#than 'it's wasteful and you don't need most of this stuff in color let alone printed at all'
isfjmel-phleg · 11 months
Good news: They fixed my hot water!
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danydarkly · 1 year
Hi! I just wanted to say, thank you so much for making the Red & Wolf comic. I just found it by accident and read through the whole thing in one night, I am seriously loving it so far. I'm autistic and I've always had a strong interest in wolves, specifically Little Red Riding Hood versions of wolves, and always wanted to read a story about the wolf having a sort of redemption or it being more than just "big bad wolf is evil and wants to eat the girl". There's hardly any content for me to dive into in regards of even just the fairytale itself, most stories are very gruesome, the short films online are incredibly dark and uncomfortable since those are the adaptations of the original grimm telling, or all of the red riding hood movies are horror films instead of fairytale adaptations. Or some sort of like... idk love triangle thing where it's all modernized or something for televesion where Red is wearing jeans and the Wolf isn't even a real wolf? But yours... this is like finding gold. I was hooked immediately and I couldn't stop reading.
Your story of Scarlett and Leikos... it's just so gorgeous, your art work has such clean lines and the way you draw eyes and hands especially is so beautiful. The design for Leikos' hair is my favorite!! And the panel you made where Scarlett is lying down on the grass/tree stump and she's blushing while Leikos is talking with her, oh my gosh, that's my favorite panel out of every chapter so far. Just... the vulnerability of these two growing closer, like... augh clutching my heart when Leikos is like "no don't cross the path you're gonna get hurt :(" and she's like "but I want to dance with you :)" like!!! she trusts him and he refuses to hurt her even when instincts kick in!! HIS BACKSTORY? BRO? I'M IN SHAMBLES?? Ugh your art is so GOOD and this STORY is so GOOD and I am just so thankful to be able to dive into a Wolf/Red story that has action, romance, suspense, all the good stuff. It's so perfect.
Thank you for working so so hard to make this comic. I'm an artist as well and I could never have the patience to upload one comic page, let alone several. Laying out panels is difficult and time consuming and not to mention you're shading and coloring the entire thing. Your poses are always fluid, never stiff, you have good perspective and composition, most ppl who make comics can easily just draw one single pose and one facial expression for 20 panels, but you've always had the expressions and body language shift and change and the camera view as well... and you gotta draw all those damn trees omfg. The flower meadow in the first chapter must have taken forever to draw too! Your hard work really shows in your art and I am so happy to have stumbled upon your comic. If you make any more merch for Red & Wolf on your Etsy, whether it's prints or charms or stickers or really anything, I would be more than willing to throw some money your way. Or if you open commissions as well someday, ahh, I love your stuff so much I would totally pay you to doodle Leikos hehe. Please have a wonderful day and take care! <3
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What a lovely message! Thank you so much, Anon! I really needed to read this today <3 I'm truly at a loss for words, like you basically complimented me on everything I'm mad-insecure about?? It's really nice, like maybe I really am too hard on myself?? Whenever I look back on my old panels (which I've been doing a lot lately since reformatting Red & Wolf for print), I always feel like I put way too much effort and kind of only see what I did wrong, but if you and others recognize the effort and like what I did - then maybe it wasn't a waste of time after all. That makes me feel way better about it, thank you :' ) Also, your favorite panel is one of my favorite panels too, where I felt "dang, I kind of nailed it here" - which is SUPER rare for me, haha. I should read this lovely message whenever the impostor syndrome kicks in, it really lifted my spirits <3
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cartierbin · 3 years
request — hey! if you aren’t too busy with school and stuff could you make a d!lf hyunjin or felix and just make it super rough
『 pairing — hyunjin x reader
genre — smut + mafia lord dilf!hyunjin and his four year old daughter’s teacher + gunplay type shit
word count — 1.2k
notes — hope you enjoy this loves. 』
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smut under the cut !
“you have someone who wants to see you, mr. hwang”. his assistant reassured, clutching her clipboard a little too tightly to her chest. the blonde haired man allowed the thick white smoke to rise from his lips and settle into the air around him. he closed a file on his desk, beckoning his hand towards the door. “let them in”. to look as well kept and intimidating as hyunjin looked, he was actually a soft spoken man. stern, but soft spoken. his office door swung open and in came a woman he thought he’d never see here. usually, when women came into office they only wanted one thing and one thing only. it never crossed his mind that his very own daughter’s teacher wanted that same thing. when you walked in you were timid. the way his blonde hair sifted over his eyes and how luscious he looked in his suit jacket and open dress shirt beneath it, with multiple necklaces dangling at the center of his chest. you hesitantly sat in the seat in front of his desk and tried to divert your gaze elsewhere. you didn’t want to come off more lustful than you already were. especially since you didn’t know your boundaries.
his eyes skimmed over your skin tight salmon colored dress, attentive to the way it hugged you in all the right places. “may I ask you what you’re doing here?”. he questions, assuming that you knew what he was talking about. you, his daughter’s teacher coming to seek him. “I heard the pay here was good. and you know my occupation pays very little. I need something to help me make ends meet”. he gives you an unsettling stare, folding his arms on the table. “do you know what you’re getting yourself into? this isn’t just some regular job. we kill people”. you nod nervously, “I know I know I just can’t find anyone else who pays just as good as you do. I really need the money”. he dropped his eyes again over your body, trying to figure out what a beautiful woman like you would do if you were to work for him. you were much too pretty to be in harm’s way. he leans back in his chair with another intake of his cigar, allowing the smoke to cloud over his eyes. "tell me. what's your prissy little ass going to do if you work for me? do you know how to shoot a gun? can you handle money well? are you good with drugs?". you swallowed, knowing in your heart of hearts that you have never done any of those things in your life. maybe handling money could suffice. you thought back to your teen years, when you were a cashier for a grocery store. as far as anything goes, that's the most experience you've ever had with handling money. then again, grocery store cash was never much. definitely wasn't the huge amounts of cash hyunjin was referring to. he could tell you were thinking to yourself. he could tell that you were indecisive. he could tell you were inexperienced. that was one thing that he never tolerated.
"looks like you came to the wrong job didn't you? if you're not a made man how will I hire you? did you come in here to waste my time?". you quickly shook your head no becoming frightened at the hint of frustration in his voice. he could've had any weapon behind his desk for all you knew. and you hadn't planned on coming here just to die. "no mr.hwang I don't want to waste your time at all. I just need money and these other jobs aren't going to help me. I'm willing to take whatever training I can". hell no. hyunjin would never put an inexperienced worker on the job. which is why when he skimmed your body again with his eyes, a smirk flickered at the edge his lips. he lifts himself up from his seat which startled you a bit. you didn't know what he was planning on doing but the sudden movement was unexpected. "I don't train. all my workers are experienced and it'll remain that way". as much as you wanted to pay attention to the sudden drop of octave in his voice, your eyes shifted to the silver weapon in his hand. your body immediately grew cold. he leans on the front of his desk and stares down at you, smirking. "but... since my wife doesn’t please me enough I think I can use someone like you”. he swiped his tongue over his supple lips and your chest flooded with nervousness. “use me?”. you could’ve sworn you heard the gun click at that moment. he leans down and presses his lips against your ear. “how would you like it if I hired you as my sex worker?”. you swallowed. not expecting those kind of words to even fall from his lips. you hummed, at the edge of an answer. you felt the cold metal of the gun sweep along your thighs, he started to rub small circles into your inner thighs with it. “don’t act like you don’t want it”. he breathed down the nape of your neck. you shivered, feeling trapped yet turned on at how heated the room had gotten.
you were still sitting when he steps behind you, clasping his fingers around your neck whilst dragging the gun between your bare legs. you panicked. never in your life have you had a gun so close to your body before, nevertheless touching your skin. your heart thudded around in your chest as your dress drew upwards exposing your panties. he dipped the gun into the front of them, sitting it right on top of your pubic mound. you flinched and gripped his forearm. “to be my sex worker means that I can use your body whenever and however I want. are you willing to be used?”. your breathing became heavier while you nodded and swallowed, praying that his fingers weren’t on the trigger. he inches the gun just at the entrance of your hole, he teased achingly slow like the sly man he was. he loved the way you gasped each time he pushed the barrel deeper, he loved feeling you shiver in his grip while he kept clicking it leaving you on the edge. on the edge of thinking that he was going to shoot it any second. he basked in your fear, it made his heart warm. “you’ll be paid a generous salary, thousands by the hour. however just know that if any information you’ve heard ever leave these walls, I’m not afraid to kill you”. you squirmed while he worked the gun, fucking your pussy with it deep and slow. you opened your thighs wider, strewing your head back just a tad. you heard everything he said, it was just difficult for you to reply. your choked up moans was making him hard. It was challenging for even his wife to do that. she hadn’t got him worked up in months. he felt the gun become slippery at how wet your were becoming. your hardened nipples perked straight up underneath the fabric of your dress and sheer bra. “do you understand me?”. he questions all while trying to seem unfazed. “yes, yes I understand”. you stuttered with your legs trembling around the gun. “you get wet so fast I already know I’ll be fucking the shit out of you”.
with the way he was aggressively thrusting the weapon in between your folds, he didn’t have to. your mouth gaped open in bliss. every time you thought he would slow down and have a little mercy he didn’t. that was just the nature of hwang hyunjin. your hips jerked onto the piece of metal desperate to cum. It was shameful how much your stomach churned at the pleasure you received from just a weapon alone. he could click it as much as he wanted but you grew fond of the thrill. the thrill that a loaded gun was sinking into your channel with a pleasure that had you seeing stars. you reached up to grip his forearm with two hands. “you like this shit don’t you? you like when guns play with your little pussy?”. you groaned a breathless yes, growing overwhelmed with how low his voice tone dropped. you needed to make ends meet but you never thought you’d be making it this way. at the hands of a mafia lord who only wants to use you. “you will come to me whenever I call you. whenever I need you I’m going to fucking wreck your body. are you willing to take all of that?”. you nod much more vigorously now with your lips sealed, and sparks flying through your torso. he tightens his grip around your neck and tilts your head back further until your eyes were feasting his above. “open your mouth”. you dropped your jaw, unsure of what he wanted until you saw a long string of saliva transfer from his lips to your tongue. “as long as you’re an absolute slut for me you’ll never struggle again”. he pumped the gun in and out of your wet hole until you were creaming down the front of it, your body spasming from the intensity of it all. he pulled it out of you, shoving the barrel between his lips to clean your mess. it was sexy the way he done it, his thick tongue swirling around the piece of metal.
“welcome to the family. I’ll call you my mistress”.
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mintwithchoco · 3 years
beaux rêves: Ep 4 - Adrenaline
ITZY Yeji x Male Reader
Word Count: 2882 words
Categories: smut, oral, femdom, mommy kink, light bdsm, agent! yeji
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Avoiding each and every obstacle, the three agents chased down their target who was running through the top of a building, a person simply named “Killer Queen”. The chase was going on for five minutes - countless bullets directed towards each other missing their mark. The agents were running out of ammunition and their stamina wasn’t going to hold up any further.
“Does this guy have any lungs or what?! We’ve been chasing him for hours!” Ryujin shouts towards the others.
“Keep the pace! Eventually he’ll get tired too!” Yeji replied.
“Captain, permission to use Hierophant Green!” You asked Yeji while getting ready to press the button on your watch to summon the weapon mentioned.
“Permission granted!”
As soon as you press the button, your hands turn into a robotic state with green and white color schemes. You then put them close together, causing it to glow bright green and a water-like material is produced on your palms.
“Take this Killer Queen! Emerald Splash!” You shouted.
A giant energy blast was released from your palms which then takes on the form of emeralds, targeted and locked onto Killer Queen at a crazy speed. The agents were confident - Killer Queen had no way of escaping and they were gonna put an end to his crimes by giving him the punishment that he deserves.
But suddenly, Killer Queen flashes his jacket towards the blast and deflects them away, making the agents flinch away from him. They were shocked at the act and realized that this was not an easy enemy.
“What? There’s no way! No one can just deflect the Emerald Splash!” You said, shocked at the fact that The Mafia has overthrown your best attack.
"Hah! You utter fool! Your attacks are weak against me!" Killer Queen then throws a type of bomb towards you.
"Agent Mint!" Ryujin and Yeji shouted before watching you get sent flying in the air by the explosion from the bomb.
Both of them stopped chasing Killer Queen and ran towards your weak body that just fell to the ground. The explosion burned your suit and a little bit of your skin and your head was feeling super dizzy because of you hitting it on the cement roof. Blood started to pour out from a cut on your head, your vision was also starting to get blurry.
Before Yeji and Ryujin could reach you, you fainted because of your injuries. You hear their cries for you as your vision slowly turns black, your mind hoping that there's a chance help would arrive soon.
Your eyes slowly open. Greeted by the bright ceiling light of the room, you squint your eyes and sit up to look around. You felt your head that was wrapped in bandages and saw a few cuts on your arms.
"Where...Where am I?" You ask yourself before hearing the door of the room being opened by Chaeryeong.
"Oppa! You're awake!" Chaeryeong rushes towards you and hugs you on the bed, making you eventually realize that you were in the ward room of the JYP HQ.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I forgot that you're still injured…" Chaeryeong said as she pulled away, noticing you wince from her sudden contact.
"It's fine. How long was I asleep, Chae? Are the others okay?" You asked her as she slowly sat on one of the chairs in the room.
"You've been unconscious for almost 3 days. The others are fine oppa, but…"
"What's wrong?"
"Yeji unnie…She's been out of place after the incident, always looking so frustrated, separating herself from us except during worktimes and most of all - not joining us at lunchtime." Chaeryeong sighed and pouted.
"Killer Queen has caused a lot of trouble for us, and I think she's stressed because of it. Don't worry, I'll try to talk it out with her."
"Alright…Anyways, how are you feeling now oppa?"
"I still feel a bit nauseous, but other than that, I'm a-okay!" You said while giving her a thumbs up, making her giggle cutely.
Suddenly, a knock was heard on the door, making you both flinch. You look at Chaeryeong with a questioning face and she replies back with a shrug. The door then was opened once again, revealing the person that knocked on it was Yeji.
"Oh, you're awake. And Chaeryeong, you're here early." Yeji said while closing the door.
"Y-Yeah...Thought that I would pay oppa a visit before I work. I was lucky enough to see him first awake, hehe~" Chaeryeong said as Yeji came to her right side.
"How do you feel now?" Yeji asked you, and your answer was still the same.
“I’m glad to hear that. Don't worry about the mission, you need to heal up first." Yeji said.
"10:30?!" Chaeryeong suddenly shrieked when she was looking at her watch on her wrist.
"Oppa, I gotta go. I promised Ryujin to help her out with uhh... something, yeah. Yeji unnie, take care of him alright? See you guys later!" Chaeryeong said before quickly rushing herself out of the room, leaving you and Yeji alone.
"Take...care…" You managed to say before Chaeryeong closed the door.
You face Yeji who looked like she was lost in thought. Remembering what Chaeryeong said about her situation recently, you were hesitant to ask her about it as she was looking frustrated. Silence filled the room with ease as you just observed the injuries that you got while Yeji just stared at you with her mind full of thoughts.
"Hey, are you okay?" You ask, breaking the silence between you two.
"Chae said that you’ve been looking distressed lately, is there something wrong?”
Yeji looked at you and was greeted with your concerned expression. She looked hesitant, biting her lips and keeping the gap of her thighs closed. You purse your lips, wondering why she was acting this way.
“...You said you were okay, right?”
“Then, I’ll show you what’s wrong.” Yeji stood up from her seat and took off her boots and her socks. You were confused, but then she suddenly sat on your lower region that was covered with a blanket, making you shocked.
“Yeji what the-” Yeji silenced you by bringing a finger to your lips and her head gets close to your ear.
"I'm...sexually frustrated." She whispers softly into your ear, giving you shivers.
"H-Hey now Yeji…T-This is not the best place to be saying stuff like this-" You were cut off by Yeji's lips, deeply kissing you and forcing you to lean back to the headboard.
Your eyes widened. This was a wrongful act, you thought. But upon tasting her cherry lips, you instantly got addicted to it. Yeji demands more of you by forcing her tongue into your mouth, giving her access to dance with your tongue. You both exchanged saliva to each other while your hands promptly moved to her back, gently hugging her.
Eventually, you both ran out of oxygen and pulled away from each other by the force of nature followed with strings of saliva. You stared into each other's eyes, filled with lust, knowing what to do next.
"Mommy's been dying to taste your cock, baby. You don't know how many times I've cum just thinking about it." Yeji said while throwing the blanket away from your lap.
"Yes, mommy. What's wrong?"
"...N-Nothing, I love it." Yeji gave you a shy smile.
Yeji then kisses your neck hungrily, leaving a few deep red marks all over it as you start to moan at how good it felt. Her right hand unbuttons your shirt to reveal your toned body. After gawking at you, she marks you with her lips all over it until she reaches your abdomen.
Your cock was begging to be released from its confines due to her lust-filled kisses earlier. Yeji smirks as she notices your prominent bulge sticking out of your pants. She cups it gently, making you flinch a little and let out a few breathy moans.
"Fuck baby, I can't wait to taste your cock."
Yeji took off her belt and opened the zipper on her coat to be left with a sleeveless blue leather top. You were glad that she helped you to discard a part of her outfit since they were confusing to your eyes.
Her face was on your crotch once again and she took off your pants and your boxers slowly, being cautious as you were still a bit injured.
Your hard cock sprang out and throbbed instantly, finally feeling the cold temperature of the room. Yeji bites her lower lip as she looks at your cock standing proud, impressed by its size. She grasps it by the base, causing you to inhale air into your lungs until she starts stroking it fully, making you exhale in relief.
Precum starts to leak from your tip, hinting to Yeji that her handjob was going well. Her thumb collects it and spreads them all over your shaft as it keeps leaking more and more, eventually covering them as a whole. Your moans fueled Yeji to continue her work but her mouth was starting to water, hungry to get a taste of you.
"Get ready, baby. Mommy's gonna give you the best blowjob ever."
Without wasting any more time, she takes your cock inside her warm, inviting mouth. Starting with a slow pace, you throw your head back on the headrest, savoring how well her mouth was wrapped around your shaft. She was telling the truth about dying for your cock, her tongue was skillfully licking the underside of your shaft and swirling around your tip.
As she bobbed her head up and down to increase the pace, you closed your eyes. The extreme pleasure was felt in an instant because of your body being unconscious these past few days. You were even more sensitive than normal as your body kept shaking with pleasure as Yeji now fondled your balls with her left hand.
"Fuck mommy…" You moaned.
Yeji's eyes formed an inverted crescent upon hearing your moan. She continues to increase her pace on your cock, her mind sets a mission of wanting to make you feel good. That mission was already completed by how much you were moaning and sweating for her because of the pleasure.
When you looked down to see Yeji, you realized that her right hand was missing from your cock. Just then, you looked harder and noticed that she was touching herself as her leather pants were dangling on her knees, allowing her to gain access to her pussy. You knew it was hard for her to keep pleasuring you and herself, so you stopped her blowjob by holding onto her head.
"Mommy...let me help you." You told Yeji and she took the hint instantly as she released your cock from her mouth and turned her body around on her knees. At the same time, you laid down on the bed and Yeji moved backwards until her crotch was right in front of your face and vice versa.
She was dripping, her pussy glistening because of her wetness. You finish the job of taking off her pants alongside her panties and grab her thighs to bring them closer to your meal. Yeji was already back to her job of sucking your cock but suddenly, she moaned loudly as you pushed your tongue onto her clit, lightly penetrating it. Then, the whole of your lips sticks onto her pussy alongside Yeji now deepthroating your cock.
The ward room was filled with both of your moans, pleasuring each other at the same time. You were surprised that no one has opened nor knocked on the door. It was like the time was letting you feel this moment with Yeji. She continues to slightly choke herself on your cock while you lapped up every part of her pussy that was covered with her juices.
You knew that you were reaching your peak fast. You would love to see Yeji's mouth filled with your cum, but the sensitiveness of your cock right now can only be felt once in a while.
"Mommy, I wanna feel your pussy now." Yeji then pulls you out of her mouth, raises her body and straddles your stomach.
"You want mommy to fuck you?" Yeji said while tracing a pattern on your chest. You nodded quickly as a reply.
"You wanna feel how tight mommy is?" You nodded again but then, you were greeted by a hard slap on your left cheek.
"Don't ever tell mommy what to do." Yeji's tone was cold and harsh, throbbing your cock in response because of how scary and hot it was.
Her hand was back to your cock once again, stroking it gently with a smirk on her face. You didn’t know what she was planning to do, but you knew that it was definitely gonna be pleasuring. She raised her hips and hovered over your crotch, teasing the tip of your shaft on her pussy lips. Your breath started to come out shallow, the friction of her rubbing was getting into nerves as you grit your teeth when you felt a certain sensation hitting your body.
“M-Mommy, p-please…” You begged her.
“What was that baby?”
“Please fuck me mommy! I wanna feel mommy’s tight pussy and fill it up with my cum! Please mommy!” You gave in to her dominance, something that you never had done before.
Without saying any words back, she suddenly left the bed and grabbed something from her little pouch on the seat which was on her arm earlier. Before going back to the bed, she comes to your side and covers your eyes with some sort of cloth, your vision now was filled with darkness.
“Arms up.” You followed her instructions and Yeji ties both of your wrists to each side of the headboard with what you feel like a silky fabric.
“Hm, better.” You heard Yeji say before feeling the bed sink down and the warmness of her pussy was back on your erection. You also heard the sound of clothes being removed and thrown onto the floor, possibly her top and her bra which were the only things that were left on her body.
“Mommy’s gonna fuck you now since you begged for it.”
You didn’t even have time to prepare yourself as Yeji lowered down on your shaft, letting you feel the tightness of her pussy. She didn’t care about adjusting to your size anymore and kept slamming down her hips at a wild pace with a few satisfying groans from her sinful lips.
“Ahh fuck, you fill me up so well.” Yeji moaned as she slowed down her movements.
“Mommy’s so tight…”
Feeling that her hand was now on your stomach, you can imagine that Yeji was riding you with her ass facing towards you. You were a little frustrated at not having the vision of her perfect butt bouncing up and down your cock, but all these props that were put onto you were definitely increasing your arousal. Your shaft was drowned with her juices as you heard the wet sound of both of your crotches slapping against each other.
You never knew that you had a submissive side, and you have to thank Yeji for unlocking this new side of you. Sweat formed on both of your bodies as the air around was getting hotter due to her constant pace of riding your length. Suddenly, your cock impales her deeply until it reaches her g-spot, earning a loud sensual moan from Yeji.
“Fuck yeah, that’s the spot…”
Yeji penetrates herself in that same position over and over again. Her legs and body shakes in response, oxytocin fills her bloodstream in a large amount as her walls strongly clenches on your shaft. It wouldn’t take much longer for the both of you to reach your peak.
“Oh yeah, mommy’s going to cum all over your cock baby.”
“M-Me too, m-mommy, please don’t stop!”
“I would never.”
A few more slams was all it needed for Yeji to orgasm, drenching your cock with an enormous amount of her juices as her walls pulsated around your cock with such intense pressure. It causes you to hit your climax quickly after hers, emptying all of your build up load and filling up the entirety of her insides. You pull on the fabric on your wrists while moaning in a loud volume, wanting to hold her close as you orgasm but you were glad enough that you were deep inside her warm pussy.
“Ahh, fill me up, fill me up….” Yeji said as you sent a few more shots of your thick seed into her womb.
As you both were a panting mess, Yeji lifts off of your shaft inch by inch, both of your mixed cum slowly drips out of her before it leaks out in a large amount and stains the bed below. You felt Yeji’s hand taking off your blindfold and once your vision was back, a sight of Yeji showing her pink splayed lips that was messy with both of your juices. She sighed in satisfaction and leaned her head close to your ear to whisper something.
“From now on, you will be mommy’s fucktoy.”
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ravenadottir · 3 years
I don't know if you've answered something like this, but how do you think the LIs handle getting out of a long-term relationship? How do they get along with their ex afterwards?
i’ve answered this before, but i can’t find it, so i’ll just do a new one! pretty sure there will be some stuff in common with the old post, like breakup beards and haircuts/dying.
alright, let’s explore this pain a little bit!
💔 bobby. he cannot, for the life of him, manage a friendship after they break up. he wants to! he really thinks he’s capable of it, but the minute he sees them with someone else, or even the possibility or the mentioning, he crumbles like a sand castle being kicked. his mates will try to take him out, but all he wants to do is stay home and marinate in his pain. clean shave, always, but i reckon bobby is the type to eat his frustrations.
💔 carl will absolutely dive deep into his work. even more than before. he can’t stand the idea of an empty house/flat again, especially after she brought some color to the place. the more he codes/programs, the better, since he won’t have time to think about her. he’s definitely finishing off the night with a couple of drinks, and will spend some time sleeping on the couch, afraid of how hard it will be once he tries to sleep alone after so long. breakup scruff, possibly not caring for how his hair looks.
💔 chelsea. shopping spree, especially decor items and shoes. but i’m telling you... chelsea has a gigantic heart, and she’s not capable of ignoring it for too long. it speaks volumes when she say “i think i need some time for myself.” that’s when her closest mates should really stay aware. she won’t take so long to realize it, but the problem with her is that she’s a cryer. the type that has hiccups because of it. so when she allows herself to feel that pain, that void, she’ll isolate herself for a good while. let her. lots of gin and wine before bed, and she might cut bangs. (i do think she can pull them off, but still. she’s one of those).
💔 gary. his remedy is the pub, going out and meaningless sex. until he truly faces his pain and stops everything else, in order to deal with the breakup. gary is the type of lad that doesn’t want people to think he’s suffering, because he despises pity. he has a huge problem with it, and doesn’t let the pain show through his actions. beer and darts, my guy! at least until he finally builds up some courage to face the fact that the relationship ended. thick breakup beard, possibly skipping the barbershop for a while. and definitely self loathing because he’ll blame himself before he faces the facts. no dice on being friends with an ex. if he got to introduce someone to his nan, he knows they might have a relationship for life, and that’s painful for him, but he won’t contact with them again.
💔 henrik. he’s not the type to avoid his feelings, and he wants to heal as soon as possible. a long trip somewhere tranquil and quiet is perfect for him. he’ll connect to nature through climbing and hiking, mostly. definitely some cliff diving, and driving back and forth. he isolates himself, and turns his phone off to not be bothered. he really appreciates solitude while dealing with a breakup. breakup scruff, and after a while, he migh try to stay friends. i don’t see it happening, given the intimacy they shared was deep.
💔 kassam. tries his best not to show emotion, pretends everything is fine and that he wasn’t hit by it. dives into his music, but all he can think of, or produce, sounds sad. it drives him crazy that he’s spending hours and hours trying to forget the fact that it’s over, and his music can only reflect exactly that. he might take some time from touring after a while, not committing to anything until further notice. breakup stubble, skipping the barber, and most definitely avoiding his ex.
💔 lottie. focusing on her occupation, trying her best to fill her head with useful thoughts instead of that spiral of paranoia she’ll fall into, right after the relationship ends. depending on the reason why it ends, i can even see lottie tossing their things in the garbage, or even making a bonfire. but mostly, she’ll be sad for a while, trying to put a brave face on, until she admits to herself she needs some time to heal. her home is her safe place, so that’s where she’ll spend most of her days. she might change the color of her hair more frequently, and definitely will stay away from the ex.
💔 lucas. goodbye, see you next year, because that boy is gone with his bike, going somewhere that doesn’t remind him of them. absolutely nowhere they’ve been to together. breakup beard, scotch and bars. alone, i must emphasize. and definitely will go back to be a regular to the gentlemen's club. cigars, poker and scotch. scotch will be very frequent. time from work, probably gonna volunteer to something in a different country. everything goes to hep forgetting about her, and avoid the empty space he now has to live in. “i know it won’t erase what we had, but i need to this” while holding his passport.
💔 marisol. definitely focusing on studying/working on extreme cases. she needs to distract herself and the only way she knows how is diving in the books. she’ll take more than usual to get used to things because getting used to a new routine is hard, and it’s the small things that will make her break into tears. when she realizes there’s no little notes on the fridge, or that she hasn’t programmed the usual alarms/reminders. she’ll try to rearrange her place to a different setting. just to change everything back once she feels better about the breakup. definitely is the type to cut bangs.
💔 noah. almost nothing changes in noah’s routine. the problem lives in the fact that he “wants to try new things”. he might travel somewhere sunny, to have an adventure, and while he’s there, everything is fine. but when he comes back, his sanity goes to hell immediately. he might sleep on the couch because the bed reminds him of her, and he can’t cook anymore. there’s multiple places they spent so much time together in his house, he might avoid them for a while. noah is probably the type to rearrange the furniture while listening to upbeat songs, only to realize what he really needs is to feel that absence and that pain. “ain’t no sunshine” is playing on repeat, my guy.
💔 priya. coping by partying. partying by going out every weekend day. meaningless sex, drinking, not going home before she’s absolutely wasted. priya can’t look at the empty spot beside her, on the bed. it’s the most painful image she wants to avoid. takeouts, shopping online every time it hurts, and sometimes staying late at work. not working. just being there, preventing herself from having a meltdown because once again, she blames herself on a breakup.
💔 tai. he’s the type to isolate himself, staying in every night, trying to distract himself from her absence. things they used to do together will bring a bitterness out of nowhere, and he might even throw things around, mostly out of anger at himself, for allowing himself to think of her. it’s mostly frustration and gloominess before he can go back to his routine. he might focus on exercising, and i can see him exaggerating it, enough to get hurt. it’s not pretty. usually the boy is perky and happily taking things with a grain of salt, but a breakup with someone that he truly loves really takes a toll on him.
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Feral Fatality
(Part 1)
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So this has been in my works for a week now. You see, it was a typical day for me scrolling through Tumblr and visiting some....tags, and then a short drabble inspired me to write about a feral reader totally not because I was craving violence and murder no, which reached more than 4k words on the first draft so here we are! Shitty title, I know. The proofread work went over 7k, and it's not even finished yet. Once I'm done posting this and my main orc fic, I will get into the requests so please be patient!
Pairing: Jason Voorhees x Fem!Reader
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Brief blood and violence at the end of the first part
Contains: Swearing, mentions of neglect and abuse (not graphic)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Screams slit through the twilight as the frigid autumn wind blew harshly through the trees of Camp Crystal Lake. The rustling of bushes and cracking of twigs echoed as foolish teenagers attempted to escape, running for their lives when they were the ones who dared step foot in the place, tarnishing it with their sins.
Jason Voorhees, the innocent kid who died several years ago; pushed to the lake by his bullies and left to drown for being different and unsightly— all because the counselors were busy with their fucking business—, returned as an undead killing machine right after his mother murdered them and died. His sole purpose: to protect the land and purge the people who had no right to be here, sentencing them to a horrendous death.
One by one, they struck the ground, lifeless, either chopped into pieces, beheaded, or stabbed countless times by his trusty machete.
Limbs...ripped off with his bare hands.
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The muffled snapping of branches reached your ears as the vehicle's wheels ran over them, stirring you from your nap. You rubbed your chilled skin under your clothes as you looked out of the window, thumping your forehead on the glass when you leaned forward the moment you saw the scenery. Trees, both ancient and young, their leaves varying in hues of green, orange and red, filled your line of sight. It was still early in autumn, your favorite time of the year, not hot but not too cold either. You watched in awe as the warm-colored leaves cascaded down from the branches and down to the ground, some carried by the wind farther from their origin.
The view did its best to distract you from a couple in session a seat before yours. They always seem to do that all the time, regardless of place or occasion.
This was a week-long getaway after graduation, they said.
Nothing but a white lie.
An excuse for the girls to hook up with their campus crushes, a week of fucking and smoking drugs.
You, however, just got invited —forced— by your "friend" Eloiza, the self-proclaimed hottest girl in the entire school, typical captain of the cheerleading squad; blonde and curvy. Her words were much too sugar-coated that even a deaf person could tell she had ulterior motives.
She only planned to use you as a tool to raise her fame. A stepping stone for her own gain.
That wasn't the only reason though.
Everyone knew who you were, but only by your name. News and rumors alike spread like wildfire through gossipy mouths. Your deeds were known throughout campus.
(Y/N)(L/N), top academic competitor and multiple-award winner, a straight-A student for five years in succession. Some believed you were a genius, the rest called you insane.
You wouldn't call yourself a genius though, you did not possess the obsessive need to acquire eternal knowledge and discover the secrets of the universe as most of them do, to effortlessly solve every problem that comes their way.
If that were the case, then you wouldn't be here in the first place.
You only love learning and indulging in the beauty of Mother Nature, plus a handful of hyper-fixations.
Fine, a buttload of hyper-fixations. And such came in handy in various situations.
You were unrivaled, not one of your peers could come close to your level of wit. Many people wished to have a brain like yours, and just as many hated you for even having one, praised you just as much as slandered your name and judged you.
Despite your reputation, the poor school didn't broadcast it, at least every time. The staff probably got tired of repeating the same phrase over and over again. Which caused more than half of the whole campus to never believe you to be the one behind all of that, laughing at your face when you said your name.
"You? The (Y/N) (L/N)? Ha! As if I'd fall for that! Everyone knows how she looks. You're the absolute opposite!"
"You got to be kidding me."
"You're a joker, aren't you? Is this a prank? If so please stop it, don't pretend like you're her."
Yep, and it goes on and on and on. They were right, you didn't look like someone who would win contests or excel in class.
You constantly wore clothes that hid your form, silent unless spoken to or asked to answer, distant and reserved, you preferred the company of books and nature to the rowdiness and prying hands of humans. A sociopath they deemed you. Quite an extreme word to use when you simply wanted to enjoy the only things that made you happy in this living hell.
You only know a handful of people who approached you first-hand and praised you genuinely, even asking for an autograph, which really surprised you.
Yet, they would never understand you even if you explained, because you can't, words evade you when it comes down to voice out what you feel. Even if you can, no one would care. And even if they did? You doubt it was real. Everyone wants to use you, and they seem to believe you'd let them. You didn't trust anyone. The last time you did only left you sobbing on the dirt.
You wanted to be left alone.
To connect with nature and get as far away as possible from your parents. Parents who kept shouting profanities at each other, the main cause for your depression and anxiety levels to skyrocket, the shaking turning into trembling, 7 hours of sleep to barely a blink.
That's why you agreed to go in the first place.
You hated your household—despised it— a mess of broken shards of bottles and ceramics littered your kitchen floor more often than not. You didn't bother cleaning it up anymore, your mother would just waste away her money on more things to break and throw them at your joke of a father when they fought anyway.
Not only that, you thought...No, you believed if you worked hard to be the best and win countless competitions, your parents would give you recognition and reconcile for your sake, but no, no, no. They didn't care one bit about you or your medals, it was as if you were never even included in their lives at all. Even birthday celebrations ceased to exist in everyone's books after your 13th.
So you gave up.
Down into the void, your wishful thinking went, that they'll become better people over time, that the attention and love you deserve will be given one day. Instead, you wallowed yourself in your studies, besting everyone in everything academic. Oh, but you weren't athletic. Far from it. Damn, you were getting thin and sleep-deprived from being neglected, dark circles under your eyes every time you looked at your reflection. People hating your existence wasn't helping, some teachers even suspected you of cheating.
There's no way in hell you'd let yourself get dragged down to end up like them! You were of legal age now, a fresh graduate from high school, you doubt your parents even knew that since they didn't fucking show up on your graduation day. You were moving out of that shithole of a town. Anywhere is better than where they breathed and spat their poison.
And so here you are. Standing in this breath-taking and mysterious place. Camp Crystal Lake, it is named, secluded, barely touched by modernization as it is hidden between mountains and trees as far as the eye could see. Not to mention its namesake, the lake, you imagined it would mirror the sky, be it day or night. You loved it, you adored the fresh, breathable air that went through you the moment you stepped out of the van.
You also knew about him.
Resolved to never go back to that goddamned house, you took everything you had and needed; the special little trinkets you've collected through the years shoved into a box, the few clothes you had, art materials, and your precious books carefully packed inside a big travel bag, along with your stocked up canned goods, convenience food, snacks, and toiletries.
And other, important things.
You hauled your baggage out of the van and got off, immediately moving to the side and away from everyone.
You got used to people ignoring you that you didn't care anymore.
Why waste your time with them when you can have all of it to yourself?
Eloiza led the group into the larger cabins, the others went straight into the lake for a swim. You even notice some teens disappear into the trees, most likely for a quickie.
In return, you stayed out of their way, fully satisfied being invisible and with your own company as you trudged to a cabin, the one you caught a glimpse of earlier in the van. It was a long way's separated from the rest, closest to the forest and hidden behind a few trees.
You were panting when you finally stopped in front of it, clearly not used to walking long distances and carrying stuff near as heavy as your weight.
Upon closer inspection, you found yourself gaping at its appearance. The wooden walls lost their color as they aged, white and brown mushrooms grew on the ground along with green moss sticking to the beams, and a few vines crawling their way up and on the roof. Despite all of that, the cabin looked sturdy still.
There's this "one with nature" vibe that drew you to it, like a string pulling you closer and inviting you. Ominous most would say, but you almost cried when the rich scent of earth and oxygen filled your lungs as you took one big inhale, sighing in content for once. It was a lot smaller compared to the others, but you didn't care. As long as you were left alone with your stuff you were a-okay.
You turned the knob and peeked inside, letting out a small gasp and opening the door wider to see the whole thing.
Old as it is, it was proper and neat, regardless of the tiny cobwebs on the upper corners. A small, square dining table sat in the middle of the first part of the place, two wooden stools placed underneath. There were cupboards on the wall and a simple sink with an empty space to the side. You went to the next room, doorless and separated with but a wall of thick plywood. It had a single bed in the corner, off-white cotton sheets sitting atop, not a wrinkle in sight. No pillow though. There's a decent-sized closet along with a small table on one side of the bed. One of the windows had a hole in the middle, a ray of sunlight streaming in through the cracks. It was too big for the size of a gunshot, so maybe a rock.
A bit hesitant, your fingers traced the wood, feeling the inconsistent texture. When you went through the back door, your smile reached your ears when trunks of trees and bushes greeted you...
Wait, is that what you think it is?
Stepping closer to the treeline, your jaw dropped when you spotted a thicket of fruit-bearing plants past them, gathered in a tiny clearing.
Purple little cuties poked out of the green shrubs, sporting a vibrant hue that caught your eye. The sun shone overhead and providing the energy they needed. Blueberries managed to grow in the area despite the trees fencing them.
Tempted and suspicious, you crouched down, inspecting the shrub if it really was a blueberry plant and not a deadly doppelganger. Once you were sure it was, (it would be hilarious if you simply died from nighshade poisoning), you plucked one and brought it to your mouth. It was sweeter than you expected, with a slightly bitter aftertaste. You hummed in delight, wiping the juice with your thumb when it dribbled out, staining your finger and lips.
You didn't want to anger anybody. Hell, coming here was already trespassing, so you didn't push your luck and left it alone, hoping they'd forgive you for picking one. They surely didn't look wild with the way they lined up.
You scanned the rest of the area, eventually going back inside to unpack after your little evaluation.
The sun was a hand's away from setting when you finished. Pride swelled in your chest at the work you did, your things stocked and organized with care inside the cabinets and drawers. You won't have to worry about your food for now as cupboards were filled to the brim with them. You also had a decent amount of money left from your savings account that your parents weren't aware of. Prize money, allowance, and the salary you got from doing online jobs all went into it. The camp was a few miles off the road, and a couple more to the nearest gas station with a convenience store. Very far yes, but it's better than living with the people who made you do this in the first place.
You just hoped you wouldn't die walking.
Everything was worth it, anyways. You were free now, at least that's what you think.
You trudged to the bed, eyeing the cushions, wary and a little scared to touch the sheets that appeared to be cleaned just recently, you didn't even lay a finger on them ever since you got inside. Oh, but your tired muscles were screaming to just flump down and relax.
So you did.
You dumped yourself face first and inhaled. It wasn't smelly nor fragrant, just the simple freshness on the cotton fabric. You felt beat but ain't sleepy, yet, so you reached to the drawer beside the bed and pulled out a book to pass the time as you waited for the sun to go down and give way for the moon. Its spine and pages had creases, worn out and yellow-stained from age and use. It was a horror-mystery novel told through a first-person narrative, a story of a middle-aged detective and her Maine coon in their attempts to solve a murder case of a young European lady named Cassandra Chase.
You dozed off in the middle of chapter 21, the part where Dinnie, the cat, discovers a valuable clue to the crime, a rotten limb in the dried basement well.
Jason settled down on the stairs of his porch; shoulders relaxed and hunched as he leisurely sharpened his machete with a small whetstone. Lines of sunlight kissed him through the leaves of trees, the birds in the area chirped on their perches, and the grass swayed, gentle, as a cool wind passed by.
His day be so fine. No troublemakers to deal wi—
The alarm rang, announcing unwelcomed arrival. As if a switch flipped inside, he's already on his feet, making his way swiftly to their location.
A new batch of wretched youngsters, another day ruined. Hunting them down makes his blood thrum in his veins, yes, but they soured his mood, just when he was at peace. He's dead set on slaughtering them in the most gruesome ways possible, only then he could go back and enjoy the serenity the nature around him brings.
He surveyed the area, camouflaging with the wilderness, silent as he watched and counted the soon-to-be corpses, his mother's voice at the back of his mind, guiding him.
They decided to go either to the main cabins, or the lake...even into the trees.
All but one.
Jason already planned to cut down the couple later as they lose themselves in the forest, doing nasty, dirty things to his camp. The killer shifted his attention to you, curious as to why you didn't join the lot. Instead, you walked back down the road. He followed and saw you approach the small cabin, separated from the rest, your eyes widened...
You were quiet— except for the little gasps of awe you let out in between pants—as you looked around and over the place. The ones you came with were rowdy and destructive, a complete opposite. He hid as he observed you from afar, moving around to adjust his vision on you. You smiled every time you looked to the trees, he noticed.
Why were you smiling like that? Why did you pick this cabin? Were you planning on defiling it?
The last question in his mind made his blood boil. He'll kill you first if that was the case. That cabin you chose was special, it was where he and his mother used to stay. He occasionally visits that one to keep it clean and free of dust. If you even think of—
Jason, sweetie...look closer. She does not have such intentions.
His mother's words rang in his head. Even from where he stood, he could see what you did inside. You looked a little hesitant, touching and drawing back your hand before letting your fingers feel the wood as if it was something delicate. Despite the initial...shyness? You proceeded to make it your home, somewhat, dropping the large duffel bags you carried on your front and back, and a similarly large roller case on your left. It was as if you planned to stay for a long time.
Jason hears you take a long breath and sigh as you went out the backdoor. You grinned wider when you saw the nature around you. You stepped forward, straight in his direction...
For a moment he thought you saw him, seeing your jaw drop. You moved closer, and he just froze there, until you crouched down.
Oh, his plants.
He watched you as you gently picked a fruit, your gaze...soft. You brought it to your mouth, some of the juice spilling on the side and you wiped it with your thumb.
You went back inside and continued to unpack your things, carefully maneuvering around the cabin.
Maybe he'll spare you if you continue to be good. You didn't do anything dirty, yet. It's only a matter of time before the camp is shrouded in darkness and his hunt will begin.
Let's see what you'll do before that happens.
Jason tracked down the three that went into the forest. He knew the place like the back of his hand, and it was easier to pinpoint them as he heard moans.
What he saw was utmost disgusting, two girls pleasuring a male with their mouths in broad daylight.
Kill them, my boy! Such foul beings need to die! Kill them, kill!
He circled them, steps soundless. Jason gripped his machete and brought it down the guy's neck, embedding the weapon into the bark, the head rolled down, oozing with blood, and fell against the women, drenching them in red. Not a single cry left from their mouths as he sliced both with one swing, blood pouring out of their throats and staining the ground. Jason dragged their bodies and tossed them into a pit he dug beforehand, making quick work in burying them.
A swift end. Now he waits.
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Aurora comments: I was in a mental breakdown with Coco, since a month ago. I just wanna say thanks to @chibsytelford and @satchie666 for helping me with some tips to bring back my inspo with him. Honestly, I think this is one of my favorites writings, a fucking masterpiece. I have mixed three requests and added one of my favorites spanish songs (I translated it under every part of the lyrics). I just hope you enjoy it as I enjoyed writing it.
Anon #1 asked: may i request 19 and 29 with coco?
Anon #2 asked: 37 and 39, angst, coco cruz
@hoooli13 asked: Hi I love your writing! Could you write 19. “You’re the only good thing I have”. With coco?
Song: ‘Orgullo’, Justin Quiles ft Káren Méndez.
19. “You’re the only good thing I have”.
29. “I don’t deserve you”.
37. “Stop ignoring me, please…”
39.“We need to talk”.
Word Count: 2k (including the lyrics and the translation)
Author comments: The paragraphs in italic mean that it’s a past situation. This work wasn't re-edited, so I'm sorry if you find grammar mistakes! I hope you all enjoy. Gif isn't mine, credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba @sheeshgivemeabreak @destynelseclipsa ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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Él me dice que le llame, que no duerme temprano. Si no textea, no texteo y si no llama, no llamo. Pero él es igual…
(He tells me to call him, that he doesn't sleep early. If he doesn't text me, I don't text him and if he doesn't call me, I don't call him. But he does the same…)
It’s been almost two weeks since that night when, apparently, you fucked up whatever you and Coco had. Comings and goings of furtive kisses and improvised sex. You were catching feelings, he was catching feelings too. It’s the thirteenth night that you are sitting on the sofa, waiting for a call or a text, waiting even for an email. You know he is on line, you can see him writing you with those three grey points flashing in your screen. But the text never comes. 
“Stop ignoring me, please…”
You would like him to write you, but he doesn’t do, so you either. Pride is stronger than you want to admit. The phone flies off from your hand with an angry move, crashing against the wall and breaking into pieces. And you don’t even care, because he won’t budge.
Estamos envueltos en un juego, donde somos prisioneros del sentimiento que llevamos por dentro. Me siento incontento, y yo sé…
(We're wrapped in a game, where we're prisoners of a feeling we carry inside us. I feel unhappy, and I know…) 
“(Y/N), Templo, now. We need to talk”. Bishop just says, as soon as you cross the main door of the clubhouse.
Everybody is staring at you, confused by the way he has talked to you. So serious, so dry. For a second, just for a second, you look at Coco. Maybe you’re ignoring each other, but he’s worried too. Licking your lower lip, you leave your bag over the empty table, before continuing your steps to the meeting room. Closing the glass colorful door, you find the man sitting on his chair having a smoke of his cigar.
You obey, as a dog would do when the master talks.
“Why are you late?”
“I just… Last night I had a problem with my phone, and I needed a new one. I’m sorry, Prez, it would never happen again and… I’ll recover this lost hour today. I promise”.
He nods in silence, having a sip from his coffee.
“What’s up with Coco, ah?”
“Orgullo, Bishop. Eso es lo que está sucediendo”. (Pride, Bishop, that’s what’s happening).
“Fix it. I don’t care how. But… this situation is awkward and uncomfortable for every one of us”. He leans over the table, supporting his weight on his forearms. “I love you, and you’re a good mechanic. But he is a Mayan”.
And you know what that means. You can’t help but let some tears run out from your eyes when you're grabbing again your bag. The guys look more worried now, and even if you just want to punch Coco on the face, you lead your steps to the huge warehouse next to the club. Throwing your stuff somewhere on the ground, you attack enraged the punching bag hanging from the metallic ceiling. Your cry gets more angrier when you feel two big arms surrounding your body.
“Com’ere, McGregor”. 
Angel whispers on your ear, putting you away from it to turn you under his grip, hugging you tightly. You’re furious. Really furious. And your cry floods the place making some echo, while the oldest Reyes tries to comfort you. Fucking pride that doesn’t let you talk with him. And when you do, is his who talks for him.
Me esta matando el orgullo, cuando más quiero estar al lado tuyo. De solo verte concluyo que tú eres para mí y yo soy para ti.
(Pride is killing me, when I want to be by your side the most. Just seeing you I know you are for me and I'm for you).
Maybe you drunk too much that night, starting with beers to end up with a bottle of tequila. You were needing some fresh air, walking in some kind of zigzag to the empty yard. Having a deep breath with eyes closed, you continued your clumsy steps to the farthest picnic table. And you decided to have your own party. Playing some latin music in your phone, and leaving it over the wood, your body began to move alone, under the influence of the rhythm and the alcohol wreaking havoc on your mind. You saw him coming towards you, a little harmed too. He threw the cigar away, holding the hand that you were offering him.
You were having a good time alone, but with him, it only got better. His chest was pressing your back. His arms surrounding your waist, and your hips dancing against him. You could feel his warm breath on your neck, colliding in a delicious way, before starting to kiss your left shoulder. Since the moment you two met, a sexual tension got installed between both, following you whenever you went. And his mouth was feeling so good on your skin, that you wanted to taste it. 
No sé por qué el orgullo nos está matando, si tú eres mía, bebé. Ya sabes desde cuando. Nuestras miradas aquel día estaban chocando, y al besar tus labios el deseo iba aumentando.
(I don't know why the pride is killing us, if you're mine, baby. Our looks were crashing that day, and when I kissed your lips the desire incresed).
Turning under his arms, your faces met, twisting a little your necks. Your bodies kept moving to the sound of the song, your noses almost touching. Eyes closed, drinking each other breathings. You wanted too bad to kiss him. He wanted too fucking bad to kiss you. With a hand on your lower back, he wrapped your throat with the other to push you a little bit closer. Enough to you. Your mouth found the other with a ephemeral caress full of desire. You were playing, and he didn’t like it. Coco pressed his lips on yours, not wasting another second, looking for your tongue with his. And it was like an explosion. Your hands getting tangled in his hair, while you two continued dancing, with a leg between yours and vice versa. 
It was like touching heaven with your fingertips.
“Shit, I don’t deserve you, mami. You’re a fuckin’ blessing”.
Es que tú me tienes a mí en un vaivén, y me matan las ganas de volverte a ver.
(You have me in a swing, the desire to see you again is killing me).
“Who’s that mami, bro’?” Coco asked to Angel, resting his shoulder against the wooden column, having a drag of his cigar.
“New mechanic. Taza’s friend, or something like”.
Che was your father’s best friend, so when you told him what you were studying, he quickly offered you to work at Romeros and Bros. It was a good opportunity to learn a little more. You saw sideways how four men walked towards your car, from where you were grabbing your stuff.
“Welcome to the fam’. I’m Angel. And these are my brothers. Coco, Gilly and Creeper”.
You smiled with pursed lips, not ashamed, but kinda like. Four big guys with tattoos and looks on their faces of being truly assholes? No, thanks.
“I’m (Y/N)”.
Since the first moment, you knew they were betting who would be the one who would end up dating you. But they were wrong.
“Don’ try to fuck with me, guys. I’m more into drivers than into riders”.
Or maybe, you were the one who was wrong. 
Me está matando el orgullo, cuando más quiero estar al lado tuyo. De solo verte concluyo que tú eres para mí y yo soy para ti.
(Pride is killing me, when I want to be by your side the most. Just seeing you I know you are for me and I'm for you).
It was an innocent dance with Angel, what kick out of you two that fucking pride. When you came back to the clubhouse, holding hands and laughing loud, your favorite song were playing through the speakers. The oldest Reyes, who was your best friend since you met the Mayans, wanted to dance it with you. And you couldn’t say ‘no’. Dancing close with him, as you did many times before. The funniest thing about the night is that you danced with everybody.
Ella me dice que la llame, que no duerme temprano. Si no textea, no texteo y si no llama, no llamo. Pero ella es igual…
(She tells me to call her, that she doesn't sleep early. If she doesn't text me, I don't text her and if she doesn't call me, I don't call her. But she does the same…)
Coco has been the whole day trying to figure out what did Bishop say to you. No one, but you two, knew what happened inside the Templo. Not even Taza. He’s sitting in his terrace with both legs over the table, drinking a beer and his phone in the other one. He wants to call you. And he has been typing your number by heart, the last hour. Once and again, ending up locking the screen. Until he decides that he doesn’t want to play this game anymore. He doesn’t want to lose you. The world is less shit waking up with you.
You need to breathe fresh air, stepping out of your house with no destination. You just want to walk, leave your mind blank by listening some music, with your headphones on. Actually, you don’t give a shit about the work. You don’t want to lose him. The only moments of peace you have had, you have found them between his arms, under his kisses and his caresses. You need him. You love him.
When you want to notice where you are, your feet are leading you to his house, being pushed back to reality because of the roar of a bike coming closer. You turn at it, when the wheels stop dead making a scratchy sound. Then, you see him. And he sees you. Getting off the motorcycle, he leaves the helmet above the seat. You turn off the headphones to keep them inside a pocket, taking some steps closer about to say something. But, what can you say? He’s coming towards you too, as if it was a slow motion scene. 
Me está matando el orgullo, cuando más quiero estar al lado tuyo. De solo verte concluyo que tú eres para mí y yo soy para ti.
(Pride is killing me, when I want to be by your side the most. Just seeing you I know you are for me and I'm for you).
You swallow hardly, barely breathing when Coco is just one step away from you. And maybe you don't need any words. Maybe you've been too stupid to recognize what and how you feel about the other. The mexican raises up a hand to your left cheek, resting it there, knowing that you missed him much more than you thought. His right hand helps the other to hold your face, before crashing his lips on yours. A soft needy moan drowning in your throat, when your fingers get tangled in two fist in his shirt. Your tongues stroking the other so desperate, that you don't care about being out of air.
Your back finds the wall, lifting up your arms to his neck, surrounding it; while his hands go down to your lower back. Fuck the pride.
“You're the only good thing I have, mami”.
“Tú eres para mí y yo soy para ti”.
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starlightxsvt · 4 years
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Sunrises || Choi Seungcheol au
Pairing: Seungcheol x Female reader
Genre: apocalypse au, slice of life (?), angst, kinda fluff, some action
Warning: zombies, death and stuffs
"Thank you for saving me that day." You murmur to the male sittig next to you.
Seungcheol, in return says nothing, focusing on peeling the apple in his hand.
It was the third day after he saved you and gave you a place to stay. The man didn't offer his name or any other information - though you figured it out from craved wood that hung on his room's door saying, 'Seungcheol's room' - neither asked yours but you enlightened him with it. He doesn't talk much and doesn't like to be talked much but you kept your mouth open anyway.
It was about two months since the strange virus spread and begun the apocalypse and you were lucky enough to have stumbled upon Seungcheol.
"I really mean it." You whisper. "I'm new in this place. Believe it or not but I moved here literally a few days before the apocalypse started."
You didn't get any response to that either.
"Do you have any family? I don't. My mother died long ago and my father's an addict so I basically ran from him."
More silence.
You take in his features which are too concentrated on peeling the apple. His brows were knit to a frown and he chewed on his lower  plump lip.
You swallow, "Who's Sunghoon?" You know you probably shouldn't have asked the question but curiosity got the best of you. You saw the name hanging on one of the rooms which was apparently locked.
He looks up at you, an angry look on his face. "I swear to any higher being up there, if you don't shut your mouth I am going to feed you to the corpses by myself." He stands up murmuring, "This is why I don't like helping people." 
You watch his retreating figure walk inside the house and you sigh, leaning against the apple tree and watching the sunset.
A week later
You thanked the heavens everyday for making you stumble upon a guy who's a farmer. Seungcheol had his own produce, a small field of rice and corns and a few apple and lemon trees. It was safe to say these were more than enough in a time like this.
The electricity is unavailable most of the time but it takes some surprise visits every few days for a few hours. That's when you and Seungcheol wash up and store water.
Your days go by rather quickly thanks to the neat system Seungcheol seems to have established. He had things run so smoothly that it was pretty unbelievable the world was going through an apocalypse right now. You help him around the house, cleaning things up, watering the crops and such. He had his own rules - don't waste water or tissues, don't eat too much, don't talk too much. You tried to follow them at your best but you couldn't stop yourself from starting a little conversation more often that which were only met with silence or threats. But so far, Seungcheol was a guy nice enough and you counted your blessings for meeting him.
A few more days later
When you ran from your place you only took your female necessities. Those were dumb things compared to others who ran away with guns and foods.
You sat in the guest room Seungcheol offered you, thinking about what you were gonna do after these necessities were finished.
Suddenly Seungcheol appears knocking on your door before entering. You turn to look at him as he takes a seat. "We'll be heading out tomorrow."
"There's a super shop a mile away from here. We're going there."
"Why do you think, smartass? We need to stock up on tissue paper and dry foods. I visited there a couple times after the apocalypse started. Apparently the government and NGO's provide foods and stuffs there for the survivors out here."
"Really?Then where are they? We need to find them. They probably built a shelter, we can go live there."
"Do you think it's that simple?"
Seungcheol sighs. "They are moving in their own pace, okay? The shelters are probably full now with survivors. When their capacity increases they'll let us know. I have a friend who works at the NGO. If he's okay he'll come for me."
"When was the last time you spoke with him?"
"On the day of the breakout."
"I see."
"Prepare yourself for tomorrow. Since you are living in my place, you are coming with me." He stands up to leave.
"I'm not a wuss, you know." You roll your eyes.
"We'll see."
"Yea. And you know, it didn't hurt to speak with me! We could talk more often Mr. Grumpy!" You call after him.
"Shut up."
The next day
"Listen carefully, don't waste anytime. Just grab the things you need and walk into the car." Seungcheol says parking the car in front of the convenience store.
You nod and watch him load his gun and tuck it behind him.
The store is a mess. Broken pieces and bits of metals everywhere. You both walk in and look for the things you came for. Luck seems to be on your side as you find a couple of dry food packets, some toilet papers and some pads -though they are not the best quality, you have to make do with these. You quickly put them on the tote bag you brought with yourself and turned around.
Seungcheol was on the opposite Isle looking through selves for God knows what. You walk out to the front of the store and see and notice taped there.
Food will be supplied here every week along with other necessities. If you are a survivor please hang in there. Once we manage more accommodation, we will come for you. Regarding the infected, our research says they are deaf, so please use that to your advantage.
You turn around to tell Seungcheol about this but instead you meet the eyes of a corpse. It stands there, a mess of blood and gunk as your soul leaves your body.
It approaches you, making garbled sounds and you take back a few steps. From behind him you see Seungcheol approaching will a huge piece of metal rod.
The corpse doesn't turn back to the noises Seungcheol's feet makes while approaching you through the mess, instead it's focus is solely on you, ready to devour. They're really deaf, huh. It opens its mouth ready to chunk a piece of your body when Seungcheol hits him in the head and bangs a couple more times to make sure it's immobile.
"Quick, get in the car. More of them might be around here."
You two dash back to the car, carrying your goods and he starts the car quickly. You look behind to see more of the corpses appearing from around the store. Dusk was approaching soon which meant the corpses will be more alive and ferocious.
The car speeds through the empty road as you clutch onto your tote bag. "Did you know they were deaf?"
"You didn't?" He throws at you. You roll your eyes at him.
"Thanks for saving me again."
"Maybe next time I won't."
Another couple weeks or so later
"I'm going to the supermarket."
"At this hour? It's almost dusk. Are you crazy?"
You watch as Seungcheol puts on the necessary protection on his arms and legs and checks his gun.
"They people from NGO deliver foods during this time since there is no survivors out at this hour. I'm gonna go there and try to meet the delivery guy. Also I need to refill my car."
"To pass a message."
"To your friend who works at the NGO?"
"Yes. I need to let him know that I'm alive. Then he'll come for me."
"What if he's dead?"
Seungcheol says nothing. You forbid him to leaves a few more times but he completely ignores your pleas saying he has to take a  chance. Before he is out the door, he hands you his gun. "Keep this with you. Until now, they corpses have never been around here so just stay inside the house and you'll be safe. I don't know if you have your memories after you becoming a corpse but if you see me coming here looking like one of them, shoot me."
What? You swallow as your heart tugs.
"Stop talking like that. You don't need to leave. We've plenty of food. We'll get by. Don't do this Seungcheol."
"Remember what I said." He speaks, ignoring you and turns around.
"Wait." You call, tears pooling in your eyes. "At least take the gun with you. You'll need it more than me. Besides I dont even know how to use it."
Seungcheol looks at you for a beat before taking a gun and giving you a small smile - the first one he ever gave you.
You watch him leave as the sky turn in hues of purple and black.
You spend a restless night, sitting in your room watching the sky and thinking about Seungcheol. You think of how he opened up a bit more in the last few days and the moments you shared.
Sunghoon was my brother. He was in the military. We were outside, celebrating his discharge when the infection spread. The corpses got him while he was trying to save me. I failed him.
I waited for him for a long time, thinking he'd come back. He didn't.
Y/n, if I don't return by dawn don't wait for me.
As the night passed anxiety got the best of you. This is it. I lost him. He's gone. I'll have to survive now, alone.
You were about to have a break down as you saw the first streak of light spread through the sky. You walked to the roof of his farmhouse watching the colors in the sky. You start to accept the fact that you're alone from now on. That is until you see Seungcheol's jeep approaching towards the house.
You held your breath and didn't move your position, waiting to see him come out.
You thought sunsets were pretty until you saw Seungcheol's tired figure getting out of the jeep, his eyes meeting yours and flashing a smile, the brightest one probably, at the crack of dawn.
Sunrises were pretty too. Even prettier perhaps.
A/N: Tbh I wasn't so confident in this one but oh well, here it is. Also thank you for loving my previous work, it really means a lot. As for this one, if it doesn't flop, maybe I'll write a part 2 👀.Anyway thanks again! 💖
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ari-shipping-stuff · 4 years
Monochrome Week 2020
Day Five - High School AU
sequel to day three's fake dating au
Weiss couldn't get it out of her head.
It made her breathless. Light. Dreamy. She couldn't see clearly.
When she slept. Whenever she closed her eyes. The she was.
Blake, staring at her with that curious little head tilt she did. And her catlike amber eyes glowing under the orange lights.
In the place of every sound, it was still her. That one simple word. Her voice like velvet. Echoing relentlessly in her head.
And her hand. Held in hers. That's what had her the most. Their hands. Fingers intertwined. Staying that way for what Weiss wanted to be forever.
They never did let go last night. Not until the very last minute when Blake brought her home. And just before she left, she turned back. Another moment Weiss wished would last forever.
Blake had smiled ever so slightly. Easy to miss. But Weiss did see. Explosions might've gone off around her, but she could only see her smile. That smile that filled her with such an overwhelming, beautifully unfamiliar feeling that made her want to climb up a mountain and sing at the top of her lungs. To smile like there was no tomorrow. To steal every star from the sky. To conquer the world and give it all to Blake.
Weiss had all that to say as she drifted into space in the following day's English lecture. That.. And another thing.
She was not supposed to feel like this. What the hell did I do? What would Blake do?
Weiss was restless for the whole day, incessantly tapping her feet and answering questions only because she was annoyed that said questions were breaking her train of thought and she couldn't think straight at all.
As soon as the last bell rang, Weiss was ready to run out and curl up in bed forever.
Unfortunately, certain nosy people have other ideas.
Ruby, curse her track team legs, ran up to Weiss from behind, pouncing on her to prevent her escape. Though it did backfire (not that Ruby cared), causing them both to fall over.
"What are you doing, you dolt!?" Weiss screeched.
"Sorry!" Ruby giggled, not sorry in the slightest. She let go, rolling over and helping Weiss back up. "You didn't answer our messages last night!"
Weiss brushed off herself, groaning at the sight of her other friends' grinning idiot faces.
"Do you people ever stop?"
"Unfortunately not." replied Ren.
Weiss shook her head, sighing. "I used to think you were a sensible person.
"Now what do you dolts want?"
"We saw you leave the party!" said Nora.
"Early." Yang added, grinning. "Again."
"We went home." Weiss deadpanned. "Can I go?"
"Not a chance."
Ruby only shrugged. "Sorry, Weiss. This is a democracy."
"Democracy." Weiss rolled her eyes, leaning against a locker. She pouted, looking away from Ruby, who was trying to pull off her typical five-year-old pleading face.
Weiss kept running through thoughts about how all of this should be kept private. Whatever she and Blake did was absolutely none of their business. But then it struck her again— no. It didn't. They were not in a real relationship. Every juicy detail of their fake relationship needed to be widespread.
Oh, how confused she'd become. It was almost laughable. Level-headed Weiss Schnee couldn't discern which parts of her and Blake's relationship were real or not. Was the relationship real? It couldn't be. Yet it certainly felt real last night.
"Weiss?" Ruby called out, pulling Weiss back to reality.
"We went out to eat."
The group leaned towards Weiss expectantly, like puppies waiting to be fed. She only rolled her eyes in response.
"That's it. That's all you're getting."
Nora jabbed an accusing finger at Weiss.
"So there was more!" she yelled.
"No." Weiss snapped. "There was not. Leave me alone."
Someone cleared their throat.
All heads turned to see Blake. She had a hand on her hip and an eyebrow raised. Her eyes landed on Weiss.
'What are you doing here?' Weiss mouthed.
Blake snorted, walking up next to her. She snaked an arm around the shorter girl's waist, smiling casually at the rest of the group.
"Can you guys back up a bit? My girlfriend needs some space to breathe, you know."
Blake rolled her eyes amusedly, tightening her grip around Weiss's waist.
"Yes. Girlfriend." she said. "Now if you'll excuse us, I'm supposed to walk her home."
"Don't worry about it then!" Yang grinned, winking supportively at her best friend. "Make sure she gets there safely, Kitty Cat."
Blake snorted, waving. "Yeah, I will. See you soon."
From there, Blake began to steer the dumbfounded, red-faced Weiss out of the building.
"Got everything you needed?" Blake asked casually.
"What was that?" Weiss hissed. "Girlfriend?"
An intense red crept up Blake's cheeks, as if waking up from a daydream. She pulled back her arm. A cold nothing grew on the small of Weiss's back. They both looked away.
"Sorry." Blake mumbled. "Did.. Did I make you uncomfortable?"
Weiss sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"W-Well, yes, a bit. But nevermind that. Technically, that was a good move. Get this scheme moving along faster."
"O-Oh." Weiss didn't catch the twinge of hurt in Blake's tone, her own mind spinning.
"But next time warn me before you get all forward like that!" Weiss exclaimed. Then she stopped in her tracks, grimacing.
Blake watched her worriedly.
"Weiss? What's wrong?"
Weiss switched positions with Blake, so that she was on their left, as if she was hiding.
"Be discrete. He's there."
Blake searched around the parking lot as they walked. But the ridiculous amount of gel on Henry Marigold's hair was hard to miss.
Weiss instinctively linked her arm with Blake's, turning them to pass along the other side.
Weiss twitched, wanting nothing more than to bash Henry's head against a rock and hope he never wakes up.
Then Blake pulled back her arm, placing her hand on hers. In a laughable moment of deja vu, Weiss pushed her fingers forward, intertwining their fingers.
She looked up at Blake, chills running down her spine.
'I'm here.' Blake mouthed.
Reluctantly, Weiss tore her gaze away from Blake's. Henry was running towards them, completely abandoning the band of cheerleaders near his car.
He stopped, not so smoothly, in front of the two, a wide smirk on his face.
"Weiss Schnee." he drawled, leaning on his arm against the hood of a stranger's car.
He glanced at Blake. He pointed at her, his finger orbiting an imaginary circle.
"Isn't.. She that girl who lived in a box?"
Just as Blake was opening her mouth, Weiss cut in.
"Blake." she snapped. "Her name is Blake."
"Right.. Didn't she transfer last year?" he eyed their hands with a raised eyebrow. "What's she doing here?"
"She came to bring me home, Henry." Weiss's grip on Blake's hand tightened. She tugged ever so slightly, ready to leave. "Now if you'll excuse us—"
"No, no, baby—"
"—I was waiting by my car for you the whole time!" he exclaimed, squaring his shoulders. He ran a finger through his hair, stepping forward towards Weiss. "Thought we could talk. Y'know.. Some.. Stuff."
He was playing attention to Blake, Weiss noted. He wasn't nonchalant about her presence like he was with everyone else. He almost looked..
"Worried, Henry?" Weiss asked.
Weiss looked him up and down, a slow, giddy smirk creeping to her lips.
He saw the pictures.
She relaxed, smiling politely. Though after that sly expression she pulled earlier, Henry had to admit it looked almost eerie now.
"Sorry, Henry." she grinned, placing a hand on Blake's arm. "I don't think my girlfriend would rest so easy if you brought me home. Especially after walking all the way from her school."
Henry was too dumbfounded to notice Blake's expression. But he frowned, his mood turning bitter rather fast. He tugged the collars on his rust-colored jacket.
"Didn't take you for a dyke, Schnee." he sneered. "What a waste."
Blake stepped in front of him. She was stiff. Somewhat calm. But her seething amber eyes told another story.
"Take that back. And walk away."
"Or what?"
He glared at Blake, leaning forward to make himself seem much taller.
Weiss could feel the chill in Blake's hand. It turned cold with icy fear. But Blake let go, curling her hands into fists around Henry's collar. She pulled him towards her harshly.
"Or I'll make you." she growled.
Weiss placed a hand on Blake's shoulder.
"Blake." she said softly.
After what looked like reluctance, Blake pushed Henry away.
He ran and never looked back, once again ignoring the cheerleaders near his car.
Blake glared after him until he was out of view. Until she felt Weiss's fingers lace between hers. She sighed, turning to Weiss with an apologetic look.
Weiss smiled, shrugging.
"At least, he won't be bothering us anymore, huh?"
"Was I that bad?" Blake winced.
Without thinking, Weiss tucked a loose strand of hair behind Blake's ear, blushing once she realized what she was doing. But she played it off easily.
"I wouldn't call it bad."
"Adam.." Blake sighed. "He used to do that thing. Lean forward. Intimidate me. Make me feel small."
Blake laughed, gently brushing her fingers along Weiss's cheeks.
"It felt good to stand up to someone for a change."
Weiss laughed.
"Yeah, it did."
i'll sequel this too lmao. that'll be the last one, i swear
— ari
part one | part two | part three | part four
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Liebling (Medic x Reader)
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3k words
Tw: Medical stuff, dubcon, abuse, bondage, blackmailing, blood, yandere themes
This was commissioned!!! The first one I have gotten and I would love to thank the lovely person who paid for my writing. I definitely enjoyed writing this..please, gimme money aghaghaghagh ❤
The rain poured as you shuddered, the bus stop where you were staying that night was lit up by the flickering street lights while you waited for the train. Dark clouds loomed in an ominous sort of way as the storm seemed to suffocate all light that wasn't from it. It only just occurred to you that the bus may not even be coming with the weather being as it is. Your phone glowed in your hand as you tried to browse away your worries that came from being here.
You needed to get out.
You needed out of this town and away from the hand that you had been dealt by the shitty folks of the city. Anywhere was better than here. You knew that, ignoring the frantic texts from your mother. She was begging you to come home, to think about and telling you how crazy you were being.
The funny part was, she was the one who let your father throw things at you. She didn't stop him from hitting you physically and using his sickeningly good way with words to jab at every fault you had. It was worse than anything when he wouldn't hurt you. He would just rip you apart as he told you about how you shouldn't have been born, you were definitely not his child and he could never, ever see you doing anything with your life.
He didn't care about you.
You still were nursing your arm as the shirt you wrapped around it was… Less than dry as blood soaked the already rain dampened fabric.
Wincing, you looked at your hand and then nearly jumped at the shaking of any umbrella. It was a man in a trenchcoat, a pair of glasses on his face and dark hair. He was rather handsome with a good jaw and strong features, but his eyes were on you… It was an intent gaze as he was seemingly to analyze what form of foreign creature you were.
A frown formed on your face as you saw how he kept staring, "Just what do you think you're looking at? Can't a girl catch the midnight train going anywhere?" Your voice cracked with slight emotion as you turned your head away. It wasn't until he moved closer that you went to look back.
911 wasn't going to be coming, you wouldn't call for help and you hurriedly went to stand with your bag of necessities as the man grabbed your hand.
"Please, please let go of my arm!"
"Frau, your arm will get infected with zhe way you've wrapped it und I don't think you want that."
You froze, realizing the amount of blood you had bled unto the bench and pavement beneath you as your hands shook. It was surreal as he slowly began addressing your wound and a hiss escaped you. Clearly he didn't care about your actual pain as he did his thing.
He asked minimal questions, but he did talk about the weather and such. You mainly "mhmm"ed and said yeah. It was actually soothing to hear him speak, because soon you were trying to stay awake. Helping you, he informed you that he was going to take you to a nearby place and get you something to eat. You needed to stay awake.
The night went on. You learned his name was Ludwig and he was from Stuttgart, Germany. You began to feel better. The way he seemed so generous was… It was lovely, he was genuine in how he treated you. You feel the way he isn't trying to pity you, while you just dump your issues onto the table as you both eat. His brows furrowed in, frowns come and he even offers to let you stay with him. You couldn't accept. He gave you his number to call if the wound gave you more trouble though and it was… You would take him up on that.
He was very persistent on you contacting him again though, just to continue talking. You were told how you were… less annoying than the average person and it was flattering, you supposed.
After he left, you slowly made your way to a motel. Scraping together the money from working was beneficial as you now sat in a room with warmth in it. Your sleep was dreamless that night, but it was better than nightmares.
You didn't even notice how a red umbrella followed you there that night and how a pair of intense, blue eyes kept on you when you had figured they were long gone.
The cut was healing alright, but it still hurt. You had actually been texting Ludwig, who helped you that night. Mainly for info on how to deal with your wound. He was more than helpful as you took care to follow his instructions.
Money was running low for you though, as you only had enough for another day in the motel. You would be on the streets and have to figure it out. It was not a comforting thought as you racked your brain.
It had been more than once when your dear medic had offered to house you, but you… You weren't sure. A man you didn't know and the potential of bad things happening. His words seemed to convince you otherwise though. He was a doctor, he was safe. Nothing would happen if you weren't interested and he just wanted to help you.
The "if you weren't interested" part made your face heat up as you had over thought the idea of Ludwig had formed some sort of… Affection for you, other than platonic. He did seem to have more regard for your life than he seemed to have for others. It was a bit alarming the first time he talked about his patients, but it was just the world you live in. You could accept it, especially when so many worse individuals dwelled in it.
It was a confusing situation considering how he hardly knew you. Though, men were men is what you could only mutter as you thought of how your father spoke of women. A disgusting, dehumanizing way of thinking about women.
The second day on the streets after realizing you couldn't live like this… You went to him. He welcomed you with open arms, even feeding you a warm meal. New clothes were provided, even an actual bed. You couldn't stop thanking him as you tried to not cry.
His way of calming you was interesting and you often find yourself with his strong, dexterous hands on your arms. Ludwig was a very hands on type of person, never handsy in a way you didn't like though. It was those touches that made butterflies sometimes erupt in you.
The way he just seemed to have a grip on every aspect of your life in such a short span of time was intimidating though. It was almost natural after a while though. The giving up the reigns on how you lived was… It was comforting, not having to worry about so much.
When days passed and you came up with a more stable plan, you told your host about it. You would work and go live in the motel while saving money. They did have a room for rent and it was relatively cheap. It was a good idea in your opinion and he seemed to like it, but then you fell down the stairs.
You didn't notice Ludwig coming down as you did and he lost his balance, accidentally sending you down. He said sorry, but you almost thought he was more upset about your new injury. You had a concussion and your knee hurt terribly when you were helped back upstairs by your friend as you wept, clinging to him as a support.
It wasn't brought to your attention how he quietly enjoyed those noises.
You had bruised yourself and it was soon better again, but you told him that you still planned on going through with your plan and he soured.
"You can't be on your feet yet, you should just stay here und let me help you. It will all be fine. You don't need to waste your time on such things." He would say as he continued to make various excuses. It was overbearing.
The way he would say suggestive things to you always made you blush and ignore it.
"With the way you get hurt, it is almost like you want to stay with me."
"You might as well live here und let me take care of everything."
"Oh… That wince was positively adorable."
It was brushed aside, until you realized just how trapped you were here… Just like home, in a way. Suffocating in this gilded cage, with Ludwig. You needed some time alone. Time to think. The hallway floor creaked as you went to leave, somehow feeling like you were doing something bad. Cream colored walls seemed to stand eerily while you slipped on the jacket Ludwig had gotten you. Opening the door, you heard his voice.
"Where are you heading off to so late? You know it is dangerous at night and it will most likely storm." He spoke casually, as if he is warning would stop you.
"Ludwig, I'm… I need to think about things alone. I have been relying on you for too long and it isn't because I want to leave. It is because I feel too guilty staying. You have a life to live and I'm just… Burdening you." You admitted some of what you thought as you went to look back at him when you feel the pinch in your neck.
"Sh sh sh… You'll be awake soon enough and we can continue our talk." His accented voice whispered in your ear as your world turned fuzzy and warm. It was the sense of panic that drained from you until you woke.
You woke up thrashing and in a cold sweat as you shouted out into the darkness. Your body was bound against the table as you tried to angle your head to look around. Your clothes were replaced with a gown of sort. A hospital one. No one was around. "Ludwig! LUDWIG!"
A chuckle resounded as a door creaked, showing the light from the hall and the light clicked on.. Ludwig stood in the bright fluorescent beams, a pair of, what seemed to be, scrubs on as he adjusted his glasses, looking down at you on the table as you feel your heart pounding within your chest.
You froze up as you look at the glare obscuring his eyes, a wide smile on his face. "Wunderbar! You know, you slept for quite a while and I didn't want to disturb you. Just with you looking so peaceful, but now that we are at this point… (Y/N), it is time for things to change in our relationship."
"Ludwig, uhm, change? We aren't even- We are not in any relationship." You were confused and you just wanted to leave.
"Hah… That doesn't matter. You continue to live with me, I will… Make sure you continue to live."
"Live?!" You say, becoming more and more scared.
"Ja, you know how things are here. I believe that we can be… Happy, I suppose." He said as he pulled on a pair of gloves.
"Uhm, what are those for?" The crack in your voice was embarrassing.
"Well, you see. I am going to apply local anesthetic to your arm und insert a small tracking device-"
"What?!" You look at him with wide, fearful eyes as you strain even more to escape.
"Oh, it will be only a little incision on your arm. Come yourself. It will be over before you know it."
His hands were going to grab a syringe beside you and he was seeming to begin the procedure.
"I will be injecting zhe anesthetic into zhe area where I will be working. You shouldn't feel anything, but if you do… Tell me immediately, ja? Ja. After making an incision once you are numb, I will insert this chip." He pulled a small chip off the table and showed it to you, "Afterwards, I will sew you back up and you'll be no worse for wear."
"Ludwig, I don't want you to do this, please! I-i'll do anything, I promise." You didn't know what else to do other than beg, because… If you didn't, then there was no stopping him.
"This is only a security measure. I know you don't love me und it is fine that you don't. All I need is for you to stay with me." He admitted as he held your arm still. Tears slowly ran down your face as you lay there, a choked noise escaping you.
It was the brush of lips against yours and the pinch of the needle in your arm that made you freeze, forgetting to cry out. The medic's lips moving and making you near melt for a second. It was blissful. Until he pulled away, leaving you panting and red faced.
"You drive me absolutely crazy, Liebling." He murmured before clearing his throat. "You may want to look away for a bit or look und watch. Watch what I'll do to you."
You quietly looked as he finished numbing the small area and grabbed a small scalpel-like device. Opening the skin as his hands gripped you where you could not feel. It was… Nauseating. You knew you shouldn't have watched. There was no reason you should do this to this to yourself and the way it looked was odd. It was like you had began disassociating. No pain made you relax as you watched with tiny, salty tears running down your cheeks.
Soon it was over though, you must have passed out when you saw the amount of blood flowing. You had never done this before. The numbness was still there in your arm, but two stitches now decorated it. There wasn't much you could do, aside from torturing yourself further by ripping open the stitches. You weren't sure about your willpower to do that though as you looked to see your captor sitting near you as he was reading something.
Your throat was dry as you looked at Ludwig, knowing he probably didn't know you were awake. He seemed zoned in on it as he leaned into his hand, which held his jaw.
"Ludwig?" You murmured with a bit of hesitation and those blue eyes were on you. The same intense eyes that always saw through you. Saw through everything, every facade, layer of skin and sinew, into your very soul it seemed. It was odd and disturbing.
"Oh, Liebling, you're awake. How are you feeling?" He moved closer as his hand touches your face. No longer gloved. It was warm and firm, real. This was real.
"I just, I want to go home." You whispered, teary eyed as he rubbed your cheek.
"You are home, darling." His lips were in yours again and locked into something more passionate than you had expected. The way he was now pressed up against you was suffocating and you were dragged directly into this kiss. It was… Sinfully delicious. You did like Ludwig, you did have something there twisting inside you. It was your battling mind that whispered how much better it could be if you were just… Malleable to his wishes, willing and wanting.
Dragging his hands through your hair as you were taken into a kiss of teeth, lips, spit and need before you bite him. His lip bleeding before he did the same, blood mixing with yours. It was messy and drove you to become a panting wreck.
You didn't want to be here. None of this was normal, but you weren't sure how you would be considered normal either. This was safety to you. Hate filled kissing, despising in silence. Your mother did it and who said you would wind up any different. There was no saving anyone here. Your legs were adjusted and spread.
Bodies pressed against one another as you panted, his hands pulling your hair and making noises babble out of your mouth. It was the air that passed slowly over your privates before Ludwig was in between your legs as you feel the growing excitement between the two of you.
His hand ripped away the gown as it exposed your naked body, hands moving to your chest as he carefully began to touch you. You were eager to respond to those touches as he moved his mouth away from yours. Your lips ached, probably bruised and bleeding as his own latched onto your nipple. The other was toyed with as you reeled. "Please, please, please, Ludwig."
You feel his finger dance between your thighs, rubbing them before sliding them against your lips. He groaned before slipping in a finger, thicker than yours and the sensation of it curling made you twitch. More, you needed more.
"Liebling, tell me. Do you feel just how much you want me or are you just trying to ignore it? Your body is honest, betraying you completely. How does it feel? Knowing you're squeezing and lubricating yourself up just for me?" He was rubbing your clit as he continued to add fingers. Three were in as you began to buck your hips and moan.
"Such a slut, if I had known how you wanted me. I would have done this long ago. Everyone has needs und I would have gladly taken care of yours. Go on, beg for it. You've been so good so far, I want to hear it."
Your face was flushed as the way his words struck more in you than you thought they would. It was not enough. "A-ah, Ludwig, please, I just, I want you. I don't care, I want you right now!" You gasped and writhed beneath him, whining when he pulled his hand out of you. Emptiness was so overwhelming as he wiped his hand on your thighs, spreading them wider.
You craned your neck to look down, but were shoved back. His hand gripping the side of your head to keep you down, his other rubbing the something blunt and firm against your labia. It was nudging your clit and making your whimpers come out again. "Ludwig, please."
He pushed in, making you groan along with him. Quiet grunts sounded above you as he spoke in low, harsh german. It was… You loved it. Adjustment was small, but he didn't seem to mind your slight discomfort as he only could feel bliss at the tight, hot grip your walls provided. Soon he was rutting into you and his hands held underneath your knees, pushing your thighs against your torso. You couldn't move yourself with him overwhelming you and the restraints still on your upper body. You wish you could wrap your legs around him though as your dragged your nails down his back. Draw blood and make him scream along with you.
Battering your walls, his teeth and lips met you shoulders and neck. Digging in and sucking hard. Covering you in marks of ownership, making you cry as he drove you insane. He was cursing and whispering in a low, nasty tone. You could find him slipping into English again though. "Mine, you're going to be mine forever, Liebling. Mmm.."
He was panting above you as he continued to do more shallow thrusts, just enough to drive you close to your edge as you cried out below him. "Cum on my cock, do it. I want to feel how you can't take it anymore. Go on, Liebling. Go ahead."
He hissed as you did cum, your own moans spilling out, "Ludwig, Ludwig, a-ah, oh my god. That, ah, you- Fucking hell! Pleasssee…" You panted and grunted as Ludwig's voice lowered into your ear.
"I'm so close, I'm going to make you my own. I won't ever let anyone take you away. My most valued possession, my sweet liebling. A-ah hng…" He let out little pants as he got closer, his face twisting as he pulled out and moved his hand along himself. His body tensing as hot ropes of cum painted your stomach as you panted and laid with satisfied exhaustion fading away. Horror filling you as Ludwig loomed over you, wiping your stomach off and undoing your restraints.
"(Y/N), I'll need to clean zhe bites on your neck und after a rest. We'll get you to a bathroom, but for now. If only you knew how beautiful you look. Oh, my sweet liebling."
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hobiheavenly · 5 years
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☼ Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Reader
☼ Summary: you decided to play a prank on Hoseok since he called you undesirable, but were his claims actually true or is there something else hiding under the dancing man’s fascade?
☼ Word count: 4.6K
☼ Warning: fingering, cunnilingus (male receiving), slight dirty talk, penetration, cream pie, Hoseok’s huge dick and dancing hips
☼ A/N: ITS FINALLY HERE! I’m sorry to have kept all you waiting but finally I got this out of me. i swear I had the most horrible writers block but I hope this turns out for the better! Please let me know what you think! And as always I haven’t edited anything lol what else is new?
The sun was shining in Hoseok’s face. Normally he was usually a morning person but never after a party. He stretched out of the covers but then suddenly felt he wasn’t alone. He reared his head and his face lost all color. Oh no… he had really done it this time. I mean out of all the silly things he could have done, he truly fucked up this time. There you were lying in his bed. Looking under the blankets he confirmed his biggest fear….he was naked. And judging by the looks of the environment, a trail of clothes from the door to the bed, you both had sex. Hoseok went full panic mode as you slept peacefully naked underneath the covers. What even happened last night?
“Think Hoseok, think!!” he thought to himself. What DID he even do last night? All he remembered was going to Seokjin’s party and getting wasted after the dance battle he had with you and dancing with many girls, but in no moment had he gotten close to you….did he?
He remembered seeing you in that cute black ensemble and dancing with that pretty boy who had his hands all over you. That only made him just want to grab you and mess you up till you forgot all about that other guy. Sure he didn’t well like you but he couldn’t deny himself being attracted to you. But even if that were the case….at what point did he even get together with you?
You rolled over to put a hand on his chest, starting to hug him and pull closer to him. As you sighed in bliss, Hoseok looked at you as if you were an alien of another planet. SINCE WHEN DO YOU HUG HIM? WHY ARE YOU NAKED? There were a million questions in his mind he was bound to short circuit. In his jumbled mess of thoughts he knew one thing was certain. It would have seemed that you both had made love all night long. But it also seemed Jung Hoseok didn't have any memory of the incident whatsoever.
Now he had to face the consequences.
Slowly you opened your eyes and smiled as you kissed his cheek.
“Good morning” you said, smile so soft and warm. it was such a contrast to your regular serious face you greeted him with the exception of the occasional small smile popping in his direction.
“Uh, good morning Y/N”
“Y/N? why so formal? What happened with calling me “babygirl”? I mean that’s what you’ve been calling me all night” you stretched a little like a kitten waking up from a nap, a little bit of the sheet slipping down revealing your cleavage.
Whoa, were your tits always this good looking?
“Y/N… I mean Baby, what happened last night?”
“You mean you don't remember? I mean after doing it four times I thought for sure you wouldn't forget”, you give a flirty wink.
Hoseok was in total shock. FOUR TIMES! He knew he was a good lover, but for heaven's sake that was too much on a drunken night.
“All I remember is going to a party with Seokjin and drinking a couple of drinks, and then everything goes blank.”
You smiled and blushed. It was as if you both shared a secret but unfortunately he wasn’t able to recall at all “Oh that was some party last night. Especially the one you and I had here. I mean for a man who claims he doesn’t desire me you couldn’t keep your hands off of me” you looked down and traced circles in his chest while the hue of your cheeks went a little more red “Even when it's my first time without a condom it still was incredible!”
HOLY SHIT! He had fucked you without a wrapper. If he was feeling bad before for doing this the fact that you had entrusted him to fuck you without a condom made him feel even crappier. Jung Hoseok was many things in this life but he was a gentleman first and foremost and he would never fuck without a condom, especially on the first go. But how do you tell a girl who is over the moon about your sexual prowess that you remembered nothing?
“Y/N, I'm sorry but last night was a mistake.”
Bad start. He knew better than to start with the M word just as you were happy about this. You started forming the cutest pout with a splash of sadness coming from your eyes. It would be a lie to say he didn’t crave to kiss your lips and take away that sad expression. But no, this is time to focus.
“What do you mean a mistake? You were the one who actually begged me to do it. I was saying no, but you kept insisting.”
Hoseok sat up and took his hair off his face. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. This must be wrong, he would never beg a girl to have sex with him. "Ok calm down Hoseok I'm sure you must be dreaming. Y/N isn't here and you are just dreaming. Yeah, you are just having an erotic dream about Y/N"
He rubbed his eyes and even pinched himself, but it was useless, you were still there. Then panic struck him like a hammer. What if he got you pregnant? Damn, he was a goner if Krystal knew what he had done since she hated his guts more than anyone.
“Are you ok, Hobi? You don't look so good”
HOBI? A cute ass nickname? Really? Just how far did all this go?
“I….don't remember anything last night” He said nervously “I am so sorry”
A pained expression covered your face as you clutch to the bed sheets, “But you said you loved me. that you would treat me right. Are you saying you lied to me?”
“Technically it’s not a lie since I don’t remember” he tried to joke it off but that only made things worse because your face was just even more sad. Hoseok grabbed your shoulders, “Again, I’m so sorry, Y/N. I normally dont sleep around so easily. I’m always more focused on my dancing that I never think of girls.
“But what about those other girls you dated? Momo and the other girl?” you asked surprised.
Hoseok sighed and sat up straight. this had been thrown in his face so many times before it was necessary to set the record straight, “Ok so let me clear that once and for all, Momo is my dance partner and nothing else. She and I never dated and it was all a dumb rumor that grew way out of proportion. Besides she’s in a happy relationship with Jeongyeon, the other girl in the picture”
You blink for a second, disbelieving the statement the naked man in front of you had just said. It couldn’t be wrong. All the indications said otherwise, there was no way this could be true.
“But I saw the pictures...And the kiss emoji...you two were so close. And then the tons of girls that you go after.”
“Nope, Momo is completely utterly in lesbians with her girlfriend. Funny you mention that because Jeongyeon believed that same rumor and for the longest time hated my guts thinking I was going to snatch her girlfriend. But that time we went to dinner all together we bonded and she doesn’t hate me as much” He chuckled lightly reminiscing the many colorful threats and hard, cold stares Jeongyeon would throw at him from time to time, “and the other girls are just fans of my dancing and nothing more. I draw a fine line between my fans and myself and I have a rule of never dating a fan. Too troublesome.”
Unbelievable! You think you know a guy and it turns out he’s actually good?? Unreal!
“So you’re not a player?” You ask still blinking in confusion.
“Of course not. I barely go out with friends. Sure girls ask me out and stuff but I mostly just dance, go home, eat, and play videogames. My sex life is pretty dry to be honest. Which is why I’m very surprised I even slept with you”
This was the first of you hearing this. After all this time, you just thought he was always going out and sleeping with different girls, which made hating him easier for you. This entire scene was based on the misconception of this, but it turns out he was just a simple guy who could only think of dancing and if his body was any indication, he truly did it a lot. His abs glimmering in the morning light. You were starting to regret doing this.
You shifted in bed trying to get up scurrying yourself away from him. You needed out of this whole convoluted situation. “Listen Hoseok, I think it’s best if we just put this all behind us. Like you said it’s a mistake and we can just never speak of this again”
“But, you said we fucked without a condom?” Hoseok asked.
“Yeah, fucked me raw all night. But what does that matter now?”
He saw the precipitation in your eyes. There’s something here more than meets the eye and he wanted you to spill the beans. There was only one way he could get a woman to tell him what he wanted and you were right there ready to do what he pleases.
“I have to take responsibility over this Babe.” the brunet haired Adonis said as his face grew a sneaky smile. “I will have to get you to go out with me and form a relationship….probably even marry you if it turns out you get pregnant”
“Well, you don't have to do that. I mean, this was just something that...happened” You said nervously as Hoseok got closer to you. Each inch making you difficult to breathe, “I can just take the day after pill or something…”
“Oh, but I want to. And I wouldn't mind making you my wife” he said with a very sexy smile. He’s got you cornered just like he wanted you.
“Really?” you said surprised “cause I don't mind that we did it without a condom. I mean we wouldn’t be the first couple to do so... I..I…”
You were interrupted abruptly by a very passionate kiss that Hoseok layed on your lips. It was incredible how easily you felt weak and trembled in his arms as he possessed your lips. You felt the room spin in circles as both of you submerged into kissing each other.
It would be a lie say that you had never imagined yourself kissing Hoseok. Deep down, as much as you grew yourself to hate him you couldn’t really do so. The attractive style, his grace as he walked, the way he seemed to own everything but was never smug about it always pulled you in to him like a magnet. You didn’t hate Hoseok so much as you hated yourself for being attracted to him.
He pulled you close as he deepened the contact you both made instinctively your hands went to his chest and neck. You brain screamed to stop, your heart yelled go, and your body seemed on fire all from just one kiss.
When you both pulled away you were both breathless, lips numb and eyes dark from the passion that formulated within both of you. You had to slap yourself mentally to regain consciousness of reality. This can’t be true! Hoseok would never have feelings for you...right?
“I’m confused, I thought you said...that you didn’t like me” you closed your eyes. The room seemed to spin in its own axis threatening to make you dizzy.
“We said a lot of things online but most of them were fueled by anger I felt. If I’m being honest I didn’t hate our first date. Yes, I will admit I didn’t help make a good impression coming in all sweaty and in my dancing clothes. But overall I had fun and I thought you were cute, peculiar, but cute nonetheless.”
“That’s why the tweets hurt so much for me. I thought we had something but then you went off to complain and then proceeded to date another guy, of course I’d be mad”
Oh my god, your day out with Jungkook! That wasn’t really even a date for you. You felt bad about this whole situation, it was necessary to apologize and tell him the truth of what went on but Hoseok continued talking.
“I was angry at you and then at him but then I became more angry at myself. I was the one who blew it so it’s only natural. I just wanted one more chance to try to mend things but you and I would get into arguments and I must admit I love confrontation with you, it really turns me on”
Your mouth went agape with Hoseok’s confession. This was totally unexpected. You just wanted to prove the point that you were desirable to him but this goes beyond what you expected to get out of him. He took advantage of this moment to continue kissing you his hands spread on your back as he continues to press against you.
Hoseok’s lips spread on your skin beginning with your neck and going down to your breasts. You parted your lips the moment his tongue started getting closer to your bosom but instead of a plea to stop what escaped your lips was a soft moan. Oh how you cursed your body for betraying you.
Hoseok’s eyes looked at you, darkened by the lust he felt as he continued licking and using his teeth on your now hardened nipple. “I’ve wanted to touch you and taste you for the longest time. And from here on out you are going to be mine, no more pretty boy for you”
The sexual haze was drowning you to the point of forgetting everything that was going on around you. You needed a moment to think. you needed….
“Hold it right there!”
Hoseok turned to the door and saw Kim Seokjin and Jung Krystal, your personal friends, standing there looking at the couple. Your lover grew angry. “Seokjin this better be good! What do you want?” he said irritated.
“I can't let you take away Y/N’s innocence.”
“What are you going on about Hyung? Innocence? This a private matter between me and Y/N”
Right behind Seokjin, Krystal came out and pushed the rich heir out of the way making her presence be center stage, like the queen she usually was. “Actually no. You and Y/N have never made love to each other” Krystal interjected.
“But last night….”
“You passed out after a couple of drinks. I told you drinking scotch was a bit too hard for you” said Seokjin shrugging his broad shoulders and shaking his head.
The confusion on Hoseok’s face became the most evident. It would explain his lack of memory of any event occurred last night. But was this all really just a ruse? Had all the emotions you displayed right now been a lie?
“And the three of us had a perfect way to prank you” she replied with delight, “well better yet, Seokjin and I made a bet to Y/N that she could pretend to have made love to you. Fortunately for us, she was already buzzed and was looking for a thrill”
You could see Hoseok’s expression changed in that moment. Gone was the smile and the playful smirk and was now being replaced by a stern face. You instantly felt the pang of regret in your chest. If only you had known before about his feelings. Why had you been so blind?!
“I got to say, she is a good actress” said the older hyung, rubbing more salt to the wound.
So it was a prank? He hadn't made love to you? He felt a bit relieved but the other part of him felt angry. Hoseok had revealed his emotions to you so easily. He felt like a fool for trusting you so quickly seeing as how you had previously expressed anger and disgust. That couldn’t have been taken away a in one night and he should have known that.
“How could you do this?” Hoseok said with a somber and serious voice.
“Well at first i did it because Seokjin was going to pay me. When I thought this more I convinced myself that this was payback for all the snarky remarks you did about me being undesirable and i thought what better way to get back at you than to scare you” as you relayed this you could see his face harden with each word until you finished with,
“But then I realized that in reality this was a really great way to get closer to you.”
Hoseok blinked in confusion, “If you wanted to get closer to me then why did you have to make up all this?”
“You think you would have taken time to even get to know me, or even listen to me for more than three seconds without you fighting with me? I wanted to be with you as something more than just the silly girl who you always make fun of.”
Hoseok looked at you tenderly. Even through the competitive nature you both had and the disdain you had always shown him you were a sweet girl. An impulsive one, but sweet nonetheless. He looked at Seokjin and gave him an evil glare.
“Get out now!”
The elder shook nervously behind his tall girlfriend, “Look Hobi-ah we are sorry but please take it easy. We were only having fun.”
“Get. Out. Now!”
Hoseok pulled Seokjin and Krystal out of his bedroom and out of his apartment.
“Wait, what about Y/N? Don't tell me that you are going to punish her?” said Krystal.
“As a matter a fact, I am. My soon to be girlfriend has a thing or two she needs to learn about the consequences of trouble making” Hoseok slamming the door in their faces and directly went back to look at you lying in his bed. His eyes redshot in rage and a stern line on his lips. He walked slowly, like a lion hunting his prey.
“I….I’m sorry” you held the sheets in a tight grip, nervous as Hoseok walked up to you, “I can make this up to you somehow, I didn’t know you liked me and I…”
The moment Hoseok shook right next to your bed, he swiftly pulled you close to him and possessed your lips in one stealthy move. His lips were demanding, pressing you so close to him it gave you no space to breathe or think.
“You wanna make it up to me? How about making that fake scene come true? How about I take your body and mark it mine again and again till you have nothing in your mind other than me?”
His words sent chills up your spine and started a fire in your core. You looked at his eyes, studied his expression as you touched his cheek, then gracing his neck and his chest. Normally your instinct would yell to run and leave, but your body felt numb to instinct craving the attention and the touch of Hoseok’s hands all over you.
“Then make me yours, hot shot. You should know well by now that I never back down from a challenge”
With just a growl as a response, Hoseok pulled away the bed sheets and pushed you down on the bed. He observed your body spread on his bed, waiting for him to fuck you hard and make good on that threat he made. He was determined to enjoy that delicious body of yours slowly till he drove you mad.
Hoseok lowers himself kissing you passionately as his fingers explore your skin, the touch sparking fire on your body, every inch he touched burning. He looked at your nipples for a second as he pinched softly on one of them, the sensation sure to ignite more heat.
But that was just one bump in the road, there’s was much more to explore and have fun with. The moment his fingers reached your core he swiftly entered his digit inside the hot entrance, your pussy already hot and wet from his previous foreplay.
“All hot and wet for me babygirl? You’re feeling rather tight though” with just one finger he started to pump inside “do you think your pussy can take me?”
The challenge, he knew how to get you fired up. You responded to his touch with a soft moan as you grabbed yourself to his shoulders and arched your back. You took advantage of the distraction he had with your breast as he dipped his head to succor your tit to grab a hold of his erect penis, pumping him slowly. The unexpected movement causing him to react to your touch. If he wanted a challenge he’s gonna get one.
“You let me worry about my pussy… unless you think this big fat cock’s not enough?”
Fuck taking this slow, he wanted you right then and there. But just like with dancing he wanted to take this sensual tango for two and make it as long as necessary. He pumped, you pumped, he put another finger inside you while his thumb traced circles to your clit while you tightened the grip on his dick tracing circles on the hot red head. It was all a give and take as you both kept kissing each other almost devouring each other with each kiss.
“Hoseok….i feel like I’m gonna cum soon” you felt the flashes of pleasure come in like a tidal wave and wipe you out in the most delicious way.
You didn’t need to be a psychic to know he had his smug smile come through his face as you descended from your high. Round one went to Hoseok, but the battle wasn’t over yet. “Aww...cumming so soon? And my dick hasn’t even gone inside you yet” he faked a pout.
Your breath hitched for a bit as you closed your eyes on him. Swiftly you push Hoseok on the bed and slithered your way down to his dick, waiting erect and hot for your touch. “Then I guess I better step up my game”
His dick twitched with excitement which brought a smirk to your lips. Your lips sucked the head, the taste salty from his precum. One thing was true, his cock was way too big for you to take. At least with your mouth for sure. You had to use both of your hands to pump while your mouth sucked him in and out at an increasingly slow tempo. Hoseok had slept with many girls in his lifetime but seeing you between his legs bobbing your head and struggling to be able to take his full length inside your mouth was both adorable and erotic. That mouth that once spat vicious things to him was now sucking him off as if life depended on it. He could see you touching your clit trying to get some fun out of this yourself but you opted to just stick to pleasuring him. Your high would come soon after.
But your technique was too good on him in the long run, his orgasm threatening to come any second. You let go of Hoseok’s cock in one pop and it took him all of his inner strength to not come in your face as he saw you; hair messy, lips red from the friction and your eyes darkened in lust.
“Are you not gonna cum for me?” Your catty smile grew wickedly on your face. Seems like you’re both at a tie.
“I’d rather cum inside you” he shifted his weight on his forearms as you lifted yourself back up and kissed him once more. His taste lingered in your mouth triggering a beastly growl from Hoseok as he grabbed your legs to put you in the correct position, grabbing his dick to probe around your hot entrance that was already twitching to be fucked.
The moment his dick entered your core, time seemed to stop. There was no twitter war, no other people, no feuds of any sort. It was just Hoseok and you in a strangely perfect link of body and soul.
For Hoseok, pussy was madness; pleasure feeling so heavenly, the heat feeling like something made from hell. He felt bliss and sin all in one sweet movement of his dick.
You closed your eyes feeling his entire length slowly enter you, the head of his dick gracing the cervix making you see stars so quickly. But Hoseok snapped you back to reality, by literally slapping your ass, eyes fixed on you.
“Look at me while I fuck you, look at me and only me”
“You truly do love an audience when you dance” you said breath shaking with the warning of an impending second orgasm.
“This is my best dance yet, babygirl” he winked, moving his hips slowly and little by little increasing his tempo. Hoseok’s dancing abilities truly shined the moments he fucked you. His hips knew the right force to which to drive you crazy. Soft, soft, hard. Your hips swayed along not wanting to fall back
Your legs locked behind his back as you bounced on his dick. Every second his dick was out, your pussy pulled him right back in. You craved it you needed it like a drug and Hoseok didn’t fall behind. It was crazy just how right you both felt. The crook of his hips gave perfect access for your legs, your beautiful tits bouncing on top of his in the most synchronized way.
“I can’t…I’m gonna cum again...fuck you’re so big inside me”
“Same...your pussy is so good it’s devouring me whole...I can’t wait anymore”
Even while on the verge of an impending orgasm, Hoseok’s mind was knocked into reality. He didn’t have a condom on and cumming inside you would be inconsiderate. And as if you could read his concerns you put your lips close to his ear and whispered: “it’s okay I can take the pill, do good on that promise and mark me as yours Hobi”
“Ffffuuuuckkk!!!” He bellowed as he came on top of you, his hot cum splattering on your insides. Hoseok tumbled down next to you, both of you out of breath and completely dazed after the most amazing orgasm both of you had ever felt.
“This... is way better than a twitter war” you spouted happily as you kissed your brand new boyfriend in his lips.
“Had I known sex would be this great we could have avoided so much shit had we just fucked the first date” Hoseok smirked toyingly.
“Good sir, but I am still a lady!” You feigned indignation, “I never sleep on the first date!”
“Well then, good thing the first one was already over. How about I take you to many more to make up for the one I screwed up?”
“Challenge accepted” you laughed as you continued to lazily kiss each other.
For the rest of the day the two of you decided to just stay in his room where you dedicated the entire day talking about how you felt, about every single misconception between the both of you and of course there was the "obedience lessons".
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imagining-hogwarts · 5 years
Forever - Draco Malfoy imagine
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request: Hi! Before I send you a request ,I'd like to say ,that I love your posts and fics! I was wondering ,if you could do Draco x reader. Plot - there is an American exchange to Hogwarts [for half year] and then reader and Draco ,in the beginning are enemies. Later they start to see each other in the different light ,but don't want to admire it. When the farewell comes ,they kiss and promise to see again. Then ,after the war [or something] , Draco is Astoria's husband and reader just has to reconcile
A/N: takes place sixth year. This is sad..
Words: 1965
“Would you please take your head out of your ass once in a while?” You groaned. “I know you don’t like me, I don’t particularly like you either, but it’s just one hour.”
The blond haired boy didn’t even look at you. “I’d rather spend my whole christmas break with Potter, than partner up with you.”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re just a spoiled little brat.” You sighed as you opened your potions book infront of you.
“What did you say to me?” I looks could kill..
“Well that’s what you are aren’t you? Go run along and cry to your daddy.” You mocked.
Draco was just about to say something when Snape had stepped up to your table, furious. “If you two can’t put your stupid squabbles aside for one hour, I’ll have you both in detention for the rest of the week!” He exclamied, giving you both a stern look before he turned on his heel to continue his lesson.
The last two months had looked pretty much like that. You had thought that it would be exciting, getting the opportunity to be this years excange-student. Being able to live in scotland for half a year, studying at a different school and possibly gaining friends for life. Well, you had gained a few really good friends. Especially Ginny. She had taken you in right from the start, seeing you eating alone at dinner that first evening. Since then you two had been quite inseparable. She was the one who had told you about Draco Malfoy, when you had asked about him a lunch that second week. She hadn’t really described him as the nicest person, and after being her for nearly 2 month, you could understand why.
You wasn’t even sure how it all started.. But could barely count the times you two had been at each other’s throats. Arguing and fighting over the smallest things. You had decided you’d try to ignore him the rest of the time. It was only a few months left at Hogwarts after all, and you didn’t want to waste it on Draco Malfoy of all people. That was until that day you were walking through the castle late at night and something stopped you in your tracks. You could hear something from somewhere down the corridor. Was that sobbing?
Peaking around the corner, you saw a figure in the dimly lit corridor, sitting down against the wall. Since the person had their knees brought up against their chest, and head in their hands it was hard to make out who it was. But you couldn’t just stand there could you? The person, whoever it was, was clearly having a terrible hard time and you couldn’t just leave them there in the middle of the night. So you took a breath and slowly walked towards the figure.
As you came closer, you noticed that the person was a guy, and it looked like he was shaking. You also noticed the pale color of his hair.
“Draco?” He looked almost as shocked as you felt when he lifted his head to look at you. But his suprised look quickly turned into annoyance.
“Oh, you of all people.. great” He tried to act casual as he wiped his tears away from his face.
You just looked at him a little concerned, unsure of what to say.
“What?” He asked, still annoyed. “No snarky comments?”
You sighed, this was no time for arguing. “Are you alright?”
It seemed like he aswell hasn’t in the mood for arguing at the moment. He looked down at his hands, avoiding your gaze. “Why do you care?”
“Well I know we’re not friends but.. You look like you could use one.” After a few moments of silence you walked up to him and sat down next to him. You didn’t talk, or touch, but you were pretty sure that he appreciated your company. Even if he’d never admit it. And you sat there with him in silence for hours, until he was okey.
About a month had passed since that night. Slowly but steadily you and Draco were beginning to warm up to each other. The arguing had stopped, you started to greet each other with a smile when you passed each other in the corridor. Eventually you’d started to really enjoy each others company. You had suddenly gone from enemies to.. friends?
You were sat in the astronomy tower, late in the evening, working on your charms essay. It was quite nice up there, especially at this hour. Everything was still and quiet, it was a nice change from what you were used to.
The sound of footsteps alarmed you as you looked around, wondering who was interrupting your study-session.
“Oh, hi” Draco sounded suprised as he rounded he corner and saw you there. “I didn’t know you would be here.” He smiled at you.
“I come here sometimes, I like the silence.” You returned his smile.
“Oh, err..” He scratched the back of his neck as he suddenly looked a little uncomfortable. “I don’t want to disturb you..”
You laughed at his sudden shyness. “Oh come on Draco, I enjoy your company. Come sit down!”
With a small smile he sat himself down next to you. Was he blushing?
“So, what are you doing here?” You asked as you put your books away to the side. You could use a break anyway, and honestly you were happy it was Draco of all people that showed up.
He was quiet for a moment before he answered. “The same as you I guess.”
You tried to catch his eyes but he didn’t look at you, he just gazed out at the mountains surrounding Hogawarts. It had only gone about a month until you had started to really get to know each other, but that look he was having right now, you knew what it meant. Something has burdening him. You cared for him, you really did, but you had learned that it was usually best to let him come to you with that kind of stuff. And usually he wouldn’t really talk that much, he just wanted someone to sit with him, just like that night.
“You know, I never really thanked you for what you did, that night” He turned his head and looked at you.
You shrugged. “I mean I didn’t really do anything..”
“You didn’t have to.. you simply were just what I needed.” Your eyes locked and you could feel a shiver run through you. “You’re pretty great you know.”
You blushed. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
Draco smiled at you, then he gazed at the view again as he shook his head, still smiling. “Well, it’s pretty late. I should probably head back to my dorm.” He stood. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You said your goodbyes and a few seconds later you were alone again. Smiling to yourself you picked up your books again and continued.
Another month passed. Today was the day. Today was the last day for you at Hogwarts. You could never have thought that it would be this hard to leave.
You were just done saying goodbye to all your friends as a certain boy appeared in the enterance to the great hall. Your eyes met. It was Draco. He looked like he hadn’t slept all night.
“Go talk to him.” Ginny ushered you as she’d noticed what you were staring at.
In the last month you and Draco had spent most of your time together and you had grown even closer to each other. You couldn’t deny that you could feel something in the air when you were together. It was almost like electricity. Ginny had noticed this aswell. You wouldn’t say that she particularly liked the fact that it was Draco of all boys you were spending time with. But she noticed that he made you happy and what kind of friend would she be if she didn’t support you? Nothing had really happened between the two of you though. But maybe that was for the best, you were leaving anyways right?
You walked out of the great hall and now you were standing there, face to face with Draco, ready to say goodbye. Only you weren’t ready, not really.
“So.. you’re really leaving huh?” He had his hands in his pockets.
“Yeah, the carriage will be here to pick me up any minute now..”
There was an awkward silence. Both of you unsure of what to say.
He cleared his throat. “So I guess this is goodbye then.”
You swallowed. “Yeah I guess so.” You looked at each other for a moment, silently. “Well, goodbye then.” You could almost feel your heart breaking as you took one last look at him before you turned around. Although you didn’t get to take more than one step before you could suddenly feel a hand on your wrist.
Draco pulled you back to face him, he placed his hand on your cheek and pulled you in for a deep kiss. It felt like you were melting inside, you had been waiting for this for so long.
“I couldn’t let you leave without telling you.” He panted as he pulled away from the kiss. “I love you.”
Your eyes began to water as you looked at him. “I love you too.”
“Then why are you crying love?” He laughed as he wiped away a tear from under your eye with his thumb.
“Cause I still have to leave.”
He embraced you, holding your shaking body close to his. “I know..” He stroke your hair before placing a finger under your chin, bringing your face up. “But this wont be the last time we meet. And I’ll write you, every single day. I promise.”
You couldn’t help but laugh a little at his excited face. “I promise too. Although, I don’t want to, but I really need to go now. They’re waiting for me.”
“Yes ofcourse.” He wiped away the last tears from your face before he kissed you one last time. “I love you. Forever.”
“Love you.” You turned around and walked away.
20 years later
You were standing at the 9 3/4 platform giving your son a kiss on the head.
“You’re going to be fine Andrew.” You smiled down at him. “You know, I only spent half a year at Hogwarts, but it was the best time of my life.”
Dean Thomas was standing beside you, arm around your waist. “It was there we met actually.” He kissed your cheek.
“Ew stop it!” Andrew looked at you, disgusted. You couldn’t help but laugh a little.
“Run along now, you don’t want to miss the train.”
You gave your last goodbyes before Andrew stepped on to the train. You gazed at the crowd of people, parents, sons and daughters, as something catched your eye. Or rather someone. It couldn’t be, could it? The pale-haried man turned around and there he was. Draco Malfoy.The boy you had loved so deeply. The boy who would always have a special place in your heart. And by his side, a woman and a young boy. He looked happy.
“Y/N?” Dean woke you from your transe. “You ready to go?”
“Yeah” You smiled at him and Dean gave you a quick peck on the cheek before he took your hand and started to lead you away from the crowd.
You took one last longing gaze over your shoulder at Draco. Thinking about what could have been. At least he was right about one thing. It was not the last time you’d see each other.
For a moment it looked like he had noticed you aswell. But you had already turned around and walked away. Forever.
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mikosdreams · 5 years
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• Kim Namjoon starring as Choi Woojun
• McDoine Nancy starring as Rey Yukina
• Green Viridiana starring as Irina
Woojun stumbles down the hallway of his home at six in the morning towards his door where the doorbell was ringing like a phone, he swung the door open roughly to only look down to see Minho with his backpack and a white tulip. "Where is Miss Irina?" Minho asks quietly as he peeks around Mr. Choi's legs to see if she was behind him, "You been doing this for a month, Minho. You know she is asleep at this time." Woojun mutters as he lends against the wall, making the door block most of Minho's view. "I need to see her before I go off to school. It is important!" He whines as he lends over peering pass the door as much as possible, "You say that every time you arrive and every time you give her a tulip of some color, tell her how pretty she then asks if she will walk you to school." Irritation laced his voice as he watches the small child try to get into his home.
"Minho, is that you at the door?" Irina's voice drifts down the hallway as she walks towards the front door, brushing her hair. The man opens the door still irriated by being woken so early, grumpily leaving them to go get some more needed rest before getting up for work. "Will you add this to your other tulips?" His comes out small, wobbly as his feelings hurt from how Woojun acted towards him, the Ulit coos at the seven-year-old and lifts him up. "Of course, baby. How is your mommy?" She asks as carries him to the small garden she had made while living here, giving her something to do besides babysitting or talking with parents. Setting down the small child and taking the small potted tulip from him, placing it besides the other small tulips on a smooth top rock. "Mommy is still lonely and works a lot, she wants to know if you will come by again." He rambles as he plays with her hair, "I told her you would because it is meatloaf night! You promised you would come over and make some!" He smiles up at her as she lifts him back up and headed towards the first of the house.
"Of course, I also enjoy Yukina's company," Irina replies as she takes his small hand into her's and starts down the sidewalk to his elementary school, she promised Yukina that she would walk him so she didn't have to be late to work every day. Between Yukina and Woojun, she didn't know what to do with herself. Her heart aches for them both, both struggling to do their best but always feeling like it is never enough. Feeling like they are failing the people around them but they aren't, far from it. Woojun helps provide the necessities for everyone in his neighbor, from food to female products, he was making a difference. Mothers not having to worry about what to buy or single parents when they seem to always fall short on money. Yukina, she raises money to help provide people in her neighbor money for emergencies. She learned that before Minho was born, a wildfire destroyed most of the houses and the money she raised helped them kept a roof over people's heads.
They might not see it but they helped more people then a stranger on the outside of their community, they have done more help than a church. Minho tugs on her hand, her head snaps down at him in confusion. "Yes, darling?" She asks softly but her voice comes out shaky and she notices her vision is blurry, "Why are you crying?" Minho asks in a sad, panicked tone as he starts to get upset too. He didn't understand why the beautiful lady in front of him got so sad, why she was quiet. He hugs her legs, hoping to give her comfort as small cries leave him. Irina kneels down and gives a proper hug as she allows herself to cry, "I am sad that Woojun and your mom doesn't know how amazing they are for helping so many people. There isn't enough of me to tell them that they are or thank them enough." She speaks up as she wipes her tears and the small child's.
Minho looks away in thought, he was looking at his school. The playground was filled with kids, wasting time before they had to go to class. "I know!" He shouts making some teachers and kids look their way, "How about my school thank them and tell them they are amazing!" His smile lights up his features. "There is only one of you but there is a ton of us!" He shouts excitedly as he was placed on the sidewalk, his little feet start to move his legs. Pulling him towards the door of the school with the woman behind him, "Good morning, Miss Irina." a few people greet her as she chases after the small boy. "Good morning!" She would call back with a small laugh as she goes around the corner and down the ramp to the cafeteria to see Minho already talking to Principle Jung, she is kneeling in front of the small boy as his hands move around as he talks loudly.
"That is a good idea, Minho. How about during our news we tell everyone to gather in the gym to make Woojun and Yukina something as a thank you?" She asks but it was really the plan, she wanted Minho to think it was his choice. The small boy nods his head happy as he looks over at Irina, "We did it!" He shouts happily as he runs over to her and hugs her legs. "Now you don't have to cry anymore about being alone! We will make sure they are.. are... welcomed?" Minho looks up for help, he didn't know the word he wanted to use. "Appreciated." She smiles as she kisses the top of his hair as the bell rings, "Thank you, Minho, see you after school." She smiles as she watches the small boy run off.
The gym is a mess. Glitter, crayons, paper, glue, and other stuff is everywhere as the kids from Elementary, middle, and high came to make a sign for their appreciation march. Irina felt overwhelmed with happiness to see so many people joining in to show people in their life or Woojun and Yukina, that they are thanked and appreciated for all they have done. Irina takes a shaky breath as she looks down at her big sign, it had tulips decorating around the edges but the words say 'Rey Yukina, Choi Woojun; Thank you for everything you have done.'
Minho runs over as fast as his legs carried him as he holds the stick that held up his sign, "Awe, that is lovely, Minho." She coos as she sees the glitter everywhere on him and on the letters of his sign. "We have ten minutes and we are ready to march down the streets!" His smile as he pulls out a letter from his pocket, "This is for you! I have one for mommy and for Mr. Choi!" Irina opens up the bright green letter that had glued on words on the inside. 'Miss Irina, thank you for taking care of me when my mom got tired or was not able to leave the bed. Thank you for making my mommy happy again and for making Mr. Choi laugh. Thank you.' tears well up in her eyes as she looks up at him, "Thank you for making this for me, Minho." She whispers as she hugs the boy. "You are welcome, Miss Irina." He mutters into her hair, his eyes getting teary as well.
Irina and Minho stood at the front of the march as they head down the street, parents and anyone who wasn't at the gym stood in their lawns or sat in their parked cars as they watch humans of all ages holding up signs with all different kind of words. Amazement filled people's faces as well as tears in their eyes, as they read the signs. Minho looks around seeing everyone's reaction, he saw a grandfather kneeling down as his granddaughter runs into his arms as he cries. A mother holding a baby hugs a teenager as she whispers something into their hair, a boy giving a letter to a girl to soon be in tears as she hugs him. A teacher walking over to their husband as they tell them thank you, over and over again.
Yukina and Woojun stood at the corner of their street, his mother is in tears and Woojun was gaping in shock at all the signs that had his name or her name on them. Minho runs over while dropping his sign, grabbing the letters out of his pockets and handing the letters to them. Irina picks up his sign, allowing Principal Jung to take over the small march as she joins her small circle of friends. Yukina opens the crumbled letter, "Thank you, mommy, for all the things you have made for me. Thank you for loving me even when you can't love yourself. Thank you for being my mommy." She reads out loud. Yukina lets out a sob as she pulls her son closer to her, "I love you, mommy." He whispers as he hugs her as strong as he could. "I love you too, baby. I love you so much. Thank you for making this." She whispers into his hair as she holds him.
Woojun kneels down as he reads the letter quietly than looks up at Irina as he reads it out loud, "Thank you, Mr. Choi, for giving us food when we did not have a penny to our name. Thank you for letting me stay at your home when mom was still at work late. Thank you for letting me still in your bed and when you slept on the couch. Thank you for buying us beds and other stuff for the house when mom cannot. Thank you so much." Irina kneels down, hugging him as he cries into her shoulder. Minho stands quietly aside as his mother wipes her tears, "I am sorry for being so mean in the mornings, little man." He whispers as he pulls away from Irina and hugs the small kid. "It is okay! I know it is early. Thank you for everything, Mr. Choi!" He says sweetly as Woojun hugs him tighter, "No. Thank you, Minho. Thank you for showing me you care." Woojun replies and kisses the boy's hair and stands up.
"Irina is making meatloaf! Want to come over?" Minho shouts happily as he takes his mother's hand and looks up the tall man, his smile shows his dimples as he nods. "Of course if that is alright with Yukina." He says as he looks up at her and the woman smiles back, "You and Irina are always welcome for dinner." She smiles as they start to head off to the small house to make the dinner together.
@queenqk IT IS DONE, MY ♌!
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pbandjesse · 6 years
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I did not accomplish as much as I was hoping today. But I did technically work 10 hours so I don't feel that bad. I still hate wasting my weekends. I really think I just need to let myself have some lazy days sometimes. And it wasn't a bad day. I got to spend most of it with James and that was good.
Sleeping last night on Taney was fine. I was a little cold a few times and my ankles were weirdly been in my sleeping bag. But besides waking up a few times because of upsetting dreams I actually slept pretty well. I woke up at 4:30 and got washed up. And lay back down until right before 5:30. There was just a lot of sneezing to use that one bathroom so I wanted to make sure I got in with plenty of time. James really didn't want to get up. He didn't sleep very well. So I left him to rest and went up to the kitchen to help Jordan with breakfast.
With how much of a shitshow dinner was last night I was very concerned about breakfast. And guess what I did was exactly as much as a shitshow. The stove wouldn't turn on. So the eggs were about 45 minutes behind. Then someone forgot to put water into the coffee so it was percolating nothing. And we got the time for the first breakfast wrong and so we were not getting the bacon ready until almost 10 minutes after breakfast was supposed to start. Thankfully the groups were very sweet and didn't complain too much. I helped as much as I could with getting first breakfast out and then I was going to go with James to go see some of his program. But Sarah decided I didn't need to. I'm still annoyed by this because I was supposed to be training so that I can do overnights and she kind of pull the whole thing out from under me. I had to force my way into seeing any programs last night and seeing a tour. Thankfully I did get to see James engine room tour and I did enjoy that. Then I helped with his groups breakfast.
I had a little bit of the eggs and some juice for breakfast. I want James to get something to eat but we were out of cereal ever some reason Sarah wouldn't let us pick up more even though there was a whole nother breakfast coming out. She really did not manage the whole thing well. We had 60 people. 6 boxes of cereal was not going to be enough. But whatever. I may or may not send an email to Brian about my concerns about how last night ran but regardless I enjoyed the morning. I was also really just looking forward to going home.
I cleaned up all the tables and try to pick up as much as possible so that we could leave on time. Jordan was cleaning the dishes. And James was finishing his Taurus. Then everybody except for meat was doing morning colors and doing surveys. I was trying to get things cleaned up and packed me in James bags. And then as everyone was leaving Sarah comes over and says that we have to clean all the bathrooms including the ones that we didn't even use for the campers. And then she just gave us like a whole lot of attitude for how things need to go. It was just very annoying. Because we're all very capable. And Jordan has led overnight programs for steel side. So the whole thing just kind of puts a bad taste in your mouth. We're all very capable and to be treated like we're stupid doesn't feel very good. But I mopped and how to finish a few things up. I delegated some tasks to some of the people who were coming in for the daytime crew. Mr. Ed came and he was so sweet to me and gave me a hug and congratulated me on being able to teach and that it's going well. James took over some of the mopping for me and Soon enough we were heading out of there. 958 I clocked us out because I was not going to staying past 10. Me and James by Tone. He kept bugging too far ahead of me and didn't understand the direction I was trying to go. So we ended up going up a hill I didn't want to go out. But it was fine. I was just a little out of breath by the time we got to my neighborhood.
It smelled awful in my apartment we got home. So James took the trash out and I would have cancel. It helped. And then we both took showers. I wash my hair and that help me feel a lot better. Changed into warm clothing because my apartment was 55 degrees. And then we lay down. Poor James didn't actually sleep more than 10 minutes. But I got a good hour and a half. And it was nice just laying with him. We spent the afternoon just kind of being lazy together. Laying around. Watching videos. And just enjoying each other's company. He finished making that one creme brulee for us and it was very good. I liked that was warm. He also made us lunch and it was just a really nice day. Though I feel like he was in the kitchen for far too long and I was alone in the living room for a very long time. So I mostly cuddled with sweet pea.
Jim stayed over until about 4:30. And then he went to his other job. I got up off the couch finally and worked on packing my bag for New York this week. And I cleaned a bit. I vacuumed all the rooms. I unpack and repack my bag when I realize it was going to be 38 degrees on Sunday. But I'm still going to have to do laundry tomorrow because I don't have some of my warm weather layering options clean right now. I worked on my little window bag that I just got. Painting my little plush toys inside of them so they're not all squished in the bottom. I'm very pleased. I listen to some podcasts. And just enjoyed being in the heat. My apartment still has trouble staying warm. But I'm getting better at heating up each room. I went down to my studio for a little while but I didn't do much. I just don't feel very motivated to make anything right now. I was on a Kik for a while so having a creative brain break I feel like it's okay. After Thanksgiving I think I'll pick up on making some new things. I want to probably make some plushies and explore the whole macrame thing some more. Thursday me and James are going back to Philly so he can go to a concert and I'll be at my parents house. So I'm going to pull out some supplies for the next project. me and Jessica have a vague idea of what we're going to be doing next year but it's not going to be as much of a daily / weekly project. so I'm not entirely sure how we're going to approach it. But I definitely be doing some stuff that it's a little bit softer. More embroidery and textile base work.
But for now I think I'm going to start getting ready for bed. I want to wake up early tomorrow and try to do some painting. Get some stuff done for my classroom that I didn't get a chance to do today. I'm starting to lead a lesson this week about unusual drawing materials. We're going to start by looking at a bunch of videos. And experimenting with string drawing. And then I will bring in my robotic toys for them to experiment with. I hope they are nice to them. I might also go to store and try to find one or two walking toys as well. Maybe wind up things. Like cars or something. We'll see what happens. I hope you all have a good night. Stay warm. Stay safe
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If Lyra and Iorek were hoping for a quiet stay, they were wrong.
It was incredibly chilling how much a city could smell so of fear, of escape, of life left halfway in that picturesque colorful landscape, yet cold and bare despite the sea waves creating a sort of contrast between the tranquility of an abandoned country and the awareness to be alone in a place so ... empty, messily chaotic for the matter.
But still empty.
The only figures to fill the calculated spaces with a triangular architecture connected to itself were the girl, her daemon, and the white bear. All three were battered with no injuries, so on this side they had been fortunate not to have suffered bodily repercussions from crossing parallel worlds. But they were hot and cold at the same time, tired and badly in need of a full night's sleep.
But caution was inherent in Lyra's footsteps: she and Pan walked a few paces ahead of Iorek, who was holding the rear guard with a skeptical, wary, unconvinced look of his surroundings. Lyra had seen him snort just before passing him with two steps, but immediately he had stretched his muzzle and through the delicate use of his teeth had pulled her back to him from the teal shirt that she still wore from Bolvangar. "Do not start walking away." he told her. Offended, Lyra turned her wild head towards him. "I wasn't! I was looking around!" she bristled, her nose wrinkled in the process. Any other human who faced him so brazenly would have ended up with his face smashed to the ground without going out of the way: but when Lyra was proving her worth, not backing down, Iorek felt his heart grow so proud. And also amused in a way, because the sight of that little face so ferocious yet still so childish brought up big smiles. But Panserbjørne don't smile, they show their affection in other ways.
And his affection was playfully snorting in her face, tickling her cheeks in the process. Lyra immediately chuckled, albeit with some annoyance, shielding her face. "stop that!" she screeched laughing. "Iorek!"
"Now listen to me. Walk beside me and don't go away." he said "if I lose sight of you, I won't have the chance to find you here."
His senses might not work as well as in their world, and if Lyra got lost, finding her would be a mess. Prevention is better than cure.
Lyra, who was stubborn but not disobedient, realized that Iorek had no intention of giving her way. Then she followed him: Iorek had the power to make her obey in the net time of five seconds, seven at the most. But because Lyra admired him so much that even just arguing as she did with Asriel seemed disrespectful to her, precisely because Iorek had great respect and admiration for the little girl he had renamed, and whom he considered as one of them. It would have been ungrateful.
Then the little girl walks cautiously next to the white bear as he gazes at his surroundings equally wary and cautious. The city was a real disaster, a slaughterhouse. Some wooden doors had been removed from the hinges, others lay on the ground ... there were writing erased on signs everywhere and childish drawings on the walls. Some shops still had clothing and food inside, but all the doors that remained were wide open.
Crates of fruit had been spilled on the ground, and apples, pears, apricots lay motionless on the roughly set stone ground. Lyra bent down to pick a few, just to understand what she was talking about. "someone must have gone in a hurry." Pan murmured as he leaned over to smell a very bad looking fruit. "It's been a while ... this stuff has gone rotten." His marten face twisted at that acrid smell. "this kind of fruit goes rotten quickly." corrected Iorek "they may have been gone for a day."
But the town was too decayed to have been abandoned for a single day. It had been uninhabited for weeks, perhaps ... difficult to understand. "what happened in this place?" Lyra wondered as she stood up and started walking next to Iorek. "maybe Asriel...?" Pan began.
"I wouldn't rule it out." Lyra responded with acidity and anger, continuing to observe the town and the sky slowly unfolding above their heads.
Something had happened in this place ... maybe people had fled for an outside attack? Iorek surveyed the walls, peering at them carefully with a critical eye. He excluded a war on his own: there were no signs of blood or marks from bullets or arrows. It was as if the city had depopulated overnight. "Lyra, can you consult the alethiometer and ask where we are?" but before Iorek could even finish, an unknown though subtle rage in Lyra railed at him briefly. "I'm not going to ask that thing anything." she growled, not looking at the Panserbjørne in his eyes. Lyra had been, more often than not, quite calm beside Iorek's presence. But now he could clearly see anger in her and frustration, clearly at Roger's death. He paused to watch her marching, her soft brown curls sitting on her shoulders and rocking with each abrupt step. "Lyra-" Pan began.
"No." she answered resolutely, her thin brows curled down threateningly as she looked at the wall beside her for signs in their language.
Not even Iorek recognized the language he saw written everywhere ... By ear it could have been Latin, but it was much less articulate and short."now we have to make our way alone." Iorek spoke calmly, "Lyra, try to be reasonable."
But the girl shook her head, lips tightly closed in a strike of silence.
And once Lyra gets stubborn like this, good luck trying to move her. Iorek gave her a nudge with his nose to make her walk "let us find a place to stay, then we shall decide what to do."
"what place?"
"It is full of empty houses, any one will do."
The house they found, which seemed quite spacious from the outside, had been closed with wooden poles stuck between the two handles of the main door. But once those were broken, the house would be accessible.
"Can you break down the door?" Lyra suggested to Iorek.
"Let's try the sweet manners for once." replied the bear, simply cutting the piece of wood in half with his index claw (thick, strong and sharp as a knife) The half-broken wood fell to the ground with a crashing sound, and automatically the dusty doors swung open sending dust in the face of the trio, who coughed and sneezed in response. "we're off to a good start ..." Lyra commented, sneezing into her arm. Pan sniffed "A dusting in here wouldn't hurt." Iorek did not deign to answer them, he just poked his head inside the house to observe the surroundings. He smelled stuffy, musty ... but the oxygen was there and seemed quite livable. He took a sniff in the air to see if there was any danger, but the way seemed clear "Come in, but do be careful." he said "don't go upstairs until I tell you."
"you say there might be someone here?"
"Do not move too fast, and do not attract attention anyway."
Whose attention, exactly? that city was empty. But without arguing and wasting their time Lyra walked in behind the bear with cautious and slow steps, coat still leaning on her shoulder and her daemon trotting behind her. Iorek now had one paw resting on the rough surface of the symmetrical stairs leading upstairs, neck tilted up and nose functioning to detect foreign odors or dangers. Lyra put her coat down on a chair, walking towards the back of the stove to see if there was any water they could carry around so as not to die of thirst, when suddenly she felt watched.
It wasn't Iorek.
It wasn't Pan.
And when a dark hand came to touch her shoulder, her nerves jumped before Iorek could even warn her of the danger. She turned with a lightning jerk, violently planted a hand in the shoulder of the one behind her and gave a shove grabbing the opposite arm of the other to keep it yanked backwards and with equal violence she sank her elbow into the back of their neck, shoving with all the force that stood straight on the surface of the table with a dull thud. Whoever it was, landing so hard on the wooden table was hurt quite badly. "Lyra!"
Before Iorek's voice could even reach her, he had already rushed to her rescue. But he had stopped immediately at the sight of a boy, at a guess much taller and stronger than her, stuck under Lyra's elbow and trying to tilt his neck to look at the one who had just landed him against a table without a precise reason. "you're hurting me!" he said in a loud, frightened voice.
Lyra had no mercy. In fact, she gritted her teeth and pushed her arm even further into the back of his neck. "so you learn to move stealthily." she growled straight into his ear.
"okay! I scared you! I'm sorry!"
"you didn't scare me! I scared you!"
Iorek had never felt more proud.
The boy spoke again. "let me go, please." he said quickly, breathing heavily. With yet another shove against the table Lyra freed him, and he hurried to get up and walk away from Lyra with his back to Iorek. And the bear was silent. "who are you?" the boy asked.
"Lyra Silvertongue."
It was the first time the new name Iorek had given her had left Lyra's mouth, and with so much pride. As if she meant 'yes, Silvertongue will forever be my name.' as the boy picked up some meanwhile fallen vase pieces, inadvertently bumping into the white mountain that was Iorek and backing away before he even got to look him in the eye "oh my god-"
"that's Iorek." Lyra replied nonchalantly while Iorek's eyes flashed in the direction of the boy, intent on fearing for his life as he swung his gaze between the girl and the bear. "Where does it come from?"
"he, not it." Lyra corrected sharply "his name is Iorek, and I'm Lyra. Are you deaf or what? Is this your house" The boy didn't seem angry, he was just confused and a little sore. You know how it is ... An unknown girl had just slammed his face against a table, and a white bear was glaring at him. "No. I'm Will." he answered, keeping a safe distance from both of them "Will Parry." he gave a tentative smile, but it was cut off quickly because Lyra was glaring at him suspiciously. At least until Pan came out from behind her, little black eyes looked at Will in surprise. "finally, someone else to talk to!" he said.
Will's eyesbrows shot up.
"and that's Pan."
The boy remained silent, total silence as he stared at Pan with wide eyes "how does he talk?"
Iorek and Lyra blinked in sync. Why did the boy seem so perplexed and surprised?
"Is this your town?"
if Pan's voice had unsettled him, Iorek's voice made him jump with fright. Hearing a bear speak in such an inquisitive way would make anyone turn white. Will opened his mouth, suddenly dry, and tried to let out a few words. Amazement stopped him, and he turned back to Lyra indicating briefly to Iorek "He talks too?" And the girl shrugged "yeah, but he doesn't talk much." She answered.
Pan began to look around the boy, while Will waved his gaze between Iorek and Pan "Talking animals ..." and a smile had made its way across his serious face. He didn't even try to reach out to caress Iorek, because he knew losing a limb would be all too easy. He then he turned to caress Pan's little head, bending over to the counter and holding out a hand.
But before she could even get close, Lyra tensed and stepped between Pan and him making a steady, threatening eye contact with him. "he's not a talking animal!" she exclaimed indignantly. "he's my daemon!"
In the sense of a demon?
Will felt his brows curve down. "your what?"
The bear took a step forward from behind them, eyes pricking up. "you don't have a dæmon?" Lyra asked, looking around. "I don't see one." Pan enchoed softly, a lot more softly than Lyra.
Who was this girl? Who were the animals that accompanied her? Will shrugged gently. "I don't know what you're talking about- I don't know who you guys are, nor where you come from-" But it was at that moment that an unfriendly spark appeared in Lyra's eyes, and the girl immediately backed away. "No." she murmured, turning only to the last when she was towards the door. "Pan, Iorek, let's go." The ermine on the counter followed closely, the bear did not hesitate to go behind them leaving Will alone in the room.
"Lyra Silvertongue, wait!"
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lovemychinchilla · 3 years
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Can Chinchillas Drink Water...?
The moment you Google the word 'chinchilla', you're bombarded with garbage websites telling you chinchillas hate water, and that they'll die if they come within fifty feet of the stuff. Although that's not true, it does raise the question: what do chinchillas drink, if not water?
Do chinchillas need water? They do, like every other animal. They die without it. Chinchillas need water bottles as using a water bowl gets your pet's and fur wet. Experienced owners recommend giving chinchillas filtered water or distilled water, although if the tap water where you live is fresh and clean, it may be suitable.
You shouldn't ever leave your chinchilla without water. While they can conserve fluid well, doing so is cruel. The guide below explores what kinds of water are suitable, whether you need a chinchilla water bottle or a water bowl, how much water chinchillas need in a day, and lots more besides!
Can Chinchillas Drink Water?
Chinchillas drink water just like every other animal.
Water is vital for almost every function in the body. For starters, around two thirds of an animal's body is made of water. It helps transport nutrients to cells, and remove waste products from cells, too. It keeps the muscles and joints working as they should. All the organs need it, too.
The reason why animals need a constant supply is that it's always being lots. Animals will:
Lose water when they go to the toilet
Lose water when they breathe
Lose water when they sweat or pant (although chinchillas don't do these things)
Chinchillas are better at conserving water than most animals. That's because they come from a dry habitat, so they needed to adapt to low levels of water. They nevertheless need a constant water source. Here's a table covering the different kinds of water, and whether they're suitable or not:
Type of WaterSuitable?Tap WaterYes/no. Dirty tap water can contain giardia. But most tap water is clean.Filtered WaterYes. Filtered water can't contain bacteria.Distilled WaterYes. However, distilled water doesn't have as many minerals.Bottled WaterYes, although it's wasteful.
It's for these reasons that we think filtered water is the best.
Can Chinchillas Drink Tap Water?
This is something that owners disagree on. Some will say they've kept their chinchillas for years on tap water with no ill effects. Others will say that when they did, their chinchilla had diarrhea or didn't want to drink it.
The reason for this discrepancy is that tap water is of variable quality. Some countries' tap water isn't as good as others'. The United States is an excellent example of how water quality even varies within a country, particularly between cities and the countryside.
The biggest issue with tap water is that it can contain giardia. Giardia is a kind of micro-parasite that lives in the guts. It's passed on through feces, so if even microscopic amounts of farm animal or pet feces gets into the water supply, it can spread. It causes diarrhea in infected animals.
Many countries/states publish information on the quality of their tap water, so you could do some research to find out how clean yours is. But as a rule of thumb, if you don't drink your tap water, don't give it to your chinchilla. 
Do Chinchillas Need Filtered Water?
Filtered water is a step up from tap water. Most filters get rid of bugs like giardia. Other stronger filters can even get rid of chemicals like fluoride; while fluoride is perfectly safe, some people are uncomfortable with it anyway.
There are lots of ways to filter water. Perhaps the most common is using a carbon filter. Carbon filters contain activated carbon/activated charcoal, which absorbs any chemicals or bugs in the water. Filtered water may also be passed through a 'micron filter', which is simply a very fine filter that hardly anything but fluid can pass through. It's because of the variety of filters that you hear products using terms like 'double filtered' or 'triple filtered'.
You can either buy filtered water or make it yourself. Brands like Brita make filters that you can use at home. You can even buy a filter that attaches to your faucet/tap which makes the process even easier.
Do Chinchillas Need Distilled Water?
Distilled water is absolutely pure. It's produced through evaporation. Regular water is boiled, and the evaporated steam is collected. Everything that was in the water is left behind when boiled, and only the water remains.
Chinchillas don't need distilled water. Filtered water is fine, and in some cases, your tap water may be clean enough for them too. But if you have the option of providing cheap distilled water, it's the least likely to contain giardia.
However, distilled water doesn't contain the minerals that regular water does. In a restricted diet like chinchillas have, water can be an important mineral source. What's worse is that mineral-less distilled water can even leach minerals from your body. It's for that reason that we recommend filtered water.
Do Chinchillas Need Bottled Water?
Bottled water is highly variable in quality. Some brands like Dasani are nothing but filtered tap water, which means there's little point buying them. Others are spring water, which means they have higher levels of certain minerals.
Rather than buying bottled water, we recommend either filtered or distilled. That's because it's far less wasteful. You should only consider bottled water if you can't access a filter, a way of distilling water or getting distilled water, and if your tap water is of awful quality.
How Much Water Do Chinchillas Need?
Chinchillas hardly need any water because they're great at conserving it. 
If you've ever looked closely at your chinchilla's wee (and let's face it, what better way is there to spend a weekend?) then you may have noticed it's a deep yellow color. This indicates that it has lots of urea in it, but not much water. The more water is in the urine, the lighter the color. Chinchillas also don't pant or sweat, so can't lose water that way.
How Much Water Does a Chinchilla Drink a Day?
Chinchillas drink roughly 2oz of water a day, which is 55ml. 
The exact amount your pet drinks depends on its level of activity. The more active your chinchilla is, the more it will need to drink, as it loses water when it breathes out. 
If your chinchilla eats lots of foods with water in them, it will need to drink less. You shouldn't feed your chinchilla watery snacks like vegetables or fruits, but if you do, you'll notice it drinks less.
How Long Can Chinchillas Go without Water?
Owners don't know how long pet chinchillas can go without water, but periods of longer than 24 hours are not recommended.
They likely can survive a while, as there will be times in the wild when chinchillas have to go without water. The Andes can experience drawn-out dry spells, as the chinchilla's habitat is right next to the driest place on Earth (the Atacama Desert).
If you are planning on leaving your chinchillas alone for 24 hours or more, e.g. if you're going on holiday, get somebody knowledgeable to check in and care for them. Alternatively, contact rescue centers and breeders and ask whether they can care for your pet for the time being.
Do Chinchillas Need Water Bottles?
All pet chinchillas should have water bottles that they can drink from. These are like the water bottles you give to other pets. They should be hung on the side of the cage where the chinchilla can't access them. You can pop them on the outside of the cage with the spout poking in through the bars.
If you have more than one chinchilla, it can be a good idea to provide two water bottles. That's because chinchillas can get territorial.
Can You Give a Chinchilla a Water Bowl?
Chinchillas shouldn't have water bowls in their cages. There are lots of reasons why.
Your chinchilla could pee in the water bowl by accident. While it's possible to toilet train most chinchillas, some don't take to it, and even the ones that don't can sometimes have accidents or miss.
Your chinchilla will get dirty hay in its water bowl. Chinchillas love to waste hay.
Your chinchilla could get its fur wet from the open water bowl. 
This means that a chinchilla could get sick from having a water bowl, either because its water is contaminated, or because its damp fur develops a fungal infection. A water bottle is preferred in all circumstances.
How Often Should You Change a Chinchilla's Water?
You shouldn't wait for your chinchilla to run out of water entirely before you change it. Instead, you should switch it for fresh every day or every other day. This stops bacteria building up on/in the spout and getting into the water.
There's no reason not to change your chinchilla's water this frequently. That's because it's such a small job that only takes a second to do. But by doing it, you ensure a) that your chinchilla never runs out of water, and b) it won't be drinking dirty water.
Below, you can find our chinchilla quiz, new posts for further reading, and a signup for our Chinchilla Newsletter!
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