#thank you for the ask and letting me ramble at you!! <333333
crumb · 4 months
okay okay so re: this post about this gifset
tell me what you think--did Benson plan on killing everybody in the restaurant? did he plan on killing himself after? did he expect to spare Randy, or was he on the fence? was he gunning for Chris and Chris alone and anticipating having to improvise?
I just love the way this scene plays out and how, despite the horrific violence, there's still something undeniably human about Benson as he goes about it. I would LOVE to hear your take!!
Holy shit my response is so long and rambling I'm so so sorry but uhhhh here's my thoughts under a cut to save people's dashboards from my dumb brain 🙈
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Omg so yes this is something I think about ALL the time. Chris is, of course, a definite 100%. He was basically dead the moment he grabbed Benson's shoulder and said "...I'll have no problem turning your peaceful redneck existence into a living hell..." Benson warned him, gave him a chance to back down from bullying Randy, but Chris doubled down so RIP lol. Which was the spark that lit the first fuse.
The rest I think may have been improvised a bit but not by much. I think he planned on killing everyone, except Randy, but wasn't sure how exactly it would all go down. There's a chance Hardy might not have heard Jess screaming and never come out of the back. Which that alone I find funny that it was Jess' shrieking and not the two shotgun blasts that managed to rip him away from his morning jerk off session. So Benson might have planned on getting Hardy in the office by surprise after doing in Chris and Jess.
Jess is interesting because Benson tries to quiet her first before getting frustrated and shooting her to shut her up. Like, was bro gonna give her some speech before offing her? I wouldn't be surprised. Something about not dating entitled dickheads? I get why some people think he might not have killed her if she stopped screaming, which is a fair theory! But I also think she's been clearly joining in on the bullying and egging on Chris with her little comments and giggling like she had been earlier that morning. So I think she was already firmly on his kill list by that point, plus she would have no use to him other than being another witness—and the whole thing wasn't about her, it was about Randy, so dragging her around with them, or leaving her behind, would be pointless and risky.
Randy Randy Randy. I don't think he ever intended on killing Randy at any point, except maybe there being the risk of it happening when he was shaken after the whole Sheppard situation. At that point, Benson was so out of his own body I think almost anything could've happened, though ultimately I don't think that would've ever been on purpose, only in a knee-jerk reaction. I do think it was a liiittle bit of a test. I think Benson, like he said in the diner (the first round lol) that seeing Randy just stand there doing nothing and waiting for Benson to kill him was the only thing he believed in. He, like Benson mentioned, had been watching Randy and knew he was smart, but also knew he wouldn't do anything to stop what was happening. But I think a small part of him was hoping he would be proved wrong, hoping Randy would do something and show some agency.
And then there's Benson. I've mentioned this before but yeah, I think throughout the film he kinda goes back and forth on having a deathwish. I think when he's having his smoke and probably semi-planning what he's gonna do he is also fully aware that this is the end of the road for him and Randy is his... I don't know, I guess one last chance at redemption before ending things. Pulling Randy back from the brink of dead-end small town small thinking monotony is his like... last hurrah. Ok well maybe killing Chris and everyone is really the last hurrah, but helping Randy figure his shit out is like his last good deed, helping Randy not end up like him. When they're driving to the diner after cleaning up BBB he's in high spirits. The relaxation and acceptance phase of his road to inevitable death/suicide. But then as things progress and he learns more about Randy and everything, once they reach the school, I think at that point he had stepped back from the ledge and was thinking, maybe wishfully thinking, that he could make it out of there. But then Sheppard had to show up and ruin everything. I think Benson had started to think that maybe things could be alright, if only he could get Randy to Ms. Beard's, get that checked off the to-do list, and then they could try escaping. But Sheppard appears and reminds Benson that no matter what he can never escape. He'll never escape what happened to him, the things he's tried to forget, or who he is. So at that point it's like trying to save a sandcastle from an incoming tide. There's no use. Benson didn't have the tools to deal with seeing Sheppard, especially not on a day like that day when he had already spilled blood three times. Chris and them, maybe they deserved it to an extent in Benson's eyes, but no one deserved it more than Sheppard. So after Sheppard he's given himself whiplash. He had accepted his death, then got hopeful, and then had the ceiling cave in on him causing him to have to re-accept his fate, though not as steadfast. There's a few points after Sheppard where it feels like Benson is mentally clawing at the oncoming events in panic. Ms. Beard getting that call and answering it before they could leave. Benson hearing the sirens after Randy calls the cops. Both times it looks like he's reliving some cosmic disappointment like even though he's had to re-accept his fate, he's still desperately looking for an off-ramp. I think that's maybe what Benson means at the end. "I was never in charge, Randy." His fate or inevitable end was in charge and was something he'd already considered set in stone. Though I think that's also due to some self-sabotage. Like Randy tried to tell him, he had the opportunity to just run and never look back but instead decided to go on some self-assigned white knight quest for Randy in circles around town. Following some perceived path to "fix" Randy in ways Benson could never fix himself. Benson is a walking self-fulfilling prophecy. So to answer your question about whether I think Benson planned on killing himself after killing Chris, Jess, and Hardy (and after "helping Randy")—in my opinion, yes, I believe so. But I also think it switches back and forth from yes to no like 15 times between them leaving BBB and watching the cops pull into the diner parking lot that night, lol.
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 11 months
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ANYWAYS! I'm glad you liked the gift! I hope you have a lovely day because YOU DESERVE IT! YOU SWEET KIND WONDERFUL PERSON YOU!!!! RAAAAAAA
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TEARING UP RN i wrote it as SOON as i saw the drawing cause even puking all my mushy sappy rambly tags wasn't ENOUGH OMGGG i can't convey the sheer joy your art brings me let alone FANART dude i'm GHHSGH SO THANKFUL<333333
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hunniedmilk · 8 months
Thank you so much for your tags ;; it's been fucking forever a minute since I posted anything. so if you wish, this is absolutely a request for some word vomit. and if you don't want to get into it, it's a heartfelt 'ehehe the tags are very nice, thank you' to keep your ask box warm
walks in with a book with like fifteen different annotation stickies I’m so ready pls bear with me if I sound incoherent .. have no clue if this'll be a lot but i'm going 2 put read more just in case ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
i could probably comment on literally every sentence like no exaggeration but i'm like containing the silliness as much as i can as to sound coherent so i just wanna point out small parts i really really like ^^
“Yet there’s a smile that glitters in the corner of his eyes, and as he steps down onto the pebbles he offers you a gloved hand.”
GHJHKL It just makes me explode ,,, I enjoy descriptions of understanding without a character having to verbally express it . It kills me every time regardless because it feels like you can understand the amount of trust between the two characters in the scene . Like in general , it could be an action that can appear like such a small , insignificant detail but you can tell that it means so much more than that and I just adore it so so much ???
“The butler simply… couldn’t let you go just yet. There’s a shimmer of gold in his eyes, a little greed shining through when he thinks of parting from your company.”
The entire scene feels like it’s a moment that’s quiet and reserved away from other people but between the two characters it’s such a loud expression of emotions ,, especially because of Barbatos and how he is as a character too ?? ☆o(><;)○ 
I’m a bit new to the fandom so please bear with me a bit with explanations but I’ve read him as like a character that’s detached from personhood as a result of his profession and when there are moments when he clearly wants to pursue something he holds himself back from indulging into his greed but when it comes to MC he allows himself to finally take . To allow himself to enjoy their presence when they’re finally alone and able to …
“Of everyone, he knows keenly how precious your time is.”
Im literally vibrating off the walls rn I cant describe it any better than that and especially the next sentences that follow it ohhhg idk if it literally wasn’t late as hell rn I’d def just print this out n’ scribble a bunch of hearts on this like omg 
THE ENDING … I am literally pacing I don’t usually enjoy angst all that much and try to avoid it altogether but the way you wrote it I’m like a little crazy actually. like a little bit insane. A humans existence is such a fleeting moment to a demon and it’s like AAAA YOU JUST LIKE FEEL THE TENSION FROM THE PREVIOUS SCENES THEN THE WARMTH FROM THE ENDING IT’S JUST LIKE A BITTERSWEET ?? FEELING THAT MAKES IT SO ENJOYABLE AND IT’S SUCH AN INSTILLING FEELING THAT’S LIKE SOOOO BEAUTIFUL ?? HIM HOLDING THE AIR ??? I sound so insane I just really really get excited when I read that it’s such an infectious feeling but that’s what your writing feels like. I’m not the best at English so I’m hoping this comes off well enough but I feel like the idea of living on in another persons memory despite all the years to come, especially with a demons lifespan IT JUST FEELS SOOO /pos
This is going to sound absolutely cornball cheesy but ur writing style , and I haven’t checked out ur other works yet but , from this alone it reminds me of a nice sweet . Personally I’m thinking of a Mexican dessert as I’m Mexican myself and I enjoy food analogies as compliments but the way you describe your scenes feels like taking a bite out of a concha (insane person rambling but please stick with me) . it’s such a sweet feeling that like , you don’t really forget the first time you experience it ?? I know I’m def going to be giggling abt ur writing for like a fat week honestly . i could probably reread it more than I already have while typing this and still find things to comment on even if it's just a keysmash
idk idk just the way you present scenarios stick so nicely ? It’s just something so handcrafted with love that I can tell that you enjoy what u write ?? I don’t know :,)
IF LIKE ANY OF THIS DOESN’T RLLY SOUND RIGHT LIKE , CHARACTER DESCS ESP OF BARB ive been in this fandom for like not super long so im still info-diving rlly slowly and its so difficult </3 I get so nervous posting stuff but like I wanna get this out of my system SOO bad
Plus I don’t think I could type out any of the info I do know about him in an orderly way lol I’ve tried for months but it ends in so many side tangents in rambles bc I just like his character so much 
I just think he’s such an interesting character y’know ??? There’s so many ways people can interpret a character and when you see other peoples ideas and some of them just HIT like getting all giddy thinking wow this is so cool ,,, I have to eat what I’m reading because there are no words in my lexicon to verbally express how much I love this 
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tea-earl-grey · 1 year
hello best friend please do the series ask thingy for doctor who and star trek because obviously okay love you bye
thank u for giving me permission to ramble. love you <333333
Doctor Who (answering this for classic, new and EU)
Favorite character: Romana. Literally who else could it be? I watched City of Death when I was 12 and I imprinted on her so quickly and I only got more attached to her in the EU. I support women's wrongs and I hope she gets some therapy sometime.
Second favorite character: uhhhhh Doctor Who has so many god tier characters but I have to go with Bernice Summerfield. Aside from her being the original iconic bisexual time travelling archaeologist, she's genuinely one of the most interesting and complex characters. She's also a disaster (relatable)
Least favorite character: I try my best to like all of the main characters (or at least find them narratively interesting) but I have a grudged against Sam Jones from the EDAs. If I met her in real life I would probably like her but I got sick of her pretty quickly in the books. I know she's meant to be a bit annoying sometimes and that's part of her character but... I'm sorry I just don't like her. (However Sam in Unnatural History.... amazing, great, showstopping.)
The character I'm most like: as much as I'd like to think that I'm cool let's be real I'm most like Nyssa (quiet, likes science, etc) but at least my planet hasn't been destroyed yet
Favorite pairing: Doctor/TARDIS. It's the ship ship what more do you want me to say?
Least favorite pairing: I'm a ship and let ship sort of person but the swathes of Ten/Rose fic I've filtered through to get to more interesting stuff has permanently put me off
Favorite moment: 12's speech to Missy in The Doctor Falls permanently changed my life
Rating out of 10: 1000000/10 i don't know who i would be without Doctor Who
Star Trek (answering for all shows)
Favorite character: Seven of Nine. Listen she's such a good character and I haven't been able to stop thinking about her in months. She's queer, she's got the autistic swag, she's got a traumatic backstory, truly all of my favorite things in a character
Second favorite character: ooooh so many good options but currently Sisko (yes I am rewatching the Dominion War arc in ds9 why do you ask?)
Least favorite character: again I don't enjoy disliking characters but I'm not a huge fan of snw!Chapel (or snw!Spock for that matter)
The character I'm most like: realistically Jake Sisko
Favorite pairing: currently Seven/Raffi
Least favorite pairing: again ship and let ship but I'm not a fan of Spock/Chapel in Strange New Worlds
Favorite moment: I mean... Far Beyond the Stars as a whole episode but particularly the last scene of Benny Russell having a breakdown which... it's just such a good scene on so many levels
Rating out of 10: warp 10/10 🦎🦎🦎
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nocompromise-noregrets · 11 months
9, 13, 20 for the music asks! 😃
wheee, thank you!
9. which artist has been the most life changing for you? Definitely Michael Monroe and Hanoi Rocks. They, and he in particular, have taught me to keep going, be true to myself and not give a flying fig what anyone else thinks of me. Absolute heroes for 30 years now.
13. do you have a favorite genre or dabble in it all? I like to think I dabble in a lot of stuff, but then I come on Tumblr and realise that what I like is pretty closely related - rock, metal, punk, goth, 50s-80s pop, synthpop. :D
20. which album deserved that damn grammy? I have no idea what's had grammys and what hasn't, but given that most of what I like never gets them, there are many. But let's go for Sensory Overdrive by Michael Monroe, which was an absolutely stunning comeback and has led to a continued resurgence in his career and (at least some of) the recognition he's always deserved.
Thank you for asking! <333333 Anyone else want to make me ramble about music? (fair warning, I'm going to bed in a mo but I'll answer in the morning!)
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tatakaeeren · 1 year
first off i also just wanna say the fact that you continually ask me questions on stuffs means a lot to me adfadfadfasd it soothes me to know my extrovert rambling personality doesn't cause too much annoyance to you asdfasd <333333
NOW SHOUJO RECS WOOP WOOP (i will give u the links of where i read them too ^^)
Sesame salt and pudding- https://bato.to/series/81088/sesame-salt-and-pudding
so basically a 20 year old and a 40 year old drunkenly marry each other. I PERSONALLY love age gap stories and the 40 year guy is just *screams into pillow bc of hotness* but also the way they handle situations and everything is amazing the female lead is strong and confident in herself and not just a wet napkin
Loving Yamada at Lv999- https://bato.to/series/98627/loving-yamada-at-lv999-official
SO GOOD. idk if you've read it or seen the anime but i LOVE KUUDERES AND YAMADA IS THAT SO ARGH i love. older female lead (i think they're like two years apart but people were upset that she was like 21 and he was like 19 so i have to say that even tho it isn't creepy or anything BUT YAH)
wotakoi: love is hard for an otaku- https://wotaku-manga.com/
SO GOOD PART TWO. this is like grown adult romance i would say since they're all coworkers and like it's definitely the "i am dating my best friend" (literally) trope which i absolutely love and it's refreshing if you need a break for like high school romance yk?
My reason to die- it's a webtoon but you don't have to pay for it whoop whoop
PAIN. it's still ongoing updates every tuesday and it's SO GOOD BUT OH MY GOD THE PAIN IT CAUSES *screams in a corn field* bc like the male lead just loves her so so much and the way the author portrays like the little acts of affection through simple touches and whatnot is FUCKING AMAZING.
Here you are- https://bato.to/series/70482/here-u-are
I SHOULD SAY IT'S BL and i know that's not everyone's fancy but i personally think that like even if you someone isn't a fan of the genre to give it a try. There's no like nsfw outright, hints to it but it's not done in like a fetish way. I've cried my eyes out to this one because the characters all just feel so real. the author did an amazing job just making the characters come alive and so even if someone is like ew bl PLEASE give it a chance.
Love for Sale- https://mangabuddy.com/love-for-sale
yes this is another BL. Let me explain. there are nsfw scenes and whatnot but like, the CHARACTERS THE CHARACTERS. another one where I've cried to. The "top" for lack of a better description is somewhat aromantic, but not like oh I'm toxic man way but like in a. that's just the way he is because he can't figure out what love even is, so he uses his money to show people love because that's the only thing that makes sense to him. I am not giving an apt description but seriously, it's amazing as well, like you really get invested in the characters and i just love it.
-lavender anonieee
Hi how are you doing today?? i'm glad you feel that way! I ask you a bunch of questions because I am genuinely interested in your answers! you have different and fun opinions + I can learn more about new anime or manga and I get to know you more 😉
Oh come here let me hug you because after the third ep, we all needed a hug, a warm blanket and mentally staying at the beach with them.. let's forget the other half of the ep happened 😭
Thank you for the recommendations and the link!!! I didn't know two of them (Sesame salt and pudding and love for sale) so I definitely added them to my list!! thank you for including the summary, they really picked my interest thanks to that! 💖
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thewrongshop · 2 years
I am GOGGLING at "mean terrible couples therapy story" but I'll be honest I am absolutely raring for mayhaps a snippet of "le cirque des cauchemars" :) Please feel free to ramble about either or both because I am 👂👂👂👀👀👀👀 :)))))))))))
THANK YOU I would love NOTHING more than to ramble about both <333
I answered another ask about the couples therapy fic here but I'll give you some more!! Fun fact: this concept came into being bc I saw that post that's like "who wants to go to couples therapy with me until they realize we're not actually together" and the brainworms made me go "haha. what if jon and tim" followed by "aha ha. what if sad." Here's a snippet!
It feels, in the most literal sense possible, like a breaking point. The realization cracks through Jon like a fault line the moment the word monster leaves Tim’s lips and he sees it mirrored in his eyes; if everything wasn’t already fragmented before, it certainly is now. Cracked beyond repair, like his grandmother’s good china, like every other warped and twisted thing in this building.
Putting in actual time and effort into finishing this fic probably isn't in the cards for me anytime soon, BUT I know exactly with what words it's going to end, and if my intuition is correct they'll make people very mad at me :) so I'm extremely excited to make that happen eventually!
And then there's Le Cirque des Cauchemars, my night circus au. My most beloved fic to daydream about and the main reason I won't be moving straight on to the couples therapy fic after I finish my current WIP. I feel like I've expressed this before but this au makes me so excited because the two universes mesh SO WELL. Every time I fantasize about the plot something new falls into place, and trying to mimic Erin Morgenstern's style a bit is just so so much fun :)
For context: the premise is that instead of Morgenstern's Circus of Dreams, we have the Circus of Nightmares, in which this world's versions of all the entities reside and feed on the fear of their spectators. Jon, who has been plagued by other people's nightmares for as long as he can remember, sees the Circus arrive in town, and with it, a chance to get to the root of the fear he accidentally inflicts every night. In doing so, however, he gets even more tangled in a web so large he cannot see the whole of it. Here's one of my favorite bits from what I've got written so far!
��They’re not even letting anyone in,” someone says, breathless. “It opens at night, who’s ever heard of such a thing? There isn’t even a gate, just a sign hanging on the fence. It said—oh, what was it—opens at nightfall, closes at dawn. And there was something else, too, a title. Something like cauchemars, I think it was. Strange as anything.”
Jon, whose childhood education had placed a particular emphasis on his understanding of languages, snaps his book shut. “Kindly keep your voices down,” he bites out, and turns on his heel and leaves the library. 
I am literally so excited about this story. Every time someone gives me an opportunity to talk about it I start vibrating I cannot WAIT for this to be the primary fic I'm writing :)) Thank you so much for asking about it!!
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hopespeakwriting · 2 years
May I request twogami,nagito and gonta with an s/o who draws anime?
THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU! You dont know how grateful i am for this request!!!
Oh, and of course, here's your request! i hope you enjoy it! please tell me if you want me to change anything. ^^
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Byakuya Twogami ( Ultimate Impostor )
okay but- he would refuse to admit at first but- he ADORES your drawings!
Really, he loves it- would a 100% ask for you to drawn him. ( or the person he's disguised as- )
please show him how do you drawn, let him watch the drawing process, he definetly would love it!
But hey, dont you even DARE to skip any of your basic needs while your drawing, man will make sure you take care of yourself. He will do the same thing he did with mitarai. No questions asked.
LOVES your artstyle! Like- HOW CAN IT BE SO PRETTY-????
I headcannon that twogami doesn't watch much anime. So when he first saw you drawing he probably got a bit confusing cause of the anime style, but he would love it either way!
- "Oh? Your drawing? Let me see it... Incredible as always...."
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Nagito Komaeda
Oh boy. OH BOY.
OBSESSED with your art, your artstyle E V E R I T H I N G
Thinks your art needs to be in a museum so that people can feel the same hope he feels when he sees your art. That's how hopeful he gets when he sees your art.
Like, you can show him a sketch, a really rough sketch and he will be like:
" Oh! that's perfect! a hopeful masterpiece that needs to be shown to the world! Ahh~ imagine the amount of hope this could bring to every person alive! Your Talent is truly amazing! the power that you have to do such amazing pieces of art is truly a hopeful blessing"
If you drawn him on anime style... prepare yourself.. Boy will be in a mix of gratitude and self deprecation ON A LOOP. He would be so greatful that you drew him with this amazing artstyle that you have, but at the same time he's a piece of trash that dont deserve to stain your beautiful work with his image.... but-
I headcannon that komaeda watched anime as a child, and he LOVES anime artstyle!
please let the man watch you drawn- he will beg to see your talent to do arts in action, just let him appreciate your art. let him see how you draw, every line that your pencil drawn on the paper, the details of your drawing, ANYTHING! he would be greatful for life.
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Gonta Gokuhara
*confused gonta noises*
never saw anime so he is very confused about anime artstyle, like.... Why do they have pointed chins, and big eyes--??? Boi is confused, please explain it to him. ( after you explained he would definetly watch anime with you ) ANYWAYS-
" Oh! S/O! your drawing again! Huh?! Is that Gonta? It looks like gonta! You drew butterflies too! Gonta so happy! Your drawings are so pretty!"
Slow learner so he will find it strange at first, but he would LOVE IT! Why? cause you did it of course! he loves everything you do! so he obviously adores your drawings!
if you ever drew him in anime artstyle he'll be like:
( Cutest thing EVER )
He would like to learn it too, so he can draw his S/O, but teaching him how to draw anime will be a rough journey... but he will try his very best!
He likes drawing too! So ge would sit by your side and draw pretty bugs while you drawn anime, now you two can drawn together!
Absolutly Loves your drawings!
Okay- i didnt write in a long time, like- a really long time. I hope this is good... Soooo-
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binch-i-might-be · 3 years
my best attempts at imitating you
“hello tumblr mutuals of mine it is 5am and why am i awake you may ask? i have no fucking clue but i just had a ✨ breakdown ✨ because i don’t want to go to work lmao”
“YALL I JUST REMEMBERED SOMETHING! So basically when I was a child, like I was 5 years old or something, I had this friend (I called her Strawberry) and we would get up at 3am, break into cars and drive them into the sea, and I’d come back home at 5am sopping wet and smelling slightly of fish and my detested mother would be like “ok” lmao. Fond memories from that time!”
“i fucking hate my job y’all are not gonna believe this so I was stacking cans of tomatoes and this 60 something man just walked in, KICKED THE FUCKING SHELF, AND RVERYTHING SLID AND BROKE, AND HE LEFT WITHOUT A WORD?? AND NO ONE SAID ANYTHING?? NOW I HAVE TO CLEAN IT UP i’m literally going to drive off a cliff”
“I just took this test for autism and it says if you score over 40 you’re probably autistic. I got 340 but anyways”
“thinking about Him rn....My Sweet Boy....my little angel son darling child boy angel...my BOY....HE <333333”
“i literally hate work so much let me go home i hate my life also my boss is a piece of shit and i should legally be allowed to kill customers”
“Guys when I was like 16, I just remembered one day I pulled an all nighter and got drunk and showed up to school with a hangover and me and my friends ended up having a debate in history class about whether or not hanging is ethical and i yelled “EAT THE RICH” and then threw up on the teacher and everyone cheered because we all hated her lol”
“I AM HOME!!!! #hhhhhh literally Vibrating rn i hate work i am Home!! #haha maybe i shall Do A Write..... #almost done with this chapter! she’s 9k right now i might need to split it into two 😭”
“I Am Heating The Soup :)”
“Soup is literally the meaning of existence #hhh...SOUP!!!! #SOUMP!! #i toasted some bread too and added some garlic butter #ascending to heaven rn”
first of all, so true bestie???? like yeah I never know why I'm awake I just know that I Hate it and that I don't want to go to work!
bestie I was laughing so hard at this I- also it's funny because when we were six or seven a friend of mine and I almost did steal a small excavator! so you captured that spirit very well <3
okay wow you went for my fucking throat huh 😭
to be fair,,,,, I SHOULD be legally allowed to kill customers so-
this sounds like something that could have legitimately occurred, sans the throwing up on the teacher part,,,,, Aryan is this a memory you stole from me
KAJFGKAJHDKJDHKJAHD THE WAY YOU CHANNELED MY UNHINGED RAMBLING FROM THE TAGS 😭😭😭 like yes I do Vibrate on occasion,,,,, yeah I keep writing Long Things by accident which I then have to split,,,, Are You Secretly Me By Any Chance My Good Sir
yeah I've probably posted this verbatim before haven't I 😭
anyway uh, sobbing! I was cackling aloud as I read this the first time, this is hilarious, I'm keeping this forever, thank you for yoour service <3333
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skelemira · 3 years
But before I start I should say this is not my characterization, it's actually how my bestest friend @hyacinthlanes characterizes him (she's also the one who drew my pfp btwwwwww I love you Saphhhhhhhh)
Aight so these two motherhuggers are the cutest fRICKING couple you ever will see. So I actually lowkey uh forgot how they met, I don't even think I set it in stone, I think I started writing a oneshot about it and then just straight up didn't finish it lol but I think I'm gonna go with that they meet at Muffet's.
(btw when I refer to Sans and Papyrus hereforth I mean UL Snas and Paps)
So Paps has a bit of a sweet tooth, nothing major just a bit of a craving for pastries now and then, and he knows Muffet is good about not making her pastries with an ungodly amount of sugar, so he pops by every once in a while. So one time he goes to Muffet's and he sees a new waitress. Now Muffet has *never* hired somebody to help her, so that immediately caught his attention. He noticed that she was a little bit awkward, clearly new to waitressing, and a little bit clumsy every now and then, though she seemed a bit more fearful of Muffet when she made mistakes than he thought was brought on by Muffet being a spider.... Especially because Muffet seemed to be acting extra sweet to the waitress. The waitress eventually got to him, asking for his order before stopping herself and apologizing, introducing herself as Rowan and then asking for his order again.
He brought out all the charm he could, and by the end of the conversation he had even coaxed a giggle out of her. It wasn't even much of a giggle, and she quickly stifled it, but he knew in that moment he would do anything to hear her full blown laugh. (In a completely platonic way, dw there is no jealousy. Though perhaps it might go a different way in an au 👀👀👀)
He went home and Sans noticed he was much more upbeat than normal. Usually when he went to Muffet's he was happy but he would go straight for a 5 mile jog to "burn off the sugar", but this time Paps just went into the kitchen to start prepping for dinner, humming merrily.
Eventually Sans pried it out of Paps about the new waitress and how adorable she was, and you just KNOW Sans is a sucker for adorable things so he decided to pay Muffet a visit (though he would definitely get Grillby's after to "atone").
Yeah so uh it took a couple of weeks for him to get around to going to Muffet's, not that he was dreading it, he just takes his sweet time to do something he says he's gonna do.
He steps one foot into Muffet's and curses under his breath.
Because he sees Rowan tentatively confident, making a joke with Muffet as she wiped down a table, and the ensuing giggle had a burst of magic zip through him, apparently so much that Muffet paused in her laughter, her gaze going to him and raising one eyebrow.
(I really just ended up writing a whole thing huh XDDD)
He saw a glimpse of that confident radiance peeking through the walls that seemed to be slowly crumbling and he became resolved to break them down, if just to see what was hiding behind them.
It started with him trying out various comedy routines as she took his order, anything to hear that giggle again (oh my stars she likes *puns*), and it eventually turned to flirting (her blush is *adorable* and he loves it more than anything) which eventually turned to him asking her out. She said yes <3 (obviously lol) and they started going out.
So obviously my boi Sans has some trauma, we hc him here as asexual, but I mean either way being forced to be in constant heat is gonna have some nasty consequences even if you weren't asexual, plus he feels like in other people's eyes he's been reduced to just sex, plus a lot of other stuff that I'm not going to mention bc that's Saph's territory lol (Btw forgot to mention Rowan is panro-ace like me <3 bc self indulgence XDDD)
So having a girlfriend who is also asexual and doesn't *at all* expect sex or even really want it most of the time if at all and who's basically like a best friend but also romantic is just. Exactly what he needs. Their dates are just the cutest and they both understand the other has trauma so when one has days where the "air is heavy" (basically days where it's hard to move or hard to breathe, like the air is too heavy to move through etc) the other is just there for them. ANYWAY they're too cute your honor
So eventually they move in together, think cottagecore and you've got basically Rowan and Oberon's house, they're adorable and their home is so cozy.
There are so many little moments that are just adorable I can't even think of them all but eventually they get married.
I love. Their wedding okay.
Like have you seen that post of a couple that invited their friends to a party they said was a costume party but it was actually their wedding? Yeah that's them. Except the people know it's a wedding, they just can wear whatever the heck the want, the wackier the better. Their wedding is outdoors and full of shenanigans and laughs and I don't quite remember who I had officiate, it might've been Grillby or my friend's sona, but ik Muffet was the maid of honor.
Tho since they shared so many friends it wasn't really a split situation, the wedding parties were all just kind of mixed together. Rowan was barefoot and it was by the edge of a forest so it was very nature-y (Rowan gardens like a LOT I mentioned it like offhand in the last post).
Super super cute.
Sans' favourite food is apple pie. Why? Because Rowan smells like apples. (Or it's her scones bc goshDANG they are good).
Rowan's favourite color is the purple of Sans' eyelights.
Sans (with Papyrus' help) builds Rowan a greenhouse with floating pink magic lights and it's the most romantic fricking place ever.
When their relationship is first starting to get serious, they plant a tree together (a Rowan tree aha). (If/when they have kids, the kids would play underneath that tree).
Sans' favourite colour is the red of Rowan's hair (it looks pink in the picture but it's kind of a pinkish red, like a pink lady apple).
Rowan and Papyrus have such a good relationship with each other man. Like when Paps finds out Rowan is drinking **EVERCLEAR** every night he is like absolutely Not you uncultured swine (affectionate) and so he starts up a Wine Night with her. Every Thursday he brings a new wine for them to try while maybe doing a puzzle or just chatting or baking or something. Together they become wine connoisseurs (bro I spelled that right the first time without autocorrect look at me go)
Ok I'm rambling at this point but uh yes <3 you're also free to ask me random questions about these two if you'd like!!!! Thank you so much for the ask Hyper beloved <333333 literally Saph is like almost the whole reason UL Sans is my husband now lol.
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inkykeiji · 4 years
Random Minecraft world update you didn’t ask for but it was going great, I had a cute lil world then my cousin called me on discord and I told him abt it then he just constantly was like “Kaz, invite me.. just let me play, I won’t even play near you in the world” so I invited him only for him to force me to expand my little hut, kill my cows and put farms everywhere....
I just wanted to have a cute little hut and a little garden and some animals .. but he did give me flowers to decorate so that was nice but he also almost drowned me in lava so that was not nice.
Also, if reader plays games on her phone or something handheld, Touya is absolutely laying behind her with his head on her shoulder and his hand under her(it’s his) shirt with a hand on the titty.
If Touya plays games, I know he has the whole 3monitor set up and all that and he lets reader sit in his lap and while he plays and just kinda keeps his chin on her shoulder. He also will lowkey bite her if he dies.
-fluffy anon(this was a little long for absolutely no reason. Also, apologize for any spelling errors I may have made. AND MAY I SAY, I just loved all of the Christmas fics. They were just *chefs kiss* and I will be sending a separate ask just to gush over them)
TECHNICALLY FLUFFY, technically i did ask for an update ehehehehehe so i’m v glad u came n gave me one!!! okay okay responding to this + your other beautiful message under the cut!! <33
KILL MY COWS AND PUT FARMS EVERYWHERE AHAHAHAHAHAHA oh fluffy i’m so so sorry but this had me howling ehehehehehe
ALSO DROWNED ME IN LAVA SO THAT WAS NOT NICE LMAO PLEASE PLEASE THAT’S AWFUL BUT IT’S SO FUNNY I CAN’T STOP GIGGLING well gosh at least he gave you some flowers for your efforts ahahaha
omg pleaseeeee that’s the cutest thing ever 🥺🥺 but YES like, aaaah maybe this is because it’s something my boyfriend and i do a lot but i love the idea of a couple just kinda chilling with each other but doing their own thing at the same time??? like just enjoying each other’s company and being close without actually speaking etc!! my touya’s also very uhhhh TOUCHY when it comes to the reader—like i wouldn’t say he’s a touchy person but he’s very physically clingy when it comes to her (especially if he’s having a bad day :( SPEAKING OF WHICH IM REALLY HOPING TO GET TO YOUR OTHER ASK TONIGHT but i wanna write some hawks first ehehehe). waaah i’m rambling MY POINT IS, yes absolutely, she’d be all cuddled up against him, maybe even on her side between his leg with her head on his chest while she plays, and he’s busy reading, or doing some sort of business on his phone, or watching a film etc. they just like to be close 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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WAAAAAAAAHHH FLUFFY PLEASE YOUR MESSAGE LEGITIMATELY BROUGHT TEARS TO MY EYES I’M SO !!!!!!! aaaah thank you so, so, SO much 🥺🥺🥺 <333333 your words are so kind and lovely and i appreciate them more than i can tell you!! eeee ehehe i’m so glad to hear that you like the way i characterize the two of them!! i just see natsuo and touya as SUCH fucking menaces together and as i’ve said a million times, i really do see natsuo as someone who looks up to and loves his older brother very very much. i haven’t mentioned this anywhere in the series yet but i kinda LOVE the idea of natsuo actually working with touya n having yakuza ties too ehehe
my favourite thing about the relationship between natsuo and touya tho, is that at the end of the day touya is still the boss. natsuo’s mean and scummy self really comes out when he’s fucking the reader, but the moment he’s about to cum suddenly he’s whiny and he needs his big brother’s permission <33
i’m so relieved to hear that it felt tense!!! sometimes, as the author, i have difficulty telling if it’s hitting the way i want it to, since the idea’s been bouncing around in my head for so long etc, so your feedback is very important to me!!
YES ehehe in case u couldn’t tell, deserve was the key word throughout this entire series. not only does shouto bring it up a few times, but fuyumi also brings it up to her mother and it kinda compounds that idea that everyone around them can see how unhealthy this relationship is, plus the fact that they’ve known touya for a lot longer than the reader has, and they’ve been there to watch the way this relationship has progressed, the way this relationship has almost infected the reader in a way. BUT!! but, rei does play favourites juuuuust a little bit, and the reason why touya’s words at the sink cut so deep for shouto is because they’re true. he is her favourite. she very clearly has a soft spot for him (like, this is even mentioned in day one where fuyumi’s like omfg touya always gets what he wants 🙄🙄)
AAAAAAH touya’s breakdown is personally my favourite bit out of the whole series and i was so excited to write it n share it with you guys!!! i was so happy to finally get to explore that side of him, and i think his vulnerability really does attest to the amount of (v twisted + unhealthy) love he has for the reader!
THANK YOU I WORKED FOREVER ON THIS STUPID AESTHETIC LAST NIGHT IT STOLE THE WHOLE DAMN NIGHT FROM ME BUT I’M VERY HAPPY WITH HOW IT LOOKS EHEHE and like, as much as i loved the christmas aesthetic, it was the biggest pain in my ass when it came to adding anything anywhere, because tumblr was quite fussy with the amount of lines in the masterlist especially >.>
good god i really rambled here ehehehe but thank you again for such beautiful words!!!! and thank you for giving me a space to just ramble about my own work aaah
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I'm.... not AJ....... 😞
YOU’RE NOT???? oh my god im so sorry anonie i feel like shit… ;;;;;;; idk why i assumed u were AJ, iM SO SORRY;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
but nevertheless whoever u are, I STILL LOVE YOU!!!!!!! ahhh your message was so sweet and uGH i cant believe I MESSED UP REAL BAD, REAL REAL BAD ANON!!!!! i hope u can accept my apology!!!
ugh thank u so much
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-bea (who is a little shit bcause im so stupid ugh)
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For the movie/tv show ask, may I request x-men?
Oh YAY, thank you! For me this is slightly complicated because my actual preferred canon is the comics (canon, I say laughingly, it's more like a tangled web of contradicting storylines, all of which are canon at the same time), and so sometimes my preferences from there bleed over into the movies. Which I also love, especially the First Class ones. So! Let's see how I get on. :D
favourite female character Rogue. Love her across canons, although the movies didn't do her justice. favourite male character Comics-wise it's Gambit, but the movies, again, didn't do him justice, so it's going to have to be Wolverine. Bloody love him. worst female character I'm not fond of Emma Frost in the comics or the movies, tbqh. worst male character Scott Summers. Sorry guys, the man's an idiot, in all canons. XDDD otp Comics: Rogue/Gambit, but in the films they never meet and aren't even in the same timeline, aargh, so it's going to have to be Charles/Erik. brotp Wolverine and Rogue in the original X-Men movies. Wolverine and Jubilee in the comics (which is the relationship the movies borrowed from). notp I don't think I've got one for the movies, although I am not fond of the comics storyline that paired Rogue and Magneto.
Thank you for asking! <333333 Anyone else want to give me a movie or tv show to ramble about?
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I’m always curious about this but which fic(s) of yours would you most love to see adapted for TV/A Movie? Would you have directors in mind? Soundtrack?
Oooh, this is a tough one. Because all (more or less) of my fic is based on existing movies/TV shows, I don't really think of it in those sorts of terms - it's already been made, if you see what I mean, and I've written what didn't happen in canon, in a different medium.
On the other hand, a great long rambling TV series of Empty Vessel-'verse, with exactly the same director, cast, crew and soundtrack as the LotR/Hobbit movies, would be enormous fun. :D (why yes, let's get Orlando Bloom back yet again to play Legolas, the CGI ought to have advanced enough by now to make up for the fact that he's aged 20 years since he first played him...which it hadn't last time round... XDDDDD )
I'm going to be attempting to face-cast young!Estel and the Twins all day now. :D :D :D (I've never in twenty-odd years managed to figure out who I'd want to play the Twins...does Liv Tyler have any brothers...??)
Thank you for asking! <333333 Anyone else want to ask me random stuff about my fics?
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