#tenshi ni fureta yo
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harrowharr0w · 2 months
hi hello im just gonna throw down (milgram pun haha) a bunch of music here that i like. um. yeah it’s
artist - favs
noa aburasoba - honey trap, any angle
aimi - help, meritocracy
shunichi toki - science, envy
satsuki - mesmerizer, juvenile
yorushika/n-buna - just a sunny day for you, thats why i gave up on music, tale of the deep sea lily
visty - endless dream, for my stella
gokuluck - catharsis, stronger
deco*27 - vampire, literally all of milgram, covers included
yoshino - vampire cover
miho okasaki - mirror
vane lily - butcher vanity, paparazzi murder party
ghost and pals - honey i’m home, happy days
yuu miyashita - deus ex machina, grain, kirin ga shinu made, kuruoze, parasite piano, coquetterie dancer, kilmer cover, yuuka (i love yuu miyashita so much) (go listen to doctrine doctrine too!!!)
mafumafu - keitairenwa (also all of soramafuurasaka’s songs)
eve - fightsong, insomnia
hya - snake, mad mermaid
raise a suilen - twin tale, vip monster, bring it on cover
azari - wink, black out, casino (really all of azari but ykyk)
more more jump - the peachy key, milk crown on sonnechka (or however u spell it) cover
vivid bad squad - rad dogs, flyer
kankan - fiction, all fool, nightless city, boost anima
the alien stage soundtrack
nightcord at 25:00 - idsmile, bug, jackpot sad girl
rondo - 雨音 (forgot what it’s called in english so i js typed it in chinese)
roselia - flashlight, r, charles cover
wadatakeaki kuragep - my r, trash&trash (shoutout to lollia’s english my r cover thought because that azula animatic changed little me’s life)
did i say all of milgram already
leo/need - needLe, ikanaide cover, teratera, stage of sekai (live laugh love l/n)
hifumi - i am too lazy to find out what the songs are called in english
mili - world.execute(me);, summoning 101, rtrt
96neko - buriki no dance cover
afterglow - sensenfukoku, mental chainsaw cover
mygo!!!!! - silhouette dance, non breath oblige cover
ho-kago tea time - no, thank you!, cageyake girls, fuwa fuwa time, rice is a side dish, tenshi ni fureta yo (makes me cry literally)
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elianyaa · 9 months
listening to tenshi ni fureta yo and not crying challenge (difficulty Impossible)
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tangian · 1 year
Kapag pinapakinggan ko ang “Tenshi ni Fureta Yo!” Sa playlist, bigla nagflaflashback yung early teenager years ko. Bigla nagflaflashback yung relaxed life na walang iniisip. Tanda ko pa panahon na papanoorin ang K-On sa laptop. Kahit nung high school naman ako meron na talagang Nostalgia factor yung series na ‘yan, pero mas lumala pagkatanda. Nakakamiss lang talaga walang iniisip na future. Livin’ the moment lang ba
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ashitomarisu · 10 months
K-On! (Final Thoughts, 8 Years Later...)
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(Don't lie. You cried like a baby when you heard Tenshi ni Fureta yo!)
Let's wrap up the year with a heartwarming rewatch of one of my favorite KyoAni titles. Of course, music, along with the arts, is my escape from the dull, depressing reality I must endure each and every day. Case in point, this anime.
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After almost a decade, I finally took time to look back at this title and see if it still had charm. Despite already reviewing this in 2015, I do want to touch on a new observation since then:
I noticed how the production order seemed a bit messy near the end (getting close to the movie). In fact, watching the extra episodes post-ep. 25 makes the conclusion awkward. The movie was able to resolve this issue afterwards. Still, it took my brain 8 years to notice that. (My brain is dying...)
Regardless of the production order these episodes were in, I really enjoyed revisiting this title for still having this down-to-earth vibe of four high-school girls just trying to make the most of high school memories in the form of LIGHT MUSIC CLUB.
With that, this concludes all the anime watches for 2023. The wheel has been decommissioned for I really don't give two shits for that method anyway...
As for the 2024 schedule, it is not 100% complete yet. However, I do want to say want one thing: THERE WAS ONE ANIME TITLE ON THAT WHEEL I FORGOT ABOUT. Thus, I have decided to automatically make this forgotten contender the first rewatch to the new year.
Oh, and I'm sure you don't have a landline phone in your house; otherwise, she might appear. Stay tuned in January...
Until then, I will be wrapping up the rest of December with some Love Live related stuff and holiday related content. Here's hoping your holidays will be full of snow...I NEED SNOW.
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nihosenpai · 3 years
Tenshi ni fureta yo - H.T.T
nee omoide no KAKERA ni
namae wo tsukete hozon suru nara
"Takaramono" ga pittari da ne
ねえ(nee) - right!!, isn't it right!!
思い出(omoide) - memories
カケラ;欠片(KAKERA) - fragments
名前(namae) - name
(つ)付ける(Tsukeru) - to attach,join;つけて(tsukete) - connective form
保存(hozon) - conservation, preservation
宝物(takaramono) - treasure, valuable
ぴったり(pitari) - tightly
sou KOKORO no youryou ga
そう ココロの容量が
ippai ni naru kurai ni
sugoshita ne tokimeki iro no mainichi
過ごしたね ときめき色の毎日
そう(sou) - right!!
ココロ;心(kokoro) - heart, spirit
容量(youryou) - capacity, volume
いっぱい(Ippai) - full
なる(naru) - to become
くらい(kurai) - approximately
過ごす(sugosu) - to pass(time),to spend;過ごした(sugoshita) - past form
ときめい(tokimeki) - beating(heart)
色(iro) - colour
毎日(mainichi) - everyday
najinda seifuku to uwabaki
HOWAITOBOODO no rakugaki
ashita no iriguchi ni
oite kanakucha ikenai no kana
おいてかなくちゃ いけないのかな
なじむ(najimu) - to become familiar with;なじんだ(najinda) - past form
制服(seifuku) - uniform
上履き(uwabaki) - indoor shoes
ホワイトボード(HOWAITOBOODO) - white board
落書き(rakugaki) - doodle, graffiti
明日(ashita) - tomorrow
入り口(iriguchi) - entrance, entry gate
おく(oku) - to put, place;おいて(oite) - connective form
かな(kana) - (I)wonder
demo ne, aeta yo! suteki na tenshi ni
sotsugyou wa owari ja nai
kore kara mo nakama dakara
issho no shashintachi
itsumademo kagayaiteru
zutto sono egao arigatou
ずっと その笑顔 ありがとう
でも(demo) - but
会える(aeru) - to meet,会えた(aeta) - past form
すてき(suteki) - lovely, wonderful
天使(tenshi) - Angel
卒業(sotsugyou) - graduation
終わり(owari) - the end
これから(korekara) - from now on
仲間(nakama) - companion
だから(dakara) - because
一緒(issho) - together (with)
写真(shashin) - photograph
たち(tachi) - (our)group
おそろ(osoro) - same, matching
キーホルダー(KIIHORUDAA) - key holder
いつまでも(itsumademo) - forever
輝いてる(kagayaiteru) - shining
ずっと(zutto) - always
笑顔(egao) - smile
ありがとう(arigatou) - thank you
nee sakura no ki mo chotto
setake ga nobita mitai
mienai yukkuri na SUPIIDO demo
桜(sakura) - cherry tree
木(ki) - tree
ちょっと(chotto) - a little
背丈(setake) - stature, height
伸びる(nobiru) - to grow,extand;伸びた(nobita) - past form
みたい(mitai) - seems like!!
見える(mieru) - be able to see;見えない(mienai) - negative form
ゆっくり(yukkuri) - unhurriedly
スピード(SUPIIDO) - speed
kitto ano sora wa miteta ne
nando mo tsumazuita koto
soredemo saigo made aruketa koto
きっと(kitto) - undoubtedly
あの,それ(ano,sore) - that,the
空(sora) - sky, Haven
何度(nando) - how many times
つまずく(tsumazuku) - to stumble;つまずいた(tsumazuita) - Past form
こと(koto) - thing, matter
最後(saigo) - conclusion
まで(made) - until
歩く(aruku) - to walk;歩けた(aruketa) - past form
fuwari houkago no rouka ni
koboreta onpu no hane
fuka fuka tsumoru made
kono mama de iretara ii no ni na
ふわり(fuwari) - softly, gently
放課後(houkago) - after school
廊下(rouka) - corridor
こぼれる(koboreru) - to overflow;こぼれた(koboreta) - past form
音符(onpu) - musical note
羽根(hane) - feather(wing)
ふかふか(fukafuka) - soft(and fluffy)
積もる(tsumoru) - to pile up
この(kono) - this
まま(mama) - as it is
いい(ii) - good(positive)
demo ne, fureta yo! ai subeki tenshi ni
tadaima tte itaku naru
kono basho wa kawaranai yo
MEERU no jushinbako
tobikiri no yume to deai kureta
ongaku ni arigatou
ふれる(fureru) - to touch(feel);ふれた(fureta) - past form
愛(ai) - love
すべき(subeki) - ought to do
ただいま(tadaima) - I'm home
言いたく(iitaku) - I want to say
場所(basho) - place
変わる(kawaru) - to change;変わらない(kawaranai) - negative form
メール(MEERU) - mail
受信箱(jushinbako) - in-box (eg.for received emails)
マル(MARU) - circle
した(shita) - done
カレンダー(KARENDAA) - calendar
とびきり(tobikiri) - best
夢(yume) - dream
出会い(deai) - meeting, rendezvous
くれた(kureta) - gave
音楽(ongaku) - music
eki no HOOMU kawara no michi
hanaretete mo onaji sora miagete
YUNIZON de utaou!
駅(eki) - station
ホーム(HOOMU) - platform
河原(kawara) - dry river bed
道(michi) - road
離れる(hanareru) - to be separated;離れて(hanarete) - connective form
同じ(onaji) - same
見上げる(miageru) - to look up at,見上げて(miagete) - connective form
ユニゾン(YUNIZON) - unison
歌おう(utaou) - to sing
demo ne, aeta yo! suteki na tenshi ni
sotsugyou wa owari ja nai
kore kara mo nakama dakara
daisuki tte iu nara
daidaisuki tte kaesu yo
wasuremono mou nai yo ne
zutto eien ni issho da yo
大好き(daisuki) - like(very much)
言う(iu) - to say
返す(kaesu) - to return (something)
忘れ物(wasuremono) - forgotten stuff
永遠(eien) - eternity
English translation:
Hey, if we could put our names
On a piece of our memories and preserve it
Wouldn't that be the perfect "treasure"?
Right, these excitement-colored days
That have passed have filled our hearts
To their full capacity
The familiar uniforms and indoor shoes
The doodles on our whiteboard
I guess we have to leave them behind
At the entrance to tomorrow
But hey, we met one! A wonderful angel
Graduation isn't the end
We're buddies from here on out!
Pictures of us together
Our matching keychains
Will shine on forever
And always, we thank you for your smile
Hey, the cherry trees
Seem like they've grown a bit too
Though its too slow for you see
I'm sure, the sky above us saw it all
All the times we tripped
But also all the times we walked on till the end
The wings of the notes we played
Overflowing gently into the hallway
Until it piles up to be cuddly
It'd be fine if it stays the way it is now
But hey, we were touched! By a lovely angel
This place will never change
You could almost say, "I'm home!"
Our email inboxes
Circled dates on our calendars
We were able to encounter an extraordinary dream
So we say thank you to music
The platform at the station, the path by the riverside
Even if we're apart, we can look up at the same sky
And sing in unison!
But hey, we met one! A wonderful angel
Graduation isn't the end
We're buddies from here on out!
If you say you really love us
We'll answer that we really, really love you!
There's nothing else we've forgotten
We'll be together forever and ever!
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samiaantha · 7 years
My latest anime harp cover, Tenshi ni Fureta yo! (or Touched by an Angel)
This is my favourite song from my favourite anime. I hope you enjoy it!
Youtube | Patreon
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houkago-stem-time · 7 years
Made a short piano cover of “Tenshi ni Fureta yo!”.
It’s not much, but I think it turned out alright. :>
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supergenial · 3 years
[translation+lyrics] Twilight Garden by 鈴葉ユミ
Suzuha Yumi once again posting a really melancholic song, an oldie from 2019 but certainly a goodie. Fantastic stuff but just as importantly: It’s her birthday! Happy birthday!
Twilight Garden
Composer/Vocalist:  鈴葉ユミ
ah, kimi wa yasashii haru no hidamari no you de hikari ni hohoemu tenshi no toiki ni fureta yuugure
You're simply so gentle, like a day in spring Your light just radiates me like an angel's breath within dusk
daremo shiranai koko wa futari no niwa tsuki dake ga shiru himitsu wa ikegaki no mukou
No one knows of this secret garden of us only the moonlight can see us through the fence
akai shayou no kage hiraku ibitsu na hanasaku ano niwa awai koigokoro no you ni hakanaku tokeyuku omoi ga setsunasa ni furueteru 「futari no hakoniwa」
A garden that changes once it's blanketed in red by the setting sun these feelings which thaw like a frail heart in love tremble with sorrow, in this garden of us two
hanakotoba wa ne kimi ni idaku watashi no kimochi
My feelings for you are hidden away in my heart
meguru kisetsu wa irotoridori no yume wo tsumugu kaketa kureyon de zutto onaji keshiki egakitai no
The ever changing seasons weave together such colorful dreams even though the crayon may have broken wanting to paint the same scenery forever
toge ni doku wo sotto sotto kitto 「kowakunai yo」 motto zutto 「isshoni itai」 nee sotto motto 「chikaku ni kite」 mou samenai katarai
The poison in those thorns slowly, slowly yet surely "Don't be afraid" a bit more, forevermore "Let's be together" Hey, slowly, a bit more "Come closer" A lover's vow, to never wake up again
kiyoraka na omoide ga tsumetai aki no kaze ni yureru itoshii hazu no koe ga tsumi ni somatta tooi tasogare
Such immaculate memories are blown away by the autumnal wind The voice that I assumed had loved me, now reeks of sin in the distant dusk
kyoukai no kane no ne ga nagusame no you ni utau yoru
The church's bell sings through the night as if consoling me
aoi tsukiakari ga nijimu karen na hanasaku ano niwa kazumu osanagokoro ima mo kimi wa shoujo no sugata de itsumademo waratteru 「watashi no hakoniwa」
The fair flowers are covered by the blue moonlight in that garden This childish heart has been clouded even now by the sight of that girl I'll always be smiling here, in this garden of mine
You can also get the album on bandcamp!
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tvwolfsnake · 3 years
you ever think about how the seniors tell azusa in tenshi ni fureta yo that if she says 大好き they'll say 大大好き back
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ueyyuey · 3 years
RULES: we’re snooping in your playlist !! put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs and then choose 10 victims.
Tagged by @dee--eer and THANKS FOR THE TAG!!!
Well I love Japanese song so much and currently in love with Amatsuki voice so~~~~~
1. Letters to me - Amatsuki
2. Letters from the Moon - Amatsuki
3. How to fly in the sky - Amatsuki
4. Critical hit - Amatsuki
5. Tenshi Fureta yo - Houkago tea time
6. Ame no Oto - Sakutasuke
7. Marutsuke - Yono shougo
8. Ame ni Utaeba - ReoNa
9. Kimi to Iru Nara - Seiichiro and Natsusa
10. Nijiiro passion - nijigasaki school idol club
I dont have that much friends here... As that being said... If you want to continue you can do it hehehehe
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sundove88 · 4 years
Bandori Covers I oh so Desire: Part 1: PoPiPa
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- PaPePiPu Romantic (Star Twinkle PreCure)
-Angel Dream (Taiko No Tatsujin)
-Shadow World (Persona 4)
-Sparkle Star Star Twinkle PreCure (Star Twinkle PreCure)
-My Soul, Your Beats! (Angel Beats)
-Sweet Soul Brother (Jet Grind Radio)
-Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari (Bakemonogatari)
-Yuzurenai Negai (Magic Knight Rayearth)
-Egao No Mahou (Fairy Tail)
-We’re The Stars (Fairy Tail)
-Shiny Days (Yuru Camp) (COVERED)
-Angelic Angel (Love Live!)
-Wings of Courage ~Sora Wo Koete~ (Miku Hatsune)
-Sakura Kiss (Ouran High School Host Club)
-His World (Sonic 2006) (Ft. Morfonica)
-Suteki Da Ne (Final Fantasy X)
-Densetsu No Matsuri (Taiko No Tatsujin)
- Tooriyo (Rin Kagamine)
- Dreams of Our Generation (Rhythm Heaven)
- Kirby! (Hoshi No Kaabi)
- Endless Possiblity (Sonic Unleashed)
- Stella-Rium (Wish Upon The Pleiades)
- Beyond The Sky (Doki Doki PreCure)
- My Sweet Passion (Sonic Adventure)
- One Day (One Piece)
- Kibou No Uta (Food Wars)
-Break Free (Super Mario Odyssey)
- Ohiruyasumi (Sakura Trick)
- MIRAI TICKET (Love Live Sunshine)
- Reach For The Stars (Sonic Colors)
- Kuu-Zen-Zetsu-Go (DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters)
- Reset (Okami)
- The Hero! Set Fire To The Furious Fist (One Punch Man)
- KAKATTE KOI YO (Megalo Box)
- Ignite (Sword Art Online)
- Mirai E Susume (Momoiro Clover Z)
-Zen Zen Zense (Your Name)
-Colors (Code Geass)
- Tenshi Ni Fureta Yo! (K-ON)
- GODSPEED (Momoiro Clover Z)
- Cagayake! Girls (K-ON)
- Darling (Miku Hatsune)
- Tell Your World (Miku Hatsune)
- My Mai Tonight (Love Live Sunshine)
- Wonderful Rush (Love Live)
-Kakawari (Madoka Magica: Magia Record)
- Sailor Star Song (Sailor Moon)
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tangian · 3 years
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Tenshi ni Fureta yo
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romanovftedelgard · 4 years
Tenshi ni Fureta yo from k-on hurts but in a really good way
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yeonchi · 4 years
Kisekae Insights #5: Kai Hirasawa and the Keions
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Let’s divert to what this series is really about; there’ll be more time for story overviews later.
K-On has been a pretty big influence in my project, even though I’m not sure how I exactly introduced it in the first place. If the Keions were simply characters in the series, then explaining their involvement in the first year would be a breeze, but there’s one thing I did back then that I’ll explain in this.
As I stated in #3, Ritsu Tainaka replaced Amy Pond in Series 1, 2 and 6. Her story as the Doctor’s companion is the same as Amy’s, so there’s no need to go into detail about that. All you need to know in that regard is that the Ritsu I’ll be talking about is the original HTT counterpart and not the Amy counterpart; I’ll explain her later.
Kai Hirasawa: The Adopted Husband
This “adopted husband” business is going to happen for a few other OC’s, so take note of that. Some of them were also known by other names in the past, but for this, they will be addressed by their current names.
This is Kai Hirasawa, the K-On OC I made for the project.
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Kai Hirasawa was originally born as the older sibling of Tomoko and Tomoki Kuroki, but his parents put him up for adoption since they didn’t feel ready to bring a child up at the time. He was adopted by a Chinese family and moved to Hong Kong until the age of five. In a plotline inspired from the movie McDull, Kung Fu Kindergarten, his adoptive parents sent him to the Wudang Mountains in Hubei, China after his kindergarten teacher discovered his gift for kung fu.
At the age of twelve, Kai graduated and his parents sent him to Japan to attend middle school and high school. The high school Kai attended was a sister school to Sakuragaoka High, where the HTT girls attended, so he became good friends with them at some point, eventually becoming a couple with Yui.
Some time after he graduated, Kai’s life was merged with the Doctor’s by Yuki Nagato just before the events of The End of Time, because she believed that it would help him in his final battle. When he was separated again following the Doctor’s regeneration, he and Yui (because she had ties with him) became amnesiac for a short period of time. During that time, they got married and it wasn’t until right at the wedding ceremony that the Doctor passes by, during his final reward, and recovers their memories, returning them to their true identities.
From that point on, Kai lived with the Hirasawa family. Like Yui’s parents before them, Kai and Yui became a lovey-dovey couple, perhaps even more than Yui’s parents were. He became a part of the Zhuge family, or rather, one of its founding members, when he met the protagonist and one of his prototypes, Kyōko Izumi, and helped them fight off the Karn Army.
In an alternate timeline, where Yui became famous before she Michael Jackson’d herself ala Takotsuboya’s That Is It, Kai became depressed and committed suicide by gaining the power to open the Time Vortex and throw himself in it. Of course, the Doctor immediately destroys that timeline so it never really happened. This is one of the fanfiction stories I published online years ago.
Character highlights in the series
In the 50th Anniversary Series, I did a little character arc with Nodoka. In Block 6, she would be revealed to be one of the protagonist’s echoes that got created when he scattered himself throughout his own timeline (or a baby made out of dust and clay by the echo, which is what I wrote in the episode). In Block 9, we have her and Azusa saying that Yui doesn’t love them anymore (as friends) because she became so close with Kai. At the final climax, when the Master activates a nuclear device to destroy Koshi Castle, Nodoka prepares to sacrifice herself to deactivate it, but the Fourth and Fifth Doctors along with Momoka stop her from doing so, convincing her and Azusa that they, at the very least, still have other friends. In the end, the Doctor had them talk it out with Yui, Kai and Ui and they got back on good terms, not that they were ever on bad terms in the first place.
In one of the 2014 CNY Specials, the HTT girls are featured in a cameo as they have a naked pool party (it was topless in the version I did, but it might as well be, plus those scenes were removed in the family-friendly version of the episode).
The Keions have never fought as an army because K-On was adapted after the period Three Kingdoms was set in. However, in the Series 9 finale, Kai and the Keions are part of an army fighting on Hiroki’s side against Girl Power and the Kurayami Alliance in Ōsaka.
HTT becomes Boukenger
By 2018, things had changed for the Light Music Club girls. Ho-kago Tea Time and Wakaba Girls joined forces and became an indie music collective called the Light Music Studio (Japanese here, K-On Studio?), but we wouldn’t see that until Soulbound Series 3 the year after.
By that time, the other members of the Light Music Club got boyfriends as well. Banding together under Kai, the group called themselves Home-Away Support Boys Time, but the year after, they joined the Light Music Studio and renamed themselves Midnight Boys. Here are the members of that group:
Kai Hirasawa (leader, Yui’s husband)
Yūto Tamaki (Ritsu’s boyfriend)
Nozomu Setana (Mio’s boyfriend)
Makoto Kunemiya (Tsumugi’s boyfriend)
Satoshi Tainaka (Ritsu’s brother and Azusa’s fuck buddy boyfriend)
Hirosuke Masaki (Ui’s boyfriend)
Yōta Kiyono (Jun’s boyfriend)
As a bonus, here’s a little design of Hirosuke I did for Yui’s birthday spam in 2015.
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Fun fact: Back in 2017, I posted a commissioned fanart of Mio with “Nozomu” on the K-On page and triggered a lot of fans, but I only did it because another admin was doing it as well. Also, with the exception of Kai, Satoshi and Hirosuke, the other boyfriends didn’t have last names in Gokaiger until I added them in Soulbound Series 3. Am I homophobic for denying yuri headcanon ships? Maybe, but it’s just how my story goes.
So the K-On girls joined the Superhero Project, gaining the powers of the Boukengers as follows:
Ritsu Tainaka (BoukenRed)
Azusa Nakano (BoukenBlack)
Tsumugi Kotobuki (BoukenBlue)
Ui Hirasawa (BoukenYellow)
Mio Akiyama (BoukenPink)
Jun Suzuki (BoukenSilver)
There were two other members of the Boukengers who got promoted and joined the Gokaigers by the start of the series:
Yui Hirasawa (GokaiYellow, formerly BoukenYellow) Yui was selected to be a Gokaiger in the series prelude because of her swordsmanship and her determination to overcome her airheadedness.
Kai Hirasawa (GokaiSilver, formerly BoukenSilver) When Yui became a Gokaiger, Kai was determined to be with her for fear of her dying like she did in That is It. In the first episode, he picks up the Gokai Cellular and GokaiSilver key that the Doctor (GokaiRed) dropped in a battle. He then abandons his role as BoukenSilver and disappears as he fights as GokaiSilver in secret. After revealing himself and explaining to everyone what happened, the Doctor takes back Kai’s morpher and key, asking him to think of what he can do to impress them. Soon after, he finds his courage to protect the world from the Zangyack Armada, which leads to the Doctor giving Kai back his morpher and key, as well as giving him the Q-Rex Megazord.
How Ritsu became “Amy”
This was a question that was buried in the back of my head for years until I finally decided to answer it in the Space Squad trilogy. Truth be told, I probably would have forgotten otherwise.
In the third Space Squad movie, Rassilon, who made his way to the 21st century after his exile from Gallifrey in Hell Bent, lured the Doctor to Trenzalore (which in my canon is just an area on Earth) in the Makū Dimension and used the TARDIS to power up an Axis Converter, which kills it and causes the dimension to expand throughout the universe. Rassilon fast-forwards time around him and the Doctor so that it becomes the Trenzalore as seen in The Name of the Doctor (this implies that said episode and the Block 6 adaptation took place in the Makū Dimension).
The Doctor goes to his size-leaking TARDIS and merges himself with the exposed heart of the TARDIS, causing the column to become an entrance to the Doctor’s timestream. As he uses his regenerative energy to repair his TARDIS and his timestream, the events of The Name of the Doctor (and its adaptation) take place, meaning that the Doctor can’t get out for the time being, even though he knows that being inside of the heart for too long is no better than looking into the Time Vortex. Clara Oswald fixes the damage to the Doctor’s timeline caused by the Great Intelligence (and Hiroki’s past self does the same to his as well), but there is still some damage left, specifically towards the beginning of the Fifth Doctor’s life.
Meanwhile, Ritsu and the Boukengers encounter Ritsu’s older self in 1968 New York (after the Weeping Angels sent her back in The Angels Take Manhattan). 1968 Ritsu tells 2018 Ritsu what happened, which leads her to go into the Doctor’s timeline when everyone regroups at the TARDIS. She sends an echo of herself to fix the remaining damage, creating the Ritsu Tainaka who became the first companion to travel with the Fifth Doctor following his regeneration. With his timeline now fixed, the Doctor repairs his TARDIS, allowing everyone to leave the Makū Dimension. Of course, the Doctor and Ritsu survive as well.
In a special feature included with the final episode of Doctor Who, the 2018 Christmas Special, HTT perform three songs at the UNIT Christmas Formal, namely Fuwa Fuwa Time, Pure Pure Heart and Tenshi ni Fureta yo! Kai and Azusa join in with the last song as well. You can argue that it would have been a good ending song for the series, but I felt that it was originally more a song for Azusa compared to Anna Tsuchiya’s Voyagers, which I used as the ending song because it signified farewells in general.
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nihosenpai · 3 years
Days - Yui Horie
No,thank you! - HTT
Kiss of death - Mika Nakashima X Hyde
Kyomu densen - Ali project
Imagine - John Lennon
Tenshi ni fureta yo - HTT
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