose any more people. They already took my dads away from me, they already took away all of my friends at school, and now they put me here where I only have you and Marie, since Cillian's probably gonna be gone. And then, what if they take away more people? What if they take away everyone and then I'm alone, and then I won't know what to do? I already hate this place, I already saw so many things I don't wanna see, and I don't wanna be left by myself. I'm just so scared and —"
His words were cut off by an abrupt cough, choke, and a heartwrenching sob. He buried his face in his hands, hiccuping between breaths.
Just seeing him cry triggered a lump in my throat and stinging at the back of my eyes. With weak legs, I sat down next to him and placed the cup of water at his side. Maybe he would need it more.
"I get it. I'm scared too. We're all scared, but Marie and I are gonna stay. We're not going anywhere, okay? We'll be fine. We hate this place too, but…" I swallowed. "Maybe… maybe we'll get out, like Marie was saying earlier. Maybe we can do something, maybe someone will do something, and we'll be free at some point. This isn't forever…"
Did I scream or cry at myself? Was I serious right now? I was telling more empty lies just to comfort this poor kid. Saying things even I didn't believe. Would Marie and I be okay? My gut said no. Was someone going to step up and 'do something about it?' I refused Marie's offer to escape PowerGen less than twenty-four hours ago, because I failure who couldn't help with jack shit, or else I'd fuck it up again. Who was going to free us from PowerGen? Nobody.
Nothing good was going to happen, so why the hell was I still pretending like it would?
“Hey!" a deep voice boomed through the air. "What are you two doing back there?"
I whirled my head over my shoulder, just in time to spot the cafeteria's slam shut behind a rugged security guard and one guant, pale, death-looking Chancellor Janson.
"Asher." Janson sighed. "This is your eighth time this week. How did you get into the cafeteria this time?"
Asher had looked up, trembling as tears continued to roll down his face. “I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry —"
"No you're not, kid," spat the guard, the dim light reflecting off his name tag which read: Jackson. 
His eyes locked onto mine.
“You. What are you doing here?”
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