#thank you Himaruya
milaisreading · 4 months
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cowboy-robooty · 2 months
tears in my eyes because i got seme baited so fucking hard by this manga. it was too much to bear they set it up so perfect everything was going amazingly i was even going to rec this to a friend if it kept up the pace then BAM. END OF CHAPTER ONE THEY HAVE SEX AND THE GUY WHOS SUPPOSED TO SEME IS A POWERBOTTOM. I FUCKING PUT MY PHONE DOWN AND STARED AT THE CEILING AND DID AN OLD MAN GROAN. I COULD CRY RIGHT NOW.
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Forgive me for these sinful thoughts🛐
Thank you for the meal, Himaruya
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AND LMAOOOO Prussia interrupted Gerita's gangster x prisoner roleplay (Himaruya reads Gerita fanfiction on Ao3 confirmed, he probably writes them too)
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umahumahumah · 2 months
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New china illustration dropped. He is wearing nothing but a coat and an.... apron? It's transparent? I CAN SEE HIS WEEN??? maybe he is just lounging though it makes sense some people dont wear that much clothes when they are chilling at home.... No wait actually, there's a broken vase on the floor. AND he's holding two knives. So did he just break into a house???? Presumably to kill someone????? And he's wearing a transparent sheet of fabric with nothing underneath??? WITH HIS WEEN OUT? AND OUTSIDE THERE IS SOMETHING FALLING OUT OF THE SKY, WHICH COULD BE PETALS (most likely), BUT COULD ALSO BE SNOW (probably not)??? SO HE COULD BE WEARING THAT IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER???? NOTHING BUT A TRANSPARENT APRON AND A COAT???? AND HIS WIENER OUT?????? CHINA IS PLANNING TO KILL SOMEONE DURING SNOWFALL WITH HIS WEEN OUT??? i feel like himaruya wanted to draw him naked but Shonen jump went "dude what the fuck no you can't just draw the peoples republic of china with his wiener out people were already mad at you for that korea thing we can't risk it" so he begrudgingly held his tablet pen and drew an apron over it, but made it just transparent enough so his editors wouldn't notice it but his fans will and they will drool so much it will turn the Sahara desert into a rainforest. Anyways thank you himaruya hidekaz i am going to save this to my art inspiration folder
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council-of-beetroot · 7 months
Creators in this fandom are subjected to such an intense amount of criticism especially historical Hetalia fandom in particular. It is honestly suffocating sometimes. We hold creators in this fandom at a level we don't even hold Himaruya to. People assume malintent, without realizing there is often so much they haven't seen in a creator's portrayal of a character. Often there is hours and hours of research into all aspects of history of a country that you don't see that the creator has done.
I find myself constantly hesitant to explore more historical stuff in my own works because of this. I find myself hesitant to explore parts of the world I know less about for the same fears. I wouldn't be surprised if others are turned away from creating in this fandom because they too are worried about this.
I want people to understand that people don't create with malintent. Portraying a country a certain way doesn't mean they justify every part of that nation's history. The opposite is also true. And yes these nations are nations but they are human and it doesn't always mean their relationships with one another are exact copies of irl relations between countries.
Another thing is we shouldn't get mad at creators for using canon information in their works if you don't agree with that aspect of canon.
Finally I want people to understand that creators work to create a narrative however, every aspect of a nation cannot fit perfectly in a story of one character. It just can't.
I hope this all makes sense thank you for reading :)
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withnofreetime · 4 days
Districts 423 and 41 in this world of gangs. (Himaruya)
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I don't trust the quality of Tumblr, if for some reason, the small text can't be read well:
District 423 Liechtenstein It's a small but financially strong and mysterious district next to District 41. Information about this district is extremely limited because few people have been there and District 41 is scary. The representative, Prinz, seems to be shrouded in mystery, she has never been seen associating with anyone other than the representative of District 41. There's some affiliation with the representative from District 43… District 41 Switzerland It's a solitary district that, despite being surrounded by powerful districts in Area Europe, prefers to keep its distance from the rest. The representative, Igel, becomes a very reliable partner as long as you trade properly with them. However, if any misconduct occurs, he will cut off your source of funds, eliminate your escape route, and come back to retaliate firmly.
"Prinz", in german, a male member of a royal family, "Prince".
"District 43", Austria. The affiliation (?).
"Igel", in german too, "hedgehog".
Is there a problem/error? Please say so! And thank you for your support!
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hetascanlations · 1 year
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🎃Thank you! I would like to do this again if I have the chance" (Himaruya)
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zakuramochi · 1 month
there was an april fools strip with prince england and maid japan?! and what's the april-halloween au? btw your art is just sublime!!
(Very sorry for the late reply anon…! I was busy then got sick immediately after 😭)
Thank you so much! You’re too kind;;
And yes, there is one! It’s from Himaruya’s old キタユメ。webblog, and a lot of Asakiku fans continue to reference this strip to this day 🤣 ww
Here’s a tidbit from it:
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(That’s not a joke, that’s really what it says— although that entire conversation happens in Arthur’s imagination. LOL)
Kiku ends up putting it on after all, by the way:
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Lastly, April-Halloween AU is based on Himaruya’s joke tweet where he drew spooky designs for April Fools and greeted everyone Happy Halloween even though it was clearly April 1st. 🤣 You can see the tweet here!
AsaKiku fans (especially the JP ones) honed in on the bit that Arthur and Kiku were both ghosts/spirits that had mysterious letter-writing items with their sprite and it’s a known fact that a lot of their canon relationship during the alliance period revolved around exchanging letters… fans pretty much used this as a starting point and formed lore around it!
One I really enjoyed was a setting where Arthur is a ghost that collects lost letters from around the world and gives them to Kiku, a spirit who can ‘consume(?)’ the memories/emotions engraved into the letters and transcribes them into scrolls. They don’t have any memories from before they died but little by little they find traces of their old lives— This AU has a flavor of bittersweetness that I particularly like. 🥲💕
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proosh · 11 days
what was that about gil having dreams about the future? (no pressure!)
Oh anon my beloved thank you so much; I dropped that little tidbit into that post hoping someone would ask about it
The truth is that while it is a strongly held headcanon of mine, it’s something of half a historical in-joke, and half a metanarrative indulgence. I’ll cover both of these respectively, in case you want just the historical reasoning and not so much my deranged meta-analysis on nations, narrative, and metanarrative. With this in mind;
Prussia as Cassandra, A Meta
A brief historical overview
The Old Prussians practiced omen-reading and regarded seers with high regard, which was acknowledged as valid by the Teutonic Knights (when the omens predicted victory in battle, at least) and was practised by both men and women
White Ladies are supposedly ghosts of women who haunt the Hohenzollern family as omens of misfortune and especially as messengers of coming death. Notably, Queen Sophia Louise was once afflicted by a bout of madness in 1709 and dressed only in her white nightgown and having cut herself on some broken glass and screamed at King Frederick I (grandfather of Fritz) that "the plague would devour the king of Babylon". In part due to the White Lady folklore, he took this with serious regard and proceeded to prepare Berlin against the upcoming plague (which very much devastated wide swathes of both Prussia and the rest of Northern Europe)
Bismarck very probably never actually said the famous "damned foolish thing in the Balkans" quote that people like to trot out about the inevitability of World War 1 so I hesitate to include it here as historical fact, but for the purposes of elaborating on the "historical in-joke" half of this meta I will gesture to it as a vague suggestion of an ironic future-vision that, as I will discuss shortly, I think makes a certain degree of narrative sense.
Now, moving on to the narrative background and arguably the meat of this meta:
Narrative analysis
Entire books could and have been written about the depiction of history, and the fictionalisation of history for the purposes of narrative storytelling, especially in regards to the personification of abstract concepts like nation-states and their associated concepts. Unfortunately I cannot afford to go to university so you are getting this post instead.
For the purposes of this discussion strict literal academic historicity is not our goal, but rather HWS Prussia as a narrative construct within the sandbox of Hetalia as a story that involves and adapts history but is not necessarily directly representative of it.
Within this frame of analysis, Prussia as a character is a distinctly weird choice for Himaruya to make: To establish him as an ongoing, extant entity in the modern day is definitely A Narrative Choice to make, and honestly not really one I could personally imagine making. Perhaps it's a lingering result of questionable initial research, perhaps there's some meat to chew on in regards to this.
Prussia's design is one that stands out, compared to the rest of the mostly-naturalistic cast. We have the initial design concept for him depicting him as an older, rugged man, and we also have his very early canon design that depicts him with blond hair and blue eyes. However, the decision was made at some point relatively early on to change his design to be distinctly and notably Not Natural: Some debate has been made about to what degree is he actually albino, but the design is still notable for being distinctly 'set apart' from the other nations.
From there, we have to start asking questions about why this decision was made. My personal first thought was perhaps it was inherently tied to his creation as an "unnatural" state in the form of the Teutonic Knights. Voltaire's popular quote about Prussia not being a nation with an army, but rather an army with a nation might come to mind. However, we have been provided with the designs of the other Orders and they don't share his design traits in favour of their own design language, meaning that line of question falls short.
From there, I think it's not unreasonable to suggest that Prussia was designed - in his final, canon form - with his dissolution in mind. It sets him apart visibly from the rest of the established nations, and fundamentally Others him from the rest of the cast - a similar design concept used with Russia, who is within the canon framework of Hetalia, heavily associated with the sinister supernatural as signaled by his unnaturally coloured eyes.
Therefore, on a narrative level, Prussia's appearance foreshadows his own death, and his death was inevitable from the very beginning.
(Turns out the Calvinists were right, huh?)
With all that in mind, I don't find it unreasonable to take that dramatic narrative irony and apply that inherent 'friction' to the rest of Prussia's story: His narrative is haunted by his own death.
By virtue of his creation and his design (and within the framework of the text, his existence) he is doomed to die, and that singular event ripples back through his narrative almost like a psychic shockwave. Everything he Is points towards The End.
When that End comes, it 'releases' a good deal of that narrative tension. Himaruya has said that he designed Prussia to be something of a villainous character and the dissolution provides the suitable narrative endpoint in that regard. However.
The narrative framework of Hetalia continues, as the history it adapts tends to do, which begins to create a new form of narrative tension due to The Decision to have Prussia continue existing into the 'modern' setting. Himaruya has been incredibly cagey about this and besides the ongoing mystery of The HRE Situation the topic of Prussia's ongoing existence is something he's been noticeably coy about in his discussions and implications of East Germany and the following Reunification, but that's an entirely separate essay from what this one is about.
Fundamentally, I think that Prussia - as a narrative construct - is inherently and on a foundational level tied to his own eventual nonexistence, and the dramatic tension of What Comes After. I think he knows, on some primal, unfathomable level, and rages against it right up until it comes for him and he has to learn how to pick up the pieces of himself, his legacy, and his own narrative.
With that intrinsic narrative irony in mind, I don’t think it is too out there to suggest that he possibly (unintentionally, unconsciously) channels the future-sight that keeps cropping up in Prussian history, as noted above. At least in some form, I think he resonates with the coming End in a way that he cannot fully comprehend or articulate and like the Cassandra of myth there is nothing he can do to warn about or avert the doom that he sees and senses.
Troy could not be saved, and neither can he.
But that's just a theory. A game theor—
If you’ve made it this far, thank you so much for reading! This really got away from me and I really do hope that it's at least somewhat comprehensible.
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jackce · 1 year
Aph Russia face/physical head cannons maybe? I love my boy and I'm interested to see your interpretation of him 😊
Awww sure thing, thank you!
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Himaruya's height canons? NAH, I have my own height headcanons but I don't like to put a number because other people have their own height headcanons. So If I say something like RandomCountry's height is 2.10 mts (thinking it's very tall), then they say 'aw is smaller than...' and I'm like NO, NOT IN MY HEADCANONS, so yeah, I'll just say he's one of the tallest to me, to a level to be intimidating ofc But obviously everyone can have their own headcanons or follow the canon <3 and that's okay and I highly support you guys at the point that I'll draw your headcanons and ships with no problem <3 but please respect mine too
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I hope this is readable ;v; <3
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mpregfrance · 5 months
i saw you say that you’re take on spamano diverts from canon and honestly i’d love to know more about it, i feel like most spamano shippers do this and i love hearing all takes because i feel like they’re all interesting! and i love them so so much!! do you have any hc’s that you think are unpopular with the fandom?? or do you like they way spamano is represented for the most part??
Hi! Thanks so much for the ask 💕 If you're the same anon who sent the last one I'm working on it. To answer honestly, I don't interact with Spamano fanwork enough to know what is and isn't popular or accepted as fanon these days.
But I'll hesitantly say that no, I think my views on this ship differ from that of the fandom status quo, as they usually do. I don't say this for the sake of being edgy or a need to always play contrarian, but bc I have a unique perspective.
Disclaimer; long post ahead. my opinion was asked for and you're about to receive it. Everything stated is opinion and I'm not discrediting alternate headcanons.
So I'll start by saying I'm not an expert on Spain's history or characterization. I have mentioned this before but the way Himaruya chose to portray him is a bit odd to me. Then again, Hetalia nations aren't really direct representations of their government, but instead stereotypes of their people. If everyone was accurate they'd all be unsympathetic assholes.
Spain as an empire was once a ruthless colonial force, and as a nation in more recent centuries they have a history of fascist rule, violent uprising and general civil discord.
Spain as a character is a sunny, bubbly himbo after he lost his reputation as a global power. I think he has a tendency to downplay the harm he's caused in the past and manipulate others into viewing him as a shiny happy goofy airhead.
Don't get me wrong, I think Antonio is adorable. He's cute, right? Dude's main personality trait is having a GREAT ASS 🍑 and liking tomates 🍅 He loves to cook and dance and do fuck all. The Hetalia wiki describes him as a, quote, 'cheerful country bumpkin' and honestly, let's go with that for the sake of his personhood?
This is why I like human AU. I enjoy reading historical Hetalia, but writing it isn't for me. As a creative, I don't want to operate within the limits of real world events and not gonna lie I prefer writing them as people!! And that's where I exercise some divergence from canon.
So obviously there's the dynamic of boss and his underling that existed when Romano was young. We can't entirely ignore that that arc exists and is part of his character development, but when Romano grows up I don't see them that way, and there's no denying their romantic potential.
I hear, and understand the common criticisms of Spamano. I don't view them as related, and Romano is not Spain's territory anymore. To me it's fair game. Hetalia is complicated bc well... these nation-beings are hundreds of years old, therefore the case for morality in shipping isn't black and white.
Personally I don't believe any ship is 'too problematic' to exist. I'm of the opinion that we can explore just about any dynamic in fiction as long as we do it mindfully. I'm a multishipper, these characters are all so versatile.
This might sound silly to say about an anime character but my analysis of Romano's personality is more in depth. As someone of Italian descent I recognize his stereotypical traits; and feel pretty strongly about his mischaracterization.
For one, he has a small dog Napoleon complex and that's a big thing for Italian guys (more on that later)
In canon (i.e. world history and Hetalia itself) when Romano was young, Spain did spend a lot of money protecting and defending him. Now as an adult he feels guilty, like he has an obligation to him, and he doesn't want to be seen as weak, reliant or incapable ever again. I don't think he'd allow himself to be dominated, in any way, or even want to be.
Here's an unpopular opinion; he is very masculine, but I think people have a hard time comprehending what constitutes masculinity.
And I'm not saying Antonio is therefore feminine. They're both cis men to me, and switch in the bedroom, but I will admit I prefer Lovino as the generally more dominant partner - in a physical and hierarchical sense.
Ultimately I don't think they box themselves into heteronormative roles all too much. Maybe for funsies, because Lovino likes feeling needed and Antonio to me doesn't have the discipline it takes to wear the proverbial pants in the relationship.
In a comic strip, Spain proposed to Romano when same-sex marriage became legal, and he basically said yes as long as you cook for me?? They're husbands!! It's canon 😎
It's a bit hard to explain, but in my perspective, Lovino would protect and cherish Antonio like a man would his 'wife'. He's his Carino. His Tesoro. His Amorino. Toni might be taller than him, but he's always talking to him like a child - mostly affectionately, but we've seen otherwise.
One of my favourite Romano lines is from the April Fools episode, "No talking to me when you look stupid", that to me is a defining moment of their relationship 💖💖💖
So anyway, this attitude of his brings me to the topic of Maschismo. If you're not familiar with that term, it's a performative, arrogant, and fragile brand of toxic masculinity that's prevalent in men of Mediterranean and Latin American descent. Any man can be machismo but the term is associated with these cultures.
(Again I'm of Mediterranean descent, I have lived experience with this, please don't think I'm racist and if that's legitimately your takeaway you have the reading comprehension of a sea cucumber)
In machismo society, men are discouraged from showing any emotion except anger. They're expected to be strong, and are extremely affected by any implication of personal failure, or threat to their (imagined) role as top dog. When something upsets them, aggression is the default response.
Men affected by machismo are often possessive, competitive, and motivated by material success; because there's an expectation to provide for - and honor - your family. They will often talk over women, objectify or ignore them completely, like second class citizens.
Whether this was a conscious intention or not, Hima actually does a great job at displaying Romano as a machismo poster boy. He's simultaneously expressive and repressed. He's stubborn, defensive and argumentative, and if that doesn't say Italian dad to you then you're probably a WASP /hj
What the fandom might see as a little tsundere uke, I see as machismo tough guy. He's not soft, that's the thing, but he deserves space to be soft because so does everyone. Maybe Antonio does bring that out in him. But it's not easy and it's not for anyone else to see. He pretends to hate when Toni calls him cute because he doesn't allow himself to feel appreciated on that level. He actually has a deep, unspoken respect for Antonio. It's just easier to tease him.
And he actually does care. He just does it in a way that isn't instantly recognisable as caring because it's not 'gentle'. He's jealous of Feliciano because he's the 'nice' brother. He's concerned for Feli when others mistreat him. That concern and protectiveness translates into condescension and ironically, distancing.
Sorry for going so in depth on what is essentially old man land mass yaoi, if you've read this far thank you and congratulations I guess.
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milaisreading · 2 months
Can you do something for Hetalia Valentine's Day? The Axis and Allies are arguing with each other about being y/n's Valentine's date. While they are arguing Sealand goes to y/n's house with flowers on his hands and he is wearing a cute suit. When y/n opened the door Sealand asked y/n to be his Valentine date. Y/n found him so cute and she agreed. How would the Axis and Allies going to react after seeing this?
🌱🩷: Hii! Thank u for the request and happy Valentine's Day! Hope u like this! I had a lot of fun while writing!
Warning: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open!
🌍Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya🌏
"Achoo!" (Y/n) let out a loud sneeze, causing Finland and Denmark to look at her in surprise.
"Are you alright?" Finland wondered as he handed her a tissue.
"Did you get sick or something?" Denmark chimed in as he checked her temperature, which was normal as he could conclude.
"I am fine. I just think someone is gossiping about me, you know." She joked as the two looked at her in confusion.
"Yeah. Who would gossip about you?"
The country shrugged her shoulders, unsure what to answer them back.
'I just hope it's not Belarus scheming something! I already said I have no interest in Russia!' (Y/n) thought in fear, but tried to brush that image out of her head.
"I dunno. By the way, I am off to meet up with Belgium and her brothers. Have fun staying at home."
"Stay safe!"
"Call us if you need anything!"
Before she could answer back, there was a knock on the door and (Y/n) went to open it.
"Yes? Huh?" She stopped while looking down at a bouquet with red roses while Sealand was grinning up at her.
"Happy Valentine's Day! Please be my Valentine!"
"Huh... Sealand..." She muttered in confusion as the boy stared at her.
Meanwhile, the country was partially right with her assumptions. Eight countries were talking about (Y/n), just not in the way she expected it to be.
"You?! What makes you think you are compatible for (Y/n)?!" America yelled, pointing at Russia. The two countries were never on good terms ever since the Cold War started, now with Valentine's Day being right around the corner, and both going after the same country things got much more tense.
"And I don't see what makes you think we are not. (C/n) and I do share some history with each other. Meanwhile, you are just a little kid compared to me. Why would she want you?" Russia laughed as America got into his face.
"And you creep her out! Weren't you the reason she isolated herself to begin with?! Also, my present is way better!"
Meanwhile, Germany was glaring at Italy, who was fawning over the present he had prepared for (Y/n), which was a painting he painted for her.
"Ve~ I am sure mia bella will love this! I can't wait for her saying yes to being my Valentine-"
"Hold up, Italy! Who said she will agree to be you Valentine! I have a gift for her as well." Germany interrupted the Italian, who frowned at his words.
"Because my present is just better. And besides, I am the one who is more of a passionate person than you are." Italy giggled as he saw Germany's face turn red in anger.
"That means nothing! My gift is just as good!"
"I have to disappoint you on the last part, mon ami Italy." France laughed as he held England back from chocking him.
"After all, I am the country of romance and love. She will definitely pick me." France boasted as the German and Italian glared at the man.
"You?! You pervert have absolutely no chance! Didn't you scare (Y/n) the last time you saw each other!"
"That was months ago!" France said with a red face.
"And besides, she would rather have a gentleman, like me."
The four started arguing among each other as Japan and China looked at them with unamused expressions.
"They are so loud, aiyah! Stupid Westerners." China exclaimed as he covered up his ears. Japan silently nodded his head.
"And this whole argument is useless as well. (Y/n) will definitely pick me. I always cook her good meals."
Now this was something Japan wouldn't stay silent on as he sent the older nation a glare.
"You? Aren't you too old for this? Besides, (Y/n) likes me more than you. We have a lot of common interests as well."
"You?! Don't make laugh, Japan! You can barely look her in the eyes, let alone confess anything! I will be her Valentine!"
"Dream on." The two Asian countries were about to start arguing as well, but got interrupted by Sealand walking into the living room, looking at all of them in confusion.
"Why are you old people arguing now?" The countries tensed up and looked back at the micronation, who was holding a box with some sweets inside.
"Nothing a kid like you should know about." Russia smiled, causing Sealand to shiver in fright.
"Stop scaring him. He is still a kid." Germany warned as Italy hid behind him. Sealand pouted at that when England spoke up.
"What did you need? You usually only come to me when you need something."
The micronation looked back at the former empire as the rest looked between them.
"Nothing much. Just wanted to say that France's idea on how to woo someone over worked. I just had to act cute, and got a Valentine and sweets from her." The other countries stared at him in confusion as France laughed.
"Well of course it will work when you listen to me! So, your little lady friend likes you back?"
"Hold up! Since when do you have a crush?" England questioned as America and China chimed in.
"We could have totally helped you out, dude!"
"Besides, I am the oldest around here. If anyone knows how to treat a woman, that would be me." Que Japan rolling his eyes at China.
"Nah. I was fine like this. And Ms. (C/n) didn't say directly she likes me back, but she gave me sweets and said the flowers were nice." Sealand said as the countries froze in their spots.
"(Y/n)... you asked her out?" Italy asked as his face got pale.
"Yup! In a few years she might agree to be my Valentine for real! But for now, the sweets she gave me will do.' Sealand cheered as he left the room.
Immediately after he left, Japan took his phone out to call (Y/n), which was an action that didn't go unnoticed by Italy, China, and America.
"Hey! Put her on speaker!"
"She is making a huge mistake! She can't wait for Sealand to grow up God knows when!"
"Ve~ I am a way better pick!"
Meanwhile, Russia, Germany, and England were glaring daggers at France, who was both mad and frightened.
"I will give you 10 seconds, da?"
"You are too kind, I am giving him 5 seconds."
"Both of you gits are wrong! Kill him now!"
"Wait! I had no idea who he liked!"
Meanwhile, with (Y/n)....
Belgium pouted as she declined Japan's call for the 5th time while Luxembourg looked at her in amusement.
"You know, she will find out what you did, big sis."
"I am fine with her knowing. As long as her and Netherlands get together, I am saying this was a worth sacrifice."
The two siblings looked back at the said 2 countries. One looked like struggling to say coherent sentences, while the other one had his usual stoic look.
"It doesn't look all too well." Luxembourg chuckled as Belgium sighed in frustration.
"Don't worry! I am sure big brother will catch on to it and be the perfect gentleman! He even bought her hot chocolate." Belgium smiled as the two silently looked at (Y/n) and Netherlands. The girl's face was a dark shade of red as Netherlands stared at her intensely.
"You know...."
Luxembourg and Belgium held their breaths as the oldest spoke up.
"That hot chocolate costed me around 4 euros. Please pay it back when you can."
The two watched in disbelief as he said that and (Y/n) started to scramble for her wallet.
"O-oh! Sure, no worries!"
"Is he nuts?!" Belgium silently yelled as Luxembourg stared at his brother in annoyance.
"Money rules the world for him..."
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rosesandalfazemas · 1 month
#3 and #21 for england!
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Body type I don't consider any occidental country with a very slim body. They were warriors, they are/were kingdoms and empires. Their arms are strong, their legs and back are bold; in different tones, maybe, but tiny? don't think so.
Tsunderism Only screaming in rage or expressing exagerated emotions and making mistakes all day is not only England, Himaruya sensei *sighs*
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Fav thing His complexity. Arthur is like a rainbow with thousands of specters; you can just pick a color and work with him, and it won't be wrong or contradictory with another phase, even in the same fic.
Non-fav thing His obsession and stubborness with his properties (which include other countries) could be somehow problematic to maintain longer dialogues or to show a softer behaviour. Sometimes Arthus gets out of control; and I noticed this happens in others too, so I'm not alone! :´v
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digital999placebo · 1 year
every time i see a crumble of your nyo germany i start whooping and hollering like we ended war thank you for actually making her butch you have absolutely no idea how amazing it feels seeing someone actually interpret her objectively correctly as himaruya intended
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THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!<3<3<3 to each their own, but it is my core philosophy that u should make nyo germany as buff as u make germany
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svenskaghost · 2 months
The Identity of the Three Unnamed Micronations - A Hetalia Theory
So you all know these little guys from the 500th chapter in the World Stars manga, right?
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They were obviously teased as other micronations that we may or may not get an identity for, so I'm here to theorize which micronation they could be and why.
Firstly, to get a better idea of them, we have to look at their dialog. So we're off to run this thing through Google Translate!
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(Translation by @/gobernadoraph)
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The one on the right is Australian, given the hair and the huffing out air thing that Australia and Wy do. But which one, I don't know. In Google Translate (I don't trust it though) seems to imply they don't care for independence and was some sort of national research project instead. This is the one I don't have any idea of on who they are, since all the Australian micronations I researched don't fit the bill on being a "research project".
My main running theory is that this is the Empire of Atlantium, but then again, that's a bit of a stretch since they seem to view themselves as a legitimate nation, and this one seems to scoff at the idea of independence. So this idea is highly unlikely. Who knows, maybe Himaruya found yet another obscure micronation to personify.
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The middle one was theorized to be the Garden Republic of Sirland. Which I think fits, given the sun hat and simply wanting the plant vegetables. This theory was brought by @/gobernadoraph from the MochiDex server! Here's to hoping this is a cute girl in a sun hat and not a femboy twink..
The left one I have the clearest idea of who they can be, they're the Republic of Whangamōmona. Why do I think this? Well, look at the character's design.
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The mouth looks reminiscent of New Zealand's. They hold a cane, just like New Zealand, the hair even looks similar to his! (To me, it looks like a mix of Ireland and NZ's hair, minus the ram horns) that flower thing next to them also frequently appears whenever NZ speaks in the manga!
Also, this may be a bit of a stretch, but their outfit is also similar to one of NZ's outfits in his concept sketches with the open jacket.
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So this is the one I am the most certain on being which micronation is which, besides, it'd be a nice edition to Oceania since Hima hasn't given Tonga a canon face and it's been years..
What if these three were meant to parallel the main OG three micronations? (Wy, Sealand, and Seborga) like what if they're some kind of new generation version of them? (Probably not, but who knows. Maybe they are, in some way)
Now, let's explore that idea.
The guy on the right could be a parallel to Sealand since they don't seem to be concerned about independence and kind of laugh at it. Or thinks the idea is so ridiculous that they don't believe it. Unlike Sealand, who is very eager to prove he is a real nation.
The middle could be a parallel to Wy, who, unlike her, isn't sassy or headstrong. Instead, we get someone who is rather nervous and shy, judging from the sweat emote things.
The left one could parallel Seborga, but instead of flipping it around like the other two, they're just chill like him.
But until Hima actually introduces us to them (which is probably unlikely, if I'll be honest) and gives as canon identities and designs- these will just remain theories and speculation.
Anyways, goodbye, and thanks for reading this all the way through! And if you have any better ideas on who these lil guys can be, tell me in the replies or reblogs!
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myrddin-wylt · 8 months
How do you imagine his appearance? Eye, hair color? I think I lean on him having OCA1A (complete lack of melanin production) with pure white hair because that's the most ostracizing his appearance could get. I'm never sure how I want his eyes to present though. More realistically with blue eyes, sometimes looking red in certain light? Very red eyes because of some nation person-albinism combination quirk?
aside from him having white eyelashes and eyebrows, I personally lean toward using his updated design, though really imo it's up to personal taste as you can make an argument for any of them.
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[Left image: Himaruya's old design of Prussia, with white hair and red eyes. Middle image: Studio Deen's design of Prussia, with off-white-gray hair and dark red eyes. Right image: the most recent updated design of Prussia, where he has platinum blond hair and dual-tone pink-blue eyes.]
notably, though, his updated design seems to have heterochromia as well. get a load of this guy and his pretty eyes.
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[image description: A screencap of Prussia's new design showing off his pink-blue eye color.]
I feel like his response any time someone compliments his eye color is usually "thanks, they can't see for shit!"
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