#thank you for introducing me to Hetalia all those years ago
sisididis · 2 years
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Happy birthday @friendlyneighbourhoodromanian! What better way to celebrate than going on a cute bubble tea date with Ro? (。•̀ᴗ-)🧋🧋(-ᴗ•̀。)
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nrc-research-club · 2 years
hi! just discovered (rediscovered?) your blog and your writings are amazing—the scenarios i’ve read so far are super cute! i’m not here to request, but i am here to ask a question:
i wanted to follow you but i’m not sure if you’re chill with me doing so since most blogs prefer to not have minors or dark-content blogs following them (my age is in my bio btw), which is valid! i just wanna respect others boundaries if they’re set :)
hello! oh my god, i haven't gone on tumblr for a while following my injury, so i'm sorry for seeing this late 😅. first, we all know that minors do not care about the "Minors DNI" tags LOL. i've been in fandoms long enough to be on freaking deviantart looking for hetalia reader-insert lemons. and no, even i did not listen to those 18+ warnings.
so yes, honestly i'm fine with anyone looking at my works (plus you're 17 😭 i was 17 less than a year ago too) as long as they don't come into my space, introduce themselves as minors, and start yelling about what they see. i'm personally a big fan of people minding their own business haha.
thanks for asking! hope you enjoy my works despite my inactivity.
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breitzbachbea · 3 years
For the shipping ask, 10 and 11 please ^-^
Thank you for the ask!
Shipping Asks
10. Do characters have to have canon interactions for you to ship them?
Hm, well, it doesn't hurt, but to be honest, no. Best example - when we read "Emilia Galotti" by Lessing in school, I really liked both Emilia & Countess Orsina a lot. I thought the "best" ending for the play would've been Emilia & Orsina becoming a couple while the Prince Hettore and Marchese Marinelli pay for their bullshit. Emilia & Orsina have zero interaction. And yet, I wrote fanfiction for the ship, one three chapters and thirty pages long. Hell, I even read excerpts of the multichapter fic for an event we did for a class in Uni. These two have never talked with each other once in the entire play, but I'd die for them and their love. Countess Orsina is a good ship.
When it comes to Hetalia, I don't think so much about canon but cultural likeness & historical connections. It actually didn't occur to me until a few weeks ago that Oh yeah, people make ships also based on personalities & not historical precedence. I know I'm a dumbass, no need to tell me. I'm again more likely to ship something if I've been introduced to it via canon, but even then canon is my introduction to the idea of a ship, like PortEng or NedPort. The actual shipping would probably occur only after I've familiarized myself with through fanon and my own historical research.
When it comes to my OCs, well, obviously the bitches would need to meet each other
11. What makes a great ship in your own opinion?
I think any ship can be made to work in some way or another if you put the work in. Even if I don't personally like the way the ship works then, I am sure that 99.9% of ships on this green earth can be made viable in a way that I'd enjoy them at least to some degree as onlooker.
I HAVE to believe it. Trust me. Because when I was younger, I decided to just like ships or mash OCs together because ... I could. Because some core idea was funny. However, I never spent much thought on how a relationship between these two people would work, so writing content with the ships was tricky & didn't occur much. Since I am the biggest pighead you'll ever meet, I didn't abandon those ships, though. (The only ones I can remember where I did it is Sarielle and Prucan, but the latter's kinda making a comeback for an AU). I instead spent time to analyze why these two people would be drawn to each other, what makes them tick and which roles they fulfill in the relationship. Why are they staying? Why this person? What's their dynamic? I participated in RoChu week in 2017 to answer these questions for myself & I asked them when a friend of mine said they never really liked AusHun in the way it is often portrayed. So I tried to write them in a way that makes them loving each other make sense. Railey had to morph into the relationship of 'Old married couple' it is these days over years of trial and error (Big yikes to my edgy, hatesex ideas with them from way back in 2014). It took me years to figure out what makes Francetto truly tick, what turns attraction & fascination into love. I feel like I only cracked the code on how to write TurGre in my AU this year thanks to sadlygrove's excellent fanfictions.
All of that jazz being said, I think my two main categories of ship are this:
1. Cast in the same mold
Those characters may be polar opposites on the surface level, but they share one aspect of their personality that binds them together. Ask-Aph-Fruk, bless that this blog ever existed, put it very well with FrUK: They share their pride. They're both proud in exactly the same way, so even if they disagree on a thousand other things, they'll recognize each other at their core. SicIre is a similiar ship - Very different in how they express themselves, what matters to them and many cultural aspects. They however also share some basics (Agricultural islands, history of foreign occupation) and they most of all share their pride. Their yearning for freedom and no tolerance for those who infringe on it. They see themselves in each other's fighting spirit.
Other examples of this (the core characteristic doesn't HAVE to be pride, SicIre & FrUK are just Like That): Railey, Francetto, Kaliz, Gabio, Hette, Johanine. Also, I haven't dabbled in the Soul Eater fandom in years, but Stein/Medusa is also definitely this.
2. The yearning for what one lacks
Those characters are compatible because they're deeply attracted and yearning for something they can't be. They may share some personality traits or common interests on the surface, but they're wired differently at their core, which is what draws them to each other. TurGre is one example - these two share a lot of history and a lot of culture, but they're very different people at the end of the day. Herakles is thoughtful and languid, more quiet than Sadık, who is more impulsive and intense. It's the difference they want, they admire, they adore. It's who they can't be. Even more of a "Who they can't be" ship is GerIta to me. Feliciano and Ludwig do share some interests on the surface, but they seem like unlikely couple most of the time and are different deep down. Ludwig sees in Feliciano a levity, a depth of thought and emotion he simply cannot reach, someone who learnt how to deal with their past and tries to live in the moment. Feliciano in turn views Ludwig as someone stable, who may waver but never fall no matter what hits him, who will always learn how to brave every situation steadfastly.
Other examples of this: Spamano, DOTS, Rutherphee, Telova, Jemar, RoChu.
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The Heart Gambit (Dennor): 2-The Arbiter
Word Count: 1,566
Summary: Mathias and Emil meet the day after the party for drinks but things take a surprising turn when Emil has to leave suddenly.
Author's Note: Yay next chapter! Sorry it's a little late! I had a great time writing it so I hope you enjoy it and do leave me some feedback so I can keep getting better!
Previous: 1-Where I want to Be
Mathias took a swig of his drink. The bar was mostly quiet except for some old men having a conversation in the corner, occasionally punching through the quiet with bouts of hearty laughter. He anticipated the noise would pick up as the night went on and hoped his drink would loosen his nerves.
His plan was to persuade Emil to introduce him to Lukas, but Mathias was having doubts. He'd spent the last night tossing and turn in his hotel room. Should I say I'm sorry for saying he doesn't have a life? Would he believe me? Why do I care what he thinks? Mathias wasn't really sure why he wanted to talk to Lukas so badly.
He thought back to the conversation he had with Alfred last night. All Mathias has to do was shake hands and be relatively polite; win them over with 'charm'. He'd done it a million times before. He remembered how much fun it was at the beginning of his career. He liked seeing people smile and laugh when he was loud or made a snarky comment. No one has seen a Chess player like that before. Breaking the stereotype worked in his favor for a long time, but the more Mathias thought about how he felt about keeping up this facade, the more the same thought came to his mind: I'm tired. This wasn't the first time he had this thought. It started maybe a year ago, and to say it scared him was an understatement. He couldn't fathom losing everything he worked for at the time. He relished the fame and loved his lifestyle. But these days, he had half a mind to be a no-show at the match and run away to a small village nearby and spend the rest of his days breathing in the fresh air, soaking in the sunlight.
Mathias quickly zoned back in as he heard the door open. Emil stepped through, looking much different from the night before. Rather than the suit and tie from last night, he was wearing a striped button-down shirt and brown jacket that looked as if it had been hastily thrown on. Emil looked over at him. He stared for a moment before recognizing Mathias and walking over.
He didn't blame him for not recognizing him. When he's not as some stuffy get-together, Mathais wore his hair much wilder and popped the collars of his shirts. Mathias also wouldn't be surprised if he looked like he went through a tornado considering how tired he was when he got dressed. At this point, it wouldn't phase him to learn he was wearing two left shoes or one black and one brown.
Emil made his way over to Mathias's table and sat across from him. Emil looked a little stiff and his gaze was fixed on the table. He chuckled a bit.
"You know, part of me did think you'd show up," he said with a half-smile.
Mathias beamed.
"Of course! I wanted to finish our conversation from last night! Talking about your brother is way more fun than a stuffy party! To be fair, it's also way more fun when you're not AT the stuffy party!" he laughed. "'Though, I'm kinda curious. What about you, huh?
Emil was taken aback a bit. Just last night, Mathias was mostly well-behaved with a bit of an ego. Now he's asking about him? Everything Lukas told him made it seem like Mathias would be the kind of guy to spend half the time talking about how great he is and the other half talking sponsorship and bulldozing rainforests.
"Well, there's not much to talk about." He shifted a bit in his seat. "It's just been me and Lukas for a long time. When he picked up Chess and started getting serious, I joined him. I never really liked competing, though. So I ended up becoming his second. Now my job is to make sure he actually eats food instead of just reading. The rest is history."
Mathias took a swig from his drink.
"So why stick around, huh? If you don't like the whole competition scene then...well I guess I'm asking what you'd be doing if you weren't doing chess?" he implored with a childlike smile.
Emil scratched at his palm.
"I... well... I've always wanted to go back to school. It's not like I'm that old or anything! I used to wanted to go to school for geology or something like that," Emil said, his face lighting up. "I've always like volcanoes and things like that!"
Mathias gave a bit smile.
"That's so cool! You should tell me what lava feels like when you get to touch it!" he exclaimed.
Emil raised an eyebrow.
"I don't think... never mind. So what about you, huh? Got any plans for after the match?" Emil asked, stealing glances at his watch.
Mathias paused for a moment. He couldn't exactly say he hadn't thought about it before. Of course he has. But no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't think of somewhere he wanted to be. He couldn't see himself as any conventional job like a lawyer, teacher, and certainly not an office worker. If he was honest with himself, he didn't really fit any job in particular. He didn't have a higher purpose anymore. Chess became his life, his life became chess, and he was scared of who he would be without it. He lost so much to Chess, but he most regretted the time he lost, the life he wouldn't get back. Maybe that's what he would do. Spend the rest of his life making up for all the time he lost at uncomfortable parties, being purposely arrogant and hurtful, and for every game he played after he realized it didn't make him happy anymore.
Mathias managed a small smile.
"Oh you know!" he said, trying to sound cheery. "I think I wanna take a break for a while! No more stuffy lame parties for a long time! I'll get a house somewhere nice and just have a good time!"
Emil opened his mouth to respond, but his watch began beeping. He jumped up from his seat and stopped his watch.
"Sorry! I have to...um...go...I'll be right back!" he said, practically bolting out.
Mathias barely had time to process what happened before the door opened and a familiar figure walked through. Emil was right, he did come right back. Only something was different. Mathias got a second look and felt himself stiffen up.
"No way," he whispered under his breath.
Lukas was scanning the room with furrowed brows. He carefully made his way through the now more crowded bar, looking at every patron as if he lost something. Mathias found him jumping up from his seat and weaving his way through the tables and chairs towards Lukas. In all honesty, he had no idea what he was doing or what he was going to say to him once he got there. He just knew he had to meet Lukas.
Ok, I'll open with an apology! Yeah! 'Sorry for being an ass during the interview!'. Then maybe I can ask him to get a drink or something or-
Mathias felt something bump against his chest that caused him to take a step back. He snapped back to reality and noticed someone sprawled on the floor in front of him.
"Woah are you ok!? My bad! I totally didn't see you there!" he cried out, a bit too loudly.
Mathias stuck out his hand. The person on the floor sat up a bit, rubbing their arm.
"Sorry...I'm just looking for my brother..." the person replied quietly.
They reached out and grabbed Mathias's hand, finally making eye contact. And at that moment, Mathias knew it was all over. Lukas's hand was so soft and warm in his own, he couldn't imagine ever letting go of it. The feeling of his hands sent electricity through his veins. Falling to the ground made his hair a little messy, strands of blonde hair covering his face, and he was partially tangled up in a long white scarf. But what made Mathias know he was done for was Lukas's eyes. Like Emil, they were so blue they seemed violet, but Lukas's were different. They always seemed so cold in the pictures Mathias has seen of him. Those weren't the eyes he met. Mathias saw soft eyes, like a child's. There was concern in them, maybe even a little embarrassment. Lukas's eyes managed to see right through Mathias straight into his soul. He felt his heart flutter for a moment and a warmth spread to his cheeks. And with that, his whole world turned upside down.
Lukas had already begun pulling himself up when he finally recognized the man attached to the hand.
Lukas's grip on Mathias's hand slipped and he found he found himself crashing back onto the floor with another loud thud. All Mathias could manage to do was stare for a moment before forcing himself to offer his hand again, praying Lukas would take it.
"Hi...I'm...um...I'm Mathias...nice to meet you..." was the only thing he could get to come out, feeling the least confident he'd ever felt in his life.
Lukas hesitated for a moment before taking Mathias's hand.
--- Next Chapter: 3-Coming Soon!
a/n: I'm so excited to be writing this! Things are definitely gonna start getting more interesting in the next chapter!  I’m going to take this time to plug my non-hetalia work “ Intro to Love ” about a college student who struggles to keep her superpowers a secret and while making new friends.  How much of her normal life will she give up to save her friends from a mysterious villain that drains students’ brains and turns them into zombies? The complete Chapter 1 is out NOW! And Chapter 2.1-'The last of the Good Days' will be out in the next couple of days!
Thanks again for reading! Send some feedback my way! Can’t wait to continue this story!
Quotev link: here
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thechosenburrito · 3 years
The Heart Gambit (Dennor): 2-The Arbiter
Word Count: 1,566
Summary: Mathias and Emil meet the day after the party for drinks but things take a surprising turn when Emil has to leave suddenly. Author's Note: Yay next chapter! Sorry it's a little late! I had a great time writing it so I hope you enjoy it and do leave me some feedback so I can keep getting better! Previous: 1-Where I want to Be --- Mathias took a swig of his drink. The bar was mostly quiet except for some old men having a conversation in the corner, occasionally punching through the quiet with bouts of hearty laughter. He anticipated the noise would pick up as the night went on and hoped his drink would loosen his nerves. His plan was to persuade Emil to introduce him to Lukas, but Mathias was having doubts. He'd spent the last night tossing and turn in his hotel room. Should I say I'm sorry for saying he doesn't have a life? Would he believe me? Why do I care what he thinks? Mathias wasn't really sure why he wanted to talk to Lukas so badly.
He thought back to the conversation he had with Alfred last night. All Mathias has to do was shake hands and be relatively polite; win them over with 'charm'. He'd done it a million times before. He remembered how much fun it was at the beginning of his career. He liked seeing people smile and laugh when he was loud or made a snarky comment. No one has seen a Chess player like that before. Breaking the stereotype worked in his favor for a long time, but the more Mathias thought about how he felt about keeping up this facade, the more the same thought came to his mind: I'm tired. This wasn't the first time he had this thought. It started maybe a year ago, and to say it scared him was an understatement. He couldn't fathom losing everything he worked for at the time. He relished the fame and loved his lifestyle. But these days, he had half a mind to be a no-show at the match and run away to a small village nearby and spend the rest of his days breathing in the fresh air, soaking in the sunlight. Mathias quickly zoned back in as he heard the door open. Emil stepped through, looking much different from the night before. Rather than the suit and tie from last night, he was wearing a striped button-down shirt and brown jacket that looked as if it had been hastily thrown on. Emil looked over at him. He stared for a moment before recognizing Mathias and walking over. He didn't blame him for not recognizing him. When he's not as some stuffy get-together, Mathais wore his hair much wilder and popped the collars of his shirts. Mathias also wouldn't be surprised if he looked like he went through a tornado considering how tired he was when he got dressed. At this point, it wouldn't phase him to learn he was wearing two left shoes or one black and one brown. Emil made his way over to Mathias's table and sat across from him. Emil looked a little stiff and his gaze was fixed on the table. He chuckled a bit. "You know, part of me did think you'd show up," he said with a half-smile. Mathias beamed. "Of course! I wanted to finish our conversation from last night! Talking about your brother is way more fun than a stuffy party! To be fair, it's also way more fun when you're not AT the stuffy party!" he laughed. "'Though, I'm kinda curious. What about you, huh? Emil was taken aback a bit. Just last night, Mathias was mostly well-behaved with a bit of an ego. Now he's asking about him? Everything Lukas told him made it seem like Mathias would be the kind of guy to spend half the time talking about how great he is and the other half talking sponsorship and bulldozing rainforests. "Well, there's not much to talk about." He shifted a bit in his seat. "It's just been me and Lukas for a long time. When he picked up Chess and started getting serious, I joined him. I never really liked competing, though. So I ended up becoming his second. Now my job is to make sure he actually eats food instead of just reading. The rest is history." Mathias took a swig from his drink. "So why stick around, huh? If you don't like the whole competition scene then...well I guess I'm asking what you'd be doing if you weren't doing chess?" he implored with a childlike smile. Emil scratched at his palm. "I... well... I've always wanted to go back to school. It's not like I'm that old or anything! I used to wanted to go to school for geology or something like that," Emil said, his face lighting up. "I've always like volcanoes and things like that!" Mathias gave a bit smile. "That's so cool! You should tell me what lava feels like when you get to touch it!" he exclaimed. Emil raised an eyebrow. "I don't think... never mind. So what about you, huh? Got any plans for after the match?" Emil asked, stealing glances at his watch. Mathias paused for a moment. He couldn't exactly say he hadn't thought about it before. Of course he has. But no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't think of somewhere he wanted to be. He couldn't see himself as any conventional job like a lawyer, teacher, and certainly not an office
worker. If he was honest with himself, he didn't really fit any job in particular. He didn't have a higher purpose anymore. Chess became his life, his life became chess, and he was scared of who he would be without it. He lost so much to Chess, but he most regretted the time he lost, the life he wouldn't get back. Maybe that's what he would do. Spend the rest of his life making up for all the time he lost at uncomfortable parties, being purposely arrogant and hurtful, and for every game he played after he realized it didn't make him happy anymore. Mathias managed a small smile. "Oh you know!" he said, trying to sound cheery. "I think I wanna take a break for a while! No more stuffy lame parties for a long time! I'll get a house somewhere nice and just have a good time!" Emil opened his mouth to respond, but his watch began beeping. He jumped up from his seat and stopped his watch. "Sorry! I have to...um...go...I'll be right back!" he said, practically bolting out. Mathias barely had time to process what happened before the door opened and a familiar figure walked through. Emil was right, he did come right back. Only something was different. Mathias got a second look and felt himself stiffen up. "No way," he whispered under his breath. Lukas was scanning the room with furrowed brows. He carefully made his way through the now more crowded bar, looking at every patron as if he lost something. Mathias found him jumping up from his seat and weaving his way through the tables and chairs towards Lukas. In all honesty, he had no idea what he was doing or what he was going to say to him once he got there. He just knew he had to meet Lukas. Ok, I'll open with an apology! Yeah! 'Sorry for being an ass during the interview!'. Then maybe I can ask him to get a drink or something or- Mathias felt something bump against his chest that caused him to take a step back. He snapped back to reality and noticed someone sprawled on the floor in front of him. "Woah are you ok!? My bad! I totally didn't see you there!" he cried out, a bit too loudly. Mathias stuck out his hand. The person on the floor sat up a bit, rubbing their arm. "Sorry...I'm just looking for my brother..." the person replied quietly. They reached out and grabbed Mathias's hand, finally making eye contact. And at that moment, Mathias knew it was all over. Lukas's hand was so soft and warm in his own, he couldn't imagine ever letting go of it. The feeling of his hands sent electricity through his veins. Falling to the ground made his hair a little messy, strands of blonde hair covering his face, and he was partially tangled up in a long white scarf. But what made Mathias know he was done for was Lukas's eyes. Like Emil, they were so blue they seemed violet, but Lukas's were different. They always seemed so cold in the pictures Mathias has seen of him. Those weren't the eyes he met. Mathias saw soft eyes, like a child's. There was concern in them, maybe even a little embarrassment. Lukas's eyes managed to see right through Mathias straight into his soul. He felt his heart flutter for a moment and a warmth spread to his cheeks. And with that, his whole world turned upside down. Lukas had already begun pulling himself up when he finally recognized the man attached to the hand. "Thank y- WAIT A MINUTE YOU'RE-" Lukas's grip on Mathias's hand slipped and he found he found himself crashing back onto the floor with another loud thud. All Mathias could manage to do was stare for a moment before forcing himself to offer his hand again, praying Lukas would take it. "Hi...I'm...um...I'm Mathias...nice to meet you..." was the only thing he could get to come out, feeling the least confident he'd ever felt in his life. Lukas hesitated for a moment before taking Mathias's hand.
Next Chapter: 3-One-Way Screen a/n: I'm so excited to be writing this! Things are definitely gonna start getting more interesting in the next chapter!  I’m going to take this time to plug my non-hetalia work “ Intro to Love ” about a college student who
struggles to keep her superpowers a secret and while making new friends.  How much of her normal life will she give up to save her friends from a mysterious villain that drains students’ brains and turns them into zombies? The complete Chapter 1 is out NOW! And Chapter 2.1-'The last of the Good Days' will be out in the next couple of days! Thanks again for reading! Send some feedback my way! Can’t wait to continue this story! Quotev link: here
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elisabeth515 · 4 years
My relationship with History
This is for @coleide and @sollannaart who both asked me on why I am interested in history :3
It started more than a decade ago.
Growing up in Hong Kong, I was an outcast: not liking the things that “normal girls” like, not having so much friends... I only had like 4-5 friends when I was in primary school (and reduced to none in my secondary school days). I always loved being in the world of books when I was alone, and I was the school librarian. I am really not a big fan of fictions, so the books I often picked up are either science or history books; among those books, there was one comic on world history that makes me want to read over and over.
I guess I just found Napoleon in that comic very good-looking, making me want to read about this part of the comic again, and again. I was just a little girl, fantasising about everything—including myself being an Empress of my own (thank you TVB and mainland Chinese period dramas), running free and loving whoever I want... I don’t know, probably reading about Napoleon for countless times has shaped my obsession fascination towards the Napoleonic era. Somehow, I kept this very secretly, like no one including my parents should know that. I was really scared of being judged because I was literally obsessed with something that a young girl should not have—all those cool battles and stuff, you get it. I was even begging my parents to take me to a Napoleonic exhibition in Macau during Le French May (a festival hosted by the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau) one year, when I found out on my way to my piano class. To an extent, I just found myself very fascinated with the Napoleonic period that I brought it out for my secondary 2 history mini projects.
This kinda died out when I shifted my focus to World War II Germany, thanks to watching too much Hitler parodies. I was curious about what was originally said in the clips, so I watched the original movies. Then, I sank deeper into this hole and watch more movies about the Germans in World War II (if you wanna start I would recommend the German End of WWII 60th Anniversary trio—watched them all and they are so good). I realised that, reading history was like reading stories, that has happened in the past, and we aimed to learn the lessons in it. That Reich phrase was probably the time when I found myself truly fascinated with history.
Of course, thanks to Hetalia, this died out as well. Nevertheless, it accelerated my love towards history, even though at that time I was a total mess including imagining myself being in love with Francis Bonnefoy, also being extremely xenophobic and localist thanks to the very brainwashing Hong Kong education—I had basically thrown away the lessons I learnt in my Reich phrase at that point, even though that was the very first time I truly exposed myself to politics. Les Misérables bailed me out of the jail, and I soon found myself being fascinated with mythology and ancient history, because I love cool stories. This also makes me picking Classical Civilisations in my A-Levels, when I finally escaped from the living hell.
Picking Classical Civilisation for my A-levels in my UK college days is probably one of the best decisions in my life, because that was what I loved the most—just talking about the stories that we have read about and engaged in thought-provoking conversations over history and philosophy. I was also a staff member of Mythology and Cultures amino at that time, so I am engaged to mythology and history a lot. And this is when the bizarre adventure begins...
One day when I was discussing about a story project with my friend @/jasmineowlet, I suddenly started to introduce the guys from the distant memories of my adventures in the Napoleonic era. Then, I just found myself getting deeper into this again since my early adolescence, for whatever the fuck of the reasons, and made this very niche tumblr community happen.
There you have it, a brief history of me which no one would be interested in. Maybe I will bring out my bizarre adventures with witchcraft and spirituality, which has a big thing to do with what I have now, for another day because I could not even believed that I had done all of these things (I really don’t want to be judged either).
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kitkat-the-artist · 5 years
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Happy 10th anniversary for Homestuck!
What better way to celebrate than actually participating this year with a redesign of my very first troll OC that I never posted. To be fair, if you look or follow my main blog, my profile pic probably the only existing reference photo that I haven’t destroyed or lost.
I’m gonna also celebrate today with a bit of a story that involved the convention I went to recently underneath the cut, so here we go.
March 17th, 2019. I walked into a small panel room that was being run by four mods, each of them in a Homestuck cosplay. Karkat, Vriska, Jade, and Roxy. I was early to the room, but there was at least 10 people there already, more coming in with every second. By the time the panel started, when I looked back, the room was practically filled. Since the panel wasn’t meant to be much, I guess the con staff gave them a room they figured would fit a decent amount, but looking back at how many people were squeezing into the room really showed how many people still liked Homestuck. When the panel started, the mods encouraged us to come up and tell our stories and experiences with Homestuck. The stories I heard was interesting to see how it changed each of them (My favorite one being from a Sollux cosplayer who said their experience with it was from years ago when they played a game with five friends and had to move to another room when theirs got too crowded. They each kept a hand on a friends’ head to keep themselves from getting lose. Only until they got to the vendors did the Sollux notice somebody glaring and when they turned around, at least 23 more Homestuck cosplayers had joined in). When I went to take my turn, I told them where it all started.
I started reading Homestuck in the summer of 2012 after an online friend from an art website that no longer exists recommended it to me. At this point in my life, I had little to no friends in real life. The only people I befriended were the kids that schools praised for being so smart. The ones who ended up in Honors classes, so I had nobody to hang out with during classes or lunch. Over time, I lost contact with them. The only other people I somewhat befriended were people I talked about anime with. Though my time with them was strange and this was at the point in my life where I was wondering if people were being sincere about wanting to be my friend or looking for excuses to make fun of me for processing things slowly.
Third day of freshman year. I was in my first period English class and I was making my way to my desk when I stopped and noticed a girl drawing on her schedule. She was one of the few people who inspired me to draw again because I was in awe at her skills. All over her schedule, she had drawn Adventure Time, Hetalia, all sorts of anime characters, and the one I recognized almost immediately. Homestuck. I got a little closer and pointed to her schedule, asking if that was Aradia. She said yes and after we talked, we started to hang out. We would sit together on the same side of the room in classes we shared together, write notes to each back and forth about Homestuck or the places she had been, stuff we liked to do.
Over time, she and I met other people. That group we befriended so quickly grew and became our little friend group. The people who I had strange friendships with in middle school slowly joined in and we actually got to know each other. At one point, my friend told me about a convention in the area and it was there I learned about cosplay. I dug into what conventions and cosplays were all about and found out there were so many people who were into Homestuck like me. I put together my first cosplay, Aranea Serket, and I met so many great people, some who I stayed friends with even after those many years. My favorite event that year was Promstuck, but every year I went to it after that, I never got to stay long enough or I missed it on the final year until it was no more. (Unfortunately, I don’t have photos from that year, but I did find the old dress that I ruined with the giant Scorpio sign)
Back in school, I met someone among the group in March who would change my life forever. See, at this point, I had a crush on Karkat in the webcomics (to which when I explained this detail to the panel, they all smiled and pointed to the Karkat mod) and I had a Signless necklace that my family bought back when WhatPumpkin was still a store. After he noticed my necklace, he told me “You know, that’s my zodiac sign, right?”
From then on, I hung out with this guy. We used to sit in lunch, holding hands and jokingly call each other dumb pets names involving cats, his being Karkitty. Six years, we stayed together. And after six years of sticking together, we got engaged.
I did end my conclusion of the story of Homestuck with asking the panel if it was alright with them for me to share a redraw of my first troll OC, her ancestor, and dancestor when they were introduced. One person started with “Yes! Show the trolls!” and it became a chant from there. After showing it, I ended my story with saying that while I joke around about Homestuck being a part of my life, I have to thank it at the same time because without it, I wouldn’t have met the people I knew today, wouldn’t be in a happy relationship, wouldn’t be doing cosplay, and wouldn’t be doing art.
After we all told our stories, we ended up finishing the panel off with 6 to 7 year old videos that we all had seen at least once in our lives (Lullaby For The Gods, Mambostuck, Quest Of The Highbloods, You Can’t Fight The Homestuck) and we said our goodbyes. Whether we’d see each other again after that remained to be seen, but it made me happy to know Homestuck still meant something to all of us after these many years.
I apologize for this being so long, but it brought a lot of memories to me after revisiting the story. For that, I’m extremely glad Homestuck existed. It made my life so much better and I don’t know where I’d be, had I not read it or if it never existed. Maybe something else would’ve pulled me and the people I know together, but as far as I’m concerned, Homesuck is what pulled a majority of my interests and friends together and I don’t think anything else would’ve brought as much joy as Homestuck did.
For that, I say thank you, Andrew Hussie, for creating a webcomic that brought me and everything I knew together. Thank you to everyone who contributed to Homestuck whether in working on the comic itself or just being a part of the fandom to make artwork and everything else.
Thank you.
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iliamo · 6 years
In the Middle of the Night - HWD Secret Spectre 2018
hello i’m super late aaaaa this was way longer than expected
this is for secret spectres at @hwdevents​ in the hetalia writer’s discord
this is a fic for @d-joana-a-shippadora​, who i must thank because her request and prompt was hella fun to do and i hope y’all enjoy it
oz and kiwi are in it woohoo
(AO3 link thingy)
As Australia is stifling a yawn as he walks outside of the Heathrow Airport, New Zealand is next to him on the phone.
England was supposed to pick them up an hour ago. Instead, a middle-aged driver arrives and delivers an apology from England himself. He introduces himself as Robert and explains that England was busy with some government officials.
Once they are inside the vehicle, New Zealand calls England and after hanging up he explains: England is busier than expected and couldn't finish on time. He would arrive at the old house tomorrow at noon instead. The house now has Wi-Fi and some houseworkers left the place ready for them.
 Australia mouths an 'oh well' and looks out the window. 
 - - -
After a brief detour at Tesco because Australia wanted some beer and 'whatever England keeps at the old place ain't gonna be enough', they keep their route to the old house.
The place, located in the English countryside, is an old mansion where England brought both of them as children back in the day, usually to ease them in before going to the busier cities like London.
Australia can't say he is particularly fond of the place. Most good memories seem marred by England's stuffiness. When Australia wasn't outside playing on the trees and bushes, much to England's annoyance, he was inside being scolded for not behaving like a proper gentleman (the word colony was not said out loud, but its presence was very much felt).
Perhaps England thought the familiarity would make the reunion better.
It all disappears from Australia's head once the front of the mansion became visible. 
- - -
Despite the fact the last time they were inside the house was during the tail end of World War II, the place looks nearly the same as when they were children.
The rooms are large and filled with furniture over a hundred years old. If it weren't for the lights, some frames with photographs taken at recent conferences, and a couple of modern books mixed with old ones on the bookshelves, Australia would think he was being transported to the 19th century.
He and New Zealand go upstairs to the guest rooms to unpack. On the way there, he remembers the second door to the right and exclaims:
"Hey, Kiwi! 'member the cool place were the old man kept all the medieval swords 'n stuff?"
New Zealand is just turning his head when Australia is already opening the door.
Both enter and find a small room filled with all sorts of medieval memorabilia. The walls are decorated with swords, maces, and daggers; meanwhile, a large glass display contains assorted jewelry and tattered clothes.
New Zealand is staring at some medieval daggers on one wall when he hears the sound of metal against leather and turns around to see Australia unsheathing an old sword and doing a bad job of swinging it.
"Look at me, mate! Betcha I look like more badass than those dudes from Lord of the Rings!"
New Zealand tries to hold back a laugh, but it ends up sounding like a mix of a snort and choking. He smiles and answers.
"Dunno, Oz. I'd say it looks more like a kid who just discovered LARPing or Skyrim."
(He does find Australia's pout both funny and adorable at the same time, but keeps that to himself. Besides, no one disses Lord of the Rings under his watch.)
After that, they leave their luggage in the guest rooms and go back downstairs. Australia is stretching his limbs while fighting back jetlag-induced drowsiness. New Zealand, on the other hand, is in the kitchen with the coffee maker.
New Zealand pours himself a cup and walks to the dining room. At that time, he sees Australia going back to the mansion's entrance as if trying to leave already.
"Going out already?"
Although he can't see Australia at this point, he can him opening the front door and yelling back at him:
"I need some fresh air. Save some beer for me, 'kay? Be back in an hour or two."
New Zealand hears the door close and sits down, pulls out his phone and starts checking his e-mail.
- - -
Australia might not exactly be England's biggest fan, but he can admit that he loves the view of the countryside. It's nowhere near as beautiful and liberating as a summer drive in the Outback, but he'll take it.
He walks around and climbs a large tree. The forest is so large that he can't see any town or house nearby aside from the old place. The sunset is coming and the sky slowly darkens as the night make its arrival. Australia basks in the view and, as he gets ready to climb back down, he sees little dots of light on lower branches of the trees.
Once he touches the ground, he decides to follow along. 
"Damn! Kiwi's gonna miss this for bein' on the bloody phone all day."
Just as Australia is about to reach for his phone inside his pants pocket for a picture, he sees a couple of strange lights in the distance. Their glow is a bit faint, but their size is larger than the lights made of glow worms and that piques his interest.
He follows them, even though he hardly notices the fact they never seem to become closer. Slowly, more strange lights start to pop up, accompanied by a soft and barely audible jingling noise.
He stops in tracks when he finds a large circle of mushrooms on the grass. At the center of it there's a small light. He enters the circle and, as he slowly gets closer, he could swear the light is a fairy or something of the sort. When he reaches his hand to touch it, the light quickly moves away and disappears. 
Before he realizes it, his mind is covered in a strange fog that gradually fades away and sends him back to the 1800's.
A young Australia gasps in childlike wonder to his surrounding while, unbeknownst to him, giggles and screams roar on his back.
- - -
New Zealand, after finishing his second cup of coffee, gets bored with the house and decides to go out for some fresh air.
 By now, the sky is dark and dotted with stars. The glow worms have started to do their thing and the trees and bushes.
Curious, he decided to follow the lights. Not long after, he notices that the lights are increasing in number and brightness. A few meters away he notices Australia's silhouette. New Zealand would leave him alone most days, but considering that both are jetlagged as all hell and they have to be awake the next day before noon, he decided to yell at him.
"Oz, hey! Aren't you coming back for sleep? At least for a beer?"
Australia doesn't seem to hear him and keeps walking forward. The lights seem to gather and dance around him. What catches New Zealand's attention as he gets closer is that the lights seem to make strange noises, like a mix of jingle bells and high-pitched giggles.
The lights get closer and closer to Australia, to the point that New Zealand can't see him anymore. He tries to get closer, and the noise is starting to become louder.
"Oz! What are you doing!?"
Just as he reaches the mushroom circle, the lights form a wall and refuse to let New Zealand in. He can hear many voices yelling at him.
"He is our friend!"
At this moment is when New Zealand realizes that the lights speaking to him are, in fact, fairies (who knew those were real!). Unsure of what to do, he decides to reason with them.
"Um... Look, I don't know if he told you anything, but he and I are friends. We grew up together... for the most part. He and I were just on our way home and-"
He doesn't get a chance to finish as the fairies interrupt him, all of them screaming over each other.
"But he is in our territory!"
"Yes! That means he is ours now."
"He has to stay here until midnight!"
New Zealand has trouble hearing what they are all saying, but he does manage to hear the last part.
"Wait, wait, wait. The hell you meant by midnight?"
The fairies start to giggle among themselves. New Zealand is not sure if it is innocent or malicious, but he does not like where things are going.
"He has to stay here!"
"When the moon reaches the highest point, he will become one of us!"
They don't really explain a lot, but New Zealand is able to gather that if Australia will be in trouble if he stays there. He tries to get closer when the fairies hiss in fury and touch his arm. It feels as if one thousand bees have stung him and he pulls back in pain.
No matter how much he tries, they do not let him get any closer. After pondering for a few moments about what he should do, an idea begins to creep in. It is not very elegant, but it seems to be his only option.
As he goes back to the mansion, he hopes that Australia may still be there once he comes back. 
- - -
New Zealand nearly trips twice as he runs back to the house. The clock in the foyer proudly displays that it is 11:05 pm. New Zealand is one-hundred percent sure that there's no way time could have gone by that quickly. He decides to blame the fairies and climbs the staircase two steps at a time.
He enters England's old memorabilia room and searches the walls for a weapon that can help him.
For once in his life, he is grateful for listening to England's stories as a kid (against his will, in all fairness, but now is not the moment to mull over that). His eyes find just what he needs: an old and rusted iron dagger, probably used by England before the medieval times. 
He picks it up and feels it in his hand. In all honesty, he isn't sure it is going to be that useful. The blade is dull and incapable of even making a slight cut. The handle and the blade feel so old and brittle that New Zealand is certain that the dagger will break apart the moment it collides with something. Considering that it is the only weapon in the room made of completely of iron and he has less than an hour left before it is too late for Australia, he hopes it is good enough and firmly holds it before leaving the mansion and running back into the woods.
- - -
New Zealand's legs are about to give out when he reaches the fairy portal in the grass. The fairies feel his presence and gather in front of the mushrooms in order to not let him in.
The bells and the screams are so loud that New Zealand nearly covers his ears in pain. He decides against it and opts to brandish the dagger in front of them, adjusting his posture to look stronger and more intimidating than how he usually looks like.
Upon looking at the dagger, the fairies hiss in disgust and try to avoid it while still protecting their home and Australia inside of it.
"Let me in," New Zealand demands.
They don't respond, but stay in their place, which makes their response sell evident. New Zealand walks in closer to the circle, dagger in front of him at all time and holding it with the tightest grip he can manage. They don't even try to attack him and he's glad for it, as he is not sure the dagger is in any condition for combat.
"I just want him back, " his voice is loud, but firm, "let me in."
The fairies move away from the dagger, and thus create a way for him to enter their realm. The inside looks nearly the same as the regular woods, except for a strange air the permeates the place with an aura New Zealand can't really fully comprehend, and Australia, who is kneeling down next to a bush and staring at it with a mixture of wonder and reverence.
"Oz, come on. Let's go back."
It doesn't seem like Australia is ignoring him on purpose, but more like he doesn't seem to be aware that New Zealand is talking next to him.
New Zealand kneels down as well and looks at him. Australia's eyes are glassy and don't even seem to be really looking at the bush, but rather at something inside his head, as if in a trance.
New Zealand pats him on the shoulder and to talk to him again.
"Australia, we have to go. Now."
No response.
"Australia, please! We can't stay here!"
Australia's lack of response worries New Zealand to the point that doesn't even notice the fact that he's screaming and gripping Australia's shoulders so hard to the point of bruising.
- - -
Australia sits on his knees as he intently observes a row of ants going in its merry way. 
He was eating dinner with England inside the mansion. He would have stayed there, except that he became fed up after England slapped his hand for the third time that night: once for chewing with the mouth open and twice for not picking the right fork when at the dinner table.
He hears a faint voice in the distance but, assuming it to be England's, decides to ignore it.
"...alia... wa.... up"
The voice is increasing in volume, albeit not by much. At the very least, Australia can now tell it's not England speaking. Who could it be?
"...wa... up!"
He gets up, brushes dirt off his pants and looks around to find a small silhouette in the distance on the way to the mansion. India and Canada are too big for that, he's sure. He squints his eyes and manages to see a familiar hairstyle.
"Oi, Zee! What are you doing over there!?" he yells back.
New Zealand does not move. The voice is becoming louder and clearer.
"Wake up! We have to go now!"
He is sure that's not New Zealand's voice, he is way higher-pitched, especially when yelling.
"Can you hear that voice too, mate?"
For some strange reason, even though he can't pinpoint the owner of that voice, he can't help but feel a strong sense of familiarity, as if he had heard it before.
At that moment, New Zealand begins to run in his direction while the voice keeps repeating the same phrases over and over. The trees seem to blur together and he feels heavy on the head.
As New Zealand gets closer, Australia notices that he doesn't look as young as he should be. New Zealand seems taller and more fit, even if the hair is the same. 
Australia doesn't know what to do when New Zealand sits down next to him, smiles, and offers his hand...
"Come on Oz, we have to go back."
... but he takes it.
- - -
In that precise moment, Australia is startled awake and looks at his surroundings in confusion.
In front of him is New Zealand, who has a death grip on his shoulders (it's starting to hurt, even) and his face can only be described as smiling in relief.
"You're back!"
Without thinking, New Zealand is hugging Australia, not caring about anything else other than he made it in time.
Behind them, the fairies scream in anger.
"Kiwi, what's goin' on?" says Australia as he points at them, still a bit disoriented.
New Zealand shows Australia the dagger he's holding and says:
"Just hold this with me and let's get out of here."
The fairies scream and cry to no avail, powerless to do anything else. The noise slowly fades away as the return to the old place.
Once both enter the house, they collapse onto the sofa in the living room, jetlag and exhaustion making their grand comeback.
"Can you now tell me what just happened?"
New Zealand leaves the dagger at a small table and rubs his incoming headache as he tries to think of the best way to explain everything.
"You wandered into a fairy realm and almost became trapped there forever."
"And the knife?"
"England's. It's a long story."
Australia doesn't seem satisfied with his answers, but decides to not ask any further. He takes a few deep breaths and says:
"Thanks, mate."
New Zealand smiles as both enter the world of sleep.
The next day, at noon, England arrives and finds both of them sleeping on the sofa and embracing each other.
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The allies and axis reactions to their shy daughter coming alive on stage when singing and getting a standing ovation from the whole audience who came to watch the high schools performance. Their daughter was the star of the show!
(I live for the hetalia characters being the best parents ever)
America/Alfred F. Jones: America was the definition of embarrassing dad. Even before the performance, he had been promoting his daughter to literally anyone and everyone. He came with banners and a ‘I LOVE MY DAUGHTER” t-shirt as if he was a hardcore fan watching their idol’s last live performance ever. When his daughter went on stage, the emcee couldn’t even announce her properly because America’s cheering was way too loud. So when his daughter absolutely slayed up on stage, America was so proud his clapping and cheering constituted around 50% of all the noise in the auditorium. He practically barrelled over a few other parents to get on stage and sweep his daughter up into a bear hug.
“Thanks, Dad, but um could you put me down? Also, I’ll have to apologise to Tom and Jessica later for you almost trampling their parents.”
England/Arthur Kirkland: England did not have much trouble speaking in front of a crowd. After all, it was all a part of his job. But he did remember when he was younger, he hated speaking to even the leaders of his country, let alone the people. So he did know how his daughter felt. Before the performance, he would do his best to calm her, by playing gentle music and stroking her head, amongst other things. Once he was kicked out from backstage and forced to find his seat in the audience, England considered casting a spell of sorts to assist his daughter but decided against it. This was something she had to face and overcome on her own merit. As he saw her nervously grasping the microphone, England felt his own nerves start to act up. But when she made eye contact with him, fear evident in her big eyes, he gave her his brightest smile and mimicked taking a deep breath. His daughter took his advice and proceeded to give one of the most beautiful performances England had ever heard. He joined the rest of the audience in applauding. Although in the auditorium he merely gave her a proud smile, once they were out he wrapped her up in a tight hug.
“You did it, you did it!”
“I did it, I did it!”
“Yes, you did!”
France/Francis Bonnefoy: France adored his daughter, and he knew that she had the voice of an angel. She had, after all, grown up listening to him sing. Unfortunately, she didn’t seem to believe that her singing really was good. When she came to him in tears, terrified at the prospect of singing in front of a large crowd, France was determined to help her overcome her fear. It was slightly childish, but in the end forcing her to imagine stuffed animals as an audience really did seem to help her. Now it was time for the ultimate test. France watched with bated breath as his daughter walked up on stage. Her eyes sought his out, and when they met, he did his best to send confident vibes to her. Somehow. He saw her close her eyes. The music had started to play! With her eyes still closed, the first few lines of the song she had selected with him were heard. It was her voice! Her sweet, gentle voice! Her eyes flew open and at that moment, France knew. His daughter was amazing. He could barely hold himself back from crying. Even while applauding with the rest of the audience at the end of the performance, he had tears in his eyes.
“That was the most perfect performance I have ever seen!”
“Really? Did the audience like it? All I saw were teddy bears…”
“Of course, ma cherie! Of course!”
Russia/Ivan Braginsky: Russia knew all too well the fear of speaking up in front of a group of people. Back when he was younger, he was exactly the same as his daughter. So when he saw his daughter pacing back and forth around the house the morning of the performance, he did what his elder sister had done for him all those years ago. He took off his scarf and wrapped it around his daughter’s neck. Although it was pretty huge on her, his daughter still accepted it, but she didn’t understand the meaning behind his actions. Russia didn’t explain himself either. It was only later on when his daughter was standing up on stage did she finally realise why her father had given her the scarf. As the intro music of the song played, she took a deep breath, breathing in the comforting scent of Russia’s scarf. Through the scarf, she could feel his love for her. She couldn’t let him down. With that thought in mind, Russia’s daughter began to sing, and an angel descended upon the auditorium, at least in Russia’s eyes.
“Did my gift work?”
“Yes, I love you so, so much.”
“I love you too, my darling.”
China/Wang Yao: China had never been shy in front of a crowd. I mean, he was fricking China. But he had raised all his quieter siblings so he could understand why his daughter felt the way she did. So China just did what he always did to cheer her up. It was Mulan time. Although China thought that the real story was much more badass, his daughter had taken a liking to the Disney version after America showed it to her. China pulled out costumes he had made a couple years ago and started to sing. Sure, it was embarrassing, but his daughter’s confident smile was worth it. Thanks to China’s encouragement, his daughter could strut onto the stage like the empress she was and belt out a performance that left even China himself, who had heard all her practising, speechless. 
“You. Were. Amazing!”
“I was, wasn’t I?”
“You brought honour to us all!”
Italy/Feliciano Vargas: Although Italy was by no means shy, but he could relate to the pure fear his daughter was feeling. Unfortunately, he only noticed it the morning of the performance. Italy had to think of something, quick. After breaking every speeding law known to man to get his daughter to the school, Italy put his plan into motion. Before she knew it, it was Italy’s daughter time to perform. She heard the emcee call her name and her throat immediately went dry. She couldn’t do this. Right at that moment, she heard the cheers of countless people. She could make out her father, and… was that uncle Romano and Spain? That voice belonged to uncle Prussia… Incredulous, she peeked her head through the curtains and saw, firstly, her father riding on the shoulders of a very embarrassed Germany, frantically calling her name and waving a white flag with her name on it. Next to them, Romano, Spain, Prussia, France, Japan… Did her father drag all of his friends over to support her? Yes, yes he did. Italy’s daughter had to make her father proud. And when she took the microphone and started to sing, she certainly succeeded.
“My dear, that was beautiful!”
“Thank you so much, Papa, but, um, was all of this… necessary?”
“Of course it was! Everyone had to watch you, you’re my daughter!”
Germany/Ludwig Beilschmidt: Germany was not particularly well-versed in the art of calming someone’s nerves. With Italy, usually a plate of pasta worked well enough, but Germany doubted his daughter would be as easily placated as Italy. In fact, his daughter was a lot like him. This gave Germany an idea. Whenever he was stressed out about something, he found going for a jog with his dogs a good way of clearing his mind. So, Germany dragged his daughter, who had been practising her song to the point of absurdity, forced her into workout clothes and leashed the dogs. His daughter loved their dogs as much as he did, so she couldn’t resist her father’s offer of the jog. After an hour outside, father and daughter arrived home, both smiling and refreshed. Germany’s daughter washed up, prepared herself for the performance and waited for her father to bring her to the school. Later, at the performance, Germany saw the confident smile on his daughter’s face right before she started to sing, and he knew that his plan had worked. When they made eye contact, Germany and his daughter shared a beautiful, pure smile. 
“You know, I think Axel and Felix are my lucky stars.”
“… I see.”
“Just kidding, my lucky star is you!”
Japan/Honda Kiku: Japan was well aware of the anxiety his daughter felt, but decided to put his trust in her ability to pull through and overcome this obstacle in her life. Instead, he tried his best to not put any extra pressure on her before the performance. Unfortunately, some of his friends *cough*Italy*cough* found out that his daughter was going to sing, and decided to bring the whole gang to support her. Which is why banners decorated with his daughter’s name and face were now strewn across the back of the auditorium. Italy and America were screaming chants, Romano and Prussia were literally forcing the other members of the audience to cheer and Germany, like Japan, seemed like he wanted to disappear into the wall. Japan could tell by the look on his daughter’s face that she was not expecting this. Granted, he had not been expecting this either. But it must have helped, because when his daughter sang Japan very nearly pulled out his phone and demanded she be the voice provider for the latest voice synthesizer.
“You did very well, but I am so sorry for the disturbances the others caused.”
“I was shocked, but I must say it did help me feel more confident!”
“That’s good. I would like to introduce you to someone I know from Crypt- MR. AMERICA PLEASE PUT MY DAUGHTER DOWN.”
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chiaki-mainblog · 7 years
And Hope, Once Again is There
Category: Anime/Manga » Hetalia - Axis Powers Author: ElviaJones Language: English, Rating: Rated: T Genre: Drama/Hurt/Comfort Published: 01-07-17 Words: 2,105
Sequel for “Of Hope Beyond The Field”
He was sitting in his yard, enjoying the calm atmosphere he could not get enough after a long period of war. The war has indeed ended, and everything seemed surreal as Arthur peeked at his right wrist.
-I'll help you out-
Those four simple words, the words that supposed to bring him to his soulmate. Now those words had just become a painful reminder of his cruel fate.
It was only a year ago that the war has ended and he was finally able to go home. However, he was not in peace. He remembered it very clearly, a few months before the war ended. He stood there in the forked path, with his soulmate. Yes, his soulmate was clearly, a soldier. A soldier from the opposing side.
He was not able to say anything when he had met the soldier at that time. It was too much of a shock, too much to absorb in that kind of scenario. He could not bring himself to even mention about the words he had said to him, the exact same words printed on his right wrist. Not to mention that he was having a very bad headache due to his injury at that point of time. Only at the last minute, when the sound of gunshots and screams brought him to reality that he could finally muster up some words.
"Alfred F. Jones" he muttered absent mindedly.
That was his name. The name that he had given to him on that day. That… was the only thing he knew about his soulmate, other than the fact that he was an opposing soldier. Arthur inwardly cursed himself, how he regretted not giving him any information about himself to Alfred, not even his name.
He had wanted to search for Alfred the moment the war ended, but seeing the hostility remaining between the two factions, Arthur had no choice but to tone down his search. But even know, even after a year, he still could not find a single clue about his soulmate.
Arthur was definitely not an optimistic person. More or less, now he had accepted the fact that he might not be able to meet his soulmate again. Screw that, he did not even know if Alfred survived the war.
He sighed. Not having anything to do certainly was not the best thing to do in the meantime, especially when he had issues about his soulmate that kept hunting him. As he was about to stand, he heard a knocking from the door. Arthur paused for a while, he certainly was not expecting anyone on today.
He approached the door and opened it, revealing a familiar looking blond behind it.
"Bonjour, Arthur."
"Not nice to see you again, Francis. What kind of business requires you intruding on my house on such a broad daylight?" Arthur asked. Francis was his fellow first aider during the previous war, the war had somehow induced a bond between them so maybe you could say that they were friends.
"Well, mon ami, I have a good news... and a good news." Francis proceeded to say, his face lighting with excitement, something that Arthur did not usually see in his suave and cool upbringings.
"I certainly hope that this good news of yours is as good as you make it seems to be."
"Don't worry, I'm sure you will love to hear it. So, I met my soulmate yesterday. A young lady of the name of Jeanne. You should totally meet her, Arthur, she's such a charming and lovely lady."
"Well... that's lovely." Arthur was genuinely happy for Francis and Jeanne, but he could not help but to be jealous of them, knowing that he might not even be able to meet his own soulmate.
"I know, I would have introduced you to her, but there's one more thing."
Francis paused, as if giving a dramatic effect on his sentences.
"That soulmate of yours, I remember his name is something Jones, right?" Arthur nodded softly before Francis continued, "I told Jeanne about your story and apparently, her brother, who was a soldier during that war, was at the same troops with him."
Arthur was shocked, after so long, he finally got a clue to where his soulmate was.
"Really? So where is he?" Arthur asked back, almost too eagerly.
"Sadly, his brother never made it back. So, we don't know where that soulmate of yours is now."
Arthur's face immediately dropped, but Francis continued, handing him a piece of envelope, "But here…"
He took the envelope and opened it slowly, inside was two pieces of paper, a map and a letter? It looked like some kind of acceptance letter, but when he read the header, Arthur realised it was a letter of order.
"Jeanne pass it to me. The location of the main camp for the troop was written there, so… in case you want to look for him." In fact, Francis knew that Arthur always wanted to look for his soulmate, so he had asked for it.
"Ah… thank you."
It was true. Arthur always wanted to look for his soulmate, but now that he finally got a clue, he was scared. Would he still be alive? Jeanne's brother was dead, so what was the possibility of him to still be alive? And did Alfred even want him? His first encounter with him might not happen in the best circumstances, but Alfred did ran that day. His old worries returned, now Arthur was afraid that Alfred did not even want to meet him in the beginning.
Francis sensed the worries and fear in Arthur and he put a hand on his shoulder, gesturing him to go and do what he needed to do. With that, Arthur decided. He was not going to regret this.
Two days later, Arthur arranged for a trip to Costal Town, Area 55. That was what's written in the letter and following the map, Arthur ended up in a large town near the coastal area. It took Arthur another few days to finally found the main base for the soldiers. It was to no avail though, when he reached there, he immediately asked for someone under the name of Sir. Jones and it was answered with the officer shaking his head. Apparently though, after the war, the soldiers was dispatched to smaller unit in nearby town and villages and based on the information, it looked like that Arthur needed to do some more searching.
Following that information, Arthur travelled throughout the area, consistently asking for his soulmate in every soldier's base he found. Occasionally, he would go to bar or tavern to try his luck too, but luck was not really on his side. He started to lose hope, but he did not want stop halfway. He was already there and he was determined to at least try until he ran out of resources, whether it was money or clue.
It was a month into his search that he arrived at a medium-sized base near a hill. As usual, he came in, did his greetings and asked.
"Excuse me, I'm searching for someone under the name of Sir Jones, does he happened to be here?"
There was a moment of silence, but soon enough, an officer approached him, "You're looking for Sir Jones?"
Arthur nodded and the officer observed him for a while before finally saying, "Yes, Sir Jones was stationed in this base."
Arthur looked at the piece of paper on his hand. The officer had given him that piece of paper, complete with a hand drawn maps and directions scribbled on it. He followed it dutifully, until he finally arrived at his destination.
He stood there, quiet. Crafted with precision on the tombstone was the name;
'Sgt. F. Jones'
It took him awhile to register the rest of the story to his mind and without knowing it, droplets of tears starting to form in his eyes. He's here at last, he found his soulmate. Arthur found him, but he's not here...
As if knowing Arthur's feeling, the rain fell.
He did not even know anymore. Was it better for him not knowing about this? He felt a part of him broke and he could not get rid of the heavy weight on his chest anymore. He did not move and he just cried. Under that kind of weather, he should totally went home, but he could not take his eyes off the grave, he could not bring himself to leave.
And he just stood there, let the rain washed off his sorrow, which was proved to be useless.
Suddenly, he could not feel the rain droplets anymore and there seemed to be shadow looming around him.
"Hey, you'll catch a cold."
There was a person standing beside him, holding out an umbrella, now trying to prevent both of them from getting soaked, even though it was a bit too late for Arthur.
"You know my dad?" the other man asked, his voice low and filled with melancholy.
Upon receiving a weird question, Arthur was intrigued. Dad? He was clearly standing in front of Sir Jones' tombstone and that person surely refers to him when he asked that question. So he turned around and he could not believe what he just saw.
That blue eyes, blond hair, and a strange stray hair on his head.
Was his mind playing tricks on him? Yet, no matter how many times he blinked, he was there. Standing in front of him, alive and well. That blue eyes that still shined even during the war period, and now that there was no more war, they shined even brighter than Arthur could have imagined.
The man was clearly shocked and his eyes widened. They just stood still there for a few moments, before the blue eyed man threw his umbrella and pulled Arthur towards him for a hug.
"You're my soulmate, aren't you?"
"You're Alfred… Jones?" Arthur asked, still could not believe it and Alfred nodded. At last it clicked in Arthur's mind. Indeed, it was Sir Jones, the wrong Sir Jones. How silly and pessimistic he was.
Both of them remained in their position for awhile, not saying anything to each other as tears started to return on both of their eyes. It was good enough for them, knowing that their soulmates were there with them. Knowing that they had the chance to spend their life with their soulmates at last. Maybe fate was not that cruel.
The rain stopped and rainbow could be seen in the horizon. They finally pulled away from each other.
"You know, I'm glad… I'm glad to see you again." Alfred said as he wiped the tears on his eyes and Arthur could not help but to smile and chuckle a bit, guess he should have not been that worried after all.
Then Arthur remembered, something that he kept reminding himself about, for when he met his soulmate again. Extending his hand to his soulmate, now standing in front of him, he said "My name's Arthur Kirkland."
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anactualhyena · 8 years
Answer literally all the OC questions pls
1. Your first OC ever?
That would be Seren! She started out as my Warriors OC in sixth grade - Dragonclaw, a neon green, red, and orange cat with spike collars and bat wings. I called her the leader of Blood Clan and made her Scourge’s mate and oh lord it was a nightmare. She’s gone through a lot of redesigning through the years and now she has a feral cat form and a human form? As a cat she’s like a partially albino Norwegian forest cat with moss growing on her back and bits of fur matted with blood and an old torn dog collar she probably found on the streets and thought looked cool. As a human, she’s a muscular tribal woman bearing a large spear of sorts and clothing made from torn fabric and a tiger pelt. I like her human rendition a lot better tbh.

2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?

3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
I have! One of my old cat characters, Mandy, was a black cat with rainbow accents that I adopted years ago on DeviantART for like 5 points. Then my friend gave me her old Hetalia OC…I believe it was D.C.? As in Washington D.C.? But I don’t use my Hetalia characters anymore now that I left the fandom.

4. A character you rarely talk about?
That would definitely be Flint. Flint is a steampunk pirate character made for a Dungeons and Dragons campaign I had with a couple buddies last year. I’ve hardly talked about him at all but I love him too.

5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
Iagan!!! Iagan is my little ball of fluff and happiness that would love to brighten anyone’s day. Plus I’m pretty sure he’s the most likely of all my OCs to become popular if any of them did.

6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
YES. Flint and Feuhorbe (as a human) look a lot alike because Flint’s design was based off of Feuhorbe’s. The difference between them is that Flint is thicker than Feuhorbe and their hair, eye, and skin colors are different. That and Flint has scars and is more Spanish-based whereas Feuhorbe has vitiligo and is Brazilian.

7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
Well…Iagan is (and I cringe when I say this) an Undertale OC, and Rev is a part of a story/universe that Griffin created. Carlisle and Vincent used to follow this sort of post-apocalyptic storyline I had going for an RPG my buddy Roman was making, but the idea got scrapped and I kept the characters, so now they aren’t exactly a part of anything. And then…there’s my old Hetalia OCs…Riccione (originally Sparta), Toronto, and D.C.

8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
I don’t actually RP as my characters anymore, but I used to RP with Riccione all the time in middle school. She’s a chubby professional dancer who runs a night club in Italy and maybe plays the violin? I can hardly remember.

9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
I mean, their old designs? Absolutely. I’m slowly selling those on my DeviantART - mostly ones I don’t use anymore, like Warriors cats and my old fursona and a few others.

10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
FEUHORBE MY LORD. He’s actually not that complicated, but his vitiligo can be difficult to draw and as a furry, he’s a horse piñata whose colors follow a specific pattern based on an actual piñata I stole from one of my friends in the dorm room across from mine after their birthday. But there’s also Zane, a genderless dog dragon demon thing that someone gifted me as an avatar on the website Whirled, who I turned into my own character. I’m not sure if they were originally someone else’s OC that was given away or what, but I can’t find any other pictures of them or their species anywhere, so I’m keeping them as my own until further notice. Their design features horns and blue to black gradients and wings with holes in them and various scars.

11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
IAGAN!!! I can’t explain it enough, he’s literally a ray of sunshine.

12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot.
Oh man…there are these animators on youtube who I watch all the time and I’m in love with their characters/fursonas. There’s Mystery, who belongs to Sleepykinq, Puppers(?), who belongs to kittydog, and Yagi, who belongs to Scotch.

13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Sonni is my little troublemaker. He’s a jokester and also a Dungeons and Dragons character, and his only purpose is to mess with my buddy’s characters and mess up their quests.

14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
Carlisle had his arm blown off in an explosion, which also claimed his vision, but Vincent was able to build him a robotic prosthetic arm and these special goggles with LEDs that allow him to see again. That’s as tragic as it gets, really.

15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
I do! But I rather people ask me about my characters because if people don’t show initial interest, I just think I’m annoying them. A lot of times, that’s how I further develop or redesign my characters.

16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
That would have to be…Seren and Roc, honestly. Because they are “”“warriors,”“” they know things like how the body reacts to certain toxins and which vital organ, if impaled, causes the most suffering before death. But that’s more like anatomy.

17. Any OC OTPs?

18. Any OC crackships?
I high key ship Iagan with Scotch’s character Yagi? I have no real reasoning behind it. But that’s about it.

19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
Geez…that’s kinda hard to pick. I’d probably have to say Donovan, because I’ve projected a lot of my own traits and issues onto him (being a trans guy, having depression, letting him to do all kinds of things I wanted to do but couldn’t, etc.) and he helped me cope with a lot of shit until I just relied on my persona and let Donny have his own life.

20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
Axwell actually was a choir kid growing up and can sing pretty dang well. My headcanon for his voice would be some sort of mix between Brendon Urie and David Bowie’s voices? His taste in music actually heavily varies and he doesn’t have a set favorite genre or anything - just anything with vocals. Feuhorbe love to hear him sing.
Iagan can kinda sing as well? He’s partially based off of a Samoyed, which are known as singing dogs, but it’s not one of his prominent talents. Although he can freely manipulate the sound of his voice as he pleases, his standard voice is that of JonTron’s. He’ll sing and listen to everything upbeat and cheerful.

21. Your most artistic OC
That would be Piper. Piper is a male Lolita, a ferret, sounds like cr1tikal, and is about four feet and ten inches tall. He does a lot of art, mostly of Lolita fashion and mainly uses watercolor paint.

22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
No one mischaracterizes my OCs because they aren’t popular enough for other people to even notice.

23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
Since I already talked about Seren, I’ll talk about Carlisle. He started out as my original fursona, which was a generic twinky fox with long ears and black circles around his eyes and a MLP jacket. Then he was a feral fox that became my mascot? Now he’s my bara babe (other than Vincent) and had his metal arm and LED goggles And a way better color scheme.

24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
I would absolutely love to meet either Iagan or Feuhorbe because I know I would have a really great time with either of them???? Hanging out with either of them would literally make me 10 times happier.

25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
That would have to be Donovan. He’s only two inches shorter than me (not counting his ears), about 10 pounds heavier than me, huge into music, and a trans guy.

26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will?
Nope. I made all changes to my characters freely.

27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
No, but I do like to think of what my characters’ theme songs would be. I’m still making that list.

28. Your most dangerous OC?

29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
That would probably be Feuhorbe and Sonni. In it for the adventure but will not tell anyone specifically to potentially cause trouble.

30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
I would say Iagan, but it wouldn’t be a secret. So I’d have to say either Skyler (a dragon character of mine) or Carlisle.

31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
Piper would try to run a pastel aesthetic blog but it’d be riddled with too many memes and shitposts and videos of him just saying and doing stupid shit.

32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
Alcatraz. He’s a lawyer but has a huge secret passion for ghosts and ghost hunting and all things paranormal, so he’d fit right into a game revolving around those things.

33. Your shyest OC?
Lukas! Lukas is a small quetzal that’s big into Harajuku fashion and he is the shyest little guy alive. But he’d probably get along well with Piper.

34. Do you have any twin characters?

35. Any sibling characters?
Yes!!! Donovan, Carlisle, and Alcatraz are my three fox brothers. Donny is the youngest and Alcatraz is the oldest.

36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)?
Yes! But they’re only with my boyfriend because I haven’t found anyone else who wants to ship their characters with mine.

37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
I mean,,,the only set human characters I have are Flint and Axwell and my Hetalia characters, unless you count the human designs for my furry and feral characters. None of them are really a mix and could be considered not quite human except for Sonni, who is the most humanlike out of my non human OCs. He’s very lanky and appears malnourished and has three eyes and is covered in short, dark hair/fur. He has a short stubby tail and tall “ears” and has six arachnid-like appendages protruding from his back that he can crawl on.

38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?
That would be Riccione and Donovan, who are actually dancers! Riccione is a professional dancer, whereas Donovan shuffles and such as a hobby.

39. Introduce any character you want
Bow Echo is a griffin that’s a mix between a bobcat and a peregrine falcon. She can fly super fast and I need to develop her more.

40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
A few people have! They’re on my ArtFight profile under Defenses!

42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?
That would be Rev. The universe he’s from revolves around many entities similar to those found in Greek and Roman mythology, with him being basically the embodiment of the Ragnarök.

43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
Ok…I love making them around six feet tall or taller and giving them facial hair and choppy short hair that can be pulled back in low ponytails. But I’m trying to stop that and make them more diverse.

44. Something you like about your OCs in general
They all represent different aspects of my personality and I make really deep connections with them because of that.

45. A character you no longer use?
Jacobi. He’s just some Scottish guy that wears flannels. I’m selling him on DeviantART eventually.

46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
Nah. It’s mostly anons that tell me things about my OCs, like how they look like internet cancer. Not that I mind, I mean, come on. They all look like hell lmao

47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?
I think? When I first joined the Osomatsu-San Network, one of the first things I did was talk about my OCs with some other the other members. One might’ve claimed Iagan or someone else, I can’t really remember.

48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
IAGAN!!!! And also Lukas!!

49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
That would be Piper, Sonni, Donovan, Feuhorbe, and Iagan.

50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
Uh…I think I’ve talked about literally everything I can think of off the top of my head. Feel free to message me though if you want to talk about OCs!
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lia-snow · 8 years
My 10 Fave Babes of All Time
Tagged by @faecakes​. Thanks! (I loved your selection btw~).
I think I did this one a while ago but I took the chance to make this my first drawings of the year :pp to start warming up again ww. These are in no particular order.
1. Horokeu Usui (HoroHoro) / Shaman King.
Horo was probably my first masive 2D crush. I obsessed over him like a psycho lol. I learned every single little thing about him (and I mean trivial stuff like... the exact numbre of frame, page and volume for his first appearance xd), the meaning of his name, the name of his techniques (which were in Ainu). Oh, and also, SEIYUUS! Horo started my obsession with making seiyuu connections x) (I was never really fan of Ueda Yuuji, tho). And I really admired Horo... I felt he was like my soulmate, my perfect husbando. So, based on priority right, he should be like my #1 bae :')
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2. Hinata Hideki / Angel Beats!  &  Kuga Aki  / Kamisama Dolls.
I'm putting them together because they're both special characters to me for the same reason: I knew Kimura Ryouhei because of them, and I loved him from the very beginning. Coincidentally, I started watching Angel Beats and Kamisama Dolls at the same time, and the contrast between these two characters, voiced by the same seiyuu, made me fall in love completely. They're both so different. Hinata is a bright, loyal, energetic boy while Aki is this manipulative, rude, meticulous, violent guy (though he's also super calm and indifferent about certain things). Hinata had me loving his voice changes whenever he was put into ridiculous and funny situations while Aki got me melting becasue of his manic laugh. I love Hinata & Aki both as characters, not just because of Kimura, but they're the perfect examples of why KimuRyou is my fav seiyuu <3 <3
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3. Kise Ryouta / Kuroko no Basket.
Oh boy..... my love for this man burns like a thousand suns bursting, ISTG. He's too pure too good to pretty too shiny too precious for this world. Ok, I admit... Kimura Ryouhei is partly at fault here lol. Kise actually reminded me a lot of Hinata and I liked him from the start too, but soon I started loving every single little thing about him. He's introduced a little as an arrogant dude but soon enough comes to change after his loss against Seirin (I loved it when he cried sddsffg). He's like the cheerful, carefree member of the group, but he also shows so much determination, strength, and even selfishness. But I really think he's the most admirable of the Generation of Miracles. And he's so pretty I wanna cry everytime I see him, sob.
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4. Judal / Magi.
Yes, the Kimura Ryouhei syndrome continues... but I swear it's coincidence(?). Judal caught my eye since I saw him in the opening (that sequence when he's falling, grabs a white rukh and turns it black it's mesmerizing), but when he was finally introduced in the show, I WAS DOOMED FOREVER. Goddamn, I loved his personality. Even if he's a little bit of a psycho, I loved his childish arrogant attitude. He's like my twisted son ♥ Except... not really a son, because... he makes me feel things 6//6 (???). Aahaahgsdjhk yes yes ok, I love his design, really, L O V E   I T ♥ ♥.  His long braid, those beautiful ringed eyes, the makeup on them, the necklace and bracelets, that crop top, those abs, DAT WAISTLINE  aksjdhjkashdkjhgasgasd ⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ Д ⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄ He needs his own manga, there's just never enough Judal in my life.
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5. Nozaki Umetarou / Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun.
I've said this before, but it me. Nozaki is me, I am Nozaki (except I'm not tall and handsome lol). Looks cold, mostly serious, suuupr dense in some subjects (specially about love and romance), zero experience in love... but somehow still makes love stories! His shoujo manga is terrible haha but he's surprisingly popular as mangaka in spite of that x) I bet if I were to draw a manga it would be as ridiculous as his (or if my comics serve as an example... well, there ww). He has this stoic aspect, but he makes the most idiotic faces when he gets excited too~  I think Nozaki is more socially skilled than me but we're both awkward anymway(?) xD. He's my spirit animal ♥ 
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6. Netherlands & Finland / Hetalia.
Ah, my time in the Hetalia fandom... feels so distant :') Italy was my fav at first but then I started roleplaying Fin (the first chara I ever roleplayed) and my love for him kept growing from there. He was just too adorbs <3 I got to know a lot of super nice people, both on the internet and irl, because of him. Also, back then I listened to lot of metal music, and I always pictured Fin as a secret metalhead xD And then Netherlands... I don't remember exactly how I started liking him, I remember they released the chara design, stuff happened, and then there I was cosplaying the dude. Hahaha ah, even though I loved Fin, I couldn't identify with him cause he's super cute,  happy and lovable; but Netherlands was more like me~ Stoic, cold, tsundere. Over time, Netherlands became my favorite over Fin, but they're both special.
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7. Furukawa Nagisa / CLANNAD.
My precious child. The purest girl ever created. A National treasure, istg. She's not the type of female characters that I usually like, but somehow she got me from the start. She's too adorable, sweet, innocent and good. She's just too good!!!!!!! She's always caring for others, always supportive of her friends, and tries her best even though she's phisically weak and lacks confidence. She's so strong and admirable, she makes my heart melt. CLANNAD made me cry rivers and hit me hard when... well, when After Story happened. She's the type of character that I want to protect from all evil. I also LOVED Nakahara Mai's performance as Nagisa, btw. I kept watching her scenes over and over just to listen to the cutest voice akjshd <3 I really love this child ;//;
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8. Licht Jekylland Todoroki & Lawless / Servamp.
Well, as you would expect x) It's probably obvious that I love them both so hard. And I want to clear up for the records that it's not just because I love them together, or the homo hints flying all over the place between them. I love them both as separated characters. I really admire Licht. His resolution, his unbreakable spirit, his attitude, the hard worker he is, his strength, his pure innocence about the things he loves, his vision, his badassness, his frankness, his creativity...  He's a gem, the type of person I could never be :')  ALSO, HE'S HOT AF. Lawless is so beautiful. He deserves the universe. I feel him more in a spirital way. How he lost faith in everything, how meaningless lives seemed to him, the vicious cycle he was in. But the fact he's able to change that (with Licht's help) is truly touching and praiseworthy. He made a deep impression in me. Ah, and of course, his flamboyant personality! He's such a dork ahah xD I love his nerdy side, his energy, even his bragging. And the fact that he can literally go from hotdamn vampire to cute hedgy in no time is amazing xD ♥ Also, his voice.... yeah, you know this by this point, but the fact he's voiced by Kimura Ryouhei makes him even more perfect than he already was (everytime I listen to the Drama CDs, I literally have to go back and listen to his lines again because kjahsdjkg perfection in my ears). So yeah, I love my boys ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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9. Morgiana / Magi.
Ah, Morgiana ♥ ♥ The ultimate example of the type of female character that I like. She's strong, kind, determined, tough, has a strong sense of justce, needs no one to do shit for her, BUT she's not arrogant, aggresive or extravagant herself. She's quite, starightforward and helpful. But she's also soooo adorable and cute!! The way she puffs up her cheeks when she's mad, her smile, the little tears on her eyes when he was encouraged by Hakuryuu, her happy face, the way she dances around wearing that exotic outfit... man she is gorgeous, she's amazing, she's a goddess. And dem kicks, THE KIIICCCKKKS, god she's a BADASS. She seriously became like a prototype of my perfect gurl. No kidding, after her, everytime there's a badass fem chara that I like, I call her "a Morgiana". And I know she's probs being "controlled" by Sinbad in the manga right now, but I cried when she said she has come to love herself because of all the time she's been with Alibaba. I'M SO PROUD OF HER <//333
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Agh, I just.... it's amazing how without a miss, characters voiced by Kimura always become my favourite. I always love them, for one reason or another. I mean, I have other seiyuus I love too (Kaji Yuki, Nakamura Yuuichi, Ishikawa Kaito, Sugita Tomokazu, Kamiyan....), but I don't always like their characters. But with Kimura, I ALWAYS do. I don't know all of his roles, obviously, but here's some that I absolutely love:
Takakura Shouma [Mawaru Penguindrum]  |  Yagami Riku [Prince of Stride]   Nishimi Kaoru [Sakamichi no Apollon]  |  Atou Touji [Tokyo Ravens]  |  Hauser [Nanatsu no Taizai]  |  Izuminokami Kanesada [Touken Ranbu]  |  Wakamatsu Hirotaka [Nozaki-kun]  |  Fujimoto Takatora [Aoharu Kikanjuu]  |  Kimata Hayato [Meganebu]  |  L-elf [Valvrave]  |  Furuya Chihiro [Sankarea]  |  Bokuto Koutaro [Haikyuu]  |  Shimotsuki Shun [Tsukiuta], etc....
- Special mention 2: Jorah Mormont, Eddard Stark, Jon Snow. Because I love GoT, and these are my favs, but I can't draw real people ww.
I’m tagging @pastenaga​, @stars-glow-for-you​, @adeslowmoqueen​, @rhomilch​ & @reimeijennoir​~ Feel free to do it if you want uvu/ Don’t worry guys, you don’t have to draw the charas to do this www Actually, you don’t have to write anything about them either lol my hand slipped(?)
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snowoh · 6 years
Ok so I have decided to actually start writing my fanfics again, eons ago when I started writing them I was only on ffnet under the pseudonym Azniro-Yes Me, with my most popular fanfic being Away From The Sun (AFTS) a Dumble bashing fic, with Luna being introduced early on because really I love Luna with all my heart. You see I abandoned that fic to focus mainly on my other big fic Silly World (SW) which I recently started completely rewriting, but now I have decided to move all my fics to AO3 on which I am Helfi. All 4 of my fics on ffnet will be moved to AO3 with all but one being rewritten in the process. The only one which I am not rewriting is The Knife and The Child (a songfic oneshot which goes against ffnets guidelines but is still very much under fairuse 🙄) I am not rewriting it because it marks the beginning of year 10 for me and also the transformation of my writing style from childish and whimsical to more adult and pessimistic.
With my rewriting of AFTS (including Luna Lovegood's Excellently Wonderful Expeditions) and SW I will try to keep the more childlike wonder I wrote into it in the beginning, as you can see with my starting to rewrite SW. I will also be posting this on my fics on ffnet, (which I will continue to update on, but will not be posting new stories on). My main focus will be AO3 since I can let my style loose and not fear my stories being taken down (fans bless the greatness of AO3). I hope to see everyone over on my AO3 which I repeat is under Helfi.
Love y'all - Snowoh (aka Azniro-Yes Me, aka Helfi)
Aka if you look far enough back into my fanfic history you will find timegirl (also me) which I have very much abandoned and on which I wrote Hetalia fanfic, I'm not sure yet if I want that on AO3 cause it's real bad.
Ps- just looked into it turns out I deleted timegirl thank dog, I don't ever wish to read those ever again (so bad 12 yr old me so bad)
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