#thank you @shootysturs
Hiatus incoming
Starting tomorrow (March 13th). I will be going on a hiatus to prepare for the SUPER centennial the following month.
So I'm not going to be posting any new stories.
ill still answer asks and interact on discord.
In April. I have another story arc. But I'm going to be taking March 13th to April 2nd off in order to write some stories that could be posted almost every day that month. I'm also going to need some art done for this.
I am going to have art trades open (always have)
ill be asking around to see if anyone is interested in trading. But message me if you are interested in an art trade.
You can message me at @the-fourty-7th-gamer if you want to trade.
I actually have to thank my colleagues, family, friends, and fans. But my biggest thanks goes out to @shootysturs / @poyo-shooty-art .
They have done so much for this blog. Artwork. Consultant. They I've been a really big help on working on this blog.
I would like to thank them. And I wish you to do the same.
Here is a little teaser for The next Arc
Warp Point
Man. I'm SUPER excited for next month. Pun intended.
Everyone is going to be a bunch of events around the world.
Bean bean Island
Isle Delphino
And other places.
I also have to give an update about that Warp situation.
It seems like it could be a long time before they become a real threat.
We shouldn't have to worry about that.
Man. I'm SUPER excited.
There's going to be some cool things happening as well.
Alice is finally going to come visit Castle town after that cruise for a few years.
We are going to be holding a big festival.
I'm also going to be doing this large platforming challenge at the end of it.
It is to show how much I've grown.
Is anyone else excited.
I'm going to go practice with Mario now.
I'll see you all later.
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Garth, The Future SUPER and Mario's Apprentice, signing off.
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lemon-3ds · 4 years
hi lemon!! I noticed that you reblogged something from @/shootysturs and I just wanted to make sure you knew that they have a sideblog dedicated to shipping dimentio and peasley. I doubt you knew anything about it but I've had them and the sideblog blocked for a while and I wanted to make sure you knew who you were reblogging from
Hiya Maya! Thanks for notifying me of this! We can't be having that stuff on my blog, now can we?
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thegalaxysyst3m · 4 years
Human Flaws Chapter 5
Chapter 6. Chapter 5. Chapter 4. Chapter 3. Chapter 2. Chapter 1.
     When the twins were younger, Remus had found Roman a font that helped combat his dyslexia at the start of middle school. Ever since then, Roman used it for everything he could. The only issue was that the books in the library did not use the font he could actually read. They all used that crappy Times font that he had to read over and over to understand.
       So as he got into his English class, and decoded the board, he visibly cringed; They were reading Erapon in class today. It was a book by a guy called Paolini and Roman hadn't liked it so far. Maybe he just hadn't gotten to the good part yet.
      That was probably it; seen as he hadn't gotten past the second page. So he tried to listen to his English teacher as she spoke, "By now you all should be up to page ten of Christopher Paolini's Eragon," She held up a copy of the book, the name printed in all caps.
     Roman looked at the board and then at the book. Then once more. It was called Eragon, not Erapon. It at least made a bit more sense than when he had first read it.
      Mrs. Williams continued, " If you're not up to or past that point then I suggest you catch up during your free time in class. However, before you do that, you all need to get these definitions copied for the next few chapters." She handed everyone a list of words. 
The words were as followed: Taciturn, Countenance, Troubadour, Flagon, Florid, Requiem, Bereft, and a few others that Roman struggled to read. So he got out a dictionary from the bookshelf and started flipping through it. 
     This was going to take him a while.
      At the rate he was going, Roman would have to finish some of the definitions for homework. Perhaps he could ask Remus to help him after school. All of this would have to wait, however, because Mrs. Williams asked him to wait after class to chat. Anybody in Mrs. Williams' class knew that "chat" was never a good term to hear her say to you. Roman felt right to assume this would be about how he hadn't even finished his definitions.
     However, as she walked up to him, she sat down and handed him a sheet of paper. He took it, awaiting some sort of reprimands from her, only to hear, "It's a permission form to get an audio book from the library. All you have to do is hand it to somebody at the front desk and ask them for a copy of the book for class. They should be able to find you one." 
     He nodded, putting the paper in his pocket, and grabbing his things. She smiled- which was quite an odd thing to see from her- and hands him a drawn map of how to get to the library. He was bound to appreciate that on his way there. He wasn't good with remembering verbal directions. So he gratefully took the map and thanked her as he headed on his way, giving her a sincere thank you as he passed the door.
       Roman started walking, looking at the map as he went. He really should have how to get to the library memorized by this point. Yet, he still needed directions for it every time. Hell, when he went to the library with Remus for tutoring, his twin had to get them there- and Remus wasn't all that good with directions either. It was like a wild goose chase to find the library. Except the library had never been running, it was just two idiots who had no idea where they were going.
     He looked back at the map; First he needed to take left, and then he needed to go down the stairs, then take a right, then another right once he was next the spiral staircase, and finally he would be at the library doors.
     As he got to the turning point he was glad he had a drawn map rather than not-so-simple words on a page. It saved him an awful lot of trouble. Maybe he should just keep the map for the next time he needed to get to the library. It seemed like a good idea.
      He continued like this for a couple minutes before he reached the doors of the library.
     Roman walked in, taking in the smell of old books sitting on the shelves as he went. He never hated reading, he just got.... bored with it. It took him a long time to read things and it made it difficult to get sucked into the books like he wanted. Roman still thought he'd give anything to not have his Dyslexia. He always had and he always stayed that way. He didn't think he'd be changing his mind any time soon. 
     He got himself out of his thoughts and went up to the main desk, "I wanted to know if you had an audio book for Eragon?" He handed the librarian, Joan, the slip of paper out of his backpack. Joan looked at the sheet and then back at Roman, "Can I have your name please?"
     Roman looked at the permission slip. Surely it had his name on there somewhere. He sighed, Yeah, that's easy; Really Obviously Muscular And Nice. R. O. M. A. N."
      Joan smiled a bit and started typing in the computer. Then they frowned after a couple seconds. "Tsk. Sorry Ro, we don't have an audio copy for Eragon in here yet. However if you want, I'm sure somebody here would be willing to read it to you. If you don't mind me asking, how's your tutoring going? Is Logan helping any?"
      Roman nodded. Logan seemed like he could be very helpful- that is- if Roman would stop getting distracted by him. Roman was about to say he was going to go look around the library for some other books when he heard him talking behind him. Speak of the devil. Of course that would be his luck. Why wouldn't nerdy wolverine show up in the library.
       Roman looked back at Logan behind him and politely move out of the way. However. Joan seemed to have other plans. They seemed to smirk at Roman as they spoke, "Hey Logan! What are you reading this time? Have you tried Paolini yet?" Logan looked at his hands, lost in thought for a moment. Then he shook his head, looking at everything but Joan the Librarian. He caught eyes with Roman as Joan lit up with an idea, saying, "If you'd be interested, Roman here is reading a book by Paolini in his English class and he thought you might like it. Eragon specifically; Maybe you could read it together?" 
      Logan looked at Roman's jacket this time, not one to look people head on. Then he nodded. Already walking ahead and searching to find the specific book in the library. He looked back at Roman momentarily looking him in the eyes and then motioned for him to follow him as he searched. Roman tried to think of where it would be as he looked.
     Both boys knew the library was organized alphabetically and then by last name. The farther shelves were letters further down the line from A. On the walls were nonfiction and educational writings and the shelves in the middle of the room were all nonfiction of some kind. So Paolini would be farther to the back of the room on the center bookshelves. So that's where Roman looked while Logan leisurely walked the isles, scanning the letters.
     So when Roman found it first Logan looked a bit shocked as he went to go sit with the brown eyed boy. He sat down nonetheless at the table and Roman got out his own copy from the classroom. Logan looked at the first page, scanning over it before looking back at Roman. He was trying to do the same, but he looked so frustrated just from a single page. Logan hadn't thought it was that bad. Maybe Roman just wasn't a fan of his writing? He looked at him again, trying to figure out the emotion on his face. Roman had gotten out a reading ruler and was silently voicing out the words he was trying to read. Logan tried to find where he was reading. Roman was flipping around his letters and it sounded like he was flipping some words entirely. Logan looked again at Roman, "I can read it out loud for both of us if you would like, Roman." Logan didn't want to upset him though so he didn't say anything else. He knew what if felt like to feel less than. Many kids thought of him as weird. Odd. A freak.
      But none of that was true. He wasn't any of those things. And even if other people did, Logan didn't want to get rid of his Autism at all. It made him who he was and sometimes he wasn't sure what life would be like without it. So he was not going make Roman feel that way for his Dyslexia no matter what. So as Roman nodded with a defeated sigh, Logan only smiled at him, making note of an idea in his head for later.
Taglist: @shootysturs @punsparcethesnake @wishthefish916
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Pride parade
Today was (you guessed it) the pride parade.
For once in the past couple weeks I actually don't feel like a Whacka being hit on the head for whacka bumps.
It feels nice to see people who are celebrating themselves. Like how patriots celebrate 4th of July in America.
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I'd to thank @shootysturs / @poyo-shooty-art for drawing one of the parade floats.
I am proud of this more accepting society.
Now I'm going to go back to enjoying the festivities.
Garth signing out.
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Elaboration: Powers Stars
I guess I should elaborate on what happened with Power Stars.
Mario: My Mentor.
He said that due to the fact that Tatanga is going to invade...
"I am going to let you try a Power Star" Super Mario Jupmin
Before I continue.
A Power Star has this... Well, Power.
I don't know if I have undersold it. But In case I did. The Power Star is one of the most powerful items in the universe.
It can do so much.
Powers Ships
Create Barriers
Grant immaculate forms with abilities that make most people feel like Grambi.
But that's the thing.
Until recently.
It could make "everyone" feel like Grambi
When i first tried it.
We were under the castle.
There were many people (for documentation and safety) and matirels.
Mario handed me the Star.
Mario: Good Luck.
I tried to hold it
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@shootysturs / @poyo-shooty-art drew this. Thanks again.
I started to feel... something it was hard to describe.
After trying for several minutes.
The star dissolved.
Nothing happens.
Nothing happens.
In fact.
I actually felt weaker.
Like a piece of myself was transferred out of me.
I feel fine now.
But that doesn't matter.
I can't use Power Stars.
Garth Signing Off.
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Nora's Wanted Poster
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This is Nora. Or more specifically, a wanted poster that depicts Nora.
She is needed to be taken into government custody due to propagating a rumble for several years.
We would like to thank @shootysturs , also found @poyo-shooty-art for drawing this depiction of her.
We would like to say though that while we will accept her dead, we would much rather prefer her alive.
I feel like I say this. This is within the fictional universe. This isn't an actual warning.
I would like to thank @shootysturs again for drawing Nora. It was a pleasure doing in an art trade with you (I can be found at @garth-the-fourty-7th-gamer if you want to do an art trade with me ).
Thank you for your time
Garth signing off
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thegalaxysyst3m · 4 years
Human Flaws
Chapter 1
A Sanders Sides High School AU Story
Chapter 6. Chapter 5. Chapter 4. Chapter 3. Chapter 2 Chapter 1.
Logan had been tutoring other classmates since his Freshman year, but this year was like no other.
     Logan knew he'd most likely be getting a handful of students throughout his Junior year of high school. He had told the principle earlier this morning that he could handle tutoring more than one student if necessary; He did not expect for 5 students to walk into the library and sit at his table, however. He would've never imagined it.
     Roman and Remus Royal walked into the building early in the morning. Roman was trying to read his new class schedule for the year while his brother was...what was he doing?
     Before he could ask, Remus, twirling down the hall, exclaimed, "Ro, I'm glad you made us leave early. I have more time to dance in--" He paused at his brother and frowned.
     Roman was looking at him with that face again. The disappointed face. Remus looked down for a moment and decided he'd deal with those emotions later, "Are you trying to read on a bad day? Or am I forgetting something?"
     Roman just muttered and took a picture of his schedule and typed a quick message to somebody on his phone. Once he was done, he looked back at Remus, "We're going to the office to get a tutor, remember?" The brothers nodded at each other and continued walking.
     Once they made it to the office, they went over to the desk to meet with their counselor. The rest was simple. They would both meet in the library with their tutor, Logan Sharp, next Monday after school.
     Virgil got off the bus late that morning and he assumed his day would continue to roll down hill. He wasn't right, but he wasn't wrong; his day was average. He did good in all his classes except science. Chemistry just killed him. He didn't understand it at all and no matter how he tried it never seemed to click in his brain. 
    So that’s why he decided this year he decided that he'd get a tutor. It started like this: he went to his school counselor, Dr. Picani, and asked him how the whole tutoring thing worked, then once he understood the concept he would sign up and be given a specific person to work with in the library after school.
     He'd be meeting with another Junior named Logan Sharp.
    Patton Morning happily chatted with his friends through his phone as he walked to his high school for yet another year. He hoped this year wouldn't be as cruel as the last one. He shook his head. Now wasn't the time to think of that. The torment of last year was old by now. He could bear it again with ease.
     His name was changed now, it had been since the middle of last year, and he had gotten a lot older in the past few months! He looked so much different. The thought made him smile as he walked into the high school and put of the sun he loved so much. He was Patton Morning and today was going to be a great day!
     He had one thing he was going to do in particular this morning though. He was signing up for a tutor for his math class. So as he walked into the building made is way to Mr. Sanders' office and got himself a quick moment to fill out the sheet. 
    His teacher smiled as Patton walked in, "I see summer did you good! You're taking things into your own hands and you look a lot older just from summer break! You really don't have to sign up for this you know... You're not failing my class. You had a low C last year."
     Patton laughed, his voice still cracking slightly and ran a hand through his hair, "I know, I just thought I could always use the help. Oh, that, and I could make some more friends! You can never have too many!"
     A small scoff came from the teacher, " I'm gonna put you with Logan Sharp then, the kid could probably appreciate filling a slot with somebody who actually understands the material. He'll probably need a break with most our best tutors leaving last year. Meet him in the library after school next week on Monday. If you don't already, you'll know him when you see him."
     Patton nodded and both said thank you as the younger boy left for his first class of the day.
     Janus got in the car with his parents who anxiously drove him to his new school. You see, Janus hadn't been to a public school since he was a small child. He had been home-schooled by his mother since an accident left him with a huge scar on the side of his face. They didn't really talk about it much. Janus always said that there wasn't any reason to.
     The car ride was miserable. His parents had the bright idea to get him a tutor, his name was Logan, even though he had told his parents he didn't need one.
      That wasn't technically a lie though. Janus couldn't fix that the numbers in his math problems didn't add up to be all the same colors. They made a whole new color. He couldn't really stop himself from getting hung up on his Synesthesia no matter how hard he tried. To his parents though, that was the least of their worries.
     Janus' parents consistently worried that students would judge him for the nasty scare on his face. Hell. He had to wear a hat to cover the part that reached his hair. Which was fine, it fit his aesthetic. Of course it was fine.
     Regardless, Janus was tired of dealing with his parents coddling 24/7. If that meant hiding the fact that people judged him, he was perfectly fine with lying about it. He would deal with it. He would deal with it just like he would deal with meeting his tutor. 
      And he did.
The post that inspired this story
Taglist: @shootysturs
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thegalaxysyst3m · 4 years
Human Flaws - Chapter 3
Chapter 6. Chapter 5. Chapter 4. Chapter 3. Chapter 2. Chapter 1.
     Logan walked into the library at three o'clock in the afternoon. He found his table- the teacher's put a name plate on it for him since he always sat at the same place- and started setting up his things.
     He had a strict schedule for how he set up. First he would take everything he brought with him and put it on the table. Then he would sort through it all in various ways until everything was set up just the way he always had it. 
      Logan would take out all the loose papers he had collected during the day and sort them by class- first period to last period to be specific. Then he would organize his books by class in the same way and put the paper for the respective class with the book. Then he would put his computer in the back and put his pencil pouch in the front. His new slang flashcards went in the front pocket.
      Once the person he'd be tutoring for the day got to the library he would get out all the important stuff for what they needed help in. So now he waited. 
     It didn't take very long for someone to show up. He had short curly hair and he was wearing a light blue hoodie with yellow and pink stripes. He looked cheerful. He walked up to Logan's table and sat down with a smile, "Hiya! I'm Patton Morning! I guessed you were the Logan I was supposed to be meeting with today!"
     Logan nodded and looked to the doorway and frowned. Logan was the only tutor who met with people in the library. So it was safe to say these two were also meeting with him.
     It took him a moment to realize just who they were as they talked with each other. Patton raised an eyebrow in response as they walked closer; Roman and Remus Royal were walking closer to them by the second. Roman was the prized football running back and prized theater kid since the start of freshman year and Remus had been king of the dance team since he was young; Patton had seen both of them working day and night to get better on his walks home from school.
    Roman and Remus smiled, wearing their respective red Letterman jacket and green shawl. However, before they could get to the table there was a loud squawk as another two people entered or rather - tried to enter the room; as a  dark skinned boy with a purple jacket tried to push a worried looking fellow into the entrance.
     The Christmas colored twins turned around, they green clad one laughing, barreled over at the sound. Meanwhile, the purple colored boy exclaimed, "What the hell was that noise, Janus? You sounded like freaking bird! Just go in already!"
     The two finally started muttering their way over the the group when Janus, looking to the group, "I was totally expecting him to push me out the door," he paused a moment with a sly smile, "His name is Virgil. He hates it, so you should use it often! You already know mine."
     The group snickered at the boys' bickering while they introduced themselves. Logan was sitting in his chair, quietly waiting. He had been tutoring other classmates since his Freshman year, but this year was like no other. To be honest, knew he'd most likely be getting a handful of students throughout his Junior year of high school. He had even told the principle earlier last Monday morning that he could handle tutoring more than one student if necessary; He did not, however, expect for 5 students to walk into the library and sit at his table. He would've never imagined it.
    However everyone else seemed to be enjoying each others company and the chatter. Virgil was quietly to talk to Roman, who he had a small crush on since he saw him in the school production of Heather's last year. Patton and Janus were busy talking about life and telling life stories as you do. Then Remus and Logan were just having a small pleasant conversation while Logan helped him catch up on his classes.
    After a while they all found themselves enthralled in the conversation and they were all loudly chatting away about all sorts of things.
      Finally after 2 hours of chatting with one another all six boys finally chilled down. With this moment of peace, Logan asked the group to promise that they would actually get work done the next day.
Taglist: @shootysturs
Hey btw thanks for reading this! If you'd like to chat about this au and my plans for it with me feel free to message me. If you'd like to be added to the taglist send me an ask!
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thegalaxysyst3m · 4 years
Human Flaws - Chapter 4
Chapter 6. Chapter 5. Chapter 4. Chapter 3. Chapter 2. Chapter 1
     Patton smiled as he walked into the school building yet again, as he did every morning. Today wasn't supposed to be anything special but the whole group had decided they would get together after school for an impromptu tutor session.
    So he decided he would spend his free period baking goods for their after school meeting. He wanted to impress them. He didn't want them to think anything less of him for his flaws and he was determined to prove himself.
     But first, however, he had to go to his first class of the day. As he got up to Mr. Sanders' door his math teacher handed him a a slip of paper. Patton responded with confusion. Why was he giving him this? He looked at the paper.
    It read: The new kid looks lonely, go hang out with him in the back for a few days. I'm pretty sure he got your locker from last year. -T.S.
    He put it in his backpack and went to go sit with the hatted boy in the back. It hit him then. 
      He looked up, turning his head.
      "Thought I recognized you. I don't think I told you yesterday, but I like the hat! It suits you!"
       He had earned a smile from the scarred boy's lips; He sat down next to him, setting his stuff down. For a split moment Janus almost looked hurt. Maybe he was shocked.
      Patton hadn't sat on next to his good side like most people; No, instead, the boy had sat next to him as if he didn't care what he looked like. Like he didn't care at all. He was smiling.
      Patton giggled slightly; and then almost instantly made a disgusted cringe at his own sound, looking around at the rest of the class, covering his mouth. It was almost like he didn't want them to hear.
     "Sorry." They both started at the same time. This time Patton's body rocked with silent laughter. Janus reminded himself he would have to ask him why he did that in the future. For now though, he decided he would just enjoy the company. It was fun. It was peaceful. And he didn't feel so alone.
    Virgil, meanwhile, was walking in the now empty hallways of the school, searching for a place to get away from it all. From the anxiety. From the constant mass of color that flooded his eyes. From the noise...
     This was a regular thing.
It happened all the time.
So why did he feel so bad now? Don't get him wrong, he felt like this a lot and it got bad plenty of other times, but something about it this time was different.
     His own breathing was creating a dark vignette around the edges of his vision; His footsteps on the tile a brownish flash of color directly in front of him. He could only see every other second. 
     Flash. Step. Dark. 
Another step. Another flash. 
     Each breath in made more darkness.
He was hyperventilating.
     Flash. Dark. Flash. Step. Dark. Flash. Step. In. Out. In. Out. One. Two. One. Two. One. Two--                                            Crash!
    He fell down. He had crashed into something. 
    He crashed into a door. He laughed dryly, silently wishing it was the nurses office as he picked himself up off the ground. It wasn't the nurses office, rather one of the dance studios. It sounded empty; there wasn't any music to be heard or any people talking.
      Virgil thought to himself that this could be a nice quiet place to calm his anxiety, so he went to open the door. He was cut off though, as someone none other than Remus Royal, the not-so-famous twin brother of Roman Royal, opened the door.
     Virgil blankly stared for a moment. The only time he really spoke to Remus was in 8th grade when they had class together. He doubted he would remember him from then though. Actually, if anything, he would remember him from the Library the other week. 
      Remus was looking at Virgil the same way, asking, "You're lucky I didn't have my headphones in. Are you okay? It's Virgil, right? Virgil Veliyah?"
      He nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine, Royal. Thanks for asking. I was planning on chilling out in here since I happened to run into it, but I guess if you're using it to practice or something, I'll get out of your hair."
     He shook his head, "Call me Remus. I was actually trying to catch on my schoolwork in the quiet... All my classes take too much focus to drown out the noise. Wanna join me?" He pointed to all his stuff strung out on the floor.
      Virgil laughed. It was funny that both of them could relate in that way. Remus seemed like the kind of guy who would need background noise to get stuff done. It was odd how things ended up sometimes. 
       He went inside and sat down next to Remus' things, getting out his stuff for the class he was supposed to be in currently, when he mentioned, "That's a bit backwards isn't it? Skipping class to catch up the class?"
     The other slim boy next to him chuckled. "Roman has the same classes I do, just different times, so I can just get all my work from him. I make sure to do all the actual work myself though..." He wasn't sure Roman would think that, much less his teachers. But he knew it. He just needed the extra time, that was all.
       He paused for a moment before speaking up again. "Why were you walking in the hallway? What happened? Did you get kicked out of class or something?"
       Virgil shook his head, "I forgot my headphones this morning. So all the voices in the school were filling my vision and as I got more anxious, I couldn't see. And that’s when I fell and crashed into the door..."
       The room fell silent. There wasn't a single color to be seen. Not a single sound to be heard.
      "Synesthesia." He whispered.
       And Virgil looked up at him.
       His voice was satin green...like water...
Taglist: @shootysturs @punsparcethesnake
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