#she just fucking broke a chains equipment
viaetor · 1 year
im having a bisexual crisis for the 9292028th time in my life
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averyxvaughn · 6 months
Kept Promises // self para
They should have known better than thinking Max wasn't ten steps ahead of the game. Griffin explicitly told her to lay low, play the hidden ace up the twins' sleeves, but how was she to do that when she couldn't even protect Andre? Avery thought this the perfect opportunity proving herself worthy as a werewolf, capable of handling her own in a fight against another supernatural, and yet somehow, allowed one newborn vampire get the jump on her. She could just imagine the disappointed look in her father's eyes, her mother's dismayed head shake, knowing what a failure she was in her adolescent years, too young to handle the responsibility of one singular mission. A child's active imagination merely running rampant when she knew the reality of her parents. Of course, all of that would have come after giving her cousins a risen hell tongue lashing for involving her.
The sensation of a white-hot burning along her wrists sent Avery's head lulling forward, suddenly shaking the girl awake and pushing a slight gasp from her lips. The lapse of confusion disorientated her for a split second while mind caught up with the rest of her senses. One second, two seconds, breathe and focus, find an anchor. Her gaze landed upon her hands as she yanked as hard as she could, the source of the stinging coming from the silver chains binding her to the chair as if someone knew what they were doing. The work of a hunter if she hadn't known a fang banger wasn't behind it. Still, this place...didn't look like the diner. The room was replaced by floor to ceiling tiles, the kind of sterile stark white aligning more with the confines of a hospital, but instead of reclining beds and medical equipment, showerheads decorated the walls in a uniform straight line. Locker room showers, and from her best guess, the high school boys' to be more specific. She could taste the disgusting flavor of testosterone on her tongue from where she sat in the middle. "Am I in hell?"
"No," Max Lieberman stated, appearing through the entrance and leaning a hand against the frame as a smug expression slathered his features. He totted a gray school backpack, lazily hanging from one shoulder as if he had been on his merry way to class and chose to take a detour instead. Avery would have laughed at the sad notion that she could've been an afterthought had she not known it was well beyond regular school hours. "but you're about to be." She watched him walk further into the room, at least playing bright enough by stopping at a safe distance before he set down the bag. "Do you have any idea why you're here, Little Wolf?" Max folded his arms across his chest and sent Av's eyes rolling at the way he both attempted and failed at bulking out his biceps. As if he didn't scream arrogant vanity already, god, she hated this fucker.
Avery mockingly cocked her head to the side in contemplation, avoiding moving her arms and pulling on the binds, "Let's see, and correct me if I'm wrong," She added as a sidenote. "I'm here because my cousin had the foresight to know what a piece of shit you really are." Calliope turned him down on multiple occasions, Av knew she tried her best being polite about it, but manners should have flown through the window when Max refused to take her rejections with nobility. However, he persisted and broke the law in the process. Pursuing Calli is one situation, roping in a vampire to turn him was a new low. "If you didn't get the hint the whole stalker vibe is a major turn off for her, then you're real fucking stupid."
"You're here," Max ignored the blonde's last insult, bending down to unzip the backpack and taking a moment rifling through in search of what he was looking for. Two textbooks accidentally slid from the bag, causing Avery to experience the irony that any amount of torture he might inflict would have been tainted by something as innocent as Max's science or calculus book. It became a reminder that vampire or no, he was still a high schooler. Besides, the fact he was even smart enough to take the higher level classes shown he likely compelled his way to the top in order to make himself look better. "Because all Calliope had to do was say yes. And all the fire fucker had to do was back the hell off." Max removed what appeared to be a collar with a rectangular black box attached to the front and a remote from the bookbag, "What did they do instead?" Av's gaze followed him as he moved around the chair and stood behind her, wasting no time fastening the collar around her neck before she realized exactly what it was. The remote should have been a dead giveaway. "You conspire to throw my head at the council's feet. Did they really think I wouldn't know about you, Avery?" Max made his way back around the chair and raised the remote control in his palm, "Whatever, bad dogs get punished."
"Did you really think poking and prodding Griffin at the school dance would've sent him on a rampage? Unlike your impulsive psychopathic ass, he has some self-control." Avery thought for a split second this was a bluff, a scare tactic, as the vampire fiddled with the buttons. He wouldn't seriously torture a little girl, right? Going after the niece of a coven leader, the daughter of a well-trained human and a respected pack advisor, racked up an automatic list of enemies who would tear Max at the seams where he stood for even touching her. And there was Griffin, showing an extreme protectiveness over family and waiting until the asshat bothering his sister received his just desserts from the council. No one hurt Avery and lived. Any shred of doubt disappeared the second Max pressed the button, sending an electric current jolting through Av's body and forcing her back to arch, pushing a groan of pain from her lips. The shock lasted a few seconds, unlikely on the higher setting, but to her, it felt like an hour. "Seriously?" She breathed, obviously winded, but too stubborn to show it. "Yep, Calli will definitely want to screw you now."
"Open your eyes, mutt, you're not understanding the position you're in. This isn't about getting Calliope to fuck me anymore." Max tapped the menu icon button, growing distracted by adjusting the settings. The previous voltage wasn't enough to ignite a lightbulb barely, if he wanted results, it was the only way proving his point by increasing the shocks. "It's about revenge. I wasted years of my life, years, clamoring after that girl. I offered her gifts, favors, slapped on the charm and tried being a goddamn gentleman, and where did that get me? Constant dismissal at every turn. I've twisted my whole world upside down, hell, I've fucking changed my species for her and she's still a cock tease." A scoff escaped from his mouth, head shaking, "And don't get me started on Griffin. Is it really that hard to blow a gasket and almost torch a gymnasium with witnesses? Obviously, that plan failed, but I had a new one."
Max provided no time giving her a chance to offer any sarcastic response that would've cascaded from the girl before his thumb slammed on the button gleefully, sending a maximum electric charge pumping every inch of her muscles from head to toe. It was unlike any sensation she experienced before and she couldn't conceal the pain this time. Mixed signals began misfiring in Avery's brain, shooting spasms in all directions, and sending her whole body into agonizing convulsions. Head tossing back, sharp points jabbed at her bottom lip as her fangs unsheathed before her eyes cracked open, revealing the glowing golden irises. The screams tumbling out of Av's mouth reverberated along the tiled shower walls and, for a second, she was close to blacking out completely. In that moment, despite refusals giving this fuckface satisfaction, all she wanted to do was beg for him to stop. All she needed were her parents, comforting her, telling her everything was going to be okay. Just as the wolf's vision started growing spotty, Max released his hold on the button. Avery slumped in her seat with exhaustion, barely grappling on the strength keeping consciousness.
The vampire casually strolled over and stood in front of Av, tangling his fingers within the girl's hair and yanking her head up so they were staring eye-to-eye. "He wasn't going out with some dignity, pooch, and that's a sure fire way to piss me off, let me tell you. Didn't bank on your cousin keeping his cool, so I had to do a little improvising." His fingernails scraped Avery's scalp as the grip further tightened. Max didn't mind playing the role of villain, monologuing and laying out the plan when he held the upper advantage anyway. The twins would soon know what became of the little pup they held dear. "Andre was a big help, by the way. I had him pretty much compelled from the jump to keep me updated whenever your cousins popped into the diner." He hummed, "And just when I thought I lost a bit of hope, who should he whisper in my ear about but you, Avvie Av. If there was anyone who'd be the perfect weak spot for Cal and Griff, it's you. Sure, you're young, dumb, reckless, but you're family." Max inspected her face with a smirk, absorbing the way the wolf's half-lidded eyes fluttered and how the vein in her neck pulsed as an enticing call. "I'm going to make them watch as they lose everything, starting with you."
Avery could barely concentrate on the jock's lengthy spiel, feeling the absence of altogether straight up laughing in his face for the ridiculousness he portrayed. Yet, she also felt the shame creeping along her spine that neither she nor her cousins could have made any prediction of how far ahead in the game Max was. The scheming, the lying and manipulation, her role as a secret weapon failed spectacularly. He isn't the clueless quarterback Griffin and Calli initially thought had been put on display in order to fool the town, her predicament shone as a glowing example for this as truth. Make a psychopath a vampire and he possesses the power to bring the humans to their knees.
"Good to know you're one of the idiots that think anger's his only personality trait." She mumbled, the low volume forcing Max to lean in that much closer even though his hearing was near impeccable. "When Griffin finds out what you did, I'll die happy knowing he made good on his promise hunting you for sport, Maxie Poo." Avery's lips stretched in a wide, crazed grin that was equal parts Collins as it was an expression she witnessed on her cousin a small handful of occasions. "They're not the ones losing, you pussy assed bitch...you are." She stole the advantage of their proximity and reared her head back, sending it flying forward and connecting their skulls together as hard as she could, the force sending Max stumbling backwards. Avery's vision grew blotched with dark spots again, but it was worth the price as the vampire roared in agitated pain.
"You little brat!" Max pressed a palm to his temple and ignored the irritating pounding spreading through his head as he turned on a heel after regaining his balance, returning to the backpack with hostile intention. "Mark my fucking words," The vampire hissed vehemently as he removed a labeless plastic water bottle from one of the pockets before giving it a hearty shake. Avery's muscles suddenly tensed the moment she saw the purple tint swirling, knowing immediately what it was. Wolfsbane, toxic to her species, a weakening agent. Honestly, she would rather take the shock collar. "I'm not stopping at the twins. I'll destroy any last shred of surviving Killgrove their parents have left and give the council every reason to hunt their asses down." Av began shaking her head frantically as Max unscrewed the cap before stalking over to the wolf, the vampire clearly relishing the panic crossing her expression. "And then when their bodies haven't even grown cold," Max shot out a hand and gripped Avery's chin between his fingers tightly, forcing her mouth open, "You'll be scraping what's left of your parents from the fucking pavement."
Before Avery could jump the defensive, break his wrist in half, anything, a blistering heat instantaneously unfurled within the confines of her mouth as Max unceremoniously poured a substantial helping of the toxin in and snapped her jaw closed so she could experience the full effects without feeling tempted to spit it out. She struggled, sending the liquid from the bottle spilling in every direction nonetheless before what felt like the flesh of her tongue began singeing away. Avery couldn't tell what was the wolfsbane and what was the irony tinge mixing with what remained of the first layer coating her mouth. The path continued down her throat, however, causing the wolf to choke on a combination of what she was force fed and her own blood. It was only when Max released his hold and took a step back did her body do the one thing it could when needing to rid itself of poison, producing a coughing fit that involuntarily expelled the plant from the girl's lips. She spent the long minute retching and dry heaving before croaking out, "You psychopath." No amount of hatred could fully encapsulate how much she needed to watch him die slowly, painfully, until he begged for mercy.
"Yeah, so what, fuck nugget?" Max replaced the lid on the bottle and threw it back in the backpack, unzipping the side pocket and removing a syringe filled to the brim with the same venom she was given a taste of. From his researching and general asking around, wolfsbane stung like a bitch when ingested, but it could knock out two full grown werewolves when injected. He would need her sedated for the next segment of his plan, as weakened as Avery was already, Max preferred dragging her back to her cousins not kicking and screaming. "I'm so looking forward to rubbing the state of you in their faces." For the second time that night, the corners of Av's lips stretched across her face, smearing the blood still present in the wolf's mouth over the whites of her teeth. The action was unsettling, enough that it caught Max Lieberman off-guard. "What?" He boomed.
Avery turned her head, spitting to the side briefly and then focusing her gaze on a man who would no longer survive the week as far as she knew. "You don't have any idea the war you just started, Maxi Pad, but I promise...Griffin will finish it. I can't wait to watch a vampire get roasted alive like a fucking marshmallow." If it wasn't Griffin or even the council, her parents would guarantee an execution worthy of a monstrous bloodsucker who dared lay a finger on their daughter. Avery had proposed ripping Max limb from limb, well, it looks as if she'll receive her granted wish. No one would pray for this asshole after he was gone, no one mourning his loss. Anyone who raises a son with murderous tendencies maybe deserved the same fate. "They'll be scraping what's left of you from the fucking pavement." Avery slammed Max's previous words back in his face with the level of sass and arrogance her mother might applaud.
Max used his thumb to flick off the cap of the needle with an impatient growl, "It's time to shut the fuck up now, you stupid brat. Jesus, you're more talkative than my mother four beers in." He stepped around and stood behind Avery, learning his lesson the first time by avoiding any possibility of physical contact from the front. Av knew what was coming before he jabbed her in the side of the neck, his finger pushing down on the plunger and littering her veins with the wolfsbane-tinted sedative. Her head slowly dropped, fighting hard against the sleep as she always had when she was younger. "Nighty night, Little Wolf." Max's voice sounded from a great distance, the words drifting through in a desolate echo, and pulling Avery further and further from consciousness. She felt herself beginning to float weightlessly, just enough that it almost seemed peaceful.
It was a world where the pain went away. No Maxwell Lieberman plaguing her nightmares, no shock collars or torture sessions, no councils dictating her home. Bliss, a heavenly paradise. But even in this world Avery knew she would crash and fall with flames when reality set back in. Her life was hanging by a thread at Max's mercy, who pulled the strings and played with literal fire for his amusement. She could either face the destruction or run.
Avery had an execution to attend when she awoke, there is nothing on earth that would ever stop her from being the first in line to see Max fucking Lieberman's head roll. That is an unbroken promise.
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Wanda Maximoff x Dom!Reader - No jealousy
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Summary: You and Wanda have an established relationship, and you were away for two weeks due to a mission. Wanda is testing your limits, and everyone seems to insist that you are jealous.
Warnings: (+18), Smut, Switch!Reader (most dominant reader),  power  dynamics change, bottom!wanda, teasing, spanking; also mentions of torture, heavy past etc.
Notes: I've been trying to bring in a little bit of dom reader, and it turned out to be a bit of switch or soft!dom reader, but it's still pretty dom I think. Let me know what you think please ‘cause i’m not sure i’m writing smut correctly haha. Nota em português: Eu fui traduzir a expressão "que baixaria" e não achei nada em inglês que tivesse o mesmo impacto, fiquei bem chateada kkkk que pegar a referencia finge que é engraçado imaginar o Bucky falando isso na cena da cozinha obrigada.
Words:  5.555 K || Read on AO3
Marks:  @mionemymind @abimess​
Translations:  Scheiße = Shit ||  Amerikanischer Müll = American Trash.
Avengers Compound, New York, Present.
Throwing your jacket against the kitchen counter, you sighed in irritation.
Steve was mumbling something about responsibility and morals and you have a headache. 
"Are you even listening to me?" Steve asked irritated and you let out a dry laugh as you looked around for something to drink.
"Sure, cap." You snickered without looking at him, and Steve let out an impatient sigh.
"I need you to start being careful, we can't risk the safety of the team..."
"Is anyone hurt, Steve?" You interrupted without a patient, punching the countertop. Steve was startled by your sudden response, but you didn't back down. Natasha and Bucky who were entering just behind you, exchanged glances before heading outside. 
"This is not the point."
"That's the only thing that matters." You retort angrily. "I will do whatever is necessary." You assure seriously. "You worry about morality in the meantime."
Steve lets out an irritated sigh.
"You're not listening to me." He resumes crossing his arms. "There are lines we must not cross, or we are no different than those we face." He continued in earnest, and you rolled your eyes, finally finding a drink under the counter, and grabbing one of the glasses from the sink to pour yourself. "We need boundaries. If you don't change this attitude, you are no different than Hydra..."
The glass in your hand breaks, startling Steve again. 
"Don't ever say something like that again." You angrily warn him and he frowns worried about the shards and that you might have hurt yourself, but you just turn and walk out of the kitchen.
You walk into the first bathroom you find, heading toward the sink to clean your hand. You watch carefully as the glass falls from your skin and the wounds close up.
You stare at your reflection in the mirror. Even though you have spent the last few hours in conflict, there is no bruise. You have even been shot twice, but no one could tell if it weren't for the torn fabric on your shirt. No one would know about the explosion you survived if it weren't for the ashes on the fabric. You were perfect fighting machine, exactly as Hydra wanted you to be.
Pushing away the painful memories that threatened to dwell in your mind, you turned off the faucet and wiped your hands, leaving the bathroom afterwards.
Hydra Military Base, Old Sokovia Area, 8 hours ago.
You rummage through the metal drawers impatiently. This mission is taking too long, and you are starting to get annoyed by the lack of action. Silence is never a good sign in jobs like this.
And then as if the universe was listening to your complaints, you heard a noise of something falling.
" Sounds to the north, I'm going to investigate." You warned your companions over the communicator, starting to move. Steve said something about waiting for reinforcements, but you were already opening the mechanical door, a pistol in your left hand.
The impact of two shots pushed you backward, and you felt something run down your uniform, and then a sharp pain. Laughing lightly, you fell to your knees.
"We got one." You heard someone mutter, and then there was a man getting up from behind a table at the far end of the room. Another man stopped hiding from one of the bookshelves, and they walked over to you. 
"Sure thing, friends." You grumbled panting slightly. 
"Scheiße, we got the healer." The one with the mustache muttered as soon as he looked at you closely, and you let out a smug smile as he took a step back. Your colleague was pointing his gun at you again, but you were already grabbing his wrist as you stood up and threw him to the ground.
You fought for a few moments, and you made a mental note to thank Natasha for improving your fighting considerably since the last mission, soon you knocked him out.
The other man was fighting what appeared to be a bronze door that was jammed, and you pulled the bullets out of your shirt before you pulled him by the shoulders and threw him to the floor.
" Come on buddy, I don't have all day." You warned pointing your own pistol at the man, who looked at you angrily. "Tell me what you were doing around here."
"Amerikanischer Müll" He cursed and you rolled your eyes, moving to kick him in the nose.
The man gasped in pain as he lifted his head again, his nose bloodied.
"Do you want to try again?" You asked irritated and he spat blood before speaking again.
"We come back for what is ours." He replied with irritation, and you frowned in confusion. But before you could ask anything else, Steve and Natasha rushed into the place.
Natasha was in charge of the interrogation, it was her thing anyway, and you helped Steve open the jammed door.
You entered the room next, and you choked in surprise when your gaze met the files displayed on the holograms around the place.
"So what did you find in there?" You heard Nat ask through the communicator, but you didn't answer, trying to control the anger that was spreading throughout your body.
Displayed in front of you were the files of the Maximoff twins' experiments, several pictures of the tests Hydra had run on them. One particular video caught your attention. It was Wanda, lying on a stretcher, several leather chains holding her to the mattress while Hydra sent electric shocks through a machine to her head, making her scream. You broke the projector with one punch, and Steve tried to calm you down.
"Hey, breathe." He asked raising his hands to your shoulders. You shook your head, panting.
The sound of Wanda's scream still echoed through the room, even without the image, and you grunted in anger, pushing Steve away.
Natasha blinked in surprise when you stormed into the room next, interrupting her interrogation when you kicked the Hydra agent in the chest. She took two steps back, surprised at your anger, but she barely had time to be shocked and you were already lifting the agent by his shirt in the air.
"How could you do that to them?" You asked angrily, throwing the agent to the ground. The man laughed helplessly, spitting blood. Steve grabbed you next, and you threw him across the room.
"They were always ours to play with." The man grumbled and you stepped forward again, kicking him in the face. He laughed bewilderedly, practically choking on his own blood. "Just like you."
"You'll pay for that." You muttered angrily and then punched him in the face. The man just laughed and that increased his fury. "What the fuck are you laughing at?"
The man started to choke and then he spit something out. You let him go.
"Hail Hydra." He muttered, and you had exactly one second to realize that the small device he spit out was the tip of one of the special grenades that Hydra agents have started carrying since last year. Hugging him quickly, you threw yourself against the window in front of you, and then he exploded at you as you fell through the air to the street.
When you hit the ground, you grunted in pain.
Steve is calling you on the communicator, but the explosion damaged the equipment and the noise is very disturbing, so you ripped the item out of your ear and threw it to the ground.
As your body recovered, you stayed on the ground, trying to ignore the urge to burn the Hydra to the ground for hurting your friends.
Avengers Compound, New York, Present.
Wanda was not in her room.
You let out a tired sigh as you fiddled with your cell phone, but there was no message from her about having some other commitment that would justify her not being at the compound at the time she usually was watching her favorite shows. 
After you showered and put on clothes that didn't have as many battle marks, you went to visit your girlfriend, but she wasn't there.
"Friday, where's Wanda?" You asked loudly in the hallway.
"Miss Maximoff is in the northern outer area, along with Mr. Vision." Announces the AI next and you frown. 
Walking towards the location that Friday indicted, you crossed your arms when you saw through the glass of the compound, your girlfriend and her teammate laughing together.
They didn't see you, seeming distracted by their conversation.
"Wow, you look scary when you're jealous." Commented a voice from beside you suddenly, and you blinked in surprise as you noticed young Peter Parker approaching. 
"Missed the school bus, kid?" you tease and Peter rolls his eyes, blushing slightly.
"I'm not trying to annoy you." He says stopping beside you, and looking in the same direction as you.
"I wouldn't recommend that either." You retort, feeling an irritation settle in the pit of your stomach as you watch Vision make Wanda laugh again. What the hell was so funny.
"I don't think you have anything to worry about you know?" Peter remarked after a moment. "I don't think Wanda sees Vision that way, they're just friends."
"I'm not jealous." You lied angrily, clearly jealous. Peter didn't want to contradict you however.
"Of course not." He said slightly startled. "I just... Wanda... She... You and her are a nice couple. Even if Vision has the stone, it's not something to worry about and..."
"Shut up, kid." You grumble angrily as you turn around, deciding to calm your nerves before you lose your mind and send Vision to the moon with one punch.
Having Pietro Maximoff as a brother in law was a pain in the ass most of the time.
You liked him in general, the problem was when he teased you, because he seemed to know exactly what to say to piss you off.
When you got back to the common room, he was on the couch, playing some stupid video game, and you sat down next to him and turned on the television.
It took him five minutes before he started to annoy you.
"My sister is getting along pretty well with Vision lately, isn't she?" He comments with a smile without taking his eyes off his cell phone. You squeeze the television control harder than necessary.
"Bite me."
Pietro laughs at your aggressiveness. Wanda and Vision enter the kitchen the next moment, their laughter slowly dying down. You don't take your eyes off the TV.
"Honey, I didn't know you were back already." Wanda says as soon as she sees you on the couch, smiling as she approaches you. She kisses your cheek, and frowns at your lack of reaction. You force a smile. "What's up?"
"Relax, little sister, she's kind of green today." Mocks Pietro, and you cast him an annoyed look, before looking back at Wanda.
"I'm just tired, babe." You say, stealing a quick kiss from her. Wanda seems to believe you and then walks away, heading toward the counter.
It takes three minutes for Vision to make a stupid comment and Wanda to laugh again, and you sigh in irritation.
"Wow, that's sad." Pietro teases again in a tone low enough for only you to hear. "Maybe you should watch your girl."
"I'll stick this remote in a place you won't like." You retort in the same tone and Pietro lets out a short laugh, turning his attention back to his cell phone.
You risk a backward glance next, and then the remote control breaks off in your hand. Vision is brushing a strand of hair out of Wanda's face, and she looks surprised and slightly embarrassed by the touch. Pietro laughs at your lack of control, but you stand up next, throwing the rest of the object to the ground and attracting the attention of the other two.
You glare angrily at Wanda before leaving.
You need to punch something.
So you go back to the training room, and put on the first pair of boxing gloves you can find.
Climbing into the ring quickly, you start punching the punching bag that Steve left over from the last training session.
It takes ten minutes for Wanda to find you.
"Y/N, what was that about?" she asks slightly annoyed as you approach. You are trying to maintain control so you don't rip the punching bag off the metal stand.
"Why don't you go laugh with your new best friend and leave me alone?" You retorted and Wanda frowned in confusion, then let out a dry laugh.
"Are you jealous?"
Your next punch rocks the iron support of the ceiling. 
"No, Wanda." You retort as you stop punching, and start pulling off your gloves. Wanda crosses her arms and has a little smile on her face, which irritates you even more. " I don't feel jealous."
"Oh, yeah?" She responds with irony, and you are throwing the gloves on the floor, and approaching her. She takes a few steps back, impressed by your posture.
"Tell me dear, do I have reason to be?" You ask as you approach. "Everyone wants to remind me that that damn stone makes the toaster think that you two have some kind of connection and that I should be careful." You continue and then Wanda reaches for a wall, and you rest one of your hands beside her head, pinning her against your body. "But I know better. I have nothing to worry about."
"Y/N..." Wanda starts half breathlessly, trying to keep the look in your eyes, and failing.
"Am I wrong, baby girl?" You ask raising your free hand to her cheek, stroking her skin with your finger. "Is there anyone who makes you feel the way I do?"
Wanda sighs, denying with her head next. You give a smug little smile, placing your hand on her chin, and running your finger over her lower lip.
"Then why are you laughing so hard at that piece of tin, dear?" You questioned bringing your face closer to her neck, Wanda closed her eyes as you inhaled her perfume. "Did you want to make me angry? Did you want to be punished?"
Wanda gasps low, denying with her head. You begin to deposit wet kisses against her collarbone and move your hand down her body from her chin.
"God, Wanda, you've been so needy." You comment kissing a sensitive spot on her neck and making her sigh. "Needy enough to get wet with the toaster."
Your teasing makes Wanda grunt in irritation, and you let out a short laugh feeling her tighten the fabric of your shirt.
"What's the matter, baby? Are you angry with me?" You teased, pulling your face away from her neck. Wanda looked at you with a mixture of irritation and excitement.
"Don't say such things." She says half breathlessly. "Vision is just my friend. I don't... I don't see him like that."
You stare at her for a moment, and then back away completely.
"Ask your friend to help you cum then." You retort before turning away. Wanda lets out an impatient sigh, but she doesn't go after you.
Steve Rogers is testing your patience.
He set up weekly meetings with the team about social responsibilities and hero morality and whatever other patriotic crap he was following, and this was the first of them.
It had been forty minutes since he had been talking, and you were impressed that Tony Stark was still awake.
"And so we conclude that as the Avengers, it is our responsibility to make a difference." Steve spoke as he turned off the presentation.
"I'm thrilled." You grumbled next and the room looked at you. Steve sighed.
"Do you have anything to add, Y/N?" Steve asked seriously, and you let out a short laugh.
"Oh, of course." You say crossing your arms. "Maybe the rest of the team doesn't know but this whole bullshit is only happening because of me."
"No, cap, come on." You interrupt with irony. "Tell the team why you are making everyone learn about American history."
"Now I'm curious." Commented Tony looking at Steve, who just had a tired expression.
"This is not about pointing out mistakes." Steve says and you laugh.
"No, of course not." You retort with irony getting up. "This is about hypocrisy really."
"Don't even go that way!" You interrupt angrily and then turn to Tony. "You want to know what happened? Great! Let's start with the Stark bomb that dropped on Sokovia!"
Tony blinks in confusion at your outburst, and the team looks at you with surprise and concern, while Steve holds up his hands to try to calm you down.
"Please, I'm not trying to-" 
"No, Captain!" You shout. "You want to talk about moral values, don't you?" You sneer with irritation. "I have a list of shit that happens in this place."
"Stop it, now!" The captain asked angrily, and you looked at him incredulously. "You killed someone!" He charges and the team looks at you in surprise. "That's not how we do things here..."
"We have killed thousands of civilians in New York." You interrupt coldly. "Every building that fell to the ground had a family on every floor. Not to mention the missions that came after." You reminded them and Steve clenched his jaw. 
"That was different."
"They hurt Wanda." 
You shoved Steve in the shoulders, and he took a step back. Tony and Natasha stood up.
"I'm going to kill every agent that was in that lab." You tell him. "Everyone who hurt her is going to pay."
Your colleagues look in shock at your words, but you just turn away, opening the door angrily.
In the hallway, Wanda caught up with you.
"What was all that about?" She asked worriedly as you leaned against the wall, breathing hard.
"I hate the hypocrisy of this team." You retorted with irritation, but your anger subsided considerably when Wanda placed her hand on your cheek, asking you to look at her.
"Talk to me."
You sighed, touching your foreheads together.
"On the last mission, I...we found the decommissioned base where you got your powers." You count and Wanda blinks in surprise. "I lost control when I looked at the files."
"Wanda." You interrupt with a weak smile. "Please, you can't agree with them."
"I don't." She adds as she strokes your cheek, "I'm just sorry you had to see it."
You shrug, letting your arms hug your waist.
"You're not angry? Or who knows, disappointed?"
Wanda denies with her head.
"I feel the same way about you." She says. "I can't think about the people who arrested you without wanting to blow up everything around me."
You laugh lightly.
"That's some shit Steve doesn't want to understand." You say next and Wanda sighs.
"I think he understands, honey." Wanda says and you blink in confusion, "It's the same thing with Bucky."
You sigh looking away.
"Shit, you're right." You grumble, and then add with a slight smile. "Maybe he was upset about the explosion."
Wanda frowns in confusion. And then she nudges you slightly when you tell her your little story with the grenade.
"Have you lost your mind?" She asks angrily. "Don't you ever do anything like that again!"
"Hey, I was saving the ass of those two mortals in the room" You complain humorously, but Wanda sighs impatiently.
"My god, this is all just because Steve must have been worried to death that something was going to happen to you!" She says and you frown. 
"What are you talking about?"
"Honey, the captain is just trying to get you to behave." She clarifies. "He doesn't want you to abuse your powers, and put yourself at risk for no reason. Honestly, I don't want to either."
You stand thoughtfully for a few minutes and then sigh.
"Damn, now I'm going to have to apologize."
Wanda makes a noise of agreement with her mouth and moves closer, stealing a quick kiss from you. She smiles when you try to kiss her back, pulling away.
"I remembered that I'm mad at you." She says and you look at her with confusion.
"What did I do?"
"That scene earlier in the gym." She says and you sigh impatiently. "It wasn't nice."
"You're being so mean." You retort and Wanda flashes you a small smile before turning away, walking in the opposite direction.
You decide that you should apologize to the rest of the team and return to the conference room.
Wanda was being a brat.
After you apologized to the team, and Steve made it clear that he was concerned and that he understood your anger, but that there were better ways to deal with what Hydra did to the people you love, the atmosphere eased a lot. And you were hoping to spend some time with your girlfriend, but she was too busy teasing you.
She spent the last few minutes cooking with Vision. The guy who didn't eat food.
You rolled your eyes impatiently as you threw yourself on the couch, a newspaper in your hands.
"This is ridiculous, honey" You mentally warned her as you noticed her gaze on you. Wanda didn't sketch any reaction as she cooked.
"Sorry, weren't you the one who said I was, what was the word, needy?" You heard her sneer in your head. You bit your lips to keep from smiling.
"Clearly you are, dear."
"And whose fault is that?" She retorted and you frowned, attracting the attention of Bucky who was standing next to you. You smiled slightly, telling him that it was just a news report about the new political changes that had taken your attention, and then turned your focus back to the newspaper.
"What are you talking about?" You asked Wanda in your thoughts. 
"You were gone for two weeks." She complained, and you took your eyes off the paper to look into the kitchen. Wanda had her back to you, stirring with a spoon in one of the pots. Vision stood next to her, watching the procedure. You clenched your jaw. "I've been all by myself."
"Are you trying to piss me off, Wanda?" You ask angrily, watching the redhead meters in front of you signal for Vision to come closer to take a look at the pot.
"I'm not doing anything." She thinks sounding harmlessly, and you close the paper tightly as you watch Vision cast her a shy smile.
Bucky looks at you curiously.
"Everything okay?" He asks and you nod as you stand up toward the kitchen.
"Wanda, I want to talk to you." You tell her stopping with your arms crossed in front of the counter. Wanda flashes you a little smile.
"I'm busy right now, honey." She retorts as she returns the spoon to the pot, stirring the mixture.
"We're making Sokovian food." Completed Vision with a smile, but you completely ignored him.
"I'm going to count to three." You warn and Wanda swallows dryly, looking at you.
"I don't..."
"Room now, or I'll make you cum against the kitchen counter."
Wanda's eyes widen, and Vision looks extremely surprised. The redhead ducks her head and walks out of the kitchen, you following her. Bucky mumbles something like "for the love of god, why all that obscenity" as you leave.
There is a palpable tension in the air during the silent walk to your room.
When Wanda opens the door and walks inside, you sigh as you close the door.
"What was that in the kitchen, dear?" You ask her as you unbutton your shirt, Wanda looks at you next, biting her lower lip in anticipation. "Insinuating that I don't pay enough attention to you. Teasing me with Vision."
"I'm sorry." She mumbles softly and you shake your head slightly, taking off your shirt and standing in just your bra. Wanda blushes and takes a step toward you, but you just hold up your finger.
"I'm going to be in charge tonight, honey." You warn as you take off your shoes. "By the way, you do look a beautiful thing in that skirt. I could barely control myself during the meeting."
Wanda smiles with embarrassment, looking away to the floor. You approach, lifting her chin with your finger slowly.
"Can I undress you?" you ask and she sighs softly, nodding afterwards. You drag your finger from her chin down, around her silhouette. When you get to shoulder height, you drag the left strap to the side, and then repeat the motion on the right. Wanda's blouse loosens on her body, and you watch her chest rise and fall rapidly, her breathing out of rhythm. 
You raise your other hand next, and turn your gaze to Wanda. In a twist of your hands, you tear the fabric in front, and Wanda moans softly.
"Are you anxious, baby?" You ask her as the fabric falls away, and you run a finger down her torso to the hem of her skirt. Wanda swallows dryly. "You must be so wet."
Wanda sighs, closing her eyes momentarily. You begin to remove your skirt next, and let out a low growl when you realize there is nothing underneath as the material falls away.
"Wanda, Wanda, Wanda." You scold her maliciously, looking at her exposed intimacy and feeling your mouth fill with water. "Absolutely sinful."
Wanda sighs, moving slightly forward. You bite your lips, noticing her red cheeks. Her body cries out to be touched.
"That's no way to behave, honey." You tell her, lifting your fingers to push up the straps of your bra. "Exposed during a team meeting. Tsk, what a naughty girl."
Wanda whimpers, and you smile. "Is that what you wanted, babe?" You ask as you unzip her bra. " For me to put my fingers in you under the table? Make you come in my hand while everyone watched?"
"Please." She sighs in a husky voice. "Kiss me."
You give a little smile at your girlfriend's breathless confession, and lower your face to the height of her neck, just as her bra falls to the floor. Depositing wet kisses all the way down, you listen to Wanda sigh with each touch of your lips against her skin.
When you reach her breasts, you raise your right hand to play with the hardened nipple between your fingers while using your mouth on the other breast, and Wanda throws her head back, moaning with her mouth open. Sucking and licking the flesh, you delight in the sounds you get from her.
"Babe, please." She pleads breathlessly. "Touch me."
You smile as you release her hardened nipple, raising your face to the height of Wanda's.
"I'm sorry, baby, but it's not going to be that easy." You warn as you squeeze her breast with a full hand. "You need to be punished for today."
Wanda sighs and then you kiss her intensely, making her stumble back, but your hand on her waist holds her against you.
Your tongue invades her mouth, and Wanda moans against your lips, her hands moving up to your neck. You smile as you lift your hands to hers to put them down.
"You can't touch." You warn between kisses and Wanda sighs, letting your tongue tangle in hers sensually.
You begin to lower your kisses again, and Wanda writhes against you, her fists clenched in an effort to resist the urge to touch you. You lick the length of her neck and one of her hands touches your waist.
"What a disobedient brat." You tease against her skin, and then use your right hand to slap her ass, making Wanda moan loudly. You wish to see the mark, so you hug Wanda around the waist, bringing your bodies together, and look down. The bright red mark. Wanda whimpers against you, her other hand coming up to your belt, and you pull away only to kiss her on the lips hard enough to leave her helpless. 
As she begins to play with the beam of your belt, you slap her ass again, on the other side, and her knees buckle slightly.
"Fuck." She whimpers breathlessly, and you bring your hand to her neck, forcing her to keep her gaze on you.
"Get on the bed." You command and Wanda sighs, and then you release her. She moves to the mattress, ass thrusting toward you as she kneels on the bed, hands on the headboard.
"Will you be a good girl, Wanda?" You ask as you raise your hands to her ass, squeezing the flesh as she gasps.
"I don't believe you." You taunt, slapping her ass. She leans over, moaning. You spank her again, her body arching as she throws her head back, moaning with her mouth open.
Then you move forward, pulling her hair back as a hand slips between her legs, your fingers teasing her entrance and making her whimper.
"Look how wet you are, baby." You whisper against her ear, Wanda has her eyes closed tightly, her hips moving in search of more friction. "Were you missing me, love?"
"Yes." She gasps pushing her hips back, your fingers slipping inside and drawing sighs from both of you. But you withdrew them next, s Wanda whimpers. "Please, honey, touch me."
"You don't deserve it Wanda." You start against her ear. "But you feel so good, baby. So wet and hot, I can't resist."
You suddenly penetrate her with two fingers, deep and precisely, and Wanda cries out, moaning your name. 
"Fuck, yes." She gasps moving her hips, you slide in and out with ease, feeling Wanda flushed.
"Look at you baby, crumbling in my fingers." You gasp, your hand releasing her hair as you drag it to her breast, squeezing the flesh.
"I...I 'm com..." Wanda begins to whimper and you smile, feeling her body quiver in spasms, the rhythm of her hips disablisting as her walls get tighter and you feel her pulsing in your fingers.
"Cum for me, baby girl." You whisper in her ear, and one stroke later is all it takes for Wanda to arch her back, coming on your fingers with her mouth open as she screams your name.
You withdraw your fingers as she falls to the mattress, turning to you next. Bringing your fingers to your mouth, you taste Wanda as she looks up at you with dilated pupils.
"You taste so good babe." You tell her with a smile, and Wanda raises her hands to your waist, asking you to climb on top of her.
You slowly shake your head, reaching up to remove your pants. Wanda bites her lips as she watches you undress.
"I want to show you something, honey." You tell her after removing your clothes, straightening to sit on her thigh. Wanda sighs as she feels your wet intimacy against her. "Do you like that?" You ask watching her reaction, Wanda raises her torso, bringing your faces closer together as her hands go to your waist. "Do you like how wet I get on top of you?"
"Fuck yes." She gasps against your lips, you begin to move against her thigh, feeling your eyes spin in their orbit with the sensation.
"What about you, Wanda?" You ask slipping your fingers into her again,making her bury her face in your neck. "Look at that baby, you're soaking wet too."
Wanda moans, her hands tightening around your waist as you feel your fingers in her. You increase the speed of your movements against her thigh at the same rate as your fingers move in and out of her, Wanda begins to force her hips to keep up.
"No one makes me feel like this, Wanda." You confess breathlessly, penetrating deep. "I am yours."
Wanda moans and forces herself to confess.
"And I am yours." She retorts groaning, and you feel her walls tightening in your fingers as the feeling at the tip of your stomach tightens.
"Let's cum together baby" You tell her breathlessly, and Wanda shudders nodding. Forcing your hips against her thigh, you gasp, trying to keep the rhythm in your fingers.
A few strokes later and you struggle to keep up, your body shaking in spasms. Wanda tightens her hands on your waist, forcing you down as you move in and out of her. Wanda begins to curse in Sokovian, moaning breathlessly, and you smile, feeling your eyes roll. And then you cum together a moment later.
You collapse against her, as Wanda falls onto the mattress. Depositing lazy kisses against her collarbone, you smile as she sighs, her fingers running up your back as you pull out of her.
"Was that enough attention honey?" You tease a minute later and Wanda laughs softly, biting her lips.
You raise your head to look at her, feeling your heart soar at the image of her lazy gaze, her lips puffy and parted.
"Do you love me?" You ask in a whisper and Wanda sighs.
"I do." She agrees and you raise your hand to her neck, your fingers strolling along her chin.
"Show me."
Wanda nods moving forward to kiss you on the lips.
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
artificial scarcity || (soft)dark!Jake Jensen x reader
summary: you'll realize how good he can treat you, how badly you need him, one way or another. you just need a little encouragement, that's all.
word count: 4k, somehow...
warnings: smut! (dubcon; she is fully consenting but under dubious circumstances), drugging (technically), kidnapping, imprisonment, starvation, touch-starved reader, bed sharing, grinding/thigh fucking, size kink, spanking, implied stalking/voyeurism, implied noncon (kinda?), jake being possessive and manipulative and creepy
a/n: this was supposed to be a drabble which is why the pacing might feel a little rushed in the beginning but I hope you guys don’t mind!
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Jake was normally a relatively patient guy, especially with you since he had an obvious soft spot for the newest member of the team.  But after months of trying to get your attention, of his abysmal flirting not getting him anywhere, of you becoming more and more comfortable with the idea of him as a friend and nothing else, his patience was running thin.
He was tired of waiting for the perfect opportunity to rescue you and show you that he was the perfect guy for you.  He was tired of waiting for you to figure out that he could be everything you needed if you just let him.  So, he figured he needed to manufacture a chance to save you; he needed to take away some things just to bring them back, show you what it was like to let him take care of you.
Getting close to you was easy, you were teammates and friends so you trusted him.  The tricky thing was he didn't want you to know it was him, so he used your trust to lure you right into his trap.
Movie night tonight? There’s some cheesy slasher playing at the drive in at 1930, he texted you as soon as he could to the showtime to decrease the odds of you having any time to tell anyone about your plans to meet up with him; he’d rather not have the heat of being the last person to see you before your disappearance.
yeah sure!  are you driving? you replied almost instantly.
Yep, I’ll pick you up at S Lamar and Hanover in 10, he informed you, knowing it was close to your apartment but far away from any security cameras or likely witnesses.
He parked a block away and walked around the corner to see you standing there under the flickering streetlight looking at your phone.  You were waiting for him, and as he hid behind cover to come closer, you were clearly looking around for where he might be.  Thankfully, you didn't see him or his tranq gun, and he got your neck on the first shot.
He ran to catch you before you fell, relishing the weight of your body limp and pliant in his arms.  Somehow, he resisted the urge to play with you now, knowing it would be worth the wait to let his whole plan come to fruition.
The room he locked you in was dark and damp, barely any light but enough to see the half-full water bottle he left for you; your chain was short but you could reach everything you needed.  It broke his heart to hear your cries but he had to ignore them, if he came in now it wouldn't make sense.  He needed to be patient.
When the video feed from his camera inside showed that you'd fallen asleep for the night, he snuck in to bring you a new water bottle and a little granola bar since you'd screamed all day about being hungry.  You seem surprised when you woke up and saw it, quickly grabbing the bar but taking a long time to examine and smell it first before eating, like you were afraid it was poisoned.  But you ate, and drank your water, and waited for rescue.
Day 3 was the hardest to watch.  You tugged at your chain so much that he worried you'd hurt yourself.  He decided tomorrow was the last day because he couldn't take any more of this.
On the fourth day, he waited until you started to cry yourself to sleep before shutting down his equipment and finally coming to the door; he took a deep breath, preparing himself, before dramatically kicking it down and gasping when he saw you.  He called your name into the dark and you barely had the energy to open your eyes, poor thing.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" he yelped, dashing over to where you were chained and picking at the lock.  "I'm gonna get you out, don't worry, you're safe now."
"Jensen...?" you mumbled sleepily, making him smile and stroke your face a little.  
"Yeah, I'm right here."
He carried you to his car and drove you home-- not your old home, your new one which also happened to be his apartment.
"I think it's time to wake up, I'm guessing you wanna take a shower," he cooed at your sleeping form, watching you stir in his arms before finally blinking your eyes open and looking up at him.
"Oh," you whispered.  "Did I fall asleep?"
"Yes," he laughed, "you've been out the whole ride here."
"Oh…” you repeated, “and where are we?"
"My apartment.  I didn't want to leave you alone right now."
You nodded, seemingly in agreement.  "You can put me down now."
He reluctantly did as you'd asked, watching you carefully put weight back on your legs.
"Woah!" he chuckled when you wobbled a bit, reaching out to catch you, but you recovered.
"Thank you," you whispered, and he smiled at you.
"Just wish I'd found you sooner.”
"Um, you said I can take a shower?"
"Yeah, down that hall, first door on the right.  I'll bring you some clothes,” he explained, and you smiled weakly before navigating your way to the bathroom.
You looked so good in his clothes that his heart skipped a beat when he saw you step out into the living room.  The t-shirt that was almost too tight on him was baggy on you, reminding him of how delicate you were in so many ways, how much bigger he was than you.
It reminded him that if he really wanted to, he could force himself on you and you'd be helpless to stop him.  But that wasn't what he wanted.  It was going to be so much better this way.
"Wanna go to bed now?  I'll take the couch," he offered.
"N-no," you stammered, and he gave you a quizzical look.  "I don't… I don't want you that far away."
"Okay, I could sleep on the floor," he bargained instead, "in my room, with you."
"No," you sighed again, "then I won't be able to see you."
"I'll be right there," he reminded you.
"It's a king, right?  You can share with me."
"Are you sure?" he pressed.  "I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable."
"No, please, this is the only way I'll be comfortable."
"Okay," he smiled, guiding you to the bedroom.  He let you watch him take off his shirt and smirked a little when he saw you ogling.
"I usually just sleep in boxers," he admitted nervously.  "I'll put on some pajama pants at least."
"It's fine, really," you smiled.  "I don't wanna be any more of a burden than I already am."
"You're not a burden."
"And I'm not gonna wear pants to bed anyways," you shrugged.
But he hadn't given you a new pair of panties to wear because he didn't have any to give you.  Which meant that if you took off the sweats he'd given you, that'd leave you in his shirt and nothing else.
He tried not to let that thought go straight to his cock as he unbuttoned and pushed down his pants, seeing you conflicted on where to look, before getting in bed.  You did the same, taking the sweats off once you were under the covers and tossing them out from under the blanket.
"Goodnight," he smiled as he turned off the lamp, hearing you whisper it back before starting to shift around and get comfortable.
He didn't have to wait nearly as long as he had expected to hear you meekly whisper, "Jensen?"
"Yeah, is everything alright?" he asked, voice full of concern.
"I… I don't want to ask you for anything else…" you sighed.
"No, hey, it's okay," he assured, "ask for anything."
"Would you, um, would you hold me?" 
He cleared his throat a little.  "If you need me to."
"Please, it's the only way I'll be able to sleep."
He sighed a little but relented, coming over to your side of the bed and spooning you, gingerly laying one arm over you and trying to avoid touching you anywhere too personal.
"Thank you," you sighed sleepily.
"Whatever you need,” he assured.
"Jake, why are you doing all this for me?" you asked quietly, turning back a little to look at him.
"You're my teammate, nobody gets left behind,” he explained.  “Besides, this is all my fault anyways.  You were waiting for me when they got you."
"No, Jake, don't say that.  It's not your fault."
"Alright, but it's not yours either.  You didn't deserve that."
“You’re right, but I don’t deserve this either,” you mumbled.
“Yes, you do.”
You shifted slightly against him, humming contentedly, and he groaned.
"I think maybe we should stop," he hissed, pulling away— but you stopped him by grabbing his arm.
"No, wait," you whimpered.  "Why?  What’s wrong?"
"I, uh, I guess I'm just experiencing some of the consequences of laying in bed with a beautiful woman…"
"The, um, the biological consequences."
"I— oh,” you whispered.
"Yeahhh...” he trailed off awkwardly.
"No, hey, it's okay.  I don't mind, I mean, you can't help it,” you shrugged.
"Sorry, I'm not normally this easily amused but it's been a while, so…"
"I understand," you assured, "really, it's okay… just don't go."
He just barely heard your gasp as he pressed himself against you, his shaft cradled perfectly between each soft globe of your ass.  "Is this okay?" he asked quietly.
"Y-yeah," you answered, making him suppress a laugh since it was obvious you were noticing his size.  He would bet a grand at least that you were getting wet right now, if he had anyone to bet against.
Your back arched a little, pushing your ass into him with more force, and you actually started to rock your hips ever so slightly.
"Stop moving," he hissed through his teeth.  
"I'm not…" you denied weakly.
"Yes you are, you're… rubbing yourself on me."
"I'm sorry, it just feels good,” you admitted sleepily, surprising him with your forwardness.  “You like it too, right?"
"Yes, but I feel like I'm taking advantage of you,” he admitted worriedly.
"You're not,” you promised, “you did so much for me— you saved me— and I want to help you, too.  You said it's been a while since you were with anybody, I could help you out… you know, you could rub up against me until you…"
He groaned a little but leaned in closer until his lips were right against your ear.  "Are you sure?  Don't do me any favors, you don't owe me anything."
"I want you to," you assured, making him smile and nod a bit, taking a moment to enjoy a deep breath as he prepared himself.
Carefully, he began to rock his hips forward, rubbing his cock on you through his boxers.  Even with a layer of cotton in the way he could feel your warmth, he could imagine how smooth your skin was.  If you hadn't been able to make out the shape of him before, you certainly could now— the ridge of his head was probably digging into you, and on particularly long thrusts he could feel your ass against his balls (which, inversely, meant you could feel his balls against your ass).
He held your hips as he picked up his pace a bit, grinding into you and breathing heavily in your ear.  You gasped and tried to hide a moan by biting your lip but he heard it.  It was even more obvious when he whispered your name to you, heavy with desire, and rubbed your spine with his finger.  Your back arched even further, inviting him to push harder against you until he felt the slightest wet patch forming on his boxers— not from him, from you.  It made his cock throb and his breath catch in his throat.
Overcome with need, he pushed his boxers down quickly before getting back to it, both of you moaning at the feeling of his skin on yours.  He was so close to your pussy he could hardly stand it, and he knew you must be dripping right now, desperate to be filled.  He could probably slip right in and you wouldn't even stop him, but that wasn't what he needed from you right now.  You needed to ask him for it.  He knew you wanted it, but he needed you to know you wanted it.
A drop of precum formed at his slit, smearing onto your skin and easing his way further.  
"I want you to feel good, too," he whispered.  "I don't just want to use you."
He pushed his cock down and slipped it between your thighs instead, sliding right against your wet, silky folds.  You whined beautifully as he thrusted forward, your thighs clenching (and therefore gripping him even tighter) when his cock slid right over your clit.
Your wetness was plentiful enough to drench him just from this, so he already knew the answer but he still asked, "does it feel good?"
"Yes," you sighed.  "Yes, it's good…"
He knew he could make you come like this, and he knew exactly how to, but that wouldn't get him what he wanted.  Instead he only gave you enough to keep you on the edge, moving too slow to really let you finish.  You even tried to move faster but his grip on your hips was too tight, keeping you still so he could savor his own pace and keep you desperate.
"Fuck me," you moaned.  
"I don't have a condom," he whispered nervously.
"I don't care, just please…"
That was all the encouragement he needed, pulling back enough to guide his head to your entrance before sliding right in.  Your wet, hot walls stretched open to accept him, struggling against his girth but eventually giving way.
Your hand shot back to grab onto his thigh, trying to keep him from going too deep, but he had no intentions of holding back now that he was inside you; he delicately grabbed your wrist and guided your hand back to your chest where he wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly.
"Baby," he moaned into your ear as his hips met yours.  "This is my pussy now."
You gasped and shivered in his arms, eyes falling shut as he pulled back and pushed in again, incredibly slow but as deep as he could push himself.
Your moans were perfect, even better than the ones he'd heard when he hacked into your webcam because it wasn't just your fingers or toy anymore, it was him— exactly what you'd always needed, whether you knew it or not.  He'd dreamed of this for so long and now that he had you he couldn't imagine ever letting you go.  Every inch of your channel was like heaven, every moan was somehow more beautiful than the last.
"That's it, baby, take all of me," he purred when he pressed deep into your cunt, holding your hips so the tip of his cock hit the deepest parts of you.  You made the cutest little choking noise and he kissed your neck while trying his best to make you do it again, moving faster and slapping his hips against yours more firmly.
"Jake," you managed to whimper, and he groaned through his teeth.
"Yeah, I'm right here," he promised.  "That's me inside you, sweetheart, that's my cock filling you up."
He leaned back slightly and pulled your ass apart so he could see his cock stretching you out, disappearing into your body.  It made his head fall back for a moment before he pulled you close again and started thrusting faster.  He reached around and brought two fingers to your clit, rubbing it fiercely as he kept thrusting.
"Oh fuck," you moaned, "Jake, right there… I'm gonna come…"
He laughed a little, kissing your ear as a show of approval.  "Baby, you're so sensitive," he praised, giving your clit a little spank.  You cried out and shuddered, bouncing yourself back on his cock, meeting his thrusts.  Amused by your neediness, he stopped moving and watched you go.
"There you go, sweetheart, fuck yourself with my cock.  Make yourself come."
You whined and kept going, your ass slapping against his hips loudly.  He kept rubbing your clit as you worked his cock, your walls starting to clench down on him rhythmically and your body beginning to shake.
The absolute second he heard you cry out with pleasure as you reached the peak, he grabbed you and rolled both of you over until you were on your stomach and he was brutally fucking you into the mattress.  He could still feel you pulsing around his length, gripping him tight and pulling him deeper.
"That's it, keep fuckin' coming for me," he groaned.  "Gimme one more and then I'm gonna fill you up."
"Jake!" you yelped, grabbing onto the pillow and even biting it as he slammed into you.  
"You're so good, baby, your pussy feels so good," he growled, pinning you down by your shoulders as he sped up even more.  He laughed when he felt your walls weakly fluttering, his balls hitting your swollen clit with each thrust.  "Gonna come again already, baby?  Just from my cock?"
"Yes," you sobbed hoarsely, "yes, Jake, I'm gonna come again— oh my god, please don't stop…"
"Oh, I won't stop," he assured.  "You take it so fuckin' good, sweetheart, like you were made for it.  Like you were made for me."
You moaned loudly and he took the opportunity to spank you— not incredibly hard but enough to make you whine a bit… and get even wetter.
"Oh fuck, you like that huh?" he purred with a grin.  "You like it rough."
"Yes, fuck, I love it," you agreed with a moan.  "I'm— I'm coming, Jake, don't stop."
"Yeah, I know," he chuckled, "I can feel it.  Feels so good when you come on my cock, baby…"
You went suddenly from arching your back and gripping the pillow to falling limp and relaxing, your body his toy now as he fucked you to the point of overstimulation.  Your moans were exhausted and muffled now, your walls clinging to him desperately as he continued stroking every sensitive place he could reach (which was all of them).
He could so easily pull out and paint your back, or jerk himself off over your ass, but if he was going to claim your body then he was going to do it right.  
He didn't warn you in advance, just in case you suddenly decided to tell him to pull out, but he did make sure you knew what he was doing.  "Fuck, I'm coming!" he moaned as his cock flexed and his seed filled you, still thrusting in time with each pump of his release.  It was nearly overwhelming, physically and psychologically.  He was finally filling you like he'd fantasized about basically every time he got off since he met you, finally making you his the way you should've been from the beginning.
He sighed and laid down on top of you, smiling as he kissed all over your face, neck, shoulders, and back.
You giggled sleepily, but whined when he tried to pull out, bringing your legs up to hold him inside.  "Don't go yet," you pleaded.
"Okay, baby, I'll stay right here until you fall asleep," he promised.  "Goodnight, beautiful…"
Not only could he not think of a night he'd slept better in his life, but he was pretty sure this was the best any man had slept in the history of sleep.  But even then, he wasn't at all disappointed when you woke him up.
"Good morning," you whispered in his ear with a giggle, making him blink his eyes open and look down at where you were resting your face on his chest.
"Good morning," he returned with a grin, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close.
"Last night was… pretty amazing," you smiled coyly, and he stroked your cheek as he felt it warm even more.
"Yeah, you have no idea," he chuckled, lifting your head so he could give you a kiss.  It was supposed to be quick and wholesome but you deepened it instantly, wrapping your arms around his neck.  
Just as you started to climb up to straddle him, he heard your stomach loudly growl and he pulled back to laugh.
"Sorry, sweetheart, but it sounds like you've got some other needs to take care of first," he smirked.
"Ugh, you're right," you sighed, "I'm going raid your kitchen."
"No, let me do that, I'll make you something— whatever you want," he offered, starting to sit up, but you pushed him back down.
"Jake, you've done enough for me already.  I don't even know what I want, that's why I wanna go look at what you have."
"If you insist," he relented, watching you hop out of bed and playfully smacking your ass when it was within reach.  You giggled and scampered away, leaving him to lay back and put his hands up behind his head, taking a deep breath of satisfaction.  His plan had not only worked but gone beyond his expectations— clearly you had wanted this, on some level, from the beginning, you were too eager for him to believe otherwise.  But that didn't matter now, because you were finally his and it was exactly as he'd dreamed it would feel: right, undeniably and overwhelmingly right.
He decided to take a break from basking in his own glory for a while to get up and find some food for himself as well.  After all, he planned on fucking you at least one more time today so he'd need lots of energy to keep him going.
He slipped back on his boxers and walked to the kitchen, finding you there standing oddly still.  "What are you doing?" he asked with a bemused scoff.
"Jake…" you mumbled, staring into the cabinet blankly.
"What's wrong?" he asked, stepping closer but stopping in his tracks when he saw what you were looking at: a six-pack box of granola bars.  He sighed a little as he internally chided himself for such a rookie mistake.  "Baby, seriously, what's wrong?"
"I… these… this is the same kind they gave me… it was the only thing I ate for almost four days."
"Oh my god," he whispered, stepping up behind you and wrapping his arms around you to try to soothe you.  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring back any bad memories.  You only ate granola bars for four days?  Honey, you must be starving, please just let me cook you something—"
"No, not only granola bars: only a granola bar.  Just one…"
You reached up to grab the box but he held you tighter, trying to stop you.  Instead what happened was you accidentally knocked the box over, exactly five bars sliding out and landing on the floor with a crinkly thud.
You gasped with realization and tried to squirm away but his comforting hug turned into restraint instantly.  "Jake, let me go…"
"I'm sorry, baby, but I don't think I can do that."
"Jake, please," you begged with a sob.  "Why did you— how could you?"
"I know you had feelings for me, you just needed a little encouragement."
"Feelings for you?  I hate you!"
"Huh, that's odd, because I distinctly remember you begging me to fuck you last night,” he taunted.  “I remember you coming for me, twice.  Is that what you normally do when you hate somebody?"
"You're a monster," you sneered.
"And you're stuck with me, whether you like it or not," he chuckled, spinning you around to bend you over the counter, pressing his hips against yours as you whined and failed to squirm away.  "So you might as well let yourself like it."
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awesomerextyphoon · 4 years
Speculum Cupido
Summary: You’ve been Dr. Strange’s apprentice for some time now and you wanted to prove your best friend wrong. It goes awry and both of you find yourselves in a ‘dark mirror’ universe where the Captain, the Asset, the Kraken, and the Fallen Angel want to make both of you theirs.
Pairing: Dark!Steve x Female Reader x Dark!Ransom, minor Dark!Bucky x OFC x Dark!Sam
Rating: 18+ / Explicit
Word Count: 3,072
Warning: Dub/Non-Con Smut, Oral (m & f receiving), Daddy Kink, MMF Threesome, Double Penetration, Spit Roasting, Non-Con Drugging, Breeding Kink, and Artistic License w/Biology
A/N: This is my gift to @labella420​ for @drabblewithfrannybarnes​, @chrissquares​ , and @amythedvdhoarder​’s Happy Hoelentine’s Day Challenge.  Dividers are by the lovely @firefly-graphics​. Shout out to @saiyanprincessswanie​ for letting me borrow an idea of hers for this fic. Thanks to @the-soulofdevil​ for the beta.
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Another Valentine’s Day, another day for the world to mock me being single.
You were having enough of a ‘meh’ week as it is. Dr. Strange had to return to Kamar-Taj for an in-person meeting and Wong was who knows where. They had instructed you to work on your portal and transfiguration spells while they were away which was fair since you’ve been lacking in that department.
It’s just that you longed for some excitement.
Luckily you wouldn’t be spending Valentine’s completely alone; Isabeau, your best friend, was coming over due to as she put it, ‘no one cares about a day where all one gets is somewhat good sex’.
Fast Forward two hours and you’re getting your room ready for Galentine’s Day Movie Night. You had decked out your room with homemade baked goods, drinks, best friend movies, all the good shit.
“I have wonderful news!” Isabeau burst in with gusto yet again.
You shot her a bemused smile, “What is it this time?”
“I have a new crush! It’s Eric from IT!”
“Are you sure this won’t end up like last time?” you queried in reference to the time when Isabeau’s crush turned out to be a complete asshole.
“Oh hush! This won’t be like that at all,” Isabeau retorted, “Now how about you? Have you had any luck with a hot sorcerer?”
“If only I’d be so lucky,” you muttered as Isabeau started on the Toffee Crunch Cookies you made.
A few minutes later, Isabeau’s eyes narrowed and her full lips curved upward in a mischievous smirk.
She had one of her ideas again.
“Hey, why don’t you try an ambiance spell. They’re harmless and you always feel better afterward.”
You didn’t like casting them due to something always going awry, but you relented once Isabeau broke out her puppy dog eyes.
“Alright, alright, I give,” you submitted, “I’ll try a simple floating star spell. Let me find the book.”
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 Both of you went to the library for the book but it was nowhere to be found. All of the ambiance and illusion books were blank.
“Is this a sorcerer thing? I’m not seeing any words or illustrations,” puzzled Isabeau as you went through book after book in the library only to find them blank.
“No. Maybe we should just go back to my room,” you suggested as you made your way to the exit.
“Wait! There’s one book left. You could try that one.” Isabeau pointed to the last book on the shelf. It was a little worn like many of the books that resided in the library, but the inscriptions seemed odd; like it wasn’t supposed to be there.
Yet it was the only book that had anything in it.
“Fine,” you relented as you took the book back to your room.
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  The spells in the book weren’t anything out of the ordinary, but one spell seemed to stand out to both of you.
“Speculum Mundus?” Isabeau wondered.
“It means Mirror World in Latin.”
“Oh,” her eyes got a mischievous glint to them again, “I bet you can’t cast the spell.”
“Not this again.”
“Oh come on,” Isabeau goaded, “It’s a simple mirror world spell. You’ve done it before. What’s the worse that can happen?”
“I don’t know…”
“Are you gonna chicken out again?”
“No! Just give me a minute,” you mumbled as your hands got into the starting position and recited the incantation.
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  The room changed instantly.
It was filled with prism-like structures and kaleidoscope imagery giving the space a surreal ambiance.
It wasn’t unlike the last time you went into the Quantum Realm with Dr. Strange and Wong, and yet the hair on the back of your neck stood straight, and a chill shot through your spine.
You heard a gasp and turned around to see Isabeau with her protruding eyes opened wide and her mouth gaping. Following her line of sight, you saw four of the hottest men you’ve ever seen.
Though something was amiss.
For one thing, there were two Steve Rogers; one with a beard and one clean-shaven. Bucky Barnes’ arm was silver and not dark gray with gold highlights. All of them were in black uniforms with sections of vermillion and/or maroon. Clean-shaven Steve had a black tactical suit with a vermillion Kraken on his chest. Bearded Steve had a skull with tentacles on it. Sam had three vermillion stripes and one maroon stripe across his chest and shoulders with a falcon’s head in red surrounded by a black circle between his pecs.
But the thing that set off all your alarms was the fact that Bucky’s outfit was a dead ringer of his Winter Soldier days.
Instinctively, you grabbed Isabeau’s hand and made a mad dash for the hallway. You needed to get some distance so you could ground yourself.
You tried breaking the spell but to no avail. Not only did the spell not break, but your hands also burned at each attempt.
“We won’t lose you again!” one of the Steves yelled as you and Isabeau turned a corner.
“Come here, mici prințese!” another voice, probably Bucky’s shouted as the two of you made your way into a closet.
“I think we’re okay for now,” you breathed telepathically as the four Adonises crept past your hiding place.
“What’s the plan now?” Isabeau asked fearfully as her heartbeat started to rise in terror.
“I don’t know but-” you were cut off by a strike to the back of your head and your vision rapidly fading to black.
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  Muffled voices and the beeping of medical equipment brought you from the void.
“Nothing is wrong….they’re…good, sir.”
“Be sure that they are. We can’t leave anything up to chance.”
Groggily, you open your eyes to find yourself in a sleek hospital room lightly chained to a bed. Several other people were monitoring your vitals. One of them is Dr. Bruce Banner, or what seems to be Dr. Banner.
Bruce turned to see you looking around with a slightly confused expression, “Ah, you’re awake,” he turned to one of his aides, “Contact the Captain and Lieutenant. Tell them to come to get their bride.”
You blinked. Bride?
“Where is Isabeau, my friend?” you inquired as one of the aides brought you some water.
Bruce scowled, “Don’t think about her. You might be able to see her if the Captain and/or Lieutenant wills it.” he remarked while eyeing you up and down in a condescending almost lecherous manner, “Hmm, looks great for breeding,” Bruce noted as he fondled and prodded your curves.
You’ve always been proud of how you looked, but at that moment you wanted to shrink in the corner after giving this Bruce a roundhouse kick to the groin.
You were about to tell Dark!Bruce to fuck off when Tony Stark, fuck it, Dark!Tony entered the room. This Tony looked a lot more sinister with his silver, gray, light, and steel navy blue armor. His face and hair were mostly uncovered with his facial expression positively predatory.
“Cap’s one lucky bastard. He gets a sexy bunny along with Lieutenant Smart Ass.”
Recalling how some megalomaniacs liked shows of submissiveness, you lowered your head and asked where you were.
Whether it be out of pity, spite, or malice, Tony answered your question, “You’re in another earth, another universe.”
You nearly swiveled to look outside the window. NYC’s skyline was radically different. There were fewer buildings and HYDRA insignias everywhere.
“HYDRA took over this world.” You deadpanned. FUUUUCK!
“Sexy and smart.” Tony praised sardonically.
It didn’t take time for HYDRA to regroup after WWII. Zola and his associates were able to convince Howard Stark to give them the Tesseract with the promise of great renown, riches, and no longer being bound by the laws of weaker men. They were able to create a superweapon with the help of Dr. Whitney Frost and have been ruling the planet ever since.
It could be worse. HYDRA knew they had to offer the people comforts in exchange for their obedience. They eradicated all diseases, created a good standard of living, and ended all petty conflicts under the new world order.
Though Tony didn’t feel the need to tell you. You’ll figure it out on your own.
The doors opened to reveal Steve Rogers and his younger, clean-shaven counterpart in all their masculine glory.
“Good, you’re here.” Bruce welcomed smirking at your silent pleas.
Both soldiers walked over and inspected you.
“Hello, kitten. Name’s Ransom.” The clean-shaven soldier drawled as he moaned from your scent, “Nice set of lips you’ve got there.”
“We’ll definitely have some fun with her,” Steve noted as licked his lips ogling your curves.
You had to use all of your restraint not to spit in their faces.
“We’ll take her.” Ransom decided while Steve nodded.
Several of the aides breathed a sigh of relief as Steve broke the chains on your bed like they were nothing.
“Don’t have too much fun now!” Tony called as Steve picked you up bridal style.
“Who am I kidding? they’ll breed her like a Catholic rabbit!”
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  “Um, where are you taking me?” you queried, your voice barely above a whisper.
“You will address us as ‘Sir’ in public unless instructed otherwise. Is that understood?” It took all that Steve had not to push against the wall and pound your pussy with his cock he was so enraged.
No, he needed to wait. No one was to see what’s theirs.
Ransom, for his part, chuckled and shook his head, “Best not to anger this one, kitten. He hasn’t been in the best of moods.”
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  You gasped once the doors to their living quarters opened.
The place was huge!
It had a modern yet retro design; it should’ve been confusing, but it worked. Grand windows showcased the skyline with a balcony in the middle with a huge kitchen next to what looked to be a restaurant-style fridge and a huge living room with a TV and a fireplace.
Yet there seemed to be something missing.
“Place needs a woman’s touch,” Ransom commented sending a smirk your way.
“I’ll see you in the guest quarters Ransom” Steve deadpanned as he led you down a hall.
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  The bedroom was enormous yet sparse like they didn’t know what to do with it.
You were about to say something when Steve dropped you onto the incredibly soft mattress. His eyes darkened with lust and you knew what he wanted. You couldn’t think of a way out of this, not with the magic inhibitors Bruce placed on your wrists.
Maybe you could give escape one last try; you just had to wait for the right opening.
Steve smirked upon seeing you removing your clothes. He liked that you knew your place, his pretty little princess.
You could only gasp when Steve removed his uniform top. He had an incredibly defined musculature: broad shoulders, beefy biceps, chiseled pecs and abs, and a seriously drool-worthy Adonis Belt. The light shining behind him made his body appear even more glorious.
Steve looked like an ancient god brought to modern times.
With a predatory smirk, Steve slowly crawled to you loving the smell of your arousal. “Let me lay out a few rules, sweetheart. You will make our meals, clean our rooms, bear our children, and be our good little whore. You must earn the right to wear a bra; panties are out of the question.”
Each rule was emphasized by a kiss or a love bite to your jaw, neck, collarbone, and shoulders.
Finally, you are to address us as Sir in public and Daddy in private. Say it.”
“Yes, Daddy,” you muttered with your eyes downcast.
Steve lifted your chin up with his forefinger, “That’s a good girl,” and brought you in for a kiss on the lips.
The kiss was demanding yet soft. You were surprised he was capable of such gentleness.
Steve was about to push his tongue into his mouth when Ransom strolled into the room.
“Does she know the drill?”
Steve broke the kiss with a smirk,” Just finished explaining it.”
Ransom shot you a sardonic smirk, “You got the rules, kitten? Good. Now if you misbehave, I’m gonna send you to the dungeons for a few days.”
Steve started up again, “But...if you’re good-”
“A good little wifey,” Ransom interjected caressing your right cheek and leaning in for a kiss.
This kiss started off soft then intensified (really know how to lure a girl) into one filled with passion and dominance. Ransom forced his tongue into and moaned at your taste. A few seconds later he was pushing what felt like a small tablet past your tongue forcing you to swallow.
“Did you do it yet?”
“Cool it, grandpa! I did, don’t you worry. She’s gonna feel it. Aren’t ya, kitten.”
You started to feel strange. Your body temperature skyrocketed, your mind was in a deep haze, your thighs were clenching on overtime you were so turned on. You needed relief and fast.
“Please Daddies!” you begged as you tried your best not to touch yourself.
“See grandpa? She’s ready.” Ransom purred as he grabbed your thighs and placed them over his shoulders. He planted a few kisses near your entrance and groaned at the smell of your arousal.
It only took one long, slow lick to your slit to turn you into a moaning mess. You couldn’t believe the pleasure you were feeling. It was like a bolt of lightning shot through you.
Ransom groaned at the taste of your juices. Not even Stark’s overpriced chefs could compare. “Fuck, she tastes divine,” he groaned and dove in for more. Ransom attacked your folds and swollen clit with insane intensity and precision alternating between his tongue and fingers.
You were on cloud nine. Each motion took you further to the precipice of an orgasm. Ransom kept bringing you back from the edge only thrust you back into his level of tumultuous.
Steve got in on the action by covering your moans with a kiss of all-consuming passion and started playing with your breasts.
“Fuck, these tits are amazing! Can’t wait until these are filled with milk” Steve purred as he took one of your nipples into his mouth and the other between his big and forefingers.
After twenty minutes of teasing, Ransom finally let you come. A volcanic eruption of ecstasy erupted from your core and Ransom lapped up all of your juices.
“Rogers, you’re in for a treat!” Ransom exclaimed as he hopped off the edge of the mattress.
“I get her pussy first since you got to eat her out,” Steve uttered as grinned at your blissed-out state.
With a tsk, both of them got you into position with Steve’s thick, muscular thighs on either side of your hips and Ransom standing in front of you taking off his pants.
He was huge! His cock was long, thick, and veiny. It wobbled against his masterfully sculpted abs with each step he took. You wondered how that was going to fit in your mouth. Turns out Steve’s was no smaller if his tip being coated with your slick is any indication.
“This won’t hurt, kitten. You were made for us.” Ransom cooed.
You didn’t know how right he was.
Steve made his move by pushing into you inch by delicious inch and moaned at the sensation. “Fuck, she fits like a dream.”
“Don’t take forever, grandpa.” Ransom chided.
“Shut up, ya punk!” Steve retorted as he began thrusting into you loving the way your pussy clenched around him like a vice’s grip.
“Open wide, kitten,” Ransom started to push his throbbing cock into your mouth.
It took a bit of time and effort to loosen your jaw enough for him to fully enter you. He started fucking your mouth before you were ready. You tried not to gag he was so rough.
What happened to the man from earlier?
“Fuckin’ perfect.” Ransom breathed as he was approaching his climax.
Steve came with a primal roar that reverberated throughout the room after making you come two more times.
“Swallow it, kitten” Ransom ordered.
Funny thing is, you didn’t need the order. You delighted in the salty, tangy, and slightly sweet flavor.
Two minutes after you swallowed all of Ransom’s spent, both men decided it was time to move. Ransom got onto the mattress and pulled you on top of him with his tip nudging your entrance. Steve got behind you and placed kisses along the juncture between your neck and shoulders while positioning himself at your ass.
“Please...please don’t do this!” you pleaded, the pill’s effect slipping for the tiniest of moments.
Steve grabbed your neck with just enough force to pause, not hurt.” Best be a good girl now, sweetheart,” he warned.
Ransom slid in first, “Holy fucking shit!” he moaned, “Sam owes me $40.
“That depends on how well their bride is taking to them,” Steve pointed out.
“Eh, we’ll say ours is better.”
Ransom moaned again once he bottomed out and grabbed the globes of your blessed backside. He couldn’t wait to grab and smack it around in their quarters.
Steve moved slowly causing both of your breathing to hitch, his from pleasure and yours from slight pain.
With a grin and smirk, they started moving in tandem. Your body almost couldn’t take the immense pleasure you were feeling.
“I could get used to this,” Ransom remarked.
“Well, we have the week,” Steve breathed past your ear.
Both kept at it until they came in you twice. You nearly passed out after your twelfth orgasm.
“Rest kitten,” Ransom purred as you finally gave in to your exhaustion.
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  “The bride took to our seed,” Steve reported to Director Pierce.
“Good. We found their parents along with the rest of the resistance.” Pierce imparted.
Steve scowled at the information.
You and your friend, Isabeau, were the only ones to survive the Eve Project. HYDRA wanted to genetically groom compatible brides for their top soldiers. You were promised to Steve and Ransom and your friend to Bucky and Sam. Both of you were whisked away to another Earth by the resistance and your treacherous parents.
Now you were back where you belong.
“When do we leave?” Ransom growled.
“Once Strange and Wanda crack the protection spell. In the meantime, enjoy your bride.” Pierce turned to leave, but stopped before turning off the screen,” I want to see some little ones soon.”
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zmwrites · 2 years
Tag: Word Find CCCLVIII
I was tagged by @spacetimewraithwrites​ and given the words chain, silence, speak, ghost, hold, and spell. Thank you!!
From Remnants:
They reached the main bar and, farther in, could see a group of people moving large sections of what appeared to be chain link fence. Vanya gave a resigned sigh. “I should’ve known.”
Radka’s brows drew together. She couldn’t tell what they were doing with the sections of fence. Each piece seemed to be about three meters tall, with two meters being reinforced with a second layer of fencing. They began setting up the fencing around a sunken section of the floor that appeared to be the same size as—
“You’re fucking kidding me.” It was about the same size as the fighting cage in The Ruby Coliseum. Anger roiled just under her skin. 
“I take it you’re not a fan of the fights?” Vanya asked.
“Cage fighting is what got us into this mess,” she replied, words clipped as she scanned the crowd for Damir.
Damir closed his eyes so she couldn’t see him rolling them but she could still feel his exasperation. “You’re being unreasonable.”
“I’m being cautious. We lost more people to infection than to battle wounds during the Liberation. I don’t intend to lose you.” 
The words hung between them in the silence that followed. There it was again, that fierce protectiveness that kept taking her by surprise. Him too, based on his startled expression that quickly melted into something softer—far too soft for how close they were standing.
“The Conclave is preparing for violence. I don’t think it’s a good idea to put ourselves in the middle of that. Not when most of our recruits are still mastering how to throw a punch without breaking their fingers,” Lili said. 
“At least they have some training. The people out there facing down Conclave guns as we speak have nothing but their anger,” Roman argued. He’d been uncharacteristically quiet all morning, which was becoming more disconcerting the longer it went on.
Damir frowned. “Can’t stop bullets with a few days of hand-to-hand combat training.”
“I’m leaving the country,” she said, then unexpectedly added, “You should come with me.”
The ghost of a smile crossed his features. “I can’t.”
“I know, you have to go save the day or whatever.”
His face pinched slightly as though he was disagreeing but he didn’t say anything.
Everyone fell silent as the door swung open. Five pairs of eyes bore into her as soon as she crossed the threshold. 
Radka sighed. “So there’s no chance of glossing over what happened yesterday?”
Standing there, in the hazy club lighting with Vanya’s warm presence beside her, she almost broke. She wanted to tell him everything, to beg for his help to untangle the mess she was in, to lean on him the way she should have been able to lean on her parents. By the gods, she was only twenty-one; being a few days away from turning twenty-two didn’t mean she was at all equipped to deal with everything she was facing.
The elevator chimed, breaking the spell. Anything she shared with Vanya could put him in danger if the Liberty Conclave connected them. It was safer to keep everything to herself. To swallow her fears and bury them deep inside with the guilt, and the sorrow, and the rage. To leave them to rot like every memory she didn’t have time to process.
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Every time I reread parts of this story I’m like damn..... maybe I am a good writer.
I tag @sleepyowlwrites​, @ashen-crest​, @akindofmagictoo​, and anyone else who wants to play! Your words are wash, brush, tug, and floor. As always, no pressure!
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Attack Of The Winter Wolf: Reality Takes Over
Summary- 8.6k Alpha Steve x Little One Reader. Visiting the reformed Pierce Pack, now under a new Alpha’s leadership, Caine. The young Alpha has a few questions for Steve. You and Steve seem to have finally found them at peace, but it still reaffirms that now your home is with your mate. Unfortunately it all comes crashing down in a matter of moments. Divider made by @firefly-graphics​
Warnings- Dominating Sex, violence, swears. This is an 18+ Blog
A/N- A friend sent me a GIF that inspired the sexual scene in this fic. If any should want to see the GIF, send me a DM as I wont be posting it on my page due to the content of it. Thank you so much for continuing reading The Packs journey in this next stage. Thoughts and Questions are always welcome. Happy Howling. 🐺💙
Chapter One / Masterlist
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Steve had to admit that Caine had really changed it all around in the months he has taken over. His pack was more relaxed and open, no longer living with the fear of a crazy Alpha. Steve watched his Little One pausing every now and then to greet a former pack mate while he simply stayed nearby watching You interact with your old pack mates. Even though he knew You still carried connections with them, it wasn't the same because now you were his. You constantly danced back to him, your body seeing his reassuring touch, either taking his hand once more to weave your fingers with his or slipping under his shirt to press your palm to his back. It was all about the connection, You and the Little Wolf always establishing that bond. Steve felt a calmness wash over him at your desire to remain close. Every time a soft praising rumble would rise from him making you pleased. 
Soon Caine and Kat found the two of you “Welcome back, thinking about staying here Y/N?” The woman teased as she loped her arm through yours on the opposite of Steve. You scoffed with a shake of your head. 
“And give up all the work I did with him? Hell no.” You joked, patting Steve's chest and smirking up at him. He growled in a mock warning and nipped at your nose before letting You go with a nudge, which you split off with Kat, going to catch up. Steve and Caine watched the women for a moment till Caine broke the silence. 
“This is a side I have never seen of Y/N, it's good.” Caine observed in which Steve turned his attention from You leaving him and cleared his throat. 
“Well I'm sure she has the same observations as all of you. Not living in fear will work wonders. The whole pack looks pretty good. While we were walking around, everyone is so content here. Have nothing but to say how good an Alpha you are.”  
Caine gave almost a youthful excited look at the comment before clearing his throat to gain his composure in the other Alphas presence. 
<I like this kid.> The Wolf yipped in Steve’s mind and Steve had to agree, knowing just how dedicated Caine was to his pack, even when he was nothing more than a captive. 
I do too, and Y/N trusts him. 
“Well thank you Steve, that means a lot. We deserve to just be a pack, a real and proper one. That was actually kinda why I sent Y/N a text inviting you two over. You see Ross has been sending members here, trying to talk to me about the Accords.” 
Steve rumbled slightly at the mention of Ross. He hadn't seen the council member since you ran him off last fall. And that was just fine by Steve, he already made it known that he wanted nothing to do with the Accords nor would be signing them to give up part of his control of his pack to the council. 
“And what do you think about them Caine? I’m sure they left a copy for you to read over.” he questioned, and Caine gave a slight wrinkle of his forehead considering how to answer the question. 
“Well, part of me wants to, as all of this to take care of seems almost overwhelming at times. I want nothing but the best for my Pack, but giving up the rights to finalize choices, letting the Council be able to override my decisions? Seems dangerous to give it up. They claim it's to further protect our safety, especially if an Alpha loses his sanity. Ross claims that is what happened to Pierce, was corrupted by Hydra and that nothing could be properly done, as Pierce had every right to do what he wanted being the Alpha.”
“Yeah fucking bullshit. Pierce never should have been an Alpha. I don’t know how he managed it.” Steve growled out angrily at Caine’s words. “And that supposed Council had everything they needed to step in, they just didn’t. They were waiting to see where Pierce could lead them, at the innocent wolves expense.” Steve shook his head, the Wolf now pacing in agitation for his human counterpart. Caine nodded in agreement. 
“What I thought as well when the Senator was trying to feed me this. I told him I would think about it. But I don't think that this is the best thing for us. We are still trying to recover and it's just hard to trust anyone right now. Giving up as Alpha, it just seems to go against our very nature.” 
“Go with what you feel in your gut Caine.” Steve said. “You know what is the best thing to do for your wolves, they trust you for a reason.” The new Alpha looked relieved at Steve, that he was actually doing the right thing after a lifetime of his family being mistreated.
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Soldat jumped out of the van Clint managed to hot wire, switching vehicles every couple hundred miles in case they were being followed. The Alpha they had collected groaned as Soldat yanked on the chain, Pietro pushing her forward from behind. Soldat never even bothered to learn her name. 
Her name didn't matter, she was just the mission. 
The White Wolf licked his muzzle hungrily, eyeing the Alpha, feeling the challenge her Wolf’s presence brought. But she was subdued, after killing her mate, all fight in her left. It broke her. She followed behind Soldat obediently as Brock unlocked the door to the warehouse, dragging her in. 
“A female this time.” Brock gripped her face, twisting it so she had to look at him, his sneer growing wider as it roamed up and down her, Alanna rolling her eyes from behind him. 
“Not much of a looker if you ask me. How did she get to be Alpha?” 
Brock ripped his fingers away from her face, jerking her head back. “Not all Alpha’s are built on strength. But they are weaker, easier to control. Isn't that right Sweetheart. Put her in the back... there's a free cage back there for her. Oh and Soldat, enjoy yourself with her… she's a fine piece of tail.” 
Soldat didn't say anything, just grabbed the chain he was using to lead her and tug her away with him, the rest of the team dispersed to unload the van of their equipment and dispense of it.
Alanna cocked her head as she watched Soldat leave with their latest Alpha. “Why do you do that? Offer him those Alphas like he will actually take you up on it. If you want him to get laid, why not just order it?” 
Brock watched before he turned to Alanna. “He’s programmed to only fuck his mate, if he ever chooses one, then we know. Another way to control him.” 
“You really believe in that crock of shit? Soulmates?” Alanna snorted out and Brock snapped his teeth at her. 
“I see Rogers was quick to drop you without a regret and he went halfway around the world leaving his pack behind to save his new mate.” He challenged her and Alanna snarled at him, her rage flaring at the mention of her former partner. 
“Fuck you Brock.” 
“Later Sweetheart, I got more important shit to do.” His hand whipped out and snatched her by the back of her neck, twisting till Alanna yelled in pain. “Don't you forget who owns your ass now Bitch, you got the pretty scar to prove it.” He dropped her to scramble at his feet while he stepped away, leaving her wiping her face dry from the tears of pain he caused, composing herself. 
Brock whistled a cheery tune as he followed along after Soldat to see if he was going to take him up on his offer or not.  
When Soldat shoved the Alpha in, Brock came up next to him, pulling out his phone to snap a picture of her to file away for later. 
“Good work, I have another one for you to go for. Coordinates are already pinged to your device. This one should be easy for you, he is fairly new and you’ve met him before.” Soldat dug out his own device and pulled up the file, a picture of a younger man paired along with a black wolf, both man and beast shown. “Collect him and bring him here, kill off as many of the pack as you can.” 
Soldat frowned a bit looking at it, studying it when he felt a haze of a memory rise up. Several people mingling in a hotel room, people he didn't recognize and a voice coming from nearby. 
“If Natasha and Bucky hadn’t come… Thank You, to all of you.” The Black Wolf he was looking at right now laying on a bed looking like he had just been through a fight, panting heavily.
“It was the least we could do, I’m sorry we didn’t know earlier.” The same voice he had heard calling to him days before when retrieving the Alpha. The White Wolf shook his head aggravated and Brock's voice sharpened suddenly. 
“Soldat! ANSWER ME.” 
“Yes Sir, we will head out right away.” 
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It was much later when you returned with Kat. Caine and Steve were sharing beers with other wolves, talking about general stuff, Steve doing his best to answer questions, explaining how he made his pack an asset to the community, bringing in income to the sleepy town below there mountain. It all felt like back at home, that you quickly settled back in. You sidled up to Steve's side, which his hand rubbed at your side and he dropped a kiss to your temple. “Thought I was going to have to go look for you, Little One.” He chuckled and you grinned up at him, taking his beer from his hand and sipping from it. 
“Like you didn't know where I was the whole time.” You scoffed and Steve shrugged, it was true. With your bond, as long as you two were nearby, it wasn't hard for either of you to find the other. The wolves easily slipped back and forth along that shared bond, tangling together in greeting and breaking out in play as you lightly nipped at Steve’s chest when you turned into him, pressing against his chest as he tightened his arm around you. 
“Sure I did, doesn't mean I didn't want to go find you and drag you away all for myself.” His voice husked in your ear, a flattening of his palm against your lower back pressed your hips into his and you could feel exactly why. 
Your hand smoothed against his pecs as you turned around, leaning back against his chest and taking another sip of the beer before giving it back to him. Steve's arm slung around your waist loosely while he nipped gently against your mark, making you tilt your head for him with a satisfied sigh before focusing once more on the small group milling around. 
“Would you consider coming back Y/N?” someone asked, a woman named Tess that you knew vaguely from the short amount of time she was for sale. Steve growled lowly at the question and you chuckled while pushing your hair back to flash your neck. 
“Most certainly not. You all will always be family, but I’m bonded with Steve now. My home is with him and where we decide to go together. Right now as Alpha, we’re staying in the mountains.” You stated and you felt Steve shuffle behind you, speaking up as well. 
“As long as your Alpha is fine with us visiting, Y/N will come back whenever she wants to. I know you all are her family and wouldn't ever ask her to push that away.” You could feel your Little Wolf howling to her mate, the satisfied warmth of her happiness flooding through you and you couldn't feel more content then you were right now. 
Caine was nearby, nuzzling up to Kat in a sneaky way. The two of them teasing at the edge of the group when suddenly Caine seemed to realize that the attention was on them from the others in the group. 
“Of course, Y/N, this is your home whenever you want to come. As well as any of your pack.” He cleared his throat. Kat hid her face a bit, trying not to give them away. 
“Thanks Caine.” You are quick to answer, deciding then that it was time to pull you and Steve away for the night, which made you twist to face him. “What do you say Alpha, ready to call it a night? I got something I want to show you.” 
Steve arched a brow at you, seeing how you were biting your lip and giving him a playful look. He gave a wave of his hand as you ran your fingers along his stomach through his shirt, pulling away from him, making him choke back a growl at the loss of your touch. “Nice meeting you all, see you tomorrow.” he said before walking stiff legged away. The rest of the wolves chuckled among one another at him trying to not be obvious. 
You sprinted ahead while Steve was saying goodbye, well away from the group now and sliding into the darkness of twilight quickly taking over and making the shade under the trees almost dark as night now. You could hear Steve quickly catching up to you, which made you put on a burst of speed. You weren't going back to the little cabin you two were calling home for the night. You wanted to play, wide awake and ready for your Alpha. Darting into the woods, you picked up speed to put more distance between you two and cupped your hands together around your mouth to give a soft howl, enticing him to come find you, hunt you down. The Little Wolf filled your mind, your eyes glimmering yellowed in the low light as you darted away from where you could hear Steve. 
<You keep crashing like this, he will find us in no time.> 
Well that is the point. 
The Little Wolf’s laughter filled your senses as you darted around a tree trunk, your hands pressing against the rough bark as you peered around, looking for any sign of movement. All your senses flared as you listened carefully for anything. Then to your left a snap made you jump, and the Little Wolf pounded her front paws, yipping. <Run! Run!> Turning the opposite way you raced off, panting as you picked up speed. 
When Steve first followed, he thought you would make straight for the cabin. But you had veered off, following your honeysuckle scent that he picked up and took the first step into the darkening woods. Inhaling deeply, it was filled with new scents. The sharpness of the pines, the fresh crushed needles where you passed through. The wolves who lived here mingled scent, and it was somewhat reminiscent of you when he first met you. But now… He drew it in deeper when he found yours, it was different, it was his. Warming in his lungs as he plucked it loose from everything else clashing his senses. It was the one that had that honeysuckle undertones, but now it was more intimate. It was a scent he was surrounded with when you pressed in against him, especially when you were just about to go into heat. A welcoming desired scent that left him aching hard and a smirk spread with a slight possessive growl rumbling through him now that he smelled it. Knowing that the sweetness would be dripping from you, his own honey pot. 
“Little One, you better run, because you certainly can’t hide.” he whispered as his footfalls were heavy at first. He could hear a giggle that you tried to muffle as you darted around trees and swiftly turned into trails that you found. The ferns growing under the forest swayed with your movements, some leafy fronds getting crushed in the process. Your howl echoed and bounced around, but Steve was hot on your trail, not being deterred. 
He saw you ahead, when you went around a particularly large trunk and Steve went to the right, quiet in his footfalls till he happened to finally managed to get around where you were trying to hide. You peered the opposite side, stretching a bit to look. Completely unaware of where Steve was. His fingers itched now to grab a hold of your waist, pull your ass back to grind against his hips, hear you shriek in surprise and fall back into his chest to look up at him with a grin. He knew how you would play this, trying to escape him with sweet kisses and wriggles to bolt again. As Steve attempted to sneak in closer, the pad of his foot happened to press against a twig and snapped it, making you twirl around on your toes wide eyed in surprise and Steve lunged forward to catch you, your back against the tree that was shielding you earlier and his arms caging on either side of your head. 
A surprise growl rolled through you when Steve pressed himself against you, catching you efficiently between him and the tree. Your hands fisted in his shirt and your eyes flashed yellow up at him. Flops of his hair fell forward on his forehead as his head dipped to yours, teasing lust filled kisses nipping on your lips, tugging at each other hungrily with groans. “Gotcha Little One.” Steve whispered, trailing his nose against yours, and his eyes closed while he inhaled against you. 
You dragged your teeth against your bottom lip while running your hands up his chest and fingers pressed through his beard to follow the sharp angle of his jaw. “You did Alpha, now what are you going to do about it?” 
Steve let your warm honeyed scent arouse him further, a sticky sweet honeypot of a mess his Little One was and he wanted to get his mouth on you, wrap himself around you till the whole world fell away. A cheeky grin crinkled the corners of his eyes, his grin turning wolfish in nature as he growled at you. “The Big Bad Wolf will eat you up.” 
Your head fell back as laughter burst out sharply, disrupting the quiet of the night. “Smooth Alpha.” 
He nipped on your mark, turning that laughter into a distressed needy moan as Steve's hands smoothed the back of your thighs to lift you up and wrap your legs around him. Pressing his erection against your core. “I ain’t nothing if I ain't smooth ‘Mega.” He stated before claiming your lips and pressing the length of his chest into yours, stealing your air from your lungs, and making you fist a hand at the back of his head, getting lost in him. 
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Soldat scanned the small pack. Some of it felt familiar, but not enough for the Hydra Soldier to consider what it meant. This was just another hit on the list Brock had for his team to overtake. These wolves were lazy in the night time warmth. Lulled to think they were safe in their packs boundaries. The White Wolf flexed in Soldats mind, licking over his jaw in anticipation of hunting them down. Soldat tilted his head in the air, searching out what the scents could provide to him. 
The only thing out of place was the scent of two Alphas here. One was young, still new in leading the pack, the one he was after. His control would be iffy at best over the wolves unless their loyalty was already cemented to him. 
But the other stirred the White Wolf in Soldat. Making him flex anxiously a moment at the sensation. Another time, another place he knew this one. It lingered in his senses and he didn't like that. Making him clench his jaw as the White Wolf shook his fur in agitation, unsure of how he knew it. Brock's voice came over the comm in his ear, snapping out. “Is the team set Soldat?” 
Soldat moved from his crouch, retreating back to where the others waited. “You all know what to do. There are two Alphas this time, go for the younger one, get the other if you can.” he told his team. Silently as always they dispersed. None of them questioned the fact that there were two Alphas. They had their orders, nothing else needed to be considered. Clint going one way through the trees, and the twins another. Wanda started to simmer red where her powers took an unnatural form, solidifying to cause harm instead of heal. Soldat shoved knives in various places in his kevlar and fitted a mask to his face for protection. That other Alpha, it still left Soldat and his Wolf unsettled for reasons he couldn't place while he prepared himself. 
“Set and dispersed, starting extraction.” Soldat said into the comm, and not even thirty seconds later Pietro's snarls and howls started on the other side of the packs compound, Soldat came out of the trees, sniper rifle lifted aiming right for the sleeping group by the nearby bonfire.
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Steve ground himself into you, his chest rumbling as his hands rubbed at your sides and cupped your breasts to squeeze and tease. Your head was tilted back against the tree, drawing in air best you could as your mate sucked on your neck, tracing his mark on you with his tongue, his dirty talk making you ache, and rolling your hips to create that friction. “Gonna fill you Little One. Stretch you open and leave you dripping my cum till you're pregnant with my pups.” 
God that made your heart race, knowing that he was going to knot you against that tree. His hands kept tugging and making you arch your back, wanting him to get rid of your clothes now and really lay claim to your body. It was a whirlwind of sensations prickling your skin in a heated way. 
But then you heard it, at first it barely registered when Steve sunk teeth into your collarbone. You almost ignored it, but the Little Wolf couldn't. She stirred through your hazed mind, making you focus again outside of your Alpha. Another howl, distressed. “Steve… wait.” You tugged at his hair to lift his head away, and he growled in warning at you that he didn't want to wait, but you pulled again. 
He lifted away from where he was tasting your skin, stilling his body and frowning slightly while panting. “What's wrong Little One?” 
“Listen Steve… something isn't right.” You loosened your hold now that you knew Steve was focusing on you and he tilted his head to listen. Inhaling deeply for any change in the air. He stepped back, letting you loosen your legs around his waist and slip to a stand. Cold chills laced up your spine, looking around as the night seemed to turn silent and dangerous. 
<We gotta go back to Caine and the others.> The Little One pressed against the Alpha, who was rigid next to her, searching himself for what she sensed. 
But did we actually hear anything? You looked around you, but Steve's hand shot out and caught your wrist in his hand to keep you from moving away from him. His eyes wide as he found what he was looking for. 
“Bucky… he’s here.” The Alpha rumbled out and that's when the yells rang out, the sharp rings of gunfire. 
“The others… we have to get back to the others Steve.” You tugged your wrist loose to sprint away and Steve lunged to catch you, but you were too quick, already streaking through the woods. 
“Y/N! Come back!” Steve yelled as he took off after you. Shedding clothes as you raced, the urge to listen to your Alpha made you falter, but not enough to make you stop. Soon you were falling to all fours, faster to make it back as the Little Wolf and you put on a burst of speed that had everything a blur around you. Soon at your side was a streak of silver as the Alpha attempted to keep up with you on unfamiliar ground. Your twists made him skid heavily into the trees and brush, but he was never far behind as he tried to over take you and before you could burst into the chaos just out of sight of the tree line, he snatched your ruff and jerked you off your feet. 
The Alpha twisted you underneath him, his jaws pinning you to the ground while you struggled, but he wouldn't loosen his hold until you stilled and your eyes rolled up to look at him, willing him to release you. He couldn't let you charge into the attack like this, and he loosened, nudging you to creep forward to see what laid beyond out of sight. Both of you stayed low to the ground slinking till breaking out from the forest to the underbrush to see what was going on. 
Bodies, your old pack littered the ground and your whine echoed so loudly in distress that the Alpha flattened his ears and pressed against you before slinking along the edge, trying to find the attackers. 
A heaviness filled Steve's chest because he knew exactly what he would find. His muscles coiled when he finally caught sight of Bucky, who was taking aim at Kat. She was unaware of him while trying to help the injured to their feet. 
You crouched next to him, quivering in shock and anticipation at seeing the missing members of the Pack. The Alpha growled out an order, demanding you help the others. As well as stay away from Bucky, the danger to great to risk letting you go near him. Bucky obviously wasn't in control right now. Once the Alpha was sure you understood, he nuzzled you quickly and split away, leaving you to wait till he had the soldier distracted. 
Soldat just happened to see the other Alpha coming at him before he could take his shot. Barely. He spun to block the large wolf from hitting him. Teeth sank into his meatal protected arm, the shield plates clinking together to hold up against the pressure of the bite and he heaved back, sending the wolf sprawling back. A smaller one bolted from their hiding spot, to reach the people he was just about to end. It didn't matter, one of the others would take care of them. Soldat turned his attention to the Alpha he had scented earlier, the one who didnt belong here. 
The Silver Wolf pushed back to his feet, his chest rising and falling with each inhale. Soldat knew he was scenting him, assuming it was for the animal to figure out what he was. Swinging the rifle over his shoulder to move it out of the way, he grasped for his belt to pull out a collar. The Wolf's ears flicked forward to what was in his hand and turned wary, stalking out of Soldat's reach. A low growl rippled through him, and the White Wolf ached to submit for just a moment, but it was easy to brush it away. 
<Attack him. He is not going to expect you to rush him.> 
Why did you stall? 
The White Wolf shook himself off, snarling out. <We have our orders.> Soldat heard the waver in him but started towards the Alpha. The Alpha matched his movements, picking up speed in his gait to collide back with him. <This ones got some balls.> Soldat heard the White Wolf remark.
All the more reason to get him collared and under control.
And just before they reached one another, the Alpha darted around him, making Soldat spin just to have the Alpha tackle him once more, teeth sinking into the kevlar of his suit. There was enough force to feel the bite, but nothing that could do damage. Fistfuls of fur was grabbed trying to wrestle him away and attempt to maneuver the collar around his neck. The Alpha managed to twist out of his hold in time and Soldat yanked a knife from a hidden spot, swinging it in an aim at the animal, trying to sink it into a vulnerable spot. Instead it grazed him, a spurt of red following the blades descent through its fur. A furious snarl demanding him to submit filled the air before man and wolf collided again. 
You were busy helping Kat try to get the others away, stalling for a moment when you saw Clint emerging from out of nowhere, his aim sighted on you and the others. He was just about to let loose when you saw Caine get dragged towards him, collared now. Seeing that they had that packs Alpha, he dropped his bow and followed along with Pietro and Wanda. Unsure of what to do, Steve had demanded you only be to help and stay out of the actual fighting before breaking from cover earlier. The Omega in you wanting to obey her Alpha, keep pushing others to go into hiding like Steve wanted. 
But these were your missing pack mates, and they were causing all the destruction. Everything in your senses screamed at you to go for them, as well as go back into hiding with Kat and the other survivors. Then the hot scent of blood hit you, your Alphas blood. All other thoughts left you as your nose lifted to find him. 
It was being hit in the worst way possible, stinging your senses with fear as you broke from Steve's earlier command. Long leaps ate up the ground as you sought him out. You found him trying to bite at Bucky's neck before being thrown to the ground in a way that vibrated the ground, a knee dropping to his ribs while Bucky collapsed full force on him, a flash of silver in his hand let you know. Steve was just about to be collared.  
The whole world just zeroes in on that moment, if you can't get there fast enough, you might lose Steve. He might be able to break free from Bucky's hold before the collar is attached. But you can't take that chance, and you make a grab for Bucky's wrist, closing fangs around the metal plates and wrenching back. Catching both of them by surprise, your back paws dig in for traction as you whip your head back and forth in a move meant to snap an animal's neck. It's enough to surprise Bucky and make him fall off the Alpha, the both of you tumbling away. It did earn you a well placed kick to your skull, which caused you to yelp while stunning you. 
The Alpha pushed himself up once Bucky rolled off him, unsure of what caused him to let go, but the Alpha wasn’t going to let him get the chance again. The yelp made the hair raise on his back, now seeing the reason Bucky released him. 
You disobeyed him, which resulted in your head getting kicked at and you crumpling to the ground in shock. The Alphas rage at your expense caused him to roar in fury, a whirlwind of fury attacking his best friend. 
The Alpha managed to back Soldat up, covering your smaller form with his body. The Alpha bristled, his muzzle rolling up to show fangs and ears pinned back flat against his skull, warning him back. Soldat stalled again with the sensation he was supposed to listen to this Alpha, shaking his head to clear the impulsion. 
“You got one of the Alpha’s, leave him.” Brock's voice screamed in Soldats ear, clearing it from the impulse. Soldat took off at a run, leaving the two of them behind. 
You push yourself back to a shaky stand, having the wind knocked out of you and the kick disoriented you when the steel toe boots connected to your skull. The Alpha watched Bucky race away with perked ears, the shiver rolling through him controlling his urge to follow him, but he turned away from his best friend back to you. Padding over, the Alpha was quick to check you over, his muzzle pressing against your side to make sure nothing was broken till he nudged at your shoulder, getting you to move. When you started towards the injured, he growled sharply, making you falter and lower a bit in submission, unsure of what he wanted. 
Coolly he pressed you the opposite way, towards the cabin you two were staying at for the time being. The Alpha didn't let up, keeping you heading away from the others and back to the safety of the cabin. 
Steve had never had to quell such scared anger in his life, far more than when you had gone off the road that winter. It was raging hot that he could have lost you to Bucky, so easily. After he told you to stay away from Bucky, in that state the White Wolf would have easily snapped your neck if he got a hold of you. Because that wasn't Bucky, their packmate, his brother. Something happened to him. 
You darted into the cabin and Steve was right behind you, the both of you racing up the stairs to the bedroom where you both shifted back almost on cue with one another. You grabbed at clothing, starting to tug them on. “We have to go back out there Steve, find them and the others.” 
Steve was doing the same, but he was quick to turn towards you, his eyes still glinting hints of burning yellow while he ground out. 
“You are staying here.” 
You straightened and lifted your chin a bit when you heard Steve's command. The Little Wolf lowered to the ground hearing her Alpha’s command, but you simply weren’t going to accept that without finding out why you couldn't go help your former packmates. “I’m sure as hell not staying here Steve.” You hiss a bit while heading for the door. Steve was quicker though, his hand circling around your upper arm and tightening enough to pull you to a stop and back into the room. “Let me go Steven!” You try pulling out of his hold, but his hold tightened until he backed you onto the bed. 
“I told you once Little One. Stay the fuck here.” His teeth snapped at his words and there was just anger in his features hiding his fear.. Fear that he could have lost you was clouding his mind with jagged memories of Pierce sticking you with that needle and he was that close to losing control and attacking Bucky then. Steve knew that if Bucky hurt you this time in any way, he wouldn't be able to control himself. No one would be safe. 
You protested though, going to push against him while your voice raised in your own anger at trying to be controlled, unable to help the others. “Steve you can't-” 
This time he roared out, the tendons in his neck rigid and his tone going deep and snarling at you in a way you had never seen before and you shrunk back suddenly from him. “As your Alpha I am, if you know what's good for you Y/N, stay in this cabin. That's an order.” 
You hissed at him in anger from between clenched teeth. “You are going to have to make me submit Steve.” 
If he had to, he would. Steve almost lost you once, so close… and that was all before you two even bonded. He was ready to lose himself back then and let the Alpha take over. It was an overwhelming sense of loss that sunk in his chest. Needing to push it away, he closed the gap between you two, pressing you back onto the bed in surprise while his lips claimed your own, searing them heatedly, and the shock made you growl against him, grasping his hair to hold on. 
Steve kept the pressure, ready to make you submit to him completely. Hands grasped at your thighs, still clothed but he didn't care at this second. Wrapping them around his waist as he kissed you senseless, he easily maneuvered you up the bed, growling harshly when you tightened your hold, pulling his hair at the roots when you grabbed onto his head.
It all happened so suddenly that you could only hang while he maneuvered you to where he wanted you, blinking up at him in shock for a second when he pulled away to pant above you. Locked gazes, you arched up to meet him again, pulling at his shirt to rip at it, his hands doing the exact same to you. Shreds of clothing got tossed away as you both withered against one another. You bit into Steve's shoulder when he rutted himself against you. “You will listen Y/N, You have no choice in this.” he snarled out against your neck. 
It was a heated spiral in your limbs, burning in your gut. Echoing in your mind was the Little Wolf snapping and yipping at the Alpha. You pushed against Steve to rub yourself into him, snarling against his ear. “Then do it!” It was animalistic the way he bit at your mark, making you gasp between pleasure and pain while dragging you closer till you felt him everywhere except where you needed him. Slick coated your thighs while his cock dragged against your thigh. “You want to make me listen so badly, here I am.” Another roll of your body and he pulled away to run his hands up your withering body, palms covering your breasts and marking the swells. 
Before you knew it, you were flipped to your belly, Steve snapping your hips up in the air, the curve in your back sharp as you clutched at the bedding to scream your frustrations into the mattress, you were furious at Steve for commanding you to stay, and the way your body betrayed you. You could break it, but you didn't want to defy him. You had spent a lifetime going against your instincts protecting yourself, now it was time to trust for once. Steve was different, it was because he loved you to keep you safe, not use you. 
He growled above you and you pressed back against him, feeling his hands wrap tightly around your hips and rock you back into position. “I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you.” 
You clenched at his words, lifting your head enough to speak without being muffled in the bedding. “Fine Steve, I'm not going anywhere.” You felt yourself finally give into him, not because you couldn't break that bond, but you didn't want to. It ached too much to defy him when it meant so much to him even though it infuriated you to do so. 
His hand circled to dip between your thighs, teasing between your folds as he bit your shoulder, holding you still with his other hand while thrusting his cock into your weeping entrance and spreading you open in a sharp sting that made you cry out sharply. His thrusts were quick  and dominating, leaving you withering in his hold while fingers strummed your clit and his chest crushed against your back. Grunting growls and slapping skin filled the room, words becoming meaningless between you two. 
It was such a primal moment, one complete with trust as neither of you could do anything but seek connection and pleasure from one another. You felt the rush of your orgasm wash over you, crying Steves name with tears in your eyes. 
Steve wasn't ready to slow down, feeling you break apart under him just made him go faster, his hand covered in your arousal flushed up your body to fondle your breast, pulling at your nipple and squeezing while he pulled you both up to your knees. It just solidified for him that he needed you, just like this all for him. You arched before him, one hand reaching behind you to grasp the back of his neck, and the other covering his hand clasped over your chest. He still rutted into you, biting your shoulder enough to keep you still while he pounded himself into you. 
For You, you had never felt him so entangled in you, holding you to him so that not only did you feel him physically, but mentally. Everything he felt, feared, and needed was just an overflow of information in your bond, and it took such complete control that rational thought was impossible. All you could respond to was the way he dragged out your moans and cries, his grunts into your skin as he slapped against your backside, and punched the air from your lungs when your next orgasm turned the edges of your vision black. 
“Steve, I can't…” You begged and he groaned against your mark, his tongue sweeping over the sting of the bite he left, sure you were scented with him. 
“You can Little One, I have you.” He assured you as his hard thrusts turned into heavy drags through your sensitive walls that were clenching and trying to hang onto him while he so easily pushed through you to bury to the hilt. 
You pushed back into him when he ground into you, the two of you falling back so you were sprawled against his chest, his arm latching over your chest to keep you in place while his feet planted against the bed. Able to leverage himself into filling you so complete, your nails dug into his forearm stretched across you and tears streamed down your face. Your body felt wrung out, not able to give him that last one he wanted. 
There was no denying in this moment no matter what way Steve took you, he was in control of you, and you were just able to hold on. 
You felt his knot swell, stretching inside of you while he filled you with himself, warm against your aching channel, your body milked him, claiming every burst Steve gave with a growl of your own till it all stopped. Underneath you he calmed, his arm still heavy across your chest, but he was still except for heavy dragging breaths against your neck and your own pants as your head tipped back into his shoulder, staring upwards. 
“I promise, I won't leave.” 
“Good Girl.” He muttered, still hints of dominating presence in his tone, but it wasn't fear now, but acceptance. Steve managed to roll you onto the bed and his hands rubbed at your side to lull you into closing your eyes to relax in the aftermath. When he pulled out, you whimpered into the pillows, clenching your fingers into the fabric. 
“Just rest… I will be back soon.” He nipped at your neck, with that he moved off the bed to grab at his clothing and get dressed while you curled up on the mattress. Your body was tired and is fogging your mind trying to pull you into sleep. The last thing you felt was the scrape of his beard against your cheek as he kissed your temple and left you, his boots heavy thuds down the stairs and the slam of the front door left you alone in the bedroom, slipping finally into a fitful sleep. 
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The Little Wolf whined loudly after a while, leaving it echoing through your body, distressed that the Alpha was going out on his own, leaving you locked here and had been angry at your defiance. It also effectively woke you back up after a quick nap. 
He will be okay. You assured her as you stretched back to a stand and went down the stairs to look out the window, watching for Steve to come back. He must be following Bucky’s trail. What happened to them? 
<Hydra… Didn’t you see the collar around Bucky's neck? He's being controlled. If he's being controlled Steve isn't safe going after him alone.> The Little Wolf paced back and forth, anxious with wanting to obey her Alphas command and going to help her Mate in his hunt. 
Your fingers curled around the front doors handle a moment, the internal battle making your throat close and eyes well up as you turn away from the door. You would respect your Mates order, as much as it left you scared to do so. 
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Steve jogged in the forest following Bucky’s scent, quickly picking up the other members of his team as they all met back up at some point. There were also many other scents where other Wolves had passed through, probably in their bid to get away from his missing packmates. Steve pulled out his phone, dialing Natasha as he came stumbling out to a dirt road, and that's where the trail ended. Fresh tire wheels showing where a heavy vehicle sped off. 
The ringing of the phone was soon cut with Natasha's voice. “Steve? What’s wrong, why are you calling so late?” 
“Nat are you near Y/N’s old pack?” He questioned as he leaned down to look at the tire marks, looking for anything distinct to go on, but he was quick to straighten back up. They were long gone, with Caine he suspected. Just like the other attacks Steve had heard about. For some reason they were taking the packs Alphas. 
“Not too far off, why? Where are You and Y/N?” Natasha asked then and Steve confirmed where they were. “I will be right there.” 
“Just come right in, Bucky and everyone just hit this area, took off with Caine.” 
“Are you guys okay?” Her first concern being for you and Steve. 
“Were fine, Y/N is back at the cabin we were staying at and I followed Bucky’s trail to where it ended. They must be holed up somewhere nearby.” 
After hanging up, Steve took one last look around the area, and then headed back towards the compound. It would be a bit until Natasha showed up, and he knew he would have to talk to you now that his temper had calmed somewhat. 
<It was the best choice Steve, we don’t know what Bucky would have done to her if he got a hold of her.> 
That wasn't Bucky… or Clint, Wanda, Pietro… Steve thought, and the Alpha growled softly in agreement. They did something to them, controlling them. 
<The collars, they are stronger than the one Pierce used on Bucky before. You know what this is like… you have seen it before.>
Steve’s chest tightened, knowing exactly what the Alpha was talking about. Back in his days working with Howling Commandos they ran into a similar instance before. A group of renegade wolves making their way across Europe destroying not just other shifters, but humans as well in the most vicious way. They managed to disband most of them. 
The one that got away, he was the only one to break the control Hydra had on him. Steve recalled. 
<And you know where he returned to… maybe it's time we follow up on that lead and see if he is still alive.> 
It was something to consider Steve thought to himself as he made his way back to the cabin, easing the door open to the quiet of the cabin. The Alpha quieted in his mind as Steve let his senses open, feeling for you. He was quick to hear you shifting in the bed upstairs, rolling to your side and not actually getting any rest. An outward exhale of relief you were still safe escaped Steve as he started up the stairs. 
You heard Steve come into the house and pushed to sit up when he appeared in the doorway, his eyes roving you up and down, making you feel a bit small after the earlier altercation. Your legs curled up under you at the edge of the mattress, your hands folding into your lap as your head tipped, a typical submissive pose for either your mate of Alpha. “Oh Little One…” Steve started as he came into the bedroom, moving to kneel before you on the floor, his hands sliding along your folded knees and easing up along your bare thighs. “I only did it because I had to.” 
Your eyes lifted and a frown fluttered across your face. 
“Had to? Steve I’m your mate and partner, you can't just keep me safe all the time.” 
A soft growl rose up as he pressed his mouth to your knee, his eyes lifting with a tint of yellow in them, the Alpha so close to the surface while discussing your safety. “Can’t I? As your mate and Alpha, it's taking everything in me now not to bring you back home.” Your hands reached to cup his face, scraping slightly through his beard and spreading against his cheeks. A swipe of your thumb under his tired looking eyes. 
“You know I wouldn’t go Steve.” You wrinkled your nose at him slightly and he shifted to nip the top of your thighs, you moved to unfold your legs and let them drape off the edge of the bed, your foot rubbing against Steve's ribs gently. “I can’t just leave them.” 
“Still doesn’t change how I have the drive to keep you safe.” Another inhale against your thigh, light bite as Steve tasted you with a press of his tongue. “All I could think of is how I almost lost you with Pierce. Bucky is not Pierce, he's strong, more efficient, and dangerous because he’s being controlled.” 
Your knees pressed against his sides and your hold tightened on his jawline to lift him from your lap so he would look at you. “And what about you Alpha? What do you think it does to me when you rush off into danger and I can't be there with you?” You felt Steve's fingers dig slightly into your hips while your words sunk in, the yellow tinge backing away as his Alpha retreated and the crystal blue sharpened. You knew it would pain Steve to think that he had caused you any distress. The Little Wolf whined, her ears flattening while seeing all this being processed. 
Steve could feel the Alpha try to keep calm, respect the bond by waiting to be invited before going to his mate. Steve could imagine what you would feel being told to stay while he went into a dangerous situation. 
He knew what it did to him, the bile of fear raising up in his throat once more, it wasn't something he was familiar with. Fear didn't live in Steve’s body, not till he had you, then suddenly he really did have something to fear, losing you for good. That all was sunk down deep into him from the first time, maybe he had a problem he never knew he had. That worried him to be so irrational, he couldn't let it control him, because it would just end up pushing you away. 
Taking a dragging breath, he pushed up from where he was kneeling on the floor and sat next to you on the bed, you twisted to face him and crawl onto his lap till you were straddled, your arms around his neck, knowing that you had just ripped off a bandaid of sorts. “I’m sorry Little One, I put your safety first in my mind and nothing else. It will end up happening again.” 
Your forehead tipped to lean against his, sighing softly as your fingers trailed down the back of his neck and back up. 
“Steve, I'm not just your mate, I'm your partner. Where you go, I go to. You can't always keep me out of the way of what you deem dangerous.”
The silence stretched between you two, unable to give each other what the other wanted entirely here.
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magicalsalamander · 4 years
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Pairing: Jin ⇆ Reader
Genre: Law Students | Werewolf | Childhood best friends to idiot enemies to lovers | F | A | S
Summary: Lacuna(n): (1) In law, a non liquet (commonly known as “lacuna in the law”) is any situation where there is no applicable law. (2) An unfilled space or interval; a gap.
You are well equipped at handling whatever life throws at you. You had worked hard to erase the past and mold a new you, and the future were to become a lawyer. Well, everything was planned expect for your ex best friend who came back into your life like a crashing gavel. Just when you thought you could deal with his presence, he was now your partner on a case that was bigger than you had ever imaged.
Words: 21K
Warning: Mature; explicit themes, sexual content, and violence.  Lots of law inaccuracies. Alcohol and  club situations. Heavy angst with lots of arguing. Previous trauma of abandonment, harsh words and feeling unworthy. Knotting, cunnilingus, fingering, mentions of impregnation, soft dom Jin, marking/claiming, and possessive behavior.
A/N: It’s been so long since I’ve put out something! I want to thank everyone for being so patient and always supporting me! Thank you @heyitsmee2 for reading over this early on. I apricate you!
*Story mildly edited due to time constraint, will edit further 
| Masterlist | Copyright 2020 © by magicalsalamander. All rights reserved.
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You were no stranger to the game; surviving and trying to be someone in the charade of corporatism.  It was all too important to be unemotional. You’d soon find yourself in Prometheus place than on the highest rock on Olympus if you let yourself slip and you were sure of your path.
Calculation leads to quantification—and it takes only seven second to make an impression.
Your throat narrows with altitude, but the breadth of your career expands.
The raspy voice of the jazz singer was a rich wine as she caressed the vintage microphone intimately. The soft notes of the piano and band follow in tandem with the slow, romantic song she sung. The dark golden hue casted over the ballroom from the multitude of chandeliers only perpetuated the elegance of the atmosphere. Parties like this were suffocating despite being in a room sized for a hanger. You wouldn’t doubt either than some of the patrons here own their own planes.  
You down the rest of your wine nearly rolling your eyes at the romantic lyrics. When you were a little girl events like this were a dream, places like this gave promise of finding a prince charming. At least that’s what all the movies feed you and lead you to believe would happen until reality set in. This event wasn’t romantic in the slightest. It was to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the law firm. The entire point of the function tonight was to schmooze and be seen. As an intern, this was prime time for you. However, you suppose you were living the dream, just not a fairytale. You had worked hard to get this internship, nabbing one of the four spots that over thousands applied to. You had done what felt like to be the impossible—coming form a school that wasn’t ivy made it all the more surreal. Important business people, old and new money mixed in with ‘top of the food chain’ lawyers were all present and hiring opportunities post-graduation. That is if you don’t end up getting a job post with the firm, but a smart woman always keeps her options open.
The obligatory greeting and sucking up to had already passed and it was the lull of time where everyone was wondering who would be the first to leave. Your senses go off as you catch a two of four making his way through the crowd towards you. Standing up as if you hadn’t caught glimpse of Logan from your peripheral. You smile at those who you had shared the table with, names already forgotten, number three’s included, silently bidding them an underserved excuse me. You grab at the bottom of your dress and move through the crowd. You miss the scrunch in brow from Logan as he picks up speed after you. He was the typical American type of handsome with brown hair, strong brows, square face, shadowed beard, lean and tall. Logan was nice, made his name memorable by persistence, but the guy couldn’t take a hint. How he’s made it this far has been a mystery to you.
As you break the crowd going into the hallway, you hear him calling your name. Acting as if you couldn’t hear him, you ask a server where the restroom was and quickly headed in that direction. He began jogging to catch up with you. Your pace began to pick up too. You counted down the seconds, four, three, two—the bathroom was still to far to accommodate for your sudden pick up in counting.
“Y/n! Wait, oh, sorry, excuse me.” Timely a cart full of new hors d'oeuvre blocks his path.
Seeing his distraction, you abruptly turned and head down another hall from the main meant for staff. You reached for the first door and to your muttered curse when it was locked. You jogged to the second door which opened and closed it behind you as if fire was at your feet. Not bothering to turn on the light, you backed up further into the closet until you hit something. You had expected to hit a wall, but instead what you bumped into what oddly felt human, a large one at that. When they oofed, you scampered away. Fear thickening in you as you rapidly apologized under your breath. Instinct dictated you get out, as you opened the door to leave the heavy sound of footsteps outside had you closing it right back. The person with you murmured a beginning of a question but you quickly reached up, cupping the mouth of whomever was inside with you. Shushing them they quieted up instantly. The slight stubble under your hand indicated it was a man. At this point you didn’t care if they were someone important. You winced as you heard Logan calling your name again. The man murmured a muffled question that you couldn’t understand and you shushed them again until the footsteps outside quieted.
Sighing in relief you removed your hand from his mouth, using the same hand to search for a light switch. With an apology on the tip of your tongue turning to face the stranger, you froze, staring back equally as motionless as him in shock.
Kim Seokjin.
Number four.
Dressed to the nines in a black suit that clung to him tightly. His broad shoulders were pronounced, and with his height tall he took a lot of space. His thick, dark hair was pushed away from his face. His eyes flashed red before it disappeared back into its espresso color. He looked gorgeous. You’d never utter that out loud, but you couldn’t ignore it either. It irritated you even more. He irritated you.
“Oh for fuck’s sake.” You drawled out the oh incredulously.
A smirk pulled at his thick lips. “Hello to you too.”
“I never knew you to be so forward, at least take me to dinner first.”
Looking around you realized you were in a janitor’s closet. The scent of bleach was thick, taking up as much space as Seokjin’s personality in the confined space.
“What are you doing here?” You asked while wiping the hand that was over his mouth on your dress not so subtly.
He shrugged, suffocating a laugh at your gesture. “Needed a break.”
That was hard to believe. Jin was a natural at talking to people. He made it seem easy. He always had this sense of composure and poise about him. Staring at eachother his eyes broke from your gaze as he looked you up and down. Suddenly feeling self-conscious you adjusted your dress. The black satin dress you were wearing suddenly felt tighter than when you put it on. Under his gaze you’ve always felt this way, vulnerable, but you’ve learned how to conceal it better over time.
“What?” You hissed at him when he still stared.
“This isn’t the first time you caught me in a closet.” Quietly he followed up with, “Reminds me of the first time we met.”
You don’t know what bothers you more, Seokjin’s casual reference to the past or the fact that you suddenly are placed back there. You remember being terrified, wrapping your blue, pilling blanket over your head only letting your head poke through. You had been reading under your blanket when you heard thumping coming from your closet. With your flashlight pointing at your closet you swallowed harshly as the sound came again. Your parents had told you that monsters were fake, but the sounds sounded real.
Your light was shaking on the white double doors. “H-Hello?” you bravely called out. The thumping stopped. You gulped inching closer. You were taught to be brave. Your dad said that monsters couldn’t hurt you, especially if you don’t show fear. Like the book you were reading, “Where the Wild Things Are”, you like Max, could confront the monsters too. You could become and make them friends with them. You were sure of it.  
“H-hey,” swallowing hard, ”I’m opening the door, don’t bite me okay. I won’t hurt you.”
When no response resounded you breathed in deeply through your nose. Reaching out and yanking the door open you came face to face, inches away, from a boy hiding in your closet. A majority of your clothes were pulled from their hangers and piled on the floor which he was laying on. Similarly in equal fright from you bursting open the door, a shirt he had over his head fell off revealing furry grey dog ears.  At the sound of your gasp, he gasped, and a tail that swept to the floor wrapped around his middle.
Buffering in the moment you stared at the boy who seemed to be around the same age as you. Recognition filters through you, “Max?” Your eyes lit up in wonder.
The boy squinted at you, almost upset. “My name’s not Max, it’s Seokjin!”
“Why do you have ears and a tail like him then?”
His brows furrowed, “Because I’m a—.”
You heard a knock on your door from your mother hushing Seokjin instantly. “Sweetie, are you still awake?”
The boy lurched forward cupping a hand over your mouth seeing you were going to respond. “You can’t tell anyone I’m here.”
You whispered, “Why?”
His eyes gleamed as he silently pleaded with you, switching between the shadow from under your bedroom door and your eyes, bidding for you to understand.
Nodding in understanding, somehow you understood. Your mom from the other side of the door sighed, “I know you’re pretending to sleep, Pumpkin. Put the book away. I know its Saturday but remember lights out by 9.”
“Okay, Mom.” Finally speaking up.
She walked away.
Seokjin studied you carefully, eyeing you skeptically. “You’re not scared?”
“No, should I be?”
He paused truly thinking. “Yes. You should be.”
“Well, I’m not. I’m brave.”
He’s getting nervous and began muttering to himself. “You shouldn’t have seen me. I shouldn’t have fallen asleep. It just smelled so nice.” The last part was whispered out low enough where you couldn’t hear it.
“How did you get in?”
He pulled you into the closet down next to him, closing the door behind. The flashlight was between you both pointing towards the ceiling tightly grasped between your hands. His hands over you. His gaze serious and intent. “Promise you won’t tell anyone, swear on it! Swear on your life!”
You felt like you were being presented the ultimate challenge. This boy was trusting you with his all, maybe this was your adventure. Your destiny. You could be honorable. You nodded, “I swear, I swear.”
“What are you though? Why do you have ears and a tail? Are they real?”
“They’re real.” He said haughtily before pridefully confessing. “I’m a werewolf.”
Your eyes were sparkling, the blanket surrounding you long forgotten and dropped. “Oh, wow! Can I touch your ears?”
He nodded. Your reaction to his secret was surprising to him. He had been told by his parents and everyone in the pack that he should never real his truth. Humans had been enemies for centuries, hunting his kind since the beginning of time. Although, the kind had lived amongst humans for centuries, finding ways to blend in and look alike. The difference was the ability to shift into their natural form.
“Why are you not, like, you know—a wolf?”
“Papa said I can shift fully when I become a man.”
You carefully reached up and felt. He shivered at the touch. “Puppy.”
He growled at you, “Don’t call me puppy.”
“But you’re cute.”
He blushed, scrambling up and pushing your closet door open before heading over to your window. “I have to go.” He began climbing out of your window landing on the ground. Your home was one floor.
You stuck your head out of the window. “Wait!”
He turned around,
“Will I see you again?”
He looked around, nodding before he disappeared between the trees.
It was nearly magnetic the way you both clicked. It was nearly painful being apart from eachother after that night. He would come to your window and sneak into your room almost every night. The following school year you finally went to the same school, Jin having convinced his parents he wanted to change schools. That’s when you both became inseparable. Years later he still snuck into your room, even though he could come through the front door, and still hid in your closet just to scare you. Although, you learned to growl back at him.
It was your normal, but at some point things began to change.
More specifically you were no longer kids. Puberty hit and you were no longer innocent to the maturity that began to bloom in you both. You knew Jin was always touchy. He would hug you and sometimes his hand would linger on you longer than necessary. He would lean in sometimes to smell you, nuzzling his nose against your temple. Initially it had bothered you, the sensation ticklish, but he had explained it quickly it was a werewolf thing. That didn’t change the way your heart would flip each time though.
Jin grew taller than you towering over you, and signs of man began replacing the baby fat. Time was good to him. He found a pack and you no longer spent every waking moment together. It wasn’t that you weren’t welcome, the six boys in his pack were nice, but you had your own group of friends that you began hanging out with. You suppose that was the beginning of the unraveling of your relationship. Naïve and feeling lost you latched onto the first group that accepted you.
Even if they weren’t good for you. You were becoming aware of popularity and boys as it was the only topic they choose to discuss. You began to feel self-conscious because your friends all had boyfriends before, but you still hadn’t. When you introduced the girls to Jin, your presence was made solely into providing information about the boys. The pack were isolationist, but you suppose that’s what made them more attractive besides their looks to hormonal teenage girls. Only now do you realize they accepted you was because you knew Jin and his friends. Specifically, one of the girls, Jenna—if you could remember correctly, would always asking you about Jin.
The breaking point was when Jenny, who knew of your obvious unrequited crush, finally asked you. “You wouldn’t mind if I ask him out right?”
“Jin?” You repeated his name as if you were unsure you heard her right. Although you heard his name coming out of her mouth more times than you can count.
“Yeah, Jin. I mean, you don’t like him, right?” Like a snake she drew out the last words, expression full of pity to resemble comfort. It didn’t help when the other girls at the table all had a similar expression, encouraging her and cornering you.
“I-I—.” You were cut off as another girl spoke up.
“Be real Jenny, they’ve been friend since forever. If he liked Y/n, he would’ve said so already. He doesn’t see her that way.”
The other girl sitting next to her laughed, “Totally doesn’t.”
Blinking back the tears, her words weren’t wrong. Embarrassment flushes through you. Embarrassed that you had even believed that Jin’s affection towards you could ever mean more. The fact that he had made your heart skip a beat. Swallowing your heartache, with a voice more confident than you felt, “Yeah. We’re only friends.”
Squeals and laughter echo out throughout the table in excitement. “Oh my god! Then when you two start dating, you should introduce us to the rest of the friends. I mean Y/n hasn’t done it, but I know you will.”
You were quickly forgotten. The bell rang and the all of them got up as they giggled and walked away to their classes. Sitting alone at the table, you stare at your tray, food partially nibbled on. A single tear falls down onto the table before you suck up the other that threatened to fall. How could you be so stupid. How could you have misread things all along? You get up from the table in a hurry, nearly tripping as your foot caught.
As you step out of the bench of the picnic table you make eye contact with Jin who had been standing at a lunch table a few tables away. The rest of the pack moving around him, but he was still staring at you.
Your embarrassment flushes deeper, had he had heard it all? Your heart breaks even further as you force a smile at him and he returned the gesture. The simple response solidifies everything—you’re just friends.
You miss the way his eyes follow you out of the lunchroom.
The heartache only gets worse as Jin begins making excuses on why he can’t hang out. Claiming he has pack things to deal with. You also begin making excuses no longer hanging out with the girls, even though they don’t seek you out. You instead dedicating your time in the library. You begin reading the books tucked away in the furthest corner of the library, vintage leatherbound books on laws, just to distract yourself. It becomes your new solace.
A few months pass, the sudden silence between you became increasingly awkward. You hadn’t realized how Jin was entangled with every single part of your life. You grew annoyed because your parents would always ask where Jin was. The visible change was when you began noticing the extra portion at the dinner table for him was no longer there. The look they began to give you, seeing the distress in you began to wear you thin.
Deciding enough was enough you decide to confront him, but still cowardly enough to do it between passing. Walking through the halls you headed towards his lockers, knowing he’d be there. His locker just a bit in from an intersection of the halls. When you finally catch sight of him he stood there with two other boys form his pack, Jimin and Hoseok. You swallowed hiding behind the wall where you could hear them, waiting for the two to leave so you could get to speak to him alone.
“Come on hyung. Come on another run tonight.” You could hear Jimin asking
Jin closed his locker after switching out his books then leaning up against it. “I can’t tonight.”
“Why? Gotta go see your girlfriend?” Jimin teases.
Jin hesitated.
You couldn’t see his expression from your place. Your heart sunk, lower lip trapped between your teeth. Had Jenny finally asked him out? Your heart was beating out of your chest.
“No, fuck off Jimin, you already know why.”
Your brows furrow. Has something been going on with Jin? How come he hasn’t told you. He used to tell you everything. You miss the conversation slightly as you contemplate what you’ve been missing with Jin. You had so much to ask him. The question on the tip of your tongue too was –had he finally fully shifted? He had always told you that he had wanted you to be the first he showed his wolf.
Zoning back in you hear Hoseok question. “Come to think of it, haven’t seen Y/n in a while, she doing okay?”
“Normally you’re like a dog in heat around her.”
“No I’m not! I don’t see her like that.”
“You sure?”
“I don’t have time for feelings or emotions.”
You cover your mouth, swallowing your feeling. You suffocate the tears. Everything the girls said were confirmed.
Jin had been so engulfed in his protecting his ego, he hadn’t been able to sense you just around the corner. He then smells it. He smells you. His head twirled towards the wall where he knew you were hiding just behind. He knows your there. He clenched his fist, he wants to go after you but he can’t, it would only prove the teasing.
Clenching your books closer to your chest you run away. Your mind working a thousand miles an hour. Lost in your turmoil you miss that you’re walking straight into someone. Stumbling slightly you look up seeing the person you didn’t want to run into. You don’t pause to apologize or recognize her yelling at you. You needed to get away. The whole day you manage to evade him and everyone—you praise that it was Friday.
Coming home your parents were sitting in the kitchen, the only light on in the house was hanging over the dinning table. Your parents look up at you sadly. “Honey, we have some bad news.”
Your backpack slouched off your shoulders and onto the floor as you took a seat.
Your mother swallowed, placing her hand on top of yours. “We’re moving. I’m sorry, Pumpkin. I know you have so many friends here. Your father’s job is forcing him to transfer to the city, the plant here is shutting down.”
You remain stoic, processing the information. However, you smile, squezzing her hand back in assurance. “How soon can we go?”  
Their expression registered shocked. Clearing their throats as they somberly told you, “We’re leaving next week.”
Nodding you get up from the table, leaving your parents apologizing to you. You dragged yourself to your room. Standing alone in the darkness, words found you again. “Not soon enough.”
You moved away, and soon what it was like to be around him everyday was forgotten. You became strangers. An unpleasant memory.
You had done college, and decided early on that you wanted to go into law. Those leather bound, vintage law books was the only thing you actively brought with you from the past. Law was consistent, but ever changing. It allowed you to find a voice, a place where arguments meant something—your voice meant something. It paved the way for a new you and when you entered law school you flourished under the pressure. Everything felt like progress, at least until the day you showed up at the internship. You no longer had the luxury of pretending. Standing in the attorney’s office was Jin among the two other interns. Seeing him first saw him again felt like all wind had been sucked out of you. It was like a ghost had aspirated and so did the sting of rejection. It was all accompanied by an odd sense of longing that passed through you. You saw the way his eyes widened with recognition when he saw you.
But you both made no motion towards the other, frozen in space and time.
Ironically, time should have done its job and all healing had been done, but scars were just thicker scabs.
The nostalgia quickly washed away as it twisted into the familiar shape of disdain towards him. He was brilliant and It was irritating, so you always were sharp with him, cold even, not willing to lose to him. A rivalry quickly evolved between you. He seemed to feel the same way as he would always retaliate back. You couldn’t last a few minutes without bickering. Words just as venomous and an amused smirk always followed.
“What are you doing? Did I mess up a secret meeting?” He throws your question back at you, grounding you back into the present.
Looking at Seokjin now, he had grown up well. He had grown in height, completely towering over you. His shoulders were broad tapering off like a V to a tiny wait. He looked great in an all black suit. Thick, dark hair pushed away from his face showed off his thick brows and symmetric features. You had eyes, but your mouth would never admit it out loud how good he looked.
Rolling your eyes, you sighed, running a hand through your hair. “Avoiding Logan.”
“Logan?” You missed the way his red eyes darken deeply as it looks black. He had heard the footsteps, but now he could put a name to it. “Are you fucking him?” He questions easily, never one for a filter.
Your eyes widen, the crudeness expected despite your aggressive bickering. “Are you seriously asking me that Seokjin?” The though was so absurd and ridiculous. Has he lost his mind. What more you had never even touched this type of topic with him before, who was he to ask about your sex life.
He tucked his hands into the pocket of his slacks. “I don’t know, it’s just an obvious conclusion to draw. Considering he follows after you like a lost puppy.” He feigned a look of pity. “It’s pathetic.”
The tone he takes with talking about Logan surprises you. He never outwardly showed that the man irritated him. You had seen them chatting around the office even. Considering your desk were next to one another it was inevitable. Anger filled you again, was he calling it pathetic because he was pursuing you? Bastard.
Lazily he leaned up against the shelf, as if he was waiting for a reaction he knew he’d get from you.
“I can’t deal with you right now.” you groan, an onset headache coming on from how childish it all was. Growing frustrated and hotter by the second stuck in the closet with him. You turned to leave.
“Leaving so soon? Don’t you want to wait for him to come back around?”
“Seokjin, will you cut it out. What is with you right now?”
He shrugged, still measuring you with a hardened gaze and lips tight in anger. “Nothing.”
Why was he so angry? Earlier you had noticed that all the bigwigs were laughing easily at his jokes. Something you couldn’t deny about Seokjin was his charisma. It was easy be persuaded by him, you used to be stupid enough to be swayed by it too. Shouldn’t he be on cloudy nine, probably having already solidified a job post grad.
“Whatever. Enjoy your night Seokjin. Don’t suck off potential employers too much.”
That had him laughing. “Ever one to need footsteps to be followed. Lead the way then.”
You glare at him in what you picture to be intimidating at him. Pulling open the door. “Fuck you Seokjin.”
You stomped away, faintly hearing the laughing coming from the closet. Luckily, no one was in the hallway.
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You had been aimlessly staring at an one of the many orange sticky notes you had tacked onto the glass pane between the desk. Pink was current deadlines, orange upcoming, and blue was for your frustrations. The low cubicles truly didn’t provide privacy, but it wasn’t permanent anyways so you didn’t really put effort into personalizing it. You were trying to read the orange sticky note with the date November 29th ominously written on it. You couldn’t for the life of you remember what was due on that date. The pink note next to it reading the date December 4th was a blaring reminder of the last day of your internship.
Awakening from your thoughts you heard Logan still been droning on to you about whatever he was talking about. You had stopped listening after he called your name, you hummed like you were paying attention, then zoned out. He was leaning on the glass, his desk situated right next to yours. Jin’s was situated across from yours, but he wasn’t at his desk at the moment. At least that saved you a headache.
Your phone rings and you answer it instantly, cutting off whatever he was saying. You give him a pretend fake smile, one to which he luckily accepts sitting back at his desk. Its quick as the secretary is hanging up on you before you can tell her that you’ll be there in a moment. Gathering your things, taking an extra pen just in case, you head towards the elevators.
Knocking on the door twice you let yourself in quietly behind you. Your boss was a passive man, preferring those to act than be told what to do. Turning around taking in the office before pausing noticing the back of someone’s head already sitting in one of the two chairs in front of the desk. The chair meant to occupy your boss was empty.
Remembering where you are you and ignoring him as you stride until you plop yourself into the empty seat. You refuse to look at him, instead sorting out your tablet to take notes on. You just had to wait until your boss came in the room—you could be patient. You had a vague idea of what he may want to talk to you about, but with Jin here you were at a lost. What was he doing here anyways? Had the secretary gotten his appointments mixed up? It’s been two weeks since the event. You had spoken to him since, but it had been the usual bickering. Something had changed though, it was something atmospheric between the two of you, but you couldn’t place an instance on the beginning of the feeling. Oddly, you found yourself searching for him whenever you came to the office, which had brought its own set of turmoil that you’ve yet to unravel. Now that you were sitting next to him, somehow you felt the sense of pettiness overcome you again.
Finally looking at him you notice how great he looked today. He wore common slacks and a button up, but he made the ensemble look great.
Jin asked, “What are you here for?”
Crossing your legs over you flip open your notebook. “None of your business Kim.” You hate that you had done such a good job hiding the layers of hatred and anger, but you could even recognize the coldness in your tone.
He rolled his eyes, “Typical.”
“Excuse me?”
“I’m just saying.”
“Clue me in Seokjin.”
He shrugged, clearly wanting you to put the pieces together. Rubbing at your scalp muttering under your breath. “It’s too early for this,” checking your watch, “it’s only eight-thirty in the morning, I haven’t had my coffee yet, and I have to deal with guy.”
“That explains your snappiness. You do seem constipated.”
You audibly gasp, a retort on the tip of your tongue when the door burst open to reveal your boss. A grin already on Jin’s face knowing he got the last word in before he neutralizes it. Paying you both no mind he continued grumbling into his phone that’s tucked between his neck and ear as his other hand holds a cup of coffee and a stack of paperwork in the other. Min Yoongi, your boss, was a man of few words elusive at times, but his tongue was sharper than any knife. His mind was brilliant too, a legend amongst law students. you had heard stories of his infamous mock trials when he was in school and how he had won trails out like a daredevil. He was intimidating to say the least.
Jin’s gaze was still on you before he turned to your boss who plopped into his chair. He seems frazzled, tie a bit disheveled and dress shirt not as freshly pressed as it should be. The fact that you looked kept together in front of him was kind of embarrassing. It was common sense that interns should look that way. Did his appearance have something to do with the 29th? Shit, you really needed to figure out what event was happening that day.
He flung a thick packet in a folder over to you and Jin. You flipped open the folder and read the first page. Peaking over from yours to Seokjin’s you see he was given the exact same paper.
“I’m assigning this case to the both of you.”
“Mr. Min, I don’t mean to impose on your judgement, but I can handle this on my own.” You squinted as you read it over. It seems like a generic divorce case based on the short preliminary interview.
“Can you?” Jin quirked a brow at you. You already have insults on the tip of your tounge but he continued. “Look, I’m just saying because remember that one time—.”
You bark out his name before he can continue, already knowing what story he was going to reference.
“Mr. Kim, Ms. Y/L/N.” You both instantly shut up. “If you both are treating this opportunity simply as some game between the both of you then I’m sorry to inform you that you may not be needed anymore. This is court of law. So tell me—do I need to provide this opportunity to someone else?”
At the same time you both respond. “No, Sir.”
The way he was glaring at the both of you had your toes curling in your shoes.
“Look, Ms. Y/L/N, I’ll admit you are smart, just as much as I think Mr. Kim is capable of handling his own cases. I need the both of you on it because this isn’t an ordinary case. It won’t only go to trial in court, but Kinds court too.”
The only thing you hadn’t expected to come to find out was he was also a kind. Kind being something they used in the human world to refer to their supernatural counterpart for political correctness. One afternoon not long into your internship, but months ago, you had called Jin wolf boy in the breakroom, not knowing your boss was walking in. Anyone else would think it was a passing comment, but the narrowed look that he gave you had you crystalizing. It had become second nature to you identifying when someone was otherly. Yoongi only commented as he walked out to make sure that you both keep it that only you knew.
Jin stiffened next to you, his gaze snapping up to look at Yoongi. An exchange of glances went between them that you couldn’t quite decipher.
“Seeing as you already know about our kind Ms. Y/L/N, I would like that you both work on this together. Prepare it for the courts and depending on how it goes there the Kind’s will deal with it following. Frankly, we need you on this case to keep things right on the human end. And Seokjin we need you because you have the knowledge that comes with it. I expect the both of you can approach this and prepare a case that is thorough. We cannot risk the underlying truth getting out to the public. Dress it up how you have to, leave the kind out of it until human laws can punish as needed.” He centers you both with a stare that’s unwavering, even you feel the expressive. “Do I make myself clear.”
“Yes.” Simultaneously you both respond.
Yoongi finally sits back taking a sip from his coffee that was still just a little too hot. “Everything you need is in the folder. Now get out.”
Beginning to gather you stuff, relaxing your jaw just a bit, “Thank you Sir.” You stride out of the room without looking back.
You leave not bothering to hold it for him. He was right behind you, closing the door so it wouldn’t slam shut. He watched as you strut down the hall. He huffed realizing you weren’t going to wait to talk about the case. Calling your name does no good as you still keep towards the elevators.
When the door closes, you take a moment. Truth be told, the gravity of it is not lost on you. This was going to force you and him to be close again. Backing down would prove you and the grin that would be on Seokjin’s face knowing you gave up would be enough to keep you up at night for the rest of your life. You swear you could handle it. It is just Seokjin. Your career depends on this and doing well.
But why was your heart beating so fast?
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Sitting in an empty conference room, you were going over the material again. It seemed like a regular case of infidelity and the wife was filing for divorce. After Min’s pressing of the importance of this case it felt like he was mocking you. This was a case that felt “practical”. In school you had gone over these types of cases a thousand times—introduction on legal fairness and getting the most for your client. Just because it involved the kind doesn’t mean the law will treat it any different.
At least that’s what it all seemed to be.
Standing up from your seat when you heard the door handle clicking open you put on a an air of professionalism. A short woman, who nearly curled in on herself shuffled into the room. Her blue cardigan nearly engulfed her being, but her maxi dress underneath disguised most of her petite figure anyways. A male followed behind her with a hand on her back. That had you breaking your professionalism for a split second as you lifted your brow. The way he held her was anything but platonic. You wondered shortly if that was the man in the ex-husband in question.
Extending your hand out to her in greeting. “Hello, Ms. West, I’m Y/N. Pleasure to meet you.”
In the softest voice she greeted you back. You turn to greet the male he introduced himself as Damien Caldwell. With your hand still out towards him, he refused to shake your hand. Mentioning something along the lines of scent tainting. Pretending you understood you signaled them to take a seat.
You all take a seat with Jin next to you and them across.
Carefully observing her you monitor that she was fidgeting a lot, clearly nervous.
Jin glanced at you and his expression was conveying, “Stop it, you’re making her nervous.”
You forced a smile in his direction, reading into his silent message. “Fine.”
Jin adjust himself, pen in hand gesturing towards them. “Mrs. Gloria West , can you please restate your case?” Although you both had the intake form in front of you, you needed her to state clearly what she was here for.
She begins fidgeting, biting her lip tears welding up in her eyes. Damien gently began rubbing her back. “You can do this. This is your story to tell.”
She nods, sniffling, finally looking up and you finally get a glimpse of her face. Her delicate features look worn out, dark circles under her eyes.
Your features soften, and you give her a genuinely soft smile. Handing her a tissue she thanked you softly. Dabbing the corners of her eyes she began, “My,” she licked her lips as if uttering the words brought bitterness to her, “husband has been cheating on me. I found out he has another family.” She reached into her purse pulling out a card that says Happy Father’s Day. “I found it in his underwear drawer when I was putting his clothes away last week.”
Jin followed up. “You’ve previously stated that your husband has claimed you, is this correct?”
“Yes.” She pushed aside the collar of her cardigan exposing the flaring bite marks where fangs met skin.
Pen pausing on paper you forced your jaw to stay closed. You hadn’t really prepared yourself for what claiming really meant. The primal signature was jarring. The two puncture wounds looked poorly scared, the tissue surrounding it somehow still rejecting the mark.
She covered it up again. “I was young and naïve when we first met, just out of high school and didn’t have much experience. He was five years my senior. I didn’t understand what it all meant at the time. I thought the butterflies I got seeing him meant he was my mate. I was hopelessly in love.” Tears brimmed in her eyes again, but she sniffled preventing them from falling.  “He told me I was his mate. I believed him. I let him mark me.” She spoke the words as if they burned her. “We got married three years ago, right after he marked me.”
You were disgusted, stomach unsettled, forced marriage seemed so archaic. Your fist curled under the table. You didn’t understand the depth of what happened in the kind context, but it still irked you. You didn’t let it show on your face though.
Damien was getting restless, clearly irate.
Jin visibly tensed. You see his jaw clench. You fill in for him. “Daniel West, your husband, how did you know he wasn’t your mate?” The word sounded unfamiliar in your mouth. You had heard it spun around before, but never truly knew the meaning. Although you could conclude that it seemed to imply partner.
She looked to Damien and her face seemed to lighten up, dark circles diminishing, as she looked at him. He had the same look at her. Clearly you could tell they were in love. “I found Damien. I knew it was the real thing because it hurt being apart. I couldn’t get him out of my head. Just a touch and it felt electric. I can’t explain it, but I just…knew. I just knew he was it.”
“Is there any other signs of another partner or family?”
“He smells like her.” She swallowed harshly. “He smells like other women too, but her the most.”
“Is there any other factors that are telling? Like photo evidence?”
“No.” You tilted your head considering it over. You couldn’t use smell in court to prove infidelity. You breathed in harshly, slouching forward. How were you supposed to find evidence?
Jin hasn’t spoken the entire time, lost in thought and focusing on the incoming information. “Are there any children?”
She nodded.
“How many? Please identify them.” She goes on to list two children, one three years old and a newborn.  
Jin stared at the Damien for a moment. “I know this is a sensitive question, however, I must ask this. Did you mark him?”
It seems Jin had already predicted Damien’s response as the sound of paper crumpling in Damien’s fist was loud. His fist shook form the strength of his anger. Gloria reached over grabbing onto his leg, and his grip loosened up slightly.
She apologized to him. His fist completely unclenched as both of his hands cupped her face. “No, no, no, honey. Don’t apologize. None of this is your fault. You know that right.”
She closed her eyes, calming and basking in the affection. “I know.”
You blushed yourself, feeling as if you had intruded in an intimate moment. You can’t help but follow your instincts telling you to look at Jin. You feel like you see Seokjin for who he is, not how you’ve constructed him. At the same time you find yourself suddenly reminded—he was different. Stern and cold, eyes empty of all the things that used to make him goofy. It was as if you had lost the dictionary. Unable to translate a language that was once native to you. His quirky awkward fillers and jokes have matured into standards. He holds punctuation in his tone, powerful. Calculating in a way you didn't know he could be. Your eyes follow the curve of his plump lips, the curve of his nose and then the entire profile. It feels intimate.
You pause and wonder if Seokjin has a mate. Did he look at them like that too?
You pause diffusing those thoughts, you shouldn’t be thinking of him that way. Focusing back on the case at hand you know mating is something that cant be proven scientifically. It’s a feeling.
She blushed, taking both of her mates hands into hers and placing them on her lap. With more confidence she turned back to you both. “No. I didn’t know then that it had to be both. Daniel told me that marking me would be enough for the both of us. I didn’t realize it until later. When I brought it up he told me I was wrong, that I didn’t know any better. That people were just trying to put ideas into my head and he knew best. I believed him, until I felt the real feeling.”
“You will have a trail before the elders after this, are you aware of that?” Jin says.
With a thoughtful pause, Jin smiled reaching out to shake their hands. “That concludes questions for today. Thank you both for your time.”
Reaching out to Gloria, you shake her hand, “You’re very brave for this. We’ll do whatever we can to help.”
She smiled, patting your hand. “Thank you.”
You help escort them to the door and they assure you they know the way out. Shutting the door with a click you find Seokjin hunching over his notes. All sense of comfort he offered earlier and professionalism drained form him.
Eyeing him curiously, you asked, “What’s wrong?”
“This…this…this is worst case scenario.” He says.
“Can’t she just get rid of the mark? Things like this are reversable right? She found her mate,” you say the last word with uncertainty as its unfamiliar on your tongue. Logical solutions are the only way you can navigate.
“No, Y/n. it doesn’t work like that.” Voice accusatory.
You shrink, feeling as he had called you stupid indirectly. His fingers couldn’t stop fidgeting over the papers, unable to look at you. “The mark is permanent and can’t be undone. She’s bound to him, but he wasn’t.” He raises his voice towards the end.
“Why are you getting angry?”
When he looked up at you his eyes are red. “You don’t get it.”
You falter. His words hit hard and ring like a ghost putting you back into your old room. Those words engraved like a scar on your heart. Pulling back the scar you are put back in time.
Pacing more folded clothes in the cardboard boxes you glance out your window. It was a full moon.
You couldn’t sleep so you began packing, you were due to move out the following day.
Standing up, you went to the window, staring at the moon. Your eye follows the bush and thick trees that line the property. The night seemed to be so quiet and clear. You felt suffocated in your room, your thoughts making you claustrophobic. You pushed open the window, carefully to make the least noise as possible. Going back to your boxes you fished out a jacket and put on shoes. You slipped through and hit the grass with a thud. Closing your window behind you, you turn back towards the beginning of the forest.
Suddenly a wave of sadness fills you as you remember how Jin used to always come through the same bushes to see you. Clenching your fist and tucking your jacket tighter over you, you force the thoughts of Jin out of your head.
You push pass the bushes, the light of the moon enough to light your way. You follow a faint overgrown carved out path.  In all truth you had only ventured out a few times into the forest each time with him. Jin had always warned you that it wasn’t safe, but he wasn’t here to tell you otherwise. You could make your own choices. Remembering that there was a small ravine nearby you began heading towards it knowing it was somewhere nearby. The sounds of crickets was the only thing you heard besides the crunching of your shoes on mulch.
The air grew noticeably heavier with a mist and you could hear the soft sound of water running. Heading down a slope you end up at the shore of a riverbed. The water was running gently over the darkened stones underneath, just a bit further down the river picked up, frothing as it hit protruding stones. You dip your hand into the spring water, the cold causing you to shiver.
For a moment you can imagine that it’s just you in the world.
Tomorrow this would be all but a dream.
From across the bed, along the other shoreline, twigs crunch. Ripping your hand form the water you freeze in place.  Scanning the shoreline, you couldn’t see anything. Your mind pictured a thousand things it could be. Even in the dark you could make out red eyes looking at you. The being shifted to an opening on the shoreline before taking on the large silhouette of wolf. Its fur was black, dark as the sky.
You stayed put, afraid to rile it up by running despite all instincts saying to do so. It stepped closer, entering the water and trudged closer to you. You weren’t ready to die. It held your gaze the entire time. As it grew closer the wolf was larger than what you’d expect to be average, it was more comparable to a grizzly bear.
It kept coming closer and your heart even louder in your ears. You lost your balance falling on your ass with a shriek. You weren’t quick enough to recover as it was hovering over you. You could feel its hot breath fanning over you with its heavy breaths. It growled and your muscles tensed in fear. It just hovered over you, you wondered if it was waiting for you to make a move.
Willing your eyes to open, all at once you felt like you had recognized the beast. “J-Jin?”
Sensing your fear, it then whined. Then he is shifting, limbs elongating and spine curving as he growled through the process. You can’t bear to look at him as you hear the sound of bone cracking and popping. The sound having goosebumps pill your flesh.
"What are you doing out here?" His voice was deep and cold, lacking its usual warmth. When you turn to look at him you no longer see a massive wolf but Jin. His eyes were still red and you stare, trapped within the color. It’s the first time you’ve ever seen it. The tattered clothing that had stuck to his previous form manifested in torn pants, but he was shirtless.
Wrinkling your nose. Just when you thought you could get away from him, he manifest. “I can be here if I want. Who are you to say I can’t?”
His wolf hadn’t settled, taking your challenge personal rather than rational. “Its too dangerous.”
“We haven’t spoken in so long and the first thing you do is yell at me.”
His expression softened, but he still appeared stern. “Go home.”
“Really Jin?”
“Go home!”
“Do you really not care about me? What you said to Jimin, is it really true?”
When he remained quiet, you found your answer. You bit your lip, forcing yourself to suffocate the tears.
“You don’t understand.” He heaved.
“Obviously, so why! Why won’t you talk to me!” Your nerves finally snap. Tears were prickling at your eyes regardless of how much you fought to keep them down.
“Can’t you give me some space! You just need to give me space sometimes.”
“No! This isn’t you, you’d tell me everything. There are no secrets between us. I want answers. Is it that easy to you to throw away everything we have?”
He growled and stepped up to you, inches away looking down at you. Your neck was kinked back staring back at him with equal challenge. His nostrils flare as he takes in your sense. His chest rumbled.
“I don’t want you to know! I don’t want you know about that part of me. So stay out of it! Leave it alone and me alone. I don’t need you.”
Feeling so small, it hadn’t occurred to you that he didn’t see you as important enough. You hated how much you had relied on him. You feel like a child whining to a parent. Maybe the girls were right. Jin would never look at you like that. You were an outsider to his real world anyways. “Fine. You know what, you’re right I don’t understand and never will. I see what I mean to you now.” Tears were rolling down your cheeks but you swiped them away as soon as they broke.
“Y/n.” The anger melted away from his being instantly, realizing what he said. He wants to take it all back, but he can’t find the right words. He stepped towards you and you took two steps back. You wanted to get away from him.
“You’ll never have to see me again.” You laughed, but it wasn’t in humor, instead full of bitterness.
“I’m leaving.”
“What do you mean leaving?”
“What do you care Jin? Aren’t you getting what you want? You don’t need me. You’ll never have to worry about me getting in your business or caring about you again. I’m moving tomorrow.”
“Goodbye.” You turned away from him. His red eyes imprinting in your memory like a branding. You swore before you turned away you saw tears, but you refused to believe it.
He had made his bed, now he had to lay in it.
When you remained quiet, Jin began packing his stuff quietly realizing his outburst. You can only assume he remembered the same thing.
Sighing heavily he tries to dispel the anger, his eyes flashing back to normal. “We’ll discuss things later.”
You hate that it makes your heart sink. You don’t like that he’s pushing you away. He had done it before, but he wasn’t going to do it again. “Of course I don’t, so explain it to me now.”
He ignores you and makes towards the door. Before he makes it you grab onto his forearm. “Will you listen. Don’t walk away from me.”
His body stiffens instantly, although his chest was still heaving. When he turns to look at you, you let go of him like you had been burned. You crossing your arms over your chest protectively. Knowing he no longer plans to leave you follow up, “Look, I don’t know as much as I thought. Don’t punish me for it. I just want to solve this case as you do.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. I just…imagining someone claiming—.“
Your chest deflated too with his reaction it gave you an unspoken conclusion. He had a mate. You should’ve known better than to let your thoughts trail on earlier. Instead you focused on his apology. “We need to work together right? This is our last case here and we can get through this professionally.”
“Can we?”
You smirked, “I can behave if you can.” You straightened up, extending out your hand to him, “Let’s call a truce or something.”
He accepted it, but still held onto it which was something you didn’t expect. “Something?”
“I mean do you have a better status to call whatever this is?”
“Truce implies I hate you. I don’t hate you.”
The way Seokjin looked at you felt like he was truly looking at you. You almost felt paralyzed as you couldn’t look away. His words felt—genuine. But you refused to lean into that, you didn’t want to read into his words too much. You rolled your eyes, unconvinced pulling your hand out of his. “Okay, alright, I said behave”
“Really. I don’t.” Weakly he smiled.
“So truce or not?”
“Okay.” He answered.
“Okay.” You repeat back.
“Give me your phone.”
You pulled out your phone and handed it to him. He saved his phone number, calling himself, before handing it back. “Don’t abuse it now.”
You scoffed, nearly choking on your own saliva. Unable to stop yourself from laughing in disbelief. “You wish.”
He genuinely laughed, the high pitch sound unique and squeaky. Turning to leave, he paused in the doorway looking over his shoulder. “Another thing.”
You hummed, looking at him expectantly. You saw the cheeky smirk before it bloomed. “Keep the messaging to during the daylight hours, alright.”
He closed the door quickly behind him, evading your spitfire.
He isn’t sinking back into your life. You aren’t even friends. You both were going to go your separate ways after the internship, and you were never likely to run into him again.
You had nothing to lose.
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Shutting the door behind you a bit harder than necessary, you toe off your heels and hook your keys up.
Your roommate, Mia, was already sprawled out on the couch. Slumping right next to her and crowding her out. The sounds you emit sounded like a deflating air mattress as you groan.
“Yikes, that bad of a day?” Shuffling to adjust herself again on the couch.
Closing your eyes you nodded. She laughed, clearly not buying the way you played victim. “What did he do today?”
Mia had been a friend you made during college, and quickly became your closets friends. When you both graduated you found yourself needing someone to roommate with while job searching and grad school stuff. You had found out about her being a Kind early on in your sharing of home. She was more surprised to find out that you had already known about it. That’s when you told her about your childhood, leaving out names, all until recently where she was too smart and connected the dots. Wolves and their intuition.
“Okay, first off, not everything isn’t about him. And secondly, how dare you be right about it.”
She laughed, her laptop nearly falling off her lap. You loath her, her and her perceptiveness. She was smart, but sometimes too smart for your own good. “It just—he’s so irritating! I just said one wrong thing today and he exploded. Then we had a truce and get this, he said he didn’t hate me.” Confessing all on your own, you felt accosted just by her silence.
Her eyebrow quirked at that, followed by a cheshire grin. “You two getting along now then? Is that’s what’s upsetting you?”
“No. It’s just—he played the good guy and it made me feel stupid. I have been doing my best and then he comes along and makes me feel—ughh! It’s just this case is stressful. I feel way out of my depths.”” You have your hands in the air scratching at the air.
“Leave then.” She shrugged, stating the obvious solution. She already had let this type of complaining go in one ear and out the other. Since the beginning of your internship you had come home and vented about your day, mostly revolving around him as the topic of choice. How he irritated you that day, or simply breathed the wrong way. Even to yourself, the amount of time he has been able to rile you up lately has become annoying.
“I can’t just leave, you know how hard I worked for this. You know how important this place is. Besides, I need it to graduate.”
“Well then, why were you arguing anyways? What does this have to do with your case?”
“Everything to do with it.”
She nodded. Realizing it must not be within your realm she opens up, “Need insight?”
You shifted on the couch tucking your legs underneath you. “What’s marking or ‘laying claim’?”
She turned to you, “Are you serious?” For the first time in your friendship you saw her blush. She was always forthcoming with sexuality and whatnot, so this was out of character for her.
“Did he ask you about it?”
You squinted at her, “No, why?”
She cleared her throat, waving her hand, “No, nothing.”
“Well its not PG-13.” She licked her lips.
“Well thank goodness I’m not a virgin maiden in waiting. What is it? You’re stalling.” Her reaction made you infinitely more curious.
“Okay, well honey, when two mates, who love eachother very much—.”
“Oh god, stop it, please be serious for once!”
She laughed. “Fine. It’s a sacred ritual that connects two mates together. Or in layman terms, two soulmates together via a bite mark. It acts like rings? But its more than that. Its hard to explain.”
“Soulmates?” You suffocated the scoff. Out of all things she said to be appalled at. “That doesn’t exist.”
She smiled at you. “They do! You humans just don’t believe it because you’ve corrupted the system.”
“So it can’t it just be anyone? You know, fall in love and just know that person is it, the one?”
She shook her head. “No, it’s this instinctual feeling. This soul connection. You’ll know it when you feel it kind of thing.”
“Ugh, that’s what she said too.” You rubbed at your temples. “I can’t use a feeling as evidence.”
You sighed, “I can’t tell you about the case, but hypothetically if this happened. Hypotheticals only.”
She suffocated a laugh, rolling her wrist in a circle, hand gesturing for you to continue.
“So hypothetically, the client was hypothetically marked by someone other than her mate. What does that mean—hypothetically?”
Her face sobered, “Are you serious?”
You nodded.
Fiddling with her fingernails, she looked genuinely troubled. “How can that even happen?” She mumbled to herself before she turned to you. “I don’t know of any worse punishment. The pain that comes with that either is unimaginable. It’s violation of not only culture, but its inhumane. The human equivalency of forced marriage, but even then that equivalency doesn’t compare how bad it is. Murder, maybe?”
“What would happen to the one who bit the other…hypothetically?”
“Normally, death. There would be a match between the actual mate and the one who bit until death, but times have changed. The punishment is still severe.”
You take pause realizing how serious it all was. You weren’t sold to the idea of love, or soulmates, but being forced in a marriage the idea made you sick. You finally could see why Seokjin was so upset earlier. Sighing heavily you let your head fall back on the couch onto the cushion stared at the ceiling. How could you find evidence against this guy then?
“We gotta make him pay.” Looking towards her. “Do you think a guy who has a separate family would leave a paper trail?”
“You just need to find his social accounts. Cheaters usually have multiple accounts under different pseudonyms. Their downfall though is that most guys are stupid enough to not undo the geo tag or take the photos all in the same place.”
“I’ve already looked into it. He only has one account. It’s pretty generic, nothing telling.”
“But have you?” She gave you this side eye. “He must have a fake account then. Probably all his closets friends follow it, so we just have to find a similar name that seems to be a generic account.” The whole time she had been speaking to you she had been doing the research.
Your jaw dropped. She did that so fast. Could you blame her though, as an IT specialist she knew the ins and outs of things like this.
“You evil genius!” She pulled it back to herself, you scooching to sit next to her so you can watch what she does. Scrolling through, she squinted. “Seems he recently was on this page.” She clicked on link bringing up a page to a club named Fluxx. Scrolling through you both catch a comment under an event from West. The DJ who was playing there apparently was his favorite, him and his boys were going to be there to see it that weekend.  
She turned her laptop towards you. “You’d think he’s in college still.”
“What if…what if I go. I’m sure he isn’t going to just party with his friends. I’m sure he’s going to be there looking for his next victim.”
She shut her laptop, scowling at you. “No. Absolutely not.”
You pout, “Why not? You realize this give me the evidence I need to proof the case.”
“You don’t understand. It’s a club for others. Humans can’t get in here unless you’re someone’s play thing or—.”
“Or what?”
“With someone who is.”
You stare at her expectantly.
“Come on!” You whine, tugging at her sleeve.
“No, this is dangerous!” She set her laptop on the coffee table, moving away from you so you couldn’t provoke her. Getting up form the couch she headed towards the kitchen. You sigh following after her. She reached into a cabinet for a mug.
“Don’t treat me like a child.”
She slammed down her mug, and you jumped. You had never seen her upset. She turned to you with a look of disbelief. “Child? This isn’t a game, y/n. You apparently don’t what kind of shit you’re getting into. My kind have to live in the shadows, and do you know what happens in the shadow.” Her comment was rhetoric.
You kept your mouth shut.
“Humans are no longer the superior race in there. Not all kinds are what you think. You’d get eaten alive the moment you let your guard down.”
“I didn’t go through all this trouble to find a good lead to get scared away by the what ifs. Besides, you’ll be there with me, right?”
“They’re not what ifs, y/n.”
“Yes, they are. You went there before and are standing here today.”
“Don’t get smart with me.”
“I’m not. I understand okay! I know you don’t think I do, but I do. I’ve heard it before and I don’t need to hear it from you!”
She turned to look at you with a pointed glare. You stood your ground.
She huffed preparing herself a drink. You stared at her back. For a moment you held doubt. What if she was right. What if you were getting yourself in something bigger than you anticipated. Picturing back to earlier in the day to Gloria and the amount of fear she had regarding her husband had your stomach sinking. The look that Seokjin had, the anger in him, and now hearing of the significance. The sense of justice found itself rooting in you even thicker.
Pushing off the counter you were leaning on, Mia dropped the spoon she was using to swirl her drink in the sink noisily.
“You’re planning on going anyways aren’t you.”
Painting her with a look of exhaustion and resolve. “I am.”
“How?” she tossed her hands up in the air.
“I don’t know, I always figure things out somehow.”
She picked up her mug pushing past you then picking up her laptop going into her room. She slammed the door.
You slumped back onto the couch. Biting on your thumb. How were you supposed to get in now?
She came storming out of her room thirty minutes later. Rubbing her temples with a look of distress.
“Can’t you just hire a PI or something?”
“No, you yourself said being a kind is a secret. I can’t hire someone to watch him.”
She bit her lip, “Do you have to be this stubborn?”
You chuckled. “Yes. A woman’s life is going to be decided if or not I can prove her husband is a dick. Even if that means putting myself out there to prove it. I really want justice for her.”
“God, I really hate you sometimes.”
You smirked sitting up. “Does that mean you’ll get me in.”
“I swear to God if you get hurt—.”
“We won’t, I won’t.” You rushed towards her wrapping her in a hug. “Thank you, this means a lot. You know I wouldn’t ask something form you if I didn’t mean it right.”
She sighed. “Yes.”
“You owe me big time!”
“Whatever you want darling, the world is ours!”
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Finding yourself back at the office after finishing all your classes in the morning. You were exhausted. The week, on top of the internship, had been exam heavy. You found it difficult to raise your head from your desk. Luckily for you, the office was nearly empty including of the other three. All others were at their campus or otherwise. You purposefully came on this day to get your work done.
Your phone pinged, notifying you got a text. With your hand you blindly searched for your phone dragging it so you could look at it form your lap with your head still on the table.
You sat up when you noticed who had texted you. You blink at the ID a few times.
Partner in Crime [2:07 p.m.]: We should meet up to work on the case.
You knew enough to deduce it was Seokjin.
You [2:09p.m.]: Who’s this?
Partner in Crime [2:10p.m.]: Are you serious?
You [2:10p.m.]: I’m at the office now.
Pain in the ass [2: 12pm]: Can you meet me at my school’s library in thirty? The office is nearby. I’ll buy you a coffee.
Location sent.
You contemplate. You just wanted to go home. Deal with the case more after this weekend after going to the club. You want to present all your finding and seal the deal all in one session. However, the thought of coffee was convincing enough to have you texting back.
You [2:20pm]: Okay. Be there soon.
Pain in the ass [2:21pm]: I’ll meet you outside.
You found yourself standing outside of the library half an hour later, staring up at the towering building. This was their library? This looked more like a historical site. Well it explained why the tuition here was so expensive. He went to the ivy school, one of the best, if not the best, law programs in the nation. You eyed things with envy. You had applied for this school too, it was a dream of course. But you suppose going to state university granted you only so much prestige.  
“The clouds telling you something?” You jump when Jin comes up next to you.
You glare at him. He’s laughed. “Sorry, you looked so lost in your thoughts. Didn’t actually think I’d scare you. Here.” He handed you the other coffee in his hand.
You accepted it gladly, fingers feeling frozen, but pause. “You didn’t poison this right?”
“No, that’d be too easy.”
You nearly snort into your cup. “Spoken like a true soon to be lawyer.”
You miss the endearing stare he gives you as you begin walking up the stairs. He quickly catches up with you putting a hand on the small of your back when a large group of students come your way. He guides you up the stairs keeping you close with the abundant of students pouring in and out. You suppressed the squeak you wanted to let out. His hand was large and warm, the touch radiating through your coat. Your mind tells you you should move away, but you don’t. He leads you to the lower floor where to your surprise was just as magnificent as the base floor. The gothic architecture feels almost as if you’re entering a cathedral. The tables were dark oak wood and heavy looking ordered in long rows of five. Green banker lamps were in the center of each table basking the old scratched up wood in golden light.
Leading you to a table secondarily inward, he took a seat next to you.
Finding it odd, you debate on moving, but you neglect to comment on it. He settled into the seat looking none the more comfortable. Settling in you pulled out your laptop plugging it into an outlet underneath the table. You needed a second to re-center yourself. You didn’t like that you instead of revulsion like you expected to, you felt his presence give you a sense of security. It’s all dangerous, the feeling all too close to the ease you used to have with him.
“Have you come across any new leads?” Jin asked.
You quirked you head, having been so lost in your thoughts. “Huh?”
“New leads?”
“Oh, yeah.” You bring it up a on your laptop and show him. “I found his secret Bookface account. It’s even under a different name, Ethan Miller. He must have many identities and more accounts than this one.”
He brought his arm up resting it on the back of your chair, bringing the both of you closer. You flush thinking nothing of it as his thick thigh brushes yours as he leaned in.
“How’d you find it?” He clicks through the photo album. Pictures of ‘Daniel’ and children appear that look very much like him. Children who were not his with Gloria.
“I know people.”
He looked mildly impressed. “I see, if you tell you’ll have to kill me kind of scenario.”
Shrugging with a bit of pride you crossed your arms over your chest and leaned on the desk. Lamely you shot a single finger gun at him. Realizing how lame it was you quickly tucked your finger back into your fist and crossing your arms. When did you do lame things like that ever?  He laughed, and you tried to ignore the embarrassment.
“Anything else?” He was so close to you when he looked up. You couldn’t help but let your eyes flicker down to his lip for a second as he mouthed the words. You quickly brought them back up to his eyes, the dark chocolate color another vortex. Heat rises to your cheeks and he could probably hear your heart picking up in pace. It didn’t help that from how close he was you could smell the cologne he wore, which made you want to lean in and press your face to smell it from his skin. Heat flushes even hotter through you, how brazen of your thoughts were getting.
Remembering he asked you something you answer more breathier than you would like. “No.”
When he straightens up, you were glad he didn’t comment on it. You contemplated telling Jin where you were going, but you keep your mouth shut. You could handle it on your own, all you needed to do was bring the evidence.
You cross your legs attempting to move away from him.
He nodded, taking screenshots before moving on. He finds the photos of his other family just like you did, and the other woman too. He carefully zoomed in squinting at the image of the woman.
“She’s wearing a scarf and in a majority of them.”
“Didn’t take you to be in the fashion police.” That has him snorting a laugh before he goes back to the page. He looked around, finding no one in any of the other rows, you both completely had the basement floor to yourselves. “He must’ve marked her, or newly marked her when they took these photos. She’s trying to cover up the bruising.”
“Is that so abnormal?”
“Well, not necessarily. We just heal rapidly, cuts heal within hours. Marks do take a bit to heal, but it usually heals within a day if cared for properly. But just the way she hiding it and the bruising, It means she’s human. Kinds know marks aren’t meant to be covered up. They’re something sacred and to be worn proudly.”
With his head propped onto his hand he turned to you, eyes boring into you. That feeling arises in your stomach again. The way he was looking at you felt deeper than just a simple glance. You think back to when he said he didn’t hate you. The words still feel impossible.
“Human mates are rare.” Without letting you question it he says, “Bruising could mean it never healed because her body is rejecting him.”  
“Wouldn’t he be feeling some repercussions too? It’s a two-way thing right?”
“Yes, but it seems that he’s not being affected. Gloria would have mentioned illness or signs of hyper aggression.” He scrolls over the images. “You’d expect this kind of behavior from—.” Again he pauses, lost in though.
“From what?”
“A rogue.”
You squint. “English, please.”
He smiles at you. “An exiled wolf. When we don’t have a pack for too long our sense of direction becomes distorted. Signs are aggression, loss of humanity and morality, eventually they lose their its ability to revert.”
“And you think he’s one?”
He leaned back in his seat. “It’s plausible.”
“Let’s go through his account and gather more evidence. I can began transcribing the interview. We can do case search too if we have time.”
He nodded his head. You send him the link to West’s account and begin sectioning out the work. Surprisingly, you had worked quietly next together, no bickering. It was—pleasant.
“How’s school going?” His husky voice breaks you out of your concentration. He was still looking at the laptop and writing down notes.
You hummed. “Getting by, you?”
“Same.” He hums back and the lull begins again. You bite at your lip, curiosity getting the better of you. “Why did you decide to go to law school? Weren’t you going to become a chef?”
He had always told you when he was younger, he wanted to become a chef. “Duty called.”
“Let me guess, pack stuff?”
He nods, not missing the way you said it. “I’m expected to become a council member when I graduate. I’m going to take my father’s position and practice in the kind’s court.”
You didn’t know much about his family, things were always surface when you were younger. Playtime and other things taking precedence. You had no idea his father was a lawyer. You had only spoken to his parents a handful of times. His mother was the one who spoke to you mostly, his father was a stoic man.
“But, your dream?”
“I still cook, I just don’t do it professionally.”
“Do you regret it?”
“No, I’m happy.”
You thoughtful consider his words. It pains you a little to know he gave up his dream.
“How are they, your pack?”
A fatherlike smile comes on his face. “They’re all well, Namjoon is to be the next pack leader. The others are all doing their own thing, but they’re doing great.”
You smile, the fond memories of the boys resurfacing. “I miss them.”
“Why’d you leave then?”
There it is. The conversation the both of you had been avoiding this whole time. You had asked him something so personal and now he was returning it. The implication of the question wasn’t only why you left town, but him. You knew that, both physically and emotionally. You don’t know if you could offer him that though.
Abruptly your smile leaves you. “My dad got a job here in the city. I had no choice.” Your tone was frigid despite how much you wanted it to sound neutral.
“That’s the only reason?” He didn’t buy it. Based on his tone he sounded hurt. Knowing there was another reason. You hated that he could still read you.
You shrug, maintaining your stance. “Yes.”
“Bullshit.” His voice comes out clipped and sharp.
“What other reason would I have Seokjin?” Willing your voice to stay leveled, you begin using a voice you only use in professional settings.
“You left me.” He spoke the pain that he had held within. When you look over to him his eyes are red.
Leaning back in your chair, you crossed your arms over your chest. You wanted to remain unaffected, but you wanted to reach out to him. You felt the urge to touch him, but your anger kept you steady. “I didn’t leave you, you weren’t there. How can you say I left when you weren’t there.”
“You know that’s not true.” He accused, gaze darkening.
“It’s true.”
“I tried, but you wouldn’t answer.”
“That’s bullshit Jin and you know it. For months you ignored me.” Using his words back at him you choked on your words towards the end. You want to say, ‘you didn’t need me’, but the word hung heavy on your tongue, too hurtful even to yourself. You know that you didn’t try to reach out because after what those supposed friends said, it was made true when he just suddenly left. The prioritizing of his pack over you. All your feelings for him were crushed. Heartbreak was easier to deal with when you didn’t have to see their face.
He growls out, “I had things in the pack to handle.”
“Good excuse.” You knew he avoided you for other reasons, it was beginning to urk you that he wasn’t voicing it.
“I couldn’t help it. I was being initiated and had my first complete shift. It was a lot.”
“It’s different and you know it. I—forget it.” You wanted to say so much more, confess how you used to love him. Those feelings feel trivial now, even if they still exist in the present. The realization of the words, even though spoken in your mind had you reliving the pain all over again.
He falters and you almost feel guilty. A darkness spreads over the atmosphere. You spend a moment staring at one another. There is a tension between you two. Yet you can’t deny it’s like magnets. You feel drawn to him despite it all. Always have been. The knowledge of that has you shattering inside.
You stand up. “I’m going to look for a case study.” The wooden chair screeches against the floor. You needed to get away, to cool down. The sound of your shoes echo with the emptiness of the library.
Slinking between the bookcases you keep walking until you are deep within, feeling far enough where you can breathe again. Leaning against a bookshelf you sigh heavily. How come he had this much effect over you still?
Suddenly you feel heat overcome you as Jin suddenly towers over you. Softly his chest rumbles in hushed growls as he caging you in.
“Seokjin, leave me alone.”
When he doesn’t move you attempt to escape, placing your hands on his firm chest and pushing him. Unsurprisingly he doesn’t budge, but he shifts to keep you within his outstretched arms on the bookshelf. His gaze is intense, the red seeming to glow. “No, why do you run away when the conversation gets difficult?”
Humiliation clouds you. “Don’t patronize me.”
“Seokjin I’ve never run, it was you. I stopped chasing when I realized you had other priorities then and I wasn’t one of them. You said so yourself. Simple as that.”
You see him register the memory. His expression turns bitter. “That’s not true.” Gaze narrowed, his hands turn white as he clutches the shelf behind you. “I didn’t ignore you on purpose. Things were complicated and there was a lot I didn’t understand yet.”
“Good excuse.”
“It isn’t!”
“So what?”
“I realized something that—.”
“You didn’t need me.” The words come out of your mouth quietly finishing the sentence for him.  
“No!” he growled.
“Keep telling yourself that.” You bit back the feeling of tears. “What do you gain Seokjin from this, huh? Reliving the past? It’s not then anymore. The us, whatever it was, is not now. And nothing will change that.”
The bookshelf creaked under his grip. “Don’t. Don’t say things like that.”
“What? That I’m no longer that young naïve girl? The one that used to follow you around? The one that used to think you were—.” The word mine dies on your tongue. “I don’t need you anymore and haven’t for a while, face it.”
“Please don’t cry.” He looked at you sadly.
You hadn’t realized you were crying. Attempting to wipe your tears, Jin hand took yours holding it while he caressed your face with the other wiping it away for you.
“Please don’t. I can’t handle it.”
He lowers his head and kissed you. The first press of his lips was gentle but deep. A small whimper escapes you; he rumbles in response pressing you closer to the bookcase. His hand dictates yours onto his shoulders while it wrapped around your waist pulling you close to him. It was making you dizzy with how good it felt.
He pulled away warm breathes of quiet between you two. You slowly open your eyes meeting his fiery ones. The warmness and adoration of it catching you off guard. The boyish loopy smile that followed had your heart melting. He lowered his head, resting his forehead against yours. His lips press against yours again unyielding. You had imagined this before, but this felt better. He kisses your jaw down to your neck. You shiver. The implication of it is not lost on you. He trailed back up finding your lips again in a harsh mesh. With a sigh he pried your mouth open. He moans your name.
Bringing you back to reality. “I—We can’t.”
This wasn’t right on many levels, but most importantly, didn’t he have a mate? Why was he kissing you? You had messed up, messed up big time. How had you caved so easily when he kissed you. You hate that you liked it so much too. You realize from the moment you both met again that the feeling you worked so hard to suppress came back strong. This was a mistake from the beginning. He still makes your heartbeat like it used to.
Seokjin’s arms were still extended towards you. “Why not?”
“I can’t—we can’t.”
You do what you do best. You run. Your heart breaks again for the second time.
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Standing outside in line in the dead of fall would have to be the last place you wished to find yourself. The bombing bass thumped through the walls and neon lights outlined the vicinity. Other patrons in line to the club seemed at ease with the near freezing temperature. You suppose its a caveat of being human that your body didn’t run naturally warm. You had been to clubs throughout your college days, but they were far in between. Except this wasn’t any regular club, Fluxx was meant for the underworld. Those of the other kind.
Crossing your arms over your chest you attempt to conserve as much heat as possible. The fire within only kindled by the fact that you are only doing this for the case. The dress you had borrowed form Mia after she had deemed your choice to tame barely covered anything. It was too tight and you were sure that everything underneath was outlined.
Your phone vibrates in your clutch. You step away from Mia, although she was distracted chatting up some guy in the line. You answer it without looking at the ID.
“Hello?” Plugging your other ear with your finger.
“There’s something you need to know.” Jin’s voice comes through. You startle looking at the phone to check if it really was him. After what happened yesterday you hadn’t expected to never speak to him so soon.
Putting it back to your ear. “Can it wait?” You hiss.
“What is it?”
“I talked to Yoongi about him being a rogue. It all checks out. I don’t know how much longer before he turns.”
You bite your lip, heart pausing in your chest. You stare at the club for a moment contemplating what you are about to do. You knew what you were doing was dangerous, entering territory still uncharted to you. However, this was the best way to get more proof.
“Y/n? Y/n did you hear me?”
His voice comes back into your ear, bringing you out of your thoughts.
“Are you out right now?”
Form the corner of your eye you notice a bouncer going down the line, eyeing those standing in line. Mia grabs your elbow pulling you back to her. You hadn’t told her what happened yesterday. Unable to articulate it either. She mouthed to you, “Everything alright?”
“Where are you?” Jin asked.
You nodded to her.
“I gotta go.”
“Y/n, wait—.” You hung up on him tucking your phone back in your purse.
The bouncer scanned you over before looking to Mia. The smile that bloomed on his face was a bit salacious. “Go on in ladies.” Mia grabbed your arm pulling you to bypass the line. Going through the entrance, the dark narrow hallway, you focus on your footing as it was hard to see. The deep house thumping grew louder until it opened to a large room. Strobing lights were made opaque by the hazy air, thick with the smell of alcohol and sweat. Bodies were moving to the music as Mia pulled you towards the bar. You were nearly knocked twice by people too drunk to notice or have body awareness.
Mia had already given you the rundown of what to expect. She had spent at least two hours lecturing you on what goes on. These clubs were not just host to one kind, but all. The fact that you were human would send off a few sense and mixing alcohol in the situation it makes things a bit more dangerous. It had already been decided early on that you both would split up.
Mia leaned in at the bar catching the bartender’s attention and ordered for the both of you. Without turning back.
“Spot him yet?”
Scanning the crowd, you look over the bodies, none of them striking familiarity. It isn’t until you scan the private section where the tables are do you find him.
Mia receives the drinks, handing you the soda. Stealthily she looked over spotting the area of where you were looking.
“I’m not getting good vibes Y/n.”
You nearly snorted into your drink. “It’s a club of course you don’t. This place is grimy and full of fuck boy energy.”
Her lips lift in a smile, but it doesn’t stay. “I’m serious.” Biting her lower lip in uncertainty, leaning in she spoke into your ear, “Are you sure about this?”
“Yeah.” An important detail you left out was telling her that he was a rogue. You knew that just like Jin she would talk you out of it. To her he was just a douchebag and you were just an ordinary girl hitting on him.
“I’ll come find you. Don’t do anything stupid okay.”
You nodded. She disappeared into the crowd weaving into the swaying bodies dancing seamlessly, leaving you at the bar.
You spotted him leaning into a woman, holding her by the hips and grinding to the beat. She wasn’t any woman you had found on his social media before. You snuck photos pretending to take selfies then going through a few other apps. Seeing him move away from her at the change of the song you took your cue. Moving through the dance floor you approximated yourself. Your heart was beating in your fingertips, fist tightly clutching at your drink. Steps beside him you went into action. Stumbling slightly in front of him, you spilled your drink on his black slacks. He growled as soon as the cold liquid spilled all over him.
Trying to swipe off the drink, “What the fuck!”
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” You played up to the image of innocence and a naïve human.
He paused in his attempt at brushing off the liquid. “A human. What are you doing here sweetheart?” When his eyes meet yours, they don’t just look they linger. The girl he had been speaking to completely forgotten. His eyes flicker down from your face to your body, lingering in erogenous zones before meeting your eyes again. Pretending you didn’t notice, you suppress the urge to smile knowing he’s playing into it.
Now that you were closer you couldn’t deny that the guy was attractive. It made sense how he was able to play so many. His tousled hair was dark and silky. His eyes were piercing and intimidating.
Seokjin’s words ringing in your ear again. Don’t know how much longer we have until he turns. Why did you have to think of him now at all times.
Touching his leg over the stain you squeezed it suggestively still pretending innocence of attempting to clean it. “I’m so sorry. I’m such a clutz.”
“Hold on princess. Take me to dinner first.” He grabbed your hand, but kept it over his legs.
You couldn’t explain it, you felt his touch turning nausea within you.
“Can I pay you to get it cleaned?”
“This thing? I got twenty more, its fine.”
You leaned in, putting your hand on his chest. “Is there another way I can repay you?”
That had him quirking his brows before a twisted grin bloomed on his face. “Got any ideas babygirl?”
You leaned in, playing with a button on his button up. “I can think of a few wolf boy.”
He growled clearly taking on the challenge. “My names Daniel and don’t forget it baby girl.”
He leaned in to capture your lips but you turned to the side. You whispered into his ears, chuckling, “Don’t tease me baby. you’re going to bring the beast out in me.”
Pretending his words were stimulating, you giggled, tossing your head back. Biting your lip you gave him a doe eyed look, “Let’s take this somewhere else.” Blinking up at him, “Please.”
He took your hand leading you through the crowd. You didn’t have time to search for Mia in the crowd, but you had hoped she saw you. He moved towards the back towards an exit door. He pushed open the door you were pulled out into the back alley. As soon as the door closes the noise of the club softened, and Daniel’s labored breathing is the loudest sound. Fog had settled in over the city, and you could see a group of guys lingering just at the entrance, the ember of their cigarette light.
Stepping closer to you he caged you against the damp brick wall. His overwhelming smell of alcohol was suffocating as he leaned in with a smirk on his lips. He leaned in close enough that his breath fanned over the side of your face. Moaning and humming, “You smell like a bitch, hard to believe your just human baby girl.”
“I’ve always had a bit of wild in me.” You smirked.
Throwing his head back as he laughed, then lowering his head following with a groan. He bit the bait. He presses himself closer to you, enjoying the soft curves of yore body against his. Leaning in to speak with hot breath into your ear, “I can tame you. You’d like it if I’d put you in your place right.”
Goosebumps pimpled over your whole being, except it wasn’t because of him. Something changed in the air. Your heart began beating faster in your chest, like a radar beeping when a target was nearing. Breaking eye contact with Daniel you turned towards the alley where your instincts were indicating something was coming. In turn you exposed your neck to him. Daniel rumbled contently in appreciation at your action. He leaned in sniffing your skin, trailing his nose along the column. The action having your stomach twist in a sudden nausea.
The radar in your chest pinged its loudest as through the dense, grey fog you saw red eyes. A shadowed figured, large and imposing, began taking form of the owner of the red eyes. They were heading towards you at a face pace like when a predator locked in on its prey. A harrowing growl comes from the shadow sends a shiver down your spine. Daniel was so lost in your scent he didn’t realize the figure coming at breakneck speed.
When the figure was close enough you finally caught a glimpse of the shadow.
In a whisper, “Jin.”
Fire burned in his eyes, as he struck like a missile. It all happened in a blur of motion; Daniel was ripped from hovering over you. The vicious growls that came from both beings was terrifying. Jin’s anger had always been cold and blunt. You had only seen it once before, but even then, that time feels minute to what happened in front of you. You had never seen him fight before. Fist struck and the sound of bone cracking was like thunder. It was gruesome.
Daniel lost his balance, his eyes turning red as well. Their heavy breathing steamed around their mouth, their fangs elongated to their lower lip. Daniel twitched seemingly resisting shifting fully. However, Jin was the larger of the two, his body partially shifted. His muscles bulged against the fabric of his clothes. The buttons of his dress shirt barely maintained against this broad chest. His sleeves were rolled up, veins pulsing against his muscular forearms. He was out for blood.
“What the fuck man! Get your own bitch!” Daniel growled at Jin, still maintaining his goal of getting you. When Daniel’s eyes shifted over to you, Jin charged him as the scent of lust filled the air. He grabbed at Daniel’s throat, moving backwards until he slammed him to the wall. He held him growling out words you couldn’t make out until he felt Daniel fall unconscious. His heart was still beating. Released him and let him slump to the floor, hovering over him like a predator.
“Jin.” The quiet whisper of his nickname has him coming back down to earth. He whipped around finding you leaning against the wall, knees weak. Your eyes were wide taking in his face. His eyes the deepest red you’ve ever seen, fangs over his lips, and body near feral. However, as soon as he sees that you, it dropped from him and he looking more like a puppy. He hurried over to you. Instead of greeting he grabbed your chin and angled your head to the side to get a glance at your neck. He breathed a sigh of relief. He was still more wolf than man at the moment. He leaned forward and whined. Your heart stopped in your chest. His body was warm sending a shiver down your spine. His scent was comforting. You hate how good it feels, you hate that your body relaxed instantly when he came to save you. As if you already know everything was going to be alright. To trust and rely on him felt so foreign, but so familiar.
He pulled away but you were so close you could make out his eyelashes individually. He growled, “What were you doing!”
Suddenly what you had been trying to forget comes back full force. Why was he acting like he cared so much? You curled in on yourself, the pettiness returning. “I could’ve handled myself.”
“Oh really? You were just going to let him mark you?” He seethed with an anger like wildfire.
You tried to remain indifferent. “I don’t see what the problem is. It’s just a bite, it’ll heal. I’m not one of you.”
Ignoring him, you pulled your phone out from your pocket showing him that you had a recording going. “I got it.” You pressed pause and saved the file. You hadn’t realized your hands were shaking, the adrenaline of it all still coursing through you.
His brows furrowed. “What?”
“I recorded everything. I even took pictures of him with other women. We can use this as evidence.”
“Y/n?” The moment shatters and you search for the familiar sound of your name.
You see your friend stumbling drunkenly through the door out into the empty alleyway.
“I’m here to save you!” For being a kind, her alcohol tolerance was low. She turned towards you, squinting her eyes. “Whoa, who’s the hot guy? Was I interrupting something.”
You pushed Jin away from you slipping past him to support her as her ankle kept rolling due to the uneven asphalt.
Jin didn’t bother smirking or returning the understanding. He was still beyond pissed.
She looked down to the passed out man, “Holy shit.” She looked to Seokjin, seeing the remnants of his partial shift as he hadn’t bothered to transition back. There was a silent understanding of one another between them as he could tell she was the same as him.
“You were supposed to keep watch, how could you get drunk?”
“I didn’t mean to, I was feeling really nervous about all this. I needed to calm my nerves, so I had a few drinks.”
“We’ll talk in the office.” You directed your words to Seokjin before you began walking away with Mia.
“No, I’m taking you home.”
Mia wiggled her eyebrows. “Can you stay forever?”
You shushed her, bewildered by her behavior. The intense glare he was giving you had you agreeing. “Fine.”
Walking towards his car in silence. She squinted, then her eyes then widened thinking she was whispering to you, “Oh my god is he the one you’ve been talking nonstop about.”
You hush her. “Shut up.”
Through the walk Jin had shifted himself back. A black Audi RS7 beeped as Jin unlocked his car. Mia whistled, “He’s rich.”
“Mia!” You whisper yelled at her. “Please, behave!”
She nodded holding her hands up in an apology. “I’ll behave. I’ll behave.”
You slip into the back with Mia. Her head falls on your shoulder. You gave him your address. He presses the car to start and pulls away. Not long your friend falls asleep, her head falling asleep on your shoulder. You caught him looking at you a few times through the rear-view mirror, but you couldn’t bring yourself to say anything.
Pulling in the parking lot of your complex, Jin got out first then opened the door for you. He helped you with Mia and supported her up.
Going to the first floor of your apartment complex you made sure Jin was following you with Mia. Shoving the key in your door you let him in, leading him through your apartment to her room. He laid her down onto her bed. You began helping take her shoes off, Jin leaving to go to the living room. Taking a moment to help her clean up and ready for bed. She smiled at you partially awake, partially asleep.
“What?” You smiled back.
Giggling, “He likes you too.”
You froze, staring at her incredulously before you played it off as she was too drunk to know what she was talking about. “You’re drunk go to sleep.”
She shook her head. She grabbed your hand staring you directly in the eyes. “No, I’m sure.”  
“He already has a mate.”
Her eyebrows squinted. “No he doesn’t. He doesn’t smell like it.”
You refrained form rolling your eyes. “You wolves and your weird olfactory fixation.”
She sighed then let go, allowing her eyes to close as she fell asleep. You remained crouched by her bed, trying to decipher her words. Jin, didn’t have a mate? And liked you? She must mean that he tolerated you, civil at most. The kiss the other day meant nothing, you were sure of it. It was spur of the moment, high stress and you both didn’t know what you were doing.
She was drunk what did she know.
Standing up with a click to your knees you groaned, you were exhausted. The adrenaline finally wearing away of what happened earlier. Seeing Jin standing in your living room was awkward. He was looking at the photos on the wall. Specifically staring at a photo of when you were younger and Jin was also in it. You both looked so happy, with paint on both of your faces and white shirts.
You hesitate, weirdly feeling as if you were caught with something you should be. “Kinda hard not finding a picture of the old days without you in it.”
He looked at you, putting his hand down from touching the edge of the frame.
When he says nothing you clear your throat, “Thank you.”
He turned towards you, sticking his hands in his pockets, humming in acknowledgement.
“I’ll format all the recordings and photos for the—.”
He cut you off. “You looked happy here.” He pointed to the photo next to the one he was touching. It was of you and a few friends at the beach. It was taken the last year of college.
You smirked. “Hey, I know how to have fun. I’m not all business.”
He smirked, “Would’ve fooled me.” You knew he was poking fun. This time you enjoyed it. Turning to you. “You even turned our night off into a work night, at a club no less.”
You couldn’t argue there, in steading biting your bottom of your lip. He follow the motion before looking up. Clearing your throat you changed the subject.  “He said that I was his mate.”
His whole body stiffened. “Impossible.” He crossed the room closer to you, just stopping a foot away.
You looked up at him, the sudden hostility throwing you off. He scanned you over once more. “Are you sure you’re alright? He didn’t touch you?”
“No.” You fought off the blush that threatened to rise to your cheeks. The attentiveness he was giving you was doing things to your heart that you promised yourself you wouldn’t let happen again. You flush suddenly remembering how soft his lips feel.
Nodding seemingly distracted with his thoughts. “I’ll look into that.” He began making his way towards the door and you followed. He stood outside your doorway.
He hesitated before nodding, as if he had contemplated something. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight.” You returned the words in a soft whisper.
He began walking away towards his car.
He turned around.
“How’d you know where to find me?”
He paused, his face clearly. Your heart nearly stopped in your chest when a smile, an expression you haven’t seen on him. Jin looked like his old self.  “I just went where the wild things are. I knew I’d find you there.”
You laughed, “I hate you.”
A smirk came back to his lips. “Don’t go soft on me now, Y/n.”
You watched him slip into his car before going inside. Alone with yourself you felt unsettled. Lately, it had been happening more. You chalked it up to being stressed, but stress was a constant in your life. This emotion was blaringly obvious to you, but you didn’t understand. Why did him leaving leave a hint of sadness.
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“You sure?”
“Yeah, totally. I’ll catch up with you soon.”
Logan pulled a face saying he wasn’t convinced. The others had already gathered their stuff and were heading towards the elevators. Yoongi suddenly threw his arm around Logan’s shoulders. “Let’s go. I need a drink.”
You couldn’t help but smile biting back laughter. Yoongi was a man of few words, but he always knew when to insert himself.  
You turn back to your desk when they’re out of sight. In all truth you didn’t want to go. You wanted peace, and despite wanting to follow the social cues it was the last thing you needed right now.
Accompanied by the lone light from your desk, the silence of the office greets you in full embrace. The electronic whorl of central air kicking on. You busy yourself with “last-minute” paperwork you had purposefully withheld on doing, knowing this celebrating was coming. The case had gone incredibly well, it was easy to prove the divorce with your added evidence. It was set to go to secondarily trial within the kind’s court. You just needed to give yourself enough time to know they were out of the building and you could go home.
You looked over your shoulder. Seokjin stood there, you could see wear of the day on him but it somehow painted him like oil paint. His hair was disheveled, and the top buttons of his white button up were undone.
“I forgot my wallet.”
You hum. It’s a bit awkward. Watching him round the desk to his in silence. Ever since you had turned in the case over to Yoongi, you had distanced yourself from him. There had been no incentive to not go because of him. It had been a looming idea over your head though that after this you weren’t going to be seeing him.
He held up his wallet, “Found it.”
“You found it.”
He swallowed tucking it in his pocket. He rounded the desk standing just near yours. His hand was clenched in a fist, words on the tip of his tounge.
“Well, it was great working with you Y/n.”
Standing up you extend out your hand. Staring at it for a moment his eyes soften taking yours in his.
“The truce was sufficient after all.” He joked.
“Don’t get too soft on me now.” You joked back.
He smiled. The handshake had long outlived itself, but you still held his and he held yours.
“Well, this is goodbye.” When you tried letting go his grip tightened. “Jin?”
“I can’t. I can’t keep pretending.”
“Pretending I’m okay with you walking out of my life again. Pretending that I’m not effected by you. I can’t. I can’t handle it for the second time.”
His logic was flawed. You didn’t allow your heart to pick up pace, fall into his words. “What do you mean? You said you didn’t need me.”
“I lied. I never meant what I said then. I never wanted to hurt you or push you away.”
Your eyes flicker about his face, looking for signs of deception but couldn’t find it. “Then, why did you?”
“I couldn’t control it, I couldn’t control my wolf. I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“Hurt me? Jin, you wouldn’t have hurt me.”
“No, I would have. I couldn’t control it back then, the urges were too intense. I’m weak when it comes to you.”
“You can’t mean that.”
“I do though. I was weak, and whenever you would come near me it became harder to control. The night I found you I couldn’t think straight. Now though, I can’t deny it anymore, I know what I want. And I want you.”
“What do you mean? Don’t you have a mate, what are you talking about?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Well don’t you?”
“I’m not seeing anyone or have claimed anyone—yet.”
You pausing looking at his distraught face.
“You don’t?”
“No.” His touches were romantic.
“Well I still don’t see what this conversation has to do with me.” , “Look, I’m not here to get mixed up in whatever.”
“Are you really that oblivious? Do you really not see it?”
“See what?”
He groaned rubbing his hands over his face. “Y/N, you’re killing me here.”
“It’s you. You are my mate.”
Everything froze around you.
Your hands trailed up his chest to wrap around his neck.
“My mate.”
“What?” You freeze. Attempting to put all the pieces of the puzzle together none of it makes sense to you. “You said so yourself humans can’t be mates.”
“I didn’t know how to tell you. You aren’t bound by the same instincts or rules that I am. I was worried, I thought it was only me who felt something. But it’s you, always has been.”
He pulled you closer, and you didn’t fight him.
“Please, I’ll tell you everything, but I need to know. Do you feel the same?”
You swallowed hard. “I do.”
His body melted. “Do you mean that?”
You rolled your eyes. Your hands were around his neck, pulling him down and your lips crashing onto his even before he could finish that sentence. The sudden softness in the midst of the charged tension had you even more sure that you wanted this. The electricity just a kiss from him confirmed it all. You did feel the same way, have for a long time. He reciprocated gripping the sides of your waist and lips moving in tandem with yours. All the built-up tension from before exploded as your tongue brushing against his.
You push him away needing to breath. Tucking his head into your neck he presses kisses into your skin not wanting to part from you. “Why were you so worried? Didn’t you know that I was your mate before?”
“No, we can only begin to find our mates after we’ve fully shifted.“
Finding a place between your neck and collar he nipped at the flesh causing you to moan and shiver. Appreciating the sound he dug his hand deeper into your hair angling your head so he could access it better. “I knew it was you for sure after I shifted, but you were human and I didn’t understand. I had always been told that a mate couldn’t be human. But its been you all along. My elders had tried to talk me out of it, they had tried to keep me away from you. It didn’t help that I had so much to learn after shifting. It didn’t change anything, I kept looking for you. From the first time I found myself in your closet, I was too young to understand destiny, but its always been you.”
You didn’t realize how much you wanted to hear those words from him until he admitted it.
“Why? Why were you so mean.”
“I couldn’t get your attention otherwise.”
You giggled into eachother mouth. “Dumbass, all of this could have been avoided.”
He pinched at your side causing you to shriek.
“Let me take you home.” His voice is low and sweet, and drips like honey.
It takes a second to register what he said, awestruck by how much the words feel common place. “Okay.”
He chases your lips before pulling you along with him. “Wait! I need to get my stuff.”
You laugh at the whine that comes form him as you collect your things form your desk. When you turn around he has his hand extended and you tangle your hand in his. You can’t get the smile off your face. The next movements are rushed as you find yourself in his car. His hand tangles back in yours as soon as he’s in the drivers’ seat.
It takes all about fifteen minutes to get to Jin’s apartment. The moments in between getting there were filled with tension as his hand no longer was just content holding yours but clenching over your thigh and kneading the flesh. Upon reaching his unit he fumbled with the code for a few seconds. When he finally had you inside he pressed himself to you. He no longer appeared to be completely human. His fangs were extended, eyes gleaming red, and he at you like a man starved. He rolls his hips to your center, letting you feel the evidence of his erection tight against his slacks. “Tell me what you want. Anything you want, you can have it.”
“Jin.” You moaned at the feeling of him pressed against your center. You wanted all of him, but you didn’t know how to voice it all. You wanted to feel his weight on top of you, feel him within you and to hold him against you. You wanted more than just that though, but words felt unfulfilling besides his name.
“You really don’t realize what you do to me.” He grabbed under your thighs lifting you up so that your legs rested over his arms while he supported you against the wall. He grinded into you again, his hot breath fanning over your face before he sloppily kissed you.
“You turn me into a beast.”
He shifted so that your legs were wrapped around his waist and he held onto you tightly as he moved towards his bedroom. It all happens so quickly. You were pressed down on his bed with him hovering over you. He tugged at your shirt silently asking for permission to remove it which you give him happily. He pulled it off you delicately, as if you were an art piece he was afraid of breaking. He reached behind you an unhook your bra, tossing it.
He stared for a few moments. You wanted to cross your arms over your chest but he stopped you.
“Beautiful.” He swallowed harshly. He leans down trailing his nose along your sternum before nuzzling at your breast. His hand trailed up the side of your body before reaching your breast and kneading the flesh. His thumb traces over your nipple until they pebbled. With the other his mouth sucked marked into your flesh before taking your nipple into his mouth. You release soft gasp at the gentle pleasure. He switched showering each breast with kisses and small bites until they were both marked.
He propped himself up as he moved his mouth down from your chest to your stomach, caressing your sides. He moved until he was nestled between your legs. Sitting back on his heels he reaches for the waistband of your skirt again asking for permission. Intoxicated on the feeling you nod at him lazily. He pulled it down landing somewhere with your other clothes.
He spread your legs wider fitting himself between your legs. You were so wet that the fabric of your panties stuck to you. Using the slick he traced his finger over your slit, focusing on your clit. Your back arched off the bed, bowing towards the ceiling. It was a simple touch, but you were hypersensitive to his touch. With his face between your legs he looks deliriously in bliss.
The dichotomy of his nature made him an anomaly. He was domineering but tender in each of his approaches. Each motion was made with love, but eagerness to feel you. No partner you’ve had before had been so attentive, trekking your body as it was meant to be explored and learned.
“Shit, Y/n, you’re so wet. Is this all for me?”
You gasped his name when he leaned in and pressed a kiss to your clit. He chuckled, “Is my name the only thing you can say now?”
You flushed, “Stop teasing me.”
He pressed a kiss to your knee soothing the teasing.
“Fuck, you smell so ready for me.”
“Please.” You pleaded breathlessly.
“Just a taste, please.”
You nodded threading your hands through his hair. He hooked his fingers in your panties and pulled them down tossing them somewhere in the room. Yanking you forward and closer to him he spreads your legs for him putting you on full display. Kissing up your thighs moving closer to your center. When he places a kiss on your mound before he begins to gently. He sighed against your folds. “Delicious.”
He taste you longer than just a sample as he buries his head between your legs. The sounds of your moans and mewls awaken the cavernous part of him. He growled, the sound sending shivers down your spine and making you even wetter.
“Jin!” you gasp, as he eats you out. When he pushes a finger inside you can’t help but tighten your grip on his hair. It felt so good, the stretch was sending your sensitivity to overdrive. It has been a long time since you’ve had sex with someone, but your cunt was accepting his finger easily. He worked you up and slipped another finger inside you, the stretch causing you to screw your eyes shut. Letting out a pained cry of pleasure and a bit of sting from the stretch.
“Doing so good for me Y/n.” His fingers moved to spread you open, to let him in. He watched you from between your legs as he increased his pace when he felt you relax a bit around him.
He was driving you crazy, the sounds he was admitting as if he was enjoying it more than you was such a turn on. No one had ever made you feel this way, as if he wasn’t just touching your body but your soul.  Your pressing your hips upwards, feeling your end coming near. Your pussy clenches around his finger when he keeps stroking that one spot within you. In combination with his lips on your clit and him finger fucking, you had never felt so much pleasure before.
“I’m—.” Your body tenses and you can feel yourself just on the edge.
“Come for me.” His words commanded you and like a band you snapped. Your walls pulsed around his finger as he kept you through your orgasm. He pulled his fingers out of you, licking them clean. When he seems your release dripping down from your entrance he leaned down licking it up. He pressed his tongue inside you. The action surprising and jerk, but you couldn’t move away. His tongue moved languidly and rhythmically within you until he was content. He continued to lap of your sweet release until you pushed him away.
He crawled over you. “So good for me. Fate couldn’t have chosen a better mate.” His words were possessive but you didn’t mind it. The word mate fell off his lips so easily.
You came down from the high gradually, chest heaving, and eyes
You see that he was still hesitant to let it through. You reached up cupping his face, gently tracing your thumb. “Let go.”
“I can’t. I don’t want to hurt you.” He peppers kisses along your collarbone.
Your fingers make quick work of his shirt. You pause to admire his broad chest. It had been .
He grabs your hand before you reach for the button of his pants.
“Do you really know what this means. Know what I mean when I say you’re my mate and want you?”
“Yes, mark me. Claim me. I want you. I want all of you.”
“Even if it means forever?”
He allows you to undress the rest of him, he kicks off his pants and underwear and he’s completely bare before you.
His endowment makes your thighs clench. His cock was hard, thick and throbbing, the tip ozzing.
Coming down to his elbows he fits himself snuggly between your thighs, cock brushing your pussy. He reaches between you gathering your slick before spreading it over his cock. He teases your pussy by teasing your entrance, and with your slick he coats his cock with it.
“I’m going to fill you with my cum y/n. Knot you so none of it spills out.” He rubbed your hips. “You’d look so beautiful swollen with my pups.”
You couldn’t help but tremble, excitement filling your veins. You wanted to be sated, to feel him inside you already.
“I want it Jin.”
‘Anything for you, my love.”
That was the last warning you got before he was pressing into you. He watched your face as he filled with you with this thick length. You cried out, as you fisted the sheet under you. “Oh my god.”
His grip tightened on your hips enough you were sure they were going to bruise later. He was trembling just as much as you were. Slowly sinking in you he pumped until he was full seated inside you.
“Holy shit, this is way better than I’ve ever imagined.” He paused allowing you to adjust to his size.  
When you shifted against him he took it as a cue to finally move. He pulled out almost the full way before he was sliding back in slowly. It drew out a choked moan from the both of you. His length dragged against your walls hitting that spot each time.
“Harder, please, harder!” You cried out. You trusted him enough to know he would keep his strength in check. You knew he could crush you, as lifting you earlier seemed like nothing to him.
The pace was gentle until he picked up a merciless pace. Each powerful thrust pushed him in deeper to you. You were quickly unraveling approaching your second orgasm in record time. The sensation of everything was addicting as you lost yourself in the pleasure. Tears built in the corner of your eyes.
He mouthed at your neck murmuring, “My mate. My sweet little mate, so good for me. Taking me so well.”
Nearing your orgasm you began trembling in his embrace. “Come again for me, my love. Give it to me.”
You clenched around him, shattering around his cock and in the same moment he sunk his fangs sunk in between your neck and shoulder. The pain meshed with the pleasure into an addictive eliquer that flooded your system.
He kept going. “Too much Jin!”
Licking clean the marking he pulled away from your neck. He pressed your legs up into your chest. He could see his cock going in and out of your swollen lips. He kept pounding into you, somehow reaching deeper into you. “I’m going to fill you up, love. Do you want it baby?”
You nodded. “Give it to me.” Tears were spilling form your eyes from the overstimulation.
With a final slam of his hips his length swelled inside you spilling his seed within you. When you expected it to end his length was still swelling at the base.
“Jin, what’s happening?” Your nails dug into his shoulders.
“Shhh, baby, its okay.” His mouth slipped back over to your neck, kissing over the fresh mark. He peppered you with affection as his hands soothed your flesh. He relaxed your legs until they wrapped around his waist holding you close.
Just when you thought you couldn’t take anymore the knot stopped swelling. You heaved, panting slightly from the painful stretch.
“You did so well.”
You smiled, pulling him to your lips to kiss. The way he was looking at you as if you were his world had you reaching up to cover your face.
“What just happened?”
He stilled, “Do you regret it?”
You pulled your hands away form his face. “No, no, no.” He easily succumbs when you pull him closer to you. You rub your nose against his back and forth, wanting to return the affection. “It was perfect.”
He flushed crimson.
 You spend hours after within eachothers embrace, even when his knot swelled down. You talked, whispered words of affection to eachother and fell into eachothers embrace again. Like the first time his touch is gentle, he praises the moon for bringing him to you. He leaves no part of you untouched, and you his.
You feel at home for the first time in a long time.
When the sun rises, you wake in his arms, head in the crook of his neck, as he held you tightly to his chest. Bodies still bare, you both felt there was no need to cover, he had his hand over your hip. Breathing in the scent of him and . The silence doesn’t feel uncomfortable. The sound of his heartbeat in your ear was calming.
Slowly pulling away from his neck you reach up and caress his face. With your thumb you trace under his eye and cheek with a butterflies touch.
“I love you.”
He smiles. “No. I’m supposed to say it first.”
You quirk a brow at him. “Who says so?”
He opened his eyes, the trails of sleep still evident. “I do. I love you, always have.” He captures your lips in his.
“You stayed.”
You pulled away. “Of course, I would.”
He smiled. “I know, but to have you here. In my bed. Next to me. It all seems like I’m still dreaming.”
“Oh my god, you’re so cheesy, you dork.”
“But you like it.”
Giggling as he peppers kisses all over your face you manage to worm out of his embrace. You jump out of bed. Taking his dress shirt from off the floor you toss it over yourself buttoning up a few buttons. “Don’t sour the sweetness too soon, wolf boy.” You let the last word roll but with no real malice. You know the word will rile him up.
From the bed he watched you. He had never seen anyone more beautiful. You had his heart that was for sure. He tossed the blanket off of himself chasing after you. “You take that back.”
You giggled running down his hall and out of sight with him chasing right behind you.
Even after the wildest journey, some things in life, like home, just won’t change.
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Grey Singlet
Thank you so much to @beccabarba for once again being my beta for this series.
Warnings: Season 3 spoilers, talks of what’s going on with Coco in as less detail as possible. Swearing and Smut.
WC: 1875
*Grey Leather*
*Grey Uniform*
*Grey Dress*
*Grey Vase*
*Grey Blanket*
*Grey Jeans*
*Grey Socks*
*Grey Boxes*
*Grey Balloons*
Enjoy x
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You walked straight in the door dropping your work bag on the floor as you stomped down the hall way, walking straight to the fridge in the kitchen, pulling out a beer and twisting the cap off, sculling it down and slamming the bottle on the bench hard. You lent your palms down on the counter, the weight of your shift heavy on your shoulders and you held back the need to scream after everything that had been going on already and now this.
The shift had been fine for the first couple of hours, till a call came in and as soon as you heard the address and a brief description of what was going on, you panicked, knowing what was to come. Your partner speed over to the address with lights and sirens and when you pulled up, Rosa was standing on the front grass in her work suit, tears running down her face and her hands shaking. You both jumped out of the ambulance grabbing your equipment bags and running towards the house. Rosa followed muttering the chain of events that had led to call being made,
“Rosa” you stopped putting your hand on her shoulder, with your poker face on, trying not to show any emotions just yet “I need you to calm down. I want you to call Gilly, Angel or Ez and tell them to get here, now, ok?”
You and your partner rushed inside to Letty shaking a passed-out Coco crying into his chest. Your partner walked over to her first trying to calm her down and pulled her off him so you could look over him. Rosa walked in the door, calling Letty over and she rushed over to her, hugging her and crying into her shoulder, Rosa’s hand rubbing over her back. Your partner got to work taking vitals after you had undone his shirt and you pulled out the medication you knew you would need. When your partner gave you the go ahead, you stuck the needle straight into his leg injecting it into it. Your partner grabbed a vomit bag to get it ready for him for when he came too, just as Angel, Ez and Gilly busted through the door.
You yelled at everyone to wait outside while you both fixed him up, putting in a cannular, your partner pumping through a bag of fluids. Coco grabbed your hand as you stood up, looking up at you with tear-stained eyes and a slight smile. You nodded back running your thumb over his knuckles. You let his hand go walking out through the kitchen and out the back door pulling off your gloves as you went, flicking them off,
“Everything ok?” Gilly sat up off his chair and you narrowed your eyes at him.
“How long has this been going on?” You looked at Letty.
“Couple of weeks” she sobbed back and you nodded back.
“Did you know?” You looked at Rosa and she shook her head no.
“I would have told you, you know that”
“Go see him” you looked between Rosa and Letty, and they walked inside.
You looked over your shoulder till Letty and Rosa were inside, the door closing behind them. You looked back at the three bikers standing in front of you and they could see the rage in your face,
“Did you all know?” they could hear the anger in your voice. You looked at the three of them all looking at each other “Did you all know?” you repeated again raising your voice.
“What did you want us to do?” Gilly shot back standing up, his hands going to his hips.
“To get him help” you shouted “You let Letty go through all this on her own, you’re his brothers. And you left him when he needed you the most”
“He didn’t want our help” Angel shouted back at you taking a step closer throwing his arms out at you.
You matched his steps coming toe to toe with him, looking up into his face, your brows frowned.
“He doesn’t know what he wants” you spat back “Your meant to take care of him”
Angel looked down at you, titling his head to the side,
“Your fucking scary when your pissed, you know that”
“Told you, you’re lucky she isn’t holding a bat” Ez muttered and you shot him a dirty look.
“Does Bishop know? Taza? Hank?” All three men shook their heads at you and you scoffed walking to go back inside “Tell them now or I will”
You change out of your uniform and slipped on a grey singlet dress. You went to the linen cupboard pulling out a picnic rug, walked to the fridge to grab another beer, to the cabinet grabbing a packet of chips and you made your way out the back door. You walked to the tree in the corner laying down the rug and made yourself comfortable on your back looking up at the clouds rolling over the blue sky.
Music was flowing softly out of your phone when a reeve of his motor bike broke loud over the music. You laid there for a bit, watching birds fly overhead, when you heard the back door open and you looked to see Bishop walking towards you in just a black tank top, cotton shorts, socks and holding a beer,
“Hey baby”
You  sat up on your elbows,
“Hey my love, how was your day?” you tried to sound cheerful, not letting on you were stressed from the day, in case he didn’t know anything yet.
Bishop came up to the rug and knelt down next to you, peaking your lips and then laying down on his side, propping his head up with his arm,
“Not as eventful as yours” Bishop smirked “You’re starting to get a reputation, baby” he looked over at you giving you a wink and let out a chesty laugh.
“I’ am sorry” you sat up curling your legs under yourself “What are you talking about?”
“Had a chat with the three stooges not long ago” Bishop locked eyes with you his hand coming up to rest on your cheek, his thumb running along your bottom lip “I wonder everyday how I got so lucky”
“You’re not mad I didn’t call you straight away?”
Bishop shook his head sitting up, his hand going to your thigh,
“You gave them a chance to tell me and if they didn’t you would have. You made a good call; you gave them a chance to step up. Angel wants to patch you in, those Reyes’s think your pretty badass” he chuckled “I agree”
You giggled, blushing and looking down, your hand going on top of his.
“He’s been taken care of, the kid too”
You nodded, giving him a small smile and you felt the weight of the day being lifted off your shoulders. You sighed contently, taking a sip of your beer and looking back at Bishop’s fiery lust filled eyes,
“You know baby” Bishop sat his beer down on the grass, got up on his knees and started to push you down onto your back by your shoulder “Every time I think about you fired up, it drives me crazy. It’s so hot.”
You dropped back on your back, your loose hair fanning around you, Bishop threw one leg over you so he was straddling your thighs. His big long fingered hands grabbed your wrists and pinning them above your head. He laid flat on top of you, his legs stretching down and he pushed one between your legs nudging them apart. Bishop kissed you lightly on the lips a couple of times before nipping at your bottom one and then he started to kiss up to your ear, his long beard running along your skin made you wiggle underneath him, starting a fire in your core.
Bishop took both of your hands in one, his long fingers around your wrist. His other hand running down your arm, down to your breast giving it a quick squeeze hardening your nipple, before it kept running down over your side, down your thigh and up under your dress. Bishop moved his leg out from between yours and his rough hand ran up the inside of your thigh to your panties, playing with the edge of them and you whimpered biting your bottom lip.
Bishop kissed down to your wind pipe and back up nipping on your ear lobe, two of his fingers diving into you. You moaned and raised your hips up into them,
“You’re such a good girl, baby. Taking care of business like that” Bishop whispered into your ear “Don’t be too loud, we don’t need a noise complaint” he breath heavy into your ear.
Bishop pushed in another finger and his thumb met your clit, your moans got a little louder and he sshhed into your ear. You bit your bottom lip to quieten your noises, Bishop’s fingers were thrusting into you strong and deep, his thumb moving in circles. Your body started to heat up, your knees bending up and your toes curled up on the rug. You gasped as quietly as you could, Bishop’s name whispering from yours lips. Your wet covering his fingers and slightly seeping out.
Bishop pulled away from you, sitting up off you, pushing down his shorts and boxers. His hard cock springing out and he wrapped his wet hand he just pulled out of you around himself and stroked himself fast. You sat up on your elbows, your eyes glued to Bishop’s hand, watching him, arousal pulsing through you again, before they moved up to meet his face, his brows frowned and his mouth slightly open. You could tell he was close by his heaving chest.
Bishop's free hand went to your dress pushing it right up to your chest, the warm sun hitting your skin. Your hands went to his cheeks, pulling him down to you, your lips crashed together, your tongues rolling together. Bishop’s free hand went to the back of your neck, gripping it firmly. Your hands moved up into his hair, your hands balling into fists tugging on his hair slightly, pulling a groan from him. Bishop froze, grunting into your mouth and you felt ropes of his hot milky cum landing on your tummy above your belly button, dripping down slowly.
Bishop pulled back from you, his forehead covered in sweat and looking down at you with a breathless grin looking at the mess he made on your skin before pulling his shorts back up. Bishop then moved to pulled off his tank top, wiping your skin clean and fell back off you onto his back. You pushed your dress back down and laid half on top of him covering his face with kisses, one of his hands rubbing up and down your back and the other going to the back of your head, sitting on the back of it gently,
“I love you” you looked down at him stroking his cheek.
“Love you too. You know baby, I like that the club think’s you’re a badass”
“Why is that?” you giggled.
“Because then everyone knows not to fuck with Bishop’s Queen”
 Tags: @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo​ @alwaysachorusgirl​ @withmyteeth​ @frattsparty​ @justchillin-inhell
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stressisakiller · 4 years
As You Wish
Steve Rogers x Reader Soulmate AU
(As you wish Part 2)
Summary: What happens when after moving into Stark Tower you run into a certain Captain
Warnings: None really, fluff, like one cussword a little bit of spice
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: Fluffy chapter yay!  Let me know what you think and if you have any requests for future chapters! Thank yall for reading!’
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Life working side by side with Tony was dangerous. When Killian attacked Tony it was you not Pepper who was taken and subjected to the Extremis serum. This caused you to heal crazy fast and gave you super strength, which was pretty cool but not very useful for someone who spent most of their time in a robotics lab trying not to crush something when it wasn't working.
You later discovered that Killian mistakenly believed that you were in fact Tony's soulmate, while you had always thought that it was Pepper. She quickly refuted your claim when you told her, pulling the back of her jeans down enough to show the smiley face that graced her butt cheek. Turns out that her soulmate was none other than Happy the head of security.
 About six months after the battle of new york, after Tony and the whole Killian/Mandarin situation, Tony asked very nicely if you would move into the Avengers tower with him. He needed to get the Avengers tower going, and after everything that happened and his panic attacks, he really didn't want to live there alone. He was also hoping that if you lived in the tower that the avengers would be more willing to as well. By this point you had met and become friends with most of them save for Captain America, he hasn’t been around much. He was trying to find his place in this new world and taking as many missions as Shield will give him in order to feel needed 
The tower was much different this time than the last time you had been there. There was less plastic film and dust everywhere and all of the construction work was done. Most notably, the wall on Stark's living room floor was no longer a gaping hole.
The top eight levels of the tower were for the avengers. The penthouse was where Tony stayed, no surprise there. The level directly below was his lab space which was restricted access for the most part and then there was the common level under that. The common level was composed of a large kitchen and dining area, as well as a massive living room with the biggest tv you had ever seen. This floor also houses a theater, and an arcade room equipped with pool tables and any other game you could think of. Tony is such a child sometimes, not that you were complaining you loved to play pool. The next three floors are where you and the rest of the Avengers would live. You would each get your own suite that you could arrange and decorate however you saw fit. Each suite includes a kitchenette, and small living room that was separate from the bedroom, and a massive ensuite bath. The lowest two levels were dedicated to the training room and medical ward, as well as a giant pool and sauna area, these floors allowed for outside access as long as they were vetted.
Six months later, life in the tower was going well. You, Tony and Bruce, were the main people living there. You could understand that though, Nat and Clint were constantly out on missions for shield and mainly stayed on base in DC. Tony told you that Steve was currently living in an apartment in DC. He didn't want to live on base but he was running missions for Shield on and off. Thor was off-world with Loki so life was pretty quiet. 
 Then there was a mission that the Captain went on that didn’t go the way he thought. He was wounded and brought back a captive. You were in the common area when the door was thrown open and a bloody Steve Rogers burst through carrying a soaking wet girl over his shoulder.
“The Medical wing, where is it?” He questioned voice hard from pain or fatigue or both. 
“This way.” you hurried off, not looking behind you, you knew that he would follow. 
When you arrived, you called for Dr. Cho and Steve told her what was going on and placed the girl on a stretcher. The nurses pushed her to a room to monitor her until she woke up. He was then shown to a separate room to be looked over and have the bullet removed. 
 That night Tony pulled you into the living room to watch your favorite movie, the princess bride. It was about halfway through when an exhausted Steve came through the door and flopped down on the couch beside the one that you and Tony were currently lounging on. It was coming to your favorite part, Buttercup was currently yelling at the Dread Pirate Roberts and about to push him down the hill.
“Oooh,” you said hitting Tony’s shoulder, “I love this part,” you spoke along with Wesley as he rolled down the hill, “As you Wiiiisssshhhh.” you clapped your hands together, “that will forever be the best reveal ever.” 
You didn’t notice Steve’s stare as you said those words. Holy Shit he thought his tattoo finally made sense, and yet the girl that fate said was perfect for him had her legs thrown over Tony’s lap and was leaning against him while watching the movie. He stood quickly and stomped out of the room, today was just not his day. 
 You look over at Tony confused when Steve left.
“What the hell do you think that was about?” you asked, growing more confused as you noticed the smirk on Tony’s lips.
“Why are you smiling like that?” You had to stop yourself from slapping him when he started to laugh.
“What the hell, Stark, tell me what's going on?”
“I think that Capsicle just realized that you're his soulmate.” He said through chuckles.
“What the fuck do you mean he realized that I’m his soulmate?” you asked your whole body going still as you waited for him to elaborate.
“I thought you had realized this earlier,” he said looked genuinely confused, “The captain is your soulmate, I’ve known since we had that movie night after finding him in the ice. Your tattoo is his dog tags with the flower of his birth month and a phrase that I’ve heard him say multiple times while next to him in a fight.”
You just sat there frozen trying to comprehend what exactly the man sitting in front of you was saying. 
“You know, he may be a little jealous that his soulmate was cuddling someone else since he probably doesn’t realize that you're like a sister to me. You should probably go after him.”  His words seemed to break you from your trance as you threw yourself very clumsily from the couch to follow after him.
“Jarvis, where did Rogers go?” 
“He is in the training room miss.”
“Thanks, J”
You ran all the way down, opening the door you were met by the scene of Steve hitting a punching bag so hard that it broke and flew off of its chain.
“You know, I’m not sure that those are made to withstand the punch of a super soldier, maybe I should design one that can,” you said leaning against the wall and trying not to show the fact that your heart was beating a million miles a minute.
“And why would you feel the need to do that, I’m sure Stark has plenty of things that he needs you to design that are more important than a Steve-proof punching bag.” You could tell that he was gritting his teeth as he spoke, reaching for another bag. You step towards him slowly, making sure not to walk too quickly from fear of him leaving.
“Well I’m sure that the great Tony Stark can take care of himself, and anyways, I think creating something to make my soulmate's life easier is more important.”
He slowly pulled his eyes from the punching bag that he was hanging onto the hook to look at you, pain obvious in his eyes.
“Really? Cause you seemed pretty comfortable with him.” you could see the vulnerability in his eyes as he spoke, he had gone through so much already.
“Yes really, Tony is more like an annoying older brother than anything. I’ve been working around him for the past five or so years, trust me when I say that I have no desire to date him. You on the other hand.” You made sure that your voice turned teasing on the last words, you wanted to make him smile, you hadn’t gotten to see that yet.
“Well good, cause I think I may have to kick his ass if you did.” You could hear the teasing lilt in his voice and the hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth. But as quickly as it came it was gone.
“How long have you known?” his voice cracked a little as he spoke. You let out a small huff of a laugh.
“Would you believe me if I told you that Tony had to tell me when I was confused as to why you left the room?” His eyes snapped to yours.
“Really? You didn’t know?”
“After not meeting my soulmate by the time I turned 25 I just pushed it to the back of my mind, I stopped trying to figure out what my tattoo meant and I focused on my work. Plus there were a couple of life-threatening instances that distracted me." You joked. You weren't 100% sure how to handle this situation, your main friend group consisted of a playboy philanthropist and a science nerd that turned into a giant green guy when angry, not really the best people to show you how to be vulnerable.
“I understand that," he said pausing before continuing, "part of my problem was that my tattoo didn’t show up until after I came out of the ice.” he looked down at his hands and you noticed that they were fidgeting, he must be just as nervous as you.
“I didn’t know that,” you murmured, deciding to ask the question that was begging to be asked.
“What is your tattoo, if you don’t mind me asking?”
He shook his head, “Not at all.” he stepped towards you and pulled up his sleeve, and turned out his arm so you could see the flesh just under his armpit. As soon as you saw the tattoo you burst out laughing.
“Of course that’s what my mark is, man I’m such a nerd.” You clutched your stomach as you laughed, tears coming to your eyes from the range of emotions that you are currently going through.
“Can I ask why I have this tattooed on me?” He questioned, clearly curious to the reasoning as to why he had a movie quote on his arm forever. You were finally able to pull yourself together and sober up from the surprise of his tattoo.
“That movie came out the year after I was born and it was my mom’s favorite movie to watch with me, we watched it at least 4 times a year. But we always made sure to watch it on my birthday as a family, it became an integral part of my life, plus it’s just sooo quotable.” you said with a smile, “Do you want to look at my tattoo?” you asked motioning at your arm with your head. He slowly nodded, not able to find the words.
You slowly pulled your sleeve up, showing him the inside of your forearm and the dog tags that graced your skin. He stepped forward gently taking your arm in his hand so that he could study the markings on your skin. Tracing the outline and the words that he could see before smiling.
“What does it mean?” you asked softly looking at him through your lashes.
“It’s um,” he cleared his throat, “it’s my dog tags or at least the lower one is, it says my name, then Captain America and the city I was born in, Brooklyn. The top one however is something that I always seem to say when I’m getting beat up in a fight in order to remind myself that I could do it. And the flower… I think it’s the flower from my birth month? I was born in July so I think it’s a reference to that.” You nodded at his explanation, his fingers still gently tracing over your skin, causing goosebumps to pop up from the feeling.
“So, would you like to watch the movie with me? We can start it over so that you won’t be lost. I know that you struggle with pop culture, old man.” You smirked at him as you spoke, he just rolled his eyes.
“Be careful, this old man could still show you a thing or two.”
You laughed out loud at that, your laugh changed to a squeal when you felt him wrap his arms around your legs and throw you over his shoulder. 
“Ahh, let me down!!” you beat at his shoulders trying to get him to release you but he wouldn’t budge, he just continued to carry you until you ended back in the living room and he threw you down onto the couch. He wasn’t even breathing hard after carrying you up 2 flights of stairs, jerk. 
Tony was nowhere to been seen as you restarted the movie. You ran and grabbed some more popcorn to share, pouring in some M&Ms before plopping back down next to Steve and pulling on your couch blanket. It didn't take long for you to cuddle into his side and for your eyes to droop. 
Steve smiled at you when he realized that you had passed out before you even got to the part he had walked in on earlier. He didn't mind though, he just got comfortable and pulled you in closer before allowing himself to relax and fall asleep. 
Tagged Users: @writerwrites
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systlinsideblog · 3 years
Part 8
The mansion of Saphrar of Turia was, in fact, very beautiful. It was also built like a fortress; the merchant was, it seemed, very paranoid in addition to being very rich. Quietly, Systlin approved, but right now it was an annoyance.
“We think we’ve picked off most of his archers,” one of the women said as Systlin arrived. Systlin looked the compound over, narrow eyed. There were bodies draped over a few of the crenelations around the enclosing wall, arrows sticking from them. “But we’ve not siege equipment strong enough to break open the gates.”
“Of course.” Systlin cracked her knuckles and rolled her neck again; fighting for the day, then, was not quite through. She eyed the gates; they were smaller, of course, than the gates of the city.
For good measure, she took out the whole front wall. A few hidden archers did fall screaming with the dust and gravel of the broken wall. As the dust cleared, she spotted the front door of the mansion proper and Broke that as well. A group of horrified mercenaries in the front garden watched the wall crumble, and then quite meekly laid their weapons down and knelt, raising their hands in surrender.
“Finally.” Systlin said. “Some people with a little sense. Bind them, and take them to the Ubara’s mansion.” A pause. “And after this, someone ought to show me to the Ubara’s mansion. I could use a bath, I think.”
That drew a laugh from the warriors around her. She drew her weapons, and led the women into the house.
They were met by some delighted slave girls; when they spotted Systlin they cried out in joy, and one rushed forward and took her by the hand.
“This way!” She tugged. “This way, Mistress! Our master is hiding, but I know where he is!”
Systlin followed. Followed through a hall, down some stairs, down more, her warriors close behind. House slaves parted before them, and some women peeled off to remove their collars and chains. A delighted murmur followed them down to the cellars.
They found Saphrar of Turia hiding in a hidden cubbyhole under a flagstone that moved on a cunning little mechanism. He cringed when Systlin pulled it open; she made a disgusted noised, bent down, grabbed him by the collar of his robe, and hauled him out through mean strength.
“And how well did that work for you?” She said shortly. “Hiding like a rat, behind hired swords?”
Even as she spoke, he twisted, and snapped. Even as she pulled away, his teeth sank into the back of her wrist. She buried her knee in his gut and he let loose, wheezing, but grinning through a mouthful of her blood.
“Well!” He croaked. “Quite well! Because where all of the warriors of the city failed, where the Wagon people failed, I’ve succeeded! Enjoy, she-sleen!”
“Fuck.” Systlin muttered. “Shit.” She slammed an arm out even as her warriors lunged forward. “ALIVE. Keep him alive.”
“So I can give you the antidote?” Saphrar crowed, gleeful. He had, Systlin saw, two false teeth shaped like fangs, gleaming gold. “I won’t! You can torture and kill me, I won’t!”
Systlin licked the blood welling from the marks his hidden fangs had left. There, a bitter note. She rolled it over her tongue as she’d been taught in the Iron Mountain so long ago, opening her mouth slightly to smell as well. Faint subtle scents and tastes, the combinations of them…
“Fuck,” she said again, picking notes out.
“Ubara!” Her warriors had Saphrar by the throat, and Dina was clutching at Systlin’s arm, frantic. “Osk venom! Some merchants use it, fangs like that are popular…a physician! Get a physician! Get the Ubar!
Several women left at a dead sprint.
Systlin gently but insistently shook Dina’s hand off, and she went for her belt pouch. Saphrar was still cackling, even through the arm around his neck.
“Fifteen thousand of the warrior caste, dead!” He said, gleeful. “A whole High Caste gone, failed, and a lowly merchant kills the beast!” He dissolved into more laughter.
“Ubara! If it spreads…”
“It already is.” She could feel the pain beginning as she fished a tiny packet, neatly wrapped in waxed rag paper and tied with thread, out of her pouch. She carefully undid the thread, and opened it to reveal a white powder. She licked the tip of a finger, dipped it into the powder, and then licked the powder off and made a terrible face as she pressed her tongue to the roof of her mouth; the stuff was terribly bitter as it dissolved through the thin tissues of the mouth. She re-wrapped the powder, and handed the packet to Dina.
“Ubara?” Dina’s voice was near panic.
“That packet,” Systlin said, deliberately calm. “Is my life, Dina. Give it to no one else. Do you understand? No one. This is my life, in this packet, and I’m trusting it to you.”
“I…” A hard swallow. “Yes, Ubara, but…”
“I am a Queen…you call it Ubara here, but I am a Queen on my own world as well, and have enemies. I trained with assassins before that. Listen, no, listen. In the Iron Mountain I have trained to tolerate many poisons and venoms better than most, and that should help, but I am going to be very sick very shortly. I know, I think, what this Osk venom is, or at least what makes it deadly. That,” a nod at the packet, “will counteract the effects enough to keep me alive while it runs its course. I will not be able to give it to myself. If my breathing looks like it is near stopping, give me as much as I just took, no more. What will stick to a single wetted fingertip. Too much will kill me. I do not need to swallow. Place it under my tongue, rub it on my gums, inside my nose. Do you understand?”
Dina was white. All her women were white. But Dina nodded, once, her lips thin and trembling and terror written all over her face.
“Good.” Systlin took a deep breath; sure enough, it was more difficult than it had been minutes ago. “And keep him alive.” She nodded at Saphrar. “I want to see his face when I don’t die.” A beat. “If I do die, give him to Foicatch.”
“Ubara.” Dina’s voice was thin. “Yes.”
“Good.” Systlin said, and then swayed, and quickly sat heavily down on a crate. She could feel the cold sweat breaking out; she doubted that most of her warrior women had seen her sweat before. She was, after all, a fire witch, and the hottest of days was no bother to her.
It was good, though. The symptoms were telling her that she’d been right, and even as her breathing grew more labored she felt the tingling rush of the compounds distilled into the rescue powder hit. Breathing eased slightly. The dizziness did not. There was a roaring in her ears, and vision blurred. She pitched to the side, and hands caught her.
The room swam. Things were happening around her very rapidly; she could hear them, but picking out meaning would have taken too much concentration. Her fingers were tingling, and her wrist was burning. Her breaths came hard and labored, but she kept breathing.
A familiar face, a familiar voice. Foicatch, sounding near panic. She tried to raise a hand to his face, but her limbs weren’t responding. She was lifted onto something…a stretcher?...and moved.
Time passing. Movement; she was being carried somewhere. Nausea, and her vision was just a blur of colors. Movement stopped; she was laid on something soft. Time passing. Hands on her, a prick of pain in her arm, more time passing. Her breaths started to rasp and struggle, and she wondered…but there! The bitterness of the rescue powder in her mouth, and soon breathing eased again. Not by too much, but enough for her to keep forcing air in and out. People speaking, hurried and frantic. Someone else, calmer. She felt hands easing away armor and boots and weapons. She wanted to protest, but hadn’t the strength.
A warm, wet cloth. Someone was cleaning away mud and blood. She knew the hands. Foicatch. Someone else. A woman? Of course a woman…
Sura hadn’t wanted her to go to the Iron Mountain. Systlin, with her father’s murder hanging before her eyes, had disregarded Sura’s advice for the first time, and gone anyway. The Master of Knives had welcomed her, tried to bend her to his will like he’d bent others. His gift for pushing at minds was rare, and terrible, as terrible as Breaking in its own way. She’d managed to shunt aside his power with her own, undoing it before it could bend her to him. She’d pretended that it had taken, and he’d set her to train.
What a prize, she’d heard him say once. A Breaker, at my feet. What a Hand I shall make of you. The world will tremble.
She remembered his blood on her hands, after she’d slit his throat at last. You took the contract for my father, she’d told him, as he bled out on the floor. You sent your Hand. That’s why I came, to kill his killers…
The bitterness of rescue powder in her mouth, again. Her face was numb, and her hands still tingled. Her head was pounding like a drum.
Snake venom in vials, lined up. Tasting each, carefully, picking out what snake it was from by taste and scent alone and reciting how it killed. She’d drunk snake wine before, but tasting the pure venom was another thing entirely…
Bitterness in her mouth. Voices. Her hand was in someone else’s; she would have known Foicatch if she were dead. His voice, worried. She was lying on something soft.
She’d been good at it, though. It had interested her. She’d memorized them, and the plant poisons, and the mineral. She’d memorized which of the little packets they all carried for emergencies could help the body fight each…
Bitter in her mouth. She blinked, slow, and thought that things might be a little more in focus. Her breaths were still coming harsh and difficult, but she tried to move her hands and her fingers twitched. She would have smiled, were her face not still numb.
The weeks of terrible sickness, as each of the poisons was administered in turn, in gradually increasing doses. They each were expected to endure a lethal dose of each poison in time. She’d passed that test, as the others, but she remembered little of it. Just pain, sickness, heaving though her stomach was empty. A headache like her head was pressed in a vice, that had lasted days.
Bitter in her mouth. She could feel her hands again, and this time another dose didn’t come, because her breath, instead of stuttering and slowing, came stronger. Her vision cleared, slowly, and her headache receded. She lay there, eyes closed, concentrating on her breath, until at last she did not have to fight for it any longer. It took what felt like hours.
She opened her eyes.
She was in an enormous bedroom, on a bed. She was nearly naked under the blankets, save for a light wrap robe someone had found. She was clean. Her hair had been combed and washed and re-braided. Ice and her knife and her armor sat next to her; they’d been cleaned as well.
Foicatch was sitting next to her, slumped back in exhaustion in a chair. He’d at least consented to remove his armor; he was wearing a long tunic that was too tight across his shoulders, and had at least scrubbed a wet cloth over his body and through his hair. Dina sat on the floor before the fire, distractedly cleaning her already spotless knife. As Systlin moved, Foicatch’s eyes shot open, and he sat up. The relief in his eyes was almost painful.
“Thank the Lady’s mercy.” He said, quietly and with feeling, and kissed the back of her hand. “You scared me.”
“When we see Sura next,” Systlin said, her voice still raspy from a dry throat. “I’m going to tell her that I was right about going through the training and not just dragging the whole bloody mountain down on his head. How long…”
A watery sort of chuckle. “Oh, she’ll hate it. Two days. Rumors are running wild, but everything’s under control.”
Dina approached warily, and very carefully set the tightly wrapped packet of powder on the bed beside her.
“She wouldn’t give it up even to me.” Foicatch said.
“She was right not to. If you gave me a dose the size of your fingertip, it would have been enough to kill me. Dina’s got smaller hands.” She hauled herself up into a sitting position. Her wrist still hurt, and was still red and swollen, but the worst of it was past.
“You told me it was your life.” Dina whispered.
“It was.” Systlin took it carefully, and set it on top of her neatly piled gear. “I owe you my life, Dina of Turia. If there is anything in my power to give, it’s yours.”
Dina trembled a little, and Systlin realized that she was crying silently. She realized suddenly what it must have been for Dina, for all of her people here, to see her fall. To see hope itself lying like death on a bed, struggling for each breath. To feel the prospect of chains looming again…
No. She’d taught them enough. Even without her now, she did not think any of the slaves she’d freed would ever be forced into them again. She’d started enough; it might take long, without her, but she’d planted the seeds. She saw suddenly, in a dizzying rush, warriors from the plains spreading out, bringing low the fighting men and freeing the slaves from one city-state after another, a steady march clear across Gor, and all done through sweat and courage and blood alone.
Centuries, it might take. But it would have happened, even had she died in this bed.
Though, as she thought on it, she wondered what would happen, should her body expire. And then she realized, quite suddenly, that she’d thought of them as her people.
You already know the answer there, sister. The whisper in her mind was familiar by now. You cannot kill a goddess of death with poison.
“Ubara sana,” Dina said quietly. “There is nothing I would ask that you have not already given me. You owe me nothing; you already gave me back my life.”
“The offer stands.” Systlin said. “If ever there is something in my power to give you, say the word and it is yours.”
Dina gave her a look that was half frightened, half wondering, and quite suddenly she leaned down and kissed her full on the mouth. Systlin froze in surprise, and Dina pulled back as if burned, nearly cringing in a way she’d not done in more than a year.
“I’m sorry!” She gasped, and there were more tears streaming down her face now. Systlin stared, almost bemused; that she hadn’t seen it before was astounding, really. “I’m sorry! Ubar…”
Foicatch was also staring in a rather bemused way. “Well,” he said. “It’s not like I can fault you in your tastes.”
“Dina?” Systlin’s throat was as dry as sand already, and still sore, and it sounded like a croak more than a voice. “I…sorry, water…”
Foicatch picked a cup up from the table beside the bed. A gesture, and water appeared as he pulled moisture out of the air. It trickled into the cup, and she drank greedily.
“You should have said something.” She said at last, handing the wooden cup back. Foicatch filled it again.
Dina was still looking faintly terrified, as if she’d overstepped somehow. “I…but…” she gestured weakly at Foicatch.
“You’d not be the first woman in her bed.” Foicatch shrugged, handing the cup back to Systlin and watching as she drained it as well. “I’ve had other men and women in mine as well.”
“He’s terrible taste in men.” Systlin narrowed her eyes. “Downright awful. That miserable little Cabot man? Really?”
“He’s attractive. And it’s been amusing to watch him panic over things.” He filled the cup a third time. “Sucks a mean cock, once he finally works past all the nonsense about shame and his manliness, but then goes maudlin and sulks for a week. Still, a fun enough diversion.”
“Sounds dreadful. This is what I mean. Awful taste in men.”
“I don’t…” Dina looked slightly faint. “I don’t understand.”
Foicatch shrugged. “Few people do, to be fair.”
“What it means, is that this,” Systlin caught Dina’s hand and pulled her back. She watched the other woman’s lovely face slowly go from confusion to hope to disbelief as she kissed the inside of one of Dina’s wrists. “Will not anger him. The fact that he takes other lovers now and then does not anger me. Though,” She sat up too fast, and her head was spinning again. She grimaced and lay back again. “It may have to wait.”
“Ubara sana,” Dina said, even more faintly. “I think that I can wait.”
“Good.” Systlin took a breath, and hauled herself upright again. Her head spun still; she gritted her teeth and rode it out, and the lingering nausea. “For now, I need clothes.”
“I need to be seen.” Systlin said simply, and got her feet under her. Foicatch offered an arm; she leaned on it. “I’m all right, Dina. I’m a tough bitch to kill.”
The door opened then, and a woman in green robes swept in. She had olive skin and very black hair, braided and pinned up in a coil on top of her head. She carried a case, and when she saw Systlin on her feet her face lightened from its cool professionalism.
“Oh, excellent.” She said. “You’re back with us.”
“This is Zephra.” Foicatch said. “A physician. She’s been checking on you. Dina?”
“Of course.” Dina hurried out.
“You really shouldn’t be on your feet.” The woman said, severely. Systlin was reminded instantly of Myssa, the royal True Healer and Physik. “Though I suppose you must be seen as soon as possible. Sit for a moment.”
Systlin did. It never did any good to argue with physicians or healers. Zephra laid a hand on her forehead, checked her pulse, listened to her breathing, and at last made a sound of approval. She drew a stylus and pad out of her bag, and began making notes.
“You’ll live.” She said. “That powder of yours is ingenious; I managed to get a tiny bit from your devoted guard to analyze. It is, in truth, very similar to what I would have given you, and I did not wish to cause an interaction with what you had already taken, so I thought it best to leave your girl to it. If it had truly come to it, I did have an apparatus ready to breathe for you.” She nodded to the corner; Systlin looked, and saw a great cylinder of glass and copper and leather. “But you did not react so strongly to the Osk venom as most would. I am glad to see you recovering.” She examined Systlin thoughtfully, tapping the stylus against her lips. “You’ve survived other things that you should not have, judging from your scars.”
Systlin touched the scar under her right breast with a wince. A spear had transfixed her there once, long ago, piercing clean through. “True enough.”
“The physicians of your world are skilled indeed, if they can mend such injuries.” Zephra said bluntly. “I could not do it. Neither could a doctor of Earth.”
“True-healers.” Foicatch said. “They can repair flesh with a touch, as I can command water and Systlin can command fire and Break.”
Zephra’s eyebrows rose. “That,” she said softly. “Would be a gift worth having.”
“It’s rare. Those who have it are held in high regard.”
“I was lucky.” Systlin touched the scar again. “It was a spear. I should have died there, but there was a True-Healer nearby. I got very lucky.”
Foicatch’s hand tightened on her shoulder for a moment.
“Well.” Zephra hummed quietly. “I suspect that this will only add to the growing legends that are being spread around. Before you arrived at the city, we had heard that you were a terrible spirit who ate the flesh of men.” A spark of humor in her dark eyes.
Systlin made a face. “Only half true.”
A laugh. “I have never seen,” she said. “Men so frightened as they are now. Not all of them, of course; there are good ones to be found.” She tapped her stylus against her lips again. “It does my heart good.” The smile turned bitter. “If you’ll have my service, Ubara, I would give it, wherever you go.”
Foicatch and Systlin both looked at her oddly.
“Ah, yes. You likely do not know…I am a free woman, of a high caste. I was able to study, and am able to ply my trade. Most free women are not allowed such, did you know? A free woman of the metalworker caste does not work at the forge; a woman of the scribe caste may be illiterate.” The smile grew more bitter still. “Our options are to inherit wealth to live well, or to Companion a man of means and bear his children. I was lucky, Ubara Sana, in that I showed aptitude as a physician and was accepted into the caste. Even still, I was not allowed to do the work I studied and trained for. Not until I had Companioned a man of the physician caste and borne him two children.”
Systlin stared. Foicatch said, flatly, “What.”
“My daughters,” Zaphra continued, “Are dear to me. But I did not renew my Companionship with their father, and had I a choice I would not have taken their father to bed or borne them. I wished only to work as I had trained to do. I am what is called ‘frigid’ by the men of Gor; I have never felt desire for anyone. Unlike what many suppose, this is not an affliction. Many people are born thus, and forced to conceal it. My male colleagues scoff at the idea, and insist that it is an aberration that could be remedied by a proper man, and perhaps some slave chains.” She put her stylus and pad away, businesslike. “As if the only ones born thus are women. Free women of Gor are not free, not truly, even if a collar is never set on us. I think that with you that may change, and my daughters may taste freedom in truth. It is at the least a better chance than any we’ve had before.”
“Ah.” Systlin tested her balance again; it was better. She gently eased off of leaning on Foicatch, even as Dina reappeared with robes. “I see.”
“I thought you might, given what I had heard of you from your women.”
“If you wish it, I accept your offer.” Systlin let Dina help her shrug into the robes. The other woman also wrapped Systlin’s braid around her head like a crown and deftly pinned it into place.
“I am honored, Ubara sana.” Zaphra inclined her head.
“Right.” Systlin took up her sword belt, and buckled it into place over her silken robes. “Dina, where are the warriors?”
“Many are in the camp. More have taken over the guard houses. Many have bedded down on the lower floors of this mansion.” Dina looked at her. “They’re taking turns here, because not all of us could fit in the Ubara’s mansion. Your honor guard stays, of course, but the rest have set up rotating shifts, so that they could all guard you for a time.”
Systlin blinked, and felt her throat tighten and heat in her eyes. “Have they.”
“I’ve told you many times.” Foicatch said, softly. “You’ve never had any idea what it’s like, from the outside.”
“You are the Whip-Burner.” Dina said, as if it were simple and obvious. “The Chain-Striker. They’ve been burning slave couches in bonfires for two days, in your name. The courts have already been set up, and the judging has already begun. Those sentenced to die are being burnt on the couches they chained us to.”
Systlin closed her eyes, and that other power she did not like to think of or acknowledge stirred. And for a moment she could taste it on the air, like honeyed wine. Justice.
For a moment, just a moment, she could feel rather than hear twenty thousand mentions of her name, and it ran through her like ice and fire at once.
“Good.” She managed. “Well done.”
“The next time you wonder why any of us,” Systlin knew Foicatch was not talking about the people of Gor, but of their true home. “Are willing to follow you to the death, I’m reminding you of this.”
“Smug prick,” she muttered, because the last time she’d said that aloud and he’d looked at her funny and told her that she’d earned it, she’d laughed.
“Yes.” He agreed easily. “Now, here.”
He opened the drawer on the bedside table, and drew out a golden hairpin. At the top glimmered a red stone. Systlin took it, and looked; it was a star ruby, larger than her thumbnail. She looked up at him, stunned, and he smiled.
“There’s a great deal of wealth in the vaults of the Ubara of Turia.” He said. “Aside from that in the chests of the Ubara Sana of the plains. I set a few people to combing through with orders as to what to find.”
He took it back and slid it into place in her hair, so that the ruby gleamed just above the center of her forehead. “It might not be the Fallen’s Blood, but I thought it fitting.”
“I take it back. You’re not a prick.”
“Still smug?”
“Yes, but I like that about you.” She touched the stone to make sure it was secure. “Come now. People need to know I’m not dead.”
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eideticmemory · 4 years
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Description: I was messaged saying: “If you don’t write a young Matthew enemies to lovers fic featuring an obsession with sucking on boobs then what’s the point 😔.” So, here it is, folks! The ultimate College!Matthew fic.
PART 1! - for Sara [@bravadostyles], the ultimate muse. 
Empire State of Mind - Jay Z.
Animals - Maroon 5.
Dopamine - Børns.
Word Count: 4,731.
Rating: M.
Warning/Includes: Sexual intercourse, recreational drug use, a bit of angst.
Spring, Freshman Year. 
Tisch School of the Arts,
New York University.
New York City. 
“You’ve got that face on,” Claire said. 
“What face is that, Claire?”
“Your trademark ready-to-go-home face,” she giggled. “You tired?”
“Just a little,” you whispered, head resting on her shoulder, feet hanging off the bed. “Had a long day at rehearsal.” 
“Ah,” she nodded. “Well, if you wanna go, we can go. I’ll walk you home.”
“No,” you shook your head, and placed your hand on her arm. “It’s fine. I’m having a good time.” 
Soft music played through the small speakers on Jonathan’s desk, mixing in with the chatter of your friends. Everyone sat in different spaces around the room, some on the desk, some on John’s bed, and you and Claire rested on his roommate’s bed. Open solo cups of beer were scattered amongst the room. It was calm, chill, and then the door swung open.
“Yoooooo!” The entering voice rang, instantly earning a happy response from Johnathan, who hopped off his bed and ran towards the entrance. 
“Gube!” John exclaimed, arms open wide to embrace his friend. He always got a little touchy-feely when he was tipsy. “Where the hell you been, man?”
“Consider my good time ruined,” you murmured to Claire.
“Be nice, [y/n],” she responded, patting your leg. “Everyone’s having a nice time, don’t start anything.”
“Me? Me? I don’t start anything, I never start anything. It’s him who starts it. That di—“
“Hey, [y/n],” Matthew greeted, taking a seat beside John. “Hey, Claire.”
“Hey, Gube,” Claire smiled. She gave you a gentle nudge with her elbow. 
You rolled your eyes, “Hi, Matthew,” you reluctantly replied, refusing to make eye contact. 
“Aw, c’mon, that’s all I get?” Matthew teased. “What’s wrong, sleeping beauty? You tired?” 
“Oh, you have no idea,” you told him, finally looking over at him. He wore a white polo, paired with a busted pair of jeans and white converse with his mismatched socks poking out. On his chest sat his trademark gold chain, the medallion set in the center of his sternum. 
“Might be past your bedtime,” he shrugged. “Really. Might be better if you just left.” 
“Me?” You scoffed. “Why don’t you leave? We were perfectly fine before you got here.”
“Oh, God,” someone groaned. “Here they go.”
“John wants me here. I’m a little more fun than someone who falls asleep mid-conversation, so I can see why.”
“Matthew, why are you talking to me? Can you just pretend,” you waved your arms around. “Pretend there’s a wall here.” 
“Don’t mind her,” Claire interjected. “She’s crabby because she hasn’t started editing her project yet.” 
You gasped, “Why would you just announce that, Claire? I didn’t wanna be reminded of that.” 
“[y/n], you’re gonna be fucked if you don’t get that shit done. It’s due next week.” Another friend told you. 
You groaned, “Yes. I know that. But I’ve been killing myself practicing for the show every night. And when I finally sat down to start editing, I didn’t know how to work the damn software!” 
“You don’t know how to work EasyEdit?”
“No,” you sighed. “I missed class that day. I tried to learn on YouTube, and that confused me even more. So, I have since then given up.”
“Hm,” John hummed. “You know who’s really good with EasyEdit?”
“Gube,” John answered. This prompted Matthew to lift his head up at astronomical speed, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “He taught me how to use it. He could help you, [y/n].”
“John...” Claire said. 
“What, Claire?” John replied. “[y/n] needs help and Gube can help. I’m just saying.” 
You cut your eyes over to Matthew, who was watching you, but he quickly turned away when you made eye contact. 
“You’re not clever,” Claire shook her head. “You’re nosey is what you are.” 
“Nosey?” You pipped, tapping Claire’s arm. “What do you mean nosey?” 
“I mean, if you and Gube just...” John said. “I’m gonna say it - fucked - one good time, the two of you could get over this whole rivalry already.”
“And stop arguing all the damn time,” someone added. “The shit’s annoying.”
Your jaw had been dropped since the word ‘fucked’ was uttered. You looked up at Claire who gave you a sympathetic smile. 
“I-“ You stuttered. “I...never say that again, John! Ever. Ew!”
“Ew?” Matthew exclaimed. “You’d be lucky if I tossed you a bone.”
Your jaw dropped even lower, stunned by Matthew’s words. “You arrogant son of a bitch,” you muttered. “And this is who you want me to allow near my final project?” You directed at John. 
“Hey, if you don’t wanna fuck me, it shouldn’t be a problem, right?” Matthew taunted, biting his lip and tilting his head. 
“No. I don’t wanna fuck you! I also don’t want to spend any more time with you than I absolutely have to. So I will learn EasyEdit by myself.” 
“Okay,” Matthew shrugged. “You’re not gonna figure that shit out in time, but fine, princess. Be stubborn.” 
You rolled your eyes at him, shaking your head in annoyance. 
“[y/n], let Gube help,” Claire said. “You’re gonna drive yourself insane with that and the show coming up, plus finals? Just this once.”
You looked over at Matthew, instantly getting angry again. Hate is a strong word. It’s a very, very strong word. And you’d never use it against anybody. Ever. Except Matthew Gubler. That may sound a bit dramatic, so to clear up any confusion, here’s a composite list of every asshole, dick, bastard, bitch-ass move he’s made in one semester:
1. Broke your editing equipment trying to do magic tricks in class.
2. Didn’t apologize.
3. Called your last documentary “uninspired, dry, a little like a lullaby.”
4. Took the last spot for an internship over Christmas break. 
5. Which he knew you wanted.
6. Refused to partner with you on a final project because “you can’t even get to class everyday.”
7. In front of everyone because he’s a jackass.
8. Told you that you were insane for majoring in film making AND ballet. 
9. Proceeded to tell you that you look better in a leotard than a suit.
10. Fucked your roommate.
11. While you were in the room.
12. Insisted that Wes Craven is a better horror director than Tim Burton? Is he dumb?
13. Calls you ballerina barbie, short stack, princess, anything other than your actual name. 
14. Won’t drop dead. 
And, because you’re not going to let anyone treat you that way, here’s a list of things you’ve done in retaliation: 
1. “Accidentally” stepped on his canvas. 
2. 3 times.
3. Uploaded a video of you calling him a dick in place of his documentary. 
4. Yes, he did play it for the class on accident.
5. Told him you didn’t want to be his partner anyway since he walks around stoned 24/7. 
6. Laughed. 
7. Told him he’d be a good ballerina. His tiny dick would fit perfectly in a leotard. 
8. Fucked his friend. While said friend was supposed to help Matthew with his project. 
9. Told him none of Edgar Allan Poe’s work was actually interesting enough for screen time. (He almost passed out, he got so mad.)
10. Told him his mismatch socks were dumb. 
11. Consistently call him asshole, dick, jackass, or just Matthew. All synonyms.
12. Refuse to let him mess with you. 
So, the idea of him helping you with your project, coming into your room, bothering you for hours on end, was a ridiculous thought. You should punch John for even mentioning it. Except. It wasn’t a bad idea. 
“Hey, pants stay on,” Matthew said, giving you a smirk. “Boy Scouts honor.” 
Everyone was looking at you. It made you queasy. Annoyed. Angry. And you couldn’t take it. So, you sighed heavily and cut your eyes towards Matthew. “Fine,” you grimaced. “Fine. Monday night. You will teach me how to use EasyEdit. And then we can all drop this.” 
“Ah, success,” John cheered. “I’m not worried, though. Look at [y/n], she’s so innocent. She looks like she belongs on top of a Christmas tree. She does ballet for crying out loud. I doubt fucking is on her to-do list.”
“And on that note,” you pushed yourself off the bed. “I’m going to my room. Goodnight.” 
Your room was just down the hall, and you showered, changed, brushed your teeth and got into bed in all of 30 minutes. Just about to fall asleep, you were disturbed by the sound of keys jingling in the door. Sloppy footsteps stumbled into the room, accompanied by silly giggles.
Thinking you were asleep, your roommate admired your sleeping frame, “Awwww,” she cooed. “Precious, precious, [y/n].” She walked over to you and rubbed your shoulder. 
“You’re crazy to not wanna fuck Matthew,” she whispered, chuckling. “You don’t know what you’re missing, kid.”
And you stayed still, silent, pretended to snore. All while Claire crawled into her bed. 
When Monday rolled around, you spent the entire day with a chip on your shoulder. Claire kissed the top of your head and insisted you’d be fine, that your project would be done by the end of the night and you’d be grateful for Matthew’s help. But she knew that was a  dead cause in her heart of hearts. You both knew it’d be a miracle if Matthew and you made it through 15 minutes of editing. 
When she left to go to a friend’s place, you changed into pajama pants, combined with a cozy cropped button sweater. You sat at your desk, and waited. You’d told Matthew to arrive at 7. 
He got there at 7:59.
By then, you were laying in bed, pissed and upset that you’d actually been convinced to give Matthew a chance. He knocked on the door, and you answered with an attitude. “Go home, Matthew.” 
“Don’t be like that, short stack,” he sighed, following you as you stomped into the room. “I got caught up. I’m sorry.” 
“Yeah? What’d you get caught up with? A gram?” You spit. 
He laughed, “Haha, so funny. No, I was not getting high. I was working on my own project. That I finished. Ahead of time. Can you relate, [y/n]?” 
“Get out of my room,” you scoffed. “I asked you for one thing. One. And you couldn't even do that. You knew how important this project was to me, and you didn’t give a fuck. I wasted time waiting for you that I could’ve been working or rehearsing! I—Are you listening?” 
Matthew’s eyes had been concentrated solely on your chest, “Are you wearing a bra?” He asked. 
You took a step back, stunned, blinking rapidly as you searched around the room. “I’m sorry,” you said. “I’m just trying to find where the hell that came from?” 
“It came from that itty bitty shirt you’re wearing,” he replied with a shrug. “Doesn’t really leave much to the imagination.” 
“Stop staring at my tits!” You shouted, face turning red. “God, Matthew, I can’t stand to look at you right now. Just, leave. Please.” 
He did not stop staring at your tits. Not for a very long time. But when he did, he had this look in his eyes. Like a wire had snapped. And he kissed you. Cupped your face in his hands, pulled you close, and kissed you. You pressed your hands against his chest, face contorting in shock and confusion. 
You pushed him away, lips retracting with a sharp smacking noise. Saliva dripped from your lips, and you stood there, huffing and puffing like the two of you had just run a mile. “What the hell was that?” You snapped, your fingertips lightly touching your bottom lip. 
He didn’t reply. He was just as speechless as you were. Speechless, and confused, and out of breath, and so, so pretty. He was so pretty. Has he always been that pretty? 
You grabbed onto the hem of his shirt and pulled him back in, pressing your lips together in an aggressive collision. Matthew’s hand gripped onto your hair, his body pushing itself against yours in an eager attempt to get as close to you as possible. His other hand made its way to your waist, gripping onto your skin so hard, his nails left marks. Both his hands began to snake down your body, landing on the back of your thighs. 
Very suddenly, Matthew scooped you up in his arms, yanking your feet off of the ground. You let out a breathy ‘oof’ as you found yourself perched in his grasp, your legs wrapped around his torso, your hands on his shoulders. He supported your weight so easily, all while sliding his tongue into your mouth. 
He carried you over to your bed, where he abruptly dropped you onto the mattress, and looked down at you with a lustful grin. Standing beside the bed, he leaned in as if he was going to kiss you — slowly, with his hands reaching out to touch your body — but he didn’t. Instead, he placed his hands on your ribs and pushed your sweater up, over your breasts to reveal your chest. 
“I knew it,” he whispered. “I knew you weren’t wearing a bra.” 
Your breath caught in your throat, before you released it shakily. His lips wrapped around your nipple, wetting it with his tongue and applying light suction. A soft moan left your mouth, and you gripped onto his hair in ecstasy. He couldn’t stop himself from smiling. He sucked harder, to the point of pain, just to hear you make some noise. Any noise. When one nipple began to pulse between his lips, he moved to the other, leaving a trail of love bites between them. 
The heat between your legs was suffocating, and you rubbed your thighs together for some relief. Matthew noticed this, and proceeded to stick his hands down your pants, fingers sliding underneath the band of your underwear. He smirked at how soaked you were already and rubbed your clit as he licked a trail up to your neck. You tightened your thighs around his hand, gasping at the friction and pulling at the bedsheets. 
The sound caused Matthew to take in a sharp breath of air. His cock was pressed against the zipper of his jeans, and was getting to the point that it was excruciating. So, as he massaged your nerve, he undid his pants and pushed them down his legs. 
He nibbled on your ear, and as you gave him a quiet moan, your eyes flickered down to look between your bodies. Flushed, and horny, and suddenly so desperate, you grabbed onto Matthew’s large erection and pressed the tip against your clit. 
He grunted and pulled back to stare you in the eye, a sly grin creeping onto his face. He laughed, “I knew it. I fucking knew it. Innocent? Innocent, my ass.” 
As you rolled your eyes at him, he kissed your lips softly, hands holding onto your thighs. You positioned his cock at your entranced and allowed him to press into you. He stood up straight, watching his cock disappear inside you, slowly, steadily, before he suddenly slammed into you. The sound of skin colliding on skin mixed in with your and Matthew’s moans, and he watched your head roll back in pleasure. 
He licked his lips, smirking. And he did it again. And again. And again. Pulling out all the way and pushing back into you. Hard. The sensation struck your chest, and elicited vulnerable moans from you every time he pounded you. Matthew instantly began to speed his hips up, nails digging into your thighs as he pressed your legs open for him. His used all his strength to fuck you, your head knocking into the wall with every thrust. It was sloppy and messy and you couldn’t stop whimpering. Your eyes were screwed shut, and when you opened them again, the first thing you noticed with his chain. The gold medallion dangled in your face, Matthew’s lips pressed against your cheek. 
Absentmindedly, you tangled your fingers in the chain, tugging on it as your volume increased. “Fuck,” you muttered. “Oh, fuck.” 
He brought his hand up to your face, placing his thumb on your bottom lip. “Open your mouth,” he ordered, quietly, softly. And you did it without thinking. His thumb slid into your mouth, twirling around your tongue and stifling your moans. 
He removed his hand and placed his thumb on your clit, wetting the skin with your own saliva. You let out a loud yelp at the new sensation, and a bubble instantly formed in your stomach. 
Oh, no, not Matthew, you thought. Don’t let it be Matthew. 
But with his cock and his hips and the way he kissed your neck and rubbed your sensitive nerve all at once. You came, you came with a fit of pornographic moans, trembling and writhing around on the bed. 
And it was Matthew — the first guy to make you come. Ever. 
He licked his lips as he watched you come undone beneath him, proud of himself — to the point of cockiness. Giving you a few more forceful pumps, he pulled out of you and released himself onto your chest, watching the fluid cover the hickies he’d left there. 
He looked angelic on top of you, moaning, panting, swearing under his breath. But the moment he finished, he stepped back, fastened his pants and walked away. You propped yourself up on your elbows, watching him in a daze. 
Matthew logged onto your computer, pressed a few buttons and then closed the laptop shut. Then he left. 
However, the next day he sent you an email. Your project. Fully and perfectly edited. 
Okay. So, that happened. They said it would happen and it happened. Didn’t necessarily make you hate Matthew any less, but it happened. It was good. You hated to admit it. And it was all you could think about. You couldn’t even touch yourself or hold your pillow without thinking of Matthew. It was bad. 
Especially, given the fact that after the whole situation, he decided not to talk to you. At all. Not in class, not while hanging out with friends, not even to pick a fight. Complete and utter radio silence. He looked at you enough though. Not while you were looking at him, of course. So, as far as you knew, you were far off of his mind. But life had to go on. You had to focus on school, and on top of that, you were due to perform in NYU’s production of Swan Lake in less than two weeks. 
You landed the main role of Odette, meaning for the next two weeks, you had to eat, sleep, breathe ballet. You practiced for hours on end, barely saw your friends, which gave you a good break from seeing Matthew. 
Opening night rolled around and you were so nervous, you thought you might puke. Only a freshman, it was a miracle you landed the role in the first place, which meant your performance tonight was a make or break moment. Claire could tell you were sick to your stomach and tried to distract you by taking a bunch of pictures on her phone.
“Smile, pretty girl!” She beamed, the flashing going off in your face as you posed. “[y/n], you’re gonna kill it! I’m so excited! Aren’t you excited?”
“Yeah...” you whispered. “Deathly excited.”
“Aw, poor baby,” she swung her arm around your shoulder. “Don’t worry. I’m gonna be front  and center, cheering you on. Just focus on me, okay?” 
You smiled and nodded, taking in a deep breath. “Okay.” 
Your body was on autopilot out on stage. The movements you’d practiced everyday, for hours and hours on end, just flowed. The lighting in the audience was dark, but you could just barely make out Claire’s figure under the soft hue. 
It wasn’t until the finale, when you stood ready for your closing performance, that the lights switched to their full intensity and you noticed a hand resting on Claire’s shoulder. An arm resting behind her head. Someone whispering in her ear, making her laugh. 
He was here. He was here and he was with Claire. He was with Claire and he was watching you. And it made your stomach feel weird. But then the music kicked up. So, you had to go. You fell into your dance, your rhythm and for some reason, you could not stop staring at Matthew. 
Every twirl, you made him your focal point. Looking at him again, and again, and again. Until the lights went out. 
Supporting ballerinas cheered you on as you walked offstage, throwing flowers at your feet and giving you applause. Your instructor marched right up to you, kissed both sides of your face and embraced you. It was a wonderful feeling, but right then, you were drained, emotionally, mentally, physically, you needed some rest. 
You locked yourself away in your dressing room, taking a seat in the mirror and beginning to remove your tights. Pressing a makeup wipe to your skin, you jumped, startled by a knock on the door. You rose from your seat and walked to the entrance casually, expecting Claire to greet you. 

But you froze, as soon as you opened the door. Eyes glazing over the person in front you, your breath caught in your throat. “Matthew.” 
“Hey,” he smiled. He looked you up and down — your naked legs, your breasts poking through the thin material of the leotard. “You...you were amazing tonight.” 
“Thank you,” you whispered. “Bye.”
You attempted to close the door on him, but his put his elbow against the frame, stopping it in motion. “Whoa,” he exclaimed, pushing his way into the room. “What the hell is your problem?” He closed the door behind him.
“My problem is that I’m very tired, and still need to change, and greet everyone waiting for me. So, I don’t have time for this.”
“Time for what?” He crossed his arms over his chest. 
You ducked your head down, “Nothing. Nothing. You need to leave.”
“Hey, hey, hey, ballerina barbie,” he mocked. “What’s your deal?”
“I don’t have a deal! I have nothing to say to you Matthew. Same way you have nothing to say to me.” You scrunched up your face in a frown.
“I...” he paused, laughing under his breath. “I never said I didn’t have something to tell you. In fact, I’ve been meaning to tell you something.” 
You looked up at him — the gel in his hair, his black button down shirt flowing over his belt buckle, his dark eyes, his lips and the way they were pouting just a little. And like a magnet, you found yourself being pulled towards him. You jumped into his arms, hands on his face, and connecting your lips, mouths open, tongues touching. 
Matthew held you up, moaning against your lips. “Mm,” you hummed. “Wait, what if someone comes in?” 
Matthew thought quickly, hiking you up in his arms and shoving your back against the door. “Well, now they can’t get in, can they?” He mumbled, leaving kisses along your neck.
Your jaw dropped and you started to undo his belt, freeing his cock from his pants. He grunted against your skin as you stroked him, your head leaned back against the door, your chest heaving. You used your other hand to pull your leotard to the side, revealing your throbbing core. 
Matthew smirked, letting you guide his dick to your entrance, and pushed his way into you swiftly. You instinctively wrapped your arms around his shoulders, burying your face in his neck to keep yourself quiet. His thrusts were quick, rough, messy. He was much more vocal this time, making no effort to stay silent.
“Fuck,” he moaned in your ear. “F-fuck, I forgot how good your pussy is. Fuck.”
The feeling was mutual. For the past month, you’d be wondering what the hell about Matthew had you so stuck. So fixated on him. And this was it. He filled you up perfectly, could manhandle you however he wanted, and always, always made sure you came. 
He fucked you harder when he noticed your orgasm nearing — your quickened breaths, frequent moans and whines, and your legs tightening against his torso. “Oh, my God,” you whimpered. 
“Shit, are you gonna come?” He asked. “Good.”
Breathless, speechless, you stared into his eyes helplessly as your body began to crumble. All power left your body and you held onto his shirt for dear life. He gave you a small smile, and flipped his hair out of his face, looking down at his cock. He could pinpoint the exact stroke that did it. The one that sent you into a state of euphoria, sent your eyes rolling back, your body into intense shock. 
You let out a long and weakened sigh as the wave washed over you, and Matthew continued to plow into you like nothing was happening. 
“It’s so cool how your pussy tightens up when you come,” he chuckled. “It’s hot.” 
You rolled your eyes at the sound of his voice, clawing at the back of his neck. His breathing became ragged and hoarse, and he had to pull out of you before he came. He jerked himself off until he exploded onto your clothing. And with you being dressed in all black, his stains stood out perfectly on your costume. 
This time, he gave you a kiss on the cheek before he left.
The week after that was finals week. And neither of you could be bothered to reach out. Despite the not-so-subtle confession of bitterness and the very intense orgasms you shared, you and Matthew simply went back to not talking. Your friends thought it was strange, even commented that they missed the bickering. The two of you shrugged in response. 
Most of your dorm room was in boxes by the time you finished your last final exam. Claire was slower to pack up than you were, considering she only lived an hour away, but she applauded you for your determination. The day Claire did start packing was the day before you left for the summer. The two of you spent the day getting everything cleared out, cleaned, squared away.
While the two of you sat on your bed, watching Netflix, a knock sounded from your door. Claire hopped up and headed towards the entrance, opening it with a grand smile. “Gube!” She shouted, instantly opening her arms for a hug. Matthew wrapped his arms around her waist and picked her up, carrying her into the room with a smile.
 “Are you about to leave?” She asked him, holding onto his arms as he placed her feet back on the ground. 
“Yeah, my mom’s here. So, I wanted to stop by and say goodbye,” he nodded. 
“Aw, Gube, you softie,” she giggled. “[y/n], come say bye.”
“I can say bye from right here, Claire,” you replied. She gave you a look, and you felt compelled to get off the bed. So you did, you approached them, “Bye, Matthew.” 
“Bye, shortcake,” he laughed. “Bye, Claire.” He pulled your roommate into another hug, while you stood there, crossing your arms in annoyance. 
Matthew peeked at you over Claire’s shoulder. One hand rubbed her back and the other reached out to you, holding a small note.
Your eyes went wide as you looked at him, then the note, then Claire. You ripped the paper from his hand, and stuffed it into your pocket right away. He smirked at you, and turned his attention back to Claire. 
“Hey,” he said to her. “Come back to my place, I want everyone there to show my mom I actually have friends.” 
Claire chuckled and nodded, “Okay,” she shrugged. “Let’s go. [y/n], you coming?”
“Uh, no,” you shook your head. “I’m gonna keep packing, but I’ll text you later.”
“Okay,” Claire smiled, and she let Matthew whisk her away. 
You sighed, and as soon as the door closed, you pulled the crumpled piece of paper from your pocket. You opened it up to reveal — not a meaningful message, not even a few words. Just one string of numbers, writing in his handwriting:
[PART 2.]
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senju-sekhmet · 3 years
The Leash (Part 11)
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Summary: Your rescue was supposed to be as smooth as these missions can be. However very quickly, Tobirama faces off against an enemy that has no form, color or smell - and time is running short, very fast. Unless he figures out what truly holds you hostage, your life will be lost. Warnings (for the finished work): Blood, illness, descriptions of heavy injuries and graphic violence, torture (both depicted and implied), needles, morally grey territory, human experimentation, panic attacks, character death, angst with a happy ending ~6000 words (this chapter, finished work: 80.000) Previous: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6; Part 7; Part 8; Part 9; Part 10 Read on AO3!   Disclaimer below the cut!
DISCLAIMER! Part two of the finale! More to go after this though as you can tell, stay with me <3 Other than that: enjoy my very self indulgent work, filled with my own headcanons and angst galore. Let me know what you think and thank you so much for reading!!!! ________
Tobirama was nothing if not dutiful. The time for your last dose had come faster than he wanted to. And he’d be there to administer it. He made sure to look more presentable before he entered your rooming using the hiraishin seal. What for, he didn’t know anymore. It didn’t matter, did it? Failure was certain, anyway. Perhaps it was for decency. Or maybe he needed the moment to recover. He was too numb. Spent from the breakdown. The short minute he spent at your shared home - that already screamed mute guilt at him - to wash off his smeared facial paint and reapply it before teleporting to your room.
You were in your bed, perfectly still. At peace. Of course. You couldn’t take any withdrawal anymore, at all - your body was too exhausted. To think this was how you’d pass - a shadow of your former self, at the limit of what you could take, physically, in every sense. You had fought a gruesome, cruel battle, gave it your everything, and now? Now, it was all for nothing. The sorrow flared again in a most painful way.
You won’t even hear his words.
He wouldn't even get to say goodbye.
Dazedly he strode closer to your bed, silently wondering where Hashirama was. He’d surely be here in a moment, he barely left your side. Your condition wouldn’t allow it - although with the seals covering your pale skin, you were stable, at least stable enough to allow him to tend to other duties, briefly. So long as the withdrawal didn’t kick in. He seized the moment while it presented itself like this.
He wouldn’t get another.
His eyes prickled again as he shuffled closer to your side. Briefly, he sat down on the side of your bed like he always had done when nobody else was around - but soon, the ache in his chest pulled him down onto his knees on the floor, by your side. The tightness inside was yet expanding and stealing his breath viciously as he wheezed past his clenched teeth for more air. Looking at you - your content face, the way your chest moved evenly albeit too fast - weak maybe but alive - it was tearing him apart. He didn’t know how to even exist with the grief that was seizing him faster than a fire ate up dry parchment.
His shaking hands reached for your cold, slender one, enclosing it in his, slowly bringing it to his face as he nearly buckled over it. Already, his chakra expanded to cover your network gently, coating it, wrapping around it in an utmost tender way. Tears welled just as the sorrow overflowed inside of him, like a barrel that was full and kept being poured in. The moment was sheer agony and yet he didn’t want it to end - to let go - because that would be the end.
Very tenderly he increased the connection to examine you, briefly - you still wouldn’t respond, but that was normal. You hadn’t woken in a couple of days during what was your lucid interval because you simply were too strained - Tobirama wondered if you could at all, really. The exhaustion was too great. Still, his examination found you were no better nor worse than the last time he performed it - your body was heavily impacted by each time the withdrawal had wreaked havoc inside, particularly your lung and heart were affected. At the same time the seals steadily streamed their support into you to keep your blood pressure up, your airways free, your attacked organs functioning. Not to mention the many wounds from the torture that had not been healing as you had been fighting for dear life. There wasn’t a part of you that wasn’t affected in some way, damaged, dysfunctional - critical, but not so that it couldn’t be helped.
It was, just like they had judged, a narrow edge they had been teetering.
And now it would tilt. The delicate balance they had managed to uphold, all they had done-
“I’m so sorry,” Tobirama finally spoke, his voice but a broken, haunted whisper. The baritone wrecked by guilt and sorrow alike, entirely unlike him and yet with an utter tenderness, reserved for you and your ears only. “I’m so sorry, Y/n.” Tears still flowed. “I’ve given it my all, my love. I couldn’t do it. I had it - I thought I had it - but in the last moment, it eluded me,” he continued, slowly cracking more by his sobs. “My failure will cost you everything,” he was practically wheezing now. “And I will never forgive myself for it. The void inside of me won’t ever be filled.” He paused for a moment to take a few shaking breaths, stroking over your forearm as he still cradled your hand to his face, rocking back and forth on his knees now. 
“Please, forgive me, for I’ll never be able to.”
He didn’t know how much time had passed when he heard the door being opened. He needn’t tune into his sensory skills to know it was Hashirama, only his brother carried the gargantuan aura about himself.
His steps froze the moment he realised Tobirama’s pose. “What are you doing?”
Tobirama didn’t move nor open his eyes. He didn’t want to break the connection with you. He’d savour every single second that he had left with you. With a numb voice, he explained the result of his last experiment to his brother, his final findings, their implications.
During it, Hashirama got on his knees by Tobirama’s side, an arm flung around him in comfort. ________
The clinking of metal armor echoed through the corridors of the interrogation and information headquarters. Two fully equipped shinobi made their way down the hall. One of them carried an odachi in front of his chest with both hands - sheathed. For now. They were given respectful nods and salutes where they passed members of the unit, but nobody questioned their purpose nor their destination. After a left turn they were greeted by a burly man with stern, pale eyes and two more members of the unit, all dressed in a black uniforms. Only curt greetings were exchanged before they descended the winding staircase down into the cell block. 
Their appearance gathered attention immediately. A rumble clattered through the bleak prison, growing with each cell block they passed. They needn’t go far. It was the middle cell block where they intended to go.
The prisoner’s gaze swept up as the group of five halted in front of his cell. Recognition flashed in his gaze, followed by laughter that carried an eerie sense of finality. “It happened, finally?”
Nobody answered. The burly man unlocked the door to enter with his two subordinates. The prisoner flashed a toothy grin, aimed precisely at one of the armed shinobi, namely the one carrying the odachi. “I’ve won,” he sneered, “I’ve fucking won, I’ve told you!” - his voice was a hoarse shout in the end, strained by the pain of a broken jaw. The three interrogators made quick work of the chains that held him tightly wrapped in the middle of the cell to ready him for transportation, arms still secured and legs only allowed a minimum of movement to walk.
The two armored shinobi watched them entirely impassively, showing not even a shred of emotion. 
The prisoner’s manic laughter echoed off the prison’s wall forlornly, hauntingly. An utterly broken sound of defiance only a certain kind person would have.
A shrill scream broke through the dismal setting. “You fucking idiot! I hope you rot in hell!” - the woman of the far end. Nobody paid attention to her.
The group made their way down the corridor that was only illuminated by a few candles along the way, passing the stairway they had taken down. The prisoner kept chattering. His voice carried a slight tremble now, “How did she die? Tell me, come on. I’ve never actually seen it, but I learned it’s fucking gruesome in the end,” his eyes were alight with sick pleasure.
The shinobi dressed in blue battle armor adorned with a white fur collar gripped the odachi so hard his knuckles turned white. His back was turned towards the prisoner, he couldn’t see the way his face scrunched under his happuri.
Nobody answered him.
He kept jabbering along incessantly. At some point the tone had taken on a perfectly fine frantic edge. Blubbering, almost, to himself. Eventually, they reached a door the burly man unlocked. The room beyond was dark but lit up as soon as they entered. No windows were inside, just like in the prison block, but no seals adorned these walls. This room was entirely bleak save for dark, crimson stains on the stone floor in the middle of the room.
The subordinates dragged the prisoner into that very center. With an ungraceful kick to the back of his knees, he was brought to kneel. The two shinobi stood in front of him and the man in the red armor crossed his arms. His expression was sorrowful, moved. But the taut line of his jaw and the coldness of his gaze betrayed no lightness about this situation.
“Zenji of the Stone Village,” he began somberly as the three interrogation unit members lined up behind their prisoner who now was wheezing on a low tune, his stare fixated on the harbinger of his fate. “The actions of your unit have endangered our borders, the civilians who live there and ultimately,” he paused meaningfully to take a deep breath - the stone cold tone cracked a little, pained lines wrinkled his smooth face. “Cost the life of one of our own.”
Immediately, Zenji’s mien lit up. He grinned widely, but he did not give the red-armored man another glance. Instead, his gaze was trained on the figure in blue, whose scarlet eyes were murderous as he stared him down, face framed by his happuri and finely applied facial paint. He looked spotless. Zenji cackled again.
“I do not wish for there to be more bloodshed,” the shinobi continued, entirely unperturbed by the behavior of the prisoner. “However our village can and will not condone these actions with idleness nor continue to nurture an enemy we cannot possibly ever release. Your kage,” Zenji’s head snapped back to the red-armored man momentarily. “Made clear he is not interested in an exchange of prisoners.”
The room became completely silent.
“I bear no revenge nor joy, but as the Hokage of Konoha, I’m here to tell you that you have been sentenced to death.”
The blue armored man stepped closer now, odachi still tightly clasped, but the man in the red armor raised his hand slightly, prompting him to stop and give him an irritated stare.
Zenji’s ragged breaths came wheezing so loudly they echoed off the walls as his wide eyes stared at the man, motionless besides the fight for oxygen.
Hashirama regarded the prisoner with the same cold gaze he had been wearing all the time. “Do you wish to speak one last time?”
That was his clue. Zenji threw his head back to release a long groan, each breath transforming more and more into a chuckle. A disconcerting lull settled over the room as it died down with a sense of finality and his eyes locked with Tobirama’s. “Oh, I fucking do,” he began, grinning widely. “To him. It’s my last wish.”
Tobirama’s eyes narrowed and he clenched his teeth, giving no verbal answer. Hashirama did instead. “Very well.”
Zenji cocked his head. “Tell me, how did you fail? What part of the leash didn’t you copy? I want to know.”
Tobirama’s eyes closed slowly and his jaw worked visibly. “Anjia…,” he began slowly, his deep voice so low it was barely more than a strained growl.
“Answer him, Tobirama. A dying man’s wish should not be denied.” Hashirama’s tone left no room for discussion.
Tobirama’s eyes opened again to give Zenji a glance of sheer hatred, his nostrils flared, scarlet glare ablaze. He did not even attempt to hide the fury in his voice as he spoke. If he spat the words out any more in fact, they’d be lost in the rage. “I created a leash of my own and tethered Kimi to it. However…,” he worked hard to find the next words, Zenji’s grin widened already, likely in anticipation for the best part of the story, “... it would appear my sealing technique differs from yours, if just slightly.”
The prisoner burst into laughter, Tobirama flinched. The sheathed odachi trembled slightly from the force he held it with. “I fucking knew it! Ah,” he replied when he had gained a grip on himself again. “The seal. The master’s finishing touch. Unique, really.” Zenji wriggled his eyebrow in a manner that prompted Tobirama to bare his teeth slightly. “I knew you wouldn’t be able to copy mine. Ha!”
Hashirama cleared his throat. 
But Zenji was not yet finished. “I’m not a liar though, y’know? I keep my promises,” the grin now was sickening. Gloating. Zenji cherished this moment as though he was an actor on a grand stage. Living it to its fullest. “And I promised to tell you everything once Y/n croaked, so here we are.”
Tobirama exhaled a wheezing breath as he stepped closer abruptly, Hashirama’s hand shooting up instantly to lay on his shoulder guard. “Brother, please,” he whispered, turning towards him slightly. Then the cold stare was back on Zenji. “You need not besmirch your Village’s secrets now.”
“Ah, ah,” Zenji sneered, “Why the fuck should I care? I’m as good as dead anyway, and I want to teach Konoha’s best scientist how he could have saved his oh so beloved.” His voice dripped with caustic smugness and Hashirama had to grip Tobirama’s forearm lest his brother shot forward and delivered the sentence just for these words alone.
Tobirama’s expression was one of sheer murder. His teeth were bared and the scarlet gaze alone was ready to kill a man - just like the rest of himself, particularly the large weapon he carried; the same weapon he had used many times before.
Zenji continued to live his show. “Now I needn’t explain the weaving process since you kinda copied it - well fucking done, man - but my seal - ah, let’s see. My seal is relatively simple!” Hashirama’s grip on his brother tightened as he near vibrated with lethal energy still, spurring Zenji to even greater extravagance. “Of course, it was passed down to me by the one who taught me, but I made some modifications,” he drawled lazily, an adventurous glint to his gaze. 
What followed was a detailed explanation about the intricacy and yet simplicity of his own sealing process Tobirama couldn’t stomach anymore - he turned away lest he drove the odachi through the prisoner’s neck on the spot, perhaps. It was impossible to tell in the dim light - the shadow looming over his face hid his expression well and with the happuri, his profile was somewhat obscured. Only the taut stance, the clenched grasp on his weapon were telltale signs of the high-strung situation - a tight coil, ready to lash out any second. 
Zenji didn’t hold back on information about how exactly he performed the seal that made the disruption stick within the leash - everyone else listened quietly. Hashirama’s mien had turned stony throughout it and the three members of the interrogation unit simply watched the man with practiced nonchalance. 
“And that,” Zenjia finished his grand, final play, “is what could’ve saved Y/n. Too fucking bad.” The grin he wore was nothing short of sick. “Maybe I can tell her too, when I’m dead, hm?”, he tilted his head.
Suffocating silence befell the room.
Hashirama cleared his throat. It was time for the execution of judgement, literally. He turned his head towards Tobirama, whose back was turned towards the prisoner at this point. “Very well,” he concluded with a loaded kind of finality.
A few moments of heavy silence later, Tobirama turned around.
His head was tilted downwards slightly, shadows cast over his face.
Then he looked up.
Smirking broadly.
He lowered the odachi that he had clasped so tightly throughout all of the conversation - more like, Zenji’s soliloquy, and stepped yet again closer to the prisoner.
The smirk became smug, and smugness became condescending as skin around his mouth wrinkled in an utterly arrogant way. There was a satisfied, bright glint in his scarlet gaze. “You are without a doubt the dumbest shinobi I’ve ever encountered,” finally, he bared his teeth in a wide grin. “And for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” His baritone voice dripped with sarcasm.
Zenji’s expression fell apart. His jaw hung open slightly and his gaze was wide as he tried to process the change of demeanour in who he deemed by now his arch nemesis. “What the fuck?”, he spat out finally when Tobirama didn’t speak again.
He simply clicked his tongue sympathetically and arched both eyebrows. “Y/n is not dead. In fact, thanks to you, she will live.” Both relief and caustic smugness were tangible in the way he worded this, no doubt basking in the moment of figuratively crushing Zenji under his heel. Who still didn’t find the words to answer yet, but Tobirama was more than happy to supply him with more fodder. “Certainly, time was running quite short - almost, imagine, almost - you could’ve won.”
Zenji’s jaw trembled beside the pain that must cause him alongside the rest of him. The man still hadn’t found his words again.
Tobirama wasn’t done with the verbal execution, however. “I truly did not know how to copy your seal after creating my own.” A slow nod, his baritone voice now came rolling smoothly, “And then it occurred to me - why not use your petty thirst for revenge for Y/n? All it’d take was make you believe she died. And here we are,” a smile  spread over his lips again. “You delivered perfectly.” Then, he had the audacity to give Zenji a single pat on the head as though he was praising a dog.
The prisoner recoiled from the touch as though it was scalding hot. “Fuck you!” he screamed from the top of his lungs, nearly tipping over from his kneeling position, had it not been for Ikuro’s hand shooting out to secure him by the shoulder. “Rot in fucking hell, Senju!” he howled, but it was no more than a little bandaid for the hurt pride.
Tobirama already turned around to Hashirama, any trace of smugness or gloating gone from his expression. “I’ll get to work. Thank you, anija,” he dipped his head slightly. Zenji was still shouting profanities at him, but it was no more than a background noise.
Hashirama smiled broadly, much more like himself. “Of course.”
Tobirama turned back to Ikuro and his subordinates. Now, he actually took a slight bow. “And thank you, too. There still is little more to be done, but I’m very grateful for your support.” 
Ikuro had already wrestled an unruly Zenji off of the floor, but the burly man wore a wide grin. “I - no, we will be expecting you. Right, Zenji? Come on, let’s get you back to your compatriots. They’ll be glad to see you again,” he finished with a dangerous chuckle.
The sounds already drowned out as Tobirama initiated the hiraishin seal teleport to the laboratory.
You only had a few hours left.
You were suspended in sweet nothingness.
You had been for a while really, perturbed only by occasional nightmares. They were dim and far away, visions of what had been. Maybe. You weren’t sure anymore. 
It hadn’t been like this before. Before, your world had been on fire. You had been on fire. Being burned from the inside out and yet too powerless to scream out your agony at the world. Something - someone - had chained you up in the nothingness with no company except your torment that you suffered through, over and over again. Until it faded, and the nightmares came. You laughed about those now. Then, all was calm. For a while.
Your reason for going through all this was becoming but an abstract concept.
Until you weren’t even sure anymore what might be happening. Dimly, you remembered your strength leaving you - waking up was getting harder, eventually it was tantamount to the one armed climbing exercises you used to steel yourself with. You actually had been able to pull off something like that?
Tobirama had been by your side every waking second. His face; you’d never forget the expression. Never before had you seen him haunted by distress of this kind while his chakra warmly embraced you, while he comforted you - telling you he was working hard. You had wanted to comfort him in turn, then. He needed it more than you - he hadn’t looked fine. Drawn, worn out.
Unwell. Sick, almost.
Things must be looking very bad, you knew then. It reminded you why you went through all this. But you all were losing the fight, it seemed?
No matter how much you fought, how badly you wanted to - during the phases in which you weren’t suffering from being burned alive nor haunted by nightmares, you couldn’t wake anymore. You wanted to. So badly. But your eyes wouldn’t open and ultimately, the darkness was your lonely repose in which you anxiously waited for the next time the fire began to light up again.
But that had been fading. The fire’s burn was becoming shorter. And your consciousness was slipping more. Sometimes, you thought you felt Tobirama’s presence, but maybe that was wishful thinking.
Eventually it was just you and forlorn nothingness with the occasional nightmare. 
Had you died?
It changed. The fire returned once more - and this time, this time it felt as though you were burning away. Not like before - when it burned you out until someone snuffed out the flames - now, it consumed your very being. It became so great at some point, pain was all you were - nothing besides the scorch of the fire that ate you alive.
You realised then, this must be it - every moment more of you faded and the pain kept on roaring through every single cell of your body. But you - you were becoming duller and duller. You didn’t want to. Not yet - this wasn’t how you were going to go down, was it? Yet the promise of eternal rest after this, all of this pain - it was alluring. After all you’ve been through, was there really a point in returning?
Tobirama would choke you personally if he ever caught on to these thoughts.
But he’s not here, is he? 
You were all alone.
Ready to go. You had fought, you had tried, you had walked the road to hell many times over but eventually even your stamina would forego you.
Except they didn’t let you go. Something - no, someone was holding you back. Any time you were dipping into the part of darkness you just knew there was no returning from, there was a pull. It was forceful, unpleasant - a jolt that might have spurred your heart to keep on beating, your lungs to draw air and each organ of your body to keep on functioning. 
You wanted to reject it.
I don’t want to, anymore. I can’t. I just can’t. It hurts too much. Please.
They didn’t let you.
You wanted to cry.
You were suspended in nothingness by titan chains that forcefully kept you right on your very own pyre while pain was becoming you.
He didn’t want to take any chances. But he didn’t have time, either. Tobirama had no choice but to follow the information Zenji had given as dutifully as possible and hope this was it - that the bottle of leash he had crafted was identical to what Zenji would have produced. Really, it was an all out move. His back was against the proverbial wall while yours lowered more and more into a coffin.
You were going into withdrawal again, and he knew what that meant.
Never before had he woven the leash this fast - frankly working with a larger quantity of base substance seemed to make the whole process easier, and yet at the same time more demanding. Not that he felt any of it, he was focusing entirely on getting this done as fast as possible. Once he was satisfied with the result - enough to give it to you that was, which was about the highest standard he could think of - he teleported straight into your room.
Where his brother was bent over your sweating, and shaking body as his palms glowed lightly.
The rattle of your breath - Tobirama knew it well. He had heard it many times before.
A dying person’s breath.
“I’ve got it,” Tobirama whispered as his heart spasmed alongside your flat rasps for air. Blood rushed in his ears and ice-cold through his veins. He struggled to keep the floor under his feet as he staggered closer swiftly. He wouldn’t lose you now. Not after all this, not with the solution to your demise in his hands.
Hashirama didn’t even answer him; his expression was wrinkled by deep concentration and a fine sheen of sweat had formed on his forehead.
Numbly, Tobirama plucked the vial with Zenji’s - his - leash from his pocket and effortlessly opened your mouth. Your skin was icy to the touch and so pale, were it not for your faint chakra signature, he’d have thought you dead already.
The image branded itself into his mind, scarring him forever.
He poured the leash in and tilted your head back so it’d run down your pharynx, giving your scalp a trembling stroke with his hand.
With prickling eyes, he moved to bend over you, place his palms on you as well to assist his brother in healing - no, in keeping you alive. As soon as he established the connection needed for examining and healing, the reality of your condition rolled over him like a boulder. Your body’s reaction to the withdrawal was as violent as ever, just like the substance that was causing it. A proverbial bushfire that had spread throughout all of you. Hashirama wasn’t just stabilizing you alongside the seals - he was taking aggressive action to keep you alive. There wasn’t a part of you he wasn’t actively pouring his own chakra in to keep on working. Were it not for him, you’d be long gone already - in his brother’s chakra’s embrace you’d stay alive, barely, so long as he forced your body to keep on going, and going. Tobirama was positive you were well beyond what you could take any more in terms of another person’s chakra. 
The alternative was you dying. 
It was another problem they’d deal with later. Swiftly, he began to assist his brother to split up the efforts evenly and try to keep you alive to the best of his abilities.
The next moments felt like an eternity.
Work. Work already. It was all Tobirama could think of while his chakra bolstered your failing heart to keep it on pumping, wound through your lungs into the tiniest alveoles to clear them of fluid and repair tissue damage so that you might breathe.
Just work.
Agonizingly slowly, the drug was taking effect. Already, your chakra began to clog, freeze - the muting component hit your network exactly like the leash would.
Tobirama thought time and his heart both froze in the next few moments that surely decided your fate.
The withdrawal���s flame died down and fizzled out as though water had been poured over it.
Time was starting again.
He started to breathe once more. Before he realised it, he sank to his knees at the side of your bed. He couldn’t focus any more, he barely felt the wheezes that escaped him as a few heavy sobs wrecked his torso.
He had done it. Finally.
The oppressing feeling of time running out - the rock that had been crushing him was lifted.
But the elevation did not last long.
Reality - the parts that weren’t circling around the fact you were at least not going to die due to a lack of the leash - very quickly yanked him back to the situation at hand. Already, he dragged himself up again to aid Hashirama once more, who had not once broken focus. They had stopped the destructive withdrawal, true enough; but the damages it had wrought were not gone of course. Swiftly he gathered himself to concentrate back on aiding his brother in keeping you alive, really, a task no less dire than before. Rather, it was time to tip the scales into the opposite direction now.
He couldn’t say how long the two of them sat in silence, simply forcing you to keep going by continuously pouring their chakra into you.
He wouldn’t lose you - not now, not after everything you both had gone through.
He wouldn’t let you go.
Bit by bit, your body started to function more and more on its own - requiring less of the forceful aid both brothers were providing. That wasn’t to say you were becoming stable at all - tentatively, Hashirama would nudge Tobirama to withdraw some, only to watch you relapse quickly.
As it was, your condition remained critical.
Some time later, his brother allowed himself a momentary almost-break. Hashirama hummed deeply. “She’s well into chakra overload now,” he announced somberly, gazing at your face. “However we can’t stop yet.”
Tobirama’s attention was still mostly turned inwards and towards you as he did the brunt of the work so his brother could catch a breath. There wasn’t a part of you his chakra wasn’t aiding in some way; all he managed was a brief grunt of agreement.
Effectively, chakra overload wasn’t much different than a late allergic reaction of the body to the procedures a medic nin had performed. The extend of what a patient could take and experienced varied from how well-versed the healer was - and Tobirama knew his brother’s skills to be capable of healing fatal wounds without sending the person into overload - but your system barely had been able to catch a break from the agonizingly long time of capture, torture and what effectively just served to keep you alive for more torture. And then of course, all that had followed back home, in Konoha.
But what they had been doing to you for who knew how long?
That was as good as keeping defying death itself.
Hashirama sighed deeply. “I suppose we have no other choice anyway. The next few hours will be decisive.”
An ice-cold shiver ran down Tobirama’s spine, disrupting his strained focus momentarily. 
Of course. They couldn’t keep on going like this forever - and neither would you endlessly, readily respond to what they did.
Either you’d start pulling your own weight again, or…
Tobirama swallowed heavily.
Silently, Hashirama’s efforts picked up again alongside his own to stabilise you.
Tobirama had thought weaving the leash was about one of the most straining things he had done. But like so often these last few days, he had been wrong - cradling your very life with his proverbial hands was wrecking him a lot more for numerous reasons - the least of which was the exhaustion setting in.
Because if one thing was keeping him going, it was his determination - he wouldn’t, he couldn’t lose you, not now, not after all this.
Slowly, they had begun to lessen the intensity of the aid they provided and watched whether you relapsed into a more severe state or not. If you did, they settled back to the previous level - and waited again. A tedious procedure, but there was no other way.
Eventually, the time you managed without any aid from him or Hashirama had increased substantially - naturally, the seals on your body still were working strongly, though.
Both were now standing next to your bed, an eerie silence had filled the room, save for your flat, strained breaths.
Hashirama spoke first. “I don’t want to say this is over, yet,” he announced somberly. His mien was drawn, tired. His brother had his limits - keeping someone alive for hours pushed even him. Something told Tobirama he still could have kept on going, though. “Though we will watch now. Her overload is very severe. If she makes the next hours well enough…” He trailed off, giving Tobirama what best could be described as a sad glance.
Tobirama didn’t know what he felt anymore. In these last hours he felt just about any kind of extreme emotion - utter heartbreak, loss, sorrow, murderous fury, followed by exhilaration, followed by despair, topped off with numbing focus.
Truth be told, he could sleep while standing at this point. And yet at the same time, he was restless. He knew - he knew, just a bit longer. Just a bit. 
He swallowed heavily. “Alright.” His gaze was locked on your gaunt features still. “We should keep her sedated,” not that he believed for a second you’d be anywhere near waking anytime soon. “There will be no more withdrawal challenges. We’ll keep her chakra locked and use the seals to stabilise her until the overload fades.” Perhaps he was just convincing himself this would work, too.
Hashirama hummed in agreement. “Frankly her weak state may be advantageous. She’s too weak to have much of a too severe reaction now, I believe.”
Tobirama’s gaze flickered momentarily to his brother, then back to you. He hadn’t considered that angle. Then, he sighed deeply. “The irony,” he muttered finally.
A low chuckle was the answer, which irritated Tobirama slightly. However his brother’s gaze bore an honest kind of appreciation he always had a hard time spitting sarcasm at. “Either way, I’m hopeful she’ll make it. You’ve done it. The plan was… daring, but.” He shrugged.
He could only give a curt snort in reply. “I regret not having used my enemy’s pettiness and thirst for revenge for Y/n’s advantage sooner.” The solution had been so obvious when it revealed itself to him in what had been the darkest hour of all this fight. When he had crumbled by your bedside with his brother by his side. He frowned then. “Although it made the show most… credible.”
Hashirama’s mouth formed a thin line again as he nodded. His brother might not have fallen apart like Tobirama did, but his reaction had been just as intense. And just like Tobirama, he had been ready to protect you with any means available. Using his position for a mock execution was nothing difficult. “Now to find a cure.”
Tobirama sighed again and crossed his arms. Luckily, time wouldn’t be pressing him this time. Although he had not spent a single second on the matter, either. “I first will create the leash in such a way Y/n doesn’t need to suffer the psychotropic effects of the base substance anymore.” His baritone voice was firm. With the weight off of his chest, the protectiveness was filling him again. You were not going to suffer any more than you had. And he knew precisely how to make that happen. “It’ll just be medication she has to take regularly.”
Again, his brother hummed affirmatively. “Very well. Even so…,” he frowned then, growing quite stern. “You are going to sleep now. For about a day or three.”
Anger flashed through Tobirama faster than he had truly comprehended the words. “Anija, I will not-”
“Yes. You will.” Hashirama crossed his arms. “You’ve been awake for, what? Forty-eight hours? More? Don’t make me throw you out.”
Tobirama’s voice had risen in volume before he realised it might disturb you, but the ire stewing inside made it near impossible to keep it down. “I most certainly will not before I made the drug more bearable for-”
Something flashed in Hashirama’s eyes. One didn’t need Tobirama’s sensor skills to feel the surge in chakra that his brother emitted - but for him, it was like staring into the sun. Sometimes, it was too much. Like right now.
He yielded with no more than a curt “Alright,” before teleporting to your shared home.
Now, it didn’t feel so forlorn anymore.
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numbaoneflaya · 3 years
Can I get a list of all ur ocs?
Well anon youve done it, you made me make a list of all my major OCS in one place. I hope your happy with yourself. Under the cut for obvious reasons, may link in my blog desc later.
Modern/BTD verse!!
Jilly- Ferret beastkin little creature, was recently turned into a werewolf by vincent as well so she's running around on full moons in a wereferret wolf hybrid creature form. Chaotic and friendly and wants to be everyone's bestie. She has the most energy in the world and is very kind hearted. Banned from most Claires for stealing and from one Home Depot for climbing the shelves. Prone to living life with rose colored glasses on and seeing the best in everything/everything even when there's nothing there. Socialization is a must for her and is why being basemented/kidnapped broke her psych so quickly and developed severe stockholm. Sometimes overly talkative/enthusiastic and can scare people off. Even if she sees someone shes decided shes friends with be noticeably 'evil', will convince herself it must be for some reason/her fault and ignore it.
Ciggy- Undead punk still learning to harness his powers to interact with the world as a ghost. Was sacrificed by a cult he joined for free concert tickets and to get laid. Likes to cause problems on purpose both pre and prior death and he's not above possessing someone once he learns how to. Was called Rooster in high school before he dropped out because he's loud, obnoxious and always screaming. And also has bright red dyed hair. Looking 4 ways to become less ghosty bcs he wants to be able to help raise his infant daughter, whom he died before he could meet. Bit annoying and in your face, likes poking at bruises, his or others. Kind of a sad heart seeking attention through volume and persistence.
Mike: Vampire loser! Sells drugs and lives at raves. Was turned when she was attacked by a coked out vampire (whom she supplied the product to) and has major scarring on her face and chest. Needs a somewhat constant influx of blood so shell sometimes take victims back to her place and chain them up, slowly draining them over time. Feels bad (ish) about it tho so it is possible to survive her if you are nice and or interesting enough. Kind of desperate for a friend and for love. Is a stalker. If she likes you enough/finds you interesting, she might just appear in your house one night and start rummaging through your fridge like nothing is wrong and youve been besties for years. Its best to indulge her and be friendly, otherwise she could turn violent quickly if her feelings are hurt.
Kilaine- Regular human woman, but fucked up. Born and raised by an elite waspy society she had an interest in the human body and pain tolerance since she was young. Quickly learned that these traits were socially unacceptable in most professions, so she became a doctor. The only family she cared about was her younger sister who she lost in a car accident, where they were flipped over and trapped inside while it was afire. While her sister burned up in front of her Kilaine only lost her left arm and had major burns on her body. This tipped her descent into sadism and she is now madly obsessed with bringing her sister back no matter the cost. Rude and offstandish, clinical.
Dragon age verse!
Thurwen- My main Hero of Ferelden with a bad temper and a heart of gold. City elf from the Denerim Alienage, 18 at the start of origins. She's a reaver warrior with a lot of pent up rage which sometimes scares others when she lets it out in battle. Over the years she's grown less moody as she's had to take the role of Commander. Crude sense of humor and violent impulses, very sensitive to the plights of others and tries often to help. Never seen crying in public but only cries to herself at night- major martyr and hanged man complex.
Caz- My circle mage elf inquisitor who was an apostate before the conclave. Blood magic, but make it sneaky. Wary of strangers and new faces, always dealing with the impulse to flee/find a high vantage point. Endless curiosity about the unknown/ the forbidden/ naughty, was supposed to be made tranquil for it but she escaped. Kind of a little creature as well, lived on her own for a while as an apostate in the woods, filed her teeth down to sharp ends to make herself look more intimidating (shes 5 ft tall) and less cute (her elf ears are huge and expressive, which shes embarrassed about)
Dag and Thagna- Carta twins! Professional lyrium smugglers since birth pretty much. Raised casteless in dust town and had to work their way up the chain of command by themselves. Dag is the brother, Thagna the sister. Their father traded them to the carta for drinking money and their mom died in childbirth so they have somewhat of a codependent relationship. Both charismatic and calculating, friendly and agreeable but won't hesitate to put a dagger in your back. Hard to pin down morally or physically, squirrelly bastards.
Reila: Dalish elf who works for the inquisition/ is the inquisitor in some aus. She has an extreme fixation on elvhen history and rebuilding what they have lost. Not a people person, prefers solitude. Takes some time to warm up to shemhlen as she has a hard history with them. Good friends with Caz, who recruited her in the first place. Doesn't understand very many social cues and finds societal expectations limiting and frustrating. Fondness for halla and hooved animals, which she finds graceful.
Elder scrolls verse!
Valkya: Near seven foot nord woman whos over a thousand years old by the events of skyrim. Tall and buff, two handed warrior and compulsive hero there to bask in the spotlight save the day. She was killed at the start of the events of Elder scrolls online and had her soul ripped out and sent to coldharbor and she's just been a pain in the ass about it since then. Her body can physically die and will not regrow pieces. Her soul however will escape and teleport to the nearest source of power where her body will regrow from an aetherial plasm until its whole again. Loud and brash, friendly and jovial. Actually pretty keen especially after centuries of life but prefers to play dumb as it makes people underestimate her. Plus, she really does enjoy mud wrestling and drinking contests and acting generally like a rambunctious frat boy. Ha developed a bit of a substance problem and a problem with acting out, as after being alive so long she would turn to anything to dull the ache inside of her that never goes away.
Espira- My Dragonborn! Redguard from Hammerfell who was briefly in the Ash’abah due to killing undead while protecting her parents water farm as a child. Ran away from them after years and went to Cyrodille, then to Skyrim and was caught crossing the border. Reserved, kind and soft spoken, she's a sword and shield warrior who's committed herself to doing good in the world by helping others. Dislikes killing and anything messy but believes it is often necessary in order to protect the weak. She blacksmiths often to save money on the upkeep of her own equipment, and takes up metal jewelry working as a hobby with the excess material. Prone to trusting others too much and giving too many second chances, as shes always looking for ways to make even the most hardened criminal a second look at life.
Riley- Espiras little brother who she locked in the wardrobe during the event of the water farm attack. In preventing him from doing violence against the undead she kept him from being conscripted into the Ash’abah. He's way more chaotic than his sister, and suffers from a case of little sibling syndrome in which he will often pester/poke at people just to get a rise out of them. Still kind hearted as his sister, he tries to hide it because he believes that the world is a cruel place and the cruel survive. Despite that belief he is often still unable to force himself to be cruel/careless, only making a show of it so that others leave him alone and don't see that he's very sensitive and emotional. Deaf in one ear due to a magic mishap in his youth, he trained and enchanted his most beloved rats to live for years and sit on his shoulder, alerting him to noises he would not otherwise notice.
Felria: Evil vamp :/ chaotic evil dunmer necromancer. Small and devilish and likes dead bodies too much. Manipulative and cunning, she loves acting. She's a trained assassin for the dark brotherhood and is the speaker. Likes dressing up for missions and wearing disguises like its all a play. Loves toying with people more than she loves killing them, will act in ways that cause as much trauma as possible for other people just for fun and she finds the reactions interesting. Considers herself too far removed from most people's perception of morality and of her so it's hard for her to trust someone or see them as worthy of knowing her. Finds the psychology of grief and fear to be interesting and wants to study them first hand. The hero of kvatch.
Herren: Fifty something year old rat woman looking for something to keep her going. Ran away from her wealthy family in her youth when they wanted her to take charge of the household, instead became an infamous jewel thief and swashbuckler. Spent most of her life traveling and stealing and double dealing. She's smarmy and sarcastic, a serial romancer of the highest caliber. Bit of a show off and a hedonist, always looking for the next good party or new product to snort. Her family died off due to the hard times she wasn't there for and she keeps looking for bigger and bigger heists to fill her appetite as she's chronically bored and lonely, though wont accept intimacy and will scoff at it out of the belief she doesn't deserve it. Irresponsible and selfish, lonely and terrified of any sort of commitment. Fun to party with though!
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downwiththeficness · 4 years
In the Bond-Chapter 5
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Summary: Lilah often wished she’d never said yes to working with the Gecko brothers—usually while dodging gunfire. At no time was she regretting that decision more than when she’s hanging upside down from the ceiling, staring down a group of hungry culebras and one (1) extremely powerful sun god.
Word Count: ~3,700
Warnings: None
A/N: This is an AU of my Story In the Blood, which can be read here. Basically, this fic explores what would have happened if Lilah had met up with Geckos before she met Brasa.
Taglist: @symbiont13
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Lilah sat at a conference table, hands at her temples, groaning. The meeting was going nowhere. There had been so much goddamned bickering in the last hour that Lilah was tempted just to get up and walk out to see if they would even notice. The fucking testosterone in this room was thick enough to choke her.
They’d been arguing on and off for hours, save for a few breaks that Lilah had mandated when the urge to either bludgeon them to death or to pee arose. Every little thing had to be discussed, debated, twisted every which way. Nothing was simple, especially not when it came to the territory assigned to each side.
“Alright!” She yelled, finally having had enough. “Let’s just go over this again.”
Standing, Lilah leaned over the map.  The surface was covered by solid, clear plastic, onto which they were outlining territories with dry erase markers.  The current argument centered around the delineation of land around a fertile riverbed.
“Okay,” she grunted, “We aren’t planting crops, we’re just trying to figure out what land we’re going to be responsible for.” She put her hand over the area on the map, giving her friend a meaningful look, “We don’t need it, Seth.”
Making a derisive sound, Seth held up his hand, “Hold your horses. This river cuts through our liquor supply chain. We need access to the highway over there.”
Brasa shrugged, having leaned back from the table, “No one is saying you can’t import your liquor. Your horses will be safe.”
Lilah felt her eyes roll, couldn’t keep the sigh from escaping her lips, “He wasn’t talking about literal horses.”
Acting as if he hadn’t heard her, Seth barreled forward, “Yeah, but let’s say things get tense between us.  You could cut off our supply just like that.” He snapped his fingers to emphasize his point. “No, we’re going to extend out past the river and over the road.”
“An extra fifty miles,” Brasa drawled, “For an uninterrupted supply chain.”
“Correct,” Seth answered, a smug little smirk on his mouth.
As he eyed Seth, Lilah could feel the barest brush of warmth across her hands. Reflexively, she drew them back, closer to the safety of her body. The heat dissipated as Brasa stood, leaning his weight into his palms as he braced them on the table.
Like the rest of him, Brasa’s hands were large, the fingers spreading wide over the wood. Lilah noted how the gloves he was wearing stretched tight across the backs of them. She wondered, not for the first time, why he wore them.
“Then, I want the desert land here,” he pointed to a swath of empty land, “And here.”
Seth considered it before giving a nod. Lilah marked it out on the map with the coordinated colors she’d chosen before the meeting began.
“Wait,” Seth said, and Lilah’s jaw clenched, “What would you want with a couple hundred square miles of empty land?”
Brasa lifted a brow, “Are we holding more horses?”
“Forget the horses,” Seth bit out with a wave of his hand, “No one willingly chooses to own land like this.”
“Is that so?”
Lilah did not like the way he said that. A question wrapped around a veiled barb, wrapped in ridicule. She glanced at Seth to see if he caught the undertones in the words. He hadn’t. She didn’t know whether to be annoyed or relieved.
“There is a group of my people who have made camp there,” Brasa explained lightly.
Seth looked unmoved, “You don’t want us going out there and doing population control.”
Lip curling, Brasa replied, “Is that what you call what you were doing? Looked a lot like chaos to me.”
Without blinking, Seth shot back, “Well, its not our main bag, alright? This shit is new to us, since your people came along and infected my brother.”
And, there they were, talking in circles around the thing that made negotiating such an arduous task. Seth would never forgive Brasa for the hell he’d put them through, for the uncrossable gulf that now existed between him and his brother. Fighting with Richie about it only made things worse, and Seth was resorting to striking out at the only other available target.
“This isn’t the time for this,” Lilah edged, fingers tightening on the marker.
“When is the time?” Seth nearly yelled, “We started out killing them and now we’re marking out territories and writing fucking policies and procedures together.”
Lilah drew in a calming breath, “This is business, Seth.”
She’d explained it to him several times over. They needed the cooperation of Brasa and his people. There were just too many factions, too many rogue culebras to hunt down all by themselves. It would take scouring the land every day for years to make that happen. Brasa had already assured them that anyone getting blood at their sites was vetted intensely. Anyone who broke the primary rule and killed humans without regard for the safety of the group was eliminated.
Seth looked at her with ire, “Fuck business.”
“Yes,” Lilah countered with a sneer, “Fuck business. Fuck ending a war. Fuck peace.” She sat back in her chair with a huff, “You want to keep fighting forever? Guess what? You don’t have forever. He does.” She pointed at Brasa, “He has all the time in the world to wait you out, and he’s offering a solution—now, not later.”
Seth went quiet, jaw working. His fingers drummed on the table, eyes cutting.
Lilah saw the crack in his resolve and kept talking, “This sucks. It all sucks. Ironing out details fucking sucks.” She tapped her fingers on the map, “But these details are going to save lives. Possibly yours and mine. Let’s just get this done so we can get back to shit we used to do, the fun shit.”
There was a heaviness in the air as she trailed off, her expression urging Seth for some sort of compromise.  She was being honest when she said she wanted to get back to what she was good at. Lilah had been itching for a job for months, had actually stooped low enough to snag a pair of sunglasses at the gas station just to satisfy the restlessness in her hands. If she wasn’t careful, she was going to end out figuring out who the richest person in the country was and rob them blind.
Brasa spoke, his voice piqued with interest, “What did you do before...population control?”
Seth cut a look at him that was both suspicious and angry, “We’re thieves. I run point, Richie is the box man, Lilah monitors with tech.”
“That is fortunate,” Brasa said as he sat, with a little smile that was far too easy for Lilah’s taste, “I happen to need a few items stolen for me.”
Lilah leaned her head on her head, motioning for him to continue. She was intrigued by the idea that he would be interested in contracting with them. A job was a tasty idea, at the moment, and found that she didn’t much care that it would be Brasa that would be directing them.
“As you might be aware, relics are often stolen from indigenous people and either put on display in a museum or kept in a private collection. I’d like some of those relics back.”
Lilah’s brows lifted. That was certainly not what she had expected him to say. The idea had some merit, though. Lilah’s favorite jobs were museums. So many pretty things that definitely needed a new home.
Seth considered it, “We’re not a cheap crew.”
Nodding, Brasa simply said, “I have money.”
Definitely true. Every inch of Brasa’s office and the bar adjacent screamed money at her in an understated way. As old as he was, there was no denying that he likely had a cache of assets squirreled away.
Lilah looked back and forth between them, already calculating cost, labor, and expenses. Depending on what he wanted, she could potentially negotiate a hefty profit. And, if there happened to be something else in the museum that caught her fancy—bonus.
“Say we do this job,” Seth began, slouching in his seat, “And you pay us—and, we iron out all these details,” he gestured to the map. “Is that going to be it?”
“Yeah. Or, are we going to have a dual relationship, here. Both contractor and partner.”
Lilah was actually a little impressed that Seth not only knew how dual relationships worked, but also applied it to their unique situation. She turned her attention to Brasa, curious to hear his response.
“I can contract others, if you like. But, I like to work with people I know, people that I...trust to have a stake in things going well for them.”
Logical. Practical. Efficient. Lilah was quickly learning how skilled Brasa could be when he wanted something done. He might want whatever these relics were back in his possession, but she wasn’t stupid enough to dismiss the fact that he was creating yet another tie between them, anchoring her nearby with every task they agreed to take on. It wasn’t possible to deny his motivations any longer. Denial wouldn’t do her any good. She was undecided on how she felt about it.
Seth remained silent, watching, waiting.  Lilah was holding her breath.
Brasa’s eyes narrowed, “I will give you the river, and the connecting highway from here,” he pointed, “to here. In lieu of payment, of course. You make take your horses wherever you like within that boundary.”
Mildly offended, Lilah cut in, “In lieu of payment, but you will cover expenses.  Air fare, hotel stays, food, and equipment.”
His attention, when it turned to her, was keen.  Though his expression did not change, there was a twinkle of laughter in his eyes, possibly pride, as well, “Done.”
“What if,” Seth began, “We took this deal, and our horses, and added this area, too.”
He pointed to the desert Brasa had originally bargained for.  It was surrounded by enemy territory, across the river they’d just gained, with no inherent resources. Lilah glared at him, knowing he was needling his opponent. The man just couldn’t help it, consequences be damned.
“Well,” Brasa responded levelly, “I’d say that you might have your horses, but you’d be isolated, alone, and on the wrong side of the river.”
Seth conceded the point with a nod of his head, “Not a fan of sand, anyways. Unless its a beach. Beaches, I can do.”
Unmoved by the sentiment, Brasa simply replied, “I will keep the desert.”
Lilah blinked slowly, and when Seth made no move to argue, she asked “So its settled, then?”
Both of them indicated in the positive, with Seth saying, “There’s one thing I don’t understand.”
“One thing?” Lilah commented, though she didn’t expect him to respond. He’d started on a tangent, and getting him back on track would be difficult.  Better to let him roll through his thought process.
“You’ve got a whole group of culebras that you’re feeding, right?”
Brasa nodded, though his expression had shuttered.
“How are you doing that?”
A valid question that she had figured out not longer after these meetings had started. Lilah cut in, trying to head off any insult he might inadvertently blurt out, “He’s having it shipped in.”
“From where?” Seth asked, hands gesturing widely. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we’re in kind of a food desert, here.  Literally and figuratively.”
Without an answer to his question, Lilah looked to Brasa, brows lifted. She was curious enough about his process to let the question stand.
Cocking his head to the side, Brasa licked his lips, “I run a rather complex medical supplies company. We ship all over the country. Part of that business is blood donation.”
Seth’s mouth thinned, “You’re stealing blood.”
Brasa huffed, “We transport most of it to where it needs to go. Call it a finder’s fee.”
“What about the sick people who need it?”
Where was all this compassion coming from? Lilah wondered. Although far from heartless, Seth didn’t usually care this much about the people he ripped off. Why should this be any different?
“Would you rather we feed on the humans in the area?” Brasa’s voice was low, dangerous. Lilah could feel the offense, as if it were her own.
“Alright, then.”
Sensing that the conversation had come to an impass, Lilah gathered up her paperwork, “I’m going to get this all formatted and polished for both of your signatures. Shouldn’t take more than a few days.”
“Great,” Seth muttered as he rose, “Let’s get out of here.”
Later, when her eyes started crossing from staring at the computer too long, Lilah shut down her laptop and sat it on her nightstand. Rubbing at her face, she yawned and settled against the headboard. Furtively, she glanced to the side, her hand already reaching for the candle she’d tucked away. After checking that the door was closed (despite having closed and locked it a few hours before), Lilah lifted the lid and inhaled deeply.
Coffee. Caramel.
A little too quickly, Lilah replaced the lid and set it back in its little hideaway. Embarrassed, she crossed her arms and stared at the ceiling.  Lilah was feeling things she hadn’t really ever felt, not since she’d been in high school. And, even then, it was never this intense. She managed to get through their meetings solely because there was always something else to focus on. Every one on one interaction with him left her feeling frazzled and lightheaded. She’d stolen rare artifacts with less trouble.
In this business, Lilah had what most would call a late start.  She’d had a normal childhood, had gone through high school and done the work thing for a bit. Lilah had even sat in a cubicle, bored out of her mind. It wasn’t until she’d met a chop shop owner named Chewie that she’d been introduced to theft.  First, cars, then she’d set her eyes on higher things—art, diamonds, one time she managed to steal a yacht.
It had been a steady rotation of teams that were well-established in their own right, but never did more than a few jobs together before they split to keep the heat down. Lilah had spent almost a decade running in those circles before she’d run into Seth at a dive bar south of the border.  He’d hit on her, laughed when she’d knocked him off his barstool, and offered her a job.
And, here she sat. Hip deep in a relationship she didn’t understand and brokering a deal between her friends and the people they’d taught her to fear. Sneering at the course of her own thoughts, Lilah pushed her feet under the covers and turned off the light. It took longer than she wanted to get to sleep.
Oh, fuck, the bed was comfortable.  Lilah turned over, burying her nose in the pillow and kicking out her legs.  With a sigh, she settled back into the mattress that she was pretty sure was more expensive than her car. So comfortable was she that Lilah could be forgiven for taking a little longer than normal to become aware of another body in the bed with her.
She took a few seconds to assess and decide on what she was going to do, which was pretty much nothing.  Eyes opening, she waited for them to adjust to the warm light emanating from the lamp sitting on the nightstand. Cast in shadow, Lilah recognized the slope of Brasa’s profile. His eyes were closed, but she couldn’t tell if he was sleeping.
Her fingers curled with the urge to reach out and touch, her brain a little foggy from sleep. Lips parting, she breathed, lids falling to half mast Lilah let it roll over her tongue. She had to clench her jaw to stifle a pleased moan.
Lashes fluttering, Brasa opened his eyes, his head rolling to the side on the pillow. He looked her over calmly, unsurprised that she’d somehow ended up in his bed. Lilah, however, had questions.
“Is this real?”
His mouth quirked, “Does it have to be?”
She started to answer, and then stopped. Did it have to be? Lilah wasn’t sure which she preferred. When they were together, she felt excited and eager, even when she was outwardly annoyed. When they were apart, she struggled to reconcile the two versions of him that she knew to be true. With barely a thought, he’d eviscerated his opponents, hands tearing them into literal pieces. And then there was the way he was looking at her right now—all softness, all quiet affection.
Lilah’s silence continued, the space between them spreading thin with her indecision. Brasa shifted slowly to his side, lifting up onto his elbow so that he was looking down at her. His body was cut in half by lamplight, eyes too bright to be merely natural reflection.
Lilah’s skin drew up tight around the curves of her body as she worked to keep her gaze on his. Every inch of her seemed to be viscerally aware of him, responding to the smallest movement. Her nerves sizzled with his nearness.
He tilted his head to the side, eyes tracing the contours of her cheekbones, her neck, and shoulders. Lilah swallowed, disconcerted by the scrutiny, but unable to think of any way to break it. He studied her as if he’d never look at her again, memorizing details with tender care.
Finally, when she couldn’t take the silence anymore, she said, “How am I here?”
Brasa lifted a shoulder, “We had so little time together last night. Perhaps we needed more.”
She didn’t know what to do with that. Next question, then.
“You sleep during the day.”
Not really a question, more of a statement, but she waited for his answer nonetheless.
“Sometimes,” he replied, taking her change in subject in stride, “I need less sleep than most.”
He smiled, “I am very old. We need to sleep less, to feed less, as we age.”
Lilah had heard a little about this from Richie, who’d lamented that it took so long to build up a tolerance to going long periods without feeding.  And, she knew Richie only slept a few hours a night. She wondered just how often Brasa would need to sleep, given how much older he was. Lilah was no longer surprised at his efficiency with getting his projects together. If she could miss a few meals or miss a few night’s sleep every once in a while, she could get a hell of a lot done.
“That’s a nice perk,” she commented lightly, “When I go too long without eating, I get grumpy.”
Nodding, Brasa reached out and traced the pad of a finger over her shoulder and down her arm to her wrist, “I will keep this in mind and endeavor to keep you well fed.”
Would she do the same? He hadn’t mentioned that she had taken his blood without giving any in return. Whenever Lilah thought about it too deeply, she always came back to the same line of thought—his bite. She had tried to do a little covert research about the venom, but only found a few vague references to ‘donors’ seeking it out. Venom, it seemed, could be a popular drug in certain circles.
“I’m sorry that we left so quickly,” Lilah murmured rolling her wrist to place her hand over his, “I know that I didn’t...fulfill my end of our agreement.”
Twice. Two interactions in a row, she hadn’t. He hadn’t brought it up, but the disparity between what she’d promised and what she’d done nagged at her. She didn’t like to be made a liar.
Brasa’s brows lifted, “Are you afraid I’ll tell them?”
“No,” she replied quickly, “I just don’t want you to think I’m avoiding it.”
He smiled flirtatiously, “Are you offering now?”
Eyes widening, Lilah’s mouth parted, voice silent as her brain stumbled over forming a reply, “This is a dream. Is—is that even possible?”
He laughed, a real laugh. It made his face, so predisposed to severity, brighten in such a way that he fairly glowed in the dim light. Lilah felt her breath catch in the back of her throat, struck by just how goddamned pretty he was to look at.
“I don’t know,” he breathed, when he was able, “Would you like to try?”
The word ‘okay’ was out of her mouth before Lilah could stop it, her eyes wide, her heart beating hard. Brasa’s smile faded, his eyes focusing on her, the pupils bleeding out into the whites until there was nothing but blackness looking down at her. She drew in a shuddering breath, her fingers curling over his.
Sliding closer to her, Brasa cupped her jaw, tilting it back just a little. He glanced at her face again, checking for her consent. She gave the smallest nod, licking her lips. The motion drew his eyes to her mouth, his body growing hot against her. He leaned down, but instead of hovering over the thin skin of her neck, he moved to the side. The realization that he intended to kiss her came to Lilah in a slow, honeyed wave.
“Yes?” He asked, his breath fanning over her mouth.
It was so, so slow, this kiss. Light pressure that grew heavier in the smallest increments. Lilah gripped his bicep, trying to ground herself as every nerve in her body screamed to life, reaching out desperately to get more stimulation. He drew back, changed the angle, and kissed her again—deeper, hungrier, tongue running along her bottom lip.
She was too hot, her skin seared by the heat emanating from him. Sweat rose and pooled in the hollows of her arms, beneath her breasts, the crease between her hip and thigh. She heard herself moan, felt her muscles relax as he rolled her beneath him. Brasa pulled away, nosing along her jaw and down to her neck. Lilah surprised herself when her lifted her chin, giving him more access.
The sharp press of his teeth snapped her awake. She sat up, breathing as if she’d been sprinting. Her entire body was shaking, her sheets damp with sweat.
“Well,” she croaked, “That’s new.”
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demon-winchester · 4 years
Tremors Behind The Veil Chapter 7
-Chapter 7-
"What the actual fuck" screamed the barwoman. Absolute silence befell the club everyone was waiting for what would come next. I chuckled and Sylvia gave me an angry look. The glass panels of the roof started cracking, you could hear the cracks moving closer to our direction. You could almost see them too. The cracking stopped. Silence all around us.
Suddenly a terrible screech! The roof shattered, a million pieces of glass all around us, it was truly beautiful. The purple and pink lights reflected on all the tiny pieces dancing around us but the beauty would soon seize. A black ray started coming from above and harbingers slowly emerged. "Battle stations" screamed Sylvia. All the vampires around extended their teeth even more and nails came out of their hands. Three of them rushed straight to Sylvia, they were different, they had a light armor, and small blades though they had no nails. "The cavalry I presume" I said chuckling. "Silence" said Sylvia, "What are these?". "I'd think an Accursed Omni would know" I replied. "Damnit Circe, what have you done this time... As for you..", "Aiden" i interrupted her. "Well as for you Aiden, I presume you are the target so i shall leave you perish...I will give them exactly what they want!". "So you would leave a friend of Circe's behind?" i asked. "Circe can get herself out of trouble and trust me when I tell you I do not care about her friends!" she growled. A bloodbath was happening right before our eyes and we knew that death was -slowly but steadily- coming towards us. "I get that you don't care about me but I do know you care about your people, about your "kingdom" and about yourself. Even if these creatures take me you know that they will leave no one behind so I ask you... are you sure you want to let them have me?" I said looking right inside her glowing eyes. The horrible stench of blood was all around us. "Even if I decided not to give you up to them there is nothing you could do...nothing" she said. "I came here to get a skeleton weapon...Circe told me you would have at least one here. If you would give me it I could return to my full power. I've fought them before and after all you wouldn't think Circe would ask help from someone that couldn't stand up to it" I exclaimed. Harbingers kept emerging from the dark corners of the club. "Fine then, follow me but if you fail, trust me when I tell you that I'll be having your lifeless body for dinner, ohh you don't know how much I want to taste your blood." she said with a terrible grin. "Awww, always a sweetie" I replied. "Bodyguards....Follow me" she growled and the armored vampires started following us. All hell had broken loose, the club was getting destroyed, screaming everywhere and you could almost taste the sorrow. A harbinger lunged at us, I pushed Sylvia out of the way and I somehow escaped too, we nodded. The creature charged me, it hit me pushing me to the side. I saw it move towards Sylvia. Rage was swimming inside the eyes of the bodyguards. The creature managed to grab her head and she struggled but in the end she fell down on her feet. Something gray was getting dragged from within her mouth. At that point a Bodyguard shot it with an arrow, it became smoke and flew right into the ray, it went away maybe a little too easy. I tried to help her up but she wouldn't accept my assistance. She just nodded and we kept walking. I followed her inside the back doors, the bodyguards were right by us and they closed the entrance following us inside. The screams were muffled but you could still hear them behind the door. We kept walking fast but harbingers would keep entering this part of the building passing through the closed doors slowly. The bodyguards started attacking one by one... They could fight better than I thought though it was obvious who would eventually win. Sylvia waved her hand and a door appeared, she pushed me inside and the door closed behind us. The room was scarlet red with medieval decorations, axes on the walls and in the middle a glass case was placed. Inside there was a sword made of bones. "Here you go then, take it and show me if what you're saying is indeed true" she said. As i was walking towards the case I felt something pulling me towards it. It was under the case... I could feel it reaching for me. "Wait" I said. "Something else is here...I feel it calling me. It's under the case". "Oh God" she said. "You might actually be as powerful as you proclaim to be". She approached the case, she extended one of her nails pushing it inside her palm and placing in on the case. With that, the whole room rotated...we were suddenly upside down and I saw that the sword was now different...Its color was black as night itself, you could feel the gravity near it pulling you. "It was supposed to be mine you know" she said disappointed , "It calls to you now and that is something out of my control. My kingdom used to call it Erebus, the sword worthy of an Accursed ruler ". I nodded and I slowly walked to it. I extended my arm and it broke the case flying on to me, the lights flickered and all the glass frames broke. The bodyguards were getting overwhelmed and harbingers would soon break the doors. It was time finally. I transformed holding the sword and tendrils started coming out of my armor slowly binding it. The binding had not concluded but it was time to move. She summoned two sickles with chains in their handles. She opened the doors stabbing a harbinger with a war cry killing it instantly. We kept moving towards the club, alas I had a promise to keep. The bodyguards were in the front and me and Sylvia were side by side walking within these broken halls. The binding was still not ready but I could feel power on the grasp of my hands increasing fast and my wings were slowly raising. The binding was almost done and I could FEEL it , I started smiling, I was ready to shed some blood. "STOP" I yelled and everyone looked at me. "I'm going first" I said with a grin. Black tendrils were coming out of my eyes and mouth. Everyone seemed kinda scared. I chuckled and I kicked the door open revealing the battleground. Bodies flying everywhere and blood splattered across the walls. Finally it was time to get some retribution and I knew the sword itself lusted for death. I flung my wings open and I flew inside stabbing every unlucky bastard that stood in my way. "RUSH IN THE BACK" I screamed but nothing. "DO WHAT HE SAYS" screamed Sylvia and everyone started running towards her. I pointed my sword at the air and I started draining the ray. I flew higher and higher, strands of darkness all around me. The entire city stood under my feet. "A storm is coming" I screamed "And I'm ready to kill Zeus himself" I continued. Lightnings came from the heavens hitting the dark strands. I closed my wings and I started descending with the sword pointing at the ground. Lightnings and darkness were dancing around me. I hit the ground creating a crater. The sonic boom of the drop along with the lightnings evaporated the dark ray. All the harbingers were pushed back and they were cowering in the shadows of the corners of the club. "It's over" said Sylvia letting out a sigh. With that the Harbingers turned to smoke and jumped to the middle of this gigantic hall. "We are not lucky enough" I replied grasping my sword tightly. The smoke started concentrating slowly forming a tall figure. As the legs started taking shape I heard Sylvia gasp, "It - it can't be" she said under her breath. "That is not possible" she continued, the horror in her voice brought out the words one by one like dragging them within her throat. "H-How" she whispered while the figure was still forming. I rushed to her grabbing her by her shoulders and stopping her line of sight with the figure. "Tell me what's going on" I exclaimed trying to get her attention off of it. "This shouldn't be possible" she kept going looking me straight in my eyes."I don't know what's going on and obviously you are aware of something I am not so tell me what it is and how we stop it!" I screamed. "His name was Abigor the knight of thorns, he was an executioner in my realm thousands of years ago with his title forgotten by history itself, only the ones that met him and survived still remember this awful, awful name" she grunted. "I think he is nothing we can't handle" I said determined. "He killed my family Aiden, this abomination is the reason I had to grow up alone...the reason I became an Omni. I became what I am because I had no other choice" she
whimpered. "What happened to you is terrible....You survived once and you'll do it again." I exclaimed. "I'm sorry" was all she could mutter. I hugged her and I felt her shivering.... It's something I have to do myself. Abigor was standing a few meters in front of me now starting to actually move. He was the size of a small building...He wore a dark gray worn armor along with a shield and a sword. I know where he got his name from...He was entirely covered in thorns and so did his equipment. His whole aesthetic reminded me of my gun I thought to myself.
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"Let's do this asshole" I screamed taunting him. The only thing he did was growl....You could see his hot breath coming out of the helmet. He hit his shield with his sword. "Oh it's on" I whispered to myself and I grasped my sword tightly. I opened my wings, I smiled and I flew straight to him hitting him with my sword and then flew away. Nothing, not even a scratch. "Let's try this again" I hissed. I rushed straight to him, he raised his sword to attack but I managed to dodge it. I felt something hit me and everything started spinning. I hit the ground and i saw him wiping his shield. He started laughing with a voice deeper than the depths of hell. He came towards me and he started kicking me while I was still down. The room slowly turning black. "HEY FUCKFACE" I heard from the entrance and a molotov hit Abigor only slightly startling him. I managed to crawl away from him. It was Lydia and now a fucking resurrected executioner started moving towards her. I had to do something fast....Sylvia might be able to help.
I rushed towards her. She was still trembling with her bodyguards around her. "TELL ME HOW I CAN SLOW HIM DOWN NOW" I screamed into her face. "I - I dont know" she kept rambling. "His legs" said one of the bodyguards "that should buy you some time". I nodded, grabbed the bow from his hands and I started running, my wings still injured from the kicking. "Fuck, I cant reach him in time" I said to myself. I hope this works for the sake of her. I took my sword and I placed it on the bow, I took a breath while dragging the string back with all the power I had in me. I breathed out and with that my sword was cutting the air. It hit his leg impaling itself deep inside. Abigor didn't even scream. He just kneeled punching the ground. I passed right by him I grabbed Lydia and I pushed her further back. "You can't be here.. Leave NOW" I raged. As I was saying that a piece of rumble flew straight at us, I went in front of Lydia to protect her opening my wings and bracing for impact.Dust all around us. "Please, just go and we'll talk later" I said with the calmer tone I could mutter."O-Okay" she mumbled and I could see she was shook. I saw her leaving and I returned to the hall. "Alright fuckface...You just made it personal" I said and I screamed as I attacked him but before I could touch him he raised his shield and he bashed me with it. I hit the wall again. I could taste the blood and the metal. "This clearly isn't working" I thought to myself as I saw Abigor approach me. He tried to kick me again but I have learned from at least some of my mistakes. As his dirty sabatons approached my face I pulled my sword and I thrusted it right into his foot. He groaned in pain and he fell back. I jumped and I started hitting his head and his torso but still, not even a scratch on his armor. I could only buy time by hitting his legs. At least enough for Lydia to get far away I hope... As I was trying to even scratch the armor a punch hit me. He got back up and he attacked with his sword. I ducked and I hit his legs another time. "This is not going to work again" he said while laughing. I dashed back and I summoned my gun. "Where did you find this weapon?" he asked. "Let's just say it was a gift from a friend fuckface" I replied and I started shooting. He put up his shield and he started running towards me. His shield was affected by the bullets, like it was getting hit by acid. Green vines started appearing on it and smoke started emerging from it. Abigor dropped the shield growling and he grabbed me knocking my gun off my hand. He brought me close to his helmet. Thorns scratching my face and his hot and horrid breath hitting me. "You thought I would let you get away...No one disrespects Abigor the knight of thorns" he growled. "Oh, he's talking in third person now, always a good sign... God, you're so cliche" I said chuckling. He growled and he started putting more pressure in his grasp. "I'm going to watch your intestines come out of your mouth" he growled. I was struggling but I couldn't escape his grasp...Everything was turning black.
Sylvia's POV:
"Th-This can't be happening" I was thinking to myself over and over and I couldn't stop. This is literally impossible.. This beast killed my family thousands of years ago in a whole different dimension.. How could he return even bigger than he was. Sounds all around me but I couldn't focus. how can I stop him ? . I still remember that age.
Ahh I can almost feel the rays of sunshine hit my face and the smell of oranges dance around my nose. We lived in a small village, knew all our neighbors and I faintly remember the afternoons that all the kids would go play outside until the early hours of the morning. my queen . Everything felt ideal and everyone seemed happy. Nothing ever lasts... I've heard stories about the Pine Keep and I always used to think they were one of these stories the parents tell their children in order to behave. Tales about fearsome executioners and noble knights. Tales about eldritch kings and hilarious jesters. Tales about horrible plagues and beautiful gardens. In times when we were awfully naughty tales about carnage and death. my queen I beg thee . This day shall never escape my mind. I was helping mother clean up the house while my father and brother were cutting the trees in the back yard. Smoke started coming from the other side of the village and screams followed right after. My father rushed inside the house holding my brother in his arms. He dragged the carpet in the living room and opened the doors to the cellar. Father ordered us to hide inside and be quiet. Mother gave me the necklace she was wearing. "Sylvia if the time comes break it in half, it will get you out of here" she said. It all happened so fast... Father closed the cellar door and I heard the carpet getting dragged. Seconds later the door started knocking and at once I heard it brake, a stench followed right after. my queen I beg thee wake up . There's a turmoil in my head after that. Scarce sounds and smells, the only solid memory is an image... My parents dead right beneath my feet. Next thing i remember i'm outside with my brother. The whole village was burning and the sun had set. Ashes were falling from the skies, the stench of death was all around us... The smell of people burned alive will never flee my mind. Soldiers on pale horses were running around the main square dragging lifeless bodies. These were people that I knew. People that I would see every day... Aunts , uncles...friends. A knight approached us but he wore a different armor, thorns covering everything and blood all over his armor. My brother stood in front of me to protect me and he kept screaming "BREAK IT, BREAK IT NOW" but I couldn't even blink. "The blood of you parents is on my hands, you should have stayed hidden" said the knight still approaching us."Please break it, I beg you" my brother kept saying but at the time I couldn't comprehend his words. "Foolish child...telle mèrre telle fille" * the knight growled. He grabbed my brother and he started chocking him in front of my eyes. I finally managed to break the necklace. The image of my brother looking at me has been haunting me every time I close my eyes since....It was my fault. my queen he's strangling him . Not this time.
Flashback End
I got up with tears were running down my cheeks. My bodyguards all around me, I started talking before they could say anything. "Flee, all of you...Ensure that all the others leave this place safe. Use the hidden gates in the back" I said ordering them. " But my queen" said my trusted archer. "Silence" I interrupted him. "Do as I say...This is something I must do myself" I continued. They all nodded and they left in a hurry. "Time to fix this mess" I thought to myself.
* Author's note: telle mèrre telle fille is french for like mother like daughter
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