#thank you for having a looksee! :D
flippyspoon · 7 months
The Drunk Dial
Note: SNW Spirk ficlet :D (about 1k words)
Jim Kirk could not quite believe what he had just seen.
From the less than cozy chair behind his desk, he sat stunned.
This couldn’t be real, he thought. 
But he tapped his comm. Due diligence and all.
“Commander Kirk to Lieutenant Boyer. Hey Jerry, I received a video message from the Enterprise. Can you verify authenticity for me? I’m sending over the data signature now.”
“Hi, Jim. Sure. Lemme just give it a looksee… Uh, yep. Authenticated. USS Enterprise. From Lieutenant Spock. Oh cool. He’s that half Vulcan science division wizard, right?”
“Yyyyep. Huh. So there’s no…interference on that? Nothing suspicious?”
“You have reason to suspect something, Jim?”
“Um… Well, no. I was just surprised by the content of the message. Thought maybe someone was trying to have some fun with me.”
“Looks good to me. Just an ordinary comm.”
“Cool cool. Okay. Thanks, Jerry.”
Kirk sat back and rubbed a hand over his face. On his computer screen, the message sat paused, having looped to the very beginning after he’d played it twice over already.
Lieutenant Spock was frozen, staring back at him with a crooked little smile on his face, one eyebrow raised. But his eyes were just a little two heavy lidded. His hair just a little tousled and not the immaculate Vulcan coiffure Kirk had gotten used to seeing while visiting the Enterprise.
He was also out of his science blues. Spock was wearing a tight black t-shirt instead, stretched over his broad chest.
In short, Spock looked extraordinarily hot. Even for Spock.
He also looked drunk as hell.
The message was not coming from his quarters. Kirk recognized the tables behind Spock from the Port Galley.
Kirk licked his lips and tapped play for the third time.
“Commander Kirk,” Spock said slowly. “Greetings. Hello. Hi. I am sending you this message due to…a… having lost a wager. With Lieutenant Ortegas. Whose birthday it is.” From offscreen, Jim heard Erica Ortegas hoot and a hand blurred by the edge of the screen. “Today,” Spock continued. “Is her birthday. Which we are celebrating. Which is the reason for… That is…” Spock swallowed and held up a half-empty box of chocolates. “Cause for celebration chocolate. Which is inebriating for Vulcans. Such as myself.”
“Tell him about the bet!” Nurse Chapel’s face appeared onscreen as she leaned down to Spock, giggling, until Erica wrapped an arm around her waist and yanked her away again and she shrieked a laugh.
“The bet. Yes.” Spock nodded as if his head were on a spring. “The bet concerned whether or not I could…what is it called-”
“Deepthroat!” Erica yelled from offscreen.
“Deepthroat a Terran banana,” Spock said, nodding again. “Which I am able to do.”
Kirk chewed on his lip.
“You’re supposed to tell him about the bet you lost, genius. But also yes, good job telling him that. Good info to have.” Chapel had appeared again, breathless and pushing her sweaty hair back. She looked into the camera and rolled her eyes before disappearing.
“Yes. The bet I lost concerned whether I could fit sixty Terran marshmallows in my mouth while reciting the words ‘chubby bunny.’ A most inane and illogical test of stamina.”
Erica returned, this time crouching behind Spock and throwing an arm around him. She looked just as inebriated as he was, though far more obviously gleeful. She was also wearing a neon green feather boa around her neck.
“But it was so cute to watch!” Erica said. She looked into the camera, meeting Jim’s eyes. “I’m sure you would have agreed, Commander Kirk. You think Spock’s cute, right?” She smirked at him and he winced.
He had, in fact, told Erica Ortegas all his thoughts on Spock when they had bumped into each other on shore leave.
He’d told her at length.
“I am still at a loss,” Spock said, his brows turning down comically and his lips forming a pout, “as to the purpose of this communication.” He frowned at the box of chocolates and picked out a truffle topped with a mocha mousse.
“The purpose,” Erica said, grinning lasciviously, “was for you to tell Commander Kirk that you enjoyed playing chess with him.”
“That is true,” Spock mumbled. He was doing the nodding thing again as he held the uneaten chocolate in his hand.
 She stage whispered to Kirk, “He talks about you all the tiiiime.” She cleared her throat and went on, “And that you very much look forward to next week when the Enterprise and Farragut dock at Starbase Seven.”
“That is also true,” Spock said. 
Spock took a bite of the chocolate. He chewed and swallowed and when he looked into the camera at Jim and wrapped his lips around his chocolatey fingers to suck off the slightly melted dregs, Jim groaned.
“It occurs to me,” Spock said, licking his lips, “that this is not an appropriate message to-”
“SSSSHHHH!” Erica squeezed his shoulder. “Jim’s cool! We got hammered on Risa a couple months ago! I know all his secrets!”
“Erica! Karaoke time!” Chapel shouted offscreen. “We’re gonna do ‘Love Shack!’”
Erica leapt up and Spock blinked into the camera. “I am told I must not miss ‘Love Shack.’ So uh… I will see you at Starbase Seven, Commander Kirk. These chocolates are excellent. Spock out.”
Kirk had been smiling so hard his mouth ached. 
He stood up, took off his shirt, and headed to his bed to jerk off.
Spock woke up fully clothed atop his bed, his booted feet hanging off the end.
Immediately, he recalled everything.
“Oh,” Spock muttered. “No.”
With a groan, he pushed himself up to his feet, rubbing his temples. He could not deny that Erica’s birthday parties somehow always ended up engaging him more than most social events on the Enterprise.
And somehow, he always ended up doing something terribly embarrassing.
But this was certainly his first drunken dial.
And to Commander Kirk!
His computer kept pinging. 
He trudged to the synthesizer and made himself a cup of tea, very strong and very hot.
In the privacy of his own quarters, he slumped in the chair at his desk, glowering at the computer screen and the blinking notification next to the name: CMDR. JAMES T. KIRK.
It was true, he had so far been friendly with Kirk. But this…
Egregiously unprofessional. Inappropriate.
Spock shut his eyes, mouth collapsing into a crooked grimace.
Nothing to do but, as Pike liked to say, “face the music.”
Which would probably be The B-52s if Erica and Christine had anything to say about it.
Spock clicked the message and pressed play.
Kirk looked utterly poised and dashing like he always did.
“Hi there, Mr. Spock.” A sly smile spread across Kirk’s face. “Ah, I just wanted to say I really enjoyed your message.” His gaze glittered, fixed on Spock as if actually seeing him live, and also as if he were physically stripping Spock of his clothes. “And I too am truly looking forward to the Enterprise and the Farragut both docking at Starbase Seven next week. So…” Kirk bit his lip and his voice dropped a few octaves when he said, “I guess I’ll see you then. Kirk out.”
The message ended and Spock just stared.
Somehow, Jim Kirk’s brief and completely professional message sounded to Spock like an impressively erotic performance and Spock was certain that had been the intent.
Alright. He was clearly not in trouble-trouble. He was in a whole different kind of trouble.
Spock stood, stripped off his shirt, and headed back to bed to jerk off.
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drkineildwicks · 2 years
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And to kick off the BH6 Month of let’s saturate my dash with BH6 content...art for my fanfic Safe in Brother’s Wings.  Read it now on FFN and AO3 ! :D
So starting from the top left we have:
Sashi and ‘Kase in an exchange I saw in a comic a long while back (involving dragons) which amuses me greatly. XD  Takes place probably in between the last couple of chapters--since feathers, scutes, scales, hair and nails all have keratin as the base, I imagine those little hairs all over the body were coded to feathers (and scales in the case of the legs) instead and when they were shed....
Drew (in a scene from Chapter 16) and Violet, the latter showing her hummingbird tongue
Birb-kid doing as parrots do (either Drew or someone who’d appear in a potential sequel)
A couple of images of Grump, the second one being showing him yawning; and then Violet and Webby, probably both screaming
Hiro has opinions about bird-people affection, especially more than one at a time
Little vignettes of Webby and Nox; Nox’s hair is nice and fluffy :D
Randomly that day I had recalled the middle of DuckTales season 2 so this is bird-person Louie and Della’s response to that
Aunt Cass takes bird-kids in stride easier when they’re cute and fluffy and small.  Aunt mode engaged. \.o./
Mei hanging in there
‘Kase the sass-y
Tadashi is in desperate need of like a three-year nap and would like to announce that there’s such a thing as being too in demand.
I’ve got a few more like this that I’ll be posting over the next couple of days--real happy with this fic, honestly, and happy that it’s done. :D  Please give it a looksee if you like Alive!Tadashi AUs and bird-people. :D
Please be kind and remember to reblog, not repost, thank you! :D
Big Hero 6 © 2014 Disney Ducktales © 2017 Disney
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squidos-goodies · 3 years
Hi there!! Uuuhh I’m super nervous and awkward sending you this but I told myself I wouldn’t be a coward and go on anon like I usually do awjldkdojs. But anyways, I’m wondering if you have any specific process for writing your longer fics, as far as planning/outlining goes, or even just writing the scenes in any particular order, etc etc?? I’m asking because I really love your writing and I’ve been working on a fic of my own for a couple months now, and it’s been a.... slow process. I’ve never actually gone through with a bigger project like this so I guess I’m just wondering if you have any tips? :0
why hello there, friend!
first things first i’m really proud of you for reaching out without anon! that took a lot of courage, especially to a content creator who you look up to. seriously, props to you!
okay so let’s get down to business. the secret to writing long fics... is to tell yourself they’ll only be a chapter or two!
okay i’m only partially kidding. while yes, having a plan and an outline and an ambitious scope are great, they’re daunting. it seems like it’ll never get done and you dread how long it’ll take to get to the parts you really want to write. with a shorter fic—or a fic you think will be shorter—you don’t have to deal with those intimidating prospects. if you only plan a little bit at a time and take it in tiny chucks, only fleshing out ideas as you get closer to them, it’s a lot more manageable. that’s what happened in What Hyrule Hadn’t Seen.
but maybe that’s not going to work for you. maybe you want a massive scale. maybe you want it to be more meticulously planned so you can create gorgeous literature with dozens of plot threads like @seekingseven or @dragon-of-dreams-linkeduniverse‘s stunning longfics. in that case, you would need to plan more and have a better idea of the scope and shape of your story. in this case, i recommend a beta, or at least someone who’s In On It. you tell them all your ideas, bounce things off of them, and keep them posted on your progress. they can also encourage you when the writing juices aren’t flowing, help you come up with ideas when you feel stuck, and talking to them about your fic can help you get started after a lot of time off. polteageist on the LU discord is my beta and i could Not have gotten as far as i have without her scheming and support.
but of course, maybe you’re too scared to ask for one or work best alone. that’s totally understandable! in that case, it helps to break your fic down a little bit. look at milestones, split it into thirds, make it seem more manageable. your interpretation of your own work can do wonders on how well you’re able to work on it. try to enjoy having a longfic, having that constant that’s always there and you can pick it up anytime and work on it. believe me that once you finish, it’ll feel really weird. enjoy it while you have it! :D i like to outline by making a bulleted list of all the plot points i wanna hit and then indent when i elaborate on them. color coding can be nice, but i’ve actually found myself shying away from it. also, make a meme out of your outline. seriously, it’s way more fun to write and read it that way. lemme see if i can find some ridiculous snippets of outlines i’ve made for longer fics. ah, here! “Heehoo baddies go brr” and “Ack bad vibes oh noes it’s a dink” and “AWWW FLUFF” and “spoopy forest noises” and “MORE SKY ANGSTTTTTTT” okay outlines are secretly just an excuse to meme on your own story
i know that most people don’t write this way, but my personal belief is that you gotta write in order. i have no self control, so if i get to The Scene™ i wrote the fic for—we all have them—then suddenly i don’t want to write the rest of the fic. why should i? i have The Scene™. also scene writing is WAY easier when when you know what came before it, because you can work with that and build off it and either allude to it or contrast it depending on what you’re going for. i find it easiest to write in order so i can also get a feel for what the characters have been through. by writing the story in order, i’m going on this journey with them and i’m experiencing what they’re experiencing as i write and it’s not uncommon for me to get to a Scene™ and say “no. no that isn’t what would happen here. now that i see all the scenes laid out in front of me, he wouldn’t act like this.” and that’s totally okay! those changes are good and usually end up with everyone seeming more in character than they would have otherwise.
that’s all i’ve got for now, but i invite my other longfic-writing-friends to pitch in because y’all are amazing and if you think you’re not qualified to give advice and you have a fic kicking around that’s approaching or over 20k words, then yeah, that’s a Long Fic and thus a longfic and thus you can write longfics, cuz you wrote one. full disclosure, nobody has any idea what they’re doing basically all of the time, but say what you can—seriously, you’re doing more than you realize without even realizing it! (that didn’t make any sense)
ANYWAY enough of my nonsense XD i hope this was helpful, @echoing-sounds! i hope you have a wonderful time writing your longfic! if you’d like to yeet a link to it my way if you have anything posted, i’m certainly not opposed to giving it a looksee :O
and with that, my friends, adieu!
(and to those of you looking for news on To Isolate, it’s slow going right now but I am working on it! fear not, dear readers, it will be completed!)
i love all you folks!!! <3 thank you for your support. i know i wouldn’t be where i am without you.
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kurinhimenezu · 4 years
Gentiana Scabra
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“It’s a cold night out” Todoroki Rei looked out her open window as a soft gust of wind gently blew into the room, rustling the dying flowers on the window sill. 
She admired the full moon as the stars twinkled in their spot in the sky. 
A figure hummed softly in agreement before replacing the half-dead flowers with the new ones he brought. She always did favour the vibrant blue of the petals. 
They kept quiet as the other threw the wilted flowers in the trash bin, letting the woman next to him bask in the cool breeze. Her hair seemed to glow under the moonlight as the wind picked up again. 
“I hope that you’ve been keeping yourself warm sweetheart, just because you have your father’s quirk doesn’t excuse you in foregoing a jacket” A teasing smile on her lips, as Rei turned to look at her eldest. “Touya…” 
He walked over to his mother and slowly sat on the floor in front of her. “I promise I’m taking care of myself mom” He grinned, his turquoise eyes glinting mischievously; indicating that he may or may not have been fibbing. The woman huffs out a laugh and pinches his ear, just like when he was a child. 
“You stubborn boy! What am I going to do with you?” The sound of soft laughter echoed across the empty room as Rei tugged at his ear again and him letting her good naturedly. Once the quiet settled in again, he lays his head on her lap, remembering a time when he used to do this as a kid. When everything was, in a way, normal in their household, minus the sound of yelling of his father and the cries of his baby brother. His mother, wrapping the burns on his arms and neck. 
‘No..that wasn’t normal..no home should be filled with misery..' He thought to himself.
He bit his lip at the bitter memory before his frown fell from his face when Rei gently pushed his hair back from his forehead, “Your hair used to be so vibrant..why did you dye it again?” 
The man kept his mouth shut as the other let out a soft “oh..” 
Her hand stopped combing through his hair and he looked up at her in confusion. 
“I’m sorry..!”
Her eyes watered as she tried to keep her tears in. “I never should have told you that you looked like your father...I know how you feel about him;along with your brother too” 
He simply shook his head and took out a tissue. “It’s not your fault mom..I just..wanted to try something new” 
Rei let out a small huff and dabbed the tissue at her eyes. “Thank you for sparing my feelings dear” The other just rolled his eyes as he stood up and gave her a tight hug. He remembered she used to do this to him when he needed comforting. 
'I wonder if this consoles her as much as it did for me'
His mother just nodded, blowing her nose as she patted his arms, frowning slightly when she felt the dying skin. “Hmn..? Oh Touya..be careful of your fire. You’re going to burn yourself if you’re not careful” 
“...I'll try” 
“Please don’t say goodbye..how will I know if you’re eating well?” 
Her fists crumpled his ragged jacket as he softly patted her head. “It’s not goodbye mom, it’ll only be till society is safe from-” The man bit his lip, stopping himself from saying anything more. Rei looked up at him sadly and nodded in understanding. “Alright, I understand..it’s not as safe as before anymore..a group of villains attacked a school today..did you know that? And rumours going around that heroes are being targeted near Hosu city..I don’t want you going near danger do you hear me?” 
He was taken aback at how determined her eyes were that it only left him nodding quietly. This was a mother that would take on any big bads to ensure her children are safe. It was better when he first visited her. Back then her eyes were so sad and empty;he was glad it held at least some life and emotion now. 
Rei let his jacket go and sighs, “I sometimes forget that you’re all grown now..you may not need me anymore to dote on you or your siblings..I'm sorry for not being a good mother” 
Frowning slightly, he knelt in front of her hair and held her hands in his scarred ones. “This is not your fault and it never was! It was his...you tried your best..I..I should’ve been a better son..I should’ve pushed myself further..maybe if I did, Sho-” 
“Hush my dear..it’s never too late to get back up again” 
'I can’t tell her..she'll be used as a target..'
He simply nodded and gave her a tight hug. It almost felt like a goodbye. “...DId you know a christian missionary came to visit us in therapy days ago? He was a nice man albeit very odd, I did learn something from him reading his little black book though..In hebrew, there’s a word for ‘dearly beloved’;Dabi. I noticed the japanese meaning for it seems to be in tune with your quirk don’t you think?” She grinned at her son, thinking it might be as interesting as she thought it was. 
The boy simply started laugh too loudly, “Mom! You’re so weird!” 
A vein popped on her head as she smacked him upside the head. 
“Don’t insult your mother!” 
“Hahaha I’m sor-OW Mom! Hahaha I’m sorry!” 
“In other news, Chizome Akaguro also known as Hero Killer: Stain has been captured in Hosu city--” 
“Students from UA seems to have gotten caught in between the fight as monstrous beasts attacked lower downtown-” 
“Endeavor! What can you say about-” 
Shigaraki looked up from his half finished drink and glared at the newbies that walked through his doors. 
“Himiko Toga!” 
“Twice! We-I am Twice!” 
His eyes landed on the burnt victim next to Giran. “You..what’s your name?” 
Sharp turquoise eyes stared at him lazily as he placed his hands in his pockets. He inwardly smirked at the way this so called leader was starting to get aggravated. 
"Keep her safe.."
“...I go by Dabi now” 
Rei Todoroki frowned as her Gentiana scabra flower dropped a blue petal on her window sill. 
“Oh no..it's going to wilt soon”
She turned in her seat as she heard her room door open. 
“Hello mother..I brought you flowers, Midoriya-san said it may help brighten the room” 
A smile formed on her lips as she greeted her son, taking the flowers from him. “My..these are lovely..thank you Shoto”  
@thedreadthread @quirkless-fics @sadistiks @savnofilter @tooloudarts (figured you guys might wanna have a looksee. Tell me if you wanna be tagged or not 😁)
If you want to be tagged for other fics just message me :D I'd be glad to add you!
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abd-illustrates · 5 years
I know your commissions aren’t open right now, but is there a pricing page anywhere so I can get a general sense of the cost? Much love!! I saw your art in a Critical Role stream and fell in love. Not only have you encouraged me to dip my toes into drawing, I joined my school’s D&D club yesterday because of the amazing tales of HHLR you spoke of in some of your videos. Thanks!!
Thanks for takin’ an interest in my work dude! My rates and terms are all right here if you wanna give ‘em a looksee :DAlso that’s awesome! Hope you’re having fun with DnD so far! (^^)/
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theonyxpath · 5 years
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Pirates of Pugmire, from which you see the awesome beach duel by artist Pat McEvoy above, launched last week and is over half-way to its funding goal!
Thanks to everybody who has backed so far, and please check it out and spread the word! Pirates of Pugmire is a sourcebook that expands on the entirety of the Realms of Pugmire, and contains new rules and info on piracy on the Acid Sea and the port city of Waterdog Keep, new callings for dogs and cats, new player character types with the birds and lizards, gunpowder weapon rules (originally imported from other lands where the lizard-folk trade), and contains new and connected adventures.
It really has just a ton of new stuff for all of the Realms of Pugmire, but a lot of times folks will hold off on backing supplements – which we know from long experience – but this time it’s so much more than just that.
Plus, we’d really like to get this traditionally printed and in stores like Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau, but we can’t OK that unless we get over the funding goal (and into all the cool Stretch Goals). So, give it a looksee, me hearties! Don’t be scurvy dogs! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/200664283/pirates-of-pugmire-a-realms-of-pugmire-tabletop-rpg
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Trinity Continuum: Aeon art by Gregor Pedrycz
Most of our talk in today’s meeting was setting everything up for our trip out to UK Games Expo. Mighty Matt and I are headed out in order to get there Wednesday, and Eddy will meet up with us and Matthew on Thursday to set up the booth and welcome Steffie de Vaan, John Burke, Chris Allen, and Klara Herbol, as they all roll in throughout the day.
Then, it is demos and chatting to folks in the booth – and directing those interested in purchasing our stuff to our friends at the Leisure Games booth. Matthew and I were enthusing about recreating entire scenes from Miller’s Crossing, in character and voices, or maybe doing Dueling Walkens if we get left alone at the booth – so watch out.
Like I said a couple of weeks ago, we’re experimenting with different booth/demo/sales arrangements depending on the con, and we’re starting with this one.
If you missed it before, here’s the UKGE hall map:
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We also finalized the prizes for the Contagion Chronicle “tournament” our creators are running that culminates in a final round for all the declared winners of the previous Chronicles of Darkness games. Really looking forward to seeing how this event plays out!
Also really looking forward to Curry Take-Away if we can get it, but that’s just my personal thing I’m fascinated by. We do not have it around these parts.
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Shunned By The Moon art by Leo Albiero
Since I’ll be gone still next week, our own Dynamic Dixie Cochran will be guest-writing this blog! So please make her feel welcome. Other than the updates, I have no idea what she’ll choose to write about, but I’m sure you’re all in good hands.
I hope.
Speaking of Dixie – thanks to all of you who left questions for her interview with me for the Onyx Pathcast. Some guy named Eddy Webb was there too, and they posted it last Friday. The link’s below in the Onyx Path Media section of the MMN, and I had a great time chatting with the Trio (minus Matthew).
Both of them (but mostly Dixie) were great at keeping me on point as I do love to ramble on, and their questions tended to deal with the olden days – although we got into the future of our projects and the Pathcast itself, so it wasn’t all lookin’ back stuff.
The other big category of questions, and I get these all the time, were of the “What is your favorite X” kind. Where most of the Xs are Clan, or Book, or Game Line, sort of subjects. Which are so hard for me to honestly answer since I really do have a lot of favorites in those categories for different reasons. But it’s also really rough to say that I love X as your bashful publisher.
If I name one thing, the folks who love all the others may think I’m not necessarily going to push anything but the one I said was my favorite. Or the creators of the others now think I think they didn’t do a good job. That’s not really something it’s worth risking.
If only people asked non-work related questions like Favorite Color (purple), or Favorite Inker of Gene Colan’s Comic Book Pencils (Tom Palmer). Favorite Novel Set On A Desert Planet, even (Dune). Those I can answer!
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One question I have received a fair bit these last couple of months that we didn’t cover, and that I now can answer, is when is Scion going on sale to non-KS backers? Well, we’ll be putting the PDF and PoD versions up for sale next Wednesday, June 5th on DTRPG to match when retailers should have the traditionally printed books to sell.
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Trinity Continuum: Aeon art by Gunship Revolution
Finally, I’m told that the D&D sale at DTRPG is featuring our Scarred Lands books until the end of the month with super discounts. Which is cool, because our 5e Scarred Lands plans are really heating up! Here’s a link: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/featured.php?promotion_id=2019SlarecianMay
I’ll be finalizing plans for the new 5e Creature Collection with Jon Hodgson, who is handling the creation of the book and running the Kickstarter, at UKGE, and we’ll be announcing a new developer for the line and the projects they are overseeing once we get back. Plus, on the Scarred Lands Community Content site, the Slarecian Vault, the beginning of July marks the start of a phenomenal linked adventure series you will not want to miss!
Just to give you one more teaser before I leave the country, the beginning of July will also mean the start of something folks here also ask me about all the time, but before then – on June 13th even – we’ll be starting a little treat for everyone that leads into the July event. Keep your eyes peeled, and tally-ho, old chap, right into our
Many Worlds, One Path!
Our Pirates of Pugmire Kickstarter is more than half-way funded, so swing over to our ship and check it out you sea-dogs!
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Pirates of Pugmire is a chronicle sourcebook for both Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau. It’s usable in either game, or as part of a joint experience. Some highlights include: * Two new species for players to enjoy: lizards and birds * Six new callings, including two for dogs and two for cats * Rules for building, sailing, and sinking ships * A trove of new allies, enemies, and treasures * Information on Waterdog Port and Port Matthew * “Going on the Account,” a chronicle of three new adventures, taking characters from 1st through 6th level
You can also hear Eddy discuss the writing and design of Pirates of Pugmire on this week’s Onyx Pathcast podcast on your favorite podcast venues, or here on : https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/)
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Illustration by Charles Bates
This Friday’s Onyx Pathcast is the first episode in Dixie, Eddy, and Matthew’s actual play of Scion!: https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/
And Here’s More Media About Our Worlds:
The Onyx Path News will return later this week with more than one exciting release announcement!
In actual plays, as Matthew ran Scion: Origin for Eddy and Dixie live last week! The video is in two parts and will be edited for the Onyx Pathcast, but here’s part one of the Miami Hotel story for your enjoyment: https://youtu.be/uEzgr74CfOE Don’t steal from Poseidon!
It’s actual plays a-go-go, we have uploaded parts one and two of our Pirates of Pugmire playthrough, run by Travis Legge, to our Onyx Path YouTube account! Travis is a superb author and a fantastic Guide for the players, and we sincerely recommend you check these two videos out. Here’s part one: https://youtu.be/fU9y3tl77GM and here’s part two: https://youtu.be/rSzjLVW1rnQ
Fandible have uploaded the second part of their excellent They Came From Beneath the Sea! actual play, and it’s available for listening right here: http://www.fandible.com/they-came-from-beneath-the-sea-the-things-that-slither-2-of-2/ Please check this one out!
They Came from Beneath the Sea: The Things That Slither 2 of 2
We can’t get away from the superb talents of Travis Legge, as here is his Scarred Lands actual play on the Myths & Matchmakers series: https://youtu.be/zq4Uw1YaS9g
The Story Told Podcast have reached episode six of their Dragon-Blooded actual play. This episode closes out the dinner party at Kai’s villa and follows the Dragon-Blooded into the evening. https://thestorytold.libsyn.com/
Caffeinated Conquests are picking up a good number of viewers for their actual play of Scarred Lands‘ Gauntlet of Spiragos (they have gone totally off-piste by this point) and they’re incredibly entertaining to watch every time: https://youtu.be/lD7V7fm3cso
Twin Cities by Night continues with their Hunter’s Hunted II actual play, reaching an impressive episode 16! If you’re into long-form plays, give this one a go! https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-rg9ye-b19cb0
And of course, Red Moon Roleplaying, podcasters extraordinaire, have uploaded another episode of The Great Vilhaim Heist, a Scarred Lands game run by Matthew Dawkins: https://www.redmoonroleplaying.com/ Keep your eye on Red Moon Roleplaying, as soon they’ll be running The Sacrifice, from Chicago by Night!
Please check any of these out and let us know if you find or produce any actual plays of our games!
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As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is now live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is both rolling and rocking!
Here’s an update from the App devs:
We’ve been having trouble fixing the android bug that messes up the resolution for newer phones. I think we have a fix for that.  It was also brought up that the store display is wrong on most tablet devices, so that is getting fixed too. That should all be soon!
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue you bought it from. Reviews really, really help us with getting folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these fiction books:
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We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the Screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there! https://studio2publishing.com/search?q=pugmire
We’ve added Prince’s Gambit to our Studio2 catalog: https://studio2publishing.com/products/prince-s-gambit-card-game
Now, we’ve added Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition products to Studio2‘s store! See them here: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/all-products/changeling-the-lost
Scarred Lands (Pathfinder) books are also on sale at Studio 2: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/scarred-lands
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Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
And you can now order Pugmire, Monarchies of Mau, Cavaliers of Mars, and Changeling: The Lost 2e! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/manufacturers.php?manufacturerid=296
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On Sale This Week!
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This Wednesday, we have both our regular monthly Exalted 3rd PDF offerings AND the Advance PDF release of The Realm all on DTRPG!
UK Games Expo: THIS WEEK! May 31st – June 2nd From the US comes Eddy Webb, Matt McElroy, and Rich Thomas to join with Matthew Dawkins, Steffie de Vaan, John Burke, Chris Allen, and Klara Herbol! Gen Con: August 1st – August 4th Save Against Fear: Oct 12-14 GameHoleCon: October 31st – November 3rd We’ll also be back at PAX Unplugged later this year.
And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM FAST EDDY WEBB (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Geist2e Fiction Anthology (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Exalted Essay Collection (Exalted)
Scion: Demigod (Scion 2nd Edition)
Trinity Continuum Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum Core)
Wraith20 Fiction Anthology (Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition)
One Foot in the Grave Jumpstart (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2e)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #2 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Exigents (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Terra Firma (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Titanomachy (Scion 2nd Edition)
Crucible of Legends (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Monsters of the Deep (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Tales of Aquatic Terror (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Scion: Dragon (Scion 2nd Edition)
Kith and Kin (Changeling: The Lost 2e)
Masks of the Mythos (Scion 2nd Edition)
Second Draft
Tales of Good Dogs – Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #1 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Across the Eight Directions (Exalted 3rd Edition)
TC: Aeon Ready Made Characters (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition core rulebook (Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
TC: Aeon Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Legendlore core book (Legendlore)
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Oak, Ash, and Thorn: Changeling: The Lost 2nd Companion (Changeling: The Lost 2nd)
M20 The Technocracy Reloaded (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Creatures of the World Bestiary (Scion 2nd Edition)
Heirs to the Shogunate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Scion Companion: Mysteries of the World (Scion 2nd Edition)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
Chicago Folio/Dossier (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Let The Streets Run Red (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Cults of the Blood Gods (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Heroic Land Dwellers (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
DR:E Threat Guide (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
DR:E Jumpstart (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
Manuscript Approval:
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant core (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Pirates of Pugmire (Realms of Pugmire)
Memento Mori: the GtSE 2e Companion (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
Hunter: the Vigil 2e core (Hunter: the Vigil 2nd Edition)
Spilled Blood (Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition)
CofD Dark Eras 2 (Chronicles of Darkness)
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Blood Sea: Crimson Abyss for 5e (Scarred Lands)
Post-Editing Development:
M20 Book of the Fallen (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
V5 Chicago By Night (Vampire: The Masquerade)
V5 Chicago By Night Screen (Vampire: The Masquerade)
CofD Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Witch-Queen of the Shadowed Citadel (Cavaliers of Mars)
Distant Worlds (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Scion Ready Made Characters (Scion 2nd Edition)
Trinity Aeon
In Art Direction
Ex3 Monthly Stuff  
They Came From Beneath the Sea! – Art notes in.
EX3 Lunars
Hunter: The Vigil 2
Contagion Chronicle
VtR Spilled Blood – Contracted.
M20 Book of the Fallen – More sketches coming in.
Dark Eras 2 – More sketches coming in.
Pirates of Pugmire – KS art in, the rest has been contracted.
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant – KS art notes and contracts going out.
Scion Ready Made Characters
TC Aeon: Distant Worlds
Marketing Stuff
In Layout
Trinity Continuum Core
Cavs – Witch Queen of the Shadowed Citadel
V5 Chicago By Night
Signs of Sorcery – Inputting final Dev note changes.
Aeon Aexpansion – In 2nd Proof.
C20 Cup of Dreams Novel
Scion Jumpstart
Dystopia Rising: Evolution
Shunned By The Moon
At Press
Scion Hero – Shipped to backers, PoD coupon out to backers.
Scion Origin – Shipped to backers, PoD coupon out to backers.
In Media Res – PDF out to backers, gathering errata with new sheet.
Geist 2e – PDF out to backers, gathering errata with new sheet.
Adventures for Curious Cats – PoD proof ordered.
Tales of Excellent Cats – PoD proof ordered.
Dragon-Blooded – Deluxe printing.
Dragon-Blooded Screen – At printer.
Trinity Core and Aeon Screens – Files at printer.
The Realm – Advance PDF on sale on DTRPG this Weds, Backer PDF already to backers, errata gathering from both.
Today is Memorial Day here in the US, where we honor our fallen members of the armed forces. It’s a national holiday, and it’s also important to reflect on the sacrifices many have made that ultimately allow us to have lives where we can make and play games.
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septic-dr-schneep · 6 years
Welcoming into the world Smitten Anon~ I love your writing and I need the egos taking care of a feverish JJ! ~Smitten Anon
Oh, what a nice prompt you have here! Prepare for loooots of hurt/comfort!
JSE Fanfiction - Burdened
Summary: Jameson has hidden the fact that he’s sick from the others for too long; now that he’s at the end of his rope, they do their best to show him that he can always trust them to pick him up when he falls.
They foundJameson on the floor in the bathroom, wracked with chills as he hugged the rimof the toilet and dry-heaved.
Naturally Chasewas the first to rush forward with a panicked cry of “Jem!” as he skidded ontohis knees beside him. Questions burst out of him too quickly for Jameson to answerthem as he took in the younger Ego’s terrible pallor. “What’s brought this on? Wasit something you ate? How long have you been here?”
Jamesonsimply bit his lip and shook his head, regretting it just as quickly as anothergag forced him to hide his face in the toilet again. The next time he lookedup, Chase instinctively laid the back of his hand against his forehead, inhalingsharply and twisting around to beckon hurriedly for the doctor.
“Schneep!Schneep, he’s—”
It tookbarely a moment for Schneep to brush a hand over Jameson’s cheek and announce agitatedly,“You’re burning up. Chase, help me with his vest and shirt, all the littlebuttons—we need to cool him down.”
Even as heweakly lifted his arms for Chase and Schneep to help him stand on tremblinglegs, Jameson flushed and his speech slide flickered shamefully. “I-I don’t…it’s not…proper…”
“We’re allslightly different versions of the same body, JJ, it’s nothin’ we haven’t seenbefore,” Chase brushed it off as he deftly tore past the buttons and peeled offthe younger Ego’s layers of clothing. Jameson swayed dangerously as he did so,until Chase finally threw his sweat-soaked undershirt off to the side andgrabbed his arms to steady him as his eyes fluttered and his legs started tofold underneath him. “Whoa—! Okay, okay, it’s okay, I’ve got you,” he soothed,murmuring other meaningless reassurances as he hugged Jameson against him forsupport. “Schneep?”
“I’mworking on it,” Schneep answered immediately as he turned the water in the showerup to an icy roar.
Jameson slidonto the floor of the shower as soon as Chase guided him in; the pressure ofthe water thundering against his back was enough to bowl him over. Curling intohimself and shuddering violently, he heaved a convulsive sob and let his headdroop against his knees. Schneep nodded sympathetically, assuring him that hewas doing well and carefully patting his back; he didn’t care about how soakedthe sleeve of his lab coat was getting.
“Chase, gotake looksee in his room, would you?” the doctor commanded over the water. “Seeif he has loose, comfortable nightclothes.”
“On it,”Chase agreed, taking off.
Pursing hislips, Schneep returned his attention to Jameson, leaning over to twist the knoband ease the flow slightly so Jameson wouldn’t be washed away by it. “Why didyou not tell us you were sick, hmm?” he questioned worriedly. “Jamie? Did youthink we would not care?”
“D-D-Didn’t…want t-to be a bother,” Jameson chattered, his slide shiftingfor Schneep to see even when he didn’t lift his head from his knees.
“Well, nowlook at you like this!” Schneeppointed out, a touch of sternness bleeding through his worry. “I could havecaught this before it came to icewater!”
“I’ll b-be sure to keep it in mind nextt-time, doc…”
If Schneephad his way, there would never be a “next time”, but with their unpredictablelives, one never could tell what illness or injury lay around the corner.Schneep’s grim musings on it were interrupted as the door slammed back open,bringing with it a wash of cold air and Chase, holding out a PMA sweater and apair of sweatpants.
“He’s onlygot wool pajamas; they’d be too heavy with him feverish like this,” he burstout.
“Alright,this will serve,” Schneep decided, lowering the water pressure little by littlebefore finally turning it off. “I’ll get him dressed. In the meantime, you giveJackie and Marvin a little ring and let them know the little one is down sick.”
Jameson’shead finally came up at that, though not without a struggle. “No, n-no…doc, p-please,” he pleadedfaintly. “I don’t want…don’t want toc-cause a greater fuss—”
“I’malready dialing,” Chase cut him off, causing his shoulders to slump in despairas Schneep hefted him out of the shower and leaned him against the wall for athorough toweling. Even the softness of the towel made his body ache rawly whereverit touched him and now that he was stiff with the cold, he could hardly lifthis arms for Schneep to pull the sweater over them. The sweatpants took evenmore wrangling; by the time Jameson stood fully clothed before him, he lookedabout ready to faint.
“Let’s getyou to the couch,” Schneep suggested intuitively, lifting Jameson’s limp armand draping it over the back of his neck. “Here we are, Jamie…Lean on me.”
Thegentleman gladly obeyed, shuffling slowly along with him away from the coldbathroom tiles to the vaguely itchy hallway carpet and then the soft rugs inthe living room. It seemed that the couch was reserved as the care areawhenever any of them were sick; he’d seen Chase and Jackieboy both use itbefore when migraines and the flu had brought them down. As soon as he hit thecushions, Jameson felt a good deal of the tension sink out of him and releaseda large breath, nuzzling his face into the pillow Schneep produced seeminglyout of nowhere.
“There…” Thedoctor’s voice was just as soft as the blanket he was draping over his quiveringshoulders. “Isn’t that better?”
“Much obliged,” Jameson murmured blearily, makinghimself as small as possible under the blanket’s folds.
“I can’tget through to Jackie, but Marvin’s on his way,” Chase announced as he pocketedhis phone.
“Well,better one than none,” Schneep sighed, perching on top of the coffee table and leaninghis elbows on his knees, scanning Jameson for several moments before leaningforward and combing damp strands of hair away from his warm skin, earning alight flinch of instinct from the younger Ego before he realized it was what hewanted and leaned his head forward into the comfortingly cool touch.
“I-It hurts…” Another series of more pronouncedshivers raked through his tightly curled body as he blinked miserably up at hiscaretaker. “Doc…Hurts…”
“Shh, shhh,I know it does, Jamie. I know. Just close your eyes and try to get some rest.”
It didn’ttake long for Jameson to doze off with Schneep’s hand running gently throughhis hair, but when he wrenched awake again, clutching at his throat and tryingfutilely to scream, the hand was gone. Schneep was gone, he was—He had to be dead—his nightmare was true! Antisepticeyehad returned, he’d killed all of the others; their bodies were waiting for himin the next room!
Thedisoriented, terrified Ego’s flailing feet swept the edge of the blanket ontothe coffee table, knocking aside a glass of water that had appeared there witha noisy clatter-splash. It would drawthe demon’s attention; he had to hide!
“Don’t let him kill us too!” Jameson cried out, struggling to riseand reach out simultaneously as Marvin rushed into the room. “Mercies, he’s here! He’s going to murderus!”
“Hey—Hey! Stop,you’re going to hurt yourself!” Marvin exclaimed in alarm, helpless to doanything but open his arms to catch the other as he flung himself upright andpromptly tumbled over the blanket as it tangled around his legs. The landing inMarvin’s arms was gentle enough, but Jameson was already dissolving intoanguished, delirious tears.
“Don’t…don’t let him hurt us…” he begged as Marvin eased the both ofthem onto the floor before Jameson could hit it with force by collapsing. “He’s…H-He’s…”
“It wasjust a nightmare,” Marvin hushed him, cradling his head as he pressed his faceinto his shirt. “No one’s coming to hurt us. I’m right here. We’re safe. It’salright…it wasn’t real and it’s not gonna becomereal. I promise.”
Jameson’s shaky,panicked breaths eventually evened out into hoarse, near-incoherent whispers,mostly inaudible, as he wavered in the fever world that lay somewhere betweenconscious and subconscious. Distantly he felt Marvin sliding one arm under hisknees and the other around his lower back, lifting him just enough to deposithim back onto the couch cushions.
“Thirsty…” he mumbled as he sprawled back againstthe sweat-stained pillow, drifting back out of the waking world before Marvincould reply. He didn’t dream this time, thank heavens, so the next time hiseyes opened he didn’t have panic coursing through his veins. All he felt wasthe deeply rooted fever ache gripping every bone in his body and rattling themtogether in an unholy chorus.
“Hey there,Jem,” Chase greeted softly, perching on the edge of the couch cushions andleaning over him like the well-trained parent he had once been. “How’re youfeeling?”
At thispoint Jameson couldn’t find any words for a response, pressing his clammy handsover his face and moaning wretchedly into them. He may have gone unheard, butChase still seemed to get the picture, rubbing his nearest shoulder.
“You’vestill got a temperature but it feels like it’s gone down a little,” hementioned, trying to sound reassuring.
“Does it feel that way? Are you quite sureof it?” Jameson’sshoulder shook under his hand with an incredulous cross between a laugh and asob. “I only feel worse.”
Chasepaused for several moments, apparently sensing something that Jameson wasn’tnoticing, and then a small, rueful smile touched his face. “Well, it smellslike Schneep’s making his classic potato soup for you. That’s a miracle potionthere, so long as your tummy’ll take it.”
Sureenough, once he strained his ears Jameson could catch strains of dishesclinking in the kitchen just outside, but the one who brought the soup in tohim wasn’t the doctor.
“Now here’sour JJ,” Jackieboy murmured as he moved past the coffee table with the steamingbowl balanced in his hands. “Chase, would you mind—?”
Within momentsthe coffee table had been dragged a few feet back and one of the kitchen chairshad taken its place. When Jameson peeked up at the older Ego, he couldn’t helpbut notice how filthy and bruised Jackieboy looked—yet here he was, smilingcompassionately down at him as he spooned up some of the broth for him.
Jameson’seyes filled with fresh, reflexive tears as they tracked the spoon’s coursetoward his face. How could they be so kind when his illness was nothing but aninconvenience for them? How could Jackieboy sit across from him without asingle thought to his own condition, without even washing his face, and try tocare for him?
“Eat up,”the hero prompted patiently.
It seemedthat question would go unanswered for now, Jameson decided, blinking hardagainst his painful gratitude as he sipped from the spoon.
Chase wasright. It was the best soup he’d ever tasted, even if his tears made it a bitsaltier.
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savedestroy · 2 years
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@ofmaskedfaces​ asked; That post of yours on April 5th, about entities that are representing death being there for more than to just bring bad news, reminds me of a webcomic: The Loving Reaper. You should check it out if you haven't, though it does present the problems of animal abuse in quite a few chapters.
Hey, thanks so much for the suggestion! :^D I’ve actually read a bit of this comic before, and I really dig it. I’ll definitely have to give it another looksee again soon.
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kiyye · 6 years
droppin into tumblr after like months of inactivity to do some Big Beefy Announcments
I’m working with my partner @tokenqueer and our best friend on a creative writing/illustration project based on our D&D homebrew campaign (that I DM for)!!! You can read the prologue RIGHT OVER HERE on our website! Please check it out because Tamar, MJ and I have been working real hard on this bad boy and we have a whole lot of awesome content planned!
Additionally, if you love the prologue you just read (because you obviously just clicked the link above and read our story YES??? RIGHT????), I now have a redbubble store where you can buy stickers of all your favorite exciting new characters!!! I also have some drawings of my ocs D&D NPCs and a dirk sticker up on there. Pls give it a looksee, I don’t even need you to buy anything just look at it and be proud of me.
ALSO, after portcon maine (which is my favorite con :D) next weekend, I’m going to be opening up commissions through tumblr for like the first time ever! So get hyped for that!
That’s all, I love y’all so much and thank you for sticking around! I’m gonna make another promo post for the cool new website and then I might finally get around to answering some of your asks that have been sitting in my inbox for months <3 <3 <3
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sarcasmprodigy · 6 years
ooooooh dude,seeing your petstuck post of ashe(?)reminded me of this one homestuck fic called loophole by saccharineSlyph .I totally recommend it if you haven't read it,if you do read it hopefully you'll like it :D
I don’t really read fanfics, but I’ll have a looksee thank you. I’m surprised you got her name right when she’s typically a human,
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snufflesmajor · 7 years
TAGGED BY: @scvedbylove TAGGING:    @mestoselenophobia @thatmudblood @the-defected-one @miss-marlene-mckinnon @prongsboy @pettigrown i’m sorry i always tag the same people but i just don’t know who to tag lmao. hold on, i’ll have a looksee in my notifs and im’s... @achaserbutakeeper @extremelyxshabby @chasingxprongs OH MY GOD I HAVE SO MANY IM’S I JUST HAVEN’T RESPONDED TO I’M SO SORRY i’m so bad at this jfc lisTEN I WILL TRY. probably, god. lbr i’ll probably forget BUT I’LL TRY NOT TO jusT
if u can’t get me but u want me ask for my discord or smth and WHEN I SEE THAT REQUEST i will give it to u. good lord, sorry my dudes.
RULES: answer the questions in a new post and tag some blogs you wanna get to know better!
A - age: 27... for a bit longer. Look, listen--listen. The ‘late twenties’ are a lie. It’s a myth perpetuated by the media. I am in my mid-twenties, and will be until I am... not any longer. )8< B - birthplace: sydney, australia C - current time: 19:17 D - drink you had last: iced coffee E - easiest person to talk to: tbh these days it’s probably @mestoselenophobia lmao, but yall on discord seem to know i have zero filter sO.  F - favorite song: i don’t have one BUT HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN THIS?! LINKLINKLINK G - grossest memory: pls no. look, i have lived a long life and i have Seen Some Shit and no one wants any of those stories. they will haunt ur nightmares. H - horror yes or horror no: reading about it? yes. watching it? only if i am sick. if i’m sick, obviously no one has it as bad off as i do? so that’s the only time i can watch horror movies. though i do really like the concept? that sounds so odd but i have Thoughts ok I - in love? with myself ; )))))) also sirius ; ))) not really sirius at all, that’s gay. or myself, that’s gayer. BUT, okay you know that Cliche Question about cloning? Would you, wouldn’t you? i’ve thought about this and i think both the clone and i would say yes but just get into an argument instead? what even is romantic love anyway, i have no idea. i like to think of it as being Electric Love, or that song by The Academy Is... that i can’t remember rn but??? we just don’t know. sounds hella gay though. J - jealous of people: nah. that sounds fake but?? the only one with my skillset and level of skill is me, so it’d be rather pointless to be jealous of someone else, no? but i get suuuuper competitive with myself? i’m constantly mocking past versions of myself. it’s fantastic and not at all something i should seek therapy for. K - killed someone: yes, but--okay not physically and not literally but i’ve been told i’ve killed people. as a compliment. or, well, i take it as a compliment and everything is a compliment if you’re conceited enough. or even if you aren’t! “you’re the worst,” well that makes me the best in my field, doesn’t it? “you look like crap today,” thanks! you noticed me! u just have 2 believe and everything is good. L - love at first sight or should i walk back by again? i am 90% sure i’ve said this to someone at work sometime in the last year. M - middle name: i tell no one my security question sry N - number of siblings: 3. well, 4, but it’s a bit of an explanation. actually, there might be five? listen, family is complicated, okay? O - one wish: tell me what i want out of life, what i enjoy, and what my passion is. or; tell me what my hearts desire is. i haven’t the faintest idea what any of the answers to these are. P - person you called last: i think it was a doctor’s surgery. Q - question you’re always asked: “why aren’t you studying something?” aaaahaaaaaahaha R - reason to smile: so you get the nice sort of wrinkles, the ones that make people trust you, rather than the grumpy set. S - song you sang last: oh fuck, uhhh, this i think? T - top 3 fictional characters: you can’t make me choose. U - underwear color: something with dots? i’m fairly certain dots are involved. V - vacation: BOOM. KNEW I MISSED ONE. i’ve never been on vacation but i wouldn’t mind hanging out in a hotel room somewhere. that seems charming. W - when’s your birthday: october 18th X - x-rays: no thank you, but i appreciate the offer. Z - zodiac sign: libra
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readmeri · 7 years
Finally Friday came and I congratulate you all on another week managed, whether you worked or studied or parented fractious children, you deserve some weekend.
Here’s the news roundup…
It has been a good week here for me, mostly, starting with Eclipse magazine coming out. Not only is it a fabulous and inspirational issue, it features me. Yes, me! So huge thanks to Trouble Dethly for bunging me in there amongst the great and the good. (My bit starts page 75 and there is a bit of reading and a few pages of pictures).
  The official launch party of the Blogger and Vlogger Network (BVN for short in case you hate saying ogger) is tomorrow night! BVN is the brainchild of Kess Crystal, Delicate T Flower of Seraphim and Trouble Dethly, previously mentioned owner of Eclipse magazine. You’re invited of course! So that’s Saturday 17th of March, starts at 1.30pm slt and goes on until 3pm slt.
I’m in full support of any organisation that wishes to support bloggers and vloggers, to encourage them to help each other and to really create a happy blogging community. The site has loads of resources already including – most helpfully – a list of lovely photographic sims where you can rezz props. Cool huh? Have a looksee at that.
I’m going to be doing a thingy with Kess on the 1st April (no, it’s no joke). A live group discussion about blogging things, managing time and expectations etc. So you can come, ask questions, generally confound me with things I don’t know. Kess’ll be there, it’s okay, she’ll know the answers, probably, maybe. I’ll give you more details about that nearer the time and when we’ve worked out what we’re doing :D
On the home front…
My cat and I are getting along okay, despite her issues with the litter tray. We seem to have achieved a routine whereby I do a lot of cleaning and telling her she’s great and she goes peepee poopoop anywhere she likes. I’ve also begun feeding her pretty much anything she likes, whenever she likes.
You know, I’ve heard people talk about how good it is to finally submit in a relationship and I think that this must be how it feels. I know now how it works – the cat is in charge, she will do as she likes, I will serve her. She must be delighted I’ve finally figured it out after 17 and a half years.
What to wear in Second Life today?
Visit | Warm Springs Pose | [Quixotica] Casual Pose Set 1 with stool (Quixotica Marketplace) Watch | **RealEvil** ReVoX Aviator Watch M/F (RealEvil Mainstore : RealEvil Marketplace) Boots | Wonton: Owen Military Zip Boots (Wonton Mainstore) Dress | Blueberry Sophia Dress Update* (Blueberry Mainstore : Blueberry Marketplace) Necklace | [Cynful] Coax Necklace – March 2017 Group Gift (Cynful Mainstore) Hair | [KoKoLoReS] Luka Hair – Bayalage HUD (Hairology, 10-30 Mar) Tights | Avanti Eva Tights (Avanti Mainstore)
So, Blueberry have updated and re-released the Sophia Dress. It now has some lovely metallic colours extra in the fatpack too. It’s always been a great dress and I’m not sure what she’s done to it, but it fits like the proverbial glove. If you already bought this dress, this is what you do: 1- Locate your Sophia Dress folder. 2- Pull your inventory and locate it close to your avatar, wear the dress and keep the folder open. Take a screen shot. 3- Make a notecard with this title – “Your Name – Sophia Dress Update” 4 – Put your screenshot in it and send it to Blueberryxx Resident or Sophia Harlow.
Cynful have brought out a cute group gift for March. I bet you already have it, don’t you, you minx? If you don’t visit the store and join the group for future gifts. The necklace comes with fitted versions for the mesh bodies (so useful) and a HUD to allow you to change chain and pearl colours. Thank you Cynful!
KoKoLoReS’s hair at Hairology – Luka – is a casual and funky style sure to set your outfits alight. I used the bayalage HUD this time and suggest you get yourself over to Hairology before it ends on the 30th.
Here’s some more pics, including a ‘well lit, no shit’ shot…
  Finally, we have to test this re-issued dress and necklace fitted to the body and hair that claims to stay neat with a real shake em up dance. Let us get our funky groove on.
      Second Life Fashion from ReadMeri | And now for the news Finally Friday came and I congratulate you all on another week managed, whether you worked or studied or parented fractious children, you deserve some weekend.
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