#this is a hill i could write another 1k words about before i die on it again but i will spare u 😅
fluxweeed · 4 months
hey. hope this message doesn't bother you. I love you. I love your work. you are one of my favorite fic authors, I am absolutely obsessed with everything you write. reread everything ten times over, drarry or not, fluffy or angsty - even when it absolutely shatters my heart (e.g. for lack of wanting, SUCH a great fic btw i'm so obsessed with it). the four doors? life changing. two to lie and one to listen? engraved into my brain for eternity. what's mine is yours? what a ride holy shit, im VERY normal about it. wrapped? my comfort read. and so it goes.
if I could aggressively smother you with kudos and love I WOULD!!!
awhile ago you said that there's no such thing as "big deals" in fandom and I 100% agree but at the same time you are a big deal TO ME!!! not in the sense of any kind of hierarchy but purely based on the fact that I think you are such a cool person and your writing is amazing and poignant and your presence in fandom makes it so much better. it's been a pleasure following you here on tumblr and just reading your tags and posts.
idk I just think you rule. that's it. thank you for hanging with us. MWAH 💛
ahhhh anon sorry for leaving this message sitting in my inbox for a couple of days but !! i have zero idea how to react to this!! you're so kind!! thank you!! please discard any and all inclinations u have that i am a cool person bc i can assure you i am NOT!!
#tumblr tag essay time? tumblr tag essay time#why can't i do this in the main body of a post u ask? pure obnoxiousness ig idk#scarier when it's not greyed out and in a little whisper innit#1) anon i love and appreciate you + your kind words so so much but i rly cannot stress enough that literally nobody here is a big deal 😭#like i know u don't mean it in That Way but even so!!!#this is a hill i could write another 1k words about before i die on it again but i will spare u 😅#2) ur also v v kind to say the thing abt my presence in fandom#but unfortunately i'm coming to terms with the fact that my presence in fandom is v much on the sidelines#a non-presence#i'm embracing my role as the crotchety old hag who does not attend the functions#i have a hut in the woods and u can find me there (here in tumblr tags) muttering to myself#occasionally i'll wander into the town square (ao3) and present an unnerving thing i made from mud and twigs (a fic) and then i'll fuck off#that's about all i can handle in terms of group settings i think 😅#but the door to my hut (my DMs) is always open if u want to stop by!#3) i can't even begin to acknowledge all the nice things u said about my fics kjhsdf you are truly too generous 😭#let me smother YOU with love!!! cmere!!!#4) this is the second nice anon message i've had in the last couple weeks which is !!!!#anon(s) i'm kissing you wherever u consent to be kissed!!!#but ofc now i'm paranoid ppl will think i'm sending these to myself skdljf#can't stress enough how open my DMs are on here/twt/discord if ever u wanna chat in a way that i don't have to post publicly to reply to 😅#5) i'm soooo sorry about these tags#could have just said “thanks!” couldn't i#please put me right in the bin#anyway sorry again thank you again ilu very much ❀
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deathonyourtongue · 4 years
The Look of Love
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Summary: You catch Henry gazing at you after a run. Pairing: Henry Cavill x reader  Word Count: 1K Warnings: Nothing but fluff. A/N : This came from an idea that @speakerforthedead0​ had, based on the cover picture, and I just ran with it. It was too cute not to write.
For a Saturday, your schedule was pretty full. While most weekends, you tended to let the sun wake you, this weekend, you and Henry had planned to spend the day exploring the countryside and enjoying the last of the warm weather. 
Before any of that could be done however, you and he had to clean the house and, in Henry’s case, go for a run. Cardio was something you generally left to him, as you preferred getting your exercise on a bike, or at even slower speeds while walking Kal.
As you watched Henry get ready for his run however, something in you guided you to your feet. Without a word, you changed into leggings, a sports bra and a tank top. When he noticed, Henry cocked his head to the side, watching silently, confused to say the least.
“Are you
?” He asked as he watched you fit your ponytail through one of his baseball caps, adjusting the snaps until the hat sat snug on your head.
“Coming with? Yeah. I wanna see how I fare. Can’t promise I won’t die, but I wanna give it a go.”
Henry had always been bad at hiding his excitement, and when he heard you confirm his suspicions, it was all he could do not to jump for joy. Grinning ear to ear, he waited for you to finish getting ready before taking your hand and practically sprinting for the door. 
His excitement caused your own smile to grow, and any trepidation you had about not enjoying the experience began to fly out the window; no matter what happened, you were with Henry and that in and of itself was a joy. 
Running through the country lended itself to a slower pace, and both of you stopped once or twice to gaze over the sloping hills or, in your case, to pet a curious highland cow that had wandered away from the herd.
Despite the the clouds playing peekaboo with the sun, it wasn’t long before you felt sweat trickle down your back, and looking over, found that despite his propensity to become a wet mop when working out, Henry looked like he was just on a walk to the corner store; untouched, unbothered, smiling brightly.
“How are you not sweating?” You laughed, shaking your head as you geared up for the next hill, hoping you were nearly at the turnaround point, if only for the sake of your lungs.
“I do this every day, love. This is only day one for you! And, well, there’s a breeze!” That deep, warm chuckle of his sent your heart into overdrive and made you temporarily forget how much you were struggling.
Cresting the hill, you couldn’t help but give a little jump of elation when Henry began turning around, knowing that the way back was mostly downhill and would be far easier. As before, you took in the scenery, stopping this time only to watch Henry expertly guide a sheep back through a fence that had fallen over and right it again in order to keep the animal from escaping once more. Though you tried your best to keep the thoughts from your mind, you couldn’t help but picture what life might be like once the two of you were a little older and had time to actually build a life together, somewhere similarly peaceful and untouched by modernity.
Though covered in sweat by the time you reached home, there was no denying you felt accomplished, and in another move that surprised Henry, you decided to take Kal out while he showered first, still vibrating with endorphins and excited that you’d actually managed the whole course.
Kal was quick and you made it back inside just in time to catch Henry coming out of the shower, towel slung low around his hips. Dumbstruck for a moment, it took your stomach rumbling to spurn you back into reality, remembering the rest of the day’s plans. Pausing for a kiss, you scurried to the shower, still energized, and looking forward to the rest of the day.
You didn’t notice Henry sitting on the bed when you got out, focused on getting dressed so that the two of you could finally get out for breakfast and more importantly, coffee. When you finally did see him, it was a fleeting glance as you put your shirt on, but it very quickly turned into a longer look. Wearing a simple gray t-shirt and jeans, his hair still damp from his shower, Henry sat with his hands clasped at his knees, patiently waiting. 
It was the look on his face that caught your attention however. Lovestruck was putting it mildly. Eyes soft, the blue orbs caught the light just so and helped illuminate the tender smile that crossed his face. With one curl hanging over his eyebrow, he was the picture of a man who was head-over-heels in love, and it made your heart skip a beat. 
Zipping up your pants, you mirrored his smile and padded over, smoothing his hair back as you took a seat in his lap. 
“What’s that look for, babe?” You asked softly, amazed when the only change to Henry’s expression was his eyes shifting up to look at your own. 
“I’m so proud of you. And I’m thrilled you came with me this morning.” He murmured with conviction, his smile growing even softer as he wrapped his arms around you gently. 
“I love you so much,” he added after a moment, his voice nearly a whisper as one hand slipped up to cup your cheek. 
“I love you more,” you countered, finally breaking his expression into a comical and heart-warming pout.
“Impossible!” He said as he shook his head, his face too adorable to resist. Before you knew it, you were kissing his pursed lips, melting when Henry quickly turned it from a light-hearted peck to a proper, breath-taking affair.
“I love you to the moon and back,” you whispered, feeling your heart fit to burst as you curled up in Henry’s embrace, nuzzling into the crook of his neck and knowing you were the luckiest woman on earth. 
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Good Looking Stranger
Summary: A handsome stranger finally stops by the café where you work after weeks just walking by.
Warnings: Language
Word count: 1,6k+
A/N: This is my submission to @browngirlmagic 1k Writing Challenge, congratulations Ayesha!
Thank you always @shellbilee for helping me, and making sure I didn’t write anything unintelligible. I love you girl!
It was a quiet night, and with finals behind your lucky regulars, it would probably remain like that for the rest of the month.
Your hope for better tips rested on the increasing temperature and tourists seeking refuge and refreshments in the small café where you worked.
You had the evening shift and it was almost time for the handsome stranger to cross the street and pass by the window.
Tall, dark haired, and if there was any more light, you’d have been able to see the color of his eyes, but your bet was on blue.
Like clockwork, he exited the subway station, crossed the street and, to your amazement and slight panic, entered the café.
You held your smile as best as you could while you served a steaming cup of cappuccino and a slice of carrot cake to an old man sitting at the table closest to the window.
As if drawing your eyes like a magnet, his figure strutting through the room made you slowly turn. He chose the very last stool by the counter, sitting sideways with his back to the wall and facing the door.
Before his eyes could reach yours on his sweep of the room, you swiftly turned back.
“Is there anything else I can get you?” you asked the older gentleman, and his full-mouthed ‘no’ was enough to get you moving.
“Good evening and welcome!” you greeted the newcomer with what you hoped was a warm smile, doing your best to hide your anxiety. “What can I get you?”
His head, buried in his phone until you spoke, snapped up. His eyes met yours, their surprising shade, a steely, deep sky blue in the dim lights, took your breath away.
After a moment of mutual gawking, he blinked and cleared his throat.
“Uhm, I’ll have a
” he paused, frowning at the menu written on the wall. “Uh, a latte.”
Uncertainty clear in his tone, his eyes swiveled back to yours and a frown mirrored the one you unwittingly displayed.
“Sure thing. It’ll only take a sec.” you replied, shaking off the odd impression you had, and moved away to prepare his order, making sure to always keep an eye on him.
He didn’t look back at you. His eyes were again glued to the screen and undiluted tension colored his features.  
Between preparing coffee and evaporating the milk, he had started typing.
You couldn’t help noticing he was wearing gloves when you were almost in summer, and weirder still, that he’d wear them inside.
You finished making his latte, and stood opposite the oddly mysterious man who apparently was in another galaxy.
“Here you go!” you announced, and once more his attention was seized abruptly. “Would you like anything to eat?” you insisted to his clear annoyance.
“No, thanks.” he answered, turning his focus immediately back to the device in his hands.
“Trouble in paradise?” you tried to get his attention, and rolled your eyes internally at your lame choice of words.
He sighed and put the phone in the pocket of his jeans.
“Kinda.” he started, with visible reluctance. “Are you like the bartender of this coffee shop?”
The tilt of his head was really cute, and it was your turn to hold back a sigh for an entirely different reason.
“Kinda.” you threw back at him, quirking your brow.
The smile he rewarded you with was something to die for. Never had you seen something so spontaneous and genuine from a complete stranger. It disarmed you of any annoyance you may have harbored.
“Tell me all about it. I promise it dies with me.” you prodded.
Crossing your arms over the counter, you settled in a somewhat comfortable position and gave him your undivided attention.
“Well, there’s this woman
” he began.
“Oooh!” you interrupted smiling, and earning another heart-stopping smile in return.
“She works for a company that
” he paused, looking away for a second and brought his beautiful eyes back to yours. “Well, her company competes with mine, kinda. Like industrial espionage, you know?”
“Oh, the plot thickens. And you like her?” you half asked, half guessed.
“She’s gorgeous, but I haven’t really had a chance. A chance to get to know her better, I mean.” he looked at his full glass of latte and took a sip.
“And is it impossible to do that?” you asked, more engrossed in the story than you had intended.
“Not impossible. But it would go against a lot of rules and
“Do you believe she is worth it?” you interrupted him.
“I believe she can be, yeah. I want to get her out of trouble. That company of hers
 it’s bad news.” he shook his head and his jaw twitched. “I would have to make sure my moves were well planned, and that I didn’t screw up.” he replied, lost in his thoughts.
“You know, the Second Law of Thermodynamics states that everything goes from order to disorder.” you said, casually. “If you think you can control chaos, you’re setting yourself up for failure. And whenever you think you have control, that’s when things blow in your face.”
He studied you for a second longer than you were comfortable with, and as soon as you busied yourself with the over polished counter surface, he opened his mouth.
“You studied Physics?” he asked quietly.
You looked at him from the corner of your eye.
“I read a lot.” you replied matter-of-factly. “Don’t sleep much.”
Your shrug dismissing it caused him to squint minutely. You pretended not to see, moving instead closer to the client who had just come in and sat much closer to the door and the other man.
You held a finger, signaling you’d be back in a minute.
While you took the order you saw the gloved fingers back at their previous activity.
A chai latte and a blueberry banana muffin later, you were in front of blue eyes again.
“I changed my mind. Do you have turnovers?” he asked.
“Made this afternoon. Apple, cranberry and walnuts.” you replied with a smile.
“I’ll take twelve of those.” he said, eyeing you expectantly. “To go, please.”
“I’m sorry. Twelve?” you exclaimed, baffled.
“Sweet tooth.” he explained with a shrug. “Thank you for the talk. It helped a lot!”
You nodded, taking the money he owed you and feeling very confused about the whole exchange.
“Do come back!” you called after him when he was a few stools away from you.
“If these taste as good as they smell, you bet I will!” he replied with a smirk, lifting the bag with the turnovers.
After he left, the older gentleman paid for his cake and drink and left as well, but not before winking at you and fake whispering “If you don’t pounce on that hunk the next time, I will!”.
As he disappeared from sight, the man sitting closer to the door got up and locked it.
“Finally alone.” he declared in a heavy accent. “So, no useful intel from this first contact?”
“I wouldn’t say that.” you replied patiently. “Do not rush me. I haven’t been busting my ass here for the past six months for you to just show up and undermine my entire operation.”
“They sent me. They want a report.” he told you. “Do not shoot the messenger.”
His chuckling was grating, and much like your shift, your patience with him was coming to an end.
“I have to lock up. Pay up and make your way out. Please.”
“I’ll be around. Don’t look at me like that! Orders!” he barked at you upon seeing your scowl. “I’m redundancy!”
“Fine!” you said through your teeth. “Now leave. I’ve got shit to do.”
“Hail Hydra!” he whispered, not waiting for you to reciprocate. Spinning on his heels he left hurriedly.
“Yeah, yeah.” you grumbled.
So now you had a guard dog to watch your every step. Now, that he had finally entered the café.
You had a bad feeling about that.
Whatever you were expecting from Sargent James B. Barnes, former Hydra operative known as Winter Soldier, was not what you found.
Bringing him back in would be a task much more complicated than you had anticipated.
Two blocks away.
“Seriously? No coffee for me?” Sam asked outraged, rubbing his hands together while eyeing the bag in Bucky’s hand while he was still getting into the car. “So, what’s she like?”
“She’s been very well trained.” Bucky replied, his lips pursing in the familiar way that told Sam he wasn’t telling the whole story.
“Spit it out tinman, it’ll do you good.” he said,  while gesturing to the bag which Bucky still clutched.
“I think I trained her.” he confessed, handing an agape Sam the bag. “Close your mouth bird boy.” Bucky continued, serious.
“You mean the soldier trained her.” Sam replied, already expecting the old-timer to talk back.
“What’s the difference?” he countered, morose. “Back in Siberia I may have spent most of the time as the Soldier, but there were moments of consciousness.”
Sam chose not to reply. The bitterness was still there, despite all the work with Shuri.
He was beginning to regret accepting a Hydra linked mission from Hill, so soon after Bucky got his head back in shape. It would be devastating to watch the organization take all that progress away from him; to watch him be a prisoner of his own mind again.
“Those moments weren’t enough for Sargent Barnes to train anyone.” Sam told him, opening the bag, taking a turnover with a napkin and humming in appreciation before continuing. “She’ll be waiting for the Soldier, you’ll show her Bucky.”
Bucky looked at him baffled at his speech, and shook his head at the sizable bite Sam took out of the pastry.
“Steve was so much better at pep talks than you are.”
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siempre-pedro · 4 years
More Than One Way
Din Djarin x Reader 
Request: Hey! About the request, I was wonderin if you could please write a Dad! Din fic? I haven't found a lot in the fandom and I really like the scenario. Just for the drama, you could show how Din deals with it when the whole thing is unexpected and it puts him at odds with his creed, but in the end he chooses to step up as a father? Idk something like that lol. Thank you so much!
Word Count: 1k
A/N: I’m not an expert in Mandalorian code but I did my best!! Thank you for requesting Anon
Requests are OPEN
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Din stood paralyzed in place, his stomach jumping into his chest, and his blood running cold, standing in the middle of the green grass the ship landed on. The words Y/N spoke were muffled like he got hit hard on the head... but he heard them. "I'm pregnant," she told him, finally revealing the secret kept for a month. Her voice sounded broken, her confidence chipping away as he just stood there. The bounty hunter's body language was hard to read...he just stood there. 
Mind running rapidly, he speaks the words that became clear in his mind first, "this is not the way." This wasn't supposed to happen, he wasn't supposed to fall in love with her, a former pilot from Alderaan. He wasn't supposed to make love to her, his helmet off and her body pressed against his own. Fuck! He wasn't even supposed to be on this journey to protect the little green womp rat. 
His hands felt like they were beginning to shake, so he clenched them into tight fists, the rough seams of his gloves digging into the crevices of his palms. Y/N fought back tears, taking a step back defensively "T-there are other ways, Mando."  Her cheeks were turning red, the heat signature in his helmet becoming brighter. 
"I need to be alone," he stammers, turning on his heel to quickly retreat into the dense forest. He curses at himself in his head, how could he be so careless? The creed...his tribe was struggling, his clan... fuck he didn't have a clan it was just him. Him alone. Or at least that's what he was used to. 
The forest was dense, even having to take a knife out to cut through the tall leaves. He didn't know where he was or where he was going, but he needed to be far away. He was so used to running. 
Mando finally came to a stop when the denseness cleared and there were giant gray rocks in the center of some flat land. He felt like ripping his helmet off and flinging it far, the frustration was getting to him. Releasing a loud, painful groan he plops down on the cold rock. Letting his head lean back he mutters to himself "What have you done, Din?" 
Growing up with the Mandalorians, he never saw a woman pregnant...he never saw families, just foundlings like himself. Some of the other men in the tribe would remark about the women they were with on long bounties, and how they'd rather die than take care of a child if they had gotten one of the women pregnant. 
Perhaps that stuck with him, or maybe it was the trauma that resurfaced. What if he raised the baby, his baby and he died in a fight. His kid would suffer the same way he did, fatherless and alone. This lifestyle wasn't meant for a child, on the run, angry bounty hunters on their tail every time they stopped to refuge. 
What if Y/N got hurt or perished while she was pregnant? Din couldn't live with the consequences of the only woman he ever loved dying while carrying his child. Flashes of the horrible memories flooded his head, seeing the terrified look on his parents right before they shut the door. Din shook his head roughly, trying to get it out! 
Din had made up his mind at that moment! He was going to tell Y/N to go, take his necklace and she and the baby would be safe and he could continue searching for the child's real family. The green womp rat was safe with his force abilities but the one she carried was defenseless, he couldn't risk it. 
Getting off the rock he started to walk briskly towards the denseness of the green forest. A gust of wind picked up his cape and made him look up at the blue sky. He suddenly stopped walking, like his feet were glued to the floor...there were more thoughts, more like a vision, floating into his mind.
They were so vivid, just staring into the large leaves he saw these flashes. There was a child, a girl that had the beauty of her mother and the dark hair of her father, Mando was teaching her how to shoot a blaster. His hand pressed on her back to make sure she wouldn't fall. Her face lit up when she shot the metal cup. Din cheers and hugs her close, proud of his little one. 
There was another flash, one of a boy and the green child playing near the river, trying to catch the frogs that jumped away from them. Din shook his head and took a step back, he felt lightheaded from all the emotions he was feeling. 
"Daddy!" the voice inside his head giggled, it felt so real. Din's eyes opened wide, tears unknowingly fall from his eyes. Fuck. He had to get back to the ship! Nowhere in the code did it say he couldn't have a family, he would die trying to protect his little family...his clan. He would risk his life to protect them, always.
He rushed down the hill, pushing past the leaves, thankful he couldn't feel what was hitting him due to the beskar. He found Y/N sitting at the bottom of the ramp to the Razor Crest, her knees against her chest and he cheeks red. The kid exploring the flowers near her. 
"Y/N," he breathes heavily. Y/N's head perks up and he rises onto her feet, cautiously meeting him in the middle. Before he could speak she starts "I-I'm sorry, Mando," she sniffles. She looks down at her belly "W-we can go a-and find a doctor and they can get rid of th-" she's could off by Din's commanding voice. 
"No!" He pauses to lessen the boom of his voice "No," he repeats in a calmer tone of voice. His gloved hands reach for her shaky arms, trailing down to hold her hands in his "I'm sorry for the way I reacted, Cyar'ika." 
"You don't need to apologize," she responds meekly. 
"I do... I just needed to think and work through things," he explains "all I know is that I love you and that you and the kid a-and our baby are my clan." 
Tears flow freely from her face, her face lighting up in a wide smile "Din," she whispers happily, throwing her arms around him tightly. Our baby, she loved the sound of that! 
"I love you." 
"I love you too, Din...so much." 
They stood there for a while until he pulls away and taking off the armor around his wrist and takes off his glove. His hand gently touches her stomach, the blissful smile on his face concealed under his mask. 
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madhyanas · 4 years
I pronounce it as Yin hhahahah but also um đŸ‘‰đŸŒđŸ‘ˆđŸŒ are u going to share your poly fic with the class
i feel inordinately validated w getting an anon ask (also sorry this took so long wow i’m a hoe)
alright see anon i have a love for poly reader fics there’s a whole oberyn x reader x ellaria thing i want to talk about too asjdhgfsjhdgf 
@pettyprocrastination and @concussed-to-pieces really beat the shit out of me with their writing. in a really good way like i adore their poly content. also @wickedlyemma is simultaneously the best and the worst because her tua fics are what got me in this hellhole to begin with mwah
but the one i mentioned on the post you’re talkin about is a diego x fem!reader x lila fic for the umbrella academy. man it lives in my mind rent FREE. holy fuck. ok listen right just humour me for a sec.
this is about 1k lmao it really got away from me
not really what you’d call Good Writing but it’s a blurb that’s vaguely coherent please enjoy
(spoilers for s2)
s2 is where the gang finally find out they’re not the only ones w abilities, right? like they don’t know about the whole ‘43â€Č but they have an inkling. so: an au where lila STAYS, and after all that shit w the commission, the family gets back to the present and the next hyperfixation is to try and find these other super-powered people. (none of that sparrow academy shit alright - ben’s still hangin around - let me have my self-indulgent au where these kids catch a fuckin break)
It’s been a few months. The family takes in Lila as one of their own, but it’s stilted. Like a puzzle piece forced into the wrong space, made to mesh and fit in an image it doesn’t belong to. Everyone’s got their own shit to deal with after the time jump and very little time to make the effort to trust her. Five doesn’t even bother, and Luther’s inclined to agree with him. But that’s okay. They’re like her, in that they’re not normal. They’re all so laughably not normal. It’s so funny she cries. 
But she has Diego. Which is all Lila really cares about at the end of the day. They’re working through things. Things she put him through. Things he needs to let go. Things they need to talk about. Little by little, they make it work. No more secrets, not with each other. They love each other too much for all that pain, all over again.
But that’s family politics and emotional healing aight back to the romance. Listen ok maybe Five does his freaky investigation shit, maybe he digs up whatever records he can find of unnatural births on October 1st, 1989. Maybe he finds one of these unnatural kids and tracks em down to a flower store downtown - closer than any of them could’ve imagined, practically in the Hargreeves’ backyard. The owner is kind, pleasant. Boring, in Five’s words. You don’t seem anything out of the ordinary.
But even with a modest little greenhouse out back, you’re still in the middle of the city. With smoke, fumes, pollution. How are the leaves that healthy? How are the flowers that vibrant? How is it, that in your shop, no plant ever really seems to die? The flourishing life your shop fosters is beautiful, but uncanny. 
And yeah, sick of being treated like a knife in the back waiting to happen, maybe Lila volunteers for recon. To get away for a while. Some part of her is desperate for a mark, itching to get back to what she’s good at. Especially since the last one went... awry. 
Since they won’t trust her to go it solo, Diego gets dragged along as a handler supervisor. Perhaps because he’s the only one they think she won’t harm. Idiots. She’d never, not her boy. Not after the Kennedy clusterfuck. So Diego goes along, and to her surprise he’s actually looking forward to it. He knows the urge to stick to a lead like your life depends on it. He’s been that person before. God, he still is.
A honeymoon, she croons in his ear, and he snorts. His hand sliding into hers brings a grin to her lips and a warmth to her cheeks.
Out of all of them, Lila’s the least recognisable. She’s learnt how to blend in, how to appear innocuous. How not to appear at all. So she slides into the florist’s with ease, just another customer. And maybe the little gardener is cute. You smile at Lila like she couldn’t do anything wrong. You see her as a person, rather than a ticking time bomb. Your face falls meekly as Lila tells you she’s buying flowers for her boyfriend. You look so pretty when you’re flustered, scarcely breathing as Lila traces the smear of soil on your cheek, tucks that errant lock behind your ear. Oh, if only you knew.
Debriefing takes longer and longer as the days go on. Lila tells Diego with giddy excitement how you hum while watering the succulents, smile at the blooming buds like you’re proud of them. How you listen to Lila like she’s the only thing that matters and how your laugh sounds like the first break of spring. And Diego might take some convincing, but he can’t help but feel somewhat enamoured with the gardener. The idea of you, at least.
Falling for your mark. It’s so clichĂ©.
Even so, Lila gets to know you. So does Diego, living vicariously through surreptitious surveillance and Lila’s own love-struck recounts. 
Maybe they break protocol a little. Lila takes you out for coffee, learns your order. Learns that the care you attend to your plants with is applied to just about everything in your life. Including her. Maybe Diego begins to join you, discovering that all the hiding and sneaking around was pointless because the name ‘Diego’ doesn’t mean anything sinister to you. ‘Hargreeves’, though, they don’t mention. Not right now. You’re kind, not stupid, and if you do have the abilities they suspect, then any mention of the mythic family will send you running for the hills.
While Lila’s in the bathroom, Diego throws a light jab. Just to test the waters. Maybe you counter with something quick and cutting, raising a brow. And oh, how his heart flutters once he finds out you have thorns. Diego falls quicker than he realises, your sweet half-smile taking hold of his heart just like Lila’s sharp grin did, way back in ‘63. He decides, then and there, that Five doesn’t need to know about this. None of the others do.
Maybe they break protocol a lot, and show up at the flower shop one day, asking you to sit down. No more secrets, they remember. Not between them, and now, not with you. They tell you a story of cruel parents, superpowers and lonely children. Of death and rage and destruction. Of the apocalypse, which never happened yet apparently did, and how you died, a speck amongst billions. Of falling down a rabbit hole to the 60â€Čs, and falling all the way back again. They tell you who they are, who they think you are, and why they showed up in the first place.
Five definitely doesn’t need to know about this.
It’s... a lot. You need time to process, and they understand. They don’t like it, but Diego’s not Sir Reginald and Lila’s not the Handler. So they leave you be, thinking that’s that. Their florist, yet another mistake made by The Umbrella Academy, left in the dust. You feel confused and betrayed and heartbroken for a long while. Radio silence.
Until things get better. 
You show up at their apartment one evening, weeks later, holding a potted un-sprouted bulb, panting at the doorstep like you ran all the way there. They let you in without a word. You set the flowerpot on the table and god, you talk more than they’ve ever heard from you in one sitting. It’s rambling, not all that eloquent. But they understand what you’re saying, eyes softening at your misguided panic.
And then — shyly, as if they could ever deny you anything — you ask if they want to see. (It takes Diego’s elbow in her side to get Lila’s mind out of the gutter.) You dip your fingers into the soil, frowning gently in concentration. There’s a familiar pins-and-needles sensation in your fingertips, flowing through your nerves and into the moist earth. Absently, you worry if it’ll even work. These two have a tendency to throw you off guard.
But lo and behold, the dormant bulb unfurls before their eyes in a matter of seconds, springing forth a fresh green shoot, and a moment later, a starburst of golden petals. 
A daffodil, bobbing lightly on their coffee table.
ugh yeah lmao this got long but that’s the fic idea, anon. thanks for askin :)
and NO the super-powered kids aren’t related - in my mind the hargreeves’ were adopted/raised together and are therefore siblings and THAT’S why they shouldn’t date each other - but diego, lila and reader have no familial connection. at all. i’m not here for any pseudo-incest shit in this fic pls and thank u.
aha look at me writing blurbs for tua fics when i have a wholeass! paz fic! published! and u n f i n i s h e d ! alsdhfgalshdfg now i want to do more someone come scream at me about ezra and oberyn and ellaria and paz and boba and din and any other character under the sun
listen y’all i have a lot of IDEAS for various fics and i also have Zero self control - please ask me about them!!!! fuck it man ask me about anything odds are i’ll fuckin write it!!!!!! i am a desperate hoe!!!! i have no self-respect!!!!
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spnfamilystuff · 7 years
Request: Can I request a dean x reader where the reader is Deans sister and she comes out as gay? I've been thinking about coming out for a while now and I need something as a confidence booster? Thank you! Btw I love your blog!
Requested by: @heyyycasssbuttt
Tagging: @bloomingskulk @milligan-writes @youtubehelpsmesurvive @damiansbeloved
Pairing: Dean x Sister!Reader, Sam x Sister!Reader
Warning: If you’re homophobic or from this kind of crap, do not read it, you might have a brain! 
A/N: Sorry for posting this late! Was supposed to be last weekend! Sorry guys! Hope you like it, requests are open!
Words: +1K
We all get to this one special part of our teenage life where we start to know who we are, what we like, who we like. It’s not an easy phase to know who we like, if we’re into guys, girls, both, none...it’s not easy as we have to go through this alone, but when we do find out, we have to learn to accept it, to accept who we are; this should be the hardest part, but the hardest part is to tell your family, and when you’re a (your age) lesbian, and your brothers are hunters, coming out as gay isn’t easy. I see the struggle my brothers have to find love, what tells me that I will too? I have way fewer chances than them, and this is scaring me, I do not want to end up alone, I know I’m not going to grow old, but I do not want to die and never had found love, that is one regret I will never have on my death bed, no, no way that my last thought is about a love I could’ve had.
But for me to be happy and able to find love, I know I have to come out as gay to my brothers and it scares me.
I decide to get dressed up and go get breakfast. When I get to the kitchen there is already Sam, drinking coffee and reading God knows what on his computer.
Me: Mornin’.
Sam turns and looks at me.
Sam: Mornin’. How are you?
I take my cup of coffee and sit in front of Sam.
Me: Half awake. What you lookin’ at?
Sam shrugs. He’s looking for a case, a case that he doesn’t want me to get involved in it.
Me: What do you think it is? How many victims?
Sam sighs knowing that I wouldn’t give up on asking him or eventually find it out by myself.
Sam: I have no idea. In one week there have been five attacks. That thing kills people that are around a campfire in the forest or in the hills.
Dean comes in and hears half of what Sam said.
Dean: Well, what a joyful conversation in the morning, guys. Keep it up! 
I roll my eyes and look back at Sam.
Me: Give me your computer, two seconds.
I grab it and search for whatever this creature could be.
Me: It only happens in East of Tenessee, killing people around a campfire, in the forest or the hills? Hm.
You look at your coffee cup, tapping your finger on it, trying to remember.
Dean: What?
Me: I read something about it. In here, it says that victims that survived heard the monster scream before attacking them. But the police only found prints of paws of a cougar. It’s just... it reminds me something, I just can’t put my mind on it. 
You spent about ten minutes repeating it to yourself. “Forests and hills of East of Tenessee, campfire, screaming, paws of cougar...” Again and again, until Sam decided to call for Castiel.
Once Castiel arrived, Sam explained it to him and when you heard what Sam said you realized what it was, so did Castiel.
Castiel/You: It’s a Wampus Cat.
Dean: A what?
You: A Wampus Cat. Half woman, half cougar, it’s a curse. I do not know much about it, all I know is that one day some wizards were telling some sacred stories around a campfire, and she hid under a skin of a cougar, to listen to them but one wizard caught her and cursed her to be a monstrous cat, half cougar, half woman. Since this night, she is prowling in the forests and hills of east Tenessee and screaming to protest against her curse and swearing that she will get her revenge.
Dean: Great.
Sam: I guess she did.
You: I think she is just starting. I’m going to do some research about it. 
You take a notebook, and Sam’s computer and pour coffee in your cup. You start searching. 
You type “Wampus Cat” and read the first article.
“ The Wampus cat is often compared to the Ewah of Cherokee mythology, in that it was a woman who disguised herself in the skin of a cougar to spy on the men of the tribe, as they sat around the campfire with their wolf brothers, and told sacred stories on a hunting trip. When the woman was discovered, the tribe's medicine man punished her by transforming her into a half-woman, half-cat, who supposedly still haunts the forests of East Tennessee. The range of this creature has been tracked into the Carolinas as well. In folklore, it can be seen as one of a number of fearsome critters. In some sections of rural East Tennessee, the legend of the Wampus Cat takes on a more sinister tone. It is said that the Wampus Cat is a spirit of death and the earth, and when her cry is heard, it means someone is going to die and be buried within the next three days.”
You write it down and keep searching.
Sam and Dean were looking at you working.
Sam: She’s good at it.
Dean: Of course she’s good at it, she’s a Winchester. But no matter how good she is, she can get herself killed, Sam.
Sam: I know. But to be honest I rather have her hunting with us, than having her hunting alone.
Dean sighs, knowing that Sam was right.
You fall on another article, this one seems to have more details.
“They say that the Wampus cat used to be a beautiful Indian woman. The men of her tribe were always going on hunting trips, but the women had to stay home. The Indian woman secretly followed her husband one day when he went hunting with the other men. She hid herself behind a rock, clutching the hide of a mountain cat around her, and spied on the men as they sat around their campfires telling sacred stories and doing magic.According to the laws of the tribe, it was absolutely forbidden for women to hear the sacred stories and see the tribe's magic. So when the Indian woman was discovered, the medicine man punished her by binding her into the mountain cat skin she wore and then transforming her into a terrible monster - half woman and half mountain cat. Ever after she was doomed to roam the hills, howling desolately because she desires to return to her normal body.A man was hunting one night with his dogs when they both whimpered and ran off the path. At that moment, the woods were overpowered with a horrible smell like that of a wet animal that had fallen into a bog after it messed with a skunk. Then something howled on the path behind him and the man whirled around, dropping his rifle. His heart pounding with fear, the man found himself staring into the big, glowing yellow eyes of the Wampus Cat. The creature had huge fangs dripping with salvia. It looked kind of like a mountain lion, but it was walking upright like a man. Then it howled, and the man's skin nearly turned inside out in horror.With a scream of terror, the man leapt backwards and ran as fast as he could through the woods, the Wampus Cat on his heels. He fled to the home of a friend who lived nearby, and burst through the front door only a breath ahead of the creature. His friend slammed the door in the face of the Wampus Cat. Instantly, it started shuddering under the weight of the attacking monster. The man's friend grabbed his Bible and started reading aloud from the Psalms. Upon hearing the holy words, the Wampus Cat howled in frustration and then slowly abandoned its attack and went back into the woods.The man spent the rest of the night at his friend's place. When he went home at daybreak, he found his dogs huddled in the barn, shaken but still alive. The man never hunted after dark again.”
You look through the comments in case someone saw the Wampus Cat but fell on something else.
“ There has always been the tale of my Great-grandfather rushing home one night (in the 40s) out of breath with a face struck with horror. He had said he was walking along and the Wampus attacked him (in Knoxville). He said it took all his might and seemed like forever to fight the animal off. I never even bothered researching this story at all until now. I thought it was a name he had pulled out of the air to scare some people. No idea it was actual East TN folklore... “
You hum.
Sam: What did you find?
You: Someone’s great-grandfather fought the Wampus, but the comment is anonymous and from 2010. For all, we could know the grandfather is probably dead by now. Just give me some time to find more. 
Dean: Nothing on how to kill it?
You shake your head.
Sam: Maybe fire?
You: No, because fire is what actually attract it, I think that if it’s a curse...
Castiel: Only the magic that created the Wampus Cat--
You: --could kill it, or reverse the curse. 
Dean: Awesome! 
You: Still, we have the colt. 
You keep searching.
“ In Missouri they call it a Gallywampus; in Arkansas it’s the Whistling Wampus; in Appalachia it’s the just a plain old Wampus (or Wampas) cat. A half-dog, half-cat creature that can run erect or on all fours, it’s rumored to be seen just after dark or right before dawn all throughout the Appalachians. But that’s about all everyone agrees on. In non-Native American cultures it’s a howling, evil creature, with yellow eyes that can supposedly pierce the hearts and souls of those unfortunate enough to cross its path, driving them to the edge of sanity. “
You didn’t find more about, half of it all says the same about the Wampus Cat, sadly you didn’t find anything about how to kill it. You sigh loudly and put your head on the table.
Dean: Sup sis?
You look up at Dean and sigh.
You: I didn’t find anything to kill it, D. 
Dean: It’s okay, we have the colt.
You nod, putting your head back on the table.
Dean knew something was up with you, this had nothing to do with the case, he knew it but he couldn’t do anything if you didn’t want to open up to him.
Dean: Sweetheart, what’s wrong?
You look back at him.
You: Nothing, why?
Dean: Stop lying to me. I know you, ok? I know there is something wrong. Why don’t you tell me? You used to tell me when things were wrong.
You: It’s just...it’s different.
Dean: What’s different?! I’m still here for you! You’re my sister!
You: You just don’t get it, Dean! This is something I have to got through alone!
Dean storms out of the kitchen, leaving you alone. You sigh and slap your hand on the table.
You: Damn it.
You found out that it was really a Wampus Cat and only the colt could kill it. After you came back to the bunker you went straight to your bathroom taking a shower.
Sam: Okay what is up with you and Y/N?
Dean: I don’t know, I just asked her what was up with her this morning.
Sam sighs and sits down.
Sam: Dude, I told you to let her come to us when she will be ready to tell us what is wrong. She’s like you, dude! The more you push her, the less you will get from her!
You finish your shower, you dress up and go to your bed. You fall asleep instantly.
You were standing in the middle of the library watching Sam and Dean packing their things in duffle bags. You tried to move, to talk but you couldn’t. You knew somehow this is how it would’ve end, no matter what.
Dean: I can’t believe you hid this from us. You’re disgusting me.
Sam: You don’t know how much of a failure and disappointment you are.
Their words broke your heart, but their looks broke your soul. You watched them leave without being able to stop them. The sound of the door closing makes you realize they are gone. You react and run to the door but the more you ran the less you were getting to the door. You cried for Sam and Dean, but they were too far gone. Why would they want a lesbian as a sister?
You were calling out for Sam and Dean, once they heard you screaming their names they ran to your room with their guns, but once they realized you were having a nightmare, they put their guns down. 
You were in the library drinking coffee.
Dean: How are you doing?
You shrug. There is no way you would tell them. If they knew, they’d leave you. Right?
Sam: Okay I was up for the “let her tell us when she’s ready” plan but it’s getting worse. There is obviously something going on and it’s making you having nightmares, so spit it.
You mumble under your breath, looking at your cup.
Dean: What?
You sigh and look at them.
You: I’m...I...I’m g...I’m...I just can’t.
You stand up but Dean stops you.
Dean: You won’t go anywhere until you tell us what is wrong.
Sam: We’re worried, Y/N/N. Please talk to us.
You: I’m gay! I’m gay....
There was a silence until Dean broke it.
Dean: Wait, so you were having nightmares because...?
You: About you leaving me after you found out.
Sam: This ain’t news, Y/N.
You look at them shocked.
Dean: Sweetheart, you’re the one who comes to me to check out a chick!
Sam: And we see you when you watch they asses. We’re not blind.
You let a breath out, and some tears fall.
Dean: We love you, no matter what is your sexual orientation. Come here.
You hug Dean and Sam put a hand on your head.
You: I love you guys.
Sam: We love you too.
You didn’t know what you thought, your brothers stick with you after all of the mistakes you made, there is no way they would leave you for this, but you are grateful that you have such an amazing family. Sure, it’s little and broken, some of the members of it are dead, but in your line of work, death isn’t a goodbye it’s just a see you soon, and you were lucky, because, no blood, hell, heaven, gods, and demons that could come between you.
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dr0wning-in-hell · 8 years
Hybrids - Teen Wolf
Summary : Your a vampire-werewolf hybrid who just moved to Beacon Hills, only to find that you stepped right into the territory of an Alpha, a true alpha, but he’s not angry, instead he starts to grow feelings for you but doesn’t realize it.
Word Count : 1k+
Warnings : blood, death
Prompt : literally just came to me one night when I couldn’t sleep.
Pairing : hybrid!reader x teen wolf characters (soon to be Scott McCall)
A/N : there are going to be many parts to this series because I have a full story idea for this, so please enjoy!
master list |  requests | prompt list
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You never thought that you’d be in a school again. Not after your last incident. You weren’t nervous, you weren’t scared, you couldn’t feel any sort of emotion. As you were walked down to your first class at Beacon Hills you couldn’t help but catch a scent, the scent of other supernatural beings.
The principal of the school opened the door to your first class and the scent got stronger, and then you realized the scent was the scent of an alpha. If you had a pulse it sure as hell would have picked up.  The teacher of the class got the students attention and then the principal started to introduce you to the class.
“Everyone, this is Miss. Y/F/N Y/L/N. Her family are the very people who helped find and construct this town.” He smiled, looking over at you. You nod, a small, fake smile on your lips. He nods and then leaves, and you stand at the front with everyone’s eyes on you. The teacher smiled, walking over to you.
“Miss. Y/L/N, if you could please take a seat behind Mr. McCall.” She waved her hand to the side, gesturing the boy. When you looked over you knew, you knew that this boy was the Alpha; and you just stepped right into his territory. Walking over to the empty desk behind him you sit down, your eyes never leaving his ridged body. When he finally moved back to his original position you grabbed your supplies that you needed to for that class and tried to pay attention to what the teacher was trying to say.
After thirty minutes of not knowing what the hell the teacher was talking about you look over to your side to see a girl with strawberry blonde hair writing notes.
“Hey, what the hell does any of this mean? Fill me in on whatever this is?” You glanced over at the chalk board and then the red haired girl. When she looked over at you her eyes widened, as if she could tell what you really were. Blinking she nods and hands you a notebook with her notes in it. Thanking her you turn back to the front and trying to follow along.
The bell rang and everyone started to pack up, including yourself. Standing up you shoved your books in your backpack and hurried out of the classroom. You went on the rest of the day, some of your classes were with the Alpha and his friends. You couldn’t help but feel like they were all just staring at you, like they knew what you were. By the time lunch rolled around you’re veins felt like they were drying up, all because you hadn’t fed in days. The sound of blood pumping through everyone’s veins, it was just making your hunger worse. You pushed past the crowds of people. desperate to go anywhere, anywhere where there was no one else around. Stumbling, you end up finding your way into the boys locker room, the stench of sweat and stinky clothes over running your senses.
“Dude I’m telling you there’s something off about her, like really off.” A male voice said as him and another male started to walk into the locker room. The pang of your fangs unsheathing themselves made you scramble to your feet and run to a corner of the room. The foot steps got closer and closer, ringing in your ears and making your head spin. “She’s here.” The male voice said again, this time in a low whisper. You pressed your body against the wall, the scent of the male’s blood making your veins ache even more.
“Y/N? We know you’re in here, come out so we can talk, I’m not going to hut you.” You didn’t step out, you stayed put, staying in the corner of the room.
“You need to get out of here.” You growled, claws extending and digging into the wall. “Now. You got to get out now.” The footsteps started again and they got closer, until they finally reached you. You turned your body so that your back was facing the boys.
“You can look at us, anything we see won’t scare us.” One of the other boys says. You glanced down, feeling the urge to just turn around and rip their throats out, just to satisfy your hunger. A hand was on your shoulder, and before you could even think your instincts kicked in and you twisted around your hands shoving outwards and pushing the boy back, forcing his body into the lockers behind him. Snarling you bare your fangs, both vampire and werewolf. The boy who wasn’t pushed against the lockers quickly backed away, tripping slightly but not falling. The other boy though groaned as he stood up, his own claws and fangs extended, his eyes glowing red- like yours.
The force of your punch had just about drained the rest of your energy out, causing you to fall to the floor. They rushed over to you, helping you sit up against the wall. You swatted at them, trying to push them away.
“Hey, hey look at me. What do you need? Is there something that you need?” He asked. I shook my head.
“Blood, I need blood.” You muttered out.
“Scott we can’t give her blood. Where would we even get blood?” The other brown haired boy muttered. ‘Scott’ shrugged, eyes scanning the area.
“Give. Me. Your. Wrist.” You coughed, reaching out to Scott. He narrowed his eyes but raised his arm, wrist close to your mouth. Leaning forward you let your fangs extend again, the fangs sinking into his flesh, making him scream out in pain.
“Hey, hey let go! Let go of him.” The other boy shouted. It took you a minute to pull away, lips and teeth stained with his blood. You could slowly start to feel your strength getting back to you. The wounds on Scott’s arms healed quickly.
“I’m okay, Stiles, I’m fine.” Scott says, pulling his wrist back and rubbing it lightly. Sighing you rest your head against the wall.
“It’s the first day of school for me and I’ve already drank someone’s blood.” You laugh dryly, shaking your head. “I take it, you’re the alpha? I could smell you as soon as I got here.” You say, grunting as you stand up. Stiles and Scott stood up as well.
Stiles looked at you, eyebrows quirked. “What exactly are you?” He questioned, his head tilting slightly to the right.
“A hybrid.” You say bluntly. “And you’re human, and you’re a werewolf.”
Scott held his hands up. “So you’re another chimera? But we thought there weren’t any more.”
You shook your head. “I’m not a chimera, yes hybrids and chimeras are the same but no. I’m not like them, I didn’t have a skin graph or transplant to make me a genetic chimera, hybrids are a mix of two different things. I was here way before the chimera.” The two boys looked so utterly confused it was kind of funny. “I’ve been alive for centuries.” 
“She’s a what?”  Some girl snapped. You couldn’t remember her name and Scott and Stiles had just introduced you to their ‘pack’.
“A hybrid, Malia, and her name is Y/N.” Scott said.
“But aren’t hybrids just like chimeras?” Another girl asked. She had black hair, and dark eyes. A groan came out from Y/N.
Rolling her eyes she says, “For the love of god, chimeras and hybrids are not the same.” Another one of the pack, Liam you think, asks another question.
“What exactly are you? If you’re a combination of two things, then what are you?” It was after school, Scott and Stiles had dragged you to Scott’s house so he could introduce you to his pack. This meant that I could possibly- possibly- show them what you were.
“You’ve all heard of vampires, correct? Heard that they die and then come back to life, feed off of people, only walk out at night because the sun burns them?” They all nod, and you lower you head, closing your eyes. When you look up your eyes are blazing red, brighter than Scott’s alpha eyes. Everyone jumps back from you. “Well let’s just say that vampires and werewolves are a pretty damn good hybrid.” Blinking once your eyes go back to their normal E/C.
“So that’s why you said you needed blood, back at the school.” Scott said, not seeming so fazed by what you just did. You nod. “But if your eyes are red, does that mean your Alpha?” Groaning again you roll your eyes.
“Do you guys ever stop with the questions?” Sighing you lean against the counter. “I was a werewolf before a hybrid, I was an alpha, one of the first actually, but when I was helping one of my betas on the night of a full moon something
something came at us. It sliced through my beta’s throat then took me. I thought he was going to kill me but instead he slit his wrist them forced his blood down my throat. He grabbed my head, then whispered, “You are my new breed, new breed of hunter. You will be my creation.” Then after that he snapped my neck, and I died.” You explained. If you could breathe you wouldn’t even be able to breathe because of horrifying it was to remember this. “I woke up two days later, hungry, hungrier then I had ever been and then I saw the guy who turned me into this and I don’t know what came over me but I lunged at him and drank his blood, but it wasn’t enough. I walked back to where my pack was, they had been looking for me but all they found was the dead beta. The smell of the blood took over and I killed them. I killed them all.” Tears had brimmed your eyes by the time you had finished telling your story.
A hand was on your shoulder and you looked to your side, Scott’s hand on your shoulder. He gave you a soft smile, one of which you tried to return but you couldn’t. “If you can’t go on, it’s alright.” He says softly. I shrug.
“There’s nothing more to say, I’ve lived on, killing, and running from hunters.” You shrugged. It was silent. To silent.
“I should probably go, my parents are going to wonder where I am.” Liam said as he stood up. Everyone said goodbye, telling him they’ll see him tomorrow. Soon enough everyone started to leave and you and Scott were the only ones left. You rocked back on your heels, biting the inside of your cheek.
“I should probably go too, I need to feed anyways.” As you started to walk towards the front door he grabbed your wrist. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to kill anyone, I’m just going to find an animal and kill that.” You shrugged. Scott sighed then grabbed a helmet.
“You don’t have to do that, we’re taking you to the hospital. I’m sure my mom will give you a few blood bags.” Raising an eyebrow at him you debate on arguing with him but go against it. “She knows all about this kind of stuff, it’s okay.” You nodded and the two of you walked out to his bike.
“I’ll meet you there, I’m probably faster than your bike anyways.” You say. He raises an eyebrow and you chuckle. “Vampire speed and werewolf speed come in handy.” Scott nods, a small smile on his face as he chuckles.
“Meet you there than.” And with that you ran to the hospital, beating Scott by nearly 10 minutes.
You leaned against the wall of the hospital, picking at your finger nails as you waited for him. When his green bike pulled up you pushed your body off the wall. Scott walked up to you, smiling then opened the front doors of the hospital. As soon as you walked in the smell of blood intruded your nostrils. Scott rushed to the front desk to find no one there. He looked around until he saw his mom, a woman in dark purple scrubs with her dark hair pulled back into a ponytail.
“Mom! Hey, I need to ask you for a favor.” She sighed as she looked at her son, her gaze slowly drifting over to you.
“Who’s she?” Scott turns around and motions for you to come over to them. You did, holding your arms around your stomach.
“Mom, this Y/N. Y/N this is my mom, Melissa.” You nodded. Melissa looked at her son, raising her eyebrow.
“What’s the favor?” Scott dragged his mother to a secluded corner then explained everything to her. By the end of the story she let out a loud breathe.
“Wow, okay then, and yet here I thought I saw it all.” She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, nodding the two of you. “Okay, I can you get two, maybe three bags of blood tops, and you have to be fast.” A smirk spread across your face, your eyes blazing red.
“Oh, I’ll be fast.”
Melissa guided the three of you to where the blood bags were, using her keycard to open the door. She nodded and you rushed in, leaving a gust of wind behind. You grabbed two bags, then rushed out. holding them in your hands.
Scott couldn’t help but smile as he watched your H/C fall around your face as you came back. He didn’t want to admit it, but he felt a connection with you, even if he had only known you for a few hours.
“Alright, so how are you going to get out of here? It’s not like everyone downstairs just won’t see you holding blood bags.” Melissa stated. Quirking an eyebrow you silently ask, ‘really?’ She nods. “Right, super speed, they won’t be able to see you.”
“Yep, so you and Scott go back down to the lobby act like nothing happened, Scott will open the doors, and I’ll be out before anyone can see anything.” The mother and son nod, doing what you said and going downstairs. You bounce on the balls of your feet, listening intensely to the sound of Scott and Melissa going back downstairs. When you knew that the doors were open you zipped down the stairs, out the door and to Scott’s bike. He jogged down the steps then reached you.
“So where are you going now? Do you have a place to stay?” You shrugged, doing your best to hide the bags full of the red fluid.
“Not really, I ran out of money to pay for my motel room, and if I don’t get these bags into a fridge I won’t be able to drink them.” Sighing you look directly into Scott’s eyes. He smiled as he handed you another helmet. You chuckle and he rolls his eyes.
“You can come back with me. You can stay at my place, but only if you want to of course.” You smiled back at him, taking the helmet. He swung his legs over the body of the bike and you followed suit, putting on the helmet even though you really didn’t need to. Scott drove the two of you home, the blood bags sitting tightly in your hands as you held yourself onto Scott. When you got back to the house you both walked in and put one of the blood bags into the fridge, letting it cool.
“Do you have any straws?” You asked. Scott nodded, walking over to a cabinet and throwing you a straw, which you easily catch. You poke the straw through an opening in the blood bag and sip, letting the thick, red liquid slide down your throat. Sighing in relief you close your eyes, rolling your head back. “Tastes so much better than an animal’s blood.” You say, leaning against the table. You drink the blood in silence, Scott watching you from the other side of the kitchen. When the blood bag is empty you look over at him, your teeth stained red. He chuckles, filling a glass with water and handing it to you. You drink a bit, washing the blood off of your teeth and lips.
“So I’m not entirely sure if you sleep or not, but if you do you can sleep in my room? You can take the bed and I’ll take the chair, and you can wear one of my shirts if you want.” Scott rambles on as you walk up to his room. You chuckle and shake your head.
“I’ll be okay, Scott. I don’t usually sleep, but since my body is so weak it wouldn’t hurt, I guess. And I don’t need one of your shirts, I usually sleep in my clothes anyway.” Scott chuckled and nodded. You sat on his bed looking around his room. You glanced at him, only catching a glimpse of his toned back as he took off his shirt and put on his pajama shirt. You looked away, fiddling with your thumbs. When Scott finished getting himself ready for bed he grabbed a blanket from the end of his bad and sat in the chair a few feet away from you, wrapping himself up in the thick material. You scooted over to one side of the bed, patting the space beside you.
“You don’t have to sleep on the floor, Scott, we can share the bed.” You slid under the covers, even though they wouldn’t do much for you anyways. Sighing, Scott gets up from the chair, sliding under the covers next to you. He reached over and turn off his lamp. You turned onto the side opposite of Scott, your back facing him. “Night Scott.” You mumble, closing your eyes.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
The next morning you woke up to feel a heavy weight on your left hip. Twisting your head a bit your surprised to see a sleeping Scott right next to you with his arm draped over your body. You wriggle out from his grasp a bit, only to fall on the floor and make a loud thud. Scott bolted up right, looking down at you from his bed.
“Y/N? How long have you been down there?” He asks, voice groggy and eyes still full of sleep. Groaning you get yourself up.
“Only a few seconds, sorry I didn’t mean to wake up you.” You say. He shrugs and rubs his eyes.
“It’s fine, I need to get ready for school anyways.” Scott got up from his bed, trudging over to the bathroom and shutting it behind him. You take this time to zip down to your motel, grabbing your bags and then get back to Scott’s house. You change while he in the shower, putting on black skinny jeans, a black crop top, a leather jacket, ad then combat boots- this was usually what you wore. You tied your hair up in a ponytail, leaving a few strands down to frame your face.
The door to the bathroom swung open and Scott walked out, a towel wrapped around his waist and water dripping down his chest. You couldn’t help but stare at his fit body, his toned muscles flexing at his slightest movements. You looked away when he look up at you, a smirk dancing on his lips. You turned your back, allowing him to change. When you turned back around Scott was fully dressed, his shoes and backpack already on.
“Let’s get to school, don’t want to be late.” He said. You nodded, grabbing your bag. As you walked down to the front door you stop, turning around and grabbing the blood bag and draining it within seconds. Scott watched, seeming amazed by you. You let out a relieved sigh and walked out the front door, leaving Scott there with him watching you run down to the school.
It only took you a few minutes to reach the school. You opened the doors to the school, quickly catching the scent of Scott’s pack. You follow the scent to one of the lockers in the hallway, the group standing there talking. You walked up, half expecting them all to walk away or push you out of the group but they didn’t, they let you in with welcoming smiles and open arms.
“Hey Y/N.” Lydia, said. You were surprised you remembered her name, since you could only remember Liam’s, Scott’s, and Stiles’s.
“Did you see Scott on your way here?” Stiles had asked. Just as you were about to answer you could smell Scott running up to you all.
“I’m right here.” He said smiling. The group smiled at him then walked down to their first class, dropping Liam off at his sine he wasn’t in any of their classes, and then the rest of you got to your shared first period. Lydia, Stiles, Kira, and Malia (the girl who’s name you couldn’t remember for shit) walked into the class, but you didn’t because you felt a hand pulling you back.
You looked over at Scott, your eyebrows furrowed and your head tilted a bit. “I like it when your hair is down.” Is all he says, before letting go of your wrist and walking into the class.
You took your hair down from it’s position, walking into the class with a smile on your face.  
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yoongiyoongiicecream · 8 years
Winter Heat | Park Chanyeol
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Summary: Camping, a night under the stars, making smores at the bonfire and snuggling under a thousand blankets - sounds perfect right? Unless you hate everything about it then you’re pretty much screwed.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1k+
Author’s note: So, I finally found two seconds to sit down and complete something - it isn’t that amazing but it was legit all I had time to do. And I barely proof-read so there might be the odd error or two.
materlist ‱ request
Honestly I thought I was at the peak of my anger. I thought I was at the point where I couldn’t be pushed any further. My veins were fizzling with my hot blood and my hands were balled into tight fists; I was borderline furious. However as we continued our hour-long trudge up the side of the muddy hill I felt a completely different degree of fury. 
“What. The. Fuck.” It wasn’t a question it was just the most simple exclamation of my rage I could think of. The two boys who were leading the little ‘expedition’ turned to face me at my sudden outburst but I had my eyes shut avoiding the disaster below me.
“What’s wrong now?” Sehun whined rolling his eyes in slight annoyance - he’s lucky I didn’t see it or I would’ve thrown him off the edge. 
“My fucking shoe!” They both moved their eyes to my shoe eyes widening once they realised the problem. “Is it bad? Please tell me it isn’t bad.” I definently heard the squelch of something much too thick to be mud but I was too afraid to actually glance down and examine it for myself.   
“Well, your shoes definently aren’t white anymore.” Chanyeol mumbled trotting down to where I was still standing. “Here just jump on my back and I’ll carry you to the campsite.”
“Why don’t you just carry me back home.” I retorted bending down to remove my now ruined yet very expensive trainers. 
“You know I can’t do that.” Yeah, I did know that but it never stopped me from asking. Sehun planned the camping trip because it was something he always wanted to do but never had time for. Now, that their promotions were over he decided to do it and drag Chanyeol along with him which meant somehow i got dragged into it as well. Chanyeol was well aware of my hate for anything outdoorsy that involved mud and bugs yet he insisted I joined promising ‘a night of fresh air and fun’. More like a night of no-heating and wifi. 
“Why can’t you just find a way to enjoy this?” Chanyeol said as we continued our way up the hill with me clinging to his back like a baby chimp. 
“Because I hate being more than 2 metres away from a fridge and you know that.” He laughed making me vibrate. We barely got anytime to spend with one another so the fact that we were wasting our rare free night camping made me a little more than pissed.“Why couldn’t we just stay home where it’s warm?”
Chanyeol sighed pulling me further into him. “Just try and have fun, please, for Sehun’s sake. He’s been nagging me about this trip for weeks and I just want to get it over and done with, okay?”
I groaned resting the tip of my nose in the nook of his neck. He was right, as per usual. it wouldn’t be fair if I ruined Sehun’s only free night so I may as well make the most out of my sticky situation. “Fine. I’ll put on my best toothpaste commercial smile whilst I shiver and die of hypothermia.”
“That’s my girl. Hey, maybe you’ll realise camping isn’t all that bad.”
As if.
The tents were set, the fire was crackling and Sehun had found new, magical ways to successfully piss me off even more than I already was. I was curled in a blanket by the fire stealing all its warmth whilst staring at ‘no signal’ in the corner of my phone when I felt a tickling sensation on my shoulder. Thinking it was my hair I just shrugged it off focusing on trying to stay warm. And that’s when I saw it. The hairy, eight-eyed thing staring up at me. I shrieked flinging the blanket from me to aggressively try and get rid of the creature. It’s little fingers were clinging to the fluff of my jumper and it wouldn’t budge.
“Help!” I screamed summoning both boys from their tents. They looked petrified when they saw me dancing around crazily waving my arms and hair. “Seriously guys this things gonna kill me!”
Chanyeol walked over to me slowly trying to swat it away with his hands but it was increasingly hard when I was twirling round in circles. “If you could just stay still this would be much easier.”
I froze shutting my eyes so I wouldn’t even see the giant thing. All I could feel was Chanyeol’s gentle hand float over my body before he was saying: “Done.”
With my heart-rate back to normal I opened both my eyes still in a state of fear and shock. Chanyeol looked generally concerned for my mental state whereas Sehun was having the time of his life doubling over in laughter. My mind went blank and all I could see was red. That punk really had the nerve to laugh when the only reason I was stranded in the wilderness was because of him.
“Sleep with one eye open Oh Sehun.” I spat marching past the cackling maknae to my sleeping arrangement for the night.
“Maybe you should there might be more spiders in there.” He chuckled holding onto a tree stump for support. I was so ready to strike his smug little face, in fact I was already making powerful strides towards him, but the look Chanyeol gave me made me simply breathe and turn back to the tent muttering curses under my breath. 
Later on in the ‘comfort’ of the tent Chanyeol returned with a bag full of snacks. I wasn’t even hungry but I still reached for the biggest back of crisps I saw. Maybe it was the anger.
“Thank you for this.” I shrugged tearing the bag open with vigour. “No seriously, thanks for doing this for him. It means a lot to me.”
Hearing those words instantly made my irritation fade away. I put down the bag of crisps to face him. He looked so cute with his nose slightly red from the cold and the tips of his ears blushing. Just looking at him filled me with comforting warmth. 
“Don’t worry about it yeolie, you know I would do anything for you and that spoiled brat.” He bellowed in laughter reaching forward to cup my chilled cheeks.
 “Jagi, you’re freezing! Let me keep you warm.”
Without warning he lifted my blanket and snuggled underneath it wrapping his strong arms around my torso. I relaxed into him reviling in the feeling of him so close. He was so warm despite the freezing temperatures outside. 
“How are you so warm when I’m literally a snowman?”
He chuckled pressing himself closer into my shivering form. 
“I don’t know, maybe it’s my winter heat?”
Thanks for reading x
+A/N: I actually planned to write more for this but I’m so tired and i still have so many unfinished scenarios to tend to. (and unfinished homework smh)
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