#teru minamoto x reader oneshot
thebeautyoffanfics · 1 year
hi!! may I request teru with a s/o who one day, after staying a little late to finish some student council work gets attacked by an apparition but is saved by him?
teru minamoto x gn!reader
a/n : hello !! i’m so so sorry for the wait ahh ,, thank you for requesting , and i hope that this turns out alright !! i apologize in advance if it’s short !!!
writing teru always ends up more enjoyable than i realize ,,, /pos
warnings : reader is chased by a supernatural ? they also get slightly injured , but it’s nothing graphic !!
word count : 760
“Thank you for your help, (Y/N),” Teru spoke, smiling at you, as he took the stack of papers you offered him. “Really, I think that’s all the work left for you… everything else is just things I need to finish up, so you’re free to head home before it gets too much later. I’d walk you, but I don’t want you to be out too late…”
“Alright! It’s not a problem, Teru. I’ll see you later, love!” You responded, letting Teru place a quick kiss to your forehead, then making your way out of the room. 
You wandered down the hallway, in no particular rush to get home. The sun had made its way across the sky, only far enough for the orange and purple hues to be seen through the hallway windows. “There’s still plenty of daylight,” You noted aloud, “I should have helped Teru a bit more, huh… well, he probably wouldn’t let me either way-”
You cut off your sentence, footsteps stumbling slightly as an overwhelming sense of danger attacked your entire body, wracking you with goosebumps and making your mouth feel uncomfortably dry. Heart rate beginning to increase, you glanced around, trying to pinpoint exactly why you suddenly felt so unsafe. 
Standing at the end of the hallway was an unfamiliar, and very much inhuman, silhouette. Your knees felt weak, as you froze in fear. Before you could realize it, the apparition raced your way, and your stomach sank as you put your fearful body into action, darting as quickly as you could down the hallway.
You didn’t quite realize what you were doing, nor what you were saying, simply desperate to get help. Screaming for help- then for Teru- then for help again, as you suddenly realized that, in your panic, you had practically cornered yourself. The apparition grabbed your arm harshly as you ran, nails digging into your skin as you yanked your arm away, feeling as if you were going to vomit as the end of the hallway approached. 
As you turned, no where left to run, you were greeted by lightning so bright that it made your eyes ache a bit-- causing you to squint, and finally stumble a bit to the ground. Your arm throbbed, as the apparition became far more interested in Teru. 
“Disgusting. Malicious supernaturals like you, honestly-” He paused, slashing the creature once more, causing it to fizzle and fade out in a way you couldn’t quite describe, “they make me sick.”
He was quick to resheath his weapon, his disgust towards the supernatural melting into concern and a bit of guilt as he stepped over to you, kneeling down to be more level with you as you sat on the floor. 
“(Y/N), darling, I’m so, so sorry,” He apologized, lifting your scratched arm slightly. Blood dripped down your arm, though the wound wasn’t too terribly deep, Teru’s face was still etched with guilt.
“No, Teru- why are you apologizing? It’s not your fault, really,” You responded, moving your free hand to ruffle his hair lightly. Teru sighed a bit, offering a slight smile as he stood up, then helped you stand.
“Actually, you saved me back there,” You added, as he began leading you down the hallway and towards the nurse’s office. 
“Yes, but… well, I should have walked you out, at least. It’s… I feel the need to protect you, (Y/N). Force of habit, maybe…?”
You smiled a bit, despite feeling bad that he felt the safety of those around him was his responsibility. “Then, thank you. For looking after me. Like I said, you saved me back there- you protected me, so there’s no need to stress about it.”
Teru nodded, letting you know that he acknowledged what you were saying as he pushed the door to the nurse’s office open. You took a seat on the bed, watching Teru grab disinfectants and bandages, then allowing him to treat the scratches on your arm.
“You’re pretty when you’re focused,” You noted, admiring his slightly furrowed brows as he cleaned the wounds. Dare you say you felt his hand stutter a bit, before continuing to gently wipe the scratches on your arm. It hurt, a fair amount if you were being quite honest (the sting of alcohol on a scratch was never pleasant) but you found comfort in Teru’s presence.
“Aren’t I pretty all the time?” He teased, glancing up at you with a smile tugging on his lips.
“Absolutely,” You grinned, your free hand once again reaching up to ruffle his hair.
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veliamore · 1 year
hi, hello! Could I request a (romantic) Teru with a supernatural reader? Reader is a girl and has eaten the same thing that Nene did when turned into a fish (I don't know some specific English terms, sorry!).
But! Reader is in disguise as a student and is actually very smart and gentle with everyone.
Thanks if you'll do it 🥲💕 you already do sm work and I appreciate it!
!! : reader in this is a girl , but please see it as a boy or non binary person too if you'd like !! This turned out different from what i expected tbh , maybe i made Teru a little bit ooc -
" you aren't as bad as i thought ... "
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You were originally one of the fishes that served the Mermaid , when she gave you the task to wander around as a human to look for other students to turn into other fishes , that's when you met Teru Minamoto ; he wasn't really known where you lived but still , everyone knew he was an exorcist you needed to avoid if you wanted to survive. You still weren't accustomed to the daily life of humans , so it was a matter of time before the exorcist noticed you. You tried everything to get as many people as possible so that you could bring them to the Mermaid , but as days , weeks passed , you came to the conclusion that human life isn't all that bad.
Classes were over and your last friend left you to head back home , it was your turn today to clean the room ; you've always been a curious fish - or human , so experimenting new things has never been tiring for you , though its been long since you've last been a fish , and to tell the truth , the marine world was a bit missing. As you were cleaning the black board you hear some voices coming from the back of the class , you laid down the cloth and went to check , and to your surprise , a few fishes that served the Mermaid with you had come to visit you
"you guys ! What are you doing here ? " you said while crouching down " we could ask you the same thing [ name ] !! Its been weeks since our adored Mermaid sent you to bring some humans down with us and i see you cleaning a classroom !? " your smile dropped as your companion continued to scold you , when suddendly a strong light came towards you , barely giving you time to dodge it. Your eyes opened wide as you saw the exorcist Teru Minamoto to the other side of the class
" i knew there was something off about you , you follow the Mermaid so i don't think you'll last long against me , just surrender already please " his expression was terrifying , it seemed like he wanted to get rid of you without even listening to what you had to say " w- wait ! Please listen to me before exorcise me , im not a bad supernatural !! " as you said those words Teru had a flashback of his little brother saying the same thing , maybe it was that the motive he stopped to hear your complaints " well then speak now , before i regret my decision " you mentally cheared " as you said im not a dangerous supernatural , i don't have a weapon with me and i never hurted everybody , i just follow instructions that other people give me ! When days passed by and i got to know more of the human life i was enchanted by it ; i just wanna live a normal life !! " he started laughing while looking down " supernaturals ... living a normal life ? That's kind of funny if you think about it , delusional even ... you should know better than everyone that ghosts , sovrannatural creatures can't have a normal life " you looked down , trying not to despair yourself in front of the exorcist " though " he continued while putting his weapon down " i will give you a second chance " your eyes wandered to his own , looking at him in surprise " but remember , s misstep and i'll exorcise you instantly " and with that , he got out of the class..
the next weeks you always felt his eyes on you , everywhere you went he always followed you in some ways , it was scary and irritating ; everytime you tried to talk with a friend of yours he always had to take you away
" [ name ] .. are you and Minamoto senpai .... a couple ? " a friend asked you " WHAT !? No we aren't , why would you think that !? " " well you guys are always seen together and when someone tries to talk to you he always takes you away … is he maybe jealous ~ ? " your cheeks were on fire , you knew Teru was good looking and being around him was something special for everyone in the school , but it wasn’t like that between you two … " i swear we aren’t together , im just … helping him with something , yeah ! " you of course lied " if you say so … "
you and Teru were walking in the halls together " why are you still with me , classes are over and there’s no one now , im not gonna do anything " you said still thinking about what your friend last said to you " you mind that much ? Do you hate me that much [ name ] ? " you looked at him dumb folded ' you were the one trying to exocise me … ' you thought for yourself " about me following you .. i came to the conclusion that you don’t seem a bad supernatural , so im not going to exorcise you .. for now " " I HEARD THAT " ; so from that day on Teru stopped following you everywhere and left you alone for some time , though you had to admit you were feeling kinda lonely without him watching over you , you ' missed ' him , maybe you did have some feelings for him , an exorcist and a supernatural .. how ironic. " If you really miss him go and tell him ! " you confessed your emotions to your friend , and now she / he was giving you every advice they had in mind " if you wait too long for him to come back to you someone might beat you and be with him before you do and you ain’t risking that are you ? "
So here you are now , in front of the door of the students council room , re - thinking about your life decisions , what if he would just laugh at you or telling you to leave him alone before he would exorcise you ..? Before you could turn your back and leaving the door opened revealing the blonde exorcist " oh [ name ] what are you doing here ? " your hands started to sweat and you couldn’t look at him in the eyes " o- oh i uhm .. uhm i just wanted to say i - … " " wait , before you speak i have something to say .. " he let you in the room with him and closed the door ' thank god ' you felt more relieved letting him speak first " i guess you probably still see me as dangerous overall everything that happened , but i do really mean it when i say that i don’t see you as a danger to the students anymore , if you’re willing to be next to me , not as a treat but as a partner , i would be the happiest guy in the school " he admitted looking at you with eyes filled with .. adoration.
You don’t remember what exactly happened after that , maybe because you felt too overwhelmed by the new emotions you felt , what you do know is that now you and Teru still pass the time together , but not as an exorcist and a supernatural , but as a couple , and you feel like you wouldn’t trade this with anything in the world
The end is kinda lame but i feel so tired so that’s all , hope you liked it !!
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httpswwwtbhkcom · 2 years
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Requested: Yes
@imsouyya: Would love a part 2 where reader moves on with another guy and Hanako gets upset and sad 🚶 I love angst
@mafumafuuu-u: ik this is kinda late but maybe akane or teru? Maybe even tsukasa but the other 2 make more sense bc of sc🤭 I think u should add kou shaming hanako and yashiro 4 what they did? Depending on how close they are. Anyways I love cheating arcs and I love getting over a bastard arcs even moreee💋
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Pairing: Minamoto Teru x Reader, Hanako(Yugi Amane) x Reader
[@httpswwwtbhkcom’s masterlist]
Warning: none
Genre: Angst, fluff,
Y/n- your name, f/d- favorite drink,
A/n: I had fun writing this 2nd part! I’m thinking that I probably should separate this into 2 parts(part 2 and part 3) cause this might get a bit too long- this is so late again.. TT
So in this story, since I mentioned Y/n was going to college, let's say that Kamome has an academy building. I forgot to mention that they’re slightly older here so that the story makes sense-
Reader: Female
Click here to see the other part(s)  - Part 1 - Part 2 (Here)
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You ran through the halls, wanting to get away from that cheating bastard you once called your lover. Luckily, everyone was long gone. Nobody else could see you in this state of vulnerability. Tears have clouded your vision and you roughly wiped your eyes as you desperately wanted to leave.
Suddenly, you tripped on your foot. You closed your eyes as you awaited for the rough landing. Instead, you felt a pair of hands grab ahold of your shoulders, keeping you up. “Y/n? Is there something wrong? You’re crying...” A male voice sounded concerned. You silently cursed yourself. ‘I thought he left already.’ You thought to yourself.
You pushed yourself away from him, quickly wiping your tears and putting on a smile. “Teru! I didn't know you were still here. I thought you left. What’s up?” Your shaky voice and puffy eyes didn’t help erase suspicions.
“What’s going on? I heard shouting.” He scanned you, trying to find clues that can help him know what’s happening. “You did?” You silently panicked. “It’s probably nothing-” Teru furrowed his brows and crossed his arms at your stubbornness. “I heard your voice, I didn’t know what you were talking about with Hanako but it seemed personal.” He let his arms fall to his sides as he sighed. You looked away guiltily. “Y/n, please talk to me. I want to help you.”
You looked at his eyes after a few moments, his face showing concern that you caved in. “Me and Hanako broke up..” You wanted to continue talking, but that scene made you sick. Teru got the memo, noticing that it was that bad. His fists clenched. “I’ll talk to him later.” His voice dark.
You held his wrist and told him not to, that it isn’t worth it. “Are you sure?” You nodded, slightly tightening your hold as if he’d escape when you let go. He frowned, but understood. “Do you want me to stay with you for a while? Help you cope.” You gave him a small smile.”That would be nice.” He reciprocated the smile but much sweeter, walking beside you away from the school to your home.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Hanako went around the school to try and find you, but had no luck. “Crap, did she leave already?” He went in every room and checked every crack to where you could hide, but to no avail. “Did I take it too far?”
“Take what too far?” A male voice asked. Hanako jumped and immediately summoned his knife, quickly turning around to see it was just Kou. He lowered his weapon and deadpanned. “It’s just you.” Kou seemed offended by this. “What do you mean ‘it’s just you’?! What are you planning?”
Hanako rolled his eyes and ignored the boy, muttering something along the lines of ‘At Least it wasn’t your brother who found me.’. He continued to float sulkingly as he lost hope in finding you. He sat on a desk, his back facing the young blond. Silence in the room, until Hanako broke it. “Hey, have you seen Y/n?” The question caught Kou off guard.
“No, I haven’t. Did something happen to her?” Worry was evident on the oblivious boy, thinking the worst possible outcomes were that you got lost and were trying to fight a supernatural. Hanako didn’t say a word, which irritated Kou. He stomped towards Hanako and faced his sulky demeanor. Kou repeated his question, to which Hanako responded. “It’s nothing.”
“If you don’t tell me what happened, I might not be able to help. Y/n’s my friend too, I care for her. So tell me-” Hanako gritted his teeth at Kou’s persistent words that he snapped. “I don’t need your help anymore! My problem isn’t your business so forget about it. Forget I asked you anything.” Then Hanako disappeared.
Kou became confused at Hanako’s behavior, and decided to find Yashiro to ask her about it. He found her sitting in the hallway in a fetal position. But when he asked, Yashiro’s eyes immediately widened before covering her face.
“I- I don’t want to talk about it..” She muttered. Kou crouched to her level and said “Okay then, take your time.” Kou briefly became silent before talking again “Do you want to go outside to help you forget or something? If you want to, of course.”
She looked up a bit, her eyes only showing. “I don’t know..” “We can stay here then, or do you want to be alone? You can always talk to me about it.” Yashiro froze, before patting the floor beside her. “I guess you can stay for a while.” Kou smiled at the answer and sat beside her.
They both sat in silence, Kou wanted to say something but kept himself shut, not wanting to make Yashiro uncomfortable.
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Teru walked you to your home. You both stood at the door. “Do you need me? I can help you with anything.” He suggested, your eyes widened. “No no thank you! You already did a lot by walking me over here.” He pouted at your answer and faced the door. “Are your parents home?” He asked.
“Um.. No, they’ll be home late- HEY!” You shouted in surprise as he took out a key hiding below your welcome mat and opened the door, welcoming himself in. You followed behind him. “Don’t you know it’s rude to invite yourself in?!”
He looked at you with an innocent smile. “Oh really? You’ll be alone after all. Thought you might need a friend to take your mind off things.” You huffed, face heating up before you snatched the key from him and closed the door. Teru smiled triumphantly. You turned on the lights and placed your bag somewhere. “Wait for me in the kitchen, I’ll be back.” Teru hummed, walking through the familiar hall.
You quickly changed your clothes into a more comfortable outfit. Then running to the kitchen to see if Teru burned anything. He skimmed through the foods you have in your fridge. He jolted up in surprise when you hit his arm. “Oh, hey Y/n.” He smiled. You deadpanned, crossing your arms as you both stared at each other for a while.
It was interrupted when the refrigerator started beeping due to the open door. Teru quickly closed it and chuckled awkwardly. He muttered an apology and you forgave him, opening the fridge to see what you have.
Teru being taller than you, resting his head on yours and scanned the fridge with you. “Can I have that?” He pointed to a drink. You took the drink and gave it to him, taking a few snacks and your favorite drink before closing the door and walking towards the living room. He stood up straight and came behind you. “It’s been a long time since I went here. It changed.” He sat on the couch as you placed the snacks on the table.
“It’s just some new stuff and moved furniture, nothing special.” You answered. You sat beside him and drank some f/d. Teru glanced at you and smiled. “I think it’s nice.” You gave him a questioning glance and tilted your head. Glancing at the clock, he noticed that it was time for his favorite show.
He took the remote and turned on the tv. “What’s that?” You asked. “It’s a documentary about supernaturals.” He relaxed on his seat, listening to the voice of the reporter. “I thought you already knew all about them.”
“I just like watching people make up new creatures, nothing interesting though.”
“I see.” You munched some chips, handing some to Teru, who gladly accepted the offer. You both were silently listening to the documentary, until Teru spoke up. “You haven’t told me about what happened.” You froze, hugging a pillow. You opened your mouth, then closed it. 
Teru silently cursed under his breath when he saw your expression. He wrapped his arms around you, letting you lean your head on his shoulder. Sniffles were heard from you as tears rolled down your eyes. He tried to calm you down, profusely apologizing and telling you that everything will be okay.
“I- I’m such a bad girlfriend to- *hic* Hanako..” Your muffled voice was not unheard to Teru. He kept silent, letting you continue to vent out your feelings. “D- did I drive Hanako to do that because of my work? Maybe I shouldn't have been in the- the student council.”
“You wanted and loved to be in the student council. Don’t let someone else’s wants block your dreams. You’re the one who is making decisions for your life.” He defended. The mention of Hanako and his selfish desire made Teru’s blood boil.
“I-if I stayed with Hanako, a-and *hic* went with him and hung out with him, would he not kiss Yashiro?” His hands turned into a fist as his face darkened. “He did that?” You closed your eyes, his low voice sending you shivers. You nodded after a while.
“Is it my fault that he did that? It’s my fault, isn’t it..?” He gently pushed you so that he could see your face. Your eyes were puffy, streaks of tears visible on your cheeks, nose red, and you were frowning. Teru gently wiped your tears with his thumb. “It’s not your fault, Y/n.”
He carefully laid you down on your back on the couch, and he stood up. “Stay here okay? I’ll go grab you your blanket. We can..” He looked around for an idea, until his eyes landed on the tv. “-Watch a movie. How does that sound?”
Unable to answer, you nodded. Teru gave you a reassuring smile before he left the room. You waited, staring at the ceiling with nothing to think about except the memory you wanted to forget, playing again and again like a broken record player.
You were so focused that you failed to notice that Teru came back with your pillow and blanket. He quietly placed the pillow under your head and placed the blanket above your chest, making sure that your feet are nicely tucked in. It wasn’t too hot nor cold in the room, but it was a bit chilly.
He sat on the floor in front of the couch and began browsing netflix. “So, what do you want to watch?” His voice took you out of your mind, you turned to face the television. “I dunno. Pick anything you want.”
Teru continued to browse netflix until he found the one. He stopped on a movie that you, Kou, and Teru have seen together a few years ago. “That? Really?” He only chuckled at your words. “Yea, I thought that maybe we should watch it again.” He remembered that you used to love that movie.
The fact that he remembered the old movie you used to watch made your heart flutter. In the middle of the movie, your eyes continued to divert between the tv to Teru, then Teru to the tv. Teru, who felt someone staring at him, looked at you “Are you okay? What do you want me to do?” You were embarrassed that you got caught so you hid your face in the blanket.
A hand brought down your blanket to under your chin. “Don’t do that. You might suffocate.” He smiled so brightly that you closed your eyes. “So.. Bright..” You whispered. Teru heard you and looked at the window, thinking that you wanted darkness in the room. So he stood up and closed the curtains and turned off the light, the only light source coming from the television.
He plopped back on the floor. “Do you need anything else? I’ll grab it for you.” You shook your head. Teru nodded before continuing to watch the movie.
This was the most relaxed you got this few months. Every day you had to file paperworks and help other students, then do homework and get ready for college. You barely had time to rest, let alone talk to peers.
‘I’m so lucky to have someone like Teru.’. You closed your eyes and began to drift into unconsciousness. When the movie had ended, Teru yawned and said “So, did you enjoy the-” he looked back to see that you were already asleep. He softly smiled at your sleeping figure, then carried you back to your bed.
“Sleep well Y/n.” He kissed your forehead before leaving the room. Out in the hallway, his phone rang. He quickly answered, noticing that it was Kou. “Teru-nii! Where are you? You’re supposed to be at home minutes ago.”
Teru leaned on a wall as he listened to his younger brother rant. “I’m at Y/n’s at the moment.. She needs me right now, so I might stay overnight.”
“Ne, did you know that Hanako was looking for Y/n earlier? Weird right?” The sounds of sizzling were heard from the other line. Teru stayed silent, his anger at the ghost coming back to him.
“Teru-nii? Are you there?”
“Ah yes, I was just in thought.” He laughed it off. “Hmm, sure..” Kou said “Do you want me to go there and make food for you both?”
Teru kindly shook off the offer “Don’t worry, I’ll just cook instead.”
A loud clang was heard as Kou accidentally dropped a plate. “WHAT?? NO DON’T COOK TERU-NII!! I’LL GO THERE LATER–”
“Are you calling Teru-oniichan?!” Tiara’s excited voice came as she went into the kitchen. “Clumsy Kou-oniichan.. You made a mess..” The little girl cringed as the mokke she was holding began eating the dropped food. She quickly carried the mokke and scolded Fairy.
Teru chuckled as he heard the commotion, unfortunately, he wasn’t there to witness it. Tiara heard his oldest brother and became excited. “Kou-oniichan, can I talk to Teru-oniichan please? Pretty pleaseee?” Not being the one to resist her cuteness, Kou immediately gave the phone to the youngest, who started talking about her day to Teru.
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old-poptart · 9 months
hi!! KIND OF TERU X READER REQUEST ?? Basically the reader (who is homeschooled / not at kamome) just moved pretty near Teru’s house and she tends to stay up really late at light to play the piano, listen to music, read, watch animes etc
And Teru starts noticing it!! At time goes by he starts to slow down a bit when he see her room lights are still on, to hear her play the piano or just rumble about the game she’s playing or something like that!! Then one night he actually sees her looking outside her window and they just kind of stare at each other ? AND FROM THEN NOW I DON’T KNOW, but I imagined the reader to be a real source of comfort for Teru!! They could meet up at night after his exorcism jobs and it would be like a break from his really busy life and yeaaah
a/n: OH MY GOSH??? THIS IS SO CUTE??? YEYSYEYSYYSSY I LOVE THISISBZB i wrote this as a lil oneshot if you don’t mind mueuehehheh ANYWAYSSSS ONTO THE ONESHOT!!!
warnings: cutie patootiez in love
Teru 🤺 with his new neighbor (fem!):
"she's worth it"
"i want this one!" you darted upstairs to be met with two rooms, picking the best one for yourself. whilst catching your breath, you checked out the empty room and started to picture what would go where.
"alright kiddo, which one did you pick out?" your parents walked up the stairs, wheezing a bit due to the tedious exercise. they looked around the room, making sure that it was ample enough for their child. "you sure you like this one, honey?" your mom peeped in your soon to be room, smiling.
"yep!! i already know where everything is gonna go.." you already planned out what goes where. the bed goes in that corner, your desk goes over there, ooh the tv would look great there!! you wanted to get a head start, so you went downstairs to get as many boxes as possible and start assembling your new little space.
"look, teru! we have new neighbors!"
a few days had gone by, you already had the basics of your room down. sure it wasn't all glamoured up yet, but you have a space to sleep and watch your shows, so all was good!
a vague knocking could be heard at the door, but your mind was too busy figuring out how to do this one assignment that always managed to get you stuck. your parents weren't home due to work, so it was up to you to get it. after a few more knocks, you finally snapped out of it and came rushing downstairs without bothering to spruce up your appearance a smidge, thinking it was just the food delivery service.
you opened the door to three beaming, young faces. there seemed to be three siblings, a little girl and two teenage boys. the younger teenager was holding a container of sweets he made all on his own. the elder teen held the little girl's hand and held a small gift bag in the other.
"welcome to the neighborhood!! we are so glad to have you here" they all said in sync as if they'd practiced that greeting for hours. "we are the minamotos, i'm teru, this is kou, and here's-"
"im tiara!!" the young girl interrupted, wanting to take things into her own hands despite literally being held back. you snickered at the cute interruption, taking a step back yourself. "sorry about her, she loves saying her name"
"thank you so much!! ah, im y/n l/n, pleasure to meet you all!" you smiled, charmed.
"how long have you been here? i don't see you at school" teru asked curiously, maybe you two had completely different schedules
"oh i'm actually homeschooled!!"
"is that so?" he placed a finger on his chin, leaning in closer to show his interest. kou started to sense the tension between the two of you. he decided to step in.
"u-uh as a welcome gift, we give you these sweets! we hope you are fond of them" kou handed the sweet treats over to you, his smile bright as ever.
"he baked them himself" teru mentioned. "oh it's nothing!" "oh don't be so modest, kou! his cooking is to die for, you should come over some time to try it" he used his hand to whisper this sacred information to you, the closeness between you two making your cheeks go a bit warm. he then realized how close you two were, backing up immediately.
"i can't thank you enough! they look marvelous, i'll definitely be snacking on them when i study hehe" you improvised the tension between you and the tall, charming teen.
from that moment on, you two have been noticing each other from each other's windows. whether it was you studying, teru finishing up extra student council work, or just simply admiring each other, your eyes always managed to wander off to hopefully catch a glance at his frosty blue ones.
day by day, he has noticed more things about you. due to complicated schedules with school and exorcist training, poor thing hasn't had the chance to properly get to know you. but that wouldn't be much of a problem soon.
anytime that he would be working on something in his room late at night, he would hear a charming melody. it was like no other, he could practically taste how sweet it was no matter how muffled it was. it always managed to put him at ease. he didn't know where it came from, shoot he thought that the melody popped up in his head out of the blue. but why? he's not one for composing music. he always saw your light on but never put two and two together, it just never came to mind.
weeks went by and eventually he got to meet the face of those angelic hands. he needed some fresh air, quite frankly he needed to stretch as well. being crouched over like a shrimp all night won't do you well as the school's prince!
to his surprise, a familiar face was also catching some fresh air from the cool breeze outside your cozy room. it was well needed after practicing that scale for hours, shoot your fingers started to cramp up! rubbing your sore fingers, you looked around the atmosphere. you actually never got the chance to properly look outside your window. it was always just a quick glance or trying to tell what the weather was like outside, then again you just gave up and checked on your phone.
two sets of eyes have officially locked, their blinking came to a short pause and was set aside. clearly holding the contact was far more important to these two souls. it all began there, a source of comfort and warmth blossomed between these two young soon-to-be lovers.
meet ups were being set up, snacks at sleepovers, studying, helping out, whatever put him at ease helped him. in reality you were the one who put him at ease. a break from being perfect all the time. just what he needed, and that little tune you play on the piano still roams around his head like a parasite. he loves you dearly, dear.
-ooga :D
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anmiruzu · 10 months
rules and fandoms I'll write for
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will take a day to a month or so depending on the amount of characters, how busy I am, and how motivated i am to do your request so please be patient <33
no max amount of characters you can request but if you request a lot of characters, it will be posted seperately. (with the second or so part taking a while; you may have to request for updates)
when requesting make sure to clearly specify whether you want headcanons, drabbles or oneshots and which characters you want or if you want me to choose
also when requesting oneshots, beware it may take longer as i don't normally write oneshots (but i'll do my best!)
i write both platonic and romantic for any character
no requesting nsfw (suggestive is okay tho! keep in mind that I am a minor)
this is a x reader blog so no character x character ships (not really comfortable with character ships so srry! just not my cup of tea)
ocs, i know i just said no character x character ships but ocs are kinda on the line? (if that makes sense?) i will write for your oc if i can find enough information about them on your page. however if not i will politely reject your request
if you don't see a certain character in the characters i write for or characters i don't write for just ask! i'll add them in.
and you're welcome to ask for updates on your request; i don't mind as long as you're not rushing me
also! I apologize if anyone is ooc
(will be updated later if needed)
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fandoms I'll write for (organized by interest):
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kimetsu no yaiba (demon slayer)
twisted wonderland
oshi no ko
jibaku shonen hanako-kun (toilet bound hanako-kun)
jujutsu kaisen
houseki no kuni (land of lustrous)
(will be updated later if needed)
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characters I write for
(organized by favorites):
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just a quick thing to note but just because a character is here does not mean i will always write for them (unless i have written for them before). some of the characters here are characters i have never written for before. i’m just willing to try since i know how it feels when no one writes for your favorite. (and in my case that would be my kny favorite senjuro)
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(kny) tanjiro kamado, senjuro rengoku, genya shinazugawa, nezuko kamado, zenitsu agatsuma, sabito, makamo, kyojuro rengoku, mitsuri kanroji, shinbou koucho, zohakuten, rui, gyuutaro, daki, uzui tengen, tokito muchiro, sanemi shinazugawa, inosuke hasbira, gyokko, aizetsu, sekido, urogi
(jshk) yashiro nene, akane aoi, hanako (amane yugi), aoi akane, tsukasa yugi, teru, mitsuba, kou minamoto
(twst) azul ashengrotto, sebek zigvolt, floyd leech, ortho shroud, riddle rosehearts, ace trappola, deuce spade, trey clover, leona kingscholar, ruggie bucchi, jade leech, kalim al-asim, jamil viper, vil schoneit, idia shroud, malleus draconia, lilia vanrogue, epel feimer, cater diamond, jack howl, silver
(onk) aquamarine hoshino, ai hoshino, ruby hoshino, kana arima, mem-cho, akane kurokawa
(jjk) sukuna, itadori yuji, maki zenin, toge inumaki, megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki, gojo
(hnk) dia, antarcticite, phos, jade, yellow diamond, bortz
(will be updated later if needed)
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characters I do not write for:
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(kny) kanao tsuyuri (i’m a tanjro simp with issues, the most you’ll ever see me write for her are angst fics focused on tanjiro), gyomei, obanai, kokushibo, hantengu (tbh i’m a little traumatized from seeing that one hanten shipper so no hantengu. also, no offense hanten shippers; it’s just rlly not my cup of tea)
(twst) rook hunt (too complicated of a character to write plus i sorta dislike him), any staff member, any character from jp twst events (eng player srry!)
(hnk) any character from the manga (anime only for now…)
(will be updated later if needed)
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soolarity · 2 years
Heyo! Was wondering if you would write a Teru Minamoto x female or gender-neutral reader (depending on your pref) oneshot and they are vice pres of the school. Reader is serious, smart, and strict but they have a soft spot for Teru and will do anything he asks them too. No manga spoilers please since I haven't read the manga, thank you! ^^
Just posted the story! I hope you enjoy it ^^
↪ ☆ Trust You - T. Minamoto ☆
It was a bit challenging at first since it's my first time writing Teru but it was pretty fun to write him and his contradictory character traits and funny but abysmal cooking skills lmao
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romelleah · 4 years
Hi! How about a teru x fem reader. Maybe she's his childhood best friend and she's in the school council along with teru and because their always together she always takes care of him (like when he's really tired she does his paperwork while he naps on the couch, brings him bentos, emoțional suport, Sometimes helps take care of his siblings cuz she loves them and they love her) and teru falls for her?What if she's also popular and his partner in crime(exorcism) how would he confess??
Thank you so much for requesting! I love writing these childhood friend romances and stuff 👉👈 🥺
♡childhood friends♡
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They were destined to be best friends since birth, it’s a plain fact. Growing up in the same neighbourhood, both being apart of long lines of exorcists, both being extremely popular- how could Y/N and Teru Minamoto not stick together through all stages of their childhood? From their parents being friends to holding each other’s hand for comfort during the first day of kindergarten, it was a little known fact that they were never going to leave eachother.
Grade school soon approached and the two slowly became popular amongst their peers for both their grades and appearances. Many decided to pine over the two, but they would always refuse confessions and gifts. “Sorry, I’m not really interested in a relationship... I have to focus on my studies.” Teru would reply, scratching his neck awkwardly. “Um... actually I need to be somewhere else right now.” Y/N would chuckle to herself with guilt, skipping away quickly, only to find Teru and talk about the Cary thing that just happened.
By the time they hit middle school, every thing was sailing smoothly. Teru and Y/N made a promise to run for the student council together- which did actually happen with Teru slowly becoming the student council president and Y/N becoming the head of student services. Teru was so emorsed in his work, Y/N would usually volunteer to help him with work or insist he take a nap- to which he listened. He could never say no to her.
Y/N was well kept most of the time, but Teru needed a little extra help when it came to things like forgetting to pack lunches, which Y/N would assist with by bringing him a bento everyday, and eating together in their classroom everyday during lunch. “You do way too much for me Y/N, you’re so nice!” Teru would smile, patting her head cheerfully. Y/N gleamed back, eating her own food quietly. “It’s really nothing, Teru. Don’t worry, consider it a gift for always being by me.”
Obviously both fangirls and fanboys were angered by their relationship with eachother, speculation spreading that they’re romantic. The duo was super confused, laughing everytime somebody thinks that they’re dating each other. “I don’t know how anyone could think that we were dating.” Y/N said, sitting down on Teru’s bed as she scrolled through her phone. “I mean, I guess I could. We’re pretty close” Teru replied, looking over his notes for science. Suddenly, a crying Tiara burst through the blonde boy’s door. “Teru! Teru! Teru! Help, I cut my finger!” She cried, jumping into her older brother’s arms. Teru panicked, frantically asking her irrelevant questions like ‘how many fingers am I holding up?’ and ‘uh- knock knock????’. Y/N smiled, rolling her eyes. “Okay, Teru. Let me handle this.” She laughed, walking into the kitchen to retrieve a bandaid. Teru looked at her in awe, blushing brightly as his best ‘friend’ went off, realising how much she means to him.
“You like her, don’t you!” Tiara asked playfully, catching Teru off guard. “What was that?” Y/N asked, returning from the kitchen with a bandaid. She carefully put it on Tiara’s cut finger while Tiara cheered ‘Teru is totally in love with Y/N-Chan!’ as if it was an anthem. “Tiara, we’re really just good friends.” Y/N chuckled while Teru gazed off to the side. Tiara shook her head contently, standing up. “No! You’re his iPhone wallpaper and he said that we can only play family when Y/N is over!” Y/N blushed, laughing softly while Teru became extremely flustered. “That’s because- Tiara, I think you might need to take a little nap, okay?” Teru smiled, carrying her off outside of Teru’s room. When he returned, Y/N was still laughing.
Teru filled his eyes, crossing his arms. “Y/N, it’s not funny!” Y/N looked off to the side of the room, coming closer to Teru before poking his nose. “It’s a little bit funny. I guess we do seem like a couple.” Y/N suggested, standing up. Teru blushed lightly, looking away from Y/N bashfully. She picked up her F/C backpack and adjusted her hair a bit. “It’s so cute how well Kou and Mitsuba get along, don’t you think?” Y/N asked, looking back at Teru. “I guess- wait, Y/N, where are you going?” Teru asked, grabbing onto the smaller girl’s wrist gently. “Hm? Oh, I need to go home and help make dinner. But I’ll come over tomorrow to help Kou make a cake. He’s so exited, it’s really adorable.” Y/N smiled, hugging Teru.
“Wait, Y/N... you know how people think we’re like uh- a couple?” He stuttered, holding onto Y/N softly. Y/N nodded into his shoulder, confused. “Well, what if we were a couple?” Teru asked, surprising Y/N. “Huh?! Wait what?” Y/N blushed, freezing up. “I mean... I love you.” Teru whispered, loud enough for Y/N to hear. Y/N smiled, hugging Teru tighter, smiling widely. “I love you too...” she laughed, looking the blonde in the eyes before coming in together for a kiss.
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the-moon-and-stars · 3 years
Ok so, headcannons and a small oneshot of Teru with a reader who's chaotic and gen z. Like they have no problem standing up to things and literally getting in fist fights with people over serious topics (like if someone were to be misogynist, they'd begin arguing and if worst comes to worst they have no problem in physical fighting) but if someone messes up their coffee order they have no courage to go and say it- (totally not talking from personal experience hahahaha-)
And their always tired. Like always. And have no sense of control. They will do anything that comes to their mind without a second thought. See a mokke and wanna pet it?? Their already taking it home. Ice cream van a few steps down? Their jumping over the staircase fence with no regard for their safety. Gonna be late for class? Well then I guess it's time to scale the school to get into the classroom through the window.
I just wanna see Teru react to having an s/o like that lol- so much would go down-
But yeah I hope you have a great day :> Stay hydrated <3
A/N: This is a rather interesting request, like, wow- How chaotic this would be..
You have a great day too though, okay? Eat, drink, rest, and enjoy lovely!
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Teru is known as the prince of the school, lovely, perfect, a damn god
So you can imagine everyone’s reaction when people found out he was dating you
Someone who.. Isn’t exactly all quiet and calm as one might think would be fit for the prince
But Teru doesn’t mind that about you, in fact, it’s what drew him to you in the first place
Usually, when you argue with someone, Teru is there behind you trying to tell you to calm down and how that said person isn’t worth it
But once you got into it with a misogynist, oh boy
Teru had to contain his own anger
He left to speak with a fellow teacher because he was rather close to doing something he may regret
Then, he gets a call from Akane saying that he had to stop a whole fistfight between you and said person
What pissed him off more? The fact the fight happened in the first place, or he touched you
He went to the nurse’s office with speed and didn’t even bother to scold you about fighting, he just wanted to make sure you were okay and you weren’t injured too badly
“Y/n?? Are you okay?? You aren’t hurt too badly, right??”
Totally didn’t threaten the guy to change his act the moment school was over
He is worried about you, to say the least-
Especially with how reckless you can be
He’s well aware of how friendly you are with supernaturals, and he hates it
In fact, he doesn’t even want you to get near any
The time he caught you stealing a Mokke and putting it in your bookbag was.. Ah, awkward
He immediately took the Mokke out of your book bag and told you how he doesn’t even like you touching one, why on earth would he want you taking one home??
To him, one wrong change in their rumors and it’s hell all over again
He’s not taking those chances, especially if it’s you involved
However, with recklessness comes fatigue
And with fatigue can come many things, including bad choices
He knows you don’t think things through, which is why when it comes to making decisions, he’d want you to come to him so you’d make the rational choice
“Y/n, love, please don’t do that..”
He always tries to have you in his sight, you’re so chaotic, it’s amusing, which is why it was rather shocking seeing as how you act in simple social situations
“Y/n, they messed up your order, c’mon, let’s go and tell them”
“No no- it’s fine.. I don’t mind at all- hehe-”
Some say that it’s more of a babysitting job than an actual relationship
But Teru thinks otherwise and quickly shuts down the person who dares to say that
“Sorry to burst your bubble but no, that’s not what this is at all. Say something about y/n again and we’re gonna have some issues okay? :D”
Teru knows that social anxiety or just anxiety in general can be a tough thing so he tries his best to comfort you with it
He does his best to give you the courage to do what seems like little things to others but a lot to you, which makes it a lot to him :)
Every day is.. an adventure with you, and though others may think you and him are complete opposites, you both know that’s not the case
Forget what others say about you two, Teru isn’t leaving you no matter how chaotic or reckless you may be
He just loves that about you :)
Teru was crouched down, bandaging the now appearing bruises on your arm. “Darling, I thought I told you about the fighting..” he said with a small sigh, making a small bow with the wraps on your arm so that it stays. “He deserved it! The dumbass was a whole anti-women. He had it coming”
Teru held back a chuckle, he would have a talk with the kid as soon as he’s done with his love. “You are right.. he did” You grinned, happy to have him agree that he had that punch coming to him. “But-” He stood up, giving you a slightly disappointed look. “You know I didn’t want you to do it..”
You sighed, feeling a tad bit guilty. You did go against Teru’s wishes, and you already knew how Teru felt about you fighting and getting into arguments with others. “I know..” you looked at him apologetically with a slight pout. “And I’m sorry.. It just really bothered me that someone like that just- exists.”
Teru nodded, he understood what you meant and had no intentions of disagreeing with you. He held his hand out to you, gesturing you to take it which you did. A smile formed on his lips, his icy blue eyes were rather mesmerizing like they could just see right through you. “It’s alright, Y/n.”
“If it makes you feel better..” You perked your head up at the male. “I could have a chat with him, you know, change his thinking”
You were hesitant with agreeing, you knew your boyfriend and how he reacts to people like this. “Okay.. just, don’t kill him alright?”
He chuckled, it made your heart flutter, taking the idea of him doing anything to the boy out of your head.
“I wouldn’t dream of it” He mumbled, kissing your forehead.
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tbhksimps22 · 4 years
hi ! can i request a teru x female! reader smut hcs?? but here’s a lil thing i’d like to include from your prompt list, if you don’t mind, “can you feel what you’re doing to me?”
Ofc! And as requested, your username will not be shown ( ´∀`)
Teru Minamoto With A Fem! Reader Smut HCs
With Prompt D. 22 “can you feel what you’re doing to me?”
-Mod Yashiro
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King on the streets, King in the sheets
He’s super passionate when it comes to love making, always making sure that you aren’t hurt during the act
First he’ll litter multiple kisses and love bites all over your body, sucking softly on your neck and enjoying the small sounds that escape your lips
Noises matter a bunch to him
Just by the volume of your voice, he can tell if you do or don’t like what he’s doing
When it gets to doing the actual deed, he’ll make sure to start out slow so you can get used to it (And so he can get used to it too)
But once you’re getting into it, he’ll speed up his pace, letting out low groans of pleasure as he thrusts into you
He’s usually the dominant one, but he does like seeing you ride him from time to time
Teru prefers to have sex in either his or your bed, but sometimes he can’t hold it in, so he’ll fuck you after school in the Student Council room (It rarely happens, but it’s usually when he’s jealous, or if you’ve been teasing him)
When he IS turned on at school, he won’t be as gentle as before
“T-Teru?” You mumbled as the blonde haired boy dragged you into the Student Council room. Before you could say anything else, you were suddenly pinned against the wall, a pair of arms next to your head. “Can you feel what you’re doing to me?” Teru muttered, placing his hands on your hips. “You’ve been teasing me all day, Y/N. Do you know how hard it is to keep up my composure when you’re shaking your hips in front of me?” He growled, then immediately latched his lips against your neck, sucking roughly to create dark purple and red bruises.
You let out a small gasp, wrapping your arms around him as you tilted your head to the side to give him more space. The Minamoto then pulled his head away from your neck and locked your lips in a lustfull kiss. He bit the bottom of your lip to ask for enterance, but you refused, a small, teasing smile appearing on your lips. But that didn’t last long. Teru lowered his hands down and gave your ass a tight squeeze, errupting an unexpected squeal from you and allowing his tounge to explore your mouth.
The kiss lasted for a few more seconds until he pulled away, keeping a tight grip on you. “So..what are you gonna do about it?” You mumbled, wrapping your arms around his neck. Teru leaned his head and whispered huskily in your ear. “I’m gonna punish you for being such a bad girl.”
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crows-child · 3 years
Teru with an S/o that's like me- lmao
Notes: *procrastinates*
●alright, I'll be clear, I have different moods and shiz and it stay for less than a month
●my mood rn? dying, and murdering lmao- NOT THE POINT.
●So, when he first started dating you he's determined to figure you out, because, who can, actually?
●When you got all jumpy and fluffy because of an episode of your favorite show? he's jumpy with you.
●Ya got gloomy? he'll try to cheer you up, which never works because you're me and I'm you and even when people try, I will cry myself awake.
●but he tries his best...I hate life. why am I doing this-
●you get hyperactive? gives you a soda because that makes me calm down
●I have ADHD. and I'm thinking about one butterfly that I wanted to kill. while doing this
●he'll remind you if you forget something, like your glasses, phone, charger, bag, etc,.
●if you ever become insecure about you being clingy to him or think that you're annoying. He's either going to write a 10 paged essay about how you're the best lover ever. which I, won't read, idk about you though, ya have the motivation? ya go then.
●I'm not saying that I am tho, I suck at life, love life? kill me.
●if you ever procrastinate instead of doing homework.... pulls you from the floor "you're doing this with me, whether you like it or not."
●cue whining and not doing it anyway because there was a book you wanted to read so
●Him admiring your pretty self, compete with mitsuba. you'll win. that's how big my fucking ego is.
●Your relationship consists of you asking him if he still loves you, and him answering them with a smile. "yes, I love you" ●*if there is a drama club ofc* You're a member of the drama club, why? it's either your good acting, your lying or you being too dramatic. OR ALL THEM--
●and he will be on all your plays
●you somehow became the president of that club. hpw?? I'm/you're not responsible??? please??? I have so many things undone that has a deadline??? wtf???
●now, if your oc.. or you are an apparation your glaring on the person that's flirting or confessing to your dear Teru. Pranking on yout mind... because Teru doesn't like murder, and you'll gonna be a yandere. lmaooo where am I going with thisjrkdkf ●CUDDLES is a must. FOR BOTH OF YOU.
●ya writing(if you do) fanfics about a guy/girl/person he'll motivate you, yes. but he needs 10x more hugs and kisses. got it? good. ●he'll sometimes have to drag you away from the garden... you were killing some insects..
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
teru minamoto x gn!reader
a/n: thank you so much for being patient and understanding, though I’m still so sorry for how long this took;;!! It really does mean a lot, so truly- thank you for that, and for the encouragement <3! But!! Of course, I’m a bit of a sucker for angst to fluff, tho I don’t write it too often, so I hope it turns out alright! Thank you so much for requesting, and for your encouragement!!! <3 <333
warnings: self deprecating thoughts..?
word count: 1,848
Your eyes drifted around the room. Person to person, conversation to conversations. Yet, you sat at your desk, lunch in front of you, completely alone. You had a boyfriend, yes, but you didn’t even know where on earth he could be… no, he usually sat with you during lunch. However, today he walked up to you, announcing that he had to attend to something during lunch. He asked if you could eat your lunch without him today, and… well, who were you to say no?
The bell rang, and your lunch remained barely touched. You were sure you wouldn’t have been so dramatic normally- however, it felt as if Teru was practically avoiding you at this point. In fact, it almost felt like he was ditching you for someone else. The thought was enough to make you feel nauseous- both because of it being unpleasant, and because you felt bad for simply thinking it. Teru was a good person. You wouldn’t have fallen for him if he wasn’t. Still, he was only human… and, in your head, there were many other humans out there much more fit for Teru. She was one of them.
Her hair flowed alongside her. Her skin was practically flawless. Her teeth weren’t crooked, and her smile was… frankly, flawless. Good grades, good body, good personality. A lovely match for the prince of the school. A princess suited just for him.
Yet, he seemed to stick with the… well- what was the opposite of a princess? A… troll? You did suppose that, compared to someone like that, a troll was a fair enough comparison. Nothing but a creature in the face of such beauty.
The worst part, you were sure, was the fact that Teru did spend time with her. In fact, you were confident that she “needed him” for something during lunch, causing him to miss out on yet another thing. As if grabbing his attention after school during club activities wasn’t enough. As if going to him constantly to ask for help on things you were positive she was perfectly good at. Her grades were nearly as good as his… was it because he helped her? In that case, why were your grades still lower…? Teru helped you study plenty of times- and, while your grades did get better, you were sure you couldn’t get all 99s and 100s. It was impossible for someone who couldn’t be any form of royalty.
You leaned over, placing your lunch back into the box, then shoving the box into your bookbag. Once you sat up, the classroom door was pushed open- as it usually was. It was right after lunch, after all. However, when you saw two familiar people step in, you began to wish that the door never opened. If only it had been locked- if only someone got distracted. If only you looked down just a bit longer. But, it was done- there was no going back, no need to go back, on such a tiny detail.
In stepped the “Princess”, the “Prince” following her- he even held the door open. It was a basic act of chivalry, yes, but the lack of it around you only made him that much more like a prince… Yes, he wasn’t kind to just you. He treated everyone with kindness, as a normal person should. That little act shouldn’t have made you feel that twinge of jealousy- of doubt- spark in your mind.
“(Y/N), were you able to enjoy lunch?” Teru asked, taking a seat next to you. At least he was still acknowledging you.
“Mmh… I’m not really hungry, haha.”
His eyebrows furrowed slightly, concern crossing onto his beautiful features.
“Are you feeling alright? I don’t want you to wind up hungry later…”
Of course, the concern on his face was no longer in your direction- his expression changing slightly as the unfortunately familiar girl called his name. Though she spoke to him, his eyes drifted in your direction several times.
“Teru, I was wondering if you could let me borrow your notes from second hour? The teacher was speaking so fast, ahaha~. I don’t know how you keep up, really!”
“Oh? Of course, I don’t mind. If you’d please return them when you’re done though,” Teru spoke, grabbing a notebook from his bag, then handing them to her. He’d surely let you borrow his notes too, so… she wasn’t special. Though it was a bit surprising that someone that bright couldn’t keep up with the teacher’s far-too-fast method of teaching. When you opened your mouth to make a comment you already knew you shouldn’t, the teacher entered, as if prompting you to keep your emotions in check.
The rest of the day passed nearly the same as the first half did. Teru’s attention constantly elsewhere, though he did seem to at least try to keep it on you. Hey, you were used to that much… everyone wanted his attention. You couldn’t be the one to deny them of it. Yes, it was normal. That’s what you told yourself, as you stepped into the hallway, making your way towards the student council room. Finally, you’d have a chance to be with Teru, no one out to beg for his attention. Well- Akane would be there, but- honestly, you were plainly aware of his… distaste towards your boyfriend. Really, you didn’t mind it. At least it was someone not trying to take any attention you got at school away from you.
“Yeah! With the way that girl seems to be all over him! I think they’re dating?”
“No, no, isn’t he dating (Y/N)?”
“I think he was? But, he doesn’t really seem to spend as much time with her, you know.”
You shut your locker, the sound echoing much louder than you thought you intended. The conversation ceased, as the two engaged in it glanced in your direction, one muttering some profanity under their breath. Still, you picked up your bag, not wanting to drag two strangers into your personal business. All you had to do was establish that you were the one dating Teru, right? And the first step was… making sure Teru still wanted to date. Despite how you tried to calm and reassure yourself as your legs carried you quickly to the school council room, you could feel a mix of frustration, fear, sadness, and insecurity bubbling up in your stomach. Why was he spending so much time with her? Was she better than you? Did he like her more than you? Of course, how could someone like him choose you…? If you were in his shoes, you were sure you’d pick the other girl…
Soon, you stood in front of the room. Though you reached for the doorknob confidently at first, you froze once your hand was about to rest on it. Nerves were practically eating at you, your heart racing so quickly that you felt dizzy. Heck- when was the last time you were this nervous? When was the last time your emotions ran this rampant?
Gathering your emotions as best as you could, you opened the door.
“(Y/N), good afternoon,” Teru greeted, giving you his usual, sweet smile. Did he smile at the other girl like that?
You didn’t want to lose that smile…
“Teru,” You muttered, voice cracking a bit as tears finally filled your eyes. Instantly, those smiling eyes of his were filled with concern. He was so easily concerned for you. Did he worry for her that easily?
“(Y/N)? What happened-? What’s wrong?” He questioned, standing up and rushing over towards you. Once you noticed that Akane hadn’t arrived yet, Teru reached behind you, one arm resting on your shoulder as he locked any potential intruders out. He knew you wouldn’t want anyone to bother you, if something was upsetting you enough to cry like this in front of him.
“Teru, do you still want to be with me?”
“What? (Y/N), of course-” “Be honest, Teru. If you don’t wanna, then don’t lie to me, please. I understand. I’m not as pretty as her- and I’m not as smart, I know. And she’s popular, like you. And she can talk to people easily, and she’s fit, and thin, and she’s got a pretty, normal smile… a-and I know I’m nothing like her, so I understand. She and I are complete opposites, Teru, so I’m positive she’s more your type.”
“(Y/N), calm down,” Teru spoke, both of his hands now resting on your shoulders, thumbs moving comfortingly. “I don’t know who you’re talking about, but I assure you-”
“You’ve been skipping on things we’ve done since we became friends to spend time with her, Teru. Just today, the two of you spent time together during lunch-”
“Her? (Y/N), darling, you’re joking.”
Your eyes filled further with tears, as you shook your head in frustration. “I’m not joking, Teru!”
“(Y/N), please, sweetheart. Calm down, let me explain, alright? Here, let’s sit down?”
Teru led you to a chair, sitting you in it carefully, then crouching next to you, his hands holding both of yours.
“She’s just trying to get some extracurricular things done, relating to her education. Yes, when she needs help, which I’ll admit has been frequently lately, I told her to go to me. I wasn’t expecting her to need this much help, but I didn’t want to go back on my word. Here, if you’d like, I’ll explain to her that I’m a bit too busy to help all the time. I’ll get Akane to step in a bit, is that alright?”
You sniffled, thinking about what he said. Still, as you processed it, you nodded. Poor Akane indeed, but… you felt slightly relieved.
“Next, you know you’re more my type than anyone, (Y/N). Really, sweetie, I only show her basic human kindness. Even when she gets irritating… with you, I never feel annoyed or irritated. Plus, I can actually express how I feel around you- listen, would I admit to anyone else that I find one of our classmates annoying at times?”
“I’m sure you’d tell anyone how you felt about Akane,” You joked lightheartedly, laughing to yourself. Teru’s slight smile grew to a grin, as he closed his eyes.
“Mmm, maybe? But he’s a different story. Still, I love you, (Y/N). You’re plenty smart- and, if you don’t think so, then who cares? Your lack of confidence in yourself means I get to help you study- and you always end up doing just fine. You’re more than plenty gorgeous- I love everything about you. Your smile, your hair, your skin, your body type, anything and everything. You’re perfect, (Y/N). Perfect for the world, and absolutely perfect for me.”
This time, when you felt your eyes get watery, they weren’t tears of sadness or worry. When you hugged Teru, sniffling lightly once again, he could feel you smile against his shoulder.
“I’m sorry for assuming things, Teru-”
“Ah-ah. No need to apologize, (Y/N). Really, you have no reason to apologize… you’re fine, darling.”
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Masterlist For Toilet Bound Hanako-kun
Mod Yashiro Rules
Mod Natsuhiko Rules
NSFW Alaphabet
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[Hanako-Kun/Yugi Amane]
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[] Hanako and Tsukasa With A Female S/O Who's Afraid Of Being Alone HCs
[] “You’re an idiot.” “But you love me.” [Fluff] COMING SOON
[] NSFW Alaphabet || O,U,V ||
[] Confession Tree [Angst & Fluff]
[] Hanako-kun, Tsukasa, and Yashiro With A Rich Female S/O Who Runs The School HCs
[Tsukasa Yugi]
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[] Hanako and Tsukasa With A Female S/O Who's Afraid Of Being Alone HCs
[] Tsukasa With A Non Binary S/O Who's Afraid Of Thunderstorms
[] Tsukasa Comforting an Upset S/O [Hcs]
[] NSFW Alaphabet || O,U,V || COMING SOON
[] Hanako-kun, Tsukasa, and Yashiro With A Rich Female S/O Who Runs The School HCs
[Yashiro Nene]
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[] Hanako-kun, Tsukasa, and Yashiro With A Rich Female S/O Who Runs The School HCs
[Mitsuba Sousuke]
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[None Yet]
[Kou Minamoto]
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[] Kou With A Cute S/O Headcanons [Fluff]
[Teru Minamoto]
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[] Career Surveys [Lime] COMING SOON
[Akane Aoi]
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[None Yet]
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damedamedame · 4 years
- “Fang.”
NOTES: i wrote this weeks ago and presented it to @fruitybops aka s i m p and decided to mmm why not post it
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Teru felt like he was being sucked in, your lips so soft and utterly delectable that he almost couldn’t stop himself if he tried. Your eyes shut tight, cheeks flushed bright pink as his hand on your chin tilts your head up. How could one kiss feel so dizzying? So enchanting? And so, so lovely?
Well, it was.
Until you felt your lip bleeding.
“M-Mm, T-Teru—!” Your hands move to his shoulders, shaking him with immense intensity. How else were you supposed to stop him? Thankfully, he got the sign, rather quickly may you add, and relinquished his hold on you. He steps back, a bit confused for why it had to end so soon but more concerned than ever once he spots your bleeding lip.
He bit your lip with his fang.
Teru felt his face heat up, for many reasons including an obvious embarrassment for accidentally letting himself go and for how much his sadistic side is cheering inside him for the tiny injury he knew didn’t hurt much. He couldn’t tell you about the latter he’ll take that to his deathbed thank you very much but he might as well apologize for biting your lip.
“Ah, I’m sorry..” He chuckles, nervously thinking about how turned off you would be that you wouldn’t even consider kissing him again. That would’ve been a nightmare that haunted his dreams every single night, if that happened. Hell, she didn’t have to tell him off, this is still going to stay in his mind without a doubt.
To his utmost shock, he heard a ‘snrk’ coming from you. Eventually turning into a full blown chorus of chuckles and giggles that only made beautiful music to his ears. “Y-Your fang b-bit my lip!” You’re practically wheezing now.
This only serves to confuse the ever living mind out of him, unsure about how to react at the situation at hand. Was he supposed to laugh too? Be more embarrassed? His significant other in front of him only twisted his thoughts and stretched it until he felt emotionally drained.
A hand lands on his shoulder, an amusing sight to see for him because you were unbelievably shorter than he was, no matter how many times you tried to at least have the same height as him. “It’s fine, Teru.” Your teasing tone only makes his shoulder stiffen. “I always knew you had a sadist in there!”
The last statement makes his eyes widen and his whole face fume, even the tips of his ears burned bright red.
After how many times you’ve tried to get him to blush, you finally hit the jackpot.
“Sorry I’m late, Ao-chan needed some protect...ion...?” Akane’s eyes squint, watching the odd scene unfold in front of his eyes. Teru is absolutely red, right hand trying to hide the extreme blush on his face but to no avail, and you were bent over, hand on your stomach as you continue to laugh at your flustered boyfriend.
‘What happened here!?’
NOTES: are there any inconsistencies?? of course there are because i wrote this at midnight and half asleep and had the late night thought of teru biting my oc’s lip while kissing so m m m y e a
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toiletpoubelle · 4 years
Hi! First of all, I'd like to say welcome to the fandom! If you ever need any help with anything, feel free to ask me anytime! Now, is it alright if you do a Minamoto Teru x Reader where the reader catches him being mean to Kou? Thanks, and once again, welcome! I hope you have a great time here uwu
Teru Minamoto x reader
Aww thanks for the warm welcomes! And I'm sure I will! 💛
prompt: reader catches Teru being mean to Kou.
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After walking around the school for half an hour searching for Teru, (y/n) is finally fed up. Teru had said that they had some student council business to attend to, so where is he? He’s usually not the type of person that would be late. Ugh, Teru!!! ”I love this dude and all, but sometimes he just gets on my nerves.” (y/n) shook her head and continued walking. Soon enough two voices could be heard from around the corner. Could it be Teru? No, It couldn’t be. Why would he be on this side of the school? But if it is, who could he be talking to?
”Kou just listen to me, he’s not your friend! You can’t trust him!” ok, that’s definitely Teru’s voice. And what does he mean ’you can’t trust him.’? And Kou? What are Teru and Kou up to?
”Teru please, I can do it! Just give me a chance, if he hurts somebody then I’ll get rid of him. I promise!” What is going on? (y/n) sighs. They know they're not supposed to eavesdrop on people, especially their boyfriend. But-
”Kou! You’re so naïve. You can’t trust him! Stop acting like such a kid!” how dare he say that! (y/n) walked around the corner and crossed their arms.
”How dare you say that to your little brother!” (y/n) walked up to the pair and wrapped their arm around Kou’s shoulder. The kid might be younger than them but man, the kid is tall. Teru sighed and pinched his nose.
”(y/n), baby, you don’t understand what’s going on. Just head back to the classroom and I’ll catch up with you in a bi-” Teru took one look at (y/n) and stopped talking. Their face was turning red, he could almost see smoke coming from their ears. He would be lying if he said That he wasn’t scared. He can face supernatural beings no problem. But when it comes to his s/o, he would get to his knees and beg for mercy.
”Teru. You have no right to make decisions for your brother. I can understand if you're worried about him, but that doesn’t give you the right to tell him what he can and can’t. He's a big boy now. Capiche?” Kou couldn’t believe his eyes, his older brother was speechless. Never in his life has he seen Teru like this. It’s kind of scary.
Teru face was starting to heat up. He reached up and scratched his cheek with one finger. ”uh, yeah. Got it.”
After the whole ordeal with Kou. Teru and (y/n) walked back to the classroom in silence. All (y/n) could think about is the conversation they were having.
They ended up finishing all the stuff they had to do for the student council in silence. Well not necessarily, Teru had tried to apologize a couple of times but (y/n) wasn’t having any of it. It's not like they were mad at him, well maybe just a little. But they were just trying to teach him a lesson.
The next day after class, (y/n) tried to walk out of the class but a hoard of people was crowding the door. ”excuse me, pardon me, ow! Can y’all not-” before (y/n) could finish there sentence right in the middle was Teru holding a box of chocolates and a single white orchid. When Teru spotted them he promptly pushed passed the crowd and stood in front of them.
”I'm sorry.” Teru handed the flower and chocolates to (y/n) and hugged them.
(y/n) giggled. ”its not me you should be apologizing too.” Teru kissed their forehead.
”i know, I already apologized to Kou. I bought him some sweet potato jellies.” He scratched his cheek awkwardly.
”anyways, would you like to have lunch together?” All (y/n) did was smile and grab his hand.
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bastard-asexual · 2 years
☆~ Request Rules ~☆
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt (my personal favorite): Brief, Panty, Stocking, Scanty, Kneesocks (scanty and kneesocks aren’t my best, but i’ll try)
Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun: Kou Minamoto, Hanako/Amane Yugi, Yashiro Nene, Aoi Akane, Akane Aoi, Lemon Yamabuki, Teru Minamoto, Tsukasa Yugi, Natsuhiko Hyuuga, Sakura Nanamine, Mitsuba Souske, Tsuchigomori, Yako (sorry i’m not good at writing anyone else in the series)
Sk8: the infinity: Reki, Langa, Miya, Joe, Cherry, Langa’s Mom, Tadashi
Danganronpa: any students from any games, i won’t write for any of the udg kids tho, i’m also not rlly good at anime only characters
Metal Family: Glam♥️, Dee, Vicky, Ches/Chive
The Owl House: Eda, Luz, Amity, Willow, Gus, Lillith, Hunter, Edric, Emira, Boscha, Raine, matt (there’s more i just forgot most of them)
TTS : Rapunzel, Varian, Eugene, Lance, Cassandra, Adira
If I did not list a character, i will probably write for them platonically
There’s alot more, if you want something i didn’t include, just ask :)
Character limit is 7, I’ll do either Headcanons or Matchups, no oneshots cuz I’m not good at them
I will write: Fluff, Angst (i’m not good at it but i’ll try), Male! Reader, Fem! reader, Nb! reader, Gn! reader, trans! reader, Genderqueer! reader (request what pronouns), Speciific things (such as a reader with a certain hobby, meeting family members, certain experiences, etc., poly stuff, and more!
I will NOT write: Smut/Nsfw (innuendos are fine, i’m just uncomfortable with it), Pedophilia, incest, canonically mlm/wlw character in a straight relationship (ex: i won’t do Tenko Chabashira x Male reader, i will do her with GN/NB reader), character x character, or anything i decide makes me uncomfortable, if there’s only a  mild issue with ur req i’ll try and write it without that little thing, if it’s really bad i’ll just delete it 
DNI IF U R: DSMP fans/racists/Transmeds/Anti Semetic ppl/transphobic/homophobic/TERF/Ablest/Anti Neos, ty :)
seeya soon! ♥️
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romelleah · 4 years
✰teru minamoto oneshot: confession✰
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You and Teru had been best friends ever since the beginning of middle school, sharing the same interests and doing the same things. It was just so convenient that you two were both neighbours and you could hang out with him all you wanted. Teru admired you greatly for not swooning at the sight of him and you admired him for being able to put up with all of that shit. Girls coming left and right just to confess to a person they’ve never spoken to? Everyday he’d come home and complain to you about it from his 2nd floor bedroom window, and you would listen with content, laughing at his jokes and telling him that it’s all okay.
You were both in the student council, as he was the president and you were the manager of communications- meaning that you handled the social part of it like occasionally making announcements, making statements to the student body and speaking at school events. You liked to help Teru with paperwork, as it let you and him catch up after a long day of school. You also seemed to like looking at him, he was extremely attractive. You couldn’t deny that. No matter what, the issue on the table was that you couldn’t bare to just stay ‘friends’ when he was just so darn loveable. That cute smirk, the way he staples paper and his soft blue eyes- he was unfortunately so beautiful.
You were also super oblivious to his romantic advances, so you obviously didn’t think he felt the same way towards you... which he did.
“Y/N, are you going to help me with paperwork today? Akane-kun won’t be there so we can talk about more personal things without him feeling left out.” He asked you after tapping on your shoulder, making you blush slightly from the gentle yet sudden contact. “Oh, of course!” You turned around in your seat, grabbing you bag from underneath the classroom desk. He smiled softly and started walking towards the door, leaving you behind in the dust. “Teru! Seriously, don’t leave me behind again! You know I’m a really slow runner...” you smiled playfully, yet worried that it would take you 6 minutes to get to the student council room again, and he’d be almost done with everything.
“I promise I would leave you behind, I’ll walk a little slower for you.” He smiled, slowing down his pace as you caught up with him. He took out his hand, which confused you greatly. “Hm?” You asked, tapping your chin. Teru laughed quietly and took your hand, making you blush. “Teru! Stop teasing me!” You snatched away you hand, smiling softly. “There could be your silly fan girls around, what if they kill me?” Teru put his hands in his pocket, looking off to the side. “It was just to make sure you wouldn’t slow down again.”
Your feet finally made their way to the student council room where you both sat down after retrieving both homework and paperwork from your work desks. “How many girls confessed to you today, Teru-kun?” you asked him whilst mindlessly filling out and signing a neutral throwaway piece of paper. “6, though around 14 gave me boxes of chocolate. Valentine’s Day was last month.” Teru sighed, sub-consiously doing his work. “You know what I really hate about getting confessed to?-“
“Let me guess! You hate the fact that these girls don’t actually like you and they just admire you, right? You’re scared that nobody will actually like you for who you actually are, you’ve said it 3 times this year...” you looked off to the side, rolling your eyes. “Why are you so annoyed?” Teru asked, stopping whatever he was doing to look at you. “I’m here, I like you for who you are- as a friend of course. You don’t need those stupid girls, you should totally screw up your reputation and have some fun or something, I don’t know.” You chuckled, ruffling through his hair as you said the last part.
Teru blushed, gently holding your hand and placing it back down on the desk before releasing it. “Well, I don’t know about that, you’ve always been more adventurous than me. But I like you for who you are too.” He smiled as you looked back at him. “You didn’t say no hetero, silly.” you laughed quietly, picking up your finished paperwork, meaning to go over to your desk and plop it down. “I didn’t say no hetero for a reason...” he muttered quietly, not letting you hear a word . “What was that?” You asked, alarming the blonde boy. “Oh! Nothing, I was just reading over this document.” he lied, brushing through his hair with his hand.
Soon enough, you two were done and the sky had turned into a beautiful golden pink. You two stepped outside as the cherry blossoms swept past you two in the light springs’ breeze. “You looked really pretty today, Y/N.” Teru states warmly, slowly leaving the schools’ premise. “Thanks! I straightened my hair a big but I couldn’t get it perfectly right. You’re such a good friend for noticing” you smiled, swinging you bag back and forth playfully.
Teru sighed and grabbed your wrist, forcing you to look at him. “You’re so stupid, Y/N.” He sighed, making you super confused. “I got the second highest score for the test yesterday Teru, stop being rude.” You replied, adgitated. Teru shook his head, pulling you closer. “Y/N I like you.” He said quietly as he looked away, a blush forming on his face. “Yeah, I like you too? We’ve been best friends for years.” You laughed, getting ready to continue walking before he pushed you closer, reaching out to softly touch your face.
“No, I love you. Romantically. I want to kiss you.” Teru with a large amount of sincere warmth in his voice, making your heart stop. “What?” You stuttered, freezing in your spot, turning a bright shade of red. “No way! This is a dream. If this is a dream of course I don’t wanna wake up- but can we go to LA? I want to go to Disneyworld-“ you were cut off by his soft lips meetting yours, stopping your train of thought. Your eyes fluttered closed and your hand met his face as you two stood in place. You were frozen for a while, before you both pulled away. “You talk too much.”
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