#transphobe m
findadnibanner · 2 years
hello! would it be possible to get a pastel goth themed dni banner with streber from spooky month on it? as for the dni stuff, i would like to have the basic dni stuff as well as anti-agere and anti-petre if possible :3c
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i couldn't find any good transparent pictures of streber so i had to manually erase the background which is why it looks so bad lol
here you are! as always, feel free to reach out if i need to make any modifications.
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genderkoolaid · 10 months
okay so rewatching hbomberguy's new video, James Somerton has:
Called ND Stevenson and Rebecca Sugar women so he can make a point about how queer women have it easier
stolen an Asian transmasc person's very personal essay on Mulan and queer Asian identity
stolen from Alexander Avila, the One somewhat well known transmasc video essayist
Lied about English courts letting Radclyffe Hall "live her happy life" because perceived-female queerness wasn't legally persecuted, when in actuality, they were charged with obscenity and had their work destroyed
clearly a man whose very normal and chill about transmascs and anyone he sees as a woman i think
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noonstate · 11 months
i need well meaning cis people to stop attemping to steelman trans healthcare conversations because it basically always ends with them just lying about easily checkable things "no minors are getting irreversible treatments" wrong not true "no minors are having surgery" also false, like instead just say the truth: currently some minors (few, but some) are able to access hrt that will have some irreversible changes on their body, some (even fewer) minors are able to access surgery.
the counter to transphobes screaming "these kids are being irreversibly changed" isn't "no children are accessing this care" it's "puberty is also an irreversible change" and "i think under 18s and even under 16s should be able to make medical decisions actually"
"no minors are accessing this care" means that transphobes can easily point to the examples of minors who are accessing that care, which just make us look like liars. sometimes teenagers and children need to make medical choices on their own. i think a 14 y/o should be able to get an abortion. i think trans kids and teens should be able to have the approriate care, which for some will just be like, picking a new name or haircut, and for some, sure, could be surgery.
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samwolfcos · 2 months
As Im reading a lot of discussion about Viktors/ Vanya (yes using the deadname here to get to my point) name change lately - let me put in my two cents as a trans masc person. I get that Vanya is a neutral or more masculine name. It doesn’t matter. For most trans folks the cange of name is a huge deal and important step of (socially) transitioning for most of us.
Yes some trans folks pick names that are like a masc/ fem version of their deadname, or a name with similarities to their deadname. Like I did to a degree because I did not hate my deadname, it just wasn’t me anymore. And thats the whole point about it. Also please keep in mind- this s a deeply personal decision for each trans individual to make and nothing anybody else could or should have an opinion about.
For those who say they shouldn’t have made a ‚big deal about it’ and just leave it as Vanya, saying ‚hes always been a man‘ or something like that- thats trans erasure and we don’t do that, please and thanks. For me and many trans folks the representation we got with Viktor was a HUGE deal. His coming out was so beautifully done and we hardly get any good representation so no- this shouldn’t been handled any different.
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xelidonia · 2 months
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I'm obsessed with this line from Touga. "It's wrong of me to flirt with you since you're my equal (for now)." It's so insidious. It's got the same vibes as those guys who claim that being attracted to a muscular women is gay
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the-meme-monarch · 2 years
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hello ava/m community (and chulip)
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trans-androgyne · 4 months
Trans people oppress each other all the time, just not on the basis of their transness. But that has nothing to do with the fact that trans men can leverage systematic misogyny and transmisogyny against trans women.
That’s indeed what I meant and I feel it came off to most people. Those concepts are not disconnected in people’s minds. Trans men are said to oppress trans women through transmisogyny. Yes, trans men and literally everyone else can leverage systemic misogyny and transmisogyny against trans women and fems. Trans women and literally everybody else can also leverage systemic misogyny and transandrophobia against trans men and mascs. None of this makes one trans group more privileged than another. Transmisogyny is not The Single Worst version of trans oppression.
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milimeters-morales · 1 year
Peter: kid ate the forever weed brownie
Harry, playing along: yeah man. lasts 20 billion years. sorry.
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lesbiansanemi · 7 months
I should be getting paid to deal with this bullshit
#fandom lesbophobia and misogyny tied in with the PETTIEST discord drama blown so far out of proportion. dawg…#‘pls explain idk how we were lesbophobic uwu’#idk you attacked a bunch of sapphics and said they were transphobic and biphobic which then spiraled into spreading rumors about them being#abusive and alcoholics and calling them slurs#because they made ‘I hate men’ jokes and didn’t like your dumbass m/f ships and headcanoned a character a lesbian lmfao#also because one of them was supposedly transphobic on a VC but the apparent victim doesn’t even remember it like LMFAO?????#which is crazy considering most of them are not cis and are also bi themselves lmfao#which I EXPLAINED#but it’s still ‘idk how we were lesbophobic a day misogynistic pls explain’#I’m killing myself this is so stupid#like do you think I’m dumb. do you think I’m stupid#this is batshit#this is why I don’t do fandom discord servers yall are insaaaaaane#idk what’s worse#if this was done knowingly and we’re just playing dumb#or if we actually ARE this dumb and don’t think any of this was rooted in lesbophobia#which had been perpetuated SO hard in the more standard fandom lesbophobia and misogyny ways#not to mention the transmisogyny but I won’t get into that…. lmao#anyways#every day I wake up to more DMs and I want to SCREAM#I just wanna peacefully go into work and live my life man it is NOT my job to coddle you#because you got caught being shitty lmfao#fuck off#kaz rambles
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pigeonperch · 11 months
Oh my god so I’ve been struggling for a very long time to articulate what made me uncomfortable about “femme” or “masc” versions of characters and it’s bc that’s almost always just used in place of the word “gender swapping” without actually changing the transphobic parts of the concept.
Like. The whole reason people dislike the whole thing of genderswapping characters is bc ppl act like man and woman are “opposite genders,” which is the part that this negates.
However the other, more PRESSING thing that is a problem is that people ASSIGN CERTAIN PHYSICAL TRAITS to these words like BODY TYPE, BREASTS/NO BREASTS, THICK/THIN EYELASHES, HEIGHT, HAIR, ETC, ETC, ETC!!! And this form of categorization should sound familiar! Because these are the things transphobes use to distinguish “the two genders”
There is NO “FEMME” BODY and NO “MASC” BODY. Like if someone called my body (short, large chest, wide hips, etc) “femme” I’d immediately think they were transphobic. Because it would be!! Femme and Masc are presentations, NOT bodies. Bodies have no gender.
(Obviously they have a sex, but that’s not what I’m talking about and if you think it is you’re clearly not the intended audience of this post)
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sotiriabellou · 3 months
"remember to make space for heteros this pride month"is such a ridiculous thing to say like even if youre referring to straight trans people thats such a stupid way to word it
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findadnibanner · 2 years
can i get a pink kirby one that says dni: anti-neopronouns, racist, transphobic etc.? 💕✨
hope this is okay! i added some sparkles and hearts for decorations because of the emojis, i thought it fit heh
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i couldn't figure out what to do for the font or background, sorry lol. as always, feel free to reach out if you'd like me to twink anything! ^^
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
Another trans man was killed in Puerto Rico. His name is Luis Ángel Díaz Castro and he was killed by his abusive ex-partner who has been arrested- thankfully, his family was supportive of him and he was buried under his proper name.
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ramseyr · 7 months
@staff @humans
I can't believe we have to have this fucking conversation. TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS. And you are sick by hiding behind the pseudoname "hUmAnS".
Time to grow a brain already.
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the-starry-seas · 2 months
Trans Clone Week 2024 Day 3: Clone Gender Expression vs Other's Expectations / Vod'e Cultural Gender Markers / Tattoos
“That’s when–” Raz pauses, their gaze dropping to Winter’s chestplate. “Winter and his team will flank from the right.” 
They keep talking, but Winter’s distracted by Sky nudging shoulders with him. 
“Why’d he look at you like that?” 
“Gender dots,” Winter whispers back, trying to at least half-listen to the rest of the briefing. But when Sky gives him a completely clueless look, he realises that he didn’t quite explain things. “After, okay?” 
Raz is a competent commander, and it doesn’t take long for them to wrap things up in a surprisingly efficient manner. 
And of course, as Winter leaves the briefing room with the twins in tow, it’s not long before Silver is the one with a question now. 
“They looked at Bee’s , too, and got their pronouns right. What was Raz looking for?” 
“These,” Winter says, tapping at the top of his chestplate. On his left are four dots – black, grey, white circled with black, and green. They’re a match for the tattoo on the back of his neck, though there, the white stands out on its own, without any need to make it distinct from standard-issues white plastoid. 
“Your gender,” Sky acknowledges. “But that doesn’t explain Bee.” 
“Mine are my pronouns,” Bee explains, their helmet tucked under their arm. “Four for they, five for he and she, six for he and they, and seven for she and they. The natborns don’t pick up on it, think it’s just decoration. We know what it means.” 
“Why not just say?” 
“Didn’t you ever wonder why there’s so many more trans clones out here, compared to on Kamino?” Winter asks. 
“They’re older?” Silver questions, audibly unsure of himself. 
Bee shakes their head with a little snort. 
“It’s because,” Winter says, ignoring them, “the Kaminoans don’t like it. They see this as aberrations. Like when a tubie is decanted with extra fingers or a crooked back. This, they call it a learned aberration. We were made as men, and they expect us to stay that way. They don’t like that we change what we are. They think it’s going to make us…” 
He shrugs. The Kaminoans had never really bothered explaining. Clones generally didn’t ask many questions. Especially not with the people who could get them decommissioned if they asked too many. 
“But once we get away from them,” he continues, “and meet other clones like us, we learn more. Like how Sunny changed pronouns after being assigned to us. Used to use pronouns like yours and mine, right?” 
The twins nod. 
“A lot of clones will have the same colours on their helmet cheeks,” Bee adds. “Stripes for gender, most of the time, and dots for pronouns. Sometimes armour gets dirty when we’re deployed on long missions, but we always keep our visors clean. Cleaning the rest of the helmet is a lot easier than cleaning a chestplate.” 
“Is that why your helmet has stripes?” Silver wants to know. 
“No, mine are across the top.” They hand their helmet over so he can see. “More like Jewel’s helmet stripes. You can ask zhir about those.” 
“But zhi doesn’t have dots on zhir armour. For gender or pronouns.” 
Bee shrugs. 
“Some clones don’t feel safe telling everyone they meet. So without the dots, people just say ‘he’ and ‘him’. The other clones in their squad will know their real pronouns, but use the standard issue ones around other people.” 
“That,” Winter agrees, “and there’s too many different sets of pronouns to have all of them. Sometimes, clones like that, they’ll have a black bar with white dots in the middle. Means that they have pronouns, just different ones. If it’s one circle, they don’t use pronouns at all.” 
Sky raises an eyebrow. 
“How’s that work?” 
“They just use their name. Like this – Bee is meeting me in Bee’s quarters so we can work on Bee’s flimsiwork, since Bee never does it on Bee’s own.” 
“Lies and slander,” they inform him, even though they both know it’s the truth. “But look – see that purple helmet? The stripes on the cheeks? She’s got the same ones on her blaster barrel. On the handguard where it’s not hot enough that the paint will peel off.” 
“Cool,” the twins murmur. “What if the blaster breaks?” 
“Same thing as armour. Paint the new one. The recyclers will strip the paint off before breaking down the parts. Whoever inherits a blaster won’t know what it used to have.” 
It’s kind of sad, in Winter’s opinion, but he understands. And even though it’s sad for a clone’s identity to be lost, he supports it. Otherwise inheriting someone’s pronoun marks would just get too confusing. 
“Is she not gonna grow her hair?” Sky wants to know. “The lady with the purple helmet. Natborn human girls almost always have long hair.” 
Bee shrugs. Theirs is almost to their waist, in their braid. They didn’t grow it out until they were reassigned to the task force. Before that, long missions made long hair impractical. 
“Could be that they’re low on supplies and it’s too much hassle. Could be that she doesn’t like the feeling of long hair. But a lot of girl clones won’t grow their hair out. They keep it short, like the men. Some natborns will do a lot to make sure they look like their culture’s idea of a woman. General Nima had surgery to have ear cones, like most other Twi’lek women have, and she always wears dresses. Clones can’t always do that.” 
“Because of the Kaminoans?” 
“Sometimes. But what a lot of natborns would see as masculine – we don’t see it the same way. A clone could look like Boom, and we wouldn’t have any problem calling her a girl.” 
Boom’s taller and wider than them, all muscle, with a shaved head and facial hair. He’s looked like that since before they met him, and presumably his appearance will never change much. 
“So all genders look the same, with clones, a lot of the time,” Sky repeats, waiting for Winter’s nod to confirm that he understood. “So that’s why the dots help. Bee’s got long hair but isn’t a girl. That purple helmet was a girl but she had short hair. That’s kind of cool.” 
That’s not the extent of it, Winter knows. The top padding and bottom tucking that so many natborns do, that’s not an option for them in their armour. And skintight body gloves tend to not be particularly comfortable either, when it comes to stuffing things up their shirts. Civilian clothes are fine, sometimes, if they’re loose fit – but those tend to be in short supply. 
“Natborns tend to read me as – I forget their word,” Bee says, waving a hand vaguely before reaching to take their helmet back. “Androgynous. Because a lot of them see what they think is a man with long hair, and wonder why. Other clones don’t expect things like that. It’s nice, actually. I know Jewel likes long hair so zhi can play with it, but when you two were still cadets, we had a girl named Algebra who couldn’t stand anything more than a buzzcut. She said she liked that she could be seen as a girl no matter what her hair was like. That natborns weren’t always the same way.” 
“That sucks,” Silver says with a frown. “She’s a girl, is that so hard?” 
Winter smiles. The squad might not have had the twins for long, but they’ve all tried to teach their shinies about the way things are. About how to accept people. With all of them being queer, and half of them being trans in some way, it was important to them. To Winter, especially. 
“Is there more you want to know?” 
“Yeah,” Sky cuts in, excited to be able to learn. “I thought you just liked the colours, but the tattoo on your neck, it’s for your gender, right?” 
“Right. A lot of clones have similar ones. Most of them are ones that are hidden by our clothes. Just under the neck, so a shirt can be pulled down, or on the inside of the wrist, so a sleeve can be rolled up. Being able to choose who sees is important to a lot of us.” 
“Is it always colours?” 
“No, it can be different. It can be – Maia! Can you show the shinies your tattoo?” 
“Sure thing, Win,” she agrees easily. She sets down the box she was carrying to a gravsled and rolls her right sleeve up to show a ⚥ in a dark maroon colour. “Telling the shinies about things, huh?” She smiles at his nod and holds her wrist out so the twins can see it better. “We call it two-gender. Sometimes I’m a guy, sometimes I’m a woman.” 
“Then why have pronoun dots on your chestplate?” Silver wants to know. “Don’t they change?” 
“These are marker. Put this–” she knocks on her chestplate “–through an armour wash and the dots will come right off so I can change it to what I want. Some people, their gender changes fast. Mine’s slow. I’ll be a girl for another six months, probably. Maybe five or four. But long enough that the marker works for me. 
“I have a sister whose gender changes fast between being a girl and not feeling like anything. She has a tattoo like mine, just the female symbol, or the null symbol, the one that looks like rays shooting out of the top. She does it in temporary ink so she can rub it out with her fingers. She keeps the pen for it in her belt pouches. Hey, did Win tell you about helmets?” 
She turns to the stack of crates already on the gravsled and takes it down, turning it so they can see the front. Over the visor is a pair of Mando’a letters, a pair of Ts, one above the other with one upside down. 
“This is our symbol. Flip the letter when you flip your gender, I say.” 
“And nobody else does,” Winter says dryly. 
“I’ll get it to catch on, just you wait,” she tells him. “Some people, like my sister, they’ll have it in four ways, like a compass rose. For multigender or genderfluid.” 
“Thank you for telling us, Ms Maia,” Silver says politely, and Sky echoes him. 
“Any time, kiddos. Come find me whenever, if you have questions. My squad’s bunking closest to the cargo bay. Permanent support staff, I’ll be here longer than you are. Oh, and Winter – tell Jewel I’ll be by for those pins after curfew, okay?” 
“Okay,” he agrees, and steps back as a mouse droid darts between them. “We’ll leave you to it, Maia, thank you.” 
She waves them off, and Winter guides the twins to stay along the wall, now that there’s more foot traffic than before. 
“Do you know what pins she was talking about?” Sky asks. 
“Like Nebula’s pin, with xyr pronouns on it. There’s not a lot of printers that can be used for whatever we want. Jewel’s got one, so zhi’s popular with other trans clones, when we meet them. A lot of them put it on the inside of their sleeves, around where Maia’s tattoo is. They can show it easily, and hide it easily.” 
“Oh,” Sky says, but quieter than before. 
“Oh, what?” Winter prompts, setting a hand on his shoulder for a moment. 
“You all have to hide, don’t you? Because of the Kaminoans and the natborns?” 
“Unfortunately. But when the war ends, we’ve all got plans. For surgeries and voice training and new hairstyles and tattoos.” Winter offers both twins what is, hopefully, a reassuring smile. “And if you want something – a tattoo, pin, marker pen, whatever – we’ll get it for you. Either of you. Both of you. Doesn’t matter. Okay?” 
“Can I get a marker?” Sky asks hesitantly. 
“I can go get it right now,” Bee offers, and Sky smiles. 
“I’d like that,” he says. 
Winter wraps an arm around Sky’s shoulders, and starts drawing up a mental list of the clones he knows that are around and would be willing to talk about who they are, and who Sky can be, if he wants to.
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aroacesigma · 11 months
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