transmetal-tk · 8 months
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With all the new toy reveals and leaks lately, clearly it is the right time to revisit this mold from a few years ago
My timing is just horrible...
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toyboxcomix · 2 months
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Random Old Comic: Base Club https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2017/05/14/base-club/
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blueiight · 1 year
thinking my fave was back in t-2 min (when its rly 2 hours) v reopening wiaw and seeing schonkopf hooping..
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bullyberry · 6 months
When I get home I think I'm gonna rework some Stella stuff mostly just removing the Team Terribull bit. Cause I found the og NPC who mentioned Team Terribull and it's way cuter then I originally remembered and feel bad turning it into a group of bullies 😭😭
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centaurstechnician · 4 months
D--> Oh? Following my main now instead of simply my side blog? D--> Sed is terribull I will not make you put up with a man who ah... D--> ... D--> Well he has not done anything partic001arly bad, if you arent b100 enough to know what sorts of mind games they get up to but for a very long time I thought he hated me? D--> I imagine you know what I mean
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theluckywizard · 1 year
I've been working on this pun battle for an upcoming chapter of my longfic In the Shattering of Things the last few days (after it sat stewing in my brain for a solid month). I researched by watching pun championships and got some help from fellow DAFF writers, @kiastirling, @bluewren, @nirikeehan and @warpedlegacy and finally it is DONE.
WC: 916
Rating and CW: Gen, puns and utter torment
Rose Trevelyan POV
Scene is they are on the road to Crestwood and trying to keep Rose entertained for *reasons*.
It's truly cringe, so proceed with caution below.
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On the second day I find myself sandwiched between Varric and Hawke who busily share tales of their exploits in and around Kirkwall, keeping my attention captive and forcibly restraining it from chasing misery for an hour or so. Hawke is eager to set the record straight for me, although Varric points out that his version invariably has significantly more panache.
“If Sebastian hadn’t had his bow trained perfectly on the Wyvern’s eye, Hawke wouldn’t have made it,” sighs Varric, the memory a twinkle in his eye.
"I remember it was an arrow escape!” says Hawke, a grin of pure triumph breaking across his face. As I drop my head back in amused torment, Varric’s head jerks side to side with sudden vehemence.
“Oh no. Oh no no no,” says Varric, a weak look drifting over to his best friend.
“I… can’t.”
“You will,” says Hawke with certainty. “Topic: weapons. Go!” A sudden effervescence bubbles up inside me as my mind immediately grasps for the next play. I glance apologetically at Varric and then at Hawke and unleash my worst.
“This sounds like a sword spot between you two,” I remark, my smile twitching well into my cheek for the first time since we left. Hawke’s brows pop up and he grabs a fistful of his hair in shock and delight. 
“If you don’t fight back, Varric, she’ll pommel us both!” he counters, leaning around me to regard the dwarf. The energy shifts around the three of us, craning to put eyes on the brewing chicanery, muttering to themselves about how terrible it all is.
“Fine, fine. I’ll take a stab at it,” grumbles Varric, rapidly losing his grip on his smirk.
“And I shall saber the experience,” grins Hawke. I hear Cassandra’s rumble of agony somewhere behind me.
“Spear us your groans, Seeker!” Varric calls.
“Like the dregs of the worst theater company in Val Royeaux,” scoffs Vivienne into her horse’s mane. “Wordplay is the lowest form of comedy.”
“Cleave us alone already, will you? We love edgy humor!” gripes Hawke, hamming it up for the audience around him.
“Cutlass some slack, Iron Lady,” says Varric.
“Come Madame Vivienne, surely you enjoy wincing until your face hurts like the rest of us?” says Dorian. Vivienne merely lifts her chin, thinly veiling her disdain for it all with a distance gaze ahead. 
“Shield get used to it. Eventually,” says Hawke with a shake of his head, directing his obvious glee at me again.
“Oh, wipe that dirk off your face,” I swipe. He clutches at his chest dramatically.
“You stagger me, Lady Violet. You axe too much of me!”
“Amateurs. You’re making a mace of things,” calls Bull, glancing over his shoulder with a wide grin as he falls back to ride closer to the chaos.
“Terribull,” Hawke strikes back. “Truly Terribull.”
“Like I haven’t heard that one a thousand times before, Champignon. Weak jab.”
“True, but I still think I prefer Prose. Your punnery impales in comparison,” says Hawke.
“Thrust me, we’re all well aware of your preference,” says Bull with a laugh. Laughing, Hawke steals a pointed look at me that prompts a momentary surge of heat to my cheeks.
“It would be a greaves mistake to underestimate me, Bull,” I call ahead to him.
“Ha! Knife one.”
“Sad how you flail about for such low hanging fruit. You don’t haft to say them maul, for Maker’s sake,” Hawke says, his triumph provoking hollers and aching moans from the lot of us. He takes a slight bow over his horse’s ashen mane. “Shank you very much.” My laughter slips out at last, breaking free from the ache that hasn’t left my ribs since that awful morning.
“They’re words but they’re the wrong words,” mutters Cole, suddenly appearing at a jog alongside Varric.
“But they’re almost the right words and that’s why it’s funny, kid,” explains Varric.
“Hawke uses a lot of wrong words,” observes Cole. 
“A true rapier wit,” says Dorian, testing the waters, earning a cheeky grin of approval from Hawke and another exasperated sigh from Cassandra.
“Maker, don’t encourage them,” says Vivienne, believing that she and Dorian are a sort of team above it all. 
“Ah, you think you’ll cuirass of our affliction?” Hawke continues over his shoulder, his eyes practically glowing with delight.
“I’m not engaging with you,” she answers, fixing her eyes firmly on the road ahead.
“Don’t be bashful, Vivienne, it’s just a friendly gauntlet of sorts,” I say and my snort pops out so suddenly that I fail to clamp it under my hand, a joyful tear collecting the corner of my eye. Maker, I’ve needed this. 
Vivienne’s eyes flutter and roll.
“Ouch. A parry of puns no less,” says Hawke and my pained look is clearly the reward he seeks.
“Maybe we should claymore gently around her,” says Varric. Cassandra cries out in indignation.
“I agree. Perhaps we should break for lunge?” I inquire. And then we see it. The barest little twitch of the corner of Vivienne’s lips. We all trade sudden looks of astonishment.
“Let it be known that the Iron Lady smiles!” declares Varric. “At lowly wordplay no less!”
“An insect alighted on my cheek, nothing more,” she says, her smirk sneaking away from her again and the roar of approval is immediate. 
“Admit it, we’re pretty stunny,” says Hawke.
“Knife one!” shouts Sera, having listened to all of this and waited for her moment.
“Sera— just— no,” says Varric. “You never steal someone else’s pun.”
Tagging others for WIPs, even on this, the last day of the weekend!
@skyeventide, @effelants, @about2dance, @melisusthewee, @monocytogenes, @rowanisawriter, @smutnug, @breninarthur AND YOU
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boooy · 10 months
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sneakykinkylinky · 3 years
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swimfuel · 3 years
me walking out of clip studio paint with the dave/cyclops/sollux comparison post up my ass
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toyboxcomix · 1 year
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Random Old Comic: Base Club https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2017/05/14/base-club/ Base Club
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wa-royal-tea · 3 years
will u be nice to marie!! will u be nice to lina!! will u be rude to alfie!! thanks
Hahaha no 😍
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thedevilliers · 3 years
I'm sorry if you've answered this already but I am unable to find it. WCIF the Ludgrove Academy uniforms? I adore them
hi!! no worries, you can find my answer to this wcif HERE !! something that i also replied to an anon that asked the same question was the colors of the ludgrove uniform are recolors, they arent included in the original swatches!
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diyo · 4 years
Whats ur spotify
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tekyu · 7 years
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This is a 3/4 combined monstrosity of Wave 1. Jazz is really the weak link, has kibble issues. Still, a combiner WITH Jazz is a magical thing. I miss them shipping in teams. #poweroftheprimes #transformers #generationone #generations #g1 #combinerwars #optimusmaximus #firstaid #dreadwind #dreadwing #dinobotswoop #Swoop #jazz #specopsjazz #specialopsjazz #agentmeister #meister #needlenose #quake #Horribull #terribull #titansreturn #titanmasters #headmasters #Targetmasters
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puppitymamas-blog · 7 years
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Elsa the Terribull would like to remind you to celebrate the beauty on the inside and the derp on the outside. #beautifulderp #innerbeauty . . . . . . . . . #elsathesciencedog #elsatheterribull #smilingdog #terribull #dogsofinstagram #rescuedogsofinstagram #dog #dogs_of_instagram #pet #pets #petsagram #servicedogsofinstagram #dogoftheday #adorabull #dogsatplay #whitedog #funnydogface #funnydogfaces #funnydog
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emblemxeno · 2 years
Claude in Three Hopes to Dimitri: Think about it. Who steals your freedom and gives you an endless list of duties and obligations simply because you have a Crest? Who forces you and your friends into a bunch of unwanted marriages and positions of power? The church even forbids any official contact with outside regions!
They made him so fucking stupid and awful in this game and I can’t stand it.
Where in Fodlan is Rhea giving duties and obligations to Crest bearing families? That shit was never a thing in Houses, ever.
And forcing people to marry? Felix isn’t pressured. Neither is Annie. Mercie is pressured by her merchant, Crestless adoptive father to marry, and the guy used his money and influence to force A CHURCH to let him adopt her.
In other territories, this isn’t the case either. Barring Lysithea and Marianne cuz they have their own troubles, but Linhardt isn’t pressured to marry. Ferdie isn’t either. Lorenz is given the freedom to choose his own wife. Hilda’s not pressured, hell if anything her brother is Lieutenant Cockblock. Claude himself sure isn’t fucking pressured.
It’s only Ingrid (though it’s cleared up that she can do what she wants should she communicate with her father), Sylvain (only his speculation and to deflect from his asshole tendencies), and Bernadetta (her dad’s shitty in more than one way and the Central Church nor the deposed Southern Church has anything to do with any of it). When your sample size is only three people-pushed by their parents to marry, not the church-it’s not a motherfucking indication of how “Teh Sentral Church is forcing terribul lives on people, Dimitwi!!1!” 
And the outside world stuff was tackled in Houses proper, but Claude didn’t need to kill Rhea in order for his dream to happen. That’s not even mentioning the fact that the reason the outside world is closed off-at least in regards to Almyra-is due to petty invasions, something that Claude NOW HAS FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE IN DEALING WITH.
Who wrote this garbage!?
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