#thank you for the ask!!! 🦔🦔
laesas · 1 year
did you ever make a post about pete not liking tankhun ? i know you mentioned it a few times in your tags but i don't remember seeing a post. (i share your opin ions.)
I definitely toyed with the idea of meta or a gifset but I didn't ever make a full post! I love unrequited love and I ESPECIALLY love the extremely rare platonic version which Tankhun and Pete absolutely nail in my opinion!
There are loads of moments where Pete's smile drops around Tankhun very quickly, or he insults Tankhun behind his back. Instead of laughing things off like Arm and Pol, he almost has a wincing fear-response to Tankhun, which we don't really see at all from the other bodyguards.
I think that Tankhun likes to think of himself as being close friends with his bodyguards, and he does genuinely show a lot of open affection for Pete and eventually concern for his safety. But I think ultimately for Pete, Tankhun is just a part of Pete's job, and over time resentment has built up until he thinks of Tankhun as one of the *worst* parts of it. I definitely don't think he resents Tankhun enough to hurt or endanger him, but that's about as far as it goes, there's certainly very little love there.
Something about that dynamic is just particularly brilliant, especially when combined with Pete's eventual defection from Tankhun's side to Vegas'. He chooses a man who has beaten and tortured him over a man who showers him in affection and throws parties on his return.
I utterly adore Tankhun but I think as a character that's grown up in a gilded cage, he doesn't really understand that what Pete needs is a sense of his own autonomy rather than being dragged to "fun" "lets cheer up Pete" parties that Tankhun has demanded on his behalf. At least with Vegas he *chose* to go back, he handed Vegas the ropes, let him lock him back up again. Even before he develops feelings for Vegas, Pete has clearly felt like a subhuman pet for Tankhun and the main family for a long, long time and I think ironically Vegas acknowledging Pete's humanity is the tipping point for him.
I think even without their nascent romantic love as a factor, Pete would always choose Vegas. Because despite the threat of suffering, he offers a sense of freedom that Tankhun's gilded cage does not. It all makes for an incredibly interesting betrayal, and makes Pete choosing Vegas over Tankhun all the more pointed. By choosing to be Vegas' pet, he chooses to be human.
#I have had this gifset concept rattling round my brain since before I even learned to make gifs#if I didn't have so many complicated feelings about Pete after the whole Build situation I'd make it in a heartbeat tbh#my worry is that it would either be taken as a ''hating on Pete'' set and I'd get mad shit for it in my inbox#(despite it being one of my fave facets of his character)#or it would be interpreted as a ''Build's acting appreciation!'' post which tbf it kinda would be.#theres no getting away from the fact that he shaped Pete into a very interesting and nuanced character#but you wouldn't catch me dead making a ''Captain Jack Sparrow appreciation'' set even if I loved POTC as much as KPTS yknow?#like theres only so much distance I can split the character from the actor. which sucks bc Pete as a character was one of my favourites#idk. probably not the ideal answer lol#my first instict was to just make the set since it was all planned out from like december#but since January my love for Pete as a character has mostly been in a little box on a high shelf that I do not ever touch. which is sad#but it is what it is ig#anyway lol 👀#tankhun theerapanyakul#pete kp#tankhun kp#kp meta#ask#anon#watch me deliberately not putting that shit in the pete tag out of fear#anyway back on the high shelf you go little pete feelings. lets go back to simply not acknowledging u once more lol 🥲✨#goddamn I deliberately hadnt thought about him in months but now I kinda miss Pete... :( I love this ask though thank u for sending it! 🦔✨#damn rereading this its like girl. do you have an unrequited love for commas?? fucking use them?? :) anywaY#kpts
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wonderinc-sonic · 11 months
you go into the team dark apartment and they got one of these bad boys
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they swear it's only there for when they babysit cream and cheese but we all know the truth
Selling my switch for one of these.
It'd be easy to say it's a Shadow NeurodiversIsm, but I think that's reductive of both these magical toys and the rest of Team Dark
Rouge sitting on the phone for hours catching up on trade government secrets and gossip while fiddling with the beads. She always leaves them on the left side.
Shadow using them as a grounding tool for when he'd like to go ape shit but understands he has to count to ten at a normal human speed before doing so. He always leaves them on the right, and mimes them doing lil races.
Omega thinks this is an abacus and is how non-machines count. He counts on it for his squishy meatbags to understand the sheer might of how many enemies he has crushed. And it takes ages, both as he is trying to reach impossibly high numbers, using insane base systems and multiples, but also bc his big ol' claws have to move them all the way round the loopdiloops. He frequently breaks it and leaves the beads on the floor.
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rescue-ram · 4 months
hawktrap, and if someone got there before me, beejhawk
(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) TrapHawk ✨
Ship It
1. What made you ship it?
Waugh, the first MASH episode I remember seeing was Dr. Pierce and Mr. Hyde, and the funny-turns-touching caretaking instantly set off the little shippy bulb in my brain. I love best friend ships, I love the love and affection between them, I love that they're a paired set and the support they show, and I feel like there's a really special quality to their friendship that makes them feel Very Important to each other. Plus they have great chemistry.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Kfksjsj low key got ahead of myself there. But the thing that keeps me hooked is how flexible they ss characters and their dynamic is. I feel like there's lots of angles you can take and lots of scenarios to explore while still keeping the characters in line with what we see in the show. I love that they're in sync 95% of the time, but those little gaps leave just enough room for drama or angst. I love that they're inveterate kinksters AND softboys who care for each other. They're just great.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I mean there are certain common takes on both characters, especially Trapper, that make me cuckoo bananas rageful. The whole Trapper Abandoned Hawkeye and Broke His Heart thing 🔪🔪🔪 I will also die on the hill that Trapper Is Much Softer Than People Give Him Credit For and Hawkeye Is Much Stronger. Trying to think of how to phrase my gripes and opinions such that I don't come off as unnecessarily bitchy lol. But like, it is SO HARD to find stuff for these two that Works for me. I think they're more interesting and complex than they're given credit for.
Annnnd BeejHawk 🍵
Don't Ship It
1. Why don’t you ship it?
I feel like you articulated this at a deep level beautifully in your meta a few days ago lol. I mean fundamentally I am a Trapper Girl TM and TrapHawk is my One True Pairing, so this was always doomed to at best second tier "I like it fine" ship status tbh. But there's just too much friction in the relationship on screen, there's some genuine meanness and anger, they misunderstand each other at key points, and I don't see the chemistry between them. Being extremely petty and subjective for a second, I just don't like BJ as a character very much, I find him frequently mean and petty and annoying and unfunny. Hawkeye can do better.
2. What would have made you like it?
Augh. Okay, I think in a lot of BJHawk interactions that others read as shippy, I see an edgy clinginess that makes me Uncomfy. So BJ being less "repressed neurotic" and a little more ease in their relationship. Also the fundamental biggest barrier to BJHawk is BJ Loves His Wife and Child, and I don't want to like. Get rid of that aspect of his character because it's vital to him, y'know? But maybe more of Hawkeye corresponding with Peg and building up a friendship with her- it could even be comedic, where he's planning a surprise for BJ who's getting increasingly suspicious then is amused/embarrassed/fond when he figures it out, but just like a sense Hawkeye could be included in the family dynamic without being wildly unfair to Peg, or even just BJ being a little more liberated sexually such that it's easier to imagine them conducting an affair that doesn't IMMEDIATELY implode his marriage. I mean, BJ is the deuteragonist for 2/3 of the show, obviously I have thoughts on their dynamic and how it would change with a romantic or sexual element to it, but I frankly don't see Gay BJ at all, I don't see Bi BJ at all, he's sooooo heterosexual to me, so a more sexually ambiguous or chill BJ is necessary lol. Also more BJ taking care of Hawkeye, more buddy vibes and funny coziness! And like this is probably me ragging too much on BJ... IDK it's hard to say how Hawkeye would need to change, he's already trying to be a good friend given the circumstances... I mean, for my subjective ship tastes 90% of my personal turn offs come from BJ, so Hawkeye is not really the problem in this ship for me. I guess something that really bugs me about the BJHawk fic I've tried that turns me off the ship is Sad Sack Hawkeye, so maybe more content with spunky prankster Hawkeye and co-conspirator BJ, or a proactive seductive Hawkeye pursuing BJ, romancing him, making it more of a "I want this because I want you" than a "I'm clinging to this because I need you" thing, which isn't sexy to me.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Jfkdndkdn. Yeah, I guess. It's not like. A bad ship. I get it. They were The Pair for 8 seasons, they have many many moments to build a ship on, it's not without merit or something. They're friends who've been brought together in horrible circumstances, they go through a lot, they're close, there's some great scenes for them. I think you can get some interesting scenarios out of their dynamic, though my brain runs a little darker and angstier than shippy. But it is just so very much Not My Cup of Tea in either the show or in the fan works I've tried. Even fics that were otherwise interesting and well-written and in character, the BJHawk elements were pure 😬 to me. Truly truly "Your ship is not my ship and that's okay" situation.
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shirogane-oushirou · 4 months
poppy red, chocolate cosmos, and maroon for ren? :3c
nick my friend nick~!! hope you're having a friend lead-up to valentines day with kylar and rika and the squid kids~~~! you're going to have a busy day KJNASKJDN. 🙏🏻💕 ty for the ask!!!
Poppy Red: How familiar is your f/o about Valentine's Day or their source's equivalent of it? What's their opinion of it?
ren has had a number of partners in the past, and so has had multiple experiences with valentines day, ranging from "that was... fine...!" to "DISASTER" :'( he tried to make up for a socially isolated childhood by finding Someone. Anyone. to be in a relationship with, and he'd often flip from completely overdoing things to trying to play it too casual. his partners would inevitably leave feeling some level of disappointed... so the day's somewhat tainted by bad memories. that plus his general negative feelings towards holidays (family shit yippee) makes valentines supremely stressful for him, even though the /CONCEPT/ of the day seems nice! it takes someone with similar social expectations and views of most holidays (hieeeeee. smile.) to finally find a good middle ground approach to the day that works for both of us!.... it still stresses him out though. poor thing. 😫
Chocolate Cosmos: If your f/o was talking about you to someone like a close friend, how exactly would they talk about you? How would they describe you? Characterize you? And how often do they talk about you to other people?
before dating, doc! and v!ren spend a lot of time trying to avoid the fact that he likes me (doesn't want a repeat of past bad relationships, doesn't want to ruin something good, etc), so i feel like he's the "oh they're such a fun FRIEND, i love being their FRIEND, my FRIEND ro showed me this thing--" type, like he's trying to convince himself that that's how he sees me. most others see right through him though KJASNDKJN. r!ren doesn't have as many hangups about his relationships so he's more straightforward. if he was talking to his coworkers, he'd keep things to a Normal level. he'd mention me if he needed to refer to me for something ("oh, ro said that movie was good, do you recommend it too?" "ro and i went to a botanical garden this weekend, how about you?"), though if he was watching me stream art during a lunch break and someone asked about it, he'd fawn over me ("YEAH it's cool right? that's my FRIEND ro, they drew all of these things, look look look you can see them drawing now, they're--") kJNASDKJN. around his sister, though? no holds barred. she's the one who puts it in his head that he's ALLOWED to try romance again, and that i seem sensible and that we'd be fairly attuned to each other, so ofc she's the one he always goes to if he needs to gush. i think he'd focus on my perseverance and passion, but also my art skills, the efforts i've made to improve myself, the "gap moe" between my resting blank face vs my care for others + excitement over my interests, and uhhhhh how cute he thinks i am KJNSKJN. and i think he'd want to stress how much calmer he feels in our relationship. his past relationships all ended up being pretty shallow and unhealthy because he wasn't in the right mindset for it. now that he has a relationship that, even on days when we don't agree w each other, is infinitely healthier and easier... he wants anyone listening to know that i'm irreplaceable to him.
Maroon: What are both of your love languages? How much do they clash and/or mesh with each other?
his are quality time + physical touch, mine is acts of service. i feel like we've worked things out pretty well, actually! when he's done with work, we'll spend the evening just sitting together, snuggling and enjoying each others' company and catching up on each others' days. i like to cook nice meals for him when i can; no matter which ren it is, he could use a little extra nutrition sjkdfn. if i'm in his place, i also like to tidy up while he's out, and with my health situation, i deeply appreciate when he goes out of his way to bring things to me or help clean things around my place when i can't get up ;;; 😭 and we'll sometimes do things that combine all of our languages together!! once in a while, we'll take a night to shower together, one of us sitting in a shower chair while the other thoroughly washes their hair and body, massaging their scalp and helping them relax, and then we switch places. then we get into soft pjs, dry each others' hair, maybe continue with some skincare... yknow. just. spending time really focusing on each other, connecting physically in a non-sexual way, and doing something kind to help let out tension. 🥺💕
(ask game here)
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feisaru · 11 months
Cant stop thinking about your older feisaru art. I was wondering if you have a hc of what they're upto at that age. Like hobbies, career, or the people they (still) hang out with?
ALRIGHT LET ME JUST SAY- talking about them on main like this is a little hard 4 me. The whole "if it mattered less, maybe I could talk more about it" bit. I'm still gonna try to not make it super vague? While also not being as overly elaborate as I sometimes get in private chats
Fei still loves soccer a lot. Overall he enjoys powering himself out physically when he gets the chance to. Wheter that can be considered a hobby, I dunno, but he enjoys painting nails a lot, especially if he gets to use a lot of colors and to draw silly little animals on them. He also likes cooking. He taught himself how to very early after CS-finish.
Whereas Saru really enjoys reading. He's been doing that even back when he was Feida's emperor, to escape reality a bit. Every so often, Fei comes up to him and asks what he's reading. If Saru wants to infodump about it, Fei gladly lets him. Honestly, it's not a seldom occurence that they just read together. It often starts with Fei asking Saru to read out loud for him because he really enjoys his voice, while he cuddles into Saru a bit. Then after a while Saru passes him the book. Sometimes they also read their own individual novels while just sitting together. Saru also still does soccer sometimes, but for him it's more like a bonding activity with Fei? He does it mainly because Fei likes it so much and he likes when Fei is happy. He'd still enjoy leading a soccer team but other than that, the physical aftermath of the vaccine was pretty hard on him, leading to him not being able to exhaust himself too much physically (he'd still throw hands if necessary tho). Well, he was never too much into sports anyway. Despite that he still loves climbing on trees. And once again I don't know if that counts as a full on hobby but at some point, because he has so much time on hand, he started attempting to scribble Fei in notebooks. I don't think he'd tell Fei though, he finds it embarrassing.
So now to the more complicated bits! Most of these are still Thoughts In Progress™️
I try not to think too hard about the whole job thing because- I'm still not that experienced with jobs and because I can't see either of them working traditionally. Saru still hasn't forgotten about what El Dorado and the system has done to them. He wouldn't want to work in it. He doesn't want to work in a system created and controlled by people who have damaged him beyond repair. He doesn't want to pretend all's well, he doesn't just want to act like nothing ever happened. And Fei? In theory, he's the one more likely to do it, just because his morality doesn't get in the way, but I can't really imagine him feeling good about working at all. It would really drain him. So the possibility I'm tending to most right now is that they're getting the 200 years into the future equivalent of Hartz IV (as much as Saru hates existing in the state they unfortunately can't just cease doing that and so taking the state's money is still the better option) (I barely know anything about what this whole thing is like so take this with a grain of salt) and that Asurei sometimes helps them out financially because he has more than enough money for himself. They don't have a lot but it suffices to live pretty okay as long as they keep in mind they have a limited amount of money at their disposal. But like I said, my thoughts might change in the future, when I know more myself. I once have entertained the thought of making Fei a mental health professional but that's in the scraps right now because. I know someone pretty similar to him who worked as that and I sure as hell do know it would exhaust him in the long run. He wouldn't be able to handle so many people professionally at once without starting to feel worse himself. He likes psychology but the reason he likes it is that he likes helping Saru. Using psychology on people whom he meets in an office on a professional basis just ain't it
Concerning hanging out, I and a friend have an AU (Trio AU) where Fei reaches out to Zanark so the 3 of them can play soccer together when they're 17-18-ish and he third-wheels for them. Later on he gets a gf, my friend's OC. The AU is more for giggles and laughs than anything and Zanark and Saru go on each other's nerves impossibly. A lot of the time it's "calm down, breathe in, breathe out, you're better than this, there's no reason to get seriously mad at this motherfucker, and most importantly you're doing this for Fei" for Saru. They still see Meia and Giris sometimes, albeit they live a little farther away. And they probably encounter Protocol Omega members sometimes, because they live in the same city as them (thinking about them encountering Alpha and Gamma on a date someday is fun... @amalg4me)
Either way I have some drawings where they're supposed to be young adults (Trio AU, including the banana sweater, all the CS x SPOP drawings... maybe even more. Most of the fluffier drawings are set at least 2 years after Chrono Stone) but I've only recently started figuring out how to get better at varying ages and I'm still working on it
Uh btw... if you wanna see some old man cuddles... I can gladly send you some in the dms. I've been drawing them as adults a lot lately, but I don't feel like posting those drawings on main
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ian-galagher · 9 months
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a goblin gift for you 🤗💚🧡
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I shall treasure it forever 🤗🧡💚
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kithtaehyung · 9 months
Just saw that ask about 3tan Yoongi and how he is not feel like real life Yoongi to that anon..
I am not sure of course about others, but I can defo tell you from the bottom of my heart that one of the major reason why I tremendously love 3tan is how real I can feel all the characters. Of course we do not know for real how Yoongi would react in situations but in my perspective, 3tan Yoongi is really someone who most of the time do the thing I would expect from real life Yoongi. 💕 Also it is a fanfic of course everything is the assumption and creativity of the writer, and you are one of a kind Ryen! ☝🏼
It is natural that the characters would not feel like the real deal for everyone but it is also not the purpose of most cases when writing fanfics. So I do not think it is great to call out someone because of that.. (no hate to that anon but was a bit insensitive from them)
Still, reading 3tan, out of all the fanfics I’ve ever came across feels the more realistic when it portrays Yoongi. Also he is someome (3tan Yoongi) people can sympathize and resonate with alongside Reader and many other fantastic characters you created! 💕
End of my rant 😂 that ask really made me protective after your tags as 3tan is really my comfort fic and you are my comfort write💕
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hedgehog you are way too nice😭😭 not me about to sob at my desk!! you didn’t have to do this🥺
ngl that question had me wondering if i felt bad for feeling a certain way about it flsdlsld but it’s because of what you said. like the purpose of 3tan isn’t to put irl yoongi on the page, it’s a universe you can lose yourself in and find comfort in and resonate with these people just navigating life. if people also happen to feel like he’s like yoongi then that adds a whole awesome layer to it, and if not, it’s a fanfic and every character is meant to be their own person :’))
also idk when they entered the fandom but if they’re a super new army i can see why they wouldn’t think he’s characterized well🤣 he’s so matured and happy and content right now so yeah, seeing only that and then reading 3tan, it would be jarring lmao
in any case, i don’t think it’s kind to approach writers like that and say it’s not hate, since it still undercuts a lot of work. writers take so much time to craft their characters and, idk about anyone else, but 3tan is very, very intentional with the way it’s written. and they didn’t mention anything about 3tan yoongi’s emotional intelligence, patience, understanding, protectiveness, encouraging mindset, hobbies, struggle, flaws, mental storm, or journey. just that he’s hot😭
i’ll just delete those moving forward and try not to be sad haha. and if anyone out there is thinking about sending asks, if you have to write “it’s not hate/but no hate” then it’s probably best to not say anything and move on.
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mathlann · 3 months
8, 9, 10, 11 + Marazhai :3c
From this ask meme. Thank you and also I see you trying to get me in trouble lol 😅
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Here's the Hornet's Nest.
While's it's not all bad, Marazhai as I see and understand him, and the character that makes it to y'olden Archive are not the same person. And granted, not everything needs to be a strictly in-character study of the guy, but a lot of writing about him seems to miss what I think is interesting and hot (regardless of route) about his romance, which combined with some *ahem* fanon-decided ~personal attributes~ that I don't care for, ends up with me not liking much of anything I read. Personally.
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Theoretically yes, I think so. But roommate peace only holds so long as he keeps his whole torture thing to his room, and leaves the common areas clear. But realistically, even if he agrees to that he'd probably still leave some kind of gore on the couch every once and awhile to keep me freaked out. So, we could, but only for a short bit because once the first lease is up, either he or I would have to go.
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
Human besties? No. Drukhari besties, where we bond over mutual petty hatred that ends when he ultimately Lady Macbeths me to my doom? Yeah, we could do that.
11. Would you date this character?
No. I won't say I wouldn't be interested, but I'd have a high chance of dying if I tried.
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Oooo JatP headcanons??? Also know I am laying on your floor on a fluffy rug and staring at you upside down while asking this. And also I have befriended your cat!
JatP headcanons!! I haven’t laid these out super well, and I stole a few of them, but here we go.
• Julie is a cat person. So is Luke. When they get an apartment together they adopt a cat.
• Reggie is obsessed with eyeliner, as shown in that one post we all saw about Reggie using up Julie’s eyeliner (where I also added some suggestions but that’s not the important part)
• Reggie is ace. Not sure if this was decided by the entire fandom or just me.
• Carlos and Willie pull the worst pranks on Alex. The worst.
• If Julie got married she would make sure she was surrounded by flowers and the people she loves. I had a drabble I wrote about jukebox getting married on a lily pond, but I lost it to docs. I may have accidentally deleted it.
• Ray met Rose at a coffee house similar to Eats & Beats, after the Petal Pushers had been performing a set. Ray had been the coffeehouse’s set videographer and also the bartender, and he and Rose bonded over music and mochas. • Trevor is so very gay.
• Butterflies and Dahlias are recurring themes and therefore signify important events in Julie’s life and so right after getting back from her first ever big time tour she gets a tattoo of a butterfly resting at the centre of a dahlia, around which is ‘you can do it, Julie’ in Rose’s handwriting. And then when she adopts aforementioned cat, she gets their collar engraved with a dahlia. And when she moves into the apartment with Luke, they hang a larger-than-life piece of watercolor art of a dahlia on their wall. To remind her of Rose, and that every day, she helps Rose’s legacy live on.
• Julie’s background is a picture Reggie took of Jukebox sleeping on the studio couch together. (Yes, it’s a To All The Boys reference, leave me alone)
• Nick and Reggie if we’re in canon, Boggie and Nick is aroace if this is an everyone-is-alive-at-the-same-time-and-is-like-16-or-17 AU.
• Julie’s hair smells like raspberries and roses
• Luke had a cat as a child that was a very sleepy small grey cat, and when he left home, that was one of the things he was most sad to leave. When he regains life 26 years later, the cat is miraculously still living with Emily and Mitch (the cat has ghost powers but no one knows this and non one ever figures it out) and runs to Julie’s house about six hours (it was napping) after Julie gifts life to the boys, reuniting with Luke.
• Mitch and Emily live about a block and a half from the Molinas. Nothing bad happened to the cat
So those are the headcanons I can remember right now!! I have more but those are the major ones.
We are having a sleepover and my cat is cuddling your side while your stare at me upside down on the fluffy rug whilst listening to me talk about headcanons. She is attempting to knead your side.
BONUS!! Pictures of my cat from today!!
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Love you!! 💜
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here have a friend 🦔
OMG a friend!!! yay thank you :D
i will name zem turtle :]]]]]
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forestofsprites · 1 year
I keep getting targeted ads for a very soft mushroomy brown heart-shaped heating pad (I was perusing the Warmies website for a small creature-shaped heating pad to soothe the agonies with and now every ad is like "hey, hi, hello, buy this heart-shaped heating pad") and it made me think of you, I am mentally sending you a soft heart-shaped heating pad <3
First and foremost, dear small-creature-seeker, I very sincerely hope that those agonies are soothed imminently!! It seems I'm too tired for my brain to give further elaboration on that front, but I'll be thinking of you & the delightful possibility of small, creature-shaped heat pads! In addition, that's incredibly lovely, + I appreciate it very much (heat pads are the best agony soothers! for all sorts of varying agonies! I can only imagine that a soft, heart-shaped one of a mushroom-colour variety must excel in that area!), + <3
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leonsmain · 1 year
Hihi !!! Not only is it a new month, but new year !! That means !!!!! Happy New Year and a reminder that you are an amazing and beautiful and loved being, Leo !! <3
happy new year, sunshine child <33 thank you for being yourself and brightening up my ‘22, don’t you ever forget how special you are, yeah?
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wonderinc-sonic · 9 months
I'm not saying Dadow would give Silvers dates the shovel talk but I'm not not saying that Dadow would give Silvers dates the shovel talk.
If Silver dates some normie person, I think Dadow is confident Silver can kill them himself ("gotta let your teenager spread their wings!")
If Silver dates another of these Major Character types, Dadow is sure to assure them he will kill them, and assure Silver he will kill them for him.
If Silver gets married, Dadow will be trying not to cry from the very start of the day, just about make it through his Father of Groom speech (that he insisted on), and end the evening staring at the night sky and finally let it all out, when there's only drunk people left to remember it!
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rescue-ram · 5 months
28, 33, 47, 52
For wildcard going to answer who my favorite wife is because I was thinking about this...
Like, I love the version of Louise McIntyre I made up in my head, but she is entirely a construct of my brain.
And I like the little glimpses of Peg Hunnicutt we get- she seems very funny and sweet...
And I love the crazy mess that is the Blake's marriage. They are so chaotic and there's so many layers, she's smoking hot and bad with money and they love each other and hate each other, Lorraine is great.
But I've been Contemplating Louise Burns a lot recently, because we don't get a lotttt of info on her and what we do get is very negatively coded, but I was thinking a lot about her... My ambiguously autistic queen. IDK how to put this into words because I'm sick 😷 but in their marriage film she's kind of grim faced resigned but very much in charge of the whole thing, I kind of imagine her of being an unmarried 30 year old in the early 40s and thinking very logically she Has To Get Married and Have Children and picks Frank and is clearly in control of that relationship as much as she can be in the culture and legal framework of the era and honestly good for her. I can't articulate this but even though they are Wretched I like knowing Frank does not have a little woman to Lord it over as the Man of the house, I like that she doesn't owe him anything jdhsj I just have been thinking about her ghr past few days... Everyone wants to go down hand in unlovable hand until it's super imposed over the Burnses marriage lol
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shirogane-oushirou · 6 months
👀👀!! :3
ough this is actually going to be harder than i thought KJNAKJDSNF, turns out i don't have as many selfship wips as i thought. i do have some "finished" things that i just never posted, though, so if i run out of wips i'll post those!
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i'll treat these as one wip bc they're the same canvas for the same purpose ksjndkjfn. in july, once i decided ren was For Sure Sticking Around, i wanted to make one of those silly wallpapers where it looks like the character is stuck in / coming out of the phone screen!
first one's composition wasn't strong enough (though i might revisit the idea now... maybe...), second one i just didn't like enough to finish, and the third one was the farthest i got before i decided "actually this looks corny as fuck" KJNSDKJFN. i came up with a better phone wallpaper idea later anyway sooo. shrug!
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OKAY THIS ONE I ACTUALLY DO WANT TO REVISIT!!! i've mentioned ren is a lovey dovey, cuddly drunk, and i want!!!!! to have art of that!!!!! he's a lightweight, and he sometimes has to go to staff parties (or we go out for dinner and he doesn't realize how much he's drinking while we talk)... and when he / we get back to his place, he'll dive straight into me. he's 100% that "i love my wife they're so soft nd pretty" "MY WFIFE IS HOME MY WIFE!!" r/ambien guy when drunk askjdnfkjsdn.
(ask game)
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feisaru · 10 months
Oooooo may I ask about 🫂 and 🎭 headcanons for Fei please?!
And if you're still up for more, than 👗 and 🧸 headcanons for Saru please and thank you! uwu///
Thank you so much for the ask! Sorry this took so long, I had to think about it
🫂: a hc about friendship
WHOA buckle up this one's a tad bit personal. Him and Saru have been in a "friendship" until they were around 20 years old. Maybe they updated the label to "BEST friends" once, but that was the peak of it (still was a huge step for Saru) (and this made me remember a really bad shitpost scenario ft. my OC). That's when Saru went "haha if it weren't for him, I would be dead by now, might as well just-" and pulled his head out of his ass (this means "stopped being a coward" for those who don't know) and really said "I love you" for the first time without beating about the bush (The reason Fei didn't feel the need to confess before Saru is a topic for another time but here's a hint: it was not because he was afraid of rejection). The thing is, by that point they had been kissing (and everything else basically) in high frequency for a few years already. Most things you'd think are a couple thing, they probably had done already. Their Something, as I like to call it bc that's how Saru started thinking about it one day as well, just had no real label beyond friends (which to Saru is already a special thing, anyway). And they didn't even really feel the need to label it. It was beyond categorization. Their special Something. I'm relatively new to this label in particular, but I guess this goes in the direction of the QPR domain (label that's v dear to me also). Yeah so turning their weird little beautiful Something into an official relationship was in and of itself just a matter of formalities. Quite literally almost nothing changed after they became official partners. But they sure do enjoy telling each other they love each other from that point on. (This makes me wanna reread the other times I've talked about this... damn)
Okay all jokes aside, the real hc was, Zanark and Fei actually get on pretty well. Fei gets on with a lot of people, sure, but Zanark is not so into being friends with everyone and he likes Fei a lot. He thinks Fei is amazing for still being the way he is, for not caving in and letting all that happened weigh him down forever although life has evidently dealt him a bad hand. But he also thinks Fei should most definitely not be shouldering all the burden by himself. I and a friend of mine agreed that it would have been nice if Fei had gotten to structure his thoughts in a more personal talk with someone before the final match. You know, unpacked a bit about Everything that was racing through his head, stated his motivations to someone, made up his mind on some stuff. More explicitly and in more depth and length than canon allowed him to. And even tho Zanark is no expert at comforting, we both thought that Zanark would have liked to check up on him. And Fei would have not had such a hard time explaining some things to him because they are from the same time etc etc. So we roleplayed something that you can imagine as a scene that happened off-screen. It was very very nice I loved that
🎭: a hc about what they lie about
Hard one. Fei doesn't lie a lot. He really sucks at that, as Saru mentioned once. He downplays things or avoids talking about certain topics altogether instead. So even if that's technically cheating, I'll tell you about that instead. He has a tendency to downplay his own feelings and needs. He wants to look after everything and everyone as much as he can and he forgets that he deserves breaks and somebody looking after him too.
👗: a hc about their clothing style
HHHH lotta thoughts on this one actually. But I'mma control myself. Saru is half This Guy Has No Fashion Sense, half Extra. He only knows how to dress when he really wants to. He's gender non-conforming about it. The harder you tell him he shouldn't wear this or that, the harder he wears it. Because he runs on spite. He will wear it because he can, fuck your whole life heteronormativity. He has overly specific kinds of clothes that he feels good in. He loves wearing heels because he is like the dog on the counter that likes feeling Tall.
Okay, so I don't get carried away any more, here's sth more specific: in his generally tad bit less bold first 3-5 years post-CS, he always found himself returning to oversized hoodies and pullovers. There was a rather simple black one that he wore often.
🧸: a hc about their childhood
Hah this one's hard... because these are the thoughts I really only speak about once in a blue moon, even privately with the people closer to me. Let me try and find something that won't feel so exposing (for lack of a better word) in my head.
Once again a beta hc that may change in the future: I like to think that similarly to Fei's rabbit, he once owned a monkey plush. Basically from birth on. I have not yet made up my mind about what exactly happened to it, but whichever was its fate, it wasn't good. Saru quickly grew to be not very fond of it because of who he got it from and what it stood for, to lightly put it. The plush has experienced his beginner attempts at externalizing his inner pain.
Ask game from which this is from
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