#thank you for the ask friend!!
only-lonely-stars · 1 month
I've got to ask you about the Eros/Psyche Jaya AU. I just read up the mythology behind the names, and now I'm very interested as to what you had planned for that and why it was trashed!
(Ask game here!)
Man, I wish I could say that I was being creative with it. I started that idea back in high school, actually, and the fact that I still have the file is kind of a feat 🫡
I've always loved mythology, so I thought a myth AU would be fun (and the Overly Sarcastic Productions video about that myth is really good too). So I started it without much of a plan... and then realized that I'd accidentally ripped off a Miraculous Ladybug fanfic! I can't even find the fic I ripped off... it wasn't going anywhere, so I just put it away. 🥲 A lot of my trashed drafts die slowly from boredom.
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lavenderleahy · 2 months
🦄🐝 (for the lovely asks 😊 have a nice day!)
🐝- Tag three friends and your three favorite things about them!
@hermioneindisguise is one of my irl best friends. She has a phenomenal sense of style, always has the best character analysis (seriously, she is my go-to person for all things dean winchester), and is the reason i'm in fandom in the first place. I'm very grateful for her!
@brazen-kenobi and I have been mutuals since I joined tumblr in 2018. 💜 I actually got to meet him in person this summer!!! He's a phenomenal photographer, a supportive friend, and a good listener.
@angelkissesdean harmony... harmony is one of the many kind and wonderful people I've met on this site. She's a genuine friend, super passionate, and always has her nails done on point. 💅
🦄- List your three favorite things about yourself!
I can always trust my gut
My freckles ✨️
I can make my friends laugh
Send me lovely asks! 🥰
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thatleolion · 9 months
11 & 13!
11. Something I would do again this coming year is run a half-marathon. I had an amazing time doing it this year and would be so pumped to do one again.
13. My birthday this year was really nice, @moderncosmonaut threw me a spooky Yule party and it was full of all of our friends and such amazing food. A great way to celebrate 32.
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vialae · 3 months
5 and 6 for the past life durgetash asks? :)
5. Their favourite 'strictly business associates' bonding activity on a Saturday night? Please don't leave out any of the bloody gory details.
If it's Kai's turn to pick their 'strictly business associates' date night activity, then it is something to do with vivisections. Teaching, demonstrating, coaching Gortash through one. Conveniently stand behind him (and way too close) to hold his hand to guide the scalpel through the victim's flesh at just the right angle. Maybe they can take out and preserve an organ in a jar together as a little memento for the evening.
If Gortash is choosing, they are sat privately tucked away somewhere in the Upper City, casually drinking wine and plotting their next moves by candlelight, with plenty of bitching about the different patriars of the city mixed in too. Gortash will not personally drink too much since he wants to remain completely in control of his mind and body, but he will enjoy watching Kaidos gradually become more tipsy and as a result, a little noisy and lighthearted throughout the evening. If it leads to other things that are still very much definitely things 'strictly business associates' do, then so be it.
6. Describe their dynamic in one sentence. Without using toxic.
Doing everything but saying the words 'I care about you'.
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amethystsoda · 11 months
Working up the courage to ask your favorite weird animal
Hello! ^_^
These may not be super strange or odd, but they're some of my favorite weird little animals!!
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Komondors (mop dogs!!!)
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glasswing butterfly
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toucan (I mean... the bright colors??? the beak is almost bigger than their body?? so weird and cool)
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a lobed comb jelly (they look like they're flashing lights underwater and are iridescent)
Also there's this internet video classic, slow loris eating a rice ball:
I love how human the hands look and the big sad eyes...
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also love the Sun Bear because it looks like someone forgot how to make a bear and loaded a human type before slapping some fur and paws on there.
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Benjamin Sisko? More like Beloved Sisko 😌
One aspect about them I love: I love the capital P Presence he brings to every scene. He’s such a force of nature! Of course there are the obvious examples like ‘In the Pale Moonlight’ and ‘Far Beyond the Stars’, where his presence is literally jaw dropping, but I think he brings such a monumental force to even the softer scenes. Force might be the wrong word, but I’m thinking about all his quiet moments with Jake, his tender moments with Kasidy, his grief when he’s in New Orleans after Jadzia’s death. You can feel every inch of what he’s feeling, all the love and passion and rage. This is more of a comment on Avery Brooks than Sisko I suppose, but he’s easily the actor that impresses me the most in any Star Trek show. He’s such a privilege to watch.
One aspect I wish more people understood about them: That he likes to have fun! I often see him cast in fandom as the stern father figure to his crew (which is a whole other kettle of fish) or people exclusively highlighting his actions in the Dominion War. But Ben is capable of goofing off just as much as anyone else! His delightful love of baseball is the obvious example, but there’s also the episode where he built the Bajoran lightship and flew it with Jake, or all the crazy stories of his youth with Curzon, or when we see him interacting with Jennifer for the first time. And while he opposed the Vic Fontaine holosuite (for very valid reasons), I got the impression that he did end up enjoying himself a teensy bit during that casino heist.
One or more headcanons I have about this character: His favourite musician is Nat King Cole. Joseph would always have his music playing while cooking, so Ben has a lot of fond memories growing up and listening to those songs. And he probably started learning to play the piano by trying to play them by ear.
One character I love seeing them interact with: This is so hard to choose! His interactions with pretty much everyone on the show are so rich, but I think I’ll have to say Kira for this one. The captain and first officer dynamic is always an interesting one (unless it’s TNG sorry not sorry), but the fact of Sisko being the Emissary adds so many layers. Of course there are the jokes about Kira’s boss being space Jesus, but I really do think they have one of the best relationships in the show. Two scenes in particular come to mind - in the episode ‘Starship Down’ when Ben’s injured and Kira’s trying to see him through it, and I can’t remember the episode, but the scene where Ben invites her to a baseball game. Very different scenes, but I think they do a lot to convey how much they care for each other no matter the situation. But then they’re also trying to work through the complex web of worship and every day interactions and station hierarchy and friendship and ugh it’s just so good!! It’s so good.
One character I wish they would interact with more: Jennifer Sisko. I don’t mean interact as in bringing her back from the dead, or having mirror!Jennifer play a bigger role (which would be kinda cool honestly), but rather I wish we’d got to hear more stories about their past interactions. Ben’s grief over her death is literally what kicks off the entire show, and I feel like we should really know more about her since she had such a strong connection to the main character of the show. I find it very difficult to believe that Ben wouldn’t talk about her more to keep her memory alive. I want to know what kind of dates she and Ben would go on, the little idiosyncrasies Ben loved most about her, the things she’d do that would annoy and charm him all at once, and the moments where he was most proud to love her.
One or more headcanons I have that involve them and one other character: He’s in love with Julian Bashir ❤️💙 I’m sorry, I can’t help it - Siskoshir is just too powerful of a ship to go without at least mentioning. I saw that one scene in ‘Past Tense’ when Ben brings Julian breakfast and that was it, no thoughts only Siskoshir. I think I find that ship so compelling because, even though they appear outwardly quite different, on the inside they’re birds of a feather. They’re both so passionate about the people around them, they’re both dedicated to their careers, and they’re both strong enough to survive immense the trauma that’s impacted them throughout their lives. But then there’s also what they can give to each other - Julian can help bring Ben out of his grief with his relentless brightness and optimism, and Ben can offer Julian the warmth of familial love that he felt like he’d lost once he discovered his augments. Basically, they’re the best I think they should kiss 😌
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What is your favorite marvel ship?
Oh, this is actually super hard for me to decide!!
Honestly, it’s probably Starmora. Those two are absolutely adorable together, and I love how they interact with each other. Or PeterMJ, they’re super cute too! Thank you for the ask, girlie!!
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acacia-may · 4 months
Let me present you with some fruits as well hehehe.
If you don't mind! 😁
Hello friend! Thank you so much for the ask and for the fruit! ^^ I don't mind at all and would love to answer these questions for you 💖
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
I answered this one here if you'd like to see the full discussion, but definitely strained but loving brother relationships (Those are my jam!!) I also love platonic male-female friendships (which I think are really underrated).
I don't write a lot of romance (and honestly don't know what common dynamics there are), but I think my favorite ship dynamic is probably Edgy One x Soft One. Not necessarily in a Sunshine One x Grumpy One way but more in a one person is rough around the edges but the other one wears their heart on their sleeve kind of thing (which has more bearing on how easy it is for them to open up to each other and be vulnerable than on their personalities necessarily). I also like Badass Lady x Dorky Male Wife (which might fall into this category lol 😂)
🥭 Rank from most enjoyable/fun to write to least: Fluff, Smut, Angst, Crack.
Unfortunately my favorite genre "Slice of Life" is not listed and my 2nd favorite genre "Hurt/Comfort" is also not listed. Out of these 4 though...
Definitely Fluff, then Angst or Crack depending on my mood, and I don't write Smut 💀 (and honestly don't even like writing the characters kissing because I'm just so not into any of that) so that's a big no from me personally.
🥝 What’s your favorite trope/AO3 tag to write?
SLICE OF LIFE. Hands down! I thought it was my most used tag, but I checked and it's my second most used (but only because my most used tag is "Friendship" lol. I really am so predictable 😅). I love it because I feel like I have the freedom to really write a window into a characters' heart and their wide range of complex emotions beyond just a small box like "fluff" or "angst." Those can be good too, but I feel like when I write in those genres the focus is really narrow and I prefer the more wholistic bittersweetness of slice-of-life where the POV character can be happy, sad, angry, confused, nervous ect. ect. all about the same event without me as the author feeling like I need to focus on one of those emotions more than the others, if that makes sense? Also, I just love writing the little mundane but meaningful moments in a character's life, especially if they take place on the other side of a lot of suffering and pain (i.e. Langris and Finral just hanging out together after healing from their trauma and rebuilding their brotherly relationship. This is the kind of stuff I live for!!)
My 3rd most used tag is "Hurt/Comfort." I adore Hurt/Comfort especially between friends and family members (which is one of those things I also don't think it talked about enough. It doesn't/shouldn't have to be a romantic thing imo).
Just to list a few other tags I like, I usually throw in "Please don't take this too seriously" when I'm trying to write something silly or lighthearted, and some ultra specific tags, "Soft Langris is the Best Langris," "Hero deserves happiness," '[Insert Character Here] Is Bad At Feelings," and (a personal favorite I made up myself), "The Queen of Witches & Ledior & Liliane Vaude can all take a hike together in hell."
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littlepikmins · 5 months
hiya pikmins! favorite antagonist and underrated character for 500 please
🗝️ favorite antagonist?
I love so many antagonists but Master of Masters from Kingdom Hearts holds a very special place in my heart because he's just so charismatic! I also really like Magolor, Volo, etc for similar reasons, I like unhinged crazy villains
🕷️a character you feel is underrated?
Mika Genshin Impact because he is my son and I love him very much 🥺🥺
I'd also say Tails from Sonic is underrated. A lot of the silly little guys I kin seem underrated to me but maybe that's another reason I like them so much, they have a lot of potential that hasn't been met so I can like imagine them on new adventures and such!
Magna is also underrated and needs more love because it makes me so sad he doesn't get merch alongside Luck very much! They're a package deal! (Tabata please give us Magna lore so more people start to notice what an amazing character he is!)
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elisethetraveller · 6 months
Getting to know you // 💸- If you had a billion dollars and could only spend it, what would you buy first? (and/or) 🐝- Favourite season?
From; Getting to know the mun
💸 - If you had a billion dollars and could only spend it, what would you buy first?
Oh, that’s an easy one! I would clear some friends and family’s debt. Then I would buy a house and then I would travel for the rest. I am thinking of starting on the west coast of Canada then going east and then we’ll see where I want to go from there. The fun thing about this question is it specifically says dollars, and the dollar is higher than my home country’s currency so I would, from where I am standing, be getting more than a billion.
🐝 - Favourite season?
Oh, not sure I can pick only one. Spring or autumn but if I had to stick with one it would be autumn.
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wordstome · 9 months
hey love! 43&45 for the ask game <3
43. what books did you grow up with? I answered this already, but I just thought of another one. Guardians of Ga'Hoole. Damn those books were crazy.
45. what’s your favorite smell? Ylang-ylang! Other than that, chocolate chip cookies :3
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peach-pot · 10 months
32 and 64!
lacy by Olivia Rodrigo & laundry day by Cavetown
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picklerocket · 1 year
whats your favorite type of pickle and why?
Dill pickles or hot pickles! I like the bitterness, but I hate sweet pickles. I like the tiny crunchy dill pickles too! And also anything pickled with dill, like garlic, beets, radishes and more!
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#11, 16, 18, 25 and 56 for the ask game!!
Favorite age you’ve been so far?
Hmm… I don’t know, I miss being a little kid, and living in my (honestly quite crappy) neighborhood and being outside while the sun set and playing on the old brown couch. I have very fond, very nostalgic memories of when I was little :)
And then when I was just a bit older, but still quite young, things were also good!! My best friends were my cousins and we’d go on journeys into the woods together, and I’d watch my best best friend play Cover Orange on his iPod Touch, and I’d climb the tree in the front yard of my (honestly quite good) neighborhood and I got my dog and watched animated movies on loop.
Middle school was weird lol
And high school has been… all over the place. I’ve had some of the hardest years of my life, and also the best years of my life, and I’ve been friendless and made friends and lost friends, and I’ve moved and moved again and moved again, and I’ve discovered my favorite music artists, and started truly writing for the first time, and got into fandoms and got social media and experienced doubts about my faith and anxiety and so many sad things, so many bad things, so many freaking hard things, but it’s also been so so amazing? A big whirlwind of everything, that’s for sure.
I’d probably go with age six or seven, give or take—mostly because me and my cousins were really close then, and I wanna experience that once more. And also nostalgia :)
The last song you listened to?
I think… it was something acoustic? Me and my sister were going back home after seeing Across The Spiderverse (for the second time!) and my head was hurting a little bit because of all the crazy animation XD I couldn’t listen to my usual music because it made my head feel worse, so I started playing songs from my acoustic playlist.
But goshdarn it I can’t remember what song I listened to last!!
Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
No one? 😅
I’ve never punched anyone in my life lol, and I don’t really think I could ever bring myself to do it XD
I do remember when I was pretty little and watching Little House On The Prairie, I got so enraged by one of the characters that I bit out, “I want to punch her.”
My parents didn’t quite know what to do with that information aksvaksvskj
You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
I’m probably going to save it, actually! I’ve always been a saver rather than a spender :)
Wait, scratch that: I will save most of it, and use a bit to get a Starbucks Frappuccino :D
What do you like on your toast?
Sometimes I’ll put jelly on over the butter (it tastes like a biscuit!!) and other times, I’ll put sugar and cinnamon over the butter—but no matter what, I’ve always got butter on my toast XD
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lemonzestywrites · 1 year
For the Director's Cut Ask: ⭐️
hi friend!!!
okay so spoilers (kinda) for my fic temptation comes from wants we cannot yet claim
i wanted to be super careful with how i differentiate eddie’s ‘dreamscape’ world and the actual physical world while writing i made sure to be very careful to not describe anything in eddie’s coma dream through smell/touch! everything is depicted mainly through sight!
granted there are some exceptions to the touch rule- just cause i couldn’t really get around it but to make up for it i tried to go a little crazy with physical descriptions while eddie was in the real world as well!!
(send me a fic of mine and i’ll give you the directors commentary on it!)
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3 + 15 for the fic writer asks?
So I've already answered these questions in another post, but I figured they're the kind of questions that can have multiple answers, so here we go!
3. What’s something you learned about yourself as a writer?
That I'm actually capable of writing original fiction! I tried NaNoWriMo this year, and even though I didn't get to 50,000 words, I'm still really proud of what I achieved (around 38,000). Even though what I produced definitely needs a lot of work to get it up to scratch, I'm still so excited that I wrote that much non-fic content. I guess since I've mostly been writing fic for the last few years, I started to doubt that I'm capable of writing something original, but I've definitely erased that fear by doing NaNo. Now the challenge will be keeping up that momentum with original work while also writing all the fic projects I want to tackle.
15. Rec a fic you wrote or posted in 2023
I'm going to recommend my Troisha fic Resting Place here, because I'm pretty proud of it! There's something about Troisha that makes me want to go to weird places in my writing, and I always like my writing best when it's a bit more abstract and 'artsy', for lack of a better term.
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