#thank YAH:)
elizakai · 4 months
little doodle for @swiftmitsu pookie🥰
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tangledinink · 1 year
...i'm kind of scared to ask...but when swanatello's brothers finally found him, was it a good or bad day? (i love swanatello, he has nested in my skull and is chewing on my brain like grass)
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The first SEVERAL visits to Swanatello after they find him go about the same way. That is to say, very poorly. It's not until a couple weeks later when Leo visits on his own (not because he thinks it'll work, but because he's desperate to see his brother, and he's able to portal there on his own,) that Swanatello finally has a chance to recognize him, and they're able to begin to puzzle the situation together...
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latelyaliens · 4 months
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I’m excited for the new alien episode tonight, so here’s my oc Wilp attempting to do Omnichord/Theremin covers of Biggie songs with Charlie 👍
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transmechanicus · 4 months
Continues to boggle the mind how many transphobes assume that my name is just my deadname with an "A" slapped on the end, i woke up this morning to like 10 messages from some idiot ending every message calling me 'Eric' as if that is going to do anything lol.
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also perhaps maybe would u please draw my oc harin (@namraniiart) if ur up 2 do so
thanks so much 😍
Helloo there!! ♡
Thanks for the compliments, you're an icon, your hcs are SO cool! ✨
As I've stated before, this is OC EXCLUSIVE WEEK, so I'm only going to draw OCs for this week, but I'll be back with canon characters asks soon enough 🫶
Here u go, your daughter, Harin Kim 🌼
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BONUS ✧⁠*:
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She is so silly.
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reactionimagesdaily · 6 months
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mollyrolls · 1 month
driving up to school today. spider-man akaashi on the brain. i’m making our friendship bracelets bc i was inspired by ness and idgaf.
WAR IS OVER ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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As promised, I will explain the Hallelujah thing.
So the word is actually a composite word, in that it is made up of "hallel" and "Yah." The latter is one of the better known names of G-d (and for this reason some traditional Jews won't say the whole word of hallelujah outside of prayer or religious study) but the former deserves a little more investigation. A simple translation of it is "praise" or "glory," and so most translations of this into English are fairly faithful to the Hebrew.
However, I think knowing the context adds some shades of meaning to it that are important. Hallel in Hebrew is spelled הלל (hay-lamed-lamed) or (effectively) H-L-L. Written Hebrew doesn't include vowels (unless they are added in using the pointed Hebrew system) so the word written out traditionally would read: HLL, despite (obviously) being pronounced with the vowel sounds. It is for this reason that I'm not terribly a fan of the linguistic drift of "alleluia," because it drops the hay/ה sound at the beginning, which is very important to the word being legible and diminishes the name of G-d at the end by denoting it using a common suffix. It also means that the people saying it almost certainly do not know the origin of the word and the root word Hallel.
In any event, it's worth noting that there are a number of words in Hebrew that refer to praise (especially in a religious context) but this one specifically refers to the Psalms (Tehillim), which share a root in Hebrew.
To say Hallel is to say Tehillim - specifically Psalms 113 - 118. These are typically sung with a lot of ruach (spirit) and joyful melodies, and are reserved for happy occasions. This is one reason why I find the fact that we daven Hallel for Av, the saddest month on the Jewish calendar, when we intentionally lessen our joy upon starting it, so compelling and so Jewish. (More on that here.)
Hallel isn't just praise. It's Psalms sung from the heart, from a place of joy and resilience.
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intergalactic-garbage · 2 months
hoo fan artists who draw frank fat: i love you 💗💖💘💞 i am kissing you on the forehead gently🩷💓💕💖💝💘💓💗💞
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okaaayy I don’t have this completely sorted out in detail or fact checked bc it’s [checks watch] 3am but here’s my very quick lore speedrun
1) Daybreak Town was a normal village once. (Sort of?)
A small village by the sea surrounded by mountains…the Master lived there when he was young. Born with the power of foresight and the power to draw keyblades from people’s heart, he created the first keyblade wielding society in a world that was united, but constantly threatened by darkness. DT was meant to be a stronghold against darkness, and it was the battleground for the first keyblade wars. But according to the story he tells Luxu, things went awry and he lost a lot of those fellow wielders to darkness. There were several failed attempts, and all of them were lost causes. So…
2) The MoM nukes Daybreak Town
The place is teeming with darkness. No use fighting. Using No Name and Master’s Defender, the MoM transforms DT, destroying everything and starting over, rebuilding DT from scratch. DT will be a stronghold for the light again, but better. He has a new experiment to run, this time with a focus on children, who are more effective in preserving the light
3) Kids get yoinked (for the greater good)
The MoM gathers kids from the surrounding areas (across what I like to call The Genesis Sea region) by convincing their parents to give them away, or they’re just stolen (I talk more about this here [pg 2-3]). Their memories of their home lives get erased and they’re essentially raised as child soldiers from then on.
4) Launching Daybreak Town version 2.0
The MoM fortifies DT. No one is allowed in or out. Things have to go according to plan this time. The world has to end in order for darkness to be subdued. With his foresight, he writes the Book of Prophecies and sets it up to project holograms of other worlds so light can be collected and the kids can be trained to get stronger.
and there ya have it, a weird town that’s basically one big experiment that no one even knows about. The beginning of one big calculated strategy by the MoM to get darkness under control, at least for a few centuries, give or take.
Bug please pleeeaasse tell me what you were thinking too!! DT is so weird. I’m sure there are like 100 different ways to go about making lore for it
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samzier · 11 months
honest opinion on geminitay? *hands you the microphone*
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OKAY FUNNY SOO. i Actually just watched her twitchcon vlog today and some of her decked out phase 5 comp runs and now im watching secret life and the She keeps appearing. long story short i Love her. shes genuinely so cool and funny and the realest ever i love you geminitay minecraft. GEM IS GREAT
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backpackingspace · 2 months
The philoctetes is a comedy actually
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spectral-honey · 1 year
Kid Jason told every date dick brought home that they didn't have to settle and could do better than him
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(Except conwilla, y’all’re a’ight)
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lovetogether · 2 months
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Doodles we did during our meeting with our social worker mhm . Under here are the return spoilers . Friends who haven’t finished shows don’t go here, the rest of you though? Heh well, cmon in
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Ahhhhh ahhhh . Ahhhhhhhh
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Do you ship abstragedy? (Gangle x Zooble)
(i actually made a drawing of them making a heart in the air with one of their hands together one time but um idk where it is now so-)
but ya <3
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