#thaaaaanks other mom
themirokai · 7 months
Teeth are so fucking weird. They are bones that fall out of your head when you’re a kid and it’s supposed to happen.
Of course we came up with the tooth fairy to make that experience a little more magical and rewarding.
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essie-essex · 5 months
My birthday was last week, but I met my family for my birthday lunch today. When I got there, my sister was sitting at the table talking with two men. I arrive at the table:
strange man sitting at our table: Happy Birthday!!!!!!
me: uh, thaaaaanks.
I figured my sister had told him that we were there for my birthday. He kept talking to me and I nodded along, all the while wondering "who is this person??" Finally, he said he was one of the managers there. I still don't know who the other guy was.
Apparently my grandniece was grounded, so she wasn't there. She tried to lie to her mom about going somewhere with her friends and her friend's mom, complete with fake photos, when she was really going to hang out at the high school with her friends (she's 11).
My sister got me a gorgeous African skirt. I was going to wear it and take a few photos, but I'm tired, so I didn't. She also gave me a resin crystal ball with tigers eye chips inside along with a stand for it. My brother got me a candle and a pretty candle holder.
Anyway, it was a good day. I was glad to see everyone. You almost wouldn't know how depressed I was feeling last night and how hard it was to get up this morning, but I did.
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giving-brain · 3 years
NAME: Miu Iruma
RESIDENCE: Hope’s Peak Dorm and her moms apartment
TYPE OF BED: pile of floor futons! 
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: none in summer, 3 in winter. They are all pink with bunnies or cats printed on them. 
NUMBER OF PILLOWS: 2 pillows to make a perfect right angle to cradle her neck she wont stfu about it 
TYPE OF CLOTHING: none, or satin pj bottoms and tank top. 
DO THEY SLEEP WITH COMPANY?: does cat count? 
DO THEY SLEEP BETTER WITH COMPANY?: not really, unless she has been doing it awhile with someone. otherwise she gets very nervous she isnt making the other person comfortable. 
DOES IT MATTER WHERE THEY SLEEP?: extremely. She can’t sleep anywhere she isn’t used to, she does get used to sleeping at friends dorms, verse dependent, but other then that you will not catch her napping in class or anything like that 
WHAT DO THEY DO IF THEY CANNOT FALL ASLEEP?: write. draw. sketch. design. work. never a moment wasted. 
FREQUENT DREAMS, NIGHTMARES: nightmares of being chased and killed, very violent and real. She blames it on her taste in b-rated horror movies. 
DEEP SLUMBER OR NAPS: ABSOLUTELY NOT. Miu could hear a pin drop in her dorm. Naps are a waste of time. 
WHEN DO THEY SLEEP: when ever her eyes get too bleary to work. that could be midnight, or 3am. 
WHAT COULD WAKE THEM UP: Voices in the hallway, laughing, walking outside her room. She usually leaves a movie on to distract her mind from the general living sounds around her. 
EARLY OR LATE RISER: early riser. It takes her forever to get ready for class, and she is always somehow late.
tagged by: @ahogedetective Thaaaaanks!
tagging: anyone who wants to! 
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ruzek-halstead · 3 years
1, 4 & 12 🥰
1) describe your comfort zone - a typical you-fic.
i love this question. definitely in an alternate universe bc the possibilities are endless. personally, i’m a big fan of the enemies to lovers trope, bc sassy/sarcastic dialogue is what i live for. that’s definitely in my comfort zone. i also happen to love fake relationships, so that is definitely a me fic. 
4) how many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? care to share one of them?
i’ll just copy and paste my answer from earlier, asking about all my wips.
well, the most obvious one of my grocery store au. i’m about halfway with six chapters already posted. it goes by month, so next chapter will be focus on march and st. patrick’s day where the gang goes out for a celebratory drink. have some cool stuff lined up for julie along the way too!!
next on my list is a florist/tatto shop au where someone (need to go find them later to give them credit) reblogged my original post with the idea and suggested switching the tropes, where julie would be the tattoo artist (i mean, she can draw and luke doesn’t even have good handwriting) and luke, still the ever glowing rockstar but also works in a floral shop to help out bc they’re friends of his mom or something
also have a diner au planned. where the gang works together and julie is super clumsy but luke is so in love with her that he’s blind to it and all their friends know they’re meant to be but maybe they just need a little push? will definitely include squad meddling
and lastly, i’ve been mulling over how some old taylor swift songs give me such juke vibes so i’m going to try my hand at writing mini songfics (or since i have a fic where luke writes julie a song, maybe i’ll do one where julie writes luke a song bc i have the perfect one in my mind already. can y'all guess it??? one of t-swift’s oldies)
12) is there an episode above all others that inspired you just a little bit more?
definitely, the last episode. it’s where everything comes together and the boys are finally tangible. it just opens the realm of possibilities for everything why can now do, and especially between julie and luke. so that episode has definitely inspired me more. 
thaaaaank you imène!!!
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timeoutforthee · 6 years
Trick or Treat-Spooky Month
Summary: Even more Child!Roman and Deceit and Big Brother!Virgil and Logan, complete with more feelings than anticipated, and some minor Analogical.
TWs: sympathetic deceit, let me know if I need to add anything else
Words: 1,790
Virgil is darkness. Virgil is bitterness. Virgil is not going to break under the puppy eyes of a seven year old.
Roman sticks his lip out, and holds out the costume more insistently.
“Pleeeeeease, big brother?” And, oh, he’s pulling that card.
“Ro,” Virgil says, looking at his ceiling, because he’s rolling his eyes and not because he’s avoiding that pouty look, shut up, “I have helped you find your costume. I have made your tail. I have given you scales-”
“The best scales in all the land!”
“Sure. I think I’ve fulfilled my big brotherly duties.”
“Nooooo,” Roman whined. “You have to come with me.”
“I don’t have to do anything.”
“Fine then. You want to.”
“I beg to differ.”
“...is that a yes? I don’t know what that means.”
“No, Roman. Mom can take you like every other year.”
“But...but I picked this outfit out just for you. Don’t you like it?” Roman said, “I thought you could be my brother-witch who cursed me into being a dragon. Wouldn’t that be fun?” And, oh shit, now his eyes are getting watery.
No, I am strong, dammit!
“Roman…,” Virgil stops as Roman’s lip trembles and he realizes he is very, very weak and pouty children have too much power in society, “Fiiiiine.”
“I hate it.”
Logan smiles from behind his little brother, who has black and yellow scales painted on the top half of his face. To make this new costume, they got a plain black onesie, and they painted the accurate markings (okay, not completely accurate. D.C. had taken some creative liberties and Logan couldn’t say no) on the back. After some searching, Logan found some yellow contacts that were comfy enough for his brother to wear, so they were in as well. They even stuck some fangs on his teeth, and they were surprisingly staying in place.
“I’m glad,” Logan said as his brother walked over and hugged his leg. Keeping with the theme, Logan had dressed up in khaki shorts, a tan shirt, and a hat, going for a zoologist, “Don’t smear your makeup.”
“I’m a snake.”
“I’m squeezing you to death.”
“That’s a boa constrictor, D.”
“I am a magic snake. I have all the best parts of every snake. So I can squeeze you to death if I wanted.”
“Ah, I see. In that case, I am very afraid,” Logan says, not being able to fight back a smile, “But if you want candy, we better get going. So you’ll have to let go of my leg.”
“I think I made your costume too amazing, Virgil,” Roman frowned, “You look better than me.”
“I think you’re just saying that because I have more glitter than you,” Virgil says, looking in the mirror.
And, boy, does he have glitter. He has no idea how Roman found this stuff, and he’s definitely going to have to talk to their mom about this. His pants are bell bottoms, because apparently those still exist, and they are covered in purple glittery spiderwebs. His top is a simple black one, except for the black bat wing sleeves (he’s kinda living for that aesthetic though, not gonna lie.) He has a gigantic plastic belt looped around his waist. His shoulders are covered by a sheer black cape that, again, has purple glitter covering it. It’s all topped off with a hat, which is, of course, purple.
Virgil suddenly regrets having a favorite color.
“I will add more glitter to your scales.”
Roman grins, “Thaaaaank you!”
They make their way out to the kitchen, where they haven’t cleaned the makeup and facepaint up yet. Roman sits sideways on the chair, so his tail doesn’t get in the way. He has a black dress on, coming down to his calves, because he insisted that he had to show off his ankles, which needed to be in striped socks, Virgil! Virgil has somehow constructed a tail out of cloth and stuffing. They’ve added wings, which were originally bat wings, but now were painted green. He has a classic pointy hat, or at least it was classic, until he insisted on painting it with glitter glue.  
The real star of the outfit, of course, were the scales. They were a gradient of dark blue to light green, with glitter in the dark blue area. No matter how much they tried, they couldn’t think of a way to recreate fire, so Virgil had dabbed a little bit of black lipstick into the center of Roman’s lips, to make it look like ash.
“You know, this means you have to wait until you get home to eat the candy,” he warned.
Roman pulled back and looked at him seriously.
“For fashion,” he said, “Anything.”
Virgil had to turn to his head to the side, so he could make sure he didn’t laugh in his brother’s face. Roman frowned.
“I don’t see what’s so funny.”
Since he was adding more glitter, this time in the green area, he went ahead and added some red glitter in the center of the black lipstick. Roman smiled.
“Are you going to do your makeup, Virgil?”
“I always do my makeup.”
“Are you gonna do your makeup fun?” Roman’s eye lit up, “Are you going to add glitter?”
“Absolutely not.”
Virgil was weak. That’s what he was going to tell anyone who looked at him weird for having a glittery spider on his temple or eyebags that were made of purple glitter.
Which he might have to do, because the cute guy from his math class is right there, and Virgil looks ridiculous, so of course that’s when this would happen. Maybe he could just blend in, be invisible, they’d walk right by each other-
“Virgil?” Logan says from the other side of the street.
Of course not, Virgil looked like a goddamn road flare.
“Heyyyy, Logan,” Virgil says, pausing on the sidewalk.
Roman sends a look over his shoulder, “Oh? Logan?”
“Roman, I swear to God-”
He tugs on Virgil’s hand harder, all but dragging him to Logan. Logan is looking at him curiously, and Virgil is lucky he can hide under his hat.
“Hi!” Roman says, beaming up at Logan, “I’m Roman! Virgil’s favorite little brother!”
“You’re my only brother.”
Logan snickers, then pauses. “Wait, Roman? Are you in Mr. Patton’s class?”
“I’m just asking because I believe my brother is in the same class.”’
“Logan, I totally didn’t get any good candy-” D.C. freezes as he looks up and sees Roman talking to his brother.
Roman looks over and narrows his eyes. The witch near him seems to sense the danger, because he immediately whispers “Roman, be nice.” Something in D.C.’s stomach drops, because for a normal kid, you don’t have to be told to be nice.
“D,” Logan whispers, holding his arm out. D.C. runs and ducks behind him, not even accepting his hug. His lip is trembling and he definitely doesn’t want his classmate to see that. He feels Logan’s hand in his hair, and he tries to relax.
Virgil is confused. But there is a crying child behind Logan, and that is never good, and his little brother might have caused that, but also is this kid the one Roman said called him lame? He looks down at his little brother, who just looks back at him in confusion.
“D...are you...okay?” Roman asks, carefully.
“Yes.” He’s squeezing his eyes shut so the tears don’t come out.
“D…,” Logan sighs, “I think there’s been a misunderstanding. You see-” D.C. frantically pokes his older brother in the leg, shaking his head.
“What misunderstanding?” Roman asks.
Logan sighs, and looks over at Virgil, even though he knows Virgil can’t help him explain maladaptive coping skills and childhood trauma to seven year old.
“D.C. lies sometimes,” and he is decidedly not looking his little brother, because he might be crying, and Logan simply couldn’t handle that.
“Lies? Why?”
“I can totally control it,” D.C. says, his voice watery. Roman wrinkles his eyebrows.
“He...somethings are hard for him, so he feels the only way he can control things is by lying,” Logan is desperately looking at Virgil, hoping he at least understands. Virgil gives the slightest nod of his head, then kneels down so he’s eye level with Roman.
“You know how I get panic attacks because I feel like the world is too much?”
“D.C. feels like the world is too much, so he lies to make it a little less. He can’t control it, just like I can’t control my panic attacks.”
Logan can hear his little brother sniffling, so he cards his fingers through his hair, reminding him he’s there, even if Roman doesn’t get it, even if-
But Roman is putting everything together, slowly. If he lies...and he called him lame...and he can’t control it…
His cheeks turn red. Oh.
“Oh…,” he says out loud, slowly.
D.C. is still holding on to his brother, even though his knuckles are turning white. He pushes down any sliver of hope, because Roman didn’t understand, he couldn’t-
He blinks and suddenly Roman is holding out a hand. He takes it slowly, and then he’s being pulled along, hand clutched in Roman’s.
“Roman, you can’t go anywhere without me,” Virgil reminds him.
“You wouldn’t let me out of your sight if I tried,” Roman says, still strolling along.
Logan snickers as he and Virgil trail after them.
“Where are you going?”
“We’re going to battle a dragon.”
This time Logan full on laughs, and Virgil feels himself flushing. He just had a cute laugh, ok?
“A dragon?” D. C. asks. He’s stopped crying but his eyes are still a little red.
“Yes,” Roman says, very seriously, “And through our epic battle, an unbreakable friendship will form.” Then he leans back and starts whispering to D.C., who immediately starts giggling and whispers back.
Virgil narrows his eyes, “What are you guys-”
“There!” Roman shouts suddenly, making a beeline to a patch of grass in between two houses.
“Wh-Wait!” Virgil says, “What about trick or treating?”
“Oh,” Roman says, smiling, “I guess you’re just going to have to do it for us.” He shoves his  plastic pumpkin into Virgil’s hands.
“We’d really hate it,” D.C. says, pushing his bag into Logan’s hands. Then they both take off, even though they make sure they’re in clear view of both of their older brothers.
“Did we just get set up?” Virgil asks.
Logan smiles at him and he blushes.
“Accept our fate, Virgil,” he says as they walk up to a new house, ringing the doorbell.
“Trick or treat.”.
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wittywallflower · 6 years
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@wolfshadow thaaaaank you. I called into work today and this is definitely a better way to spend my time :D
1) Family vacation that includes Schneider
Penelope really wants to take a family trip before Elena goes off to college because while she is so, so proud of Elena getting into Bryn Mawr, she is already feeling a little panicked about her daughter moving so far away.
But Lydia still hates flying, and Dr. B has been letting Penelope run the office more as he starts to consider retirement, so its hard to find enough time to take a trip before the end of summer
Schneider blasts through a dozen suggestions but especially wants to take them hiking in British Columbia. Not a single Alvarez is interested in that. Most of them grew up in LA, they aren’t exactly one with nature.
He’s kinda sarcastic when he suggests Disneyland because it hardly counts as a trip when its only an hour away, plus its such a cliche, right? Alex is too old to really experience any childlike wonder anymore and Elena never enjoys huge displays of blatant consumerism. She probably has 3 articles at ready discussing the environmental toll of theme parks.
But no one voices a single objection because Penelope’s eyes start shining at the idea of her family in Mickey Mouse ears and she starts imagining (hallucinating?) her kids when they were younger, back when she could barely afford to take them to a street fair let alone Disneyland. Sometimes her papi shows up in the imagined memories; sometimes Victor is there and they had never separated. Weirdly, Schneider is always present in these visions.
Schneider is pumped when Penelope agrees. Yeah, he might have been joking when he suggested it. But he’s totally been to Disneyland like 6 times. All the sights and sounds, the frenetic energy, the sugar overload from all the churros... its like an innocent natural high that doesn’t trigger his addictive personality.
Penelope starts fishing change out of the sofas and recycling cans for extra spending money but Schneider insists on paying. Penelope hates it when he spends money on them like this. Bringing over a load of groceries he is going to eat most of it is one thing, but Disneyland isn’t cheap and even though they are comfortable financially these days, it still feels like charity.
Schneider finds several clever ways around this. He insists he has to treat Elena, a combination farewell and birthday present. Schneider has never been able to shake the feeling that he still owes Alex after that ugly scene in the laundry room so obviously Penelope has to let Schneider do this for him. Dr B has an extra pass to the park he never uses, so Lydia only needs to be kept hydrated.
They’re a little worried about how Lydia will manage all the walking until Alex shows her a couple viral videos of older folks doing stunts on electric scooters set to rap music. She is willing to be convinced that a Rascal can be cool so she can join the fun. “And when you get tired, papito, you can ride with me.” Sometimes she forgets Alex isn’t a little boy anymore and wont exactly fit into the basket.
Once convinced, Penelope goes all out. She is hunting groupons and researching where to find the cheapest deals in the park. She has matching t-shirts and caps made for everyone, to make it easy to find each other if they get separated
The best part of the entire endeavor for Schneider is when Penelope hands him the cap embroidered with ALVAREZ, and the shirt with his name screen-printed across the shoulders like a jersey. Everyone has a matching one of their own. He’s never felt more included in their lives as when he is strutting around with the Alvarez family name written all over him.
Elena throws up. Twice. But she’s determined not to spoil the day for anyone. Eventually she figures out what part of the rides to close her eyes for, then she doesn’t feel nearly as dizzy after. Schneider stops buying her churros though.
Penelope goes on a few rides when the kids beg her to but mostly enjoys the mami moments of waving to Elena and Alex as the rides spin them closer and then away again.
When Lydia needs a break from the sun, Schneider keeps Penelope company as she watches. The childlike part of him is buzzing to run on to the next ride, the next cotton candy stand, but mostly he enjoys how the scene feels. Standing next to the best mom he knows, seeing the joy on the kids’ faces as they wave madly at him on their way past.
Schneider never expected to have the life others had with a happy home, a partner for mutual support, kids to watch grow up, taking family vacations together, sharing good times as well as bad. He knew his addiction would never let him build that kind of life. Yet somehow... here he was. With everything he never thought he deserved.
He is not getting choked up with standing less than 5 yards away from someone in a Donald Duck costume. He just isn’t.
As the fireworks fade from the sky at the end of the day, the exhausted family prepares to leave. Elena is bogged down with bags. It turns out blatant consumerism is easier to ignore once you find the lgbt pride merchandise section in the gift shops. Schneider bought her every single thing she stopped to coo over. Alex is regretting his shoe choice. Yeah, he looks fly, but there’s zero arch support in the trendy sneakers and his feet are sore.
Lydia managed to kill the battery in the electric scoot when papito convinced her to try stunts with it and they spent 20 minutes doing donuts outside the bathroom while Elena was puking. They almost hit like 3 people and it was the best thing for everyone that Penelope was inside helping her daughter clean up
Lydia’s cane was.... somewhere in their mess of merchandise. Possibly in the bag that contained authentic Disney mouse-ear caps with embroidered names. Rather than stop to dig it out, Schneider hefted the tiny woman up for a piggyback ride. She giggling like a teenager and the aroma of violets managed to overpower the theme park smells.
Instead of taking the tram to the parking lot they end up at one of the resort hotels and Penelope is too tired to scold Schneider for booking them a suite without asking. Instead she ignores how much it must have cost him and just thanks her lucky stars she didn’t have to make the drive home.
She barely manages to get Elena and Alex through a shower before they collapse, too tired to even complain about sharing a bed with each other
Lydia is fast asleep in the bed Penelope cant wait to crawl into herself.
First she wants to thank Schneider again for giving them this day. Its hard for her to accept a big gift like this, even when she knows the money doesn’t mean anything to him. But she takes his hand, trying to convey how much it means to her that he wants to give this kind of joy to her children just because he loves them.
They fall asleep on the sofa, hands still linked, heads pillowed on each other, both still wearing their matching ALVAREZ gear.
This got long, imma have to do another post for the other prompt. Thaaaaaank you again for giving me an excuse to rave about the Alvarez family for a bit.
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nashvilletonihon · 6 years
To Stay Or Not To Stay...That Is The Million Dollar Question.
I’m currently sitting at my desk in the Kumihama teacher’s room. It’s Finals Week here so everyone is buzzing around and it sounds like a busy hive of bees. The students already look broken, defeated, tired. It’s been a long couple of weeks for me so I can only imagine what it’s been like for them.
I’m honestly not sure where October and November went. I remember being glad that September was over the minute it became October 1st and then suddenly I was celebrating Halloween with my ESS Club students and then it was November 1st. Now it’s 1 day away from my birthday (which I haven’t even thought about) and then it will be December 1st. 
What. Is. Happening??? 
When I first arrived here I thought time had literally stopped. I was stuck in an endless loop of being unhappy, lonely and sad I was drowning in my own misery. Fast forward to now. November 29th. In two short months I will have to give the JET Program and my contracting schools an answer to the question of whether or not I would like to re-contract. If I say yes, my schools will then have to decide whether or not they want to extend my contract for another year. If they do, I’d be working for them again during another trip around the sun. If they don’t...well, the decision to stay or go will have been made for me.
I’ve talked to my mom and a few close friends about my decision to potentially live in Japan for another year or to move back to the States. My mother encouraged me to make a Pros and Cons list. (Something I’ve always done when faced with major, life-changing decisions.) It’s currently taped to the back of my bedroom door and at the moment, both sides are neck and neck. Neither the Pros nor the Cons have advanced past the other. Hurray for me right? How does a list like that help when they’re dead even?! 
I think about what my life would be like in both scenarios. If I stay for another year I can continue to work toward my (absolutely insane) goal of eventually taking the JLPT N2. It’s an incredibly difficult test for non-native speakers that requires A LOT of work to pass. One of my friends and fellow JET’s is getting ready to take it this Sunday. She studied Japanese for four years in college AND studied abroad here and even she’s worried passing it. I wonder if I could accomplish my goal in another year and a half. If I worked my a** off, I bet I could. I at least want to take and pass the N3. (Which I’m pretty sure I can do.) That being said, if I pass the N2 I could get a job as a translator or interpreter which is something I would really enjoy doing. I could translate anime or manga or work for the government or tourism board in cities like Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Seattle, etc... Living in Japan for another year would allow me to continue to be exposed to native speakers and Japanese every single day. The minute I move back to America I no longer have that luxury. Even though I’ve only been here for 4 months my comprehension and understanding has grown exponentially. I would be jeopardizing all of the hard work I’ve put in up ‘til now. 
A major Con of continuing to live in Japan is being away from my family and friends for another year. I video chat with my momma every single day and it always pains me to have to talk to her through a phone screen. I miss being able to hop in my car and drive the 2 1/2 hours to Indiana to see her whenever I wanted. Now we constantly have to coordinate when we both have free time to talk. Being 15 hours ahead of her in the States (thaaaaanks Daylight Savings) makes things difficult, but we manage. I miss her hugs. I also struggle a lot with the fact that I am losing out on valuable time with my grandparents. I know they won’t be around forever and the guilt associated with being over here while they continue grow older is more than I can put into words. I know my family is proud of me for following my dreams but that doesn’t make being over here any easier.
Another Con (or Pro depending on how you look at it) is that I have ZERO job prospects moving back to America. Absolutely nothing. In theory I could pick up over hire work in theatre at TPAC, Nash Rep, Studio Tenn or advertise myself as a costume designer (a position I have long had a love/hate relationship with) but to be completely honest, none of that sounds very appealing right now. I’m tired of living paycheck to paycheck and constantly being worried about if I’ll be able to afford rent (we all know how ridiculous it is to live in Nashville now) or make my car payment. Yeah, yeah I know. ‘’That’s what being involved in the arts is all about! You have to suffer for it!’’ Whoever thought that was a good excuse for people to live a stressful, poor lifestyle just so they can follow their passion can shove it. It’s ridiculous we even have to do that in the first place. Yes, I want to act. Yes, it’s my everything. Yes, it’s what I am good at. But I don’t want to constantly have to struggle when I could work toward a job that I can make good money doing while ALSO acting. Is that me selling out to have a secure day job and moonlight as an actor? Maybe. I’ll be 29 on Friday. If I stay another year in Japan I’ll turn 30 here. It’s hard to believe I’m so close to being out of my twenties already. While I feel the proverbial clock ticking when it comes to the stereotypical “old actress” trope, I have to remind myself that most well-known actors didn’t even get started until their mid-30′s. I’ve got time. And being bilingual will look really cool on my resumé.
So what’s another Pro about continuing to live in Japan? Saving more money, yo. Being here for another year means more savings in the bank. It’s a pretty simple concept that would allow me to not freak out about finances when I finally move back to the States. As someone who had an incredible amount of financial stability when I lived in Los Angeles to being left with nothing after I moved to Nashville, financial stability is now incredibly important to me. (I can hear my father slow clapping from 11,000 miles away.) I’m not one for caring about money (never have been) but if I could keep adding to the savings account while also working toward a career that would help me in the long run, I’ll take that option time and time again.
Another Pro I often think about is how many more people can come to visit Japan while I’m here. My Mom, sister (Elizabeth) and friends Taylor and Erica are all coming out to visit me in the months of February and March. If I’m here for another year, even MORE people can come on out to see what this crazy magical country is all about. I think that’s pretty dang cool and am 100% encouraging everyone I know to start looking at flights now. I mean, you’ve got a personal tour guide AND a place to stay!!! What more could you need/want?! 
All in all I have quite a few Pros and Cons on the list. Some of the Cons are dependent on whether or not I can somehow change them into Pros. One example would be the immense distaste I have for my base school. I am there every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Out of those three days I might be fortunate enough to attend (not teach, mind you) 2 classes, possibly 3. Classes are 50 minutes each if we don’t have a special shortened schedule. So out of 3, 8 hour work days, I am maybe seeing the inside of a classroom for less than 3 hours each week. Compare that to my visit school where I am there on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I have 3 or 4 and sometimes 5 classes a day. I am waaaaay happier at my visit school. I found out that I can talk to my scheduling supervisors to potentially get my schedule switched so that my visit school becomes my base school and my base school becomes my visit school. This would drastically improve my outlook on the situation as a whole. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the other teachers at my base school (even though I don’t really talk to many of them and vice versa) and they’re all incredibly nice people. I just seem to click better with the teachers at my visit school.
Throughout all of the anxiety, worrying, stressing out and continual ‘’Should I or shouldn’t I’s’’, I have to keep telling myself that ultimately, it’s my decision and mine alone. Will it affect the people close to me? Oh, without a doubt. I know my family will hate to have me away for another year. I run the risk of being forgotten in the Nashville theatre and losing another year of shows. I already feel like my career was just beginning to take off and the desire to follow through with that is one of the strongest pulls back home yet. And then again...I have this intense desire to learn Japanese. REALLY learn it. I want to communicate with my friends, co-workers and the people who have helped to make the adjustment to life in Japan a little bit easier. I want to help Americans visit Japan and not be scared to do so because of the language barrier. Trust me when I say that the the people here are more scared to use English than you are to use Japanese.
I have a lot to think about over the next 2 months, but if I’m being completely honest (and I try to be on here), I am about 90% sure I will stay for another year. I don’t think my work in Japan is done yet. I think I can help more students, engage more cultural exchanges, help the current JTE’s teach their classes more efficiently and help infuse fun ways of learning into the mundane textbook lessons. I want to start a pen-pal exchange with the girls in my English Speaking Society Club with students from my aunt’s high school in Indiana. There is so much I want to do...and 8 more months just isn’t enough time to do it all.
Before I end this, it’s important to me that I thank the countless people, both family members and friends, who have listened to my doubts, fears, concerns and indecision about all of this over the past month. Your unwavering support and constant encouragement mean so much to me. I honestly wouldn’t still be here without your love and kindness. I am truly, truly grateful to have each and every one of you in my life, both here and abroad. Y’all the real MVP’s. 
I’m sorry there aren’t any photos in this post. I’m heading to Kyoto City tomorrow for a Skills Conference and will be there all weekend. I’m going sightseeing and Christmas shopping and will be taking lots of photos so I will have plenty to write about come next week. On that note I will wrap this up and say goodbye for now. I keep telling myself I’ll be better at updating and posting and I swear I will start now. Thanks for always being patient with me!!
じゃあまた (See you!)
- レイチェル (Rachel)
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jjungkookislife · 3 years
Hello again!
Thank you so much for responding to my ask. I know it was kinda long and I do appreciate you took the time to address each of my comments and questions 🥰
Too much is never enough 😩 I would luuuv to know how this couple manages their 2022, may it be during special holidays, working days, literally any situation! Im such a sucker for domestic scenarios and you slayed, you should definetly continue (if its your will, of course).
I do agree about the y/n predicament. If its there, it will not stop me from reading or anything like that. Is just that by the time I finish the story and realize it was never used, I have to comment the author and show my appreciation for it! Takes a lot of effort and proof reading and much more to get it that way, and still make the reader feel that involved in the story is an achievement worth the praise 🥳
Now, knowing my Friday night ask had potentially inspired a Valentine`s drabble is AMAZING.
I really enjoyed reading your response, and then reading the drabble! Just as you described it and with more lovely details, Jimin may call oc doll, but sure he is one himself, protect him at all costs 🤧
Enjoying the 14th with mom and Ana is one step closer (if possible) of Jimin being the third son they did not know they needed. All of them got the best possible present from him, that was very sweet 🥰
No remote work may be a bummer, but with that driver I would gladly wear my white button down and put on my badge. The lunch and notes are the cherry on top.
And wow! I was both surprised and glad that Jimin is not the type to be jealous. I had like a kid version of him in mind, of him being kinda possessive over oc interacting with other boys (the Im-not-mad-but-I-am-actually-mad at the kiddos who where getting friendly with oc, when he was kinda trying to understand his feelings towards her), but it makes sense that he just grew up to be a confident and loveable young man. Please excuse my toxic ass 🤧 BUT, him being like t h a t in bed is even better. I do agree with you on the idea of just treating each other as individuals worth of respect, BUT still asking permission to dance in the bedroom, if you know what I mean *raises eyebrows out of sync*
Him carrying the golden retriever aura and oc being the kitty at home is just the perfect match, and of course, they mixing their activities once in a while to get to know each other better and what they like gives me a lot to think of! Are there more adventures for this couple to enjoy and for us to read? Whatever is next in your projects, Im in!
Lastly, I am sorry for the delay on response, I usually login on weekends only and I just had to sit down and unload to give you a proper response. Talking about Jimin is one of my passions and I thaaaaank yoooou for your dedication in both, your story and replying to your readers. May you have a nice week, and a nicer weekend coming right up! Take care! ✌😊
Hello! How are you? Your ask made me so happy <3
It's so easy to write for hhh!jimin, i have three more drabble ideas if I get around to it. I tend to daydream a lot while I'm at work and this week I've been thinking of Jimin waking up really early to go jogging and oc having none of it 'cause who goes jogging at 4:30am? for what? and since Jimin loves being outdoors and whatnot, he tries to get oc to go but nope, nope, nope!
Yes, thank you for noticing! I've been trying to use it less and less and sometimes coming up with nicknames is hard 'cause i usually give nicknames once I know a person's name but I can't do that when it's a reader insert. I'm glad you enjoyed it <3
I loved writing the drabble and going more in depth with it! It's something I wanted to write and your ask definitely got me to do it. Jimin is a sweetheart and I hope I can eventually write oc doing something sweet for him. He's just so sweet and soft :( i love him.
He fits in so well with their family :( they love him so much and even if he didn't go above and beyond for them, they'd still love him. Like he would never exclude them from anything because he knows what it's like to be excluded and it sucks. He may give oc gifts a little more extravagant but he will still get ana and mom something <3
I love getting little notes and i saw it as something Jimin would definitely do. Maybe, later on, oc writes little notes for Jimin and Ana will stick her drawings on his fridge with cute little magnets :)
I could see kid!Jimin being jealous if oc had other friends but they truly hung out every day during the summer up until he got shipped away. so oc spent all her days with jimin and it was usually just them they didn't really socialize with anyone. like i spent my summers at home, I'd never see my friends in the summer until the school year started but i had siblings so i kind of used that as the blueprint of their friendship :) but now jimin finds it funny when guys try to hit on oc in front of him 'cause they get shut down so fast! oc doesn't even give them a chance to introduce themselves or finish their pickup line and jimin is quick to place his hand on her waist and pull her to his side, which oc loves. <3
The two I have planned for them are Jimin going jogging early in the morning and then another drabble of them visiting Jungkook's bar together. I may write about Easter but I'm not sure lol I just love them so much!
No worries! thank you for sending this in, it made my day! I could talk about Jimin all day lol it's nice to expand on my Jimin fic and think of little details I couldn't include in the one shot. Ah, thank you again, I couldn't wait to get home from work to write back <3 I hope you have a good week and get lots of rest!
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crush---imagines · 7 years
you can be my big spoon
to the anon who asked for this monthssss ago... IM SORRY IT TOOK THIS LONG!! i hope that it’s everything you wanted. again, i can’t apologize more. xx
I glance out the backseat window as we creep up the driveway of our vacation home. Yeah, we do live in California, but not on the beach. Soooo having a house on the beach is like going somewhere else, out of state: just as good.
My dad opens the trunk and starts pulling out our bags.
“Y/n, what did you pack?” he laughs, “rocks?”
i️ smile and shake my head, grabbing my bag, “the necessities, dad.”
I️ sink down into the white comforter in my room, spreading out like a starfish on the bed, when i️ hear a knock on the door.
“hey, y/n.”
my eyes snap open and i️ sit up abruptly.
“c/n!!!!” i️ almost cheer, a smile growing from ear to ear. he pulls me into a hug.
“i’ve missed you so much!” he says with a laugh.
“i’ve missed you too! more than you can imagine!” i️ smile, burying my face into his chest. we stay put for a while before my step sister walks in.
“hey!” she smiles, “we’re going for a walk if you want to come.”
“yeah... yeah ok.” c/n says as we pull apart from our embrace.
After playing beach volleyball, tanning, screaming as the cold water surrounds us, and building sandcastles, we all decided it was probably time for dinner.
“C/n, can you cut the tomatoes?” his mom asks him as we assemble the caprese salad.
“Yeaaaah.” he says, grabbing a cutting board.
I️ steal a piece but he notices.
“Lil thief we’ve got here?” he jokes, cutting another piece to give to me.
i️ shrug, popping it in my mouth.
“what can i️ help do?” i️ ask his mom, turning away from him.
“hmmm... y/n why don’t you slice the baguette?”
“alrighty!” i️ smile.
I️ notice a piece gone.
“hey, who’s the thief now?” i️ laugh.
“c/s!” he laughs, pointing at his youngest sister who dramatically drops her jaw.
“what? noooo! it was c/n!” she giggles, “but y/n can i️ actually have a piece of that?”
i️ toss a slice at her and she catches it.
“thaaaaank you.”
our dinner outside couldn’t be better, with the beautiful sunset acting as a backdrop and the perfect weather washing over us. i️ feel a slight kick on my foot and look over at c/n who’s smirking. i️ shake my head with a smile, but kick him back, which gets a laugh from him.
after an evening full of talking and catching up, we all are exhausted.
“well, i️ think that’s the cue,” c/n’s dad laughs, motioning to the middle daughter who’s in mid-yawn. we walk to the kitchen to start cleaning up when c/n offers to do it.
“i’ll help too, i’m not that tired.” i️ say.
“you really are the best kids.” my step mom says with a hug to both of us.
“good night!!” c/n and i️ say, unintentionally, in harmony.
as i’m putting plates and silverware in the dishwasher, i️ feel something cold on my back.
“C/N!” i️ whisper scream, “do NOT spray me with the faucet!!!”
“oh did i️ do that?” he jokes.
“you know damn right you did.”
i️ look at the sink and c/n looks at me.
i️ pounce and grab the faucet, spraying him as revenge.
“jesus christ, y/n!” he laughs.
“shhhh! don’t wake anyone up!” i️ giggle.
“that was WAYY more water than i️ used!” he whispers back.
i️ shrug slyly and continue putting the dishes away.
before long we’re done cleaning up and we head upstairs.
“have you seen the stars from my room?” i️ ask c/n as we tread up the stairs.
“you know what, i️ don’t believe i️ have.” he says enthusiastically.
“well, i’d say it’s time you do. literally the best thing ever.” i️ rave.
we tiptoe into my room and he shuts the door as i️ open the curtains.
i️ go back to the bed and lie down, gesturing for c/n to join.
he crawls on, lacing his hands behind his head as he lies down.
“i️ know! it’s so beautiful!” i️ say, mesmerized, my heart also speeding up. c/n shifts towards me a bit, and i️ don’t mind. whatsoever. i️ lift my head to rest on his bicep as i️ hear him exhale. his hands unlock and he brings his arm around my shoulder.
“i️ like this.” i️ smile.
“i️ like this too.” he says.
i️ shift to face him and he turns his head.
“hi.” i️ giggle.
“hi y/n.” he laughs.
our eyes connect and we communicate without words as we simultaneously lean in. i feel his breath on me and then our lips collide. he pulls me up on top of him and feels down my sides. my hands travel from his shoulders to the sides of his fave, finally making it to his hair. weaving my fingers through his locks, a smile spreads across my lips. his lips sense it, and they form into a smile as well. one hand shifts to my lower back as the other reaches up to cup my face, his thumb rubbing sweetly across my cheek. his hand shifts from the small of my back to my bum, giving a slight squeeze. i breathe out instantly and he breaks away a bit.
“good?” he smirks.
“god that feels so good, i guess my ass is tight.” i laugh, reconnecting our lips. he hooks an arm wrong my waist and flips us so he’s on top. his lips trace my jaw and meander around my neck, down to my collarbones, before he lifts my shirt up.
“the sink did get it wet...” he says as he tosses the shirt aside. soon enough my bra and shorts are with my shirt, and his shirt and shorts follow. i feel the lump in his boxers against my thigh.
“fuck, i wanna fuck you so bad.” i let out.
c/n looks at me from kissing my shoulders.
“i wouldn’t be opposed...” he winks.
“but everyone else will hear.”
“fuckin a.”
c/n looks over at the clock.
“shit, y/n, it’s 3 am.”
“what the fuck?” i laugh quietly, “we should probably sleep tonight...”
“i’d have to agree with you, sleep definitely is necessary.” he replies.
“you can at least sleep in the same bed as me...”
“i also wouldn’t be opposed to that.” he grins.
i slide under the covers and he snuggles in right next to me.
“i’ll be big spoon.” he whispers from behind, kissing the top of my head.
“ok, goodnight big spoon.”
“good night, little spoon.”
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embraelle · 7 years
On mobile, so mun facts times FIIIII - Seven. Do seven of them. ❤
(Omg)1. I’m a stay-at-home mom at present, have been for a while. It’s always worked out best for us, given the cost of daycare (not really worth it, in the end!) and simply logistics with picking up the kiddo from school and such. I do the odd haircut/colour on the side, for funsies and random cash, and I’m thinking of maybe taking art commissions once I feel confident enough to do so. 
2. I went on a student exchange to Belgium when I was 16, and lived there for about four months with a family (my exchange partner also came and stayed with us before that!). I attended school there, and got to visit France for a weekend, see England on a field trip, and take a little trip through Amsterdam. It was fucking amazing, honestly, and I’d recommend it to any kid. 
3. I was a choir nerd in school, and I still love show tunes especially to this day!4. My middle name is Ruth after my grandmother. She is a longtime artist, and eventually also opened an art supply shop called The Painted Turtle Art Shop in Thunder Bay (she has since ‘retired’ and sold the shop, but still sketches and paints). I used to get the best art supplies for Christmas and birthday gifts, growing up.
5. I really love reptiles? Like a lot? I want to someday care for bearded dragons and/or snakes. Maybe when the kiddo is older and we have fewer other animals in the house to also care for, lol. 6. Friends and I used to lie about where we were, drive to Toronto and go to straight-up raves circa 1999-2000. I think back sometimes to the places we were hanging out and the shit we were doing and I just... dear god why? lol. GOOD TIMES, I GUESS.
7. .... these are a lot of facts, Sana! OKAY, TIME FOR JUST LISTING THINGS I LIKE! Final Fantasy games, Pokemon stuff, dolls (BJDs specifically), Fallout 4, WoW and roleplay, obviously, D&D, writing, drawing, MAKE-UP, dragons, sushi, Indian food, wine, the museum, Sphynx cats, piercings, road trips, Disney World.
THAAAAANKS, @twosidedsana!
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yoonkoooook · 7 years
30 questions tag
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag some blogs you would like to get to know better
i was tagged by @awakeforjin (thaaaaanks~) so here we go~
1. nicknames: maddy 
2. gender: female
3. star sign: leo sun, taurus rising, moon gemini
4. height: 5′4″ 
5. time: 11:11 pm lmao 
6. birthday: august 1st
7. favourite band: outside of kpop, all time low and twenty one pilots. they’ve gotten me through a lot.
8. favourite solo artist: childish gambino and ed sheeran are the two i can think of right now though i feel like there’s more i’m forgetting but those two are the ones i listen to most often i think
9. song stuck in my head: i woke up with shangri la by vixx stuck in my head so we’ll go with that
10. last movie I watched: uh i haven’t watched an actual movie in ages 
11. last show I watched: the kdrama A Witch’s Romance. highly recommend, it’s really cute and i love park seojoon.
12. when did I create my blog: some dark time in 2013 when i got into 1d lmao
13. what do i post: mostly bts, some memes, i wanna start adding more monsta x and vixx tho too
14. last thing i googled: how ginger is an antispasmodic and good for stomach issues lmao i’m bloated af
15. do i have any other blogs: i used to have an aesthetic sideblog but not anymore
16. do I get asks: uhh rarely and they’re usually the nice chain asks so i mean i’m okay with that 
17. why I chose my url: omg it was about zayn and harry’s man buns but uhh i guess we could all just assume it’s about jungkook?? because he’s a bun?? but he’s neither my bias nor my wrecker so?? idk i’m scared to change it
18. following: 131
19. followers: 984 but i’m pretty sure ~800 of them are inactive old 5sos/1d blogs yikes. i should clean that out.
21. average hours of sleep: 7-10 lmaooooooooo i sleep so much. i’d sleep for 15 hours a day if nobody stopped me
22. lucky number: 11
23. instruments: uhh i played trumpet in elementary school but i was more into chorus rather than instruments. i couldn’t read music so i’d just imitate what i heard and it was easier to do that with singing than playing an instrument
24. what am i wearing: forest green SUNY ESF sweatpants and an american flag tanktop lmao 
26. dream job: unrealistic dream job: tbh, youtuber. realistic dream job: stay at home wife/mom and author. but not one of those annoying stay at home moms that thinks everything is dangerous or poison and does pilates. 
27. dream trip: within the US: PNW, california, arizona, montana, colarado. internationally: england, ireland, scotland, france, italy, korea, japan, MAYBE australia
28. favourite food: uhhhh steak or chicken wings for sure, pumpkin pie, ice cream, haribo gummy bears
29. nationality: the whitest white. irish, scottish, english, german, czech/slovak
30. fave song: just go listen to the entire blurry face album by twenty one pilots, because of the internet and kauai albums by childish gambino, so wrong it’s right, nothing personal, dirty work, and don’t panic albums by all time low. those are all of my go-to albums filled with my favorite songs SOOOOO i’ll tag @ttaegiis @perpetually-jungshook @suga-honey-icedtea you guys can ignore this if you wanna, i just thought it was fun 
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tamiddyinyourcity · 5 years
5:05pm, Saturday, February 1st of 2020.
What's the haps?
Two hours into work, everyone is friendly. But one person is a bit tooooo friendly..... as nice as compliments can be, having someone shout at me down a hallway is just.... a bit..... tooo much. Especially when the guy who says they must be Shakespeare reincarnated, shouts at me "YOU'RE TOO BEAUTIFUL TO TRULY BE FROM THIS PLANET! YOU MUST BE AN ALIEN! YOU SIMPLY CANNOT EXIST! AND IF I AM DREAMING, OH BOY, I DO NOT WANNA WAKE UP!".... Thaaaaanks, Brian the Moses.
I guess the downside to being pretty is when too many rowdy or not-entirely-soberminded people in one building all hit on you at the same time. A non-conventionally attractive person wouldnt be scared to leave their office for longer than 5 minutes. Buuuut, i guess no other options but to be friendly... and not too friendly. Since it does become toooo much.... Some men cant take no for an answer, and i definitely dont wanna see those types of people once a late night shift ends.
Otherwise, everyone is friendly! Very nice people. All super polite. I'm happy to be here. A great gig so far. A simple job where I can unwind.
Itll be annoying if I stay home on weekdays, though, due to the children my mom nannies for.... Plus my grandmother. So, lets just hope I can manage to keep my sanity, when my Fridays feel like Sundays, and my Mondays feel like Saturdays..... Oh, dear.
Haven't talked to Patrick today. A classic case of "is he mad at me, or ignoring me?" My guess is the latter.... I wonder how long I can go, being out of contact with him.
The dude I'm speaking to, is..... eh. Nothing to write home about.
And another guy I know, we have a date this Wednesday. Gonna take me shopping for art supplies. WE LOVE TO SEE IT. WE LOVE IT. YES YES YES YES YES.
Marco wants to hang with me this Tuesday. As usual, he goes from "Yeah, me and my girlfriend are great! We have valentine's day plans already!", to "Hey... we havent met up for awhile now. Wanna hang out?" I don't intend to enable his infidelity in his longterm abusive and gross relationship. But, who am I to turn down company? I get lonely too. So, as opposed to pestering my most recent ex... lets pester THIS ONE. Plus, last time I hung out with Marco, I ended up meeting one of the dreamiest boyfriends I've ever had.... So, never hurts to see if lightning can strike the same girl twice.
I got free Chipotle today. It makes work go by smoothly. A nice salad with queso and guac for no extra charge? Fuck yes. It's the exact same thing I'd order for a burrito bowl, but with spinach AND romaine lettuce. My immune system is in love with me today. And i got the peppermint candies and the lime water today too????? Illness who???? I have never heard of her!
My cat got adopted recently. Awww. That's way better than her being in the freezing cold, or not getting any treatment. Thank god. 💖
I feel nice. :)
I had a few ups and downs in terms of men talking over me or not listening, and mild creepiness, plus maybe having to tell off a cab company.
But still a cool day. Nice. :)
My self esteem is high, and soon enough so will the stacks of money I have, so, blessingssssss.
And I feel like I'm getting over my ex easier.
Probably a cross between "hes not that cute" and "he has the personality of a slice of white bread".
Its probably better to move on from him, anyway. With him being as..... him, its getting easier to not want to be around him quite as much.
Its hard to put my fingers on the factors, but theres lots of them, and, i just dont have enough fingers to point to each one at once.
Pussy ass nigga that is too pussy to let me smash in his bed.... Dude, either admit you want a booty call, or probably dont spring the surprise on me of "we can only do car sex most days"..... Boy, if you dont just say "shes just a friend now" and take me upstairs......
That alone made me think "Yeah, he's downgraded to a bootycall now." I don't like being disappointed by men who I already set a low bar for, and so, he's on the same level as Marco at this point. Decent enough for a spontaneous hangout, and oral sex. But otherwise i give up in trying to find hope in this prick. (Annoying, knowing how in the history of me knowing him, hes gone from "someone id roll my eyes at but fuck anyway out of boredom" and "genuinely amazing person", so many times.... now, the dial is stuck at eye rolling, and ive gotta keep it there. Since.... no more getting disappointed by losers or nerds anymore.)
I can't imagine doing anything with him anymore. He always does that annoying face he does when he's uncomfortable, and will have to transition into being comfortable, and like..... I just dont like awkward company. Awkward people are cool, until things go from them butterflying out of their cocoon, with the wind beneath their wings, to retreating into their awkward shell and refusing to try anything.
Or at least, he never says WHAT makes him uncomfortable. Which then makes me think, "This man is terrible at voicing any of his concerns". Hell, i still feel sad remembering how he deadass started muting himself around me, since he thought I hated to hear him speak.... (When the reality was, me, disliking when he overexplained things to the point of turning the smallest of jokes or hints into a huge TED talk, and then just making it into a one sided conversation.)
He's..... eh. I think maybe it's just since his glasses make it harder to see his eyes these days, but I don't really like him in whatever way I did before. Then again, someone going from a hottie with long wavy brown hair with amazing smiles that i woke up next to on bright sunny mornings, always down to see me, happy to have me over at any given time....... to some cockatiel haired dipshit awkwardly staring at his shoes or not washing himself before we meet, saying hed rather not bring me home, but bang in his car.... its hard to like him the same way.
And I think that's good progress. Since whew..... yall know how many times I told him how I felt in the past, just to get shot down?
Even if he does eventually choose from his own right to do something he was opposed to before, (like saying he definitely didnt want us to fuck, to maybe a week and a half later, oh look, things changed....)
Its too tedious.
So, just ending the history of things here. If we fuck, then we fuck. I refuse to ever be in a position where i tell him any sort of (definitely nonappearing) feelings for him. Just would rather move on at that point.
And if i ever did tell him, it would be as my reason for ending things indefinitely.
Alright. Itll just have to be like any other person. No holding hands, kissing in public, or whaever. Just normal conversations, feet in his lap, and banging.
I don't think I could kiss him. Literally any route from that would be..... awkwardness, or gross resparked feelings, and i would probably want to die just for subjecting myself to that bullshit.
No kissing, i guess.
And yeah, itll just have to be that.
I shouldn't feel bad over it. Since if he doesnt want to date me, or keeps putting on the awkward act, ignoring texts.... hes just, yet again, proving hes never been boyfriend material.
Good enough to bang. But not enough for anything else.
And thatll have to be that.
I feel guilty about the idea of it.
But.... just gotta remind myself: I am single for a reason.
Being single means I have hobbies, a life, and options.
So if my only sense of a hobby is this, then like.... yeah, nah.
Makeup? Sure. Skincare and beauty? Absolutely. Hyping people up, telling life stories, fighting people on twitter? All good.
And yeah, im single.
Imma distract myself by buying new clothes. Peace out yalls.
6:08pm, niggas aint shit, and yet here i am.
God bless and amen, yall. :)
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taeminsphltrum · 7 years
Can I request another Jay scenario based on them being married and how your family and his family celebrate your 1 year of marriage together by surprising you from the us and Morocco (or the home country of the reader) thank you! Full of fluff (his mom keeps talking to your mom and it makes you happy)(Jay is thrilled with seeing you communicating with his family) you get really fluffy with each other Thaaaaanks♡♡♡
i’m not sure how long ago you sent this so i’m sorry if i’m super late 🤦🏼‍♀️ but i will add this to the list!
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rose-unit · 8 years
Hi! Is it possible for Admin Tae to give me an Astrological ship with BTS? (November 14, 1995. Time: Around 6:30 pm) thaaaaanks!!
Hi thank you for asking! This is gonna be so much fun
Okay so you’re a scorpio [like my mom, woohooo! which means I know a lot about you ;)] Anywaaayy a scorpio is someone that thrives best when they are in a situation that challenges them. In other words you can perform well when you’re under pressure or in a situation that encourages you to transform and grow as a person. You’re someone that demands to get respect from others [*cough  my mom  cough*] and you’re good in commanding others, so that they will give you that respect. BUTTTTTTTTTTTT that’s not the only thing, because scorpio’s are also very sensitive people in that they feel things deeply. This makes them the most giving and loving people in the world, but only if they’re treated right. WARNING: don’t ever hurt a scorpio because they won’t forget and forgive easily and they won’t let you forget your wrongdoings easily as well. And they’re jealous [well it depends on when they’re exactly born, but oh well]. Scorpio’s are also very passionate and romantic
A scorpio is a water sign, so they match the best with other water signs like Pisces --> We have our first match for you! It’s Yoongi [aka Suga]. Like the scorpio the pisces [ and in this case suga ] is very passionate. With suga it’s not necessarily his love for a person, but it’s his love for music and music production. At first glance there are many differences between these two signs, because the scorpio is more of a leading person while a pisces is more dreamy. But these differences make it easier for both of them to compliment each other. You fill in the gaps for each other. The pisces is a willing person, which means there won’t be much arguments about who does what cuz he’ll easily lets you take the lead and does what you tell him to [ usually ]. One more thing, the pisces loves the possessiveness of the scorpio. It makes him feel more loved. This pairing makes a succesful relationship.
But not only water signs go well, the scorpio also matches well with the complimentary sign: the earth signs, like Capricorn. We have found our second match!!!! --> Taehyung [Aka V].  The Scorpio woman often attracts a crowd wherever she is, so he may notice her first if they are in the same room. She is beautiful and mysterious, and he stands back and watches her intently. [OMGG maybe we should make a story about this?]. Anywayy You two go together excellently, as you make a very good team. Capricorn’s patience and diligence compliments Scorpio’s imagination and investigative skills. This is also a wonderful match when it comes to sexual chemistry. *wink wink*
@knghyuri I hope you liked this and liked the matches that came up according to your sign :) Have a lovely day
-Admin Tae
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lovemesomesurveys · 8 years
is writing something that you enjoy doing? Yes. I haven’t done so in awhile, though.
would you rather read or write? Read. I do that most everyday.
would you rather draw or take photographs? Take photographs. I’m a horrible drawer.
do you prefer black and white or color photographs? why? It just really depends. Both can look really nice.
what was the last thoughtless thing you did? At this point, making coffee in the morning is just second nature. I get up, come out like a zombie, and manage to make a cup of coffee.
what is one movie you’ve seen, but few others have? I don’t know.
how about a movie you haven’t seen, but many others have? The Notebook. Gasp!
what is something you do subconsciously? Hmm.
who was the last person to toy with your emotions? Joseph.
when was the last time you cheated at something? I don’t cheat.
is breakfast an important meal to you? Nope. Coffee with a donut or muffin in the morning is important.
why do you get up in the morning? ^^^
who influenced your current belief / moral system? Well, a lot of things. My upbringing, experiences, educating myself on things... stuff like that.
anything you need with you to fall asleep? A blanket and pillow. It’s not something I need with me, but I need the TV on. I also often fall asleep listening to ASMR videos. During the warmer months I need the fan on.
do you have any nighttime routines that you follow? Well, sometime after dinner I have another cup of coffee and a dessert. Ty got me a book called, Moments of Peace in the Presence of God: Morning and Evening Meditations for Every Day of the Year that I read in the morning and evening like it says, Tumblr some more, do some surveys, and listen to ASMR videos.
when was the last time you had trouble sleeping? I often do.
do you celebrate the 20th of april? Nope.
at what age is one too old to trick or treat? I don’t know. I felt a little silly doing it as a teen. One time my friend and I went like during our first year of college, and someone called us out. He said we looked a little old to be to be trick-or-treating. lmao. Thaaaaanks, dude.
do you still trick or treat, regardless of age? Nah. I was kind of over it at a certain point. I don’t remember when I stopped, apart from the one time I just told you about previously. I still would dress up and stuff, and have done so up until this past year. I just figured I could buy my own candy and gorge at home or go to a friend’s house and eat their sweets. Haha.
what’s the most money you’ve received from the ‘tooth fairy’? I’m not sure what the most was.
have you ever eaten an entire pizza on your own? A personal size, microwave one. Oh, and those oven baked Totino’s ones as well. Those aren’t that big.
what is the most calories you’ve consumed in one day? Oh boy. I’m not sure, but probably a lot. I like my junk food and fried foods. I really don’t eat very healthy. :X
when was the last time you were impatient? Earlier while waiting for my mom’s homemade meatballs to be done. They’re sooo good.
when was the last time you felt used? Hmm. It’s been awhile, thankfully. It’s not a feeling I’m unfamiliar with, though. I’ve felt used a lot.
when was the last time you felt appreciated? I’m not sure.
has anyone ever copied off of your homework assignments? Yeahh. I was always the one my friends would come to in middle school cause I always did my homework. My cousin who went to school with me at that time would do so as well. I didn’t like doing that, and I always worried about getting caught, but I was just too damn nice and they knew it. They would just think they could copy off me and not worry about it.
describe the main problem with your last relationship? Well, it wasn’t really a relationship for one. It was one sided with me having the real, intense feelings and wanting more and putting in the effort, but they didn’t. Our communication sucked because he never wanted to talk about any of that. If it got too real, he’d make a joke or change the subject. Or, we’d find out stuff from our mutual friend who relay messages back and forth, which often led to misunderstandings. He only wanted me around when it was convenient for him, and I let him use me and play me because I didn’t want to face the truth. I wanted to think it was real, and that things would change. Nope.
what was the last thing you clicked on before this survey? A Youtube video.
when was the last time you used duct tape? for what? I have no idea.
do you enjoy writing poems and songs? I used to write poems when I was younger.
are you annoyed by personal questions? Yeah, I clearly hate talking about myself. <<<< Hahaha. It’s funny because I really don’t like talking about myself “in real life.” I’m not this open at all. I know you wouldn’t think so based on how I am with surveys. I blab on and on about personal stuff.
what was the last thing that offended you? I don’t remember.
when was the last time you made a judgment about something? Uhh. When I was deciding what video to watch a bit ago based on the title.
when was the last time you debated with someone? I really try to avoid doing that.
can you smell anything right now? what? Not really.
when was the last time you sang the ABCs? I have no idea.
when was the last time your face was red? My face doesn’t really get red. My cheeks get flushed, but that’s it.
what’s on your shower curtain? I have sliding doors.
what cartoon do you wish was still on tv? I don’t know. I don’t watch cartoons anymore really, except for every now and then when I tune into TeenNick’s The Splat segment with shows like Hey Arnold, Doug, and Rugrats. I haven’t watched that in awhile, though.
what cartoon / anime character can you most relate to? *shrug*
what was the last thing that you put into your mouth? Coffee and those Little Debbie cakes.
what was the last word that came out of it? “I might have to invest in that and try it.” I’m watching a video and she was talking about that CoverGirl BB Cream stuff. I’ve been wanting to try it, but haven’t done so as of yet.
do you have any pictures of celebs saved to your computer? Yep. I have several Alexander Skarsgård pictures.
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tumblunni · 6 years
Wow BIG PHEW the stupid preorder thing has finally been sorted and i got the money refunded this morning. Thaaaaank youuuuu! Still dont friggin know WHY they messed up all this stuff in the first place, but at least now i can buy the pokeball plus controller and thats officially all the stuff i would have got in my preorder. Half a week later, costing more separately, and without the special box or keychain :(
But at least IT IS HERE! The pokeball plus is so damn cool aaaa i would have wanted this just as a keychain even if it didnt also work as a controller AND a magical pedometer of pokemon squeakys! Its so high quality WOW it really does look exactly like a real pokeball except for the centre button being an analog stick instead. Its cool how they sorta hid buttons on this thing? There's another one somewhere in the red and you cant even see it, its just like one spot is rubber instead of hard plastic and then you can click it in. So it works great as a way to retain the visual appeal while also making it possible to actually play the game! And the rubber clicky thing makes it so its not easy to accidentally press it while doing motion controls. Also the plastic is just really high quality! Its that slightly spongy yet still tough acrylic stuff and it just feels really nice to hold. Its like the plastic equivelant of petting a cat? Thats the best way i can describe my dumb texture sensitivity issues, like you can understand enjoying hugging a soft thing but for me i feel the same way about pleasant textures of plastic/metal/wood/etc too. I really liked the grip pattern on the back of the 2ds xl, it was like holding a cheese grater that doesnt stab you.
In summary: good.
Also i had a really nice interaction with an older couple who were running an art stall at city centre! The one who did the art was their autistic son, and i went over to look at it cos i saw the sign and was like 'wow someone like me can be so successful??' The parents ran the stall though because he was too nervous to be in those big crowds all day and try and sell stuff to strangers, i can really relate cos man i get stressed out just shopping let alone running a shop! But man i'm so happy for him that he has loving parents who support his art and go all HEAR YE HEAR YE COME AND LOOK AT MY TALENTED SON'S TALENT! His art was really amazing hyperrealistic pencil drawings that looked like photographs, and he could even do amazing optical illusion effects like a photo negative that would show the original if you view it through a filter. That's just wild that he's so smart that he can figure that out in his head! He must be like the final boss of color theory!!
Anyway i felt SO BAD that i couldnt afford to buy one or the paintings cos i just got the pokeball plus. But i stopped to compliment them and say how much it means to other autistic people to see their son running this business and being so successful. And they were just really nice and we had a nice chat and they were like 'dont worry, our son failed art class in school too, he actually never discovered his talent until he dropped out and started becoming self taught'. And they encouraged me to keep practising art and try and find my own way of doing it rather than getting stuck in hyper limited rules from very rude art teachers who made me wanna quit forever. You always hear about us 'special kids' having trouble with reading and maths and stuff but its really frustrating when you KNOW that you're creative, people tell you your problem is that you're TOO stuck in your own imagination, yet the way your brain works just doesnt mesh with the Right Way the art educational system does it and you end up with grades worse than you deserve and a lifetime of self shame. So yeah, i may never be as good as this guy at realism but im determined now to not give up on art even if i'm not the best! Cos this guy thought he was terrible when he was in school and now he's friggin AMAZING PHOTO NEGATIVE DEADPOOL HEADS and APPEARING ON BBC DOCUMENTARIES ON AUTISTIC PEOPLE WHO ARE AWESOME. And also he has great parents who supoort him and i was so happy i got to meet them and feel their kindness too!!
Oh and the mom actually plays Pokemon Go too! It was such a fateful encounter! So i blabbed with her about pokemon for like half an hour and she helped me evolve my rhydon and i traded her the summer hat pikachu. Apparantky you can only trade one event pokemon per person per day though, so i'm determined to come back when i have more money and not only buy an awesome picture but also trade her every pika!!! Thank you mysterious poke-mom and salesman dad and super inspirational artist son, you really brightened my day!
Oh and im gonna try and find the business card they gave me and check out his website and then link it here so you guys can see. Seriously this stuff was SO DAMN 3D that they had to tilt the canvas and let you see the grain of the graphite smudges to prove it was really a drawing! Dude you should be selling these things for way more than £15!!!
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