#thT was stupid. but it was free
wiiwheel · 2 years
So this "slugging" concept is just using an excessive amount of moisturiser... really just sounds like a corporate psyop to get people to use more (and then have to buy more) moisturiser
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chrliekclly · 4 months
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charden is v important to me bcuz they recognize their traumas n each othr...
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cubffections · 13 days
ohno ohno ohno oh no . ˘᪤∽᪤˘ guys look away im goin insane .
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sexysilverstrider · 9 months
please please please your thoughts on teratai and kieran’s relationship so far in the story and where you think it’s heading 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
ok ive hold on to this ask for quite a while im ready to put it together
lemme summarize teratai: shes the school champion who has the promise of being the official paldean champion once geeta steps down. shes practically the most famous and sought out person. men and women want her. men even want to BE her judging by the amount of popularity she has. teratai has charisma. she gets confessed at least once a month (once a WEEK after her final major battle w nemona) but she politely turns them down. she is kind and helpful, assisting juniors with their work and inspiring seniors and helping teachers too. teratai just has this role that her actions help people.
teratai shines the most during battles coz her serious and charming nature just blows everyone away. everytime she sends out her meowscarada or shiny volcarona ppl are just swooned at the fierce smirk on teratais face.
of course her best friends arven nemona and penny are close with her. whatever problems she has, they know. teratai is friendly but these 3 know her better as time flies by.
speaking of nemona. teratai often has battles w her the most. of course, so far teratai has won all the battles and not once did nemona feel sad or crestfallen. if anything, the losses made her more motivated in battling. teratai is just as pumped. no one can beat her. and battling her once makes someone stronger and a better person.
she also has a legendary. to hv a strong pokemon choose her is somethng she never thought much about. koraidon chose her and arvens just yes please take him i dnt want him and teratais just okay. its normal for her.
at least, thats what she thought of before she met kieran.
now i hcanon tht the kitakami trip is a month long. enough to form a nice normal friendship w someone. teratai is used to ppl wooing over her esp juniors so to see kieran in awe of her is nthing new.
hwever, as they grow closer as field trip partners teratai starts to get kieran to open up more. note: teratai is used to ppl like kieran but shes never close to someone like him. to not hv her 3 bffs close by obvsly teratai becomes friendlier to kieran (and it extension carmine). so teratai convinces kieran to walk by her side, talk to each other, share lil life adventures together, battle one another.
teratai is a person who likes to tease so sometimes she teases kieran cutely. about how hes really good at battling and hw passionate he is when commanding his pokemon. teratai thinks its cute.
she also cutely teases that the lil mole on his neck is adorable. and gets surprisingly flustered when kieran teases back about the lil mole under her left eye. it made her heart skip a beat but she thinks its just the moment.
teratai then surprises herself when SHE casually said tht they can go together to the festival. kieran was surprised too but happily accepts.
now i hv a fic in my mind about their festival date but long story short it was a magical moment to them.
now remember what i said abt hw teratai always wins n esp w nemona every nemoma loses she just laughs happily? teratai never thought much about it. she always assumes battling her brings out the best in people.
that is until she battled kieran during the whole ogerpon ordeal.
she saw how broken he is. she saw how HATEFUL he is towards her. the moment she chose to not tell the truth (in vain hope to protect kieran). the moment ogerpon chose her. these were the last straws of their beautiful friendship.
its broken and for the first time, teratai sees clearly how her actions brought out dire consequences.
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caruliaa · 1 year
yes offense actually but like "uuhmm this trans headcanon doesnt make SENSE though" has always been one of just. the most inane takes in fandom ever like. assuming the person making it is someone whos otherwise an ally to trans people/not transphobic (just because with people who are transphobic that an issue thats obviously much bigger than just fandom stuff) whyy !! do you give a shit !!! like why !!! like bla bla i understand if you dont think the idea of that character being trans makes sense or you think something is canon contradicts it or you dont think its in character whatever it is you dont have to hc them as trans if you dont see them as trans you can even talk about how you think theyre cis if you want but like. its literally not hard to just not treat people who do have those trans headcanons as if theyre wrong or that their interpretation of the character is stupid/something to be mocked or act as though your superior for not reading them that way like. even if that doesnt come from a place of transphobia you will inevitably read that way to some people and regardless like. who gives a shit if someone is seeing themselves within a character/reading that character the way they want to esp in regards to a group of people with such a pitiful lack of positive representation as trans people. like get over yourself
#^^^^^ what my last post was about. i told u it wld b very obvious tht these ppl were in the wrong#(and i wonder why i was afraid to have any opinion on this show around these mutual in laws. jfc)#anyway like. please read this and like. consider it esp if you know who im talking about bc i feel like they received very little pushback#for acting that way and like. im not saying go give them that pushback do whatever u want im j saying pls consider tht that attitude#is wrong and like. You Should Not Mock Trans Headcanons as basic as that feels to say#sorry if im being like. mean or harsh or whatever tihs is just something i see as so like. fucked like why r acting that way !!!#abt trans ppl seeing themselves in characters they like !!! bc a lot of the time thats the 'reason' behind these trans hcs !!!l#i feel like my mutuals who arent from [REDACTED] fandom r gonna see this and b like what kind of ppl did u have to deal w and yk what#if i keep thinking about it ill start being mad at someone other than them who i really dont want to b mad at abt this again so lets move o#anyway this post is okay to rb btw its not just meant to b abt the ppl im kinda vauging#bc ik this is a phenomena in many fandoms and its just stupid. and downright cruel once it reaches mocking ppl#so feel free to ignore me nd j rb this and go of about ppl being stupid in whatever fandom ur in in the tags#let of some steam god knows i have plenty to let of thinking abt tihs phenomena. anyway time to be normal hopefully.#flappy rambles
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sadlazzle · 6 months
fuck christmas. fuck it all. ive had enough im not doing it anymore. im not. im just not
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hi. i've scrolled through a couple of your posts and you seem to be okay with endo supporters interacting if they're respectful, so i'm tentatively going to assume you feel the same about endos interacting.
if not, feel free to delete this ask i guess? i can't control what you do so.
if i'm correct, hi. we're endo. i'm here not to discourse about whether i exist, but rather to speak on issues we've seen in systempunk/syspunk specifically, but also just anti endo spaces in general, in the most respectful and understanding way i can(as someone who doesnt have a CDD). i'm going to try to be as soft and kind as i can because i would be a massive hypocrite if i get upset about hate towards endos nd then do the same to some random anti, but just know that when i get aggressive, i know that i do not know who you are, or what you have been through, and i assure you, i don't mean to make generalizations or assumptions. i am aggressive, but i feel i am aggressive a reasonable amount. i apologize if i overstep. (and also i am not the best at typing long posts like this coherently, so i am very sorry if this doesn't make sense. i will clarify anything! that is why i sign off at the end)
i would just like to say, i appreciate the sentiment of what you wanted systempunk to be. we may not have a CDD, but we believe in supporting and uplifting those voices and we believe in destigmatizing such disorders. even if i know you don't believe in endos, there are a lot of traumagen systems in proendo spaces so we see them a lot and they're a very important part of our community. we would believe in that even if i ended up being wrong about being plural. i fully understand wanting a space for traumagenic systems to be happy about being systems together, for them to feel happy about being punk, to share all the joyous moments and all the upsetting moments, to find community and peace in a shared experience. it's also great because those spaces are usually great places to find positivity and resources for systems, and i know that the trauma based disorder is gonna be shitty sometimes, cause, well, trauma, so if having that space full of that positivity and happiness helps trauma survivors, i'm 100% absolutely for that.
the underlying issue in almost every anti endo space we've come across, however, is that often times those spaces aren't even actually safe. anti endos, time and time again, have claimed to provide a place for trauma survivors, or for those with stigmatized disorders, while failing to provide those places to endogenic trauma survivors, or for endos with stigmatized disorders. they cherry pick which trauma survivors they want to protect, and actually, most of the time that includes CDD systems! with us endos it's sucky but it's mostly fine, since we have our own places. but with CDD systems that get filtered out because they're proendo, they have a harder time because endo-provided spaces are, well, built for endos. we can try our best to support CDD systems but at the end of the day it's not like we can exactly give them a good space for finding people with similar experiences.
it's so frustrating to me to see so many people treat DID/OSDD like it's synonymous with being anti endo. it's so frustrating as someone with trauma to see people be like "we're creating spaces for trauma survivors!" and then completely ignore a good portion of trauma survivors based on a debate.
(obviously its even more frustrating for me because the debate, imo, is stupid and it's obvious to me that endos are real, but i know tht i can't automatically change everyone's mind, and also that's not the point i'm trying to make here).
i don't have time to flesh this out even more, but my point is, my main issue with anti endos, and syspunk as a tag, is that often they ignore CDD systems who are pro endo, especially because a lot of you are REALLY hateful. i know not all of you are like that, but genuinely so many of you are so so hateful and rude and it's just. how can they claim to protect trauma survivors and be a safe space when they are so hostile?
if they really cared about CDD systems, they would actually protect them. instead, they just slap on a label and yell at people on the internet.
anyways. i hope this was even slightly coherent. again i'm not accusing YOU of anything, i just see this kind of stuff in anti endo spaces, and i've been seeing it start to pop up in syspunk and systempunk too. you seem like the kind of person to understand what i'm trying to say and why it's actually harmful.
I want to start this off with, thank you, you are being genuinely respectful in a way that I haven't seen yet from you all.
Next thing I will say, you do have a point. There is a time where we will have to set our views aside and support CDD systems who are pro endo, because they do have trauma and they do deserve support.
I also want to apologize if any part of my community harasses yours. I do not condone those actions and it is not the point of this place.
Honestly, the only reason I dislike endos, is that they steal terms. The worst part about it is that so many endos try to connect being an endo, and having a trauma disorder. But endos would still be inherently different from CDD systems, because of the lack of trauma. It is such a massive problem of many, many, endos stealing our terms of systemhood for themselves, and unless I'm mistaken, you haven't done that in this ask. You don't call yourself a system throughout this entire ask. I commend that. I hope you do the same on your blog. But there are so many other cases of people relating something with a trauma disorder. We are sick of it. Many of you also culturally appropriate tulpamancy. And also many endos making CDD systems believe that they are an endogenic system because their trauma was "not enough". Please separate your community from ours fully. That will make us happy. That will stop the debate.
I'm just going to wrap up my rambling with this
Thank you for being respectful. I'm sorry if my community has harassed yours, I don't condone harassment. You have a point that pro endo CDDs still will need support. The reason I am not okay with endos is that they associate their experiences with a trauma disorder, when they are fundamentally different because of trauma. Many people steal terms, and culturally appropriate others, even making people believe their trauma was not enough to be a system, which is wrong on so many levels. If you are able to detach your community from ours, we will be happy. That will stop the debate, the hate, everything. You cannot have a trauma disorder without trauma, so don't associate the two.
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campbyler · 10 months
hi guys!
first of all i loooved the new chapter it’s definitely worth the wait ♥️
i really enjoyed how mike and will barely interacted, at least verbally, and we were more in mikes head the entire time. and ofc the final scene!!! im not gonna lie i expected the kiss and i suspected that they kissed before but it didn’t make the scene less exiting!! my favorite part was probably when the mood shifted from passion to tenderness. it changed smth in me (and it calmed will enough to fall asleep in the middle of the action. i really wanna know what was in his head during this chapter cause boy. wtf r u doing?).
i also want to know what was the reason for stonathan fight?
and who’s will ex and how dare he break wills heart but i think that it will be important plot point so fell free to ignore this part.
and finally…. when is someone going to prey on my neurodivergency and kiss me stupid with “swoon” by beach weather playing on the background? 😔
first of all thank you alya i'm really glad you enjoyed it and feel that way 🤍
honestly i think that might have been part of the reason this chapter was like pulling teeth for me! the lack of Byler Banter™ might have been what did me in. but the kiss definitely helped hehe. it was definitely fun to write, because i knew will fell asleep at the end lol, so Getting there and striking tht balance between the passion and the tenderness and making sure it was paced properly was very difficult, so i'm glad that it paid off! (will fell asleep for a few reasons - one he mentioned in chapter, and one that i will refrain from saying at this time)
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alwaysmicado · 2 months
https://www.tumblr.com/free-my-mindd/746081775532605440/chris-mc-geown?source=share <- this is the link i supposed to add in previous ask but dunno why disappeared (i still can't figure out how to add a link in the ask 🤦🏻‍♀️)
read the latest part. my logical side told me that torturing joel somehow means torturing our baby reader, HOWEVER, my rage keep screaming that DON'T LET THAT FUCKER EXIT SO EASILY PLSSS. (of coz i well believe you will keep developing about reader's mind tht this chapter's ending doesn't mean the cloud is cleared or joel is forgiven.) he definitely has not sufferedorry enough. (or will there be a joel's POV chapter to let that fucker explain himself?)
what can i say about tommy? i thought their relationship is so unbelievable (in good way). where would the world got a married guy that still care a girl enough that pick up drunk/cry-call in the middle of night and not hang up? (or my friends are just too shitty 🤦🏻‍♀️) hope i didn't get it wrong from this chapter, besides the common ground from their traumatic history, tommy is just an extremely sweet guy? stupid question here - they seems cleared the prospect of romantic involvement but still able to keep a close relationship. <- i should get this from this chapter or that will be further flashback about this?
thanks so much for your great work and patience to read my rambling 💛
Hi Rachel 😍 Oh yeah, this quote fits reader perfectly:
there were two reasons I was scared to let people in; the damage they could do, and the damage they could find.
After Sunshine, @witchofthedeepwoods was also saying that Angels Like You by Miley Cyrus reminded her of reader and I couldn't agree more!
It's not your fault I ruin everything And it's not your fault I can't be what you need Baby, angels like you can't fly down hell with me I'm everything they said I would be
About Sink or swim:
he definitely has not sufferedorry enough. (or will there be a joel's POV chapter to let that fucker explain himself?)
First of all, you calling Joel a fucker is so damn funny to me, I dunno why 😂😂😂
Second of all, YES! The ending doesn't mean it's all resolved. Not at all. It just means that she's finally ready to be honest with herself, with Joel, and also with Tommy (since he knows now anyway). I guess we'll have to see if Joel makes the right call in the next part and is able to reassure reader somehow that he really is serious about her 😌. What I have planned for sure is to write out the confrontation between Joel and Tommy. I dunno yet if I'll post it separately or within the next part, but it's coming.
hope i didn't get it wrong from this chapter, besides the common ground from their traumatic history, tommy is just an extremely sweet guy? stupid question here - they seems cleared the prospect of romantic involvement but still able to keep a close relationship. <- i should get this from this chapter or that will be further flashback about this?
I think Tommy sees a lot of himself in reader and that's why he understands her so well. And she is comfortable with him 'cause she really feels like he does understand her without judging her. Plus, he's proven over time that he won't abandon her, and that's also huge for her.
At this point, their relationship is platonic and they both appreciate it for what it is. I'm not gonna tell you if that was always the case or if they had more going on after their first night (or even what happened there exactly). Maybe I will some day, but for now, you're free to imagine whatever you like 😋.
I could imagine that Joel's got his own thoughts/questions about their relationship though hehe. But, as @pattwtf and I discussed, I'm positive that Joel honestly wouldn't care either way.
Thank you for reading my story and taking the time to share your thoughts!! It's so much fun and I appreciate it a lot! 😍 Have a wonderful day! 🤍
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pwuppyl0ve · 3 months
having her laugh at me just to tell me that i’m so stupid n what a dumb bitch i am makes my head so fuzzy <333 immediately feeling so head empty n submissive tht i can only nod n go ‘uh huh’ over n over again <333 telling me tht i’m just a little toy, and toys don’t need to Think <333 makes me wanna be their free use doll constantly <333 let them touch and grope me whenever, dressed in little clothing or none at all so she has easy access <333 houhhhhh
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gor3-hound · 3 months
this ones lengthy i fear.. bear w me.. (◞‸◟")
…married!ada & married!leon (damnation methinks) on the verge of divorcing, marriage CRUMBLING! ada’s always been distant, & leon’s drinking away his sorrows. theyre just coexisting nowadays, all can see the tension! going to a small cafe to escape leon’s bitching, have time to herself—ada meets barista!reader; clumsy, dumb college girl just tryna get by.. adas got 0 shame in bluntly flirting to see reader’s face go bright red—rlly reminds ada of when leon was younger & cuter & wasn’t begging to have a family yet :/ …visiting often, ada slowly coaxes reader into a sexual relationship w her, telling reader tht she def isnt married!!! reader believes her bc ada’s soo trustworthy!!!.... & bc she’s ada, ofc she’s gonna fuck reader right in her & leon’s shared bed! the risk of getting caught makes ada cum faster than leon could ever get her to! 0 strings attached, great orgasms, an obedient toy?? ada’s sold<3
leon’s getting suspicious, ada seems less pissy nowadays! so he decides to follow ada when he isn’t on a mission—to a cafe?? watching from outside,, she’s just talking w the barista? he’s so silly; ada just made a new friend!! ada wouldn’t mind if he got to know her new friend too right?.. when ada leaves, leon enters & does exactly that! readers so impressionable; so cute & young, it makes his dick twitch! & he hasn’t been touched in sooo long, wants a kid but his bitch wife doesnt... mfs traumadumping on poor reader til she lets him fuck her stupid bc she’s so kind! she makes leon forget his failing marriage! he comes back for more instead of going to a bar in his free time now, trying to make her a mommy<3
ada & leon r unaware tht theyre cheating on each other w the same girl… til leon does catch ada scissoring some girl!! doesn’t take him long to recognize reader, & says her name in confusion!! all 3 freeze, but ada & leon connect the dots. pissed at each other, they try to outdo 1 another by seeing who can make reader cum the quickest. reader becomes the glue & stress reliever in their relationship when she’s just tryna go back to being a normal barista... & it doesn’t seem like either r gonna let her leave anytime soon—not when leons trying to fuck a baby into her & ada just wants an outlet from her marriage </3
gulp.. my longest thought by far.. but a little treat for u<3
A TREAT IS RIGHT LIKE... good lord you need to write fics bcs these ideas are insane... better than anything i could cook up i fear...
AND HSNHGHH IT'S LIKE YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE BREEDING GOOD LORD !! leon tryna get reader pregnant driving me insane... ada the loml too omg slap me between those two and i'll simply pass away on the spot.
the idea of them keeping reader around as their personal little stress reliever ahahahahaha... i'm not okay... they both end up lowkey liking reader more than their spouse and everyone is just standing around like:
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Hello! How's your week been?
I was wondering if you would be willing to write a Hunter x Basilisk!Reader? I think it would be interesting considering Hunter just found out he's a grimwalker.
Hello! My week has been great thank you for asking :) Sorry that it took me so long to write your request 😅
I made these in to HC since you weren't too specific on what scenario i sould write, so sorry if this isn't what you were asking :(
Anyway, since I'm dumb feel free to correct my mistakes if I get anything wrong :)
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To start things off the first encounter with Hunter and how he acts around you depends on what the scenario is
If he met you in a forest in your non basilisk form he would freak out and run away. Since, well you're a basilisk
But if he met you in the Noceda household he wouldn't be as scared
Yes he would still be very cautious around you but he'll warm up to you pretty quickly
Since we kind of know how exactly the hexsquad reacted the first time they saw Vee, assuming that Luz already told them about Vee when they were still in the Boiling Isles, let's make things easier for me and just say that you never appeared during the time that Luz was in the mirror world (idk how else to call it)
So the hexsquad would be pretty surprised but seeing Vee and Mrs Noceda so calm around you makes them somewhat relax
They would still be on edge for the most part but they will learn to warm up to you
Now back to Hunter
He would be extremely cautious around you, since he clearly remembers Luz only mentioning only one basilisk
So expect the cold shoulder around him and always feeling eyes on you when you knew no one was around for at least two weeks or so
The more Hunter inspects you the more he feels amazed
As we know Hunter is a huge nerd and he probably came across a book about creatures such as basilisk's at least once, and he probably knew tht they were extinct. So him seeing a basilisk, let alone two basilisk's he is amazed
But still because he knows the awful stories that are portraid in books he is very cautious, more around you that is, since again as I mentioned, Luz probably mentioned Vee back in the Boiling Isles
Now, onto the more fun part to write
When Hunter finally comes to the conclusion that you are in fact not a danger (which the others realized weeks before) he will feel a lot more comfortable
For example he will actually start talking to you and get to know you better
But as the days pass you two seem to grow a connection
The two of you would talk more. Go on walks around the park just to enjoy nature. Do fun activities together such as cooking (you're doing all of the work while Hunter watches). You even shapeshift in front of him to different people and do stupid stuff while Hunter laughs his ass of and tries to copy you
And then there's that one feeling that makes hunter question reality. You could probably guess what feeling I'm talking about
At first he wouldn't understand exactly what's going on with him, because of his time being Golden Guard he never exactly had the time to explore his emotion's
Plus the whole thing in Belos's mind got him even more confused on who he is and if he can even feel what others feel
And so he does what any curious boy does and goes to Luz to ask her about this weird thing he's feeling, of course him not knowing that the feeling is in fact love, or more realistically the feeling of like liking someone, he mentions your name
And to say Luz would be excited is an understatement
She would be squeeling like a fan girl and running around the room, jumping around as she talks to herself excitedly on what your shop name sould be
Hunter is just looking at her with one of his brows arched as he's asking why she's excited all of a sudden
When Luz explains that the feeling he is going through is love he'll be shocked
From then on hell me more awkward around you. Constantly fiddling with the ends of his sleeves and fingers, blushing insanely and his ears would wiggle slightly when you spoke up
Everyone would slowly pick up on Hunter having a crush on you (Luz probably told them a bit later on) but you would be the only clueless one, just thinking that Hunter's going through an awkward stage or something like that
Luz and Vee would probably drop little hints to you, not obvious hints of course, but they would leave you slightly confused
Hunter will be scolding them 100% but they would just make him even more embarrassed by making kissy faces and acting like him
But let's get into the thanks to them episode a bit more
You would notice that Hunter is acting strangely but you just brush it off as mood swings or something like that
But you would get a bit more worried when you saw Hunter running in to the woods and Luz running after him with a scared expression
You being curious, wanting to know what the hell is going on, you follow them
And the next moment you're fighting with a possessed Hunter
Your heart breaking every time he would get hurt, still knowing and trying to tell yourself that that wasn't Hunter
When Hunter finally comes back to his senses and throws the titans blood in to the lake (?)
Your heart dropped when he jumped in. Already getting ready to jump in, but Camila was already one step ahead of you
Pulling him out of the water you were the first one to run up to him, hugging him close as tears build up in to your eyes
But flapjack was there to save the day, jumping on to Hunter's chest, and well... You know what happened next
Now, everyone was walking through the portal, Hunter the last one to enter, but he turned towards you
As he looked in to your eyes, and took in every single detail of your face he slowly walked towards you, grabbing on to your hand
And after a short but emotional confession he put his lips onto yours, putting a had on his cheek you turned your head slightly, smiling in to the kiss
You two pull away slowly and Hunter brushes your knuckles with his thumb, but the moment was ruined when the portal starts to flicker
He quickly runs through it and you're left there with a dumb smile on your face, looking at the portal as it slowly faded away
You were cut out of your thoughts when Vee starts to re-enact the moment you shared with Hunter
Leaving you embarrassed and leaving as Vee teased you while following you, suddenly remembering tha the keys to the car were still with Camila
But you couldn't help but repeat the kiss you and hunter shared over and over in your head. Already getting excited at the thought of seeing him again
Damn, this is way longer than I expected-
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this and feel free to correct any mistakes :)
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viviloveschilde · 1 year
Hello! I liked your childe fics :> i have this thing tht has been in my mind for a while and i wanted to share it with you :D
Like imagine mordern au childe with gamer s/o<3 theyre laying together in bed with childe on theur chest hugging their waist and listening to their heartbeat as s/o is playing on their nintendo/phone<33 childe trying to get their attention but theyre to focused on beating the boss instead of giving him his cuddles and kisses TT its not like theyre ignoring him yk they respond to him and a give a few head pats whenever they can but childe thinks its not enough still so he ends up whining and complaining about how theyre not paying attention to him :( s/o eventually gives in to his pleading and gives him the attention he deserves<3
(Maybe he even glares at their nintendo for stealing s/o's attention away from him)
(can i be 🦅anon? <3)
Dear 🦅anon,
thats actually an amazing idea~ So I'm gonna do the honors of writing my first requested fic! Thx for the request and it was rlly fun to write! Oh and yes, I hope you like it <3
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬:pure fluff only, no warnings <3
𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒐𝒇 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅
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"Childe...I need to defeat the boss in (favourite game)...come on...ill give you attention later...."
You mumbled slightly frustrated over how clingy Childe was today. On normal days,Childe was clingy enough but now that he could not get your attention, he was as clingy as ever.
Childe was basically clinging onto you at this point, with his arms snaking around your waist and his head resting on your chest, listening to your calming heartbeat.
"But cutie...your beautiful e/c eyes should be on me, not the Nintendo! "
You glance at him for a split second, looking at how he was pouting and whining for you to finally give in and give him all your attention.
"It won't take too long, be patient..."
You give him a head pat and he let's out a satisfied sigh, thinking that you had finally given in. But when your hand left his ginger hair, his eyes sparked with frustration as he glared at the Nintendo.
"Ugh...that stupid Nintendo getting all of y/n's attention..."
He muttered under his breath. You let out a small chuckle as you heard what he said and planted a small, lingering kiss on his nose.
"Now now...I'll be done fighting the boss soon..."
You cooed, trying to pacify him but he continued to look at you with those puppy dog eyes of his.
You had no choice but to give in.
You placed your Nintendo on the bed and jumped into his arms. Although you did this mainly for him to stop being a whiny little baby, you enjoyed it as well.
"I see that you have finally come back to your senses and gave your sweet boyfriend a hug, eh? "
He gently teased you while nudging your cheeks, he longed to pinch them but obviously, now was not the time to do that.
He plants soft kisses all over your face and pulls you in for a gentle hug, smirking at the Nintendo as if he had beat it in a game of winning your attention.
A smug smile tugged on his lips as the game on the Nintendo sounded "GAME OVER". He let out a soft chuckle before pulling you in and cuddling you like he needed you to live, he did need you in his life after all.
What a way to end playing your favourite game, with sweet cuddles and kisses, but you didn't complain anyway, so Childe took it as a sign that you enjoyed it and that he would most definitely do it again.
Side note: Hi it's me! Hope you enjoyed it 🦅anon and feel free to send requests whenever you want some<3 If u don't mind, do give me a tiny like and follow on the way out! I rlly appreciate it~ thx! (^з^)-☆Chu!!
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1864reruns · 3 days
not really a request, i just wanted to say how much i adore ur writing, i came accross one of ur fic today and i kid u not, i could not stop re-reading it TT, it is honestly one of the best luffy fic ive ever read thus far, and im just ughjshs sorry, i wanna let this out and i just wanna let uk, ive been dying to find an author tht can capture his character and energy to the fullest and im so glad i finally find u <3 will be looking forward to ur future pieces ill literally eat anything u offer (even if its not luffy HAHA) ure such an amazing writer💜💜
omggg thank youuu 🫀🫀 this means so much cause i always struggle with writing luffy, it's hard to portray his canon hyperactivity without feeling like i'm reducing him to being stupid and just hyper so i realllyy appreciate this; i hope you enjoy all my future works nd feel free to drop a request if you wna see more luffy stuff, i'd be more than happy to work on it for you <3
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caruliaa · 1 year
i love looking at blogs that are like heres my zukka fanfic titled after some random taylor swift lyrics my characterization of them isnt one ur atla mutuals wld hate but its not one they wld agree with either i moslty focus on shipping. like i mean tht genuinly/unironically its like an antidote to all of my uuuggh im still too scared to engage in atla stuff bc what if ppl tihnk what i have to stay cringe bs thats still in my brain for some reason. like guys r just having a little bit of fun w it why cant i
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A fluff scenario where khun edahn being really clingy to female reader tht it annoyed her sometimes? Thank you and love ur writing~~
thanks anon, here you go!!
The Tower was a wicked, dangerous place. The higher the rank someone established for themself, the bigger the chance they had already lost a significant part of their humanity. 
"Mhmm…," a faint whine echoed as another body snuggled close to yours. It belonged to Khun Eduan, the holder of the 6th place in the Tower, one of the most vicious warriors alive. 
In his free time, also a massive baby. 
"I'm cold," he complained and wrapped his arm around your waist. Shifting to a more comfortable position, Eduan settled for resting his head on your chest. Even from that distance, you could smell the distinctive fragrance of expensive wine on his breath. 
"You've been drinking again, haven't you?" The question was more rhetorical than anything else. 
Khun let out an offended gasp. 
"Me? Never!" 
You rolled your eyes and placed your hand on his head, absentmindedly brushing through the silky hair with your fingers. Eduan had always been a clingy drunk, so his behavior didn't shock you. The playful atmosphere morphed into cozy silence, allowing you both to let your guard down and rest. 
Just when you were about to fall asleep, your stomach rumbled. 
"Eduan, move. I need to grab a snack," you told him, which the almighty warrior decided to ignore. Even after you tried shoving him off., he didn't budge an inch. 
You could feel the shit-eating grin on his face without looking. 
"Eduan, stop acting like a child. I'm hungry." 
He clung to your body with more strength than before. 
"And I'm touch starved. Deal with your problem yourself; I'm not going anywhere." 
His behavior was beginning to get on your nerves. 
"You have three seconds to get off me, or you'll end up on the floor. Your choice," you stated in a clearly annoyed tone. Eduan shifted slightly but remained glued to your side. "One… Two…" 
A giant weight had suddenly lifted from your body. A miracle. 
"Okay, go get your stupid food. That's still not very kind of you, dear," Eduan complained. 
You stood up and rewarded him with a forehead kiss for his sacrifice. Sometimes food had to be prioritized over love. 
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