#thank you democrats
Tennessee, Idaho, Florida...idk anymore, the Republicans are sick. They are mean and rotting and so ugly inside that it's painful to see.
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mugiwara-lucy · 2 months
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With Kamala/Walz going up DAILY, I've seen more people talking about voting third party/Jill Stein (EW) and I believe the above screencaps from @three--rings can explain WHY Third Party votes NEVER work NOR is this the election to screw around in.
Everyone....like she says above.....PLEASE LEARN FROM HISTORY!!!
(Because if Trump gets in, he's NEVER LEAVING).
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alexandrauditore · 24 days
Man I was doing so good and not drinking but these last few months got me back to this had habit
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navree · 2 months
Incorrect, the fact that Biden has dropped out and a candidate with history of supporting medicare for all and being more receptive to a ceasefire in the I/P conflict has made me go from "I cannot morally support the Democratic nominee" to "I am voting for the Democratic nominee despite the fact she isn't perfect in every respect." I'm really happy this played out. The Dems for the most part abandoned the old Obama platform and it feels like its possible an actual progressive agenda could come to pass in my lifetime.
Kamala 2024!
If you weren't going to vote Democratic in this election before Biden dropped out you're a dorkass loser who does not care about any of the issues you're yammering about here and also a fundamentally bad person, and I hope you get run over by a bus.
But you got one thing right in all of this gibberish, Kamala 2024.
#personal#answered#anonymous#i mean let's be clear here no president is gonna attempt to be progressive ever again within my lifetime#because joe biden tried to do like 25% of that and got ZERO fucking credit#he did so much on healthcare on reform on loans on so many social issues and for all his litany of failings on i/p#he has been distinctly harsher on netanyahu than a good chunk of dems and certainly the entire republican party#for the first time since i was four we are not involved in any wars as americans and that is thanks to joe biden#but the thing is that he gets no credit for any of it!#him pulling out of afghanistan caused his approvals to tank in a way that never recovered#and leftists gave him FUCK ALL for it#they gave him nothing they just continued whining that even tho he cancelled a bajillion in student loans#he didn't actually cancel a QUADRILLION dollars so both parties are the same and voting is the most arduous task known to man#no democrat who is running is going to forget that catering to leftist/progressive policies gets them zero leeway with those supporters#that it not only tanks numbers but you still get constant haranguing about it anyway#so they're not gonna do it#we are gonna get fuckall for at least a good fifty years#and anything we get will be utterly in SPITE of people like you anon it will happen in spite of everything you've done#mostly because of people like me and mine who understand that voting is the bare minimum#and that for the democratic process to work the way you want it to you need to participate and not pitch a fucking fit#like a four year old who was told they can't go to disney this weekend#like i know you ratfuckers are happy this played out because this is all a game to you and you don't actually care#but that's why i've got zero faith in you people and why i'm glad it's my kind of folks#actual die hard democrats who have always been hardliners for supporting democrats in every possible election#who are picking up the slack and donating to harris and supporting her agenda#which is the exact same as biden's because she's his vice president and they share they same platform#because that's what they were both running on! twice!#anyway fuck you please feel free to find a necktie and test how tall your doorframe is
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
Also, content-lock-free link. [Technically it's not a paywall but it is annoying]
Keep pressuring Western governments. This is proof that it can work.
"Canada will halt future arms sales to Israel following a non-binding vote in the house of commons. The foreign affairs minister, Mélanie Joly, told the Toronto Star her government would halt future arms shipments. “It is a real thing,” she said on Tuesday [March 19].
The decision follows a parliamentary motion, introduced by the New Democratic party (NDP), that called on the governing Liberals to halt future arms exports to Israel. The New Democrats, who are supporting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s minority government, have expressed frustration with what they see as his failure to do enough to protect civilians in Gaza.
The motion – which passed 204-117 with the support of Liberals, Bloc Québécois and the Green party – also called on Canada to work “towards the establishment of the state of Palestine.""
-via The Guardian, March 19, 2024
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soberscientistlife · 1 month
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mikeysbride · 1 month
We Are Not Going Back
The 2024 U.S. presidential election has been anything but typical or boring, especially in the last month. Once President Joe Biden made the decision to remove himself from the race against Donald Trump in favor of endorsing VP Kamala Harris, everything changed. And it changed for the better if you're a Democrat. I was upset when he first withdrew, feeling that he was basically pushed into it by the media's insistence he is too old to run despite the record he's had as President the last 4 years. But then, within minutes, it seemed, my attitude changed to one of a sense of hope I hadn't felt in a while where the election is concerned. In reality, he made the ultimate selfless decision to put the country's interests above his own, and that is a remarkable quality, especially in a politician. It shows he's the real deal.
It appears I am not alone. The surge of excitement in the Democratic Party surrounding Kamala's nomination, which she'll officially accept this week, has been nothing short of amazing to watch. I have not seen anything like this since President Obama, and that says a lot. Her rallies are breaking attendance records, and even longtime Republicans are pledging to vote for her.
Of course, Kamala has already received the predictable criticism from the Trump cult about everything from her heritage to her laugh. Trump also still refuses to pronounce her name correctly, which is blatantly disrespectful but also typical behavior for him. If Kamala ("comma-la") is too hard for him to pronounce, Madame President will do just fine, I'm sure. But none if this should come as news to anyone. They have nothing else to go on, so of course they resort to the lowest rungs on the ladder when in reality, she has a stellar resume and record having served as a prosecuting attorney, District Attorney, Attorney General, Senator, and now Vice President of the United States. She is an actual prosecutor going up against Trump and his 34 felony convictions, and he's allowed to do that for the highest job in the country even though many jobs won't consider you if you have even 1 felony conviction. It's laughable really; it would be hilarious if it weren't also so sad and ridiculous. You can bet anyone of color would not be allowed the same leniency.
A few days before Kamala became the presumptive nominee, my 16-year-old daughter told me she felt apprehensive about her future if there were to be another Trump presidency. I told her that I feel the same way for myself. I actually feel that way about anyone who isn't a rich, straight white male because those are the only people Donald Trump cares about - those who look and think exactly like he does. But then, Joe passed the torch to Kamala, and it seemed the country awakened to a clearly better alternative and someone even the independents could get behind. Suddenly, there was hope that maybe, just maybe, things would be OK after all. That same daughter then came to me, just a few days after our previous conversation, and told me she is no longer fearful the way she was before. My 14-year-old daughter echoes her feelings, and the both of them have taken a greater interest in the election as a result. My teenage daughters are inspired and can see themselves in Kamala, and that is huge for them and for me.
I don't care who you are; this is historic and a big deal. It takes an incredible amount of privilege to see all this unfolding and not appreciate how significant this is in our history. Not only are we on the verge of having our first female U.S. President, but she's also Black. Not only that, but she's smart, successful, personable, and damn qualified. I can't help but think of my grandparents and how thrilled they would have been to live to see Barack Obama become President and now Kamala Harris. We came so close to a female President with Hillary Clinton in 2016, and I pray the election deniers and complacent people don't mess it up for us this time. I honestly don't think we can survive another Trump presidency and come out the same way ever again. He's already promised to be a dictator on his first day back in office and has alluded to doing away with elections...neither of which we need. And we certainly don't need him. He only wants to be President to avoid jail time, point blank. We can't let that happen.
We have a chance this November to save our democracy and keep moving forward - to make a hopeful future available to everyone and not just the rich, straight white males of the country. We can do this, and I have to believe we will. This is a test we absolutely cannot stand to fail. I understand the assignment. Do you?
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deadpresidents · 1 month
Well...damn. Teary-eyed President Biden seems to have affected my allergies in some weird way...
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sher-ee · 2 months
Let’s GO!
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immergladsss · 4 months
Moonacre Week 2024- Chp 1: So Long, London
Marius Merryweather looked out the carriage window and watched the city disappear with a dismal form of affection one could only describe as coming from the nostalgia of having lived in one place their entire life.
London was by no means a picturesque beauty of a city. It smelled, was rather overcrowded, and the sun hardly made its presence known. Nonetheless, it was home. It had been home for a very long time, that is until his father’s untimely death and the repossession of all that had ever made his home. He was left with nothing more than the belongings he could stuff in a carpet bag and a couple of trunks, an old book that once belonged to his father, and an estranged uncle whom he was to live with– oh, and his father’s pistol, but he doubted he’d ever need that thing. 
He looked down upon his gloved hands, then over at his governess who was busying herself with French needlepoint in a sad attempt to keep her indigestion at bay, then at the heavy tome across from him. 
It was a strange fairytale about his ancestral home. It was beautifully illustrated and spoke of some magical pearls that granted wishes. Though he didn't fancy fairytales, believing they lacked the necessary information to develop oneself, he couldn't help but wonder as he watched tree after tree pass by, what he’d wish for if he were to ever be in possession of such an item. 
Though Marius had begun his journey to Moonacre with some optimism, any hope he had for the countryside was crushed bit by bit with every ruddy pit that threw him about the carriage like some trinket in a box just gifted to a child. 
He tried his best to remain stoic.
With every jostle, he reminded himself that he had been born and raised to be a proper gentleman. 
He reminded himself he was restrained. Adaptable. Humble.
Yet none of that was enough to stop him from silently cursing his misfortune when a nasty bump caused him to smack face-first into the wall. 
“Oh, good heavens!” Ms. Heliotrope cried out as she removed the needle stuck to her finger, “These roads are certainly in an awful state.”
“I always find the state of an environment to be a reflection of those charged with its care,” he replied, rubbing his forehead. There would be a welt there the next day. “To think I would one day find myself forced to live in the countryside. And one as unmanaged as this. What could my uncle possibly be doing to keep him away from any type of maintenance?”  
“Now Marius, I’m certain Sir Benjamin is a hospitable lord.” Ms. Heliotrope held onto her hat as another ditch sent them flying.”I’m certain you’ll enjoy your stay!” 
Marius held himself back from rolling his eyes. His uncle’s lack of presence, even at his own brother’s funeral, said otherwise. But did he have a choice?
 “Moreover,” Ms. Heliotrope continued. “I hear the country balls are quite fun. Perhaps you’ll even find yourself a nice lady.” 
“I doubt I’ll find any of them tolerable enough to tempt me.” 
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levok · 2 years
Guys!!!! The results are in 😭 I’ve been biting my nails. This has been a nerve racking tight run.
But together with Omar I would like to announce..
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mugiwara-lucy · 2 months
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As always Sophia Bush speaks the truth! Said by a queen 👸 😌 And you lot know why I STAN her 🥰
But fangirling aside; I’m glad more people are realizing or already know, while what happened to Trump Saturday was awful, let’s not forget he LITERALLY ALWAYS eggs on people and calls for political violence. Here’s just a couple of examples:
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Now his fucked up MAGA supporters always like to say he’s “joking” but us LOGICAL people know prices of shit when we can smell them.
And it makes me happy to see Project 2025 trending again….
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Do NOT forget the Christian Theocracy DICTATORSHIP that Trump and his cronies want.
Let’s get that shit trending EVERY DAY until the election!
And even though I see less and less third party voting, for those considering RFK Jr, here’s a vid of him admitting he’s there simply to help Trump, proving folks right that third party votes are WORTHLESS in the grand scheme of things and will only help get that orange child molesting fool BACK into office:
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So yeah fuck RFK Jr too.
PLEASE vote.
Thank you.
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palmtreepalmtree · 1 year
Went to my favorite Phoenix brunch spot yesterday and I'm currently at my second favorite.
Yesterday was at the Pinnacle Peak General Store which is really close to the McDowell Sonoran Reserve (beautiful). It's the kind of really unpretentious place I love.
You walk through a post office and a kitschy store to get to the restaurant. Honestly everything they serve is just really solid. A+ french toast.
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And it's in this super picturesque plaza setting that is not unique in the desert but starting to disappear in contemporary Phoenix.
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Today I'm at Perk which is a place I came every weekend when I lived two minutes away from here. They removed my fave omelet from the menu, but everything is so good here it just made my breakfast choice harder. It's apparently a Triple-D spot.
I plan to sit here for a while before heading back to the hotel and my flight home.
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marigoldcanaries · 2 months
Goal Achieved!
Hello everyone :)
I have fantastic news to share!
WE HAVE SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED THIS CAMPAIGN! Yes, you read that right! As of writing this, $40,508 out of $40,000 has been raised! We have gone over $500 over the goal!
*Cue in the confetti*
Guys, I am feeling so many emotions me now. But if I have to sum it up, I thought this would never happen so soon. Especially at the rate we are going!
Of course, the universe loves to prove me wrong. We have made it!Thank you to the generous donor who has contributed $6,000 last night! I would love to meet you in person and give you a hug (with your consent, of course.)
I would also like to thank everyone who has donated and shared during the past two weeks. This wouldn't be done without you!
Even though we have reached the goal, you are more than welcome to donate. It is still open as I am writing this. Plus it would help them pay for other expenses that may come in their way when the family arrives in Montréal!
Thank you!
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tennessoui · 1 year
Me: *sees my WIP pick did not win the poll*
Me: democracy SHOULD die with thunderous applause 😭😤⚡⚡⚡
Jkjkjkjk all of your polls give me life as do your fics and unlike icky siths and former us presidents I will respect the vote ✊
lol take comfort in the fact that all the wips i included in that poll were wips I’ve added a little to in the past few weeks so they’re on my mind! I’m working on them all a few paragraphs at a time 😘
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soberscientistlife · 1 month
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