ribstongrowback · 2 months
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hey i can't make it to Sorry For Visiting Wanton Destruction Upon Your Populace For No Reason Day yeah uhm its just that like you didn't invite my war crime friend and i think its kinda fucked up that you did that
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scurvyboy · 14 days
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doomed polycule dynamic
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dandanjean · 1 month
Un par un, peu importe le rythme, la vitesse. Juste faire un pas pour tendre vers notre objectif. Nous pouvons prendre des pauses, et même parfois, des poses, mais, il nous faut persévérer, ne pas abandonner. Lorsqu’un projet qui nous habite nous anime, il nous faut continuer jusqu’à ce que nous l’ayons accompli. La clé pour réaliser quelque chose n’est pas de tenter d’être le meilleur, et…
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solardrake · 1 year
which one of you is hovering your crosshair over me i can f⊹ucking feel it on me
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g1ngerbeer · 9 months
mutual 1: god i sure wish this thing i think about 24/7 was good mutual 2: god i sure wish this thing i think about 24/7 was good mutual 3: god i sure wish this thing i think about 24/7 was good mutual 4: god i sure wish this thing i think about 24/7 was good mutual 5: god i sure wish this thing i think about 24/7 was good mutual 6: god i sure wish this thing i think about 24/7 was good
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aktieportfoljen · 5 months
USA:s ekonomi bromsar in, men inflationen stiger. Den amerikanska 10-årsräntan steg till högsta nivån på fem månader och terminerna faller
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sufferblr · 11 months
so sad that in america the only options after a terminal cancer diagnosis is either to make meth or make saw traps
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indigo6f00ff · 1 year
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need to share an experience i had 30 minutes ago
(edit: thanks to @walks-the-ages for providing and reminding me to put alt text, sorry it slips my mind alot lol)
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prokopetz · 5 months
I think we're starting to dilute the meaning of "terminally online". Like, no, it's not terminally online to have eccentric opinions about a popular TV show – people like that existed before "online" was a thing. Unless we're talking at least an "it's homophobic for gay furries to have rat fursonas because they're depicting gay people as vermin", the onlineness falls well short of terminal.
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junkfoodcinemas · 6 months
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The Terminator (1984) dir. James Cameron
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fixing-bad-posts · 3 months
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I guarantee kink is part of pride, we need kink at pride.
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hellsitegenetics · 8 months
is there a match for the entire Connection Terminated speech from fnaf? link to the text (here)
String identified: Cct tat. ' t tt , at, t tat a, t ' aa ' . a t t c a gt, a ca t a a, atg, a ca. a a ca , t a at a , ct a t. A at t t, a a t . 't a tat a ta. t a cc, cag t c c ca, aa g a, t t ac, t t. . T t . A t , a t, t tg t t , atg t a a a t a , a a g tat' t at at. a a g tat a gt at t . a ag a . a a. T ac t , a t tg tat tat t ca a g t a aa. A t ag tag . A t t ta t c, t a g t. T 't g t . t , t ac a a atg at t ca. Atg, , t at t a t a , 't t atg, . agt, ca a , t a . t' at t tct t ct. ' tat tat a, t a t t a t t , a t t t t t a t a t t t , a t, at ca . a 't ctt t aa, t agt. c't a t, t a . t' t t t - , a t a ca a. T a . ccat.
Closest match: Homo sapiens BAC clone RP11-504G5 from 2, complete sequence Common name: Common human
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(image source)
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artsekey · 1 year
Thinking about the time I lost a game of Overwatch and I was so mad about it that I genuinely considered getting into shit with the other team in chat and then realized that it was a colossal waste of my living breathing Human Time and uninstalled Overwatch instead because it was only making me angry.
And then thought about the OTHER time when I was on TikTok and realized I was Not Enjoying Myself and was, in fact, seeing so many sad videos and fake influencer ads that I felt Truly Despondent and then just…Deleted it.
Imo I want my social media /general media experience to be a pleasant break from real world and I get to decide what I get to cull to make that a reality for myself. I highly reccomended it! Life has improved considerably!
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aktieportfoljen · 7 months
Terminerna visar hur börsen väntas öppna
Terminer handlas även när börsen inte är öppen och kan därför ge en indikation på hur börsen kommer att öppna. Idag kl 6:35 indikeras t ex en öppning på +0,51%. Jag kollar alltid på IG:s sida varje morgon: https://www.ig.com/se/index/marknader-index Jag brukar även hålla koll på Wall Streets terminer inför öppningen kl 15:30. Öppningen på andra sidan Atlanten ger avtryck på börshumöret i…
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