#tessa romano
aondaneedles · 1 year
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Is it lunch already? I’ll be quick.
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=> Hall, Anita. 
0 results.
=> Census 1980
1 result. C3.80.1
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C3.77, C3.78, C3.79... Ah!
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There we go... Hall, 5 Acacia Drive. Anita Hall, Asia Hall and... huh.
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alj4890 · 1 year
Hi, I have a request. Take as long as you need, or just delete if you don't find it appealing, but...
I'd love a fic in the early days of Tobias & Chris's relationship. They're public now and very much in love, but he witnesses a tender moment between her and Ethan... how does he react?
🤣 I was actually working through a fic along these lines for one of my kiss prompts. Your request came at the best time to help me finish this 😊 Hope you like it 😘
Thirty Kisses in Thirty Days Challenge with the prompt: a passionate kiss ending in ripped clothing.
@jerzwriter @hopelessromantic1352 @trappedinfanfiction @twinkleallnight @tessa-liam @kyra75
Visceral Reaction
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At a coffee shop not too far from Edenbrook...
"Hello, Doctor." Chris tapped Ethan on his shoulder.
He turned around with a start then slowly smirked at her. "What are you doing here?"
"I need coffee." She replied.
"So you decided to come all the way down here on your day off." He rolled his eyes. "Surely you've got a coffee maker at home."
Chris nudged him forward when the line moved. "Yes, I have a coffee maker at home, but this place makes the best pumpkin spice lattes."
Ethan winced.
"What?" Chris demanded.
"I can't believe you're going to ruin coffee with a fad." He grumbled.
"A fad? Pumpkin spice is not a fad!"
"Yes, it is." He argued.
"You are such a coffee snob!" She exclaimed. "I can't believe that the man who introduced me to the espresso romano is going to stand here and deride my love for pumpkin flavors in coffee."
"Lemon is a natural additive that is used to diffuse the bitterness of the espresso." He reminded her. "It does nothing but make the coffee refreshing."
He placed his order along with her typical pumpkin spice latte. While still arguing with her, he paid for both their drinks and guided her towards an empty table.
Chris sat down caddy cornered from him so she could watch the door for Tobias. Her gray eyes narrowed playfully on Ethan's blue.
"Are you actually going to sit there and say that the spices used to make pumpkin spice are unnatural? Because I would like to point out that cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and cloves can be found in many people's gardens."
Ethan leaned forward, eyes locked onto hers. His smile grew over how passionate she could get when defending her arguments for something completely ridiculous.
"No. I am going to sit here and say that your addiction to those particular spices is unnatural." He gestured towards her cup. "No one should ingest as much of those as you do."
She burst into laughter while playfully shoving his shoulder for bringing up her need for all things pumpkin spice.
"You know," her eyes sparkled with her humor, "researchers at John Hopkins did a study not too long ago on why people like me love pumpkin spice desserts and drinks."
"Really?" Ethan relaxed back in his chair. "I'll bite. Why do people like you fall so hard each year for a scam of charging an extra dollar or two for some spices you could add at home yourself?"
She snorted, propping her head on her hand while looking up at him. "As you well know, Dr. Ramsey; smell particles are able to travel to the back of our nasal passages and activate our smell receptors when eating."
Ethan merely lifted an eyebrow in response.
Chris grinned at him. "And the parts of the brain that process odor are very close to the parts of the brain that process memory information."
"So this is all about triggering happy memories?" He concluded. "That's why you drink this poor excuse for coffee by the gallon?"
"I work with you, Ethan." She teased. "Pumpkin spice is the only thing saving you daily from my temper."
She winked at him. "If I were you, I'd get down on my knees tonight to thank God for giving you this spice for protection."
Ethan snorted, fighting back a smile. He hadn't realized he needed something like her humor to help diffuse the tension he was currently under.
"How's work going?" She asked, sipping her coffee.
"Well, for the most part." He replied.
Chris noticed the dark look that passed over his face. There was only one thing that she knew of that could cause that particular expression.
"Have you talked to your father recently?"
Ethan averted his eyes from hers.
"Yes. He keeps calling."
"About your mother?" She carefully prodded.
He nodded, eyes narrowing upon his coffee without really seeing it. His mind was a jumble of memories and lingering bitterness. It was both distracting and disconcerting that his parent whom he hadn't seen in over twenty years was trying to get back into his life. If she was causing these types of problems now, how much more trouble would she be if he allowed her into his life again?
His eyes shot down to the sight of his hand being held by Chris. Her thumb brushed over his knuckles as she squeezed it in silent understanding.
Ethan swallowed before looking up at her. There was no pity that he could detect in her facial expression, only a sense of friendly concern. Without words, she was letting him know that she was fully on his side and would support him no matter what he decided to do about his mother.
He gripped her hand in gratitude.
Tobias could only stare at the sight of his girlfriend at first laughing, talking, and playfully touching a man she not only worked closely with but also had quite the romantic history.
For some reason, their conversation took a dramatic shift from humor to being serious. Now, the two were holding hands while gazing at one another in silence.
Chris shared recently that she thought she and Ethan had found a new way forward in friendship. Tobias was happy that they had, especially since they worked together. He couldn't begin to imagine how awkward it must have been for the two of them. It was one of the many reasons why he never dated anyone that worked at Mass Kenmore. He needed work to be as stress-free as possible.
I had no idea that their friendship was THIS close.
He prided himself on never being jealous. At least he hadn't been before in previous relationships, or whatever his brief flings could be considered as. But, something about seeing Chris be herself, her fun sweet self, with someone like Ethan made his heart nearly stop.
Tobias knew Chris was his as well as her love and affection belonging to him.
If she still wanted Ethan, she'd never have agreed to go out with me.
He reminded himself that fact a few more times as he made his way over to their table.
Still though, why is she here with Ethan?
After all, she'd been the one to insist they meet here before going to see a matinee.
Was it so she could see Ethan or to get that coffee she talks about all the time, he wondered.
Chris noticed Tobias first. Her smile turned more tender just at the sight of him while she let go of Ethan's hand.
"Hey." Tobias greeted them both with a forced smile.
It took a lot of focus to keep it firmly in place.
Chris reached over and took his hand, tugging him down to greet him with her usual kiss.
That action went a long way to reassure him that all was still well between them.
Though he did still wonder at the closeness between her and Ethan.
He couldn't help but be worried. He trusted Chris and knew she would never cheat on him with another man. But...this was Ethan. He'd been the one man she'd waited over a year on in the hopes to be able to be with him.
"What are you two up to?" Tobias attempted to sound casual as he sat down next to her.
"Nothing much." Chris kept her hand in his. "Ethan and I were having our usual debate over coffee."
"Oh?" Tobias looked curiously back and forth between them.
The subject of coffee doesn't require all the little touches, smiles, or absolute attention, does it? Nor does it turn heartfelt later on.
"You need to tell him the truth." Ethan rolled his eyes at Tobias. "What we were really discussing--"
Here we go. Tobias braced himself.
"Is Chris's addiction."
Tobias sat there an extra second to absorb that statement.
"You mean her pumpkin spice addiction?" He asked.
"You told Ethan about your theory, didn't you?" Chris wagged a finger in warning at Tobias. "I knew you two would give me trouble one day."
Ethan chuckled. He was grateful that Chris was keeping the last of their conversation between the two of them. Though he was on his way to being close friends with Tobias again, he wasn't quite ready to share what was going on with his mother with anyone else at the moment.
He noticed the time and got to his feet. "I've got some lab results that should be finished by now. I'll see you in a couple of days."
Chris waved goodbye then focused on her date.
Tobias summoned his typical smirk for her before she could ask if something was wrong.
"What time does the movie start?" She asked.
"In about an hour."
Her smile turned flirty. "An hour, hmm? I think between the two of us, we can find a way to pass the time."
That wasn't a bad idea. He actually needed a little more proof that everything was still the same between them. What better way to do so than taking Chris somewhere more private?
"Come on." He laced his fingers with hers as he got to his feet. "Let's find a place without people."
Chris nearly tripped in her haste to follow him outside.
The sun was shining a little too brightly for what he had in mind. Tobias looked about the busy street, seeing nothing conducive to finding a spot where they could be alone.
He glanced down at her bemused face then led her towards where he'd parked. He opened the passenger door and instead of letting Chris get in, he sat down and moved the seat as far back as it could go.
His lips curved when he looked up at her.
"Care to join me?" He asked, reclining the seat the rest of the way down.
Chris laughed at his not so veiled hint of how they should spend their free time. Without a second thought, she settled on top of him.
Once the door was shut, the two attempted to get a little more comfortable.
"This is nice." She murmured, placing kisses along his stubbled jawline.
"Yes, it is." His hands moved along her back.
He needed more of her. His lips found hers in a heated kiss. His tongue slipped through her parted lips to seek her own. Her moans filled the air as she restlessly moved against him, needing more of his touch.
Tobias was determined to drive her crazy. He wasn't certain where this desperate need to do so came from. All he knew was he felt it the moment he stepped into that coffee shop and saw her with Ethan.
When I saw them holding hands...
His hands slid under her sweater to seek out all the spots that made her go wild. Chris broke away from his kiss. Her breaths hitched with every touch he lavished upon her mixed with how he kissed her neck.
The cramped space made every motion turn into an almost teasing sensation. It gave just enough friction to work them up but not enough to satisfy. The dark tinted windows fogged up, giving them all the privacy they needed to take things further.
Tobias became almost frantic to begin getting Chris out of her clothes. He gripped the bottom of her sweater and jerked it up. In his haste, he didn't realize that it had gotten snagged on the door handle.
A ripping sound rent the air making the two pause.
"How bad is it?" Chris asked, twisting around to see the damage.
"Bad." He muttered.
He could tell that the tear in her sweater went halfway up her back. Tobias was in utter disbelief that he'd allowed his jealousy to get to the point where he was actually ripping her clothes off just to prove that all was right between them.
Chris turned back towards him, mouth crashing against his for a long, deep kiss. Something about having him that eager to be with her made her desire for him quadruple.
Tobias moaned her name when she broke away to slowly begin unbuttoning his shirt.
Her gray eyes, stormy with desire, caught his attention.
"Since I can't go to the movies now," she teased, sliding her body against his in a sensual rhythm, "you'll have to keep me entertained for the next few hours."
His smirk flashed as he tried to catch his breath. Seeing her flushed from their kisses went a long way in giving him back his confidence.
"Just the next few hours?" His hands began their delicious torment to her sensitive skin once more. "That's all you need?"
Chris arched into his touch. Her lips curved as she gazed down at him.
"Not even close." She replied. "But it'll be a good start."
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thequimmqueen · 2 years
🍕Updated Next-gen Character Name List🍕
Duke gotcha+Shannon:
Sandy🍉 (previously known as Cairo)
Ember+Hacky Zack:
Vesta✳️ (previously known as Ambar)
Guy Mortadello+Bruna Romano:
Clover+Carlo Romano+Koilee:
Gino Romano+Okalani:
Rebecco💄(also known as Becky)
Sarge fan+Radlynn:
Radha🌟 (Adopted,Failed Offspring Harvest Experiment of Radley Madish)
Audrey🛍️ (changed from Adrianna)
Connor×Wylan B:
Iza-B🎋 (adopted)
Deckard 🎧 (adopted)
Drakson+Kasey O:
"Ace"⭐ (real name is Jack, changed from "Jack Derby" due to the nickname not making sense)
Xolo+Sprinks the Clown:
Professor Fitz+Edna:
🍀Jerry & Betsy☘️ (Clones)
Koko🥊 (previously known as Kumako)
Nina🍊 (adopted)
Josefina🎒 (surrogate kid)
Allison💰 (In custody of Allan)
Kuro🍋 (In custody of Akari)
Eva🛩️ (child from second marriage)
Mayor Mallow:
Luau Lepunch+Betty Pecan:
Toasty Coconut🍨 (Scoopian+LePunch Hybrid,Looks More like Betty)
Gala Donut🍩 (adopted Scoopian Child)
Shelly Coir🌴 (Scoopian+LePunch Hybrid, looks more like Luau)
4th of July Scoopian:
Rocky Road:
Terrance Milch🍡
Jill Berry+Chip Mcmint:
Cranberry Jelly💝
Bianco Ciocco🍫
Sue x Mary:
Susan☎️ (adopted)
Sarge×Radley Madish:
Onnelious & Brown (Adopted/Used to be Two of Sarge's youngest soldiers)
💜Pines and Payne💙 (Mutated+Adopted Pinacoolada Twins)
Annana💛(Mutated+Adopted Bananapants Daughter)
Radetta💗(Sucessful Offspring Harvest Experiment)
Mr. Sherbet
Tiger Dail🐯
Tomatoe Lady:🍅
Big Pauly:
🧂Salt & Pepper🧂
Bonnie & Yalanda:
Klaus💤 (Adopted grandson/apprentice)
Barnum 🪆 (Son)
Possible new Nextgens:
Gordon ⛺
Roger GearSpeed🏁 (Real Name: ???)
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from Bulgarian and Italian forenames, cities/towns in Abruzzo (Italia) and Bulgarian municipalities, excluding the letter "C"
Abogdas Abrafili Abruna Abryamokova Adimitsano Adimol Adolzania Adostano Aglitema Agorsa Alagliel Albequaro Albeto Aldzha Alomih Alomino Aloruh Aluigna Alvisla Amarsito Ambaratkar Ambero Amezzo Andilipale Andino Andriano Antine Antingra Anzatina Apiano Appezho Aquida Aradisi Araiesi Aranalveto Arizhava Arrovits Arvenevayna Asandoria Aspetoia Athina Atolzandovi...
Baligio Balvissa Barano Baredon Barile Barsondran Basseptero Belina Belise Bernop Beroda Berrazd Berven Bimili Bistorniano Bitarmesa Bitertopote Bolamo Bologoto Bolontito Bolyanfrey Boraiana Boreannino Boryano Boseno Bottorna Bovettown Boyano Bozniano Bradavito Brappetina Brayrebate Breanalanna Briena Brillivko Brinedo Briono Bruselo Busannovo Bussapella Dambastian Dandona Daselag Dasellomovo Delmolo Deonteon Derkovts Dezian Dimellana Dimonezhada Dindrosene Dineterigna Domele Donitsan Donstazzo Drazko Dressel Drongra Dualbento Dzhifono Edkovo Elessilva Emilvita Emiradran Emmada Emonette Emvitaza Erbolino Erezzo Ertano Ettorno Euteruzhio Evantivil Fananne Farandra Fauline Feditsa Fermelatina Fetramil Fillovo Filono Flaveli Floguigo Foggin Frazzora Freanna Frezimirdan Friano Fuliberdi Fullava Furinotei Gaglina Gagorasseta Gagraki Galavrana Galetnite Galtilyulya Galtonino Gamino Garena Gareva Giandiyaka Giarsan Gidity Gilegliella Giontano Giudmile Giuliani Giulvi Godoristina Gomantina Gortanio Gotsano Gradona Grieti Grimpotto Grumona Guildon Gusadei Habrina Ilipavignia Imilla Imirayko Imirazia Imonteli Imonto Inasto Initsa Isante Isavessildo Islaurosla Islavituto Iuggio Ivarine Ivinel Ivnitorvo Jorniana Jossermon Kalfets Kalvent Khrigna Kopolila Koppeni Kosherska Kranka Kravlaberi Kressankari Krudmilia Krumillo Krusha Ladele Lagardzh Lamesnetra Lanari Lartomano Lauses Lavenik Lerrusela Liiano Lipaghelev Lodostera Loggiana Lomontrea Lontole Ludmir Ludmira Lupaolaka Lutrezzo Lyanduy Lyarko Lyarumeli Lyubasta Madriana Maltsvil Mandolyano Mandranka Manfrea Mapesio Mappeleveno Maratino Marayka Marbistits Mardino Mardola Marena Marisano Markalen Marmil Marogra Maroyano Marpiano Maruzzovo Masabri Mastoredo Matsaledovo Maurozdrya Maurtaristo Mausarno Meliian Mildzh Miliia Millio Minovo Mirdzh Mirpale Mitrinaia Mondrin Moneren Monetan Monevo Movgrina Movgrovo Muille Murevo Murosa Narenza Narsognya Nasoroselo Navelizzo Navnya Nolatil Nuellia Ofediyazi Omatemeni Opoligevna Oriamonza Orindo Orragata Orrezzo Oryana Ostefatte Ovgrina Pagalla Pagate Palbequo Palforovo Pandin Panopoli Paolad Paolieto Pardina Pasqua Passaka Paurina Pelian Penereveva Penerorida Pennie Penvesh Penzio Penzovo Perahino Pessania Petalomitte Petopalino Petradri Petrodas Petsava Piedenzabra Piellanio Pielle Piellekko Pizioemolio Plietutra Plissa Plottono Plovanla Polelina Poliano Poliniano Pomono Poppielle Porezzo Poryakriole Pralieto Pregna Presto Prettodo Prumoro Radolizio Radrazkovts Raframo Raguaran Ranpagna Ratatagli Reksale Revesa Riandobasa Rignadeo Rignili Rionte Risava Riselo Rissana Rodene Roguevo Romano Rontorev Roppopo Rornel Rosellago Rosvia Rottino Ruerratino Rumeonte Runzano Rusegli Rutirpito Saedenna Saleni Sampiano Sanapeldan Saspela Sassimo Saurginet Saveti Sebelliano Seleglio Septettanil Sevoriando Shtipiano Sianosa Slalil Slatavano Slavithina Solovo Sontete Sopogo Spatra Spavlai Stallia Stameslano Stateo Stellana Steonia Stonsaedora Striden Suhinata Suliia Sungelino Susalfebero Suvoggio Svetlanovo Svetro Syradko Tannikar Tanpielia Tanzonto Tarpinofil Tathina Tefaelaria Tessas Thello Thenno Tingusano Tompelav Toradulo Torgorev Torsioevo Tradas Tralisla Tratoryan Tredeno Trinovoro Trovina Tryano Tseggiul Tsimili Tulatto Tutefio Tutizio Tzvenne Ubozha Udimar Udmillavito Udopritilvi Valeggio Valena Vanarbotto Vanitsa Vankarav Vasisa Vaylomone Vellav Vellavlia Ventin Verinteia Vesevorna Vetsabravio Vettia Vettordia Vevalko Vezzol Viandomone Viglina Vingullogna Vitergia Vrietrina Yorskori Yubolator Zhiorvo Zhupnikol
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lamilanomagazine · 9 months
Milano, City Angels: preghiera interreligiosa con i senzatetto davanti alla stazione centrale
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Milano, City Angels: preghiera interreligiosa con i senzatetto davanti alla stazione centrale Una festa di Natale per i senzatetto della Stazione Centrale di Milano: si svolgerà alla Vigilia, domenica 24 dicembre, a mezzogiorno, davanti alla Stazione Centrale, per la precisione davanti all'Hotel Gallia. "É un evento significativo ricco solidarietà, di fratellanza e di spiritualità, che organizziamo da 29 anni - dice Mario Furlan, fondatore dei City Angels – Saranno presenti i clochard della Stazione, alcuni dei quali dormono lì. E invitiamo i milanesi a partecipare a questo momento, che incarna lo spirito natalizio d'amore e d'unione". A mezzogiorno si svolgerà la preghiera interreligiosa: pregheranno insieme Don Claudio Burgio, il sacerdote che nella sua comunità accoglie i giovani fragili e problematici; gli imam Maryan Ismail, Presidente dell'Unione Islamica Italiana, e Khaled Elhediny; i rabbini chazanim Valentino Yakov Cameroni e Vittorio Efraim Signorini; la pastora della chiesa evangelica metodista Sophie Langeneck; l'abate della chiesa greco ortodossa Padre Evloghios Legnazzi, insieme con i monaci ortodossi Padre Kirill e Padre Ionut; e il monaco buddista Cesare Milani. Per cercare non ciò che divide, ma ciò che unisce. E per portare un messaggio di speranza in questo momento così difficile per il mondo. "Pregheremo in particolare per il Medio Oriente, per l'Ucraina e per le donne iraniane" dice Furlan. Porteranno il loro saluto il Vicepresidente dell'Unione delle Comunità Ebraiche Italiane, Milo Hasbani; il Presidente della Federazione Italiana Ebraismo Progressivo, Carlo Riva; il Presidente della Commissione bilancio della Regione, Giulio Gallera; e il Consigliere comunale Daniele Nahum. Saranno presenti il Presidente onorario dei City Angels, il Prof. Andrea Rangone; la Madrina, Daniela Javarone; e gli Ambasciatori dei City Angels Laura Bajardelli, Carmelo Ferraro, Donatella Lavizzari e Adolfo Vannucci. Dopo la preghiera, alle 12.30, verranno distribuiti pasti caldi (offerti dal ristoratore Mattia Bigi) e generi alimentari ai senzatetto. In particolare, Coop Lombardia donerà loro i suoi panettoni e il filantropo Adolfo Vannucci ne porterà uno da 5 chili. Nel frattempo il rocker testimonial dei City Angels, Omar Pedrini, canterà alcune delle sue canzoni. Sabato 6 gennaio a mezzogiorno, all'hotel Principe di Savoia, torna la Befana del Clochard: 200 senzatetto pranzeranno nell'albergo più lussuoso di Milano, serviti da personaggi istituzionali e da testimonial dei City Angels. Saranno presenti, in veste di camerieri, con la pettorina dei City Angels, i testimonial dei City Angels Enrico Beruschi, Alberto Camerini, Stefano Chiodaroli, Marco Ferradini, Tessa Gelisio, Candida Livatino, Leonardo Manera, Alviero Martini, Susanna Messaggio, Clara Moroni, Folco Orselli, Omar Pedrini, Alex Peroni, Cochi Ponzoni, Edoardo Raspelli, Memo Remigi, Rosmy, Ivana Spagna. Per quanto riguarda il mondo istituzionale, rappresentato in modo bipartisan, faranno da camerieri gli eurodeputati Angelo Ciocca, Maria Angela Danzì e Pierfrancesco Majorino; gli ex sindaci di Milano Gabriele Albertini e Letizia Moratti; gli onorevoli Paolo Grimoldi e Andrea Mascaretti; i consiglieri regionali Carlo Borghetti, Giulio Gallera e Lisa Noja; l'assessore comunale alla Sicurezza, Marco Granelli, e quello alla Casa, Pierfrancesco Maran; i consiglieri comunali Alessandro De Chirico, Diana De Marchi, Carlo Monguzzi, Daniele Nahum, Carmine Pacente, Gian Maria Radice, Monica Romano; ed Elisabetta Aldovrandi, garante della Regione Lombardia per le vittime di reato. Sono stati invitati il Presidente della Regione Lombardia, Attilio Fontana, e il Sindaco di Milano, Beppe Sala. Serviranno a tavola anche il Presidente onorario dei City Angels, il Prof. Andrea Rangone; la Madrina, Daniela Javarone; e gli Ambasciatori dei City Angels Laura Bajardelli, Sergio Cazzaniga, Bruno Dapei, Carmelo Ferraro, Donatella Lavizzari e Adolfo Vannucci. Suonerà la band degli Alta Moda. Per l'occasione arriverà da Montecarlo lo chef personale del Principe Alberto di Monaco, Christian Garcia, per preparare il pranzo per i clochard. I City Angels sono stati fondati a Milano nel 1994 da Mario Furlan, eletto nel 2018 "miglior life coach italiano" dall'Associazione Italiana Coach. Sono presenti in 21 città italiane e a Lugano, Mendrisio e Chiasso, in Svizzera, per un totale di oltre 600 volontari, di cui più della metà donne. Per informazioni: City Angels - sede centrale di Milano (Tel. 0226809435 - [email protected])... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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musedesamours · 3 years
𝑭𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 — 𝟎𝟓
— Onde é que você vai colocar isso?
— No coração! — Contessina respondeu, já irritadiça àquela altura. — Eu já te disse isso um monte de vezes. Você pode me dar ela agora?
Romeo se permitiu um sorriso sem mostrar os dentes. — Onde é o coração?
Os olhos azulados se viraram para ele de forma feroz enquanto a face tinha um ar de "você-não-pode-estar-falando-sério". Mas ele estava. E respondeu meramente com um dar de ombros. Com uma ênfase para lá de dramática, a greco-romana apontou para o lado esquerdo do peito do boneco. Romeo apenas balançou sua cabeça.
— Não é aí que o coração fica.
— Mas é claro que é! É exatamente aqui onde as pessoas colocam suas mãos quando cantam o hino nacional e fazem seu juramento a bandeira.
O romano, por sua vez, apenas continuou a encarando com expectativa. Tessa se lembrava das aulas de ressuscitação cardiopulmonar e onde as mãos sempre eram posicionadas. Depois de soltar um suspiro pesado, guiou a mão para o centro do peito do boneco.
— É aqui?
— Eu não sei. — Ele arqueou uma sobrancelha. Normalmente, achava que aquele gesto era frio. Mas naquele dia era severamente irritante. — É?
— Bom, é isso que eu estou perguntando para você.
— E você não deveria ter que perguntar. Você não tem aulas de fisiologia? Quer saber? Isso fica para a próxima vez que nos encontrarmos, quero que me diga exatamente onde fica o coração. Exatamente onde. E eu quero saber o que tem no caminho dele também.
A loira lançou um olhar feroz que - julgando pela expressão do mais velho - não tinha sido tão feroz assim. Nove de dez vezes, Contessina achava que Romeo era a coisa mais sexy do mundo. Então, tinha uma vez como essa...
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5x13: “Actualización Caso Carstairs”.
[ Playa de Los Angeles - Flashback ]
En circunstancias normales, primero habría ido a buscar a Julian a su estudio, pero echando una mirada a través de la ventana vio que era un luminoso día de verano. El cielo estaba marcado por finas pinceladas de nubes. El mar relucía y su superficie estaba salpicada de bailoteantes puntos dorados. En la distancia, Emma distinguió los puntos negros de los surfistas en equilibrio sobre las olas.
Abandonó el Instituto y tomó el camino que llevaba a la autovía; luego la cruzó corriendo, esquivando furgonetas de surferos y convertibles de lujo de camino a Nobu.
Julian estaba exactamente donde ella había pensado que estaría: en la playa, de cara al mar y al sol, con el aire salado alborotándole el cabello y sacudiéndole la camiseta. Emma se preguntó cuánto rato llevaría de pie allí, con las manos en los bolsillos de los vaqueros. Dio un paso vacilante hacia él sobre la húmeda arena.
Este se volvió. Por un momento pareció deslumbrado, como si mirara hacia el sol, pero el astro rey ya estaba en su cénit. Emma notaba su calor en la espalda.
Julian sonrió. Emma trotó hasta la orilla; estaba subiendo la marea y el agua se deslizaba sobre la arena hasta la punta de los zapatos del chico.
—Has madrugado —comentó Emma mientras avanzaba hacia él salpicando al andar. El agua formaba caminos plateados al adentrarse en la arena.
—Es casi mediodía —contestó Julian.—. ¿De qué querías hablarme?
—¿Qué? —La había pillado desprevenida.
—Anoche —contestó él—. Me dijiste que querías hablar conmigo. ¿Te parece buen momento ahora?
—Sí. —Emma miró a las gaviotas que revoloteaban sobre ellos—. Sentémonos. No quiero que me lleve la marea al subir.
Se sentaron un poco más arriba, donde el sol había calentado la arena. Emma se quitó los zapatos y hundió los pies en ella, disfrutando de la sensación granulosa. Julian se echó a reír.
Ella lo miró de reojo.
—¿Qué pasa?
—Tú y la playa —contestó—. Te encanta la arena, pero no soportas el agua.
—Ya lo sé —repuso Emma, y lo miró abriendo mucho los ojos—. ¿No te parece irónico?
—No es irónico. La ironía es el resultado inesperado de una situación esperada. Esto es solo una de tus manías.
—Me has impresionado —replicó Emma mientras sacaba el móvil—. Estoy impresionada.
—Pillo el sarcasmo —dijo él, y le cogió el móvil con la mano derecha.
En la pantalla aparecieron las fotos que Maeve había hecho aquella noche. Mientras él las miraba, Emma le explicó que había ido a Sepulcro siguiendo una pista de Johnny Rook, que se había topado con un cadáver, que Joshua la había reñido después de que Rook se pasara por el Instituto. Mientras hablaba se fue relajando, y la sensación de extrañeza que le había producido Julian fue desapareciendo. Eso era lo normal, así era como siempre había sido: hablando, escuchando, trabajando como parabatai.
—Sé que es la misma escritura, las mismas marcas —concluyó—. No se me ha ido la olla, ¿verdad?
Julian la miró.
—No —contestó—. Pero Joshua piensa que si investigas esto afectará a la decisión de la Clave sobre la vuelta de Helen, ¿no?
—Sí. Nunca haría nada que pudiera perjudicar a Helen, ni a Mark, ni a ti —aseguró—. Si crees que Joshua tiene razón, no haré… —Tragó saliva—. No seguiré adelante.
Julian estaba quieto, pero una vena se le había disparado en la base del cuello; ella la veía latir con fuerza. Debía de haber sido la mención de su hermana.
—Han pasado cinco años. La Clave no ha cedido en lo de dejar a Helen volver a casa. No cedió en su tiempo en lo Mark. Y tampoco en lo de considerar que tal vez tus padres no fueran asesinados por Sebastian. No parece justo sacrificar la posibilidad de descubrir qué le pasó a tu familia por una esperanza inútil.
—No digas que es inútil, Jules…
—También existe otra manera de pensar en esto —continuó él interrumpiéndola, y Emma casi podía ver las ruedas girándole dentro de la cabeza—. Si resolvieras el caso, si lo resolviéramos, la Clave estaría en deuda con nosotros. Yo te creo cuando dices que quién fuera que mató a tus padres no era Sebastian Morgenstern. Estamos buscando demonios o alguna otra fuerza que tiene el poder de asesinar a cazadores de sombras y no pagar por ello. Si derrotáramos a algo así…
A Emma comenzaba a dolerle la cabeza. La goma con la que se sujetaba la coleta estaba muy apretada. Se la soltó un poco.
—Entonces nos darían un trato especial, ¿te refieres a eso? ¿Porque todo el mundo se fijaría y estarían pendientes de nosotros?
—Tendrían que hacerlo —afirmó Julian—. Y podríamos asegurarnos de que todos lo supieran. —Vaciló un momento—. Tenemos buenos contactos.
—No te refieres a Jem, ¿verdad? —preguntó Emma—. Porque no sé cómo localizarlo.
—No hablo de Jem y Tessa.
—Entonces, Clary y Jace —concluyó Emma.
—Sí. —Julian se frotó la nuca. Parecía cansado. La piel bajo los ojos le brillaba un poco, como si la tuviera tensa de agotamiento. Se mordisqueaba los labios, como hacía siempre que estaba nervioso o preocupado—.
Julian se puso en pie, y Emma se levantó con él mientras se soltaba la coleta. El pelo le cayó libre en grandes ondas sobre los hombros y la espalda. Julian la miró un segundo y apartó la vista.
—Jules… —comenzó ella.
Pero él ya estaba alejándose hacia la carretera.
Emma se puso las chanclas y lo alcanzó donde se acababa la arena y comenzaba el asfalto.
—¿Va todo bien?
—Claro. Toma, perdona. Me había olvidado de devolvértelo. —Le pasó el móvil—. Mira, la Clave hace las reglas. Y viven según esas reglas. Pero eso no significa que, con la presión adecuada, no puedan cambiarse.
—Ahora estás siendo críptico.
Julian sonrió y le aparecieron arruguitas en el rabillo de los ojos.
—No les gusta que cazadores de sombras tan jóvenes como nosotros se metan en cosas serias. Nunca les ha gustado. Pero Jace, Clary, Alec e Isabelle salvaron el mundo cuando eran incluso más jóvenes. Y por eso les concedieron honores. Conclusión: eso es lo que les hace cambiar de idea.
Habían llegado a la autovía. Emma alzó la mirada hacia las colinas. El Centro se asentaba en un risco no muy alto sobre la carretera costera.
—Julian Blackthorn —soltó Emma mientras cruzaban la autovía—. Estás hecho todo un revolucionario.
—Así que investigaremos esto, pero lo haremos sin que se enteren —continuó Julian—. El primer paso: comparar las fotos del cadáver que encontraste con las de los de tus padres. Todos querrán ayudarnos. No te preocupes.
Estaban a medio camino del Instituto. Seguía habiendo coches, mundanos que trabajaban en el centro de la ciudad. El sol les salpicaba el parabrisas.
—¿Y si resulta que las marcas son solo garabatos y se trata de algún lunático al que le ha dado por ir por ahí matando?
—No lo creo. En esos casos, los asesinatos se dan el mismo día, pero en sitios diferentes. Como si el tipo fuera conduciendo de un lado a otro disparando a la gente.
—Y entonces ¿esto qué es? ¿Asesinato en masa?
—Los asesinatos en masa también pasan a la vez, pero en el mismo sitio —replicó Julian en un tono altivo, el mismo que empleaba para explicarle a Tavvy por qué no podía comer más cereales para el desayuno—. Sin duda, esto es obra de un asesino en serie. Eso es cuando los asesinatos están separados en el tiempo.
—Es inquietante que sepas todo eso.
Delante del Centro, a lo largo del borde del risco, había una zona de hierba quemada por el sol y bordeada de hierba marina y arbustos. La familia pasaba poco tiempo allí: estaba demasiado cerca de la autovía, no había sombra, y la hierba picaba.
—Dru se ha aficionado a los crímenes reales —le explicó Jules. Llegaron a la escalera—. No creerías todo lo que me ha contado sobre cómo esconder un cadáver.
Ella lo adelantó de un salto y tres escalones más arriba se volvió para mirarlo.
—Soy más alta que tú —anunció.
Era un juego que les gustaba de pequeños. Emma siempre había afirmado que crecería más que él, pero tuvo que dejarlo a los catorce años, cuando Julian dio un estirón de más de doce centímetros.
Alzó la mirada hacia ella. El sol le daba directamente en los ojos, cubriendo aquel verde azulado de oro. Parecían la pátina que recubría los antiguos cristales romanos que coleccionaba Arthur.
—Emma —dijo—. Por mucho que podamos bromear, ya sabes que me lo tomo muy en serio. Eran tus padres. Mereces saber qué pasó.
Emma notó un repentino nudo en la garganta.
—Esta vez tengo una sensación diferente —susurró—. Sé cuántas veces he pensado que había encontrado algo y luego ha resultado no ser nada, y cuántas he seguido una pista falsa, pero esto es distinto. Esto parece real.
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claudiosuenaga · 4 years
O Sistema de Controle Matrix de Philip K. Dick e as Sincronicidades Paranormais de Timothy Green Beckley
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As drogas consumidas pelo norte-americano Philip Kindred Dick (1928-1982) desencadearam-lhe visões religiosas e colapsos nervosos. Os 35 romances e os seis livros de contos que escreveu, repletos de ambiguidades, paradoxos e personagens atormentados, subverteram as regras da ficção científica moderna, renovando-a. Dick antecipou um novo filão, o cyberpunk, que surgiria no início dos anos 80. No lugar de impérios alienígenas e monstros horripilantes, o que vemos agora é um futuro distópico plausível, em que multinacionais mastodônticas e tentaculares controlam a humanidade.
Em plena onda mística, naturalista e anticonsumista hippie de 1968, Dick lançou Sonham os Androides com Carneiros Elétricos? (Do Androids Dream of Eletric Sheep?), que seria filmado em 1982 com o título de Blade Runner (traduzido no Brasil como O Caçador de Androides, mas que literalmente significa O que Corre ao Fio de uma Navalha) pelo diretor britânico Ridley Scott. Dentre outros contos de Dick, destacam-se A Formiga Elétrica (The Electric Ant) e Recordamos pra Você por Atacado (We Can Remember it for You Wholesale), também levado ao cinema sob o título de O Vingador do Futuro (Total Recall), dirigido por Paul Verhoeven em 1990.
Em 1974, sob os efeitos do LSD, Dick resolveu viver dentro de uma obra de ficção cientifica, certo de que o Império Romano não havia acabado e que vivíamos num mundo completamente falso e ilusório. A humanidade sempre teria estado sob o domínio de Roma e todos aqueles que percebiam essa realidade cruel era jogado aos leões. De certa forma, Dick antecipou o plot do filme Matrix (1999).
Em uma conferência de imprensa de ficção científica realizada na França em 1977, Dick tentou explicar alguns de seus pensamentos desconcertantes sobre a existência de um universo paralelo ou independente - tipo Matrix - criado por "alguém" que tem a capacidade de alterar o curso do tempo e nosso conceito de realidade: "As pessoas afirmam se lembrar de vidas passadas", disse Philip à multidão de repórteres e fãs. “Afirmo que lembro de uma vida presente diferente, muito diferente. Não conheço ninguém que já tenha feito essa afirmação antes, mas desconfio que minha experiência não seja única. O que talvez seja única é a minha vontade de falar sobre isso. Vivemos em uma realidade programada por computador e a única pista que temos é quando alguma variável é alterada e ocorre alguma alteração em nossa realidade. Por causa disso, uma variável surge - reprogramada por assim dizer - e um mundo alternativo se ramifica.” Com base na mente magistral do gênio criativo Philip K. Dick, Timothy Green Beckley, um dos maiores pesquisadores e um dos mais prolíficos escritores da seara paranormal, fundador no início dos anos 70 do grupo The UFO Investigators League (UFOIL), editor de revistas como UFO Universe, UFO Review e Angels and Aliens, e autor de mais de 25 livros que abrangem desde o rock até os documentos secretos do MJ-12, compilou The Matrix Control System of Philip K. Dick and the Paranormal Synchronicities of Timothy Green Beckley (Inner Light-Global Communication, 2017), que reúne dezenas de experiências pessoais de autores como Philip K. Dick, Tim Swartz, Nick Redfern, Diane Tessman, Hercules Invictus, Brad Steiger, Brent Raynes, Cynthia Cirilee e Valarie D. Orazio. O livro é prefaciado por Leslie (Tessa) Busby, a quinta esposa de Philip, com quem esteve casada de abril de 1973 a 1977 e teve um filho, Christopher.
No estranho universo em que vivemos, onde as sincronicidades parecem abundar, nada pode ser facilmente compreendido ou explicado. Para Tim Beckley, “Não há dúvida de que estamos sob algum tipo de vigilância e que uma 'mão invisível' tem a capacidade de manipular nossa existência e 'interferir' em nossas vidas cotidianas, criando uma variedade de 'roteiros' bizarros que, para alguns, podem parecem puras 'coincidências'”. Beckley observa que “sincronicidades não são apenas ocorrências aleatórias, mas são apresentadas a nós por algum tipo de posto de comando da sincronicidade, que habilmente demonstra seu domínio ou controle sobre nós terráqueos infelizes." Os termos "Painel de Comando da Sincronicidade" e "Escritório de Controle de Coincidência da Terra", criados pelo filósofo, escritor, neurocientista, psicoanalista, psiconauta e pesquisador da natureza da consciência John Cunningham Lilly (1915-2001), que se utilizou principalmente de tanques de privação sensorial e drogas psicodélicas, são bem apropriados. A própria vida de Beckley gira em torno de sincronicidades. Desde tenra idade, se vê às voltas com o paranormal. Aos 3 anos de idade, sua vida foi salva por uma força invisível. A casa em que ele foi criado era assombrada. Beckley também passou por experiências extracorpóreas a partir dos 6 anos de idade e viu seu primeiro dos três OVNIs quando tinha apenas 10 anos.
O livro pode ser adquirido na Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Matrix-Control-System-Paranormal-Synchronicities/dp/160611977X
Outros livros de Tim Beckley na Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Timothy-Green-Beckley/e/B000APJFWY/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1
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emcordcarstairss · 4 years
En circunstancias normales, primero habría ido a buscar a Julian a su estudio, pero echando una mirada a través de la ventana vio que era un luminoso día de verano. El cielo estaba marcado por finas pinceladas de nubes. El mar relucía y su superficie estaba salpicada de bailoteantes puntos dorados. En la distancia, Emma distinguió los puntos negros de los surfistas en equilibrio sobre las olas.
Abandonó el Instituto y tomó el camino que llevaba a la autovía; luego la cruzó corriendo, esquivando furgonetas de surferos y convertibles de lujo de camino a Nobu.
Julian estaba exactamente donde ella había pensado que estaría: en la playa, de cara al mar y al sol, con el aire salado alborotándole el cabello y sacudiéndole la camiseta. Emma se preguntó cuánto rato llevaría de pie allí, con las manos en los bolsillos de los vaqueros. Dio un paso vacilante hacia él sobre la húmeda arena.
Este se volvió. Por un momento pareció deslumbrado, como si mirara hacia el sol, pero el astro rey ya estaba en su cénit. Emma notaba su calor en la espalda.
Julian sonrió. Emma trotó hasta la orilla; estaba subiendo la marea y el agua se deslizaba sobre la arena hasta la punta de los zapatos del chico.
—Has madrugado —comentó Emma mientras avanzaba hacia él salpicando al andar. El agua formaba caminos plateados al adentrarse en la arena.
—Es casi mediodía —contestó Julian.—. ¿De qué querías hablarme?
—¿Qué? —La había pillado desprevenida.
—Anoche —contestó él—. Me dijiste que querías hablar conmigo. ¿Te parece buen momento ahora?
—Sí. —Emma miró a las gaviotas que revoloteaban sobre ellos—. Sentémonos. No quiero que me lleve la marea al subir.
Se sentaron un poco más arriba, donde el sol había calentado la arena. Emma se quitó los zapatos y hundió los pies en ella, disfrutando de la sensación granulosa. Julian se echó a reír.
Ella lo miró de reojo.
—¿Qué pasa?
—Tú y la playa —contestó—. Te encanta la arena, pero no soportas el agua.
—Ya lo sé —repuso Emma, y lo miró abriendo mucho los ojos—. ¿No te parece irónico?
—No es irónico. La ironía es el resultado inesperado de una situación esperada. Esto es solo una de tus manías.
—Me has impresionado —replicó Emma mientras sacaba el móvil—. Estoy impresionada.
—Pillo el sarcasmo —dijo él, y le cogió el móvil con la mano derecha.
En la pantalla aparecieron las fotos que Maeve había hecho aquella noche. Mientras él las miraba, Emma le explicó que había ido a Sepulcro siguiendo una pista de Johnny Rook, que se había topado con un cadáver, que Joshua la había reñido después de que Rook se pasara por el Instituto. Mientras hablaba se fue relajando, y la sensación de extrañeza que le había producido Julian fue desapareciendo. Eso era lo normal, así era como siempre había sido: hablando, escuchando, trabajando como parabatai.
—Sé que es la misma escritura, las mismas marcas —concluyó—. No se me ha ido la olla, ¿verdad?
Julian la miró.
—No —contestó—. Pero Joshua piensa que si investigas esto afectará a la decisión de la Clave sobre la vuelta de Helen, ¿no?
—Sí. Nunca haría nada que pudiera perjudicar a Helen, ni a Mark, ni a ti —aseguró—. Si crees que Joshua tiene razón, no haré… —Tragó saliva—. No seguiré adelante.
Julian estaba quieto, pero una vena se le había disparado en la base del cuello; ella la veía latir con fuerza. Debía de haber sido la mención de su hermana.
—Han pasado cinco años. La Clave no ha cedido en lo de dejar a Helen volver a casa. No cedió en su tiempo en lo Mark. Y tampoco en lo de considerar que tal vez tus padres no fueran asesinados por Sebastian. No parece justo sacrificar la posibilidad de descubrir qué le pasó a tu familia por una esperanza inútil.
—No digas que es inútil, Jules…
—También existe otra manera de pensar en esto —continuó él interrumpiéndola, y Emma casi podía ver las ruedas girándole dentro de la cabeza—. Si resolvieras el caso, si lo resolviéramos, la Clave estaría en deuda con nosotros. Yo te creo cuando dices que quién fuera que mató a tus padres no era Sebastian Morgenstern. Estamos buscando demonios o alguna otra fuerza que tiene el poder de asesinar a cazadores de sombras y no pagar por ello. Si derrotáramos a algo así…
A Emma comenzaba a dolerle la cabeza. La goma con la que se sujetaba la coleta estaba muy apretada. Se la soltó un poco.
—Entonces nos darían un trato especial, ¿te refieres a eso? ¿Porque todo el mundo se fijaría y estarían pendientes de nosotros?
—Tendrían que hacerlo —afirmó Julian—. Y podríamos asegurarnos de que todos lo supieran. —Vaciló un momento—. Tenemos buenos contactos.
—No te refieres a Jem, ¿verdad? —preguntó Emma—. Porque no sé cómo localizarlo.
—No hablo de Jem y Tessa.
—Entonces, Clary y Jace —concluyó Emma.
—Sí. —Julian se frotó la nuca. Parecía cansado. La piel bajo los ojos le brillaba un poco, como si la tuviera tensa de agotamiento. Se mordisqueaba los labios, como hacía siempre que estaba nervioso o preocupado—.
Julian se puso en pie, y Emma se levantó con él mientras se soltaba la coleta. El pelo le cayó libre en grandes ondas sobre los hombros y la espalda. Julian la miró un segundo y apartó la vista.
—Jules… —comenzó ella.
Pero él ya estaba alejándose hacia la carretera.
Emma se puso las chanclas y lo alcanzó donde se acababa la arena y comenzaba el asfalto.
—¿Va todo bien?
—Claro. Toma, perdona. Me había olvidado de devolvértelo. —Le pasó el móvil—. Mira, la Clave hace las reglas. Y viven según esas reglas. Pero eso no significa que, con la presión adecuada, no puedan cambiarse.
—Ahora estás siendo críptico.
Julian sonrió y le aparecieron arruguitas en el rabillo de los ojos.
—No les gusta que cazadores de sombras tan jóvenes como nosotros se metan en cosas serias. Nunca les ha gustado. Pero Jace, Clary, Alec e Isabelle salvaron el mundo cuando eran incluso más jóvenes. Y por eso les concedieron honores. Conclusión: eso es lo que les hace cambiar de idea.
Habían llegado a la autovía. Emma alzó la mirada hacia las colinas. El Centro se asentaba en un risco no muy alto sobre la carretera costera.
—Julian Blackthorn —soltó Emma mientras cruzaban la autovía—. Estás hecho todo un revolucionario.
—Así que investigaremos esto, pero lo haremos sin que se enteren —continuó Julian—. El primer paso: comparar las fotos del cadáver que encontraste con las de los de tus padres. Todos querrán ayudarnos. No te preocupes.
Estaban a medio camino del Instituto. Seguía habiendo coches, mundanos que trabajaban en el centro de la ciudad. El sol les salpicaba el parabrisas.
—¿Y si resulta que las marcas son solo garabatos y se trata de algún lunático al que le ha dado por ir por ahí matando?
—No lo creo. En esos casos, los asesinatos se dan el mismo día, pero en sitios diferentes. Como si el tipo fuera conduciendo de un lado a otro disparando a la gente.
—Y entonces ¿esto qué es? ¿Asesinato en masa?
—Los asesinatos en masa también pasan a la vez, pero en el mismo sitio —replicó Julian en un tono altivo, el mismo que empleaba para explicarle a Tavvy por qué no podía comer más cereales para el desayuno—. Sin duda, esto es obra de un asesino en serie. Eso es cuando los asesinatos están separados en el tiempo.
—Es inquietante que sepas todo eso.
Delante del Centro, a lo largo del borde del risco, había una zona de hierba quemada por el sol y bordeada de hierba marina y arbustos. La familia pasaba poco tiempo allí: estaba demasiado cerca de la autovía, no había sombra, y la hierba picaba.
—Dru se ha aficionado a los crímenes reales —le explicó Jules. Llegaron a la escalera—. No creerías todo lo que me ha contado sobre cómo esconder un cadáver.
Ella lo adelantó de un salto y tres escalones más arriba se volvió para mirarlo.
—Soy más alta que tú —anunció.
Era un juego que les gustaba de pequeños. Emma siempre había afirmado que crecería más que él, pero tuvo que dejarlo a los catorce años, cuando Julian dio un estirón de más de doce centímetros.
Alzó la mirada hacia ella. El sol le daba directamente en los ojos, cubriendo aquel verde azulado de oro. Parecían la pátina que recubría los antiguos cristales romanos que coleccionaba Arthur.
—Emma —dijo—. Por mucho que podamos bromear, ya sabes que me lo tomo muy en serio. Eran tus padres. Mereces saber qué pasó.
Emma notó un repentino nudo en la garganta.
—Esta vez tengo una sensación diferente —susurró—. Sé cuántas veces he pensado que había encontrado algo y luego ha resultado no ser nada, y cuántas he seguido una pista falsa, pero esto es distinto. Esto parece real.
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juconix · 6 years
Fanfiction Idea List
I realized all my writings were really half assed so I’m going to try to make these amazing. If you have any ideas please send them to me and I’ll try my best to perfect the fic.
These are more than just for x readers, I also write for ships!
These are upcoming works and the fandoms I’m taking requests for.
Tim x Reader (angst) 
Slowly losing him as he loses his mind to slenderman, before he disappears entirely
Jeff The Killer x Reader (Not sure?? Fluff, Angst, redemption??) 
You never were a creepypasta, but you fell in love with Jeff, and he did you. You made him want to be better, to stop killing. But it’s hard for both of you, you watching him go through mood swing after mood swing, and him putting his blade down.
Sam x Reader (Fluff)
Meeting Sam for the first time in decades. Having gone to high school with the young Winchester, you’d never expected to see him again, let alone on a hunt. You’d heard the name of the Winchester brother’s but you didn’t ever stop to think it was the same gentle giant you had a crush on in your younger years.
Miraculous Ladybug:
Characters: Chat Noir, Ladybug, Adrien Agreste, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, etc...
Stranger Things:
Characters: (Jonathan, Steve, Nancy, and Barb.)
South Park:
 Characters: (Kenny, Kyle, Stan, Craig, Tweek, The Goth Kids, Wendy, Bebe, Token.)
Characters: (F.A.C.E Family, Russia, Switzerland, Japan, Romano, Prussia.)
Infernal Devices + Mortal Instruments:
Characters: (William, Jem, Tessa, Camille, Jace, Clary, Simon.)
Percy Jackson + all those Rick Riordan books:
Characters: (The Seven, Nico (LGBT), Reyna, Will, The Gods, Ships)
Maximum Ride:
Characters: (The Flock, no dylan sorry.)
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tabloidtoc · 6 years
People, March 11
Cover: Meghan Markle -- Ready to Be a Mom 
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Page 3: Chatter -- Courteney Cox on Jennifer Aniston’s birthday present, Sandra Oh on Killing Eve, John Stamos on his son’s first birthday party, Mark Consuelos on wife Kelly Ripa, Gwyneth Paltrow on Shakespeare in Love, Miley Cyrus on smoking pot 
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Page 4: 5 Things We’re Talking About -- Marie Kondo inspires Goodwill donations, Peeps debuts seven new flavors for Easter, Chris Hemsworth will play Hulk Hogan, Ariana Grande makes music history, North West lands her first solo magazine cover, A Chat with Ariel Winter 
Page 7: Contents 
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Page 8: Contents 
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Page 10: Star Tracks -- Pink at the Brit Awards 
Page 11: Kaia Gerber, Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen, Lester Holt and his dog Lucy, Halle Berry 
Page 12: Angelina Jolie and her children Shiloh and Zahara and Maddox and Pax with Prune Nourry at the premiere of Serendipity, sneak peak at Sam Rockwell and Michelle Williams in Fosse/Verdon 
Page 13: Christy Carlson Romano and husband Brendan Rooney and new daughter Sophia Elizabeth Rooney, Hugh Jackman shirtless on the beach, Kristen Bell, Halsey and rumored boyfriend Yungblud 
Page 14: The Hottest Oscar Pre-Parties -- Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus, Ava DuVernay, Jeffrey Katzenberg and Glenn Close and Regina King and Rami Malek and George Clooney, Allison Janney and Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Tilda Swinton and Dakota Johnson 
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Page 17: Khloe Kardashian rebuilds after betrayal 
Page 18: Was Jussie Smollett’s attack a hoax? 
Page 20: Heart Monitor -- Liza Weil and Charlie Weber of How to Get Away with Murder have split, Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus date night, Rihanna and Hassan Jameel going strong, Brittany Snow and Tyler Stanaland engaged 
Page 22: John Legend and Adam Levine and Blake Shelton and Kelly Clarkson on The Voice, will R. Kelly go to prison 
Page 24: Jenna Bush Hager is Hoda Kotb’s new cohost on Today, Danny Wood of New Kids on the Block makes new music 
Page 26: American Chopper’s Paul Teutul Sr. and Jr. repairing their relationship 
Page 29: Stories to Make You Smile -- Jonah Larson puts his talent for crocheting to a good cause, neighbors learn sign language in support of a little deaf girl, a mama beagle and an orphaned baby possum form a very special family bond 
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Page 30: Passages, R.I.P. Peter Tork of The Monkees  
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Page 33: People Picks -- The Real Housewives of New York City 
Page 34: The Widow with Kate Beckinsale, The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, Q&A with Amara La Negra 
Page 35: Captain Marvel’s scene-stealing cat Goose played by rescue cat Reggie, This Land by Gary Clark Jr. 
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Page 36: Let’s Be Frank by Trisha Yearwood, Good Girls 
Page 37: American Idol, Paddleton, Q&A with Chloe Grace Moretz 
Page 39: Books 
Page 40: Cover Story -- Meghan Markle ready for baby, after a baby shower with her closest friends in New York City, she jets to Morocco with Prince Harry and prepares for her April due date 
Page 46: David Temple says his pregnant wife Belinda was killed in a home invasion, but authorities say he killed her 
Page 49: Karl Lagerfeld 1933-2019 
Page 57: Steffanie Strathdee fought the superbug killing her husband Tom Patterson with sewage 
Page 60: Kathy Carroll’s Lanai Cat Sanctuary in Hawaii offers a safe haven to stray cats in need of a home
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Page 63: Skater Gracie Gold on healing from depression 
Page 66: The Oscars -- Rami Malek with Gary Oldman and Allison Janney
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Page 68: Best Dressed -- Constance Wu, Charlize Theron, Brie Larson, Regina King 
Page 69: Glenn Close, Jennifer Hudson, Emma Stone, Jennifer Lopez 
Page 70: Pink Power -- Gemma Chan, Linda Cardellini, Angela Bassett, Julia Roberts 
Page 71: Sarah Paulson, Kacey Musgraves, Helen Mirren, KiKi Layne 
Page 72: Runway to Red Carpet -- Danai Gurira, Michelle Yeoh, Rachel Weisz, Tessa Thompson 
Page 74: Stylish Couples -- Lisa Bonet and Jason Momoa, Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk, Lucy Boynton and Rami Malek 
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Page 75: Melissa McCarthy and Ben Falcone, Olivia Colman and Ed Sinclair, Alex Rodriguez and Jennifer Lopez, Mahershala Ali and Amatus Sami-Karim 
Page 76: Lady Gaga’s winning style 
Page 78: Snazzy Suits -- Spike Lee, Stephan James, Henry Golding, Billy Porter, Chadwick Boseman, Chris Evans in fairy-tale blue
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Page 81: Dazzling Necklaces -- Charlize Theron 
Page 82: Helen Mirren, Amy Adams, Laura Harrier, Laura Dern, Allison Janney, Sarah Paulson 
Page 84: Party Ponytails -- Kacey Musgraves, Serena Williams, Angela Bassett, Constance Wu 
Page 86: Behind the Scenes -- Constance Wu, Kerry Washington, Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello, Gemma Chan, Gabrielle Union, Octavia Spencer and Christian Siriano, Emilia Clarke, Kate Bosworth, Helen Mirren 
Page 91: Red Carpet Moments -- Allison Janney and Emma Stone, Melissa McCarthy and Richard E. Grant, Jenifer Lewis and Shangela 
Page 92: All in the Family -- Charlize Theron and mom Gerda Maritz, Michael B. Jordan and mom Donna Jordan, Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk and mom Gloria Campano, Chris Evans and brother Scott Evans 
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Page 94: The Show Heats Up -- Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga 
Page 96: Maya Rudolph and Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, Rami Malek and Lucy Boynton 
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Page 97: Mahershala Ali, Adam Lambert and Brian May and Roger Taylor of Queen, Julia Roberts 
Page 98: Melissa McCarthy and Brian Tyree Henry, Ruth E. Carter, Keegan-Michael Key
Page 100: Olivia Colman, Spike Lee, Samuel L. Jackson, Helen Mirren and Jason Momoa 
Page 102: Regina King 
Page 104: Time to Celebrate -- Danai Gurira and Lupita Nyong’o and Hannah Beachler 
Page 106: Spike Lee and Barbra Streisand and James Brolin, Mahershala Ali and wife Amatus Sami-Karim, Rami Malek 
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Page 108: Sam Rockwell and Darrell Britt-Gibson, Melissa McCarthy and Ben Falcone, Nina Dobrev and Emily Ratajkowski and Julianne Hough and Ciara 
Page 110: Maya Rudolph and Jon Hamm and Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, Henry Golding and wife Liv Lo, Renee Zellweger 
Page 112: Sofia Vergara, Chadwick Boseman and Michael B. Jordan, Jessica Alba and Gabrielle Union 
Page 114: Alex Rodriguez and Jennifer Lopez, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas, Rowan Blanchard and Amandla Stenberg, James McAvoy and Sarah Paulson and Amanda Peet 
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Page 116: Paul Rudd and Elizabeth Banks and Adam Scott and wife Naomi Scott 
Page 117: Chrissy Teigen and John Legend, Lucy Boynton and Brian May, Rami Malek and mom Nelly 
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Page 118: Kate Mara and Jamie Bell and Elton John, Taron Egerton, Heidi Klum and Tom Kaulitz 
Page 121: Madonna and Lady Gaga 
Page 123: Food -- please try a vegan diet 
Page 127: Second Look -- Billie Lourd 
Page 128: One Last Thing -- Trisha Yearwood 
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weremarkable · 6 years
Where to watch the spirit awards? Facebook watch is the place to go! ▶
Eminent Lucarmie reunion?? ⏳
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Want to watch without a TV?
The live stream of the Independent Spirit Awards will once again be available on Facebook Watch.
Before the show begins, that same page will take you backstage and onto the red carpet beginning at 12:00 p.m. PT/3:00 p.m.
And behind-the-scenes interviews will also be available on the official Independent Spirits website and YouTube channel.
The 2019 Independent Spirit Awards will air live nationwide on Saturday, February 23 from a tent on Santa Monica beach beginning at 2:00 p.m. PT/5:00 p.m. ET on IFC.
Handling presenting duties are: 
Javier Bardem, Sterling K. Brown, Gemma Chan, Glenn Close, Toni Collette, Mark Duplass, Elsie Fisher, Regina Hall, Armie Hammer, Brian Tyree Henry, Taraji P. Henson, Michael Keaton, Riley Keough, KiKi Layne, Thomasin Harcourt McKenzie, Viggo Mortensen, Carey Mulligan, Ray Romano, Ekaterina Samsonov, Amanda Seyfried, Molly Shannon,Lakeith Stanfield, Tessa Thompson and Finn Wolfhard.
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2020/03/13 Release KUTLUL #11 Du Beast Berlin - DE
KUTLUL is a great underground comix magazine published by Dirk Verschure & Joost Halbertsma between Rotterdam and Berlin. They will celebrate the release of flamboyant issue #11 on Friday March 13 at Du Beast, in Berlin. Mat Pogo is still celebrating the inclusion of a two pager of his, sharing the pages with fantastic Marcel Ruijters, Tessa Biemans, Crippa Almqvist, Al Burian, Karla Paloma, Marc Kolle, Martien Bos, Lilli Loge, Andy Leuenberger, Teddie T., Romano, Rigged Seance, Peter Vianen, Ewan Cameron, Vera Bekema, Mat Pogo, Kapreles, Daniele Murtas, Christopher Sperandio, Argibald, Mykle Hansen, Joost Halbertsma and Dirk Verschure!
Friday March 13 2020 h:19:00 Du Beast Innstr. 4, 12045 Berlin more on kutlul fb event
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thefacelesswanderer · 7 years
In honor of my amazing collab with @triwizard-tardis​,  Molten Magic, I have updated that insane ship list I posted a year or two ago..... It got REALLY long, sorry! 
21. Who do you ship? 
Harry Potter:
Draco/ Harry
Draco/ Hermione (very rarely, but occasionally there’s a REALLY well-written fic)
Draco/ Ginny
Harry/ Hermione
Harry/ Ginny
Ron/ Luna
Ron/ Hermione
Krum/ Oliver Wood
Seamus/ Dean
Neville/ Luna
Neville/ Hermione (Only seen it once or twice, but it worked for some reason)
Blaise/ Draco 
Draco/ Daphne Greengrass
Remus/ Sirius /James (Marauder era)
Remus/ Sirius (Marauder era and now)
James/ Sirius (Marauder era)
Remus/ Nymph
Blaise/ Pansy
James/ Lily (obvs)
Luna/ Ginny
Hermione/ Ginny
Fred/ George
Harry/ Draco/ Ron
Fred/ George/ Harry
Alice/ Frank Longbottom
Bellatrix/ Voldemort
Crossover with Harry Potter:
Harry/ Ed Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Harry/ WuFei Chang (Gundam Wing A/C)
Severus Snape/ Zechs Marquise (Gundam Wing A/C)
Harry/ Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing A/C)
Hermione/  Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing A/C)
Hermione/ WuFei Chang (Gundam Wing A/C)
Draco/ Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing A/C)
Luna/ Stoll brothers (Percy Jackson)
Harry/ Edward Cullen (Twilight)
Draco/ Jacob (Twilight)
Hermione/ Prince Adam (Beauty and the Beast)
Ron/ Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Gundam Wing A/C:
1x2x1 (Heero/ Duo)
3x4x3 (Trowa/ Quatre)
1x2x3 (Heero/ Duo/ Trowa)
3x2x3 (Trowa/ Duo)
2x5 (Duo/ WuFei)
5x6 (WuFei/ Zechs)
5x13 (WuFe/ Treize)
5x6x13 (WuFei/ Zechs/ Treize)
6x13 (Zechs/ Treize)
6x9 (Zechs/ Noine)
5xSally (WuFei/ Sally)
Dorothy/ Relena
1x2x3x4x5 (Heero/ Duo/ Trowa/ Quatre /WuFei) 
6x1 (Zechs/ Heero)
9xSally (Noine/ Sally) 
Fullmetal Alchemist:
Ed/ Winry
Ed/ Al (I’m shipping trash, I’m so sorry)
Roy/ Riza
Roy/ Ed
Ed/ Lust
Havoc/ Lust
Izumi/ Sid
Maes/ Gracia
Lin Yao/ Lan Fan
Al/ May Chang (panda midget princess)
Al/ Winry
Ed/ Rose
Ed/ Envy
Hoenheim/ Trisha
Ed/ Greedling (Greed and Lin once they’re combined)
Ed/ Lin
Crossover with Fullmetal Alchemist:
Ed/ WuFei (Gundam Wing A/C)
Avatar the Last Airbender:
Zuko/ Katara
Toph/ Aang
Suki/ Sokka
Sokka/ Yue
Mai/ Ty Lee
Pakku/ Gran Gran
Suki/ Katara
Azula/ that jackass from Ember Island (It’s Chen or something)
Azula/ Mai/ Ty Lee
Yue/ Jet
Azula/ Teo
Mai/ June
TyLee/ Haru
Steve/ Bucky
Steve/ Tony (bonus if Peter Parker is their kid)
Clint/ Natasha
Bruce/ Tony
Thor/ Jane
Loki/ Tony
Loki/ Thor
Sif/ Thor
Sif/ Jane
Darcy/ Maria Hill
Peggy/ Angie
Peggy/ Colleen
Steve/ Peggy
Tony/ Pepper
Peter/ Mary Jane
Peter/ Gwen Stacy
Peter/ Harry Osbourne
Steve/ Sam
Bruce/ Clark
Bruce/ Dick
Bruce/ Jason
Dick/ Wally
Dick/ Koriand'r (Starfire)
Dick/ Jason
Dick/ Damien
Dick/ Roy Harper
Dick/ Tim
Jason/ Tim
Jason/ Damien
Tim/ Kon-El
Cass/ Barbara
Cass/ Steph
Wally/ Artemis
Jaime/ Bart
Tim/ Kon/ Bart
Roy/ Jade (Chesire)
Roy/ Koriand'r/ Jason 
Dinah Lance/ Oliver Queen
Dick/ Kaldur'ahm
Clark/ Lois Lane
Garr/ Raven (Beast Boy)
Kaldur’ahm/ Tulla
Bart/ Secret
Jason/ Roy
M'Gann/ La'gaan
Roy/ Wally
Bart/ Clarion (ICE CREAM– this is for you daveyjacobskemp)
Cassie/ Cissie
Anita/ Slobo
Zatana/ Dick
Jack/ Davey (Newsies)
Jack/ Davey/ Katherine (Newsies)
Sarah/ Katherine (Newsies)
Sarah/ Hannah (Newsies)
Katherine/ Hannah (Newsies)
Specs/ Romeo (Newsies)
Specs/ Race (Newsies)
Spot/ Race (Newsies)
Raoul/ Christine (Phantom of the Opera)
Christine/ Meg Giry (Phantom of the Opera)
Fantine/ Jean Valjean (Les Mis)
Enjolras/ Grantaire     (Les Mis)
Marius/ Cosette (Les     Mis)
Cosette/ Eponine (Les     Mis)
Joly/ Musichetta/ Boussett (Les Mis)
Jean Valjean/ Javert (Les Mis)
Enjolras/ Courfeyrac (Les Mis)
Jehan/ Combeferre  (Les Mis)
Bahorel/ Feuilly (Les Mis)
Fairy Tail:
Natsu/ Lucy
Gray/ Juvia
Erza/ Jellal
Gajeel/ Levi
Evergreen/ Elfman
Natsu/ Lisanna
Freid/ Evergreen
Freid/ Mirajane
Mirajane/ Reedus
Loki/ Lucy
Loki/ Aries
Bisca/ Alzack
Austria/ Hungary
Austria/ Switzerland
Belarus/ Russia
Denmark/ Norway
France/ England
Germany/ Italy
Hong Kong/ Iceland
Poland/ Lithuania
Prussia/ Austria
Prussia/ Hungary
Prussia/ Canada
Russia/ China
Russia/ America
America/ Belarus
Sweden/ Finland
Asian orgy
Nordic orgy
France/ England/ America/ Canada
Spain/ Romano
Taiwan/ Japan
Rome/ Germania
Holy Roman Empire/ Italia
Switzerland/ Lichtenstein
France/ Scotland
Sealand/ Wy
World orgy
Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit
Legolas/ Gimli
Frodo/ Sam
Merry/ Pippin
Tauriel/ Kili
Thorin/ Bilbo
Galadriel/ Gandalf
Galadriel/ Elrond
Aragorn/ Legolas
Aragorn/ Arwen
Merlin/ Arthur
Arthur/ Gwen
Lancelot/ Gwen
Lancelot/ Gwaine
Gwaine/ Percival
Gwaine/ Elyan
Merlin/ Lancelot
Merlin/ Gwaine
Gwen/ Morgana
Morgana/ Mordred
Percy Jackson and the Olympians/ Heroes of Olympus:
Percy/ Annabeth
Jason/ Piper
Percy/ Nico
Jason/ Nico
Leo/ Calypso
Frank/ Hazel
Hannibal/ Will (bonus if Abigail is their kid)
Jimmy Price/ Brian Zeller (Science Husbands)
Jack/ Bella aka the Crawfords
Rave Master:
Haru/ Elie
Musica/ Reina
Let/ Julia
Cattleya/ Shuda
Go/ Rosa
Range/ Sopra
Remi/ Musica
Musica/ Belnika
Sieg/ Elie
Jegan/ Janna 
Clea Maltese/ Alpine Spaniel
Rise of the Guardians/ How to Train Your Dragon/ Tangled/ Brave/ Frozen:
Jack/ Hiccup
Jack/ Merida
Jack/ Rapunzel
Jack/ Elsa
Hiccup/ Rapunzel
Star Wars:
Han/ Leia
Luke/ Mara Jade
Padme/ Anakin
Obi Wan/ Dorme
Robin Hood BBC:
Robin/ Marian
Much/ Eve
Will/ Djaq
Yugi/ Yami
Bakura/ Ryo
Kaiba/ Jonouchi
Marik/ Malik
Yami/ Bakura
Bakura/ Marik
YuYu Hakusho:
Yusuke/ Keiko
Yusuke/ Kurama
Yusuke/ Botan
Yusuke/ Kurama/ Hiei
Kurama/ Hiei
Kuwabara/ Yukina
Genkai/ Younger Toguro
Shizuru/ Sakyo
Shinobu/ Itsuki
Mukuro/ Hiei
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir:
Marinette/ Adrien
Nino/ Alya
Alix/ Kim/ Max
Chloe/ Nathaniel
Chloe/ Sabrina
Juleka/ Rose
Ivan/ Mylene
Check Please!
Bitty/ Jack 
Lardo/ Shitty 
Holster/ Ransom  (Bonus points if it’s the AU that must not be named)
Nursey/ Dex 
Nursey/ Dex/ Chowder 
Chowder/ Farmer 
Questionable Content
Bubbles/ Faye 
Martin/ Dora 
Martin/ Claire 
Faye/ Sven 
Momo/ May 
Tai/ Dora 
Dale/ Marigold 
Clinton/ Brun 
Wilde Life 
Oscar/ Lorelei
Oscar/ Sylvia 
Eliza/ Darcy 
Oscar/ Clifford (I’m trash, I’m well aware)
El Goonish Shive
Tedd/ Grace 
Elliot/ Ashley 
Nanase/ Ellen 
Elliot/ Sarah
Catalina/ Rhoda 
Disney/ Close to It:
Belle/ Adam (Beauty and the Beast)
LeFou/ Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) (Only really works if Gaston isn’t being a dick anymore)
Anya/ Dimitri (Anastasia)
Vlad/ Sophie (Anastasia)
Elsa/ Kristoff (Frozen)
Elsa/ Hans (Frozen)
Anna/ Kristoff (Frozen)
Ariel/ Eric (The Little Mermaid)
Cinderella/ Her Prince Charming (Cinderella) (Bonus points for genderbending)
Mulan/ Shang (Mulan) (Bonus points for transgender Mulan)
Rapunzel/ Flynn (Tangled)
Anime/ Manga:
Saitama/ Genos (One Punch Man)
Phoenix Wright/ Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright)
Victor/ Yuuri (Yuri on Ice)
Yurio/ Otabek (Yuri on Ice)
Yuuri/ Phichit (Yuri on Ice)
Todoroki/ Yaoyoruza (My Hero Academia)
Deku/ Uraraka (My Hero Academia)
Deku/ Bakugo (My Hero Academia)
Todoroki/ Deku (My Hero Academia)
Light/ L (Death Note)
Matt/ Mello (Death Note)
Dante/ Nero (Devil May Cry) (only cause of @triwizard-tardis)
Gon/ Killua (Hunter x Hunter)
Gon/ Kurapika (Hunter x Hunter)
Hisoka/ Leorio/ Gon (Hunter x Hunter) (Damn you amazing NSFW fanart)
Canary/ Killua (Hunter x Hunter)
InuYasha/ Kagome (InuYasha)
Miroku/ Sango (InuYasha)
Sesshomaru/ Rin (InuYasha) (aged up Rin)
Sesshomaru/ Kagome (InuYasha) (ONE good fic and fanart)
Tsuna/ Gokudera (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Mukuro/ Chrome (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Takeshi/ Gokudera (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Tsuna/ Kyouko (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Bulma/ Yamcha (Dragonball)
Bulma/ Vegeta (Dragonball Z and Z Kai)
Goku/ Krillin (Dragonball)
Goku/ Chichi (Dragonball)
Riku/ Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Sora/ Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)
Axel/Roxas (Kingdom Hearts)
Ciel/Sebastian (Black Butler)
Ruby/Jaunne (RWBY)
Jaunne/ Pyrrha (RWBY)
Yang/Blake (RWBY)
Blake/ Weiss (RWBY)
Ruby/ Weiss (RWBY)
Ren/ Nora (RWBY)
Ozpin/ Glynda (RWBY)
Blake/ Sun (RWBY)
Soul/ Maka (Soul Eater)
Black Star/ Tsubaki (Soul Eater)
Death the Kid/ Patty/ Eliza (Soul Eater)
Stein/ Medusa (Soul Eater)
Maka/ Chrona (Soul Eater)
Stein/ Marie (Soul Eater)
Haruhi/ Tamaki (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Tamaki/ Kyoya (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Hikaru/ Kaoru (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Mitsukuni/ Takashi (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Haruhi/ Hikaru/ Kaoru (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Ranma/ Akane (Ranma ½)
Mortal Instruments/ Infernal Devices
Clary/ Jace
Clary/ Simon
Simon/ Isabelle
Jace/ Alec
Jocelyn/ Luke
Simon/ Maia
Tessa/ Will
Will/ Jem
Will/ Magnus
Sherlock BBC
Sherlock/ John
Sherlock/ Molly
Lestrade/ Mycroft
John/ Mary
Sherlock/ Irene
John/ Anthea
Mycroft/ Anthea
Teen Titans
Robin/ Starfire
Beast Boy/ Raven
Cyborg/ Bumblebee
Aqualad/ Terra
Beast Boy/ Terra
Bella/ Edward
Alice/ Jasper
Rosalie/ Emmet
Carlisle/ Esme
Bella/ Jacob
Renesmee/ Jacob
Edward/ Jacob
Edward/ Bella/ Jacob
James/ Victoria
Quil/ Embry
Jacob/ Leah
Sam/ Emily
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chen0193 · 5 years
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H A N D E L ’ S M E S S I A H All my Christmases have come at once tonight. Auckland Choral (with 100 voices) perform Handel’s Messiah with Elizabeth Mandeno (soprano), Tessa Romano (mezzo-soprano), Manase Latu (tenor) and Jarvis Dams (bass), accompanied by Auckland Choral Pipers Sinfonia, Uwe Grodd conducting. There’s nothing more stupendous than being at a live performance of Messiah - with the Hallelujah chorus and the finale Worthy is the Lamb raising the roof of Auckland Town Hall. #handelsmessiah #handel #messiah #aucklandchoral #aucklandchoralpiperssinfonia #hallelujahchorus #worthyisthelamb #aucklandtownhall (at Auckland Town Hall) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6K4mp9JzF4/?igshid=uf2a34ilyrj8
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lamilanomagazine · 9 months
Milano, City Angels: preghiera interreligiosa con i senzatetto davanti alla Stazione Centrale
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Milano, City Angels: preghiera interreligiosa con i senzatetto davanti alla Stazione Centrale Una festa di Natale per i senzatetto della Stazione Centrale di Milano: si svolgerà alla Vigilia, domenica 24 dicembre, a mezzogiorno, davanti alla Stazione Centrale, per la precisione davanti all'Hotel Gallia. "É un evento significativo ricco solidarietà, di fratellanza e di spiritualità, che organizziamo da 29 anni - dice Mario Furlan, fondatore dei City Angels – Saranno presenti i clochard della Stazione, alcuni dei quali dormono lì. E invitiamo i milanesi a partecipare a questo momento, che incarna lo spirito natalizio d'amore e d'unione". A mezzogiorno si svolgerà la preghiera interreligiosa: pregheranno insieme Don Claudio Burgio, il sacerdote che nella sua comunità accoglie i giovani fragili e problematici; gli imam Maryan Ismail, Presidente dell'Unione Islamica Italiana, e Khaled Elhediny; i rabbini chazanim Valentino Yakov Cameroni e Vittorio Efraim Signorini; la pastora della chiesa evangelica metodista Sophie Langeneck; l'abate della chiesa greco ortodossa Padre Evloghios Legnazzi, insieme con i monaci ortodossi Padre Kirill e Padre Ionut; e il monaco buddista Cesare Milani. Per cercare non ciò che divide, ma ciò che unisce. E per portare un messaggio di speranza in questo momento così difficile per il mondo. "Pregheremo in particolare per il Medio Oriente, per l'Ucraina e per le donne iraniane" dice Furlan. Porteranno il loro saluto il Vicepresidente dell'Unione delle Comunità Ebraiche Italiane, Milo Hasbani; il Presidente della Federazione Italiana Ebraismo Progressivo, Carlo Riva; il Presidente della Commissione bilancio della Regione, Giulio Gallera; e il Consigliere comunale Daniele Nahum. Saranno presenti il Presidente onorario dei City Angels, il Prof. Andrea Rangone; la Madrina, Daniela Javarone; e gli Ambasciatori dei City Angels Laura Bajardelli, Carmelo Ferraro, Donatella Lavizzari e Adolfo Vannucci. Dopo la preghiera, alle 12.30, verranno distribuiti pasti caldi (offerti dal ristoratore Mattia Bigi) e generi alimentari ai senzatetto. In particolare, Coop Lombardia donerà loro i suoi panettoni e il filantropo Adolfo Vannucci ne porterà uno da 5 chili. Nel frattempo il rocker testimonial dei City Angels, Omar Pedrini, canterà alcune delle sue canzoni. Sabato 6 gennaio a mezzogiorno, all'hotel Principe di Savoia, torna la Befana del Clochard: 200 senzatetto pranzeranno nell'albergo più lussuoso di Milano, serviti da personaggi istituzionali e da testimonial dei City Angels. Saranno presenti, in veste di camerieri, con la pettorina dei City Angels, i testimonial dei City Angels Enrico Beruschi, Alberto Camerini, Stefano Chiodaroli, Marco Ferradini, Tessa Gelisio, Candida Livatino, Leonardo Manera, Alviero Martini, Susanna Messaggio, Clara Moroni, Folco Orselli, Omar Pedrini, Alex Peroni, Cochi Ponzoni, Edoardo Raspelli, Memo Remigi, Rosmy, Ivana Spagna. Per quanto riguarda il mondo istituzionale, rappresentato in modo bipartisan, faranno da camerieri gli eurodeputati Angelo Ciocca, Maria Angela Danzì e Pierfrancesco Majorino; gli ex sindaci di Milano Gabriele Albertini e Letizia Moratti; gli onorevoli Paolo Grimoldi e Andrea Mascaretti; i consiglieri regionali Carlo Borghetti, Giulio Gallera e Lisa Noja; l'assessore comunale alla Sicurezza, Marco Granelli, e quello alla Casa, Pierfrancesco Maran; i consiglieri comunali Alessandro De Chirico, Diana De Marchi, Carlo Monguzzi, Daniele Nahum, Carmine Pacente, Gian Maria Radice, Monica Romano; ed Elisabetta Aldovrandi, garante della Regione Lombardia per le vittime di reato. Sono stati invitati il Presidente della Regione Lombardia, Attilio Fontana, e il Sindaco di Milano, Beppe Sala. Serviranno a tavola anche il Presidente onorario dei City Angels, il Prof. Andrea Rangone; la Madrina, Daniela Javarone; e gli Ambasciatori dei City Angels Laura Bajardelli, Sergio Cazzaniga, Bruno Dapei, Carmelo Ferraro, Donatella Lavizzari e Adolfo Vannucci. Suonerà la band degli Alta Moda. Per l'occasione arriverà da Montecarlo lo chef personale del Principe Alberto di Monaco, Christian Garcia, per preparare il pranzo per i clochard. I City Angels sono stati fondati a Milano nel 1994 da Mario Furlan, eletto nel 2018 "miglior life coach italiano" dall'Associazione Italiana Coach. Sono presenti in 21 città italiane e a Lugano, Mendrisio e Chiasso, in Svizzera, per un totale di oltre 600 volontari, di cui più della metà donne. Per informazioni: City Angels - sede centrale di Milano (Tel. 0226809435 - [email protected])  ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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