#tfp jack Darby
rescuebabiesau · 7 days
Cybertron's Atmosphere
A bit of a lore inconsistency of the aligned series is whether or not Cybertron has an atmosphere capable of sustaining humans.
Transformers Prime indicates that the planet lacks a breathable atmosphere, as Jack has to wear a suit when he visits Cybertron to get access to Vector Sigma-
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-and the Decepticons even use the kids for ransom, threatening to expose them to Cybertron's atmosphere if the Autobots don't comply (which wouldn't be a threat if they were able to breathe)
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However, we do see at least one evidence of an oxygen-rich atmosphere in Rescue Bots Academy, when Medix brings his bat friend to Cybertron on a field trip and it causes some chaos.
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So does it, or does it not?
Well, based on timing, I would say that Dead Cybertron definitely does not have a breathable atmosphere, which is the version the Prime humans encounter. However, perhaps prior to its "Death" before Prime's beginning, and following its reawakening at the end, it was able to produce enough oxygen for organics to visit it.
Plus, there's plenty of references in other continuities about Cybertron having green, organic origins...
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Oxygen is also needed for typical rust to form, which is mentioned quite a bit throughout the series on top of the "Cosmic Rust" virus.
So ultimately, I think Cybertron has oxygen when it is active and healthy, so maybe the Prime kids could come back to visit it some time minus the death-trap of before.
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sonderblade · 1 year
Has anybody done this yet
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I wish tfp showed the true nature of teenagers working in fast food service because no person who works at one is full of peace. He should’ve been a liltol bit silly, me thinks.
og meme
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nova--spark · 10 months
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TimeSkip! Jack Darby-Fowler !
Aka Jackie hated how RID never showed them so here is MY canon.
After 3 years, Jack became the unofficial team captain between himself, Miko and Raf, and though they haven't been on site for any battle grounds, Jack studied military strategy as well as medical care from his mother, taking after her and his newfound stepdad in Fowler, of which he was actually pleasantly happy about.
He still rides a motorcycle, though on his mother's insistence, now wears the proper padded jacket too in the event he crashed.
His rides with Arcee years ago are still fresh and his skills with two-wheelers are second to none.
He bears still, reminders of his guardians and role models. Something he can never truly forget.
Having quit KO Drive-Inn ages ago, he works full time with Agent Fowler, mostly on paperwork, but with some strings pulled, the Jasper Trio still operates from Hangar E, and visit the derelict and destroyed Outpost Omega-1 on occasion to reminisce of the days where their old friends would once hang out in.
To this day, they still wait for the groundbridge to come online, and see their friends faces after 3 years.
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botmilf · 6 months
More Jack Darby Concept Art (Botmomverse)
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He's definitely gonna have a graphic t shirt I just don't know what it'll be yet.
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blade-liger-4ever · 1 year
I know fans have theorized for ages that Smokescreen and Optimus could be related...
And while I always liked that idea, I never realized how accurate it is.
I mean look at this:
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And this one - the two are legitimately holding themselves in the same manner!!
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So...why wasn't this explored in the show?!?!?!
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thesillyphilly · 3 months
I am back and back with tfp vince art.
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He is literally my son
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ciipher-arts · 1 year
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Happy Mother’s Day!
Drew this for my mom as a card and thought I’d post it here too. June and Jack are great and I love them, and the humans in TFP deserve love. I will die on this hill.
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some Jack and Raf sketches as well my process of coming up with a redesign of a more punk/metal Miko :D
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maryvioletique7708 · 1 year
"With Great power,
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Comes with Great Responsibility."
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thicctails · 2 years
They're finished~
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sonderblade · 5 months
Some very old refs for an AU I made in my head a while back. Never got around to finishing or refurbishing them since college came into my life and I kinda lost interest in it. Any ways thought I might as well share them here instead of rotting in my files
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nova--spark · 10 months
The autobots better come back and visit those kids!
Have yall been snooping in my dms with @asimp4bee --
LEGIT JUST TALKED ABOUT THIS SO UHHH Hi welcome to this haphazard timeline/AU now In order of visitation!
-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- Optimus
He was the first to arrive to the old base, and the kids were beyond shocked when the ground/space bridge fired up, and the first sight from it was Optimus himself. He held them for hours in his arms, and on his shoulders, reclined and sat against the wall as he heard all their stories from the past 3 years, and he told them every story of his own too.
He missed his little human sparklings.
-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- Bumblebee
As soon as he got word from Optimus that yes, the kids are active in the Jasper base, even after all these years, he did not even wait for Fixit to boot up the groundbridge to Jasper, he took to the roads and sped off to see them after so long. He nearly crashed into the hangar once he got there and just stumbled in before hugging all 3 of them tight, and showering them with praise, before informing Team Bee he'd be away for a much needed reunion and vacation in Jasper till further notice.
No one denied him that request. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- Bulkhead Next to arrive by the bridge was Bulk, and no force on Earth could stop the speed at which Miko ran and clung to his leg, nor pry her from him as he saw how much his little Wrecker had grown and made a name for herself.
He was beyond proud to see she'd mastered the Apex Armor to the point she could push even him around a bit, though he was still gentle, remembering fondly when she was much smaller but just as spirited. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- Ratchet
The medic was by no means affectionate at first, saying he was not going to be as sappy in his reunion with the children, but everyone could tell, the moment he stepped through the bridge and saw the well cared for hangar, how all their old equipment had been upkept and how Rafael had even helped improve it , Ratchet was touched. So as he too lifted the kids into his arms and cried, ranting he wasn't a sap and he just was glad they'd not been squished by other bots, the kids accepted that Ratchet was in fact, very much a sap under all that grouchiness. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- Arcee It took a lot of courage for Arcee to go through the spacebridge again, after so many years away from the planet. But the moment she stepped through and saw all the kids, saw Jack all grown up and stepped up into the great leader of his own team, that all the bravado of the warrior femme melted away into a proud big sister. Resting her forehead against his as she cried from joy, that this little one, this tenacious partner of hers had made it to the end of the war, and had made her so impossibly proud in every single way.
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jewelofgems · 1 year
Jack: STOP!
*Everyone stops*
Jack: wAiT a MiNuTe-
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blade-liger-4ever · 1 year
How I think Miko and Ironhide would be if partnered up
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Ironhide would definitely teach her how to defend herself, as well as the basics of using pretty much any weapon in existence (including some of the guns that have to be lurking in the base Fowler scrounged up for them.)
Miko would still totally be rocking out to heavy metal and rock 'n roll. Ironhide, having had to put up with Jazz and Blaster's shenanigans, is practically immune to the noise by this point.
Ironhide would be recounting hundreds of war stories to her, even all the gorey parts, and Miko would listen in building excitement while Jack claps his hands over Raf's ears and looks on in abject horror.
Miko would take photos of him right before missions, and Ironhide would flex his biceps to indulge her especially since he knows he might not come back.
Together they'd give Ratchet all kinds of grief with Miko's music, practical jokes the medic never understands (and then laugh at him for it), as well as the occasional times Ironhide brings Miko along/she gets past his radar.
Ironhide also develops a "Miko sense" whenever something's up/wrong at base, and pretty much tears the place apart until he finds her. He also usually just hefts her up somewhere high that she has to shimmy down before a mission starts, but it's Miko. She's as much a force of nature as Ironhide is and will find a way to be with him.
And lastly, we'd have some moments where they actually argue, and one of those times, Ironhide gets quiet as Miko's last outburst reveals that she can't handle the stress. She can stay in one place for a while, but not when Ironhide goes out on a mission. Miko will literally wake up from nightmares of seeing his dead corpse on the battlefield, or of being told by Optimus that he died. She wants to protect him, warn him of danger, but being so small and so helpless makes her run through the GroundBridges in a desperate bid to do something to help him.
And as she cries her fears out, Ironhide will lightly brush her back with a finger and tell her how much that means to him. And he'll tell her that as much as he loves having her around, even in a war zone (because scrap, you've got nerve), he worries she'll get caught in the crossfire. That he or one of the others won't see her and she'll get stepped on, or taken and tortured by the 'Cons, and that it keeps him up at night when one of the 'Cons spots her and they narrowly survive.
And in the end, they work out an agreement: with Raf and Wheeljack's help, they make a little drone that follows him or one of the others around when on a mission. It plays live footage, and by hacking into its feed, not only will Miko be able to stay in touch while he's out, but they can both make certain Ironhide won't be snuck up on.
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thesillyphilly · 28 days
I'm building the concept of @gelu-the-babosa-multiversal demon jack and angle vince au, and while i am still doing the art. I want to tell my concept– WITH SOMETHING SPECIAL. it stays a enemies to lovers au but, they are both transfem. They keep their names for right now as i try to come up with some good ones
We all know how vince is, right? Mean, jerk, bully, ect. How did she become an angel? Simple. That's literally all she did. Just be mean but that doesn't mean she was a bad bad person. Sure, illegal speed racing but besides that. Nothing too insane.
Jack? What i have is that, she has done some crimes, in order to stop the cons. Even if they are small, they still weigh out what vince has. But for plot, they give her a choice.
"How would you like to collect souls for us?"
"What is this? Cuphead and mugman–"
So, she goes collecting souls. Like the grim reaper but she actually kills you. Collecting your soul for the great ones to choose if you go to heaven or not.
Vince's job as an angel is to keep things in order and protect the heavens. She sees Jack whenever she has collected enough souls for the month. Since she is to keep everything in order, she spends most of her time watching jack as it can be excuse as making sure she doesn't mess up. Vince does not help and messes with Jack
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Happy new years my lightbulbs
And happy birthday to me I guess 🥲
Read tags pls I put them out of order
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