#terry kang
j4y-lvr · 1 year
SIGNAL143?! … kang taehyun
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SYNOPSIS. Headstrong CEO, kang taehyun leads his business venture into the world of dating with his dandy service, 'signal143', and in need of a skilled and driven secretary comes the bright-eyed secretary, passionate to support those finding new love. while the two clash in various ways, bound to each other in pursuit of new beginnings. what were taehyun to do if this metal tough ceo were to match with his new secretary by his dear, handcrafted application?
PAIRING. ceo!taehyun x secretary!fem!reader ft. txt, yunjin from lesserafim and sunwoo from theboyz
GENRE. crack, fluff, pinch of nonexistent angst
WARNINGS. profanity, !!not proofread!!
NOTE. no i didn't spend more than a month on this shhhhhh😦 my txtblr debut has arrived i'm pretty proud of the beginning and the attempts at humour🤥 i'm so sawry,, the end was a bit rushed bc i realised my absence from here was far too long so i scurried😤
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"what if you matched with someone in the company using the application," yunjin jokes, hitting your arm in the same spot for the nth time, a scowl crossing your face as you turned to her, running down an earful of curses before she sighed and pouted, getting you to suspend your fit.
"why would you even say that," you drop, averting your focus away from the girl and to your watch striking midnight. You usher yunjin to stay the night under one condition that she clean up after herself as you left early for work at signal143.
Signal143 worked to assist others in search of their passionate lover, one true pair, and lifelong soulmate. A company whose product aligned with your best interests as you grew with a single mother who tirelessly slogged to make ends meet.
You'd made her proud, earning a corporate job as none other than the secretary of the booming service. The application checked off all and more of what you could think of, seeing it as a reliable piece and something trustworthy.
You prep your materials for the following day, slide into bed and shut your eyes with a huff. Dreamland didn't seem all too far when yunjins protruding query probed your mind to run a hundred kilometers per hour with varying scenarios that fueled your active thoughts.
Shaking your head, you set to not think about and take things that came your way with no worry as such. Let's be real, the possibility of you matching with someone from your company was less than 5%.
It's not like your luck would cash with that, would it?
Maybe, you should've recalculated the percentage because the probability dinged at first sight of your boss. "signal match 143!" echoed through the hallways of cool toned glass finished walls, goosebumps arising on your skin.
You visibly panic as your boss, taehyun, watches you with curious eyes. "good to know you use the application," mumbled the tall man, clad in a suit, a musing smile tugging on his pink, soft lips.
Observing your orbs dart from him to your phone, you contemplated checking who within the company you had unanimously paired with, "please, have a look," your boss encouraged while your sweat-ridden palms fished your phone from your pocket.
"i'd say you take them on a date and give it a try, and if possible give your personal feedback on your usage of the app,"i don't think dating in a workplace setting is appropriate though," you comment, swiping up and onto the app, the customary ring filling the rather opinionated hallway.
"why not? are you, perhaps, doubting the service?" kang taehyun raised, expected from his nickname, strongheaded-sajjangnim. The lines on his forehead proved his dedication but you felt wronged with the misinterpretation.
You'd be in trouble if you harbored opposing thoughts and didn't get along with this co-worker in specific, being your boss and the ceo, afterall.
"quite bold of you to assume, sir" you pause, fending hurt and continue reading the username you paired with mentally and then verbally, however, it came out sounding like a question, "user terry kang?"
A fellow worker gasped and panned their head towards kang taehyun, whose expression looked lost and if he were in a pickle, per se. "why?" you ask, perturbed by the shocked faces.
"summon that demon child beomgyu to my office right now. and you, follow me," spoke the tall, doe-eyed man, profusely furrowing those eyebrows deeper and deeper downward. What pissed you off was his rude choice of words, respect should be given to those who expect respect.
Maybe it comes with power? You shove the train of thought and sprint to catch up to the ceo, who was almost stomping his way there. Cute of him, you note.
With whoever beomgyu was, sat present in the well maintained office while the tense atmosphere picked at your nerves, making your exterior decay from the anxiety. You remained unaware of what happened nor what was going down.
Whipping out his phone, taehyun beckons beomgyu over, "what is this?" he retorted, calmly, unlike his brows meeting the depths of hell fire with the amount he scowled. Beomgyu jumped on sight and squealed, applauding the ceo, "isn't that great?!"
"no, you dumbass- i mean, you idiot, what have you programmed it to do," he halts, giving you a look and whispers in a hush manner, causing the man next to him to slowly pan his head towards you like those haunted emotional support dolls from horror movies the possessed hauled around.
A whack to the back of his head sent beomgyu wailing, "THIS IS VIOLENCE—" he exclaimed, getting cut off by what seemed like his close friend that boss, taehyun, "do you want to risk your pay," he stooped octaves lower with the question, a menacing look shining in his eyes, gazing up and into your orbs, almost daringly.
You weren't slow (for once), you put the pieces together and informed yourself in manner, tactfully planning your next move. Mirroring the menacing look, mockingly, one could say. You stride forward, your hardened footwear clacking against the marbled touched floor, "are still up for the date, ceo terry kang?"
Taehyun straightens his back, amused with your words, beomgyu giggling, "you still think its a malfunction, sir" he states, mockingly, gapping for air and continuing, "she seems like your match if you ask me." — The frown that settled on his face as he pondered over the simple incident left you in a fit of your little laughter, evident of your chuckling. "well, let's get to it, shall we?" taehyun set, turning to you with a charming grin that exuded other intentions than sweet. 
"hm?" you replied, asking what out of the number of things he could be implying. "work. today's your first day, isn't it, miss secretary,"
Oh this man is vile, cutting to the boring part already but without much of a fight, you had points to prove and marks to make even though one might say take it easy the first day. Not only was your hopeful relationship with your boss kindling but your chances of recognition in the hierarchy.
"i want these papers briefed by noon," you opened your mouth to quiz if he required anything else but he dove straight in, "oh and a cup of coffee will do, thank you very much." You inadvertently complied, handing the warm cup over to him with an unfazed expression, work was work and there's no denying it. 
"not your ideal picture of a first date, hm" taehyun commented, cautious watching the way your front turned from calm to exasperation, "first date, sir?" you grumble, enunciating the sir a bit pressed off your tongue. A dry laugh leaves his parted mouth, "you seem like the type to never been on a date,"
You clench the papers assigned to you in hand and muster a marvelling smile, firming your stance. Taehyuns eyes flicker from the tight grip on the papers to your menacing eyes, then to your coral stained lips parting with calculated breaths, "glad to see we agree in something, sir."
The satisfaction you felt as his face morphed to offence had you seeing stars of your own. He clicked in his tongue in distaste, "it's going to be a long while working with each other, i see,"
"i agree. i'll take my leave, i've paperwork to get behind," You conclude, giving his deep brown orbs one lasting gaze. 
A complementary grin accompanied your impactful greet to your boss. He was just as hard headed as the rumours state, the beauty the gods themselves sculpted but it was too bad you'd have a sour taste at his retorts in opinion and opposition. 
Though, the only things you both could settle on were being lonely asses and vision for the venture that inevitably matched and brought your two lonesome vessels together. — Weeks passed and your differences only became apparent to those around. DUring a small party taehyun decided to host for app ranking 4th on charts, the ice cream stand had many flavours to offer on such short notice, including your favourite, mint choco. 
This, however, seemed to bother him, as he stood beside you, picking up his custom cherry flavoured ice cream. The gasp that left him as you chose mint choco let a lasting impression on you, “it tastes like toothpaste. how could you possibly—”
“sir, you have a cup of cherry flavoured ice cream in hand, is that not a tad too plain?” “i like to keep things simple,”
And the other he spotted you at your desk munching away at the original style pocky, he inhaled that very irking gasp that made your head turn faster than lighting, “don’t even—”
“HOW COULD YOU CHOSE THE ORIGINAL,THE MOST BASIC, THE INFAMOUS POCKY!?” “that’s quite rich coming from someone who likes to keep it simple,”
you sneer, your bold statement followed by gasps from the myriad of employees seated at their desk out your office as taehyun bit at his tongue, retreating to his den.
This left you with your current situation, “sir, i finished reviewing and marking these documents but are you sure the conversion will follow through smoothly?”
“why the doubt, miss,” “yn would be fine, though this is a workplace setting, we have other premises to imply”
A nod prompted you to continue, “conversion from a service-based business to a hybrid business is quite the challenge given our potential partner expertising in green tea that supposedly promotes weight loss, tying us with non body positive image,”
“as much as you have a point, we’re running short on funds with the hefty loan process being dragged out and our service update has been pending for a month now. Either way, other companies are flocking to strike a deal,”
“but sir, can't we start with another product first? I feel like beginning with green tea will attract negative views,” you paused, thinking of seizing the opportunity to plug in a personal situation here, “if you want to promote the service we'll have to start fanservice."
"what." "don't act like you don't know about all the teenage girls you've bagged for being their prince,"
"and you're suggesting that I hold a fansign?! do i look like an idol to you?” "yeah, you do so make use of that handsome face, terry"
He flashed you an insane glance, sighing, “too late, they're here for the meeting,” taehyun announced, foot to heel and strode down his office, off to the door where he greeted them with a warm smile, “shall we?”
However, one of the men who stood much closer to taehyuns office than the rest frowned, sending a glare your way that had your stomach turning, “i don’t think it’ll work out though,” — The scowl present on taehyun’s face as he exited the conference room had you shitting yourself as he shot knives down towards you, glaring at you and motioning to his office merely with his recent fuelled orbs.
QUivering inside out, you step shortly after him, gulping down the massive lump in your throat, the carpeted monotonous grey flooring garnering your interest than the man that rubbed his temple hastily.
“guess one of them overheard our little banter, miss,”
Your void of a reply sent him approaching you with heavy footsteps, harshly tugging down the knot of tie, the furrow deepening beyond observed capability. All till the curve of your back hit the hard wood table, your hands scraping to the table.
“w-what do you mean,” you muster despite the frantic panic you were waging inside, his arms once limp by his side came to front you as he cracked his knuckles, his neck craning to the side to do the same. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t intimidated by his demeanour.
“oh, i don’t know, from where the conversion took a head down non body positivity image and how starting with a different product first would be better?”
The chills that ran down your spine as he repeated your previous words had you spinning a hurl of your own. Though you still stood by your words, you could’ve just blown the deal off with it as well. 
That depends, however, since you weren’t informed whether the deal was called off in the first place. You held no blame as of yet. You straightened your back and lifted your gaze to his, taking a step forward, a formidable gap present.
“well, did we strike a deal?” you attempted to sound as aloof as possible, hoping for an affirmation from taehyun. He smiled, a stark contrast between his furrow and grin.
He bent down to match your height, his hand cupping your cheek with a caress which you would have fend off but couldn’t given your arising crisis, “how cute,” he uttered and paused, the smile dripping off along his lips pressing to a line, “but, no,”
And just with that you had turned into granite staring down the eyes of a striking sculpture known as kang taehyun. “Leave,” and you did, taking to the door with such haste you hadn’t seen yeonjun, the assistant secretary ahead, crashing into the man with a thump. 
“are you okay?” quizzed yeonjun, watching you with curious orbs as to your hastened exit and your shaken exterior, “you look like you’ve seen a ghost, you should take a break,” he commented further, chuckling.
Taehyun observed the ordeal, opting to sit in his seat and front his desktop instead, having twice the amount of work to get another company onboard. It would be an understatement to say he resented you right now.
You bid a rushed goodbye and fled the scene out the building, restocking on fresh air and a clear mind on how to apologize, though an apology wouldn’t do much. — Silence was scarier on the man than you could imagine though he wasn't one for many words, the stiffness present in the air as you'd discretely set your work by his table while he bore his eyes into the desktop screen, his hand gripping the edge of any paper within reach.
After the fall through, he lacked words for you particularly, conveying messages through the assistant manager, yeonjun who said he despised the ordeal and further urged you to make amends. But that didn't sound as easy as said. 
That left you in this picture, panning open his office door a few hours past work hours as you had a report on user engagement to finish and the reasons for it's margin of customers dropping. The dimmed lights and the glare of the desktops display blaring through the jet atmosphere led your orbs to the slumped figure, his fingers resting in his hair as he laid on his crossed arms.
Your boss had fallen asleep.
You set your print on his table and moved a few others to the side, stacking them up as well. Should you wake him up or let him be? Either way his posture would surely cause spinal ache, so it'd be better to wake him.
Right? His secretary that totally blew the company a huge deal and an inclined decrease in expected funds would unsuspectingly awake him up when he retreated to slumber from exhaustion over the same deal with no clear advance?
Oh well, you weren't fired yet.
"sir," you uttered, your palm reaching for his shoulder, giving it a light shake. Taehyun lifted his head, hair messily parted, cocking his head to the side as he took in your stance in front of him.
"what's the time?" he stated, sitting up straight and off his arms, glancing at you lazily.
"11pm, sir," you replied albeit the chill that sprang down your spine as he spoke octaves lower and for the first time in around two weeks.
"why are you still at work, go home yn,"
"i thought i'd finish the report on user engagement—"
A sigh parted from his chapped lips, "i know you said you had no experience but c'mon you should really go out and meet new people," he mumbled, his hand rubbing the back of his neck, reaching for his lower drawer and pulling out his car keys.
"but sir, why would I go out and meet other people when you're my match," you responded, watching his face controt from surprise to guilt and back to his blank expression.
"i'll give you a ride home," he dismissed, loosening his tie and to his feet, waiting for you by his door to lock it up. — You took him up on the request and found yourself in the passenger's seat, sitting next to an oddly silent taehyun. "address?"
"how do I drop you home, huh," he deadpanned and you promptly recited your address and he took to the wheel.
The blanket of stillness was anything but pleasant as his lack of response earlier ate you alive bone by bone. Feeling the tense air and the rather long way home, taehyun quipped a quick glance toward you, "whats your view in soulmates,"
"not exactly, life's not a fairytale like they narrate, per se," "why the negative tone?" he questioned further.
"my parents split not long ago, stating they 'fell out of love,' and i was heading back and forth between france and germany to meet them simultaneously, to not let either be unhappy. then i decided i was through and packed to south korea and applied for the job."
"that's one situation," "you?"
"i'd be oversharing," "it's fine, sir"
"call me taehyun, please," "right, taehyun, continue."
"realistically, no. like you said, life is no fairytale," "how is that oversharing,"
"it's sensitive info considering i run a head service to find your true love, yn, don't be conventionally controversial in this car," "mhm" you dragged, barely managing Ato mask your scoff.
The thick atmosphere was cut through the line of his ringtone, receiving the call at the red light and pulling over, "yes," he calmly spoke followed by the very violent,"WHAT?! NO!" 
You missed a smile despite the information you gathered ere, watching as he bickered with someone in the other line, the exasperated expression a fit for his adorable face. He hung up and pursed his lips turning to you with his jaw open slightly.
"will you go out with me," he paused— "WHAT?!" "no let me finish—"
"WHY WOULD YOU ASK ME OUT AFTER SAYING I WAS BEING CONVENTIONALLY CONTROVERSIAL AND TREATING ME LIKE SHI—" you halted, reading his amused mask and remembering he's the reason you get paid on a monthly basis, "you were saying, sir– taehyun,"
He liked the way his name rolled off your tongue and he'd convince himself in denial that it ended there but he'd bury for as long as possible. "I never said anything about denying soulmates, nope not a peep," he clarified, continuing to matter at hand, "there's an event this Friday night, would you be interested in joining me?"
Okay this reaction of yours bypassed the intense masking and your jaw hung open as you measly meagred, "why me," sounding shaky and your voice cracking at the lather and your parched throat. 
He searched for something by his door and handed you a bottle of water, looking at you straight in the eyes, giving you the most gorgeous,rich smile you'd ever seen, "because, you're my match, yn,"
To say you choked on your spit was an understatement. The chuckle that left him and he told you to look up and let your throat settle before drinking the water he handed you. — Friday came with you waking up queasy and all jittery, still pondering over what to wear, mentally noting to ask taehyun what he was going to wear. That Tuesday he gave you a ride home and unintentionally made you a walking mess of emotions in front of him, causing little to no changes at work.
To your disappoint— for the better, you grit and smile at your coworkers, holding small conversations and exchanging words of notice. Then came your summary to Taehyun and casually strolled in and recited the following with which meeting at what time, handing him the clipboard you gripper to briefly.
"wait, is the timing marked wrong for this meeting,"
"let me see," you mumbled and made your way by his chair, placing a hand on his table to lean over. "yeah, no it's," you paused, gripping your lower lip into the chambers of your once parted mouth.
Taehyun took that with the nod of his head, his orbs drifting to yours trained in the clipboard, a face strands of hair unintendedly covering your face and your lip held captive. The scent of your lavender perfume invading his nostrils, the trance cut short with your response, "actually, taehyun, hold on a second," you complete, your eyebrows furrowing deeper as your lip frees itself.
"taehyun?" he quired, picking at his raised brow, questioning you. You scoff and roll your eyes, "pick one, sir" you reply sarcastically, emphasising the sir at the end though you began to wonder how his name just rolled off. "and keep the date tentative, i'll check in again, either way it's not till next friday, sir,"
"taehyun," he corrected with small grin, his hand hovering to your cheek and giving it a light tap watching the way you managed to push his fingertips off and stare somewhat discreetly at his now focused face, albeit the close proximity of you two as you'd yet to stand straight l.
Beomgyu, uninvitedly barged through shouting for taehyun in a whiny tone, catching you in your little stare. Beomgyu advanced with a sprint and landed beside taehyun, who looked unbothered as the two and three others were friends from middle school.
He gave taehyun a bombastic side eye and sent a very obvious thumbs up to you, motioning to your boss who watched with a quirky smile, almost teasing you without words. You huff and retreat from his den, leaving the best friends turned coworkers to their fun. — "time to clock," uttered a voice from behind as you stilled slumped on your desk, lazily working on yet another report on the total gross margin and remaining fund. "hm?" you whiz not paying mind to them till a hand lands on your shoulder that sent you panning toward taehyun.
Your mouth parted with an 'O' springing to your soles, a few minutes left to actually clock out, "we'll have to stop by nearby to pick up clothes," he conveyed, watching casually pack up and shut off the system, some shooting your nasty looks for stealing their fantasy husband away.
Ignoring the onlookers you follow behind him, waving beomgyu bye as he excitedly cheered you on from his quarters with taehyun sighing at his antics.
The car ride to the venue was nothing noteworthy after you dazzled in an outfit that fit with your personal preference a bit too much, not revealing much and topped snow white charm with the flowy frill checks on your mental list. 
His silence left you to look out the window of the passenger seat as taehyun handled the wheel, focusing on the road ahead. 
“why’d you join signal143,” taehyun abruptly spoke amidst the stillness, gaining your lost focus, “cupid was my favourite childhood story,” you replied nonchalantly, eyes drifting to the seemingly fast paced surroundings, avoiding his curious orbs that lasted a second.
“maybe it's because i craved for something or someone to be my stability in my then feeble life and cupid would happen help me achieve that when my parents were out and about with their love life in shambles,”
“so from personal experience,” “yes, i guess you could say that. what inspired you to upbring the venture?”
“the 5 of us, high school friends, happened to think of the idea as a joke to make our pitiful lonely asses feel better, and the rest is history. it sounds insignificant, i know,” “everyone has their callings,”
With that the conversation fell flat and you remained in your thoughts of the past, “we’re almost there,”
“hm,” you responded, lacking any real reply to him, your thoughts having shifted from the past to the recent past, when you matched with your boss at work to which he simply ignored much to your distaste.
“sir,” “don’t,”
“we have to talk, i can’t play dumb anymore it's agitating,” “about what, exactly,” he asked, pulling into a stop at the venue, hand reaching to unbuckle his belt and panning to front you, perceiving the irked expression written all over.
“we matched with your application and literally refuse to address it,” you rush, in an exclamatory tone, breathing heavily with furrowed brows. His poker face remained while his gaze dropped to his wristwatch, “is that all, we’re getting late.”
Tears clouded your vision as he stepped and walked over to the passengers seat and clicked the door open, and extended his arm to you. You grimaced at his palm,"is that really you had to say," you let out slowly, attempting to blink back your threatening tears.
He initiative held your hand and pulled you up, your footing unstable as you fell forward and onto him, beside you for support. The fabric of his dress shirt scrunched up in your clenched fists. A hand travelled to your cheek and tilted towards the adoring eyes of the man that'd somewhat broke your alluding vision of true love.
"don't ruin the makeup by crying over nothing," he paused, mustering the courage to utter his next few words carefully, the knot in his throat tightening to release the word out his grip, "love," he added shakely, the latter coming out jna whisper but to be heard in the reverbs of your ear.
The gaso that overwhelmed had shock written all over you and with expectancy you listened as he remained agape. "why do you think I went as far as to bring you here as my date, yn,"
So he wasn't playing you, nor was he breaking your perception of true love but giving it a shot.
Now the thought slapped a small but hopeful grin on your front and you gazed into his beautiful sparkling eyes while he rushed to address even further, "doesn't mean I'm not angry at you for blowing the deal off," he muttered, trying to sneer at you and scoffing with little to no real meaning.
You burst into hearty laughter at his shy acts, striding into the venue, clutching his much larger hand in yours, "we have a party to attend, taehyun," you pressed, jolly filling you full as you skipped and partially hopped your way to the entrance hand in hand with the last person you expected to.
Life was fickle yet fun and full of surprises.
Taehyun spoke words of boredom to others attending as you put on a pretty smile and joined in occasionally and eventually zoned out, taking that as a chance to slip away from him and to the refreshments served.
You unsuspectingly stood among the masses, sipping on the non alcoholic drink, your eyes naturally drewp towards taehyun, resting them in him as he charmed many with his words, some infatuated with his looks and that darn cute smile he flashed.
You turned to your right, perceiving the man you'd swore to never see after years, "sunwoo?"
The old feelings of youth overjoyed your sober mind and the thundering clouds brought with your foresought tears and sentiments to do with him.
"you? here?"
"..." you dwelled in your daze, knocked out of it with no response to him after a long delay, he waved a hand in front of you, successful garnering your attention as an unfamiliar yet comforting hand rested on your waist and clung you to them.
"oh sunwoo! great crowd, great people, great host, of course,"
"...taehyun!" he greeted, examining his hand attached to your waist, the close proximity of the two and plastered a grin.
"how's the brand launch going?"
"the usual rookie stuff, you'd know better,"
Small talk continued and you watched motionless, your nerve ridden self picking at your nails, only glancing at either of the two rarely. As their tiresome chatter drew to a close you mustered the will to smile faintly st sunwoo and turn towards your date, Kang taehyun and flash a genuine beaming grin at him, ushering about something that crossed your mind.
Sunwoo noted the look and how you didn't turn back to see if he was looking at you for longer like you once had, the day it rained from the skies and from your very own eyes.
Dragging him out the venue you huffed and puffed in relaxation, opting to lean to the wall behind as relief filled you, "you know him?" taehyun queried, the slight amount of irritation sending massive signals your way as he raised a brow.
"i gave the same expression to any of the other guests you chatted with," you replied, to milk a further reaction from him.
"the way you stared at him looked different, like that of a sour grape.
"so you've been observing the way I gaze at people when you were supposed to pay your mind to the conversation?"
Another dramatic gasp parted from your mouth, "so you have, and yes, he's my ex." "and not that i mind," you interjected, falling into him as you chuckled while he wrapped his own arms around you voluntarily. "you're not so annoying, i guess" he commented, faking a daddy eye roll your way.
"you're still annoying," "HEY—" "love live laugh beomgyu and his programming skills," you completed sending him furious as he whined to you about his sole position in the mess.
Love exists in many forms and this one was all thanks to signal143(and the honourable, almighty intellect beomgyu along your fortune telling star stellar friend huh yunjin).
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mynameismrsyoonjin · 1 year
No one can see his hair color.
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Meanwhile, Taehyun can’t see.
Don’t ever change Tyun, Mr. Knowledge Award only nominee and winner.
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neoivy1 · 1 year
ғᴀᴠ sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴏʟᴅᴇsᴛ
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ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ ᴛᴏ ᴍʏ ғᴀᴠᴏᴜʀɪᴛᴇ sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴏʟᴅᴇsᴛ ᴋᴀɴɢ ᴛᴀᴇʜʏᴜɴ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍʏ ғᴀᴠourite chipmunk
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createdbytragedy · 25 days
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Pairing: Kang Taehyun x reader Genre: Fluff, established relationship Being Taehyun's girlfriend comes with privilege. I just know it.
To love and to be loved by Kang Taehyun seemed liked privilege. Felt like a privilege and it was a privilege. There were so many subtle things that you thought were mundane but it turns out that it was something special. Taehyun wasn't exactly an affectionate guy. He didn't give affection and he didn't like receiving one either. His love language fall on the other side of the category like acts of service and quieter and more subtle actions rather than giving a big hug to show his love. At least, that's what his members thought.
It turns out, Taehyun tolerated enjoyed affection when it was coming from you. They first noticed it when they were back from tour. After not meeting for four months, your boyfriend was finally back in town. They didn't know what they expected. But, a full on bear hug with your legs around his waist, arms around his neck and him practically lifting you off the ground and spinning around was definitely not expected. But, the bright smile on Taehyun's face confirmed he really liked it. And how happy he was to see you. Soobin wasn't too happy hearing about this. Neither was Yeonjun. Taehyun had been avoiding all their 'love' all these years, claiming he don't like being 'touched' but after the stunt with you, they were convinced he was lying. You know, those times on the dorm when Soobin tries to sit besdie him but Taehyun always end up walking away, finding another seat saying he can't stand Soobin's body heat or some shit. Then you come around, sitting so close you were almost sitting on his lap and guess what? Taehyun didn't move a muscle to run away from your body heat or something, pulling you closer as both of you watched cats videos on his phone. Maybe you didn't have body heat. But as you dated longer, the more they realized you had this thing called, 'Taehyun's girlfriend privilege' where you get to do the things no one else can do to Taehyun. Like calling him an idiot, dumbass, shorty and get to live another day. Especially after calling him the last one. Or getting to ruffle his hair and make it identical to a bird's nest without getting your arm twisted. Taehyun was someone with boundaries. Reserved and kept to himself most of the time. He was also the most caring and attentive guy as the boys would say but he was never the guy he is now before he met you. How you went past all his boundaries and managed to make him smile at his worst days was something they really wanted to know. But, Taehyun was still hesitant about it. Shaking them iff whenever they asked him about it. But no one could miss the tiny smile etched on his face whenever someone mentioned your name.
You didn't know it yet but being Taehyun's girlfriend had a lot of privilege. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "But, it's different with (y/n)," Taehyun yelled, running way to avoid the hugs being forced onto him," she's my girlfriend. You guys are..... grown up?" Yeonjun scoffed ,"What the hell does that mean? We give better hugs, anyway." "Yeah. You were all giggly and happy when (y/n) gives you a hug. Why you making a face now?" Soobin interfered. "Because I only like it when (y/n) gives me physical affection!" "There. He said it." Beomgyu smirked, hiding his camera.
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beomgyus · 8 months
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TAEHYUN 'GINGER' Photoshoot Sketch
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snoozebin · 3 months
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꒰⁠  ៸៸ ׂ. tomorrow . .   ֢֢  ꒱ , ' 🎱
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taehyun ៸៸ ׂ. 𝄒 ✦  𓏸 🐾 . .   ֢֢  ꒱ , ' 강
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pink-tea · 1 year
irresistible { kang taehyun }
☆ pairing: kang taehyun x gn! reader
☆minors dni
☆ rating: 18+, nsfw
☆ warnings: dom! reader, sub! taehyun, handjob, use of "baby" as a petname once, minor cum eating, minor nipple play, praise,
☆ summary: your boyfriend taehyun's just so pretty, how could you possibly resist?? thinking about jerking taehyun off and having him remind you who he belongs to
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nsfw thirst/headcanon!!
ღ sitting with taehyun on your shared couch, leaning back as he sits in the space between your legs
ღ he’s watching some boring movie that you honestly haven’t been paying attention to the past 30 minutes it’s been on
ღ if anything you’ve been more focused on the boy in front of you, dyed hair tickling your face as he leans back into you
ღ your boyfriend must be either oblivious or dangerously relaxed around you, cause it seems that he can’t pick up on your maddening frustration
ღ he just looks so pretty, it makes you want to touch him, makes you want to remind him that he’s yours to keep and use
ღ it's his day off, he's not wearing any makeup and his hair is pushed out of his eyes by a pink headband you got him 2 months ago
ღ he's in an oversized t-shirt and loose shorts, and there's a voice at the back of your head that wants to hear him moan as your hand works underneath them
ღ you know it’s mean to disturb him while he’s watching the movie so intently, completely relaxed in your arms and at your mercy
ღ but at the same time you were never one to control your impulses, so with devilish intent, you leaned forward to place a kiss on the side of taehyun’s neck
ღ he flinched before relaxing at the realization that it was just you, reaching to hold your hand and giving you a silent smile before returning his attention back on the screen
ღ he probably just thought you were bored and feeling affectionate, taking your kisses as something innocent rather than something to disarm him
ღ so you continue, feeling the warmth of his palm around yours as you trail your lips down his neck
ღ his shirt hangs loosely off his shoulder, and it gives the perfect opportunity to trail your lips over the soft skin
ღ it's at this point where you feel taehyun start to catch on, his body stiffening as you leave butterfly kisses along the sensitive flesh
ღ "what are you up to?" he mumbles, obviously baffled by your sex drive during a moment where you were supposed to just sit in each other's presence
ღ "nothin', just relax," you reply softly, giving taehyun's hand one last squeeze before your hand shyly tugs at the bottom of his shirt
ღ "you seriously couldn't wait?" he scolds before gasping softly, your fingers trailing over the expanse of his slim waist
ღ "couldn't wait, i want you now," you hum, letting your palm run flat along his stomach, feeling the toned yet slim muscle
ღ "what, you don't want it?" you ask, your other hand starting to creep up his shirt
ღ "tell me you don't want it and i'll stop," you promise, hands stilling against his warm skin (is he heating up?), one on his abs as the other's close to tugging at his sensitive nipples
ღ there's a brief pause before taehyun timidly shakes his head, strands of pink tickling your nose lightly
ღ "i want it..."
ღ you smile, placing another kiss against his shoulder as you finally take one of his nipples between your fingers, twisting the bud as taehyun's whole body shudders against you
ღ "tell me how bad you want it," you order into his ear, nipping at the lobe and watching him flinch at the sensation
ღ "want it bad!" he groans, brows furrowed and still so shy to admit that his own sex drive is almost always ready to match up with yours
ღ "yeah?" you coo, sliding your other hand to finally reach below the string of tae's boxers
ღ he lets out a startled moan as you palm over his half-hard cock, your touch sending sparks down his spine as his head falls back to land on your shoulder
ღ "been wanting you ever since you walked into this room looking all pretty just for me," you hum, meeting taehyun's gaze, eyes big and staring up at you with confusion
ღ "all i did was—mhn—was wash my face and throw on some clothes," he whined, eyes turning glossy and pleading as he twitches in your hold
ღ "don't you know what you do to me, pretty boy? you drive me crazy with just a single look," you tease, shutting down any of his protests by quickly taking his lips into a kiss made messy by the weird angle
ღ the kiss is cut off by taehyun's open-mouthed cry as you squeeze the head of his now fully erect cock, his warm breath fanning against your neck and cheek
ღ your fist is twisting and pumping over taehyun's length at a steady pace, lewd sounds of squelching and soft moans filling the room as precum seeps out of his tip
ღ you pinch one of nipples to remind him of your other hand, and soon taehyun's arching against you with a broken "f-fuck!"
ღ "taehyun, baby," you start, the sound of your voice making your boyfriend open his eyes to look at you (he hadn't noticed he closed them)
ღ "ye—ah!—yes?" he grits out, hips stuttering every time your thumb swipes over his weeping head
ღ "you know i love owning pretty things," you state, watching taehyun nod his head, eyes fighting to stay open as you interchange the pace of your first around him
ღ "and you're very pretty, so very pretty, kang taehyun," you praise, hearing the high pitched whimper you force out of him as one of his hands tries to claw at your back for support
ღ "makes me wanna own you, have you all to myself," you breathe, removing your hand from his nipple to harshly grab his pretty face, watching his face contort into a mix between pain and pleasure as you manhandle him
ღ "are you mine?" you ask finally, speeding up the hand around taehyun's messy dick and watching the way he fights to throw his head back in your grasp
ღ he nods, crying out something you can't seem to understand as you jerk him off near his orgasm
ღ harshly, you squeeze his throbbing tip, making him cry out so desperately that the sound sends sparks straight to your clit
ღ "answer me," you hiss, shaking his head in your grasp to make sure his attention is focused on you
ღ he nods with a broken sob, tears welling up in his eyes because he know he can't cum until you're satisfied with his behavior
ღ "yes yes yes fuckk yes, i'm yours!" he rambles, throwing his head back onto your shoulder to bite at your neck the moment you release him
ღ smiling at his obedience, you grab him by the back of his neck to lead him into one more kiss before you're twisting your wrist around him in a way you know he just can't handle
ღ "then show me just how pretty you looked all whored out like this," you say before swallowing his loud moans and cries with a kiss, eyes open as you watch his flutter shut as his orgasm hits
ღ his hips stutter and he squirms in your hold, cum shooting out onto your hand and on his shorts
ღ you help him ride out his orgasm before he's whining against your lips at the overstimulation, to which you finally take your hand off his dick and take it out to wipe off somewhere
ღ to your surprise and delight, taehyun grabs your hand before you can waste his cum, licking up the fluid and sucking on your fingers as he looks up at you with mischievous eyes
ღ "am i still pretty?" he asks teasingly, releasing the last of your fingers from his mouth with an erotic 'pop!’
ღ "irresistible," you groan, taehyun's laughter ringing in your ears as you tackle him down onto the sofa cushions for a proper round
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kumikyuz · 11 months
➜ txt taehyun — as i wish ! ★﹑
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pairing ; nonidol!tyun x afab!reader
genre ; smut
warnings ; established relationship , fingering , sadism , dirty talk , orgasm denial choking , hand kink , sir kink , taehyun is absolutely filthy <3
"ah... yes right there" you can't help but suck in your bottom lip between your teeth at how taehyun curls his two fingers inside you , just about grazing over your sweet spot. watching you intently as you bunch up the clean white sheets , scrunching your nose , flushed face getting more and more hot by the second... taehyun feels the strong urge to turn the tables.
but he doesn't... he wants to take his time with you today , really push your boundaries have you crying , begging , pleading with him as tears run down your face. just the very image of it has taehyun's pants feel tighter as he licks over his lips , feeling determined.
"oh darling , are you really that close already? i've only just started touching you..." he purrs into your ear seductively making you mewl out helplessly. a smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth , eyes burning with deep desire , taehyun adds a third finger that speeds up your orgasm. "taehyun i'm so close... please let me cum!" you whine as you make eye contact. soon enough , he feels your gummy walks contracting around him tightly , signaling him to do what he wanted to for so long.
just as you're about to feel the knot undoing itself , taehyun slips his fingers out and that feeling of euphoria you've been chasing drains from your body faster than a sugar rush. "taehyun!" you protest with slight annoyance in your voice that was not even intended , but definitely pissed the boy off.
hand wrapped around your neck , taehyun applies light pressure which shoots easure through your body. "i'm sorry... but what are you supposed to call me babygirl?" taehyun tightens his grip slightly as he bends down to whisper so in your ear. the way it sent shivers down to your core has you let out a small , weak moan. "sir.... please" you meekly answer , swallowing harshly as he applies extra pressure with his thumb.
"good girl... you wanna cum? you will , as long as you're good" taehyun smirks as he pulls away from your ear after saying so , collecting your arousal , admiring it for a second before shoving it back into your hole , pumping his three fingers roughly back into you. the action has you jolting slightly , whimpers leaving your mouth as he fucks your fluid back into you.
words cannot explain how fucking hot and attractive you find him in this very moment , he's always hot and attractive , but this moment hits different. and you're unsure whether it's to the pleasure he ripped away from you , or the slight lack of oxygen to your brain as he still has a hold of your throat firmly.
he's thumbing with your clit , the familiar pressure in your abdomen building up once more as you get more and more vocal the closer you get. taehyun an feel the tightening once more , curling his fingers two last times before pulling them out of you again , smirking and licking his fingers.
"s-sir...!" your flushed angry face works miracles on taehyun's body.. and it has him acting on it right away. he shoves his fingers into you once more , making you yelp in surprise at the suddenness of it all. "you wanted to cum , i'll make you cum... but as many times as i wish...!" taehyun growls , speeding up the pace , desperate to paint his fingers in your orgasm.
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enhafilthandfiction · 11 months
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Pairing : Bf!Taehyun X Fem!Reader
Warnings : Strong Taehyun 😍, Manhandling, spanking, hair pulling, breath play, a little degrading, aftercare.
Word Count : 350 Words
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Thinking about how Taehyun gets bored of the position you're fucking in so grips your waist, roughly flipping you over on your stomach because he's that strong.
Thinking about how he'd forcefully push your head down when you try to prop yourself up, your cheek squished against the mattress. Him holding both your hands on your lower back with one of his big hands, as his pace gets quicker.
Taehyun who slaps your ass with his other hand, loving the way it jiggles before groping the flesh. "Such a good slut for me" he half praises, smirking when he feels you clenching around him.
And Taehyun, who pulls your hair to pull you back up, your back against his firm chest before snaking one hand around your neck and applying some pressure on your windpipe, cutting your airflow just a little. (Oml pretend you're the plushy)
When you start begging to cum, he uses his other hand to rub your clit hard and fast, all while pounding merciless into you, chasing his own high. "Cum with me doll, make a mess all over my cock"
And as if on a spell, you clench around him one last time before creaming him and triggering his orgasm, hearing him groan as he spills his seed inside you.
He likes to pull out and watch as his cum leaks out of your little hole, praising you for being such a good cumdump. "Good girl, took all of me so well" he even pats your head, adoring your fucked out face.
And finally Taehyun, who gently takes care of you, all while kissing and worshiping your body non-stop because he just can't help it. He knows you're too tired to shower so after cleaning you up with a wet rag, he just gets in bed with you and tells you to lay on his chest while he sits up.
This way he can rub soothing circles on your red ass, and cuddle you too. Before you completely dose off, he presses a gentle kiss to your forehead, wishing you a good night my love.
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Hiii Thanks for reading to the bottom, I hope you enjoyed reading this! Lmk if you want more txt content :))
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bunnyluvs-blog · 9 months
hey giiiirllll
can you make a full fic for Taehyun based on this? txt reactions: bf!txt when you wear their shirt (smut)
thank youuu✨✨
Teahyun x Reader When you were his shirt SMUT continued
Omg babe ofc i can !! i was praying to do terrys because ik them taehyun biases are some of the freakyest people I have ever met
tags ! SMUT ,, hard dom taeh ,, cunt eating, doggy style ,, mentions of public sex ,, hair pullings
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The car ride home was quiet and fast. But it felt so so so long to you. The wetness between your legs overwhelmed you as Teahyun didn't even have his hand on your thigh, which he normally did. Fuck you were in for it.
Once y'all got home he slammed the door to his car and walked inside. Assuming you were going to follow him, which you did. as soon as you stepped inside your shared apartment you were slammed against the wall with his lips on yours. a small whimper leaving your mouth as his tongue filled it. "You think you're just so cute don't you?" He spoke up as he runs his hand up your thigh. "teah.. mmmm sorry for teasing you.." you moan as his thumb made circles on your clit. "so you finally admit it, this whole plan of yours so you can get your brains fucked out" After a few minutes of him teasing you, throwing you over his strong arm, taking you to the bedroom.
Your legs are wide open as teahyuns face is stuffed between you thighs. Your hands chained to the bedframe, loud moans leaving your mouth. His tongue lapping up every juice your cunt releases. "Taeh..please please wanna cum" He hasn't let you finish once in the past 30 minutes he's been eating you out. All the begging and whining you've been using to convince him to let you cum has all gone down in vain. Thighs suffocating him between them, his eyes never leaving your pretty face as you beg and beg for sweet release. Soon enough you would have it <3
Taehyun got up from inbetween your legs to give you a soft kiss, a small reminder that no matter how hard he fuck you, you were still his baby. Flipping you over onto your tummy, your pussy was met with a hard cock grinding against it. "Fuck..seeing you in my damn shirt, showing of your body to those fuck no bodys like a whore. God i just wanted to fuck you right then and there." he slurred as he slowly filled you up. "f-fuck..do it next time.." Oh holy fuck did that release something in himz He didnt take you slow anymore, pound in and out of you at a pace he wanted. "Mm baby you have no idea what im gonna do to you" those words made your heart flutter and your pussy squeeze around him. His hand pulling your hair as he fucks you from behind. Soft groans leaving his mouth as loud moans leave yours. God you were so close and he could feel it. your small cunt tightening around him told him so as well. "Aww little slut gonna cum? You wanna cum?" All you could do was moan yes and yes over and over until you're mind went numb. "Cum baby cum for your taeh ok?" thats all you needed until you did as he commanded.
snuggling up next to your boyfriend after all of that was probably your favorite part of it all. Bothing coming down from your highs and relaxing together was always something you needed. His hand rest on your back and yours on his chest. All you could ever want was right there. And you could lie, next time you guys go out you're gonna not inly wear his shirt, but no panties as well
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mrbhilalbn · 1 month
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Timeless #1 (2023) - Dodson Variant
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mynameismrsyoonjin · 1 year
This child is something else. I was #TeamTerry since their introduction videos came out. The grip this child has on me.
Mostly, I appreciate his troll ways 😂
He’s quite the intellect. I’m very fond.
Anyway, good luck to anyone who will try to buy tickets to their tour this year.
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Credit: twt @ TxT
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octolevi · 3 months
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earthfleurs · 1 year
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blueterry !!!!!! i love his hair sm
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phenomenalgirl9 · 2 years
When another guy flirts with you
TxT x Reader
(a/n: This is specifically based on this interview. This has been sitting in my draft for ages, finally I completed it.)
He is an impatient guy, specially when it comes to you, but he's not stupid. He knows well enough that you could handle any situation well on your own. But did it irritate him to the bone to find that the guy that's been trying to flirt with you all night, even after you telling him she was taken tried to make moves. And that was it, he'd rush to your side hitting a punch square at the guy's jaw. With an apologetic last look he'd hold your hand and walk away.
Soobin is generally a calm guy, he is. He is also a very thoughtful and considerate guy but that all flew out of the window the moment he saw a guy flirting with you. The sign of disgust on your face was evident and he felt proud of himself. But, he would get really pissed at the persistency of the guy so bring the competitive guy he is, he'll take is best resort. He will rush to you and hug you from behind while landing a kiss on your cheek. That was enough to show that you're his.
This guy is completely spontaneous. He won't leave your side for much long. So he'd be really pissed to find that the moment he left you were cornered by a hyena. Of course you were pretty but everyone knew you were with him, then hiw the hell can anybody dare to hit on you. He would be seething on fire especially to see how you were disregarding the guy's advances, but he kept on pestering you. He'd rush to your side and punch the guy directly with a "Take that you hyena. This is what you deserve when you hit on somebody's girl"
Now Taehyun has a lot of patience, he does, but lord forbid if he finds someone flirting with you. He would be quick to drop whatever he was doing previously. He knows you didn't give a fuck about anyone else and you love him but it still infuriated him. He would be mad pissed to a level where he'd physically walk close to you and give the person a look which warned them to back the fuck off.
He is a calm mf, he really is. He would notice from afar if someone is eyeing you, but he wont do anything. If someone were to come up to you to flirt though he'd surely give them a stare. He would calmly corner the person alone and tell them that you were his and he doesn't like the person lurking around you. He would sure talk to you first to make sure if he read the signs right though. But he would be feeling a little self conscious after that, so you would have to give him kisses and assure him that you only have eyes for him.
Other Works
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