#thank you for sending them though!
harboretum · 3 months
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It's only polite
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basketobread · 2 months
my dumb fuck ass just spent 30 minutes trying to find Save Us White Girl and caved and "help white girl bg3" immediately returned it via google,,,,, had help white girl, white girl help stuck in my head,,,,,
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THIS MADE ME LAUGH SO MUCH TBH I CANNOT BELIEVE IT CAN IMMEDIATELY BE FOUND LIKE THAT???? everyday this comic finds its way back to me and i'm unsure if i'll ever be able to outdo it... it might be my magnum opus, i fear... (this is a good thing)
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accirax · 27 days
Could you please draw Ally and Tess sitting on Hunter's shoulders like he's their personal steed?
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awakenthebeing · 1 year
Do Piepoe and Peppino get along at all??
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Their relationship is definitely still a work in progress...!! But I'd say it's a lot more open for friendship status now! (Thanks to Noisette!)
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intotheelliwoods · 8 months
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Seeming as I dont think that poll is swaying anytime soon- keychains have been ordered! And if you can afford the shipping, I can ship outside the USA! :)
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ruporas · 4 months
imagine if your plant au ww grew and mutated like the plants in trimax. cuz it's not often, but sometimes they almost seem to Melt. limbs fusing, growing tendrils, extra joints, all the fucked up shit.
vash did it once or twice i think, but as a plant himself didnt seem that bothered to me. but as a human mentally, i feel like wolfwood would Panic to destabilize like that. anyone would, i think. its kinda playing on an innate fear in humanity
(pretty sure this was supposed to be a domestic comfort au but i couldnt help thinking about this haha whoops sorry)
YEAHHH yeah Yeah………. Fantastic tasty concept… i’ve considered that before but never poked at it too deeply because he doesn’t have a lot of power and if he uses all of it to result in a destabilized form, he’d die. from what i’m assuming out of the scenes i remember, the destabilization tends to happen after a great burst of power so…
tw body horror, blood
but let’s say his body Is able to keep up with it and he does accidentally start to destabilize. my first thought was that he wouldn’t be cognitive when it happens and if he was, yeah i think he’d freak out 😭 he already has a disconnect with his own body in more ways than one so seeing these feathers engulf him and his body shifting in ways it never had would scare him. i also think he’d benefit from his history with vash though and having bore witness of the “monstrous” ability time and time again, he wouldn’t be as petrified by it
along with the fact his body had been fucked up by serums and the EoM experiments, after he has a moment of calm to himself, he’d think of it as no different. it’s just now more obviously visible to people other than himself. i think the main thing that would scare him is the losing control part because he’s Also witnessed what that was like for vash 😔 like said, his body is wholly unfamiliar territory for him and since it’s New for humanity too, no one has any solutions, even vash. every new found thing is played by ear and both vash and wolfwood are hopeful that whatever vash knows will apply the same for wolfwood.
it’s a fair assumption considering what wolfwood inherited is a bit of vash’s energy; what’s given to keep him alive was vash’s originally. i have thoughts about that but none i can verbalize properly,. but have some more sketches and thanks for sending this in for the brainworms
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persephoneprice · 2 months
i see that YOU wanna be bothered too and that you're a d4 enthusiast like me (they're my pookies!!) soooo what's your thoughts on the hc that annie was a career?? 🤭🎤
omg first of all thank you for sending this also i just saw your header and that’s such a slay
this is SUCH a good question and i know it’s so controversial so this is just my personal take!! i totally understand why people might think it’s wrong-
but i do believe that annie was a career and volunteered for the games. i think all victors are damaged from their games in a way and annie is just a different (perhaps more extreme?) example of the affects of being in the arena.
the thing is, you can have all the training in the world- but nothing really prepares you for that kind of violence. especially not seeing your district partner, someone you knew, being decapitated. that is extremely heavy and traumatizing to witness even for someone who volunteered for it. and yes, maybe most careers wouldn’t be impacted by that to the extent that by the human brain is a weird thing and all people react differently.
i saw someone make the comparison between soldiers signing up to join the military and still coming out deeply traumatized by what they saw and i think that’s a pretty good example. you can know what you’re getting into, you can train, you can do whatever- but you’re never truly 100% prepared to go through something like that.
in my opinion, that actually makes her a much more interesting- and no less sympathetic- character! i think a lot of people don’t want to associate annie (and even finnick i see a lot) with being “careers” because the careers are associated with being the bad guys and no one wants their faves to be the bad guys. but the careers were not evil/bad people- they were brainwashed children. but that’s another rant for another day.
so yeah idk if any of that even made sense but basically:
yes, annie is a heavily traumatized- but real- career.
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danwhobrowses · 2 months
So after four months, Bell's Hells are off the moon
0.5/5 Stars - Some of the locals were nice but activities were shit and needs new management.
But what's this? Aabria with a steel chair!? She's probably cackling looking at the socials right now
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qtubbo · 8 months
don't worry about sleepy responses, or wait until the next day i don't mind and i'm sure other anons don't either! i'm too awkward to start posting myself but i've started having fun with asks :D
While he latched onto to trusting Pac pretty quickly. He hung out with Fit more, but it took him longer to be unwavering to him because Fit had secrets.
totally agree with this but also i was watching pac's stream the other day and he definitely recognizes fit as the one tubbo trusts the most. there have been a bunch of times where he's asked fit to go check on tubbo in the past, and this time he said something along the lines of "he always hears you". it was when pac and fit were using invis to check quackity's basement and pac ended up following along to listen but stayed hidden and didn't let them know he was there. i think all the islanders recognize that there are different levels and types of trust even among friends
Honestly I think pac has a lot of self confidence issues, while I do think Tubbo looks to Fit as the more grounding force therefore he’s more willing to listen him, plus him having to grow to trust Fit has really allowed him to learn through experience that Fit means well for him. I’ve always been under the impression that Tubbo trusts them both around the same amount its just that he considers Fit a lot safer, I think thats what Pacs been picking up on. Pac’s under the impression that he’s a bit useless so he pulls back a lot from tubbo even though he really doesn’t mean to, which has pushed their trust dynamic in a very different direction then the one they both have with fit.
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crescentfool · 10 months
I noticed you're a Ryomina!!! How did you get into it? And do you have any good fanfics/doujinshi you can advice me to read? ANYTHING on Ryomina actually? I'm dying for anything about them!!! Thanks!!
yes!!! it's me!!! i'm ryomina fan (one of many)!!! thank you for visiting my askbox, i'll do my best to answer all of the questions because it always makes me happy to see that ryomina sparks joy for people! :D
...this got really long because i like linking to things, so i'm putting it under a read more (IM VERY NORMAL ABOUT THEM)
how did i get into it? i got into persona 3 around august 2021 through the movies- at the time my only experience with the persona series was with P5R / P5S / P5D. p3 was the one that interested me the most (i thought minato was very pretty + i caught wind that the themes of the game were very resonant with people). i picked the movies over the game because i'm a guy who plays games at a snails pace, haha.
admittedly, i did latch onto ryomina because of the scenes in the third and fourth movie (i have mentioned in the tags of this art i drew how much i felt like i was exploding and blasting off to the moon watching it).
but what really dug me into the ryomina hole (and what has kept me there) was thinking about how much ryoji encapsulates the themes of p3- and how interconnected his fate is with minato. i wrote some musings about their dynamic here, if you're interested!
tl;dr: what if we were both boys and we were mirror images of each other and i inherited your kindness and looks but god doomed our narrative even though we're soulmates
on ryomina fanworks recommendations:
regarding fics: i'm going to assume that you've probably read the fics that have the highest kudo ratings on them, so i won't really be listing those.
a personal favorite fic that i always hold close to my heart is Eurydice's Vow by crescentmoontea, which explores the idea of ryomina in p5r's third semester. this was the first fic i read about ryomina and it made me tear up lots...
i also think a lot about I Alone Await You by Nail_gun, literally scrumptious writing that captures the ryomina dynamic so so well. actually check out Nail_gun's other ryomina fics while you're at it too!
other fun fic i'm fond of: can't get my mind out of those memories (what were they?) by foxmulder_whereartthou. ryoji being homeless lives rent free in my head and it's all because of this fic. there's a bunch of other fun ryominas from the same author too (i still need to read them)
BkZa555 also has some fun AU scenarios if you're into that too, notably with Zagreus (P5-Setting, Ryoji focus) and The Definition of Insanity (TIME LOOP fuckery!), but they're currently ongoing.
these were some ones that came to my mind first- as i have the strongest recollection reading them. admittedly i haven't really been reading fic this year, so i don't have many recommendations from fic that came out this year. but if you're so inclined to let ryomina consume your soul, i definitely recommend giving the newer works in the ryomina tag a look-see and see if it strikes your fancy!
as a side note, i do have a few ryomina fics that i've bookmarked on my ao3 here, though i have to say that i'm not sure how well they hold up in terms of like... what i would seek out of a fic these days. but they made past me happy so i bookmarked them, LOL. it's kind of outdated (my collection of fic recs has my old username *disintegrates*).
regarding doujinshi: i have not read all the ryomina doujinshi available, but as a starting point, please take a look at this list from pandora-scans from livejournal!
notably, this is where you can find the strawberry-chan say good bye doujin- which features a small and cute comic from shuji sogabe (the p3/p4 manga artist), as well as other artists. the existence of this doujinshi is the funniest thing to me because it's like "HEY if you're wondering what the volume 8 cover is really gay it's because sogabe contributed to a ryomina doujin." this fact makes my head spin (positive). it explains a lot about the manga.
regarding persona side material:
i know you didn't ask for these but i thought that i mine as well list these too, since i feel that the side materials have some fun expansions on ryoji and minato's interactions. i haven't... watched/read all of these but, hey, i like to share these things!
for comic anthologies for the persona series (some of which have ryoji!). if you're interested in reading them, here's a scanlation index from maboroshi-no on tumblr. i don't think this is a comprehensive list, but i think it will be a great starting point!
for some translations of the persona 3 drama cds, check out imaginary-numbers on dreamwidth! ryoji and minato interactions can specifically be found in the persona 3 character drama cd vol. 1, and for the audio + english subs, you can watch this video on youtube:
and ohh the musical. ryoji singing and dancing gives me so much joy. i haven't watched the musical in it's entirety (only fragments), but here are some links that may be of interest to you:
Ao no Kakusei (The Blue Awakening), Sakuya version - playlist for the first p3 musical, translated by Phoenix Maiika.
Ao no Kakusei (The Blue Awakening), Kotone version - playlist for the femc version!! also translated by Phoenix Maiika on YouTube.
Persona 3: The Weird Masquerade (English Subtitles) - playlist by rumio!
P3 Weird Musical DVD & Soundtrack Booklet Scans by rumio_k - twitter thread that links to these funsies, if you don't have twitter, here's the publicly shared drive link.
god. these sure are a lot of links, huh? i hope you enjoy them- pick and choose whatever sounds most appealing! (if this overwhelmed you im sorry GKLHLDH i just like being very comprehensive in my answers about things so i got carried away).
and as a reminder, you (and anyone else reading) are always welcome to browse my tags/archive and reblog things from there anytime! i have... nearly 300 ryomina posts which, while mostly consists of art, has a few fics, meta, hcs, gifs, memes, and whatnot scattered about.
or browse the minato and ryoji tags too! there's.. nearly 1k minato. and 500 ish ryoji. and they're going to keep on growing because i can't stop being obsessed with archiving these things. god help me i am so deep in this hole called ryomina hell and now you're here too. welcome aboard!
there's always going to be a lot of fun ways to enjoy rotating ryomina around in one's brain, i think- they're a pairing with such fun symbolic imagery that is So Deep (to me) but ALSO they're immensely hilarious and weird guys (affectionate). so i love to share these things in hopes that it gives you joy too! they are the most couple ever (to me) (i'm biased)
thank you again for the ask! i hope it can satiate your need for more ryomina, and be a nice aide in exploring the p3 fanspace :)
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ask-that-weird-dog · 4 months
Kris. Kris. Kris. Of the two, do you prefer moss or potassium more?
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* (You get the feeling this is about to be a very, very weird day.)
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iactivatepotofgreed · 10 months
I miss your proshipping (edo x ryo) art so effing much ;_;
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HAH!!! You activated my trap card! When you mention ryo and edo my brain malfunctions and I'm forced to draw them. Looking pretty foolish now huh..? Hehehe.........
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neolxzr · 10 months
stares at you with my big sad eyes. ritsuleo. perhaps?
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important brainstorming session (in the middle of the floor)
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awakenthebeing · 1 year
Fake Peppino a crying of the hugs on pipoe .
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Piepoe will provide hugs to any creacher that need some when they're sad!! Even to Fake Peppino, despite her confusion at first.
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cuubism · 11 months
Actually, what about death and Hob finally meeting and sharing embarrassing stories about Dream?
I LOVE Hob meeting Death and being friends with Death. I'm pondering embarrassing stories about Dream, though... because I feel like Dream is actually a very easy person to hurt. Not in all cases; if someone he doesn't respect or who's a particular opponent of his criticizes or insults him he's just like "okay, whatever." Lucifer was like "you're powerless here" and kept ragging on him and Dream was just like "okay if you think so. you're wrong though <3" so he's not always fragile, he's generally pretty assured in his capabilities as Dream except in certain cases like failing to stop the first Dream vortex, 'letting' the Dreaming decay while he was imprisoned and what not.
I'm not sure it would be the same with people he loves and trusts. Hob even calling him lonely sent him running, which wasn't intended to be insulting but probably felt that way to Dream. So I'm not sure Dream would tolerate being made fun of very well, even if it was done fondly; I think it would probably sting more than anything. I honestly didn't even love the way Death poked at him in ep 6 (and I love Death) especially after he had just been through hell. Dream is very proud and under that kind of fragile when it comes to his core self, and this would all probably just hurt more than anything.
Funnily, I think Hob is the opposite -- he can take ribbing from anyone and just laugh it off. The ONLY person I think it would hurt from, actually, is Dream himself.
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little-tangerines · 1 year
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theyre a handful
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