#tfp nemesis
soundwavesuperioraf · 4 months
Nemesis/Soundwave TFP
Remember when the Nemesis became sentient in Transformers Prime s2, e12 Tunnel Vision? What if the ship immobilized every bot except Soundwave? Soundwave is always hooked into its systems with his tentacles, with quite the deft and respectful touch, so maybe the ship decides it likes Soundwave. And it realizes it will need at least one bot on board in working condition to keep it running. So...everyone out or frozen! Except Soundwave. You can stay. Soundwave superior. Meanwhile, Megatron, before getting immobilized, is initially extremely offended, but then as his parts start to freeze up, he just ends up shouting to Soundwave to take good care of his ship and to get him back online asap. Then Soundwave finds himself alone with the Nemesis surrounded by frozen Decepticons. And as mean and rude as the Nemesis was to everyone else, to him it's...kind of sweet? 'Soundwave,' the Nemesis purrs instead of threatens, 'please manually recalibrate the seventh external port sensor. It's misaligned and it itches.' Soundwave awkwardly complying so that he doesn't get kicked off the ship or frozen too while thinking hmm this is getting weird. The Nemesis sweet-talking him about how nice it is with just the two of them and having every other Decepticon as quiet now as Soundwave (and his vow of silence). Soundwave: superior, but also Soundwave: 😬 😑 🤔
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melishade · 3 months
I'm sorry that I'm asking a lot of questions but
In the "War Timeline",
When the Nemesis has the full possession due to the Dark Energon running inside it,
What will be the Nemesis's objective instead of finding the Iacon Relics?
Will the Decepticons inside the Nemesis go through the stasis lock?
Will the stasis lock also affect Eren or any Titan Shifters?
Previous ask in the War Timeline Additional Previous Ask
Oh you're fine. You haven't violated any of the ground rules, you wait until I've actually answered your previous question before asking a new one, and you don't spam my inbox asking about spoilers. You're doing great.
As for the story:
Flying Mind. My favorite TFP episode. How will you be interpreted here?
To recap. Megatron got duped by a bunch of humans, the Nemesis is down, Breakdown is assumed to be deceased, and he got jumped by an organic Sharkticon. Not in that particular order, but it pisses him the hell off. Zeke is infected with dark energon, but there is still resistance on Zeke's part and Megatron doesn't know why.
Now obviously, Megatron can't keep the ship on the ground because they'll all be vulnerable to attack, and he also wants to go to Paradis to fight Optimus and also get the Founding Titan. So he gets the bright idea to inject the ship with dark energon. Knockout tries to protest but Megatron is extremely pissed right now so it's quickly shut down. But instead of the ship looking for the relics from the Iacon Hall of Records, it combs through the data and decides to search for the remaining titan shifters.
Now the good news is that the Nemesis doesn't have information on what Lara and Eren look like. It does have Ymir, so that is a problem. The bad news, the ship is now going rampant on the mainland trying to find said titan shifters. Megatron tries to gain control once he realizes the ship is getting out of control in terms of burning down cities and resources to get what it wanted. The ship at the moment, believes targeting Lara and Ymir is the better option, so it speaks and turns on Megatron and the Decepticons, immobilizing them, and continues it search on the mainland for Lara and Ymir, which goes on for about...say a few days to a week.
Meanwhile, the B team, consisting of Arcee, Bumblebee, Eren, Marco, Sasha, Armin, Petra, Oluo, Levi, Porco, Pieck, and Yelena make it to the mainland and are trying to find out where Mikasa, Jean, Historia, Ymir, and Mike are. Mike is dead but they don't know that yet. After a few days on the mainland, they find the ship causing havoc on another town. Arcee, Bumblebee, and even Pieck are able to ID the Decepticon Warship, scaring everyone else, because that meant that the Decepticons were on that thing. But their friends were there too so they had to go.
They storm the ship, but Arcee and Bumblebee are detected by the ship's sensors and hit with a stasis beam. They crash into the ground while the humans get on the ship. Now the thing about the ship sensors is that it can't detect regular humans just yet, but it can detect titan shifters. Even so, everyone is dodging the sensors while seeing the faces of the frozen Decepticons. They all don't really know what to do here. Sure, they can get their friends out, but how would they even stop the ship. They do find Knockout frozen in a room, and next to him are a bunch of energon serums on the table. They decide to steal a few for Hanji and the Autobots to study. They obviously don't want to take the serum now without knowing the side effects.
After some searching and investigating, they do end up finding Zeke chained up in one of the rooms, looking deathly sick from the dark energon in his system. Pieck and Yelena cry out for him and immediately try to get him down. However Pieck transforms into a titan, which automatically activates the sensors and alerts the ship to their location. Everyone immediately starts flying as the ship is doing whatever it can to immobilize and capture them. Pieck has to get out of her titan form while she, Yelena, Porco, and Zeke have to be carried by the other Survey Corps members. They manage to find a hiding spot in the vents away from the ships sensors as Yelena immediately gives Zeke all her water and food which he weakly consumes due to the increased torture and the dark energon in his systems.
Zeke weakly explains who he is and the Survey Corps begin to hound him with questions. Did he see their friends, Bertholdt and Annie?! Any of them?! Does he even know how to stop the ship?! Zeke does bring up the fact that he did see Mike on the ship and begged him to save him, but he had left him behind. Levi justifies it as a possibility that the others were in danger and that he went to save them. Mike wouldn't willingly leave someone behind like that.
But there is still the matter of finding a way to stop this thing. Sasha begins to surmise that if this thing is a living organism, then it must have a heart and they need to get to the heart in order to kill it. Zeke makes a comment that any time Megatron comes near him, he's able to feel it in his chest due to the dark energon. Zeke surmises that Megatron no doubt wanted to regain control of the ship, so if they find him, then they might be able to find out how to shut down the ship. They jump out of their hiding spot and fly down the corridors, dodging blaster fire and attacks from the ships, using the frozen vehicons as shields.
With Zeke's help, they are able to make it to the engine room, and Zeke and Sasha are both trembling in terror at the sight of Megatron. Pieck says that this is him, confirming the Survey Corps fears and suspicions. Armin notices Megatron's hand on the lever and realizes that Megatron was trying to stop this madness too. And surmises that they need that lever to be pulled down.
However the ship uses the claw just like in the main TFP show to attack them. Eren feels like he has no choice and transforms into his titan form, causing some damage to the main engine room and distracting the ship. Eren is able to pull Megatron and thus the lever, shutting down the ship. As the ship purges the dark energon and Eren pulls himself out of his titan form, but as he stumbles out, he accidentally bumps into Zeke. The two end up going into the Paths for a brief moment and see the tree, but both are terrified at the sight that both immediately say they want out. Both are brought back to reality yelling, confusing everyone. Eren is panting in confusion, demanding what that was, and while Zeke doesn't know that Grisha is Eren's father, he does have enough context from Ksaver and his research.
"You...you hold the Founding Titan?" Zeke weakly spoke in disbelief.
Everyone turned to Eren, but Eren just looked flabbergasted.
"Eren Jaeger." Everyone froze in terror at the sight of Megatron on one knee, looking down at them with malicious intent. His optics fall to Eren, and Eren's mouth trembles at the sight of Megatron's sadistic grin.
(I'm gonna leave things here for right now but I hope you enjoy. Sorry this took so long to answer. Also I'm going to have to split this into two parts.)
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sincethegenesis · 7 months
I like a lot of things about Starscream. But one of my absolute favorites is that, 90% of the time, he’s this lanky hunchback quadruped, and then out of nowhere he decides to stand up and we’re hit with a stray Miss Universe. And it’s almost always when he’s about to commit a war-crime.
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Like when he’s planning to revive a fresh corpse. And when he’s melting the polar ice caps to the point of catastrophic sea-level expansion. Funny guy.
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noodleblade · 2 years
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everytime someone loses a star it goes to soundwave
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moodymisty · 11 months
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Knockout is hip with the memes
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motionless-samurai · 1 month
Some wreid sketches that I drew before reading mtmte
I thought that if Tarn wasn't in DJD but was a crew member of Nemesis
Oh and Chromedome hand
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sumibi-sanma · 4 days
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omnipotentgarlicbread · 2 months
Just something for in between the ask Breakdown series
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skoff-the-artist · 2 years
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- The wrong one
[..]The sickly green light of the medical room lamps. The smell of rust settles in a thick cloud on the walls, dripping onto the floor. The grip is tight, painful, impossible to get out of. Disbelief. "Optimus?.." Realisation.
Happy Halloween! :9
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lovinglonerhybrid · 7 months
Knockout has a spa. It’s not much just a small room close to the medbay that no one was using. So he put his detailing supplies there and you know it’s easier if you don’t have to lug equipment around so he puts up some chairs maybe a bed to lay on so breakdown can get his back. One day starscream barges in and starts fussing over some cosmetic changes he wants to try out and knockout after seeing some blueprints agrees to try. After that the word gets out to the vehicons (breakdowns a terrible secret keeper) they start offering things in trade for a spa day or for some upgrades from starscream. Soon this turns into a whole hall of the nemesis being turned into a market place for the off duty decepticons there’s knockouts spa area starscreams upgrade booth where installing costs extra. Breakdown starts the cybertronion version of a tattoo parlor/piercing shop. There is also a cafe run by a small group after vehicons who taught themselves how to cook. A art shop,claw salon,and an interstellar oddity’s shop. Both Megatron and Soundwave shop along the hall if they get nostalgic for the bustling streets of kaon which had shops veary similar. 
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sorkiz · 10 days
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I've long wondered what if Silas had used dark energon instead of regular energon to create Nemesis Prime.
As a result, a loyal follower of Unicron will appear, the true heir of chaos and darkness, who will inherit the matrix of chaos and in whose hands the dark star saber will become a continuation of the will of the god of destruction.
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Minus OP cause I just can come up with anything
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allsnarker · 10 months
quick guys i need help finding the clip of tfp where the nemesis was covered in christmas lights, all ive found so far is the still image and i know theres at least a gif out there
pls i need it. for reasons.
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
Post epilogue Knockout and Bulkhead sharing stories about Breakdown and how both miss him
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Okay, in regards to your Unicron is a parent to humans post, when you mention Unicron possessing an animal, I imagined a squirrel. Not some epic beast... I imagined the alien god of destruction sleeping at the center of the Earth as a squirrel.
But it fits. Squirrels are agents of chaos.
Squirrel runs into road, no one, not even the squirrel knows what's gonna happen. Squirrel gets under your vehicle's hood, chews the wires and makes a nest. Squirrel gets into the walls of your house, chews the wires and stores and insane amount of nuts. Squirrel gets cornered, jumps at you like a mad lad.
Could you imagine if Unicron just decided, "I'm a squirrel today and I'm going terrorize the Cybertronians and my brother can't even get mad cause chewing wires is what they do." Or "Hey, I'm a squirrel and travel-sized. I now shall nest in Raf's hair and protect the children this way."
Sorry this a wacked out thought that made me laugh, and felt compelled to share.
Dude I laughed for a solid minute reading this-
Agents of Chaos
After finding out about his surprise offspring, Unicron became protective immediately. But he quickly discovered several things, those being: He couldn't move or act all that much if he wanted to keep his spawn alive. His children quickly became fearful of anything that was abnormal to them. And lastly, fragging with the Cybertronians on his surface was far more enjoyable when there was nothing they could do to stop him.
With these thoughts in mind, Unicron devised the perfect avatar with which to protect, interact with, and care for his young while also making life difficult for everyone else and not drawing too much attention to himself. He searched the other organisms on his surface for days until he found it, the perfect avatar.
The squirrel.
It was chaos incarnate but so common in most places that it would fit right in even if Unicron used it for nefarious purposes. His chackling caused the earth to shake in places as he chose his first subject and took control of it. And while he did have some initial issues piloting the body of the small monster, he quickly got the hang of it and moved to meet the three among his many children who required his attention more so than any others.
Opting to go to Rafael, Unicron in the body of the squirrel quickly took up a place in the boy's arms, earning him a startled squeak and awed touches in response. Unicron chittered, oh so pleased with himself as he spent days refusing to leave Rafael alone, eventually gaining his avatar a place as the boy's pet, just like he planned. Then once he gained a solid foundation from which to work with, his avatar, now named Chitters, snuck into Rafael's school bag and snuck into the base that way.
Rafael was too busy working on his homework and chatting with his Cybertronian guardian to notice as Chitters wormed his way out of the bag and Unicron directed it to begin causing chaos. Unicron didn't want to totally sabotage the Cybertronians who called themselves Autobots, not while they were keeping his children safe. So he didn't direct Chitters to harm anything of importance, but he most certainly did go out of his way to make life hard for everyone. The squirrel quickly gained the ire of the entire team as Chitters tore into wires connecting to certain consoles in the base (never the groundbridge of course. Unicron couldn't risk harming his children after all). Chitters also stole small components from Ratchet's workspace and a few of Bumblebee's video games.
By the end of the day Chitters was banned from base and Rafael took him home with no small amount of guilt. Of course no matter what Rafael did to try and keep Chitters from getting into base, it was useless since Chitters snuck in by hiding on Jack and Miko of by straight up waltzing into the base via Unicron's aid. The abominable squirrel swiftly became an unstoppable pain in the aft that none of the team could do anything about and accepted since the squirrel kept coming back.
Optimus eventually accepted that he was being cursed and merely sighed when his datapads disappeared randomly only to be found later bitten to shreds by a determined squirrel. Ratchet however never gave up trying to hide his small items and tools, even when they were repeatedly found and stolen by Chitters at Unicron's behest. Arcee stopped fighting back when Chitters clambered all over her and gnawed on her outer plating like an irritating but ultimately harmless scraplet. Bulkhead and Wheeljack took to booking it in the opposite direction whenever the "demon squirrel" came near. Unicron abused their reactions until he laughed himself into a stupor, even more so when the two wreckers began carrying tower shields to try and fend the Chitters off. Bumblebee valiantly tried and failed to keep Chitters from destroying his video game controllers and very nearly crushed the squirrel in outrage after the fifth time he had to replace his controller.
Chitters/Unicron: *destroying yet another controller* This is what you deserve you abominable creation of Primus!
Bumblebee: *chasing after the squirrel* PERISH!
Chitters/Unicron: MWAhAHA!
Every single member of the team hated the squirrel with a seething passion. At times Optimus, usually ever merciful, contemplated taking the squirrel out back and putting it down in the most gruesome way possible. His contemplative thoughts nearly became reality once when Chitters got into his personal datapads that he usually kept hidden away. Those were his only remaining items from his time as Orion and he may or may not have blasted much of the wall into scrap as he widely shot at the squirrel. That day Unicron learned Optimus's limits and he did not touch the Prime's personal items again. He wanted to cause chaos, but he didn't want to earn the true ire of Primus's chosen vessel.
The team hated Chitters and the children knew it. So eventually Rafael tried in vain to let the squirrel go for the sanity of everyone. Long story short, he failed. No matter what he did, Chitters always came back and nestled in his hair like an unwelcome louse. Unicron wasn't upset in the slightest at the children gathering together to try and attempt to get rid of his avatar. In fact he found it to be a fun game to find a way to sneak his avatar back into the Autobot base.
Of course not everything was fun and games for the chaos god, though he greatly enjoyed messing with the Autobots. The Decepticons were a real threat, one that loomed over the children every time they left base. As such Chitters followed the children whenever they left and proved to be far more dangerous than anything else out there once the squirrel got on a Decepticon. Unicron would not tolerate anyone touching HIS children, especially not a disgusting spawn of Primus.
Vehicons that got too close found a rapid squirrel in their joints, tearing away at cables and wiring while somehow managing to not be squished as the Cybertronian flailed. Starscream was met with a rapid squirrel to the windshield once when he attempted to bomb Bulkhead, and simultaneously the children. The seeker ended up crashing into a wall and very nearly being blown to bits. Knockout got scratched one time by Chitters and swore off touching the children ever again. Soundwave straight up avoided the squirrel and didn't bother with the human children upon seeing what Chitters could do. Breakdown once tried to squish the squirrel, but no matter how many times he attempted to, Chitters got back up and tried to maul him. Megatron very nearly got his optics destroyed once when he got too close to the children and has since put out a kill on sight order for the rapid avatar of Unicron (not that any heed it).
Seeing all this the team were suspicious as pit in regards to the squirrel. Ratchet tried to drop a weight on the squirrel only for it to bounce off harmlessly, earning awed and shocked expressions from the medic. Bulkhead and Wheeljack attempted to blast Chitters with a flamethrower only for the squirrel to brush it off and continue onward and chase the wrecker duo who screamed like human girls. Bumblebee made his own attempts to murder the avatar through various means ranging from but not limited to sniping, acid, drowning, crushing, and even suffocation. But nothing ever worked and in the end after months of enduring Chitters, Optimus knelt before the squirrel, glared at it, and ordered Unicron to get the hell out of his base until he behaved.
The chaos god obliged, not even hesitating after he very nearly sent the Prime into a rage when he touched his datapads. A few days later he returned and nestled in Rafael's hair again.
Optimus knew that Chitters was an avatar and the rest of the team sensed something else was off, but they never commented and focused their efforts on what needed to be done. They only really attempted to kill Chitters when they devised a new potential method of extermination. At which point they would try it out on Chitters just to see if it would work or not (which it never did).
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orionsnotcanon · 1 year
thinking about knockout with a detailer darling
theyre a new person in town and theyre not super into street racing, but new clients are new clients
maybe they’re handing out their card after a race, flirting and talking shop to get that bag
knockout overhears of course and maybe after Darlings been established as a reliable detailer in the Nevada circuit, he pops by their place of work/their house (if they do it out of their garage) maybe after a particularly annoying run in with the autobots or a dusty race
a full body spa every now and then doesn’t hurt anyone if they don’t know, and having someone who seems to get the importance of the finer details, well, that’s just a nice bonus.
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