#thank you for sending this ask <333
angeart · 8 months
10. Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
hi link <3 ooh this is a fun one, let's see!
to start us off, here's hmtb (it's forever a wip isn't it?) - the very first blinks in the story overall is in chapter 1:
“You didn’t come back.” “Oh.” Scar blinks and reboots to quickly compose himself into a smile. “I was just about to.”
bUT, let's also take a look at the current wip part of hmtb instead of the fic as a whole, which is the chapter i'm working on rn (50-something-ish). here's that fun blink :3
Mumbo blinks, sheepishness returning to his expression. He pulls slightly away as it all falls apart around him: this is more than just a breadcrumb to follow. This is Grian trying to vanish from his reach, and once again, Mumbo feels like all he does is misstep.
(dw as per usual everything's perfectly fine with those guys)
but because i love games like these, i'm going to dig into other unfinished fics. so! here's Elegy! the very first blinks overall is, once again, in the first chapter:
He blinks, makes another furtive attempt at breathing, turns back to Pearl. “So, whatchu got?”
and, funnily enough, if we take just the wip chapter (chapter 4/4), we're... again with mumbo? huh.
Mumbo blinks, trying to refocus on what Scar is saying, hoping it will be something that could twist this nightmare into something less horrifying.
and i'll self indulgently add two other projects.
here's an unfinished pirate thingie.
Grian blinks. The waves crash into the hull and even if the sounds around him are muffled and askew, it sounds like that’s far deeper below him. Not up here. Not— The liquid that pools around his fingers is warm, sticky.
and one from the silly vampire scar au.
Grian blinks, his throat dry with the abruptness of his panic reaction. With the preposterousness of this situation.
--- >> question from this ask game
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emilyartstudio-s · 4 months
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littlecrittereli · 1 month
Wanted to doodle some comfort bros to balance out the angst of my recent posts lol
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Hey pookies! Just wanted to say I really appreciate all the love and support I've been receiving lately for Decoded! I always love your comments/asks/fanart/memes, it genuinely has been bringing me so much joy and I'm so grateful for it <3
I know I said I had a lot of art to post (and then proceeded to post none of it LOL) I'm just a little overwhelmed rn with some life stuff so sorry for the wait! I also have a lot asks that I haven't gotten to and I apologize for that as well!
Trying my best to keep up, but I haven't had a lot of time recently. Art's gonna be a little delayed, but don't worry Chapter 8 is still gonna come out this Saturday as scheduled!
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runtwithwolves · 4 months
Hey, do you still do requests? If so could draw one where Stan and Kyle has taken off their hats?
Thank you
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ill fix the proportions later just wanted to draw the stankys
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triona-tribblescore · 10 months
*gives you a baby Mikey*
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I gave him a pillow and fluffy lil baby jumper cause he looked a lil cold :')
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spiderscribe · 1 month
For te character ask: gimme Starscream (TFP), Dead End (cyberverse) and Drift (mtmte)
Ajfldksjlf you somehow managed to pick three of the five characters that I’ve been really rotating through my brain this past week so thank youuuu I had a ton of fun with these :3 enjoy the headcanons!!! 
Starscream (TFP)
Headcanon A:  realistic
When Starscream gets over himself and stops fussing over how to make himself look as good as possible, he’s actually a pretty good leader who’s skilled at managing all the small details to accomplish his bigger goals. Starscream himself doesn’t know this though, because even when other people genuinely think he’s doing a great job, they keep it to themselves for fear of inflating Starscream’s ego. (It’s Soundwave. He’s people.)
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Starscream’s opinion on humans goes up from “occasionally amusing but overall useless life forms” to “extremely grudging fear respect” after that time Miko stole the apex armor from him and beat him up. Obviously Starscream doesn’t reveal this shift to anyone, but after some observing Raf figures him out. He chooses not to tell Starscream that Miko is an outlier and most other humans wouldn’t be able to kick his ass, because a) it’s an advantage he can maybe use in the future and b) he starts laughing to himself whenever he thinks about it.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Starscream is desperately touch-starved, and craves physical intimacy and gentle touches. Alas, after everyone he’s lost and everyone who’s hurt him throughout the war, he never allows himself to be that vulnerable with anyone ever again. He does his best to keep everyone, no matter which side he’s currently playing, a careful arm’s length distance away.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Since it’s canon that Starscream likes to browse the internet, my possible-but-still-probably-unrealistic headcanon is that Starscream is pretty fluent in internet memes and slang. He expects Soundwave to know a lot too, since Soundwave monitors everything, but Soundwave tends to filter out anything he deems pointless and that includes anything to do with human internet culture. The first time Starscream brings up a meme in reaction to one of Soundwave’s audio clips, he gets a very confused blank stare in response.
Dead End (Cyberverse)
Headcanon A:  realistic
Dead End is bad at forming close friendships, mostly because his unending pessimism tends to eventually put people off, but he’s actually pretty good at initiating small talk and making superficial acquaintances. That’s why he’s on speaking terms with most of Decepticon high command and makes a feeble effort to save them from the Loop. (Feeble because, well, being on speaking terms with them doesn’t mean he actually likes all of them. Case in point: Soundwave.)
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
As they slowly get to know each better by virtue of forced proximity, Dead End and Hot Rod both come to realize they actually have a lot in common: they’re both the “shoot first, ask questions later” type of bot, they’ve both got quick tempers, they both like to keep their finish as pristine as possible, and (although Hot Rod tries to pretend this one isn’t true) they’re both prone to negative introspection when things aren’t going their way. Rather than bringing them closer together, this realization horrifies them both and they silently and mutually avoid bringing it up, ever.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
I touched on this in my deadceptor fic, but reiterating it here with more heart-crushing-ness: Dead End doesn’t regret choosing to abandon everyone and leave the universe with Megatron. It’s not that he doesn’t care about everyone else, and if they were all hurt or killed by the Quintessons he would’ve been sorry that they died, but that’s not enough for him to feel bad about his choices. He’s not sorry about prioritizing himself and his own goals first.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Shortly after joining the Decepticons, Dead End developed a crush on Megatron. It eventually faded into strong admiration and loyalty, but Dead End still thinks the whole situation was extremely embarrassing and would vehemently deny it to anyone who asks.
Drift (Mtmte)
Headcanon A:  realistic
Drift’s ongoing “see who gets more kills in fights” contest with Rodimus was actually his initial idea, not Rodimus’. He came up with it so he has something to focus on while fighting (keeping track of his increasing number of kills) and he doesn’t lose himself in a mindless rage the way he used to do as Deadlock. He only meant it as a one-time thing, but competing with Rodimus turned out to be so fun, and Rodimus’ sulking face when he lost was so funny, that Drift brought it up again the next time.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
If a normal bot was fully aware that Ultra Magnus hated them, they’d do their best to stay out of Magnus’ way and avoid doing anything to piss him off. Drift, who is far from a normal bot and more mischievous than most people think, conspires with Rodimus to play really stupid pranks on Magnus like adjusting the lighting to be a few degrees brighter than regulation and using incorrect punctuation in his submitted reports. Drift thinks of it as “if Magnus thinks I’m the same kind of idiot as Rodimus, then he’ll stop seeing me as a dangerous Decepticon.” Rodimus just thinks the whole thing is hilarious and is glad that he isn’t the only one getting yelled at.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Drift treasures every close connection he’s formed in the past and present—all the people who saw something good and worth saving in him. But after he defects from the Decepticons, he starts chasing that kind of close connection with a secondary reason: yes, he still desires that intimacy, but he’s also looking for people to devote his life to. Drift sees offering his unquestioning loyalty as a way to atone, and if he ends up dying for someone, then, well, it’s what he deserves after everything he did as Deadlock.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
A leftover habit from his days as Deadlock means Drift naturally has a very exaggerated fighting style. Think dramatic twirls and poses, sword thrusts that are a little flashier than strictly necessary, brutal punches that hit where he knows will cause the most energon to spray out, terrifying smiles, etc. As Deadlock, it strengthened his reputation as a fearsome berserker and he revelled in it. As Drift, it’s mortifying as all slag. It takes him conscious effort to not fight like that, and he still sometimes slips into the habit by accident. Rodimus tells him not to worry about it because he thinks it’s cool. Many, many years later, Ratchet admits it’s kind of hot.
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omg the volume 27 promo.. the casting choices for takaba & geto look so canon
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ruporas · 1 year
hello hello! I hope you don't mind me dropping by but I just want to say I love your art so much, the way you draw vashwood is just so sweet and tender but can I just ramble about the way you draw Vash especially? More specifically, the way you draw his expressions when he's looking at Wolfwood???
I just LOVE the way you draw Vash's expression because the way you make him look at Wolfwood is so soft 😭😭😭. There's just something about it that's so tender, like whenever I look at Vash's expressions in your art I just think "that is genuinely someone who loves another person with all their heart" and it just mends and breaks my heart at once, you capture Vash's love for Wolfwood in ways I can't explain 👏
It's unbridled love mixed with the fear of hurting Wolfwood in their relationship. It's wanting to spill so much affection but holding back in fear of messing up. He looks at Wolfwood like he's longing for him so earnestly be it pre-relationship or even when they're already dating it's just so??? 💕💕💘💞💖💖💞💕
There's just something so tender and heart wrenching at the way Vash looks at Wolfwood in your art, it gets me really emotional and I hope you have a lovely day/night for real <33!!!
ouuuuu thank you so so much for your kind words and for taking the time to tell me this T_T !!! i'm glad my expressions for vash's longing gazes at wolfwood is well done enough to have this sort of response to it…
he's the kind of person that has to hold back in both words and touch when it comes to love, when it comes to wolfwood, but i think it's a difficult emotion to restrain, especially when wolfwood is kind enough to let it be.
ultimately, what they're allowed to have is the inevitable shared spaces during their travels, it's the other's physical presence, being next to wolfwood, being able to take him in through the way he simply exists. smelling smoke, seeing smoke, seeing the cigarette between his fingers, seeing the crosses littered across his person, the rosary snug around his neck, his scruff at his chin, messy bangs, messy hair, tired eyes, the canine that peeks when he speaks, and a voice carrying heavy words, but honest, and kind, and one vash could never get tired of hearing, like how he'd never be tired of just looking at wolfwood.
it's of gratitude, it's of sorrow, it's of grief, it's of love, praise, adoration, it's desperate and it's full of yearning. at first, it's a gaze he feels he has to be satisfied with until he's learned that he's allowed for more and at that point, when wolfwood has given him so much, how could he look at him in any other way?
in any case, i def like to make it known and parade around vash's deeeeeep deep deep feelings of love towards wolfwood, so i'm very happy to know i can express that clearly through his expression alone. i Also just love wolfwood so maybe the projection goes from the heart of the artist to the heart of the art.
i ended up collecting a few caps of his expressions just out of curiosity for myself :3 i have much to improve still, i'll keep on drawing vash's loving self until i can get the ultimate loving expression down!!
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yeehawpim · 10 months
adding onto anon's ask, what social media/platform is the best place to post your comics? Do you find Tumblr to be the best?
Sorry for all the questions I'm just curious. 😅
hmmm I'm not the most social media savvy person tbh so I dunno where has the most exposure, if that's what you're going for 😅
For me I would try to post where the format goes the best with your layout so it's the most convenient for readers. For instance if you look at a lot of shencomix stuff, he's got a lot of square paneling that works well for Instagram. I abandoned insta cuz I don't do square comics most of the time and it will cut off my pages.
I personally like to scroll and read, so I post my page-by-page comics one after the other so you don't have to click on it to zoom in and read. Even though sometimes that looks a lil weird too, since they're best left to right.
Scrolling-style comics are best on smth like webtoons which his built for that. There's no "seam" and it doesn't show a lower quality preview like tumblr does if your file is huge.
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I chose tumblr cuz it's kind of my compromise between wanting to do a lot of different layouts. Also I grew up on this site in my fandom/rp days haha
It still makes me sad when I try to do 3 panels in a row and they end up looking tiny 😔
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adrift-in-thyme · 5 months
I have fallen in love with your fairy Time fics and would love to read more about it. More fics or more ideas about it, anything you want to share would be lovely.
Whether you share anything more or not Thank you for sharing what you have so far. Don't forget to drink some water, and I hope you have a wonderful day!
I waited to answer this cause you made my day and I wanted to give you a ficlet in return but my inspiration has yet to return from the war (alas finals). I do have a handful of fics I’m working on rn I just…can’t seem to finish them. So I’ll offer you some headcanons and thoughts instead!
I have a lot so I’ll just put them under the cut XD
Time’s mother was a fairy who left the forest to explore and fell for a mortal man she met during her travels. Like Hyrule, she could transform into a human whenever she wanted to and vice versa.
Time’s transformation is much like his mother’s. He can change at will. However, if he comes into direct contact with fae magic his body will automatically start to transform. If he doesn’t want this to happen he has to focus on funneling magic away from that particular ability, which is exhausting.
He feels even more comfortable in his fairy form than in his Hylian one. It makes him feel closer to Navi and the Kokiri.
Malon is the first — and for a long time only — person outside of the Kokiri to know Time’s secret. She thinks he’s absolutely adorable in that form…fae mischief and all. She loves her tiny chaos husband
Warriors found out that Time can transform during the war. Time — then Mask — turned into a fairy solely to fly up and tell off the Great Fairy who had the captain trapped in a bottle to her face. Surprisingly, she listened to him and set Warriors free
Time can heal people like most fairies can, but it isn’t his strong suit. While he can mend even severe wounds, it takes a lot of strength and concentration for him to do so. He usually conks out seconds later — something that causes him to only rely on this power as a last resort.
Time’s wings are a cross between the Luna Moth
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And a Crecopia Moth (the largest moth in North America!
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While I imagine Hyrule having powerful but small wings, Time’s are HUGE. And though they’re almost transparent (similar to the Luna Moth), they sport the same false eyes you see on the Crecopia. They freak people out when they look closer
I’m still undecided on the coloring of his wings. In my first fic I described them as green and pink (inspired by the Great Fairy mask from Majora’s Mask and his home in the forest). But now I’m pondering changing that to shades of blue and red FD style (with veins of gold). Idk I like the menacing air that would have.
Last but not least, Sky and Time actually get along better after he finds out Time’s secret (every boy eventually finds out; secrets are bound to get out somehow in a group of nosy heroes XD). He gets to see a side of Time he hasn’t before and Time realizes how deeply he can trust him. (You’ll know why when I write the fic hehe)
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tigsbitties · 1 month
norm for the character opinion ask meme? :>
Sexuality Headcanon: I think Norm is technically bisexual. I say technically bc i one: do think he’s mostly into women and two: don’t think he’s really the type to use labels. Just not something that appeals to him personally.
Gender Headcanon: Uncomplicated cis guy. Or at the very least if there’s anything else going on there I don’t think that’s a journey he’s going on anytime soon.
A ship I have with said character: NORMGINGI FOR SURE easily one of my top dialtown ships. I will say I think they’re “dating” per say. I think they have an emotional bond that sort of transcends that? out of all of the datebles Norm and Gingi have the most emotionally intense relationship but also the one that’s least well defined. Also because I think Gingi calling Norm their “boyfriend” would make him die of embarrassment. he’s too old for all of that he had a wife and kids damnit .
A BROTP I have with said character: I think his interactions with Randy are super cute, especially in the dtf segments. His relatively likeable sea urchin with the heart of a champion<3 I really like Mich’s headcanon about Norm building a house near the woodsy outskirts of the funfair and Randy occasional leaving her post to go bother him. I’m so sorry Mr. Allen sir I had the chimp dream again and I don’t think I can be alone right now knowing there are around 2,000 known chimps in the US.
A NOTP I have with said character: I don’t really care for when people ship him with Mr. Dickens but it’s not something I have any kind of active distaste for either. To me it just feels like one of those ships that exists to fill a quota? like back when a lot of people thought norm was super old for some reasons but still wanted to yaoi him with someone they had to go with the old man™️. I could definitely be misinterpreting things though. I’m sure someone could do something interesting with it (i know dogman has mentioned wanting to write a short thing about a hypothetical dynamic between the two of them, which i unironically think would be super interesting to read) I do think the two of them could have a lot to talk about— i just haven’t seen anything shipping wise that’s caught my eye just yet. maybe some day.
A random headcanon: less a random headcanon that spawned from the ether and more of an observation but i love that he lies about not believing in evolution. Makes perfect sense to do that in the 1960s i’m sure but now it makes him look genuinely fucking insane. Oh Norm you make me giggle
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General Opinion over said character: I love him sooo muches you don’t understand it’s kinda of embarrassing. I see him and immediately transform into a teenage girl in a movie writing her crushes name a million times in her diary and encircling it all in hearts. Dialtown Chapter 3 and Norm by extension are super important to me I get really sentimental thinking about it. Visual Novels are good you guys.
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kyouka-supremacy · 6 months
For the ask game, how about, Naomi
Sure, I adore her!!!
Favorite thing about them: She's funny and witty and empathetic and resourceful and kind! I love her personality.
Least favorite thing about them: I mean, I'm not the greatest fan of the whole sleeping with her brother thing lmao. Still, I wish we got to know more about them, like, what's their deal? Because so far it just seems like this type of bsd dark humor I don't really vibe with. It's fairly easy to ignore for me though, so I don't really dwell on it too much ahah.
Favorite line: I reread all her lines and I this is the nicest one I could find where she isn't like. Quoting Dazai
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brOTP: Naomi and Kyouka!!! NAOMI AND FUKUZAWA. I've recently elaborated on this here, in my mind Naomi is Fukuzawa's right hand woman lol. And rightfully so, she's so competent and clever!!
OTP: Naomi and Gin... 👀👀👀
nOTP: Nothing, whatever.
Random headcanon: Naomi and Fukuzawa play Go together during breaks.
Unpopular opinion: Idk? She should be back in the manga soon. Also, I feel like people underestimate how witty she is.
Song i associate with them: ............ If I had to think of one, The Snow White Princess by Noboru↑-P, but it's kind of an unfortunate association...
Favorite picture of them:
Favourite panel from the manga:
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Favourite illustration:
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Favourite illustration in the anime art style:
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lloydfrontera · 4 months
I think what annoys me the most about fans assassinating Arcos' character in order to woobify og!Lloyd is that, if you squint, there is a reasonable in text reason why og!Lloyd grew up to be such a shithead.
In the earlier chapters, the novel states 2 things. 1) That in TKOBAI after the Fronteras lost their land, they had to move in with an unnamed aquaintance. An aquainance that would go on to exploit Marbella's labor to the point of almost killing her. Which raises the question, do none of the Frontera's have any friends at all? Why wouldn't they take them in when an aquaintance would? And 2) That Arcos says that Lloyd squandered the money Arcos gave him with the "scoundrels you used to get on with." Arcos only gave him that money 2 years before Suho took over his body. And yet we never see nor hear from og!Lloyds "friends" at any point in the entire novel.
So what I think happened is that og!Lloyd, while naturally being prone to selfishness, addiction, and rowdiness, was not doomed to become the abusive bastard we see in canon. Instead he grew up as the most priveliged child in the middle of nowhere. The only other kids his age were probably commoners, so they were inaccessable due to the class devide. (Whether this was enforced by society or og!Lloyd himself, it could go either way). Julian was too young to make a good friend. And as everyone has speculated, he probably saw Javier as a direct threat to his place in the family.
So take this lonely and socially isolated boy, and give him friends that are the absolute worst influence on him. We've seen from Diego that falling in with the wrong crowd can turn even a nice kid into an absolute prick, so if this happened to og!Lloyd then I wouldn't be suprised.
I also think that his "friends" ditched him as soon as the Frontera's fell into debt. Which led to og!Lloyd doubling down on all of his worst tendancies, drinking more, getting more violent. Which is why Arcos' is only now having Javier babysit him, until the Suho wakes up in Lloyd's body.
Now in universe, this is probably because the original author of TKOBAI didn't bother to detail any meaningful relationships for the extras who die in the first couple chapers of the book. But now that these extras have become real people (in TGED), that lack of connection the Frontera's have with anyone outside their immediate family looks really depressing.
og lloyd has been ruined enough for me that i'm happy to believe he's just a shithead because... that's just how he was. no deeper explanation. some people are just shitty and there's no real reason for it.
but yeah! this is a pretty plausible reason! very supported by canon! i like it!
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sixlane · 3 days
laneeeee as the og pandoralecto anon i ABSOLUTELY want to talk about them and bartyyy especially since i think barty and alecto would have like a lowkey sibling-like relationship but also theyre both fucked up so it is also a bit sexual but like. alecto is also fucking her brother and barty wants to fuck twins that are already fucking so its not the weirdest most incestous thing going on in their lives.
anyway. pandoralecto. since barty and alecto are close like that she tells him and she's like "this is terrible i hate her but also i cannot stop aaaaagh helpppp" and barty.exo stops working cos erm. what.
I think a huge part of his reaction to that is what is his relationship with evan and pandora at that moment? cause its going to be different if he wants to fuck evan, is fucking evan, wants to fuck dora, is fucking dora, wants to fuck both of them, is fucking both of them, or is fucking both of them cause they invited him to join their weird incest stuff.
im kinda leaning towards him already knowing that there's smth going on with evan and pandora and wanting to join them. that's when it makes me the most insane.
all those relationships are open relationships but he only knew that in theory until now. he never imagined pandora with someone who isnt evan and now it turns out shes into women too?? hes going insane. hes foaming at the mouth.
alecto is objectively attractive but also shes kinda like his sister. he knows too much about her to be attracted to her. he cannot. no. simply no. but also he did have to run away to the bathroom to jerk off that one time he saw her boobs. he convinced himself it was a coincidence and it didnt have anything to do with alecto's tits. he jerked off to the thought of evan.
but now it turns out those two girls who he knows so well and who are both attractive are fucking. two girls. fucking. attractive girls.
he goes into full shock for a minute and just sits there, stares blankly at the wall and imagines it and then he gets a boner and its really awkward for him but alecto doesnt even notice cause theyre both drunk. he leaves and she doesnt think about it, just gets herself another drink.
I gotta ask. do u think he ever joins them?
cause in my mind they'd never like. actually have a threesome or smth. but i could see a situation in which pandoralecto is having sex and barty's watching. (idk if its consenual or voyerism yet ill tell u when i decide)
anyway. love the dynamic of them three. u're a genius mwah bye
ok first of all i love you for sending this. like seriously i was smiling so big reading this. i’m so ready let’s get into it.
ok so upon further thought i kind of don’t think alecto would ever mention she’s fucking pandora to like. anyone. i think barty would just figure it out himself because he’s nosy and perceptive like that. and he’d need like two weeks to fully accept that as something that is happening.
because really the alecto barty friendship only works if he’s not attracted to her at all. @/foursaints and @/jewishregulus have made great posts about this but basically. alecto hates men like barty but she can tolerate barty because he never treats her like other men do. alecto doesn’t fit into barty’s vision of what an attractive woman is. she’s harsh and mean and she takes everything way too seriously. he just doesn’t understand that she’s attractive. she’s not a woman in his mind. and that’s the only reason alecto can be friends with him. (and yeah i do agree they have a sibling-like relationship which is again only possible because he does not like her like that).
so yeah his brain breaks a little when he realizes pandora and alecto are having violent hate sex. because that should be very hot to him. but then alecto is there. so. it’s weird. he gets a boner and a migraine every time he tries to imagine it.
i think you’re right that this is made even better if barty is aware of the rosier twincest but not directly involved yet. if he’s actively fucking pandora and/or evan there’s less mystery surrounding it for him. if he has already fucked pandora there’s less for his brain to break over.
so basically. no i don’t think he ever joins them or actively watches. i think he sometimes walks into heated arguments between alecto and pandora and that’s basically just as good/bad. alecto smashed a plate and now pandora’s holding a shard up to her neck pinning her against the wall. barty walks in like. 😦….. i’ll leave you guys to it. he cannot be involved because he truly doesn’t know where he’d fit into the dynamic. there’s no room for him.
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Hi!! This is my first time in your ask box ٩(^‿^)۶
Your satoru and suguru are my faaaavs and they’re just so cute and understandable and yeah.
What are your thoughts on how satoru may get around to making things official with a reader scared of intimacy?? Kinda like your reader in your “you’re somebody i want to keep” fic of him?
I think their interactions in therewere the cutest ever and the most heartwarming!! (≧∀≦) -🥭
🥭 ANON!!!!! you are so sweet…. welcome to the anon family hehe, it’s nice you meet you!!!! 🥹
thank you so much for your kind words!!!! :’) stsg my beloved boys… your approval on them means sm 🙂‍↕️ AND THAT FIC!!!! ANON!!!!!!! i’m so giddy that you found that dynamic cute and heartwarming……… they are so very precious to me 🥹🥹
as for your question ………. hmmmmmm. i think it would take a long while!!!!!! since both of you are afraid and cautious of intimacy (and most likely labels too, since they kinda go hand in hand 😭). satoru is someone who requires a slowburn in my mind, so it’d probably take years for the relationship to properly blossom, and neither of you would be eager to take the first step into something more concrete….. so it’d be a very slow process!!!!!! and honestly, i feel like gojo might be fine with you staying in a gray zone between friends and lovers…. he feels lucky enough to be in your life at all.
buuut assuming he does decide to make things official — i think he’s straightforward about it!!!!! mature, even :3c he knows you’re scared, and lets you know that he is, too. asks you if you’d like to be scared together. there’s no real pressure to say yes, and that makes it easy to!!!! because you know satoru understands you. you’re both a little like clumsy fawns in the beginning, but you have each other!! and that makes everything sm easier :’)
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elysabeththequeene · 2 months
satine/christian for the fandom asks?
buckle up and get ready cause this is gonna be a long way down 😎
• when I started shipping it if I did: i insantly felt their chemistry the moment they started dancing together at the rouge, and clearly she thought he was the duke at first because of some misunderstanding that she saw with tolouse when zidler was talking to her about it. and obviously when we first see christian at the elephant and satine thinks he’s up there to go sleep with her, their banter from the getgo is really hilarious too cause christian is sort of clueless and awkward at first and she's just doing her job and tries to get off at his "poetry" but then he starts to belt into song, his voice and his words light up the city, and her world too.
the elephant love medley is definitely when i think i truly started to feel their connection, it's literally a conversation told through song about their own perceptions of love and what they think could become of them once they give in, and when they finally kiss, it's one that sparks up and sends fireworks blasting up the night sky (i mean literally speaking! lol) .
BUT i will say, it was this moment right here that i felt something in my heart twinged in what i think i can describe as a state of melting away, cause gosh just look at them...........
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• my thoughts: honest to god i am being real when i say the very last time i found myself feeling this certain level AMOUNT OF CRAZY towards a ship was eight years ago, and it was with mulder/scully (the x files). admittedly i haven't been too shippy with things in recent times unless they're one of my older recurring fixations that i love going back to, and before i got totally into christian/satine, it was jamie & claire (outlander) when i watched the show two years ago that started bringing back this kind of energy in which i realised i can definitely still find and enjoy certain pairings that definitely meet my own personal preferences of what i consider are OTP levels of qualifications to me. and good lord don't even get me started on how fantastic, unbeatable, and palpable the chemistry is between nicole kidman and ewan mcgregor, it's through their performances and how they deliver it that makes you feel all sorts of emotions from the giddiest of them all to the most heartwrenching.
• What makes me happy about them: the fact that for both christian and satine, it's actually the first time they've both fallen in love. christian early in the movie says he's never been in love, despite wanting to write about it, and for satine, she admits that she can't fall in love and it's due to the means of what she does with her job, but eventually she breaks this rule, and ultimately finds herself caught and drowning in a love she never knew she could ever experience and for christian, he gets the sense that wow this is how loving someone and being in love is like. he is incredibly enamoured by her, and we see satine at one of her most vulnerable instances when she's with him, they enjoy being in each other's company, and they see the good in each other. satine knew what christian's talents were capable of, and christian saw how satine was worthy of shining in the spotlight and her dreams of wanting to be an actress. with him writing the play and her being the lead, it gives them both chances to show what they're great at as individuals too!
and from what i know, there's a part where christian has a poem for satine that didn't make it to the movie's final cut and it goes something like "my heart aches every hour of every day / and only when i'm with you does the pain go away" ❤️
• What makes me sad about them: it's how they almost had it all. they were very close, towards the end when the duke was finally out of the picture, and they were able to reconcile and proclaim their undying love for one another despite what they had to put themselves under because of things that were getting in the way, the show was successful and it did so well and they were happy about it, until one inevitable force (her illness) destroyed any hope of finally running away and spending the rest of their lives together.
• things done in fanfic that annoys me: i think the only thing that annoys me pertaining to this is how you can no longer view or access a lot of the fics about them that were written during the early 2000's cause i know there were definitely some gems written that time especially when the movie had just come out and i would have loved to see what these people wrote before!
• things I look for in fanfic: anything that depicts them in domestic bliss (i am a sucker for these things), or situations where they comfort one another. literally anything that shows how they are so utterly filled with love and the happiness that surrounds them both because it's genuinely what they deserved.
• Who l'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each: NO ONE IT WILL ALWAYS BE THEM IN THE END ONLY EACH OTHER !!!!
• My happily ever after for them: satine is completely cured from consumption, she's able to fly away, and makes it big time as an actress and christian is a successful playwright. they both end up married, living in london and through the course of several years have three daughters and two cats (girldad! christian is something so personal to me, he'd be the dad who'd tell endless bedtime stories and satine would be the mom who loves dressing her girls up and taking them to parks), and the greatest thing about this is their children would grow up in a household that's filled with many music, laughs, kindness, and most importantly love.
• who is the big spoon/little spoon: christian is definitely a hugger, they're just so comfortable around each other that she can slip into his arms during a lazy afternoon or he can wrap her around his waist whilst joking around during a walk. plus whenever he's got something to write on his typewriter he doesn't mind when she wants to sit in his lap and they'd squeeze in whatever space they have in a chair.
• what is their favorite non-sexual activity: singing and dancing together (obviously) <3 practicing and reciting lines from plays, leaving each other notes when one has to go somewhere or gets up earlier than the other but also cuddling by the balcony.
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