#terf m
sevicia · 1 year
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The comment is THE dumbest shit I've seen today 🫶
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Heyo this is your very unfriendly reminder for TERFs and all other transphobes to stay the fuck away from me and my blog! I do not care if you are neurodivergent or a survivor, fuck off!
I may be forced to live on TERF island (aka the UK) but this is my blog and you're not welcome here and never will be! And this isn't Twitter, either, so just know you are not as welcome on this website as you are in Musk's dying hellscape.
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bigwizardhat · 1 year
i know i know i know it’s been said before but it always baffles me how transphobes will say they’re “protecting women” and then make posts like “all REAL women are sad little victims too rail-thin and pathetic to protect ourselves. if you see a woman who is tall or muscular or has any hair ever, that is an EVIL TRANS that will KILL YOUR DOG” and give you five sources to studies conducted by one scientist in the 80’s that has had their work denounced by the entire scientific community and seven more studies performed by a dozen catholic priests who stole lab coats and said trans people are bad
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findadnibanner · 2 years
hello! would it be possible to get a pastel goth themed dni banner with streber from spooky month on it? as for the dni stuff, i would like to have the basic dni stuff as well as anti-agere and anti-petre if possible :3c
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i couldn't find any good transparent pictures of streber so i had to manually erase the background which is why it looks so bad lol
here you are! as always, feel free to reach out if i need to make any modifications.
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earthwyrrm · 2 years
terfs will watch cis people punish women for not being womanly enough and say "how could the evil transgenders do this!?!?!"
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undercovercannibal · 24 days
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The TRAD WIVES of TikTok by FunkyFrogBait
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like she is giving me terf vibes, like she would yell at me for using a bathroom.
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frociaggina97 · 2 months
por ahí el hacer chistes misoginos no te hace misógino. y cuando tus amigos hacen los chistes no decis nada porque ellos tampoco son.
por ahi al andar asegurando que no son parte del problema porque hacer un chiste no implica ni nornaliza nada los hace un poco parte del problema porque da lugar al que si es un misógino a pensar que está acompañado en su odio. por ahi estan tan acostumbrados al chiste misógino que cuando se encuentran con chicas que no les gusta y no se bancan una, es una boluda. por ahí se enojan y dicen pero yo no soy asi
yo creo que si son misoginos, no al punto de matar, pero si al punto de ser tan casual que es poco y nada en sus vidas y no quieren admitirlo porque es mas fácil culpar a la puta de mierda que se toma el chiste en serio y por eso las matan pará eu es joda no te lo tomes en serio te ofendes por todo y es humor negro y que se yo sos una amarga. y entonces nuestra propia brutalización siendo tomada como un chiste es nuestra culpa. ok bueno jajaj mala mía que sensible soy
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genderkoolaid · 9 months
If having sex without attraction is enjoyable, isn't it fucked up not to have sex with someone you care for? Some of my guy friends wanted to have sex with me and said no because I wasn't attracted to them and they stopped being friends with me. So now I'm. Idk. I ruined my friendships because I was told sex w/o attraction is unhealthy, but apparently I could've kept them... I feel so shitty, some of those guys were desperately trying to lose their virginity & I denied them for no reason 😕
Something being potentially enjoyable and not inherently unhealthy does not mean it is something you have to do. It can be enjoyable and healthy to go sky-diving with your friends, that does not mean you have to or that, if your friends break up with you because you refuse to go sky-diving with them, that you have done something wrong by not wanting to. Just because some people find it enjoyable doesn't mean you will, and just because it can be healthy doesn't mean it always is, especially if you feel like you have to do it to keep your friends.
You don't have to view sex without attraction as inherently unhealthy to not want to have sex with people you are not attracted to. If someone tells you that "sex without attraction is healthy so if you don't fuck me, you are an asshole" they are making a completely illogical point to manipulate you because they are both an asshole and bad at arguments.
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derangedfujoshi · 3 months
Yall looooooove to talk shit about women, especially cishet ones, not giving the same attention to wlw stories as they do with mlm ones and call it "internalised misogyny" (let's not even go into the whole "fetishization" debacle), but when it's the last time you read/watched m/f stuff?
The amount of yall claiming other women don't like wlw bc of misogyny but then turn around and hate/scoff at the mere idea of shoujos SIMPLY for being m/f is VERY high. So what, yall have internalised misogyny as well? Cause last time I checked both wlw and mlw had Women in them so if not liking wlw makes you a woman hater so does not liking mlw and that sounds insane. "Oh but I don't like shoujos cause I'm a lesbian and are not into men" well they're straight and don't like women so??? It's easier to like mlm cause it does not involve their gender and some people don't vibe with stories that involve their gender and another they're not attracted to. If YOU can get a pass to mlw stories so can they, you hypocrite🤨
As long as they aren't clearly lesbophobic I don't see a fucking issue man, also you know what? wlw stories are mostly fucking BORING and even as a lesbian myself I find more cool shit amongst the mlm ones but /I/ am trying to change that and write my own cool wlw stories, what are YOU doing beside bitching and throwing around big words against people simply trying to enjoy themselves?
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sevicia · 1 year
That one post where OP gets mad about someone tagging their post, which contained slurs, with slur tws, got recommended to me just now and I (clueless) opened the reply like god DAMN you people are stupid. "You can't call someone's identity a slur!!!" it is a slur. Like that's the pointttt the point is that you're reclaiming it or what the fuck ever. You being comfortable with it does NOT erase its harmful history, because it's not just you. An entire community of people has been historically demeaned with the use of said words, how is it so hard to understand? These people act like the world revolves around them.
& also saw some idiot saying "people who say queer is a slur are TERFs!!!!!!" like ohhhh I see what we're dealing with now. Awesome
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knowledgequeenabc · 2 years
Helpful info I found being mocked by terfs, because they refuse to take antisemitism seriously. (Naturally). Go on and spread this version, please
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bigwizardhat · 1 year
Hey the op of that post about the word creep for autistic men or whatever is a TERF, just a heads up!
ugh jesus ty for letting me know!! url is @/lobotomylady for anyone else who wants to block the freak
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findadnibanner · 2 years
Can you please make a pastel pink DNI banner with with a flowery aesthetic? For the words, can you add what's usually in a DNI (as in dni transphobes, terfs, etc..) But also add on "If you're self proclaimed heterophobic or cisphobic, anti mspec lesbians, anti he/him lesbians, against cringe" I can't think of any more, could you add on all the other stuff that should be on it? I'm really sorry if this is too specific or anything!
(If possible can you include her on the banner??) Thank you so so much!
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hello! here's one, hope this is okay! as always, feel free to let me know if you would like any modifications ^^
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i gave her a flower crown :] she deserves it
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wammypilled · 7 months
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