st8610 · 5 months
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2023年8月に友人とキャンプツーリングに行きました。 最近の北海道はお盆が明けてもなかなか気温が下がらず、バイクでのキャンプにも暑すぎるくらい。
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急ぐような行程ではなかったですが、写真を見返すとずいぶんのんびりしてます。 キャンプインと同時に安着祝いからの設営開始。
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tent-Mark DESIGN - PAND TC+ 少し大きくて映えるテントが欲しいと思った折に購入しました。 ちょっと重いけど設営は楽で、耐久性もよさそうです。
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waystarresourceco · 1 year
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Kieran Culkin on Roman's playboy image and the way the actors/writers understanding of backstory fits together. (x)
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millenari · 10 months
the quality of this boot is eh but its filmed so close to the stage that whenever any of the actors sits down near the edge theyre Right There and its a delight. like pov ur just chilling with your good friend mistoffelees
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v0idwraith · 4 months
Astarion is about as good at hiding his vampirism as Hannibal is at hiding that he’s a cannibal
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Butler Pennsylvanie vers 18h15 13 juillet 2024 tentative d’assassinat contre Trump 8 coups de feu tirés
Du sang sur lui , visiblement touché à l’oreille mais il va bien
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This Image sums up everything he is going through for all of you!
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2 personnes tuées le sniper ainsi qu'une personne du public rapporte le procureur Richard Goldinger et deux autres personnes se trouvent dans un état grave. Il s’agissait du dernier meeting de Donald Trump avant la convention républicaine où il doit être officiellement investi candidat du Parti républicain
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Au sol, Donald Trump reprend ses esprits. Du sang coule le long de son visage.
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Un tournant dans l'histoire
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Le sniper Mark Violet
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Attaqué de toute part et pourtant toujours debout
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eightyuh · 4 months
In your ponysona au how did glen and Fraya get their cutie marks?
had to think about this one for a bit haha:
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Glen would have gotten his by braving through a storm at midnight to deliver some medicine,
and Freya would have gotten hers when she was happy and accidentally bucked a tree down while caught up in the excitement
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I saw that post full of vintage couple photographs a while back and I thought these two in particular had Yona/Mark Captaineer energy.
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onebrainsel · 19 days
I've been on a hotd kick lately. Love to hate it, hate to love it. It's a mess, but I'm entertained.
I kind of want to take part in the fandom more actively, instead of just lurking in my favorite tags. But joining new fandoms can be a headache, especially when they're as big and full of drama as hotd currently is.
It's a good thing I'm too busy to actually do it, delaying the inevitable here.
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hauntedpotat · 3 months
I'm going to a DCI show tomorrow for marching band bc we do an annual field trip for it, and there was this shirt i wanted from last year's performance that I never managed to get ahold of and now that it's been a year since the tour it's been marked down to $10 :3
I am very happy
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dlrconlicense · 10 months
Louise Brealey On Starring In BBC Three’s Upcoming Comedy Such Brave Girls
Such Brave Girls will arrive on BBC iPlayer on 22 November
By Olivia Emily | 3 days ago
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Louise Brealey is perhaps best known for her witty portrayal of lovelorn morgue technician Molly Hooper in Sherlock – but we’re loving her recent comedy work even more. She’ll next be seen in the BBC‘s hotly anticipated comedy Such Brave Girls, coming later this month. Written by Kate Sadler, Louise plays Deb, the matriarch of a dysfunctional family, trying and failing to keep her kamikaze daughters from disaster. We sat down with Louise to hear all about it.
Interview: Louise Brealey
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© Leo Staar
Hi Louise, how’s life going at the moment?
Hello! It’s been a busy summer – my new film has been doing the festival circuit so there have been a lot of planes, trains and automobiles.
You’re about to star in BBC’s new series Such Brave Girls – can you give us an elevator pitch for the show?
Two messed-up twenty-something (real-life) sisters [Kat Sadler and Lizzie Davidson] and their total car crash of a mother attempt to navigate their way out of disaster and into love.
You play Deb – can you describe her?
Deb is amazing. She’s a shockingly bad mum who has completely messed up her two Gen Z daughters. I think of her as one of those vending machines at railway stations and swimming pools where you can get a Twix, but all that’s on her shelves is Tough Love.
What was it like playing her?
A terrifying hoot – she has a lot of lines.
How did you get into character/prepare for the role?
I based Deb on a little girl I used to know. You could see every emotion on her face. Guile, rage, confusion, fear. When she was cross, she scowled. When she was delighted, she beamed.
I used my real accent: Northamptonshire. It has softened over the years, so I sound a lot posher now, but it’s how my family speak and I’ve never had the chance to work using it.
Any funny stories from rehearsals or filming?
The scenes requiring our amazing intimacy coordinator, Elle McAlpine, were hysterically funny and genuinely not at all awkward. Poor Paul Bazely who plays Dev may have experienced some chafing.
What is the cast dynamic? Who was your favourite person to work with?
We are like a little family when we are filming. I feel very protective of Kat and Lizzie. And Paul is a wonderful human being and a phenomenal actor.
Are you still in touch with any of your co-stars?
Yes, we message all the time.
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Josie (KAT SADLER), Deb (LOUISE BREALEY), Billie (LIZZIE DAVIDSON) in Such Brave Girls. © BBC/Various Artists Limited/James Stack
You’re perhaps best known for your role as Molly in Sherlock. What is that like to look back on?
Bittersweet because I don’t feel we finished it, and we have lost Una Stubbs. But it was incredible to be a part of what was really a phenomenon. It couldn’t happen now with streaming.
Any special memories from the show?
Too many. Having a candle in an egg custard tart (my favourite) on my birthday in Benedict’s trailer… Laughing and laughing with darling Una and Rupert Graves, who is a dreamboat.
You’ve also starred in the likes of Lockwood & Co, Brian and Charles and Back recently. But what has been your favourite project to date?
I loved working on Clique for the BBC a few years back. I got to play a hard-ass Queen Bee university lecturer in power suits who was afraid of no one, and then to completely fall apart. In an Edinburgh accent.
I loved Lockwood & Co. How does it feel for the show to be cancelled after just one series?
I felt so bad for the young cast, the crew, the fans and everyone whose livelihoods depended on the show coming back. It got such fantastic reviews and great viewing figures. I feel like the hoop it had to jump through for the streamer was just too impossibly small.
Any roles in the pipeline that you’re excited about? (If you’re allowed to tell us!)
I’m the lead in a lesbian chicken factory musical film called Chuck Chuck Baby.
Who has been your favourite actor to work with in the past?
This is much too hard. There have been so many that I admired, and some I now call dear friends. But my buddy Jeff Rawle I’ve worked with three times now, and we are trying to make it a fourth.
Which co-star did you learn the most from?
Antonia Pemberton, who played Nanny in Peter Hall’s Uncle Vanya when I was Sonya. She told me not to keep tomatoes in the fridge.
What’s your dream role?
I’m desperate to get back on stage. I’ve been doing film and television for the past seven years, but theatre is my heart and my home.
What’s a genre you’d like to do more of?
I’d like a good horror. I can’t watch them because I’m a scaredy-cat, but I’d love to be in one.
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© Leo Staar
Do you get to spend much time at home?
Not enough. I’ve been gadding about.
Do you live in the town or the country? Which do you prefer?
I’ve lived in London since I left university. I live on a hill next to an oak tree, so it feels like we are in the branches. I can never leave London because I’d miss the culture stuff, but I am a woodland creature.
What’s your interior design style?
A mish-mash of old things I’ve found in auctions. Too many books.
How do you find balance in your personal and work lives?
I don’t.
What did you want to be when you were growing up?
An astronaut.
If you could give advice to your 15-year-old self, what would it be?
Don’t sleep with that guy’s flatmate when you are 21.
How can we all live a little bit better?
Choose love.
Anything fun in the pipeline – professionally or personally?
I’m going to run away to a southern European city for January and February to write.
Quick Fire
I’m currently watching… Only Murders in the Building
What I’m reading… We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
The last thing I watched (and loved) was… Silo. I love Rebecca Ferguson.
What I’m most looking forward to seeing… The Motive and the Cue with Mark Gatiss in the West End because I was away for its National Theatre run.
Favourite film of all time… Don’t Look Now
Favourite song of all time… ‘Disco 2000’ by Pulp
Band/singer I always have on repeat… Leonard Cohen
My ultimate cultural recommendation… Join all the museums and galleries
Cultural guilty pleasure… Overcooked 2. It’s computer game where you run around and try to make kebabs.
What’s next for me is… Walking my dog in Beckenham Place Park – it’s south London’s secret mini Hampstead Heath.
Louise Brealey stars in Such Brave Girls, on BBC iPlayer from 22 November. bbc.co.uk
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saveraedae · 9 months
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New-style thumbnail for episode 2! This episode is absolutely going to be worth the wait, its production quality compared to episode 1's is unrivaled. Working on it has been a blast! Expect lots of updates about it throughout 2024~
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ALSO so i don't forget. whenever u have time. staring up at u w my big wet hammerhead shark eyes. nhw cape oc??
OH YEAH OK this is lame as hell. but if you think about it all capes are lame as hell. haven't decided yet whether I want her to be a hero or villain bc im not actually using her for anything yet I've just got her on the backburner in case I need a background character to beat someone up. her name is sabresong and she's got. sound/music based striker/blaster powers :] been listening to a lot of just. idk the name of the genre but electronic Noise music and im like wow this would be awesome if it could hurt people. and also i was playing beat saber last night so I'm giving her two swords that she can slice together like cricket legs 2 make noises. also probably speakers of some kind incorporated into her costume. Basically her whole thing is what if music could hurt you
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soph-skies · 7 months
the special effects in the untamed are garbage (lovingly) and i will defend them with my life
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Please find my childern, the pink eyed one is Scamp and the fucked up one is Powerade
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ID 4136
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lokh · 1 month
and they are full for now!!! thanks everyone 😭<3
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nojuicecrystals · 2 months
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Meth sores.. they must Hurt 🤕🩸💉
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