#thank you for the curiosity! :]
puppyeared · 10 months
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Unsurprisingly assigned fairy type so heres me as a pokemon/fakemon lol
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2aceofspades · 2 months
hi you probably got this question asked before. BUT who are your favorite duos in rottmnt??? >:D
btw i love the f!Cassandra and f!Leo they are my favorite duo (after disaster twins 🥳) but love your art and keep up the great work :DDD
Hi hello! 🙌✨ Oh! My favorite duo is Leo and Raph in the show 💙❤️ I don't draw them all too much cuz ✨EMD brainrot✨/pos, but I love them very much.
Here's a lil semi-old doodle of them that I never posted on here~
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Them 🥹❤️💙
I also like Donnie and Mikey as a duo in the show 💜🧡 I love how they interact with each other in the show
I will say though, my favorite duo in my own au is probably f!Cassandra and f!Leo cuz they've got such interesting tension between them. I would love to draw another comic with the two of them 🌟
Awwwwee! Thank you so much!! I really appreciate it 🤗✨!
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iris-jaxx665 · 4 months
Edging to your gorgeous tits and thinking about how gorgeous your body is 🙈🙈
i got to sleep overnight in my new rope! and i tied it all on my own! do you like how it looks, flower?
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shrodingersbox · 10 days
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happy weekend! i have finally been able to get the finishing touches done on a couple of batches of VERY pretty rabbits and they are now for sale! back pelts and a wallhanger today, but keep an eye out for three more wallhangers coming as soon as their ears finish drying 👀
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frmtheroombelow · 1 month
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📸 / (x)
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violinist-rachel · 6 months
Ever had any other haircuts?
Also, take care :]
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"Not recently, but I do like to style my hair in different ways every now and again. My hair used to be much shorter when I was younger, though!"
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ooppo · 3 days
i found your hair post reposted on fb
https ://www.facebook. com/photo/?fbid=306382779195867&set=a.232107666623379
thought u might want to scroll through the comments lol
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deva-arts · 4 months
why do you keep posting oc content if nobody cares about it
Because I love it and it makes me happy. Who hurt you so you can't enjoy things without a number attached? do you value yourself that little?
Some posts I make give more notes than others, sure, but they don't make me smile as much as the posts about things I genuinely love. Somewhere out there, people are willing to sit down and enjoy it. That's enough for me.
Draw what you want. Write what you want. Do what you want. It will be way more worth it TO YOU than whatever you drew just to fill a trend for numbers.
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edsbacktattoo · 1 year
I have Gathered some Data
@skysofrey and I recently got into a discussion about names in OFMD. Specifically, how many times does Ed actually call Stede by his name in the show? We could only think of a few examples each and that didn't seem right. And because I'm insane, I decided to rewatch and note down every time a name was used, who used it, and who was being spoken to. Here are my findings!
Before you proceed, please know that this is strictly for fun and because I was curious. There are likely errors in the data (I'm sure I missed some things, I'm just one person.) but! I still think that what's been gathered is very interesting.
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Here are some other fun/important/miserable things that I found in my travels:
There is one more time where Stede calls Ed “Edward,” and the only time it isn’t said to him directly. This is when Stede is addressing the petrified orange.
Of the five times that Stede is called “The Gentleman Pirate,” two of them are from Ed.
Ed calls Stede by his name only twelve times in the series. Only two of these instances are spoken to someone else. There are two others when Ed is looking for him at the pier, and therefore spoken to no one.
There are only ten instances of other characters calling Ed something other than his name or “Blackbeard.” Two of these are from Izzy, during the scene in Spanish Jackie’s bar, where he’s informing Stede that Ed would like to meet with him. During this scene, he only uses “my captain” and “my boss.” This is one of the very few times he doesn’t refer to Ed to other people as “Blackbeard” and it’s at the time that is arguably the most important. (He’s an idiot.)
Out of the twenty times that Ed refers to himself, fourteen of those are as “Blackbeard/The Kraken.” He refers to himself with names other than “Ed/Edward” 70% of the time. 50% of the times he refers to himself by his name are during the beach scene in episode nine, and there is only one instance where he uses his name that is not in Stede’s company. ("Actually, I do want to be called 'Ed' from now on.")
Izzy only refers to Ed as "Edward" to other people four times in the show. Two of those times are when he's marooning Stede's crew, and each time he uses his name in that scene, he takes on a mocking tone. Meaning that 50% of every instance he's referred to Ed as "Edward" to other people, he's been mocking his name.
Ed calls Stede "mate" as often as he calls him by his name, but he only calls him "mate" directly.
Stede calls Ed by his name only once more than Izzy does.
80% of the times Ed refers to himself by name happen in episode nine.
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palebonedry · 5 months
Could you tell us something more about nyavka!afo, please? How many appearances he has, what’s his opinion on Kudou, what sort of legend locals made of him and maybe something about his first follower 🥺?
Thank you for your ask. Of course! 😁
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I rambled for quite a bit so I'm putting this under a read more:
Appearance wise Yoichi is the more traditional of the two with longer hair and sheer white clothing if he is wearing anything. But I think AFO would explore his style a bit more (on days he chooses to wear clothing of course) He often takes garments from those he has drowned, he may wear the tattered pieces around him like a robe. An older AFO might even wear some actual shirts if he is feeling fancy.
Both enjoy adorning themselves in foliage and wreathes but between the two AFO is far more likely to not wear them, and when he does he prefers more ostentatious and darker arrangements. (Even in death and a quirkless world he still needs to dress like a super villain lol). Additionally I have thought of them both with very long hair like would be more traditional for Nyavka, perhaps they did that when they were younger.
Concerning local legends, no one knows AFO's name but they are certainly aware that something lurks in the waters of the forest. Locals say that after two brothers drowned after being chased out of a village, a massive flood destroyed it completely, due to the work of a vengeful spirit. Not to say that AFO is the only spirit in the forest but he is certainly one of the most aggressive and consistently murderous. Yoichi meanwhile goes out of his way *not* to drown people and can be even be benevolent when not giving in to his urges. And the neighboring rusalka (other water related spirits) tend not to drown everyone they come across, only those who they find amusing or who insult them.
Onto Machia. . ..Machia is a huntsman who was raised in the mountain nearby. Unlike many other people who have discarded myths he is very aware of legends came prepared with the proper things to keep his life and to bargain properly if he were to encounter any spirits . . . And encounter a spirit he did as AFO stood in river expecting another easy victim.
But Machia was something new. Countless others had begged before. But to have someone look at him in all of his terror and beauty like he was something to be worshipped instead of just sniveling in fear? To throw themselves at his feet offering themselves completely to him without having to strangle them first? That was new. . .Machia's proper offering of a bejeweled comb certainty helped him gain favor as well. (Like some rusalka stories Nyavka sometimes are placated with gifts such a comb in some stories) So AFO decided to let him live. . . With the promise of Machia returning with more finery naturally. Machia of course falls head over heels for him, while AFO is delighted to be worshipped. I imagine in his own way he does feel some affection for Machia (even if he does not recognize it at the start) but it's certainly twisted by his being an undead spirit and it's very much again based on what Machia can do for him.
As for Kudou . . . Oh he despises Kudou. Yoichi is his and has always been his. When Yoichi fled with the man it was naturally Kudou's fault and not a result of AFO trying to kill Kudou and control Yoichi. The two were born together, died together, and he refuses to let some mortal break those bonds now. This concept has many versions, in several he either tricks Yoichi into killing Kudou (with the help of Machia) or drowns the man himself. Even in happier endings where Yoichi escapes with Kudou, he is willing to take some extreme actions to hunt him down and get Yoichi back.
Some other miscellaneous info: - even an undead quirkless AFO is still a hoarder he collects trinkets from drowned souls and the villages he has ravaged. He and Yoichi live in a cave which is primarily filled with this "treasure". He appreciates the luxurious offerings Machia brings even more, even if he has no use for fine furs and horilka he still likes feeling revered. -Yoichi and AFO had a frankly miserable and short human life, during which they were both considered cursed by those around them. Neither of them have many good memories but Yoichi is more idealistic and willing to let himself be more vulnerable around Kudou, while AFO would prefer to pretend he was never human in the first place. One of the reasons he likes Machia so much is because of how he treats him like an untouchable god.
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2aceofspades · 2 months
Asking some artists/writers that I follow:
What is the most recent thing you've written or drawn? Do you like to share sneak peeks of your work, or do you prefer to post finished pieces only?
Oh! Well, this is the most recent thing I've drawn:
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Just 1D looking *shook* hehe~
I don't usually like posting wips, no. I normally like to post finished pieces just cuz it's less work..? In a way? Honestly, posting sketches kind of feels like posting wips...to me, at least.
I dunno, but here's a couple wips/pieces I'd like to finish (maybe) cuz why not~
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gaywizardzone · 5 days
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love this guy happy birthday to him (not a birthday post but it is his birthday). some jokes about trivia from one of hoshino's instagram livestreams that made me laugh and made my environmental scientist friend who wants to eat poisonous things without dying simply for the joy of studying the experience want to kill him
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I just wanted you to know that I just came across your tags about blorbofying Satan from paradise lost and ME TOO. why make Satan the most interesting character of them all if you don't want people to be interested in him???? HE'S LITERALLY THE MOTHER OF SIN!!! HES A COWARD! HE TURNS INTO FROGS FOR FUN AND PROFIT!!!!!! HES THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!
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LITERALLYYYY. looked up some quotes to enrich this ask and i'm reremembering why i liked this guy so much. can i get a "which way i flie is Hell; myself am Hell" from the crowd??!
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bipdf · 1 month
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henryloverman · 1 year
We all know that the Narrator is obviously in love with his character, Stanley, but the question is why? Why did he fall in love with someone who was made up by him?
Is it perhaps some kind of attachment due to the fact he might be introverted? Being isolated and lonely for all of his life that he somehow found comfort in a character he made?
Does he really love Stanley or was it just his obsession with him, but the most important question of all...DOES STANLEY LOVE HIM BACK?????
Editor's note: I'm sorry for the late update, my phone broke and got fixed earlier.
thank you guys so much for the 100 blogs! I'm so happy people might get to know more about the concepts I give, also I wonder if Stanley might have Stockholm syndrome?
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phobiaexists · 3 months
I need to know how your Malzeno OC acquires dango.
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The people of Elgado, after having gotten used to Rookie’s presence, often make and share some dango with Rookie whenever he sneaks off from his mentor’s sight visits (be it on “official business” to train some of the knights, or just chill because he feels like it). It’s one of his most favorite human foods. 
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