#thank u again anon <3
wonwoonlight · 1 year
im just wondering what kind of romantic trope that you think suits with each svt members?
(im sorry if this sounds like a request, its okay if you're not answering this)
HIII don't feel sorry about this omg i love this kind of asks tbh!!!! makes me think about writing and stuff hehe but personally, these are my thoughts:
cheol: strangers to lovers, friends to lovers, anything that is soft, mature love in which he feels safe playing childish bc his partner knows it's all just an act!! a dynamic in which the couple would know when to be playful but immediately gets into it when the situation calls for maturity.
jeonghan: exes to lovers (for some reason if i have an ex2l trope it's always him on top of my mind), brother's best friend (this man too loyal for his own good), rivals to lovers <3
shua: childhood friends in which he doesn't even realize he's been into them bc he thinks it's just obvious that he needs to take care of his friend lol his dumbass thinks it's all platonic when everyone can tell it's not he's in denial
junhui: friends to lovers, cowokers to lovers, roommates to lovers? anything that is somewhat slow paced and happens naturally, that one day just clicks to him that oh... this isn't platonic, is it? unlike shua he isn't in denial even tho he might be oblivious
hoshi: playful love, like introduced from a friend kinda trope!!! i feel like his character would be more open for a love in the first sight kind of thing, and he falls quick and deep. it'd be any trope that, at some point, would be filled with doubts because: are we moving too fast? do we actually understand each other? because hosh can sometimes be too playful for his own good despite his well meaning heart
wonwoo: ah... i can write an essay about his bc he's essentially my muse lol. but wonwoo definitely fits the slowburn trope no matter what title OC has. Whether they're friends, coworkers, friend's sibling, etc etc, it doesn't matter bc to him it only matters that they actually know each other; if it happens, it happens. His character definitely fits the silent pining kinda trope, in which no one even realizes he's into OC until he decides to actually show it. or, the other way around, i feel like he might act oblivious to OC's pining if he doesnt reciprocate the feeling.
jihoon: bestfriend or childhood friends to lovers!!! i feel like his characters fits more into steady, long lasting relationship if anything. so it has to be someone he already knows rather than in the moment kind of thing. perhaps even ex2lovers bc when he loves, he loves long and deep so it's never gonna be easy to move on even though he keeps on telling himself he'll be happy as long as they're happy
seokmin: this is basically my falling flowers trope but unrequited love in which he comforts OC because he's a good friend like that. perhaps he doesn't feel anything in the beginning, perhaps he does, but he really just wanted to comfort OC but things get out of hands bc he's too kind for his own good
mingyu: a trope in which he takes OC for granted bc he thinks their relationship (platonic, fwb, whatever) is a given and when OC has finally had enough and tried to leave that's when he starts to realize what OC really means to him so he tries to win OC back <3
minghao: like wonwoo, he fits the silent pining kinda trope. he thinks he's being subtle, but everyone knows he's in love even though he's not excessive with it. he has reasons for holding himself back though: OC is off limits, whether OC is a friend, his best friend's sibling, or even a friend's ex (!!) he's fine loving from afar until he isn't
seungkwan: this is also one of my fics but, lovers to exes to lovers lol seungkwan is a man with a mission, he knows what he wants and he's ambitious when it comes to it. he loves OC, he really does, but at some point his ambition gets to the best of him and he doesn't even realize until OC calls him out and the rest is history 😗
hansol: this is randomly out of the box compared to the other tropes but: arranged marriage. in which he's just doing it because his parents made him and it's not like he has any romance interest anyway? plus OC would already know what they're getting themselves into so there's no way it would get messy (it would). he was in it because it was his responsibility and he didn't see how it'd be bad for him until feelings get in the way aha
chan: in which he tries to play matchmaker but finds himself seeing OC in a different light the longer it goes. he knows what he wants though, so when he realizes that he's into OC, he'd try to steer OC into him instead ehe
WHEW this took much longer than i thought it would but this was so fun to do 😫 thank you for asking this!!! i purposely didn't consider any non-normal setting like soulmate au and etcetc bc it would get way too long otherwise lol
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poetichibiscus · 2 years
Sure you've heard it a thousand times but it's such a good thing that you're still here. You're a wonderful person. You deserve the the sun. Speaking of which, ☀️
😭 This is incredibly sweet, anon. Thank you very much for saying so🤎
rapunzel ☀️ - what’s something you want to do but are too scared to?
go to grad school 😭 I applied to a mfa program as soon as I graduated college but I didn't get in, and I've been way too afraid to try again even though I really want to go. I fucking love school, lmao
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basketobread · 6 months
How does Lunara feel about... Lolth
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not good lol
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gianttol · 1 year
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♡ GT July 2023 Prompt List ♡
Big thanks to @pocket-ozwynn for helping with the prompts!
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sexhaver · 4 months
I read once that people should find wine recommendations by looking at prominent sommeliers who already like profiles you like, not because they're objectively correct at wine, but their tastes align with yours and they will likely speak to other wines you would like. I just listened to Tarot Sport by Fuck Buttons because you mentioned it and I really like it, do you have any other music recs in general
oh man this is the nicest compliment ive gotten on my musical taste in a minute! if you like the polyrhythmic aspect of Fuck Buttons where they layer sounds on top of each other until it sound like white noise but if you listen from the beginning with headphones you can still pick out every individual layer, check out Lauren Bousfield. her entire discography is good but Avalon Vales and Palimpsest are my personal favs. if you really like those and need more you can check out some of her earlier work under Nero's Day At Disneyland, specifically From Rotting Fantasylands
if you like having Fuck Buttons on in the background as study music, start looking into old Boiler Room sets on Soundcloud. these don't inherently have much in common other than being good background music but you asked me for recs in general so here are some of my fav sets:
Baauer B2B RL Grime at Ray-Ban x Boiler Room SXSW (warning: this set has the best music but also worst hype woman of all time)
Bonobo Boiler Room DJ Mix (this one was playing as i wrote most of my essays in college)
Purity Ring 45 Minute Mix Boiler Room Montreal (please please please skip to 22 minutes in if you listen to nothing else here, that segment singlehandedly gave me so much more respect for Purity Ring than actually seeing them live in 2012 did)
XXYYXX 60 Minute Set Boiler Room Los Angeles (whole thing is good but skip to 24 minutes in lol)
okay this last one isn't Boiler Room at all but uh. umru ♭⒉♭ fraxiom at Lavapalooza is Umru and Fraxiom doing Minecraft parody covers of hyperpop songs at a concert that happened in Minecraft itself. but it's unironically kind of good at certain points if you have the same kind of brain damage i do where you enjoy Fuck Buttons
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spacenintendogs · 3 months
went through the entire tag for your dragons off the coast au and !!! oh the sillies!! you get them soo much also don't @ me but your snotlout is kind pretty though,,, scrungly cringefail loserman prettyboy im Enamored with him
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all he knows is you called him a prettyboy
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candyredterezii · 7 months
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Hey so my birthday is in 3 weeks (Dec. 5th) and so I'mma drop my Amazon Wishlist ... Of course, as always, NOT OBLIGATED !! It's only if you feel generous and / or wish to!
I have some stuff for my new apartment in there, minor stuff, but it's mostly dolls I think LOL
If you wanna just send me a few bucks though as a birthday present to just help me with future bills and rent, I'd be forever thankful! And my paypal can be find right here.
But as always, just on my birthday, I like just little happy birthday messages in my inbox! They make me smile. :) Or if you wanna take an extra step fanart of my OCs are always a gift I treasure, even if its MSPaint stick figures.
Thank you <3
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stabbyfoxandrew · 2 months
Arsonist neil/firefighter andrew for wip wednesday please? (p.s. i hope you have an awesome day💕)
WIP Wednesday (4/24)  Arsonist Neil / Firefighter Andrew AU (Part 157)
Andrew has just finished a delicious feast of chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, and green grapes when his phone makes a strange sound from the cushion beside him. Before he made his food, he decided to give 10 a special ringer. But this one isn’t great. He’ll change it again later. Regardless of the noise, Andrew checks his messages and is bewildered. Why can’t this man ever say anything normal?
10 How many shirts do you have? Andrew Plenty. Why? 10 No, I mean a number. How many?
Andrew isn’t sure what this is about, but he goes into his room and counts the folded up shirts in his dresser before pressing the call button. As soon as 10 answers, Andrew says, “I have forty-something shirts. Why did you ask?”
“I have eight.” 10 says. Then, “Is that weird?”
Andrew thinks about it for a moment and shrugs to himself. “Not necessarily. They’re not all exactly the same are they?”
“No. They’re all different.” 10 answers. Then there’s a rummaging sort of sound in the background before he says, “Actually, I have two gray shirts. One’s a hoodie though and one’s a t-shirt.”
“Not weird.”
“How many pairs of pants do you have?” 
“I don’t know. Probably twenty-five.” Andrew guesses, not really in the mood to count every item of clothing he owns. Before he can stop himself he adds, “If you’re going to ask me about underwear, you’d better take me to dinner first.”
The laugh from the other end simultaneously bruises Andrew’s ego and makes him smile. “Haha, I wasn’t going to. But what about shoes?”
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I'm not going anywhere, for the record.
I haven't been posting for quite a long time, and I know it's gotten slow. But I'm still here! Updates are slow, but they are coming. Believe me, I'm not leaving this place for a longggg time. I have so many asks to answer, so many wips to post, and I'm still going to finish A Little Kindness. I'm sticking around, and it's staying that way for a good while.
The Owl House that has given me friendships and inspiration I never would've had otherwise. I owe a lot to this show, to Dana Terrace, and everyone who worked on it. I can't find myself to mourn it, only wave it goodbye and say thank you. And the people I've met through this show have been so overwhelmingly kind, I can't feel nothing but bittersweet. All good things gotta end eventually, y'know? It was an amazing ride while it was here, but that doesn't mean I'm leaving anytime soon.
Happy finale, everybody.
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centricider · 8 months
Draw you're take on dead centrist!
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as u wish anon
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eldritch-nightmare · 4 months
I honestly love your depiction of Slenderman and the mansion. As much as I love the whole Slenderman treating everyone with love and being a found family with the residents of the mansion, it feels so refreshing seeing Slenderman act similar to how you portray him! Also, I’m very curious hearing more about slender and Sally’s relationship in the future (or now lol)!!
i'm glad to hear that!! i feel like i've never really given slender much thought or attention before so i feel like my depiction of it is rusty compared to a lot of the other creepypastas so i'm glad to hear that you enjoy it <3
as for slender's relationship with sally:
we all know that slender does Not like children. it goes out of its way to harm them, and actively avoids them in the case that it can't. that's what it did with sally for a really long time.
it avoided her, and treated her mostly like a pest it couldn't get rid of. seeing as she was a permanent resident of the mansion, it can't exactly get rid of her. and the mansion enjoys her company too, so alas. it was stuck dealing with her.
like i said, it took a lot of time and patience for slender to even view sally as something worth its time and attention. it took even longer for it to grow to care about her.
but sally is stubborn when she wants to be, and when she decided she wanted to befriend the strange, faceless, tall man well buddy pal there was nothing that could stop her. she had a goal in mind, and she was determined to achieve it.
and the mansion helped out, of course. because the mansion was, at this point, the only real 'companion' that slender had. she wanted it to make bonds with people it could actually communicate with.
and in the beginning, slender hated that everywhere it went when visiting the mansion, sally would be there with a bright smile on her face, eagerly asking questions about its existence and asking whether or not it wanted to join her for tea and even going as far as to introduce it to her toys one by one.
it was annoyed, at first. it would brush her off, maybe even vanish the moment it saw sally approaching.
honestly, slender wouldn't be able to tell you when it started to care for her. maybe it was the first time it saw her crying, or maybe she had worn it down so much that it just didn't have the energy to ignore and avoid her anymore. but at some point, it did grow to care for her.
it stopped vanishing whenever it saw her. it answered her questions when she asked it. it started to remember all the names and titles of her plushies. and one day, it had even hesitantly agreed to accompany her for tea. she was ecstatic at this, and thus the tea parties became a frequent whenever it was around.
sally is the only child that slender cares about. it tolerates ben and lazari, but every other child? no. it will more than likely never grow to care for one the way it cares for sally.
sally is basically slender's daughter now.
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wisteriagoesvroom · 10 days
if you could go to any race for free no questions asked, which would you wanna attend?
my brain snaps to monaco, but i would also put suzuka up there !!
(i would go to the one where oscar gets his first win tbh)
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angeart · 13 days
whats the context for the burning picture? its not their nest that burned down that was sad? is that while theyre still in the permadeath world? i assume so since it mentions retribution? is this something to do with the vex arc we havent seen but obviously made things worse in new and different ways? can we appreciate how cool that art is and how impactful that scene feels even though i don't know whats going on entirely?
the burning drawing isn't one of their nest! the nest they will have at some point is built in a meadow, and it's high off the ground, built up, to cater to grian's instincts that he kept stifling for so long. (remember, he can't fly. he yearns to be high up, but can't.)
the burny burny from the art does happen while they're still in the permadeath server. it's a deliberate decision grian and scar make. they're not burning anything that belongs to them.
i will be writing a ramble about it at some point, so look out for that! :3 (if you look at the hhau masterpost, you might even spot a placeholder for it ready in the outline—)
i will say, it does happen during the vex arc. but it's not actually important, as no vexes get mentioned. it's an event solely between scar and grian, and i'm excited to tell you guys about it, but i need some time <3
aND. WAH. OKAY. i did not expect the art appreciation after all the questions 🥺🥺🥺🥺 thank youuu!! i wasn't sure how well i'd be able to draw the scene but i'm pretty happy with the results, so hearing you affirm that really helps me feel good about it <333
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shamedumpster · 8 months
INtSA is one of my favourite fics EVER I love it sm, ty for writing it!!! I was curious what you think Enjolras & Bea's relationship becomes like now that he's dating her dad - I get the sense R hasn't really dated much before in her life, so curious how she adjusts to the change :)
Hi!! I'm sorry this is really late - I was most of the way through writing the epilogue when I got it, and didn't want to answer until I'd finished ^^; (That just took a lot longer than expected)
I'll answer below the cut!! Thank you for the ask!
To answer your question, I think it's probably an easier transition than it might have been if Grantaire and her hadn't been hanging with the ABC for so long before it happened. Before that point, it was basically just her, him, Eponine, and Gav, so the adjustment of having another person in their life would have been hard.
But by the time they get together, she knows Enjolras, and she both likes and trusts him.
I'm sure there's still a little jealousy; that's kind of inevitable when your dad has been single this whole time and now has extra time devoted to this extra person. But, Grantaire doesn't ever want her to feel abandoned, and Bea wants him to be happy, so he is careful, and she is able to share.
As far as her and Enjolras' relationship in particular, it takes a little while for her to label it. Grantaire is dad, Eponine is Aunt Eponine, the rest of the ABC all eventually end up variations of "aunt" and "uncle" (or in Jehan's case "cousin"), but for a while, Enjolras is just...Enjolras. Because nothing else quite fits.
But, they slowly but surely get closer. There are a lot more sleepovers; Enjolras gets a couple drawers in R's dresser, and Bea learns again and again that he will be there when they need it. And eventually, that affection and trust help to solidify Enjolras' label as "dad", too.
Thank you for the ask!! Sorry again it's so late <3 It means a lot that you cared to ask, I'm glad you enjoyed the fic!!
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fluxweeed · 29 days
hey. hope this message doesn't bother you. I love you. I love your work. you are one of my favorite fic authors, I am absolutely obsessed with everything you write. reread everything ten times over, drarry or not, fluffy or angsty - even when it absolutely shatters my heart (e.g. for lack of wanting, SUCH a great fic btw i'm so obsessed with it). the four doors? life changing. two to lie and one to listen? engraved into my brain for eternity. what's mine is yours? what a ride holy shit, im VERY normal about it. wrapped? my comfort read. and so it goes.
if I could aggressively smother you with kudos and love I WOULD!!!
awhile ago you said that there's no such thing as "big deals" in fandom and I 100% agree but at the same time you are a big deal TO ME!!! not in the sense of any kind of hierarchy but purely based on the fact that I think you are such a cool person and your writing is amazing and poignant and your presence in fandom makes it so much better. it's been a pleasure following you here on tumblr and just reading your tags and posts.
idk I just think you rule. that's it. thank you for hanging with us. MWAH 💛
ahhhh anon sorry for leaving this message sitting in my inbox for a couple of days but !! i have zero idea how to react to this!! you're so kind!! thank you!! please discard any and all inclinations u have that i am a cool person bc i can assure you i am NOT!!
#tumblr tag essay time? tumblr tag essay time#why can't i do this in the main body of a post u ask? pure obnoxiousness ig idk#scarier when it's not greyed out and in a little whisper innit#1) anon i love and appreciate you + your kind words so so much but i rly cannot stress enough that literally nobody here is a big deal 😭#like i know u don't mean it in That Way but even so!!!#this is a hill i could write another 1k words about before i die on it again but i will spare u 😅#2) ur also v v kind to say the thing abt my presence in fandom#but unfortunately i'm coming to terms with the fact that my presence in fandom is v much on the sidelines#a non-presence#i'm embracing my role as the crotchety old hag who does not attend the functions#i have a hut in the woods and u can find me there (here in tumblr tags) muttering to myself#occasionally i'll wander into the town square (ao3) and present an unnerving thing i made from mud and twigs (a fic) and then i'll fuck off#that's about all i can handle in terms of group settings i think 😅#but the door to my hut (my DMs) is always open if u want to stop by!#3) i can't even begin to acknowledge all the nice things u said about my fics kjhsdf you are truly too generous 😭#let me smother YOU with love!!! cmere!!!#4) this is the second nice anon message i've had in the last couple weeks which is !!!!#anon(s) i'm kissing you wherever u consent to be kissed!!!#but ofc now i'm paranoid ppl will think i'm sending these to myself skdljf#can't stress enough how open my DMs are on here/twt/discord if ever u wanna chat in a way that i don't have to post publicly to reply to 😅#5) i'm soooo sorry about these tags#could have just said “thanks!” couldn't i#please put me right in the bin#anyway sorry again thank you again ilu very much ❤️
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taizi · 9 months
"Theres no way they loved him quietly" HEY this line is going to live with me forever, thank u for breaking me utterly (no seriously though thank u for more opfic and especially more smile again!!! ❤️)
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me when i think about ace spending his whole life searching for validation and love only to finally realize he already had it right before he died
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