#thank you for the minigift!
marshmallowgoop · 2 years
Minigifts: The thing so nice you gotta give twice
ELEMENTARY, MY DEAR WATSON (WAS WHERE HE BELONGED): THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF KUDOH SHINICHI This day in history marks what would have been the 25th birthday of Kudoh Shinichi, once Tokyo’s foremost high-school detective. Known for his inquisitive nature and “no such thing as winners or losers (especially when I’m losing)” philosophy, Mr. Kudoh’s greatest accomplishments include super wrong ideas about child endangerment and Kansai-ben appropriation. Mr. Kudoh’s intellect was evident at a young age, when he determined a cocaine addict predating CPR, lead-free paint, and the Geneva Conventions to be the paragon of brainpower and ethical behavior. Shortly after, he made his mark on the local community by scolding a kindergarten girl for crying, then personally ensuring the resignation of her favorite teacher. Such were the seeds of his oldest, most beloved relationship. Naturally, Mr. Kudoh expanded his talents and scope with age, and by his second year of high school had attained his nationally-renowned standing as a hero and savior among police administrators looking to cut budgets and overtime on people who actually investigate crimes for a living. In-between, he devoted his energies to several outstanding pastimes, such as proving that perfect pitch was no impediment to tone-deaf caterwauling, and puffing up a sport involving only half the body as an athletic ideal. Truly a Renaissance Man for our times. Bewilderingly, there are those who continue to insist that “Kudoh Shinichi” never existed as an individual, but rather as an elaborate masquerade maintained jointly by ballplayer Nagashima Shigeo, kendo-ka Okita Soshi, and/or convicted felon Kuroba Kaito. The rest of us, possessing a basic grasp of reality (especially concerning the likelihood the aforementioned three could maintain anything together for more than five minutes), will of course recall that Mr. Kudoh tragically passed last January, at the instant his beloved Sherlock Holmes was declared fiction's second-greatest detective by an international poll of some 70,000 professionals.
Nevertheless, we honor his memory every day we follow the World Cup, eat lemon pie, try to bring bowties back in style, or date martial artists way out of our league.
(Happy birthday, ya ahou.)
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digitallyfanged · 2 years
Hi there! DCMK Secret santa for surely the last time before gift time! No worries ! It's all for fun and good time, answering thoose silly ask shouldn't add to stress! I hope all is good for you and friend now ^^ I especially didn't say the name last time because it's a real little fandom and I think with that and conan, you would spot me way too easly XD Well, brain do whatever they want and we are just along for the ride most of the time ^^ Aouch :/ It's hopefully slowing down a little for me. Only one hellweek left and I'll be able to sleeeep. Hope you'll be able to take a breath soon too! I asume Maryland is known for their crabs, then ? X) The mug is incredible XD just this nice touch of crazy and cringe wich make you love it so much ! I so wanted to make you a mini-gift and I had it sketeched too but I'm currently struggling quite a lot on the main gift ^^' Do not worry ! It's mainly done since 2 weeks ago and could be posted at any moment, my brain just decided it's just not the right amount of blur or blue or whatever this little shit is thinking. I maaay have tried too many new things in one drawing and I'm crying blood. But I'll try putting it down definitly tomorrow, wish me luck... And for the mini-gift, I really want to do it so I may push the gift reveal until the end to have it with it ^^ Have a good day !
Happy weekend, Secret Santa!
I hear you on the sleeping. We have Monday off next week thanks to the holidays being on a sunday. SLEEEEEP.
Yep, Maryland is known for crabs, and a spice you put on crabs called Old Bay Seasoning. You know you live in maryland when you put that stuff on everything. Delicious crab. v owo v
Aww! Don't stress too much on the gift! Plenty of time to post it, and don't want you to lose too much blood there ;D (I know the deadline is the 25th, but I'd be fine after that too. I'm a chill person) I would be honored to also receive a minigift! Just you taking the time to make me anything humbles me to the core. Again, don't push yourself too hard :> Rest is plenty of importance too!
I don't know your favorite DCMK character (and asking my give you away) but have a tiny Kaito from me to you
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sagurus · 2 years
Me [your SS], three days in a row now: I'm gonna work on this mini gift!
Me, three days in a row now: gets stuck in ADHD paralysis, has really bad pain days and has no spoons left over for creativity, fatigue acts up in spite of my meds and falls asleep at 5 pm, does no work on it at all.
Me, today: I'm totally gonna work on this, tomorrow 'cause I work a double shift today and won't have time.
We'll see how this goes lol 😂. I'm waiting til I've finished the second mini gift before handing you the first, so I can use wanting to give the finished one to you as motivation to finish this next one.
In the meantime, please enjoy these quotes of things I said in response to my beta readers' feedback and comments:
I absolutely DID google search what decimal of an hour seventeen minutes is to write this line
Conan: 🤓🥸
Saguru: 🤨
Kaito in the background giggling: 🧐🤣🤦
Anyway hope you had a great week! I'm dying to show you your first mini gift (and see your reaction to it!)
HHSHGHJ OH GOODNESS. Minigifts.... I sincerely look forward to them and I will make sure my reaction is worth the wait for you 😂That said please take care of yourself! Disability and chronic problems and energy drain are all so difficult to navigate.
ADHD paralysis is really getting me too, I'm excited but still so unsure what I want to give my receiver for this event! I have a lot of options at my disposal...
This entire message is really such a treat, hearing from my Secret Santa is a whole lot of the fun for me so thank you for the interaction. Take care!!! I look forward to hearing from you again soon <3
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roxymadn3ss · 9 months
Hi, It's me, your santa again. I'm sending you another ask to tell you I sent you an ask with a minigift in it, but it messed up when I clicked ask. Just in case it doesn't send. If you didn't get it, I'll submit it instead. Hope you're doing well! Thanks! -Your Santa
I think it doesn’t send up well ;-;
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tatyanab66 · 2 years
Baby 👼 Angels mini soaps 🧼
Ideal Holiday and Thank you Gift 🎁 for your guests,family 👪 or baby shower👶
#babyshower #baby #minisoap
#minigifts #thankyougift #angel
#simplyherbaldelight #soapgifts
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bakathief · 3 years
Hi there ;) Today's snack is bittersweet... Hope you enjoy it all the same... (Aah! and again I had Kaito's point of view... I should do more Kaito but I kind of prepared some minigifts in advance and Shinichi turned out to be more in the spotlight than him... my bad... i'm not gonna change that now... don't kill me XD) Oh and you don't have to answer every ask if you lack the time... just so... Anyway, take care, yours sincerely, Santa
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I enjoyed it a lot, thank you! And I don‘t mind either POV, I love both of our boys! No reason to kill you (yet 🤗)
And don‘t worry, I can make time to reply, after all you take so much time for me and all those mini gifts. It‘s the least I can do! ❤️
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kitty-cross · 5 years
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2019 Christmas Minigifts
finally finsihed the half of the really mini gifts for the people i'm so thankful for thank you for your support, the help with the stolen paypal acc and everything
@damerathepaladin | Anonymartist Ignise | @talvikettu
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joannalannister · 6 years
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lannisanta submitted:
hi there, lauren! lannisanta here! i’m sorry it took me so long to get minigift #2 to you – i was pretty busy with thanksgiving, and then i got sick so didn’t spend much time online at all, but here i am again 🤶🏼
i was so glad to see that you liked the first minigift i did for you! and you have such great taste – elie saab is one of my favorites, too. i didn’t know grrm made that comment about san jose, but i’m so glad to hear that he did – it’s nice to know i’m not totally off base there haha! so, as promised, here is a second fashion moodboard for you, with a slightly different twist on imagining joanna lannister’s wardrobe.
if the first one was “strong!joanna” style, this one is “soft!joanna” style. some of the hallmarks of this aesthetic are similar – jewel tones are still predominant, for example, and angular v-neck or square necklines are still favored. strong or particularly embellished shoulders are still a theme as well, though in a softer way – these are less striking and more feminine, somewhat princess-esque with the puffed sleeves and the fluttery capes and the beading and embroidery. softer colors like dove grey and cornflower blue make appearances alongside the jewel tones, and there is plenty of glitz to be found in the rich embroidery, beading, lace, and other fabric details here. as with the first moodboard, these examples obviously aren’t the sort of gowns joanna would have worn in canon, but these are definitely details that i think could carry over into conceptualizing her canon wardrobe!
i’ve got one more minigift in the works for you before the big gift and reveal, so i’ll be submitting that to you soon – in the meantime, i hope you enjoy all this fashion talk, and are having a wonderful beginning to the holiday season! 
(the designers featured in the moodboard, clockwise from top left, are paolo sebastian, teuta matoshi duriqi, mireille dagher, another paolo sebastian, ziad nakad, and michael cinco!)
Hi Lannisanta, I’m sorry you were sick! I hope you’re feeling better! And I love this, thank you so much! Always happy to talk fashion! The princess-y look definitely fits well with how I imagine the Lannisters. For example, it makes me think of Genna’s line, “I was my father's precious princess . . . and Tywin's too, until I disappointed him.” I always headcanon that Tywin’s pet name for Cersei was princess lol. Thank you again, and I hope you’re enjoying the holidays too!
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lotus0kid · 4 years
Minigift 2
Your second scene comes from this location:
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But you must imagine it as a dark, mysterious, and lonely place, for that is how this story needs it to be. A recent snowfall has blanketed everything and the world is still with evening. Belle is seeking answers in the cold and is about to be very surprised by what she finds.
Fear not, this is not a fic of sadness, but one that I hope will warm any heart on a cold winter’s day.
One more glimpse to go before you can fit all the pieces together.
Highly intriguing, Santa, thanks!
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marshmallowgoop · 2 years
A-ho, a-ho - here's your Santa, with apologies for a very late checkin! To compensate, I've got a whole bag of minigifts prepared. So, if you'll just turn on the option for Anonymous Submissions...
Howdy! Sorry for the late response—it's been hectic lately!
This is something I actually discovered during this event myself, but anonymous submissions are impossible when logged in on Tumblr. What you can do is open up a private browser and send an anonymous submission that way. Though, I think you're limited to one image at a time, if you're sending images?
Thank you for checking in! Happy holidays!
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bakathief · 3 years
Dammit! I had to change the order of the minigifts because of something you said... (not telling you why though XD...)
So today you just get this:
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I wonder what Kaito is telling him… ;) Or are they watching TV and Shinichi finds Kaito more interesting than what happens on the screen?
I guess we'll never know for sure...
What the heck did I even say?? 😂
I‘d find the boys more interesting either, in that or any other situation. Maybe it‘s just the 3rd rerun of a Home Alone movie. I adore their soft gazes, they are really smitten with each other 💕 thank you for the mini gift 🙏❤️💕 you‘re too sweet
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bakathief · 3 years
This story is a bit weird, sorry… Baka-plunny says hi…
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But if you want to know, how Sonoko found out about „her“ Kid-sama and how unfortunate the whole thing was, here it is:
It was only minutes before Kid would appear and Sonoko was currently on the toilet. Suddenly the door to the woman’s bathroom flew open and somebody came running in.
„If you’re gonna throw up, do it in the toilet!“ Somebody said. „It doesn’t matter whether this is a woman’s or a men’s room, just hurry!“
Oh god! Wasn’t this just Shinichi’s voice? Who is he with? His boyfriend?
Sonoko heard them  hurry into a cubicle.
„… ~~~! …“
„Damn… I told you, we shouldn’t have had this for dinner! It was probably over a week old alre ~~~! …“
„Oh!… you too?!“
„… ~ yeah…“
.   .   .
Sonoko managed to unfreeze herself when she heard the others wash their hands. She wanted to tell them to go home and rest, so she came out of her cubicle… only to find that the boy with Shinichi wasn’t Kaito but…
Oh my god! Kid! ... The one and only Kaitu Kid in full costume, monocle inclusive! And did he just nonchalantly slap his top hat on Shinichi’s head so that he could drink some water?!
Involuntarily Sonoko almost choked on her own saliva.
Kid and Shinichi both jumped when she coughed and stared at her incredulously.
„S-Sonoko?“ Shinichi managed to say after a while.
„… Well… so much for my identity…“ Kaito added dryly.
… (⊙_⊙)! …
And that’s how Sonoko found out…
Well, she still wished she hadn’t (or at least not in that context)
Sorry if this was gross… I’m just telling you what happened…
So - cough - I’m not responsible in the slightest… ... totally innocent actually… ;)
(But you know… shortest day of the year, shittiest story of the year... ... fits, doesn’t it?)
Along these lines I wish you a short and fun last workday!!!
Your today-and-forever-totally-weird-Santa ;)
Ohhh, let‘s hope Sonoko‘s not doing anything bad with that new-found knowledge 💦
I feel bad about Kaito, hopefully he still made it in time for his heist! Wonder what they had.. at least their predicament didn‘t last too long! 🙏 i find the image of Sonoko running into demasked kid and Shinichi very entertaining 😆
Thank you for the minigift though I can‘t really call them mini gift because they are anything but mini 💦❤️ thank you for this little story ❤️
Oh, and of course for your Baka Plunny ❤️
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lotus0kid · 4 years
Minigift 1
Your first scene comes from this place:
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In it these words are spoken:
“I am not spending another two weeks arguing with Rumplestiltskin about taking time away from his child.”
Worry not, for this fic is indeed all about Rumbelle.
Hope this little glimpse finds you well and that you have fun working out what is to come of this little sweetness that I have planned.
Thank you for the glimpse, Santa!  I am definitely wondering what Emma and/or Mary Margaret are getting up to here...
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