#thank you! I'm glad you find my shapes flowy
canisalbus · 1 year
been scrolling through your art today because the way your shapes flow is such an inspiration and i had a question pop to mind. Machete is part of a religious institution and seems to command some respect as an adult, what's his rank Like bishop, cardinal ect I found myself curious about it!
He's a cardinal!
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mikasa-imadebiscults · 9 months
Hello, hello! I hope you’re doing well and are having a nice end to your weekend. If your matchups are still open, may I request a matchup for JJK and AOT?
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: straight
Zodiac/MBTI/Enneagram/Hogwarts house (bc why tf not?): Leo, INFJ, 1w9, Ravenclaw
Appearance: long wavy auburn hair and my eyes are more of a honey brown. I always wear round glasses. I'm pale with freckles on my cheeks and nose. 5’9, more of an hourglass shape and have a bit of muscle. If I wear makeup, I like keeping it subtle. I often just apply eye makeup and stick to shades of purple, gold, and orange.
Aesthetic: I mostly wear black and white, but I have some lilac in my wardrobe. In summer I typically wear long, flowy dresses with a jean jacket and combat boots, and when it’s colder I prefer slacks, sweaters, and combat boots.
Personality: Making an effort to understand myself and others is important to me, so that leads to long periods of pondering my actions, as well as others’. I love having me time, though I enjoy being with those close to me from time to time. I love discussing topics that revolve around enigmas. It’s not as important to have others agree with me as it is to explore the unknown with them. Since I’m reserved, I take a long time to open up to others. I’m gentle but can be (unintentionally) intimidating. I’m adventurous and have completed a dream of mine – living/working in a country that doesn’t speak my native language. I actively search for things to be thankful for. I'm easily flustered, clumsy, athletic, and conscientious. My humor is witty and sarcastic. Every now and then, I like listening to the branches being rustled by the wind and being able to gaze up at the moon and stars shining brightly, which remind me that there's a lot of beauty in the world, and I'm glad to experience it. I am happiest when seeking out information/reason. I’m really kinda superstitious…
Likes and Dislikes: I like practicing the languages I know, demonology, biology, genealogy, reading, museums, Victorian history, singing, alternative rock, and exploring my surroundings. A large portion of what I read/watch relates to the occult. Although I used to play the piano and was extremely talented, I still admire it and may want to get back into it in the future. I dislike storms, large bodies of water, and people who always turn disagreements into arguments. 
Hobbies: Writing horror stories, DnD, reading, singing, listening to music, watching horror movies, and yoga. As an avid horror fan, animated movies are for sure a guilty pleasure of mine. Coco is 10/10 for a good cry.
Pets: I don’t have any pets, but I’m a massive cat person. I love all animals, although I just feel like cats and I get each other.
Type: In terms of physical appearance, I find many features attractive and don’t have a type. However, personality wise I can handle a lot in a partner/friend but not one who belittles others. I’m someone who can laugh at myself, so I appreciate when my partner/friends can do the same. This may be super basic, but I’m the kind of person who’s very supportive of their friends/partner and just wants that in return. Too many people I’ve met have tried to take advantage of that. Speaking of which, my ideal partner would need to have a backbone and healthy boundaries. I’m not usually romantically interested in people pleasers ^^’ (NSFW related) I much prefer being dominated and feeling out of control. I get stressed a lot, so giving someone control over me in the bedroom is *chefs kiss. I’m kinda kinky and also very vocal ^^’. I try to be as open as possible with my partner, especially when it comes to intimacy and welcome discussions about what we like/don’t like.
Love languages: words of affirmation and acts of service. I love cuddling and hugging but sometimes need my space. Same with spending time together, I love it but I need time to recharge, too. I don’t really like gifts just because I feel like I owe them. That being said, I will still appreciate and adore anything they give me. It’s sweet to know that they were thinking of me.
(HEY I AM ALIVE I SWEAR! I really hope you enjoy this and have a great day!)
I match you with..
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Gojo Satoru
- He likes that you get easily flustered, often times he teases you.
- Always gives you the biggest hugs.
- One day he took your glasses and put them on then asked if he looked good in them (hopefully he didn’t break them)
- He’s great at acts of service. He loves taking you out places, he reassures you that you don’t owe him anything.
- When you two are watching horror movies together, he will try and startle you. If he succeeds, he will be laughing his ass off.
- Likes to jam out to music with you.
- He listens to you talk about demonology, he always says something like “Yeah I can defeat them in a fight.”
- If he’s scrolling through social media and finds a video about cats, he thinks of you and sends them to you. (Most of them will be funny videos, like cats attacking their owners)
- The first time he heard you sing he was like “I didn’t know you could sing” in a teasing way.
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Armin Arlert
- He is glad that you love to seek out information because he can relate.
- He’s really good at words of affirmation. Ever feeling insecure about your relationship or other things? He’ll be right there ready to make those feelings disappear.
- Prefers horror stories over horror movies but he doesn’t mind watching them with you. He enjoys when you talk about the horror stories that you make.
- You two love to star gaze together, pointing out all the unique looking stars above you, listening to the sounds of nature and feeling the cool air.
- He likes to take you to museums, and even go somewhere new that you both never been to before.
- He would love to adopt a cat with you, but before that he wants to make sure that he’s prepared to take care of a cat (cause cats be wild sometimes-)
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Hello gorgeous person,
Thank you very much for all your advices, your time and energy. It's rare to find a woman sharing with so much generosity her "woman's tips". Like it's always a secret or something, so thank you :).
However I feel sometimes a little bit sad because I sometimes not recognize myself through the pictures you're sharing. They are beautiful ofc. But as a curvy woman with bulge, cellulite and an unconventional body, sometimes I feel like I'm not able to aim the "femme fatale vibe"... I say this without any hatred, I'm just wondering :
- do you have any recommendation to feel powerful, sexy and mysterious with my extra weight ?
- I'm thinking of Ashley Graham who is stunning but i feel like she's an exception...
- how can I BE confident with my body and other gaze's ? (for e.g. my buttom is pretty flat but I have curves so I don't know how to conciliate both. I find it incompatible)
- an other example are kids saying to me that my head doesn't fit my body 🙃 my father told me that I'm really fat but beautiful.. So it's hard to handle.
I gain a lot of weight these last years due to a very complicated relationship, and a burn-out. So now I'm moving on from the guy and I will try to accept myself and make the efforts I have to do, but meanwhile I hope you can help me to accept myself the way I'm curvy am, and to be alluring anyways.
I must confess that it wasn't easy to contact you, but I think about it for a while now.
Thank you very much, and sorry if there are some mistakes, I'm absolutely not an English speaker !
Thank you very very much for everything.
Hi love! Thank you for your kind message and support. It truly means a lot <3. I'm so glad to hear this sentiment about my blog – I believe that we as women are conditioned to secrecy both as a way to shame our womanhood and, more covertly, to keep these "secrets" to ourselves, so we are more "sought-after" in the "competition" to be "chosen" by a man. This underlying secrecy and one-upping culture we're conditioned to buy into as women reeks of the patriarchy, so I'm more than happy to play in dismantling this toxic societial mentality. There's plenty of self-confidence and success to go around for all of us in my book!
I totally get your sentiment. The inspiration I reshare here is just that – inspiration for things to admire and tailor to our unique preferences, lifestyles, bodies, environments, etc. if we so choose to. I believe that we all can embody the "femme fatale" aesthetic – by dressing and putting ourselves together in a way that makes us feel our best /most taken care of, exploring and sharing all of the amazing ways we can derive pleasure from our bodies (through fashion, health & wellness practices, healthy lifestyle choices, sexual pleasure, etc.).
I think that these are some helpful tips to feel more powerful and sexy at any size:
Learn how to dress for your body and tailor it to your personal style – consider whether you have a longer or shorter torso/legs, which are the widest and narrowest parts of your body? What shapes best flatter your figure and in what combinations (e.g. flowy on top, narrow on the bottom, vice versa, or a more flowy/tight ensemble that emphasizes your waist, shoulders, or legs?)
When it doubt, choose black clothing or garments in darker, vampy hues, and select fabrics that are thick and well-tailored/structured or very forgiving fabrics that glide over your curves (like satin)
Pamper your skin, hair, and curate a beauty routine that makes you smile every time you look in the mirror (makeup, hairstyle, nail color/shape, perfume, etc.)
Create habits that help you feel your best in your body – eating healthy and exercising daily purely for energy and mental clarity, indulgent showers, beauty routines, and massages, cultivating a satisfying self-pleasure/sexual practice, creating an environment that heightens your sensory pleasure – wearing a satin robe, cozy blankets, delicious smelling lotions, room sprays, etc.
Not feeling comfortable in your body after gaining weight is completely normal, so validate these emotions if you're dealing with some cognitive dissonance between your mind and body in this regard. You've been through a lot mentally, so it makes sense that some signs of this mental exhaustion would show in your body. Glad you're making space and devoting energy to move toward healing.
Always remember though, being hot is a mindset – it is never weight-dependent (my friend actually said this again to me as a reminder the other day, and I loved the sentiment, so I thought I would share it here).
Sending love xx
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sweetdreamscafe · 9 months
Hopefully, the break will help! Here are your annual unwanted comments from a person who is nervous to come off Anon. It's totally normal to become self-critical of your blogs, happens to me all the time! But I just want you to know I adore this blog so much, It's not bad in any way, shape or form. You're characters are so fun and interesting and your storytelling style is honestly so great. I love reading things and trying to connect the dots, especially your little 'hint' posts. I'm horrible with hints and get frustrated easily but yours are so fun to just look over and think "Hmmm what could this possibly mean?" Not stressful at all, and fun to revisit! Not to mention your characters and designs are just stellar and go perfectly with what you're doing. I am in love with both Noel/Sprinkles and Krampus design right now, It is so flowy and pretty!! But, yes, I really do hope to see more of this blog whenever you come back from your break. ^^ To be completely honest, I've slowly been becoming more and more attached to the characters here. Any content of them is good content! It's a silly fun blog with hints of seriousness that just drive the story to be even more compelling. I might not always understand things right away but I am totally here for it and am very excited for any new content that graces the dash. The interactions with everyone here is fun as hell. Okay, okay! That's enough from me, I could be here forever, but I do hope you have a wonderful break, Sorry for randomly dropping in your inbox!
No, no, thank you, this is really sweet and reassuring.
Part of it is some part of me is worried to disappoint people like you that are getting attached to the characters! but I suppose there's no point stressing over that. all i can do is my best, haha.
I'm also glad you don't find the hints to be frustrating! There's some things with the blog I try not to be too direct with, but I don't want anything to be frustrating to figure out. There's some little mysteries that might require some effort or patience, but I want it to be a fun experience for everyone :) i'm not over here making an arg you have to convert through three kinds of codes to solve lol, i'm running a lighthearted little blog!
I do hope I'll get the spark of motivation I need to get back to work on this blog quickly, anxieties aside I do really love it and its currently my main way to interact with the Pokeask that I also love lots!
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kustas · 2 years
finished samurai champloo do here is my attempt to keep my opinions about it brief. REALYL good show. im trying to find a playlist of the soundtrack in order bc the music in it is SO interesting like first of all obviously the hiphop and its used vv creatively but i also am a huge fan of that fast drum beat that i think they only used twice? both times mugen was fighting someone and its just a very interesting sound for both scenes, also thw whole show was visually soso beautiful and interesting and i want to eat it. u already said everything about mugens design but i also loved that jin's clothes were long and flowy and gave him a much larger shilouhette (not how thats spelled i think) which contrasts his restrained fighting style/persinality and also kind of fun bc of his like legend thats larger than him. fuu's design was cute and i loved her dagger i wish shed used it more but tbh i think more couldve been done with her than the constant kidnapping. i also really liked that the tonal shifts were natural and it changed between fun anarchronisms and zombies and like the harrowing inner life of the characters and the real struggles of the era. overall best show ive watched this year i think. now onto mind game
hello hi! Glad you had a good time! Champloo is such a ridiculously rule of cool show, it deserves all the good press :D
You are on point about the design for the leads, in the shape language and contrast and all those little details...:) About Fuu, she's a character I'm torn on. I love that she's a rare example of a teen girl character who actually feels like a teen girl, she's peppy and cute and kicks ass when she needs to and the writing of the show and other characters (even Mugen...lmfao) treat her like a person albeit an immature one. But her role in each episode...sheesh. it's one thing to talk about how sexist that era was because it absolutely was the case, but it doesn't do much with it. She's supposed to be the protagonist, her being the damsel in distress all the time got on my nerves and I agree way more could have been done with her. I really appreciated the episodes where she solved problems with her personality in ways the two guys wouldn't have been able to. But for how rare it is to have cool girls in shows...always dissapointing to see them become secondhand sometimes.
And about the historical stuff, the "real struggles of the era", I found that for a show that openly embraces "not historically accurate get off my tits" , it does a weirdly good job teaching about aspects of the time that aren't known about in the mainstream. Jokes on the writers, I guess! Even if it's mostly played for jokes, several episodes touch on the attempts at contact/colonization by Europe especially the Dutch, and I found the mystery around the rise of Christianity one of the most interesting parts when I first watched it.
As for the music....damn right it bangs. OP/ED alone are some of the best I know in anime. Was already the case for Bebop, but Watanabe has a thing for picking really good music and using it in slightly unconventional but awesome ways. If you haven't, I strongly recommend checking out nujabes, the artist behind the opening track. Unfortunately as far as I know he's not worked on other shows, as he tragically passed away only a few years after Champloo was released. He might be the one to have popularized chill beats especially among anime fans. I'll recommend my favorite track of his, Lady Brown, the sweetest love song I know :)... As well as another unrelated track that you might dig, kode9's 9 samurai, who's beat revolves around sampling what I believe to be a Kurosawa movie soundtrack. Bit off topic but hey that's the vibe with Champloo's writing too isn't it
Thank you so much for sending me your thoughts! I hope mindgame won't blast your brains too far out :D
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