#thank u for blessing my monday hot couple
viaetor · 1 year
im having a bisexual crisis for the 9292028th time in my life
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Bless The Broken Road - 33
Valentine’s Day
“You almost ready?” Spencer called down the hall to Jane.
“Yeah, just getting my shoes on!” she yelled back from the bedroom. A few seconds later, she walked out into the living room. “Ready,” she told him.
“You look beautiful,” he told her, wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Thank you.” Jane smiled and looked him over. “You look hot yourself.”
A blush covered his cheeks and she reached up to kiss him. Before it could go any farther, she broke away and went to grab her purse and keys from the hook by the door.
“We should get going. We don’t want to keep Will and JJ waiting,” Jane chuckled.
Spencer agreed and they headed out.
The couple was meeting Will and JJ for a Valentine’s Day dinner double date. The four enjoyed a lovely night of fun and conversation.
When they arrived home, Spencer started kissing Jane, moving his hands to the straps of her dress.
She gently pushed his hands away and broke the kiss, deciding not to go any farther for the night. Instead, the couple chose to change into pj’s and cuddle on the couch with Shortstack while watching a movie.
A few days later, February 16th, it was a paperwork day at work.
Throughout the day, Jane found ways to tease Spencer. She’d actually wanted to do stuff on Valentine’s Day but decided against it. It had been weeks since they last slept together and she was missing the feel of his body on hers.
When they arrived home, they wasted no time, moving quickly to the bedroom. Her teasing had worked. The pair began making out, hungry for each other’s touch.
Wednesday, March 14th.
Jane stared at the pregnancy test in her hand. It read positive, but she refused to let herself feel happy about it yet. She needed confirmation from a doctor to really believe that the test was right this time. Jane stuck the test deep into the trash can, covering it with some other trash so that Spencer wouldn’t see it.
During lunch, Jane went to the doctor alone. This time the doctor had good news.
She really was pregnant.
Jane smiled to herself as she drove back to work. Along the way, she brainstormed a way to tell Spencer the good news.
Everyone was almost ready to go home for the day when a case came in at the last minute.
The team was briefed before flying to Illinois. Upon landing, Jane and Morgan were sent to the crime scene, an alleyway.
“There’s not much blood here. It’s likely this was merely the dumpsite and not where the UNSUB killed him,” Jane observed.
Morgan was about to respond when a shot rang out from the end of the alleyway. They both jumped behind a dumpster and pulled out their own guns, firing back.
There were two guys shooting at them. Jane managed to hit one in the leg, knocking him down to the ground. When his partner got shot, the other took off. Morgan ran after him while Jane went to handcuff the other and called for an ambulance. A few minutes later, Morgan returned, guiding the other shooter in handcuffs back to the alley.
Local police and EMTs arrived to take care of the two men. As the men were being treated for their injuries, Jane noticed they shared the same tattoo on their necks.
Morgan and Jane headed back to the police station, letting the local police take care of getting the two to the station for interrogations once the EMTs were done treating them.
As soon as they arrived, Spencer embraced Jane.
“I’m fine,” she assured him, speaking into his shoulder. When he let go, she scanned the room and located the deputy sheriff.
“Would’ve been nice of you to mention we were going into a gang’s territory,” she yelled at him. “You failed to mention that. Did it ever occur to you that they might have something to do with these murders?”
“Addison,” Hotch warned.
“You could’ve gotten us killed today!”
“Addison, outside!” Hotch demanded.
Jane sighed and reluctantly obliged to the unit chief’s order.
“He should’ve told us the crime scene was in a gang’s territory!” she argued as soon as they were alone.
“Yes he should’ve, but you yelling at him about it isn’t going to do us any good right now,” he pointed out.
Jane sighed then nodded. “I know, I know. I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me,” she apologized. She ran a hand over her stomach. “I’ll find time to apoligize to him later, if you want me to,” she offered.
“You do what you feel is right,” he told her. “Now let’s get back to the case.”
The rest of the case, Hotch only assigned her roles that kept her in the police station. Jane suspected that he somehow knew she was pregnant.
One day, JJ found Jane in the bathroom, kneeling beside a toilet.
“Jane, are you alright?” she asked.
“Yeah,” Jane told her, getting up and moving to the sink to wash her hands.
“Are you sure?”
Jane turned to her. “Spence doesn’t know yet, but I’m pregnant,” Jane shared with her.
“Oh my god! That’s so exciting! Congratulations!” JJ cheered, stepping forward to give her a hug.
“I think Hotch knows too somehow,” Jane chuckled. “Ever since I lashed out at the deputy sheriff he’s been giving me jobs that keep me here. But please don’t tell anyone else yet. Spencer really should’ve been the first to know. I was going to tell him the day this case came up, but now I’m waiting until we get home,” she explained.
“Your secret is safe with me,” JJ assured her.
They’d located the UNSUB and were about to head out to the address Garcia had given them.
Before she could follow the others, Hotch pulled her aside. “I think you should stay behind, Addison,” he told her.
“What? No. Hotch, please let me go with. I’ll stay in the back,” Jane pleaded.
Hotch sighed. “Fine, but be careful.”
“Thank you,” she told him before following him outside to meet with everyone else.
They managed to apprehend the UNSUB with no casualties. Afterwards, they headed to the jet to fly home.
Sunday, March 18th.
Jane leaned against the kitchen countertop, scrolling on her laptop.
Spencer walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“What are you looking at?” he asked her.
Jane smiled at his touch and glanced at him over her shoulder. “Just browsing houses. Seeing if there’s any nice one’s in our budget.”
“What’s wrong with our apartment?” he asked.
“Nothing. I just thought it’s time to own property rather than spend money on rent each month,” she explained. She paused for a moment before adding, “And with our growing family, we’re going to need more space.”
She turned around to face him, gauging his reaction to her words.
“Wait, growing family?” he asked, his brow furrowing.
“Mhmm,” she grinned. “I’m pregnant,” she finally spilled.
“Oh my god! That’s amazing!” he cheered, his eyes going wide in excitement. He picked her up and spun her around in happiness then set her back down and kissed her.
“How long?” he asked when he broke the kiss.
“I’ve known since the first day of the last case. I was going to tell you but the case got in the way,” she explained. “JJ and Hotch already know. JJ walked in on me in the bathroom when I was throwing up from morning sickness and I’m pretty sure Hotch figured it out for himself. But I can’t wait to tell everyone else!”
The next day was a paperwork day. At one point in the afternoon, Jane walked over to Spencer’s desk to speak with him.
“So when do you think we should tell them?” she asked him in a hushed tone.
“Tell us what?” Garcia questioned, somehow managing to hear her despite her effort to keep her voice quiet. “You have news? How exciting! Please share!”
Jane saw JJ and Morgan look up from their desks upon hearing Garcia.
Spencer chuckled. “I guess right now would work.”
“I’ll go ask Rossi and Hotch to come here,” Jane said.
Once the team was all gathered, Jane wrapped an arm around Spencer and said, “We just wanted you all to know that we’re gonna have a baby!” she cheered, placing her free hand on her stomach. “I’m pregnant!”
Everyone broke out in cheers and words of congratulations, each taking turns stepping forward to hug the happy couple.
As Hotch took his turn to hug Jane, she asked, “You already knew, didn’t you?”
“I had a hunch,” he admitted.
Saturday, March 31st.
Jane sat back on her heels and flushed the toilet yet again. She’d been sick all day with morning sickness. Up until this point, it had been pretty mild. Today, however, it was terrible.
Convinced she was finished throwing up for now, she exited the bathroom and headed back out to the living room where Spencer was sitting on the couch. She crawled into his lap, tears falling onto her cheeks.
“Why is it so bad?” she cried.
“I’m sorry, Janey,” he comforted her, rubbing her back.
Over the next few weeks, the morning sickness finally came to an end.
Spencer helped Jane zip up her dress and put her necklace on before turning her around and giving her a small peck on the lips.
“You look beautiful,” he told her.
“Thank you,” Jane replied. “And you look dashing,” she added with a small laugh.
“Shall we head to Rossi’s?” he asked.
“Yeah, let’s go,” she agreed.
They were having a celebration at Rossi’s that night. Actually, they were helping Will surprise JJ with a surprise wedding.
It still seemed odd to Jane when she thought about the fact that she and Spencer got married before them, especially considering the other couple had been together longer and had a son together.
It was a beautiful ceremony and reception, both held in Rossi’s big backyard.
Jane smiled and rested a hand on her growing belly as she watched Spencer play with Henry. She couldn’t wait to watch him interact with their own child.
Monday, June 4th.
“Jane, I already told you. I don’t want you in the field while you’re pregnant!” Spencer argued.
They were driving into work when an argument broke out about Jane and the baby’s safety on the job.
“Spence, I understand you’re concern, but I don’t need to stay behind. I want to keep working cases with the team until I’m not allowed to fly anymore,” Jane insisted.
Spencer sighed and shook his head without saying anything else.
They continued to drive in silence for a few minutes before Jane spoke up again.
“How about this: I still go with the team on cases, but I stay at the local headquarters?” she offered as a compromise.
Spencer thought it over before agreeing.
When they arrived at the BAU, Garcia was waiting to inform them that a new case had come in.
Jane put headphones on her now visible baby bump, a suggestion that was made by JJ. She alternated the kind of music she put on. Sometimes it was Mozart, sometimes it was the Harry Potter soundtrack.
Around the same time that her belly started to show, Spencer began to talk to the baby by laying down next to Jane with his face next to her bump.
“Hi, little one,” he cooed. “I can’t wait to meet you. I’m going to love you so so much.”
Jane giggled, finding the whole thing absolutely adorable.
The couple also decided to start reading to the baby, reading a chapter of Harry Potter each night.
Over time, Jane began to get food cravings, causing Spencer to make frequent trips to the grocery store for ice cream and strawberries. Delicious separately, but nauseating when paired together, Jane found out.
What started out as a way to tell Spencer that she was pregnant turned into a serious search for a house they could call their own. Morgan helped them out, as he had several renovated houses. In the end, they decided to buy on that Morgan renovated himself.
On June 23rd, they team worked together to help them move into their new house. Jane wasn’t allowed to help, per Spencer’s orders, so she guided the others by telling them where to put things.
After all was put away and everyone else headed home, Spencer wrapped his arms around Jane from behind. Jane wrapped her own around his, hugging him back.
“Welcome home,” he told her.
A little over a week after moving in, Jane and Spencer hosted a get together for the 4th of July. The party also served as a house-warming gathering to celebrate their new home.
Bless The Broken Road Masterlist
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@cynbx @neon-deanmon @drw0301bieber @notsosmartbutcute​ @banananna99 @lydklein1
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rosey-writes · 6 years
Eliot- Violin, Marimba, Fiyero- Bagpipes, Jason- Harp, Jonathan- Oud, Sparks- Recorder, Matthias- Organ, Axel- Harpsichord, to the mod- Marimba, Hai Lin- Trumpet, sorry for such a long one, you don’t have to do them all!
mSorry I took for literal ever, I wanted to make sure they were all good, hopefully I succeeded! I’ll try to be faster next time Eliot
Bravon’s going to call me an ‘emo bitch’ for this, but- I don’t get sad all too often. Never have. Usually it comes out as me being pissed, which I personally find much more useful. Even at things that do make me sad instead of the much more useful anger, I do everything in my power to turn it into anger- to find a problem and solution and do it. I don’t believe in lying down and accepting whatever happened. You move on and you break whatever did it to you, or you die trying.
As for my ‘defining trait’? I have no fucking clue- let me go ask Bravon and Axel.
(Ten. Minutes Later)
Well Bravon said it was that I’m bottom, and Axel said it’s that I can make great hot chocolate so they’re useless. 
I guess if not those, I don’t fucking know- I guess I’m resilient? If that’s the word? I don’t like inaction, not doing anything to me is worse than self destruction. Humans weren’t meant to take being pushed down, you keep going even if it hurts you more. 
How sweet of you for asking ❤️
My heritage is my lifeblood. Why wouldn’t it be? Not everyone is lucky enough o be a Deamorte, why wouldn’t I show it as much as I could~ We’ve been celebrities since Venice, what’s there not to be proud of! ❤️ 💖
As for country wise, while I admit I’m not the largest fan of my hair, I love my Irish background from my father’s side, they’re such a fiery people, how could I not? And my mother’s Roman ancestry is the reason I have the gifts I do- the bedrock of civilization and all that. And nothing in this world could compre with the marble streets of Italy.
Of course, I would love to add some more Irish to the family line, right, @liliesinwrittendreams ?
Bagpipes? Really? You pick the most lame-ass instrument there is? Whatever- least I got a better ask than Johnny. Good luck to that creep explaining his shitty parents. 
Anyway- pride? In my heritage? I mean, gotta say, I’m white as fuck. We’re Mayflower bitches. Some of the first police officers in the state, went back since for literal ever. Pretty proud I guess, police, generals, pretty badass. But I don’t really like relating to my old man unless I have to.
Fuckin’ dick.
I drink a lot of beer? That count as ‘showing my heritage’? Fuck it, sure, love German beer. We’ll call it that.
I don’t know why Jason would think I wouldn’t want to answer this, I love my family, all of them, even the...problem child, Jason grew up to be.
Well, not ‘grew up’. He was always like this. Throwing my dolls in the river and all that.
It’s a hard call, honestly, between Jason and my ma, but, I’m sure you’ve all heard enough about Jason to last a lifetime.
[”Jonathan you creepy fuck stop trying to write me ou-]
Ignore him. He got his attention seeking from father.
Besides that, I’d say my ma’s the one who taught me. She fell sick when I was younger, so I was the one who took over the farm work, especially when Jason left to move to the city with father. Seeing her so weak, helpless, the woman who gave life, who held me when I was crying as a child, protected me from my father’s rampages, would jump in front of his fist in the name of protecting her child, I learned just how important it was to protect the weak.
That’s why I know it’s my callin’ in life, protecting what can’t protect themselves. Animals, children, weaker adults. Even if my mother is no longer in this world-bless her heart- I’m still around to keep her legacy around. 
And, if I can say anything about it, I’m goin’ to make a world safe for people like her.
Oh, gosh, I-I, I don’t remember much of when I was a kid. I spent a lot of time inside, we were traveling all the time, s-so I didn’t get much of a chance to make friends. I had a lot of siblings, though, who were always with me, I loved a lot! I don’t keep in much contact with them anymore, my older sister, Mai, tries to call me sometimes but, u-usually it’s to try and get me to join It Works...
Oh! I remember it. It’s like a really really specific thing but...
When I was a kid, really young, I got picked on a lot. I was kinda weird, had- have- a gaptooth, didn’t really get other kids. A couple kids started messing with me, pushing me to the ground and I hurt my arm really bad on the school steps.
I guess...I just remember really clearly how I felt in that moment. Well, that, that I didn’t feel. I’d seen in every movie, seen other kids in that moment, they’d cry, they’d feel bad and...
I didn’t.
I wanted to. I tried to talk mean to myself while they did it. I repeated the names they called me, I called myself ugly and stupid and a freak, but, I couldn’t make myself sad. It was weird. I wanted to know what sad felt like, if nothing else than curiosity. 
That was when I realized why I was different, I think. I didn’t know why mom was taking me to doctors before that, I didn’t understand. I do now though. It’s been hard but, I’ve worked through it. I just needed an ù̶̟͋p̶͇͈̑d̷̦͊a̴̠̳͗̔̇t̶͇̬͆́e̷͇̜̋͑̿.
LOL, thought you said Organ. Like, ya know. A dick. Is a dick an organ? BRB, gotta google that.
Tumblr media
Well I’ll be danged.
Anywhoswhatevers. Blowy thing. Duuude, we watched the Ring, it was sick. Dad and I have horror movie Mondays, which, yeah, tehcnically god doesn’t like or whatever, but, dad says as long as we get permission from the pastor ahead of time, we’re good. 
And, when ya’ got the pastor’s nudes, anything is good by him.
It’s so funny, that movie scares the poop out of anyone, so watchin’ dad watch it was so freaking funny. Wish I had a vid. He started crying once, unplugged the phone, it was great. 10/10, would recommend. V good.
I got one! ;LDKFDSAKJ That is so cool!!!!
This whole thing is cool, I haven’t heard a harpsichord, what’s that? It’s like a super big piano right, with ploppy keys? I should learn to play one- it’d be so cool I could play that cool song from Rainbow Rocks with the siren peopl-
Eli says I need to get back on point because he has homework 
Oh...when I was told I was ‘weird’? It’s not super happy I guess but, I get called that a lot at school. There’s a group of girls who like making fun of me a lot, say my clothes are all raggy trash and stuff, and throw stuff at me, say I’m weird...but it’s okay! I don’t mind really, if they think I’m weird- they can think I’m weird, since it makes them feel better!
If I’m weird, it means they’re not, and not feeling weird is nice, so, it’s got to make them feel good to throw things at me right? That’s what matters? Right?
Hai Lin:
Blog. You people. Started. A blog.
I’d say I’m surprised, but honestly- this is not the dumbest thing you people’ve done. Not that it says much.
Alright, though, I’ll bite. Sue’ll be happy about it.
Honestly? I’d say I’m almost there. I’ve clawed my way from poverty to queen of the underworld, there’s not a soul who wouldn’t refuse to kneel before me...well, one who’d live to say anything about it. 
I guess, if there’s one thing I do still wish for though, is a life for my little sister. I know she doesn’t like this life, even if she knows little about it, but, I don’t want her forced into the same world I was. I want to give her a good, safe, life. 
I know sometimes she gets swept up in the romantic idea of the thief, she thinks she’s the kind to swing from masts and find a Romeo and Juliet love story, with her as the criminal and them as the good boy, but, I just can’t see her as anything other than my little bird. Maybe that’s on me, but, that’s the last milestone I have before I’m where I feel I can really rest.
Rosie! (Me)
Fun fact, when I first signed up for band, I tried to get the Marimba. I cried trying to hold two mallets because I have really sensitive skin thanks to childhood eczema. Then tried Timpani, couldn’t figure it out, freaked out, quit, and refuse to go to the half of the school where the band room is to this day. 
I know. I’m a wreck. 
My defining trait, I’d say, is probably my...for lack of a better term, ‘fuck it’ mentality. I’m the kid who, and this is true, rolls around school in Heelies with a yeet or be yeeten shirt. I was voted Most Unforgettable for Senior Superlatives. Generally, in life, I try to assume that nothing matters so I may as well have fun with whatever I’m doing :)
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Kanika Kapoor contracting COVID-19 to Salman Khan's nephew's passing: Social media posts of Bollywood stars that went viral - Times of India
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/kanika-kapoor-contracting-covid-19-to-salman-khans-nephews-passing-social-media-posts-of-bollywood-stars-that-went-viral-times-of-india/
Kanika Kapoor contracting COVID-19 to Salman Khan's nephew's passing: Social media posts of Bollywood stars that went viral - Times of India
We’re already close to wrapping up the first quarter of 2020, and boy has it been an unpleasant ride. Apart from the global crisis, these past months have seen some highs and lows in the glamorous world of Bollywood. From Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal (sort of) going public with their romance to Shilpa Shetty welcoming a daughter via surrogacy, Kareena Kapoor Khan making her official Instagram debut to Kanika Kapoor announcing she tested positive for COVID-19, here’s a look back at celebrity posts that went viral on social media.
Shruti Haasan: I’ve had plastic surgery which I’m not ashamed to admit
Not the one to take body shaming lying down, actress Shruti Haasan in a lengthy social media post shut down trolls who constantly comment about her body type. She also went on to confess that she had gone under the knife and underwent plastic surgery, but also said she is not one to promote it nor is she against it. Sharing two photos of her makeover, she said, “These two pictures have been taken three days apart. I’m sure there are women out there who relate to what I’m going to say. Most often I’m at the mercy of my hormones mentally and physically and over the years I work hard to try and have a healthy relationship with it. It isn’t easy. The pain isn’t easy the physical changes aren’t easy but what’s become easier to me is to share my journey. No one famous or not is in a position to judge another person. Ever. That’s just not cool. I’m happy to say this is my life my face and yes I’ve had plastic surgery which I’m not ashamed to admit. Do I promote it? No am I against it? No – it’s just how I choose to live. The biggest favour we can do for ourselves and others is just be and learn to accept the changes and the movement of our bodies and minds.” Ending her post on a positive note the actress added, “Spread love and be chill. I’m learning every day to love me for me just a little more because the greatest love story of my life is with myself and I hope yours is too.” Her post was received with a lot of love on social media.
Shilpa Shetty blessed with a baby girl via surrogacy
Actress Shilpa Shetty Kundra and her businessman husband Raj Kundra made the happy announcement that they were blessed with a beautiful baby girl, via surrogacy. In a social media post, the happy couple shared that their second child arrived on February 15. “Our prayers have been answered with a miracle. With gratitude in our hearts, we are thrilled to announce the arrival of our little Angel. Samisha Shetty Kundra. Born on 15th February 2020 Junior SSK in the house,” Shilpa said. She even revealed the meaning behind her unique name. “Sa’ in Sanskrit is “to have”, and ‘Misha’ in Russian stands for “someone like God”. You personify this name – our Goddess Laxmi and complete our family” she wrote. The couple is also parents to 8-year-old Viaan.
Nick Jonas accidentally films Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif celebrating Holi together
After months of playing hide and seek with the shutterbugs, Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif were finally captured on camera and fans of the two had Nick Jonas to thank. The singer and actor, who was having a gala time with wife Priyanka Chopra at his first Bollywood style birthday bash, filmed a video of himself and also seemed to have captured Vicky and Katrina dancing away in the background. His post quickly went viral and had social media bussing about the hot new couple.
Kareena Kapoor Khan makes her Instagram debut
After a long wait, Kareena Kapoor Khan finally made her Instagram debut early this month. It didn’t take too long for the word to spread and the actress had over 2 million followers within no time. This big debut came shortly after she expressed her desire to connect with her fans who had been pleading with her to join the Gram. From ‘Welcome begum of Bollywood’ to referring to her as ‘the queen’, fans shared their excitement on Bebo’s post and also left some adorable comments.
Kanika Kapoor reveals she has tested positive for Coronavirus
Bollywood singer Kanika Kapoor was the first Indian star to confirm that she tested positive for COVID-19. Taking to her social media handle the singer made the shocking revelation that gave rise to an uproar on social media after reports claimed that the star didn’t self-quarantine after returning from a trip to London. The Lucknow police even booked Kanika on charges of negligence for attending various social events in the city despite being infected with coronavirus and having been instructed by the authorities to isolate herself at her home. Since then, several people including family, friends and those she came in contact with have been tested for COVID-19. After testing positive five times, according to the latest reports, the singer tested finally tested negative but will be kept under observation.
Bollywood films postponed amidst coronavirus pandemic
83 is not just our film but the entire nation’s film. But health and safety of the nation always comes first. Stay… https://t.co/aBc5M2R0SA
— 83 (@83thefilm) 1584678791000
Soon after the novel coronavirus was declared a pandemic, Bollywood filmmakers did their bit to prevent the spread of the virus but deciding to postpone their films. Director Rohit was the first to announce that his film ‘Sooryavanshi’ with Akshay Kumar that was scheduled to release in March, would be postponed. Following the shutdown of theatres and the lockdown that brought Bollywood to a grinding halt, director Kabir Khan also announced that work on his film ’83, starring Ranveer Singh in the lead, has been stopped until further notice.
Salman Khan announces the shocking demise of his nephew
Salman Khan took to his Instagram to express his loss as his nephew Abdullah Khan passed away. Reportedly, the reason behind Abdullah’s demise is a lung infection. He took his last breath in a Mumbai hospital on Monday. Sharing a picture Abdullah, he grieved his loss in a post that read, “Will always love you…” Salman’s close friend Iulia Vantur also posted a picture and captioned, “As u said “we fall, we break, we fail but then we rise, we heal, we overcome” @aaba81 u left too soon
Kartik Aaryan’s monologue on coronavirus impresses all, including PM Modi
The young actors have something to say..Its time to be ‘Zyada Savdhan’ and do ‘Corona ka Punchnama’!… https://t.co/limqP4UD7f
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) 1584713576000
Following the coronavirus pandemic, government officials, celebrities, public personalities all over the world began cautioning people about the deadly virus, but none did it as creatively as Kartik Aaryan. The actor, who is quite popular for delivering monologues in his films, made one such video about coronavirus in an effort to reach out to his fans in his trademark style. The clip was not only appreciated by his Bollywood pals and his fans but also won praise from the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi.
Karan Johar’s twins turn fashion critics
Amid the Coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown, Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar has been making the most of his time home with his twins Yash and Roohi. The director, who is known for his eccentric fashion choices, was in for a shock when his kiddos turned fashion critics and innocently trolled him for his flashy outfits. The two have since become a big hit on social media with fans, friends and Bollywood stars having a hearty laugh at KJo’s expense.
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the-record-columns · 6 years
May 16, 2018: Columns
Ruth Graham—a lifetime of being good to others...
Editor’s note: The following are remarks give by Ken Welborn at the Tuesday funeral of Ruth Graham.
Record Publisher
Good morning.
My name is Ken Welborn, and I am honored to be given a few moments to speak about a truly remarkable lady, Ruth Graham.
On Monday afternoon, when I called Dickie Whittington to tell him I might be a bit late for the Rotary meeting because I was going to Ruth Graham's wake at Reins-Sturdivant, he went silent, then he drew a long, slow breath and said simply, “Heaven got another angel this past Thursday.” That reaction was universal-- sadness, and then a quick recount of something Ruth had done for them, their family or a friend.
In addition to her work as a wonderful nurse, and as director of nursing at Wilkes General Hospital, she was also involved with many outside groups and organizations, notably working tirelessly on the Dr. Fred C. Hubbard Scholarship Fund.
She had a deep abiding love of God, and for this historic church in which we have gathered to remember the wonderful soul that was Ruth Graham.
And how she loved this church (the First Baptist Church of North Wilkesboro). Her obituary noted that she was a member of the Home Health Board, a Deacon and Assistant Clerk, as well as serving on the Library Committee, the Homebound Committee, and the Benevolence Committee. Just the names of the groups on which she served speaks volumes to her kindness and sincere interest in the welfare of others. Her name would come up in the company of folks like Raymond Blevins, and U. W. Foster, just to name a couple of First Baptist icons in their own right.
There was simply no downside to Ruth Graham. If she had an enemy on this earth, they have had the good sense to keep their mouth shut about it.
Most of my life with Ruth revolved around her long-standing friendship with my second father-in-law, Dr. William L. Bundy. They had worked together for many years at the then Wilkes General Hospital after Ruth had moved to Wilkes in 1954 with her husband, James “Jim” Graham, a teacher at Millers Creek High School. While she did not work for Dr. Bundy. she certainly worked with him a great deal, most notably often making hospital rounds with him at night after his office had closed. This was a blessing for Dr. Bundy and his patients, because his hearing problems were legendary, and, while Ruth's notes were a great help, her hearing clarified many a patients concerns and conversations with the good doctor, to the benefit of all.
Circumstances create a lot of twists and turns in people’s lives. If ever the saying “when one door closes another door opens” has a home, it is in the lives of Ruth Graham and Bill Bundy. In 1989 Jim Graham died suddenly and shortly thereafter Beatrice Bundy also passed away. Call it what you may, random changes, fate, karma, but, after a few months had passed, Ruth Graham and Dr. Bundy, already friends for many, many years; were inseparable.
I already knew Grandpa Bundy to be as kind and as forgiving a man as you could ever want to know, and I soon came to know Ruth Graham as an angel on this earth. As he became more feeble, I would offer to do some task or errand for him, but he would always brush it off, “Graham knows who to call,” or “Mrs. G. has already looked after that.” The one thing I did do for him was to start putting his morning paper behind his storm door after I saw him almost fall down the front steps one morning. He did go along with that one.
Bill and Ruth went everywhere together, and it became obvious they were far more than just friends. In some ways shy, and certainly not the most demonstrative person you ever met, Grandpa Bundy never really confided his feelings to me. Then one evening when Ruth had called me to go check on him because he wasn't answering the phone, I went to his house on Cowles  Street in North Wilkesboro. As soon as I arrived, I knew exactly what the problem was--his hearing aids--because I could hear the television set outside in the driveway. His batteries had run down and he had gradually cut the sound up on the TV so he could hear the programs, and he couldn't begin to hear the phone ringing.
After I let myself in and got his attention, we changed out his batteries and he called Ruth to let her know he was all right. As I sat in the chair next to his recliner, they spoke for about five minutes. I waited patiently till they finished, because on these particular evenings I would often stay awhile and we would swap stories. He could be funnier than Jay Leno. He then closed the phone call to Ruth with “I love you, goodnight.”
Well, I don't know that I had ever heard him utter those three words to anyone since I met him as a high school student in 1965. So, with my new found opening I felt emboldened a bit and asked him if he would mind if I asked him something kind of personal. “What's that?” he replied. I told him that I had heard him say out loud something that I and everybody else already knew, that he loved Mrs. Graham.
He smiled broadly and queried, “And?” So I blurted out, “Why didn't you just marry her and get it over with?” “Kenneth,” he began, “I had no idea she could manage to keep me alive this long, or I would have.”
And take care of him she did, to the very end. Ruth, me, and a niece and nephew were at home with Grandpa Bundy when he drew his last breath on a hot Friday evening in August of 2003. Jimmy's wife, Diane, told me that the last sound Ruth made was to say, “Bill…, Bill...” just before she died.
Now that's a love story for the ages.
I'm just about finished, but I want to leave you with something that I know will have Ruth smiling down at us today.
In her obituary, when it came to the part about the family visitation at the funeral home on Monday, it said that “... those attending can help celebrate Ruth's life by wearing red.”
Well, anyone that knew her knew that she was the enthusiastic N. C. State Wolfpack fan that ever lived. She will be wearing her bright red jacket throughout eternity, complete with an N. C. State pin.
It is with this in mind that I share with you her favorite bumper sticker of all time, one which she faithfully displayed on her car. So with a nod to Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson, here it is, words to live by from Ruth Graham, “Mama, don't let your babies grow up to be Tar Heels.”
Thank you.
                                        Ruth Long Graham
                         September 8, 1925 – May 10, 2018
                                            Rest in Peace
After Mothers Day
It's the Mothers Day cards and good wishes that make Mothers Day all worthwhile.                                                                                                                    Behind the cards and sentiments is the feeling of being appreciated.  We may not do everything right but when we get the chance to see our children become parents and when they acknowledge how hard being a parent is that we realize our life’s work is worth it.  Because being a parent is the hardest work we do.  
As a grandparent I work hard at keeping my mouth shut and not constantly reminding my child that I was a Pediatric nurse, a child development specialist and a mother and stepmother of nine.  The inside of my mouth has sores from chomping down and not giving advice.  (I am not always successful as I do slip more than I care to admit)  I am reminded of the saying, “You are never a King in your own land.”  Quite frankly I found being a stepparent much easier as I could relax and just be a “buddy” and not be responsible for the outcome.  My best advice comes from living and “walking the talk.”                                                                                                                                                I try to plant little seeds of wisdom and hope they grow without me hovering and over watering the seeds.  
I like to think of myself as raising my children in the “free-range parenting style” versus the helicopter parent, but being a grandparent has challenged that theory.  I guess as we get older we worry more see the upcoming hardships and want to change the story.  What I have found is that I try and make my advice general life lessons that I have learned (usually the hard way) and stay away from the direct advice of “don’ts and do’s” they listen more.  So here goes:
What we focus on grows stronger in our life, so its important to focus on the positive and take responsibility for our happiness even when we don’t feel like it.  How do we train our mind to make the best of what we’ve got in front of us, even when it’s far less than we expected is the key.
The stories we tell ourselves change what we see in life.  When we enter an experience with a story about how life is, that tends to be what we see, even when there’s plenty of evidence against it.   So it becomes important to check our stories to make sure they are not reinforcing our own viewpoint.
How do we keep our children from letting the bad things that happen take over their thinking?  Negative thinking stops us from seeing and experiencing life’s positive and neutral outcomes, even when they happen often.  It’s as if there’s a special mental block filtering out everything except the data that confirms the negative biases we have.  The answer is to redirect towards positive thoughts ultimately helping them change their response.  There are people I know that have faced a lot of childhood adversity, yet they keep a healthy happy attitude and their lives are positive against all odds.  Then there are those that have less traumatic childhood experiences but they get stuck on the negative and tend to live very unhappy lives.  
I want my children to be able to be the ones who overcome the negative (adverse childhood experiences) and pass on a positive happy childhood to their children, so maybe I will slip in a few of these words of wisdom along the way.
Transforming the Landscape  
 Special to The Record
Right now in Israel there is much taking place.  The US Embassy has moved to from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.  The Iranians are threatening Israel on her northern border with Syria and the Palestinians are rioting along the Gaza border sending firebombs attached to kites over the border fence causing Israel’s harvest to go up in smoke. Yet, even in the face of turmoil and chaos, Israel presses on leading the way in so many areas to include science and technology -  both of which are important to America’s farming communities.
 For example, Israel is a powerhouse in agricultural technology and holds an edge in genetic plant research. Her advances in gene editing (GE) have the potential to make agriculture more sustainable for the world’s booming population, despite climate change.
In arid regions of the world, drought can slash crop yields by up to 25 percent. Israeli scientists are researching desert plants such as East African natural wheat cultivars, which resist drought and intense heat. But wild wheat cultivars expose them to a toxic compound, making them useless for breeding, said Dr. Avi Perl, chief scientist for the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture. “We are genetically editing these cultivars to eliminate the gene responsible for the negative traits,” he said. “Then we can safely use them to introduce drought- and heat-tolerant cultivars into commercial wheat.” 
 Safe use is key, Perl stressed, emphasizing the difference between editing genes and modifying them. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) introduce DNA from foreign species into plants, often with unpredictable results. But gene editing simply removes a gene with an undesirable characteristic that occurs naturally in one species. 
 “Genome editing mimics what God does through natural mutation,” Perl said, speaking by phone from his experimental vineyard in the Mediterranean heat. “In a vineyard growing green grapes, the farmer finds a red one of the same cultivar. This is a natural mutation in color. That’s why gene editing is a safe breeding tool.” 
 Despite scientists’ duplication of a natural phenomenon, every novel food product in Israel must pass a rigorous risk assessment and regulation process, Perl said. “We read all the genes in the plant to ensure there’s no random insertion of foreign DNA into the crop from another source. There’s a Yiddish saying, “Don’t just wear your belt, put on your suspenders too—in other words, provide an extra layer of safety.”
 Because of Israel’s risk-assessment and registration processes for GE foods, the USDA in 2017 approved it as a breeding tool, and also permits the marketing of GE agricultural products without labels. But plants and their progeny into which foreign DNA is inserted remain subject to regulations and guidelines, and require USDA consumer labeling in the United States.
 Experts agree that the safety of genetically modified foods has not been proved. But due to consumer concern about GMO safety—it’s important for the public to be informed of the facts as to the safety of GE foods, Perl said. Otherwise, resistance to innovation could curb its potential to combat hunger and disease.
 Gene editing can make our foods safer to eat, Perl said. Potatoes are popular, and children love fries and chips. But when potatoes are cooked in hot oil, temperature shock produces acrylamide, a toxic carcinogen that also disrupts hormones, stimulating premature puberty. Israeli scientists are examining deletion of the acrylamide-producing gene.
 They’re also tackling a gene in eggs that causes allergies and adverse reactions to measles, mumps, rubella, and flu vaccines, which use egg protein or cells during production. “Eliminating the gene would make eggs a valuable source of hypoallergenic protein and produce safer vaccinations,” Perl said.
 Gene editing holds promise for medicine as well. Medical cannabis research in Israel focuses on deleting the THC compound that causes hallucination, while retaining benefits such as pain relief. The new medical marijuana plant may eventually treat anxiety and depression without the risk of addiction.
 “In bigger countries, there’s often resistance to innovation when you bring a new technology to agriculture,” Perl said. “But farmers here are eager for innovation, which eases the testing process. Israel is like a small beta [product-testing] site for the rest of the world.”
 Though Israel bans commercial GE crop production, it endorses GE research and development, subject to seed-regulation laws. Israel's Ministry of Agriculture has announced the allocation of funds to subsidize GE research for breeding new fruit and vegetable varieties. 
Early Summer
Life in the Carolinas
What do you do when Summer comes early? In the Carolinas tubing and kayaking down a meandering river is a favorite for many. My niece Kaylee enjoys being in the sunshine with family, friends and no cell phones.
As it turns out the Yadkin River is a great place to meet another fun-loving nature enthusiast. 11:00am -6:00pm is a good float time. You can get a good amount of sun, and there are easy access places to stop and enjoy a picknick along to way.
One of the places that Kaylee’s group likes to put in is at the park in Ronda NC and float down to Elkin. The waters are smooth for the most part.
It’s a great way to take the edge off, and even with a group, you can get some quiet time. She says, “it’s just you and the sounds of nature.”
It’s important to know the waters you are in, and responsible floaters always carry a few extra trash bags and clean up after those who are less considerate. Kaylee said, “I would not necessarily call someone out on being a litterbug, however, “We like to leave places better than we find them.” It’s a regular part of our summer life, and it just would not be right to leave the trash for others.”
Many of our Greenways in the Carolinas join up with waterways. I have written about the calm of brackish waters of the moss-draped Live Oaks along the Waccamaw River in Conway  SC. It’s a beautiful stop on the way to Myrtle Beach.
Goat Island Park in Cramerton NC features guided and non-guided walking trails and welcomes the South  Fork River which is another favorite for many kayak enthusiasts. If you catch the park on the right day you can take part in other local activities.
Falls Park in Greenville SC offers both city dwellers and visitors a chance to enjoy a tranquil moment with nature as the Reedy River provides a natural water feature and the well-maintained trails inspires the user to leave behind the unwanted stress of the day.
It is reported that the impressive Liberty Bridge is unique in its geometry and there is nothing like it anywhere else in the United States.
Harriet Wyche brought the idea of Falls  Park to the Carolinas Foothill Garden Club and worked tirelessly with others to see that it was built.
She said “I believe having a place where city people can go is as important to a community as an economy is. A green area is absolutely vital to any urban place.”
In the Carolinas we have many places to commune with nature. The kind of places that allows us to forget about our troubles. If we are lucky, we may just leave most or all of them on the trail. I am sure they are biodegradable.
It’s easy for me to be proud of my niece for embracing nature and a since of responsibility in keeping it tidy.
Of all the things she loves, kayaking with her mother and fishing with her father are at the top of her list. These are the things that bring about her biggest smiles.  
I join the list of many others who take heart in the line from the film directed by Robert Redford. ” In life and in love all memories become one and a river runs through it.”
May we all enjoy the heat that drives us to our rivers and streams and the memories that will last a lifetime.
 Carl White is the executive producer and host of the award winning syndicated TV show Carl White’s Life In the Carolinas. The weekly show is now in its seventh year of syndication and can be seen in the Charlotte viewing market on WJZY Fox 46 Saturday at noon.  For more on the show visit www.lifeinthecarolinas.com, You can email Carl White at [email protected].  
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