#test chapter
earako · 1 year
Queen killer.
That was what they had labelled Ballister.
Kind, honest, loyal Ballister.
Hesitated to even harm a spider that had crawled into his room Ballister.
The media, every news channel, all labelled Ballister has a heartless killer who murdered their beloved Queen. They painted him as a villain who bided his time and waited for the perfect time to strike. A wolf in sheeps clothing...
They were wrong. Ballister was no wolf, he was a bloodied deer with hounds nipping at his feet, prey in a maze full of hunters. He was no Queen killer.
Because the Queen was alive.
Nearly a month had passed since the disasterous knighting ceremony. Queen Valerin had somehow managed to survive the blast and limped her way over to a back alley clinic that didn't think to question the bloodied woman who pratically collapsed at the door.
Perhaps it was a good thing Valerin had decided to shed her outer dress, crown, and collar in favour of her much lighter shift. The lack of excess fabric lessened the wound on her chest...though it still felt like someone had lit a fire under her ribs.
The Queen blacked out.
That was three weeks ago. Since then Valerin had gone and done her own hunting.
Ballister was not a killer. Valerin was alive, and she saw the look on the boy's face. Complete surprise, shock, dismay. Horror.
Ballister was always an open book.
That boy couldn't lie to save his life. It was a trait Valerin found both endearing and concerning.
Ballister wore his heart on his sleeve and Valerin had, after many years, learned how to read her chosen child with ease.
(Son, a small voice at the back of her head said. Valerin shushed it, it wasn't her choice to make.)
Ballister was framed. He had to have been.
Valerin had watched over that boy since the day he jumped over the wall, she had seen him at his highest, his lowest, and everything in between.
She knew her boy was innocent.
So the Queen, now in hiding, laced up her boots and went on her own hunt. Who replaced Ballister's sword, where could a weapon like that even be made? Who would sell something so destructive?
Not to mentioned Ballister and Ambrosius were attached at the hip. The rare the two weren't together, Ballister was either busy working another thankless job to cover his tuition (despite Queen Valerin insisting she cover it. Briliantly stubborn, yet kind hearted boy he was-) or having a check in with Valerin herself. When would he even have the time to-
A video was playing on the television in the stkre Valerin was walking past. It was the Director.
"I framed Ballister. I killed the Queen."
In hindsight, the Queen was never really that fond of the Director. And it seemed the feeling was mutual.
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every-kakashi · 8 months
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toastwithahat · 4 months
I wanna take a fist full of their faces and shake them around violently/pos
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myokk · 23 days
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first dada class😳✨
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yamada-ryo · 6 months
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The happy shopper
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takenbtwind · 1 month
It’s really hard to be a Renarin fan sometimes because I just waited seventeen whole chapters for him to make an appearance, and then that entire appearance was just him standing awkwardly at a meeting
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lbhslefttiddie · 2 months
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Luo Binghe leaned over the desk, examining the mess of ink and papers, scrolls from the library rolled out haphazardly across the edges of the desk, stacks of prose and poetry copied in Shen Yuan’s shaky handwriting. The topmost stacks were already a bit neater, with Shen Yuan staring with single-minded focus as he moved the brush, trying to imitate the graceful strokes of the original texts. His own work was a mess of ink, not even bothering to let the ink dry properly before he would throw new pages on top. He gripped the bowl of ink in his right hand, held close to his work, both hands stained with the stuff, and Luo Binghe could see smudged black hand prints on the sleeves of his dark robes, a smear of ink across one cheek.
He took a moment to marvel at the fact that, despite the mess on himself and his work, Shen Yuan somehow managed to keep the scrolls he was copying from getting dirty. The amazement was short-lived, though, quickly overtaken by notice of just how tired he looked.
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uldren-sov · 1 month
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You used to be so sweet | Now you're a firecracker on a crowded street Couldn't look away even if I wanted | Try to walk away but I come back to the start
(Was very lucky once again to comm the bestie @aevari tysm!!!) a NON-meme of these two??? it's more likely than you think it had to happen eventually have to keep everything in balance: a happy past with a not-so-happy present :)
✮Starring✮ Seven Lawless from @infamous-if and my OC, Camy Rose
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blueskiesofsaturn · 1 year
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Part 4 hehe :) <-<- First || <- Part 3 || Part 5 ->
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grzybjek · 1 month
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A collage I made for one of the characters from my newest story. His name is Kundel by the way hes an absolute manfail and a menace
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ganondoodle · 6 months
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(oc wip)
attempting to paint a scene from the beginning of my original story stuff -im not gonna say i like it for some rough color placement so far bc it will surely curse it to not work out in the end-----
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kiksniko · 1 year
idk if chuuya pointed a gun to my head i would say thank you i don't know thats just me though
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myokk · 2 months
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tannnnblogs · 1 month
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Cooking something up and posting a wip so I'm forced to finish it
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casuallyanidiot · 1 month
The Beta Test | Chapter 1
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[yandere M x Gn Reader]
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Local party animal and known social butterfly [name] wakes up to find that they've been abducted by their very reclusive and very wealthy classmate. Why, you might ask, did he do this? Well for one reason of course! He needs to know how he's going to talk to his crush! So now, with their freedom on the line, [name] has to figure out how to get this kid with the one of his dreams or risk never leaving at all. Lots of weird conversations ensue, of course.
2.1 k words Tw. Swearing, kidnapping, mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of drugging, yandere behavior Prologue Table of contents
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West Grove University wasn’t a super large school. It was important to mention this because, as it would happen, you were very well known there. It wasn’t a hard feat to reach, mind you, but still, there were few people who hadn’t heard of you. This was of course because of the fact that you would appear at every single social function that you could.
 Frat parties, fundraisers, birthdays, even baby showers: if you were invited, you were going. Since you were everywhere, it was only natural that you knew people too. In fact, you knew exactly who the man sitting in front of you was at a glance.
 “ Oh you’re from my economics lecture,” you said tiredly. When the words left your lips, he looked to be almost as confused as you were. 
 “ You know me ?” he asked in disbelief and leaned forward. His chair squealed under his weight and you groaned. 
‘My brain is fried,’ you thought with a grimace. You waved at him lazily. 
“ Yeah, you’re Javier, right? Kinda hard not to know you,” you croaked out. Man, your vocal cords felt like they were grating against each other like sandpaper or, like, unspooled yarn. It was a sore reminder that however you had ended up here, it had certainly not been your choice in the slightest. You began shifting around, massaging at your sore and unused muscles. Like you had noticed before, there wasn’t anything in the cell in which you sat. The cold hard floor was biting into your ass, and it did very little to stop you from aching.
It only took a glance to know that he was surprised by your admission, though it was true. Once again, your class size was kinda small compared to some other schools, and that meant that anyone worthy of note was destined to be infamous. While you were talked about due to your outgoing behavior, Javier over here was known for the exact opposite. 
He was a young man of little words, barely heard even speaking to professors after lectures in a hushed tone. He was elusive too. You even had a class with him, yet you could count the number of times he had appeared through the year on one hand. Despite the fact that he was never present, the boy still managed to maintain high-ranking scores with ease. It was pretty impressive actually. Though what made him stand out to you, in particular, were two facts.
One: Javier was so fucking gloomy. Any time he walked into a room, whether that be in a lecture hall or simply passing by in the library, you swear a cloud of darkness followed him in. His posture was always slouched, and bags hung under his eyes like he'd never had a wink of sleep in his entire life. While his clothes, which always seemed to be a pair of black sweats and a white T-shirt, were always clean, his long shoulder-length hair constantly rode the line of looking either greasy or sleek; you could never really decide if it was either of the two.
Two: Javier was, apparently, pretty rich. While he never showed up to lectures, he did go to the secluded and quiet area of the library that you also liked to kick around in. He usually floated over to sit behind a bookshelf in a corner, probably where he thought no one could see him, right in your line of vision. Granted you could only see him because the bookshelf itself wasn't actually packed with, ya know, books, so it was easy to catch a glimpse of him. The dude had the whole fucking apple ecosystem in his bag. Not to mention the luxury brand stationery that he used casually. In fact, everything on him from his slides to the backpack he used was waaaay beyond what the average uni student should be spending, and so casual too. 
Of course you were insanely curious about the quiet, mysterious, and rather wealthy kid that nobody knew anything about! It was only natural. Some people even claimed to have seen him getting into his car which he parked in a secluded area. To no surprise, you were shown multiple photos of him getting into a foreign car with nice rims and everything. 
"Who the fuck is this guy?" They would slur to you drunkenly at whatever party you were at. The phone in their hand would be glowing with whatever blurry pic they had taken, and you would squint at it and shrug.
"No idea."
The little bits of info you got were nothing, but now it seemed like that was going to change. You were going to know Javier Galvan because you had this, I dunno, sneaking suspicion that you had definitely been kidnapped by him.
" R-really?" He blinked at you rapidly with his dark eyes, a finger jabbed at his own chest. You winced and nodded. " Wow, I uh, I didn't think you would. I thought that… I thought that I was going to have to uh introduce myself and stuff…" he trailed off. There was a nervous smile quirked up on his lips, and he shifted his gaze to the side like it was physically impossible to actually look at your curled-up body on the floor. You squinted at him with an eyebrow raised. No fucking way. There was no way that this guy was actually embarrassed by the fact that he had abducted you.
" Well, that's good then. One step further than I had planned I guess," he said, kind of quietly too, and sheepishly rubbed his neck. 
" Yeaaaah right. Do you like… mind telling me what's happening right now?" You asked. There was no use putting it off. You weren't one for mind games either, so it was best to just rip the band aid off so to speak.
Once again, Javier looked stunned by anything you said. Not sure why he was so surprised. You were never the most silent person in the room by any means. He should at least know that much about you. He stayed quiet, and now that you were started to get over the initial spike of fear and confusion, annoyance was fully taking its hold. You gestured, a bit aggressively, at the bars separating the cold cell from the actual room.
" Ohhhhh, Sorry. My bad. You're, uh, probably really confused right now, huh?" He laughed a little. This little shit. He kidnapped you, and he was fucking giggling?
" Uhhhh yeah. That's one way you could take it," you said dryly. The sarcasm in your voice was enough to remind you of the fact that you were very dehydrated at this time. His smile immediately dropped instantly, and you rolled your eyes at his kicked puppy demeanor. If you had known that he was this weird, then you wouldn't have wasted so much of your energy wondering about him.
" O-okay. So, um, you are [Name] [Last name], right?" It took everything in your system to not do a visible double take at that.
" Um Yes?"
He let out a large sigh, posture slumping with relief. " Oh okay. That's good. Good. It would be, haha, like really bad if you weren't," he said while wiping his face. His sweaty palms could probably be seen from space. 
" We have classes together man. I like see you in the library almost everyday."
" Oh, uh, yeah that's right. You're right, sorry."
You pursed your lips as he went on fumbling and fidgeting with his hands. Gloomy and socially awkward. What a combo. 
" Uh so now that we've been introduced, um, I guess I should tell you why I brought you here haha," he said and finally stood up from his chair. He was pretty tall, and loomed over your huddled up self with ease. He was lanky, like a pole, and you shuddered. 
It was easy to forget in your addled brain that you were, in fact, in a very dangerous situation. When hunched in on himself, Javier didn't feel that threatening at all, but now it was clear that this could potentially be very nasty. Had he taken you for revenge of some kind? Did he somehow read your mind over the course of months and dislike the odd light you held him in? Or was it for something dumb like you badmouthing a friend of his? Who knows. If he was rich enough to have a ( pretty nicely decorated) room with a cell in it, then who knows what other crazy shit could be stirring in his head.
" Okay so… I know that you're friends with a lot of people. And um, everybody seems to like you even though you're kinda annoying," He started. Ouch. Coming from him that was not a good assessment of your character.
Still, he looked down at you expectantly after a few moments of silence. You blinked and waved for him to continue. He smiled ,like he'd been cheered on in race, and took a deep breath. 
" So if people think you're cool and like you, then it means that you're doing something right that I'm not." He placed his hands on the bars. They were so tightly gripped that you could see the paleness form on his brown skin. 
" I'll put this bluntly. You're good with people. I don't really get why, but you are, and I'm not. So I need you to help me out," he said. His tone was more serious than before, and the look of his face was anything but rational. In fact he looked void of any emotion.
" Let me guess... I don't really have a choice in this, do I?" You stated, eyes narrowed up at him. The tension held between the two of you was now fully out. If you didn't have a headache before, you certainly would've gotten one by now.
" Well," he said while leaning back," You do... but it would be kind of dumb considering where you're at and all." He looked you up and down as his last words came dripping out of his lips. His almost meek demeanor was completely gone by now.
" So uh, yeah, I need your help. Umm, this is a little weird, but I want you to help me date the girl that I've been in love with all year," he sighed out. You didn't miss the dreamy and wistful stare he held as he glanced up into the ceiling. 
" Wait? That's it?" You asked. Was this guy fucking with you? Like a cruel prank or whatever?
" Unfortunately yes..." he groaned out. " I'm going to be honest with you [Last Name], I'm...Well I'm hopeless. I've tried out so many different things to make me more appealing to her, but nothing works!" 
" So forcing me to be your, what? Chad alpha dude coach? Was you're next best option?" You asked, eyes wide and with the most amount of sarcasm you could muster. He nodded sadly as a sinking realization, even bigger than being kidnapped, came upon you.
You were going to have to get this crazy, antisocial, creepy, and downright pathetic guy with the girl of his dreams? Yeah, this was way too far out for even you.
You sighed ," So, let me get this straight. You kidnapped me so you could talk to a girl better."
He nodded.
" And you did this because you couldn't do it yourself."
He nodded again, looking a bit more embarrassed this time.
" And you're probably not going to let me go until you start dating this girl, are you?"
He winced, and you felt even more annoyed than you thought was possible. Oh yeah cause HE had the right to be bashful here. He cleared his throat gently, refusing to stare in your direction.
" Yes, um, if you help me date this girl before the next school year, then I will let you go," he said. Hints of that serious and firm nature you had previously seen came bubbling up again. You could see the coldness behind his lashes a mile away. Yeah, this guy was not okay. 
" What happens if you don't? Get with her I mean."
It was a simple question, really. Still, his head shot up from its limp state as he looked at you unblinking. His dark hair pooled at his shoulders, and the dim lighting of the room hardly allowed for a full look at him. Still, you could feel the dead gaze, unyielding and terrifying.  You shrunk back in shock. 
" Well, let's hope that doesn't happen," he said simply before leaving the room. The thud of the door and the click of the lock was deafening, and you flinched away. 
In the corner of a cold cell in an unfamiliar room, you pressed your hands to your face as you came to the conclusion that you were completely and utterly fucked.
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sp00pypumpkins · 7 months
So I can finally post the doodles I did this weekend XD Mainly about Dawn Coon and Dusky Husky but also! Catray and Dogsnore (the swap versions of catnap and dogday by my friend karl!)
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There are more stuff under the cut I just dont want this post to be too long XD
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Sleeping with fluff besties doesnt always work the same way XD!
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This doodles down here are the first thing I doodle this weekend actually, the catnap and dogday ones are from an au of my friend !
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I may forgot something but anyways! Next post will be Zero focused with a ref and doodles :3 I wanna do more comics about it hehehe.
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